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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.13875623

explains her deleted mental breakdown stream

also kill yourself op

>> No.13875629 [DELETED] 

>tfw forgot to delete the troll name I was shitposting with

>> No.13875661

couldn't she just bring it back to life

>> No.13875705
Quoted by: >>13875840

>tfw forgot to delete the troll name I was shitposting with

>> No.13875812

very cool post Sere-Serena

>> No.13875840
Quoted by: >>13875905

>search archives
>it's an ESL wactor shitposter doxfaggot

>> No.13875845
Quoted by: >>13876389

Another cat?

>> No.13875863


>> No.13875900

Alright fags, who's going to make the "rushia's dead cat" Twitter account but in Japanese?

>> No.13875905
Quoted by: >>13876341

It's some schizo claiming to be a femoid. I just stole her name to say she's a tranny.

>> No.13875906

Fuck you kek

>> No.13875915

>I drink warm food

>> No.13875958

At least she still has her cute hamster

>> No.13876012

Goddamnit, I laughed.

>> No.13876037
Quoted by: >>13878791

She is losing it, expect her graduation before chrismas

>> No.13876042
Quoted by: >>13878791


>> No.13876117
Quoted by: >>13893896

That's not how Necromancy works Anonchama...

>> No.13876155
Quoted by: >>13876312

kill yourself op

>> No.13876312


>> No.13876341


>> No.13876378

>can’t revive shit

>> No.13876389

last time it was a dog i think

>> No.13876416

Welcome to several hours ago, faggot.

>> No.13876444

How are they losing cats left and right?

>> No.13876457

Fuck i missed it

>> No.13876668

Link faggot, I know you have it.

>> No.13876669
File: 265 KB, 500x500, 1630742456885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe hologirls are playing same games to chase trends and pretending to be sick for pity points, but now they are killing their pets?
Who you are betting will put their pet to sleep or straight up feed them with opioids on stream for extra clips? I bet Kiara

>> No.13876921

Legitimately the a good portion of people on this board deserve to die.

>> No.13877283

superior Cats inbred 1000fold, same as Japs

>> No.13877801
Quoted by: >>13878158

As much as I hate russia I feel bad for her

>> No.13877877

Yes but she knows it's not a good idea. See Pet Sematary for more details.

>> No.13878158
File: 155 KB, 512x512, 1636466856117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate? why? because she is the top japanese vtuber?

>> No.13878203

Lying about dance and singing lessons is shitty enough, but lying about her pet's death for pity supa? This is going too far to be honest.

>> No.13878632

fucking post it already nothing makes my dick harder faster than girls crying

>> No.13878708
Quoted by: >>13879278

>rushia, literal menhera has cat die
>can still stream
>sana, sane minded has dog die
>takes eternity long break
why is council like this

>> No.13878725

everyone in japan keeps having to take 3 out of every 4 weeks off for pleurisy or stomach ulcers or radiation poisoning, mega flu, ligma AIDS et cetera so a fucking cat stands NO chance

>> No.13878736
Quoted by: >>13879129

Damn, guess she'll be gone for a month now.

>> No.13878791


>> No.13878832

her cat just died, anon. don't make it weird

>> No.13878876

c'mon give her some leeway this one time, she pushed through it in a professional manner until she just couldn't anymore, even more so because it wasn't a sudden thing and she had to deal with it all the way through on her own

>> No.13878962
Quoted by: >>13895752

how do these girls kill off so many cats, mine lived for 2 decades now.

>> No.13879034
File: 387 KB, 1170x1775, DBB0F7A7-E10A-4408-B7AE-9FF062EA2136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13879098
Quoted by: >>13880751

Easy. Most of these girls are in their 20s. That is the same age where your childhood pets start showing their age.

>> No.13879129

she actually likes streaming though

>> No.13879157

This is what happen to unmarried women past the age of 20, they tried to suppress their motherly instict by pouring their love to animal and depressed when it died then buy another one the next morning.
You only need pets for hunting, protection and disabled helper. Having pets for sentimental value is nothing but mental illness.

>> No.13879272
Quoted by: >>13883612

Parasocial relationships are more unhealthy and yet here you are.

>> No.13879278
File: 17 KB, 1422x99, rushiathings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia has had a lot more shit happen to her recently than just her cat dying, and yet she's still streaming. Really makes Council look like a complete joke.

>> No.13879467

great flex you dumb retard. she's definitely capable of winning the gold medal at the QQ olympics

>> No.13879483

>Hamster dying
I will never keep rodents as pets again. I had a rat as a pet for 2 years, they die so fast that I just can't do it again. I wished they lived longer....
But yeah getting attached to a hamster is asking for your heart to be broken.

>> No.13879574

fucking kek

>> No.13879629
Quoted by: >>13880275

Rushia deleted multiple tweets and never asked for anyone's pity. I guess if you're going to be a dick you can shit on Sana and Shion for being gone for a while but Rushia continued practicing for the big live and putting on a happy face while she was suffering.

>> No.13879717
Quoted by: >>13879789

Grief is weird. I've had probably 30 cats die and I only got bummed out over one kitten. I didn't even particularly like the kitten.

>> No.13879733


I'm so tired of you fucking seanigs if you can't be a human being then fuck off somewhere else.

>> No.13879789

What are you doing that you needed to own that many felines?

>> No.13879998

killing them systematically lol

>> No.13880264

It wasn't all at once anon.

>> No.13880275
Quoted by: >>13880437

Anon what the actual fuck are you doing. You can maybe do this kind of talk in generals and splits when they're not raided, right now you're literally talking to schizos looking for (You)s.

>> No.13880437
Quoted by: >>13889252

His sense of reason was overcome by love for his oshi.

>> No.13880560

do poltards think larping as strong stoic men will make them attractive to the opposite sex

>> No.13880751

Yes, except most of them got kittens. Taiga who was already ancient is outliving the new blood.

>> No.13880822

Rushia's current cat is the average lifespan

>> No.13880828

I don't hate her but shes more like a whore than a talent. Just taking money away and gi ve nothing back. Even ayame sings more cover songs than she did.

>> No.13880846
Quoted by: >>13880938

they want to be attractive to 4chan posters

>> No.13880902


She interacts with chat way more than other vtubers. I definitely consider that giving back.

>> No.13880938
Quoted by: >>13881002

kinda gay

>> No.13881002
Quoted by: >>13881018


There's lots of girls on 4chan, you know

>> No.13881018

just because they're wearing kneesocks doesn't mean they're girls

>> No.13881541

>give nothing back
What is a vtuber supposed to "give back"? Besides music covers.

>> No.13881609
Quoted by: >>13881682


>> No.13881682

Rushia spent around an hour trying to show Fandead her panties, which IMO at least counts as foreplay

>> No.13881852

I'm sorry for your loss Rushia

>> No.13881916
Quoted by: >>13893202

What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Seek fucking help, jesus fucking christ.

>> No.13882348
Quoted by: >>13882580

It kinda does among the fujos.

>> No.13882353

Have incels really never known a strong man who loved his dog?
Have incels really never known a strong man?

>> No.13882460


>> No.13882580

I think there's a difference between a woman wanting to have sex with you and a woman wanting another man to violently rape you

>> No.13882730

not everyone consumes s*y and HRT, troon

>> No.13882759
Quoted by: >>13883328

Original songs, short videos, regular shows like asacoco and holotalk. Shes also known good in playing piano but being like I am not gonna to show it because you guys are braindead simps.

>> No.13882817
Quoted by: >>13884846

Even when I was in an incel mindset a lot and grew so bitter I couldn't feel anything from cuddling cute animals, I still would never in my fucking life ever diminish the pain somebody feels when something they love dies. How anyone can justify pitying themselves for hurting and yet still laugh at other people for their pain? I don't fucking understand.

>> No.13882973

NTA but screamy woman hurty ears

>> No.13883052
Quoted by: >>13883671

She barely screams.

>> No.13883082


>> No.13883328

She does make short videos, often. I also have around 500 e-mails that have the tagline "new Rushia ch." after around a year and a half of membership.
She also premieres often in programs on NND, as well as Hologra, just participated in the Sankisei concert as well organized her birthday live. She reaches out a lot. She constantly communicates with her fans. She was coming off a hospitalization and could barely stand but still was so desperate to talk to us that she dropped a guerilla unarchived twitcast.
This buries the point though, which is that who gives a fuck? There is more than one way to show your love for your audience. Clearly Fandead feel as if its reciprocated well.
Congratulations, you watched a clip of her RE playthrough

>> No.13883378
Quoted by: >>13883671

>le screamy woman
We get like one or two screams every few streams.

>> No.13883410
Quoted by: >>13883550

She's not a necomancer.

>> No.13883508

Rushia should not be allowed to have pets

>> No.13883550
File: 46 KB, 500x391, 1573214836547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13883595
Quoted by: >>13883671

you think she...

>> No.13883612

>pets are the original parasocial relationship

>> No.13883671
File: 76 KB, 195x248, 1623032663403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still enough to put me off (same goes for Noel) and my wife already puts me at capacity for mentally ill antics.
Don't be silly she isn't white.

>> No.13884414

any streamable of her meltdown?

>> No.13884846
Quoted by: >>13893301

>council looks like a joke because someone with an unhealthy parasocial relationship with their viewers pushes themselves so hard they'll probably end up committing suicide if their numbers drop after they end up hospitalizing themselves via overwork
take your fucking meds.
around here at least, I think it's the whole "internet fuckwad theory" thing at work. you have a lot of people who figure that since they're anonymous on 4chan that there's no reason to not try to be the internet hate machine that (we) used to joke being about back in the habbo/chanology days.
at least, I want to believe it's just people being faggots because they know they can get away with it. I want to try to have some faith in humanity and reject the idea of the average /vt/ anon actually being the kind of self-centered psychotic monster that they ostensibly LARP as.

>> No.13885117
File: 22 KB, 474x268, downloadfile-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13886259

Temari and Taiga still alive why her pussy die so fast

>> No.13887588

I saw that cat
cute and clingy...

>> No.13888471

Taiga has Mio with him, the best mama.

>> No.13888582

Are cover sacrificing their talents' pets in some kind of ritual to keep their market dominance or something? They seem to die an awful lot

>> No.13888843

My first cat died when I was 24. Not surprised this is the age where most cats die given that most folks get their first cat around 12-16. I miss her.

>> No.13889058


>> No.13889086
File: 3.61 MB, 366x558, watamage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13889164
Quoted by: >>13889260

Fauna's cat is next

>> No.13889252

I can respect that at least.

>> No.13889260

Fauna's cat is 21.
That is like the equivalent of being over 100 in human years.

>> No.13889376

>the cat I've taken care since he was young has just hit 14
>spend every week terrified of him getting closer to dying
I've never had a cat I personally took care of before this, but I imagine my response to him dying won't be sane.
Pets do really be out here making you feel alive.

>> No.13889488

Cats live until they don't. They're strange animals.

>> No.13889550

My dog is only 4 but I look after him like a hawk. I’ll never understand how some people don’t see pets as family. I always feel bad when I hear about people losing their pets.

>> No.13889612

Rip Neko-san, hopefully nyanko-sensei will help her recover from this, she deserves the support right now especially with how hard she worked to help it.

>> No.13889647

Holy shit menhera moment.

>> No.13890000

Let's go kill animals

>> No.13890103

>grew up with loads of cats and dogs but irresponsible family
>at least one dead pet every year
>totally numbed to loss of pets as an adult, but can't live without them and constantly think about when and how they might die when spending time with them
I feel like an alien watching girls whose sole reaction to their cat is OMG CUTE BABY

>> No.13890252

Im on the other side of the spectrum. I had a cat that was with me all day every day for like 5 years yet when a dog killed her I felt apathetic and apparently erased her from my memory in no time. I remember absolutely nothing and all I have are stories told by my family.
I don't understand that level of attachment people seems to have and how they cant accept death when its obvious their lifespans are incredibly short in average compared to a human.

>> No.13890344

Not trying to be funny but this sounds like you had some kind of mental break and buried the memory to save you from the pain.

>> No.13890666

People cope with grief in different ways. Might as well say that you don't understand the level of attachment people seem to have for their parents since your parents will almost certainly die before you do. That is not how emotions work.

>> No.13892889
Quoted by: >>13893104

People hate to be told this, but it is a fact.
I've seen grown men cry and get depressed for weeks over pets dying, i mean i get that its sad, but you really need to be way stronger than that, emotionally speaking, not to act tough or be edgy, but for the sake of those around you.

>> No.13892912

Fucking kek

>> No.13893104
Quoted by: >>13899530

People should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they need to to deal with grief so long as they are not hurting others. Anyone who things otherwise is a fucking loser and has zero empathy. Personally, I won't cry but I can understand why others would.

>> No.13893144

Imagine being Taiga, having Mio as your mama...now that's the life.

>> No.13893202

He’s right, though. There is a reason why cat ladies coincidentally have no children.

>> No.13893208
Quoted by: >>13893728

Now if she takes a month break like Sana then JPfags should shut up about Sana's absence.

>> No.13893301

holy mother of reddit…

>> No.13893377

Maybe I just have more empathy than most but the whole “pets just die” is so foreign to me. I get it. Their lifespans are short compared to ours but their entire fucking lives are spent with us. A tiny part of your life but to that dog or cat you’re everything in his. I dunno man.

>> No.13893386

She meant my cum, obviously.

>> No.13893728
Quoted by: >>13893844

She won't, Rushia views streaming as her mental break, even yesterday after breaking down she wanted to continue streaming to not be alone because she explicitly said being alone would be worse for her mental health, she's streaming again today
I do agree people should shut up about Sana though, a pet of over a decade is more important than a job that Sana was only in for a few weeks. Rushia's situation is different since she views streaming itself as her mental health break.

>> No.13893834

she owes literally nothing. No vtuber owns litrally anything to viewers.

>> No.13893844

Alot of people do. Because doing something keeps your mind occupied. Back when my family member had a terrible illness, all I did was work everyday and all the time. Because if I stopped working, all I would think of is the horrible situation that I can do nothing about.

>> No.13893896


>> No.13895752

Her cat is about that old when he died.

>> No.13895791

toppest of keks

fuck i think i pulled a muscle

>> No.13895830

Incels like to play tough like this on the internet but they actually have glass hearts and get offended by the slightest insults

>> No.13896110
File: 237 KB, 542x535, 1635195078380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896150

so the big question is will she take a long break like what sana did

>> No.13896131


>> No.13896150

Try looking at the schedule ENmonkey.

>> No.13899329
File: 408 KB, 900x894, 1614191928510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13899530
Quoted by: >>13899693

>People should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they need to to deal with grief so long as they are not hurting others.
Western countries tried this and now their countries filled with trannys, homosexual and jews.

>> No.13899597

>I drink warm food

>> No.13899693

Us SEAchads really are the strongest.
