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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14754295 No.14754295 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>14754496

Previous >>14740316

>> No.14754314

General numberfag sites

Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/CCfK7mVR

>> No.14754351
File: 43 KB, 1714x119, 1639670700608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14754378
Quoted by: >>14754569

3M views on 神っぽい for La+

>> No.14754380

>building a sub-culture
>slow and steady growth
>merch sales
>no longer showing off their achievements on their page because they have shown more humility
>tournaments don't count
>fortune telling
>total CCV during primetime
>trailers are ads
>Google trends
>Holo EN was a desperate gambit
>Holo's forcibly acquired audience vs Niji's natural growth
>stop picking on midgets! fight someone your own size!
>pit Vshojo against HoloEN when you're losing
>pit HoloEN against HoloJP when you're losing
>pit former Holo against HoloJP when you're losing
>Holobubble is bursting
>foreign buff/global audience bad, muh local Nips good
>YouTube Japan trends
>Apex will only get more popular from now on!
>flexible creative freedom
>Holo's restrictive management will cause them to eventually graduate
>Cover uses bots
>Hal is honorary Niji
>Kson is honorary Niji
>Ui is honorary Niji
>Most vtubers are Nijisanji like and Nijisanji is part of greater vtuber community
>Nijisanji fans are more passionate about their livers and will leave dislikes to show their engagement
>Sponsorships are retarded
>Hololive's merch and sponsorship bad because companies underestimated them which means that they don't care about the cheap collab
>Koshien is not an event
>Nijisanji is solidifying their other markets while keeping their strong home market
>pre-recorded lives are technically premiers and shouldn't count
>Cover is just lucky to have clippers and algorithm on their side
>Hololive invented unicorns
>watchalongs are POVs
>Nijisanji isn't a corporation, it's a family
>each Twitch viewer is equivalent to about 1.5 Youtube viewers because Selen flopped her first Twitch stream and Selen never flops
>by promoting the main channel they create more general Nijisanji fans which will then trickle down to the smaller livers down the line
>subs to growth ratio
>subs to SC ratio
>*insert delusion about Selen here*
>VOD views don't count
>everything that brings a big audience is a special event
>Niji is mainstream in JP, which is more important than Hololive's international dominance
>Holo's main channel kneels to Niji main channel
>gen 3 should be left alone so Nijis can be properly compared to Holos
>Square Enix doesn't count
>combined peak CCV
>quality numbers
>dead cat bounce
>Holo merch sells out quick only because of scalpers
>Hololive is only popular because of chink clippers
>68% of the top 50 vtubers is bad
>Rightful sovereignty
>Ichikara has morals
>bug in the algorithm
>DLC is a gimmick
>Nijisanji has a better following than Hololive in the west
>There are no nijifans here, only falseflaggers trying to make Nijifans look bad
>Views don't matter
>only the west speaks english

>> No.14754387

Male wave is not happening till next year

>> No.14754391

>Numbers thread
>Midgets as the OP

>> No.14754463

>Nijisanji has a better/comparable following to Hololive in the west
It's not my fault you are brain damaged and didn't understand what I meant. Some holobrony said every English speaking Niji fan was from SEA and used google trends to back it up. Turns out that he shot himself in the foot because it shows the exact opposite; they're more likely to be from NA than holobronies are according to the data.

>> No.14754471

I meant that both hololive and nijisanji exist for a reason and instead of seeing as if they are consoles, you should appreciate the fact that there's diversity in culture that those agencies can gather people.
Yes, what a bad thing that I saw my error, conceded and corrected it. I don't know why I lose my time in this thread considering it's clear you guys despise nijisanji and don't try to have any conversation without console war stupidity.

>> No.14754495

Stop making bait OPs already ffs the threads are worse than ever, either use the manga panels or something equally neutral or let's go back to chart OPs since those are at least on topic

>> No.14754496

now you know why the last thread was shit >>OP

>> No.14754511
Quoted by: >>14754627

Holobrony cope: put a strawman in his meme list when he loses an argument.

>> No.14754558
File: 116 KB, 1741x727, NijiEN vs HoloEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14754569
Quoted by: >>14756714

She gave the order to listen to it a lot. She is truly a number queen

>> No.14754627
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>> No.14754635

>HoloEN Nov Total 222409
>NijiEN Nov Total 145912
So NijiEN lost again?

>> No.14754667

I thought Hololive is 10x more popular? Why are those nobodies catching up?

>> No.14754691

Nijiniggers also love to score own goals, apparently.

>> No.14754737
Quoted by: >>14754887

Still lost though.
>B-b-but my team only lost by 15 instead 30
>We totally won guise

>> No.14754795
Quoted by: >>14754844

What makes nijiniggers think they have permission to speak in the vicinity of humans?

>> No.14754817
File: 17 KB, 306x155, eopoors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for an English Duolingo stream lmao, EOP bros...

>> No.14754844

one of their kind hijacked the op and made them think they were human

>> No.14754871

As always, but nijiniggers will be nijiniggers and eternally cope. It's what they do.

>> No.14754877

Because successful vtubers get additional revenue streams including some that require off stream commitments, at which point superchats become less important and a poor investment in their time and effort? Newbies and 2views survive on superchats. At the top end sponsorships and merch dominate. This isn’t just vtubers traditional streamers go through the same evolution in general

>> No.14754885

The announcement isnt the male gen it's merchandise.

>> No.14754887
File: 92 KB, 647x751, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two more months of HoloEN sinking at current rate and Nijis will be on top.

>> No.14754934
Quoted by: >>14755019

Funny how two years ago you were coping about NijiJP vs HoloJP numbers in the same way. Just embrace the fall.

>> No.14755005

What? Are they gonna start doing 4hr celebration streams for NEXT Years Birthday in advance?

>> No.14755019

Don't be retarded, 99% of this thread wasn't around before the EN debuts

>> No.14755037

>At current rate
Holy shit you are incredibly retarded. NijiEN has hit its ceiling, they did a good job of inclinig to their current max potential and have already stopped inclining.

If Chloe continues getting superchats at her current rate she'll pass Rushia in in total yearly superchats by the end of the month. Does this sound retarded? Apply yourself.

>> No.14755048
Quoted by: >>14755297

She was just doing Jump King for 2h.

>> No.14755071

So it look were getting a HoloX AmongUs collab Chloe is the only one with a frame up at this moment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgpQZtLpEKA

>> No.14755092


>> No.14755101

They are doing better this month than last. Once that chart gets updated with December Holocope will be even better.

>> No.14755103

where was the anon saying nijijp does nothing for EN? oh yeah, I forgot they don't actually watch or are part of nijisanji fanbase to see fans sharing interactions kek

>> No.14755119

It’s pretty weird actually how so many of EN cultivate superchats. Not sure if just lazy or they are explicitly pursuing a strategy. Ina never gave any fucks about them and send to have good members and sold merch out even before Gura which may suggest pent up demand. Might not be a bad strategy if you just don’t feel like spending hours of your life reading superchats

>> No.14755231

Despite "losing" the Nijis really do punch above their weight in SCs. Of course they do put a lot more effort into it as well, a lot of the Holos just don't seem to care about the SC portion of their revenue.

>> No.14755265
Quoted by: >>14755348

Remember when muh merch was the Nijicope?

>> No.14755297

Cool, should we start pulling Mori's cooking stream too?

>> No.14755332


>> No.14755342

>If Chloe continues getting superchats at her current rate she'll pass Rushia in in total yearly superchats by the end of the month
No she'd have just under 500k which is less than a third of what Rushia has, she'd be 16th for the year

>> No.14755348

It's not a cope if it's true.

>> No.14755375

They simply stream more and their streams are more fun, especially collabs. So even much smaller viewer base throws money at them. The only blatant SC farming was the last Rosemi stream and it only turned that way because chat wanted it.

>> No.14755377


>> No.14755390

yep, here we go

>> No.14755402

Wait, five? Isn't that abit much?

>> No.14755449

At the end of the day most fans want a transaction and merch is pretty straightforward. Even JPs are less willing to supa if the message definitely wont be read.
Corpos could probably boost their SC revenue overnight if they started putting the messages directly on screen like twitch streamers do. They wouldn't even have to do a catchup reading.

>> No.14755458
Quoted by: >>14755507

Oh god, they actually went with the KPOP designs... They really are going hard on the western female weebs.

>> No.14755484
Quoted by: >>14755626

It shows confidence, both of NijiJP's most recent waves had 5 members too.

>> No.14755490
Quoted by: >>14755654

Ina can, and always has been able to, get by without them. She can make more money doing her day job than reading peoples names for hours. At this point Mori and even Kiara would be better spent using their time to do other things but out of a combination of habit, dedication to their fans, and probably a determination to earn as much as they can in what could possibly be a short-lived and lucrative career, keep doing the most to maximize the SC portion of their revenue. For Council and IRyS who don't have much merch yet it probably still makes sense to go for them.

>> No.14755494

Huh, that one anon was right about them probably going full kpop.

>> No.14755507
Quoted by: >>14755613

Good move honestly.

>> No.14755512
File: 2.41 MB, 1280x720, 1637048855312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We want the fujo audience

>> No.14755544

holy cringe

>> No.14755545

*KPOP audience

>> No.14755567

>nobody has a burger permanently affixed to their head

>> No.14755569

They look hot, I hope holoX get to collab with them soon

>> No.14755593
Quoted by: >>14755607

can you even play amogus with only 5 people

how's this supposed to work girls

>> No.14755600

>we want the fujo audience
This is going to blow up, whether that's in the good sense or bad sense remains to be seen

>> No.14755607

You can, it just sucks

>> No.14755613

Fujos dont watch vtubers

>> No.14755626

It's ether that or just Nijisanji going full steam ahead on floodig the market

>> No.14755654
Quoted by: >>14755904

Faggot you have no fucking idea how much they get with merch and how their contracts really look. Mori and Kiara were always SC queens in EN and they will continue being so. Mori was a fucking janitor living on scraps and Kiara was a failed idol one step away from JAV. Hololive made them rich.

>> No.14755667


>> No.14755685

>Bunch of twinks
Manjisanji strikes again. Say goodbye to your beloved NijiEN females, they're living on borrowed time.

>> No.14755688
Quoted by: >>14755890

What the fuck is up with NijiEN and having samey designs? They had the same thing going on with wave 1 and 2 too where all the girls are basically different variations on the same archetype

>> No.14755709

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww nijikeks so gay

>> No.14755798
Quoted by: >>14756030

To no one's surprise, Selen isn't hosting this time.
Elira and Oliver.

>> No.14755802

Shit, new rate up banner on genshin?!

>> No.14755812

>sorcerer, i hardly even know her

>> No.14755889

Okay, to prevent hindsight 20/20, how would you set the threshold for this to be success or a flop? Keep in mind this will be the first real effort to pander to the western female market.

Here's mine:
>Subs before debut
Flop: <15k
Success: >30k

>peak CCV during debuts
Flop: <10k
Success: >25k

>First weak median peak CCV
Flop: <2k
Suxcess: >5k

Regardless of how it goes, it'll be at least interesting that we can gauge how large this particular market really is this weekend.

>> No.14755890
File: 69 KB, 800x508, BTS-Butter-1-800x508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like a boyband. That's why.

>> No.14755904

is mori even rich? she said she still couldn't really get a house on a recent stream

>> No.14755906


>> No.14755933

>This is what the average nijifaggot unicorn is supporting
NijiEN chats are going to be wild the next few days. Literally can't wait for the number analysis on the first 3 waves and the tears in a couple weeks.

>> No.14755946

gayshits wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.14755952

>+5 members
>just for the EN branch alone
>this, the year of our lord, 2021
Why is Nijisanji like this?

>> No.14755963

What are the odds they steal Holostars audience? They have a lot of EOPs

>> No.14755990

Hold on. Numberfag with me a moment. Isn't Nijisanji actually winning based on average SC per viewer. Like Hololive EN absolutly eclipses Niji EN with Sub and Viewer number but only beat Niji EN by $76497.

Nijisanji EN combined is sub 2million subs meanwhile Holo EN is is somewhere around 10 millions subs. The average viewers for Holo EN is also something like 10 millions subs.

So no Hololive isn't beating Niji EN in fact they appear to be woefully under performing while Niji EN might be overperforming based on viewers and subs. If anything this appears to be a case of Hololive Fans declaring themselves victors when they really aren't and the amount they are winning buy actually reflects back on them how insecure they are.

>> No.14755994

It's fucking 5 channel now, but it will immune from Susan cull, cuz pretty boi

>> No.14756004

Let me ask any homos ITT, are they that attractive?

>> No.14756012
Quoted by: >>14756061

NijiEn's had some time to build an audience and has been inclining, aren't these too close to the wave 3 numbers?

>> No.14756030
Quoted by: >>14756154

Wait, really? I would've thought that they'd at least give ethyria a chance to host, especially seeing how they got screwed by the last one.

>> No.14756042

Subs 10k+ success
Premier CCV 10k+ success
First week CCV 500+ success

If they can do 3/4ths what the girls do they're in decent shape. If they're significantly weaker, and fall off a ton after starting, it will call into question whether it would be worthwhile to release anymore male waves.

>> No.14756045
Quoted by: >>14756163

Neck yourself ratio nigger

>> No.14756061

The kind of fanbase NijiEN has built has literally zero overlap with this kpop band. They're basically starting from zero.

>> No.14756088

Sc metrics is only good for measuring how much someone earn and how good they are at baiting scs. In reality, you only need a few gachikois to earn good scs. I have sc data for jp girls from one tw anon on the gachikois name and how much they contributed to the total scs all over the years. You will be surprised when you look at it. One gachikoi contributed about 30% of overall scs of one of the s tier holo with high sc earning. One low tier holo has one gachikoi that contributed almost 50% of her sc earning. These are literally sugardaddy tier of money lol. I will refrain from showing the data to prevent harassment towards the gachikois and doxing and internet harassment is a crime in taiwan.

>> No.14756154
Quoted by: >>14756270

That's definitely weird, I thought it was Wave 1 hosting 2, 2 hosting 3 etc

>> No.14756155

based on voice alone I'm thinking demon and sorcerer are going to be the most successful. the first two sounded too much like e-boys and the fourth I'm not sure on

>> No.14756163
File: 108 KB, 262x176, The Numbers [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3p3394.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14756209

You fear ratios because they speak the truth. Nijisanji EN is actively competing with Holo EN on the SC side of things despite having FAR FAR smaller number of subs and average viewers.

>> No.14756207
File: 137 KB, 968x459, nimamu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14756303

After being held back for a while by Kanata, Nimu moves ahead of her for the first time, also tying with Watame.

>> No.14756209

I dont watch either company any more but it's funny to see holo fans call anyone a flop after council, which is a literal failure by hololive standards.

>> No.14756226

NijiEN girls already flirting with the guys, let's see if this lasts past debut.

>> No.14756234
Quoted by: >>14756453

That's what punching above their weight means in this context. They get proportionally more SC from a smaller fanbase. For an extreme example of this there's a streamer named Ayamy, who is the illustrator of Mel in Hololive, that has 50k subs and streams to under 100 people but has earned $125,000 by doing a super dedicated GFE act.

>> No.14756255

Mori made enough money on superchats alone to afford a small house back in her hometown. But buying a house in JP as a gaijin is incredibly difficult. A lot of them don’t even like to rent to foreigners honestly

>> No.14756270

Wave 3 is so shit, niji management won't let them

>> No.14756303

Nobody cares spic faggot

>> No.14756330
Quoted by: >>14756443

If they're "starting from 0" they'll have like 500 subs like the males in Tsunderia. I guarantee you that won't happen and there will be some level of overlap with Niji EN and even Holo EN's audience that has been waiting for male streamers.

>> No.14756334

Anon... If a team shoots more 3s than the opposing team, they technically would have a higher point average per scored possession. Don't mean shit though if they still lose 98-115

>> No.14756336
Quoted by: >>14756474

You might be underestimating property values, especially if she wants to live near Tokyo.

>> No.14756392

but my ratio beat your ratio, so get fucked holobro

>> No.14756403

kpopfags hate weebshit

>> No.14756421

>someone posts numbers
>in the numbers thread
Why are 2views like this?

>> No.14756439
Quoted by: >>14756574

NijiEN's fanbase consists of ex-Holofags upset that holos don't collab with men enough for their liking, they'll love this.

>> No.14756443

>Holo audience, unicorn central
>Wanting male streamers
I want some of whatever you're smoking. MAYBE there's a very tiny overlap with NijiEN at most, but I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.14756453

There's chuubas who have earned that much with 5k subs

>> No.14756472

Month to date out of curiosity (JST)

Mori $45494
Kiara $28023
>Millie $21051
>Selen $18064
Gura $17115
Bae $12669
>Rosemi $11514
Ina $10964
Kronii $10940
>Pomu $9899
>Petra $8830
IRyS $8697
Ame $7965
>Nina $7119
Sana $7074
>Enna $5690
Mumei $5548
Fauna $5066
>Reimu $4925
>Elira $4228
>Finana $3373

Myth: $109,591
Council: $41,297
Total: $150,888

Lazulight: $17,500
Obsydia: $38,408
Ethyria: $38,785
Total: $94,693

>> No.14756474
Quoted by: >>14756661

The bigger problem is her job. She really has one year of income history which is basically nothing when trying to calculate her risk profile. Banks don’t like to lend with such an unstable income. She could always pay cash but that’s usually a terrible idea. That money could be put to better use

>> No.14756551

Anon I think you might be spending a little too much time on here

>> No.14756566
Quoted by: >>14756643

This is counting Selen and Millie's 4 hour celebration stream, right? I honestly expected higher.

>> No.14756573
Quoted by: >>14760554

The majority of the English-speaking fanbase loves male streamers, hololive has been neglecting them by not pushing for collabs with the holostars

>> No.14756574

This is verifiably not the case, have you ever watched any NijiEN streams at all and paid attention to chat? Plus they've been cultivating unicorns for the past 3 months, which shows in their pronounced superchat incline and is the antithesis of fostering a sentiment for collabs with dudes.

>> No.14756581
Quoted by: >>14756723

It depends on how you are scoring in the first place. Your analogy falls apart because it involves a clear metric for success. There is no clear metric for success here.


It's all just pissing in the wind by the fanbases. I just like to look at numbers and see how chuubas grow I could give a shit less about the dick measuring. If you want to take something from it. All it really shows is the average Nijifan Supahs more then the average Holofan.

>> No.14756591

Nice designs but its going to look really weird when these guys start making fart jokes and get bullied by the girls.

Please Niji staff

Release a comedy-focused male EN wave. The obligatory 'serious' male wave is out so there's no need to retread for the next one

>> No.14756602
Quoted by: >>14757355

Didnt millie and selene had their birthdays this month

>> No.14756626

I kinda hope they're successful, seeing the nijiEN girls losing to males (and fujos) would be absolutely hilarious.

>> No.14756639
Quoted by: >>14756717

They collab with NijiJP and NijiID males all the time and it's boosted them because that's what fans want to see.

>> No.14756643

It's counting both, yes.

>> No.14756661
Quoted by: >>14756811

She is honestly much better off just biting the bullet and purchasing a house cash if she's looking to have permanent residence in Japan, especially if it's a new construction. Otherwise, she's better off just paying rent.

>> No.14756663

What's the bet that some nijifag is going to try and sneak the announcement onto the hololive reddit?

>> No.14756686

new JP holo gen sucks

new EN holo gen sucks

the only good thing about hololive is Pekora.

>> No.14756691

>Total: $150,888
meanwhile chloe: $166,018

>> No.14756714

I like her strategy of chasing tangible numbers over Chloe who chases superchats. Good numbers will ensure you get all kinds of oppurtunities while paypigs are fickle and can disappear at a moments notice.

>> No.14756717

Except it hasn't boosted them. Look at how many superchats they get in those collabs vs solo streams. I'd post some stats but I'm on my phone right now so I guess I'll have to wait to make my case.

>> No.14756723
Quoted by: >>14756815

That's a whole lot of words just to say you lost in the end my guy.

>> No.14756751

Fun fact: If you discounted Mori's outfit reveal but kept all the other numbers the same, she'd still be top

>> No.14756766

>Plus they've been cultivating unicorns for the past 3 months
All of them collab with males, some very often.

>> No.14756796

Nah, it's interesting to see how far the non-holos in the top ranks can get, how many Holos they can manage to pass and whether or not they can hold it in the long run.

>> No.14756808

>nijien male wave
>kuzuha minecraft tournament
>haruka 3d debut
niji winning today!

>> No.14756811
Quoted by: >>14757203

Oof maybe but she probably wants a nice place in the greater Tokyo area that’s some serious money. It would lock up so much of her money in a single asset. Renting probably makes the most sense for quite a while

>> No.14756814

Superchats aren't everything, tangible numbers is better.

>> No.14756815
File: 82 KB, 1079x1025, 1634934949280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14756968

I SC my indie oshi. I care not for your foolish contests.

>> No.14756823

Holy shit is there a single person in this entire fucking thread who knows anything about numbers? You SEA monkeys and spics barely have two braincells between you to rub together

>> No.14756909

>Superchats are suddenly not tangible
I guess numbers are only tangible when they support your narrative huh.

>> No.14756954

>chloe kneeled

>> No.14756968
Quoted by: >>14757090

Oh shit, I just rewatched the original broly movie last night (don't ask me why). So cool... Yet so dumb...

>> No.14756988

Wave 4 will either be the most popular NijiEN generation or the least popular, it doesn't feel like there's an in-between.

>> No.14757000


>> No.14757015

>collabs vs solo streams
They get less SC in collabs too retard.
Everyone gets less in collabs unless it is specific events.

>> No.14757090

It ends with Goku punching Broly really really hard... but fuck is it cool watching Broly kick the shit out of everyone.

>> No.14757128

it's fujoshits, you lose either way

>> No.14757145

The fact Mori evolved into the equivalent of a five tool player who gets decent ccv and watch time while also having top tier superchats, views, and subs still baffles me. Goes to show especially for inexperienced streamers they need time to grow and find their niche.

>> No.14757166

LOL thats obvious its harder for foreigners to get house in japan heck its tedious to even get an apartment in japan as a foreigner.

>> No.14757178

I think they will siphon some of the girl's fanbases.
Not to mention the nonstop shipping that's going to happen.

>> No.14757199
Quoted by: >>14757232

So, niji EN wave 4 debut is guaranteed gold + Niji marika
Still enough to close the gold gap this month

>> No.14757203

That's the kind of business that the entertainment industry is. When you make it, you make it big and you will not have qualms about how you spend. But once the 15 minutes are up, you better off have made your expenses count or you're in for a rough rest of your life. Ever seen those videos/stories of "whatever happened to x" after they lived out their time in fame?

>> No.14757232
Quoted by: >>14757407

Look I know this is bait but it made me guffaw. You earned this (you)

>> No.14757254

EN market was not saturated then and the brand carried her until she could make it. If Cover had debuted 20 more ENs in a year things would be different.

>> No.14757291
File: 219 KB, 470x340, Tako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14757700

>NijIEN Male

Worst Niji debut incoming?

>> No.14757332
Quoted by: >>14757407

Niji en males has ikemen type avatars but they keep cracking coomer and cringe jokes. I have a feeling they don't even understand yumejoshi culture lol.

>> No.14757355
Quoted by: >>14757456

And Myth had outfit reveals.

>> No.14757406
Quoted by: >>14760002

10 minutes ago I'd have predicted success, but watching them tweet, this is going to be a hilarious trainwreck and massive failure. Looking forward to the debuts.

>> No.14757407

you laugh but Cover was so worried about NijiEN stealing attention from their JP gen 6 debut that they cancelled Ollie's collab with Selen
they're perfectly fine for the EN market, they're here for the bros not the hos

>> No.14757430

one of the wave 4 boi is a deadbeat...

>> No.14757434
Quoted by: >>14759879

TTRPG arc saved Mori. She started actually having fun instead of forcing herself to stream.

>> No.14757452
Quoted by: >>14757578

I'm guessing Vox is the leader cause all the guys in the wave are going hard gay for him as well.

>> No.14757456

Birthdays are far better for sc.
Also ibdibt think the girls could do a 8hrs long outfit reveal as nijien is doing with birthdays nowdays.

>> No.14757578
File: 106 KB, 828x620, 1639701609927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is chronoir tier number

>> No.14757697

Is Vox CorpseHusband? The voice sounds oddly similar.

>> No.14757700
Quoted by: >>14757909

Like ina's

>> No.14757756
Quoted by: >>14757839

which nijimale will jump out to the fastest start and take the place of Pomu/Selen evangelizing?

>> No.14757793

don't compare chronoir to whatever this is ever again

>> No.14757816


>> No.14757831

that's pretty gay. I can see it doing well for the girls

>> No.14757839

The gayest one

>> No.14757848
Quoted by: >>14760490

This is their ace up in the sleeves anon, their magnum opus, their HoloKiller, ofc it would came it 5. Just like selejo and edengumi

>> No.14757852
Quoted by: >>14758024

Might be wrong but I really don't remember Kuzuha and Kanae fujobaiting THIS hard

>> No.14757867

no it's chyrosran
unless corpse announce hiatus or graduation from offline tv

>> No.14757890

Oh no oh no oh no, Wosemi-chama I kneel....

>> No.14757903

>new Niji wave
Can't wait to dunk on their shitty numbers. I watched the preview and they are cringe as fuck. Male vtubers were a mistake and whoever came up with the idea should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.14757909
Quoted by: >>14757962

More views than your 2view Niji

>> No.14757962

I don't watch niji but I look down on ina being the Sana of her gen.

>> No.14757982

Look obviously I’m not the target audience. But this is the cringe I thought I would feel when Myth debuted. Good god.

>> No.14758002
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, PEWDIEPIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most subscribed VTuber in the world is male, though.

>> No.14758005

They'll get 20k minimum at launch. There are plenty of people who know Niji by now compared to last year, and this is the first western male wave, so people will be curious

>> No.14758024

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

>> No.14758028
File: 21 KB, 589x239, 34867823578346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well he follows Mori.

>> No.14758038

Ina? Has the second highest ccv in her gen? She’s nothing like Sana numbers wise

>> No.14758053

Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.14758069
Quoted by: >>14758167

i'm the target audience and this is the cringiest most retarded shit ever, i'm 100% filtered

>> No.14758112

Corpse confirmed for Holostars. NijiEN about to get BTFO way harder than ever.

>> No.14758126

A fucking deadbeat. But jokes aside she seems like by far the most popular with 2view indies in general

>> No.14758158

vox also follows mori
he's a fucking deadbeat

>> No.14758164

Can this NijiEN wave beat Holostars? I think that's the more real question to ask

>> No.14758167

Tits or GTFO.

>> No.14758236
File: 66 KB, 750x320, 1639701556712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh bro, he posted that because Vox is following her too.

>> No.14758243

i think they will beat them...

>> No.14758269
File: 220 KB, 875x1310, 1216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's superchats

>> No.14758272

So when is the debut anyway? Will Susan cull them? 5 channel now instead of 3, which will be the runt of the wave? Easy 20k subs pre debut it would seems

>> No.14758295
Quoted by: >>14758451

They will. Because there are more people who understand English than Japanese

>> No.14758333
Quoted by: >>14758520

noripro got silver? but it's not the succubus that went missing?

>> No.14758337

Same, this is coming from someone who watches maimoto and yashiro.

>> No.14758388
Quoted by: >>14758472

Even the wife baiting Nina is cooming to Vox on twitter kek

>> No.14758451
Quoted by: >>14758683

But not all english speakers are into anime/fujoshit? How does that make sense

>> No.14758460

You mean you're still not cringing when watching Myth?

>> No.14758472
Quoted by: >>14758553

Imagine a holojp girl doing this. Fucking western vtubers man. It is fucking cringe.

>> No.14758520

Yeah Lilith is still radio silent, Warabe had her birthday countdown today. It's not uncommon at all to see Noripro at or near the top of this chart.

>> No.14758553


>> No.14758627


>> No.14758651

holox are so op on supas... and at least kanae stopped niji from being totally shut out lol

>> No.14758683

All I'm saying is that there is a larger pool for the EN Audience compared to JP and that this is the first all Male wave so people will be interested in them for the sheer oddity of it

>> No.14758715
Quoted by: >>14759211

Who is Hoozuki Warabe?

>> No.14758805

How is Wave4 doing?

>> No.14758809
File: 879 KB, 1236x1658, 1639702231048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox is guaranteed success but the others might flop

>> No.14758830


>> No.14758856

SHIKI NOOOOOOOOO!!!! not you too

>> No.14758921
File: 39 KB, 463x453, 1639237582281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14758949

So how many 2views gonna lose gachis over this

>> No.14758983

Not sure it will attract non-vtuber fans since they find virtual streaming weird in the first place

>> No.14759201

all of them have guaranteed success, nijiJP supports males heavily, JPfujos will be attracted to the nijiENmales for the same reason holofags are attracted to the JPholos, even if they don't know anything about the language

>> No.14759211

Noripro hag, has the same designer as Rushia. She had her birthday countdown today

>> No.14759281

holostars are guaranteed to lose, look at their chat, 90% is eops that now have a reason to throw money at AND actually communicate

>> No.14759369

I agree with him, hell i wouldn't be surprised if they initially got some of HoloEN's secondary audience due to EOP wanting to spite on Holo's general 'idol culture' in a way to push western values towards VTubing. Debuts may get upwards of 20-30k peak ccv and an inflated subs count if they play their cards right.
Though, this probably wouldn't last and they'll be averaging triple digits in a month or two.

>> No.14759403
Quoted by: >>14759705

There's tons of english speaking female viewers on twitter, youtube, discord, reddit. And gay men, and straight men. You guys really need to go out of the hololive bubble a bit to see them. They'll do as good as the girls.

>> No.14759556

kek another one nijibros...

>> No.14759573

I will spit on their faces if those bitches betray the stars. I remember the top donos as i myself is one of them. If i see their name on these faggots SC i'll band my fujo army to grudge and call them out on twitter

>> No.14759626
Quoted by: >>14759652

NijiEN thread thinks it found one of the new hires.
tl;dw he loves cock and semen jokes

>> No.14759632

This, finally homos will gone for good
Their sub 1k ccv would be like 2view once the wave 4 debut

>> No.14759652


>> No.14759676
File: 33 KB, 596x303, 348767821378523626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14759705
Quoted by: >>14759748

is this a bait for grudgeposting?

>> No.14759717

Mori talking about them too...

>> No.14759748

If you think there's no demand for male vtubers in the female anime fandom you're kidding yourself, look at how much outrage happened over FGO not releasing male servants and how everyone jumped ship to Granblue Fantasy because they could and did cater to the female gaze.

>> No.14759776
Quoted by: >>14759815


>> No.14759792

Shit made me click
Go back to your general dedbit

>> No.14759800

Has she ever actually showed interested in Nijisanji? Outside of replying to them if they reply to her, I mean. I think a collab between her and Enna could be cute

>> No.14759803

Anon she's talking about teaching HoloJps English.

>> No.14759807
Quoted by: >>14759863

she's talking about the english classes she will give to the JPs retard chama...
although I totally see her collabing with them

>> No.14759815
Quoted by: >>14760075

>didn't click the link

>> No.14759816
File: 29 KB, 598x330, 1625474143534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14759890

That's about the english teaching thing she's preparing.

>> No.14759828


>> No.14759863

Anonchama... This is about all the JP senpais responding to her tweet earlier today.
She won't, she flat out said in the TT interview that she knows her fans would not like if she interacted with certain people and she has been selling GFE shit recently.

>> No.14759879

i would say it wasnt the TTRPG arc, that's more on her getting a new chair which helped her back problems, the debut of council because potential friends and now being a legitimate on branch senpai (IRyS doesnt count), also that mysterious genmate who gave her a talk after the cuphead collab

>> No.14759890

>Elite English lesson with Mori
This will be Kino as fuck


>> No.14760002

I know it's mostly shitposting, but this is honestly my feeling as well. I figured that they actually have an interesting window here to tap into a market that's otherwise unserved by current vtubers (now, if that market actually has any substance or numbers, we have no real idea and will just have to see) while also having the chance to pull in some average Joes who just want to watch entertaining streamers and enjoy the novelty.

But given their tone and taste in humor, I really doubt they'll have any traction with that second group. Seems like they're going all-in on the first, and hoping there's enough there to give them success. I'm inclined to think there isn't.

>> No.14760032

>implying she give a fuck
she will do whatever she wants and haters will just keep hating

>> No.14760063
Quoted by: >>14760103

You're out of touch with average Joes if you think their sense of humour is not going to appeal to the masses. Most people love it.

>> No.14760068

I hope they fail and fail hard. I watched the trailer and I hate this so much. Fuck anybody who supports this garbage.

>> No.14760075

I did.

>> No.14760090
File: 78 KB, 670x532, 3487672357235235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14760103
Quoted by: >>14760385

>most people love fujobait jokes

>> No.14760114

December superchats so far
>Chloe - $165,920
>Iroha - $112,722
>Laplus - $106,322
>Rushia - $79,436
>Koyori - $71,584
>Nene - $70,653
>Hayato - $64,415
>Ayame - $55,300
>Flare - $53,160
>Shion - $45,738
>Pekora - $43,981
>Lui - $43,737
>Lamy - $39,634
>Mori - $39,573
>Fubuki - $38,352

>> No.14760125


>> No.14760143

God damn Oliver's tweet is hilarious. He's basically saying
>I don't know why they called me for this but I'm hosting the en wave 4 with elira!

Seriously why did they even hire wave 3? To make selen incline and suck some superchats?

>> No.14760148


>> No.14760197
Quoted by: >>14760578

Of fuckin course when the males get announced, nijisanji en INCLINES, for fucks sake it really is mansanji kek

>> No.14760346
File: 164 KB, 298x407, 1638972846911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloX have already pulled 500k

>> No.14760385

Most people aren't homophobes.

>> No.14760406

So is anyone gonna track sub gains?
I'm feeling pretty lazy this time around so I'm not doing it.
They're at 3k at 1-1/2 hours in.

>> No.14760422


>> No.14760434
File: 77 KB, 900x900, 1626575340710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the buff is real

>> No.14760438
Quoted by: >>14761094

Oh god, I just realized this is going to become the new "people didn't sub to Sana because they're racist" meme

>> No.14760452

like last time?
or the one previous to that?

>> No.14760490

Why would a group of guys kill numbers for a group of girls? Its retarded like the Idolmaster anime putting Jupiter as the rivals. Guy groups and girl groups target different people. If anything, NijiEN males will eat up NijiJP males food and bury Holostars even deeper.

>> No.14760494
File: 61 KB, 750x687, 626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the power of EN male vtuber

>> No.14760501

And as always ID became the foster child forgotten again

>> No.14760522


>> No.14760544

The EN market is different from the JP market, cross-gender collabs are welcome or even preferred and most EN vtubing fans have been waiting for this.

>> No.14760554

The majority of the English-speaking fanbase also loves drama and eat that shit up like you wouldn't believe
Hololive don't have to cater to that fucking meta

>> No.14760566
Quoted by: >>14760845

Damn, they gonna beat wave 3 pre debut subs

>> No.14760578
Quoted by: >>14761637

If you want to watch girls, you watch Holo, If you want to watch males, you watch Niji. Its been this way for a long time now. Why act surprise?

>> No.14760598
Quoted by: >>14760750


>> No.14760635

The EN and JP markets are different, yes, but in the exact opposite way that you seem to believe they are.

>> No.14760646
Quoted by: >>14761303

They don't have to but they will fall behind when the other companies play the meta game. Imagine sordid, public relationship drama between three or more livers in a company, it'd bring in loads of views. If Hololive is a SOL anime, NijiEN has the potential to become a long-running spic telenovela if they play their cards right.

>> No.14760656

>NijiEN males will eat up NijiJP males food and bury Holostars even deeper.
I need this to happen

>> No.14760673

Like, how much crossover is there between Pokimane with XQC? If they both stream at the same time will either be significantly affected?
Hasan vtuber still needed

>> No.14760679

Jesus this would be a strong month already and we're only halfway through, Chloe is going to milk the xmas eve superchats hard I can tell already

>> No.14760750
Quoted by: >>14760810

This is the power of Dream SMP. Don't compare it to Holo/Niji or any vtubers. Vtubers are shiters compared to the masked man and his friends.

>> No.14760810
Quoted by: >>14760896


>> No.14760844

I Mean look at their announcement tweet, the fan is excited all over that tweet

>> No.14760845
Quoted by: >>14760891

They will get 200k subs before pomu

>> No.14760891

How do we save Pomu?

>> No.14760896
Quoted by: >>14761005

Would legit debuff him.
Probably. Holostars aren't that good. Can't even beat mid-tier Nijimales.

>> No.14760910
Quoted by: >>14760974

Holy fuck pomu is inclining

>> No.14760951

Oh no no no no
Nijibros ... Please be kind to the boy lmao

>> No.14760970
File: 90 KB, 477x662, image_2021-12-17_094602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other subs news, HoloX seem to have gotten another burst of subs yesterday

>> No.14760974
File: 79 KB, 844x147, 1625893186043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14760979

It will be the EXACT same thing that happened to the holos /r/eddit tried to save pre-holoEN, aka
>Aki Rose
but this time, for the stars
who is safe?
solid nip fanbase
solid fujo fanbase
old enough fanbase and almost no EOPs
he's doing great with the nips, it's not outstanding but it's solid
who can be saved?
>Astel and Izuru
they have the indie JP scene and they are starting to get a piece of the HoloJP buff, half of their fans are EOPS, so they will still lose half of them, proportionally they will be the ones who lose more but they have enough to not die
they are pretty much dying already and none of them have reach outside the stars, they are not particularly notable in any aspect either

>> No.14760991
File: 94 KB, 706x706, 1626577081240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14761005
Quoted by: >>14761169

Would he still be relatively big as a VTuber compared to other VTubers?

>> No.14761022

The homobeggar audience don't even watch the stars themselves, they only appear when there is a collab in chat saying how they finally got what they deserved and fuck off 5 mins later lol.

>> No.14761042
Quoted by: >>14761156

She will not get much more until the end of the year since she doesn't read SC from collabs

>> No.14761085

i can hardly see an repeat of aki's case with the homos since she needed a clip to be saved while i doubt the homos will provide material for that one clip that could save them

>> No.14761094

oh fucking kill me now.

>> No.14761108
File: 129 KB, 1500x500, Vox_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kneel to the savior of Western male vtubers.

>> No.14761116
Quoted by: >>14761270

I don't think they did, holostats' sub and view count was frozen for like 2 days and catched up all at once a few hours ago.

>> No.14761156
Quoted by: >>14761907

>she doesnt read SC from collabs
i mean, collabs generally generate low amounts of SC so is not like it could make a difference

>> No.14761157
Quoted by: >>14761212

Council bros...

>> No.14761169
Quoted by: >>14761198

The power of MALES
If everyone knew he was Dream? Yes.

>> No.14761173

Council also got a boost

>> No.14761196
Quoted by: >>14761257

Kronii's upcoming stream waiting room is at 6k

>> No.14761198
Quoted by: >>14761279

Could he beat Gura?

>> No.14761200

Does everyone find it funny that immediately when the males get announced, pomu gets a huge fucking boost.

>> No.14761206
File: 6 KB, 155x169, 34862783578346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14761209

Don't the stars already have more beggars than Aki ever did, and for a far longer period of time?

>> No.14761212

Aussies aren't great. Ban would probably do better in Council compared to rat and space.

>> No.14761255

Is there anything specifically funny about it being Pomu?

>> No.14761257

not surprising, kronii's zatsus are honestly her best content that is not named MC or karaoke

>> No.14761270

Ah, didn't know that, that's probably the case then.

>> No.14761279

Yes. Its Dream. He has a huge and radical fanbase that resemble KPOP stans.

>> No.14761303

>If they play their cards right

>> No.14761323

More like she is doing la creatividad stream and no holoen is streaming now so some dd watchers are watching her.

>> No.14761342

She's doing a gimmick stream Ace Attorney style.
Along with 0 fucking HoloEN streams for the past few hours.

>> No.14761350

Its expected. She has the highest chance among those streaming now to maybe mention something about the new guys.

>> No.14761392

if you think what people do here is begging, then you really never saw anything about Aki, the homos have never asked for other people to watch them and there's multiple clips of Aki doing so
the homos are in a ground closer to Towa post-yab, a side abandons them and another picks them up

>> No.14761433

Finana didn't get any boost despite doing the actual announcement during her stream. It's just a novelty Pomu stream that people were interested in.

>> No.14761484

Your reading comprehension anon.
>Don't the stars already have more beggars than Aki ever did

>> No.14761506

You're gonna get greyniggers begging for NijiEN male collabs on Holo streams now.

>> No.14761573

they have been doing it with ecelebs for quite some time now, the annoying niggers will be the ones SC'ing to ask them about their thoughts

>> No.14761583

It doesn't make you homophobic to not wanna see men kiss and make out

>> No.14761605

Nope. Those greyniggers don't want to watch actually successful male vtubers (NijiJPs) because they want to pretend that males can't make it in the vtuber industry.

>> No.14761606
File: 80 KB, 864x204, njsubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14761637
Quoted by: >>14761726

Good point. If anything, we gotta really respect those guys for having audiences in a world that favors women/cunny/titty

>> No.14761670

Their designs could be better. They've got nothing on Kuzuha, Fuwa and Ibrahim.

>> No.14761674


>> No.14761675


>> No.14761714

Shoe bros....

>> No.14761726

??? It doesn't. Nijimales is proof. If you're shit then no matter what the company does, you can't incline.

>> No.14761728

Lui, while being the lowest superchatted of her gen, still ranks on top 15. Nice!

>> No.14761758

Did they get culled? How the fuck is vox lower than the rest when every 2view vtuber is wetting themselves over him.

>> No.14761777

Huh i thought Vox was suppose to be the leader but he is almost last.

>> No.14761828

Not a cull. Even I as a man know that he isn't that appealing. Ike Eveland suki

>> No.14761872

Are they going to use the HoloX strategy to stop the culling? Wait. Does HoloX strategy even work?

>> No.14761875

He's the Baelz of his gen, he'll incline hugely later

>> No.14761890

he might be the one who gets shit done genwise like the collabs

>> No.14761893

I just hope beggars went to NijiEN and let stars at peace

>> No.14761900

Voxbros, how do we save him?

>> No.14761907

Most her content will be collabs, unarchived karaoke and VODs

>> No.14761911
Quoted by: >>14762021

Nijimales will do minecraft roleplay and attract mcyt audiences

>> No.14761927

Kroni is declining.

>> No.14761946
File: 18 KB, 364x170, 1634533644000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kronii starts
>pomu loses over 1K
they really are holoEN's waiting room lmao

>> No.14761951

While I won't rule out susan fuckery, keep in mind that what 2views love isn't necessarily what viewers love.

>> No.14761954

>every 2view vtuber is wetting themselves over him
Just like anons here or people on reddit or people on twitter, they are not the majority.

>> No.14761992
File: 39 KB, 1104x265, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My numbers are different

>> No.14761997
Quoted by: >>14762174

Why are they shit then if not that coomer males dominate the anime markets?

>> No.14762017

Prediction, what will this new NijiEN's debut number be?
Can they beat Council? Will they incline Niji's failing KR base?

>> No.14762021

Might as well with APEX dying.

>> No.14762067
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 1629008078031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14762153

could it be?

>> No.14762071
File: 590 KB, 1057x1311, Screenshot_20211216-230410_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a normal zatsudan

>> No.14762119

It's...advanced zatsudan.

>> No.14762125

If they beat Council with minecraft streams, I will kneel. It will be solid evidence Council is trash. As for debut, no clue what to expect really. I know that whatever numbers they get, people will shit on it. So I wanna have no expectaiton

>> No.14762145

korean + bait in the title

>> No.14762153

They better start uploading some sort of content to their channels. Even if its just twitter reactions thats good enough

>> No.14762174
Quoted by: >>14762360

??? Nijimales aren't shit. Holostars are shit. Learn the difference. Cover actually does shit for Holostars despite their shite numbers. Some Nijimales with better numbers don't even get that.
>Can they beat Council?
They will guarantee beat Fauna/Bae/Sana. Not sure about Kronii/Mumei who are carrying council.
>Will they incline Niji's failing KR base?
Why would they affect that?

>> No.14762179
Quoted by: >>14762334

>Nijimales is proof
You mean ... Aside from like ... 5 guys ...

>> No.14762190

wow, that's rude and wrong. Pomu's stream was basically over and you can see the viewer dropoff after the storyline ended.

>> No.14762192
Quoted by: >>14762615

>title explicitly saying that is a challenge
no shit sherlock, at least it will bring better numbers

>> No.14762282

>currently at 12k
This'll be a fun one

>> No.14762284

it all depends on how good their RP is

>> No.14762309

Why is the Nijicope so strong right now?

>> No.14762334

Kuzuha/Kanae/Fuwa/Ibrahim/Maimoto/Yashiro/Toya/Kagami/Elbio/etc but you probably won't care because you'd rather just shut out everything except Holostars so you can act all persecuted and complain that males can't be successful in vtubing while ignoring the actual successful ones.

>> No.14762360
Quoted by: >>14762548

I agree with you faggot. I am saying male vtubers with higher numbers deserve respect

>> No.14762395
File: 93 KB, 476x225, image_2021-12-17_100904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14762400

Nijifags+homofags+fags that want girls to play with guys

>> No.14762525

Anon, you lost?

>> No.14762548
Quoted by: >>14762612

ANYONE with higher numbers deserve respect dumbass. Males don't specifically need more respect.

>> No.14762594
Quoted by: >>14762779

what the fuck is this ?

>> No.14762603

honestly, pretty funny seeing some of the smaller corpo and stray nijien fans coping about their oshis lusting after the male wave.

>> No.14762612

Not saying that, are you okay mentally?

>> No.14762615

I forgot to quote this anon who cropped the title >>14761206
The number was too high for a regular chatting stream

>> No.14762749 [DELETED] 


>> No.14762757

There's literally no winning for them. If the males fail they'll just be laughed at, if they are successful the girls will be laughed at and manjisanji will be true for EN too.

>> No.14762779

it was from elira's tweet

>> No.14762799
File: 4 KB, 352x90, 1639706853297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nonono. Males are going to save Nijisanji EN.

>> No.14762815

Clock 17k holly shit! She back as top dog???

>> No.14762840
File: 80 KB, 867x204, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14762844

this is /nijien/ now apparently

>> No.14762843


>> No.14762920

It's going to tank when she doesn't react like she's dying to the noodles.

>> No.14762925

Top dog of what?

>> No.14762934
Quoted by: >>14763025

About fucking time she stopped wasting all her potential.

>> No.14763025
Quoted by: >>14763233

Did Kiara slap her into shape after one collab? kek

>> No.14763035

Someone explain clock's continued Korean chat presence. It feels like she hasn't done anything for that audience in an eternity, right?

>> No.14763040

She always had the talent but lazyness killed her momentum.

>> No.14763047

wrong thread

>> No.14763059
Quoted by: >>14763135

Selen going to do a guerilla Apex on twitch again. What's her number last time?

>> No.14763100

>trends for you

>> No.14763109

I dont see it. I see spiderman trending tho

>> No.14763135
Quoted by: >>14763357

Dead game who cares.

>> No.14763140

19K Get!

>> No.14763148

Those are your personal trends anonchama.

>> No.14763152

Spiderman VTuber when?

>> No.14763158
Quoted by: >>14763202

Lot of kr clips also she's korean.

>> No.14763165


>> No.14763168
File: 9 KB, 613x108, ninjibros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14763201
Quoted by: >>14763348

Come on clock get that 20k.

>> No.14763202

Has the Korean clipping community continued sticking with her? Given her time off I figured they'd shift around a bit, plus some of the homegrown KR talent taking off lately.

>> No.14763207
Quoted by: >>14763276

When a new a Holo gen gets announced, vt is flooded with posts and baits about them, but I don't see that many posts about NijiEN4 despite them being the first male big corpo EN wave. Why?

>> No.14763226
File: 56 KB, 542x291, councildomination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros... how do we save gen 5?

>> No.14763233
Quoted by: >>14763283

I will fucking kneel to the chicken if she can make Kronii out of that depressed state
Say way you want about Kiara, but she's good with shits like this

>> No.14763252

Watch streams. Hell, even yesterday's clips would be enough to understand.

>> No.14763276

Cause were not gays.

>> No.14763283

But can she save herself?

>> No.14763284

Uh yes, what kind of an inbred pathetic cum for brain are you?

>> No.14763322
File: 468 KB, 1080x2146, Niji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not in the trending topics

>> No.14763340

Those who save others cannot save themselves.

>> No.14763348

20k get.

>> No.14763357
File: 644 KB, 1920x1080, Top 20 Games Watched in Japan November 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14763432

Still number 1.

>> No.14763376

Yep, one of the channel still get good view numbers

>> No.14763385
File: 354 KB, 979x667, 1626459507742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14763414

kiara's numbers are pretty decent outside of jrpgs, but they're like 80% of her streams

>> No.14763432

In japan lol. You en not jp.

>> No.14763475
File: 1.12 MB, 1244x2172, 1639707532879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14763504
Quoted by: >>14763653

>FNAF trending again

>> No.14763509
File: 14 KB, 559x339, 238527357235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14763540

20k get

>> No.14763574

20k minecraft, 17k marioparty collab, 25k Unarchive Karaoke, and now 20k just chatting spicy noodles. How did that Kiara Collab only get 4k lmao.

>> No.14763575
Quoted by: >>14763609

Lamy is streaming in the morning on a Friday and the majority of her fans are Salarymen.

>> No.14763609
Quoted by: >>14763674


>> No.14763641

Males en niji going to kill niji en girls. Kiss that superchats goodbye pomu.

>> No.14763653

new game

>> No.14763658
File: 48 KB, 665x142, 232645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are chuubas that need more help anon

>> No.14763671

those superchats

>> No.14763674
Quoted by: >>14763738

*clears throat*.. have sex.

>> No.14763677
Quoted by: >>14763772

Diablo debuff

>> No.14763690

they have a better SC/subs ratio than Wamy lmao

>> No.14763721

isn't Reimu at 1k a buffed stream?

>> No.14763728

>ratio cope
why Im not surprised?

>> No.14763733

NijiEN is mansanji now.

>> No.14763738
Quoted by: >>14763869

With you. Now bend over.

>> No.14763772
Quoted by: >>14763833

are all blizzard games debuffs after all the rapes? overwatch doesn't do great either.

koyorin, please stream cardstone for science

>> No.14763785

Men/simp jelousy are no joke.

>> No.14763833
Quoted by: >>14763867

unironically yes, the chuubas might be cute but fuck blizzard

>> No.14763867
Quoted by: >>14763914

b-but the chuubas!

>> No.14763869

Alright but I don't can you at least try not to embarrass yourself this time.

>> No.14763879

Not if their simps feel the cuck.

>> No.14763884

>How do we save...

>> No.14763893

Congrats, Nijifags. We need more number competitions.

Upcoming noombers:
Peko outfit
Niji tourney
Luxiem debut
Holo X Amogus
Omega's return

Post your predictions (ccv, twitter trending, SC, etc numbers).

>> No.14763911

it would be actually funny to track how much sc they lose after the first collabs

>> No.14763914


>> No.14763971

>Luxiem debut
I would called a win if they pass the 20k

>> No.14763973
Quoted by: >>14764178

Kiara just suck.

>> No.14763977

Kiara debuff, Diablo debuff, and time slot debuff (+bonus Gura overlap)

>> No.14764018

Imagine Omega streaming and he speaks like The Master from FO1 using their voice as follow-up voice

>> No.14764050

>Luxiem debu
take a photo anon, they wont reach over top10 for a big while

>> No.14764053
Quoted by: >>14764215

>Lamy one of the most superchatted vtubers
>m-muh ratio
This is actually ridiculous at this point

>> No.14764059 [DELETED] 

Just make Hololive Korea at this point

>> No.14764064
File: 536 KB, 601x847, saq2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, LOOK AT IT. I fucking called it on the previous threads that they were going for the manhwa edgy ass looking models, and not the traditional niji males ones. One of them had a good idea to straight up read the most popular yaoi manhwa and copied their designs. The middle one especially since I've seen a lot of long-haird ponytailed manhwa characters that supposedly badass.

>> No.14764070

NijiEN is pushing a lot of unity with outside vtubers and even traditional youtubers yet they still remain a distant third compared to HoloEN. What is it that they are not doing right?

>> No.14764154

>What is it that they are not doing right?
Pushing a lot of unity with outside vtubers and even traditional youtubers.

>> No.14764177
Quoted by: >>14764233

21K Get!
Oh, and if NijiEN male get better number than their female counterpart, it's a proof that Nijisanji excel at managing male chuuba, they should mass graduate their female talents

>> No.14764178

The classic Kiara cope when you can literally go back and see what Kronii's other Diablo streams got. Add overlap to that and it makes perfect sense.

>> No.14764183
Quoted by: >>14764322

Come on luxien debut is not a gold contender they would be really lucky if they can reach 20k

>> No.14764215

Cope is cope, Chloe's subs/SC ratio is better too

>> No.14764224
Quoted by: >>14764415

Nah we have previous data on NijiENs before and how many subs they get on 12 hour intervals. I wonder if that Anon still has them.

>> No.14764230

2views love is pretty much leeches getting ready for future collabs, it's all about that marketing of going crazy over some new toys

>> No.14764233
File: 346 KB, 695x549, 1626577512230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14764305


>> No.14764240

outside unity collab = killing the box.

>> No.14764305

When 200k subs pomu?

>> No.14764322

They're debuting on a Monday JST, there's nothing else going on.

>> No.14764376
Quoted by: >>14764630

>Luxiem debut

>> No.14764396

It's as if they put oliver in there because he has the joke of being the first male EN.
Also you are retarded, they are getting lots of money, with Millie and Nina already surpassing Petra and Millie about to surpass Finana.

>> No.14764399

Jesus, Kronii is getting a lot of love from Korean today with multiple big red Korean Won SCs. Anyone got the currency breakdown right now for her stream?

>> No.14764400

Hololive itself is the product. Holowatchers aren't like "holy shit when's Gura collabing with Dream" but "holy shit when's she collabing with Pekora". They have in company hype for collabs and interactions. Hell just that clip of Okayu saying she likes Gura was super popular, for example, and that's a scrap of interaction that goes one way only.

>> No.14764407

Didn't see anyone bring this this up but, you think they're going to choose to stream at the same time that everyone does already.

>> No.14764415

from the previous thread

>Reimu: 10.4K
>Nina: 10.7k
>Millie: 10.9k
>Enna: 10.2k
>Trailer: 96k

Sub Update for Ethyria (18 Hours since announcement):
>Millie Parfait 12.8K
>Nina Kosaka 12.7K
>Reimu Endou 12.2K
>Enna Aloutee 11.9K

For Reference this are Obsydia's numbers:
after 24hr
>Rosemi 16k
>Selen 16k

After 48hr
>Rosemi: 20k
>Selen: 20k
>Petra: 23k

And this are Lazulights:
24hr Numbers
>Elira: 14.6k
>Pomu: 13.5k
>Finana: 13.4k

48hr Numbers
>Elira: 9.78k (Susan'd)
>Pomu: 8.66k (Susan'd)
>Finana: 16.7k

>> No.14764476

it seems to be that clips are working

>> No.14764528

I actually don't think the SCs gonna be affected much cuz a lot of EOPs tend to be literal cucks nowadays.

>> No.14764627
Quoted by: >>14764704

And this is why some anon compare Hololive to Apple
They don't just sell you one chuuba
They sell the whole system

>> No.14764630

Let's see the west women and gays power. Can they make en male vtuber a hit.

>> No.14764640
Quoted by: >>14764908

>Peko outfit: 200k+
>Niji tournament: (team battle: 60k - 80k)(qualifier: 90k - 110k)
>Luxiem debut: 14k-16k
>Holo X Amogus: 35k peak

>> No.14764646

nice dubs
this is the power of box pushing

>> No.14764704
Quoted by: >>14764790

It's also overpriced as shit. The fanbase has more money than brains. And BLACK COMPANY

>> No.14764709

Hololive has a self sustaining ecosystem. Other agencies not as much.

>> No.14764743

and this is why hololive box is strong. Apex CR is one of the reasons that killed the niji box.

>> No.14764762

Honestly, a comedy gen is unironically better than a fujobait gen. Myth didn't kick off due to their lore, it's because of Mori acting cute, rapping fire latter. Gura acting cute, and sang like a siren later.

>> No.14764772
File: 21 KB, 552x151, krwhales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14767297

Literally averaging a red sc a message for the KR Won if hololyzer is correct

>> No.14764791

Pomu´s stream had nothing to do with wave 4 being announced. It was a gimmick stream and follow up to one of her more popular streams, her prechat before the wave was announced was way higher than for her normal streams, and it is not like Finana´s or Reimu´s streams are buffed to the heavens. Pomu just usually gets (relative) good numbers on her "creative" streams

>> No.14764790

>free to watch

>> No.14764807

Is Kornii slowly turning into a numberfag?
>I will do a worse challenge at 1 million!

>> No.14764877

that's good

>> No.14764902
File: 83 KB, 1339x473, 12898329434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KR has been around for a while now, and they show up if you speak KR like Baelz did on her SC reading

>> No.14764908
Quoted by: >>14764948

>>Luxiem debut: 14k-16k
You think that high? Isnt that about what ethyria got?

>> No.14764937

Yeah. Chloe supass her pretty easy so of course she might be feeling the heat.
But in reality most girls have a subscribers goals here and there.

>> No.14764948

NTA But I think the novelty of the first NijiEN male wave warrants a buff.

>> No.14764950

I honestly think someone talked with her recently behind the scenes about either her responsibilities or her opportunity, given she's made a lot of decisions since her break in this direction.

>> No.14765029
Quoted by: >>14765094

Literally this, I don't want to move out of my way to find every single indie outside of a circle that gets mixed with another indie and another and another.....hololive just makes everything more easy

>> No.14765035

I mean, it will steal their viewers. That's the only thing I don't get why Cover didn't pump a StarsEN during the vtuber boom. It just looks so stupid when ENStars could just boost JPStars afterwards, Now NijiEN males are gonna boost their JP counterparts.

>> No.14765074

yeah, half the excitement for HoloX was "wow new cute friends for the holos i like"

>> No.14765089

Because Cover has shown that Holostars is not really a core focus of their business.

>> No.14765094

Preach brother, this bubble is comfy

>> No.14765099
Quoted by: >>14765169

Good. With this wave of korean viewers i hope she finally take the responsibility as the heavy hitter to capitalize in this opportunity and expand the EN, penetrate deeper into gooks, and secure the base for holo.

>> No.14765118
Quoted by: >>14765948

I read that the stars dont want another gen

>> No.14765136
Quoted by: >>14765236

Good, maybe omegay going MIA really motivated HoloEN to start working again minus Sana

>> No.14765150

Kronii has 18,000 viewers on a simple chatting stream. Is Hololive not dead anymore?

>> No.14765152

Unless you're in the same friend/audience circle, collabing with someone outside of the organization rarely does shit for you.

>> No.14765167

imagine if kronii streamed every day

>> No.14765169

Nah she'll flake out after a bit and only stream for 3 days a week.

>> No.14765180
Quoted by: >>14765408

>Omegagay MIA
>eveyone starts putting effort
>even Gura streaming multiple times a day

>> No.14765208
Quoted by: >>14765439

Imagine if Kronii came up with interesting topics/content to stream every day instead of consistent debuff games.

>> No.14765236
Quoted by: >>14765387

Sana actually streamed a ton in November, they were just meaningless 9 hour long 2k viewer Pokemon streams.

>> No.14765386
Quoted by: >>14765789

>Omega's return
Is this something confirmed?

>> No.14765387
Quoted by: >>14766167

it doesn't matter, she doesn't have any single good quality to be a streamer
>zero chat interaction
>extreme debuff content (makes Kiara look good)
>main appeal: knows how to draw, doesn't
>not a single interesting talk topic
>extreme space poser
>I don't even who she's supposed to pander, saviourfags?

>> No.14765408
Quoted by: >>14765552

>except Ina
Why is the priestess like this. Your husband failed at his job. Deal with it.

>> No.14765439

i mean she doesn't even have to come up with stuff like this every day
if she can't think of anything interesting she can do minecraft like pekomiko always do and average a steady ~20k

>> No.14765441

>The Master from FO1
This is like a low production Triglav from EVE Online. Man, how technology changes...

>> No.14765492
Quoted by: >>14765789

She would be strong, but alas... she has mentally ill.

>> No.14765527
File: 585 KB, 2299x1213, 63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14765763


>> No.14765552

Expect mini tako in about 8 months!

>> No.14765763

So ... How much will Gen4 suck out of these?

>> No.14765789

(You) really think they shelved away someone who AWAY'd the dragon bitch. How naive
>That's every chuuba

>> No.14765801

Half of Reimus and 25% of Finana.

>> No.14765837
File: 66 KB, 572x520, 1639709886261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least one of them is American

>> No.14765874

Like how their JPsenpais suck the life out of JKgumi, they WILL too suck all the remaining relevancy from the girls and put them in the eternal realm of 2views

>> No.14765948

Yeah, that's the thing, they don't want it and for whatever reason, Yagoo followed. I get that they don't want to lose fans, but it benefits everyone if they can get ENmales to boost them up. They're just gonna stagnate and even recline. Debuting a new stars gen won't do shit anymore.

>> No.14765954

Yes, a vtuber we can finally relate to in body mass

>> No.14766017

They might actually be popular....

>> No.14766121

Nijisanji paying for twitter topics is working wonders, I'm getting spammed with their tweets on my explore tab and no one I follow is liking/retweeting them.

>> No.14766142
Quoted by: >>14766228

wrong thread

>> No.14766167

But she have a dead dog.

>> No.14766184

They made their choice, let them wallow in it.

>> No.14766186

Most of the stars are just manchild, what do you expect?

>> No.14766188

>even 2view nijis got hit by the twitter lock
Guess that's just the new normal

>> No.14766199

Vox 11.5k twitter followers already

>> No.14766228

look at the tweet numbers

>> No.14766271
Quoted by: >>14766349

Kronii vs Hetto has been pretty interesting to watch, they keep passing each other back and forth. Laplus is closing in fast, but will probably take a few days before catching up. Her momentum is the fastest, but it's not certain if she'll keep it after reaching them.

>> No.14766282
Quoted by: >>14766374

50k debut possible?

>> No.14766319

>listening to your retarded talents and letting them stagnate

>> No.14766349
Quoted by: >>14766373

the fuck is Hetto, I saw someone post about that the other day

>> No.14766373

Chilean Nyanners or something.

>> No.14766374
Quoted by: >>14767145

20k max and that's me being extremely optimistic I don't know where the fuck did you get 50k from

>> No.14766389

So basically, Council can get 10-20k regularly if they actually have good streams, that's probably obvious already. Even Fauna and Bae can get above 10k+ in the right circumstances like collabs and special events.

Except for Sana, since she openly said "Tee her fuck you" to her own viewers.

>> No.14766437

If you sniff lots of glue before the debut sure, you might see 50k.

>> No.14766485

We can test your theory soon.
Fauna is having a RE stream where the rest of council are in VC.

>> No.14766540

The truth of Sana is just that she's eternally on the wrong side of the algorithm thanks to her early decisions and missteps. Youtube will recommend me anything from HoloEN regardless of if I follow or even watch them, save for Sana. It'll even recommend NijiEN to me before it recommends Sana, and I flat-out don't watch any of them.

>> No.14766557
Quoted by: >>14766761

>So basically, Council can get 10-20k regularly

>> No.14766568

VTuber companies are retarded. People who watch male streamers want autistic screaming guys, not boy bands.

>> No.14766569

Let's get 50k fujos for debut to make the seanigger seethe

>> No.14766590

Vox has potential to be EN Kuzuha. He's a smashing success with the ladies and could be a bro streamer like him too if he plays his cards right.

>> No.14766610
Quoted by: >>14766893

The same algo bug that makes fubuki do well is making sana do bad.

>> No.14766637

Second most retarded choice a CEO could make, first is making a game that's not Gacha.

>> No.14766638
Quoted by: >>14766743

Treating Kronii like she's the entire council is like pretending Gura is all of Myth.
But ye they all have decent numbers. And don't forget those are the numbers Susan allows us to see.

>> No.14766648

how about both

>> No.14766664

Oh on not this again..... What happen to kuzuha red and kuzuha 2 btw???

>> No.14766684
Quoted by: >>14766825

>Vtuber companies are retarded. People who watch female streamers want autistic tit showing girls, not girl bands.

>> No.14766712

No one has potential to be EN Kuzuha.
Do you even know why he's popular?
It's not because he talks about sucking dick all day.

>> No.14766739


>> No.14766743

>Treating Kronii like she's the entire council is like pretending Gura is all of Myth
Thats just typical enbros behaviour tho, only bringing up Gura's number ignoring everyone else whenever EN being discussed

>> No.14766761

I don't know, anon. Mumei is also able to climb above 20k on Karaokes at least. I am certain that if she finally gets a shot at some unique gimmick, she would have a shot at regular 15k+ streams at least. This all depends on management though...

>> No.14766779

>hears one retard speak one line

>> No.14766782 [DELETED] 

I shall name him kuzuha v

>> No.14766825
Quoted by: >>14766917

That has nothing to do with it. People who want anime girls want muh waifus. The number of muh husbandofags compared to people who watch male streamers is much smaller. Male western streamers are still the most viewed.

>> No.14766841

found this on archives
Hour 1:
Trailer: 16,305 views
Twitter: 5,344likes
Rosemi: 2.85k subs
Selen: 2.84k subs
Petra: 2.92k subs

Trailer: 253k
Twitter: 7.7k likes 119k views
Rosemi: 16.1k
Selen: 16.4k
Petra: 18k

Trailer: 454k
Twitter: 8k likes 126.3k views
Rosemi: 19.9k
Selen: 20k
Petra: 23k

so is the male wave doing good or not?

>> No.14766845

Is this the niji version of Gura killer?

>> No.14766846
Quoted by: >>14767733

>Council can get 10-20k regularly
Something nijiEN won't ever achieve. Even Bae got 26k from Pekora. Kuzuha x nijiEN male collab wouldn't even get 15k if they played valorant together.

Hey wait a second, Kuzuha playing valorant in the mornings was in preparation for the new EN male wave? They're gonna play together or some shit?

>> No.14766893

so..algo racist?

>> No.14766915

Who are Kuzuha red and Kuzuha 2?

>> No.14766917
Quoted by: >>14767004

talking vtuber here tho

>> No.14766931

Astel has the right kind of kusogaki energy, but sadly, the others are too normal. Same feeling I get from Sana and Baelz.

>> No.14766973

Wait till the 24hr mark to be honest. That's when the hype of subbing dies down and slows to crawl until debut.

>> No.14766987

Safe bet is still 20k pre debut

>> No.14767004
Quoted by: >>14767173

Still applies. Guys who act like idols are still more boring.

>> No.14767077

red kuzuha is lauren, kuzuha 2 is leos

>> No.14767078
File: 404 KB, 597x1107, 93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14767123
File: 1.28 MB, 1000x1288, Lauren_Iroas_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14767145

Their twitter engagement is huge.

>> No.14767172

Management hasn't changed their strategy to deal with the culling, so no

>> No.14767173

we'll have to see

>> No.14767197
Quoted by: >>14767547

One niche they still seemingly haven't tapped into is the shonenfags. Guys who like DBZ/Naruto and yell a lot.

>> No.14767216

>Their twitter engagement is huge.
Oh no no anon thinks vtweeter males are going to take over the industry

>> No.14767278

Twitter engagement hasn't meant shit in the past for Nijisanji.
Remember Wave 1 and 2 the girls had double their sub count in followers and they never showed up.

>> No.14767290
Quoted by: >>14767352

Kronii still has 15k people in hostage even after the ramen is done.

>> No.14767297

>averaging a red sc a message for the KR Won
That's about ¥1k per SC

>> No.14767352
Quoted by: >>14767378

so only 5K were there for the ramen?

>> No.14767360

>never showed up
EN viewer cull.

>> No.14767378

Well, Haachama's ramen reaction was better desu

>> No.14767403

Anon, like a lot of people here said, it doesn't mean shit because on twitter, they're gonna get boosted by topics whether you like it or not. Once they debut, it's gonna be the usual stuff, streamlabs open, donation thanking in the first week, long SC readings in the following days. Maybe throw in some valorant and apex collab. If they get lucky, they can land in some collabs with OTV.

>> No.14767459

Niji has never been able to make that into views

>> No.14767461

niji nip female engagement is strong
ethryia 9.7k likes
luxiem 12.6k likes

>> No.14767486
Quoted by: >>14767633

>Chink jobs as roommate
>Japan jobs as Ina

>> No.14767547
Quoted by: >>14767594

Reguñar streamers do that

>> No.14767594

VTubers haven't dug into it yet though, which is what I was talking about.

>> No.14767633
Quoted by: >>14767763

Top tier anime artist in the world right now and she's living with her parents and an untidy room. Her asian parents who advised her to get an accountant was really the right move. I don't get how they allow her daughter to wallow in depression for a period of time though in FFXIV.

>> No.14767733

>Kuzuha x nijiEN male collab wouldn't even get 15k
I think a Kuzuha x Selen apex stream with only Selen´s pov could easily get 15k. Petra got almost 10k when Lauren and Mayuzumi collabed with her. But that doesnt matter much when it is not "their" numbers

>> No.14767761

I don't get it, why is everyone shitting on Vox and his voice when Kronii was a male bait from the get-go with her voice.

>> No.14767763

>Ina is literally an anime character that everyone watches to see how her story ends.
L-living the dream...

>> No.14767812

>The Goddes of All Virtual, The Primodial Digital Girl, Hatsune Miku now sided with hololive now that Kizuna is retired
It's over for the other corpos isnt it
