Youtube: dokoFirst original song: [ KING: or Treat: Merch:OMOCAT: (5% off)Pop Up Parade: (TBA)Previous thread: >>14310496
Gura cute Gura cute!
I'm in love with Gura!
But sound of water over a rockWhere the hermit-thrush sings in the pine treesGoop goop goop goop goop goop goopBut there is no stream
I hope gura had a fun time massaging her vagina brain in the shower
>>OPMy rrat says Gura is in finals and should be done either today or Thursday and things should more or less go back to normal until the Winter Break
I want Gura to drain my balls of their sexual energy
Can I ask what the hell happened in the thread with >1000 posts earlier today? No way I'm reading all that.
>>14321574You've spouted your ridiculous rrat in like 10 threads already. Give it a rest.
>>14321839excuse me but we also hit the image limit
>>14321574It's kind of admirable how people keep posting this despite how dumb it is. I respect it.
I think I'm gonna miss the outfit reveal
>>14321923>people>implying its more than 1 desperate autist
>>14321940Gura still loves you.>>14321992It's stupid and funny enough that I'm pretty sure some people jumped on for laughs.
You guys are a bunch of spoiled babies
>>14322051Gura will change my diaper.
chumbuds that last thread with all the loli talk got me horny as FUCK and i am waiting so impatiently for my sheets to finish washing and drying so i can go to bed and think about it some more
>>14322211careful, the tumblr faggots lurking here will call you a pedo
I know certain chumbuds are really going to hate me for saying this and that's fine. I don't need your approval and I don't need your (YOU)'s. I wouldn't spend the time to write all this if I was an anti. I'm not going to try and stir shit or insinuate anything other than what I see when I watch her. And what I see is not the same Gura I fell in love with. It's clear to me something in her life has changed for the worse, be it personal happenings/relationships, her self-image of her role in Hololive, or she's burnt out, or whatever else.I completely get her frustration when it comes to games and permissions and all that. It has to be extremely frustrating trying to come up with plans only to be told no by management. But there is absolutely zero reason she can't just talk to us. Do a zatsudan. A watch along. Anything. I want the old Gura back. The Gura that liked to experiment. The Gura that did weird cooking streams. The Gura that watched Jaws with us. The Gura that tried to grow plants with us. The Gura that wanted to hang out with chat.She doesn't seem to need us anymore. I know that's what a lot of you faggot tourists wanted - you were always against the idea of Gura doing anything resembling GFE. We've always fought this way. You normies would always say, "It's none of our business. I HOPE she has a boyfriend", and people like me would call you disgusting cucks and the cycle would begin anew. But this is what happens when chat is just chat. This is what happens when there is no parasocial relationship FROM the chuuba. It's just a job now. Just like you faggots wanted.If something is bothering her, I want her to let us know. Not because we're entitled to know - we aren't. Not because she has to let us know, but because she wants to. I want her to depend on us. I don't want another Nene situation. I don't want Gura to break down like Rushia did because she thinks she can't let her chat down or because she thinks she has to bottle everything inside.Gura just doesn't need us the way we need her. I don't think she ever will. I don't know what her life is like - if she's lonely or has someone. I just know she doesn't care the same way she did when she debuted and it makes me really, really sad.Also, fuck that autistic yesfaggot image replier.
>>14321893I'll go through all the images, but I'll eat my shoe if that many replies made for a positive/worthwhile thread to read. Just curious what caused it.
>>14321381Same desu
Why even make /ggg/ at this point.
>14322414>le faggot repost
>>14322051I wish mommy Gura spoiled me even more
>>14322499all of us believe that she'll get through this and that's why we're still here to talk about her.
>>14322414this is a ritualpost now?
>>14321574You must be both retarded and not watch her if you think Gura's going to school for anything.
>>14322499the autists that browse this website get their dopamine hits from getting their (you)'s yes, that includes (you)
ITT: we post old and rare files of gura
>>14322414can I get a tldr?
>>14322731>starts with an image that is neither old nor rare
Post games from your childhood you want Gura to play even though she wouldn’t like them
>>14321839literal retards arguing about nothing
>>14322499Let us mourn in peace!
this image exudes pure SEX
>>14321839>>14322877Yeah mostly literal retards being called literal retards by a based anon posting lots of cute guras. Then the retards got mad and posted more which led to them getting called retards even more by the super ultra based anon.
>>14322872Hey you Pikachu
>>14322731this one maybe>>14322872oldbud, your age are showing... bishi bashi special
when is goop goop going to come to my house and play videos on my couch and say things about them while I watch
anyone have gura's updated brain score?
>>14322499To mourn our dead oshi
>>14322993tits too big
>>14323141Well anyone posting cute Guras is naturally based
>>14322735of the yesman image spammer?This should cover about 50% of it>>14297395Dude was at it for about 8 hours
>>14323165I'm 24 but my first console was an old SNES I got from some relative
>>14323309literally just a mindless spambot that got verbally raped to death over and over
It's over chumbuds, Umishit did it again
>>14322735He >has an unsubstantiated headcanon>misunderstands Gura>thinks she's changed dramatically in the past five months>believes she doesn't have a parasocial relationship with us/wants a stronger one from her
>>14322612I mean she could be in something Art or Acting-related thing. I just say that because I've noticed she goes silent around the same time colleges start finals week so I figured it would be a reasonable enough reason why she could be not streaming. Or you could just believe she hates video games and be done with it. Whatever floats your boat really.
>>14322872Imagine the frustration
>>14323353we know
>>14323215Last I saw was on Ina's stream. Have any other holomembers played Gura?
>>14323353Yes we all know its over
>>14323353Pitchfork time?
>>14323353maybe she put effort in this time
>>14323347I know you guys are mad that he owned you repeatedly, but you don't have to seethe this hard.
>>14323347>>14323309Sounds like a based dude to me. Maybe you should try to be more like him and less stupid? Just spitballin here
>>14323423Hold off until the reveal.There is a tiny itty bitty chance that the outfit is good and we dont want to blow our load before it is revealed so its more credible when we do start bitching.
>>14323215Maybe IRyS will challenge her
>>14323482it was a retard shitting up the thread.
>>14323511I don't really trust you man that looks like a lot of cute Guras to me
>>14323150She might play Pokemon Channel
>>14322731Not really old or rare
>>14323482>calling yourself basedfucking cringe dude
>>14323550it was stale images accompanied by meaningless spam
>>14322872It hurts.
>>14322290>Tumblrfags degrading and bullyingT u T Fuck I can't possibly get any harder.
>>14323574You'll grow a brain someday and be able to understand it.
>>14323381hey, she got to see alma tits in the end. its a fair trade i think
>>14323550>>14323574When the two of you inevitably kill yourselves your parents will be relieved that the fetus they failed to abort is finally out of their lives and in a week nobody will remember you.
Taking Gura to her routine gynecology appointment!
>>14323679Welcome to Hell
>>14323771That's not a very based thing to say
>>14323799By me
>>14323822>>14323679my most controversial opinion: 8 is better than 7
>>14323371>believes she doesn't have a parasocial relationship with us/wants a stronger one from herHe may be a schizo, but this is true.. nobody in EN feels this way about their fanbase other than Kiara.Gura's one of the most distant in EN with her fanbase. She clearly pushes for the separation of streamer and audience and has a whole off-stream / IRL side that her audience will never know about.
Getting strong urges tonight to make Gura's hoodie more stinky than it is.
>>14323962Eat more meat and asparagus
>>14323928I don't think anybody asked you to spill more dumb headcanon in the thread did they?
>>14323679I believe Gura would honestly enjoy FFVII Remake
>>14323920>8 is better than 7That's blasphemy.
>>14322872Still waiting for her to finish Super Metroid.
>>14324065Image set of the year.
>>14322872>TRPG + Atlusone man can dream haha....>>14323920entire 8 plot are retarded. 'haha it just a dream bro'
>>14323353well he's saying "this new work's design is too good".. doesn't guarantee it's for anything related to hololive
>>14324126Alright if we're pulling out the obscure cult classic JRPGs...
Shou did it again
>>14324192>completely ignores that the silhouette has 1 strap above shoulder
>>14322872I would kill to see someone play this garbage. I love this piece of shit.
>>14323374She's a multimillionaire and already the top VTuber in the world and a streamer in the top VTuber company in the world.. obviously she isn't fucking going to college. If anything she should be doing dance / singing lessons, but she does neither of those too
irys didn't have gura's code...
>>14324134Yeah she's talking about the figurine she retweeted right before posting that.
>>14324035At least I'm not delusional and schizophrenic enough to think she wants to be parasocial rumao
>>14324325I don't think anyone has Gura's code? I thought people were playing her through the friends list
>>14323353That specific tweet is probably referring to the figure he RTed just before posting it. But yes, he probably is doing the rigging again and I have no hope otherwise anymore.
>>14323374I dont mean to be a shit poster but dude shes WAY too lazy for any of that.
>>14324399really, it's been over since mask anya.
>>14324372Nobody said anything like that. You're the only one who expressed a dubious opinion here.
Post images that make you UOH
>>14324126NTA, but that's not the plot of 8 at all. The most retarded plot of 8 is the whole everyone's from the same orphanage but we got amnesia from GF Also Ultemecia was one of the best villains because if she had succeeded it meant that she would rule every timeline from her dimension and others, including the ones from the other games.
>>14324294>3D sprite-based isometric platformerWhat the fuck
>>14323374I really hope you're just shitposting and aren't this retarded
>>14322414>what I see is not the same Gura I fell in love with.That's a (you) problem, faggot
>>14324372She does and is. You're the retard who thinks parasocial relationships have to have a particular shape that she doesn't fit.
>>14324399The other tweet that was pulled up as evidence of her doing the rigging again was also in the context of another tweet that came before it.It's not like we'd know they changed the rigger before the outfit reveal either way.
>>14324580You're actually reading that?
>>14323374Dude, she's just lazy.. she still streams most days out of the week, just not very much.
>>14324546It's also a part isometric fighting game.
>>14323374She doesn't hate videogames, she just doesn't care about chat or her fans. There is zero reason why she can't just do a zatsudon or a cooking stream if she doesn't want to play games.
>>14324620Yeah lol
I don't understand how you people seem to think Gura doesn't have a personal life
>>14324496read the thread chain you cocksucker>>14323371this guy right here said it.
>>14324661She also got a bunch of perms she asked for and never played any of them so its no wonder management gets mad at her asking for so many.
>>14324661>cringe bait
Goodnight chumbuds, I don't have the gif with me but I'm the same guy. Shark dreams chumbuds
>>14324303Why do people forget this so often? She doesn't even have a single million after Youtube and Cover take their cut and the government steals theirs.
>>14324661>>14324724>on cooldownyou could be a LITTLE less obvious
>>14324722Why do you point at better posts than yours to justify your bad posts? Can't you just post cute Guras or say something actually interesting instead?
>>14324802something something inspect element
>>14322872I'd take any MegaManX from 1-5 as I don't think she would like X6's bullshit or X7 over all being a broken game, or X8 have good highs, and some low lows, but if I had to pick one it would have to be X4 it's just the best one in My, and most the MegaManX community opinions.I don't know if she would like it as much as me, but I'd love to see her try Sonic Adventure 2.
>>14324761night buddy
>>14324614Anon.. 90% of her time is spent IRL and doing off-stream stuff. On top of that she doesn't communicate with us in any way whatsoever outside of her allotted 3 hour stream time.It sounds to me that you're just incredibly emotionally starved and misconstrue any slight kindness / cuteness / sweetness from her as her wanting to be parasocial. It sounds to me that you don't have much experience talking to women.
>>14324772She does make enough to stuff it all in a conservative index fund that pays high dividends and be a hyper neet for life.
>>14324772Why do people forget that almost all of her income comes from VOD views with second being members with superchats not even being anywhere close.
>>14324860It sounds to me like you don't know what parasocial relationships are. You're in one with this thread, by the way.
For Christmas, I want samefagging anons to stop posting inspect elements screenshots and just take the L.
>>14323374She explicitly stated in a stream some time ago that she didn't go to school, assuming college. Reps
>>14324777eat shit
>>14324860>Gura totally does work off streamYea.... we know this is completely false at this point idk why people keep acting like its true. Any time shes ever been asked what she did all day she says "nothing" or "i just woke up"
>>14324903>You're in one with this thread, by the way.It sounds to me you don't know what parasocial relationships are.
>unpinned clipping tweet today>next pinned tweet is about outfit reveal>doesn't stream that nightShe's not going to stream again until the outfit reveal is she?
>>14325034i wouldnt expect one, but in all honesty who fucking knows.
>>14324802>>14325000please understand how meaningless screenshots are
>>14325034That would make sense I guess. Build the suspense of coming back from break + new outfit
>>14325034please understand, she is desperately practicing with umiushit's rig to try to make it move without crashing live2d
>>14325034It would be really weird if she streamed today/tomorrow/Friday. That'd be almost 2 full weeks with only one day off by next Monday.
>>14324858Yeah I just have the most nostalgia for X1, it's probably not her type of game in the first place but any of them would be cool to watch her play>>14324657That's bizarre and the artstyle is kinda disgusting, but then again Gura's into that shit
>>14324761I hope tomorrow isn't as painful for me as tonight was, I hope you chumbuds are feeling well. Goodnight chumbud
>>14325083please understand how autistic seeing messages posted 31 seconds apart and thinking that the only possible way that can happen is if someone is posting off cooldown.
>>14325162>literally 61 seconds apart
>>14324761gnight man
>>14325115Gura is repairing the holes in the model as we speak.
>>14325009I never said work.. I said off-stream stuff. That could be shopping, dating, doing stuff with family, sleeping, playing games with friends, watching youtube videos, documentaries, and reality shows, etc.I highly doubt she's doing any hololive projects or real work off-stream.>Any time shes ever been asked what she did all day she says "nothing" or "i just woke up"I hope you understand that she only shares with us what she's allowed to share and what she feels comfortable sharing. She'd never get into intricate detail about her private life.
>>14324970Do you happen to know whoch one? If it's true I'll just accept defeat and not post about it.
>>14325162why you getting so defensive if it wasnt you samefagging?
>>14325149Yeah it's a wierd game even for its time. Too bad permissions are impossible because the company is defunct.
>>14325199>>14325209I know I timed that one lol>>14325319>so defensive?
>>14325214Imagine delaying the reveals and she's still rigged like swiss cheese.
>>14325297She spends every single second she's not live with me
>>14325402Its more likely than you think
So, I got nostalgic, and watched some early Gura streams, and I was wondering what is everyone's favorite Gura stream so far is?
>>14325316Bro that shit was months ago, couldn't tell you. All I remember was the relief knowing she isn't in crippling student debt lol.
>>14325429oceanside soft talking. i've fallen asleep with that stream on so many times
>>14325297I think you're just not very smart and don't have a very good memory my friend. No offense or anything.
>>14325460What a great streamFuck ASMR give me more of that.
>>14324772she has like 6-7 different sources of income.. ads, merch, music sales on streaming platforms, SC, memberships, sponsorships, etc..You greatly underestimate how much money she makes being a streamer to 20k+ people and having 500k+ VOD views on each of her streams.
>>14325484why not both? the actual asmr stream was also god-tier
Shark WILL get eaten by the orca by the end of 2022. No amount of cope can deny this that you know to be true.
>>14325524Gura doesn't want to do either. But GTA is also one of her best streams and she does want to do that.
>>14325485We'll never know for sure how much she actually makes and how much of a cut Cover takes until after the fact. And she probably signed a NDA so it would be unlikely we'll ever know. I do hope she's making absolute bank, though.
>>14325429There's way too many to pick one but it's hard in my mind to dethrone make it all go boom (with friends). It just had a little of everything and an amazing arc from one type of stream into another with a great ending. I won't forget watching it live.
>>14325482And I think you're delusional if you think you know everything about the life of a Hololive streamer. No offense or anything.
>>14325149It would be cool as I love X1, but there is one major problem with X1. What if Gura does not start with chill penguin? Might make her hate the game, and I would want her to love MegaManX.
>>14325485Sponsorships are the big one. She got around 10 mil just from the taco bell deal alone. Her total earnings are probably around 50m before taxes all together.
>>14324902>VOD viewsBecause RPM revenue is unreliable based viewerbase, hard to calculate, changes frequently, and still gets a cut taken by Cover and stolen by the government?
>>14325524Gura doesnt like ASMRI dont like ASMRWE ARE similar in our tastes
>>14325566>I do hope she's making absolute bank, thoughI don't, she really hasn't done much to deserve it.
>>14325562She'll play it for one more stream, two at most.
>>14324860not every woman is clingy, anon. we're Gura's ideal relationship. she was never chatty with anyone before, not even her own mother.
>>14325566even if cover takes half (which is unlikely) shes definitely still making bank. differentiating between whether shes making 1 mil or 10 mil is silly though. these anons dont understand that she is undoubtedly set for life
>>14325581Yes anon, that's kind of the point, now stop talking about her roommate like we care.
>>14325594>Her total earnings are probably around 50m before taxes all together.okay, lets not go that far
>>14325581>you're delusional if you think you know everythingCool. Good thing I don't.You on the other hand are delusional for almost everything you wrote in your post, though.
>>14325617>not every woman is clingy, anonYou've clearly never met girls that are naturally flirty. That's how Gura is, don't take it personal.
>>14325608I don't think you've really much to deserve a free (you) but here you go buddy
>>14325586She WILL do Spark Mandrill first, and you will like it!
>>14325608What do you mean she is a female selling herself on the internet she is totally entitled to all the money she has made with next to zero effort.god that hurt to type
>>14325608Most people don't deserve to make bank but that's just how the world works. You make it if you already have enough money to make it or you get blessed by rng. She got rng.
>>14325622>undoubtedly set for lifeAgreed. Even if she graduated right now she'd be able to pretty much go any direction she's like with content creation.
>>14325745She could literally not work again a day in her life at this point.
>>14325452She has a stream called: diaper? How did I miss that one?
>>14325460her siren humming was beautiful, need to make a long file to have it play all night, maybe add rain to block out apartment noises
>>14325551here's your thread bro>>14277946
>>14325668You should probably spend less time on /vt/, anon. Just saying.I don't mind but you're making a fool of yourself is all.
>>14325673NoOoOoOo Gura you're making a major mistake!
>>14325297>datingI will never forgive her if that's true.
>>14325551I wonder if they'll revive UmiSea and attach Chloe to the group
>>14325551bro gen6 is already slowing down
>>14325668she's a sly tease, very different.
>>14325909Of course it's not, we're married now
>14325909You don't have to reply to your own bait it's fine.
>>14325932And Gura hasn't? Lmao her sub growth lately has been pathetic and she hardly even beats the council on CCV let alone the JP side heavy hitters like Peko or Suba
>>14325839Thanks a lot buddy
>>14325932shhh dont tell them that chloes daily subscriber gain has already fallen below what guras was increasing at
>>14325681>with next to zero effortThat's the thing, she's made a fuckton while being easily the laziest girl in Myth..Mori works her ass producing music, doing dance lessons, freelancing, doing covers etc.Ina works on constant art projects in and out of hololive and does music.Gura has barely anything to show for all her time in hololive, despite the fact that she barely streams and doesn't work at all outside of hololive. You'd think she'd at least have one solo cover and multiple originals by now, or some other projects.Even in terms of streams, she doesn't do anything incredible or special that would require some sort of creativity and planning like Ame, so you can't even give her that.
>>14325932Do not feed him please. We shrimps won again as we always do so do not reply. Just ignore him, and let him seethe
>>14325971>>14326005sub growth doesn't just go up forever you retards. lockdown shit is coming to an end, people are going back to school and work and don't have time for chuubas. if watching a graph go up or down makes you like/not like a chuuba then you're a literal autistic retard
>>14325133If she'd streamed today, it would have been one full week with Sunday off and two break days before outfit reveal. I would be down with that, but now I'll be itching for her to stream Thursday or Friday.
>>14326040Anon she is clearly struggling with mental health issues of her own, you can't equate 1 hour of effort from her with 1 hour of effort from Mori or anyone else. It takes a LOT more out of her to muster up the energy for that 1 hour of productive work. I for one am rather proud of her for managing as much as she has.
>>14326090i dont give 2 shits about numbers, i just like when the 'gura killer' number fags get btfo by their own metrics
I hope she streams tomorrow. Boy it would be nice if Gura would mention these things so I didn't have to hope.
>>14325745>she'd be able to pretty much go any direction she's like with content creation>thinking she'd do anything in terms of content creation if she wasn't in hololiveShe's the type of person who would fuck off and live their life in peace as soon as they have enough. She already hates the public attention and having so many eyes on her all the time as it is. It's even worse with her paranoia and anxiety over being doxed and harassed.
>>14326091I guess it would've been but it's still 6 streams with one break. I don't exactly resent a 3 day break right now because I remember her ghosting 2 TBAs in the week leading up to her last outfit reveal. Would rather a straight up break this time into a normal week.
>>14326200she has every reason to be that paranoid if you knew what already happened to her
>>14325909Why? You aren't her boyfriend and she never alluded to you not being allowed to get a GF.
>>14326244What happened to her, Mori? I think I suspect what it may be.
>>14326244yea nothing at all.People literally know where 80% of jp lives and where Kiara and Calli live and nothing happens. Fuck off with this fear mongering bullshit.
>>14325909stop replying to bait
>>14326311>fear mongering bullshitill probably get banned for even bringing this up here but whatever, she literally had death threats and shit sent to her family. you can literally google it
what do these two gain from wasting their entire day shitposting
>>14326126>Anon she is clearly struggling with mental health issues of her own>she's depressed / stressed / nervous / etc.. So does literally every other girl in Hololive outside of a select few like Botan.. you can't fucking use that excuse on her for her laziness.
>>14326369>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>stop replying to baitSays the umpteenth million anon for the fuckteenth time today
>>14326376Didn't she also get blackmailed and forced to send nudes to some guy as well?
>>14326200>She already hates the public attention and having so many eyes on her all the timeif you know anything about her at all this is literally her dream that she's been reaching for since childhood, it's absurd to say she hates public attention personal, real life attention yeah that's terrifying, but internet famous is her goal and always has been
>>14326376Anon.... I get death threats like every 9 hours.
>>14326410Everyone experiences things differently, you can't say just because some girls handle it better that she must.
>>14326455if she did or if that information had any substance then it'd be spammed all over these threads, so obviously not.
>>14326483theres a massive difference between receiving death threats anonymously and having them sent to a physical address of a family member
>>14325950No...No... I MADE THIS POST, I SWEAR I MADE IT
>>14326482>her dream to sing and dance on stage>doesnt practice singing or dancingyea.... how you think that dream is going for her?
>>14326455You're thinking of Mumei, anon. Gura's not dumb enough to fall for shit like that.
>>14326376>literally had death threats and shit sent to her familyI never heard it being death threats, so I'm doubtful.
>>14326538>doesnt practice singingshe does member only karaoke all the time though
>>14326538Better than the shitposting is going for you that's for sure
>>14326517meh not really if they kill me than I can go meet Gura VA#1 in the afterlife.>>14326571Its because its bullshit
jesus what a dumpster fire thread and splits were supposed to be better than global
>>14326395Dunno, fun to watch though.
>>14326629you new here?
>>14326571It's just made up bullshit this schizo keeps repeating. It never happened.
>>14326629people come here to shipost and anti, dont pretend /vt/ wasnt a containment board
>>14326653The part of lolcow finding her family is true, I just don't think anything happened beyond that.
Why can't I ever come into the general and see people just being chill? What happened to that?I remember when we would just post the cute and funny, now it's only schizo arguments.
>>14326718They didnt though it was just some random ass people and retards ran with it.
>>14326629wait, i've seen this post before jesus christ its like deja vu
>>14326725I'll chill with you bro
>>14326754They literally found childhood pictures of Gura.. they weren't random people
>>14326725Gura happened....
>>14326718It's true that they found somebody's family, that's about it. All they found is some ancient info that even if legit is completely obsolete and useless to anybody now.
>>14326754is this management doing damage control or something? theres literal documentation of it happening still online
>>14326754>retards ran with it.>>14326791>>14326801OH NYO!!!!
does anyone else regularly listen to her karaoke covers
My oshi.
>>14326205I will share in your composure and try to find peace until the outfit reveal. After that, I really want to go back to schedules and two-day breaks
>>14326801Anon, this "documentation" is just retards making logical leaps and larping. It's garbage, and you're a retard for buying into it.
>>14326725i'm freezing literally
can janny ban me already this thread is depressing
Now it's just dox posting why am I not surprised
>>14326901post cunny please
>>14326850Yes, have some choice songs on my phone.
>>14326850Yep I have audioanon's rips as albums on my phone
>>14326725Gura got the flu, and the threads went to shit it should be back to normal when Gura is back into the swing of things, and has a schedule. I hope thing get better after the new outfit. I really miss the chill late night Chumbuds.
wanna violate guras cute little tummy
>>14326881Im scared but I choose to trust that Gura wouldnt let it happen again.I hope im not retarded for that but I have at least some faith left.
>>14326963>I hope thing get better after the new outfit.lmao, it's going to be downhill for weeks after the new outfit.
>>14325839This is the good stuff.
>>14326501you sound like an enabler
>>14326963It's gonna be rhombus posting for a month at least.
>>14327020based keep going the last anon got like 8 cunny posts in before getting banned.
>>14326965is that an electric toothbrush
>>14326311yeah, the threat from fans/haters is greatly overestimated. nearly every violent crime is done by the celebrity's own boyfriend.
>>14327004>>14327044If its bad I will literally never stop rhombus posting as often as I reasonably can until its fixed
>>14326482>all this is literally her dream that she's been reaching for since childhoodIt's just that, a dream. She's not putting in any effort to see this dream come to fruition, so it can all just be seen as meaningless talk.
>>14326725It's just been a bad couple weeks is all. Just give it until Gura streams normalize for more than a week at a time. Until then, come spam cute Guras and then leave without reading a thing.
>>14327004I think it depends on the rigging so yeah it is likely, but I hope by some miracle it is perfect, everyone is happy, and the only argument is who got the best outfit.
>>14327115Stop posting the truth its the best bait and I dont want the thread to be shitty before I go to bed.
>>14326881I get you. I also very much want that and I've been feeling a little bit like a chumbaby inside lately but I see reason to have faith.If I'm to be perfectly honest. I'm most looking forward to when her holiday break is over and she has gotten to properly reset.
>>14327044at least rhombus posting is funny
>instantly deleted>dox shit stays up tho
>>14327115maybe she changed her mind
>>14326850Yup, been listening to blinding lights quite a lot, but I do have my favorites
>>14327115If becoming the biggest vtuber in history takes no effort or work then why don't you do it?
>>14327178The jannies are the shitposters dont you know that?Should have been obvious after the last 2 threads.Relevent captcha
>>14327222I mean..... you are shit posting right?Nobody on the planet is this stupid I refuse to believe it.
>>14327115You're free to believe whatever you want man. Despite what the world thinks of her and all of the setbacks, Gura is still pushing forward in her own way. I look forward to the day that she can finally touch the stage in Japan
>>14327312I mean me too but the stars really need to align for that to happen
>>14322731 I have some
>>14327222Obviously she's funny, witty, cute, has a great personality, sweet, etc, she's also easily memeable. All that contributed to her being so successful popularity wise, but that doesn't mean she's not lazy as fuck and puts minimal effort into literally everything.She's just lucky that she can carry herself by her natural talents and personality
Sometimes this thread just makes me go wow. We should be better than this chumbuds
>>14327270>you are shit posting right?Saying that she isn't putting effort into being successful is fucking retarded.
>>14327432You are correct, we need to get better at not replying to bait (or at least attaching an image when we do.)
>>14327487Thats far from my point and I believe you know that so... heres your (you)
>>14327404since none of us know what kind of work and prep goes on behind the scenes that's a pretty presumptuous statement, anon
>>14327224>>14327432Incase you didn't notice ggg had been derailed since the new janny application...
>>14322731 Another one
>>14327567its been pretty obvious honestly.
>>14327169Another four weeks of this would be rough if her streaming between now and Christmas isn't great. On the bright side, even the densest retards can understand vtubers taking time off for Christmas and New Year's.
>>14322731 >Tfw folder with 4k images of Gura.
>>14327115>She's not putting in any effort>>14327487>Saying that she isn't putting effort into being successful is fucking retarded>>14327561>Thats far from my pointLol you're weird
>>14327567i notice this board quality took a nosedive since mods deleted certain board. it been well know those residents still have beef with us, holo as a whole since jp days
jannies are trannies. i broke multiple rules and only got timed out for 14 minutes. the fuck is this shit
>RT>do nothing for the rest of the dayClassic Gura. She must be pro at ghosting people by now.
>>14327676Only the last post is mine and it doesnt change the fact that becoming popular on the internet is almost entirely luck based.>>14327728Nah nobody used that board thats why it got deleted. How would anyone raid us from a board that literally 0 people posted on.
Remember when moderators acctually did their job?
>>14327833I don't
>>14327312>I look forward to the day that she can finally touch the stage in JapanNot even going to happen, she'll graduate before Japan opens it's borders to foreigners. It could still be another 5+ years before that happens at the rate covid is going.
>>14327833No not really. I think the main issue really is there are too many genuine upset fans mixed with the shitposters right now that its just too much to handle. This place only recovers if the outfit is good and Gura puts in more effort to do at least as well as she was.
>>14327643It would be kind of rough, but I'm confident that she will do her best to leave us with some treats. Maybe a few kino streams and then that members Christmas karaoke if that's still on, or maybe something else.I do hope the threads are somewhat better during a holiday break but I'm not counting on it.
You get to pat Gura on the head while she eats food out of you hand. What food do you feed her?
>>14327946lets be real, even IF the outfit is good, the schizos and shitposters will still find something to bitch about and the retards here will still reply
>>14327990a bowl of eggs
>>14327946>This place only recovers if the outfit is gooduh oh..>Gura puts in more effort to do at least as well as she wasUH OH...I think this place will be fucked for the next 3 months minimum
>>14328009oh 100% for sure but nobody can deny that there are a lot of genuine upset fans and without those people being upset, joining in on the shit posting, and replying to other peoples shit posts it will help a lot.
>>14327990D-does it have to be handheld food, or can I answer something like chili so she has to lick my hand and fingers?
>>14328022No bowl eggs are in hand
>>14328070If the outfit is garbage it will never be good again trust me.
>>14328104Nope, it can be any food, but it has to be in your hand, and a food. If you want a hand full if chilli if you get a hand full of chilli.
>>14328181Oh.... ok my semen then.Easy answer.
>>14327990Chocolate covered strawberries.
You know, I really wanted to feel the "idol experience" with Gura. I wanted her to reach her dreams, see her develop as a person, and accomplish all her goals.. and I wanted to be alongside her while it all was happening.But deep down inside, I know it's just not meant to be with her. She isn't the kind of person who can become anything beyond a lazy "meme" shark. I kind of realized it months ago but I kept sticking with her out of hopes she'd become something or do something.. probably should've had a JP be my oshi honestly
>>14327990Probably fruit like strawberries or frozen blueberries.
>>14328232Okay, you lose your Gura privilege. BONK go to horny jail!
>>14328303Some of this but unironically
>>14328364She likes the smell anyways. I try to keep it as stinky as possible.
>>14328181I still want to feed her a meal, so I'm going to split the difference and say a chili hotdog with any other fixings she wants. Just so long as she licks the chili and condiments off my hands afterwards.
ame just said gura's outfit is the worst one
i really think she needs a break. an actual real break, not just taking a few days off and being sick before and after.
What if Gura lurked in here
>>14328567Nice baitThat being said its probably a true statement.
>>14327990my cock
>>14328567Oh it just a bants probably
>>14328567I really hope you're just shitposting and not that bad at comprehension. After today's threads I can't tell who falls into which category anymore.
>>14328695Your pet chicken will be missed, but let's hope it tastes good.
>>14328735It's a shitpost anon she was talking about VR headsets when this was posted
>>14328836It's because she said having Calli's outfit being shown first was like the opposite of saving the best for last, which the previous anon twisted into her saying Gura's is shit because her outfit reveal is last.Or he doesn't watch streams and just made something up because Ame is streaming, both are equally likely.
>>14328929I mean we all know Gura's will be the worst the only real question is will it be at least indie 2 view tier this time.
>>14328967Hey, now, give the indie 2 views some credit.They usually put a lot of money into getting a good model and rigging.
>>14328967>we all know guras will be the worstimagine underestimating nacho like this. we know the rigging will probably be subpar, but dont doubt that the outfit will be good
>>14329033retardchama.... you know what I meant stop being a redditor on purpose
>>14329033there's a reason the put gura last despite it not being debut order..
>>14329100They want to lock down the reddit again and give everyone time to talk about all the other outfits clearly.
>>14329100Because it fits near her usual timeslot aka EN primetime?
>>14329033Nacho doesn't even matter, anon. She can't save this no matter what.
I love how derailers will intentionally find anything to shit up thread
>>14329169also Sunday morning for JPbros, honetsly that's perfect timeslot
>>14329189chill kiddo its a pretty civil discussion.
I want Gura to slap me with her tail
>>14328679I hope for her sake she doesn't.. if she read what was being said here her soul would be crushed.This is the girl that cried at being told she rides the short bus.
Gura is cute in an almost little sisterly way.
>Gura can no longer have unarchived karaoke due to youtube It's over, guys. We'll never get to hear her sing again.
>>14329386If she did she would probably have posted a schedule or at least made a tweet.
welp gura just got something else taken away from her...
>>14329294You would probably go unconscious
>>14329445Yeah that too
>>14329447her virginity, by me
>>14329432I think Irys just said they can't sign English songs anymore.
>>14329518>>14329534Ame said no more unarchived karaoke due to more Youtube restrictions.
>>14329582I dont believe Ame she is pretty retarded sometimes.
>>14329559I have her on my TV and I didn't hear that, what did she say exactly?
>>14329518>>14329534Youtube has started banning people with copyright music while streaming now. Hence why Gura was mad about the "permissions".
>>14329582No she didn't, I'm actually watching the stream.On a related note, Calli's VR concert will be archived.
>>14329518Was said in IRyS's stream. Can't timestamp because it's ongoing. She was talking about eurobeat karaoke (I guess this was something she'd been wanting to do) and it was likely no longer going to be possible. People in chat said "what about unarchived?" and she said yeah, even unarchived, that's it something we might hear about from other holos and something changing recently might make that eurobeat karaoke impossible. No more information than that, or where the change is coming from.
>>14329582lets just hope they won't touch member only streams>>14329621not really, Ollie also said this months ago
So youtube is actively trying to lose to twitch
>>14329621IRyS said that too just now. It's all over the threads.>get death flu>outfit is shit>karaokes 404Holy fucking shit can you imagine the gutter Gura is in right now?
>>14329678..but she did an unarchived singing AFTER saying that?
If unarchived karaokes really aren't happening anymore a LOT of people are gonna be pissed about that. It's honestly like YouTube is actively trying to sabotage their own platform
>>14329696Plus>3D never ever
>Feet feet feet>I got toes and feet
>>14329809They aren't going to lick themselves
>>14329809Did you get it stuck in your head too?
>>14329782If it was as radical as unarchived karaoke becoming impossible, I don't think we would've heard it lightheartedly from Irys in a random SC reading.
>>14329698>>14329782I don't know if this is true or not, but use your brains anons. YouTube is not just going to do something like this for the hell of it, if it is true there is probably some legal stuff going on behind the scenes.
>>14329809I've watched the beginning of that stream probably over 10 times.
>>14329888Yeah, useless middle-men want larger cut again.
>gura can't sing English songs anymoreFuck fuck fuckFuck everyone...
>>14329867If it's only english songs it will only be an issue for EN and cover doesn't care about EN to begin with
>>14329888>YouTube is not just going to do something like this for the hell of it, if it is true there is probably some legal stuff going on behind the scenes.Not sure I completely agree on YouTube ever having good reason for doing anything, but even if so, it's just so ridiculous. Just how far is copyright bullshit going to keep being pushed?
>>14329932Well that just means she actually has to start practicing again.
>>14329809which stream was that again?
I blame Disney.If anyones behind this, it's them.
>>14329965We NEED to protect Mickey from ever going public domain
no shark sing? a terrorism will be commit.
Will gura ever stream again
>>14329926Still would make it a legal issue, and not YouTube being stupid about it. (Also is it just me or does this guy look like the German man who did nothing wrong?)
>>14330085thank you
Just go to twitch goop goopI will follow you everywhere
American music companies really need to be shut down at this rate. They literally just pay companies to break the law and everyone is ok with it for some reason.
>>14330085So many great moments from that stream. Should have linked a bit further back: "really?" gets me every time.
Magic: The Goorahing
>>14329965Game engine permissions OBS permissionsPhotoshop permissionsMicrosoft permissionsAMD permissionsGoXLR permissionsMicrophone permissionsKeyboard permissionsMouse permissions
>>14330140Nice cards
>>14329965Let me put it this way. YouTube is not going to do something that is going to harm income just for the fun if it. YouTube is already run at a major loss going even more into the red would be stupid. Don't let your hate for the dislikes being removed blind you
>>14330121Isn't karaoke dead on Twitch too?
>>14330131No, they are legally bribing politicians to make more draconian copyrsight laws.
>>14330200>YouTube is already run at a major lossThis is the most retarded rrat anyone has ever believed.Like seriously this is by far one of the dumbest fucking things anyone can ever say.
>>14330200Yeah, I get that. Just tired of companies like them making stupid decisions. But I'm especially tired of DMCA copyright bullshit. The Mouse truly is a menace.
>>14330203Amew uses Twitch for bubbabot every week. I don't know how exactly it works but clearly it's possible to play copyrighted music on a throwaway account, and by extension karaoke.
>>14330137Meant to do a timestamp like this: but oh well
>>14330271Seems like bait, but I'll bite Incase you're just stupid, but do you have any idea how much money it would cost to host all the data that is uploaded in a daily basis alone? Let alone everything that has been over uploaded since the start of YouTube with 99.9999999% of it bringing in no matter ney for the platform?
>>14330459Not as much as you think it does clearly.I swear people like this are the ones who say amazon loses money when people get amazon prime.
Man, that really sucks we're not going to be getting karaokes from Gura anymore.. that was literally her biggest strong point too.
>>14330585No we wont get english karaokes anymore which means Gura will actually have to practice for them like she used to instead of just mumbling along with a song she doesnt know.
>>14330558Oh, never mind you're just retarded.
>>14330585>>14330643I think you're jumping the gun. Irys SC reading will not be where you hear that first if it concretizes in that way.
>>14329696>>14329784Man, if it was bad for Gura before, 2022 is going to be 200 times worse now.A huge reason so many people followed her is because they love her singing, and now she doesn't even have that.
>>14330643No, this means she will only sing Hololive sings once in a blue moon.
>>14330585No English karaoke on youtube. Maybe she'll do karaoke twitter spaces or something like that.That's assuming this is actually true and the way it's getting interpreted here is correct.
>>14330643Gura won't bother with it, and she's said before she hates doing the archived karaokes cause the setlist is so small and there aren't any songs that she actually wants to sing.It's more likely you'll just never get them anymore, or very infrequently
>>14330711>Gura>using any of the tools she has at her disposalweird rrat.
>>14330711Twitter spaces sound like shit
>>14330711There's a reason 95% of her karaokes are member's only, she prefers the smaller audience.If she switches to twitch or any other platform, she's basically forced to always do them to the largest audience possible
>>14330585I don't think we have enough information to doompost yet but more than us losing the karaokes I'd be sad for her after she's said how much she loves doing them and how therapeutic singing is for her. It would be devastating and I really hope something that stupid isn't happening.
>>14330905nighty nite bud
>>14330899It's YouTube, and they actively are sabotaging their own platform to make advertisers and corpos happy so I don't doubt it'll happen.
>>14330899It's at the level of a rrat and nothing more for now. Irys said very little and was vague. This is not the first time we hear about something like this either and it has never resulted in any visible change depsite months going by since.
>>14330897She could share the link in a members-only post. But you're right, it would be hard or impossible to get the same kind of limited audience as on youtube.
>>14330998Judging by the fact members only, and unarchived streams always get publicly re-uploaded within an hour if you think that link will not be shared you're a fool.
Why the fuck YouTube is so retarded.But Maybe that why Gura was doing a second Karaoke this week. She heard the news and decided to pack song while she can
So what the ETA till Gura graduation?Taking bets on before or after the outfit reveal.
>>14331170when you die
>>14331216So the day of the outfit reaveal?Shit I didnt think of that one.
>>14331260Die first, we'll tell you if she announces it after that.
>>14331302Nah too late you already said so.At least I can kill myself over that rather than the outfit its more fitting.
>>14331354Try making sense.
>>14330987I was only paying half attention but I thought IRyS just meant she couldn't do eurobeat specifically. Normally the companies, specifically avex, can be real faggots about the music rights when it comes to that genre.
>>14331453Ame said some stuff about it too apparently.
>>14331497Ame said nothing. That's just threadreaders being confused because both were streaming.
>>14331453Permission seems to revolve only about English songs yeah and maybe not all of them. We lack information about the extend of it.Better to wait for more information on this one
>>14331547Ah thanks for clearing that up.
Why is it as soon as one autistic thing stops another begins? Can you guys just stop being autistic, and not doompost about unconfirmed shit? Oh, wait I already know the answer to that.
>>14331654Yeah, she doesn't mention English songs in general at all here. She literally only says Eurobeat and only seems sad about Gas Gas Gas so it's impossible to know the extent of it but it sure doesn't seem like it's all English songs or she'd be lamenting more than that.
>>14331712>Good chance Gura cant do unarchived EN karaokeWHY ARE YOU DOOM POSTING!!!!
>>14331753Seems like she's mainly talking about eurobeat but she does say things will change, including with unarchived streams, which could mean other songs as well. Gonna be interesting to see what the other holos have to say about it before we really know what's going on
>>14331781You fumbfucks clearly just took what some random ass anon said as gospel with zero proof, and did not ever fact check it.I'd explain it to you, but looks like this guy beat me to it so just read this >>14331753
>>14331798Yeah she said other members will likely talks about it too so it affects more than just eurobeat.But it will probably not kill English Karaoke. People are just doomposting as always.
>>14331753She's talking about copyrighted music in general, not just eurobeat. Why would it literally only apply to eurobeat, use your brain.
Did Gura even sang eurobeats song anyway?
>>14331900>Nobody has sung Eurobeat>You will hear other members talk about thisSure......
>>14332022>Panicked doomposter telling me to use my brain.
Just wait for other member to talk about it to have a clear understanding of it.If it’s really big Kiara or Mori will talk about it soon and we will get better information than just «I can’t sing eurobeat rules are evolving»
If there's anything to actually to be worried about I'm sure we'll hear Gura talk about it at some point in the near future.
>>14332125>I'm sure we'll hear Gura talk about itAre you.... are your really sure chumbie?
>>14332091didn't somebody say Ame mentioned it? or was the bs?
>>14332057>>14332022It could be as simple as one big label approaching cover and threatening legal action over unarchived karaoke. Then they'd have to avoid everything from that specific label.We just do not fucking know yet. Irys said almost nothing.
If Gura can't do unarchived EN karaoke anymore it's over, she's done. Literally no fucking reason to watch her ever again if that's the case.
>>14332175Her not being able to sing English songs anymore? Yes, I'm actually 100% certain she'd talk about that because she'd be devastated.
>>14332185she said "you'll be hearing about it from other members", which doesn't paint a very positive picture imo.
>>14332184No it was bullshit. She didn’t talk about it
>>14332200Just leave already if that's your mindset.
>>14332185I agree but its spooky>>14332228You really replied to that? Why?
>>14332217It doesn't paint any kind of a picture at all whatsoever. Any rules on unarchived karaoke will affect all members even if they never planned to sing affected songs because now they'd have to actually be careful.
>>14332206Not really, Gura is a pushover and won't say anything she perceives as being critical of management. She'd probably just accept it even though it means 90% of her best content is off the table now. Best to just face facts and find a new oshi, I know I will.
>>14332274Mmmhm, OK. Sure "chumbud". Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Aqua is a husk of her former self after swearing off APEX.Soon Gura will join her oshi in that regard.
>>14332206She would probably just never talk about it ever again until her next anniversary stream where she says "I dont give a shit anymore" again and her content falls off even more.
>>14332274>90% of her best content is off the table nowYou're not a chumbud, fuck off
So who are you guys gonna start watching now that Gura's basically finished?
>>14332355GawrHer streams were always better anyways.
>>14332355I'm gonna watch Gawr
>>14332355I'm gonna watch wallpaper.
I'm starting we should just change the name to Gura shitpost general.
>>14332307>>14332343>Y-you're not a real chumbudI've been watching and supporting Gura day 1 you retards, but I'm sick of her rolling over instantly every time management forces some dumb bullshit on her like this. You really think I want to watch her waste away to a husk of herself now that her motivation is gone and all her favorite content is no longer possible? Nah, I'm just gonna watch someone else. Maybe from another company since I'm disgusted with Cover for killing their best talent like this. What an idiotic company.
Gut feeling is telling me next year is going to be an incredibly shitty year for Hololive...
>>14332420Gawr Gura Ghosting so we can keep the tag.
>>14332473Cover basically threw away a winning hand due to utter dipshit management, I have nothing but disdain for them anymore.
>>14332450We don't even know what's happening yet and if you only liked her for her singing then she wasn't really your oshi.
>>14332450>im a chumbud>90% of her best content is off the table nowIf you only cared about her karaoke then you wouldn't care about the other streams and the rest of your argument is irrelevant. You're not a chumbud.
>global already over it>faggots here still doomposting it
>>14332506About fucking time.Welcome to the family.
>>14332450Blame youtube for implementing such a retarded AI, not Cover you brainless retard.
>>14332602If Cover had half a spine they'd stand up for their talents and not just throw them under the bus because they're afraid of some AI bullshit.
>>14332473I think there's a very good chance Myth graduate next year sometime, given copyright getting worse, permissions getting worse, Covid restrictions getting worse, etc.They literally have no good reason to be in Hololive at this point, it wouldn't be any different for them if they were all just indie game streamers on Twitch
>>14332641Stand up and do what? You think YouTube is going to kneel to fucking Cover over the record labels?Fucking buffoon
>>14332718There is no way in hell that the kind of karaoke streams they've been doing wouldn't qualify as fair use. Youtube has no legal leg to stand on here.
Global said Gura mention, but on who's stream and about what?
Couldn't they just start doing unarchived karaokes on twitch? It's not like they're collecting money from twitch so it doesn't breach the Youtube TOS.
>>14332748IRyS said "GURA MOGGED!!!" in Chloe's karaoke
>>14332748Ame about Gura messaging her about Fortnite.
>>14332739It doesn't matter what it falls under, the shitty fucking AI will detect it as copyright and shut the stream down.
>>14332767Yeah, I definitely think that would be a viable workaround. Apparently some Twitch streamers already have a good system for it with separate audio streams or something like that.
>>14332839Ah nice. I'm actually looking forward to it.
>>14332365>>14332373>>14332374Now kiss
I'm never watching Gura again, this is bullshit. Just cancelled my membership too
>>14332767>>14332876The non retard move is to just make their own website to stream on and multi stream to youtube and anything they dont have perms for they just dont stream on youtube.I literally livestreamed to my own site like 16 years ago as a fucking dumbass kid so.... Im sure the retards at Cover can figure it out.
>>14332917you can stop samefagging now, nobody gives a shit
>>14332917Get new bait already.
>>14332938You're right, but I feel like Cover would never do that. I'd like to be wrong, though.
>>14332938That's a lot of effort just for unarchived karaokes for the ENs. The fact that JP never does them anyways guarantees something like that will never happen.
>>14332938They can't even fucking make a ping pong game. Their chuuba app is held together by duct tape.
>>14332974Chloe did one just a few days ago retard
>>14332974chloe, astel , and moona all did in the apst week
>>14332974>That's a lot of effortNo its not and it wouldnt just be for Karaokes. Plus they can take all of the money from superchats and members instead of sharing 30% of it with YouTube.
>>14333006But who would watch and how their platform would grow?
Anyone else moving to watch another company now that holoEN is pretty much dead in the water with these new content restrictions? Definitely the last straw for me. I think Prism Project looks pretty good though, I'll stick to them from now on.
This thread sucks.
>>14333105Multi stream to youtube.Its not hard at all and they already have a way big enough following to do it.>>14333138Quick question how many more of these are you planning on posting?
>>14332988>>14333003Hey anons! Welcome to the English language, it's fairly complicated! One of the concepts you seem to be having issues with is known as "exaggeration", also known as "overstating". Simply put, it's stating something as having a larger/smaller effect, or being more/less numerous than it actually is to provide emphasis! Hopefully that helped you understand the English language a little bit more than you already did :D!
>>14332988Yeah, she did it to rake in EOP subs. Literally NOBODY in JP sings english / copyrighted songs other than haachama you retard.>>14333003Yeah it'd hit Astel and Moona hard too, but that's still 3 people out of 53 or whatever that even bother doing them
What about using Twitter space for karaoke? Is that viable? I am not too sure about the rules of each platform.
>>14333186>Who is Astel>Who is Suisei>Who is Coco (RIP, but still she did it a lot back then)I hardly even watch JP but even I know you are a retard
>>14325971>muh CCVeverytime
>>14333214Would probably work, they could even stream in youtube and just pipe the audio to twitter and link the space in the description
>>14333214Twitter space audio quality is worse than terrible.
>>14333257>It doesn't matter if Gura gets way less viewers on her streams than everyone else, she's still the most popular vtuber!Holy cope. Enjoy cherry picking the most useless metric retard
Numberfags need to get out.
How come Gura doesn't do a VRChat meetup with her chumbuds like Pippa is doing?
>>14333310Because there are more than 200 Chumbuds.
>>14333310For one thing, her fanbase is extremely large and rowdy, for another she's not very sociable and likely wouldn't be up for it.
>>14333335I mean I was assuming she keeps it to members only or something obviously to cut down the numbers
>>14333358My ears hurt just thinking about it. And you know some retard would yell some sort of yab.
>>14333310Literally who?
>>14333389Because there are more than 200 membershrimp
What's stopping Gura from just giving Cover the finger and going off to do her own thing?
>>14333389Gura has a minimum of 12k members.
>>14333389Gura has the highest member count in hololive from what numberfags have dug out, so it'd still be fairly stacked. Don't forget VRchat is f2p.
>>14333452>>14333461Not for long now that unarchived karaoke is gone lmao, that was her main member draw
>>14333230When the fuck was the last time Suisei even did an archived karaoke?And I said Astel you fuckface
>>14333450She knows how lazy she is and she cant make it on her own in terms of money.Plus probably her friends.
Do you think Gura will ever play Disco Elysium?
>>14333520no literally 0 chance.
I love how in like 12h /ggg/ got like 3 threads and more than 2000 messages.But we got 0 contents from Gura in that period.It's a proof people don't need Gura anymore and she can takes as many break as she wants
>>14333484>ever other fanbase says they're fine yet you faggots are still going
>>14333310That's a huge recipe for disaster. You can only do that if you're a 2view
>>14333553Gura made her entire image on being a karaoke holo. She has NOTHING going for her now besides shitty memes and leeching off her own past life.
>>14333182You're a loser.
>>14333335>>14333446holy shit please spare them
>>14333560I want Gura to do VR stream with full haptic suit on and let her chumbies grope her as she moans lewdly as she feels every touch
>>14333589If you don't watch Gura then why are you here?
>>14333589Wow AMAZING point Gura totally BTFO and so are all cumfuckcheckkekfagbuds fuckin gottem!!!!!!
>>14333635I only watch her good streams, sorry
Man, we've been cycling through different doomposts and bait at an impressive speed today.
It's over chumbies, Gura is fucking finished...
>>14333635He's here to shitpost because he's too boring to find a better hobby. It's sad, really.
>>14333676meidos have given up here
>>14333657So you've watched most of her streams and you still don't know how she is?
>>14333284>CCV-fag>says others are copingIf you think live viewers are not the useless metric than you are literally retarded and deluded. Live viewers are influenced by multiple factors like timezones and popularity of the game. The one and only hard number at the end of the day is VOD views. And yes, Gura still gets 800k on average for every video and not a single other vtuber comes even remotely close.
>>14333676blame IRyS' stream where she dropped that big bomb. Otherwise we'd still be talking about how she hates us
>>14333715I'd rather it be this than the same old shit we've had for 3 weeks now.
>>14333714VOD views are worthless, they tell nothing about how popular of a streamer she is. Some kid could click and watch 5 seconds and then click away and that's a view
>>14333676crazy innit?
>>14333746>VOD views are worthless...... you do know literally the entire point of youtube dont you?
>>14333746now THIS is cope
I now partially agree with schedule schizos, if she isn't sure of what to stream and doesn't want to make a schedule at least list down the days she'll be streaming
>>14333746>Some kid could click and watch 5 seconds and then click away and that's a viewLive views work exactly like this. A single click on the stream counts. Now go and cope some more.
>>14333837...but if she doesn't retain viewers her CCV will be shit. Retention doesn't mean shit for VOD views but it is important for CCV
>>14333746This is so retarded it's creative again. This deserves a (You), here you go.
>>14333866What about timezones influencing CCV do you not get? Gura streams at a time where more than half of her viewerbase is asleep. JPs like Pekora stream at prime time to their main audience. Their VOD views stagnate after a single day while Guras have extremely long legs and grow significantly for about a week.
>>14333876Sometimes I like numberfags just because they come up with the most silly brain acrobatics.
>>14333947>timezones influencing CCVHaha next you're gonna complain about the "viewer bug" right? Cope more loser
>>14333978i see you have given up
Don't you love it when over 70% of the thread is shit heads posting nonsense who can't even take the time to post an image to make their post worth something?
>>14334045SEAnigger hours, what do you expect?
>>14334092It's been like this for the past 48 hours
Goodnight, chumbies. Have fun shitposting.
>>14334130It is about that time, night.
>>14334106Not really you can see the quality of baits dropped so hard this two hours.
hey chumkeksthis your oshi?
I don't understand CCV Schizos.In term of CCV stats if you check the month average that is post on /vt/ each month she has around 2 to 6/7 times the average CCV views of anyone in EN (2 being Ina in second place and 6/7 being Sana).Also sometimes people are saying Gura is declining over the month in CCV but if you looks at 9 month ago the CCV were at the same level, she is good at keeping her viewer. It's not the case for everyone. (pic related).I hate having to do a numberfag post, I hate them. But I hope it will calm down CCV Schizo...
Look at this so-called "gem of the sea"
>>14334130shark dreams bud.
>>14334259>she has around 2 to 6/7 times the average CCV views of anyone in ENBeing top of the failures isn't an accomplishment. Compare her average CCV to Pekora and she is a fucking joke.
>>14334281Odd and scrawny, don't you see what I mean?
>>14334259It has nothing to do with actual numberfagging but more about having another angle of attack to shitpost.
>>14334300>MUH PEKORA NUMBERYou can tell a numberretards when all they can scream is Pekora.
>>14334340Alright, look at Kuzuha then, despite being a niji and a male he still mogs the shit out of Gura most of the time on CCV.
>>14334354literally who
>>14334340nah is the nijiEN schizo that scaped the numbersthread becasue everyone was bullying him since niji is really down in numbers.
>>14334378Doing better than holoEN lmfao
>>14334354>>14334378Oh Indeed it all cames down to Nijifag at some point.I understand now.
>>14334398Is there any vtuber on the planet more overrated than Tsukino Mito?
Take your off topic shit out of here.
>>14334300>>14334354Pekora VOD view average: 381kKuzuhua VOD view average: 344kGura VOD view average: 790kEnough said
>>14334470VOD views are meaningless. Gura probably just gets views from children who don't even know what they're watching
This is the Gura thread take your numberfaggotry and Tribalistic shit out of herePost Gawr x Gura selfcest instead
>>14334403kek he slipped
>>14334483Oh nyo I have no argument so I have to make up facts.
>>14334483>VOD views are meaningless.maybe in your own made up realitynow COPE
>>14334483Anon, please, this is just sad now. If you're this bored may I suggest playing a video game, or watching something from one of your favorite streamers.You could even do some helpful reps. You could do pushups from the comfort of your own home, they don't even take that long to do and they give a well rounded workout.
>>14334484why do i like this image so much
>>14334483gura earns about 3k with every video due to vod views>meaninglessWhy are you deluding yourself so?
looks like guwa is back at her usual twitch scheduling
>>14334483Did you know you could get payed for VODs on youtube?
>>14334765Naa not yet. Need to reach a month between streams threshold.
>>14334889so gura needs to become thmw88ge ayame of EN?