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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.82 MB, 2500x1768, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_vardan__7745db8f0112df3e7a17ea382178c0fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14079344 No.14079344 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the discussion of the Pitiless Parnassian of Pyriphlegethon herself, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended universe.

>> No.14079350


>> No.14079357
File: 1004 KB, 220x285, Mori Crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be Mori’s little brother.
>you will never grow up with Mori in the same house.
>Mori will never use you, her little brother, as a substitute boyfriend to know the boyfriend experience.
>you will never cross the line between brother and sister with Mori and have sex.
>You will never move to rural area to raise your child with Mori in peace.
Why are we even here? Just to suffer?

>> No.14079377

considering last YMW, around last week, she had lots of endurance streams

>> No.14079381

Maybe this was recorded today... that Deadbeats ending monologue has me actually worrying about the "news"

>> No.14079385 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 274x303, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14079503


>> No.14079401
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3).png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14079403


>> No.14079415

Kek she's reclining hard. She lost to an ID

>> No.14079416
File: 573 KB, 954x534, 1629844794473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mori so much I want to support her earnestly in everything she does! I want her to be content and fulfilled by all of the effort she puts forth! I love her laugh! I love how she's cool, cute, and a dork at the same time! I love her commitment to her friends! I love that she holds herself to high standards, and I love that she's able to pick herself up whenever she gets down on herself! I love her voice! I love when she hums in my ears and also when she's pretending to suffocate me with a plastic bag! I love her taste in games and anime! I love her dedication to uplifting small-time creators because she spent so long doing her best underground herself! I love how expressive her avatar is, and I love that she acknowledges that and regularly makes full use of it! I love her hair! I love her eyes! I love her smile! I love how her original outfit is so edgy and flashy and how it perfectly compliments her natural gap moe! I love that her second outfit is so heavily influenced by her actual fashion sense, which is cool and cute and dorky, all at once, just like her! I love her dumb hat and her hoop earrings! I love that she is comforted by her fans! I love the gratitude that she pours out for deadbeats even when we don't deserve it! I love that she would reassure us that we do deserve it if she were to see one of us say that! I love her tits! I love how she's so dedicated to her niche subgenre of music! I love her lyrics and her flow! I love that she's willing to branch out into doing other styles of music as well! I love that she's determined to improve her vocal capabilities to accommodate her trying different musical stylings as well as her raps! I love that she's always focused on self-improvement and espouses those same values to her community as well! I love that she's into theatre and poetry! I love her odd sense of humor! I love her endearing awkwardness! I love that she takes inspiration from so many things from her life and channels them into consistently enjoyable creative output as well as a wonderful personality! I love that she inspires me! I love Mori! I love her so much!

>> No.14079425
Quoted by: >>14079522

Shall you not cease until your extended familial relations are all deceased?

>> No.14079430
File: 275 KB, 850x1133, 49834a55455c368bc04842d4041bb24c05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Mori to cleave my fucking head right off with her massive scythe and reap my soul god please

>> No.14079441

Mori sounds like she's struggling a bit. It's probably take no.4 of her singing this.

>> No.14079455
Quoted by: >>14079512

>thread died at 444 replies

>> No.14079463
Quoted by: >>14079535

She said she did every song in one take.

>> No.14079503
File: 503 KB, 512x512, morispitfire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurking now

>> No.14079512
File: 6 KB, 556x569, 1637109259724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That seems to happen a lot actually

>> No.14079514

She deserves it. Just like how suisei got 27k and moona 12k kek.
So this is the power of the "musician" of EN?

>> No.14079516


>> No.14079522

You dumb cunt, either learn how to filter or don’t post.
>inb4 just filter my post
Already did, but you keep changing the post like a sad sack of shit that you are.

>> No.14079535

I see. I missed the beginning.

>> No.14079558

The nigger of Nippon...

>> No.14079571

>Thread is already full of schizos

>> No.14079574
Quoted by: >>14079621

Wonder what she did to fuck up her voice, sounds sick or stuffy from crying

>> No.14079575

It's ironic how she finds this song to he cringey despite it being the least cringy song from her by far

>> No.14079577

12k now

>> No.14079587
Quoted by: >>14079662

Jesas, dude. Have you not learned how to use the filter yet? Do us all a favor and don't post until you figure it out.

>> No.14079597

oof, she fucked the track volume on this one....

>> No.14079614
Quoted by: >>14079670

It's like our boy is popular!

>> No.14079619

Go back to global faggot

>> No.14079621

>mori was sad because she tested positive for the omikron, destroying her voice

>> No.14079629

This is most likely one of the many things she was recording in the last couple weeks

>> No.14079662

Why are you changing your post? It’s annoying as fuck. Nobody wants to see you bitching about a ritual post.

>> No.14079665

You've got your chords, I've got my keyboard, both of us got all night!

>> No.14079670
Quoted by: >>14079886

Suisei got 27k. Moona has wau less views and subs yet got 12k within the first 10 minutes cope

>> No.14079673

Mori is too cool for emotes!

>> No.14079691
File: 80 KB, 1000x563, 1620421649885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14079737

>> No.14079693
Quoted by: >>14079717

Damn she sounds like she’s about to lose her voice. Don’t know when recorded this, but man she better taking it easy now. She better not pull a Marine on us lmao.

>> No.14079700

...this is shit

>> No.14079717

is guh that hard to do live? i woulda redone that

>> No.14079719

mori is... like me?

>> No.14079720


>> No.14079736

OWTH time!

>> No.14079737
File: 941 KB, 1254x1771, 1603395563175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's really trying today, I feel bad for him

>> No.14079746

other songs had some issues, but 'guh' was massacred
I really hope OWTH will work better

>> No.14079752
File: 105 KB, 267x271, 1637429188581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, we haven't had actual anti schizos in a while! This is a treat! Mori Love!

>> No.14079756
Quoted by: >>14079804

I'm going to join him from this next onwards, because I think you're a retard.

>> No.14079759
File: 2.48 MB, 2894x4093, 1637251223907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I like it rough"

Mori Calliope, Hololive English

>> No.14079777

who fucking cares about views just enjoy her music retards

>> No.14079775

>Trolling outside of /b/
>Extremely low quality
>Evading spam/post filters
Take your pick.

>> No.14079795
Quoted by: >>14079886

>cover of ussewa still hasn't hit 1 mil, will probably take more than a week
>only 12 peak viewers, the same as an ID with way less popularity, view and subs
She IS reclining....

>> No.14079804

>This next
Fuck, I'm the retard...

>> No.14079808

it'a a ritual reply to a ritual post
i hope he continues to make you cry and squeal

>> No.14079816

nigga its a raid here and global the posts there arent even trying to hide it

>> No.14079820
Quoted by: >>14079877

Easy solution is filtering the ritualpost he's replying to

>> No.14079852

Will thoust continue thy tomfuckery till thy bloodline runs dry?

>> No.14079858

nigga it's the same "she's reclining bros, believe me" retard, the worst part is that he ends up baiting the other numberfag in this thread

>> No.14079860
File: 1.87 MB, 1000x1000, 1613923472260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see, it's already happening

>> No.14079869

Not an anti post, genuine question. She was able to pull 22k last time she did this.
What happened?

>> No.14079877
Quoted by: >>14079915

Already did. I filtered both. I don’t need to see him changing up his post.

>> No.14079886

Stop flooding and going back to whatever hole you came from

>> No.14079907
Quoted by: >>14079944

I'm enjoying Mori content and don't care for numbers, but this is more scuffed than a live karaoke
shame since the setlist is fire

>> No.14079915

Ah, you're a retard. Okay then.

>> No.14079920

A part of me assumes its because its 3 am in Japan this time. I recall it being earlier last time.

>> No.14079943
File: 288 KB, 1447x2039, Etkgs0TU0AEQSFr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do prefer this song live. I didn't really like it at first, but I've really liked every time she's performed it

>> No.14079944

And she had a lot of time to rerecord it too.

>> No.14079982

Nah, it was 27PM JST last time too

>> No.14079995

Last time, it was at either 11pm or 1am, I can't quite remember. So it being earlier is correct. And last time, she was streaming right before it, and was planning on doing a watchalong. But she got the news that she wasn't allowed to stream over it, so she had to end the stream, but directed everyone to go watch it straight away.

>> No.14080002


>> No.14080011

nah, that part I don't believe with how stacked November was
but we probably could've done without one endurance stream for the sake of better quality

>> No.14080012

The fuck is 27 PM Japan time?

>> No.14080033

I will point out that I didn't get a notification from YT for this. There might be some fuckery there re: numbers.

>> No.14080043

>Forgot her own lyrics

>> No.14080048

This sound good, but man she must have recorded this when her voice was wrecked.

>> No.14080065
Quoted by: >>14080237

Genuine question? Did she fuck up her voice? This is the latest we've heard her sing right? Is it the coof?
I'm no longer looking forward to the musical karaoke sadly

>> No.14080066

>mom called me in the middle of the concert so I could run some IT support for her
>almost missed lo-fi bully

>> No.14080083
File: 93 KB, 281x177, YTM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14080149


It was earlier. But he's right, they did fucking write the date like that for some reason. Today's one had '27:00' in the thumbnail too, if you've noticed.

>> No.14080130

Japs use 4-28 for time when it comes to things like TV program schedule. It actually makes certain sense considering the "day" on TV normally ends somewhere around 4-5AM when last 'night' shows start before next day 'morning' shows.

Imagine not watching a 30 minute long premiere but complaining on 4chan instead.

>> No.14080146

>jchad approved this
>cover approves this
>youtube music approved this
>callie's okay with this
How? The last point is what bothers me the most?

>> No.14080149

That's how Japan does times, retardbeats. Late night/early morning gets shorthanded as 24+ whatever time.

>> No.14080158

Mori, your voice....

>> No.14080177

dont start the concernfagging

>> No.14080200

I'm feeling second-hand embarrassed about this
the finish was great, but rest of the song... man...

>> No.14080204

I really fucking liked when she dragged out that note.

>> No.14080228

Kek mori, you should ask your vocal coach first before trying to do any runs

>> No.14080229
File: 10 KB, 413x54, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14080237
Quoted by: >>14080354

Can't say how much of an effect this had overall, but I usually rely on her schedule and twitter feed to keep up with her streams and this wasn't really mentioned in either in advance (as far as I noticed anyway) so I very nearly missed it myself.

It could be sickness or fatigue. If there'd been some recent, sudden damage to the vocal cords she would definitely sound worse than this.

>> No.14080239

It's weird, she's hitting the notes, but you can hear she's really struggling. Mori, please, what happened?

>> No.14080256
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x720, HazeYou[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fj16qc9.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad this version is going up on her channel finally
Also that last garou was beautiful

>> No.14080289
Quoted by: >>14080332

This schizo thread should be just purged

>> No.14080330

She probably recorded it near the end of October. Her voice was shot there from doing too many karaokes.

>> No.14080332

dude, it's not schizo where you can fucking hear her choking on a note like near the start for RIP

>> No.14080337
File: 170 KB, 707x1000, 1637864012210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14080412

Protip: Do not reply to concernfagging bait.
The report function can and will work. Remember. IF ANYTHING ELSE FAILS: POST CUTE MORIS.

>> No.14080346
Quoted by: >>14081689

does anyone here have a transparent pic of mori's hat?

>> No.14080354

It's the coof. She's probably recovered and didn't experience any severe symptoms but still got her voice fucked up. That's what happened to people I know. Some recovered in a year, some hasn't recovered yet even to this day

>> No.14080377
File: 7 KB, 344x45, Moricute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14080423

Mori cute

>> No.14080412

Who do you even report at this point?

>> No.14080423

Get fucked schizos

>> No.14080427

mori is sick

>> No.14080430
Quoted by: >>14080507

i almost admire the gall of fucking retards to state unfounded speculation with such confidence
Take your meds you brain-addled midwit

>> No.14080441

>nobody knows
keep telling yourself that Mori

>> No.14080451
File: 875 KB, 1210x1078, 1637426979266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, fucking sick (meaning awesome).

>> No.14080453
File: 637 KB, 666x718, strongmori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty sick, yo

>> No.14080458
Quoted by: >>14080507

Fuck off, coof doesn't work like that.

>> No.14080463

>so many
>went from 22k to 13k
>ussewa not reaching 1M in a week
Mori's been inhaling too much of that copium
Glad I went back to suisei

>> No.14080467
File: 402 KB, 1763x2479, 1632982070581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14080494

god I love this bitch so fucking much

>> No.14080475

The sickest

>> No.14080485

Has Mori ever done End of a Life live before?

>> No.14080494
Quoted by: >>14080514


>> No.14080500
Quoted by: >>14080525

yes, its how it was premiered

>> No.14080507

It fucks up your lung and voice. There has been hundreds of documented cases like this.

>> No.14080510
Quoted by: >>14080546

>Glad I went back to suisei
Then why are you here, fuckface?

>> No.14080511

Probably just a cold at a bad time, but yeah. She's sniffled a few times during this even

>> No.14080514

She's trying her best not to say it.

>> No.14080520
Quoted by: >>14080588


>> No.14080525
Quoted by: >>14080549

Do you have a link? I been trying to find one link and I can't seem to find it.

>> No.14080526

the sickest, most wicked reaper around

>> No.14080532
Quoted by: >>14080581

yes when she did that Twitch concert once if you don't count when it premiered

>> No.14080546

this is the same as giving him a (you) you fucking retard

>> No.14080549
Quoted by: >>14080581


>> No.14080556
File: 149 KB, 850x850, Quattro Morina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sick nasty!

>> No.14080559

now I know which one you are

>> No.14080581

Oh it was a membership stream? I didn't know.

Which twitch concert?

>> No.14080588


>> No.14080606
Quoted by: >>14080632

Well that was a waste of 45 minutes.

>> No.14080618
File: 878 KB, 1019x724, Bigreap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictured: a mother fucking shinigami

>> No.14080625


>> No.14080632

>statements made after your birth

>> No.14080643
File: 1001 KB, 1282x722, Screenshot 2021-12-05 014055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14080648
Quoted by: >>14080700

He's still posting his shit on cooldown, huh?

>> No.14080672
Quoted by: >>14080710

Time for the best song

>> No.14080674
Quoted by: >>14080763

Just range ban him jannies

>> No.14080688

The last few songs have sounded pretty good, even with her obviously strained voice. Guess she just needed some time to warm up. Also End of Life lets fucking gooooo

>> No.14080693

I want to marry Mori Calliope and possibly even Ope

>> No.14080699
Quoted by: >>14080763

Yo, meidos? Wanna pull your heads out of your asses and do something? This is blatant anti spamming.

>> No.14080700


>Latest Original

>not GYS

This was recorded way back?

>> No.14080710

HERE IT COMES! I was too poor to hear the t3 version, so I've been excited for this for a while.

>> No.14080730

I know this thread's ridden with schizos, but I do want to know, why did she think that this was good enough to show off at a big event?
She used to hold herself to a very high standard. Legit her first karaoke after debut is better imo

>> No.14080743

...this is so flat compared to T3 version

>> No.14080747
File: 168 KB, 1200x675, FAk-3a6VcAEXomA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14080754
File: 300 KB, 850x1133, 1256216313124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>End of a life

>> No.14080760
File: 67 KB, 893x410, ryangosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro ... This fucking song ... I'm ngmi ...

>> No.14080763

Meidos won’t do anything unless you report it, you dolts.

>> No.14080768
Quoted by: >>14080830

Makes that version all the more special. Cherish it.

>> No.14080772

I HAVE been, you faggot.

>> No.14080799

why the fuck do you think the posts were made in the first place?

>> No.14080800

We can still tell it's you, schizo.

>> No.14080801

>the dreaded I'm a T3 post

KEK, way to expose yourself.

>> No.14080802

Every performer has their off days where they don't sound as good. It's unfortunate but as long as they don't get brought down by it, and do what they can to deliver, the audience still enjoys.

>> No.14080817

What do you think I've been doing?

>> No.14080818
Quoted by: >>14080891

She wanted the “live authentic experience”. But I don’t think that’s the way to attack a performance like this honestly .

>> No.14080830
Quoted by: >>14080906

She was too busy to record it at a later date? But she had time to play stardew valley for hundreds of hours...>>14080768

>> No.14080842

Got damn, she's nailing it.
Reminds me how she sang it first time live for members.

>> No.14080849

>implying anons in this shithole followed live performers

>> No.14080860
Quoted by: >>14080898

dude, do you honestly want me to rip that one and just put it next to eachother?
I can do it, but the comparison will be upsetting

>> No.14080891

This was prerecorded you dolt. In her own setup, not at the studio. This anon gets it >>14080818

>> No.14080898
Quoted by: >>14082764

>le I'm a T3 post.

>> No.14080906

>LITERALLY on cooldown

>> No.14080930
File: 10 KB, 376x65, ).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Ups, everyone, except the fucking schizo.

>> No.14080947
Quoted by: >>14081011

Did we do it? Did we cheer up Mori?

>> No.14080981
File: 880 KB, 915x798, 257254724572745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Mori bros... I wish her the best

>> No.14080997

You could easily ignore the schizo but you chose to constantly get upset and engage the whole thread. No one won here

>> No.14081006

I know it's prerecorded but it was still a live performance. If she had to do it on live stream then it could still be like this. She had a limited time to record for this event. Maybe it's not her best (but hearing some of these songs is rare so far) but it's authentic and highlights how Mori is. Which is what this YT music event is about.

>> No.14081008
Quoted by: >>14081048

Why is she purposedly making herself look bad in an official event? It'd be okay had it been some random just for fun karaokes but she's sharing this "stage" with tons of other pros giving their best.
That "concert" absolutely didn't need to exist.

>> No.14081011
File: 354 KB, 2105x1185, 1637378384956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing makes Our Boy happier than seeing her music appreciated.

>> No.14081027
Quoted by: >>14081100

>Anti can't attack Mori so now he's desperately trying to ruin the fun for Deadbeats.
This is the modus operandi of the schizo.

>> No.14081041

>45 minutes wherein the meidos did FUCK SHITTING ALL to make the thread even remotely usable
No wonder you worthless niggers don't get paid.

>> No.14081045
File: 13 KB, 403x61, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14081046


>> No.14081048


>> No.14081055

>expecting moderation in containment boards

>> No.14081100

>Anti can't attack Mori
Not after that "performance"

>> No.14081109

Huh weird she's got 42 thousand views all of a sudden I wonder how that happened.

>> No.14081121

you know they do it for free

>> No.14081128

do you realize all he wanted to do was make the karaoke less fun for you and you let him?

>> No.14081132

Alright i'll say it
Calli's singing is better than her rapping, Cursed Night, Bully, Grim Reaper is a Live Streamer, and Live Again are her best songs.

>> No.14081152
Quoted by: >>14081253

captain obviousbeat...

>> No.14081159

>this all started because some idiot on global made an Ame Graduation rrat; but then Mori suddenly gets sad; along with Gura becoming kinda silent on her collab with council

We should rangeban the goddamn SEA now.

>> No.14081186
File: 18 KB, 243x253, 1612836598895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14081212

I legit only have a few questions before I fuck off. How could you justify that "concert" ? It wasn't even live. Do you really think people would come back to watch that? What's wrong with admitting that she had a shitty "concert"? I'm not even saying all her karaokes are bad, her last yt performance was at least tolerable

>> No.14081227

I think this needs to be posted:
>Shadowverse training arc with Mousey
>Is writing her second novel for young adults, "The Powerful Reapers of Destiny"
>Converting to Islam to give the highest of ups to Allah
>Borrowed Watson's time machine so she can redo all of her past yabs
>Is secretly the Gundam SEED Movie's writer
>Is doing a RAP bootcamp for Gen5
>Started to become Yukihana Lamy
>Called Flare a nigger in front of yagoo
>Recording a double demon collab song
>Spilled her spaghetti and lost her poor meatball when it rolled out of the door
>Got a little too into roleplaying on obscure internet chatrooms
>In the process of ditching hololive to sign with Dr. Dre's label
>Cloning herself for the MoriDice collab/CalliMori rap battle
>Slipped into the calliopeople timeline
>Invading the dreams of all the deadbeats who miss her
>went into hiding because she can't stop cringing at herself
>left to search for the Dragon Balls so she can make her one wish that she can't pretend she don't wanna see come true
>she heard her activation phrase and was awakened to the reality that she was a Russian bioweapon raised in the states to be used against glorious nippon
>Finding more subtle ways to put roommate references into everything
>Started to care TOO much about hololive and took off early to distance herself from them
>Busy setting up multiple false accounts with vpns to donate during the all the celebrations happening during her absence
>Had to go into the offices at cover to receive her yearly corporate brainwashing
>Cares more about other vtubers than her fans
>she's learning EU4 after getting Paradox permissions
>Is fighting a losing battle trying to get her gaseous asseous under control
>Appearing as a special guest at E3
>Preparing for constant all night sex orgies with Okayu, Coco, A-chan and Coco
>took time off to shoot scenes for the newest Evil Dead
>Uber called for a surprise sponsorship deal since her purchases constituted 95% of their net profits
>IRyS was waiting for her at the yakiniku joint and had to cut the stream early
>she had an important Zoom call with Applebee's Japan division
>police took her in for interrogation after they discovered her music played during the last 10 recorded driving incidents
>her local hospital ward needed her assistance as a temporary nurse
>she larped as a shinigami on the 2a.m. train ride
>the yakuza held a meeting to discuss her new membership strategies
>she visited her nearby high school to practice for the sports festival

>> No.14081237


>> No.14081241

it wont happen, there was one SEAfag that tried to an hero'd SEA for this shithole and it worked for a while but then you have the bullshit of 4chan.org and 4channel, doesnt help that the government is absolute dogshit, reminder that they banned reddit but not this site

>> No.14081244

Anon, it’s too late.

>> No.14081253

I agree. Her singing's bad, her rapping is dogshit

>> No.14081255

Are you going to keep posting this until your whole family dies?

>> No.14081264
Quoted by: >>14081391

Erm, cause it isn't? Read the title, it's a showcase.

>> No.14081279
File: 1.23 MB, 1218x604, Mori_finger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14081281

the difference is massively clear on 'those nights'
the entire rap section also had a better flow during the T3 live... Morippe...

>> No.14081293

This guy sounds huge I bet he fucks like a warrior

>> No.14081299
File: 293 KB, 1348x2048, moriCro14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't her best work, but who gives a shit?
I still Mori Love.

>> No.14081307

I'll Mori making a guest appearance at the GAME awards to shill the new Guilty Gear character for 200$ thanks

>> No.14081316

because I fucking like Mori?? nigga I don't fucking care if her singing wasn't good as it was in past streams, I fucking watch her for HER. now fuck off to global you stupid retard

>> No.14081323

thanks for giving him an indirect (you)

>> No.14081326
File: 167 KB, 1200x675, FAk-32YUcBkB8D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that may have been my favorite live performance of EoaL yet. As much as I loved the emotion of the first premier, I really loved how composed she was this time around. It let her nail the rap lyrics, especially in the 2nd verse Plus, the goodbye message during the outro made it all the better

>> No.14081340

I have no doubt the musical karaoke will be top quality, looking forward to it. Also fuck schizos
Captcha: RATTM

>> No.14081346

shadowverse training arc with La+ now

>> No.14081351

I think that was a really bad performance. I am not an anti, I'm just someone who likes music

>> No.14081370

I still think the one in the con is the perfect version. first one on T3 had some jitters, but that one was straight up perfect.

>> No.14081376
File: 600 KB, 1372x767, 1636334174411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14081391

Showcase, concert, what's the difference? Suisei's was a 3d concert.
It's her worst work. I watched all the other ones and hers was by far the worst and she had plenty of time to rerecord. How do you justify that? Why bother participating if you're just going to give 5% the effort

>> No.14081395

eh, you're putting down the first performance with this comparison
I'm listening side by side right now and it really makes me more upset than anything

>> No.14081398

god, i hate perfectionistbeats so fucking much

>> No.14081399
File: 497 KB, 649x685, 1625983971474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debating selling my soul to the devil to make Pink Hololive a group. Come on we've got 4 right now

>> No.14081413

I'll give you that, thats why I said favorite not perfect

>> No.14081426

It's probably the N-fucker again. Remember that that idiot is a T3 and fits the bill of "perfectionist asshole"

>> No.14081440
Quoted by: >>14081474

There was a con version ?

>> No.14081449

no, it must be 5, so hold your soul for now

>> No.14081456

god damn, I forgot how stupidly long that SC portion was.

>> No.14081474
Quoted by: >>14081576

yes and they streamed it on Twitch

>> No.14081497

I hate that autistic shit but this aint him

>> No.14081500

I'm not being a perfectionist. Her rebroadcasting the twitch performance heck or even the T3 one or evem just straight up playing the studio versions would've been better.
It wasn't even live. What was the fucking point of that? No wonder she's reclining hard. Should just go all in on the gfe and gaming instead of music.
She's legit a better gfe and gamer than musician

>> No.14081519
Quoted by: >>14081550

>Busy watching Guilty Gear Strive's story and making Happy Chaos x Calliope Mori fanfiction
>Training to be the third strongest Hololive Vtuber
>Traveling to the underworld to guide the souls of Biggie, Ghost Malone, and BF Doof
>Skipping leg day

>> No.14081532

>it's Insufficiently Anonymous this time leaving an essay in the comments

>> No.14081550

>Busy watching Guilty Gear Strive's story and making Happy Chaos x Calliope Mori fanfiction
One day I will steal this

>> No.14081554

>gfe and gamer
No need, she just needs to forget faggot j-rap and go back to her roots

>> No.14081567

no anon, you're supposed to bait out their essay before you drop you're own

>> No.14081576

Oh right. I completely messed up the date on this one and missed it.

>> No.14081577

You had a point until the second line

>> No.14081587

Yeah I kinda agree. It'd be more excusable had it been live but she had time to do multiple takes or record it at a later time. How is this not her just being lazy? She doesn't draw, mix, animate or even produce anymore. How is she "busy" at all?

>> No.14081593

Oh for fuck sake,

>> No.14081603

Dude's a shitstirrrer like Doomguy except he stayed, that's all

>> No.14081622
File: 78 KB, 1306x422, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking faggot. So THIS is the schizo.

>> No.14081626

Can't wait for musical karaoke in two days. And then the following week should have outfit reveals.
Miko, Luna, Koyori, Mori? That would be one hell of a weird group.

>> No.14081643
Quoted by: >>14081780

He's 100% right

>> No.14081646

Bountybeat take note

>> No.14081651

Pink Rushia is available too

>> No.14081657

nah man, I'm disappointed in this performance but I don't wanna make her day harder

>> No.14081664

Him and N are cut from the same cloth. I always knew it. What a spazz.

>> No.14081689
File: 527 KB, 1922x1261, MoriNewOutFitHatsProject.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go >>14080346
and with that, I'm getting off this site for now. Sort yourselves out deadbeats

>> No.14081703

>It's the Insufferable Faggot
Who would have thought

>> No.14081737

While he's not exactly wrong, it's a free show and I had fun. No reason to essay post jesas.

At least you can read the room sometimes.

>> No.14081780

t. Insufficiently Anonymous

>> No.14081781

Sincr when did this place turn into a hugbox? He's right.
On a related note, does giving a like doxx you? I want to upvote it. I'm genuinely curious on her reasoning.
The dude's even being generous af, the eoal performance was really flat and she missed some notes in Bully, tried to improv some runs and failed at the beginning

>> No.14081811
File: 367 KB, 2048x2048, Hazy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3xr6wy.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14085460

someone say dox?

>> No.14081822
Quoted by: >>14081893

You're alright in my book, I like people who are willing to give fair criticism and are not just bootlickers.

>> No.14081821

You're entitled to thinking a performance was worse than usual, but fuck off if you try to show up at karaoke tomorrow and flip. Almost disappointed it's unarchived so these idiots don't have to write out their apologies in the comments

>> No.14081827

you guys cant give criticism without either sounding passive agressive or 10 pages long essays even to save your lives, this is why no one takes your posts as being from a genuine fan

>> No.14081841

Well great new faggot Insufficiently Anonymous has you covered. If she comes to the coo along depressed I'm specifically blaming you shits

>> No.14081860
File: 153 KB, 850x706, 1637640371041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14082007

Pretty much; This would've been okay in any other day, but not after Mori is upset about something.

We already had her situation normalize for a bit and her kouhai already cheered her up. Goddamit, why did that idiot have to ruin the mood?

I'm kinda mad.

>> No.14081873

It's a showcase retard. She did really poorly compared to the other performers. This isn't just some random utawaku.
She's gotten a lot lazier and you idiots enabled this behavious.
She doesn't draw, animate, mix or even produce anymore. What's her excuse?

>> No.14081893

I don't even think there's much to be critical over, she can pull off those songs well live since she did in past performances
it was clearly an off day for recording

>> No.14081898
File: 291 KB, 432x428, 1615475392639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14081963

I just want Mori and Luna to either play a game together or even better do a song that has piano in it together. I just want to hear Mori talk about how adorable and cute Luna is and for Luna to get all smug as shes being pampered by Mori. It'd be even better if Mori brings up Luna being small and a baby so Luna can get upset about that and deny being a baby which causes Mori's senpai autism to kick in.
>NO! No Baby, Sexy Adult Beautiful Lady
>Y-yes so Adult and Beautiful

>> No.14081900
Quoted by: >>14083909

She's pregnant.

>> No.14081911

You can give yourself an anal, Insufferable Faggot

>> No.14081925
File: 226 KB, 1152x2048, 1627883652648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll come back you all stop shitting up this thread anyways as always remember to love your Mori

>> No.14081955

ogey resident schizo

>> No.14081957

not even chumbuds sperg out like this if gura doesnt perfom a song as well during her karaokes holy shit

>> No.14081963
Quoted by: >>14082082

Luna and Noel are probably the most distant when it comes to EN, probably cause they have interacted the least with them outside of big collabs.

>> No.14081967
Quoted by: >>14082063

Read a room faggot

>> No.14081973
Quoted by: >>14082006

Deadbeats are the worst fucking fanbase.

>> No.14081977
File: 133 KB, 309x297, 1619549500382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rewatched Koopa's debut video the other day, and spotted some of you guys.

>> No.14081992

Is Moririn ogey?

>> No.14081994

Dunno, I watched Moona and IRyS' shows and while their singing was more "perfect" it also felt more soulless. Mori's felt way more like a show.

>> No.14081999

Schizo can't contain himself, please understand

>> No.14082006
Quoted by: >>14083108

they dont deserve their oshi

>> No.14082007

>got hard hitting news
>had to hear herself fumble while thousands of sycophants kiss your ass
Somehow I don't think the karaoke's going to be great. I want to see her try to be genki for the next two streams only to fail and break down. I fucking love her but I love seeing her cry more, it gets my dick hard.

>> No.14082010
File: 223 KB, 370x400, Blackened Wings of Death [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F176r7n.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want more Red C interaction.

>> No.14082012

Yes but chumbuds aren't SEA schizos who are up past their bedtime

>> No.14082017

dude chumbuds are this schizo as a baseline, you do not want to see them when Gura has a less-than-stellar karaoke practice

>> No.14082019
Quoted by: >>14082072

it's no surprise everyone thinks deadbeats are the most shizo fanbase, look at this fucking thread

>> No.14082022
Quoted by: >>14082228

Why even get so autistic about stuff like this in the first place? It's a so-so performance, so the fuck what? Is it a hugbox if you just want to support her anyway? Is your free entertainment really worth taking the time to type all that out? Now of all times? Fuck off.

>> No.14082038

you don't wanna start this argument, there's still that long ass essay that became a copypasta from the 'producer' chumbud about Reflect

>> No.14082063
Quoted by: >>14082100

It's read the room seafag

>> No.14082072
Quoted by: >>14082094

>SEAnigger shits up thread

>> No.14082079
Quoted by: >>14082117

I do love me some Kwappi, my dawg
plus I'm sorta her other dad, since vocarooing my pasta made the vtuber thing happen

>> No.14082082
Quoted by: >>14082534

Ya its a dream. Luna despite doing consistent english learning streams in the beginning of the year has barely interacted with EN. Its a shame but its also expect since shes one of the most reclusive hololive members. There is a handful of members she spends time with but outside of them its rare. I was really surprised she collabed with ID in garlic phone.

>> No.14082094

SEAniggers are inherently shizo

>> No.14082100

It's 空気を読む

>> No.14082104
File: 448 KB, 1779x2048, 1638462743102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my YT just randomly put on DB songs.
>starting with Dan Dan Kokoro

That was random.

>> No.14082117
Quoted by: >>14082192

I did the art for her devil went to jaypee vocaroo but I can't find the soundpost anywhere.

>> No.14082142
Quoted by: >>14082406

That's because this wasn't just a karaoke faggot. This was a showcase where she shared the "stage" with other professionals in the industry. This was a corporate event, she was trusted to do this. To be the representative of myth in this event.

>> No.14082147
File: 241 KB, 444x383, 1614922895078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you idiots do to the thread while I sleeping?

>> No.14082177


>> No.14082192
File: 1.89 MB, 1500x2336, DevilCube went to jp[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fowgrza.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14082221

you're a doxxbeat but I'll post for you since I'm a cataloguer too

>> No.14082194
Quoted by: >>14082250

One or two schizos shitting the place up, so about the usual.

>> No.14082200
Quoted by: >>14082345

>if you cheer for your oshi, you're enabling bad behavior!
Get fucking real, you manchild. As if she's unable to judge her own performance for herself. Mori of all people. Jesus christ

>> No.14082221

thx bro

>> No.14082224

Schizos of all kinds are having a field day.

>> No.14082228
Quoted by: >>14082406

It wasn't so so. It was her worst performance. She was flat the entire time. It's easily one of the worst out of all the youtube music weekend SHOWCASE.

>> No.14082250

That's it, I'm calling my DDS "friends" to assassinate that goddamn SEAFag.

>> No.14082261
File: 295 KB, 800x735, 1617944920990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori kinda phoned in the YMW thing
wouldn't be that much of an issue but between streams being moved and Watame/Rikka both shilling her it was a bit of a let down, objectively speaking

the thread is just suffering of typical internet lack of nuance in debates

>> No.14082276

Chumbuds are too busy UOHing to Gura to shit threads for hours on cooldown. They also drown all shitting with same UOHing. Only deadbeats and KFP get to 'enjoy' the perks of having dedicated schizos.

>> No.14082312

also, here's the thing: they're probably just happy that Gura's not suffering from coof, just happy to see her.

>> No.14082345

How do you think she'd feel if she knows that she's doing horrible yet all her fans treat it like the best thing ever?
That'd make her start questioning her entire career, whether or not her past performances and songs were actually good or not.
Kanye knows which of his songs are bad because his fans actually voice their criticism and not just eat up everything he puts out

>> No.14082347
Quoted by: >>14082369

thats what a containment thread is for after all

>> No.14082369
Quoted by: >>14082422

but every thread on this board is a containment thread tho

>> No.14082400
Quoted by: >>14082523

yeah, but you're treating this shit like an extinction event.

get a fucking life. Not everything could be a great performance. Mori is all about climbing up after a fall. Much like her favorite game.

>> No.14082406

Take your goddamn meds. This was overwhelming liked by people that you're taking the same stance the antis who were JUST shitting this thread up you dumbass

>> No.14082412
Quoted by: >>14082493

Yeah it was a let down. Surprised that people here are defending it to the point of saying that the eoal performance was great despite being extremely flat

>> No.14082413


>> No.14082422
Quoted by: >>14082483

yes, turns out we need that much containment

>> No.14082441

>That'd make her start questioning her entire career, whether or not her past performances and songs were actually good or not.
Okay so you're just fucking insane.

>> No.14082483
Quoted by: >>14082698

Some how it turns out we need even more given
Insufficiently Anonymous is that serious about living up to his shitty username and breaching containment anyways

>> No.14082491

every single day i still keep being reminded that anons here arent able to give constructive criticism because they are big autists

>> No.14082493

You're conflating defending the performance with dumping on the schizo for being a tool

>> No.14082523

Except this was prerecorded. Her chance to showcase her best, she had months to do it, why didn't she? It's either
>she doesn't give a shit about the event, to the point of willing to sabotage herself
>she has lowered her standards so much that she thought it was a good performance
>she went tone deaf and braindead

>> No.14082525

I mean you're right when it comes to the reasonable chumbuds, but we have our fair share of shitters too. The grass is greener on the other side, deadbeats. My oshi has had her ups and downs lately and plenty have complained here. You just gotta ignore the posts that don't offer any constructive criticism and support your oshi until she's back to her 100%.

>> No.14082531
Quoted by: >>14082764

Mori is the master of self-deprecation. Also this schizo is doing the "I'm a T3 schizo" greatest hits with the "I'm a REAL FAN" routine.

>> No.14082534
Quoted by: >>14082701

I'd chalk it up to her just being shy, just looking at her interactions with Subaru compared to other JPs, it's very obvious that she's the type that needs time to come out of her shell around new people and that is much harder when there's a language barrier between her and most of EN.

>> No.14082551
File: 63 KB, 900x690, 1626272499115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14082669

>she will have a depressive episode, she'll recline, she'll stop doing music, she'll never try again
>this was kinda meh/flat compared to past performances

don't let your fervor mix up one and the other

>> No.14082565
File: 88 KB, 215x227, 1625117801441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I say something in the middle of all this? EoAL for me was just okay. I don't hate it, but it's not something I'd listen to repeat.
I prefer her harder tracks like any from her EP, or Off With Their Heads. Same reason I like Anya and Shion's singing over the more established "good" singers [insert names here].

>> No.14082576

You faggots don't deserve Mori

>> No.14082588
Quoted by: >>14082618

Every time I look at threads during Gura karaoke chumbuds drown all shitposting with love for how cute and good Gura sounds even when she's a bit moody or sick. I miss a lot of them these days because I have to go to sleep very early to be able to wake up for Mori early JP time streams. I wish >we had sufficient numbers to drown the shit in same way.

>> No.14082606
File: 164 KB, 722x1200, 1628399070358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14082625

We never do. That's our original sin. Yet she loves us anyway.

>> No.14082618

the only downside of not cultivating a /here/ fanbase

>> No.14082619
Quoted by: >>14082809

If you were an artist and put out an album of just random shit that you know is shit only to find your fans hailing it as your best work, you'd grow to hate your fans and your past work

>> No.14082625

>Yet she loves us anyway.
But she doesn't even know you?

>> No.14082636

One day when you anons realise that your own enjoyment is all it matters, you may finally find some inner peace.

>> No.14082644
Quoted by: >>14082661

We're literally married.

>> No.14082655

There are many forms of love, dumbass.

>> No.14082661
Quoted by: >>14082680

Take your meds.

>> No.14082669
Quoted by: >>14082862

Yoi forgot the part where she fucked up the vocal run at the start of Bully

>> No.14082680
File: 1012 KB, 1280x935, 1638419620520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. No, I don't think I will.

>> No.14082693

Who knew that a missed Eikawa stream would summon thread shitters and the "I'm a T3" faggot

>> No.14082698
Quoted by: >>14082885

dont be so obsessed, its weird

even I can agree it wasnt her best performance, though i dont think it required an essay on the youtube video itself. i think the essay-length probably happened so he could provide his reasoning so it wasnt just a comment that read "this wasnt very good"
personally id prefer a scuffed version than nothing at all so i enjoyed it but we all know Mori has the talent and the skill so its fine to pass this off as just okay and get excited for her next karaoke
maybe take a break from here if one of her longtime criticismbeats is working you into a shoot

>> No.14082699
Quoted by: >>14082740

Can you guys just admit you miss mori and are sad/upset she had to move her streams. This is just venting in another form now. Hope she’s ok regardless of when she can stream again

>> No.14082701

>needs time to come out of her shell around new people
I'm not sure about that. The off collab she had with Suba and choco where she acted like a spoiled baby in suba's apartment was the first time her and choco met apparently. Still I'll hold out hope for a HimeMori collab till it becomes impossible or eventually happens

>> No.14082725

That faggot is IA himself.

>> No.14082740
File: 176 KB, 371x389, 1611982802120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me. I'm watching someone else right now while preparing for work.

>> No.14082754

I don't think not posting any criticism would help at all. She saw the showcase live. She must've heard how bad she sounded....
I don't think there's any winning in this situation.
Just hoping that she'd be able to cheer herself up before the next streams

>> No.14082759
Quoted by: >>14082818

jesus fucking christ what the fuck is that creature

>> No.14082760
File: 1.01 MB, 1276x1376, 1625933551798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I'll ever think she started half-assing things, it'll be her who doesn't deserve me
I'll do my best in life since I take her as inspiration, but the moment she feels like coasting, she no longer fulfils that role
leader must earn their followers, not the other way round

on that note, I don't think what happened today counted as half-assing, more like unfortunate circumstances that I hope will clear up till the musical karaoke

>> No.14082764

is this a new schizo?

>> No.14082781

So I've missed most of the Earthbound and pokemon streams. I'm thinking of just starting those playlists over from the start. Which one would you guys recommend restarting first?

>> No.14082806

EB, specially considering that the next stream is EB themed

>> No.14082809
Quoted by: >>14082948

Were you too busy jerking yourself off to read any other comments? It's "good job!" or "I liked x", not whatever obsessive sycophantry you've concocted in your head to justify this schizo fantasy of yours. It's just a throwaway live show. Get over it and yourself.

>> No.14082818
File: 78 KB, 198x172, 1614694293772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orla from Tsunderia. She has two forms.

>> No.14082828

No, it's been in this thread ever since. It happens every time Mori makes a "mistake".

>> No.14082838

oof thats tough, earthbound was pretty much fun and cute Mori nonstop, might be better to break it up so you dont overdose
Pokemon was also really fun and cute but had some genuine tension

>> No.14082850
Quoted by: >>14082918

is this nigga serious?

>> No.14082852
Quoted by: >>14082882

How new?

>> No.14082859


>> No.14082862
Quoted by: >>14083043

I honestly don't wanna nitpick everything that was wrong with her performance, it was genuinely below her average
but it must've been tied specifically to when she had to record it, she had lots of periods recently that strained her voice notably (October karaoke + recording rush, November endurance runs)

>> No.14082882

i dont always have this thread open, i usually post cute Moris and make dumb OC for global

>> No.14082885
Quoted by: >>14083056

>personally id prefer a scuffed version than nothing at all so i enjoyed it
But why? It wasn't even live?
>but we all know Mori has the talent and the skill so its fine to pass this off as just okay
But do the people who came to check out what vtubers are like or what hololive is know? Or the jops who decided to watch an EN for the first time? This is a showcase, a big event

>> No.14082909

>complaining about Mori being "subpar".
>she was with us the whole time.

She herself probably knows about the scuff. Making me think that her last message on chat kind of is a signal that she'll try to bounce back on the karaoke.

>> No.14082918

He's serious apparently

>> No.14082926

Holy shit do you all really expected Mori to tryhard on the company-mandated collab with fucking YouTube who fucked her over so many times? Blame the game not the player idiot nig

>> No.14082948
Quoted by: >>14083011

>It's just a throwaway live show.
Why do people keep saying this?
1. It wasn't even live
2. It was a big corpo event that people would kill to get a spot in

>> No.14082987
File: 706 KB, 626x740, 1613072953413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori does something I don't like
>Watch someone else
>Mori does something I like
>Watch her
>Pray to her anyway before I go to sleep

>> No.14083011
Quoted by: >>14083143

People have failed on the biggest stage, only to redeem themselves later. This isn't the end of the world you're thinking it to be.

>> No.14083012

>I'll bringing my best singing game next time, too

>> No.14083015

wow wow wow stop right there geniusbeat, dont dare to make reasonable takes on this board

>> No.14083032
Quoted by: >>14083239

It's not actually, according to moona she has a choice and she had to audition for it.

>> No.14083043

But she recorded it at her own place with her own setup with lots of time to rerecord instead of wasting 300 hours of stardew
>company-mandated collab
Now you just sound desperate. It's okay to criticize her

>> No.14083053

You seem to forget that while she welcomes criticism, she specifically hates people that are condescending about it. So uh, nice going champ

>> No.14083055

Based rationalbeat

>> No.14083056

i dunno man maybe its not her prerogative to have it be really good, i cant be the one to say. i doubt that many super elite music lords browsing every ymw performance and rating them, but even if they were theyd see the support she was getting and probably check out her videos anyways

>> No.14083080

Both were extremely good, I think I enjoyed EB more though. Ultimately just watch the game you like more first.

>> No.14083091
File: 92 KB, 1024x768, 1637030962744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori does something I don't like
>Watch her
>Mori does something I like
>Watch her
>Simple as

>> No.14083105

Heh, I was there but you would never know because I use a different name for twitch.

>> No.14083108
File: 583 KB, 2480x3203, 1633537041000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14083375

Can't wait for them to leave so I can become a harem anime protagonist with Mori, Calli, and Ope on my dick

>> No.14083139
File: 206 KB, 1200x675, 1608904954539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14083143
Quoted by: >>14083180

People failed on bigger stages LIVE.
She failed at a prerecorded event.
There's no other reason it couldn't have been better other than her laziness.
Why is she so ungrateful? She shared the stage with hoshimachi suisei and one ok rock ffs

>> No.14083159

Honestly it was only the first few songs that were scuffed. It was like she decided to record it after she JWU.

>> No.14083180

Just give up, schizo

>> No.14083189
File: 5 KB, 184x256, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2amyq6.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14083193

Wait....doesn't it mean that this drives home that Mori's better LIVE? Both her YMW videos are kind of subpar, but the Karaokes/Live shows that followed them are significantly better.

>> No.14083223

No, she fucked up the vocal run at the start of bully and was flat the entire time.
Did you really not notice that?

>> No.14083239

I'm honestly guessing they invited Mori back after her turn out last year. Doubt she had to audition.

>> No.14083243

dude, I know you're trying to be positive but >>14081186 makes it really notably obvious and that's one of the slowest and simplest songs, vocally

>> No.14083301
Quoted by: >>14083387

>Last year

>> No.14083308
File: 537 KB, 500x281, hell yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14083311

Both sides in all this "low" are retarded, the ones supportive of mori are being too much of bootlickers while the others are borderline antiposting

>> No.14083331

I just genuinely want to know her reason for not putting out a better version.
I can't find any other than her being a lazy ungrateful bitch. There are tons of indie chuubas that would've given their all had they been given the same chance as her

>> No.14083373
File: 2.53 MB, 1533x1452, 1637733557835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can sort of understand that it's kind of underwhelming, but this isn't a dire thing. She can easily bounce back.

>> No.14083375

I will be the last Deadbeat!

>> No.14083387

Ah I meant last time, hololive really messes with me when it comes to that.

>> No.14083407
Quoted by: >>14083493

And look at how this year turned out. Suisei jad 27k, that's aimer levels. Mori got absolutely mogged. And to think shr was able to pull in 22k last year kek

>> No.14083433
File: 21 KB, 256x256, 1627581714558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14083459

I guess since global didn't take his bait and they've been unironically, surprisingly decent lately outside the usual SEA hours he's been using this thread instead.

>> No.14083456
Quoted by: >>14083631

I will grudgepost all of you when she turns up extremely depressed at the eb stream and utterly fails the musical karaoke

>> No.14083459
Quoted by: >>14084385

pretty much. But protipbeat actually went to global and warned anons about the schizo.

>> No.14083493

It's good, isn't it? she super filtering, no wonder she said that she's a deadbeat, she totally embracing the /morig way.

>> No.14083583
Quoted by: >>14083639

>only two tweets about the showcase ever
>no followup tweet
Can a deadbeat hope that she actually realizes that she did horrible

>> No.14083602

I don't think it's dire, and unlike the schizo I don't think it resulted out of laziness, but I do wonder what were the circumstances of the recording since her voice was OBVIOUSLY affected

>> No.14083629
Quoted by: >>14083702

yea its kinda fucked up
i hate calling fans bootlickers, because of that one chumbud schizo, but i do treat Mori and Gura differently too. but thats part of how Mori is towards herself, honestly any decent points or constructive criticism made here is meant to be made here so i wish deadbeats could be more rational

>> No.14083631
Quoted by: >>14083772

This has been the pattern, anon: That last YMW before this one was followed by a significantly better con performance: LIVE.

>> No.14083639
Quoted by: >>14083863

She really didn't promote it much at all. I honestly almost forgot about it.

>> No.14083648
Quoted by: >>14083694

I mean she clearly recorded it after the Jump King stream

>> No.14083694

She referenced eoal as her latest original, so it must have been before GYS came out meaning it was when she strained her voice in October.

>> No.14083702

The description of EoaL kinda gives me the impression that this was made on early November, as GYS would be her latest original if it was recorded later.

>> No.14083706
Quoted by: >>14083964

>I don't think it resulted out of laziness
What other reason could there be? She recorded it at her place. She had months to redo it. It's either that or her being an ungrateful bitch

>> No.14083722

It's not shitty if I had fun, duh. Now that I remember some of the lyrics, I just belt the songs with her, so I can't hear her performance as well

>> No.14083732

Watching the chicken talk about the Kizuna Ai stuff, I'm almost willing to believe that Mori was depressed learning the news about her.

>> No.14083752
File: 68 KB, 748x748, 1633562842914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about it, it might be down to her trying to mimic live performance in absence of audience feedback that usually makes her either catch the scuff or do a retake
both YMWs lacked those elements and both were somewhat mediocre compared to both live and processed takes

>> No.14083754
Quoted by: >>14083863

She already made a containment "thread" for you schizos herself, go post there if it made you that upset good luck bountybeat

>> No.14083760

i sincerely doubt that, Mori wasnt a fan before hololive and I doubt she got into Kizuna Ai of all people once she did start watching vtubers

>> No.14083772

But this time she has that "sad news" she got on top of that. You really think this'll still turn out well?

>> No.14083777

I'm not in the loop, what happened with Kizuna? I saw Mori liked some tweets but that's about it.

>> No.14083797

i was kinda thinking it might just be because she's doing a 'live' performance in her room by herself and with no chat, might just be too much of a damper

>> No.14083837
Quoted by: >>14083899

Based desu

>> No.14083863
Quoted by: >>14084066

Nvm, she is lazy and ungrateful, look here >>14083754
She has the nerve to post that wtf.
Either she's lazy and ungrateful or has gone full tone deaf and braindead

>> No.14083867

I mean it IS the end of an era. She was the "first" vtuber and is now retiring, it kind of sets the precedent of how long a vtuber can last.

>> No.14083881
Quoted by: >>14083932

>does giving a like doxx you?
Nope, go for it.

>> No.14083884

That's what I'm seeing too. The performance that followed the first YMW was significantly better.

If anything; this only actually reinforces the idea that Mori is better Live.

>> No.14083899
Quoted by: >>14083939

Wait, I typed t b h, why did it change to desu?

>> No.14083909

Oui, avec moi.

>> No.14083932

Nice try, I'm still gonna use my burner account

>> No.14083938
Quoted by: >>14083983

I can see that, alot of performers get energized and can fix scuff on the fly by watching the crowd reactions.

>> No.14083939

you're a newfag if you don't know that basic filter.

>> No.14083941

>having a tw*tch account

>> No.14083954

Koopa debuted on Youtube, you retard.

>> No.14083964
File: 324 KB, 828x869, 1617809987731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14084031

I'll entertain you for exactly one reply, SEAnig
this was either done in October, where she had an incredibly high stream/collab output combined with massive outpouring of songs
or November, the same month that had her stream about as much as Watame while still staying in her song release cycle
in both of those months there were periods where her voice was notably raspy and strained - which would affect the recording regardless of how many times she tried re-recording it
since we have no idea when she was told about it (last time she was given a week), we don't even know just how much she could've planned her time around it either - most likely not much considering number of projects she's involved in

thus your entire point rings incredibly forced and hollow, as per usual

>> No.14083976

Why are you even awake, my dude?

>> No.14083983

Other holos could do it just fine

>> No.14083998

Mori is a Vtuber newb, she literally got into it like less than a year before her audition and debut. She said so herself that she used to just see clips of the Holo girls which was her introduction but didn't think much of it until a friend brought up that Hololive was doing auditions.

>> No.14084009

Well, big ups for not being a doxxbeat, I suppose.

>> No.14084029
Quoted by: >>14085351

indefinite hiatus, she kinda confirmed shes not graduating and said she is coming back after some 'upgrades'

>> No.14084031
Quoted by: >>14084105

She had time to put in 300 hours into stardew though? She also had a member's only karaoke early november and she sounded just fine there, how do you explain that?

>> No.14084032

>Liking EoaL makes you a doxxbeat
Retarded take.

>> No.14084035

Her older material is a treasure chest of harder tracks though.

>> No.14084047
Quoted by: >>14084113

Strong rozen maiden vibes from this one

>> No.14084066

Post this opinion there word-for-word then pussy. Put your money where your mouth is

>> No.14084100

not weird to feel this way, very different types of songs so theres enough for people to have preferences
personally i LOVE EoaL but i only listen to it like twice a week because it's sad and I like to bump sweet tunes when im driving

>> No.14084105

Did the developers of Stardew Valley kill your family or something?

>> No.14084113
File: 494 KB, 1440x810, 1374069118070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even. PEACH-PIT's style is so much softer than that.
>t. Suigintoubeat

>> No.14084130
Quoted by: >>14084784

Retard-chama... He was talking about the fact that anon’s preference towards harder tracks was all Mori and no voland voxel

>> No.14084131
File: 35 KB, 666x521, 1700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on which game you like more. I'd recommend playing EB yourself then going for that playlist, but that's my bias as a complete and utter Pokelet.

>> No.14084153

>ignoring my second point
Explain the early november member's karaoke

>> No.14084170
File: 16 KB, 180x250, 1626648364721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14084327

one reply, seanigchama. cope with that all you will.

>> No.14084172
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1601772838140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14084180

No, he is just a poor farmer and Mori having fun "playing" the unending hell that is his life causes him to flip his lid.

>> No.14084190

>no essay

>> No.14084195

I hate stardew valley devs for not killing schizo together with his family.

If you like EB, definitely EB first. If you don't really care about either, I'd say Pokemon was more fun.

>> No.14084214
File: 408 KB, 1536x2048, 156456461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it: No mori tommorow means I'll be finally building pic related.

>> No.14084229

she's saying to leave the comment under ymw

>> No.14084233
Quoted by: >>14084258

he pussied out after reading this thread

>> No.14084258

He better, I already booked hired guns.

>> No.14084261
Quoted by: >>14084345

Him and Niko always get cold feet when they get called retards here

>> No.14084271
File: 287 KB, 488x539, 1617283486260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14084372

I'm kinda out of touch and I don't know what to comment, honestly.

>> No.14084277
Quoted by: >>14084367

>Mori does something I don't like
>Watch someone else
How do I learn this power? How do I get rid of the fear of missing out on a cute/sweet Mori moment?
t.obsessed nigger who suffered from boredom but still sat through all of the shadowverse

>> No.14084312

Oh no, Kiara is spreading rrats about Mori on stream.

>> No.14084327
Quoted by: >>14084444

She literally had a karaoke on the 7th where she didn't sound like she was dying from the coof.
>in both of those months there were periods where her voice was notably raspy and strained - which would affect the recording regardless of how many times she tried re-recording it
Cope, you lost the argument
She's lazy and ungrateful. To think I had given her chance when she started getting good at doing her job

>> No.14084333

Based on what chimkin is saying rn the bad news was probably really about not being able to visit the reaper family

>> No.14084345

scroll up, Nman just gave her a break cause of the tweet
on that note, Kiara is talking about Calli being bummed out

>> No.14084363

depression arc 2.0?

>> No.14084367
Quoted by: >>14085016

She'll always be our Mori. It's not like she'll change over the course of a single stream.

>> No.14084372

Best course of action is to lay low and just lurk until Mori comes back proper.

>> No.14084385
File: 131 KB, 1184x1195, 1631215046040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean me, I've actually been out all morning and am very sad I missed it. Got to enjoy seeing some of you fags throw a shitfit over nothing, though.
In a way I'm glad the cooking stream's been delayed so I'll be able to catch it and she gets some more rest.

>> No.14084414

Based Chimkin cheering up our boy again

>> No.14084417

any clue why?

>> No.14084419

yeah, basically described it as mori feeling sad and frustrated and its something she'll very likely tell us about, so no travel is top of the rrat list now

>> No.14084427
Quoted by: >>14084487

I'm aware. I'm just saying he follows the same set of "Bitch about unimportant/wrong shit and then when people /here/ start talking about what a tard he is suddenly nowhere to be seen" habits

>> No.14084429

Ahahahaha enjoy getting 5% mori back.
I have her a chance once, not making the same mistake again. Enjoy the thread, I'll be hanging out at the cool threads now

>> No.14084432

>It was really the vacation being canned.

I knew it, Japan is retarded.

>> No.14084444

you never gave her the chance SEAnig, your kind never changes and this is just to make you feel "justified" in this sperg-out

>> No.14084477

samefagging or are you just retarded?

>> No.14084480

You still haven't rebutted my argumemt yet. Are y'all just like this?

>> No.14084487
Quoted by: >>14084561

he only really bitched her out at the phasmo collab, what since then has been bad enough to even complain about?

>> No.14084516

The way she said Mori might explain it really hints at this. No way she'd imply Mori would talk about something related to health of her family members or even pets. Fucking Japan, it's a miracle this country still exists.

>> No.14084530
Quoted by: >>14084565

At least she was able to see family once this year, fortunately an improvement from last year

>> No.14084537
Quoted by: >>14085073

....So what's the plan?

I think we should post our christmas setups with Mori merch under #morichristmas

>> No.14084541
File: 230 KB, 640x360, death.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14084544
Quoted by: >>14084707

>Mori causes a coof outbreak in both Japan and the USA, which ends up leading to the Omega variant that kills 99% of the global population
She will get away with it too

>> No.14084561
Quoted by: >>14084680

He posted comment on one of her membership schedule drops about the TTRPG situation being her fault, someone posted in the thread and he went silent in her chat for a while.

>> No.14084565

Still sucks missing out on spending christmas with her family two years in a row

>> No.14084569

cause weebs can't live without anime.

>> No.14084575

I'm more upset that Corona 3: Negro edition killed my investments.

>> No.14084603

>boohoo I have to postpone my vacation by a month, I won't get to see mommy or daddy anytime soon waaaaaaaah
Why is she like this? Isn't she supposed to be the tough girl of the group? Why is she being such a pussy?

>> No.14084614
File: 149 KB, 229x364, 1203828485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hundreds of positive comments in various lengths of praise
>instead focusing on the one from a proven loving hater ficklebeat
Why would you even waste time on this faggot?

>> No.14084618
Quoted by: >>14084679

Ehh, you sure you're not giving us too much credit? I don't see chat being that much of a help desu

>> No.14084628

didnt you said you were leaving to the "cool" threads now?

>> No.14084641

Because that faggot has ALSO been spamming this thread, you dong.

>> No.14084672

She's in a bad mood and I'm worried about that nigger making it worse.

>> No.14084677

I predict lots of IRyS sex in the future.

>> No.14084679

even if its just scrolling names id say chat is more of a live crowd than not

>> No.14084680
Quoted by: >>14084951

aren't you mixing two things? the chat thing was about the JK stream and I remember that since it was what got the SEAschizo to selfdoxx
and it turned out the comment he 'deleted' just scrolled over for the seabeat

>> No.14084695

Agreed, just looking for the positives. Maybe she and IRyS can do something together, even if it's off-stream? A MoRyS Christmas Carol stream would be super fun

>> No.14084707
File: 843 KB, 1131x800, 12388858846747746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14084824

>mori became a vtuber to reap kizuna ai
Someone has to stop her

>> No.14084721

>MoRyS duet "All I Want For Christmas Is You"

>> No.14084730
File: 14 KB, 281x328, 1637527946477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14084768

>Mori can't visit family
>just spends x-mas with her expat friend circle

>> No.14084743
File: 152 KB, 497x751, 1626592019907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
If you don't make the next thread usable, your place should be next to the streetshitter seaniggers.

>> No.14084745
Quoted by: >>14084864

Yeah, after Iroha and Lui taking turns in making her smile, and watching along with the deadbeats made her happy.

Let's all just consider IA what he really is: a deep penetration sleeper anti.

>> No.14084747

Can really relate to her; similar thing is happening to me this year.

>> No.14084766

I am genuinely furious at meidos for doing nothing despite LEAGUES of reports.

>> No.14084768


>> No.14084784

Nah, nah. What I'm saying is, you don't have to be a doxxbeat to enjoy eoal. But it gets so much better if you are that it can easily elevate it above other tracks.

>> No.14084786
File: 183 KB, 326x393, 1637901477744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, damn it. I wasted the image. Ah well.
pro-tip for pro deadbeats:

>> No.14084806

thoughts on futamori?

>> No.14084810

>LEAGUES of reports.
I doubt it, probably only a few even bothered reporting at all.

>> No.14084813

>He thinks Mori reads any of the YT comments

>> No.14084824

>Came out of hiatus to collect the soul of Kizuna AI
Good one for the list.

>> No.14084829

>"Deadbeats aren't a hivemind."
I still laugh when thinking of the time Mori said this. Just ignore that dude.

>> No.14084831
Quoted by: >>14085082

While your intentions are good you should focus those feelings into writing your own positive comment(s) of support.
Mori has a very good mental filter and if she really lets a single artist negate honest love and praise that’s on her.

>> No.14084832
Quoted by: >>14085082

according to Kiara, it's already clearing up

>> No.14084837
File: 923 KB, 1815x2048, 1622216930304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care. Mating press Princess.

>> No.14084843
File: 50 KB, 408x439, 1635404847224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the few benefits of hating and being estranged with your family is that you have one less thing to be depressed about during the holidays though I'm not sure you could actually call that a benefit, it's obviously not for people who have actual loving families like Mori

>> No.14084850

meidos generally don't care unless you are a doxxfag

>> No.14084857

Funny how even after announcing his leave the schizo is still here. His entire world is controlled by Pink Woman. I wish I had this kind of power over people, maybe I could get a raise this way.

An off-collab with Irys, maybe with christmas-themed karaoke and/or a zatsu afterwards at her or Irys' place sounds very cute. Spending time with friends is one of best things she can do anyway.

>> No.14084860

Do you not remember the "why didn't you pick my pet" schizo saga that happened two weeks ago?

>> No.14084864

>Let's all just consider IA what he really is: a deep penetration sleeper anti.
I'd normally argue this with you, but the "SHE WASTED THIS ONCE A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY" posts are really making it hard for me to believe my own arguments

>> No.14084868

Honestly prefer futakiara on Mori.

>> No.14084892
Quoted by: >>14085045

Hey, do you remember what's the name of the sequel song to princess? I can't...

>> No.14084895
Quoted by: >>14085005

You know she does right?

>> No.14084896

Shut up Nonon. Go back to watching the mixing tutorial stream.

>> No.14084914

how does wowari make it to draw women with so much sex energy?

>> No.14084938

did SHE draw this?

>> No.14084951

I remember IA being a passive-aggressive cunt when the scuffed TTRPG happened. Either a message in chat or a comment, I don't recall

>> No.14084953

I want futaina on Kiara while Mori watches.

>> No.14084954

>boohoo I have to postpone my vacation by a month, I won't get to see mommy or daddy anytime soon waaaaaaaah

>> No.14084972

no, that's from the first jop protobeat

>> No.14084991
File: 318 KB, 2048x1431, 125648389497048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14084993


>> No.14085005
Quoted by: >>14085241

It's J-Chad or some intern

>> No.14085016
File: 88 KB, 300x250, mYL8Q9w2jR-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14085097

That's a very specific denial to make. Now my fears are even stronger.

>> No.14085045 [DELETED] 
File: 986 KB, 568x662, 103392858863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Jule Box

>> No.14085047
File: 136 KB, 956x808, 1635807675817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's kind of comforting to know it's still just the one same schizo since last year

>> No.14085049
Quoted by: >>14085103


>> No.14085050
Quoted by: >>14085177

ywu lol

>> No.14085052
File: 656 KB, 819x858, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but consider the following:

>> No.14085073

You first.

>> No.14085082

Fair, dude's main point was "I don't like the way you approached this, therefore you should have sent it to an editor" There's a part of me that is always going to be afraid that we'll have another June moment because of these fucks though.
fingers crossed

>> No.14085089

I think I'll rewatch the collab

>> No.14085093 [DELETED] 

Sometimes I forget what a good graphic artist our Boy is

>> No.14085097
Quoted by: >>14085294

yes, the VA will be replaced by one of the fembeats that auditioned to be her skinwalker

>> No.14085103
File: 4 KB, 310x118, 1617780387899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14085141

Go away. I know it's you.

>> No.14085134
File: 555 KB, 2000x2000, FFygMowXIAUqH9h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inamori stocks are rising.

>> No.14085136


>> No.14085141


>> No.14085147

Ah, now I remember, thanks.

>> No.14085161

Why does Ina look like a man here?

>> No.14085177
File: 122 KB, 867x624, Innocent Tyrant - Chogakusei x FAKETYPE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff6t11n.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mori is MIA and rratmancers are in full throttle
>mori concert autism
>kizuna ai is kil
>princess lust

>> No.14085195

what is it about inamori that makes /u/schizos make either vanilla or romeo and juliet-like scenarios?

>> No.14085205

Why the fuck are the doxxfaggs insisting on compounding the problems of this thread?

>> No.14085228

I'm not sure but I've noticed that too.

>> No.14085241

She literally managed to pin a comment that was 99% like the hundreds of spam comments she was getting last week but had a few words different to make a joke. She either got the most dedicated interns in the world (and fucking lol at that, seeing what happened to Coco when she used interns to deal with spam comments) or is looking through them herself.

>> No.14085256

>why do people laugh at someone when they post cringe?
might as well ask why the sky is blue
or maybe some do believe that the "peace out" essay actually contributed to the start of enthusiasm arc, who knows

>> No.14085269
Quoted by: >>14085304

I think they might just want chaos, so the seafags would leave.

>> No.14085294

>Omega said they are going dark for a while
>All of Myth is being replaced by more obedient vtubers
>Mori is sad because she talked to "Gura" when she got back and realized what was happening and that she's next
>This concert was the trial run of "New Mori"

>> No.14085295

I miss her deadbeats...
I miss her so much....

>> No.14085304
Quoted by: >>14085350

>I think they might just want chaos
Like oshi like fanbase

>> No.14085317

Tall (relatively) loud tomboy and small frail priestess that's kinda shy.

>> No.14085325
Quoted by: >>14085386

Is it really that bad? I was thinking of not going home this year. Not like la familia and I have much in common left anyway.

>> No.14085350
Quoted by: >>14085403

But that's the rrat sis

>> No.14085351

Naru to the hodo. I remember I saw a tweet this morning with her advertising "last live". Thought she decided to pull the plug after all those years. Oyabun...

>> No.14085357

Because people don't report doxxfags.

>> No.14085377

I don't feel so good bros. Between the abysmal showcase and her not being able to go back for christmas I'm starting to fear that she might regress back to debut mori

>> No.14085380

Usable for what exactly? You can still post your Mori Love and whatnot, you know.

>> No.14085386
Quoted by: >>14085508

The obvious difference is that she actually wanted to spend time with her family

>> No.14085403

I guess incest poster won big with Gender swapped Bae then https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1466700336421572612

>> No.14085410
Quoted by: >>14085459

Why are you like this?

>> No.14085423

take your meds, you'll feel better

>> No.14085438 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 341 KB, 1204x1172, 1638583349264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t mind me, just posting some (late) birthday art I got for Lucitan

>> No.14085442
File: 589 KB, 636x843, time_for_meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14085444

She read mine and accepted the marrage proposal

>> No.14085453

>boohoo I have to postpone my vacation by a month, I won't get to see mommy or daddy anytime soon waaaaaaaah

>> No.14085459

Because you won’t report him.

>> No.14085460

>Someone actually saved my Soundpost

Holy Based

>> No.14085504

Cute, she'll love it.

>> No.14085508

Yeah, wish I could relate. Our boy is both blessed and cursed.

>> No.14085531
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 1623894622623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you fuckers seriously not? I know there's only like three of you tops.

>> No.14085553

You'll never find me. I'm also a T3-beat

>> No.14085562 [DELETED] 

Abayo doxxnigger god it's so fucking hot, imagine cupping that round ass face with one hand while snaking the other under that jacket

>> No.14085589
Quoted by: >>14085656

>Mori does somethign I don't like
>Jerk off to Botan
>Mori Does something I do like
>Jerk off to her

Simple as.

>> No.14085619
File: 45 KB, 458x314, Time to GWS [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffrarlz.mp4] (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14085656
File: 97 KB, 891x1200, 4713467447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14085738

>Mori does something I don't like
>Jerk off to her
>Mori Does something I do like
>Jerk off to her

Simple. As.

>> No.14085660
File: 84 KB, 1080x568, 1628272153976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14085708

God damn, this thread turned into a fucking free for all

>> No.14085708
File: 499 KB, 700x873, 1620240959058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14085804

Easy there, put the gun down

>> No.14085738

>Mori doesn't do anything
>Jerk off to her
You need to advance to next level.

>> No.14085796

>Mori jerks off to me
Get to my level

>> No.14085800

>Mori exists
>Jerk off to her

>> No.14085804
File: 848 KB, 1235x693, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14085824

t. Happy Chaos

>> No.14085827
Quoted by: >>14085854

You're not Charlie, AO, or Chaos. Don't fucking lie to us

>> No.14085854

>Charlie, AO
retard, mori is a patrician lord of 2D>3D, do your reps

>> No.14085885


>> No.14085914
Quoted by: >>14085973

I wanted to say something about Happy Chaos not being in here but then realized he probably would fit right in based on his name alone. So how do you feel about Mori being so fucking terrible at using you, Chaos?

>> No.14085922

She's bri'ish please understand

>> No.14085973 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.09 MB, 710x757, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like 95% of people based on my experiences

>> No.14085977

>Tries to put mag in the top
So this is how brits came up with Bren huh

>> No.14085988

Did he leave at some point? I would not call the guy ficlebeat if he has stuck around for over a year.

>> No.14085990

>all mori concerts will be 5x stronger with more preparation but streams will get shorter and revert back to debut schedules
>Mori’s concerts/karaoke will reflect the same quality as the last but regular streams will become even longer and more plentiful
Choose your fate

>> No.14085993
File: 17 KB, 334x370, morishock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is next level of being dumb. There's no way she never saw before in movies or games how a gun should be reloaded.
She should post this on youtube, it has viral potential, it can be her big break.

>> No.14086003
Quoted by: >>14086115

no way that's real, you see that shit all the time in games/movies

>> No.14086059

I used to be a quality>quantity guy but now I don't know what do do with my life when she's not on, so it's a little hard to choose.

>> No.14086092

one, duh
she loves music and I love her and her music

>> No.14086104

>I don't know what do do with my life when she's not on,
Have you thought about seeking help?

>> No.14086115

After Kiara in TTRPG seriously questioned if she could use shot bullets to load her own gun, I can totally believe Milky noticed how guns get loaded.

>> No.14086129
Quoted by: >>14086188

>a month
And then some fag in some random country gets some new strain causing Japan to go full lockdown no one allowed again.

>> No.14086138

Do we have clips of Mori or Milky making gun noises? I need it for a soundpost.

>> No.14086169

Milky never noticed*
I can't type.

>> No.14086188

ESLchama, why are you replying to bait?

>> No.14086242

I don’t mind when she streams less but she does it jp times which just gives me less days to watch live.

>> No.14086251

Yes, then I found it in Mori.

>> No.14086269

Seek therapy.

>> No.14086293
Quoted by: >>14086514

>not reloading his own ammo
look at dis dood

>> No.14086304
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1630960223224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14086337

Man, I really want to do something for her for Christmas now, but none of my skills are applicable in ways that she could appreciate. Damn it.

>> No.14086311

Rather send an aka. Same price, much more happiness in return.

>> No.14086337

Do something funny then. She's not afraid of looking at something that lacks technical talent if you put some SOVL in it.

>> No.14086359

if it doesn't involve drugs, therapy isn't significantly different from a parasocial relationship - both are professional friends

>> No.14086380
Quoted by: >>14086523

I feel sorry for you. Try actually facing your problems.

>> No.14086416

That's kinda bleak but also true. Damn.

>> No.14086435

Obviously the first option. I honestly don't care about vidya and zatsus don't last hours unless it's watame or a holotori.

>> No.14086454

You’re a rather depressing person.

>> No.14086455

Mori will never be your friend, she'll never know about your existence and she doesn't care about (You), because she can't. The sooner your realize this, the better.

>> No.14086482

Based smartbeat

>> No.14086514

It wasn't her own ammo either. It was the ammo the fae sniper used. Kiara's understanding of guns is somewhere in 16-17 century, which I guess is fitting for an ancient phoenix.

>> No.14086523

Don't you get bored of posting this every other day? Lighten up.

>> No.14086630

same for your therapist, you're a name in the files with issues attached to it
but they still try to make you feel better
