>>OPMaybe not, but he canhttps://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1469415992916942858
can we please use this thread atleast?
A bunch of holoJPs played this game when it came out in japan like a year ago, does thta mean holoEN can play it now that it's out in english? Would make for great streams.
chicken btfo
>>14417352>pixieoooh baby
Fuck I'm retarded forgot about (Las Imagenes)>Post YFW Gura ends up getting the SEX outfit
I love Ina!
I love Mori!
>>14417352Who would have the most nostalgia for Monster Rancher to want to play it in EN? Maybe Gura. I'm not sure about the others.
>>14417352>EN girls playing actual gamesrumao
I need clips of Kiara crying, onegai...
Do you think she's having a mental breakdown again ?
Looks like the bird hasn't given up yet. Testing her stream crap right now.
>>14418485>No micYeah..
Your oshi's pubes.
I lived bitch.
>>14418767>>14418775>>14418724>>14418777I think Kiara is...kinda cute...
Uhhh bros? you told me Kiara was having a menhera breakdown.... but she's currently being cute. What happened?
>>14418799Horseshoe theory of menhera
>the outfit will be on post-rhombus hoursI feel bad for KFP
NePoLaBo Love
>internet cubeA what?
I love Gura!
Matsuri is cute!
Meimei a cute!
internet can't cause a bluescreen with artifacts (unless it's just her monitor was initially broken, but that'd only explain the artifacts)
>>14418805What's ballsy about it exactly?
>internet cubewat
KFPKEKS? Who is this "friend"?
>That scrollSugoi
>>14418717YES >we
>internet cubeKiara please speak to me!
is this a Star Wars reference?
>>14418717Imagine being the intern having to write those.
>>14418744My oshi has no pubes.
What's an internet cube?
>>14418860There was a blue screen and an internet issue.
>>14418866Not me, I'm her husband.
thats a big rrat Kiara
It's all a conspiracy...
I wasn't aware people could still get those bluescreens
>internet cubenever change chicken...
rrat: there are undercover eggs working at Kiara's ISP
Gura cute
JWU, can I get a qrd on kiara's situation? Why is there no costume reveal stream in her archive?
>chicken brainshe admits it
Bros, Kiara is also cute when she types like this
What the fuck is an internet cube?
Kiara is painfully cute
I still love that Ame got a special response from himhttps://twitter.com/tanigox/status/1469169464168321024
Bros, Kiara is cuter than usual today.
Illoominateamates fuck off
One day...
I'm glad Kiara's in a better mood
>>14418888I'm sorry, KFP....
Can't wait for more sweaty RFA from this sexy nin nina
>>14418889how do 2 separate issues happen at the same time during an outfit reveal? that's some lightning in a bottle level of bad luck
>IlloominateaWant to explain teamates?
>>14418835You should be feeling bad for chumbuds>Constantly ghosted>Oshi barely streams>Bout to get a scuffed outfit
>>14418799Mori and Ame gave her a discord threeway.
>>14418849Internet providers in Austria give you a mobile Netcube (Radio Modem) with an unlimited LTE Internet access.
Bros... Is Roboco....
>>14418906she doxxed everyone in EN
>>14418853I want to fuck Matsuri
>>14418897I mean, the original egg was a kraut, no?
I fucking hate Yamai so much. Your level of Yan is fine Fauna please don't fucking stoop to her level.
>>14417352Oh fuck thanks for letting me know this finally happened. My nostalgia for this game is immense and I still play my ps1 copy every few years.
Is this all a scheme by Kiara to make the outfit reveals all about her?
This is unironically one of the best kiara streams in weeks
>>14418902The cutest!
her stream isn't even workingwhy arent you watching my stream, anon?
This is honestly fucked up, she saw how many viewers she was getting and decided to unplug her internetNow her reveal will be tomorrow in Saturday/SundayShe clearly wants all the viewers she can get it's honestly kinda sad
How kind of Kiara to support the deaf community
I'm a KFP
>>14418887It's all bullshit to bring in more SC, everytime she starts and stops her streams is a new group of suckers donating. She still has the final official debut stream to do as well.
>>14418895my laptop gets those but it's all fine and dandy after restart
Did Mori say how long she was planning on shiny hunting for, is it just gonna be a zatsu stream while doing it
Kiara is being very cute
>>14418912I assume one of those phone provider routers you can take around with you, in which case what ''friend'' gave it to her???!?!?!!
>>14418866Ah yes, the internet cube. The most vital of tools for my daily operations. It is fortunate that Kiara was able to secure an emergency cube from a friend.
I'm a teamate
>>14418968I don't speak Japanese you cow
Hey KFP I'm sorry for being retarded but I just wanted to tell you that I saw this on your oshi's screen and thought it was a Bakugan for a whilet.IRyStocrat
>>14418942Oh jesas, she's streaming off of 4G?
Which one of you ddossed kiara?
no audio on Kiara's stream or just me
>>14418887don't worry about it
>>14418960Yes. This stream where she isn’t talking is actually some peak content though. When you get rid of her annoying chimken voice she’s kinda cute.
>>14418799Come on, you anons didn't actually think that this was seriously going to affect her or make her revert back to early Kiara, right? Of course she would be sad when things stop working during her outfit reveal, but this isn't anywhere near as bad as the nether RTA stream.
>>14418980made for rape
>>14418968I don't understand Japanese
>>14418916You know it's a bot, right
>>14418970>Kiara's outfit reveal will overlap Ina's
>>14418932Have her RFAs actually been sweaty and/or sexy, though? Every time I poked my head in she's been fine because she's so athletic.
>>14418940Fuck chumbuds. Watch Chloe instead.
>>14418946A great dancer, yes
>cookies ready>chips ready>finger water readyLET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>14418974Just like mori yesterday
>>14418968I'm watching up but you're boring.
>stealing Haachama's bit>stealing Nene's bitKFP will defend this
>>14418916Behind the scenes, she probably unironically is Yagoo's favorite and that's why they made that joke shirt about it.
>>14418946A Unitychad? Yes! Yes, she is!
kiara giving us free reaction images
I'm a chumbie
>>14418986>no pubesI sleep
>>14418799She's not the same Kiara she was a year ago.
>>14419017Ina will somehow die tomorrow and won't be able to have her reveal
>>14418997bakugan is based so its oaky
I am a pedophile.
Bros I've had a stupid smile on my face the whole time I've been watching Kiara mess around with that textIs this... is this love?
>>14418744I shaved them completely off personally
>jacking of to some jav>Kiara was being cute and I missed itfug
>>14418935god is a kiara antithis is not a joke
>>14418799schizos are stuck in december 2020
sorry Kiara but I'm honestly not interested in watching Ame's reveal
2 and a half hours left until I flood the thread with my cum!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewss-AjRo7Yhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewss-AjRo7Yhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewss-AjRo7Y
>>14418916everyone KNEELS to la creatividad
>>14418906PC went blue screen just a few minutes after starting the stream. The reveal will now be on Sunday
>her voice destroyed from all that crying so she only types in what she needed to sayKiara..
You heard the chicken lady
>>14418915That emote gives me ptsd and nostalgia at the same time.
>>14419018bad orca
Pretty avant garde stream, feels like i'm watching an Amelia Watson production
>>14418886How do I get this position? I think it'd be fun to just have to research all the weird shit that goes on in various Internet subcultures so I can write blurbs about them.I'd be hesitant to do it for Twitter though since I don't really want to contribute to the downfall of humanity.
>>14418930Laser smooth, bro.
>AME AME AMEThis shtick is getting boring...
Kiara glory hole...
Kiara's going to assume it's fixed and bluescreen again tomorrow...
Kiara got #WeLoveYouKiara trending over technical difficulties. From the scuffed outfit reveal, to "testing this crap" stream, and the rescheduled outfit reveal, bird is about to make bank. No matter what you do antis, you only make Kiara more successful. You might as well stop trying because you only make the phoenix stronger.
>yfw it happens again during holotalk
Am I crazy or did anyone else see a bit of slowdown for a split second in her stream?
>>14419022You can't convice me she isn't drenched in sweat at the endHer athleticism is what makes it sexy
Hey so feel free to call me retarded if this is retarded, but is this running at all times during her stream on a background layer or something?I noticed it seemed to be playing a loop for all of her big songs? If it's streaming them or something, that could cause some stress, right?
>>14419122That O is my asshole
this is a reaction image mine
>>14419090It was an order not a request anon
>>14418799Why would someone have a mental breakdown over making more money than she originally would?You can easily add an extra 7-10K USD because this happened, mark my words.
>>14418968What are you doing?
Oh no...Her reveal will be on Sunday when she can get the most viewers, what a tragedy! Totally not scripted!Hopefully she hits more than 25k this time
>>14419051Good >we don't need pube anons
Wow that voice.Yeah she's been crying.
Did my meds fail or did she talk?
>>14419177We love pubes here
Man that was a really fucking cute Auf Wiedersehen ...
>she wasnt muted>her voice was just gone from cryingKiara...
>>14418970oh god, we're going to have countless egg and SEAnig threads throwing this rrat now huh
>>14419161Das war ein Befehl!
>>14419051faggot animal
does Kiara have any good like porn porn of her?
>>14419159Kiaras made me sad and Ill just go to bed early
I am no longer a kiara anti
>>14419155Move, you stupid bear
I won't be watching Ame's reveal now. Because I hate Kiara and she told me I should watch it. Dumb bitch
holy FUCK that scared me
>>14419128Ame is literally next you nigger
>>14419156thats just gifs wouldn't it
>she spokeThis stream was my favorite so far
So she did all this just so she could be the last reveal on sunday. The menhera truly is strong with the birb.
>8kYou would think more people would come to see her after she got BTFO’d by Susan but nope nobody cares
>>14419105>that auf wiedersehenI fucking knew it
>>14419111Good orca is getting rewarded
>>14419194I fucking love her to death, I'm glad she's not too down
Present for KFP
>>14419227why are you so mean
Reminder that Kiara's Live 2D has a setting that lets her "smile." It doesn't mean she is actually smiling.There's a reason her audio was off.
>>14419194mood lifter/10I hope everything goes well for Holotalk, her outfit reveal and the collab.
damn it, I missed the screen cap with that face and stream offline
>>14419213We aren't talking about Mumei anon
>>14419210I FUCKING LOVE KIWAWA/10I hope it goes alright on sunday
What the fuck is an Internet cube?
I will be watching Ame's reveal now. Because I love Kiara and she told me I should watch it. Cute bitch
Remember that all talk of Ayame being a whore, that she does enjou kousai with fat, old, men, that she's constantly taking breaks to get stuffed by her boyfriend's cock, that's all rumors and can't be proven. But there sure are a lot of rumors and she sure takes a lot of breaks. Legend says if you get enough money and gain enough weight, if you walk down the right Japanese back alley at night, you might encounter her. Her ass is definitely loose just like her pussy. Gaping. She probably drips old man cum from every orifice.What can be proven is she doesn't care about Hololive. She streams the bare minimum, when she streams at all. >lowest number of hours streamed the last 6 months>streamed literally once October and none at all in Junehttps://files.catbox.moe/5gy0h7.png>makes up some excuse to explain her absence ranging fromI'm sickhttps://twitter.com/nakiriayame/status/1446647834065833990https://twitter.com/nakiriayame/status/1447060806500118531My head hurtshttps://twitter.com/nakiriayame/status/1451520313615798281Tummy horthttps://youtu.be/AsvigP4y_5EI have no internetI'm movinghttps://youtu.be/RBBntG9DnYIKiara moved halfway across the world and was back to streaming in under a week, Ayame took 6+ weeks while moving to a different spot in the same city>didn't stream when "moving" but streamed for 1 million celebration, anons here found she was playing League of Legends the whole time>fans accept her excuses, send her more money in one stream than some holo members make in a month, then fucks off again, repeats as needed>continues to use one of these excuses at random>was the only one to say nothing after Coco graduated, instead tweeting about airpods after the stream, then never mentioning her againhttps://twitter.com/nakiriayame/status/1410816798681751554https://twitter.com/nakiriayame/status/1410817106212388864>ignored Ina's birthday drawing of her, even Ayame's mama replied>didn't say anything to Miko after she got home from the hospital (for her chronic illness)>never congratulates holos on birthdays or milestones>doesn't respond when they congratulate her on hers>wasn't there for Aqua and Shion's birthday totsu>started totsu on her birthday in which Aqua and Miko appeared>wasn't there for Miko's return stream>wasn't there for Subaru's birthday or 1 million stream>wasn't there for usaken summer festival>wasn't there for usaken summer festival afterparty>wasn't there for Christmas singing relay>wasn't there for afterparty of song she released with Fubuki and Mio (Hyakkaryouran Hanafubuki)>ghosted coco for a year about asacocohttps://youtu.be/mu_TRNccY6I>never collabs with other holos>Subaru and Choco mentioned she's the hardest to see online and in real life, "rarest among holos">caused SENPAITACHI OKBR stream to be delayed>ruined the mood during SENPAITACHI OKBR stream by openly showing disinterest multiple times>tried to end SENPAITACHI OKBR after doing it just once even though they changed the rules to accommodate her and it was delayed because of her>late to monster hunter collab with Rushia by 40+ minutes>participated in an Apex tournament without practicing or streaming it, sucked at it, and then said "everyone was serious huh?" while streaming it without even showing her avatar>has a reputation of being a crazy lovable goofball due to Hologra, acts nothing like it on streams>said in a members stream she only reads member comments and ignores non members>only popular because of old clips and hologra>only one of her team to not show up for sports festival pratice>wasn't paying attention during sports festivalhttps://youtu.be/URSXpS-TdEc
>>14419194>>14419210Nice shes in a better mood/10Still concerned until she actually nails down the problem but at least she has a plan now.
>>14419156no matter how much load you put on a computer it should only ever slow down, not bluescreen
Wait, does Kiara really believe that it was just some random computer malfunction and not a DDoS? How fucking naive can she be? She needs to change her IP immediately.
>>14419210I'm crying, I love Kiwawa
>>1441919410/10I love my oshi so goddamn much!
>>14419206She was probably muted and switching between bawling her eyes out and screaming like a banshee.
>>14418988Me. The bitch consumed all my data plan.
She's already smiling again, bros
I am the last KFPchad
YOLF to be honest
>>14417352Pekora and Humming... That playthrough was legendary. I hope some other Holomembers would play these games in a near future.
>>14417352letss goooo
>>14419249it was a stressful day and my oshi didn't get to show off her new outfit, I'm not in a good mood
>>14419106As a side note, how come Kiara's able to both smile and do a straight mouth face without changing her expression while others have to always be smiling? Does Kiara just have better mouth tracking?
So lets say you were thrown onto a deserted island with each member of holomyth. Theres no direct method of knowing this but you seemed to intrinsictly know that this island has more than enough resources to last you all for the rest of your lives if you put the effort in. What would you do? What would be your following steps to thrive with the rest of the girls? Would you try to go home?
KFP, your oshi is pretty cool
>>14418907I think the joke of denying it ended when she showed her prototype in the anniversary stream that revealed she was in fact, originally just a chicken.
>>14419270>RememberWell, you keep reminding me...
so her internet is down?Why did her system BSOD though?
As a Day 1 KFP Employee, I'm ashamed to admit she's even cuter when she isn't talking.
>>14419316She's aware
>>14418916Cover was a VR company at first.Yagoo has always been a VR enthusiast. He probably loses his shit watching all the stuff Ame is doing.I dunno what would be his reaction if he knew Ame has 3 different teams of artists now (team A, B and C)
>>14419206>Anon doesn't know what pressing "unmute" is
I'm looking for my shark.
Is it Mori Calliope or Calliope Mori
Kiara, your cuteness...
So who will do rape correction to Kiara’s GPU and internet?
>>14419354It's Live Again
>>14419194I love her so fucking much
>>14417352Only Ina will play it. Ame would want to but we all know she doesn't do duplicate streams
>>14419327Live an amazing tropical life with my sharkwife
There is nothing cute about Yamai, Fauna.
If the main culprit turns out to be her Internet, I hope she remembers her old plan back when she was rooming to get a second plan from another company as a backup.
>>14419327Ame would start a lord of the flies type situation and kill me with a rock before going schizo and being against going back because on the island she won't have to pay taxes
>silent therapy stream>1 watching nowfinally
>>14419355You shouldn't, cause she's not looking for you
>>14419371Ina doesnt play JRPGs
>>14419347>Momojelly still watchingI guess she really did become KFP, huh?
>>14419347She's cute
>I wanna go last to get the most viewers>Computer magically breaks>Gets to go last wrecking the debut order tradition>Will still get shit numbers compared to all the other EN girlsKiara truly knows how to win.
>>14419384KFP are fucking cringe jesas
>>14419327Rape all of them then kill myself
>>14419384KFP is based
>silent therapy stream
>>14419159I was gonna watch it anyway, but now wont miss a second as commanded by tenchou
>>14419344More mute streams pls Kiara.
>Kiara: AME AME AME AME AME Christ, just stop already you dumb bird ESL bitch
>>14419403She was in the last memgen as well
https://youtu.be/cpAIDVE7DhMhttps://youtu.be/cpAIDVE7DhMhttps://youtu.be/cpAIDVE7DhM>Streaming over Ame's outfit reveal.
>doing my ame repsIs DK Country still her worst rage or is it now DK Tropical Freeze
>renamed to silent therapy streamKiara it's okay, it was out of your control... You don't need to get so upset
>>14419423go back
>>14419096Imagine if she can actually pull out the knife
>>14419435>an actual sharpedo
>>14419412Be more creative
>>14419355your shark doesn't give a shit about you, so you shouldn't care about her either
>>14419384The duality of man.
i fell asleep and woke up pissed that I missed the reveals/o to jesus for giving me a 2nd chance
>>14419412didn't ask
[Got Away With It News]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0wi9aCp35Q
>>14419326They all have to manually switch expressions from what I understand, it's just that for example her and Mori are fast with it. Dunno how they do it so fast though
>>14419401It's less a JRPG and more of a creature raising game though?
>>14419446No one cares about Ame
>>14419384>don't riot against the people who control you and bleed you dry>but DO riot to protect violent criminals and to get a pair of designer shoes or a free ipadHow did we get to this point?
>>14419384This man is real KFP. I fucking hate fags who say shit like "guys please don't be mean to the giant corporation YouTube has feelings too".
>>14419326I was thinking about this the other day. It feels so much more natural and it's great.
>>14419446That's still Mario Sunshine lily pads
>>14419403Kiara puts out lesbian radiation that converts women around her into KFP.
>>14419492Kiara does
>>14419443Yeah, they had a messy break up
You guys are alright
Remember, sharing the bad times with your oshi is a form of GFE
>>14419344I think it goes normal voice>mute>chicken voice. In term of cuteness
>>14419446DKC and Sunshine were both way worse
>>14419446Pretty sure it's Mario 64 no?
>>14419446Watch her mario sunshine
>>14419489Noo, that same expression just with a straighter mouth is definitely not one of the preprogrammed expressions.
>>14419477That's not true! As long as the seedlings she planted with us is alive and growing then that means she still cares about us!
>>14419446She broke her hand playing Country, this isn't even debatable
>>14419489I always supposed, that, they can manually change expression, but some natural expression would automatically cause the shift
>>14419511but I'm still straight tho...
>>14419471If you like pubes so much then go tongue a carpetIt'll give you the same experience
>>14419468Knife would be coolDidn't Ame request for more firepower after seeing Uto's gun? i wanna see Ame pulling out a tommy gun or something.
>>14419412>debut order>Ame after Kiara?
>>14419515Yes, she is forcing ANOTHER ship and will end up getting ghosted
>>14419497>He some how turns it into /pol/ shitHow?
>>14419403All woman will be part of kiaras harem
>>14419446I have to rewatch DK Country but she got pretty tilted for TF
>>14419497>not rioting for just sake of riotingWho cares about what reason is there for it most people are there to just break stuff.
>>14419403She's one of the few people who got to work with her privately, I'm not surprised.
>>14419464>a thot version of the HEV SuitI've seen it all
>>14419446SunshineDKC1 and TF were probably the funniest though
>>14419541her art tag, it was posted recently.
>Have mental illness>Hate when people do the schizo/take meds thing>Most of the time it's from mentally fine people I've never even done drama/shit/doxposts. The worst thing surrounding my illness with hololive is a hallucination of Gura whispering to me that I should kill myself. It was like a comfy ASMR but scary as fuck
>>14419555>Uto's gunGuns
>>14419327The mythgirls in coconut bikinis would make me unable to work
Saviourfags, i hope you are able to protect Kiara from the raging chumbies
>>14419384Based 2nd guy
>>14419507It's likely just cause of better rigging = better use of the mouth tracking. I'm sure Umiushi was as lazy as possible for the possible shapes Gura's mouth could make for example
Explain to me what a "dork" is exactly
>>14419412>debut orderWhat?
>>14419343So maybe. JUST MAYBE their isp fucked ud and as consecuence they send some garbage on the conection that sometimes, depending on the ethernet or wifi adapter just crashes the computer. It is a kernel error if i recal. I used yo have it rarely last year when using a wifi adapter
>>14419384Two sides of the same KFP coin
>>14419548Only a matter of time anon
>>14419511If you manage to verify to her personally that you are a woman, you get access to a secret tier membership where she masturbates on stream
>>14419602Only about half of 4chan's user base are neurotypical, anon. It's not just a joke.
Mori Calliope just swallowed cum
Luv me tenchou. Simple as.
>>14419543>As long as the seedlings she planted with us is alive and growing then that means she still cares about us!anon..
>>14419548The denial is strong with this one, but the trash compactor is stronger.
>>14419497Propaganda and advertising works. It's also the largest industry on earth. Every company has sunk an incredible amount of money into learning how to influence people into doing what they want.
>>14419550don't threaten me with a good time
>thinking gonna missed outfit reveal because of wageslaving>turned out she moved it to sundaymy boss love me, see ya later fags
>>14419511Exept for mori
Really liking the outfit
j*u how was kiaras outfit
alright now I'm bummed, give me a good Kiara VOD to listen to while I play Slay the Spire
>>14419630oh shes getting sushi nice, kinda early though
>>14419602I'll add that to my list of rrats
>>14419446Only Sunshine had moments that felt tense
>>14419672it wasn't...
>>14419664>Moor of he Orient
>>14419412>Debut order>Ame after Kiara>Gura lastI get it's been over a year, but even I didn't forget the debut order.
I fucking hate [X fanbase]
>>14419645>2k tweetsjust like her views lmao
>>14419611a girl who you'd normally cringe your face off at if you saw them IRL instead of behind a VTuber model
>>14419664>moor of the orienttoppest kek
>>14419645I hate you KFP fags but I at least admire that you're there for her, m-maybe you're not so bad KFP.
>>14419327I would share the knowledge with the girls and let them decide what to do from there.I'll probably just end up living on the island by myself.
i miss chiawa...
>>14419664>moor of the orientanon please, my sides
COCO REACTED TO MORI'S NEW OUTFIThttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKVipZ7zqN4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKVipZ7zqN4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKVipZ7zqN4
>>14419664>moor of the orientkek
>>14419611whale penischloe's big dick basically
>>14419210I hope she hang herself/10
>>14419675If you're a member, the latest member stream is good to rewatch.If not, I always love listening to the waiting for Ina stream. Done it countless times and never get tired of it
>>14419723This just makes me sad.
>>14419693it wasnt what? finish your sentence anon!!!
>>14419713I really don't understand>Muh 4chan reputationLike who's trying to impress niggas on here lmao
>>14419611Fauna's boyfriend apparently
>>14419723>not evwn friend reacted to moris outfitWhen did she stoo being unity
>>144197032000 loyal niggas.
>>14419675The last dedicated super reading
>>14419106Of couse
>>14419760I'm always on my best behavior because I want to impress anons on /hlgg/
>>14419771But she did though
>>14419733>Le ESL>>14419755>Le Samefag
>Kiara stream ruined>Stuck in queue>No Ame for another hour>Mumei is going to overlap with Ame streamPain all around...
>>14419776Stop drinking that.
Cunny Y/N?
>>14419781ur cringe
>>14419685i will learn japanese for her.
I shall watch Ame's reveal with great interest.
>>14419785>not even a minuteRetardchama...
>>14419787Does Mumei have no respect for her senpai?
>>14419787What ? Is Mumei really gonna overlap ? Wtf
It would be bad if something happens during Ame's outfit reveal. Right?
Why the fuck is this anime making Komi's mom look more like Komi? Are they fucking retarded?
>>14419784She was busy catching magikarps
>>14419446I still thinking nothing beats the super mario sunshine floodless level ragefit she had
>>14419787Mumei will delay her stream if it seems like they will overlap. The is a nice birb
>>14419760>He doesn't know /vt/ is high school simulator
>>14419787Watch my Oshi during her birthday stream!
>>14419790I-I can take it
>>14419810>Anon doesn't know what a 4pass isBiggerretardchama
>>14419817>>14419814>>14419828Overlap with Ame Halo, not outfit reveal. I want to watch both.
So it's basically all but confirmed that the only streams Gura's going to have for the rest of the week is her outfit reveal and the Myth collab before she takes her usual 3 day break, right?
>>14419663If her recent public warm up to Kiara is anything to go by, I'd say it's working.
>>14419327>stuck on a tropical island with survival skills and all the resources we'd ever need, with five great girls there as wellbut>my oshi isn't thereCall me Gilligan then, because I'd need to get the fuck off of that island and save them all and become that strong knight she likes to talk about so often.
>>14419796No way, fag
>>14419787>Mumei overlapping Ames outfit revealThe Risu of EN. Why are brown girls like this?
>>14419403I think she always was. Maybe not KFP specifically, but watched hololive before coaching Kiara.
>>14419819tummy hort
>>14419845KFP NO! NOT AGAIN!
>>14419819That would be just awful wouldn't it.
>noel is playing around with her home 3D model again
>>14419814mumei doesn't even care about hololive
>>14419844>buying oyveycoin to buy a passsheesh
Kiara was made to be bullied and then comforted
>stream title changed>"silent therapy stream"god I love her
a gift for you, please take it
>>14419819>>14419862*cough coughDon't worry guys, I'll do my best...
>>14419881>You'll never be sandwiched by 2 AmesFeels bad
Doki Doki Waku WakuMy heart races, the one who stole my heart is Y-O-UDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart throbs, please play with my heart -- One more timeDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart races, I want you to come see me soon -- NecromanticDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart throbs, a world with only you and I -- RomanticNecromantic - We have no need for the world’s arbitrary sense of normalNecromantic - For your decadent romantic body is always abnormalWoh-oh - I want to see you, I want to see you so bad I could dieWoh-oh - I want you to show me, I want to see where you dieNo matter how many times I hurt you, I want you to keep chasing after meLook at only me alone with those blind eyes of yours...Doki Doki Waku WakuMy heart races, the one who stole my heart is Y-O-UDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart throbs, please play with my heart -- One more timeDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart races, I want you to come see me soon -- NecromanticDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart throbs, a world with only you and I -- RomanticNecromantic - Your body will one day rot into a cruelly woeful formNecromantic - Oh it’s so romantic, no matter how many times I see itWoh-oh - Do you want to live? I want to see you so bad I could dieWoh-oh - Do you want to die? I want to see where you dieEven if the entire world hates you and becomes your enemyI’ll be there to love you. I’ll be by your sideDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart races, the one who stole my heart is Y-O-UDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart throbs, please play with my heart -- One more timeDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart races, I want you to desire me -- NecromanticDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart throbs, you want me to break you, right? Because that’s -- RomanticAah, I’m choking on this rupturing heart jumping out my chest -- I keep vomiting loveAah, I want to tear your pink pulsating heart to pieces -- but for now I’ll keep it in this cageDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart races, the one who corroded my heart is Y-O-UDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart throbs, why won’t you say you love me?Doki Doki Waku WakuMy heart races, love me even if I break you -- NecromanticDoki Doki Waku WakuMy heart throbs, stay by my side, even in death!Even in death… Even in death… Even in deathNecromantic...One more time...Necromantic...
>>14419898I'm glad my chicken wife is going to therapy
>>14419881Noooo my narratives!
>>14419796NahCakes is the mood today
>>14419403She always was a hololive fan, but I think she became KFP after coaching Kiara for the SV tournament.
>>14419664This beast must be hunted so we can save our short kings from her wrath
>>14419847probably. Also 100% chance there will be a groove coaster shill stream next week, so you have that at least to look forward to
https://youtu.be/BgGv39whNb8https://youtu.be/u_lfCpK8fd8https://youtu.be/VSOVjEl_pVUwho mogs who?
>>14419862Nice try, Henry. But one fuckup out of you and I'll personally make sure you don't breathe ever again.
>>14419947They all mog (you)
>>14419819That would be so tragic
>Anons ITT really believe they wouldn't just lock the reddit until Kiara's debut then unlock itAnd then relock it again if people start discussing the rigger
>>14419846Oh that's fine then who cares. Just put each stream on one screen
>>14419881Hmmmm EN sandwichand Ame is the bread!
>>14419904Thank you for your sacrifice
>>14419947i mogged my brother at mario kart and he wont play me anymore
>>14419904Gladly. Thanks!
>>14419886You just know this artist hast he full version on their personal computer
>>14419944Not a single tweet from her genamtes kek
>>14419955What did anon mean by this?
>>14419944Go back r*ddit
>>14419970God I want to feel the warmth of two Ame breads around me
Posting my Ina
>>14419904thank you sir
>>14419819*casts a spell that you will not know the effects of until Ame begins her outfit reveal*
>>14419986That's not reddit retardchama
>>14419787Mumei won't do that, she's a good girl
>>14419819I'm sure a certain cat will DEFINITELY not ruin it!
Anons, I think I figured something out.Kiara and Gura... They're genmates, aren't they?
>>14419663The shell has been breaking for a whilehttps://youtu.be/to9EN-HOL2E?t=6299
>>14419926Haachamas soft squeezable body
>>14419908>Stream ends abruptly>Right before that, Ame noticed smoke and some sparks coming from her PC, but didn't get to fully react>Much later, news articles start to appear about a fire in a house and a non-identified young woman found dead due to an explosion>Cover announces Ame's graduation without a stream>HoloEN dissolves some time after
>>14419787Mumei delayed yesterdays stream by like 2 hours to watch Mori's concert there is a 100% chance she'll delay if Ame runs over. Owl is very unity.
>>14419978its obvious theyre busy having discord sex,anon. give them time to recover
>>14419295I'd like Kiara mire if she had her mother's taste in games
>>14419947Ame bee mogs all vtubers in the universe in every single metric, she mogs them beyond what a mere human could understand
>>14419986We're all Reddit here
>>14420004Take meds, anon.
>>14419881ame burger
>>14419986>It's reddit to love your OshiJesus christ why are niggers like you even here???
I did not expect to hear "chuuni" out of Fauna's mouth and it being used correctly if at all.
>>14419904Her anus pubes. In my mouth. Please.
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive Ame of her trespasses.
Not my problem.
>>14419978>Every interaction has to happen publiclyKill yourself
>>14419384spot the 4channer
>>14419986Kill yourself immediately
So who is the dorkiest hololive member
>>14419012Something something rubberneckers.
Take a moment to look at this cute half-elf cosplay
>>14420060Understand anon, you have to actively shit on the person you like at all times
>>14420075Chuuni character popped up in Komi, she called it out before the character even spoke.
>>14420064...have you not watched her streams before this? How did you get in her membership?
>>14420060Loving your oshi privately, but forcing a hashtag just because of some technical issues is a good example of reddit behavior.
>>14420095Too white
>>14420085Based English teacher
>>14419947Ame's is a true theater performance worthy of musicals.
>>14420060Ironic weebs, see? >>14420102
>>14419986Only discordkiddies tell others to go to redditGo back to your server, scum
>>14420091touch gurass
>>14420095Too light but very cute.
>>14420102>O-only in privateThis nigga is insecure about who he loves LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>14420121God I want to
>>14419664The 5'6 amazoness
>>14420102It's like an idol thing
>stream comes back>240p>Hear Kiara say umm in an extremely sad way trying to hold back tears>Stream dies againSay what you want about Kiara but the stream was sufferkino of the highest order
>>14420100She's used the term "gap moe" among other things incorrectly before.
>>14420076i cant forgive her for getting the ice cream i bought for her all over her clothes
Moom post
>>14420022Ame wouldn't die from a mere explosionShe'd come back stronger than ever but missing an eye or something
Ame open your fucking chat you dumb bitch
>>14419035>Ame is Yagoo's favorite>Mori is A-Chan's favoritethey'll get away with everything
>>14420095Too white ass too small tits too small
Noel cute
>>14420121If there's grass on the field I don't want to play ball
>>14420102>ForceHer name had already been trending for a few hours, they didn't really need to force anything the twitter algo just picked up the hashtag
>>14420085maybe he is using reddit as an adjective
>>14420102>Loving your oshi privatelyJesus fuck go the fuck back
>>14420064Fauna's the most internet savvy EN in general. I almost fell off my chair when she referenced Technology Connections.
>>14420042I half expected to see Trash Taste there
>>14420102Look at this insecure faggot. I scream to everyone around me about my love of Gura.
huh you can see live viewers in members streams on mobile. never knew that
>>14420102Pathetic, you should be proud of loving your oshi!I LOVE MORI!
spoonfeed me art of holos vomiting
I am not afraid to say I love Mori Calliope
>>14420102lmao insecure nigga.i love my oshi and i show it.
>>14419986>>14419978You guys never stop losing, do you?
>>14420163>Ame will never be burg-
>lmao what if we translated chuuni as cringey?This sub is fucking shit.
>>14420183Why would I go there when they only release something new every month or so?
>>14420102What an insecure bitch. I fucking love Kiara and I want the world to know it.
>>14420085how can you be this wrong
Give me the rundown on these 2, I've seen their streams but I still dont know anything about them
>>14420093Mori, she doesn't have a cringe limiter at all and will go all out and do the most cringe things imaginable, and it doesn't phase her one bit
>>14420224I just mean that I'm conditioned to expect it when seeing Reddit screencaps now
>>14419025Holy shit, why did no one tell me Roboco can dance like THAT?
how does your oshi treat their members compared to her regular chat
>>14420102Ah yes everything must be seeped in irony right? Fuck you I'll let the world know how great my oshi is.
>>14420246FailuresThat's all you need to know.
>>14420102>he wouldn’t scream his love of his oshi in the streets>he wouldn’t wear his oshi’s merch in public>he wouldn’t gut someone like a fish in the middle of Akiba for being his oshi’s anti>he wouldn’t go KyoAni on YouTube HQ for his oshiFucking normalfag
>>14420093Flare, she's just a shy dork who seems cool from the outside
>>14420256Is council the polygamy gen of EN?
>>14420256Mumei is a whore
>>14420263Reads every single superchat
>>14420260Nah, plenty of people on the hololive reddit hate Gigguk. They just won't say say it because downvotes
Why is she like this?
Can't wait for Kiara to hang herself tommorow!
>Watching the "silent therapy stream"My chicken wife was Chapling al along...
>>14420263Ame does everything in her power to filter greys.
>>14420269I'm not sure i'm on board with the last two.
>>14420187Based. I love Haachama so much I think about her more than my actual girlfriend
>>14420246One is a manically depressed personification of time that (ironically) can't go back in time to unfuck her life so that doesn't end up praying for the courage to end it all every day, the other is a whore and a vegan.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1580240/Rune_Factory_4_Special/I think kiara would love this game
>>14420102Fuck off, retard.
>>14419547I think it was Gura that talked about having to make really big expressive faces while streaming and being worried that she'd make those in public.
>>14420296Cute ? No idea but she should keep going.
>Ame>Fauna>Mumei>IRyS>Kronii>HakotaroI would like these holos to play jump king
>>14420328who has the better farts
https://youtu.be/hTutBgnEM9s?t=941My heart...
>>14420269The last two would make my oshi sad. I do not want to make my oshi sad, so I will not take those actions.
>>14420304I knew Mio was a witch...
>>14420332permissions muzukashii, Ame played it offstream
>>14420279Mumei is the harem protagonist
I don't trust the Twitter description after " Reines' " live concert during the 3rd gen concert, what happened with Kiara?
>>14420332I think Mori would love it too
>>14420263Grey = Subhuman trashMember = Retard who must be contained
>>14420187Based. I love Mori too!
>>14420332I dunno if they fixed this version, but the 3DS one was pretty grindy. Maybe she'll prefer RF5 but I can see her, Ame and Ina getting into 4. Wasn't Ane playing it though?
>>14420379 (me)forgot pic
https://youtu.be/JU5f0v5U4D8why is she like this? why arent more holos like this?
I love my retarded wife so much
>>14420246Kronii is extraordinarily depressed and has permanent resting sarcastic voice. utterly addicted to and brainrotted by entry-level memesfauna has an extraordinarily sweet voice, saccharine to some, an extensive vocabulary and deep knowledge of internet culture, hiding power level often. verry cute when flustered.
>>14420388Oh yeah she loves harvest moon right?
>>14420379Reine DID lend her island for that concert though
>>14420397CHARLES LOVE
>>14420397>>14420379Read her twitter
>>14420421the ugliest holo
>>14420397>Brentford FC vs Watford FCWhy does that wog Dennis keep scoring?
>>14419664>Moor Presence
>>14420286You mistook Mumei for your mother, anon.
eating chicken ass...
>>14420411And stardew, she was really into that city builder that her and ame played in members too
>>14420269Eh, punching an anti is fine but making sushi out of him? Don't think so, neither the KyoAni thing
Wasn't the Omocat stuff supposed to ship within a few days of ordering if you were USA? has anyone gotten a tracking number yet?
>>14420410Both of these are appealing to different parts of me. I just really love cute girls.
>>14420379>>14420397Her outfit reveal was delayed until Sunday because her computer started acting up not even 15 minutes in. Several attempts to fix the problem availed her nothing so she rescheduled. It remains to be seen why it happened.
>>14420439that's not Kiara
>>14420102They hated him because he told them the truth.
Fauna feels really bad for Kiara. She wants to scream at the universe that it happened, especially to an important stream.
>>14419464would be based as fuck
Japanese doctors have diagnosed nekomata okayu with depression twice in her relatively short adult life.She is a broken woman and is being taken advantage of by a woman twice her age for her own emotional gratification.
>>14420439Would still pityfuck.
>>14420411Yeah and Stardew. The fact RF has actual combat might elevate it for her.
>>14420439That's not very nice anon and I don't think you believe that. What compelled you to say something like that?
>>14420498That's hot.
>>14420476Based unity deer
A question to everybody here who watched this Holo Live Sport Fest do you all think that Miko and Mio should make a 2 day event to account with the increased of participants
>>14420469That's enough samefagging for one day discordchama
>>14420465Nothing for my order. Small indie shop probably completely overwhelmed I'd imagine
Unity Fauna...
>>14420476Your oshi is precious saplings. Hope you're having fun with her.
>>14420102Just accept that we are the new bronies, the replies are proving it.
>>14420404the thought of teenage Mori and her sister breaking out into song singing this while getting progressively more british is one of my favorite things shes ever told us
>>14420102Wew. All these downvotes won't look good for your karma, anon
>>14420439You don't need to use reverse psychology to get more Rushia pictures.
>>14420295Why are you talking to me about Reddit as though I care or am interested. My sole knowledge of it is through anons sharing screencaps of TT affiliated redditors behaving heinously. And "many people think X but do not say it because quantified social pressure" only convincees me I am right to ignore and avoid that place
>>14420570didn't rushia used to have pink hair? is this one of those other things that got nelson mandela'd?
>>14420498she's just like me...
When will the omocat merch ship?
>>14420549based nijisister speaking the truth
>>14420379Did Twitter mess up the trending description with Reine before?
>>14420498Imagine Korone laying an emotionally drained Okayu onto her bed, taking advantage of her numb state to exploit every inch of her plump fertile body. I hope she gets well soon, I hate seeing any of these girls suffer
>>14420533>santa wanted us today, good girls listen ya know>we're nice and with good figures we can help santa>messy christmasIryS getting cucked by Santa....
>>14420521Yeah, she basically told everyone to go to her stream to support her when it gets rescheduled. Basically said to go to Ame's too. She's excited for both. Honestly pretty sure the reason why she's not streaming tomorrow is because of both Ina and Gura even if she hasn't said it.
>>14420549you stop that right now
which myth will have an outfit issue similar to the rushia long neck incident
>>14420332Ame got addicted to rune factory a few months ago
>>14420332Holy fucking absence of soul. The fact that the only good Harvest Moon-like game to have come out since the N64 version is Stardew Valley upsets me horribly.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IQx4l7WXD4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IQx4l7WXD4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IQx4l7WXD4AME IN AN HOUR DE GOZARU
>>14420549That got deleted faster than any dox or porn I've ever seen.What the fuck, glad mods have their priorities right.
Anything less than 30°C is cold
>>14420611this is bait
>>14420581>as though I care or am interestedPeople talk on image boards anon. If you're not interested, then you can just not reply
>>14420102I'd ask where these faggots even come from, but by now everyone must know
>>14420563la viajero del tiempo goblinas...
I fucking hate fauna, I cant stop playing pokemon unite because of her shill
>>14420628Blonde ninja sure plays a lot of ring fit
>>14420611>kiara not in noneunironically watch streams
>>14420667training her body for gaijin penis (Mine.)
If you're a good Sapling you stay in the green house, if you're a bad sapling you stay in the fucking basement where you belong you fuck.
>>1442063730C is less than freezing so isnt that kind of obvious that it's cold?
>Fapped to some chloe von einzbern doujin to pass the time>Still 2 hours till AmeI should have edged longer
>>14420674She's busy lately, that's the best she can do
>>14420630It's like the coof, once it spreads it grows out of control.
>>14419947>Mori is a good mix between technical performance and SOVL>Gura was messing around a good bit, but the clean parts were CLEAN>Watcha
>>14419905That's not what aerons look like.
>>14420611Kiara literally confirmed she has no body hair.
>>14420697Retard, she got lasered.She can't grow it anymore.
>planned my entire day around these streams and now theyre cancelledfuck niggers fuck fuck fuck
>no elves in all of ENSad
What really gets your neurons neuroning?
>>14420630I think they have to be more vigilant about containing those people specifically because they have a new show now or something, so latent sleeper cells have been starting to become active and try to test the waters on if they can break the ban against them.
uhhh.. do you guys wanna play Gartic Phone since there's nothing to watch for the next 2 hours?
>>14420717How did she confirm it?
>>14420697>that's the best she can doit's been gone for atleast a year anon
>>14420464Neither of them are endurance streamers so you can probably watch most of both
>>14420630slurp harder
>I would personally love to get a dad joke in my locker sent by a cute girlOk, Fauna.
Out of all the fanbases hololive has, KFP is legitimately the one that keeps surprising me. I raise a toast to you KFP, good work.
>>14420733What about her?
onegai...I'll cry
>>14420733nino nino nino... & irys....
>>14420729both of them are just like me...
>>14420630Remember, give them an inch...
Holy shit it's snail
>>14420747I will if theres enough people
>>14420735I love Ame toowait, I'm sorry, what was the question
>>14420729Don't screencap your own posts, 5ch doesn't talk about "saving" like this so it's obvious it was you
>>14420611>Olliewatch streams, no hair there
>>14420498depression is what my couch gets when i sit on it too long
>>14420738I want to see a movie about how bronies are actually the result of a horribly failed CIA psyop.
>>14420078she has good taste in music
>>14420332WTF? When did this happen? Did they fix RF5 yet?
>>14420750Where the fuck do you people come from? The least you can do is lurk and at least try to adapt to the local culture you fucking cancer.
>>14420785why did he jizz on her shoes
>>14420748By discussing at great length and detail in a stream that she'd had whole-body hair removal treatment, and is one of an unfortunate minority that experience pain from it. She also complained they missed one or two hairs.
>>14420729Stay in the cagie, wagie. Good sararīman
>>14420831So, no proof then?
What happened to Kiara stream. Was it Susan fault
So, about the Gura minecraft reservation, where is it?
>>14420776Long ears do not automatically make an elf
>>14420747i dont know how
>>14420810dude it's been 7 hours. have you just been here all day?
been a bit out of the ame loop, did she talk about her reveal at all? wondering if she has something special up her sleeve like the first one
KFPWhy is your oshi sex?
>>14420611koyori and mumei are definitely trimmed neatly, they like a little spice over sterile bareness
>>14420854your just baiting for dox
>>14420877I'm sorry anon
>>14420729>15Just like me...
>>14420823What's wrong with it?
jwu what happened?
Can you really trust a 18-19 year old korean menhera with a party outfit?
>>14420735People are always so worried about energy, but why don't we just put a bunch of giant tubes underneath the ocean and use the inherent velociety of the ocean to generate power and solve the global energy question?The ocean always moves, that's just how it is, so why not just put a big funnel or a series of funnels under the sea, put turbines in those funnels, and let it siphon power from nature's dark underbelly? We do it with wind power, but wind is inconsistent, whereas the ocean is always moving and waving. Wouldn't it be easy?
>>14420854I don't remember which stream it was. I'm sure someone will be along with the timestamp shortly.
>>14420857Just quit caring.
>>14420116but hiding your powerlevel is classic 4chan behavior?
>>14420909FUCK YOU
>>14420611kiara and mori not in none huh
>>14420263Used to be very special, now about the same as greyst. chumbud
>>14420767Cheers homie
>>14420937IS THAT A??????????
>>14420914You woke up, probably put on some socks, got on your computer and announced you've just woken up
>>14420877She said about a month ago that it won't be as interactive as the last one. But that she's still been working on something for it.
>>14420611The girls I like the most are the furthest from furtown so I'm going to give it a 9/10.Be a little gentler on Aqua next time.
>>14420919she gave her one of her daughters a rifle, of course I trust her
>>14420498>for her own emotional gratificationAnd sexual gratification, don't forget that part.
>>14420887Just built different.
>>14420919Isn't Ame the only holoEN that never did a collab with her mama yet? Why not
Has it been one year already?Time for the yearly re-watch!
>>14420857that was just her retarded way of letting us know she's still alive, she's not going to play it on-stream
>>14420958>probably put on some socksDo people really do this if they're not going out?
>>14420611>Coco>NoneShe trimmed once a moth when she had time, going by what Kanatan has said she's more sloopy now. Definitely bushy
>>14420989Wtf are you smoking?
>>14420887She can't help it
>>14420989She did, along with Mel and her mama
>>14420935That's for IRL interactions. Surely your twitter and youtube accounts aren't linked linked to your real identity in any way that anyone other than feds could dox you, right?
>>14420901Performance issues and lacking content.
Does Ame not realize that the more money she gets the more projects she can do? Surely she can't be THAT retarded?
>>14420498Wait, why did they diagnose her twice? Is that necessary? I just got the one diagnosis so far. Do I need to renew my depression license?
>>14420928This post radiates big water energy.
>>14420933looks like a lot, but you gotta remember that all of those are 1 hour streams.
>>14420989mori hasnt thats because shes an actual ghost on socials
>>14420611>Ina in none???
>>144209533D Noel is too powerful...
>>14420735How Youtube is straight-up Harrison Bergeronning the fuck out of Hololive
>>14420989She collabed with Nabi, Mel and Ayamy. Ayamy and Ame turns out both are similar in being toxic little shits
Good morning! How was my wife's outfit?
>>14420991I hope Ame and Gura will watch Die Hard 2 this year. It's the best of the Trilogy.
>>14421009I imaged it's winter where he lives and doesn't want his feet to be cold ...
>>14420919She'll google "party outfit" and pick a decent looking one.It's not fancy, but it gets the job done well enough.
>>14420941I made this list by looking at the girls and ranking them based off of their "inherent qualities."I see that some people are complaining about how their oshi confirmed it one way or another that isn't the same as this list, but whether or not they actually have hair, they have the "essence of hair."Their body may be treated differently, but their souls' pube status is unchangeable.
If you love Komi so much why don't you just fucking marry her, Fauna.
Gartic chads ikuzo?https://garticphone.com/pt/?c=01510e9f10https://garticphone.com/pt/?c=01510e9f10https://garticphone.com/pt/?c=01510e9f10
what are some songs where mumei sings low?
>>14420874Aren't we all?
>>14421070G-go back to bed, anon. it's for the best.
>>14421030If you rcovered once then yeah, you need to go check yourlsef again
>>14421078Cool just like Mori's 2nd outfit was picked then. Google always wins.
>>14419904>>14419989dangerously based
>>14420945tell me what changed, "chumbud"
>>14420498I mean, she sings stuff like thishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDdGyYJ4I8kDoesn't surprise me.
>>14421040Smol Mori onahole thoughts
>>14420909I haven't been able to keep up with Fauna, but it seems she really likes that 3D Fauna, huh?
>>14421007She's not going to play it off-stream either. That's clearly what the tweet vents about...
>>14421031I would certainly hope that you can make a big amount of energy with water, anon, yes
>>14420919She's a 14 year old now
>>14421085what fucking language is this mate
>>14420887naturally sensual
>>14421019you wouldn't admit enjoying your oshi's content IRL?
>>14421033you mean yukisame being dead until mori does something?
>>14421120She absolutely does.
>>14421119>Smol Mori onahole thoughtscease.
>>14421098Oh, nothing I need to worry about, then.
>>14420611>Coco>Suisei>Ina>Pekora>>>noneruo rumao
It's at times line these where I reminisce about Ame 1337, and what joy she brought with her first oufit reveal. I hope this new Ame model will also allow me to smile.
>>14421040Why mori talked like a nigger the whole concert?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Yl7UB74u90Ayamy is gonna draw mel if you want something to watch
>>14420928Because sharks eat them.Those pesky sharks...
>>14421085I fucking hate brazilians. You are worse than SEA.Die in a fire
Where are you looking, /hlgg/?
>>14421068Is that the one with the nigger sign?
>>14421160You CAN'T stop meI WILL request it in the drawthread or commission it
>>14421132Not exactly the interpretation I was going for, but that also fits I guess.
>>14421197It was emotional rebound from the outfit reveal that morning- when she was talking in a very girly voice and seiso-baiting very hardSo of course she went 180 HARD on a smol test concert.
>>14421197that wasnt mori, that was Ope
>>14421146I would, but not to the extent i would on the internet. On the internet i am in love with her, she is everything to me. Face to face with someone i would say i am a fan of hers and enjoy her content.
Here's a question, anons.Is it better to be taller than your oshi, or shorter than her?
>>14421220fauna and komiI'm finna put a steak on the skillet in sec tho
>>14421263Coco literally cannot contain her pubes. They are inevitable...
>>14421236>commission itI'll allow it ONLY if you unity chad and comission smol onahole drawing of all of Myth.
>>14421262Taller of course, unless you bear the curse of being one of the skeletal ones.
>>14421256OH GOD I'M HORNY
>>14419986the edgelord "internet hate machine" view of 4chan is unironically reddit as fuck
>>14421262Only deadbeats would answer shorter.
>>14420735why doesn't Kiara want to shoot aliens
>>14421256from flattie to fattie
>>14421262taller except for moriideally like a whol foot taller, they can put their head beneath your chin without bending their neck
>>14421307Why are architects like this? What makes you this way?
>>14421320now guess which kind of mindset dominates the internet nowdays?
>>14421354not him but I wish I knew
>>14420928They exist, but underwater construction is expensive.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tidal_power_stations
Hey did you miss some Omocat merch? Guess you gotta wait until April.https://twitter.com/HololiveMemes/status/1469375535562182658?t=4kqC_oOFaVbIm5vmVeQwRw&s=19
>>14421262Why would you ever want to be shorter unless you're into femdom?Why would she ever want you to be shorter unless your oshi has a malfunction like Mori?
>>14421262My oshi is a dyke who likes both but not males
Ridiculous that Deadbeats think this is acceptable behaviour
>>14421340She prefers larping as a mass shooter for some reason for some reason she wants to play hatred next, maybe she's getting too into it
>>14421340Austrian genetics predispose her to want to shoot humans.
>>14421381>4 month turnaroundThat's very optimistic of them.
>>14421151thats kinda sweet in its own way
>>14421292If I have enough money sure, there's really lack of smol EN porn on the internet
Fresh Koyorin soundpost
>>14420928Enough of those would mess with earth's currents and fuck with the climate
>>14421354I don't even like obese women, I just like the way the softness and squishiness is renderedIf it were 3D or horrible fetish art, it'd be coated in cellulite or look like a blown up rubber balloon, good 2D fatties can look sexy by looking firm and soft at the same time
>>14421354NTA but I prefer chubbier girl as I get older, don't know why
Watch Subau in half an hourhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DICbpsbeNrU
>>14421381>collection launched while I was at work>sold out before I even got home and saw it was outwell just fuck me then
The fact that we still haven't got a drawing stream with Ina and Marine is a travesty.
>>14421417She'll play a trick on me? Oh man i sure wouldnt want that
So, uh, what happened to Gura? There was a time when it seemed like she enjoyed streaming. This is three (3) streams, and two of them are previous obligations.
>>14421432Hello fellow ojisan
>>14421262I want to actually reach cupboards thanks
Watching Botan play Hotline Miami is fucking hilarious, though her insistance on only moving her mouse when she's standing still is amazing considering how competent she normally is at games. I didn't know that you could get through the game like this.
>>14421417Whoever decided to give Koyorin a stink eye expression is a genius
>>14420928Breeder reactors are the best form of energy generation available to us right now. People are just wary of another Chernobyl event because the weak link is always that some retard is going to fuck up and not follow safety protocols.
>>14421462You've been posting this all day. Go find a hobby.
>>14420887It can't be helped fortunately
>>14421462>There was a time when it seemed like she enjoyed streamingLeopards never change their spots
>>14421417No idea what this cat is saying but she sure is cute.
>>14421414i mean, yukisame's twitter account is basically a fan account because nearly every tweet is her gushing about mori in one way or another and also retweets her streams pretty frequently, at this point i wouldnt be surprised if she forgot the existance of mori's ghost imouto because all her attention is in her job and mori
>>14421262smaller so my oshi can rock me to sleep
>everyone so distracted by outfit reveals and smol concerts that we've forgotten what really lurks behind ENWhat is their ultimate plan, /hlgg/?
>>14421469For some reason Twin Sticks just fuck people up massively.Either they get it, or they don't.
>>14421493actually made me kek
>>14421292Why is every incarnation of Gura so much cuter than everything else around her?
Hey, I'm gonna grab a shower before Ame's debuts. Could you guys watch my unicorn for a bit?
>>14421553I don't know what it means, it's just provocative.
>>14421111You'd just need to hear some of the stuff she says sometimes to have guessed.She said she "wonders if it's some kind of cosmic mistake that she's even alive"Japanese people must be brutal man.
I request holos singing hibanawithout the dumb piano backing track
>Toradora is THE christmas animeWhat the fuck she's here
>>14421559why is this angel so sex?
>>14421568theres barely any decent lewds of Fauna out there what makes you think I can find giraffe Fauna porn to reply to this with to commit to the bit?but sure ill watch her
>>14421568*fauna turns around*
>>14421417It should be law for every woman of normal weight to wear a crop top at all times.
>>14421611I wonder how many chuubas unironically got into this kind of stuff from wandering into /a/ during their formative years.
>>14421614to temper your self-control, or face the consequences
Hello?Are there streams on?Am I all alone?Is anyone there?Damn...
>>14421553Gura cutest
>>14420498Sex with Korosan will instantly cure depression, but it will surely come rushing back twice as strong in her absence...
So much for HoloLIVE, no one is even streaming!
>>14421568I wish I had Fauna like this as a companion who just chilled with me all day on my desk and gave me words of encouragement to keep trying to improve myself and make my life better and just overall spent time with me. That'd be nice.
>>14421462>There was a time when>ADHD>Consistency
Rare Fauna
>>14421661>Stockholm Syndrome the Anime is the best romance animekill yourself
>>14421658I will face the consequences of my actions then
>>14421714Shiny Fauna
>>14421381thank god i decided to order whatever was available instead of waiting for on some of the sold out items, jesas
>>14421647There's a chance she could have even called you a faggot at some point.
>your oshi>are they the cutest in Hololive?
What did she mean by thishttps://youtu.be/hTutBgnEM9s
>>14421752lurking in the shadows
>>14421718What did he mean by this?
>>14421754AmeYes, without a doubt
does anyone have that UOOHHHH video where it's a stream of water from the faucet being forced into a clay-like statue and water streaming from its eyes? I wanna send it to my friend and pretend it's just the sobbing emoji
>>14421754GuraNot just Hololive, but the whole world
>>14421752No I'm not.
>>14421754kiaraI want to say yes but ina is really fucking cute
>>14421754KiaraYes, the cutest
>>14421796Yeah me neither
Which Holo would be best for a SukaSuka watchalong?
>>14421754MatsuriYes. Some others like Fubuki and Korone are really close though
>>14420466Thanks anon. She can't seem to catch a break and she really is a sweet girl so my I'm sending my love to any KFP here and your oshi and hope she can get the outfit debut she deserves.I felt bad for asking instead of doing my reps but I was tried, but because I felt bad I put some effort in, have a dumb gif as a sign of solidarityhttps://litter.catbox.moe/fbxjuc.gif
>>14421754KiaraThere is no doubt in my mind that that is the case
>>14421729you and me both heimiehttps://litter.catbox.moe/6b7h6y.jpg
>>14421754ReineYes. If she seduces all the other members of hololive, she becomes the cutest by default.
>>14421812t. mori
>>14421136She is 13 you bastard.
>>14421826that's adorable
Fauna is very cute.
>>14420729All me
Sapling Leaf Treatment ASMR. Leaf = Ears. Scripted ASMR, showing tomorrow. She's been working on it for a long time but wasn't ever satisfied with the result, but she thinks she's got it.9pm EST tomorrow.
>>14421863is this you flip?
>>14421754MoriKawaii to kakkoii
>>14421835good lord...
>>14421754InaYes I fully believe she is the cutest. It still surprises me to this day how cute she can get.
>>14421754KiaraFor me, yes. Objectively, maybe not.
>>14421871She thinks it's silly to do a premiere but is going to do it anyway.
>>14421462Korone has trained me well not to be a needy bitch and just look forward to my oshi's next stream. You should try it too.
>>14421028Anon, she already has THREE teams working under her. Full production teams, which also include concept artists.All her projects are bottlenecked by Cover now.
>your oshi>are they the sexiest in Hololive?
>>14421924this but unironically
>>14421903She actually commissioned an artist this time, since she really liked their art. She is currently gushing over the art on the thumbnail.
>>14421863>>14421871>fauna does asmrshocker
Ninomae Ina'nis
>>14420611>SuiseiHow dare you
>>14421228No that's in the third one.
I believe when Gura comes back to Minecraft she will have a ton of completed structures to show.
>your oshi>would you put yourself in a Give-Up Machine if it had their consciousness perfectly replicated
>>14421938they don't call her suisex for nothing
>>14421974Can you share whatever you're on?
>>14421938kiarayes. there's a lot of runner ups though
>>14421417It's uncanny how much she sounds like Lamy at the start of this
https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1469467487846924291https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1469467487846924291https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1469467487846924291https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1469467487846924291https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1469467487846924291SUPER /lit/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jk8e94Cr7Uhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jk8e94Cr7Uhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jk8e94Cr7USTREAM FIRE EMBLEM THEME i miss ko'one...
>>144210681 > 3 > 2Marvin is a cool dude, though. And 3 doesn't take place at Christmas.
>>14421974based hopechad
Is there a good Skyrim-related emote that Fauna could get? Just something like FUS? A little Fauna with helmet?
>>14421754HaachamaNaturally. Nene comes close though.
>>14421979what in the fuck is a give up machine
Wide Fauna is the true ASMR master.
>>14421979kiarano because I won't be able to support the real girl
>>14421963ok. you were nice today. hope you enjoyed the stream as well. fauna was super cute
>>14421754FaunaHmm I don't know, Haato and Towa exists, Mumei too...
Where's everyone?
Faune likes Wide Fauna too much
>>14422070You have to let them go... the accident was not your fault...
>>14420611Mikochi is extremely neat, anon
>>14421754AmeNo, she is the cutest in the universe
>>14422070I'm with Ghost Ame now.
Damn I really just missed a stream of Kiara being super cute in complete silence
>>14422057Yup! I loved today's stream! I'm looking forward for more watchalongs, somehow Fauna makes komi fun to watch
>>14422070Missing Fauna now, waiting for Ame's new outfit. >>14422071It's cute.She's cute. They're both cute.
>>14422071Wide Fauna is a wonderful little strange gimmick creature. It'd be cool if someone could model a simple animated Not-Pickle for it to ride on.
>>14422070No Ina today so I'm doing gaming reps
>>14422070straight chillin
>>14421754SuzyNo shit, of course
>>14422096It was great
I hate growing old
>everyone saying their oshi is the cutestWell, only one of you can be right, you know that?It's me. It's my oshi. She's the cutest.
>>14422070I think a good chunk got depressed about kiara's computer and internet shitting the bed and are napping till ame starts
>>14422153can I comfort you in some way oji-san?
>>14420804I have missed many Ollie membership streams. Where does she talk about her cunt?
>>14421754MikoI might be a little biased, but yeah.
>>14422134I'm glad she didn't end up being sad for long
>>14421754ina the cutest indeed
>>14421417>>14421924>odd stockings/socks>"no! nottu ____ I am ____">building blocks -> chatting -> apex -> fotm game>continuous jokes about breast size>"Ill try my best" doesnt change anythingWhy is hololive like this?
>>14421852I'm glad you think so, I went made one for KFP too since I know how it feels to have your oshi feel sad and the helplessness you can feel sometimes. Sending virtual hugs your wayhttps://litter.catbox.moe/yk45dl.gif
Why are kenzoku so fuckable?
>kfp hoodie still not sold outi was told by /vt/ its the most normie friendly design
>>14421262I'm going to say it's better to be taller since the japanese concept of "tall woman" is like 5'7" and I don't want to be a midget.
>>14422070Knocking back a few waiting for Ame
>>14422193>>14422196i see
Did Chumbuds really think Gura was going to stream today?
>>14422241>new IP>Retarded post
>>14422241You were also told by /vt/ that kiara is the least popular EN
>>14422203peak entertainment
>>14422252wait is there someone singing fansa?
>>14421478Hot damn there are power plants powered by hags? Sign me up, I’ll be the keep the breeder reactors going for decades off my cum alone.
>>14419664>Moor of the OrientMy fucking sides
>>14422070This may be shocking to you anon, but when there aren't quite so many streams on, there aren't quite so many people, either.Doesn't happen often in NA hours but when it happens, that rule still holds true.
>>14421690>*swaying from side to side*>"I get prouder of you every day you try your best, anon!">*continues swaying*
>>14421754IofiShe's at least tied for first place.
>>14422010FIYAH EMBLEM
>>14422260n-no... why would I do that... (﹏)
>>14422241The only thing Kiara-related that will sell out is Kiara herself.
>>14422203It's almost like all you have to do is follow the formula to win
I will marry my oshiI hope you will all support me on my quest
I'm thinking about having sex with Irys again...
>>14422353Haha! He tried to do the sad face emoticon but 4chan didn't allow some characters! Now it looks stupid! lol XD
>>14421690If you're dedicated, you could probably 3d print one, repurpose some cheap toy with a battery-powered wobbly head, and play a loop of Fauna clips through it somehow.Then post the designs here to get 100 (you)s
What should Ame and Bae do as a collab?
>>14421262Taller, you don't want you oshi to get sad she can't wear cute heels with you because you are a manlet don't you?Unless you are a deabeat.
Why is she like this?https://youtu.be/r9DyyXS2GJE
>>14422365Remember the first step is to have a good job so you can send a lot of superchats
I'm hungry...
I come once again to ask you to tag your oshi's karaoke streams on Holodex. It is very convenient for me.
>>14422358Epic roast, feel free to post in the discord discordchad
>>14421754>Bae>y e p
>>14419412>shitposts with the picture from the mk 8dx collab>the one with Ame as the second positionBaffling.
>>14422382Anal sex collab, with me
>>14422365Who's your oshi? As long as it isn't Rushia I support you anon, ganbatte! Please support me in my goal of making Rushia happy too
>>14422382>>14422416double dildo collab
>>OPTook me way too long, but here we are.I (>>14416771) deliver you this >>14415390 Just the song: https://files.catbox.moe/1szdvl.oggWith some cringy tribalkeks (specifically >>14413899) HATE and chimkin LOVE sprinkled in at the beginning and end, respectively: https://files.catbox.moe/6eqwju.oggTake it or leave it, I will nap a bit before watching Ame's cuter than usual outfit reveal, in all likelihood with chimkin watching as well.
>>14422277no but sometimes I can hear coco singing it in my head
>2 noels
How /fit/ is Iroha anyways?
Everyone was so distracted by the Kiwawa thing that no one noticed Mori got her new outfit video age restricted
The SOUL is overloading me
>>14422465Iroha is a varbie irl
>>14422358Anon, you’re in the Hololive thread. They’re all technically sell outs.
>>14422466It was noticed yesterday, I can't wait to see what Mori has to say about it.
>>14422070im doing my reps
>your oshi>pain status
https://twitter.com/RenShifter/status/1469403291834810370i fucking love this shit
>>14422466I noticed while watching it again today, but it's whatever outside of numbers, right?
>>14422466>>14422501Is this like, a big deal? or just a minor inconvenience
Chumbuds and Takos having sex.
>>14422466She was already mogging every other outfit reveal the last 6 months, too bad she wont surpass Marine's in vod views now.
>>14422530>>14422535Think big-picture, anons.How is she going to catch the youth when they're kept from seeing her
>Fauna retweeting Mori outfit fanart>>14422518BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO CUT ME OFF
Duck weekend morning talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DICbpsbeNrUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DICbpsbeNrUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DICbpsbeNrU
>your oshi>do you like Haachama
>>14422540>takos liking chumbuds
>>14422438Based but repost next thread closer to the opening posts.
>>14422563>No viewsHoly recline
>>14417352I experienced this during the same Pokemon/Digimon/Yugioh phase, and I tried to like it, but the art styles of the monsters were so jarringly inconsistent and often grotesque that I couldn't get into it.
>>14422586>needing to like someone to fuck them
>>14422568ask this when that happens consistently, for now is only one stream and she will use the rapper outfit during the giratina hunting stream
Why don't people numberfag Ame as much?
>>14422260I've been saying that she's on an end of week 3 day break since Wednesday morning
what does iroha's sweaty butt smell like
>>14422584GuraI want to fuck her and that's about it
>>14422540I don't think I've ever seen a femtako, here or on Twitter
>>14422563good clip
>>14422563>those moaning at the endSEX
>>14422606Because Ame dislikes numbers.
>>14422563>Ina's short has 100k more views than the closest ones-she can draw you know...
Is this girl cute? I haven't really watched gen 6 much.
>>14422612Like heaven
Ame chat is open.
>>14422622Ame invented numbers
>>14422606Teamates shut them down because they redeemed themselves from their numberfagging arc in the early days of /hlgg/, they are only used when necessary.Also because their oshi is the anti thesis of numberfags
Iroha eigo jouzu
RFA ninja is live de gozaruhttps://youtu.be/2IQx4l7WXD4https://youtu.be/2IQx4l7WXD4https://youtu.be/2IQx4l7WXD4
>>14422639iroha is EXTREMELY cute degozaru
Just got Ina' birthday sweatshirt with all the takos on it, the print is pretty good with pretty accurate details and little misprinted coloring. I got the XL size and it fits perfectly for me, 6'1 lean dude. The sweatshirt is surprisingly heavy. There's no softness on the interior, no fluff or anything, it's actually kinda rough, but I wouldn't say it's uncomfortable. I'm very happy with the shirt overall, the art is amazing.
>>14422639Iroha is my wife
>>14422660Admittedly, I don't check twitter bios at all.
>>14422618I met one, hell they even asked me for a picture at a con, so they're real
>>14422584FaunaYes she's my daughter
>>14421110Back in early winter and spring she used to only be comfortable getting chatting and being open with her members. She said this multiple times back then and how she'd appreciate us for those reasons.Now it's pretty much the same as regular streams
Iroha's voice sounds very JKish, it's erotic
>>14422584FaunaPretty indifferent, to be honest.
>wake up several times last night to make sure I don't miss Rushia stream>head to work, starts at 11>should be fine, half shift today, so I'll get back by 3>even if she does a guerilla I'll make it in time to see some of it>Rushia starts guerilla at 11 as I get to work>Ends at 3PM just as I get off:(
>>14422707I honestly think Coco graduating broke her
>>14422153I'm researching aging right now anon, don't give up hope. The best thing you can do right now is exercise and make sure nothing creeps up on you and kills you, like various forms of cancer.
do you guys just sit there and refresh until you see chat open
>>14422700Same degozaru
>>14422563Here's the proper clip.
Can someone delete some images so I can post sexy Iroha ones instead?
>>14422584MatsuriOf course. Her content isn't always for me, but I do like that she tries to be creative. Hopefully she isn't too stressed by her schoolwork lately
>>14422563wow that's hotno wonder brats are sex pests
Duck is 6 minutes late and counting, this is a unprecedented disaster.
>>14422676Why does Iroha do many RFA streams? Is she that desperate?
>>14422535I think she will just laugh at it. It just means you have to be logged in to watch it, and children are not going to watch a long outfit reveal, there are unironically clips for that.>>14422589I'm meaning to do that, but I am not sure if I will still be awake then.
>>14422741You're trying this with Gura now? Really?
>>14422763She's unironically very fit and does it as exercise
we are ngmi
>>14422763Nah, it would be seen as desperate if she only did them once or twice, but she is dedicated to getting fit it looks like
>>14422741I think it was part of her arc which resulted in her gradually realizing she should just use her time on earth to do what she wants and be happy, even it's hard to do so sometimes. Don't think it broke her or anything.
>>14422763Irys did the same thing early on...