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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.1372199

i can tell that one annoying /v/tard drew thos

>> No.1372208 [DELETED] 

seeing someone being at your native language is funny

>> No.1372241
Quoted by: >>1373344

shit education system and not having to consume media outside of japan

>> No.1372265

Same reason people in English speaking countries suck at the spanish or french they were taught in school. No real reason for them to know it for the average persons daily life, no significant motivating factors for people to learn it. If you look at people who have decent motivating factors like Hoshikawa from Nijisanji then she seems to be much better than your average Japanese.

>> No.1372275
Quoted by: >>1377904 >>1415199

The same reason Americans are atrocious at English. It's not their native language

>> No.1372276
Quoted by: >>1393429

took me a solid minute to understand what she was saying
the opening of fuck the police

>> No.1372291
Quoted by: >>1372308

I dont get the joke

>> No.1372308

dog says nigger

>> No.1372311

They don't have the same vowel sounds that we do.
So while we have 5 vowels, they can be pronounced 13 different ways. Picture a language where the same letter is pronounced 13 different times, and that letter is the basis for all communication in that language. That's English.
To be fair I'm pretty sure if I started speaking Japanese I would sound like an absolute retard due to putting emphasis on certain sounds where I shouldn't.

>> No.1372378
File: 348 KB, 413x564, 1614626106882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1373061

because they're cuter when their english is dogshit

>> No.1372392

Same reason English speakers are atrocious at Japanese. They're highly incompatible languages on a phonetic level, it takes a lot of effort to overcome the barrier from either side. It's unfortunate that these ended up being the two dominant languages in the fields of animation and video games.

>> No.1372396
Quoted by: >>1372426

Can somebody translate the thing? I don't fucking understand that.

>> No.1372426
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, 1613513097360.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1372467

"Fuck the police. Straight from the underground. A young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown"

>> No.1372436
File: 369 KB, 521x555, 1614975082865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever called themselves "LAZY KNEE GROWS" and spachatted a holoJP learning english

>> No.1372467

Hot damn. Even korone don't speak that bad since I can actually understand her.

>> No.1372487
Quoted by: >>1376430 >>1416138

Pronunciation. For example, the letter "i" for japanese people is pronounced like "ee" while for english speakers its pronounced "ai", so when japs try to say for example "I am" they pronounce it "aimu".
Basically different pronunciations that takes more than simple study to get better at.

>> No.1372587

Learning a new language is always hard no matter who you are, but english has an extreme amount of nuance that takes a lot of getting used to.
Especially for someone from japan where L's and R's are the same thing, but carry radically different functions in english. It's also one of very few languages that have a 'th' sound, so most people worldwide have a hard time grasping its use.
English is only actually easy if you grew up with it.

>> No.1372603
File: 128 KB, 878x3222, 1603699968607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1372655

They did it to Mori early on, among other things. And she's American.

>> No.1373061

This is true. I tried watching Hoshikawa's English duolingo stream today and she's just too good at it for it to be funny or entertaining.

>> No.1373103
Quoted by: >>1373269

>that one annoying /v/tard
that doesn't narrow it down at all

>> No.1373244
File: 124 KB, 640x704, gurmentor.com-what-is-the-hardest-language-to-learn-2020-02-05_18-56-16_784105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English grammar is very different from Japanese grammar.
Also, English orthography (spelling) is a complete nonsensical dumpster fire.

>> No.1373269

I don't know if he frequented /v/ or not, but it's baalbuddy.

>> No.1373344


>> No.1374008
Quoted by: >>1374067

I often mix up Korone and Risu. Why are they so samey

>> No.1374067

wat? they are different

>> No.1374147
Quoted by: >>1386149

>English orthography (spelling) is a complete nonsensical dumpster fire.
Kek. Am linguist and this is completely true. There are simply too many exceptions to the rules and it's understandable how spelling became an academic competition when other languages would just write how they speak it and be correct 99% of the time

>> No.1374678

No motivation to learn it and no practice, they can live and die there pleasantly. Those who have english as their mother tongue don't find any use to learn other languages either. Despite being taught english in school, the lack of practice will eventually make them forget about everything the had learned. Western countries are exposed constantly to a lot of shit that comes from the America (entertainment, academic resources,etc.) they literally cannot escape from it.
Plus, the books and teachers are subpar in quality. There is no focus on english conversation but just tests (getting the hang of english's pronuncication is only gained through simple exposure to the language and practice. Nonetheless, everyones knows english pronunciation/spelling is unpredictable and there are no rules)
On top of that the language itself is a huge hindrance, any other european language speaker can have an easier time learning english than a japanese as the spelling, pronunciation and grammar of the latter are immensenly different from english

>> No.1374754
File: 2.50 MB, 2300x3841, goblinvtuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1377818

love this guy

>> No.1375638
Quoted by: >>1376650

Korone's English accent is pretty understandable though, even if she can barely speak it. Her granny's accent has it's pros and beside sounding cute as fuck english pronounciation comes naturally to her. She still can't speak it but it provides her an advantage compared to generic Japanese accents which are barely understandable when people using them start speaking english

>> No.1375693

>Why are Japs so fucking atrocious at English?
Why are Westerns so pathetic at Japanese?

Going through my own Duolingo reps for Japanese AND watching Noel's English Duolingo reps, the struggle of learning a new language is comparable.

>> No.1375700


>> No.1375716
File: 42 KB, 497x496, 1612039588191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are Japs so fucking atrocious at English?
You're an asshole for asking this question. Let's see you take a try at Russian.

>> No.1375756

Cyka blyat

>> No.1375764
File: 214 KB, 731x537, Venn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English orthography (spelling) is a complete nonsensical dumpster fire.
With exceptions everywhere.

Anyone here ever tried teaching English to a non-native speaker? You realize fairly quickly at how retarded English can be.

>> No.1375798

Are the versions of this map where you can take a different country as a base?

>> No.1375863
File: 69 KB, 470x747, Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell, even Gura got tripped up by that shit


There's literally no voice inflection to distinguish "to" vs "two", especially when a counted number sequence is involved.

Monty Python really fucked around with this concept.


>> No.1375902

Applied counting:


>> No.1376135
File: 28 KB, 400x500, 0405767368019_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1376349

The South has solved this problem for us.
"tuh". "Where ya going tuh?"
"two". "Goin tuh git me two Rushia plushies."

>> No.1376325

Because they don't really need that globohomo garbage language called English

>> No.1376349
File: 12 KB, 300x224, Spel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1387404

>The South

>> No.1376430
Quoted by: >>1376544

Fucked up vowels is only an issue for germanic languages, for latin languages it's easy peasy

>> No.1376432

baalbuddy is great, you fucking turd

>> No.1376465


>> No.1376516
Quoted by: >>1377701

Because English is a stupid fucking language and Japs are lucky that it's not necessary for them to learn it

>> No.1376544
Quoted by: >>1377816

But then you have to know the gender of every object. Also have an official organization to gender new objects like the corona virus.

>> No.1376650
File: 535 KB, 514x532, 1613089673911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1376973

>kamon superstur
>i'm malio

>> No.1376881
File: 153 KB, 600x706, 7d2e0ee00f7e291c897adf2f4958f5c264d860d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1376973

i'm ewvis presry oh no

>> No.1377669

kiss me maaaaarioooo

>> No.1377701

Japanese is stupid as well, there isn't really any language that isn't stupid in some way.

>> No.1377816
Quoted by: >>1393302

Shut the fuck up with that crap, the gender of the vast majority of words is determined by the last vowel in the word and once you get used to it its it's not hard to guess the exceptions

>> No.1377818

I want to fuck the Goblin

>> No.1377904
Quoted by: >>1380772 >>1381467

Oi m8 yer roite about taat innit? Em Amm'icans donno 'ow ta spoike propah Queens Ænglish, roite roite!

>> No.1377929


>> No.1378038

Gura's "Privet" was pretty great. Botan's "Spasibo" was pretty cute too.

>> No.1378114
Quoted by: >>1378166

Incel hands drew this.

>> No.1378149

Because it’s fucking cute. The shitty English is super endearing to me.

>> No.1378166

do you know where you are?

>> No.1378764
Quoted by: >>1380737 >>1380903

Rushia had trouble with someone named "Nigel".

>> No.1378880

/v/ living rent free in your head, nigga.

>> No.1380447
Quoted by: >>1381861

im going to rape whoever drew this

>> No.1380580
File: 822 KB, 707x1000, FBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1380623
File: 132 KB, 667x568, 1613651767538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1380751

holy fucking DEKAI nenechi

>> No.1380658

based. beat the dumb dog

>> No.1380733
File: 218 KB, 1562x1436, EgVFd0gXoAU_BYr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1380756 >>1380903

don't feed me ideas now...

>> No.1380737

fuck me that's brilliant

>> No.1380744

Watch the other person in the image lol

>> No.1380751

More like NeneCHICHI

>> No.1380756
File: 157 KB, 1207x1080, 1613652731903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1380881

>trainees dial 8

>> No.1380764

just started learning kanjis, realized how much of a septic tank the English language is

>> No.1380772
Quoted by: >>1381729

Proof that Britain is full of inbreds

>> No.1380784

Also biology plays a role. There's a reason why its much easier for asians to learn spanish and other asians languages than english

>> No.1380831
File: 336 KB, 458x512, nenene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1380881
File: 135 KB, 420x354, Neetpeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1380887
Quoted by: >>1381096

i'm pretty sure that's because jap and spanish phonetics are very similar

>> No.1380903
Quoted by: >>1387485 >>1388501

Hey that was actually me

>> No.1380995

I got up to the second paragraph before flubbing up

>> No.1381096
Quoted by: >>1394894 >>1397681

Yeah outside the "silent" "u"s you can spell both bretty much the same
Of course spics do not apply, those subhumans can't speak even Spanish

>> No.1381125

He's literally a /tg/ poster

>> No.1381162
Quoted by: >>1381811

This is entirely a burger problem.
is pronounced with a short, sharp o, while
is pronounced with a long, soft o, i.e a softer
or if you suck at softening
It's just your accent that's fucked up.

t. esl

>> No.1381467
Quoted by: >>1386835

Oi oi oi wotz this then, are you posting on her majesty's fourth channel without a shitposting loiscence? Mr Anon, your bloody nicked me old sunshine

>> No.1381729

The US is full of mutts, so forget whining about an accent, you'll soon be speaking nothing but ebonics and Spanish.

>> No.1381756
Quoted by: >>1400352

Heteronyms aren't that bad if you remember that emphasis is placed on the first syllable if it's a noun, and the second syllable if it's a verb. Ex: CONtract the piece of paper vs. conTRACT to shrink.

>> No.1381811
Quoted by: >>1382161

This isn't a problem for natives, you ESL retard, and these "differences" you cite are forced.

>> No.1381828

How is your 日本語?

>> No.1381861
Quoted by: >>1392840

I'm going to rape your first so you'll be incapable of raping that hero.
It's called defensive rape.

>> No.1382161
Quoted by: >>1383650

The ''natives'' pronounce it CHEW like the incestuous island-dwelling chimpanzees they are.
And we then we have the yanke-doodle dumbass shark getting out-englished by fucking Kiara of all people.

>> No.1382206

let us hear your japanese then, faggot OP

>> No.1382278

Dont watch Japaense vtubers then, dumb Amerimutt

>> No.1383650

At least Kiara is a Germ. English is a Germanic language and Germs are a perfectionist peoples so it makes sense.

>> No.1383727

ITT: EOPs who may know a bit of an English related romance language who couldn't complete a single sentence halfway legibly in Japanese

>> No.1384225

Goddamnit /vt/, I'm sick of browsing this place and getting boners that won't go away.

>> No.1384364
File: 87 KB, 826x826, bf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're asking for a crusade

>> No.1384742
Quoted by: >>1385271

Kiara didn’t do the dipping tone on to you normally use when describing ranges, nor did she use the cadence that is normally used. She is ESL. Gura wouldn’t have been confused otherwise.

>> No.1385271
Quoted by: >>1385483


>> No.1385381

I'm an ESL. This is still easier than kanji.

>> No.1385483
Quoted by: >>1385658

It's true. When saying something like 1 to 5, in any English speaking country, you would pronounce to as "tuh" or "duh". Not the exact same way you say the number 2. Which is what Kiara did and it's stuff that ESLs don't pick up on.

>> No.1385640


>> No.1385658

I doesn't matter man, it's obvious from the context.
Gura's brain rotten so much from drinking that she actually thought there are only 1, 2 and 5 classes.
It's just fucking dumb.

>> No.1385743
File: 59 KB, 293x338, 1612191099828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so bad at japanese?

>> No.1385806
File: 80 KB, 843x640, 1593841667009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1396362

They don't care to get it right because their unconditional admiration from the west puts them a step above them in the cultural hierarchy

>> No.1385862

'To' can be stressed or unstressed, and in the case of '1 to 5' it should be unstressed. The way Kiara placed the same emphasis on 'to' as she did the numbers 'one' and 'five' is incorrect, so no wonder Gura got confused.

>> No.1385898

no incentive on learning since they have their own pop culture

>> No.1385998
Quoted by: >>1386106

give it a break man
shark is dum
end of story

>> No.1386015

Is cute.

>> No.1386063

It's better that way, that's the appeal. I lose interest once their english starts sounding passable.

>> No.1386106

Perhaps, but I just don't see why Gura should be called dumb for Kiara's mistake. I mean click that video and read the comments, yeah I know it's in good fun but it's a bit annoying.

>> No.1386149
Quoted by: >>1386898 >>1387236

>their languages would just write how they speak it and be correct 99% of the time
As a linguist you should know that's not true at all (most languages in the world don't even have a widely adopted writing system, linguists have to invent them when they study such languages). Then even well-established written languages aren't so clear. Like in Russian, typically considered a "pronounced as written" language is actually not so obvious when you start learning how important syllable accents are and how they can change the pronunciation of adjacent syllables (and this is not marked in real Russian texts) or how conjugations that sound the same will be spelt differently for some words. More relevantly, japanese is a total mess where you're lucky to even find a rule that would allow you to identify exceptions when it comes to readings and accents. It's only simple in theory when you're dealing with isolated sounds but in real speech everything becomes a mess.

>> No.1386535

This desu although I wouldn't say the stressed version is incorrect. Just that as a speaker you should try to disambiguate the meaning you're trying to convey and Kiara could've done a better job here.

>> No.1386708

Okay, but I get to have a try at Botan as a reward.


>> No.1386754
File: 133 KB, 377x329, A Toast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1386898

I can read this without hitching, easy

>> No.1386835


>> No.1386887

Why are Amerimutts so fat and stupid?

>> No.1386898
Quoted by: >>1386962

We get threads about English quite often, I feel. If I were to imply you are all offboarder tourists, which board would linguistics be? /lit/?
Elaborated and 'nothing as it easy and it seems'-pilled.
You have to read it loud and have other people tell you that you're wrong. I mean, I read it once 8 years ago as well, and thought it was fine despite not being a native, but I also thought I didn't have an English accent until much more recently.

>> No.1386962
Quoted by: >>1387239

Yeah I meant aloud, it's actually a really fun warm up for script reading and commentary.

>> No.1387034

Quentin hasn't been around in years

>> No.1387236

Most languages with written history have to deal with centuries of tradition. Those that don't have to deal with the tradition of those they took their writing from. Even then, you have to first determine what constitutes a phoneme in a language, which is complicated by allophony, dialects, and foreign influence. Can we say Japanese has /ts/ as distinct from /t/? What about English /h/ being in complementary distribution with /ŋ/? Furthermore, the relationship between writing and sound is complicated by morphology, because sound can be affected by it as well. And that's not to say the script used itself might be deficient in some way.

English be fuck'd still tho.

>> No.1387239
Quoted by: >>1387917

Well then I'm impressed. I can't do the whole script without stumbling and I doubt English native speakers would find no issues with my pronunciation.

>> No.1387404


>> No.1387460

Get fucked whoever drew this

>> No.1387485

What's up my nigel

>> No.1387539

No it's because Spanish follows rules, whereas English is a fucking free for all. Makes it good for rhyming though, so we have that.

>> No.1387626


>> No.1387917

That's the whole point of the poem, it shows of inconsistencies and discrepencies in pronunciation because most of these words are loanwords from other germanic, romantic, or indo languages.
Ex. "Terpsichore" (greek) is pronounced "Terp-si-kree," and "Gunwale" (old english) is pronounced "Gun-el," I would be eternally impressed if an ESL could get these right first try.

>> No.1387949

Whoso ever drew this is a man of culture and quality.

>> No.1388403
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x4267, the-100-most-spoken-languages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a completely different language family you dumb dumbs

>> No.1388501
File: 967 KB, 930x960, coomer cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1389692

The way she starts groveling makes my dick explode.

>> No.1389250

Sorry gays

>> No.1389420
Quoted by: >>1407969

>Japanese in its own family

Makes sense. Also Hindi is the third most spoken language? I'd have never thought, I'd expect third would be Spanish after Chinese.

>> No.1389563
Quoted by: >>1392311

Why are burgers so fucking atrocious at Japanese?

>> No.1389601

literally no overlap with regards to alphabet, syntax, grammar, pronunciation etc. The languages could not be less alike.

>> No.1389676
File: 1.44 MB, 450x472, visibleconfusion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1389735

That cannot be right. There MUST be more than 120000 non-native Japanese speakers on this here planet Earth.

>> No.1389692

That's one of the many ways she gets you. Be careful.

>> No.1389735
File: 141 KB, 399x332, 1598013691322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1389837


>> No.1389803

Does anyone know the name of that blue mouse vtuber? She speaks spanish or something like that.

>> No.1389837
File: 5 KB, 500x500, AAAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No... Please... Don't say it!


>> No.1389929

Because it's not their language retard

>> No.1391021

The real reason is that English is a Latin-European language while Japanese is an Altaic language, hence the learning is much harder since you do not have the same baseof reference as say english-french or japanese-korean. It doesnt help that they don't have the RRRR Phonetic in the language at all.

>> No.1391796
Quoted by: >>1392295

How is chinese considered easier than Japanese

>> No.1392295
Quoted by: >>1392651 >>1412402

Yea, that's what I'd like to know. Voice inflection plays a huge part in Chinese, where mispronunciation actually leads to completely different words entirely.

>> No.1392311

Which is the root of the whole sub vs dub bullshit

>> No.1392336
File: 5 KB, 298x169, Xdoubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does OP study another language? Pic related.

>> No.1392458
File: 100 KB, 605x472, 1608817302648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Igbo 100% native speakers

>> No.1392475

work on your art

>> No.1392512

>/Funny/: ”F-fuu? U? uuu- na, na. Fuuuu…”
Anyone doing shit like adobe and still play games, is just acting for reactions and possibly mocking the accent.
I don’t care about English but I would get really annoyed if a vtuber did this to my mother language, and changed topics without actually-seriously trying to pronounce the full word/sentence.

>> No.1392651

The grammar in Chinese is relatively easier than Japanese but if you only know English I suppose both Chinese and Japanese are equally as difficult to learn.

>> No.1392840

Dog Nigga will save me first and rape your father before you're even born. Think twice

>> No.1393173

It still blows my fucking mind that all Indian and European languages have a common ancestor tongue.

>> No.1393232
File: 212 KB, 500x469, 0968ca73f51232fe55783481694789bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1409309 >>1409470

is this the esl general? Nobody over the age of 12 gets confused by there and their. English is the most simple language in the world.

>> No.1393302
Quoted by: >>1407462

>the gender of the vast majority of words is determined by the last vowel in the word
Is that how it's done? I've never heard this. But even so, noun genders serve literally no purpose, so it's wasted effort to put them in your language anyway.

>> No.1393328



>> No.1393429

baalbuddy is a legit genius

>> No.1394352

>literally 0 non-native Korean speakers

>> No.1394711
Quoted by: >>1396298

>If you look at people who have decent motivating factors like


>> No.1394894

Ey tío pero poque tiene que seh tan pesado tío joder me cago en to

>> No.1396206

more like tg, he's cool

>> No.1396298

Haachama has good English when she's not in character. You can actually see this accidently bleed into the character, because even though shes absolutely mangling the words her vocabulary is WAYYYY wider then normal.

>> No.1396362
File: 38 KB, 460x374, christine-sydelko-1519126914-view-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their unconditional admiration from the west

>> No.1397371

>"to" vs "two",

Don't forget "too"

>> No.1397681
Quoted by: >>1415930


She almost sounds native.

>> No.1397904

Definitely, from context it's more obvious but if you isolated the clip of Kiara saying 1-5 and asked me to transcribe it I'd write 1, 2, 5.

>> No.1398133

goorah is just dumb, she didn't get the context

>> No.1398224

>Anyone here ever tried teaching English to a non-native speaker? You realize fairly quickly at how retarded English can be.
Honestly, have you ever tried teaching English to a native speaker? They don't understand half the grammatical constructions their language uses and it actively impedes their ability to express their thoughts clearly. This is why people think English is "retarded".

It's not really about pronunciation or orthography, all languages are bad in that regard, albeit in different ways. Learning the phonetic inventory of a language is the most difficult aspect of learning to speak a language, the rest comes naturally through exposition and use.

>> No.1400352
Quoted by: >>1400616

remember? I've never heard that shit you just made up in my native english speaking life.

>> No.1400616

He's right you retard

>> No.1404821

Don't forget that we have stupid pointless letters like 'C'.
Sometimes a 'K', sometimes an 'S', never anything unique. Meanwhile unique sounds like 'Sh' and 'Ch'.

>> No.1404836
File: 76 KB, 981x418, LoTopnj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Xhosa related to anything else? It's like a completely alien language next to Zulu.

>> No.1405751

I unironically want to curb stomp the sodomite who made this

>> No.1407462

You don't put shit in languages though, it just shows up one day

>> No.1407865
Quoted by: >>1409429 >>1410442

pretty sure turkic is connected to indo-european

>> No.1407969

Did you not know India has literally more than a billion people? All of South America doesn't even have half of that.

>> No.1409213

They picked the worst vtuber possible since Korone would just box the shit out of you, try Rushia instead

>> No.1409309
Quoted by: >>1411005

I get that you literally don't talk to people outside 4chan, or even your own house, but people mixing up "there", "their", and "they're" is incredibly common.

>> No.1409429

It's not.

>> No.1409470

I'm an esl and I never confused there with their. I messed up the rest of the language, but not those.

>> No.1410442

I'm a turkfag and nah. We only claim the elevens, finngols and hungarians for the memes sometimes.

>> No.1411005
Quoted by: >>1413649

These are not homonyms, so you shouldn't be making that mistake.
"there" has a flat e, "their" has a stressed e and "they're" is a completely different word.

>> No.1412402

Probably because every word in Chinese only has one pronunciation while Japanese has several depending on context.

>> No.1412491

They have no reason to learn it.

>> No.1413649
Quoted by: >>1413707

>These are not homonyms
Of course they're not, they're spelled differently. They're homophones in American English, though.

>> No.1413707

>>These are not homonyms
>Of course they're not, they're spelled differently.
This is actually wrong, I'm retarded

>> No.1415199
Quoted by: >>1417044

>er than your average Japanese.
There's a lot more to it. Part of it is that it isn't their native language, but it's closer to why the French are as monolingual as they are. Their education system is a very much structured in a banking model, where participation is strongly discouraged, with slight mistakes resulting in ridicule from their teacher and peers. In the English teaching books that I have for TESOL, a big part of teaching in a lot of Asian countries is getting students to participate without fear of reprisal. A lot of learning comes from making mistakes and just participating, while their education system focuses on rote memorization. There's a lot of other issues with the Japanese education system, but that's one of the biggest things they try to get teachers to work around.

On top of that, students usually have a negative opinion towards learning English. It's stressful because so much of their work is focused on rote memorization, while English as a language is about building off of concepts, though it's less consistent than something like Spanish. In comparison to Japanese, which requires the memorization of thousands of characters, as a result, English is a very dissimilar language from Japanese. Spanish or French are category 1 from English, requiring the least amount of time to acquire proficiency. English and Japanese are category 5 from each other.

>> No.1415930
Quoted by: >>1425427

That's also because Korone has vacationed in Spain so she's been exposed to it.

>> No.1416138
File: 330 KB, 873x474, 1600498760900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is english phonetics, you can't just properly read an english word outloud without knowing its correct pronounciation first. Meanwhile in japanese katakana is pronounced the way it's spelled, so when the girls translate the text or try to read it in romaji they completely butcher it because they literally have no way of knowing how to say the words without studying or being told how.
English is an easy language to learn all things considered but for many people it might feel like having to learn 2 languages at once, a written and an oral one, pic related.

>> No.1416192

I always lose at the fucking would.

>> No.1416232

Pretty sure he was mostly on /tg/ my guy. Still one of the better drawfags that made it.

>> No.1417026

atleast you can sound words out in english and the alphabet system is more intuitive. as someone who knows chinese/madarin/cantonese, the writing/reading system is a meme based on drawing stick figures in slightly different shapes that has 0 indication on how its meant to be pronounced. they end up relying on pinyin to teach pronunciations, which is just english alphabets repurposed

>> No.1417044

So if I'm a Russian it'll be more efficient to Russian-language dictionaries to learn Japanese and such?

>> No.1425427

Is that an RE4 reference or did she actually?
