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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14223891 No.14223891 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to level up from being a EOP. What vtubers are best to start learning from? Ones that don't have confusing vocal gimmicks or speak really fast.

>> No.14223940
Quoted by: >>14224348

Sakura Miko is the gold standard
become elite

>> No.14224244
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Quoted by: >>14224348

Anya if you're trying to learn either japanese or indonesian.
She self-translates to English, speaks clearly and enunciates her syllables.

>> No.14224348

Doesn't she legit have a fucking lisp, though?

I'll give her a look, anon. Thanks. No interest in Indo, though.

>> No.14224373
Quoted by: >>14224683

I would say Pekora is pretty good for beginners.

>> No.14224378
Quoted by: >>14237928

The majority of “japanese” people don’t know japanese.

>> No.14224683

I'll have to take a look, then. Thanks anon.

>> No.14224771

Sora is easy to follow as a JSL

>> No.14224842
Quoted by: >>14225106

Who is the cutie in the pic?

>> No.14224958
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Quoted by: >>14226290

>repeats everything she says

>> No.14225076

Someone that succeeded in reps here told me mio was good with her talk segments. The goto answer everyone will typically tell you is okayu.

>> No.14225106


>> No.14226290
Quoted by: >>14226476

But she's fat

>> No.14226372
Quoted by: >>14226491

Why is Japanese so hard to learn

>> No.14226386


>> No.14226471

Watame speaks pretty slowly during her zatsudans.

>> No.14226476
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Is that suppose to be a downside, cause I don't see that as a downside?

>> No.14226491

It's basically nothing but homonyms.

I'm currently stuck at vocab and kanji.

>> No.14226575
Quoted by: >>14226620

unironically the JP e-whore you like most.

>> No.14226620


>> No.14226926

Check lulu's VODs

>> No.14229328

Pekora, avoid the holostars especially Roberu

>> No.14230009

Lize Helesta

>> No.14230244

>*an* EOP
>*Which* vtubers
>*nor* speak really fast.
Start learning English first.

>> No.14230319


>> No.14230946

Start with Japanese children's cartoons, unironically.

>> No.14231052

subaru's ohasuba and lamy's zatsudans/sc readings

>> No.14231150

sea creatures are ESLs too
please undasdando
watch vsinger Akuma Saki

>> No.14231176

Hear hear.

>> No.14231194

Fubuki, Marine and Koyori

>> No.14231260

this one

>> No.14231366
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>> No.14231415

The JP talents from Phase Connect speak simple japanese and slowly, perfect for beginners.
Hakushika Iori (native English speaker and fluent Japanese speaker)
Shisui Michiru (native japanese, understands quite a lot of simple English phrases)
Utatane Nasa (native japanese, lower comprehension in English than both of the above but speaks Japanese in a slower pace and very cute)

>> No.14234108

Is no one going to bring up that if you practice speaking like the girls you listen to you will sound like a girl? Koyori and Korone are good for practicing listening comprehension (despite her weird accent Mr. Koro uses lots of simple words repeatedly so you can pick up vocabulary). But if you want to ape speaking patterns you'll need to watch the guys though Roberu speaks kansai ben iirc so be aware of that.

>> No.14237505
Quoted by: >>14237939

Nijisanji's Kanda Shoichi occasionally gets shilled for speaking very clearly

>> No.14237800
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you can't

>> No.14237928
Quoted by: >>14238258

if what you mean kanji (chinese characters) then yes

>> No.14237939

Kanda Shoichi (clear speaker)
Mayuzumi Kai (slow speaker)
Kenmochi Toya (advanced speaker]
All mature adult Japanese, no slang, no heavy dialect. Kanda has the most natural intonations if you want to mirror him.

>> No.14238258

How do they navigate this kanji bullshit?

>> No.14238449

Watch Koyori

>> No.14238513

Pekora since she's extremely entertaining no matter what so you'll tend to be more focused on what she's doing, but sometimes she also tends to speak at mach20 so it might be a bit hard to start with her.

>> No.14240275
Quoted by: >>14242268

With great efforts. Anglo kids can read by age 5 while Japs are still learning kanji all through high school.

>> No.14242268

Well, they do it over a long period of time. But you learn things differently when it's your first language because you don't know the concepts yet.
Once you know the kanjis, they actually help you guess the meaning of unseen words, they're like latin etymology for romance languages.
Kids in other countries might be able to read the words by age 7 but have no idea what they mean.

>> No.14242407
Quoted by: >>14242835

You're following the path of AJAT, right?

>> No.14242835

He'll have to leave this place because it's a waste of time and not Japanese.
Also how would he even get amphetamines.

>> No.14243088
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>How do they navigate this kanji bullshit?

>> No.14243205

It's simply easier to marry a Nihongo gf and have her live TL everything.

>> No.14246552
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Kizuna Ai is one of the best for learning Japanese, she subs her stuff in both Japanese and English so you can try to listen first without looking at the subs and then listen again with subs.

I also recommend listening to vtubers who speak a lot of Japanese but aren't Japanese themselves. Alice Mana is one of them, she's Korean but most of the time she speaks really slow and clear Japanese. Petra Gurin is fluent in Japanese and usually translates what she says in Japanese to English, and she even did a few streams where she translated Japanese text to English (her ProSeka one and the Niji Shindan collab on Pomu's channel)

Other vtubers who speak fairly easy to understand Japanese for listening and learning the language are Nekomata Okayu, Shizuka Rin, Shellin Burgundy, Kanda Shoichi, and Hakui Koyori.
