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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.61 MB, 2385x2160, 1615477593199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1473705 No.1473705 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the discussion of the Mistress of La Morte, the angel of death and supporter of life, the Grim Reaper's cutest apprentice on hiatus, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended universe.

Please continue to support Your Boy. Not just got another 6 months, but for the many years that will follow.
Finally fixed that typo.

>> No.1473736

based multitalented kawaiiope

>> No.1473752

She’s just a raunchy burger waitress who thinks she’s a rapper.

>> No.1473765
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, wfsSkEuwXR7dAAMlxcXw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1474457 >>1474481


>> No.1473796
Quoted by: >>1473817

If Mori was my waitress I'd probably go to that burger joint every day.

>> No.1473799

I'm your Mori. Remember me.

>> No.1473817

>ywn have your order taken by a cute waitress outfit mori
why live

>> No.1473825
Quoted by: >>1474044

What makes you call her raunchy? I feel like she's the least lewd pandery of HoloLive EN

>> No.1473858
File: 1.66 MB, 3011x3976, __mori_calliope_and_death_sensei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_bennopi__840e40cbf4abc1a9e255a16d5c223a4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1473882

I'll ride or die for our boy

>> No.1473882
File: 613 KB, 899x715, 1611223525229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my Mori to ride me until I die.

>> No.1474018
File: 20 KB, 739x415, steins-gate-episode-14a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1474168 >>1474235

>Just in case something gets announced later regarding Backgammon Bael

Brace yourselves for a Timeloop.

>> No.1474044

b-but she says the f word!

>> No.1474094

DeadBeats, do you think Mama Mori is self conscious about her weight?
She's quite the thicc/curvy womanjust the way I like it

>> No.1474133

>Larping idiot detected.
Do your reps, faggot.

>> No.1474168
File: 826 KB, 792x1440, Every closed door is an intro to a brand new story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1474318

Always am anon

>> No.1474235
Quoted by: >>1474306 >>1474318

inb4 she opens her own merch store out of thinly-veiled spite because her Holo 6m merch was so disappointing.

>> No.1474306

preemptively killing this rrat but she's been planning to open a shop for a while and the 1st year anniversary is the perfect chance to debut it.

>> No.1474318

that's the automatic rrat once any DD store opens. So thanks alot.

Considering that Mori is realistically the easiest to adapt for new costumes/3D... We're going to have to hold the fort.

>> No.1474457

Based Kawaiioposter

>> No.1474481

Thank you Kawaiioposter

>> No.1474802
Quoted by: >>1474987

Mori is such a lovely person and would be such a good partner to be with

>> No.1474987
Quoted by: >>1475352

9/10 deadbeats agree

>> No.1475007
Quoted by: >>1475589

Next week's schedule might have Ao Oni. I'm ngl it feels weird she hasn't considered Misao yet since she can stream it and has talked about playing it all the way since Mad Father. Maybe she doesn't know. possibly a takamori collab for the /u/fags since it's been long enough that someone had to sc her about it.

>> No.1475352
Quoted by: >>1475461

what about the 10th one? Does Death Sensei find them?

>> No.1475461

the 10th is a straight fembeat

>> No.1475589
Quoted by: >>1475984

She talked about Misao quite recently actually, on the latest late night chatting stream iirc, but she might hop on finishing Omori first on her "Omori" day next week.

>> No.1475984
Quoted by: >>1476157

Hope she gets around to it. Seeing Botan play it I think it might be a nice game for her. I appreciate her strange fixation for RPGMaker Horror

>> No.1476157

Yeah, let's plays of those kind of games are everywhere during the early 2010s so it really takes me back.

>> No.1477199

New Mori rat: she didn’t quit being a reaper, she was actually “fired” by the Auditors of reality. She will have to return to work someday soon, for what can the harvest hope for if not the care of the Reaper woman?

>> No.1477982
File: 414 KB, 1920x1080, cliff-jonathan-mori-stage-1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1478098

Happy six months, Mori! Here's to so many more!

>> No.1478098

I love Mori and never expected how much I want her to be happy being in Hololive.

>> No.1478189

This could be really cool. That cover image is some good shit.

>> No.1478229

I sort of changed my mind. She is still all of that, but I decided all of that is pretty hot, ngl.

>> No.1478339
File: 154 KB, 830x678, de9e0ht-a7cf8a4f-fe72-4ec5-9727-3d4a7f39b1fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1478578 >>1480504

Mori is a real OG. She works hard, respects the effort others put in and encourages them to get back up if they fall, and she doesn't BS anyone about what she likes or dislikes.

>> No.1478343
File: 263 KB, 1024x796, 370cbddb-737e-46e8-8e54-1acd0e365445_base_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you anons want to buy a Mori daki instead of the merch we got:

>> No.1478381
Quoted by: >>1478452

Oh no her smile is so beautiful...

>> No.1478452
File: 312 KB, 1920x1080, Mori-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1478470
File: 464 KB, 675x1080, mori calliope (hololive and 1 more) drawn by yukisame - 5e85ce2cee1e8ab1d7719f4687a74ff7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1478561 >>1480359

Id love to buy one but I'd feel weird about getting a unofficial one. I also might be blind but I don't see what material it's made out of.

>> No.1478561

It's manufactured in pixivFACTORY, so I guess the details are these: https://factory.pixiv.net/booth/products/body_pillow#specs
Also, at least the art is original and seems like a reputable shop.

>> No.1478578

she's the best

>> No.1478638
File: 944 KB, 2590x3713, EwVkIgHXMAA0nyQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1478745

I've seen so many Mori daki concepts that if even half of them become legit my bed is gonna be nothing but Mori pillows. And one DD pillow. I'm not against this.

>> No.1478745

I'm not a fan of the ones where she's facing backwards and looking embarrassed. I want my Mori to be happy and joyful. Luci's DD one is cute.

>> No.1478806
File: 405 KB, 480x358, 1615521299493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch mori's debut stream
>think to myself "wow, she's pretty cute, and she's quite good at rapping. i think i'll subscribe!"
>slowly develop a crush on mori
>don't worry about it too much, i know it'll pass
>it doesn't
>i have fallen in genuine love with this dork
>nobody else has made me feel this way


>> No.1478832
File: 765 KB, 1580x1566, 1614986205739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so it goes.

>> No.1478834

same but instead I read into some rrats to try and help make the feelings go away. But it doesn't and my love gets even deepeer.

>> No.1478866
File: 121 KB, 328x313, 1615513138358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no escape, but I don't mind, just accept death's sweet embrace

>> No.1478925

I'm genuinely sad I missed her debut and growth. With that said, I know its very unlikely that I'll even meet her in person, so I'll just stick to cheering for her and hoping she does well.

>> No.1479162
Quoted by: >>1479196

Being a lanklet with major self-confidence issues and knowing that I'd probably bore her helps keeping my ghostling towards her under control, but also feels weird.

>> No.1479196
Quoted by: >>1479244

The lack of self-confidence holds you back more than being a lanklet.

>> No.1479244

Yes, I know and it feels shit

>> No.1479261


>> No.1479415
Quoted by: >>1480967

Fuck. I listened to this in bed and now the realization that I'll never meet her has really begun to set in. I don't know how to deal with this pain, deadbeats.

>> No.1479464
Quoted by: >>1479812 >>1480967

Who the fuck made this? Who the fuck gave you the right to attack my heart like this?

>> No.1479469
File: 832 KB, 659x900, 1614510430740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1479506

I'm a manlet and unironically have to watch her less often because it hurts

>> No.1479506

Man, this artwork and the fact that it was the thumbnail for a zatsu that was overall an emotional one where she vented out a bit made me feel something.

>> No.1479575

Alright deadbeats, I want to like this oppai reaper but was initially turned off due to the cringe personality. What are some good streams to watch where she doesn't seem so fake/forced?

>> No.1479812

It's supposed to be from them, but got privated for some reason

>> No.1480299

All of it.

>> No.1480359

Feel the same.

>> No.1480395

Internet Explorer-chama, just watch any of her streams after like a month from debut.

>> No.1480409
File: 417 KB, 1486x834, 1603813369051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1480443

I love my Mori. It hurts.
That's all I have to say today.

>> No.1480419

go back to >>1479420 and >>1479474


>> No.1480443
Quoted by: >>1482385

Now listen what she has to say:

>> No.1480504

Indeed. The only one whose efforts she disrespects are her own, and yet even that doesn't bring her down, only motivates her to work harder.

>> No.1480505
Quoted by: >>1480967

The Ghostling killer..

>> No.1480538

desu if you haven't been following from debut, you already missed out. This goes for all of them. You can't appreciate just how much she's grown if you haven't watched from the beginning or aren't willing to watch her entire VOD backlog.

>> No.1480583
Quoted by: >>1480681

I wanna take Mori out on a normal date...

>> No.1480609

If I had the time to watch the entire backlog of every chuuba I liked, I'd have to quit my job.

>> No.1480634

>>don't worry about it too much, i know it'll pass
>>it doesn't
Took me a bit longer to feel this, but I know that feel. Tried taking a break from her too, but it didn't work. It was really painful for a while, but I eventually learned to accept her as my guiding light. It's a bitterseeet feeling now, but the pain is what makes the joy from her existence all the brighter.

>> No.1480681

Same. Speaking of which, when can we expect the next date with her and what would we do?

>> No.1480683
Quoted by: >>1480967

Jesus christ...

>> No.1480717

architects please stay in your containment thread

>> No.1480726
File: 348 KB, 421x435, Renamed to stop the anon sperging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1480766
Quoted by: >>1480896 >>1480967

B-bros, we can't give up on this. How could we?

>> No.1480808
Quoted by: >>1480917

I wonder if she ever finds all the people fawning over her ironic.

>> No.1480854

She was a long time ago, but she's healthy and takes good care of herself now. We must strive for the Mama Mori way.

>> No.1480896

I don't get why people call her fake or forced

>She works hard
>Is actually a decent rapper despite what the faux /mu/ on here are saying
>She's a dork
>She's real friend to Kiara

She may come off forced because she's dorky but she's ironically enough the least exaggerated right next to Ina

>> No.1480917
Quoted by: >>1480968

Probably. The main reason she is were she is today is because she was in the exact same position in the beginning.

>> No.1480938
Quoted by: >>1480997 >>1481004

That's because some elements of other fanbases hate both Kiara and Mori(Ina to a lesser extent) because they can freely do roommate stuff without repercussions, while Gura and specifically Ame can't. Which is why the thinskinned parts of their fandoms create this cope that Mori/Kiara are being disingenuous

>> No.1480967
File: 339 KB, 464x562, 169896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1481022 >>1481112

Sorry bros for causing so many heart attacks with the link, just wanted to let everybody know that Mori also cares for us and our well-being very much (if for some reason that wasn't apparent to somebody already). Can't stop loving this cute dork and I hope she'll achieve all her dreams and I can be there cheering for her.

>> No.1480968
File: 92 KB, 1238x797, Renamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does have to feel a bit nice even if she thinks it's ironic.
>Can you tell I'm lonely

>> No.1480997

I don't think Mori's roomate would stop making stuff either way lol

>> No.1481002

For me it's just the "Yo yo, wassup my broskis" kind of dialogue that I can't tell if it's ironic or dead serious.

>> No.1481004
Quoted by: >>1481077

too bad for them that protobeats and keeki's older fans exist. Which is why they hate discussing because HERfags and Sachitards generally are frowned upon because of Amegeddon.

>> No.1481022

I browse /morigen/ to remind myself I shouldn't go off the deep end. This doesn't help deadbro

>> No.1481053
File: 205 KB, 955x1403, Ev8_RQTVkAAGLfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's "ironic" in that she knows it's dated slang, but dead serious because she likes that shit and finds it amusing even out of character.

>> No.1481061
Quoted by: >>1481089

To be honest I feel like a lot of the most jaded of basement dwellers among us simply can't handle an attractive and successful woman like her actually being a confused suffering dork with problems much like their own.

>> No.1481065

It's the "I think it's funny but I am also super awkward" category.

>> No.1481077
Quoted by: >>1481101

That's because the HERFags treat Gura like some distilled version of Sen, when it's actually the opposite.

And the less said about Amegeddon, the better.

>> No.1481089
Quoted by: >>1484913

Tbh Mori does give the "Could have a beer with you" energy

>> No.1481101
Quoted by: >>1481156

I did hear that Gura is basically her roommate but better. Is that true anon?

>> No.1481112
Quoted by: >>1481155

Based strongbeat. Don't worry, it hurt fine.

>> No.1481156
Quoted by: >>1481205

well. Senz isn't even her actual roommate and is still a character, the same way that Gura is.

Also, given her reaction near the collab's end, Gura is really happy to work for Holo, in fact all of them are.

HERFags look at her like a joke, while actual Chumbuds see her as entertaining and talented.

>> No.1481155
File: 801 KB, 1080x720, gosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1481589 >>1491054

Anon...Are we all emotional masochists?

>> No.1481186

It's the "idolized but missed out on that growing up so she will claim it back no matter what anyone says" kinda thing.

>> No.1481197
Quoted by: >>1481234 >>1481255

What does "roommate" actually mean in this context?

>> No.1481205
Quoted by: >>1481230

Gooruh is ridiculously talented.
Imagine being able to sing in a language you don't speak and not sound like shit

So is Mori, Mori and Gooruh need a collab song

>> No.1481230
Quoted by: >>1481300

Besides an original song, what would be a good cover for them to do?

>> No.1481234
Quoted by: >>1481305

Anonchaama, your bare bones lurking reps...

>> No.1481255
Quoted by: >>1481305

Browse longer and you will learn newfag

>> No.1481300

If we're talking rapping and singing in one song...Basically any Linkin Park song before One More Light could be a semi decent choice.

Imagine if Mori did an "In The End" cover with Gooruh. Shit would be a nostalgia-gasm

>> No.1481305
File: 233 KB, 1080x1980, Etyew1JU0AQLRCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1481358

I'm either too autistic or retarded to figure it out myself. Is it referencing their previous activities as a streamer?

>> No.1481358

No, but you're close. DD isn't really Mori's Roommate, while Karrot is.

>> No.1481446


>> No.1481460
File: 1007 KB, 2403x3333, EsfVarwU4AAQkm_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1481518

Anon, that's lewd...

>> No.1481518

i hope ina-chan uses her tentacles...

>> No.1481524
Quoted by: >>1481550

Calm down and just wait for your Mori fleshlight

>> No.1481550
Quoted by: >>1481606 >>1481659

The second you use it a scythe comes out and cuts your dick in half

>> No.1481589
Quoted by: >>1481637

Part of us probably feels joy from the pain because it feeds a martyr complex that our deaths will have meaning even if we're all alone and pathetic. Maybe the world will learn of our pain ridden lives then and think greatly of us. Of course, these are just irrational feelings, not facts.

But what the hell do I know? Just that an existence without Mori is painful. But she does in fact exist beside us in some form, and she also cares for her deadbeats in turn. Another thing I know is that we'd betray that love if we lied down and died. So we suffer, whether intentionally or not.

>> No.1481606
Quoted by: >>1481622

Across or along the length?

>> No.1481619
File: 113 KB, 781x1079, 1603814202762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1481647 >>1481658

I know I won't be able to handle it when we get to see her big fat beautiful milkers in full 3D

>> No.1481622

>Split dick

>> No.1481637

>Another thing I know is that we'd betray that love if we lied down and died.

One thing I find both incredibly amusing and dark is that she straight up tells people not to kill themselves using herself as a bargaining chip. The analogy of cutting in line to meet her is super funny to me.

>> No.1481640
Quoted by: >>1481654

Am I supposed to know who they are?

>> No.1481647
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, Mori-loafs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1482046


>> No.1481654

Run away while you still can

>> No.1481658
File: 1.09 MB, 1433x1200, EwL1qXmVkAI5rYe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1481692

I just hope her eye tracking makes it intact because they're my favorite part of her model.

>> No.1481659

good business model, every time you use it you have to buy another one

>> No.1481671
File: 327 KB, 582x560, mori gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1490816

i love ina the most but i have massive respect for all the work mori has put in, i'm not creative at all but listening to "off with their heads" inspired me to put more effort into learning japanese and my physical training

>> No.1481692
File: 2.92 MB, 828x382, 1615540461236.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1481801 >>1482223

It's just pure perfection

>> No.1481801

She has the eyes of someone who is constantly panicking

>> No.1481819

she's being hunted

>> No.1481842

I know, it's great. Anxiety moe.

>> No.1481851

She also has 4 monitors to watch

>> No.1481880
Quoted by: >>1481969 >>1481983

These two days are going to feel incredibly long.

>> No.1481969
File: 337 KB, 1453x2048, EwHoRh8XIAE08JJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gives me time watch all the vods I missed and she can catch up with work or clear her head or whatever.

I wouldn't mind if she needed an even lighter streaming schedule next week to finish all her obligations.

>> No.1481983

Have you done all your vod reps? Personally still stuck in Crash and Morillion hell

>> No.1482046
Quoted by: >>1482105

>I'm definitely not your mom
I can barely contain myself here!

>> No.1482103
File: 72 KB, 909x768, 1611814233749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how was the collab? I didn't watch it because i was watching something else.

>> No.1482105
Quoted by: >>1482161

I still remember vividly how half the /jp/ thread was calling her "mommy" during her debut stream. Me included. How things have changed. Still hoping she embraces her sultry potential one day

>> No.1482120

fun chaos

>> No.1482161

Speaking off, I was surprised that Roboco seems to be embracing it from time to time lol

>> No.1482165

Was saved because their characters were OP as fuck and Mori literally couldn't die.

>> No.1482180

2bh the gameplay wasn't that great compared to last time. It was modded to be themed after them, which probably gave them issues figuring it out, not to mention they seemed pressed for time, clearly their minds weren't fully dedicated to the game. But it was very interesting to see it at least. Other than that they were also pretty funny and our boi seemed to enjoy herself. The merch at the end wasn't that interesting imo, but the sappy speeches at the end were 10/10, go watch from start to finish.

>> No.1482198
File: 14 KB, 325x346, 1427490995795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1482223
Quoted by: >>1482243

Imagine them constantly darting around as she's trying to seduce and climb on top of you

>> No.1482243

Anon why

>> No.1482292
File: 2.55 MB, 2566x2436, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1482361 >>1482632

Let's talk about old Mori rrats again. Last time was a trip with the readme that made anon cry so this time it'll be a bit less serious.
For today, we have >>>/jp/27782831.
Amidst the cringe and kino of karaoke streams Mori... please... came this gem. Did she actually sing a part? What do you think?

>> No.1482355
Quoted by: >>1482547 >>1482926

Snek gonna be rocking out

>> No.1482361
Quoted by: >>1482401 >>1482419

You can very, very, very vaguely hear someone who sounds kinda like her, it could go either way, honestly. What she DOES need to do is sing Sirius.

>Last time was a trip with the readme that made anon cry
I don't know what specifically refers to, but I choke up and feel a ball form in my throat every time I think about the link between Words and OWTH.

>> No.1482363
Quoted by: >>1482385

I've been MIA from streams and /guh/ for the past week due to grinding reps. What have I missed so far

>> No.1482385

Your Boy has been depressed recently due to being backed up on reaper business, and her usual complex regarding disappointing people. It's been tough for everyone, but >>1480443

>> No.1482401

"I'm a rapper now"

>> No.1482419
Quoted by: >>1482495

besides the mountaintop, what other connection is there between the two?

>> No.1482495
Quoted by: >>1482585 >>1482741

It's that. Yeah, it's just one line in a years-old song, but it was big enough of a deal that it was something she felt was important enough to call back to and make an entire, new, motivational track about that one line specifically, just for everyone who might be worried about the same thing. I honestly think it's one of the most beautiful things she's ever done.

>> No.1482526
File: 87 KB, 592x423, do-it-for-mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1491247

>> No.1482546
File: 170 KB, 338x496, lying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1482673

>desu if you haven't been following from debut, you already missed out
B-but i just started watching her this year.

>> No.1482547

Damn, she sounds great. Rock out, Riri!

>> No.1482585
Quoted by: >>1482667


>> No.1482632
Quoted by: >>1482741

Quick rundown?

>> No.1482637
Quoted by: >>1482694 >>1482717

Tomorrow is White Day. So what have anons here planned out to give her?

>> No.1482667
Quoted by: >>1482683

>the mountaintop isnt even the peak of her career she's still there training and now inviting deadbeats to join her

>> No.1482673
Quoted by: >>1482932 >>1484209

VOD reps, you know what to do. In all seriousness, if you are already enjoying her who is to tell you you are doing it wrong?

>> No.1482683
Quoted by: >>1482792 >>1483338

Hence the UBW comparisons

>> No.1482694
Quoted by: >>1482731

Is that a nip thing?

>> No.1482717
File: 1.40 MB, 3037x2043, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1482731
Quoted by: >>1482869 >>1482883

Yes, for Valentine's day, typically the women give chocolate to the men. White day is for the guys to do something in turn.

>> No.1482741
Quoted by: >>1483070

at first i thought, she couldn't have planned this, she's a klutz, she just made something up and you're reading too much into it

but she did say she listens to her songs at lot


Her roommate has been exposed since even before she debuted, so by then everyone knew the proof that she browsed /a/ during the early 2010s. Then she sang Connect on karaoke and someone connected the dots.

>> No.1482792

DD used to view the mountaintop as something distant and empty because she was cynical. Mori currently views it as something she is climbing with her fellow holos and the Deadbeats as an ideal

>> No.1482835
File: 37 KB, 601x508, YME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1482963

>tfw you will never escape the cynicism

>> No.1482869
Quoted by: >>1482901

This is true, but >we did stuff for her on Valentine's like we're Americans, so I'm taking White Day off.

>> No.1482883

But we gave the present for valentine

>> No.1482901
Quoted by: >>1482984

This desu wa. Clero and his ilk can have their cope backup holiday, I already did my shit.

>> No.1482903
File: 329 KB, 1791x2000, d5hg31nqw8b51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to tell you this, anon, but these are the early symptoms of cuck syndrome..

>> No.1482915
Quoted by: >>1483338

>Mori's Noble Phantasm is called The Unlimited Mountaintop.
>DD's is called The Empty Mountaintop

>> No.1482926

She's having so much fun, it's adorable.

>> No.1482932

Right on. Been here since her debut, not going to get upset at someone who hasn't seen every stream. If they find Mori, or anyone else they like, today and want to keep watching then go for it. Ask questions or check out some VODs to see the most obvious changes over time.

>> No.1482963

Protip: Not with that attitutude.att No seriously, that's like a good 60 or 70% of it. You can bet even Mori hasn't escaped 100%, maybe it's impossible, but she is trying hard to improve what little she can, and that alone makes a huge difference.

>> No.1482984


>> No.1483030
Quoted by: >>1483965 >>1489238

The mp3 poster anon here again. Out of my own punishment I rewatched Mori's Channel Trailer and still can't believe, that the retard who made it missed out on at least also including some of the cuter stuff from our boy and couldn't even present her gap moe well. Like were the fuck are those sweet giggles and smooches or her motivational and encouraging words? Can't believe none of this made the cut:

>> No.1483070

>at first i thought, she couldn't have planned this, she's a klutz, she just made something up and you're reading too much into it
tbf if the idea came from her in the first place it is very likely that it would come up again. Her lyrics are after all a reflection of the recurring themes and philosophies of her mind. Maybe the Mountain Top is one such concept she thinks of a lot.

>> No.1483244
Quoted by: >>1484477

Daily reminder that roommate might announce something any minute now.

>> No.1483338 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x675, 1615641228588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“There is nothing at the end of being an idol. It is a false life that can save neither yourself nor others. An Idol Rapper is an Oxymoron!”

>“I can’t lose against myself. There’s no element that would make me lose if our powers are equal. To admit defeat against such an enemy is to declare that I’m wrong.”
>Even if my life is an oxymoron, I'll keep on striving to be an Idol!

>> No.1483360

As a mostly not-deadbeat, I do have to give her props. She's the biggest multi-talent, and works incredibly hard on a lot of things. A worrying amount I'd venture to say.

What really gets me is her pseudo-normie take on a lot of things. It's like just a normal girl was shown all this and feels guilty for liking it. Super cute. As much as the board currently hates Kiara, that duet stream and her breakdown was heartwrenching. Mori is the best you could ask for. And she's actually super cute

>> No.1483365
Quoted by: >>1483399

>The archer color scheme matches
She knows exactly what she's doing...

>> No.1483399
Quoted by: >>1483430

>You now realize that Mori can do exactly what Haachama was doing, but with UBW instead of Eva.

>> No.1483430
Quoted by: >>1491325

I want to see a rap battle. The smartass and cynical demon trying to bring everyone to hell VS the reaper who has an appreciation for life and wants everyone to make the most of their time.

>> No.1483480
Quoted by: >>1483500 >>1483711

Don't really watch Fate, can someone explain this picture to me?

>> No.1483500
Quoted by: >>1483522

Both these dudes are the same dude from parallel timelines

>> No.1483522
Quoted by: >>1483554

Same timeline. Redman is what Shiro will eventually become, it's inevitable.

>> No.1483554
Quoted by: >>1483624

They're from different timelines. Archer comes from a timeline where something close to the Fate route happens.

>> No.1483624 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.60 MB, 700x990, 1615642322198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, right, it's been a while. Nasuverse is a mess, I got it confused with 10 other versions of archer.

>> No.1483696

People hating the UBW references don't understand that this is testament to Mori's long-time development as a lyricist.

Hell, even before Mori she was trying it out with Alkatraz.

>> No.1483711
Quoted by: >>1483916

Archer (left), is the result of one of many outcomes. In context, he hates himself, Shirou (right), for being naive and blind to the world after seeing what really happens when you blindly chase your dreams. In that Archer betrayed his ideals along the way and thinks there's no other way. Tries to forcefully save himself the heartache.

Jaded old man vs bright-eyed kid.

Sorry. I have the tism

>> No.1483903
File: 612 KB, 866x546, Morimustwearthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any artbeat who can make Mori wear pic related?

>> No.1483916

>Archer (left), is the result of one of many outcomes
That's not quite right. Archer is the result of a specific bad end, but we don't really know which one, because it's none of the ones you actually get to see.
The closest thing to a route that leads to Archer is Miyuverse Shirou from PriIllya.

>> No.1483965
Quoted by: >>1484063

he missed that on purpose because the gap is only for loyal fans. Even Kiara has the decency to not interrupt our private time with mori.

>> No.1484063

I might even believe you if the little shit wouldn't have missed to put a Peace (any kind) at the end. If that was also intentional, then that's just retarded.

>> No.1484209
File: 184 KB, 398x466, mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you are already enjoying her
Yeah out of all holoEN, i was surprised that Mori was the one i found the most fun to watch. Before this i didn't even really follow streamers in general outside of Jerma.

>> No.1484240
File: 3.67 MB, 953x2148, preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heya deadbeats, white day is in a few hours in japan and I finished scanning all of the smiling Moris and will be posting it on twitter with the art hashtag probably around morning in Japan when she wakes up. Here's what 2 of the 6 look like in its scanned glory. If any lineartbeats are kind enough to want to pick up my work and try to trace it into digital art I would happily give them the entire 15MB collage.

>> No.1484477
Quoted by: >>1484518 >>1484524

Is it possible, that she just actually forgot about this? I wouldn't hold this against her, because I just want her to finally finish her freelance and take care of herself, but then why make a promise about it?

>> No.1484518

>why make a promise about it?

>> No.1484524
Quoted by: >>1484613

did she though? I thought this was supposed to be the tour reveal?

>> No.1484613

"It’s approaching the 1 year anniversary for [redacted], and I’m planning something fun for you guys announced on the day... Stay tuned."

>> No.1484652
Quoted by: >>1484750

The announcement today might have been for the song she canceled a few days ago, unfortunately. Still hoping for that merch someday

>> No.1484750

That's actually possible, but I thought the announcement and the thing would be connected to the [redacted] song itself. "I’m planning something fun for you guys" For me, this sounded like something light, not as big as a new song.

>> No.1484893
Quoted by: >>1484927 >>1487149

>For our next watchalong, let’s watch a prison escape film! :}

she’d still get away with it i tell ya

>> No.1484913

You mean Mori has the could get down on one knee and propose vibes

>> No.1484927
Quoted by: >>1487149 >>1487196

>"The Rock" Watchalong when?

>> No.1484956
Quoted by: >>1485834

really wanna watch a classic anime like TTGL with Mori at some point...

>> No.1485405

Self aware irony can be sincere you know.

>> No.1485834
Quoted by: >>1485911

shame TTGL movies apparently aren't available legally... though considering what she did with The Room, I'm not sure if she'd be as bothered as Ame

>> No.1485911
Quoted by: >>1485998

I'm pretty sure she mentioned potentially acquiring the movie by "other means" for the shrek collab watchalong

>> No.1485998

she skirts the topic of piracy in her usual 'subtle' manner literally every stream and she watched The Room on fucking youtube, so I'm hoping she can be convinced

>> No.1486659
File: 218 KB, 2048x1820, EvVxsP5UUAA91yM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is sleeping now, wish her some nice dreams anons

>> No.1486788
File: 395 KB, 3977x2803, wrong, this reaper has deceased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet dreams, my boy.

>> No.1486851
File: 759 KB, 2133x3636, 7693d6e93d3097a0723f882dbfd0069c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1486912

>3 weeks left
I'm genuinely getting excited, though I hope the mixing on いじめ子Bully isn't indicative of the final product.

>> No.1486903
File: 12 KB, 338x82, bWiNeufrG9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Clero have to be such a schizo even for such a simple tweet?

>> No.1486912

If it doesn't Ao and Elliot should get their ears checked or something.

>> No.1487149

90+% chance it's Shawshank Redemption.
>hey this kind of thing would make for a sick MV
I will scream.

I saw that for the first time a few weeks ago and enjoyed it throughly. A bunch of actors I like, good action, a plot and antagonist I thought tried something interesting.

>> No.1487193

I actually want to fucking kill him, holy shit.

>> No.1487196

Escape from New York, cmon Mori

>> No.1487298

Mori...In Bruges watchalong...onegai

>> No.1487391

Hell yeah! Your style looks really good! Love seeing the extra expressions.

>> No.1487600

Should we be worried?

>> No.1487634

honestly no maybe

>> No.1487672

oh fuck look at those smiles

>> No.1487723

It's only a matter of time before he moves to Nippon, isn't it?

>> No.1487754
Quoted by: >>1487789 >>1487972

For Mori? Definitely not.
For him? Probably, but I'm not.

>> No.1487782

Somebody should remind him to take his meds and don't be a creep

>> No.1487789
Quoted by: >>1488183

What's the lore anon? Are there threads?

>> No.1487972
Quoted by: >>1488693

Remember Noel

>> No.1488183

The lore is that Clero is one of Mori's more prolific paypigs. He's okay at art and replies to every single Mori and roommate tweet and is almost as big of a ghostling as you can get. The difference is that unlike >us, he doesn't keep his shit contained at all and is surrounded by buddies that enable that shit in public, in her stream prechat, and in her fan Discord server, and unlike someone like Lucitan who is relatively respectful and does art largely for her own enjoyment, he's only okay at art and only posts it for attention points and being recognized as a face of deadbeats.

When a bunch of us did shrines for Valentine's day, we made up the #callintines hashtag and coordinated posting them on twitter before the stream, Clero saw and like a few shrines and then unliked them, probably because he thought Mori wouldn't like the gesture. After Mori straight up asked about shrines and made our hashtag public for people to post their own Valentines art, he scrambled and tripped over himself to make a half-assed shrine in less than 15 minutes.

In short, Clero is a schizo, and probably one of the worst people on Twitter that could have been recognized as a face for deadbeats.

>> No.1488260
Quoted by: >>1488338

He's a literal frontrunner who will abandon Mori once there's a new hotness in his mind.

>> No.1488290
Quoted by: >>1488338

This is why we can't have nice things.
I just wanted to have fun with our boy, I don't want to watch a stalker situation in the making.

>> No.1488338
Quoted by: >>1488556

KFP had truckanon, We have this guy.

Literally has no shame. Profile has him in a back-to-back pose with Mori.

>> No.1488556
Quoted by: >>1488643

Bro I swear if he becomes a fucking stalker

>> No.1488643
Quoted by: >>1491570

He's here and so he should just keep in mind that deadbeats are anons who've grown old, and that doesn't mean we've forgotten everything from being the Internet Hate Machine.

>> No.1488693
Quoted by: >>1488972

What about Noel?

>> No.1488972
Quoted by: >>1489061

Apparently she had a stalker and Cover shat the bed on it initally. As far as I know they got their shit together and all is good.

>> No.1489061
File: 839 KB, 850x1540, 1607099360339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1489130 >>1489148

Anon, you're thinking of Mel.

>> No.1489130

I swear I heard shit about Noel too...Huh. Must've been confused then

>> No.1489148
Quoted by: >>1489293

No, Mel's problem was with her manager, unless she got both of them and I don't think that was the case.

>> No.1489238

Seeing that edit earlier I want to try making one, anyone got a possible backing track that would fit?

>> No.1489293

Mel's manager was the one that was stalking her.

>> No.1490749

I want to sleep deep with the reaper...

>> No.1490816

Based tako, congrats on that plush, shit looks dope

>> No.1490931

This kinda made Mori sound like a loli, and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

>> No.1490969

Why not both? Ever heard of becoming the mask?

>> No.1491054

Why, I'm a physical, too. Just one more thing to relate over.

>> No.1491061
File: 86 KB, 1024x1024, i just can't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1491096
Quoted by: >>1491253

It's back online again at the creator

>> No.1491140
Quoted by: >>1491303 >>1491377

>several thousand people are watching you and talking shit non-stop
>you have to play a game and not suck at it too much
>while also talking constantly and being entertaining
You'd be stressed too, even without all the other shit she's doing.

>> No.1491247
Quoted by: >>1491389

>the one with her eye blocked by the mic
Kek'd for some reason

>> No.1491253
File: 7 KB, 236x245, Ywn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never expirience this

>> No.1491303

Yeah I would be. It was hard enough when I did a pre-recorded podcast. I was sweating fucking bullets.

>> No.1491325

>reaper who has an appreciation for life
My irony meter just blew up, fuck.

>> No.1491377
Quoted by: >>1492224

Watching the members stream, especially the T3 ones, it's clear how much more relaxed she is due to the lower view count, but the higher number of familiar names and regulars.

>> No.1491389
File: 497 KB, 690x345, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1491619 >>1491680

It's when she sang eva OP, I think? Good shit.
Don't google pictures of "eoe" you'll regret it.

>> No.1491570

I find this post to be second hand embarrassing.

>> No.1491619

Eh, it's just some tunnels.

>> No.1491647

Why is it always asians?

>> No.1491680
Quoted by: >>1492892

Wait a sec, that artstyle...

>> No.1492224
Quoted by: >>1492627

She does still seem to be relaxed enough to tell personal stories even in non-member streams.

>> No.1492365

>the fang and the lip on the lower one

>> No.1492562
File: 3.73 MB, 8600x8612, 1615602922853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1492627

That's also true when she's in the mood for that and yes, she's usually pretty open even in public streams. I was just saying generally that it's clear compared to the high view count gaming streams how much more relaxed she is in the member ones.

>> No.1492715
File: 245 KB, 700x976, 1611738459630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always liked this song and I wish Mori would do a karaoke cover of it because I keep holding on for her and I hope everyone here will as well.

>> No.1492892 [SPOILER] 
File: 314 KB, 360x450, 1615662319780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1492902


>> No.1492902

Is that the twitter shizo?

>> No.1492965

You guys talk about wanting to put a baby in Mori and all Clero says is sleep well sweetie and you guys flip the fuck out?

>> No.1493012
File: 273 KB, 2048x2048, 1610229837941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried sleeping for 8 hours and I woke up feeling like shit the same as when I only sleep less than 6 hours so I feel Mori pain on having trouble with sleeping. Anyways sleep well Mori.

>> No.1493013
File: 72 KB, 1062x582, fpy02woclxg61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D models of Calli and HoloEN:

>> No.1493030

anon fix the goddamn faces

>> No.1493207
Quoted by: >>1493618

I hate them as much as the next anon, but if you don't understand the difference between being a schizo here and openly doing so on Twitter, you might want some stronger meds, Clero.

>> No.1493290
File: 235 KB, 644x541, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job for actually making them, but what the fuck, anon? Also, draw some proper textures please, with normal, roughness and metallic. Anime girls should be shaded properly too, flat fill never looks good.

>> No.1493304
Quoted by: >>1493618

I was never talking about that and there's also a big difference between ironically posting your schizo and venting stuff on an anonymous imageboard or publicly reacting to Mori with your name (to literally every one of her post mind you). People who do the latter choose it for a reason, because they also always want the attention more and more and the end of the road is usually some serious stalker shit.

>> No.1493345
Quoted by: >>1493709

Huh, I'm surprised this girl has never been mentioned as someone Mori should do something with in the future. I guess she's already reasonably big and not an indie, but there vtubing rap community isn't that large. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9P_rz0h9bI

>> No.1493618

>they lack the courage to be a schizo in the open
NGMI. Enjoy the lack of attention and approval from your oshi, jealous shits.

>> No.1493682
Quoted by: >>1493818

>Probably more freaked out by you than anyone

Fucking neck yourself

>> No.1493701
Quoted by: >>1493818

But I don't want attention? I'm just a fan of her content and want her to keep making it. You're welcome to enjoy getting your own personal set of antis though, and I'm looking forward to you getting graduated from life, Clero.

>> No.1493709
Quoted by: >>1493750 >>1493780

Damn, she's got some moves. Makes me wonder if Mori is ever going to utilize her 3D for MVs.

>> No.1493750

Watame did, so I imagine she will whenever she gets it.

>> No.1493780
Quoted by: >>1493846


>> No.1493818
Quoted by: >>1493891 >>1494131

>projecting your hot opinions onto Mori this hard
I'd say take your own advice but meds would probably be a better option.
>But I don't want attention?
Then why seethe over people other than you getting it?

>> No.1493846

Does she know how to?

>> No.1493859
Quoted by: >>1494295

If you're doing it for the constant attention, you're already in the wrong and should take your meds. And being a schizo isn't something you should be proud. I honestly hope Mori wouldn't have to learn the hard way to not pander actual schizos, because they will also most likely be future stalkers.

>> No.1493891
Quoted by: >>1494295

Because I have zero faith in you having the self control to not go full schizo in the near future as you try to get more and more attention because you're a narcissistic fuck, and when you do, I don't want my oshi to get hurt.

>> No.1494131
Quoted by: >>1494295

Because if they end up creeping out the girl, she won't be able to be as warm and open with her fans, obviously.

>> No.1494203

What's the point of tweeting that you're going to sleep?

>> No.1494225

Try making a post about it here, and you might just find out.

>> No.1494244

bitch tryna be cute

>> No.1494281

A lot of the girls do this actually. Ollie does it pretty regularly.

>> No.1494295
Quoted by: >>1494747

>he's going to stalk her IRL because he likes to farm likes on social media
Well, you might be on to something with how many slippery slopes turn out to be real, but I still wish you didn't talk about him as much until it actually happens. Something something rent free etc.
If I were you I'd be much more afraid of the actual stalkers who got the tickets for the tour desu

>> No.1494431

Because of concernfags

>> No.1494474

Cuz it's a cute thing some of them do. It also helps to figure out the stream schedule somewhat.

>> No.1494653
File: 200 KB, 720x720, 87613006_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw beat the game
Man, I hope I don't miss a minute of the actual finale stream, whenever that happens.
You bony bastards better be there too to cheer her up.

>> No.1494747
Quoted by: >>1494948 >>1495215

If you actually know the guy's post history (which isn't hard, you can just tune into any stream or look any Mori or roommate tweet), you wouldn't give him such an easy pass.
>you didn't talk about him as much until it actually happens
Are you actually serious about this? That would be way too late. There's a reason why none of the other EN girls pander people with similar behaviour.
With those we can do nothing about, only others can do who also will be on the tour

>> No.1494906


>> No.1494932

It's gonna happen on the 20th

>> No.1494948

Considering how hard he's schizoing about "getting it" (attention), yeah that is a giant red flag

>> No.1495215
Quoted by: >>1495263

True enough, I never cared to look at his posts, so to me he might as well be just another offtopic eceleb wannabe /hlgg/ likes to lose their shit about. So if people have a real problem with him, I hope they call him out on twitter or wherever he can actually see it/is obliged to address it.
>the stalkers who get there are also concernfags and will fight each other to death, the problem solving herself

>> No.1495263
Quoted by: >>1499524

>they're the idiots who believed the Sissy Rrat
I hope you'll be ready for the Ao trauma arc.

>> No.1495496
Quoted by: >>1495792 >>1496027

You have to be deaf to think DD isn't Mori. And both have manlet obsession. And DD is the biggest Critikal's simp.

>> No.1495646
Quoted by: >>1496030 >>1496112

it's seems like she just wants to mainline the story straight till the end, which blows because it's got some real fun side stuff to mess around with.
seeing the ending on stream is going to be truly wild to watch lol

>> No.1495711
Quoted by: >>1495875

He's a manlet. No need to worry.

>> No.1495792
Quoted by: >>1498026

Anon, you should read more carefully

>> No.1495875

I think you wanted to write "lanklet" instead and that's why we shouldn't worry

>> No.1496016

kikirikii its adventure time

>> No.1496027

Anon, your reading comprehension reps.

>> No.1496030
Quoted by: >>1496112 >>1502952

>some real fun side stuff
Orange oasis? Eh, that was some grind for the sake of grind. Still explored all of it because I didn't want the journey to end
Or do you mean missing the IRL sidequests? Now that could take away from the experience.

>> No.1496112
Quoted by: >>1496231 >>1502886

is she ending-locked?

>> No.1496231
Quoted by: >>1496494

Depends on what you mean by that.

>> No.1496264
File: 22 KB, 414x511, EIq-j2vXUAAo_If.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to watch Shawshank alongside my oshi and cry with her during the Brooks scenes and then smile with eyes full of tears when Red finds hope again by the deep blue of the Pacific...
Then I'll go to bed knowing that, for the briefest of moments, I wasn't on that journey alone and I will know - no, I will hope that tomorrow I will also be a little less alone.

>> No.1496494
Quoted by: >>1496833

can she still do the good ending or is she stuck with one of the ones where sunny becomes an hero?

>> No.1496748
File: 2.17 MB, 3120x4160, klklkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this talking about Clero being schizo has me worried I might sound like him when I post my white day thing on twitter. So I'd at least like to make sure my message doesn't sound embarrassing.

"I think deadbeats and Mori have a relationship of mutual love and want to see each other be their best and I think that's sweet. Happy White Day"

>> No.1496764

You're fine.

>> No.1496833

I mean she opened the door to kel, so everything's going to be okay

>> No.1496840
Quoted by: >>1497159 >>1497722

The simple question to keep in mind is 'Am I going to be upset if she doesn't respond to this at all?' If you're doing it just because she inspired you, you're good. If you're doing it because you want a reaction from her, there's a forest in Japan you should visit and bring a rope.

>> No.1496937

The nigger of nippon

>> No.1497128
Quoted by: >>1497180

>think about her work schedule, juggling multiple tasks for different groups of people and feeling responsible for finishing it all off
>"why doesn't she just finish off her other obligations and focus on her biggest one"
it was at this point i realised i'm doing the same fucking shit mori is, and i'm too deep to bail as well because i don't want to let people down

>> No.1497153

>kowtowing to local self-appointed twitter police
pretty embarrassing in itself if you ask me

>> No.1497159

Being upset when something you worked really hard on for your idol goes completely ignored is a normal human reaction. It's the level to which it upsets you that determines everything. This mentality of "just don't let anything bother you lol" is mind poison and supremely ironic when you consider Mori's past and even her present.

>> No.1497180
Quoted by: >>1497381

Just sever your ties with others and you'll never have to worry about disappointing them again.

>> No.1497322
Quoted by: >>1497465 >>1497511

I know you guys aren't going to likee this, but I think a Mori watch along of Darling in the Franxx would be fun.

>> No.1497362

>if you haven't been following from debut, you've been missing out
It's never too late to become a deadbeat.
Same goes for becoming a demon

>> No.1497381

unfortunately i give too much of a shit about them
just one last gig, amirite

>> No.1497465
File: 1.97 MB, 2480x3508, Ev_YLfMU8AAjl-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like it just for the art it'll hopefully inspire. And by that, I mean Mori in a skin-tight bodysuit.

>> No.1497511

I'm still looking forward to Dead Leaves with her desu.

>> No.1497722

>there's a forest in Japan you should visit and bring a rope

>> No.1498026

I'm an idiot

>> No.1498144
File: 122 KB, 720x900, EsXDutJUUAA4lsE_@Lucitan1127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say I want to put a baby in her because I idealize her as the badass mother figure and want her to fully realize that potential.
Calling her a sweetie publicly is creep level cringe especially coming from someone who is both followed by Mori and seen as a representative of the deadbeats.
No deadbeat is more important than another and because of that, either we all want to marry and put a baby in Mori as a community or as individuals we are her children and she is our mom.

Clero is an individual, we are a community.

>> No.1498211

Your whistleblowing reps..
Mori and DD are roommates, Karrot is the house.

>> No.1498236

I want to sing her a Bobby Darin song

>> No.1498732
Quoted by: >>1498832 >>1499230

When will Lucitan stop being good at everything? At this point I'm waiting for her to reveal she can sing and make killer music too.

>> No.1498832
Quoted by: >>1499016

I hope she never stops.
>at this point I'm waiting for her to reveal she can sing and make killer music too
I think you'll be excited to see what she does in the not so distant future.

>> No.1498891
Quoted by: >>1499130

I just want to get to know her better is all.

>> No.1499016
Quoted by: >>1499538

Is it the merch store? That's so cool if it happens. She is inspiring in her own way. Multi-talented, dedicated, and respectful.
If she ever got into vtubing using her character, I would watch.

>> No.1499130

Which is perfectly fine anon, listening to her music and watching her streams helps a lot with that.

>> No.1499230

Lucitan for EN2

>> No.1499296

Is it more depressing/fucked up than Doki Doki Literature Club?

>> No.1499524
Quoted by: >>1500287

Don’t think it spread to Japan like the Fake Casino rrats did anyway

>> No.1499538
Quoted by: >>1500156

I doubt the stuff she's working on has anything to do with the official merch shop since she's shouldering the cost of testing the products. But I agree that it would be very cool if it happened.
I would love to watch her vtube as well, but for the time being it looks like she's going down the v-artist/singer route that Mori went down.
Just sit and wait, she's working on a song.

>> No.1499569
File: 92 KB, 636x900, 1610848455189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1499742

Mori never liked his tweet so she obviously knows he's a creep. Just block him so you don't see his tweets to her unless you guys follow him which I don't understand why follow someone who you think is a creep to Mori?

>> No.1499742

I don't follow him and I tend to just ignore the shit he says/does anyway
But discussion on the subject is at least worth a (You) since I know other anons are curious about it and have their own feelings on it.

>> No.1500156

I will be excited to hear it. Curious what style and language she does.

>> No.1500287
Quoted by: >>1501531

>Fake Casino rrats
Game of Dice? What did that song do to Japan bros?

>> No.1501115

am i schizo for wanting the best for mori? i've never felt this way for a streamer, but she's just lodged her way into my heart. i can't help but want her to succeed, but still be the same old chuuni dork that she is. she's genuinely the best vtuber, hell even streamer, that i've ever watched. i love her.

>> No.1501186

I don't see whats wrong with wanting someone to succeed.

>> No.1501428

I think that's what everyone here wants. Nothing wrong with it, or wanting to use her story as inspiration for making your own success.

>> No.1501475

>I want her to succeed
Perfectly normal
>I love her
As long as you're not in love with her, still probably baseline.

>> No.1501484

As long as you don't clamor for her attention for your own sake, or prioritize her content over your own life's needs, you're alright

>> No.1501517

I would like to see her play through LISA series. Or at least the second game if not the whole trilogy

>> No.1501531

Never mind, just that they all know what the song’s about, and that actually makes me feel less worried about the tour since literally everyone understands what’s up.

>> No.1502507

Any types of Mori art you wish there was more of?

>> No.1502659
File: 235 KB, 2070x1316, Enihbk2W8AISOeR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1502882

Mori with deadbeats. Not goddamn child skeletons either, fully-formed adult skeletons being cute and intimate with this dumb dork reaper.

>> No.1502832
Quoted by: >>1502882

intimate vanilla lewds

>> No.1502833
File: 627 KB, 792x1224, 1594691332839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1502882 >>1502932

Casual and chill Mori, maybe hard at work at her computer or relaxing while streaming. All of her art tends to be either edgy active stuff or cutesy stuff, but nothing laid back and relaxing.

>> No.1502882

all very good ideas

>> No.1502886

she can't get the "true" ending (basically an extra cutscene), but that's it. i was talking about some of the extra stuff that i thought was funny/added to the experience. i think seeing a hikkomori run through would also be super fun, but it probably won't happen

>> No.1502932

Seconding this one. I feel a mighty need for casual and chill Mori.

>> No.1502952

you're right, the side quests aren't super essential to the experience, but i thought just like undertale, the side quests added to the overall experience of the game, but i get why she wants to solely focus on main story.
the irl sidequests are also quite good! i wonder if she would ever do a replay off stream, just to have a more complete experience of the game.

>> No.1503131
File: 2.86 MB, 512x288, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I NEED something like this to go with all the smooches she's given us.

>> No.1503213


>> No.1504569

