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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.40 MB, 2481x3508, __selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_betabeet__ca1945533d86a24ce4d26c1668f276e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12571742 No.12571742 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction, eh?
Previous thread:>>12491898

>> No.12571760
File: 601 KB, 900x900, __selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_yuno_p2eocene__c5e73165e21c3c89414502f16b711083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12571802
File: 2.00 MB, 1052x911, 1631442151055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story like you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.12572375 [DELETED] 

>Selen edition


>> No.12572475
File: 81 KB, 707x1131, selen_stretch_by_day_tan_deoi8tr-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selen edition



>> No.12572852
File: 856 KB, 2569x4096, FDcbeFYaUAARrf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12573492

Marathon sex with my friend except with Watame!

>> No.12572952
File: 67 KB, 659x421, Moona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12621018

Ever since Moona's little brother found out his oshi was actually his big sis, life hadn't been the same. At first, he was disgusted. He had jerked off dozens of times to her streams, having orgasms unlike any others only by listening to her voice. But after a while, that disgust washed away and he began to think those thoughts again. Soon enough, Moona caught him in her room jerking off while in her bed, listening to her VODS. She decided to punish him by milking his tiny cock so many times he wouldn't even dare to think about her sexually anymore. Of course, she realized it backfired once she heard a knock on her door at 2AM...

Emotionless or annoyed handjobs/blowjobs please

>> No.12573492

Goddamn look at that belly button. Fuck. Goddamn what an erotic sheep.

>> No.12576880

>Finally a selen thread
>It’s dead as fuck
Knew it, still wanted to believe.

>> No.12577144

Anon, assuming you aren't a major newfag, you must be quite retarded.

>> No.12577264
File: 100 KB, 625x626, 1624376415415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...i..i know it's bait, but aaaahhhh.......*heavy breathing*.....aahhh

>> No.12577298

Nobody here likes Nijisanji, that’s why. They’re waiting for the thread to die to make a new one.

>> No.12580066

I wish I was gonna finish my Selen fic in time for it to be posted this thread, but I sincerely doubt it.

>> No.12586988

Getting trapped in a deadlock between all the holos that have some kind of dominion over death or souls. You try to escape by any means but one of them always brings you back. Mori ensures that you're near impossible to kill already, even if you do die Rushia is there to revive you. You could try selling your soul but that would only end up with Ina getting it and then giving it back to you. And finally the Council being fucking gods adds even more shit into the mix.

>> No.12587867

Gods, I hate ERP faggotry.

>> No.12588083
Quoted by: >>12588204

I am certain you are falseflagging to get them to post in this thread.

>> No.12588204
Quoted by: >>12588448

No, they should fuck off

>> No.12588448
Quoted by: >>12588522

They're not in this thread! The old one is past bump limit nobody cares what happens then.

>> No.12588522

As long as they use the old thread for that shit is fine for me.

>> No.12589619
Quoted by: >>12589805

selen tongues my anus

>> No.12589805
File: 134 KB, 458x444, 1636076259732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BWAHAHAHA chu mean?! That's-HAHAAHHA so gross

>> No.12590208

If you could get one fic that's better than anything in the archives currently, what would it be about?

>> No.12590384

The one where you don't ask such retarded question.

>> No.12590501
File: 2.17 MB, 1281x1920, 1633323453085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12622033

It'd be a Fubuki story for sure. You knew it was coming, fags, and I'm NOT sorry.


>> No.12590516
File: 493 KB, 2480x3508, BotanTricycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Committing Warcrimes in eastern Europe with Botan and dabbing on western media when confronted with your crimes.

>> No.12590586

one that expains in detail what you were trying to say here

>> No.12590787

Actually don't answer this

>> No.12591674

How many stories feature OCs in the story as side characters? Doing some stuff I'm slightly nervous about committing hard to.

>> No.12591815

So long as you don't count some random thugs that appear to be beat up in fics, there's only one, or maybe two if that guy put up his fic again. OC's are... not a good idea, unless you want to spark another shitposting crusade

>> No.12591940
Quoted by: >>12592121

I'm not against OC's in fics. Just include some chuubas or make the OC related to the chuuba at least.

>> No.12592121

Without spoilers they're mostly there as a means to convey some information on the setting before waving (You) and your (chuuba) companion off. I tried to give them a little personality in the process, but I sort of realized after the fact how violent some people can be when it comes to needing to read words not spoken by you or a vtuber.

>> No.12592362

That should be fine, as long as you establish that the chuuba is already there

>> No.12592920
Quoted by: >>12593942

>but I sort of realized after the fact how violent some people can be when it comes to needing to read words not spoken by you or a vtuber.

are they really the kind of people you want to give attention to, though? or any thought at all?

i pay zero attention to irrational or unconstructive critique. if they assert with backing evidence, i reject without backing evidence

>> No.12593942
Quoted by: >>12594905

Y'know, that's a good point. Maybe I'm worried about nothing. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.12594480

How does the thread feel about erotica involving watersports?

>> No.12594549

There's been a few before. Go for it.

>> No.12594571

People will read it. They'll think you're a disgusting fucking degenerate, but some people will read it.

>> No.12594606

there's not enough of it.

>> No.12594772

i think we have several matsuri pissfics

>> No.12594905

If you're talking about the Miyuki fics then they're back, author decided to republish them after a consensus that, even though there're problems with it, it still deserves its place in the archive and that it would be a shame if it went away. Not sure what other fics you're talking about since I don't recall any other... violent reactions to OCs since then

As long as there's a reason for them being there then it's fine. Just make sure the inclusion of them actively adds something to the story or characterization or that it doesn't detract from the focus of the chuubas or (You) then go for it.

>> No.12595921
Quoted by: >>12596080

Well, I'm sorry to that one anon for basically copying his JOI style, but it seems like it's what works best. I didn't even think about it but I need to pick out some good Risu screencaps for this to work too. The fact that I can't describe her actions or go out of character to say that for example she changed her voice to Ayunda is a tough barrier to break. It's pure personality, quite the challenge. But so far so good...

>> No.12596080
Quoted by: >>12596439

There was criticism for that Ina one at the time, but I forget what it was primarily. It was something about the lack of more art leading to some of it being a little bit a turn off when it was focusing on the same image. As long as you diversify it should be okay.

>> No.12596439
Quoted by: >>12596589

Yes anon, I'm the JOI cockmaster. I was the one who made that criticism and it's why I was wanting to make a JOI myself. To put myself in his shoes and see if I can actually pull it off. I don't remember everything that I said but I know to drag it out with enough images to go with it.

>> No.12596589
Quoted by: >>12596860

I had a feeling because I remember they posted a Watame image with it. It was valid criticism, for what it's worth. I'm interested to see how you do. A good image to use would be that Risu ass one with the panties posted last thread.

>> No.12596860

I'm wondering if I should actually use fanart instead of just her model, it seems a bit cheap. Images are already a bit taboo in here... Not to mention if I don't pick really well it could break the immersion. It would probably mean I would have to do some editing here and there, lotsa work. Unfortunately Risu doesn't even have a goddamn nude version of her model to help me out here, and the number of lewds she has is like less than 50.

>> No.12598311

So do I, but the silver lining is that it was past bump limit

>> No.12598491

I just got a good idea I think give me a chuuba you want taken down a peg. One you find insufferably smug and haughty and needs to be taught a lesson in humility. I'm thinking Suisei but I'm open to other suggestions

>> No.12598531
Quoted by: >>12599220


>> No.12598558

As long as they're not a main character and not the focus of the story (aside from (You)) then I say knock yourself out.

>> No.12598579
Quoted by: >>12599220


>> No.12598612

I mean... Shion, Pekora, Anya, Reine, Matsuri, Haachama are the main ones. Don't think Suisei really counts but if you convinced yourself that it does then I won't ever be able to change your mind.

>> No.12598647


>> No.12599044

Suisei. She’s the type to look down on everyone just because she’s an idol. She needs to be taught a lesson.

>> No.12599220

I think I can do more with Ayame regarding the latest rrats. Sit tight. I'll have something here shortly.

>> No.12599327

Ayame and Pekora. Ayame because rrats and Pekora because dom loss is hot.

>> No.12599358


>> No.12599399
Quoted by: >>12599656

Most boring option

>> No.12599656
Quoted by: >>12599746

You're boring.

>> No.12599746
Quoted by: >>12599828

Your mom is boring

>> No.12599828
Quoted by: >>12599905

Yours isn't, she's fun to fuck

>> No.12599905
Quoted by: >>12599959

Necrophilia isn’t cool, anon.

>> No.12599959
Quoted by: >>12600262

You're right, it's hot as fuck

>> No.12600262
Quoted by: >>12600411

Then write a necrophilia fic, faggot.

>> No.12600411
Quoted by: >>12600519

Only if you write a fic about Ayame abuse

>> No.12600479
File: 229 KB, 1536x2048, 1636162725318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12600519
Quoted by: >>12600615

Necrophilia first

>> No.12600615
File: 36 KB, 330x370, 1457096555244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12600657

No u

>> No.12600650

How the hell have Ayame rrats made like 3 fics at this point?
And why the hell hasn't there been a good Miko raping Pekora fic yet?

>> No.12600657

It’s opposite day

>> No.12600699

No one writes rape here, even as a joke.

>> No.12600708
File: 65 KB, 1080x689, 1632161835804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12600997


>> No.12600785
Quoted by: >>12604548

The fuck is lies come to light if not rape? Even if it's not the focus.

>> No.12600823

Plenty of people write rape, it's just the chuuba raping (You)

>> No.12600902

That reminds me, didn’t the Fubuki rape guy say he was gonna try again? How’s that going?

>> No.12600997
Quoted by: >>12601131

>And why the hell hasn't there been a good Miko raping Pekora fic yet?
Either have patience or fuck off, don't try to force this shit.

>> No.12601131
File: 415 KB, 480x238, you12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12601185
Quoted by: >>12601361

Didn't he back down because of the guaranteed negative response?

>> No.12601361
Quoted by: >>12601447

Why would there be a guaranteed negative reaction? I’m pretty sure this thread can handle some classic Fubuki rape based off the positive response to the shit fic.

>> No.12601447

Must be misremembering that thread then

>> No.12601486
Quoted by: >>12601735

Who is this enigmatic Fubuki rape guy?

>> No.12601735
Quoted by: >>12601782

Someone who was writing a Fubuki rape fic a while back but dropped it since he felt bad.

>> No.12601782

Since he felt bad? The one who dropped the WIP start in the archive but pulled it later, yeah? I think that was incestanon.

>> No.12602755
Quoted by: >>12602842

I like that the Selen bestiality story was made with actual proper knowledge of how a dragon would fuck someone. It's almost as if they experienced it before. Good nut, Selenanon!

>> No.12602842
Quoted by: >>12602947

i really like it too. he did a great job with it.

>> No.12602947

That story is a dog whistle of sorts, let's leave it at that.

>> No.12603173
Quoted by: >>12603236

i have no idea what you're referring to here and it makes me somewhat worried

>> No.12603236
Quoted by: >>12603373

For fucks sakes, just drop it already.

>> No.12603256

>dog whistle
Oh nyo

>> No.12603373

oooooooookay, i'll chalk you down as a retard and move on

>> No.12604548

Lies comes to light is more of a ryona fic than a rape fic.
Like I think there's two ideas when it comes to a rape fic, the 'realistic' and the 'fantasy'.
Despite all the blood and violence the Matsuri ryona fic is still very much on the fantastic end since it's very much running on a rape fantastical fantasy.
While I think that anon that's always asking for a 'rape' fic wants it to be a realistic rape fantasy ala that one taken down fubuki wip with the stalking and planning of the rape.

>> No.12606009
File: 51 KB, 512x336, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tags: ryona, Ayame, Suisei, Korone, Noel, Flare, suicide

>> No.12606672
File: 378 KB, 2048x1928, 20211105_210630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting some kind of lewd escalation of this interaction

>> No.12609914
Quoted by: >>12611566

Honestly this feels really rushed, and kind of lacking in like a lot of areas save for like the dialogue being the thing that lets it at least convey its central point. I feel like this needs a bit more words in the description, action and in general.
Also a suicide ending feels like a cheap way to end drama especially with how it's executed. I think the need for more also extends to making it work either in making it more shocking or in foreshadowing how the humiliation fucked up ayame's mind.

>> No.12611566
Quoted by: >>12611964

I don't want to sound like a dick for saying it, but I'll have to respectfully disagree with most of what you said. I think you were expecting a bit more than what was intended. It's supposed to be short, sweet and too the point without a lot of fat on it.

The only thing I will concede is that the suicide thing was a bit cheap. Again, not trying to come off as a dick or be argumentative, but I think you were expecting way more than what I was going for. This story wasn't meant to be very deep. It's smut without the sex basically.

>> No.12611964
Quoted by: >>12612037

I think a few lines saying like
"After a few months, we just heard that Ayame committed suicide due to the emotional damage" or something would've done it. I think not being a deep story isn't an excuse for such an unsatisfying conclusion

>> No.12612037

Right. I agreed with you on that point. It was a bit of an anti-climax looking back on it. You were right on that criticism.

>> No.12612382
Quoted by: >>12612808


>> No.12612808
Quoted by: >>12613153

the story's already been written. >>12606009

>> No.12613153
Quoted by: >>12613396

Don't care, that bitch deserves her own chapter.

>> No.12613396


>> No.12613483
Quoted by: >>12613523

Fucking Kiara who's too busy sobbing about her antis to really put any effort into sex, so you force her to pay attention to you by choking her out. Her pussy clamps down on you instantly as it's revealed she has a manhandling fetish. Brutal sex ensues as you're determined to get that bird brained bitch's mind off of things by showing her you're all the brutality she needs.

>> No.12613523
Quoted by: >>12613905

This but the Anon is also a Kiara Anti.

>> No.12613905

Kiara anti meets up with Kiara and acts like a nice guy and makes her fall for him. They eventually date and that's when the anti rapes Kiara and traps her in an abusive relationship.

>> No.12615053
File: 1.40 MB, 220x239, hololive-minato-aqua.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) dating your oshi and meeting your oshi's parents.

>> No.12615055

>Pg. 10
What the fuck

>> No.12615064

Since this is the Selen edition can we get a fan sequel to the pregnant Selen series that actually does the fluffy ending.

>> No.12615083

A lot of bait threads 2nite

>> No.12615110
Quoted by: >>12615155

Sports fes. just ended and autists are mad. What do you expect?

>> No.12615155
Quoted by: >>12615331

did something happen?

>> No.12615331

Well they tied and for some strange reason the schizos on /vt/ are furious and arguing about who won or who lost.
>Your team got pity points!!11!!
>But yours got some earlier too!!1!!!
Will never understand why people get so competitive over something fun.

>> No.12615350
Quoted by: >>12615476

>Well they tied

>> No.12615411

>they played a game

>> No.12615443

Most of it is just shitposters (I hope).

>> No.12615476

If it was rigged they wouldn't have changed the last game's points to 11, they would've just made it so both teams were going to end up equal by the end with the original rules from the start. Or maybe that point change at the end was a last minute rig. Who knows? Who cares? Cute anime girls are having fun playing minecraft, that's the only thing I know for real.

>> No.12615502


>> No.12615504

what about the possibility of blood shed

>> No.12615509


>> No.12616659
File: 386 KB, 1400x1526, 1636198114956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12616937

Your threadly motivation delivery, applied directly to the face.

>> No.12616937

...And in other news, a local man was brutally attacked by an unknown assailant who, police say, 'delivered a flying kick to the jaw' before fleeing. Anon Mous, age *bzzz* was walking home from a trip from the convenience store when, according to bystanders, a "mysterious woman in a bizarre outfit with bunny ears" appeared from a nearby alley and delivered the nearly fatal blow, yelling at him to "stay motivated". The kick dislocated Mr. Mous' jaw and nearly broke his neck. Paramedics quickly arrived on the scene in an ambulance after responding to a 911 call when Mr. Mous fell to the ground and hit his head on the pavement in the process. Though concussed, Mr. Mous is expected to make a full recovery. WGPD encourages anyone who knows who the unknown assailant might be to submit any information they can. In other news, the Fubuki riots rage on into their third week, with seemingly neither side willing to back down...

>> No.12617024
File: 198 KB, 385x364, 1635729575720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to know more about the fubuki riots.

>> No.12617150

>Grainy footage of one man yelling 'TOO MUCH FUBUKI' as another man shouts back 'NEVER ENOUGH FUBUKI' opposite him plays before the voiceover begins.
The Fubuki riots continue! Despite repeated intervention from the WGPD, neither of the seemingly tireless gangs refuses to leave until the other side admits defeat!
>It's ridiculous. These guys have been blocking traffic down by Weirdfag Acres since fuckin' early October. They've fought a few times in the past, sure. Even put bets on 'em. But this? I've got a job to get to! How am I supposed to provide for my pregnant wife?! You know how much dragons eat?!
Gangmembers have taken to setting up tents and sending members for supplies during different times of the day. Withstanding pepper spray, torrential rainfall, and even an appearance from Fubuki herself begging both sides to stop being so disruptive, it looks like we'll be reporting on this story until who-knows-when.

>> No.12617295
Quoted by: >>12617498

>How am I supposed to provide for my pregnant wife?! You know how much dragons eat?!
nobody tell him

>> No.12617440

kek, this was pretty funny. Good job anon

>> No.12617460
Quoted by: >>12617699

Thanks for the news report brother, but what's the weather forecast looking like? What's in store for WG City?

>> No.12617498

Oh god the Selen Anon delusionally eternally thinking that Selen is alive and pregnant sounds fucking tragic.

>> No.12617699

>Meteorologist Water Sportsman points to a precipitation chart; mostly yellow. For some reason, he licks his lips...a little enthusiastically, his gaze lingering on the cloud path displayed for a little too long.
Nothin' but rain this week, folks. Seems Hurricane SportsFes will brush by us, but expect high winds and heavy rainfall until Wednesday, where it'll gradually begin to peter out. Sunny skies should return just in time for the championship boxing match between defending seven time Champion Inugami Korone and challenger "Little" Himemori Luna this Sunday at the Ryonadome. I don't know about you, Charlotte, but I'm DEFINITELY gonna be there!
Alright, that's enough. That was a fun distraction from HF stuff but I should probably go to bed. Keep the thread alive in the meantime since we're apparently fucking nosediving through the pages.

>> No.12617907

You’re doing the world a service Anon

>> No.12618078
Quoted by: >>12619042

>Sadistic Korone Boxing Luna to Death

>> No.12619042

One of these days I'll write a retelling of ashita no joe with korone

>> No.12620584
Quoted by: >>12620744

Holy shit they weren't lying when they said the board today was zooming.

>> No.12620744

i dunno about that. it's just a bump every hour as opposed to every 1.5

>> No.12621018

This but seductive rooted in curiosity rather than love or lust, ie platonic

>> No.12622033


>> No.12622071
File: 163 KB, 1500x1125, 1630639630919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

injecting this thread with much needed Selen fluff. I don't care if she's dead, I still want to share plenty of moments with her, because I love her.


Tags: Selen, SFW, Fluff

>> No.12622101

Kek. I absolutely adore the prank idea as petty revenge. It seems like something innocent though, and whilst Ayame's response might be fitting as the stereotypical drama queen, it does clash hard with what is essentially some hazing. I felt like it accelerated from funny comeuppance to 100 immediately.

With that being said, I'm only offering criticism in order to show appreciation. If you're happy with it, then I am too. Thanks for the read, anon!

I'd honestly really like to see a more lighthearted remake. The prank they use reminds me of a classic hazing, where you and the boys get a shy mate drunk, have him try to pick up a date, and capture the conversation on video to show him the next day.

>> No.12622162

Fuck it. If no one else is going to say it, I will: KRONII.

I wanna fuck this rat.

>> No.12622219

disappointed at the lack of eighteen-wheelers

>> No.12623640

Lazy bump before I go to sleep.

>> No.12625266
File: 565 KB, 1076x1076, 1628041018008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12625630

3/10 haiku anon. You matched the syllable structure but it isn't inspired by nature or an observation of the world around you, instead its just a mediocre fact. If you want to impress m-I MEAN Selen, you'll have to try better.

>> No.12625671


>> No.12625687

>anon will never post "he will never marry selen"

>> No.12625717
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 7551645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he will never marry selen

>> No.12626037
File: 516 KB, 1805x2257, 3rd_Gen_Combat_Mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene corruption but it's the entirety of Gen 3

>> No.12626787

I'm feeling sick, so no better time to write some fluff than now.

Which chuuba do you want and do you want to be taking care of her while sick or the reverse?

>> No.12626851
File: 163 KB, 1200x1200, 1633520395789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.12626887

Taking care of you while your sick i would say

For the chuuba, i don't care who

>> No.12626935

Suisei taking of you

>> No.12626952


>> No.12627206
File: 228 KB, 574x317, ApplicationFrameHost_St4FdRdQC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking care of Korone after she injuries her leg/foot/knee again because of how klutzy she is.

Catching her when she falls because she can't put weight down, but is too embarrassed/anxious about not moving or resting!

Paying lots of attention to her so she doesn't get lonely because she can't stream, exercise or see her friends!

Assisting with her therapy so it heals faster! Give her leg lots of kisses to make it feel better, much to her embarrassment!

Princess carry Korone from the car to the bed instead of using a wheelchair or crutches, just to see her blush!


>> No.12627243
Quoted by: >>12633933

Kanata or Towa taking care of you

>> No.12627350

Taking care of Pekora

>> No.12627748
File: 391 KB, 1279x633, 1627815076930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My time has come

Lord forgive me for i am about to sin

Imagine marrying Selen Tatsuki and she tells you she wants a kid and that she'll be fine and she'll keep her gaming reps up while pregnant. When she finally gets two lines on her pregnancy test she'll jump and full body hug you crying about how happy she is after trying so hard. Everything is going great for a few months, Selen is glowing and her gamer activities are working out and her belly is quite small on her fridge body. Now imagine in a few months Selen has to stop her intense gaming because her feet hurt and her legs aren't used to holding up her new weight. Her belly extends almost a full foot in front of her and she's gained nearly 15 kilos. Imagine the look on Selen's face when her doctor tells her that she should take a break on her apex reps for a while because she's carrying triplets and the excessive toxicity is doing more harm than good. Imagine Selen reluctantly smiling at you and promising to stop pwning n00bs for now for the sake of preparing to take care of three kids at once. Imagine as the weeks go by and her womb fills up more and as her appetite and weight increase with it. Imagine finding your 7 month pregnant wife Selen Tatsuki raiding the fridge in the dark at 4:00 AM with a guilty look on her face when you find her, like a puppy and that gnawed holes into your pillow. Imagine Towering above her while she sits on the floor nervously wiping ice cream drips off of her massive belly and mumbling about how the kids made her do it. Imagine helping Selen up and princess carrying her back to bed and having her ask if she can lie on top of you because you're warm. Imagine Sniffing her hair as she lies facing upwards on top of your torso and guides your hands around her like a scarf. Imagine rubbing Selen's hard sensitive nipples and having her complain about how you might get milk everywhere and how she needs to save it for the kids. Imagine teasing Selen about how her breasts are too small to feed three kids and how she'll need to start saving it up early, leading to her not milking herself for weeks and accidentally turning her tiny supple breasts into overfilled perky veiny perky lumps that spurt succulent cream at the slightest touch. Imagine Selen being proud of her breast growth despite it being painful and unhealthy and imagine the look on her face when the doctor says she should just start milking herself and how her husband (you) would probably be willing to help. Imagine spending hours with Selen's now plump squishy body resting on your lap while you suck the milk out of her tits. Imagine the extra weight from her pregnancy making it difficult to walk for her and turning her partially immobile during the last month. Imagine Selen tryharding motherly charms like learning to cook and decorating the baby room and lactating. Imagine your comments having made her self concious about her milk production so she starts tryharding supplements and massages to increase her yield to nearly a quart of milk per day. Selen's competitiveness would overpower her small amount of reasoning and have her end up a dairy soaked mess for weeks because of her overstimulated mammaries. Imagine holding her cool dragon hand while she's in the maternity ward giving birth and in her half dazed state right after pushing out three beautiful children she says "my new gahaheheaamers aeeehahheheh" and she falls asleep and you wrap all your children in yellow blankets cause they're legendary and they fall asleep in her arms while you sit next to her and poke her flabby stomach.

>> No.12627785
File: 304 KB, 1771x2521, 1635872454360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12628042

God i want to make love and cuddle her so bad /vt/

I want to ask her out on a date to go on the beach and make out by the water

I want to propose to her. I want to see tears of joy running down her face as I'm down on one knee. I want to see the love in her eyes light up even more. For all her achievements mean everything to me

I want to live a happy life with her and we can no longer live without each other for the rest of our lives. All the while we would have kids and a house together.

No other chuuba has made my heart itch so much and ignited my love

I cannot be the only one.

>> No.12627807

Then one day while you’re driving with Selen and your unborn child you get hit by a truck and she fucking dies

>> No.12627823
File: 725 KB, 1839x2599, 1634001017857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12628042

I really fucking love Selen. Everything about her makes me dream for a reality where I live next door to her as a kid and we become best friends. Imagine waking up as this girl's still up playing old games, and having to carry her back to bed since she's too tired to walk there. Imagine her laughing and teasing you until you stay with her and sleep half the day away. I want to hear those loud giggles first thing in the morning. Imagine her dorky whines and laughs as she wants your attention and imagine sitting next to her in your room while you teach her how to play a video game. Selen is so cute, dorky, and lovable. She would definitely be the kind of girl you could scoop up in your arms and tease when you've had enough of her own teasing. I love her too much for words to properly convey, and if you haven't realized just how amazing having her in your life would be, I pity you. The reason she races dragons is because she isn't one, she's an angel. I LOVE THIS GIRL TOO MUCH FOR MY HEART AND SOUL TO HANDLE. I LOVE SELEN

>> No.12627852
File: 1.05 MB, 2100x3000, 1630956994919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12628042

Imagine being friends with Selen in highschool and your parents make you go to Prom together because "you both get along so well and you need to stop playing so many videogames anyways" even though I DON'T LIKE HER THAT WAY MOM LEAVE ME ALONE and then you show up in an uncomfortable suit at her house just wishing you could both play Battlefield 2: Modern Combat on PS2 online together instead but when you get to the front door Selen opens the door and is dressed in a really girly dress that she and her parents picked out and it looks really good on her and makes you blush and you feel for the first time in your life that you may have a crush on a girl except Selen doesn't act any different she is just too confident to be embarrassed looking so girly so she greets you like normal and you both get in the car together with you being self-conscious the whole time because this really pretty girl just acts super close to you the whole time and throughout the night you just can't stop thinking about Selen and how much you like Selen and how pretty she is and even how she smells feminine and oh my god i think I love Selen but the entire time Selen just makes fun of you as she always does even poking fun at how you're acting weird tonight and you just can't get her out of your head so at the end of the night you decide to just straight up ask her to be your girlfriend which you do but it's really awkward and you don't seem cool at all and she just laughs at you about it so you think you're getting rejected but then at the last second she says sure and that she's surprised you even had the balls to ask her out so then you date Selen and kiss her and fuck her and get married and have kids and live a happy life together and nothing ever goes wrong forever with you with Selen and you're with Selen who is cool and you like a lot.

>> No.12627888
File: 456 KB, 1080x898, 1626672430553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would literally never stop trying to impregnate Selen Tatsuki. Every day I would wake her up by coming in her and every night I would cum in her right before going to sleep, which I would do with my dick stuck inside her. I would take some viagra before bed just to maintain my erection so that she'll be ready in the morning when I thrust into her like an animal and slather her in kisses. Part of our wedding vows would have as many children as physically possible. I wouldn't even care if she's already pregnant, I'll fuck her while she's pregnant and she'll get double pregnant. Every single one of her remaining eggs will be put to maximum possible use, she will become the most optimized woman in history. I'll fill her with so much cum every day that she'll look pregnant even when she isn't (which she'll never be after we're married)I would do everything in my power to make Selen Tatsuki as fertile as possible. I'd give her fertility drugs, I'd give her uterus massages, breast massages, I wouldn't let her go 12 hours without at least one spastic orgasm. I'll help her develop recipes suited to her nutritional needs specifically to increase the chances of healthy multiples. When she wakes up every morning I'll rub my fingers along her underbelly and just the stimulation will be enough to bring back so many memories of my pampering her that she'll start drooling and edging on the spot. I'll even bake her home made lactation inducing biscuits in the shape of bubble waffles to help her get to a point of hyperlactation syndrome so that she'll be seeping out multiple quarts of sweet cream per day. Which I will save and drink just so that I can tell her how delicious it is. Selen will literally become addicted to being pregnant with just how much love I'll shower her with. Every day I will treat her like a breeding queen and she won't ever not want a couple babies in her womb so that she can just laze around and be pampered by me. I'll make her so fertile that triplets will be the minimum number she's carrying at any given time. Her natural belly shape will be a fucking sphere but her breasts won't grow at all. Sometimes she'll even get some sudden cravings that result in her belly bloating up just a little bit more. Maybe the baby kicks can even jostle her stuffed stomach and make cute grumbling sounds that I can rest my head on her belly to listen to. I will wake up in the middle of the night to my cute wife Selen's stomach grumbling due to her weird cravings based diet and kicking children in her womb and I will instinctually move to rub her beautiful round belly and kiss her on the back of the neck which she will undoubtable cackly about with that hyper-erotic tone that sounds equal part nervous about being a mother of three and excited about taking care of our kids and getting to be pregnant again after she gives birth. I would literally never stop doting on her, I would respond to her every beck and call and I would cum inside her again each time she asks for something. Every day would be a non-stop stream of kisses and hugs and creampies and epic wins. Selen will be the happiest girl in the world and ever year we will set a new world record for the highest number of children a couple has ever had. She would be so pregnant all the time that she would literally not be able to stand up straight anymore even after menopause. Her spine would be permanently bent out of shape to accommodate a pregnant belly. Even after she can't get pregnant anymore I would just keep putting more eggs into her. I would clone her purely so that I can put fresh eggs from the clone inside her after she runs out of them. If she doesn't have any eggs I will synthesize them from her DNA. She would have so much progesterone running through her veins at any given time that even the thought of not being pregnant would seem alien to her.

>> No.12627943
File: 1.85 MB, 1613x2822, 1633091557693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12628042

>You will never get to experience life by having Selen as your wife
>all those bento boxes she made for you to eat at work
>all those nights you spent together playing shooters
>her constant bullying and laughing when you die before her
>her constant whining for you to drink more water and have a good posture while gaming
>being with her in her nostalgic attacks, hearing Daft Punk and watching Megas XLR
>hearing her blessed laugh when you start discussing with his father because of the console wars
>being pulled by her hand for you to enter in the comic shop and buy Transformer merch
>being with her in bed while doing a Madoka marathon
>arrive at your house on your birthday, so that she receives you with a cake that she made herself
>a life with your Selen

>> No.12627971
File: 315 KB, 971x907, 1631170539098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12628042

God I want to impregnate a chubby fridge body dragon so fucking badly imagine how cute and round her belly would be compared to her rectangle frame it would be so contrasting and hot and it would make her big right womb look even bigger and tighter and with every pregnancy her body would slowly change shape and after enough time her curveless frame would morph into a complete fertility idol and everyone who made fun of her for having the bodyshape of a barrel will have to eat their own words and my dust because my previously fridge wife will be so fucking hourglass and curvy and ready at any time to almost effortlessly nuture and birth another dozen of my children all the other women will be absolutely seething with rage over hot utterly astoundingly fecund she will be

>> No.12628042
File: 201 KB, 977x2047, 1635984842950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchoring all these


>> No.12629357
Quoted by: >>12633779

Those Selen copypastas make me want to see her get hit by a Truck again.

>> No.12629432

>non-horny op
/wg/ reclining

>> No.12630032
File: 1.10 MB, 1340x654, hololive fauna gosling 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12633096

Taking care of a sickly Fubuki.

The reverse would also be greatly appreciated.

>> No.12633779
File: 46 KB, 700x1000, 27569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12634281

>hey settle down ok

>> No.12633933

Seconding this.

>> No.12634281


>> No.12634542
Quoted by: >>12634646

Checked and this is incredibly hot. Thank you, anon.

>> No.12634646
Quoted by: >>12635105

It’s a copypasta he just inserted Selen’s name into

>> No.12635105
Quoted by: >>12635770

So... plagiarism?

>> No.12635770
Quoted by: >>12636299

Stole it from a guy who just inserted Selen's name in another copypasta apparently
So i plagiarized something that was already plagiarized

>> No.12636299

Then why did that retard anchor it? Plagiarism doesn't make it into the archive

>> No.12638081
File: 492 KB, 600x696, 1632718710794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12638536

>Then why did that retard anchor it
Anon......im that retard

>Plagiarism doesn't make it into the archive
This story did
stole it from another thread and posted it here and last time i checked it was in the archive

I also dont care if it these short stories go in the archive or not i was just being a schizo, i had these saved and posted them since it's Selen edition

>> No.12638281

I'd want AZKi to take care of me because her food looks fucking amazing.

I'd take care of Ollie because if i fuck it up and make it worse, she's already dead, right?

>> No.12638363
Quoted by: >>12638536

Also I'm pretty sure copypastas get in either way since I'm pretty sure that impregnating Kanata one is still on there.

>> No.12638536

I'm assuming you are saying that story is plagiarism because it wasn't the owner who posted it here, not because it was actually plagiarism. Cross posting is absolutely fine. If it IS actually plagiarism, two wrongs don't make a right and AA will take care of it if you provide evidence of it being so.
Copypastas sure. If you created the copypasta yourself, it's not plagiarism. Now, if you took someone else's copypasta and changed it into yours, that's plagiarism.

>> No.12638625


>> No.12638680
Quoted by: >>12638846


>> No.12638809

Anon are you familiar with the concept of a copypasta?
Cause it seems like you aren't.
Changing the words around is literally the point.

>> No.12638846
Quoted by: >>12639384

I'm assuming you mean something akin to the pepperoni copypasta (except original, not just a transcript), and not just an anon changing some words from the Navy seal copypasta for example to make it Vtuber themed.

>> No.12639384
Quoted by: >>12639548

Anon you do realize that the Kanata one isn't actually an original copypasta right?

>> No.12639548
Quoted by: >>12640047

I don't fucking know I haven't read it and your argument really just comes down to "I can do it because someone else did it." I'm not gonna read every claim of plagiarism you throw out, I'm just giving my opinion bro. It's up to AA to figure that shit out.

>> No.12639806

Is the Gura vaporeon copypasta in the archive? That one is pretty funny

>> No.12640047
Quoted by: >>12642530

No my argument is based on the archive's previous archiving of a copypasta, now I'm sure you can see it as a someone else did a copypasta vtuber thing but the important part is that it got archived, which gives other copypastas basis to also get archived.

>> No.12641735
File: 1023 KB, 783x952, 1635371891179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking cooming

>> No.12642091

Helltaker but with Hololive girls. tags : fluff, ryona, noncon, reverserape, violence sex, vainilla sex

>> No.12642135

we need more

>> No.12642383

For the sake of humanity, I'm making my own Risu live2D nude edits for the JOI... with the power of science! And editing...

It doesn't look bad but I can't do a full nude, that would look terrible unfortunately.

>> No.12642530

Copypastas are so impossible to trace back to the source that it feels like anything relating to potential plagiarism claims is just impossible to pin. The ones that were archived were either cross-links or just dumped here with no indication. I know "I would literally never stop" has been archived, but I'd need to doublecheck the others. Maybe make a copypasta tag since shitpost isn't enough?

>> No.12643149

Holy based.

>> No.12643593

jesus that was hot

>> No.12643677

Godspeed you horny bastard.

>> No.12644652


>> No.12645516
File: 34 KB, 338x527, 1626948281022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12645650

Found some greentexts

>> No.12648876
File: 522 KB, 1448x2048, 1627853743959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12649623


>> No.12650322
Quoted by: >>12650594

>This is what turned Polka into a lonely menhera
Bros...is this really right...?

>> No.12650594

If I don't do it, someone else will. Why would I cuck myself out of feeling how tight her small cunny is while she tries to claw me away? Hmm I'd love to suck on her prepubescent breasts, pinching them while I slowly train her pussy with my fingers to get ready for my cock. Giving Polka her first orgasm, then proceeding to fuck the shit out of her small cunny. The trauma leads her to the circus life and you get your oshi as she is. You'll be thanking me later.

>> No.12650684
File: 391 KB, 472x439, 1631748961901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12650758
File: 71 KB, 247x248, 1624370474815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12651262
File: 8 KB, 266x262, 1630446769499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12651309

A series about going back in time to traumatize your oshi so she turns out to be how you know her.

>> No.12651337
File: 770 KB, 670x686, 1636218530547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12651654
File: 55 KB, 775x915, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12651785

I'd hate to find out what happened to Aqua for her to turn into the autistic social recluse that she is now.

>> No.12652041

I'd honestly really like to see a time travel fic here that has an unexpected surprise involving time travel. Something like a chuuba having an item precious to her that she's always had, and it turns out that you went back in time to give her that when she was a kid. Or maybe something like meeting an old person in the present, then going back in time and meeting someone else and finding out at the end that the person you met in the past WAS the old person.
I've always been a sucker for time travel stories, especially the little things like these in them.

>> No.12652100

Anon I'm sorry to say but... you can't give someone autism..... they're just born that way....

>> No.12652543

Going back in time to pose as a doctor and give Aqua the vaccine that gives her autism.

>> No.12652697
Quoted by: >>12652965

Where the fuck is this from? I can’t tell if it’s voice actors or editing either way it’s amazing

>> No.12652965
File: 180 KB, 850x1511, IRySSmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12653147

It's just edited together voice clips. But, that's just how IRyS speaks for the most part.

>> No.12653075

A coomer savant put this together. I respect that.

>> No.12653147

Ah ok that makes sense. Not going to lie, for the first 40 or so seconds I thought it might be a leaked discord call or something. Realized my mistake once the sex started though.
Absolutely phenomenal editing though

>> No.12653362
Quoted by: >>12653488

Anon, you fucked it up. It's supposed to be "chuuba loses a precious item in the future because you gave it to her in the past", though Idk if Paradoxes work wrll kn writing.

>> No.12653488

Yeah, that works too. Honestly anything with time travel is a fun read/watch.

>> No.12653618

One time travel thingy I saw and will never forget because of how awesome it was was the end of back to the future 2 where Doc disappears into the past, but the moment he does Marty receives a letter that Doc made really far into the past. So for Marty he got the letter straight away but the letter had actually been there for so long and Doc knew where it was supposed to go and FUCK. That shit was awesome.

>> No.12654414
File: 121 KB, 281x281, 1635805705938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supremely based

>> No.12656767
Quoted by: >>12657246

What do you guys think about adding OC's only for them to be killed off by the chuubas?

>> No.12657246

I don't know why you wouldn't just kill off a chuuba you aren't using for the story but as long as there isn't too much focus on them and they aren't one of the main characters I think it's fine.

>> No.12657376

Convincing Aqua that you need to check for any lumps in her breasts with your penis!

>> No.12657630
File: 202 KB, 850x981, __usada_pekora_and_don_chan_hololive_drawn_by_ememo__sample-3c295441ec660dc800e126de38f63ca2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rejecting Pekoras confession!

>> No.12657723

>No Pekora, I won't lie before the human rights tribunal and say you didn't do it. I still remember the burning faces of those children.

>> No.12657911
Quoted by: >>12672134

Refuting Pekora's confession at Pekoburg!
Taking the fall for The Night of Crystal Grass!
Watching her cry as they drag you away!
Reuniting in Argentina after twenty years!

>> No.12658145
File: 129 KB, 838x794, 1629455153736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, here it is as promised. A fulyl vanilla Risu member's only JOI stream. It was pretty complicated to make it, I ended up spending a lot of time picking the images to use here, trying to diversify each part and all that. This was mainly a challenge due to it being purely a story that relies on her personality, but enough rambling, here you go.


Tags: Risu, NSFW, JOI

I think I got her personality well at the start but later on it went a bit downhill as I got more and more into the cake of it.. well, I'll let you be the judge of that. I didn't do any edging or whatever because in writing those pauses are a bit awkward. I ended up spending more of my time editing those nude images than writing... I thought I couldn't do a full nude but I was (partially wrong). Just please ignore the slightly broken tail on some of them.

>> No.12658295

Damn, I respect the effort. Might save this for later.

>> No.12658426
Quoted by: >>12658616

I'll kill you for that anon

>> No.12658616
Quoted by: >>12659470

Pekora you can't kill people just because they reject you

>> No.12658661
File: 3.79 MB, 2480x3580, 1617115282715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had several different ideas for what a final chapter could've been and none of them were very good, either because they provided no resolution, or because they were unironically more of the same. I probably should've just ended with the previous chapter, but I thought I had more and I just... didn't. If you felt that wasn't a very inspired ending, that's because I thought so too.

>> No.12659470
File: 3.96 MB, 8376x3624, 1625806881697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12660795

She'd kill for a heck of a lot less

>> No.12660282
Quoted by: >>12660575

>Cum hard with some Anon whore
>Go to shower
>Come back
>See this
>End up reading it
>Cum again
>Fall asleep
Fuck you my shirt is ruined/10
I like the personality. I feel like you captured her really well. The nude stuff is definitely a bonus turn on because of the way it's done in the style of her avatar.

>> No.12660575
Quoted by: >>12660615

> anon whore
There's another one?

>> No.12660615
Quoted by: >>12660657

This site is full of whores if you know where to look, Anon

>> No.12660657

I'd like to meet my competition, if you will. Can you show me the way?

>> No.12660678

Try /cgl/

>> No.12660682

/trash/'s Vtuber slutposting. There's a few who get really, really into it if the mood strikes them.

>> No.12660795

>that letter at the end

>> No.12660828
File: 369 KB, 528x528, Selen Gosling2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx you anon...

>> No.12661078

Had a dream last night. Came up with the best story for Myth ever imagined, but I can't put it into lengthy and elaborate words. Also, a newfag in this thread.

Ame is a young 7 year old american kid that stumbled onto a garage sale. She went looking for things, and saw an old broken watch. The person selling those stuff is a caretaker of an old elderly woman living in the house. The elderly person wanted to sell all her belongings before moving to somewhere else. She bought the watch because it was cool and ran off to her house. She hit two pedestrians, and she was quite sorry about not looking in front. The two pedestrians laughed it off and pat her head because she was cute.

On her way to her home, the broken watch started moving backwards. The space around her was warped, and she was suddenly running in an unfamiliar road. She went looking around and saw a sign that says "Baker street, London". Realizing that she was in a far away place, she started crying and a passing gentleman took notice of her and took her home. She explained her circumstances, but the person doesn't understand it. Anyway, she had no place to go or live, so the person took her in and the name of the person was Dr. John H Watson.

10 years passed, she was given the name Amelia watson from the Dr. and that she was a prodigy in solving the most impossible tasks/mysteries under holmes and watson's guidance. One day, she took off on her own because she wants to see the world and bid farewell to her guardians. She was fond of supernatural stories because she was a victim of it too and wishes to return home after years of being in London.

She took a ship to go to the American continent to see if her home was there. Suddenly, a storm struck the ship and it sunk. Everyone drifted away, dead except for Amelia. A sea creature (dolpin/whale) took notice of her. It swam for days bringing her to a place hidden from the world, the sunken city of atlantis. Of course, the guards of the city took notice and was about to kill her until the chief noticed something from Amelia. they sent her to the palace where she meets the king. The king meets her, surprised to see something was on her body. It was a crest of the Atlantean royalty given to those under their protection. The king called every royalty in the city to come and confess because it was taboo to give the crest to a human after hiding for thousands of centuries. This is the part where she met Gura.

>> No.12661093

(Haven't elaborate on the parts below, but it's shortened)

Fast forward in time, Ina was free and roam the world where she met with Gura and Watson after a few years. They met with Mori and Kiara after another life-threatening adventure that ends up with them befriending the two.


It was all fine and dandy. Until the ancient one inside of Ina partially awoken.


The myths had to battle Ina but they can't because the ancient one was too strong already. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFt3snZ0gE8


Ina trapped Mori and Kiara. Killed Gura in front of watson. Watson was barely able to escape due to the years of studying the watch. Watson didn't escape entirely though, she met with Kronii. Bargained with her. Kronii agreed to fix the watch in exchange for a performance. How she could defeat the ancient being on her own. She agreed.


Millions of deaths and countless travels in every timelines later, she realized that she couldn't save Ina, Gura and her friends. She remembered the story Ina gave to her and Gura during a night under the sky. She was talking how she was trapped in a realm hidden from every living being in this universe. So she set out to find that place.


It was difficult. The journey to find that realm was truly difficult but she had the help of the king of the sea, the queen of the underworld and the immortal phoenix that governs the sky. At the end of the long road, she found a door. But the door can only be opened if she had a key from the temple itself. She cried because all the things she had done was pointless, but suddenly, the door opened. She didn't know what made it open but nevertheless she went in, and saw young ina there almost touching the book. She stopped her hand in time and took her outside herself.


She finally saved her friends and the denizens of the world from the impending doom of the ancient one but it exhausted her greatly. Kronii and the other beings (Council) that messed with her clapped on the wonderful performance.

>> No.12661101

Sounds cool except there should be a sex scene with 7 year old Ame.

>> No.12661112


Years passed, Ina learned how to control the realm perfectly and officially became the priestess or sole caretaker of the temple and realm. Gura became the Queen of the sea. Watson also retired and lived humbly in her hometown. She had aged considerably and when it was almost at the end of her life, She decided to do a garage sale before going somewhere else. On the window overlooking outside at her garage sale, she saw a young blonde girl rummaging through her stuff and picked up a broken watch. She smiled and a tear fell off from her face before saying, "That's a long journey ahead of you, good luck. That small juice in the watch is for you." She had long realized that she went back in time on the mission to save the world.

The two ladies that bumped into young ame earlier in the story was Gura and Ina visiting Ame. They saw the young girl holding the watch and realized who she was after glancing at her face. They pat her, giving the small Ame, the crest and protection of the atlantean family and the crest of the Ancient guardians. (The reason why Ame was able to befriend the sea creatures and open the door to Ina's secret realm). They smiled as they wave the small ame running away.


The myths decided to gather around together as they want to see Amelia's final passing. Mori mentioned her death date to all the other members so they know when to expect her death. It was held at a cliff overlooking the sea with a big tree standing proudly there. After bidding their farewells, Ame drew her last breath under the tree and passed away. Her body was buried under the tree with her grave. The place would be forever remembered by all the friends that she had met on her journeys to save the world. The myths was glad to had befriend the greatest detective in the world. They left. No one knew why Ame had chosen this place as her burial place when it's far better being buried in Ina's realm or Gura's city.


Seasons passed and one day, someone dropped in front of the grave from the sky. It was Amelia. She looked at the grave, Eyes wide at the name, she laughed uncontrollably. She shouted, "Pretty fucking funny, Kronii. I'll fucking reap your hair off from your head." Then, jumped off from the cliff to go to another place. End.

*P.S: I'm an ESL

>> No.12661164

Side story:

At this time, Ina also had a story of her own. Basing from the scenes in this animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElFQVkOAAnU and Ina's song. Ina was hidden in a realm far separated from the universe. She was a priestess and also a human to safeguard an ancient being living in a book. She was alone in that realm, she didn't know her parents or friends other than the elder of the temple. The elder of the temple told Ina to never approach the book at all costs and then left her. She was alone in that realm with no one to talk to for years. One day the book suddenly talked to her in her mind, became friendly to her while also becoming empathic. She realize that it was all a trick but after that, she thought it'd be better to leave the realm but she doesn't know how to do that. After a while, she gave up, surrendered to the book, asking for her to leave the place she's trap in in exchange for her body. The book warned her that there'll be a day she would lose control of her body forever, but it was a price she's willing to take. Of course, it left out the part where she'll used her body to destroy everything.

>> No.12661166
Quoted by: >>12661216

Hell of a series outline.

>> No.12661216

Super unpolished honestly, but it could make a good book. I'm just thinking of the beginning and end. The middle part of the story is too big since I haven't added council, mori, kiara and other Holo members into the story especially hachaama. It all comes down to, "A million deaths/tries later".

>> No.12661535


>> No.12662866
Quoted by: >>12678218

are you ever going to make more

>> No.12664474
File: 603 KB, 3260x2160, 1632274769279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Morning /wg/ ~

>> No.12664750

Good night.

>> No.12665786
Quoted by: >>12678218

Incredibly hot. Especially with those risu edits.
Ironically the fact that you got her personality right at the start was actually fucking with me, since I could imagine hearing her say it in her accent. Which was kind of fucking with me.

>> No.12665846
File: 460 KB, 1900x3550, 6234634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12665857

Going on a beach date with Shion and continuously getting teased by her because of how erotic her swimsuit is until you drag her away and fuck her somewhere private.

>> No.12665857
Quoted by: >>12665918

Is Shion as much as a brat as Gura?

>> No.12665918

Gura is more snarky than bratty. Shion will not hesitate to insult you before apologizing in a somewhat sarcastic manner.

>> No.12666009
File: 368 KB, 1190x1684, 1627351995906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohayo, fellow polka!

>> No.12666394

Botan's thumbnail is making me seriously want to write a thigh-focused story about exploring every nook and cranny of her pantyhose-clad lower body.

>> No.12667266
Quoted by: >>12678218

Very nice. Didn't make me nut on its own but certainly helped, though don't take that negatively since I don't typically enjoy this kind of play. Just not for me.

Like the other anon said though, from the get go I was reading the text in her voice and accent and that made me immediately stiff. Nice job. The nude edits were a nice bonus.

>> No.12667384
File: 124 KB, 700x495, 912179-anime-anime-girls-digital-art-artwork-Hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) are forced to show around the school to a new student by the name of Uruha Rushia. At first you're annoyed because you're not really good at talking to new people. But when you meet her and take one look at each other, time literally stops for a moment. Memories of a lifetime together flood both of your minds in that brief space.

>> No.12667853

>Together forever, two souls linked even beyond death.

>> No.12668456
Quoted by: >>12678218

You got this done pretty quickly. I won't have time to give it a proper read through for a couple days, but thanks for your work!

>> No.12671293


>> No.12672053

Thanks to that writeanon who wrote the story about Okayu in a hot day. I dreamt about having a girlfriend and we walked while holding hands. Thanks dude I havent dreamed for a long time

>> No.12672082

short rushia story about being constantly resurrected by her. just trying to shake off the writer's block.


>> No.12672134
Quoted by: >>12672909

>You found her in Villa Gessel
>for some reason there are mountains and the beach dissapeared

>> No.12672909

>ywn be kidnapped with pekora by mossad and executed
Why even live

>> No.12673626
File: 710 KB, 2000x1704, Hololive Reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but with the entirety of 3rd gen

>> No.12674705

How would one abuse Ollie? Would zombies feel pain in a way interesting enough to read about?

>> No.12674788
File: 62 KB, 350x490, 193329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry that took longer than expected, but here it finally is.

tags: Aki Rosenthal, NSFW

>> No.12674990

Ahh, I just got into bed, damn it.

>> No.12675945
Quoted by: >>12676277

It's... unique. It's very well written apart from a couple typos, and I thought Aki was in-character all the way through.
The smut's kinda... I don't really know what kind of fetish this is. It's kind of like fetishing the penis examination itself rather than for the events that may occur during one.

I couldn't find a spot to actually start wanking, but I did read it to the end, so it did manage to hold my attention despite the blue balling.
I was absolutely dying for an in-detail handjob scene at the end.

>> No.12676277
Quoted by: >>12676504

>I couldn't find a spot to actually start wanking, but I did read it to the end, so it did manage to hold my attention despite the blue balling.

Well that's a critique I've never gotten before lol. Glad it was at least somewhat enjoyable, even if it wasn't quite to your liking.

>> No.12676504
Quoted by: >>12676729

What were you going for, by the way? It's almost like a taster chocolate box for the various things that could happen in such a scenario, but not in-depth enough in any of them - yet there's a large amount of focus on Aki's loins heating up as the procedure continues.

>> No.12676729
Quoted by: >>12676867

Basically what you said, I was fetishizing the exam itself rather than the specific events therein. I never really thought about it like that until you said it. That stuff gets me much more hot and bothered rather than in in-depth hand job. I always found that rather boring.

I'm someone who finds the narrative far hotter than the events themselves. The fact that it's so taboo, that's what's hot.

>> No.12676867

>The fact that it's so taboo, that's what's hot.
Ah, it all makes sense now. I can totally get behind that.

>> No.12678218
File: 357 KB, 600x600, 1626150784744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12678529

Probably and most likely not. There's only so much you can at a written JOI, given that it's all about timing and the voice. I struggled to give more motions than jerking off here, I didn't even do much of "I want you to do X" which is the main part of a JOI and just filled it with dialogue at times, so even just one was already hard.

This is probably one of those stories I'll regret not putting more love into because I abandoned her personality after the start. In my mind, I had it that she switched with Ayunda, but the bad English and lewd jokes just didn't happen even though they should have and that to me is annoying. Even if you say it's better this way, I'll still have to disagree because that's kinda the main focus of writing.

What REALLY happened is that I was skimming through her streams at the start to make sure I was getting her right, but that was taking hours and I really didn't want to just copy some words she said in random streams, so I ditched that. Unfortunately, that led to her personality getting lost almost immediately. Still glad it was enjoyable to some extent to you.

I actually get shit done really quickly when I actually know what the fuck I want to do with the story, like an end goal. In here, I already knew everything I had to do, but for example with my Risu futa fic, I have no idea where to go next so it's taking a while.

I had planned to make use of the Risu/Ayunda personality switching, but I didn't really using more of my time on making lewd edits of her main costume because it's a bit time consuming. That's the main thing, along with giving her personality some more attention, that I would change if I could in this fic. Risu the more bubbly one telling you to jerk off quickly while cracking jokes, and Ayunda teasing you in her deep more serious voice for her enjoyment... that is, after all, what makes her so special.

>> No.12678529

For a one off piece then it was pretty good and made me cum relatively hard for someone who normally isn't into JOI stuff, so good work

>> No.12680343

But 3 has two of my antis!

>> No.12680394

...What do you mean YOUR antis?

>> No.12680471
Quoted by: >>12680653

>He's being harrased by Flare and Marine

>> No.12680653
Quoted by: >>12681885

Okay, I JW* and that was kind of a dumb way to put it. What I meant is of the 6 Holos I'm anti for, two are in JP 3.

It's not harassment if I want it to happen.

>> No.12681883

>he's bullied by Rushia and Pekora
Oh shit, anon, what did you do ?

>> No.12681885

Simply don't be autistic enough to hate people who don't know you exist.

>> No.12683145

Good story man, short and tragic. I guess there wasn’t anything super special or amazing about this story as it’s a pretty well used concept, but there were no problems with the writing itself.

>> No.12684498

I have to agree with that other anon here, this is a well explored concept but you've make a pretty decent tragedy piece from it. Could probably have used more showing than telling but it's still pretty good for what it is.

>> No.12686862
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>> No.12686934
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>> No.12687176

Haha imagine Shion casting spells to make her ass bigger after she finds out you like womens butts, wouldn't that be funny? haha

>> No.12687876


>> No.12687973

We need a Shion spanking fic.

>> No.12689107

We need more Shion smut

>> No.12689805
File: 1.59 MB, 1667x2362, 1629161046771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, the not!roommate fanart that sometimes crops up in fanart really needs to get explored in a fanfic.

>> No.12690955
Quoted by: >>12691195

Haha imagine Rushia getting your pubes stuck in her braces so she's pretty much forced to deepthroat your cock haha

>> No.12691195
Quoted by: >>12693146

Are those braces? I thought they were just deeply menacing teeth

>> No.12692429

This was pretty good. Tagic romance are my favorite so I enjoyed this a lot. Though I do wish you would focus more on Rushia, we only really got a short glimpse of her in the end.

>> No.12692629
Quoted by: >>12692688

We need.

>> No.12692688

Need what ?

>> No.12693146

If you look up the original art on おおはこ 's pixiv page the alternate rushia very clearly has braces.

>> No.12693667

What are some comedy fics that are really funny. Want to start reading some but don't know where to start.

>> No.12693839
Quoted by: >>12695689

>but don't know where to start.
Check the archive.

>> No.12693864
Quoted by: >>12695649

>Want to start reading some but don't know where to start.
Lies come to light is really funny, try that

>> No.12695224
Quoted by: >>12695689

Read the archive.

>> No.12695590

>After reading this anon become paranoid thinking that this can be the reason why Polka is a menhera
>now that his oshi isnt pure anymore as he thought she was anon is starting to go crazy
>he develop a time machine
>he stalks Polka
>he goes back in time where Polka may be living as a kid
>he rapes her just so he can be the one fucking Polka phisically and mentally

>> No.12695649

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.12695666
Quoted by: >>12696751

>Anon meets Aqua
>He learns that Aqua was just pretending to be retarded and cute just like any vtuber

>> No.12695689
Quoted by: >>12696116

There’s over 600 stories, he’s looking for recommendations.
I suggest dramatic Miopost, forbidden love, time is ticking, dense treasure, chuuba taker, punch whore, Fat cat, matsuri wakes up and MINNA NO RAMEN (I guess?).
There’s definitely some I’ve missed but these are the ones I enjoyed off the top of my head.

>> No.12696078
File: 739 KB, 829x847, 4ab6f42239127c235ab36592a688b7e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fulfilling one of the prompt requests. Hope you enjoy.

Tags: ryona, Suisei, (you), Mio, Moona, fluff

>> No.12696116

>There’s over 600 stories, he’s looking for recommendations.
Then he better start reading.

>> No.12696360
File: 123 KB, 1280x1280, Don't do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12696532

Damn. Please tell me that in Chapter 2, we beat down Suisei or we fix this shit. I cant resist sad Mio

>> No.12696577


>> No.12696687

Good job

>> No.12696751

Sounds like it would make a good story.

>> No.12696804

Nice story, reminds me of my childhood. Also, may I ask what exactly the prompt was?

>> No.12696837

New thread

>> No.12697669

This seems more like an abuse piece rather than a ryona fic due to the fact that whole hitting isn't exactly sexualized.
Other than that this seems like a pretty interesting start to a new series.

>> No.12697829

You got me hooked anon, good job.

>> No.12698557

This seems intresting but having chuuba in the story as my children is just so fucking weird, especialy Mio, I viewed Mio very sexualy that trying to imagine her as my daughter is just wrong on so may levels.

>> No.12698607

Damn bro, you raised your daughter to be a total sex icon. Thanks.

>> No.12699343
Quoted by: >>12700050


>> No.12700050
Quoted by: >>12704439

She has a nice ass yes

>> No.12701322
Quoted by: >>12702487

>Also view Mio very sexually
>Imagine her as my daughter
>Twice as hard

Ho boy the oyakodon is calling my name.

>> No.12702487

Mio + Loli Mio selfcest oyakodon? This seems like a mess.

>> No.12702703


>> No.12703670

A sitcky mess

>> No.12703712

Pekofag, where ever you are
I have cum to the Pekofag specific stuff at least twelve times, thank you

>> No.12703919
Quoted by: >>12703989

Dawg, you need to get better standards. I guarantee you can find better gay erp

>> No.12703989
Quoted by: >>12704038

I participate in better, gayer ERP frequently and have an extensive net of homos vying to kiss my cock and make me cum but PF stuff scratches my cosplay trap itch just right, it is what it is

>> No.12704038
File: 9 KB, 500x369, 1429104291182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12704162


>> No.12704041

I'm glad my greatest achievement this year was serving as a cum dump to a bunch of strangers on the internet over and over again.

>> No.12704151

>this year
Ever, I imagine.

>> No.12704162
Quoted by: >>12704418

What? Man's gotta cum
I like your other stuff, the Risu JOI was great too. Thank you for it all

>> No.12704418
Quoted by: >>12704517

Nothing I made really blew up as much as Pekofag did, but I appreciate the sentiment lol

>> No.12704439

If you're into both ass and loli, I guess. Couldn't be this tittyhag fan.

>> No.12704517
Quoted by: >>12704683

I think it was just because it was done live and it was more dividing, especially with the people who let you live rent free in their head, don't be discouraged you cute Anon you
Also...did you go to the slutposting thread last night and post a bunch of Roboco?

>> No.12704683
File: 117 KB, 442x627, IMG_20211108_024407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12704780

> cute
Oh stop it you, you're making me blush...

As per the slutposting, I don't really go outside of /vt/ so nah.

>> No.12704780
Quoted by: >>12704906

Someone was posting a lot of Roboco and talking with me/helping me out after it was mentioned so I kind of thought it was you, ah well

>> No.12704906
File: 39 KB, 417x735, images (48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> why does hearing you talk about others make me feel tight in the chest peko?... I don't like it...

>> No.12705043

Stop being a fucking faggot.

>> No.12705054
Quoted by: >>12705473

I already asked to marry you and you said no, so you can't be jealous!

>> No.12705473
File: 43 KB, 467x656, images (49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12705711

> ... Gomen peko... Pekora loves you but...you know how it is peko...
> But still... I hate this feeling... I hate you for talking about others but... I also love you...I want you to hold me tight in your arms peko... I want to feel your touch, your soft lips on mine... I want you to say "I love you" as you pat my head peko...

>> No.12705711

I really hate that this is making something in heart race. It's P10 so there's not much time left, but I really like everything you put out. And please make more PF stuff like this with a loving theme
