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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 146 KB, 500x500, T-L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13655986 No.13655986 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13656909


>> No.13656938


>> No.13659377
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, 1608653175489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!

>> No.13659680

Fair warning: The eagle is a dork. Do not let her become your oshi, lest you also be called a dork.

>> No.13660036
File: 696 KB, 997x890, uoooohh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freshly baked, enjoy.

>> No.13660365

The poke child sells it for me

>> No.13660718
Quoted by: >>13660753

how was the rat karaoke?

>> No.13660727
File: 482 KB, 1000x1000, imisssana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13660731

>Shrek is not 20 years ol-
I am crumbling to dust...

>> No.13660732
File: 422 KB, 406x609, 1637972788008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot wait for her debut

>> No.13660734

I was a dork before, this changes nothing

>> No.13660737
Quoted by: >>13660802

I missed the Mori cameo, fuck my life/10

>> No.13660742 [SPOILER] 
File: 523 KB, 610x646, 1610601697671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13660743

>Look at my halo
>Can't see a halo at all, just horns

>> No.13660744

God I hope

>> No.13660748
File: 251 KB, 1040x1643, 1629255367021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you see it? Did you see the coolest and most powerful HoloX member? I'm talking about La+! She debuted today, like 8 hours after she got announced! She was so damn cool and awesome, you better get excited to see more of her!
>Songs released today
Not one but TWO Phonys were revealed today! Suisei and Anya both tackled this outstanding song and both of them did absolutely incredible singing it. Suisei is a given, whenever she releases a new cover you know that you're in for some good ass vocals and a good cover but Anya really pulled out 120% of her power to make this cover. Her MV is beautiful, the mixing was superb, the way she sang the song gave it the perfect feel for how this song is sung AND it comes with hard EN subs. They both released pure gold and that's why you should give both of them multiple of views on the covers because they're just so good.
Anya Phony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqwRg9ZgANI
Suisei Phony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N029UUlH1Dc
>Some highlights for today
I don't give a flying rat's ASS about how you're feeling, you need to go watch La+ Debut. It's only 30 minutes so it's not even that much of an investment. You have to go and bear witness to the absolutely amazing Darkness and kneel before her greatness. You will reply with Yes My Darkness when addressed. You will enjoy being called a useless balding disgusting otaku ojiisan because it's the hard truth. And you WILL like it, as you will have no choice.
Oi bastards, we're not out of the Pokemon Arc yet you know. We're only getting started. There were plenty of amazing and fun Pokemon streams today. If you want a regular Pokemon adventure then you've got the fun ones of Rushia, Miko, and Meimei.
For some special ones, you had Mori powering through the final Gym Leader of this Nuzlocke run of hers, managing to not obtain a casualty as Notorious G.I.B. got the Chomp as well as the soul of her senpai Biggie resting within her. Mori spent the later end of stream performing a training montage to make sure all of her Pokemon are at peak condition when she takes on the Elite 4, the final challenge in her next Pokemon stream. You don't want to miss it.
The Hololive talent Shirakami Fubuki spent nearly six hours fishing around her home town trying to obtain a shiny magikarp to add to her shiny list of Luxio and Monferno. She failed completely. But she of course will not give up that easily.
We congratulate Sana for becoming the third (fifth if you count Holostars) Hololive member to achieve Pokemon Champion status! Honestly her battle against Cynthia was among one of the most hilarious things to watch considering how she faired against the actual Elite Four. That whole sequence alone is worthy of you checking out. Still her team was pretty neat, running in with Infernape, Togekiss, Luxray, Jirachi, Drifblim and Whiscash.
For none pokemon streams, you had Subaru spending 2 and half hours on nothing but Yakuza Kiwami's mini-car racing minigame. Yes it's was as hilarious and awesome as it sounds.
Bae had one of her most amazing karaokes ever with the amazing as hell Inuyasha karaoke stream. She got emotional during some very powerful songs yet still powered through and hit us all with the genki songs to get our spirits back up for the speed. Seriously you gotta go listen to that karaoke VOD you're going to cry along with Bae.
All those streams and you still got fantastically amazing ones like IRyS done with getting spanked in Skyblock Minecraft and dancing with birds so now she's reading supachats, Subaru battle cries as she plays Yakuza 0, Pekora spending her time in the underground after the many close calls in her Pokemon Nuzlocke, and Roboco being cute while picking up hints and tricks watching the Rainbow Six Japan Cup.
>Upcoming Big Streams
Kakage's cute hawk daughter's debut will swoop down upon us! La+ was amazing and there's no doubt that Lui's going to be just as great. Based on her tweets she's shaping up to be a dork on par with Reine and that's just absolutely amazing. Set your clocks and alarms and make sure you're there!
Also we'll finally get to hear my oshi's voice since the summer festival and that was when she had throat problems, however since it's a TTRPG stream you don't have to stick around for it, I understand.
So many great and fun streams that happened today but I'd love to know what the highlights of today's streams were.

>> No.13660750

I already have a bird for my oshi, they're all dorks. This changes nothing

>> No.13660749

>IRyS confused about what "audience reflects the streamer" means
Who's leaking?

>> No.13660753

She's definitly a straight woman/10

>> No.13660757
File: 142 KB, 1280x1280, 1637765768261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ollie cute

>> No.13660759

Wait so is Bae's key around her neck actually for Laplus?

>> No.13660762

Irys says she's seiso because she has a halo

>> No.13660764
File: 2.24 MB, 720x720, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhwc6d4.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13660766

not me

>> No.13660770
File: 173 KB, 1274x844, 1617173785737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13660830

Takos have halos but they're not seiso at all. They're absolute degenerates.

>> No.13660771

Based lore.

>> No.13660776


>> No.13660777

She's not confused, she's denying the implication the superchat presented

>> No.13660785
File: 400 KB, 478x468, 1637902902296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GUYS IM SCARED WTF.... I just realized.....holy shit bros.... this rrat is too big for me but I just fucking realized everyone in Hololive is just Lamy...but different versions of Lamy ITS ALL LAMY

>> No.13660786

If you can show me where's the keyhole on Laplus yeah

>> No.13660789
Quoted by: >>13661323

I wonder if Mori's gonna make janny jokes or not.

>> No.13660788
File: 50 KB, 700x593, Moririn 121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever wondered why people choose to have other oshis when there's one vtuber who is blatantly overspeced and objectively miles ahead of the others?

>> No.13660799
Quoted by: >>13660836


>> No.13660800

>both possibility and chaos are death's sisters.

Put them in an idol unit.

>> No.13660801
File: 3.37 MB, 1406x1716, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ft6cj2a.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13660802
File: 187 KB, 326x391, 1634081501779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13660892

All she talked about was tossing Laplus over a mountain while cutely referring to her as a dork, and gushing over her kouhais.

>> No.13660807
Quoted by: >>13660840

Pic unrelated obviously

>> No.13660817
Quoted by: >>13660969

That's not a vt thing, 4chan thing and it sure as hell isn't even a hololive thing.

>> No.13660818

Baelz and Laplus is the 2 self-destruct button of our universe

>> No.13660822
File: 301 KB, 498x371, inaaaaa[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fkx1yfq.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13660823

Yeah, Aruran is pretty neat huh.

>> No.13660830
File: 457 KB, 1035x1233, 1627611505409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13660833

"Chaos theory contradicts the Laplace's Demon thought experiment"
Laplace's Demon: if you had two boxes next to each other with a little flap controlled by a demon that only allows fast-moving air molecules through, one box would end up hot and one box would end up cold despite total heat staying the same. Has some philosophical implications about entropy.
Chaos theory: It is possible for relatively simple deterministic systems to produce results that are extremely hard/expensive to predict - the expectation is that anything deterministic is easily predictable

They do not actually contradict each other, but humanities students who haven't studied enough physics to learn why Laplace's demon is mundane, and haven't studied enough mathematics or compsci to know that we never thought deterministic systems couldn't be complex in the first place, somehow think they disprove each other or something

>> No.13660834

Yes please

>> No.13660836
File: 3.18 MB, 276x328, 1636398826418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She drew La+ today and it was an amazing work of art. That just ties back to me telling you to go watch La+'s debut stream. Right now.

>> No.13660840
File: 224 KB, 615x544, 1636333348421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of.

>> No.13660842
Quoted by: >>13660865

Yeah, not sure why everyone isn't a hoshiyomi

>> No.13660843
Quoted by: >>13661153


>> No.13660846 [SPOILER] 
File: 213 KB, 651x451, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming

>> No.13660855
File: 1.32 MB, 3950x2500, 20211114_020922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13660913

Only 1 cun cun I like. Nice, bald, tight, unbroken hymen cunny.

>> No.13660858
Quoted by: >>13661133

Worst shilling, so disingenuous. You have been spamming for hours, fuck off

>> No.13660864

Yeah, Gura is pretty fucking godly

>> No.13660865
File: 322 KB, 463x596, 1600790101990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a mystery.

>> No.13660866
File: 1008 KB, 2896x4096, 1637930135546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Big Ame...

>> No.13660868
File: 455 KB, 635x512, 1628833837512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an ID who's NOT here?

>> No.13660877
File: 978 KB, 1014x810, 1621659081739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kneel to tako

>> No.13660881
File: 314 KB, 2000x1098, 1636946798929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moom cute

>> No.13660883
File: 11 KB, 284x213, Lisa%27s_Nightmareopaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13660950

>Mori gets closer to Laplus
>Her collab games are all Valorant or Apex

>> No.13660885

Irys got time powers now?

>> No.13660890


>> No.13660892
Quoted by: >>13660958

Also making peace with d-word or so I heard

>> No.13660893
File: 118 KB, 300x300, Reine Misses Fauna [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F09qy9s.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661146


>> No.13660895
File: 473 KB, 468x547, 1618420937166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming.

>> No.13660901
Quoted by: >>13660924


>> No.13660903

Wait, Ina can draw?

>> No.13660904
File: 327 KB, 1600x2200, 1637568228371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think Mori's pokemon team will do in an EN/ID tournament if they all somehow survive the elite four?

>> No.13660905

Is IRyS fat?

>> No.13660907

I'm a luifag

>> No.13660910
File: 334 KB, 1522x2048, 1637948272517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona and Ollie have no idea places like this exist

>> No.13660913
Quoted by: >>13661196

>unbroken hymen
Sorry anon, but I...

>> No.13660912

>we'll finally get to hear my oshi's voice since the summer festival
Jeez, these brats... sure have a lot of endurance...

>> No.13660918


>> No.13660922

It's unfair that she can draw... y'know...

>> No.13660924
File: 75 KB, 543x515, 1628017473697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661182

test deez nuts

>> No.13660927

Is this the Takamori we've been waiting for for so long?

>> No.13660932
Quoted by: >>13661016

>The only Ina-related clip on the channel.
Isn't she has the lowest vod views total in myth?

>> No.13660933
Quoted by: >>13661376

That's Maxwell's Demon, not the Laplace Demon. Keep studying physics demonology.

>> No.13660936
Quoted by: >>13661092


>> No.13660939
File: 2.08 MB, 1963x2397, thiccrys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, sadly..

>> No.13660940

>A wilted rose

>> No.13660945


>> No.13660946


>> No.13660950

I'm sure Mori will try to make it work and for them to have fun....

>> No.13660953

she got a fat pussy

>> No.13660955
Quoted by: >>13661000

>Mori and Ina haven't liked Gura's flu tweet but liked a bunch of other dumb shit.
Some friends they are.

>> No.13660956
Quoted by: >>13661086

they literally talked about this place with management in april

>> No.13660958
Quoted by: >>13661099

This is true.

>> No.13660960

>Moona and Ollie
>Out of all the IDs
>Picking these 2

>> No.13660964
File: 1.02 MB, 360x360, Yamete[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fngxrx3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13660966

Botan's playing this for some reason.

>> No.13660969

Calm down r*dditor, you haven’t come up with anything

>> No.13660976 [DELETED] 

>I love your Big Black Cock Jay
What did Sena H0ward AKA Gawr Gura mean by this?
dumb nigger faggot stop using my VPN IP LOL

>> No.13660984

She's a hag AND a dork? My body won't last.

>> No.13660991
Quoted by: >>13661042

People like time lapse videos. If Ina was a numberfag, she'd definitely want to do more for those holo drawings she does off stream.

>> No.13660993
Quoted by: >>13661113

Reine is definitely not here. There’s no way I’d go on such a schizo infested hell hole.

>> No.13660995
File: 106 KB, 698x933, FFGBAiQVgAIp1nR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes so short bros.....

>> No.13660996

>yabai npc

>> No.13661000
Quoted by: >>13661022

>nigger I got cancer
>Oh, I l iked that
anon...they didn't like their friend getting sick

>> No.13661001
File: 16 KB, 251x342, 1627158771025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina's drawing stream was my highlight now it's time for you to sleep.

>> No.13661007

Its better with sound

>> No.13661010

Nice to see my theory that the "Irys should have sex with Reine" poster was actually Reine getting proven true

>> No.13661013
File: 196 KB, 400x400, KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona and Ollie

>> No.13661016
File: 61 KB, 923x300, totalviews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661175


>> No.13661019
Quoted by: >>13661058

I been membered to Towa the longest.

>> No.13661022

Didn't even reply

>> No.13661030
File: 813 KB, 1000x1415, 1627125480168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661075

Pekkers going for the steel gym. Predict the deaths.

>> No.13661038

They need to turn off BGM, but management did give the OK for the stream.

>> No.13661042

>People like time lapse videos
i always thought it was garbage content but then again i'm not an artfag. looking at the finished product is more than good enough for me

>> No.13661044
File: 114 KB, 1080x1920, So it is written.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Laplus has a crow following her around
>Has a short chunni name like LA+
>Bae and her can't be together

What if they fused together? Chaos and Darkness?

>> No.13661045
Quoted by: >>13661376

Bro the demon you are talking aboutis La+ brother Maxwell, which was about how you can break the 2nd law of thermodynamic. The actual Laplace Demon talk about how future can be calculated based on the event from past and present, that things does not happen randomly when you look at it in a large enough scale
>We may regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its past and the cause of its future. An intellect which at a certain moment would know all forces that set nature in motion, and all positions of all items of which nature is composed, if this intellect were also vast enough to submit these data to analysis, it would embrace in a single formula the movements of the greatest bodies of the universe and those of the tiniest atom; for such an intellect nothing would be uncertain and the future just like the past would be present before its eyes
So in theory, it IS the opposite of what Chaos theory support

>> No.13661049

holy fuck Reine

>> No.13661058

I'm sorry

>> No.13661060
File: 136 KB, 1242x695, 6A980FA5-D09E-40A8-A85A-80EAD116BF6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661064

IRyS should have sex with Reine

>> No.13661066

skelly. she ate a sandwich within three hours

>> No.13661073

well of course a soundpost is better with sound, that's why its a soundpost

>> No.13661075

Yeah she'll be ok

>> No.13661081

Ina... wait I mean Botan...

>> No.13661083
File: 194 KB, 672x372, 1636041327008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661087
File: 2.55 MB, 1200x3143, 1637898783207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel copy, without the parts that makes Noel popular.

>> No.13661086

what on a collab stream?

>> No.13661091

Well it's a clip about drawing. No shit retard

>> No.13661092


>> No.13661099


>> No.13661102
File: 1.28 MB, 2088x3018, E078C0AC-072E-49BA-A751-82F651C1B1DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661107


>> No.13661112

god deadbeats are so annoying

>> No.13661113

Whatever you say Anya as you plant the seeds of control throughout the internet.

>> No.13661121


>> No.13661122
File: 816 KB, 1400x1284, stretchem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't shuba, kiara, reine, mumei and takane just leave their gens and make their own bird gen.

>> No.13661123

ame is THAT small? no wonder Mori likes her

>> No.13661133

i woke up 30 minutes ago though...

>> No.13661136
File: 421 KB, 417x513, ollieecute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally in love with the zombie. I am in love with the zombie more than words in the english language can properly describe. "head over heels" doesn't even begin to describe the depth of my love, saying that I'm "madly in love" with her or that I get butterflies in my stomach thinking about her are both such dramatic understatements that I could be convicted of lying on the podium if I said them in court. I love the zombie so much that I can't describe it with words, and I can't describe it with noises either, or even actions. If I spent the rest of my waking life with the zombie, every second telling her how much I love her, how perfect she is, how beautiful her laugh is, how comfortable around her I am, wrapping my arms around her and planting my lips on hers. If I spent literally the rest of my life performing every act that signifies deep physical and emotional intimacy with the zombie it would still not accurately portray the full extent of my feelings for her. The entire universe itself contains but a fraction of the space needed to convey my love for the zombie in context to the rest of the world. I have no way to express even how little what I've said thus far truly means in terms of how much I cherish the zombie. Words alone are not articulate enough to convey the emotions that run through my brain whenever I see the zombie. I scoured various languages, idioms, flower arrangements, nothing it good enough. If I could format text better I'd have this whole rant written out in bright pink script fond with lots of heart shaped accents because that would be as close as I could get in text form to saying how much I love the zombie, and it wouldn't even begin to give you a proper representation. The end of the universe may obliterate me, you, everyone here, but my love will live on. In fact, I love the zombie so much that love as a word is not strong enough. Infatuation, obsession, yearning, fondness, attachment, none of it is enough. I love the zombie to an extent that you can not even conceptualize because if you could you would've written this out first.

>> No.13661138
File: 784 KB, 240x240, 1620184939054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661139


>> No.13661143

what gif did she save?

>> No.13661144

Which of the new girls is this?

>> No.13661146
Quoted by: >>13661211

the best part about holos being here is that they aren't obnoxious or prideful about it, they hide their power level as they should.

>> No.13661147
File: 95 KB, 557x385, 1607981184159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat gura's "a" clip

>> No.13661153

>now to make him cry
>T o T
does she know?

>> No.13661155

Why did discord of all companies get attached to chubbas

>> No.13661162

Fuck yeah Luna finally made it

>> No.13661164
File: 1.30 MB, 1500x500, 1612934224366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely unrelated to your post, but I think Pavolia Reine is literally the best VTuber in existence, and I love her to an unhealthy degree.

>> No.13661166

Please marry me Reine I’ll write all the fanfics you want

>> No.13661173


>> No.13661174

They got to listen in on all the discord sex.

>> No.13661175
File: 240 KB, 2066x1280, 1634567591723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662648

Man, I still can't believe Ame uses & reaps multiple personalities better than Haato.

>> No.13661182

i remember this brat

>> No.13661189

IRyS is going to munch carpet!

>> No.13661194
File: 74 KB, 218x169, 1608565788167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know with all the rampant /u/ faggotry around here, it actually does make since for Reine to be /here/

>> No.13661196

>i've done this...!

>> No.13661199
File: 471 KB, 583x611, 1608905310398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are IDs like this?

>> No.13661198
File: 128 KB, 349x629, 1629280106938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661203

IRyS is a grass muncher

>> No.13661206

On another note I want to impregnate Reine

>> No.13661208


>> No.13661209

How pregnant does IRyS want to be?

>> No.13661211


>> No.13661221
File: 65 KB, 799x799, cute!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meimei a cute!

>> No.13661223

Universe self-destruct cause it can't comprehend the concept of randomness and predictability being the same thing

>> No.13661225
File: 108 KB, 680x476, FFL7IS-UcAAtj1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661227

they picked up grooming techniques from their audience

>> No.13661233
File: 38 KB, 670x634, 1630304990468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661236
File: 283 KB, 1200x630, ame is here [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb9s38e.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13661241
File: 550 KB, 1910x2400, 1631419931666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661242

what the fuck's mori gonna do when pokemon and eartbound is over?
they don't even make good games beyond these two

>> No.13661246

It's a pun desu

>> No.13661249

>Calls into Ame's birthday
That was it, that was the moment.

>> No.13661253
File: 1.27 MB, 582x682, (You)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpe97in.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661806

I agree, more people should watch her and joinda

>> No.13661256
File: 1.33 MB, 990x1490, 1632077322221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I miss APEX

>> No.13661260

How long till Gura and the others start mention 4chan by name since it is no longer taboo to say apparently?

>> No.13661265

Erebus the god of darkness

>> No.13661268

>that wink

>> No.13661271 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 679x944, 1637946989011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And do you know who else think Mumei is cute? His spic boyfriend

>> No.13661272
Quoted by: >>13661519


>> No.13661274

>I miss APEX

>> No.13661275
File: 1.98 MB, 1200x3143, 1638002876175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I fixed it.

>> No.13661279
File: 269 KB, 1000x1176, 1629878633453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661281


>> No.13661286
Quoted by: >>13661355


>> No.13661289

How do we feel about the League of Legends arc?

>> No.13661290

I think spongebob is next

>> No.13661296

Cute woomy

>> No.13661298
File: 2.20 MB, 516x668, True![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fu67pjo.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661304


>> No.13661305

Zero, ID is on another level.

>> No.13661307

Nonstop Jump King and Minecraft

>> No.13661308
Quoted by: >>13661735


>> No.13661311

I'm pretty sure she said what she wanted to do after Earthbound, but I can't remember what.

>> No.13661314
File: 1.74 MB, 1190x1188, owlgosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13661315

She's immensely skinny. She's like Ina. She's just a stick. An extremely unhealthy, soda obsessed, fucked up body stick. She is cute though. Could probably break her in half during sex.

>> No.13661323
Quoted by: >>13661395

the last time someone in hololive made a joke about jannies, it turned into a huge scandal that only died down because bigger drama was happening at the same time.

>> No.13661324

I need another IRyS/Reine collab

>> No.13661328

>The mask blinks

>> No.13661331
Quoted by: >>13661348

she talked about coming here for Ollie's sake and started warning her not to come here months ago though this isn't new

>> No.13661333
Quoted by: >>13661361

IRyS is letting Ina live rent free in her head again

>> No.13661336
File: 253 KB, 1300x972, FE27d8RaAAAztji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly the same but ENTER

>> No.13661338


>> No.13661341
File: 370 KB, 1683x2563, __la_darknesss_hololive_drawn_by_warayanuko__458d43dc03c33efb90d39ba93fcd85e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm loving the fanart rush of Laplus

>> No.13661347
Quoted by: >>13661409

>Pekora (5ch)
>Kiara (5ch)

>> No.13661348

That's Moona not Reine

>> No.13661349

Hyper light drifter

>> No.13661351
File: 60 KB, 887x424, shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of the HoloEN shorts channel, what do >we think of this?

>> No.13661352
File: 373 KB, 2004x1539, IMG_20211127_095429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661397


>> No.13661353
Quoted by: >>13661390

So the mask doesn't come off? I'm honestly not against that, just hope she can get some nice looking masks when she gets new outfits.

>> No.13661355

A-are cows among us?

>> No.13661358
File: 2 KB, 124x122, 1631545232921s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661360

Does gen 6 collab ban end before christmas?

>> No.13661362

Is Lui an eigo speaker?

>> No.13661361
Quoted by: >>13661392

i missed it. is she talking about the splatoon collab?

>> No.13661363

I very hopeful for JP6, they all seem cute.
A shame I can't fucking understand them so I'll rarely watch them.

>> No.13661366 [DELETED] 

>Take a break from posting for a month
>The state of these threads are sad
You didn't listen to me now see what happens when I'm not posting
I fucking told you they're mentally ill cus Myth mogged their 2view oshis

I bet my 2 giant iron balls its them who's posting dox of Myth

stop spamming you piece of shit mentally I

>> No.13661367

I still can't get over how horrible and boring Flash Canon looks in the remakes.

>> No.13661368

I'm thinking ame

>> No.13661371
File: 401 KB, 2048x1366, My Card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Born in flames, I have been blessed, my family crest is a demon of death

>> No.13661376
Quoted by: >>13661424

doh, you're right
my point about chaos theory being wank still stands though. i mean there was a reason even laplace specified an infinitely omniscient and powerful demon, they all knew even then that deterministic systems can have complex interactions. but chaos theory persists because it lets humanities students have separate magisteria

>> No.13661379
Quoted by: >>13661588

anyone who got an archive of Ollie and Calli Twitter space earlier?

>> No.13661386

She must be a hag r-right?

>> No.13661388

oh shit

>> No.13661390


>> No.13661392
Quoted by: >>13661452

She was talking about Splatoon 3 and said she won't accept defeat from anyone but Ina since she knows Ina will be better.

>> No.13661391


>> No.13661395

Kiara Kiara Kiara...

>> No.13661394


>> No.13661397

Stop spamming your 2views who faggot go back

>> No.13661398 [SPOILER] 
File: 653 KB, 1024x576, popipo[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzcb4kf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661430

Can someone explain this?

>> No.13661401

Prostate milking with IRyS!

>> No.13661405
File: 166 KB, 1200x815, IMG_20211114_095559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661453

The cutest!

>> No.13661409

Dude all English-speaking holos are here, including Suisei

>> No.13661414


>> No.13661415

Maybe EN 2 came out early.

>> No.13661417

My friend is live!

>> No.13661418
File: 1.34 MB, 1200x1920, FFMAfe2VIAc31VY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13661420

If she doesn’t use a translator then she may be around A-chan’s level

>> No.13661424

Would you stop talking about demonology please. I feel like one of you is accidentally cast a black magic spell that shrinks Noekl's booba or something

>> No.13661430

It's the reason she wont get verified

>> No.13661447

>3 minutes early
What a tryhard.

>> No.13661448
File: 27 KB, 516x434, 1635466446666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shouldn't be a thread anymore or the name must be changed, doesn't make any sense to name it global when 99% of the people is only talking about the EN branches

>> No.13661452
File: 122 KB, 1200x850, 1618941860165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661517

i like how they got a kind of rivalry going, it's cute

>> No.13661453

stop spamming retard

>> No.13661469
File: 333 KB, 402x613, 1626728782932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*casts spell to swap Ina's and Noel's breasts*

>> No.13661474
File: 1.63 MB, 1191x1684, 94126929_p22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661527

Bro it's just physic, people calling them demon for no reasons, probably because they all violate the law of physics

>> No.13661481
File: 42 KB, 173x155, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open Fubuki stream
>See this
>Close Fubuki stream

>> No.13661485

Did we get the BGM as a standalone?

>> No.13661486

Reine is behind every horny post involving IRyS or Ina, its just a way for her to vent about how she wants to fuck her coworkers

>> No.13661490
File: 218 KB, 747x1000, moridawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661529

I hope Mori beats the game next stream

>> No.13661493

Bets on if she'll catch one before her other stream starts?

>> No.13661492
Quoted by: >>13661555

kill yourself dogfucker with your JPshit

>> No.13661501
File: 2.59 MB, 200x229, HAG LOVE[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjmnbgq.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as nobody posts a picture of witch Mio we'll be fine

>> No.13661503

Don't you fucking dare ruin Ina's perfect form

>> No.13661507
Quoted by: >>13661555

fuck off JPbrown

>> No.13661508
File: 146 KB, 850x983, 1632250314877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to watch Fubuki spend several hours trying to catch a shiny Magikarp.

>> No.13661509

ame cute

>> No.13661510

You fucking bastard! I should have put you to the stake years ago! This is the last straw!

>> No.13661512

no marine today

>> No.13661514

fbk is gambling for shiny magikarps again, please gather

>> No.13661517

I'm pretty sure it's a one sided rivalry

>> No.13661519


>> No.13661522

Towa will play LOL rpg

>> No.13661525
Quoted by: >>13661548

>It's all me

>> No.13661527
Quoted by: >>13661627

>Breaking the laws of physics isn't enough of a reason to call them demons

>> No.13661529
Quoted by: >>13661790

She'll either succeed, or we're going to get a very depressing stream.

>> No.13661531
File: 599 KB, 629x900, nochoice[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhlapg2.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661546

Can someone post that Polka soundpost with the bad ass music?

>> No.13661541

She says she's learning, but we're not sure what her proficiency is since all we have to go on are tweets and what she wrote in her youtube description. I'm anticipating something around shuba's level.

>> No.13661545
File: 643 KB, 501x1283, snoel nouffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661906

it's a noel hybrid

>> No.13661546 [DELETED] 

Council faggots are officially not welcomed in here
Stop spamming

>> No.13661548
File: 2.20 MB, 1927x2125, yeah me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661549

Irys won some of the mini games in it Takes two right?

>> No.13661553
File: 458 KB, 500x500, 1629514927889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our time has come

>> No.13661555
File: 386 KB, 640x619, o4efdgxgw7571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661628


>> No.13661558
File: 425 KB, 500x700, 1617938530287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prepared for MONTHS for dual personalities in the form of Smol Ame.
>Now she can shitpost without tarnishing her reputation since her fans already accept Smol Ame is different.
>Multiple shorts that funnel viewers into the non-short video for better payments.
It is honestly genius moves.

>> No.13661571

When /vt/ tried to harass Ollie into graduating.

>> No.13661572

irys needs to do her reps to become a worthy rival

>> No.13661578

Did any of the gen6 girls show off variations of their models other than the bird's eagle eye mode?

>> No.13661583
File: 666 KB, 719x785, 1637975754737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Anuaf!

>> No.13661586

Rushia starting now!

>> No.13661588


>> No.13661592


>> No.13661595
Quoted by: >>13661742

>Grinding for a shiny Magikarp
>At level 16
Fubuki why you should get False Swipe first

>> No.13661603
File: 26 KB, 1280x960, 1637711018611.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13661605
File: 259 KB, 1788x1341, faufau[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkozchp.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know your place, you filthy monkey. Don't get wild just because I let you drink nectar from my peach. That's the only nurture you will ever get from mother nature. No matter how much resin you ooze out of your ugly mushroom they will never get a chance to pollinate my flower! My fertile field is neither for you to deflower nor sow. The only thing your inferior seeds can fertilize is the soil outside. Go on, go to the backyard and waste your tadpoles like you wasted your life. Your precious "royal jelly" is worthless like dirt anyways.

>> No.13661608

all me baby

>> No.13661609

Are you watching Fubuki?

>> No.13661610
File: 2.75 MB, 600x338, Chuuny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel would happen the ultimate edgy cunny, chuuny if you will.

>> No.13661616

No, see Polka tweets before her debut.

>> No.13661618


>> No.13661628
File: 3.91 MB, 9999x9999, 1630296884399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661731

Did I stutter?

>> No.13661624
File: 228 KB, 728x1743, arschad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll get Laplus membership for sure, and might consider Koyori and Iroha too if they have a really good personality and interest.

Which gen 6 would you member?

>> No.13661627
File: 74 KB, 1685x314, screenshot_1638003695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit La+ have a sibling who exist just to stall projects

>> No.13661631
File: 233 KB, 1080x923, Screenshot_20211127-170140_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13661632
File: 508 KB, 664x795, 7835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661633

Holy fuck I completely forgot how Violet sounded like. It wasn't until IRyS said the last verse that I recognized it.

>> No.13661637

here's the original video

>> No.13661638

Ah yes
The anti board

>> No.13661640

I think Fubuki is going insane bros.... She hasn't gotten verification yet and is currently trying to fish out a shiny Magikarp

>> No.13661641

>I'm glad you guys know how high I am
so IRyS was the drug user all along not Kronii

>> No.13661647
File: 723 KB, 800x1139, 75063583_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but I'm listening to her in the background.

>> No.13661651
Quoted by: >>13661777

>Ollie Fart
>Ollie Cum

>> No.13661658

IRyS "I'm big."

>> No.13661666
File: 800 KB, 1406x1431, 1629695512291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661667

None because I don't speak nip

>> No.13661669

>Watching JPshit
>Can't even understand what they're saying
Good background noises

>> No.13661682

No one

>> No.13661684

nigga demon

>> No.13661692
File: 130 KB, 581x597, IMG_20211127_091553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself Fauna! I'm dropping you for Anuaf! She's much better than you in every way!

>> No.13661696

Kiara editing 8 hours ago!

>> No.13661697
Quoted by: >>13661722

>outfits were delayed because Jujubes was busy making Laplus, and couldn't finish Gura's 2.0 rigging in the expected time

>> No.13661710
File: 146 KB, 744x1200, FFL7fTqaQAAgvL8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13661709

>Will blow up in front of my face

>> No.13661711
Quoted by: >>13661801

Why would they like the fact that she is sick

>> No.13661722
Quoted by: >>13661751


>> No.13661726
File: 1.01 MB, 750x724, 1637562674011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661764

Yeah I'm revving up my pokemon sword, shes motivated me to try and catch a shiny too.

>> No.13661729
File: 335 KB, 1448x2048, DB64108F-F0E3-40F6-B3CF-B3F1E5FDF4CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13661731
File: 8 KB, 246x205, moona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's on me, i forgot anya is a honorary jp member.

>> No.13661732 [DELETED] 

You can stop spamming now buddy

>> No.13661733
File: 363 KB, 1448x2048, 1628384194963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure am.

>> No.13661735

Yeah bur Kiara is unironically /here/

>> No.13661737
File: 134 KB, 860x1214, FFMGCzYakAIpx0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661742

It's a magikarp, you have like a 1 in 3 chance to catch it with a regular pokeball when it's at full health. You don't need false swipe for it

>> No.13661741

You have to wake up, sapling. She is not real.

>> No.13661747

>The mask blinks

>> No.13661751
File: 337 KB, 640x360, Here Comes Hope [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fd87r1m.mp4].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It WILL be Jujubes. Hope will win!

>> No.13661757
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x1080, MAGIKARP IS EVOLVING[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fanlhhr.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13661760

>talking about holoJP members here
Actually based
Who should I watch?

>> No.13661763
File: 268 KB, 500x442, 1637975666756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anuaf is real! I saw her today!

>> No.13661764
Quoted by: >>13661872

>Tfw tried to catch a shiny magnemite for my all steel team in ORAS
>Magnemite is found in the same area as plusle and minus
>Caught a shiny plusle instead and gave up
I wonder if I should try again

>> No.13661765

She mentioned a lot of people want her to try Nioh, but other than that she only says she has a list.

>> No.13661770
File: 127 KB, 720x720, 1612551945333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't someone in gen 6 supposed to be Aloe?

>> No.13661773
File: 393 KB, 1985x1489, 366C5715-3E01-4F42-BD34-CD9CE652D81E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661777

ollie shidded and farded and cummded

>> No.13661779


>> No.13661790
Quoted by: >>13661890

Knowing her, it's depression time. Suit up, KFP.

>> No.13661791
File: 79 KB, 450x659, 1623526791986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you THINK all the SEAnigger posts come fom?

>> No.13661792

None because I don't speak nip and not interested in them. English only for me

>> No.13661794
File: 88 KB, 1280x702, 1615364060775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this work for a recolor
pokefags are retarded

>> No.13661798

I recommend Towa

>> No.13661800

Ask David Kun he will also teach you a way to become Japanese
Win-win right?

>> No.13661801
File: 159 KB, 237x281, 1634810723442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you can help her to GWS

>> No.13661802
File: 706 KB, 1024x1024, 1637505042304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661805

Yeah and another one is Coco

>> No.13661806

the indog accent is really cute

>> No.13661811
Quoted by: >>13661886

No, sapling. That's just your imagination. Anuaf doesn't exist, just like your hopes and dreams.

>> No.13661823

But it's RARE
It's like gambling but for animals instead!

>> No.13661826

She's finally gonna get the Barkley perms

>> No.13661828

we've gotten so far and with pokemon week i keep thinking people are talking about pokemon

>> No.13661830
File: 68 KB, 727x396, 1602914634103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big ups my dude

>> No.13661832

Half the posts in /hlg/ were calling Laplus Aloe when she spoke for the first time

>> No.13661836

You must be confused. We have a クロエ in gen 6, not アロエ!

>> No.13661841

Anon, Kaoru graduated and took his Beyblades from us

>> No.13661842 [DELETED] 

Go back to /jp/

>> No.13661847 [DELETED] 

No one cares
stop spamming

>> No.13661850
Quoted by: >>13662010

some of them look good
a lot of them don't

>> No.13661851
Quoted by: >>13661876

IRyS is going to cry

>> No.13661865

4th gen actually has pokerus which is even rarer but useful.

>> No.13661868
File: 292 KB, 600x600, Daidou_Shinove_-_Portrait_01-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me some facts about Daidou Shinove.

>> No.13661872

Might aswell, FBK will be here for a while plus she never gives up, gotta mirror her determination, that's why I love her

>> No.13661876

Yeah, with me

>> No.13661879

they cloned Aloe 5 times and they are the 6th gen, the original is not one of them

>> No.13661886
File: 210 KB, 480x480, 1637975985467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no... Anuaf is real... She did ASMR today... Anuaf made me feel warm and safe... I love Anuaf... Have I been living a lie all this time?

>> No.13661888
Quoted by: >>13661920

He's a big guy

>> No.13661889
Quoted by: >>13661911

Is she going for an all shiny team?

>> No.13661890

Well same was said all the other times, there's definitely a chance of Mori surviving the whacky adventures of the mismatched retardation that is the elite four

>> No.13661896

He's fucking huge

>> No.13661897
Quoted by: >>13662005


>> No.13661906
File: 270 KB, 1118x1337, 1637906588338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this vtuber is a clone of that vtuber
>no it's clone of this other vtuber
Fools, it is anime Hit Girl. Sakamata Chloe even shares a name with Chloe Grace-Moretz, the actress who played Hit Girl

>> No.13661911


>> No.13661915
Quoted by: >>13662035

She's leveling to 70; Before the E4. Meaning there's a chance that her main Pokemon is already @ 72 before Cynthia.

>> No.13661919
File: 1.13 MB, 4016x2256, 1622950237413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that all talk of Ayame being a whore, that she does enjou kousai with fat, old, men, that she's constantly taking breaks to get stuffed by her boyfriend's cock, that's all rumors and can't be proven. But there sure are a lot of rumors and she sure takes a lot of breaks. Legend says if you get enough money and gain enough weight, if you walk down the right Japanese back alley at night, you might encounter her. Her ass is definitely loose just like her pussy. Gaping. She probably drips old man cum from every orifice.

What can be proven is she doesn't care about Hololive. She streams the bare minimum, when she streams at all.
>lowest number of hours streamed the last 6 months
>streamed literally once October and none at all in June
>makes up some excuse to explain her absence ranging from
I'm sick
My head hurts
Tummy hort
I have no internet
I'm moving
Kiara moved halfway across the world and was back to streaming in under a week, Ayame took 6+ weeks while moving to a different spot in the same city
>didn't stream when "moving" but streamed for 1 million celebration, anons here found she was playing League of Legends the whole time
>fans accept her excuses, send her more money in one stream than some holo members make in a month, then fucks off again, repeats as needed
>continues to use one of these excuses at random
>was the only one to say nothing after Coco graduated, instead tweeting about airpods after the stream, then never mentioning her again
>ignored Ina's birthday drawing of her, even Ayame's mama replied
>didn't say anything to Miko after she got home from the hospital (for her chronic illness)
>never congratulates holos on birthdays or milestones
>doesn't respond when they congratulate her on hers
>wasn't there for Aqua and Shion's birthday totsu
>started totsu on her birthday in which Aqua and Miko appeared
>wasn't there for Miko's return stream
>wasn't there for Subaru's birthday or 1 million stream
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival afterparty
>wasn't there for Christmas singing relay
>wasn't there for afterparty of song she released with Fubuki and Mio (Hyakkaryouran Hanafubuki)
>ghosted coco for a year about asacoco
>never collabs with other holos
>Subaru and Choco mentioned she's the hardest to see online and in real life, "rarest among holos"
>caused SENPAITACHI OKBR stream to be delayed
>ruined the mood during SENPAITACHI OKBR stream by openly showing disinterest multiple times
>tried to end SENPAITACHI OKBR after doing it just once even though they changed the rules to accommodate her and it was delayed because of her
>late to monster hunter collab with Rushia by 40+ minutes
>participated in an Apex tournament without practicing or streaming it, sucked at it, and then said "everyone was serious huh?" while streaming it without even showing her avatar
>has a reputation of being a crazy lovable goofball due to Hologra, acts nothing like it on streams
>said in a members stream she only reads member comments and ignores non members
>only popular because of old clips and hologra
>only one of her team to not show up for sports festival pratice
>wasn't paying attention during sports festival

>> No.13661920
Quoted by: >>13661957


>> No.13661926

He paid for the boys' dinner.

>> No.13661928
File: 246 KB, 762x629, 1636424700130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god Nioh's gonna filter her
might as well play freedom unite

>> No.13661937

yeah dude the last 4 are Aloe Coco Lulu and [whoever you want]

>> No.13661939
Quoted by: >>13662079

Some shinies look super cool. They are massive bragging rights. Plus if we get Hololive pokemon tournies in the future, Fubuki or anyone else shiny hunting can bust out their sick ass shinies for it.

>> No.13661940
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, 1608827661707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13661982

Theory: Chloe is wearing a wig and the wig comes off

>> No.13661942

Large fellow that also just happens to be absolutely fucking based

>> No.13661945
Quoted by: >>13661991

All this pokemon is making me want to play too. Do i go diamond or pearl?

>> No.13661946

>doing my Sana vod reps
>Ollie dropped her spaghetti the moment she interacted with Sana
I thought Ollie wasn't glass cannon

>> No.13661947
File: 84 KB, 1200x798, I'm just the best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't about the recolor it's about sending a message thar you didn't and other lazy fucks didn't, it's about being the best anon like no one ever was, I believe in FBK.

>> No.13661951


>> No.13661957
File: 1.12 MB, 672x936, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13661960
File: 294 KB, 347x501, 1633972979803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Towa plays League

>> No.13661964

>Hit Girl
my first movies oshi...

>> No.13661966

IRyS is a sensible person

>> No.13661968

Need more belts

>> No.13661971
Quoted by: >>13662269

Anon, she played Bloodborne, I'm sure she'll Moriway her way through.

>> No.13661982

Counter theory: Chloe is wearing nothing and none of what you see comes off

>> No.13661987

I'm pretty sure he got Astel pregnant

>> No.13661989

He's gonna tackle Astel during the latter's 3D debut when he tries to sing some Disney songs

>> No.13661991


>> No.13661994
File: 234 KB, 512x512, towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662026

>Puts the game voices in English for kaigainikis
>Still talks over it the whole time
She's dumb, but damn, she's cute.

>> No.13661998

what made you think that

>> No.13662005

She looks like an adult in that thumbnail

>> No.13662006
Quoted by: >>13662064

>horny for irys
>literally no good horny art of her
Why are irystocrats so lazy?

>> No.13662009

>No Holo will play Starsector
>No Holo will play Recettear
>No Holo will play Armoured Core 3
>No HoloEN will play Ace Combat
>Somehow Hololive have permanent pokemon permissions and many have done sponsored streams for SMTV

We live in a weird timeline

>> No.13662011
Quoted by: >>13662084


If I pull that mask off will she die?

>> No.13662010

Can you make an NFT out of it?

>> No.13662012

You have to wake up!

>> No.13662015

>gen 4
>4 members
makes sense
>gen 5
>4 members
>gen 6
>5 members
cover is retarded

>> No.13662016
Quoted by: >>13662099

>CoD included
based eugene

>> No.13662020 [DELETED] 

He fucks Council whores everyday
and cucks like this faggot love to watch it

>> No.13662025
File: 361 KB, 800x713, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662067

They're good if they make them good and not just a random palette swap.
Plus shiny gardevoir

>> No.13662026
File: 237 KB, 500x500, 1634054710921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dumb dork... I can't hear shit!

>> No.13662029
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13662030
File: 56 KB, 674x708, 1607995077772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just slept for 3 hours and now i'm ready for the bird debut

>> No.13662035
Quoted by: >>13662121

I thought it was 65?

>> No.13662036
File: 394 KB, 1920x1080, fbk fishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why a Magikarp? Literally the least valuable shiny in Pokemon history

>> No.13662041
File: 388 KB, 1654x1020, 1620573954385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel's playthrough was legendary, will be hard to top

>> No.13662042

has mori ever done a guerrilla? I want her to play pogeymon

>> No.13662043

>Holos playing popular games that you can actually talk to the devs for instead of random one off indie games from a decade ago

>> No.13662057
File: 224 KB, 1029x1029, thefridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13662064
Quoted by: >>13662118

there's tons in pixiv anon
nice ploy for getting images though

>> No.13662067
Quoted by: >>13662115

at least ageislash is a cool shiny

>> No.13662072
Quoted by: >>13662136

>EN and ID 3D debut delayed
>Gura's unfinished Minecraft projects
>Ame's unfinished projects
Truly the work of an evil demon...

>> No.13662077

Her first pogeymon stream was a guerilla.

>> No.13662078 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13662196

Go back to /jp/ faggot.
Hey janny, are you so sensitive to your nip girls that you delete "go back" replies now? Is it you I'm replying to? I actually mean it, not trolling. Ever since April the mods here have become complete pussies

>> No.13662079

>Get shiny
>Imperfect nature and IVs
>Go to tournament
>Whip out your shiny Ambipom
>Get fucking demolished

>> No.13662081
File: 1.06 MB, 1333x1000, 213312231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desert Bus stream when?

>> No.13662084

post the Reine baneposting clip

>> No.13662085
File: 243 KB, 500x500, b8fa782d-747b-4a44-bc9c-d30f4ca1745c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa stop playing this kusoge and play League instead!

>> No.13662086

It's so mean but it's always so funny

>> No.13662098
File: 129 KB, 1000x1414, FEnUw1YUYAkDRk8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662131

>> No.13662099
Quoted by: >>13662124

Did she like Vanguard?

>> No.13662106 [DELETED] 

>Council tards are now spamming Towa to make us angry
They dont know kek

>> No.13662108

if this is a holo only tourney that wont be a problem. i could wipe them with my cock

>> No.13662110
Quoted by: >>13662151

Just Kiara

>> No.13662112
File: 449 KB, 1200x1540, FFMHW-pUUAQ2EDA-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13662115
File: 144 KB, 860x648, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are all the black+red edgy ones the good looking ones
i'm not even into the aesthetic

>> No.13662118

I said good art

>> No.13662121

she decided to have at least one pokemon (most likely grim) get to 70 before hitting the E4

>> No.13662124

redditor pls...

>> No.13662125

it's the rush of getting something rare but it requires literally no hard work just lots of time. coincidentally, those who aren't able to do hard work but crave the rush of getting something rare tend to have a massive excess of time

>> No.13662129

Sure, why not
I'm down to watch Mori brute force her way through One Eared Garuga

>> No.13662131
Quoted by: >>13662217

Ame is better with no boobs

>> No.13662133
Quoted by: >>13662309

>get shiny
>bottle cap him to perfect IV
>nature mint him to right nature
>go to tournament
>clown on peasants

>> No.13662135

Her first 3 pokemon streams were I belive

>> No.13662136

La+ should go give her sibling a beating, this cannot be tolerated

>> No.13662137

Its not the same without that one guy.

>> No.13662139
Quoted by: >>13662359

The Togekiss users will fuck her. Togekiss users will fuck everyone unless someone brings an Absol with super lucky.

>> No.13662146
Quoted by: >>13662198

>>Imperfect nature and IVs
they let you change those like 2 gens ago

>> No.13662150

See anon the problem there is that unlike Ollie who is a zoomer bi girl, Sana is a much older full-on dyke. Trying to tease or flirt with her is a risky endeavor. Sana fight back. Which she did by just happily going along with everything and flirting back twice as hard.

>> No.13662151

Oh shit, I thought Suisei got SMTV too but that was ToA instead. Gomen

>> No.13662157
File: 220 KB, 500x500, 1616065063193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13662163

ah the pepeloni...

>> No.13662174

is a silent voice any good the name sounds bad

>> No.13662176


>> No.13662191
File: 137 KB, 512x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiny dragonite looks great too, and it's one of the disgusting green shinies.

>> No.13662195
Quoted by: >>13662231

It will make you cry

>> No.13662196

Pretty sure its SEAniggers who are posting about JPtrash
>Look I love JPs!!
>Doesnt talk about them cus they dont understand shit

>> No.13662198
Quoted by: >>13662242

Wait, how do you change natures?

>> No.13662202

Anon she was scared of Ina.

>> No.13662211

Of course!

>> No.13662212


>> No.13662214

Thanks, doc

>> No.13662217
File: 490 KB, 585x333, 1637740887506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13662220

>laplus goes to bed at midnight and wakes up at 8am
what a hag

>> No.13662223

i think i'll unsubscribe at this point. she was fun when she had those varied streams but i'm not interested in watching someone who's not my oshi play 50 hours of pokemon

>> No.13662227

It's a sad movie you will either shill it to high heaven or absolutely despise.

>> No.13662228

>"I think i should try out an action game of some kind"
>chat absolutely filled with DMC requests
>"people have been saying Nioh"
I like Nioh, but it's weird how much Mori avoids playing DMC despite everyone thinking it fits her to a T.

>> No.13662229


>> No.13662231 [DELETED] 

No one cares stop spamming piece of shit

>> No.13662242

It technically doesn't change the nature, but it changes the stats, which is what 99% of people care about for natures.

>> No.13662244

>Ollie is a nervous wreck who's actually pretty shy
>Tries to flirt with Sana
>Sana cutely giggles and tells Ollie how cute she is
>Repeat this interaction like ten times
>Sana gushes over Ollie the entire interaction, is, in general, a glowing ball of happiness
>Ollie a nervous zoomer who's barely 18-year-old
I mean Ollie never stood a chance. Sana doesn't get flustered at all. She just takes any attempt at flirting and rolls with them.

>> No.13662246

Because they get away with it, just let the myth dogs do the job

>> No.13662245
Quoted by: >>13662296

>You do not need to trust the rrat

>> No.13662248
Quoted by: >>13662296

>Don't trust the RRAT!!

>> No.13662250

What is the deal with this place that it somehow has people begging for Armored Core and Ace Combat at the very least once a week?

>> No.13662258

during the massive influx of Ollie shitposting, SEAnigs started to break containment into twitter thinking it would solve the issue of a certain trendhopper trying to involve himself with Hololive

>> No.13662264

Irys is being racist towards the french

>> No.13662268
Quoted by: >>13662349

Green Dragonite is just a normal coloured dragon. Course it looks cool.

>> No.13662269 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 680x660, 1465268747594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bloodborne's for little baby gamers
in fact if she's so good where's VODs

>> No.13662271
Quoted by: >>13662290

>IRyS refuses to share more of her convo with Bae

>> No.13662272
File: 110 KB, 283x204, squak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662296

Trust the rat

>> No.13662273

I honestly believe that Mori was bullied by people who talked about DMC.

>> No.13662276

Are the scheduled pokemon streams in the room with us right now?

>> No.13662281

>Somehow Hololive have permanent pokemon permissions
is it really permanent though?
the reason Ame doesn't stream Pokemon is because she's sure she wouldn't be able to finish it in time

>> No.13662285 [DELETED] 

How do any of you sit through that shit.

>> No.13662290

I w-wonder how discord sex feels...

>> No.13662294

Should I stay up for Lui or get some shuteye and pray to god my alarm goes off?

>> No.13662296 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13662403

Stop spamming your 2view here faggot go back to your split

>> No.13662297
Quoted by: >>13662421

For my oshi

>> No.13662302
File: 159 KB, 1328x1427, 1623599290537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662348

>Ina/IRyS/Sana/Kronii Splatoon
What are you expecting? hardmode: no inawinslol

>> No.13662304

Charlie doesn't like DMC.

>> No.13662306

She mentioned she liked BB, and wanted to play it on stream, but... While I do agree that Nioh can be called a "souls-like", if you will, it's still quite different, and difficult. But more importantly, I'm pretty sure when Calli said that she liked the game, she mostly meant the victorian gothic style, rather than the gameplay.

>> No.13662308
File: 1.71 MB, 1024x1024, 1615810094997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah it's actually the ability from the game

>> No.13662307


Bar is cute

>> No.13662309
File: 73 KB, 185x195, 1637550111541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662470

just breed a perfect IV correct nature shiny, nigga

>> No.13662313

Fubuki has a naturally cute voice and even though I don't understand much Japanese I feel like if I do I will hate her streams more

>> No.13662318

were you not there for the uprp arc

>> No.13662321

Wait what?
Why release a schedule for the last 3 days of the week?

>> No.13662322

It's Dildoman's fault, I tell you.

>> No.13662324
Quoted by: >>13662454

The only people in all of hololive autistic enough to bother with perfect nature and IVs are Mumei and Sana, and Sana used to play competitive pokemon.

>> No.13662326
File: 427 KB, 1521x218, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662365

your sana reps anonchama

>> No.13662333

>Holos playing good games with great gameplay and great lore that non-apex brainrotten people actually play
haha... yeah...

>> No.13662337 [DELETED] 

Reminder that Council faggots are Hololive antis
I dont have anything against the Holos themselves but their fanbase needs to fuck off from here

>> No.13662339
File: 1.67 MB, 2000x4000, FFMHK9KaMAAagPt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real reason why Marine taking a break today

>> No.13662348

Everyone but IRyS is a gamer. Leaning towards Sana+Kronii.

>> No.13662349

this >>13662268

>> No.13662355


>> No.13662359
Quoted by: >>13662694

Can Togekiss outtank Gim and his ice punches? There's always a possibility of it freezing, and needing a switch out

>> No.13662361


>> No.13662362



>> No.13662365

>Just spam one game that you wanted to play anyway
>Doesn't bother to diversify content so viewers aren't bored
Still seem pretty lazy to me.

>> No.13662369
Quoted by: >>13662405

I love how this rrat still gets peddled when Charlie didn't hate the game what so ever

>> No.13662382


>> No.13662383
File: 36 KB, 250x250, 1236212213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metragross looks great

>> No.13662397
File: 305 KB, 1049x2048, 1627857917178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662573

Akai na~

>> No.13662398

did you miss the 12 hours of kirby or the 3+ hours of dread

>> No.13662403
Quoted by: >>13662470

*cums on you*

>> No.13662405
Quoted by: >>13662495

He called it cringeworthy

>> No.13662410

Good, she should do what she wants instead of catering to retards. Not everyone needs to be gura.

>> No.13662421 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13662457

My oshi has played it twice and I made it 30 minutes the first stream and didn't didn't even bother with the 2nd one. Any kind of kiddy type game bores me to death

>> No.13662423
File: 36 KB, 382x388, 3568C0BC-D94E-4B55-80EE-423FFCBBC6D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>League of Legends
Amazing choice Towa, instead of being like your friends and play Pokémon, you opted to get AIDS instead.

>> No.13662430

I wish Ame would spam one game until completion instead of playing them weekly and she has to relearn everything again with every stream

>> No.13662432
File: 160 KB, 1097x1636, 20211102_135328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're cute together!

>> No.13662433

I tried watching kirby, she's kind of annoying so i stopped after 15 minutes

>> No.13662436
Quoted by: >>13662501

irys doesn't appreciate her mom's cooking...

>> No.13662437
Quoted by: >>13662472

And did you ignore what her last 5 videos are?

>> No.13662440

Woah, you mean like 99% of all other holos?

>> No.13662441

Unironically the best manager in all of hololive

>> No.13662453

People have spammed both, but she’s been talking about wanting to play a souls like game for a while now.

>> No.13662454

>he doesn't know how autistic JP holos are

>> No.13662456

this but Gura
It's a pain to watch her start almost from scratch sometimes

>> No.13662457

What are some non-kiddy games?

>> No.13662461
Quoted by: >>13662548

Jesus christ IRyS, that's some real fucking garbage.

>> No.13662470 [DELETED] 

didnt ask council tranny
>Not even talking about streams
>Just spamming
Kek I love being right

>> No.13662472

yea and those were all this week, which was her schedule, and she was up till like 7 am finishing it and is going to play other stuff now

>> No.13662474

A Silent Voice, huh. I thought it was overrated and too long but I guess there are worse films

>> No.13662476

How the fuck do you have 40 hours of Pokemon and not complete it?

>> No.13662478
File: 7 KB, 201x200, 1f8b648c-1f1a-4245-a6de-61122c45d549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662531

Of course the Towa anti is an absolute faggot, -10 Towa credits for you

>> No.13662483

>friend threatening the other magikarps to bring out the shiny

>> No.13662489

She isn't playing league of legends though

>> No.13662492
File: 202 KB, 300x300, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fjathss.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akai na~

>> No.13662495
Quoted by: >>13662611

Ah yes the one chubba who would hate cringe when she is cringe incarnate herself.

>> No.13662501

kidRyS was an ojou brat

>> No.13662503
File: 231 KB, 966x1449, 1631916874267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faunii's great and all but I raise you this.

>> No.13662504
Quoted by: >>13662581

black/white look incredible as primary colors in anything's color pallet, however, overuse might get boring.
hence why black/white shinies are often regarded as the best
>mega gengar
>mega gardevoir
>yveltal yes i like bacon-mon
>sandygast and its evo

>> No.13662510
File: 873 KB, 2048x1365, EwK2iERVEAQluoX (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do this. Post yout favorite Holo artist and favorite Holo fanart from them

>> No.13662515

Tell Towa to play this with a controller, the UI is actually optimized for them

>> No.13662517
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, 1610227890526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet the bird end up being gay as fuck. All of the fucking birds end up being super gay for some fucking reason.

>> No.13662523
File: 2.09 MB, 332x350, what[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpxe6xr.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't check Hololive for a day
>oh hey btw gen 6 is debuting
what in the goddamn

>> No.13662529

I wish Ame would take her time with one game and series instead of trying to one up herself every goddam time. I want more bug review or deep sea review streams

>> No.13662531
Quoted by: >>13662584

>Towa credits
Wow, it’s completely worthless!

>> No.13662538
Quoted by: >>13662554

they shoved them out at lightspeed before susan could fuck them over

>> No.13662539

>I'm a huge fan of the Devil May Cry series. I've played every single game, including 2. I even like the DMC reboot, and you can hold my 6.5 inch penis because the game is good, the gameplay is very good in that game.

Charlie is actually the most effective way to get Mori to play DMC

>> No.13662542 [DELETED] 

Tranny meido why are you helping these antis and not deleting their spam?
See this faggot? he's just spamming kek

>> No.13662548

The nostalgia overpowers the fact it's garbage, like how so many americans like the vomit tasting chocolate

>> No.13662551
File: 3.38 MB, 2962x4096, la+sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for Laplus to collab with her senpai!

>> No.13662552
Quoted by: >>13662720

Most holos didn't seem to know about it either. Second debut is in 2.5 hours

>> No.13662554
Quoted by: >>13662586

Susan has already cut down thousands of subs

>> No.13662555

>Do what you want as a streamer
>The people who like your content will watch
Wow, what a simple concept, it's almost like that's the way it should be. And also, why are you watching vtubers for the games?

>> No.13662569
File: 519 KB, 680x383, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13662573

yeah my dick

>> No.13662572

As much as I don't like much of modern pokemon, some of the designs are ok. The Grimsnarl line, Sirfetch'd, Corviknight, Frosmoth, Dragapult and the new regis are all cool.
However Sinnoh designs fucking mog them by half a tonne, but that's only in the originals. THE 3D SPRITE FOR SPIRITOMB LOOKS LIKE COMPLETE GARBAGE

>> No.13662574
File: 880 KB, 297x277, 1612165703913.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to keep up with the times, grandpa!

>> No.13662580
File: 429 KB, 926x926, EtXB4J6VgAGSHV7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13664605


>> No.13662581

Don’t forget how awesome they made the weather trio’s megas/primal reversions look.

>> No.13662582
Quoted by: >>13662591

Oh, the anti-council schizo is back?

>> No.13662584
Quoted by: >>13662669

Blah blah blah shut uuuuuuuup

>> No.13662586

she did what like three exterminations for council?

>> No.13662592

Would DMCfag go that low?

>> No.13662593 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13662607

Nobody asked

>> No.13662591


>> No.13662596
Quoted by: >>13662618

Irys fuck sake its been 5 hours. End the stream....

>> No.13662602
Quoted by: >>13662732

What would happen if he declared that he hates japanese Internet rap

>> No.13662604
File: 2.16 MB, 428x240, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F77eegt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13662605

Common belief is that they're doing the debuts so soon after announcement so they're not hit as hard by Susan's sub culling as Council did

>> No.13662607

I'm watching Fubuki run from fish, what else can I do but think about pokemon?

>> No.13662611
Quoted by: >>13662628

Yes, she's a hypocrite

>> No.13662612

Shuba is straight as an arrow
then Luna came along...

>> No.13662617
File: 3.77 MB, 1200x577, slow start.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised at how good they ended up being.
Also apparently gigas was relevant in compfag shit for a bit.

>> No.13662618

Why are 32%ers like this?

>> No.13662620
Quoted by: >>13662641

I suddenly realized if FBK gets a shiny while I'm tabbed out I'm going to get a Sora in Smash scream in my ear with no warning.

>> No.13662628

Based retard

>> No.13662630
File: 87 KB, 246x262, 542361421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt the most efficient way to get a shiny through mass breeding or something, ive never played it just had friends who did and I remember them always joking about having a ditto sex slave for their breeding farms for shinys i think
if so, why is Fubuki doing it this way

>> No.13662636
Quoted by: >>13662876

No one can resist the hime

>> No.13662637
File: 954 KB, 1168x710, LEECH [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F31lcar.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13662640
File: 16 KB, 389x389, 1605753121458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662681

I mean Laplus is already confirmed a dyke. She either still has or at least had a girlfriend. So they are already 1 for nothing. At this point who knows,

>> No.13662641

That was such a good scream, though.

>> No.13662644
Quoted by: >>13662672

Is anyone watching Towa besides me?

>> No.13662647
File: 321 KB, 435x505, 1624534632170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know /u/ shipping aside I really like Marine and Peko together becuase it just feels nice. Peko and other people say she doesn't like being touched at all, but she is ok with doing skinship with Marine. Something about this is just cute.

>> No.13662648

Haato just reuploads other peoples creations. Most of her content seems like stuff other people have made.

>> No.13662657
File: 264 KB, 2048x1432, 1623867577962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13662658
Quoted by: >>13662714

>Not the version where regielec is moving twice as fast as the rest

>> No.13662660

>Likes Donte's game
I knew he was a total faggot, but Jesus.

>> No.13662661

yeah designs are hit or miss, and some don't translate that well into 3D, it doesn't help that Game Freak reuses models from 2013 and don't bother making new ones or at least new animations

>> No.13662662
Quoted by: >>13662767

You'll need a ditto from another country

>> No.13662667

what did irys just leak i am fucking deaf

>> No.13662669
Quoted by: >>13662774

It’s especially hilarious knowing you’re gonna drop Towa for Fauna after this again.

>> No.13662671

3D sprites are hit or miss but i like them
>gen 2 starters look like dogshit
>dusknoir looks really good

>> No.13662672

everybody in this thread

>> No.13662673

What did IRyS just leak?

>> No.13662680


>> No.13662681


>> No.13662686 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 276x204, fuck you meidos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey meido since you're willing to help those Antis
I'll make sure they're not welcome in here

>> No.13662694

Yes & anything slower than Togekiss has a high chance of being dead without getting a turn due to air slash & serene grace.
God helps if it can use thunder wave.

>> No.13662697
Quoted by: >>13662767

You need a ditto that's not in your native language and also some other stuff I think.
I don't remember if shiny chaining or sex pits were the current best way

>> No.13662700


>> No.13662701

She said something exciting was coming after Gen6 in her last stream

>> No.13662710
File: 271 KB, 344x456, 1637651103707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Subaru already resisted the gay shit that went on in Hololive
>Played the straight man of the group quite literally
>Luna got dropped by Matsuri and decides Subaru is prime target number one
>Through sheer force of will and determination has slowly cracked away at Subaru
>Insert something about Spaghetti being straight until it gets wet
>Is now regularly sleeping over at Subaru's house and they even sleep together in the same bed
Bros Luna is powerful.

>> No.13662711

Their dynamic is quite literally a boke and a tsukkomi. Pekora will be there to drag Marine back if she try anything funny with other Holos

>> No.13662714
File: 3.68 MB, 720x346, eleki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I have one that combines slow start and eleki

>> No.13662716

what the shit

>> No.13662718

Holy shit, do we have an English speaker in JP 6?

>> No.13662719
Quoted by: >>13662756

I'll give you Frosmoth and Dragapult, but Grimsnarl and Corviknight fucking suck

>> No.13662720

That's wrong though. Even ENs knew about gen 6 "for a while", as they said. They just didn't see the designs.
What's unusual this time is the very short gap between announcement and debut.

>> No.13662724

When? I don't remember that.

>> No.13662725
File: 153 KB, 640x640, 1630047285798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662940

Watching Mooms stream longer and longer reminds me of early Gura where she would tire out after 2-3 hours but now the shark does 4-5 hours easily. I hope Mumei gets as used to streaming as her senpai in the future.

>> No.13662729


>> No.13662730


>> No.13662731

eigo jouzu

>> No.13662732

maybe that's when Mori gets the point that Charlie is a bad influence on her and she looks elsewhere to dictate the direction of her streams.

and I hope it's someone from Holopro instead.

>> No.13662737

coco mogged.

>> No.13662739

Gigas and Slaking are fun to use in doubles with a pokemon with Skill Swap or Worry Seed

>> No.13662743
Quoted by: >>13662793

No. It's for roberu's bar.dumbass lost his keys and bae has the extra key

>> No.13662744

Right here Unknownfriend! I still prefer Gura because she speaks English

>> No.13662747

it's 3D

>> No.13662748
Quoted by: >>13662778

It's HER bros, it's coming home...

>> No.13662752

You want Ame to be boring?

>> No.13662753 [DELETED] 
File: 314 KB, 1200x937, KO2Q80E6T3tSMtTz7dr6OHnH (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662788


>> No.13662754

I don't get why shiny hunting is a thing. There is no shiny who looks better than the base version

>> No.13662756
File: 112 KB, 475x475, why has god forsaken me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662848

corviknight is great
grimsnarl is whatever
dracovish is a great design unironically, even without memes

>> No.13662765
File: 261 KB, 489x481, Ame pray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God please don't pull a Polka

>> No.13662767

interesting never knew about the whole need a different countries pokemon to do it.

>> No.13662766
Quoted by: >>13662891

It's not bad if you treat it as an edgy parody.

>> No.13662769

Dicks heh

>> No.13662772

>IRyS flubbed something about an announcement
>Context was a question about what'd she want to sing when she gets 3D

>> No.13662774
File: 38 KB, 501x424, 1616248607793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up anti

>> No.13662775
File: 3.54 MB, 392x408, 1612817848802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I think they should have sex live on stream.
Just my opinion, though.

>> No.13662776 [DELETED] 

Ollie attention whoring again. God I can't stand this zoomer bitch

>> No.13662777

What are today's masturbation topics?

>> No.13662778
Quoted by: >>13662884

Two HERs are already in Hololive, and one is in Vshoujo
Which fucking HER is it this time?

>> No.13662781
File: 58 KB, 570x567, activate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's time for Holostars EN

>> No.13662785

Peacock is the NTROBERU poster....

>> No.13662786

Project Hope 2

>> No.13662788

I like that crying face

>> No.13662787

Man... I was looking forward to her too...

>> No.13662792
File: 224 KB, 1920x1080, 1633666121280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even sept to together naked and now Luna has convinced Subaru kissing all of the time in normal. How does she do it?

>> No.13662793

more like Bae stole it from Roberu

>> No.13662795
Quoted by: >>13662972

I won't believe any of them can speak English unless one of them starts speaking it and without DeepL

>> No.13662799

>she will end up as Ollie 2.0

>> No.13662801

I mean they are still using the X/Y 3D models just upscaled. Yeah no shit some of them look bad. Game Freak is immensely fucking lazy.

>> No.13662803
File: 277 KB, 1764x1448, Er7dlw5UcAA3dEx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662894

What if Gura's actually the one whose leaving the TTRPG

>> No.13662815

Towa is the cutest HoloJP.

>> No.13662823
Quoted by: >>13662895

>girls watching other girls dance and sing and be cute
That's an incredibly small and specific subset of women, which obviously would have tons of overlap with lesbians. If anything, it's surprising that there's so many straights in Hololive.

>> No.13662829
File: 70 KB, 960x540, 1616065612560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662846

This is true!

>> No.13662830
File: 378 KB, 1883x1073, 1607899215988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662881

The fact duck said this is very concerning. Luna needs to stop before she actaully becomes gay.

>> No.13662838
File: 1.05 MB, 1300x1294, C60D418B-6B43-495D-9850-62E026BF4818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Someone from Council joins the TTRPG after the Myth member leaves?

>> No.13662841
Quoted by: >>13662931

Wait hold on, I new sauce on this. When did this outcome occur?

>> No.13662846
Quoted by: >>13662871

who did originally take this image? was it Kanata or Moona?

>> No.13662848

I hate the new fossils. They could have given us great designs but instead they gave us Frankenstein's abominations. I wouldn't be so against it if you could at least assemble them right.

>> No.13662851
Quoted by: >>13663455


>> No.13662859

when did irys start using hch as her ending

>> No.13662861
Quoted by: >>13662972

Hopefully... Would make sense for them to hire someone speaking English for JP just like it would be good for an EN to speak JP

>> No.13662860

then it becomes soulless

>> No.13662863
File: 1.05 MB, 962x615, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13662948

Well, fuck YOU then!
I still can't believe that this game is actually real.

>> No.13662867

>Laplus has a crow on her head and chain around her neck
>Bae has a rat on her head and chain around her neck
>Laplus's lore states she is known for vast power and intelligence but was sealed away by someone
>Bae's lore has her believing that rules are not the be-all and end-all, which is why she has come to break them all and has the key to unlock somthing

So did Bae willing separate and seal away Laplus's power or did the manipulator break them apart and give chaos the key to Laplus?

>> No.13662871

It's a screenshot from her 3D live

>> No.13662876

Luna must be a fucking knockout irl. Because Matsuri was into her for a while, and now Subaru is slowly turning bi entirely by Luna's presence.

>> No.13662879

Homo tard wrangler supreme

>> No.13662881

its already inevitable since choco and botan are really pushing her

>> No.13662882

Last stream

>> No.13662883

2-3 streams ago.

>> No.13662884

lex luthor is a HER? That's not on the same degree. Unless you mean IRyS instead who might be considered one.

>> No.13662890

The last pokemon stream

>> No.13662891

It's bad from every point of view, even gameplay.
Only the spanish dub somewhat redeems it.

>> No.13662893

last stream

>> No.13662894

God if only.

>> No.13662895
File: 360 KB, 672x652, 1635026027245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get people like Choco who joined to pretend the younger girls are her kids and take care of them. She has pretty much taken Aqua and Subaru as her own kids.

>> No.13662896

>the lyrics don't match

>> No.13662899

I hope it's Fauna. She's great.

>> No.13662907
File: 99 KB, 475x475, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do wish you could have the "real" versions too but I love dracovish and the others are ok too.
arctovish at least looks mostly normal

>> No.13662906
File: 1.32 MB, 197x338, 1630369131274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13662910
Quoted by: >>13662935

Cover won't make another nigger vtuber after Sana's number

>> No.13662911

Kronii literally already said she was joining. Like pre break by a good while.

>> No.13662917

Quite a shame that she svapes

>> No.13662926
Quoted by: >>13662950

I mean, she is, if you remove every other member.

>> No.13662927
Quoted by: >>13663005

Yes, people were saying that Lex Luthor is HER
You can go back and check the threads

>> No.13662931
Quoted by: >>13662955

All they did was have a bath together and then decided not to get dressed when they went to sleep, nothing gay about it.

>> No.13662932

The ttrpg would be objectively improved of we remove Ame and Kiara from it. They have added nothing to it.

>> No.13662935


>> No.13662940 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 281x202, fucking meidos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die with your Council spammers nigger meido
Keep spamming Anti

>> No.13662944

Designs are the only thing I feel like Gamefreak is still good at, I like plenty of the gen 8 pokemon, and the trainer designs especially are great (most of them at least). Too fucking bad about the rest... I dunno who is in charge of the level design but they need to get fucking fired.

>> No.13662948

don't forgot the noscope trickshot abortion
and vergil's fedora

>> No.13662949

I actually really like Donte and Vergil's design in that game. I wish they could come back in the main games as a literal cross over where they interact and fight against their counterpart but Donte's too busy being a Chinese tooth brush model

>> No.13662950
File: 2.80 MB, 640x360, Towa sama idol presentation [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fach3as.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a cute idol

>> No.13662954

Should I stay up for Lui's debut or go to bed?

>> No.13662955
File: 273 KB, 2048x1024, It's not gay if we're 5 feet apart[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuzzh4i.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13662956

t. ako

>> No.13662959

>be me at golf camp
>fucking hate it here, so many rich fucks talking about rich fucker things, no doubt they haven't watched Sailor Moon
>finally find a bench and decide to listen to some Lincoln Park on my Ipod
>some rich fag and his friends come up to me and looks at my golf club
>"Give that to me"
>"Fuck you faggot, you fuckers already got golf clubs"
>"Well I want yours too."
>Getting real tired of these richniggers' bullshit
>stand up and punch the prepfag as he yells something
>wtf he blocked it?
>rich kid says that the time has come, and then says some weird shit before going on some weird mantra or something
>proceed to get beat up by rich faggot while his friends are either doing some weird hopping dance while they are making guitar noises, or quoting Shakespeare.

>> No.13662968

sana is the blackest baka gorilla kokujin i have ever seen

>> No.13662972
File: 276 KB, 1825x947, 1611252478415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have one.

>> No.13662976
Quoted by: >>13663031

I want falseflagging dogfuckers to leave
Please go back to your little corner and do your epic /b/ tier trolling there

>> No.13662991

How's everyone? what did I miss in the past 12 hours?

>> No.13662994

remove Gura and Ina too so that Mori could invite her real friends, TTfags and indies

>> No.13662997


>> No.13662999
Quoted by: >>13663064

Yeah, and Gura can speak Japanese

>> No.13663002
File: 1.04 MB, 3823x4096, 3A29FD07-8F5C-43C4-8DE5-D6520772C47C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663069

Hey look, two members of Hololive!

>> No.13663004
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x1340, fossils.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, we got really good fossils and then there's that. imo Bastiodon and Kabutops are the best designs

>> No.13663003

Time to go back and check the leak moment

>> No.13663005

Damning evidence killed the joke.

>> No.13663009
File: 256 KB, 600x800, 3031b6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13664326


>> No.13663012
File: 893 KB, 1280x720, 1619671248960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663078

give chimkin (you)'s instead of whatever the schizos are doing

>> No.13663014

I meant like full sentences not just a few words

>> No.13663021


>> No.13663024
File: 165 KB, 1280x1224, 1002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Watame and I love Hololive!

>> No.13663026

eigo jouzu

>> No.13663030
File: 1.55 MB, 586x270, oppai[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2blub2.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will always remember the Noel, Marine Kana one. Mostly becuase Kana might like boobs more then I do. When she started to literally cry becuase the glass was fogged becuase she couldn't boobs I couldn't stop laughing.

>> No.13663031

why do you call people from /jp/ 'dogfuckers'?

>> No.13663035
File: 24 KB, 231x295, More.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bird debut will pass 100k viewers.

>> No.13663033


>> No.13663036


>> No.13663038
File: 123 KB, 241x250, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we all agree that it was better back then? this is the final straw

>> No.13663039
File: 178 KB, 529x394, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663090


>> No.13663041
File: 496 KB, 483x483, 1615946081993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what? Illaoi is a healer in this game? She's an insane damage dealer in League that one shots your entire team with a single ult...

>> No.13663046

I'm gonna


praise helix

>> No.13663047
File: 317 KB, 482x347, 1637048192655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663124

So do I blame roberu for ollie collabing with the noripro succubus?

>> No.13663048

i like cradilly and armaldo

>> No.13663052
Quoted by: >>13663285

>nearly every holo member is a social outcast in someway or another
>they are all weirdos and degens
>due to japan's super conservative view on LGBT shit bi/lesbians are normally also outcasts
>the weeb community is full of outcasts so the LGBT people are naturally more likely to fall into the otaku group
>most vtubers are also all massive otakus
I mean I think it just makes sense. Lesbians or bi women are going to fill more compelled to join a group if its already a group of social outcasts/weirdos.

>> No.13663053

Don't use my post to shitpost others please.

>> No.13663055
File: 231 KB, 2048x2048, FFJS5D7aMAArDn_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora nails

>> No.13663061

I don't even know what words would be used to describe it, but her voice reminds me of early FBK and Shion.

>> No.13663062
Quoted by: >>13663094

noob pokemon player question but why is fubuki not defeating the magikarp she encounters? escaping increases the chain to? or it doesn't work when fishing?

>> No.13663064

Gura tensai desu

>> No.13663069 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 292x454, 1610446058006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey meid faggot here's another one
Sucks their fans are mentally ill spammers and antis
They need to leave

>> No.13663074

Aren't these pokemon fight animations taking up lots of time, as opposed to the really old games? Seems frustrating when you're grinding something like a shiny.

>> No.13663078
File: 2.93 MB, 1061x1500, 1607413448097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13663082
Quoted by: >>13663273

>open /hlgg/
>see obsessive shitposting and faggotry
>close thread and watch Fubuki

>> No.13663087

For me it's Archeops and Armaldo

>> No.13663089

Wow you sure showed him yawn

>> No.13663090

you linked the wip

>> No.13663092

oh no nails

>> No.13663094

If you overlevel a mon too much without the right number of badges, it stops obeying you

>> No.13663093


>> No.13663117

ahh those were the days...

>> No.13663123
File: 28 KB, 454x415, 1605175073804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663212

I mean having a lot of lesbian or bi chicks in Hololive is a god send anon. It means less issues with Chuubas getting dicked down. Knowing my oshi is an openly confirmed lesbian thanks to twitter has been a huge boon for me.

>> No.13663124

It's more likely she saw the collab and wants to find out who this fucking bitch collabing with Roberu is.

>> No.13663125
File: 39 KB, 361x646, 1616121054521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13663128


>> No.13663138
File: 43 KB, 720x720, 1637304525372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor girl will forever be Yamada

>> No.13663141

Tyrantrum is my nigga, and I like Archeops' design, but it's too bad it fucking sucks

>> No.13663148
File: 1.04 MB, 825x825, krhgey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did okayu go to holotalk?

>> No.13663154

she knows it takes more time, she just wants to show her shinies to the world

>> No.13663158
Quoted by: >>13663179

she's on 5ch

>> No.13663165
File: 219 KB, 550x357, 1631799149535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss IRyS...

>> No.13663167

Those fingers are pudgy as fuck.

>> No.13663178
File: 65 KB, 1031x1020, 1626454362522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So these are /jp/ hours...

>> No.13663179

Dagger is a nousagi....

>> No.13663185

rrat: Kiara invited her and she accepted the invitation

>> No.13663189
File: 417 KB, 1200x1550, 3E8AA6C5-72F2-4064-BE4C-E77B4696F6A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663273

To add another member to her harem, obviously.

>> No.13663187

Because Korone is out of commission and Mio is dead to White C, besides Bae who conspired with her to sabotage the race.

>> No.13663188
Quoted by: >>13663281

Does it still have the thing from SM where pokemon would call for help and you could just chain gun down the help while the main one continued to summon them

>> No.13663192
File: 242 KB, 1200x1600, FFKRbf0agAks1v4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663228

Your classmates for today

>> No.13663195
Quoted by: >>13663237

Did someone say Yamada?

>> No.13663196

>I'm Genius!

>> No.13663199

Don't remind me. I cut my nails religiously because of him.

>> No.13663206

Rushia's being mindbroken by Rex...

>> No.13663211
Quoted by: >>13663996

I assume "understand" is a common word the Japanese are taught in school? I hear a lot of the JP girls use it as a way to pad out their eigo skills

>> No.13663212

I literally don't understand this mentality. Whether they're getting dicked down or scissored out your oshi is still in a sexual relationship that will never involve you.

>> No.13663220

I give this channel 1 month before its dropped

>> No.13663228
File: 491 KB, 1587x2981, 20211015_063922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, this is my classmate!

>> No.13663235
Quoted by: >>13663299

some people have a focus on the dick not being there i think

>> No.13663237
Quoted by: >>13663345


>> No.13663243
File: 467 KB, 1500x1500, 9986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought the anti councilfag was gone but i havent really paid much attention to these threads in the late evenings in awhile so i guess he really is just in a timezone I dont normally deal with bless

>> No.13663258
File: 2.14 MB, 4096x4096, FFK8dQiagAQSFhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13663267

Hai dozo

>> No.13663269

Whoa, language!

>> No.13663273 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 275x205, 1609941164755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one for you nigger meido
I'll even go as far as posting CP to cleanse this place from them

Kill yourself spammer

>> No.13663276
File: 154 KB, 1200x1155, ko98r0lqfhl51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13664091

The ultimate tard wrangler, working himself to death everyday, and constantly tweeting about work at impossible hours.
This week, he took his first day off in a long time!
Also, a huge, buff and scary looking guy who happen to be incredibly kind and supporting towards the boys and everyone else in Cover Corp.
You'll often see him send a Superchat with his own YT account to the boys during big events, and they even go out to drink and eat together sometimes.
Apparently he also cooks some food for them too.

>> No.13663280

Any clips of this?

>> No.13663281

Haha, why would they carry over such a mechanic between games.

>> No.13663283
File: 179 KB, 438x625, 1637979248098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663284

With all the lore, Chama just seems like a tryhard schizo and not some horror holo anymore.

>> No.13663285
File: 115 KB, 724x1024, 1618433803362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663405

It's even funnier with Noel since she joined Hololive becuase she had no friends and to make friends. She fall really hard into this and just what seems like is fucking Flare now.

>> No.13663286

He'd been doing this since 4am in SEA time, this guy is mentally retarded. Imagine spending your whole day seething about anime women on some shady site

>> No.13663290

>inb4 hololive shadman comments

>> No.13663295

oh hey can you tell your teacher Fauna will be absent for 9 months? I accidentally knocked her up

>> No.13663298
File: 51 KB, 524x157, 1607944779704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I get a YT notification of Mori's Earthbound stream from 5 days ago? I even had notifications turned off for her channel what the fuck?

>> No.13663299
Quoted by: >>13663348

Which makes no sense. If you want to be a unicorn at least go all the way

>> No.13663302
Quoted by: >>13663440

Mori Pokemon stream tomorrow

>> No.13663319
File: 156 KB, 427x387, AmeCool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13663320

hololive shadman

>> No.13663323
File: 627 KB, 3595x2730, FFMHtwUXMAUEdT8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663327
Quoted by: >>13663397

i get random updates of shit all the time
sometimes it's clippers, sometimes it's streams

>> No.13663332

>le melty face man

>> No.13663334 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 281x202, 1623287195024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die council trannies

>> No.13663335
Quoted by: >>13663712

Its simple anon. You aren't a cuck if your oshi isn't taking dick. Plus its hot and means her fucking another oshi becomes much more likely, which is even hotter.

>> No.13663342
File: 80 KB, 257x204, 8hd28h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a burger and im usually gone at 3 AM so i never see what the threads are like during these times, it's now 4 AM and i've seen enough.

>> No.13663345

Isn't Tanaka the one that usually gets the most thai kicks? I know Yamada has had a few tho.

>> No.13663348

It makes sense. I don't like dick, simple as.

>> No.13663350

i fucking hate art that has the dumbass faces, this and the vacuum shit in blowjobs

>> No.13663352
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 73D1EFB4-D787-4ECE-9DFD-A7DCE171CCAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663478

>> No.13663354
File: 280 KB, 1014x1422, FD8g-I5WYAIPi4X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice image you got there. Would be a shame if I happened to steal the slot.

>> No.13663357

You will watch Mori. You will like Mori. You will sub to Mori.

>> No.13663358

Lmao the absolute state of this thread right now

>> No.13663365

I like how he draw faces and nasty sex

>> No.13663367
Quoted by: >>13663392

My wife

>> No.13663374

When does the next one debut?

>> No.13663376
File: 147 KB, 382x339, rratmom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13663377

hes already has another Laplus in the works
sketch for now

>> No.13663379
File: 102 KB, 682x874, Live and uuuu~[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz45fhm.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663478

>> No.13663380

Kronii's wife

>> No.13663385

About 2 hours.

>> No.13663386
File: 222 KB, 500x500, E-iY2E_VIAQD5vD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually love the weird faces in his artworks.

>> No.13663390
File: 300 KB, 2048x1152, FFBlMt6aMAAfa_F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine juice

>> No.13663392
Quoted by: >>13663431

Enjoy the cake, it's my turn tomorrow.

>> No.13663393

Fauna's wife

>> No.13663397

go to youtube settings and go to notifications and turn off notifications for Reccomended videos, that should make it so you only get notifacations for channels you are subbed to

>> No.13663398

holotori in 2 hours nigga

>> No.13663403

Right? It's so raw

>> No.13663404

>Fubuki's chat right now
God I wonder what will happen if one of her shiny hunts is orange, pink, or red.

>> No.13663405
File: 1.26 MB, 950x841, 1618329466802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663458

>Noel since she joined Hololive becuase she had no friends and to make friends
That's really sad. Is that really the reason she joined?

>> No.13663406

Lui debuts in 2 hours, probably along with an original song

>> No.13663407


>> No.13663409

Based Kiara

>> No.13663417
File: 110 KB, 690x1024, ame199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's slow and kinda shitty but take a look at my wife

>> No.13663427
File: 91 KB, 348x298, Anya - The Stand [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6vo9f0.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663449

>Finally listen to Suzy and Anya's covers of Phony
>Actually end up liking Anya's better
You guys told me she was the SOVL Edge. Did you lie to me?

>> No.13663430
File: 287 KB, 2048x1384, f9f0a4a38e98dc7db22715742e8950a9a0fd9c2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tardwrangler supreme
>Entire branch will be 3D be the end of the year
>Pays for the bois dinner
>Up to date with all homos schedules, streams and events
>Watches homos streams
>Gave caviar to Rikka
>Will tackle Astel if he sings Disney songs on his 3D debut
>Bodyguard of Holos
>Made Shien delete the photo of his feet twice

>> No.13663431

Wait, where the fuck is the cake? Where the fuck is Mumei?

>> No.13663435

I've usually awake at these times and I hadn't seen this particular brand of shitposting in a very long time

>> No.13663436
File: 184 KB, 317x311, hehehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663457

tribalfags been getting too uppity, your oshi certainly disapproves of such retarded practices

>> No.13663440
Quoted by: >>13663548

Nice isn't this not on the schedule is she replacing earthbound with this

>> No.13663441

This whole twitter stream had no business being as horny as it was. I don't even care about /u/ shit but this shit was clear as day. Reine was aggressively horny and I mean aggressively. She either fucked one or all of them, or she had the best masturbation of her existence that night. You could hear how wet and Ollie was.

>> No.13663443
File: 650 KB, 1962x4000, AAF1A199-656D-44D4-A98C-50AD65ED430A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663478

Rrat butt.

>> No.13663442
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, Ame Ame Ame Ame Ame Ame Ame Ame [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fflb46n.mp3](1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame cute!

>> No.13663449

Don't worry bro it's not just you, almost everyone yesterday preferred Anya's cover

>> No.13663456
File: 327 KB, 467x374, 1636062354593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does Marine have so many female fans when she acts like a perverted old man? Is there something I'm not getting?

>> No.13663455
File: 732 KB, 1025x790, lore roru rumao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13663457

they don't have oshis they just shitpost

>> No.13663458

Ina and Gura joined for the same reasons.

>> No.13663460
Quoted by: >>13663481

Why is she wearing her glasses like that? Aren't you supposed to look through the lens?

>> No.13663470
File: 1.09 MB, 1173x2000, 1630456248183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akai na~

>> No.13663472
Quoted by: >>13663501

post ame144 for me

>> No.13663476
Quoted by: >>13663510

Wait, it's soda? Was "juice" to the japanese soda all along?

>> No.13663478 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 276x204, 1637073735939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep spamming your trash 2views Councilniggers you sure love Anti posting Holos don't you? Lovely the Meido is defending you too happy?
Look meidos they want me to spam CP
So don't blame me

>> No.13663479

>Will tackle Astel if he sings Disney songs on his 3D debut
I kinda wanna see it happen NGL

>> No.13663480

It's been awhile since the last time I stayed this late at these threads... For how long has it been like this?
I wouldn't mind if a Gurame poster just spent all the remaining image slots right now

>> No.13663481
Quoted by: >>13663521

they keep slipping

>> No.13663482

Onegai juice me.

>> No.13663489

>Will tackle Astel if he sings Disney songs on his 3D debut
As if that would be enough to stop Astel from becoming a Disney princess

>> No.13663498
File: 172 KB, 1200x2048, 20211122_201423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13663501
File: 582 KB, 1000x1375, ame144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13663506
Quoted by: >>13663571

dumbledore said calmly

>> No.13663508


>> No.13663509
File: 165 KB, 2048x1152, 2F2D59F5-AF84-4FE7-9B07-A73E4BED88AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bone bros.

>> No.13663510

No, I just call it "juice" cause it sound nicer. It's just soda

>> No.13663512

Giant Stacy who isn't afraid to live the way she wants.
She's the Cardi B of vtubers.

>> No.13663513 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 282x191, 1635362305461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure do love anti posting Holos am i right council bros?

>> No.13663522
File: 224 KB, 2008x2008, 20211123_165534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this duo

>> No.13663521

But why?

>> No.13663523

Holy schizophrenia macaroni

>> No.13663526

Where are the anons who usually talk about their jp oshi at this hours? Why are only shitposters left here?

>> No.13663527

Starting to think this guy might have a point honestly

>> No.13663529

That's precisely because she acts like a perverted old man that she's popular with women, she's free to talk about whatever the fuck she wants.
And even beyond the whole horny thing, Marine is still a very charismatic and wellspoken woman.
There's a reason why she's often selected (alongside Fubuki) for events, radios or TV shows when Hololive needs a representative after all.

>> No.13663530
Quoted by: >>13663539

Can i get ame123

>> No.13663531
File: 178 KB, 512x512, 1624061477081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13663532
File: 46 KB, 315x315, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2zwh5l.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663534

nice feet

>> No.13663536
File: 2.79 MB, 1999x3238, BA09E37A-2BC2-4D0E-A865-50AFAB512F1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663663

Rrat Boobs.

>> No.13663539
File: 1.12 MB, 2250x3950, ame123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can go higher if you want

>> No.13663542

i'm playing pokemon sorry

>> No.13663544

Is the gore guy underage, no one gives a fuck about gore. Only like 12 years on /b/ find it shocking bro.

>> No.13663546
File: 607 KB, 3277x4096, E97mQCvVEAUXWaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663663

>> No.13663545
File: 169 KB, 2048x1252, 20211122_074055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these girls

>> No.13663548

Nah its guerilla

>> No.13663549
File: 350 KB, 650x650, Nanashi_Mumei_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663663

dont even watch council, but im dropping a moomer for the schizo

>> No.13663550
Quoted by: >>13663645

The images onegai...

>> No.13663552

We are watching streams and mine is streaming an hour later than usual.

>> No.13663557
File: 3.95 MB, 3000x2296, 1608466156510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663573

>> No.13663561


>> No.13663570
File: 796 KB, 1920x1079, 25945EE6-810D-473A-8C3E-6C0BF537AD14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663641

Just Mumei.

>> No.13663571

>did you sing disney songs in your 3d debut, astel?

>> No.13663573
File: 6 KB, 232x217, 523523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just this once gurame schizo please use all the images

>> No.13663574

A lot of girl just see them as their idol. When you think about it, Holos are girls who have made a big name for themselves and have a lot of fans

>> No.13663575
File: 3.77 MB, 2048x2015, 1620156806555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663578
File: 210 KB, 1048x1629, 1633665289376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm about to say is a bit dirty but... I want to have sex with Fauna!

>> No.13663580
File: 1.56 MB, 5034x2157, 92214098_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663671

>> No.13663582
File: 478 KB, 512x636, 1626420255164[sound=a.pomf.cat%2Fpbxywf.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need Irys in these schizo posts

>> No.13663583 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.67 MB, 1600x1378, 1637925884212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663584
File: 999 KB, 3752x3216, 1629666734442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they do that Nichijou watchalong

>> No.13663586

>weak thumbnail images
>not even 4k resolution
>cant do ten posts at the same time
looks like some underagedfag trying hard in here. ive seen better 15years ago. jesas schizos are so weak in this decade

>> No.13663591
File: 2.96 MB, 3000x1860, 1620034319466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663593
File: 686 KB, 559x700, 1609989285455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663663

Oh no, a council member, your day is now ruined.

>> No.13663595
File: 424 KB, 626x708, irysm[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpfwj6p.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love IRyS!

>> No.13663597
Quoted by: >>13663636

Holy shit Fubuki only has 2 pokemon. That "only shinies" rule was a hard one huh

>> No.13663599
File: 614 KB, 1433x1035, Screenshot_20211127-070013_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it hilarious that clippers are putting (smaller than Gura) or something along those lines on Lap clips for clickbaiting, like its a quality that instantly makes her better than Gura (?)
Its the 2nd or 3rd clip like that that got in my feed.

>> No.13663602

fuck that. give me the trinity anime watchalong

>> No.13663603
File: 726 KB, 743x1079, 8E7EFEF3-6CEF-4808-8DDA-62F74DFA344C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663605
File: 59 KB, 640x947, FB_IMG_1638005628266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663606
File: 2.14 MB, 1080x1080, feed the shark.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663608
File: 2.17 MB, 1281x1920, 1629275485212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akai na~

>> No.13663613
Quoted by: >>13663696

People are pretty shit now a days. Now Accel spammer, that man knew how to shit up a board.

>> No.13663612
Quoted by: >>13663643

post ame9999EX or you're a poser

>> No.13663615
Quoted by: >>13663657

Pokemon isn't even on that schedule, the fuck?

>> No.13663618
File: 2.04 MB, 1600x1600, 1614927209204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663619
File: 216 KB, 1200x1200, 1635496747502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663622
File: 273 KB, 479x419, 10583543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizos peaked with orcschizo, schizos nowadays are low quality.
hell, not even kiara anti's are quality anymore.

>> No.13663623
Quoted by: >>13663665

>(smaller than Gura)
God I fucking hate those kind of clippers so goddamn much.

>> No.13663624
File: 709 KB, 751x735, 1631371862108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy's not even worth giving attention. I Love Fauna!

>> No.13663628
File: 187 KB, 1080x1920, FB_IMG_1637976121816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663630

Normalfags are pedos, news at 11

>> No.13663632
File: 1.11 MB, 4093x2894, E1HoC_ZVoAE0pDY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663633
File: 376 KB, 2048x1153, 33E6FD54-5CBA-4312-8235-7832EF9DEB12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura, wait! You can’t vacuum that up!

>> No.13663636

I'm surprised at the amount of people she can pull in when she's doing nothing.

>> No.13663638

I mean do you want your oshi getting her pussy smashed raw and came inside by some asshole? Its not rocket science anon.

>> No.13663641
File: 82 KB, 1024x571, EntTzhLWEAIaII0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13663643
File: 66 KB, 2560x1440, The Last Stream[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdpxeh2.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663806


>> No.13663645
File: 1.20 MB, 512x632, 1637783329478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663739

Nah, fuck it. Kill the images, save the thread. Maybe this fag will be banned by the time new girl debuts.

>> No.13663646

Manga was better.

>> No.13663649
File: 1.09 MB, 1181x4481, E74l2FmUUAENl8w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663651

Rushia won a match!

>> No.13663655
File: 1.79 MB, 3072x4096, 1629232483696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura has never even been the smallest Holo, that was Luna. But of course, it's easier to get clicks by involving Gura in some way.

>> No.13663654
Quoted by: >>13663692

>peaked with orcschizo
not even close. the last good ones died in 2012

>> No.13663657


>> No.13663661

it should be space/time

>> No.13663663 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 292x454, 1619424725359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Council spammers kept anti posting so they're hiding right now
I cant blame them but I'm doing my best to kick them out!!!
>Proving me right yet again

>> No.13663664

where's ina?

>> No.13663665

>clipper highlights the reason why anyone here cared about her when she was announced
>this is bad

>> No.13663667
File: 64 KB, 159x171, ina cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663690

Ina Ina Ina...

>> No.13663668
File: 147 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1637976133760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663670
File: 1021 KB, 1318x1368, EnusEixUcAEUUGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663671

Big Kronii...

>> No.13663672

The youtube algorithm LOVES Gura so just mentioning her or putting her in the thumbnail is enough to get your video recommended everywhere.
Clip channels need to be eliminated.

>> No.13663674

Ol' shark......

>> No.13663680
File: 1.96 MB, 848x1200, 1632637311248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moom post

>> No.13663682


>> No.13663685

>Catch Magikarp
>Then have to train it from level 5
Fubukkers what are you doing?

>> No.13663687
File: 1001 KB, 3132x4096, 1624054192593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663688
File: 37 KB, 612x608, 20211124_182002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never should've smoked that shit

>> No.13663690

ina is the mc

>> No.13663691

>Gurameschizo spaming again
Do you really need another ban?

>> No.13663692
File: 198 KB, 385x364, BAAC2CFA-B0B2-40E4-B76B-8372AFF8841E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfft, you guys haven’t seen a true schizo until you’ve encountered A.C.K. In an SSSS Gridman thread.

>> No.13663696

Every time I see Accel get mentioned I remember Jacksonville anon selling shirts and getting banned because some idiot mod didn't realize Accelerator was an actual character from an anime.

>> No.13663697
File: 44 KB, 721x959, FB_IMG_1637976027587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663698
File: 1.29 MB, 1400x2000, konbadododo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early stream today. Watame is showing off the streaming materials made for her by Watamates! Come seen what they came up with!

>> No.13663701
File: 924 KB, 3000x2400, 1629387309013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663710
Quoted by: >>13663812

>reposting the same gore image
it is that bad huh?

>> No.13663712
File: 376 KB, 1427x2048, 1634371376217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, you're still a c/u/ck

>> No.13663716
File: 451 KB, 1500x2250, Chilly_chiggen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663719

mario in the ToG threads was fun

>> No.13663720
File: 2.51 MB, 1423x2115, 1620156898742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I lived through Accelerator spammer on /a/. Nothing seems very impressive

>> No.13663721

>A.C.K. In an SSSS Gridman thread.
>new age schizos
still tame as fuck they're just glorified essay posters at best

>> No.13663723
File: 238 KB, 2048x1536, CCF19622-5F8A-477C-BC74-DB33BA08529B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663726

Armatard from /k/ is pretty good, can't believe he actually ruined an entire board

>> No.13663731
File: 3.80 MB, 640x359, 1630773389729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that guy, I Love and Miss Faufau!

>> No.13663732
File: 643 KB, 2037x2239, _1636233045871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663733
File: 889 KB, 1415x1000, lean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663737

>weak thumbnail images
To be fair, no one who wasn't already interested in gore would click them but yeah, I'm disappointed too

>> No.13663739
File: 1.21 MB, 958x642, watame disco [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhpmbup.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13663742


>> No.13663743 [SPOILER] 
File: 793 KB, 2244x3122, 1629429305507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13663785


>> No.13663757
File: 2.62 MB, 3500x2475, Kiara_Bunnysuit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663758
File: 854 KB, 3600x3000, 1626749023896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663759
Quoted by: >>13663807

Wait what's the second Pokemon in FBK's party? When did she get it?

>> No.13663760
File: 331 KB, 1637x2289, Ballin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.13663762

It's not him. She's just being a retard contrarian again.

>> No.13663765
File: 735 KB, 919x898, 1637914466192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MP is still in the raildex threads

>> No.13663766
File: 102 KB, 600x600, chicken drawing2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spamming low quality /b/-tier gore on cooldown
>get banned in 2 seconds
>reset router to do it again
>people who see it will probably glance at it and then move on
>all that during the thread's deadest hours
i know i shouldn't acknowledge it, but literally why

>> No.13663769

Got nothing on guys like this. They banned loli's on /a/ at some point and this guy had every fucking thread in /a/ loli porn in a day for a week.

>> No.13663771
File: 259 KB, 2268x1276, 1607919880059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663773

Holy fuck

>> No.13663780
File: 227 KB, 500x500, D2FFE203-2C80-45E2-85B0-EB95AB458A5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Council upon ye

>> No.13663781
Quoted by: >>13663800

Anon I used to go to /xivg/, I've seen things most people wouldn't even believe.

>> No.13663785
File: 193 KB, 503x503, 1631305483020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bout to intercept it mid-air

>> No.13663792

God bless him.

>> No.13663800

someone post their uterus, that'd maybe get the gore spammer something to gawk at

>> No.13663804

stop posting. stop.

>> No.13663807

Monferno and Luxio
She spent 2 days for the shiny chimchar before starting the playthrough and i think a full day for Shinx after the first stream. if she doesn't find a Magikarp today she'll definitely have it by tomorrow or next stream

>> No.13663806
Quoted by: >>13663826

you're not a real fan

>> No.13663811


>> No.13663812
Quoted by: >>13664303

VSJ had to apologize to nux. So they're just laying out at everyone now to hide their embarrassment

>> No.13663813


>> No.13663815


>> No.13663817

Images... Let me post my sheep...

>> No.13663820


>> No.13663821
Quoted by: >>13663888

I remember hearing about the Accelerator spammer on /a/. That sounded fun.

>> No.13663824

>the one I liked turned out to be able to speak a little EN
Bros I'm gonna poach her just like we did Reine

>> No.13663826

Why do you want to hurt me so

>> No.13663828 [DELETED] 

Unironically I'd take a gorefag over the Calligulanigger

>> No.13663830

I guess he's just bored

>> No.13663831
Quoted by: >>13663916

Jesus, how much of a gyaru is she? You're gonna make me actually start liking Pekora.

>> No.13663840

>Mio is 20mins late
the fuck did that fat cat do again

>> No.13663842

Mio... where are you?...

>> No.13663843

Friend doesn't remember how Kanata talks...

>> No.13663849



>> No.13663852
Quoted by: >>13663977

Why do I feel nostalgic for an objectively shitty time? This is weird

>> No.13663858

If Fubuki actually gets shiny magikarp Im going to LOSE IT! That would be soooo crazy ahahahah! What a wacky streamer. Nihongo muzukashi

>> No.13663861
Quoted by: >>13663882

Have KFP started a fire today?

>> No.13663863 [DELETED] 

>Image limit reached
Spam now Councill trannies? oh wait you will go back to anti posting Holos now lol

>> No.13663871
Quoted by: >>13663897

Shit taste desu

>> No.13663874

louie better have a cool voice

>> No.13663878

At the least it made me hungry for steak

>> No.13663880

>already mogging her kouhai
Yamadabros.. not like this...

>> No.13663882

i made microwave mac and cheese.
there was probably a fire there somewhere.

>> No.13663883
Quoted by: >>13663921

Is it true that Lap+ is actually Mano Aloe?

>> No.13663885

>Trying to mog the new cunny right after she debuts

>> No.13663888

Raildex has contained some of the most autistic people on this site for nearly 2 decades. There is a staggering number of raw autism contained in those threads even if they're relatively slow. Raildex has been going on for somewhere around a decade with pretty much daily generals.

>> No.13663890

With a new confirmed dyke joining the list, how many lesbian/bi chicks are at Hololive now? Seems like the number is growing increasingly fast.

>> No.13663889
Quoted by: >>13663943

t. gurameschizo

>> No.13663891
Quoted by: >>13663903

>page 9
won't last long
thanks bumpschizo

>> No.13663897

but enough about Calligulafags

>> No.13663902
Quoted by: >>13663972

Council is a pretty great addition to Hololive English, NGL.

>> No.13663904

gaki wars

>> No.13663903 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13663936

I guess I need to expand my gore folder...

>> No.13663907
Quoted by: >>13663976

I wanted to stay up for the birb debut but I may as well watch the vod if the thread remains like this

>> No.13663911
Quoted by: >>13664044

Never forget Accelerator vs the Flash.

>> No.13663913
Quoted by: >>13663922

posting a moomer image without images???
i am truly the smartest anon.

>> No.13663914

>Image of Aki and the Prawnsuit
One day...

>> No.13663916
Quoted by: >>13664055

Not really gyaru but other sankisei said Pekora and Rushia are the 2 most fashionable Holo in their gen. As in, they know how to look cute
Noel also once said Pekora smell "girly"

>> No.13663921

aloe will debut on wednesday outta nowhere

>> No.13663922


>> No.13663925

this petty-ass "rivalry" between Gurame and Calligula is so dumb I'm starting to find it funny now

>> No.13663926



............ FAUNA FAUNA FAUNA

FAUNA FAUNA..........................FAUNA

.............FAUNA FAUNA FAUNA

>> No.13663930
Quoted by: >>13663960

Mio is missing

>> No.13663933

At least he used his autism for good when they banned any kind of loli being posted on /a/. Pretty sure the mod who tried to enforce that rule killed themselves

>> No.13663936

sure, have fun
anybody here is completely desensitized to that anyway

>> No.13663941
Quoted by: >>13663975

Who are the dykes of holoseX?

>> No.13663943

You better fucking believe it

>> No.13663946
Quoted by: >>13664116

>he thinks the image limit will save him
Look at this faggot and laugh

>> No.13663947

So why is some fucking autistic faggot spamming gore shit and reeeeeing about Holo Council? Did I miss something?

>> No.13663948

Have we figured out why Cover nerfed the council debuts so hard?

>> No.13663955 [DELETED] 

Finally, I removed Council spammers

>> No.13663958

I can't post them but I'm hoping you can see the cute backgrounds on Watame's stream.

>> No.13663960

Feeding Taiga pls andastnd

>> No.13663962

This whole place becomes better if you treat it as a parody of schizophrenia

>> No.13663963

Because Ayame wouldn't answer.

>> No.13663967

Akai na...

>> No.13663966

no idea, im just burger who decided to stay up late.

>> No.13663970

Zion yo...

>> No.13663972

They're great to go along with what Myth was missing. I used to like Gura and Ina about the same but now I love Mumei.

>> No.13663975


>> No.13663976

Oh shit, I forgot about the debuts

>> No.13663977

Every year 4chan gets slightly worse. Not even to make you finally leave, but it's noticeable when you start to remember a few years prior.

>> No.13663978

I hope Towa plays League

>> No.13663980
Quoted by: >>13664083

I don't get what correlation he's trying to make between people posting Council and being an anti. There's literally 0 proof and he's just shitting up the board more than anyone. It's only compelling me to post Council.

>> No.13663981

Bets on Fubuki accidentally killing the shiny magikarp when she finds it?

>> No.13663983

alright who posted gore in the hololive global thread

>> No.13663984

Holos for this feel?

>> No.13663989

Aussie hours pls andastand

>> No.13663993


>> No.13663995

It’s also one sided as fuck, it’s pretty funny. Like, literally the only reason Caligula gets posted is to piss offthe Gurameschizos.

>> No.13663996
Quoted by: >>13664037

The JP girls saying "understand" is kind of a running joke for japanese speakers. One of the stock phrases you learn in English class is "I don't understand", and they know if you don't say "don't", it means the opposite. Their understanding of the word "understand" is completely based on "I don't know", not on "know". They're basically just saying "the opposite of I don't know!".

It's ironic, meta, and amusing to take the rote phrase eeeveryone knows from school and make it mean "understand" when it usually means "don't understand", and then use it to make someone think you understand when you don't.

>> No.13664000

It's SEAhours

>> No.13664006


>> No.13664007

What happened to the teaser songs that Kronii and Mumei showed on debut? still in works or was that just part of the debut ?

>> No.13664012
Quoted by: >>13664023

I am the last unityposter

>> No.13664022 [DELETED] 

Hey Reine.
No one gives a fuck about INdog holos you brown piece of shit

>> No.13664023

Fuck you faggot, I love all the girls as well.

>> No.13664025

Who do I blame for this? I will just blame Noel and Flare since they are the fucking gasyest people in Hololive.

>> No.13664027


>> No.13664029
Quoted by: >>13664058

>towa is actually playing league (almost)

>> No.13664030
Quoted by: >>13664073

I hope Sana’s plays as much Pokemon on stream as she damn well pleases.

>> No.13664035

Always a treat when some retard attempts to explain his take with pseudo science

>> No.13664037
Quoted by: >>13664371

damn the Japs are kinda autistic

>> No.13664041

I was completely fucking swamped with work for the last 36 hours I didn't realize the debuts were already starting what the fuck
Can somebody give me a QRD on la+?

>> No.13664044
Quoted by: >>13664109

Also mayonegg
Trip to Mexico
Accelerator being punched in the face
Literally forcing Miki to apologize on stage for not announcing index 3
A metric ton of shitty meme templates
Bread inflation porn
Tons more stuff had come from those threads, not to mention they have one of the best fan translators around and Bilibili is literally named after misaka. The Hangzhou Sparks logo is also a reference to her railgun.

>> No.13664048

Hey Reine
I want to have sex with you
That is all

>> No.13664049

still in the works i imagine, any corporate project lasts a lifetime with Cover

>> No.13664052

Moomer's is lost somewhere in development hell while she's busy with school.

>> No.13664053
Quoted by: >>13664083

I love council. What are you gonna do about it, schizo?

>> No.13664055
Quoted by: >>13664140

Peko seems interesting knowing stuff about her from the girls. Also found it odd they talked about how she doesn't really like being touched.

>> No.13664057
Quoted by: >>13664079

she was cute and the debut was only 30 minutes, go watch it right now

>> No.13664058

As if the endless APEX streams weren’t bad enough.

>> No.13664061

>Ctrl + f I love Towa
>0 results

>> No.13664063
Quoted by: >>13664090

Wait, the pink one is a coyote? Not a cat?
Has anyone posted /k/'s coyote fucking adventures?

>> No.13664073

but she finished?

>> No.13664079

Oh they're not an hour? Thanks for the heads up I'll get on it

>> No.13664083

lurk more newfag
call you out for shitting on Hololive

>> No.13664090

she's a shiba inu

>> No.13664091

>you will never be a buff tall intimidating father figure
>you will never take good care of your collection of oddball sweetheart sons
next con, i am gonna kidnap several anons from the inevitable hlgg meetup and make this fantasy come true

>> No.13664093
Quoted by: >>13664239

What do we think?

>> No.13664097

Tonight Lap will surpass Faufau and Bae in subs.

>> No.13664100

Unironically how did they get away with a prerecorded shill debut?

>> No.13664102

Dear Reine,
I want to rim your moist cloaca
love, anon

>> No.13664107
Quoted by: >>13664133

why does fubukin love gambling so much

>> No.13664108

I am a normal rat

>> No.13664109

>Trip to Mexico
Isn't that a fanfic about Misaka going to Mexico and getting knocked up, or am i thinking of something else?

>> No.13664112


>> No.13664116


>> No.13664117
Quoted by: >>13664190

>Ctrl + f ">Ctrl + f I love Towa "
>1 result

>> No.13664119

going to marry kiara brb

>> No.13664121

the closest thing to a normal schizo on /fit/ is the tamashi hiroikafag
but the board is still shit due to excessive /pol/fags and /r9k/ infestation

>> No.13664123

Cute demon cunny thoughts.

>> No.13664133

She didn't roll the gacha life.
The gacha life rolled her.

>> No.13664136

Not so fast you fuck

>> No.13664137 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13664274

Uhh, Council bros? we cant spam Images now? do we anti post now or later idk I logged out of my discord cant see the ping

>> No.13664140

I don't know why people act so surprised about Pekora doesn't like being touched. No one like being touched by people for no reason at all, unless you are a pervert who enjoy it

>> No.13664144

Not if I do it first, faggot.

>> No.13664150

This seems kinda fucking rude, doesn't it?

>> No.13664153

I love Kronii’s Gap Moe!
I love Bae’s drunken antics!
I love Sana’s contagious optimism!
I love Mumei’s surprises
I am indifferent to Fauna.

>> No.13664156


>> No.13664158

who posted this, you ask?
but of course, it was me

>> No.13664162

I seem to remember some guy from Europe spamming so bad that it caused captcha to be implemented, or something before we had captcha.

>> No.13664175

Too bad she's already my wife faggot, Till death do us part and she'll never die so we'll be together forever.

>> No.13664176
Quoted by: >>13664212

Cope KFP, she doesn't even want you kisses.

>> No.13664177

La+ will drop the whole kusogaki shit in a month, Shion will still be the top kusogaki

>> No.13664178


>> No.13664181

Prime cunny free of rrats
Girl with a confirmed current BF
Not surprised desu.

>> No.13664184
Quoted by: >>13664250

She's upset with the HoloX debuts just like everyone with a soul.
Prerecorded, backed up by billions in shill money. Of course the talent are upset about it.

>> No.13664183

a little bit skinship between friends is normal tho, Pekora makes it a big deal

>> No.13664190
Quoted by: >>13664243

Ummm okay stupid

>> No.13664197

Its Saten.

>> No.13664204

Showing who's the real queen around here.

>> No.13664203

Watch Council spammers post Holo dox next thread

>> No.13664212

lets see if she still hates kisses after im done with her.

>> No.13664214

Was that what sparked the “knocked up in Mexico” meme a few years back?

>> No.13664218

Watamates out here composing sonatas for for their oshi.

>> No.13664217

Most people don't mind being touched in a affectionate manor between friends, but Peko only let's what Marine and Miko really touch her?

>> No.13664223

go back in time to stop her from nuking council subs

>> No.13664226

It's normal, especially with her background as a hikki NEET
She don't like interacting with people unless she have to or feel like it

>> No.13664229
Quoted by: >>13664255


>> No.13664230

I still wonder if it was Pekora who Matsuri overstepped boundaries with and made uncomfortable. I don't recall ever getting told who Matsuri bothered just that she clearly bothered one of the holos.

>> No.13664233

Why is a single watamelon so fucking ominous

>> No.13664234

Holo for this feel?

>> No.13664237

catching up with Kiara VOD
>don't listen to Omega, it's Holux
god i love her

>> No.13664239

It's actually better than the original one

>> No.13664240

What the Roboco doing?

>> No.13664243
Quoted by: >>13664258

I'm not stupid, you are

>> No.13664245 [DELETED] 

Wait for the newest debut. Then we begin the anti posting.

>> No.13664248

Looking at Council's subs... didn't it take IRyS like less than a week to reach 500k subs? That's about the amount Kronii has right now. Youtube really fucked them over, huh.

>> No.13664250
Quoted by: >>13664267

>Cover pumps a fuck ton of money INTO Gen 6
>Meanwhile EN outfits are delayed to N unspecified date 4 months after being shown off
>Gura will more than likely still have covers worst Rigger

>> No.13664252


>> No.13664255

based stuffs

>> No.13664257

Face zoomins are such a cruel bait

>> No.13664258

No you lol XD

>> No.13664260

She's based af, is what she is. Doesn't shy from a challenge, doesn't try to suck up. Faces the challenge to her throne dead-on, I kneel.

>> No.13664262

Just like how shion will drop streaming in a month.

>> No.13664264

Based gaki.

>> No.13664267

Don't forget
>Sankisei concert

>> No.13664271


>> No.13664274 [DELETED] 

meant for >>13664137
Sorry I'm new to this website I thought I can ping him with @

>> No.13664275

Her best.

>> No.13664276

Pekora isn't normal anon. She's a hardcore socially broken shut in neet who never leaves her house.

>> No.13664277

It's just trying to boost views like putting a random small Gura in a thumbnail when she isn't even involved.

>> No.13664278

>put fubukis stream on earlier for background noise
>14k viewers when i did
>37k+ viewers now when i look again
japs... really love this autistic gamble shit dont they....

>> No.13664284
Quoted by: >>13664329

Haha no way

>> No.13664287

It was a series of sometimes traced images of various anime girls pregnant and commenting about their "trip to mexico" and how hot the latin men were, lots of talk about Mexican half breeds. Many years later the guy admitted to being a schizoid in a now lost thread on pregchan. Turns out he is a Mexican half breed and he had an identity crisis when he was young and made the images as a half ironic cope. He's still doing the whole pregnancy thing but he's stopped tracing and he's expanded to Chinese OCs and the general mesoamerica instead of just Mexico specifically. He's on DeviantArt
under the name enigmaticenvelope. You can see hes still kinda schizoid about the whole thing but now it's more fetish than bizzaro cope.

>> No.13664290

Marine talked about it a bit before. She kinda stopped Matsuri from touching Peko a lot. Might be someone else.

>> No.13664291
Quoted by: >>13664329

i know you are but what am i

>> No.13664293


>> No.13664294

People just like gambling, if those gambling twitch streams are anything to go by

>> No.13664295
Quoted by: >>13664333

What's Japanese for "This'll be the one, I just know it!"?

>> No.13664298

She leaves her house more often than Ame.

>> No.13664302

Still can't believe chester is gone

>> No.13664303

>VSJ had to apologize to nux.
man what the fuck, last i saw they had destroyed him, how the fuck did that happen

>> No.13664304
Quoted by: >>13664369

>Guy is spamming gore


>> No.13664310 [DELETED] 

Myth faggots think this place is their hugbox LMAO

>> No.13664314


>> No.13664315


>> No.13664321

Why the fuck everyone want to touch Pekora

>> No.13664322

How come she's ok when Marine does it then or is she lying about it?

>> No.13664326
Quoted by: >>13664377

What's the reference?

>> No.13664329
Quoted by: >>13664363

Both of you dummies should kiss XD

>> No.13664333

fiiringu obu kammingu insaido

>> No.13664337

Have you seen her tail? It’s fluffy as fuck.

>> No.13664338

you don't?

>> No.13664342


>> No.13664347

Matsuri said something about it, she is super shy and doesn't want to be touched. This makes you want to bully her and so it even more.

>> No.13664348

Roboco has shut down...

>> No.13664356

Chester Bennington was one of the greatest rock vocalists of all time and no amount of shitty memes about the band will change that. He was genuinely a fucking beast with his live performances and will be missed. I will gladly die on this hill.

>> No.13664363
Quoted by: >>13664380

Why are you being so silly anon LMAO

>> No.13664365
Quoted by: >>13664631

I genuinely like Heavy.

>> No.13664369

Lol the dude literally doesn't even try

>> No.13664371

why do you think 5ch is a fucking mirror despite neither of us understanding the other enough to crosspollinate? autism is what makes us and the japs alike

>> No.13664377

Mori talked about her experience at a golf camp during a clubhouse games 51 collab with Reine

>> No.13664380
Quoted by: >>13664403

Ummm no? Maybe you are lol XD

>> No.13664381


>> No.13664382

big ups, dude

>> No.13664385

I mean Matsuri is kind of notorious for that shit. Like I kinda feel she crosses the line a bit too much. She surprise french kissed Roboco, she did the same to some indie, she's groped like every member in Hololive to varying degrees, and she'll say very crass things to them.

>> No.13664394

Rushia won again!

>> No.13664395
Quoted by: >>13664425

Watame’s new room gives me ghibli vibes, bros.

>> No.13664403
Quoted by: >>13664476

NO WAY anon XD

>> No.13664404
Quoted by: >>13664443

She's going to get hard bullied by her senpai.

>> No.13664407

Matsuri seem like an...interesting individual

>> No.13664413

Fubuki's going to overlap Lui at this rate!

>> No.13664411

I don't know where to post this so I'll just ask here: how can I download a stream while it's happening? My favorite indie chuuba will do an unarchived karaoke in a bit and I want to record it so I can listen to it later.
I have youtube-dl if that helps. Please and thank you.

>> No.13664420
Quoted by: >>13664484

Yet she is afraid of Choco every since she grab her boobs and then Choco just randomly gave her a really deep kiss. She ran away crying and seems afraid of her now.

>> No.13664425

It's looks warm. Very fitting.

>> No.13664427
Quoted by: >>13664466

Are you guys drunk or something?

>> No.13664426

its snowing

>> No.13664428
Quoted by: >>13664484

Matsuri sure can dish it out, but she can’t take it.

>> No.13664432

I don't think Linkin park memes are really a thing anymore. Agree with everything you said though, dude had an amazing voice.

>> No.13664434

OBS is ok if you just want to record the stream and don't want to do anything else with you PC for a few hours

>> No.13664442

It's awfully suspicious that Gura got sick around the time that Laplus debuted...
She even stopped streaming the moment that JP6 was announced.
I wonder if she was asked to, so she wouldn't get in the way...

>> No.13664443

Imagine if all the top dog Holo banded together to fight the menace that is La+. They will "accidentally" overlapping every single of her stream
Now that is peak unity

>> No.13664445

She's casting over an amateur Siege tournament. The players and camerawork are definitely worse than regular pro league, and most of the content isn't interesting unless you're into Siege, but I've been watching most of it. It's on break currently, so I'll probably switch in a second. Towa is on tomorrow, and she's played Siege a lot so it should be better.

>> No.13664448


>> No.13664449

Streamlink is what I use for that

>> No.13664451

God Roboco is fucking cute

>> No.13664452

i don't see how this is in any way a controversial opinion
only retards and contrarians shit on Linkin Park, Meteora is one of the best modern rock albums

>> No.13664456


>> No.13664458

Big ups to Chester Crawlington, he's crawling in heaven now.

>> No.13664459

Chester and Mike are great lads

>> No.13664465

>food items styled after her original songs

>> No.13664464

I unironically liked ReAnimation.

>> No.13664466
Quoted by: >>13664504

I was. j*u

>> No.13664474


>> No.13664476
Quoted by: >>13664490

Uhh umm okay sure? (•__•)

>> No.13664484

If I remember correctly, Roboco actually went along with the kiss and started french kissing her back which made Matsuri freak out and get super flustered. Later due to drama caused over this, Roboco said she didn't mind. This was forever though so I'm going off massively old rrats.

>> No.13664490
Quoted by: >>13664534

Geez; just trust me anon, you won't regret it!!

>> No.13664494

Has anyone tried to catch a Feebas yet?

>> No.13664497
Quoted by: >>13664548

I use ytarchive for it myself, it picks up the entirety of the stream even if you're late to the stream when you start it.

>> No.13664504
Quoted by: >>13664555

How's that hangover

>> No.13664506
Quoted by: >>13664663

The girls just let is happen though. Only a few girls are protected like Marine tells her no when she tries touch Peko.

>> No.13664509

good night

>> No.13664512

>your oshi
>hags or cunny?

>> No.13664511


>> No.13664513

wasn't there also a similar story about haachama? rather than reciprocating Haachama kinda just let matsuri keep going until matsuri chickened out

>> No.13664520

JWU, how was Sora's Christmas stream?

>> No.13664521

good night bro

>> No.13664525 [DELETED] 


>> No.13664529

Good night anon, sweet dreams

>> No.13664534
Quoted by: >>13664592

You sound a bit sus there anon, sussy anon very sussy >__>

>> No.13664535

Yeah, turns out Matsuri’s pretty easy to stop, Lamy figured out that if she starts to approach her, she just starts asking “Oh, you want to kiss? You want to kiss?” And Matsuri immediately backs off.

>> No.13664537
Quoted by: >>13664793

Sounds about right, Roboco knows well enough that if she attacked back it would make her back off. That seems like best way to deal with her

>> No.13664545

>orisong piano medley

>> No.13664548

Second this

>> No.13664552

booba cunny

>> No.13664555

I don't notice them anymore, maybe I'm still drunk though, I only have sadness from missing the end of my oshi's stream.

>> No.13664556
Quoted by: >>13664588

>Your oshi
>Your oshit

>> No.13664565

Brush your teeth before you sleep, anon.

>> No.13664569

If anyone in hololive is scary it's Lamy. She is pretty fucking scary just the fact she for reason knows over peoples 3 sizes and sends then underwear

>> No.13664571

Roboco, get the fuck out of my oshi.

>> No.13664576


>> No.13664580

Hey, remember Gacha Anon?

>> No.13664587
Quoted by: >>13664601

Nice thread guys

>> No.13664588

I got Ninja'd twice in Halo Infinite today

>> No.13664589

I was gonna stream a game
Until I got high
I was gonna get up and find my phone
Then I got high

>> No.13664592
Quoted by: >>13664643

Gosh, you're stubborn anon! >__<

>> No.13664596
Quoted by: >>13664618

I still think it's hilarious that Kiara giving Matsuri a hug seemed to stop anything from happening. Just how glass canon can you possibly be?

>> No.13664597

yeah, i miss him

>> No.13664601

Thanks Anon, you're not half bad yourself

>> No.13664605

based PTP lover

>> No.13664606

Fubuki is starting to strain

>> No.13664607

Proabaly happened. Both Mel and Choco attacked her so hard she never tried anything on them again.

>> No.13664610

Stock remaining:0

>> No.13664613

>your oshi
>your first non-Lake of Rage Gyarados shiny

>> No.13664615

You know looking at the E4's teams, and i feel like only half of the 4 will give Mori a hard time, and that's a maybe.
>Bug - Murkrowmore and Jay-Zubat sweep, might have some issues with Drapion
>Ground - lots of bullshit, as it has a random Sudowoodo that's built to be an asshole, and a lot of them have moves to counter Mori's mons like rock moves for the flyers, and Sucker punch for Grim
"Fire" - GIB sweeps, and Mori can swap out to Grim for Drifblim, Lopunny, and the Infernape, with Focus Sash Infernape being the only threat if Grim is low

>> No.13664617


>> No.13664618
Quoted by: >>13664927

Matsuri got what she no doubt wanted: big ol’ Austrian titties in her face.

>> No.13664619

Remember cafeteria anon?

>> No.13664620

Man its been ages since thats happened

>> No.13664621

need more holo hags

>> No.13664622

I still have my collection... I never got a natural Risu roll...

>> No.13664630


>> No.13664631

Not him but same, the unexpectedness of the song's genre and essentially a more melodic version of castle of glass really hit hard

>> No.13664639
Quoted by: >>13664684

this is true
but i prefer minutes to midnight, mainly because of its theme of death and dying

>> No.13664641

>mayday mayday into zero no ashiato

>> No.13664643
Quoted by: >>13664691

You're kinda weird –__–

>> No.13664647

who are the top 3 most mentally ill ENs?

>> No.13664648

Jesas.. graduation when??

>> No.13664652
Quoted by: >>13664733

>bird prechat is 100% English speakers
time to finally admit that EN bros have taken over Hololive

>> No.13664653

The guy who did the holos in stock surveyposts?
Yeah where did he go I liked those.

>> No.13664658

>your oshi
>Your gacha collection (from gacha anon)

>> No.13664660

The first gacha anon used to include the homos. Since the last few posts about it haven't, the guy has probably been gone for 2-3 months

>> No.13664663
Quoted by: >>13664686

>The girls just let it happen
Not really. One of the girls went to management and complained about it. We don't know who, but Matsuri definitely bothered someone enough to complain. Matsuri got scolded for it afterwards.

>> No.13664667

Fattest of ups *doot*

>> No.13664671

your oshi
your oshi's oshi
and your oshi's oshi's oshi

>> No.13664675

Not me

>> No.13664677
Quoted by: >>13664687


>> No.13664684
Quoted by: >>13664774

Bleed it out is a fucking banger so I don't blame you

>> No.13664686

I’m surprised she even got scolded, considering how long it took them to do anything about Mel’s manager.

>> No.13664687

Keep edging till the thread dies.

>> No.13664691
Quoted by: >>13664717

You're funny anon, but you're the one posting here while Towa is streaming :)

>> No.13664694
Quoted by: >>13664806

A male espurr in Y was my first wild encounter shiny

>> No.13664695

Towa, Mori, Ame, Risu, Pekora and that's all I can remember I know I had more but not sure who and I think I had dupes of Mori

>> No.13664702

random hoothoot during either a Pt or an emerald nuzlocke
or a random gastrodon in Pt
i can't remember which came first, all i can remember is that i felt disappointed in both since they weren't muh edgemons

>> No.13664703


>> No.13664711

The only ones I remember where 2 nats Fubuki, an Ina, a Rushia, an Aki, and one traded Gura.

>> No.13664712

I remember getting iofi 3 times in a row...

>> No.13664715
Quoted by: >>13664768

Mori and Ame will mog her

>> No.13664717
Quoted by: >>13664781

Uhh ok? I'm watching her duh she's my oshi

>> No.13664720

It was better back then.

>> No.13664722

This makes me wonder. Has literally fucking everyone in hololive groped Noel boobs becuase it sure feels like it. Like even the girls who normally aren't into that want top touch her boobs.

>> No.13664725

Several watames and a special edition Ina

>> No.13664726

Speaking of Matsuri's sexual harassment
Wait until she meets Gura at the 3D studios in Japan

>> No.13664727


>> No.13664728

Not to mention the bullying she gives the homos

>> No.13664729


>> No.13664734

>cloudy sheep cheesecake has both watame and calli's colours

>> No.13664733

>bird has english in the description
I stopped when I got 3 Reine

>> No.13664738

she fears the Wamy

>> No.13664751
Quoted by: >>13664789

Pretty much, Noel said she’s used to girls groping her chest since it used to happen to her in college.

>> No.13664757

One of these days Matsuri is going to pull this and end up fucking one of the other chuubas. It's only a matter of time till one of them decides "yeah fuck it im horny anyways" and commits

>> No.13664759

Wingull in Emerald

>> No.13664768

kill yourself

>> No.13664772
Quoted by: >>13664799

So did Shion grope Marine or not? What's the consensus?

>> No.13664774
Quoted by: >>13664873

i still remember singing in pieces under the rain when walking home one day when i was 14/15
maybe im mori afterall...

>> No.13664777
Quoted by: >>13664816

I feel like out of everyone lamy would molest someone.

>> No.13664778

I got a special edition Kiara but I don't remember exactly what.

>> No.13664781
Quoted by: >>13664822

Oh okay, my bad anon you're totally devoted to your oshi. More people should be loyal to their Twap!

>> No.13664782

You gotta make the turns sharper, woman! I should know, during my driver's exam i didnt turn the wheel hard enough and almost went into oncoming traffic

>> No.13664789


>> No.13664793

Its actually funnier than that. IIRC Roboco later said she liked the kiss and during a stream with Matsuri after the fact Roboco started getting super flirty with Matsuri and referenced being down to fuck.

>> No.13664794

She's so cool.

>> No.13664799

Watch Shion's Holotalk episode if you really want to know

>> No.13664800

Literally me when I do a Drift Zone in Forza.

>> No.13664804

wouldnt you touch the K cup boobs of a woman that easily allows you, if youre a cute female co-worker

>> No.13664806

espurr is such a cool pokemon

>> No.13664807
Quoted by: >>13664864

mentally ill (bad)

Mentally ill (good)

>> No.13664809

Watame has turned me into a mug...

>> No.13664810

To be fair to Noel, she went to a women’s college.

>> No.13664816

100% to ina when she arrives in jp

>> No.13664822
Quoted by: >>13664881

Y-yeah I'm totally devoted to towa

>> No.13664824

>Your oshi
>What board did you come from?

>> No.13664825
Quoted by: >>13664849

Imagine getting called titty cow AND getting your boobs groped

>> No.13664827

Every fucking girl that meets Noel just goes "Holy shit look at those things, how are they real" Pretty much. It makes them want to touch them

>> No.13664829

Gotta commend fubuki, combining this gamble style farm stream with the hype of a new JP debuting in a bit over an hour so shes also picking those viewers up who are waiting. perfect numberfagging

>> No.13664835

Man, Gura, Ame and Ina are beyond screwed once they touch down in Japan, aren’t they?

>> No.13664845


>> No.13664847
Quoted by: >>13664866

I'm watching FBK and Towa. What went wrong with my life?

>> No.13664849
Quoted by: >>13664935

Flare does both of these things all of the time and get's to suck on them.

>> No.13664854

extremely fucked

>> No.13664855

Since girls seem to grope each other a lot, boys should grope each other's balls more often.

>> No.13664857

So did anyone manage to find la+'s BGM from yesterday? I only got the guy who worked with her on the intro as far as i understood

>> No.13664859

>i started as an underage summer /b/tard like 15 years ago but was mostly and /a/ and /vg/fag for several years before finding /jp/s /hlgg/ in late september last year

>> No.13664864

Mentally ill (neutral)

>> No.13664865

there's fishing in this LoL rpg!

>> No.13664866

>Watching Towa
Jesus, you’ve got problems…

>> No.13664867

I want to see what happens if Matsuri tries to molest someone like Mori.

>> No.13664869

Go to bed Ame

>> No.13664873
Quoted by: >>13664914

I was singing breaking the habit while stocking shelves at work today man, I forgot how much fun it actually is to sing desu
But I thought I was mori...

>> No.13664875

>your oshi
>What's the first pair of breasts you've ever touched?

>> No.13664881
Quoted by: >>13664943


>> No.13664880

Lamy is super dangerous to pull this shit on. She's constantly drinking. That girl might just decide she's tired of Matsuri's teasing and fuck her on the spot forcefully.

>> No.13664887

I lurked many boards but was mostly on /jp/ and found this place when there weren't any Clownpiece threads

>> No.13664893


>> No.13664909

Akai Haato
Sakura Miko
Murasaki Shion
Nakiri Ayame
Uruha Rushia
Omaru Polka
Ninomae Ina’nis x2
Kureiji Ollie
Pavolia Reine

>> No.13664911

/jp/ for /hlg/ but /vg/ for muh vidya

>> No.13664914

shut up i have the pink polo

>> No.13664915
Quoted by: >>13665008

/u/. I barely go there nowadays. I also go on /tv/ time to time, usually when a movie I watched releases.

>> No.13664916

Sakamata Chloe
My brother's gf's boobs

>> No.13664923

Mori and Gura should give each other brojobs.

>> No.13664927

>big ol’ Austrian titties

>> No.13664931

I consider my homeboard to be /qst/

>> No.13664932

It's actually more common than you think
>Was in the US army for 5 years

>> No.13664933
Quoted by: >>13665008


>> No.13664935
Quoted by: >>13664975

She doesnt do it in a
>jesus look at those fat tits, how do you walk around? Is this some kind of genetic defect? Our boobs arent nearly the size of our fucking heads. Lemme touch them because i dont believe they're real
She does it in a
>mmmmm, let me touch those big, squishy milk jugs. I've been thirsty all day and only they can satiate me. C'mere
Do you see the difference?

>> No.13664936

My mom's when i was a baby, aside from that, i pinched a fat dude's nipple

>> No.13664937


>> No.13664943
Quoted by: >>13664982


>> No.13664950
Quoted by: >>13665008

/fit/ness dick in yo mouf

>> No.13664953

My then gf

>> No.13664956
Quoted by: >>13665056


>> No.13664960

Gura and Ame especially are yeah. Roboco has the hots for Ame something fierce as do a lot of other chuubas. Gura is loved by all of HoloJP and Matsuri especially wants a piece of that. Not to mention of what Mori said earlier was true and Gura is actually tiny as fuck IRL then good lord. I hope she's smart enough to handle Matsuri properly or it could go bad fast.

>> No.13664962

Flare new song cover in 10 minutes

>> No.13664963

I slept through yet another mumei stream.

>> No.13664965


>> No.13664966

Ina might as well take it and run. From what other say Lamy is super pretty, with long pretty hair and a hourglass figure. Just take your win Ina.

>> No.13664971

/his/ and /int/

>> No.13664972

Is Fubuki having a SAN break?

>> No.13664975

Which is pretty funny, because Flare’s into Lolis.

>> No.13664982
Quoted by: >>13664999

Is there something you want to share witht he rest of the thread anon?

>> No.13664984


>> No.13664991
Quoted by: >>13665164

Anon what the fuck

>> No.13664995
Quoted by: >>13665034

shouldn't every anon's objective answer to this be their mother's?
and if it isn't then thats actually sad

>> No.13664999
Quoted by: >>13665024

No, nothing shut up

>> No.13665008
Quoted by: >>13665036

these all seem pretty fitting to me

>> No.13665011

This is my trajectory through the years:
/b/ > /v/ > /co/ > /a/ > /sci/ > /v/ > /fit/ > /vg/ > /jp/ > /vt/

>> No.13665017
Quoted by: >>13665039


>> No.13665016

Retail coworkers and have never since.

>> No.13665019

She said she's into cute things and she think Noel is very cute. Kinda worked out for Noel to find someone that wasn't interested in her body and more her.

>> No.13665021

What do we make of Shion releasing a cover of this song before Laplus does?
True brat

>> No.13665024
Quoted by: >>13665092

You know that watching another holo besides your oshi is ok, right anon? After all, you still think of Towa as number 1, right?

>> No.13665025

Towa seems like the type of girl that would enjoy League, she should stream it !

>> No.13665030

You can be into both

>> No.13665032

My sister's

>> No.13665034

Not everyone was breastfed. This world is beyond fucked up. We have destroyed the natural order.

>> No.13665036

just because my oshi is a twink doesn't mean im gay

>> No.13665039
Quoted by: >>13665060

you fucking weirdo

>> No.13665040
Quoted by: >>13665164


>> No.13665041

Some girl kept flaunting them in High School so I said fuck it and grabbed them I only got detention as a reprimand but it was worth it

>> No.13665046

shut the fuck up

>> No.13665052

Can't wait for debut week to be over and this thread to never bring up holooks again. They'll be lucky to have gen5 popularity (the most talked about JP gen here)

>> No.13665056


>> No.13665057

my cousin's

>> No.13665060

listen man, I like what I like
I'm a proper, functioning adult in every other way

>> No.13665061

I was about to make a joke going laputa? More like, la puta madre, but then i remembered that the new girl was actually called laplus

>> No.13665064

I hope we get a LoL arc someday, and that it ends up coincidencing with Riot getting Blizz'd fot maximum awkwardness.

>> No.13665066
Quoted by: >>13665099

You know what feature I would like to be added to YT right now? a preventive notification system for video premieres
I would like a notification for the wait room when it's made, like
>La+ will premiere a video (time)
I guess they can make comunity posts like they do and membered ones pop up notifications but it would be a nice adition

>> No.13665068

I mean, nobody speaks Japanese here, what do you expect?

>> No.13665070

>(the most talked about JP gen here)
That's Gen3 probably

>> No.13665077

she's gotta fight for the Ojiisans now

>> No.13665078

Laplus? More like Laplussy!

>> No.13665079


>> No.13665089

Shion is based.

>> No.13665090

had a gf in highschool
shes now my wife

>> No.13665091


>> No.13665092
Quoted by: >>13665148

>After all, you still think of Towa as number 1, right?
Umm I uhh... I want out of this conversation

>> No.13665099

I would appreciate a way to blacklist Channels I absolutely do not want to see pop up in my recommendations.

>> No.13665100

Ame invented that joke

>> No.13665111

A bit on /v/, /tg/ and /a/ but mostly /k/

>> No.13665115
Quoted by: >>13665133

Based wifebeat

>> No.13665117
Quoted by: >>13665155

Are you the one whose wife was cuddling with your mori daki?

>> No.13665120

Name me 5 gay holo's, you fucking can't

>> No.13665121

Anon, that was just Ame's joke from her watchalong coming back to your mind.
You still remember Ame, right?

>> No.13665123
Quoted by: >>13665142

hey deadbeats, guess what?

>> No.13665126
Quoted by: >>13665155

does she snuggle with the mori daki?

>> No.13665127

Neighbor's daughter's when we were 9

>> No.13665129

new girl needs to know her place

>> No.13665131


>> No.13665133


>> No.13665142
Quoted by: >>13665180


>> No.13665144

Towa please play League

>> No.13665148
Quoted by: >>13665182

Anon... You're not getting away from Towa. Accept your fate

>> No.13665150

Watame cute

>> No.13665154

Click the three dots, click don't recommend this channel.
Doesn't that do it?

>> No.13665155


>> No.13665159
Quoted by: >>13665187

Why do you EOPs need to assume everyone is like you? Holy shit, for someone who CAN'T do something you are way too arrogant. I'm going to keep watching them if i like them, do there really need to be 10 posts every thread about "hehe you fucks are not even going to watch JP6"? Goddamn.

>> No.13665160
Quoted by: >>13665193

festival will fuck anything
shien acts sus a lot
also me

>> No.13665163

I am fucking convinced Lamy is a fucking lesbo at this point.

>> No.13665164

>Going shopping for gifts for brother
>She wanted to take me cause I'd have a better idea of what he would want
>Walking behind her sort of
>Trip randomly while walking
>Instinctively reach out to grab something and mutter fuck or something while falling
>Bro's GF turns around from hearing me panic
>Hands land on her boobs
I felt guilty as fuck for a couple of days after. Apparently she ended up telling my bro too and he got really suspicious of me for a while after and thought I was going after her. Shit was horrible, I wish I just ate shit instead.

>> No.13665165

Watame is being cute.

>> No.13665169

Not for long.

>> No.13665170

>your oshi
>listen to this again will you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAjjObwlTG0

>> No.13665174


>> No.13665176
Quoted by: >>13665230

Listening to Mio makes me happy

>> No.13665179

you can kind-off do that by flagging it as "Do not recomend channel" but it would be great if we had a way to manage it better, like an actual list of banned channels, because after doing it I don't think there's a way to un-do it
maybe there's some secret config option in the studio but I haven't checked that

>> No.13665180
Quoted by: >>13665226

chicken butt

>> No.13665182
Quoted by: >>13665246

Lol that's funny, I've already escaped from Towa's grasp. What can she ever do to pull me back in and take me away from my current oshi?

>> No.13665187
Quoted by: >>13665229

Ooh truth stings don't it?

>> No.13665189

Anya's Phony cover was meh

>> No.13665190

Matsuri needs rape correction. End of story.

>> No.13665193

fuck off astella you homo

>> No.13665194

>there are legit romcom protagonists posting among us
I kneel.

>> No.13665198

She’s probably into that.

>> No.13665201

anon those moments in anime are meant to be laughed at, not recreated...

>> No.13665203


>> No.13665204


>> No.13665206 [DELETED] 

Maybe for a couple of days.

>> No.13665215

Fubuki's losing it...

>> No.13665219

What she needs is a punch in the gut and to be committed to a mental ward.

>> No.13665222


>> No.13665223
Quoted by: >>13665251

She has been both raped by Choco and Mel, this hasn't stopped her. It only made her afraid of Choco and Mel.

>> No.13665226


>> No.13665227

specifically /alter/

>> No.13665229


>> No.13665230

She should graduate so she can spend all her time looking after her super cool pets

>> No.13665231

I was molested by my mother's friend after she got drunk at her wedding.

>> No.13665235

I only came to this website to jack off, so /d/, /h/, /e/, /s/, /aco/ and /b/ rarely, that lasted for 8 years. I was on /fit/ and /s/ exclusively before that, until 2012, /fit/ was pretty new then I think. Before /fit/ was made or before I noticed it, I tended to rarely visit /b/ once a week or two at most

>> No.13665238

Flare's got her Vampire cover happening now


>> No.13665246
Quoted by: >>13665310

She doesn't have to do anything. When Towa is your oshi, you'll love her. When she's not anymore, you'll hate her. Regardless of what happens, she's the girl you'll be thinking about the most, hence she's your number 1 girl

>> No.13665248

A friend gave me a faceful of her titties, they were massive

>> No.13665251
Quoted by: >>13665280

They didn't go far enough

>> No.13665258

>wake up
>check mumei vod that i slept 1 hours into
>5 hour stream
Mumei i love you, but you're bringing me down...

>> No.13665259

/vg/ /haniho/

>> No.13665261


>> No.13665262
Quoted by: >>13665386


>> No.13665263
Quoted by: >>13665386

Go Flare go

>> No.13665264


>> No.13665268
Quoted by: >>13665309

>watch a random astel clip
>he praises overseas niki and shits on the japanese
will he become an american if he keeps doing this?

>> No.13665273

Is Rushia actually getting better at Smash or are the Fandead letting her win?

>> No.13665274

I could've sworn she already had one. I guess not.

>> No.13665280

Well she ran away crying according to them, so they couldn't go harder.

>> No.13665287
Quoted by: >>13665333


>> No.13665289


>> No.13665290

now THIS is a good Vampire cover

>> No.13665291


>> No.13665294

/vp/ used to be into competitive before switching hobbies last year

>> No.13665297

>Flare will never suck you off
Why live

>> No.13665303


>> No.13665306

/vg/ and /ck/

>> No.13665307

This is one of the better vampire covers

>> No.13665308

/mu/ from 2010 to around 2016, then exclusively /vg/ for some games.

>> No.13665309

It's a trade. Anya for Astel.
Anya has already become Japanese.
We're just waiting for Astel to become American.

>> No.13665310
Quoted by: >>13665350

Simply untrue, towa barely takes up any space in my head now, my current oshi is dominating my mind and holding my thoughts hostage, she lives rent free inside my head 24/7. I don't even think about Towa if she's not streaming I'm sorry but it's not just the same

>> No.13665311

God I love it when chumbuds post the wrong thing and I get to enter their profile into my database.

>> No.13665312


>> No.13665314

They are letting her win or are very bad.

>> No.13665318

/k/ and /int/

>> No.13665319

Holy cute Roboco sneezes

>> No.13665323

god I wish that was me

>> No.13665326

I think it's just Sora's pretty easy to use, she got her ass kicked when she switched to Ridley for a couple matches

>> No.13665333

La Sanguijuela...

>> No.13665334

I know you see a lot of molesters being men on the news, but I hear about that sort of shit way too much about middle-aged women.

>> No.13665339

2/10, gore too low-res

>> No.13665338

You just need to find Noel and steal her skin I guess

>> No.13665345

If I joined holostars, and met Festival, would she grab at my dick or my ass? I need to know where i'd put the taser.

>> No.13665350
Quoted by: >>13665379

Which is why you've been spending 20 minutes talking about her here? Denying it won't do you any good anon

>> No.13665349

That’s cause no one wants to admit they were molested by a middle-aged woman.

>> No.13665354
Quoted by: >>13665391

Thoughts of cutting up Susan. Don't worry I'll only take 35% of her limbs and vital organs, just like she did to Council.

And this graph is just zeroing that those periods where Susan made cuts. It's unlikely that you gained 0 subs while Susan cut 50,000 during your fastest growing period. It's more likely you gained 100,000 subs and Susan cut 150,000, but that's hard to extrapolate. This puts an absolute minimum bound on Council's real subs.

>> No.13665355
Quoted by: >>13665369

Kiara still has the cutest way of pronouncing VampaYA

>> No.13665357
Quoted by: >>13665402

Rate the cover?

>> No.13665362

They know they can get away with it

>> No.13665364


>> No.13665369


>> No.13665379
Quoted by: >>13665421

Ahem you're wrong I've actually been talking about Towa for 3 hours now but that doesn't mean she's my number 1

>> No.13665383


>> No.13665384

I hope kakage is a devoted papa like Pako is

>> No.13665385


>> No.13665386

Go where?

>> No.13665388

good ol hololive global general/10

>> No.13665391
Quoted by: >>13665458

Damn calm down number bro. I mean, the girls are still doing fine view- and money-wise, right?

>> No.13665390

My then-gf slipped on the ice and I manage to catch her by the boobies, they're so fucking soft bros...

>> No.13665392

>Your oshi
>whats on your left?

>> No.13665399

>Ame touches down in Japan
>Roboco immediately takes her to a nearby love hotel for a night of tribbing, french kissing and fingering

>> No.13665402

Much better than i expected/10

>> No.13665405

If she lucks out Marine will protect her from Matsuri. She seems to go full mother protect with the shy small girls.

>> No.13665407

I guess you could say she's lapping them

>> No.13665410

I miss Ina

>> No.13665413

A train track

>> No.13665415
Quoted by: >>13665444

My dick

>> No.13665419

Microphone, Astolfo figure, Tarot Deck and a Zaku II gunpla model

>> No.13665420

>a bottle of milk

>> No.13665421
Quoted by: >>13665445

See? She's the one you're talking and thinking about the most

>> No.13665422

>All this time of being memed as the papa of nobody
>finally be a papa and just stop talking about holo
Would be funny

>> No.13665425

So Mori is into lolis too but they have to be "so small"? She likes <139 cunnies?

>> No.13665424

i would rather suck on her knife ears

>> No.13665426

roberto.....stop hanging around noripro...

>> No.13665427

wow a mel ollie collab?

>> No.13665428

A broken radiator

>> No.13665429

Towa needs better tastes. League of Legends wannabe JRPG? Endless APEX Legends streams and tourneys? You’d think someone who wastes as much time as she does playing would have more than one tourney win under her belt.

>> No.13665432

He will considering his last daughter got unbirth

>> No.13665436

Steve Rogers

>> No.13665438

A jar of change and tissues

>> No.13665437
Quoted by: >>13665451

My tumbler

>> No.13665442

Unironically Gura would be safest with Marine. She should cling to her for dear life.

>> No.13665444

Based detachable dick poster

>> No.13665443

by giant monster anal dildo

>> No.13665445
Quoted by: >>13665465

No, even now I'm still thinking about my current oshi the most and not Towa, that's just how much I love my oshi is~

>> No.13665446

/b/ /vg/ /pol/

>> No.13665448

some wall mounting magnets and the Whey i need to finish i'm fucking tired of the vanilla ice cream flavor.

>> No.13665449

A black man running saying "on your left"

>> No.13665451

Why are you in the laundry room?

>> No.13665454
Quoted by: >>13665480

almost 1500 posts wtf

>> No.13665458

They're doing fine but they were still punished for nothing. They may as well have had a significant portion of all the income they will ever make as holos taken from them just because youtube couldn't invest the resources into this to know they weren't being botted

>> No.13665460

A blue wall

>> No.13665465
Quoted by: >>13665479

Then why aren't you posting about your new oshi?

>> No.13665468

a bookshelf

>> No.13665469

bag of mints

>> No.13665474

Cardboard to cover the window's glare.

>> No.13665480


>> No.13665479

Because she's not streaming? Duh

>> No.13665485

wait a minute?! pink hair and a bird is she is a TAKAMORi child?!

>> No.13665483

Holy shit that face Kanata, that is scary, add some pupils already.

>> No.13665486

Chiara rabu
