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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 127 KB, 675x1200, FGVbJajVUAAlS6m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14580996 No.14580996 [Reply] [Original]

tenko general

>> No.14581046


>> No.14581070
File: 157 KB, 900x1154, FGbpSHKVUAER-h0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Ouka chan

>> No.14581189

I can fish with windo fishu can you see windo fishu into the sky let'su suwimming

>> No.14581250
File: 145 KB, 1798x1191, FGfNnwFUUAMw7Du.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14581278
Quoted by: >>14581416

Astel Karaoke

>> No.14581330

Apparently Shien will also play tokimemo, who will Shieko go for?

>> No.14581335

tenko HATE

>> No.14581347
Quoted by: >>14581416

Astel karaoke!

>> No.14581416
Quoted by: >>14581448

astel's fanartists don't even try to make their art resemble his character anymore.

>> No.14581448


>> No.14581535
File: 1.11 MB, 1193x672, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xanek was the very first person to join Roberu's membership
I can not stop kneeling, bros.

>> No.14581612

If starsEN comes into being, it'll be a crime if they don't hire him as the manager.

>> No.14581622


>> No.14581687
Quoted by: >>14581911

RobeKuku phasmo clip

>> No.14581769
Quoted by: >>14581792

Roberu's biggest fan

>> No.14581792
Quoted by: >>14581845

Thats Bae

>> No.14581845
Quoted by: >>14581969

I think you mean Itou Life

>> No.14581911
File: 403 KB, 920x2702, 7437454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snaps bartender's neck
Nothing personal, son.

>> No.14581969
Quoted by: >>14582284

You mean Warabe-baachan

>> No.14582027

The guy Astel asked to teach him Apex.

>> No.14582210

Miyabi ACNH

>> No.14582284
File: 5 KB, 365x34, 1629987316689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it was Matsuri?

>> No.14582287
File: 687 KB, 883x676, 1635787886805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majin love!

>> No.14582729
Quoted by: >>14583343

>Suisei invited Astel
>Astel asked if they could include Izuru


>> No.14583343
Quoted by: >>14583468

>Astel keeps on being best boy
Can the Seweed be stopped!?

>> No.14583468

don't jinx it, what if the karaoke permission shitshow was true

>> No.14583579

He's saying that he'll self fund his events from now on, so I'm sure he can find something new.
Lo Creativo, soon.

>> No.14583734

>karaoke permission shitshow
Is it actually true? Mori's holding an unarchived jazz karaoke in a few minutes, though

>> No.14583881

It's eurobeat music specifically from Avex.

>> No.14584126


>> No.14584181
File: 276 KB, 2048x1230, 61CB927D-3FF4-4C39-93A9-FCA3AB545544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14584349

Astel LOVE!! He sounds comfy and happy

>> No.14584349

I know anon, he sounds just so excited about his plans and everything, I'm so happy he's doing well.
Though he sounded a bit maniac for a minute there while discussing his self funding plans lol

>> No.14584663
Quoted by: >>14584769

Eh, in that case there was absolutely nothing to worry about in the first place

>> No.14584769

Yes. Irys brought it up, because she was recently singing initial d tracks. To avoid any misunderstandings.

>> No.14584829

Rikka the witch's house

>> No.14585716
Quoted by: >>14585815

Oh nice, I love when Rikka plays things like this

>> No.14585815

I do to, I was hoping he or Miyabi would pick it up.

>> No.14586105

Why does Old man has such good taste bros?

>> No.14586158

>Why does Old man has such good taste bros?
Old age brings wisdom.

>> No.14586681

>the only good Eurobeat songs that won't get anyone in trouble are the ones by Eurobeat Tranny

>> No.14586745

>Old man
There's your answer.

>> No.14587436

The eventual theme of this pseudo entenka restaurant reminds me of the old minecraft build off seaweed hosted. It would be kind of neat to see them do something holostars themed in ac as a contest.

>> No.14587544
File: 783 KB, 3000x1500, FGZr5inVUAAjXju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning bar and afternoon stream tomorrow.

>> No.14587645
File: 261 KB, 1184x1168, 1E3DD506-46E8-47B1-B3B3-AFEC10B803E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Roberu!!

>> No.14588295
File: 807 KB, 1536x2048, 1637643465971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14588308
File: 636 KB, 2048x1453, FGf12ycUcAUSJ0r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's our tensai knight's 2nd anniversary! Looking forward to the VR horror for his celebration later

>> No.14588668

Temma marshmallow reading

>> No.14588824
Quoted by: >>14588861

Shut up rat. I love him more

>> No.14588861
Quoted by: >>14603822

both of you better call him on christmas eve

>> No.14589354
Quoted by: >>14589675

I wonder if he'll go for the True Ending (right now he's locked into the Normal one)

>> No.14589675

He went for it

>> No.14589762

t. Xanek

>> No.14589917

Damn, this is what the people want!

>> No.14591176

>gachikois are not good because that means your love will never be realised
Stop calling me out Temma!

>> No.14591244

You must realize that your Honda will never return those feelings anon, just like Tenko.

>> No.14591364

Speaking of, who among the boys has the most gachis/yumejos anyway? Oga? Astel?

>> No.14591521
Quoted by: >>14591795

Majin and Omaesan relationship are much much weirder than gachikoi

>> No.14591608

I need to see knight pick up shogun on stream. I want to see the teasing.

>> No.14591660

I love him too!! I love his gap moe and how he’s mature but also silly!

>> No.14591795
Quoted by: >>14591886

Oga collabs and interacts with females a lot so I don't think he has serious gachis on his fanbase. Even the most schizo omaesan I've seen Is not even close.

>> No.14591886

Omaesans know Oga is public property, like a park, and love him accordingly.

>> No.14592003
Quoted by: >>14592314

it always makes me laugh when Oga fanart has like 3-5 tiny Omaesan tucked in somewhere that are all giving Oga an adoring gaze. It's really like that

>> No.14592005
Quoted by: >>14593276

Is it gachikoi if you don't want or expect your love to be returned and you just love your internalized fantasy?

>> No.14592162
File: 144 KB, 1434x956, FGDahf3XIAUZ5zR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14592314

Yes anon, Oga loves us all and we all love him.

>> No.14592314

Omaesans really are adorable

>> No.14592426
File: 575 KB, 888x1349, CC9F92DB-DE93-4F6A-A7E1-D58A13E670D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14593104


>> No.14592929

Probably 50% of Astel active viewers are gachikois, just read the supas.
Source: t.Astel Gachi

>> No.14593011

What even counts as a gachikoi?

>> No.14593104

Not sexy enough.

>> No.14593143

You are literally in love with the chuuba.

>> No.14593276
Quoted by: >>14593415

I think it comes down to genuine obsession. Like >>14592005
Constitutes more yumejo because there's a clear understanding its a fun fantasy that doesn't impact the fan's expectations of reality. Whereas gachikois will get upset when their ideas of their oshi and their relationship with their oshi aren't met.

>> No.14593415
Quoted by: >>14593465

>Whereas gachikois will get upset when their ideas of their oshi and their relationship with their oshi aren't met
Can't you be a gachi without being a schizo too though?

>> No.14593465

I think so, but I mean more that a gachikos might not think its reality, they just really really really want it to be and believe they just might make it happen.

>> No.14593751

I thought gachikoi was kind of like oshi, like your one true love that you also throw money at

>> No.14594094

Would being a shogun gosling count as gachikoi?

>> No.14594142
File: 37 KB, 693x433, image (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are overcomplicating this
>gachi = real
>koi = crush

>> No.14594156

gachikoi = hopelessly in love
with all the implications, simple as.

>> No.14594512

Anons I want to watch holostars but can’t go beyond Astel apex or karaoke due to not knowing Japanese ,help.

>> No.14594735


>> No.14594932
File: 40 KB, 331x453, EA97EB54-5B7E-4CC0-A74E-3D001A71AAF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humu humu

>> No.14594990

Do you not know any nihongo at all?
I'd say try Izuru's Singing with gittar streams, maybe some of the Temma English studying streams, he always teaches a bit of Japanese at the end of those.
If you are into otome shit, Shiens and Ogas ASMR streams are nice too.

>> No.14595108

Doing your reps is really the best solution, but in the short term you can extrapolate a lot from chat, even if no one's translating. If you're not sure what's going on every once and while, a screenshot of chat can be run through Google lens to translate it

>> No.14595127

Not a single post about Temma's stream and all this bullshit about gachis and fanbase, you people like to talk more about each other than the boys

>> No.14595172

anon how do you think the gachikoi conversation started? temma mentioned it. could it be that you’re not watching streams?

>> No.14595246

Temma literally said gachikois are sad, you should pay more attention to his stream instead of sperging anon.

>> No.14595339
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>> No.14595350
File: 261 KB, 403x414, 2E11FB9D-8284-4751-8CB5-9FE827874AAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao what a fag

>> No.14595632
File: 334 KB, 850x1202, aransan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14595701


>> No.14595701
Quoted by: >>14595798

Who’s papa fighting?

>> No.14595798

Rabbid Omae-sans

>> No.14596580

what the FUCK didn't this guy make The Top

>> No.14596766

>this is the place where I first find out about this
didn't digi go through this path as well? being a brony must have some lasting effects

>> No.14597298

Life sure is weird.

>> No.14597524

unfortunately this is a side effect of browsing /mlp/

>> No.14598243
Quoted by: >>14598300

The permissions issue is true. It's not that they are totally banned, but due to a new Cover policy they now have to get permissions for the backing track now, which could mean that some songs are banned.

>> No.14598300
Quoted by: >>14598384

>they now have to get permissions for the backing track now
That has been the case for months

>> No.14598384

This is the case for archived. For unarchived, they could have used a random track from Youtube that they just found. Now the policy applies to unarchived as well, at least stricter than it was before.

>> No.14598443

Are old Enka songs public domain?
I'd watch an aunarchived Enka Astel stream

>> No.14598610
Quoted by: >>14598783

I doubt it as long as the singers are still alive. Even then, their families probably still has the rights.

>> No.14598783
Quoted by: >>14600241

Fucking hell, why is Japan such a pain with CR.

>> No.14598988

Eurobeat BRONY

>> No.14599002

Does this mean no more Disney?

>> No.14599397
File: 198 KB, 1316x2048, DC1F40CF-5862-4B30-8C8A-DAEB93A5F0B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14599453

Just commission your own backing tracks, Astel is loaded so that shouldn't be a problem for him

>> No.14599479

Just search up the song in the JASRAC db and you can see if they can have the right to sing it. Cover has a deal with JASRAC, so they need the songs to be under them and have permissions for the tracks too.

>> No.14599511
File: 589 KB, 1080x1072, ta42wld4l0261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14599616
File: 462 KB, 2048x599, tumblr_7042c64ccb82fc2bd0d15378c461ac7c_d655c26d_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why western fanartists...

>> No.14599940 [SPOILER] 
File: 312 KB, 1259x1400, 1634878629675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14600218

It's just some standard cartoon style. We've seen worse...

>> No.14600218

I like this.
I do not like this.

>> No.14600241

That was actually done because of the western music industry. Ludwig got a ban 3 days after he was poached from Twitch because Youtube's automated system caught him playing 5 seconds of copyrighted music (Baby Shark in particular). That most likely made Cover paranoiac and they don't want to deal with the same thing that happened with Mio last year.

>> No.14600297 [SPOILER] 
File: 329 KB, 1200x1800, lucia-li-c-kimberly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14600436

Not bad

>> No.14600339

God I fucking wish Holostars never took off in the west...

>> No.14600399
File: 206 KB, 649x489, 1639392699795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no possibility for disney eurobeat karaoke streams

>> No.14600436

That one is good.

>> No.14600692

I kind of like this other than Shien being a gremlin

>> No.14601152

Flowerboy looks cute

>> No.14603822
File: 183 KB, 1191x1497, crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14604016

They won't. I'll make sure of it.

>> No.14604016
Quoted by: >>14604053

The rabbit...is strong.

>> No.14604053
File: 469 KB, 500x481, 7237834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking forgot my image.

>> No.14604676

For a western style this one is pretty cute. Reminds me a bit of those 2000s cartoons

>> No.14605272

Apart from some of the mouths, I actually like it.

>> No.14606136

Morning voice tweet from Miyabi

>> No.14607650
File: 1.01 MB, 1600x971, E-_yYBCUcAA7e8q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning bar

>> No.14608548

Roberu just announced that his anniversary will be in 3D.

>> No.14608597

wait, did i hear roberu is doing his santa stream in 3d? or are my reps still bad?

>> No.14608647

Roberu doing 3D for his anniversary. He still will be doing Santa in a separate stream.

>> No.14608671

3D anniv and santa totsu. Two different streams, like last year.

>> No.14608713

He'll have a 3d stream AND a yukoku santa stream

>> No.14609079

He got a checkmark before FBK kek. Poor friend.

>> No.14609615

>The 1st verified star on twitter is Oga
Son is slacking!

>> No.14609771
Quoted by: >>14610462

KEK. I bet Robe-chan will get verified first before FBK

>> No.14610240

I desperately need a weird space from Roberu.

>> No.14610462
Quoted by: >>14610528

Doubt Roberu will work hard for the checkmark. Dude barely uses Twitter for posting.

>> No.14610528

I gotta find the stream where he goes over his latest twitter activity. He's basically a morning/schedule bot.

>> No.14611819

Oga better run

>> No.14611974
Quoted by: >>14612685

>I'm ok with off-collabs, but not at my place

>> No.14612685

no animare orgies at his place......

>> No.14613562
Quoted by: >>14614323

Good Lord, Suisei releasing another banger and the Holostars getting some much love. I had no clue that they were this good, this is literally like song of the year so damn good. I really hope we hear more from them and more collabs like this, its like finding gold. Please Hololive x Holostars concert!!

>> No.14613648

Rob's afternoon stream is leaning to be smash. It's not fully confirmed yet.

>> No.14614323

This is too good to believe, a collaboration with Astel and Izuru. Three blue flame shooting kites gather, this will be fantastic and very loud to hear, Seeing and listening to a fragment of the cover left me speechless, once again suisei surprising everyone with incredible news.Those who are fans of Astel or Izuru, I would also cry with happiness for this cover. See the course of the video as the atmosphere, rhythm and change of focus to each one singing. It left a mark on my memory, as they always have my respect for Suisei, Astel and Izuru.
I look forward to seeing more collaborations with Holostars

>> No.14614513

Wow, so unexpected! I'm glad to see Hololive and Holostars connecting more and more over time though. I hope to see more stuff like this in the future!

>> No.14614596
Quoted by: >>14614779

Two years ago if you'd suggested that this would happen you'd have been drawn and quartered. One year ago you'd have been called delusional. Six months ago you'd have been scoffed at. But it's now, and it's here, and it's *awesome*.

>> No.14614779

For the unaware
2 years ago: Miyabi, the first holostar, gets plenty of hate for simply existing
1 year ago: holostars as a whole is still very weak numbers-wise
6 months ago: HoloPro collabs are as rare as ever
And now we’re here, wow! I’m glad the dark times are behind us, and covers like these are possible

>> No.14614930

I hope this will be start of a new era when Holostars and Hololive will be more involved w/ other..because the possibilites are Endless

>> No.14614987

How good is Roberu at smash again?

>> No.14615019
Quoted by: >>14615094

Why does something feel off all of a sudden?

>> No.14615058
File: 409 KB, 1062x950, 1629358615355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the holy mother of samefagging is happening right now?

>> No.14615076
Quoted by: >>14615151

Why are that falseflagging schizos here again?

>> No.14615094

The usual schizo wake up

>> No.14615151

Because they have nothing to do with their pathetic lives. Just ignore them and they'll go away.

>> No.14615197
Quoted by: >>14615604

Someone copy pasting from the suisei thread i believe, it’s the suisei schizo

>> No.14615458

I could say it’s a blessing in disguise that the collab with the live and stars are happening one step at a time, because it’s amazing to look back how strong the holostars stood on their own to reach this far

>> No.14615604

Their general has our schizo too? Feel bad for them

>> No.14615807
Quoted by: >>14615890

Yep. Confirmed it's smash

>> No.14615890

Nice hand positioning. I'm down for some bowser action.

>> No.14616133

I wonder if he’ll play as pyra

>> No.14616272

>oga’s wheeze laugh

>> No.14616314

If knight doesn't have his anniversary today he'll probably join Roberu for smash

>> No.14616452
File: 508 KB, 2415x1359, FDcLLqKaAAAPz2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignoring the schizo I'm genuinely proud of Seaweed, he's worked hard releasing covers all year and was able to catch the attention of Suisei who approached him, and even though he always wanted to sing with her he still asked to include Izuru. I hope next year is full of more collab covers from him, be it Holopro or outside.

>> No.14616610

Did Suisei/Astel/Izuru talk about behind the scene? Can I get timestamp?

>> No.14616885

He talks about it here

>> No.14617038


>> No.14617056

I’m really happy for Astel too, he’s really grown compared to even a year ago today, I love how he loves his job and all the other Holostars

>> No.14617281
Quoted by: >>14617528

Here's a small clip as well.


>> No.14617528

Thanks for inviting shogun, seaweed.

>> No.14618311

This isn't bad. It's just some early 2000s cartoon style. It doesn't look like calarts so it's fine.

>> No.14618331

>even though he always wanted to sing with her he still asked to include Izuru

>> No.14618634
File: 179 KB, 1280x458, 4759C30C-2911-48A7-8E0F-1FCD70FF83A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14619049
Quoted by: >>14620219

Why is Smash a debuff game?

>> No.14620219

It's not, at least for Marine

>> No.14620312
File: 7 KB, 240x200, Ex-1w8-U8AcDWnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Astel says he sees Izuru as the one by his side
>Izuru says Astel is like the sun to him


>> No.14620367

No homo like Apex homo. Papa approved.png

>> No.14620628
Quoted by: >>14630515

>Oga is public property

>> No.14620805

Roberu seems reasonably good at smash

>> No.14621322
Quoted by: >>14621414

Yurustars really have no sense of subtlety when it comes to surprises, huh

>> No.14621414


>> No.14621679
Quoted by: >>14621793

Rob is whooping so much ass.

>> No.14621793

That Cloud almost clapped him but our son persevered

>> No.14621899
Quoted by: >>14623991

He has 7M GSP on Fox. Is that good?

>> No.14622151
Quoted by: >>14630535

It's funny and wholesome how Astel is kinda like a manager/producer for Izuru for these kinds of situations. Izuru really shined in the cover and I hope to see him in more collabs like this next year.

>> No.14623233

I'm assuming that there's a Smash collab happening soon. Rob doesn't really pick games back up, unless there's a reason.

>> No.14623520

I myself am more wondering what the fuck will Robechan do in his 3D stream. It is his first solo one since his debut if you exclude the chips compaign

>> No.14623675
Quoted by: >>14623797

I'm betting on an orisong. Recent 3D debuts aside from Miyabi iirc has an orisong featured. Papa has one, Temma has one and Astel has one. Izuru's orisong came before his 3D so he doesn't count.

>> No.14623697
Quoted by: >>14623826

Probably fucking around with other Holostars members. I don't see him inviting outside chuuba since it's Christmas Eve, they either stream or fucking their beloved

>> No.14623783

Probably doing some skits and some songs. Personally, I hope it's a 3D Bar ROBEL collab.

>> No.14623797

Aruran's orisong was revealed on his 3D birthday stream, not his 3D debut

>> No.14623826
Quoted by: >>14623879

Probably fucking Baelz on stream.

>> No.14623879
Quoted by: >>14632254

Robechan has intercontinental D ?

>> No.14623991

That's enough for elite smash right, it's good/okay if so

>> No.14624210
Quoted by: >>14625431

I'm honestly, not expecting much. I get the feeling that he's just doing it because he was given the opportunity and not because he had this whole elaborate show he wanted to make

>> No.14624234

Musical chairs revenge match.

>> No.14624247

3D horse betting

>> No.14625431

Well Robechan is the type that give 200% on performance while half assing the preparation

>> No.14626101

Congrats to aruran but also jesus fuck how many chuubas is hikakin even following right now?

>> No.14626897

he will bring Kuku on and do 3D oneeshota roleplay for 60 minutes.

>> No.14629321
Quoted by: >>14629713

Temma gonna do VR horror... I'm way too excited

>> No.14629713
File: 208 KB, 344x373, 1629352658740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scared knight body language
Yes, YES

>> No.14630050
Quoted by: >>14630472

Temma 3d anniversary stream

>> No.14630472

>look a Temma go with his tropical drink
Aunties must happy

>> No.14630489

Not only drinking but snacking too, comfy, I am already very happy.

>> No.14630494

Will we get cute tipsy kishi?

>> No.14630515

kek anon, that gives me flashbacks about That Yuri on Ice doujin

>> No.14630529

Fuck those whores streaming over cute knight

>> No.14630535

I was thinking just that, Astel should become a manager when he graduates, hopefuly very far in the future.
He's good at putting the spotlight in others and is actually quite business savy.

>> No.14630591
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, 1623519369116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knights progressed a lot, Im really happy hes a lot more comfortable now.

>> No.14630626

He could do anything and I'd be happy, and sometimes I wonder why. Even when he raised his arms I thought, he's so cute waving his fists and his hand gestures when explaining things reminds me of my grandma

>> No.14630669
Quoted by: >>14631102

Why does Temma give off that oji-san feel even though he's young?

>> No.14630847

Miyabi WILL have a heart attack and die.

>> No.14631102

It'd a combination of being a nice young man + being nuts

>> No.14631143

At least, anon isn't going to complain about the stream being recorded ahead of time. Or maybe it was and this is the biggest big brain play from Temma

>> No.14631158

Old man is getting tipsy already

>> No.14631332
Quoted by: >>14631360

Yurustars... your dancing reps...

>> No.14631360

There were a few more drinks during that fade to white.

>> No.14631408

Fuck me and my wallet, I need that print.

>> No.14631409
File: 74 KB, 747x647, bdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wdhm by this?

>> No.14631445

that art looks like the icon to some random chinese gacha game I get advertisements for all the time.

>> No.14631466
File: 230 KB, 2048x1536, E__QYs2UYAE8JSm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shooting Star

>> No.14631482


>> No.14631527
File: 838 KB, 1276x712, 1629803312003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14631584

I'm going to tame this knight

>> No.14631550

>temma a few hours ago: "being a gachikoi is pretty sad"
>temma now: proposes to kishimen
Why is he like this

>> No.14631553

Aunties gonna die today wow

>> No.14631565

I was just going to post that I died

>> No.14631583

I am struggling to breath

>> No.14631584

>Cute knight
>Cute knight in sweaters
Cover /here/, I can go in peace now.

>> No.14631594
Quoted by: >>14631794


>> No.14631619

I don't mind dying this way

>> No.14631625

Shogun and Rikka crane game for goods

>> No.14631651
Quoted by: >>14632433

Okay. But it's not the same tier as Pentas or W.I.M.

>> No.14631690

He wants to marry as many aunties as possible so he can be spoiled for the rest of eternity.

>> No.14631773
File: 1.17 MB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20211214-061032_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Yurustars so much bros. Wonderful anni stream, and a cute and pleasant cover surprise, The gachikoi talk earlier is just funny considering the lyrics but I accept it all.
Shooting Star art looks... like gacha like the anon said, kek

>> No.14631794
Quoted by: >>14632971

I’m gone. That MV was everything.
Congratulations on the marriage.
To be fair, he said he used to think gachikoi will feel sad because it’s unrecruited for them, but now he changes his mind and thinks that as long as the gachikoi feels like they’re having fun, he’s okay with it.

>> No.14631802

Well Temma did end up saying that using your gachi feelings to improve yourself can be a postive, well something close to that but it is still funny.
I enjoyed that cover way too much and Im happy to finally buy shooting star.

>> No.14631816
File: 29 KB, 112x112, 1628689774089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pull Temma!

>> No.14631824
Quoted by: >>14633292

Cover premier

>> No.14631878

I almost wish the VR irreperably broke so it was more bad dancing and tipsy singing. Or to one day have a proper horror VR stream, I need to hear Knight in terror

>> No.14632254

With the amount of girls he fucks, I wouldn't be surprised if it was long enough to reach the other end of the world.

>> No.14632365
Quoted by: >>14632399

>Shooting Star art looks... like gacha
He's literally budget Arthur, that's his entire thing

>> No.14632399
Quoted by: >>14632520

I know, but that art looks like I could grail him. Looks like a proper lancer instead of Temma the lizard eyed knight

>> No.14632433

Astel, forgotten...

>> No.14632520
File: 16 KB, 205x210, 1635026666559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14632610

>Temma the lizard eyed knight
It took this comment for me to realize that the lizard eyes are a blessing to his model. I love the lizard knight!

>> No.14632553

He is evil. He wants to break our hearts next week. Watch.

>> No.14632607

Is Temma going full BFE or is he just fucking with us?

>> No.14632610

It was a while ago but ever since an anon pointed out his pupils are like slits and the shading on his nose makes it look flat on his face (and at the time, lack of movement), I have seen him like a reptilian. Doesn't help that he has a strange way of thinking. Imitating real people...

>> No.14632669

Anon, its just a very sweet romantic song, he does those all the time.

>> No.14632818

Shien Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 4th Heart

>> No.14632840

It's not that big of a deal and he's sung plenty of love songs before.

>> No.14632971
Quoted by: >>14633056

>Knight felt bad for gachis because he knew he could never return their feelings
Aunties...this is so sweet. He is very considerate.

>> No.14633056

Knight was never for us, we can only admire him on his high cliff.
That is how it should be.

>> No.14633272

Hollyshit, the knit singing improved so much.
I'll keep this cover on repeat the whole week.

>> No.14633292

I was beautiful

>> No.14633323

Is there even a star trying to do the BFE?
I feel they always make it clear that it's just fanservice.

>> No.14633352

>The gachikoi talk earlier is just funny considering the lyrics
He knows what he has to do but still feels bad about it.

>> No.14633425

>Shien is surprised about TokiMeki skinship areas being a thing

>> No.14634191

Shogun chibi robo

>> No.14635166
File: 102 KB, 1200x1200, gigaomaesan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14635437

Majin continuing gbf's doraemon collab

>> No.14635437

Look at that tiny lil majin

>> No.14637329
Quoted by: >>14639939

Rob fighting Izumi tomorrow in pkmn

>> No.14637625
Quoted by: >>14637932

Knight original song, now with powered up guitar track.

>> No.14637898
File: 313 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20211214_102617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So proud of Rikka

>> No.14637925


>> No.14637932
Quoted by: >>14638004

>This video is not available

What happened?

>> No.14637993
Quoted by: >>14638032

They straight up look like an apex team.

>> No.14638003
Quoted by: >>14638330

Which song will he perform in the awards?

>> No.14638004

Might be timezone issue on your end, anon.

>> No.14638032

Does Suisei play Apex? I'd watch an Apex collab with those three.

>> No.14638060

She's a very casual player.

>> No.14638213
File: 126 KB, 2047x946, FF2qF9daMAAk1CU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Android! He's been flexing those networking reps recently

>> No.14638303

I was just re-reading the lyrics for this song and I wonder who chose it, the lyrics are a great fit for Astel's whole emotional ride that was the first half of 2021.

>> No.14638330
File: 281 KB, 900x900, IMG_20211214_104832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He hasn't announced it yet. He just said he will perform tomorrow

>> No.14638430
Quoted by: >>14638926


>> No.14638542
Quoted by: >>14640642


>> No.14638926

>They're sleeping over
This ojisan just opens the door and twinks fly in. They're eating his food and taking up space, please send help.

>> No.14638990

Sounds more like a blessing than a curse to me

>> No.14639939
File: 370 KB, 768x768, 1635773895976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14640032


>> No.14640032


>> No.14640642
Quoted by: >>14641728

>Temma noises
He's feeding aunties well today

>> No.14641016

Imagineholotwinks sucking ojisan's sausage.

>> No.14641131
Quoted by: >>14641336

But he got rid of his sausage when he became an idol

>> No.14641197

You mean pepperoni?

>> No.14641336
Quoted by: >>14641492

Temma stored it in a jar.

>> No.14641492
Quoted by: >>14641810

I think he means soppressata
Perfectly preserved for cold nights

>> No.14641728

I want to feed and spoil the Knight...

>> No.14641810
Quoted by: >>14643683

This is why they are having a sleepover. Aruran is making another kind if debut tonight.

>> No.14642007

I love Arupapa but his BGM drives me insane. It's giving youtube music library

>> No.14642646

They're starting to get those gruff, sleepy voices, Yurustars is going to become the most ero unit tonight

>> No.14643665
File: 323 KB, 4096x2886, FGiMK6cVUAA01QG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14644484

>> No.14643683
Quoted by: >>14648341

I'm mystified by your ability to lewd the pizza dad.

>> No.14644484
Quoted by: >>14650172

is it a japanese thing to be scared of bugs?

>> No.14644605
File: 94 KB, 650x683, 0AFE671A-BDA7-4DA7-9274-3D1CD055C149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14646139

Ah the peppeloni, the no one

>> No.14646348

>Temma blowing into and making licking noises into the mic
He's accepted his fanservice role

>> No.14646750
Quoted by: >>14647219

What a slut.

>> No.14647085
Quoted by: >>14647219

Knight is a slut now and I'm ok with this.

>> No.14647219

He's getting ready for later https://twitter.com/kishidotemma/status/1470848334772736000?s=20

>> No.14647296

Knight is in heat!

>> No.14647548


>Temma in Aruran's bed, sniffing his pillow
>Starts getting hot and bothered, quietly tries to touch himself
>Miyabi and Aruran are both asleep nearby
>Muffled whining as he gets closer
>Finish with a loud gasp and slips out of bed to clean himself up
>Miyabi and Aruran are pretending to be asleep, burning those sounds into their heads
>Temma comes back and sleeps shamelessly while the other two lay there berating themselves for not offering to help.

>> No.14647625
Quoted by: >>14647877


>> No.14647635
File: 32 KB, 466x113, 1618956556308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't hit so many things Im into in such a post ever again.

>> No.14647805

It's in the last two minutes or the stream, but also is Temma brushing his teeth?

>> No.14647877

I meant >>14647625 and I can't hear the lick anymore, but he does blow into the mic. He and Miyabi do it several time during the stream

>> No.14647905

Getting ready for kisses! And minty fresh blow jobs!

>> No.14647916

Hollyshit that mic lick! Sleep drunk Temma is so hot, wtf.
Yes, he said he would brush his teeth.

>> No.14647933

Yes he is, he mentions hes going to brush when he speaks into the mic near the end.

>> No.14647950
Quoted by: >>14648019

This Yurustars stream woke something inside me.

>> No.14648019
Quoted by: >>14648197

You have until 11:30 to take care of it, at that point they'll wake up and the "morning voices" will be served up.

>> No.14648116

Uoh he knows
Astel mentioned Temma was natural crazy but Knight is also natural eroi

>> No.14648197

I went from disbelief to them managing to wake up for lunch stream when they mentioned it to eagerly anticipating flowers morning voice.
It's a win win, if they oversleep there may be a sleepy voice tweet or unnecessary but cute apology.

>> No.14648237

I thought Temma wasn't capable of being sexy on purpose. I guess I stand corrected.

>> No.14648267
Quoted by: >>14648472

>licking the mic
>wispering good night
>not on purpose

>> No.14648341

He's my oshi, anon. I'd be a crime if I didn't lewd him.

>> No.14648472

That was definitely on purpose, and I'm suprised that it was actually hot. He's usually just cute and silly when he tries to do that kind of thing. Drunk Kight truly is a different beast.

>> No.14648503
Quoted by: >>14648614

Temma's waking up to the fact that people want to do awful, degenerate things to him and he'll gladly accept the attention that comes with that.

>> No.14648614

What a blessed time to be alive.

>> No.14650172
Quoted by: >>14650232

Flying cockroaches are pretty scary

>> No.14650232

How? Grab and squeeze them. Bugs are weak.

>> No.14650442
Quoted by: >>14650615

>squeeze them
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.14650520

Hello Izuru, I thought I would never find you in a place like this.

>> No.14650585
Quoted by: >>14650625

Slutty cute knight...

>> No.14650615

Wash your hands. Ez.

>> No.14650625
Quoted by: >>14650767

Who'd think Knight would be the most sluty star.

>> No.14650767

I’m pretty sure that’s still tied between maFia

>> No.14651191

Knight has always known he is ero, his power level has just been held back because he won't fucking fix his ASMR mic
