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File: 44 KB, 374x546, botan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1196861 No.1196861 [Reply] [Original]

What does she think about russians spamming in her chat?
Can she even read russian?

>> No.1196897
Quoted by: >>1203228 >>1204388

>biggest FPS player
>slav magnet

>> No.1196956

She said she was gonna learn Russian, so I guess she's into it.

Or at least will be until she learns what they're actually saying.

>> No.1196964

Knowing that the sol reason that Boten has a Russian fanbase is because she has three white stripes AND they call her Adidas Lion will never not be funny to me.

>> No.1197038

she thinks its pretty khorosho

>> No.1197056
Quoted by: >>1200033

What happens when they do their doxx reps?

>> No.1197071
Quoted by: >>1198154 >>1198455

when i heard russians loved her i thought maybe she spoke russian or something but literally just being adidas is incredible

>> No.1197138

It's also because she's the REAL Hinata.

>> No.1198154
Quoted by: >>1198281

Yeah, wasn't it just one line like "I need to reload" from some game which she played alot?

>> No.1198281
Quoted by: >>1204513

Yeah, as far as I know, she barely said a few words. The "cover me, I'm reloading" or something along those lines and "cheeki breeki"

>> No.1198455

why are all the monolingual faggots like that. the moment a japanese vtuber says a few words in their native language like english, spanish, russian, they become fanatic fanboys or feel validated.

also this only happens with holo jp. though she certainly looks like a "mama" for slavs or a tough charismatic combat girl hunting bandits in a gloomy snow zone.

>> No.1199948

She said that as long as they follow the rules there is no problem

>> No.1199992

She really doesn't seem to mind, if anything she welcomes them.
If I was a random mid tier vtuber and learned I had a HUGE following in a specific country I'd probably feel happy about it.

You have to remember to them it's no different from English spam.

>> No.1200033

Free one way trip to the Black Sea

>> No.1200568

she's content, like with everything else

>> No.1203093
File: 16 KB, 604x114, the occasional jp makes me smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also this only happens with holo jp

>> No.1203126
Quoted by: >>1203180

Doesn't "Botan" mean something in Russian? There was video floating around explaining it. That, or its some kind of Russian meme.

>> No.1203180
Quoted by: >>1213195

It means nerd in Russian.

>> No.1203228

I wonder if they actually have permission to stream that game. I would love to see Botan playing it

>> No.1203279

They also call her lioness tzar.

>> No.1204035

The JP bros become like this too anytime the EN girls speak JP

>> No.1204060
Quoted by: >>1214068 >>1220160

That's not actually the reason but okay.

>> No.1204250

She knows a little Russian

>> No.1204329

She learned the alphabet and sometimes(very rarely) tries to read messages from chat on her own.

>> No.1204344
File: 1.14 MB, 2400x1090, 1609291172879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1204616 >>1213695

botan gets a free trip to chelyabinsk!

>> No.1204388

Stalker doesnt' have Japanese localisation. So she would have to play it either in English or in Russian.

>> No.1204513
Quoted by: >>1204806

her name means "nerd" in russian

>> No.1204616

I think Izhevsk would be a better destination

>> No.1204656

>Can she even read russian?
No, but she acknowledges the presence of Russians in her chat

>> No.1204806



>> No.1204860
File: 867 KB, 1654x3325, data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She went as far as to add a russian translation to her video descriptions.
Also, pic related.

>> No.1204985
Quoted by: >>1205025

considering the average russian wage is 1/5th the average burger wage, that's a lot of slav love

>> No.1205025
Quoted by: >>1209488

It's the language of the comments not the currency.

>> No.1205087

>What does she think about EOPs spamming in her chat? Can she even read English?
Fixed for you.

>> No.1205394

>no EN or ID on this chart

>> No.1205462
Quoted by: >>1205543

Jesas Towa, what's even up with that?

>> No.1205543
Quoted by: >>1206994

Likely a result of her previous yab when japs abandoned her.

>> No.1206994
Quoted by: >>1207297 >>1207337

Care to spoonfeed?

>> No.1207018

I see a tons of spanish spammers at the start and end of Korone streams, do they not even amount to a 1%?

>> No.1207297

Towa had a male voice in the background of one of her streams many moons ago. Cue idolfags absolutely losing their shit.

>> No.1207337
Quoted by: >>1207603 >>1207935

Towa went AFK for a bit after a round of Apex.
Male voices heard in the background (not sure if it was form voice chat, discord, or actual background can't remember)
Chat freaks out.
Towa returns.
Towa panics and says it's her manager's voice.
Chat doesn't believe her obviously.
Cover issues an apology. She goes on a 1 week break.
Towa returns and apologizes.
JP audience abandons her because idolfagging
Overseas audience thinks that the idolfagging is fucking stupid. They watch and support the fuck out of her anyways.

>> No.1207464
Quoted by: >>1207783 >>1208147

Are the russians actually spamming or just talking in chat? I've noticed for some weird reason people always think that others speaking a language they don't understand is automatically spam even if they aren't actually spamming anything.

>> No.1207603
Quoted by: >>1207715

Should have said anything else but manager, her father, a cousin or landlord lol. I can't hold it against her though, Towa's roomate is cute and fashion as fuck and isn't low functioning like other holos.

>> No.1207619
Quoted by: >>1213615

>source is a reddit post
do you have a link?

>> No.1207715

Towa's full of yabs like accidentally leaving her webcam on and such.
But her clumsiness is part of why I like her.

>> No.1207783

They do actually chat. In fact some of them do live JP to RU translation which is pretty neat.

>> No.1207929

She does have that russian look, I guess it makes sense?

>> No.1207935

Idolfagging =/= purityfagging. People were upset not because she has a boyfriend but because she lied to her audience in such a shameless way.

>> No.1207956
File: 106 KB, 1439x517, botan shion l4d2 rus translated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have great conversations anon

>> No.1207989

t. idolfag

>> No.1208019

You're dumb and very uninformed.

>> No.1208084

Anon, why do you think she panicked and lied? Because she knows what Japanese idol fans are like.

>> No.1208147

We talk in chat. In fact, some Russians were worried that moderators would think they spam, and that was the reason Botan put Russian translation in the rules.
And there is usually a couple of Russian translators in chat, making her streams even more comfy.

>> No.1208336
File: 110 KB, 1040x605, 1613447621014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking love the Slavs. My favorite is "I will end her menopause"

>> No.1208361
Quoted by: >>1214450

Damn, Noel filters EOPs hard

>> No.1208476

>We have conquered this chat , much like we have conquered, wait hit, I can't say Crimea can I?
Fucking ruski's are amazing

>> No.1208496

It's good to know the ruskies are just as autistic as the rest of us.

>> No.1208591
File: 69 KB, 915x455, 1604242791830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think of it this way: would I have told the truth and lose my idolfag public leading to a slower incline, or sneak in a little lie about a literal nothingburger? Turns out a lot of people, even the ones that wouldn't have cared in the first place didn't buy it, which is why it scalated to a huge scandal and lost a bigger audience instead.
Could've avoided it? Yes.
Was lying a bad choice? Yes.
But not everyone is perfect, and she more than anyone learned her lesson and is way more careful today.

>> No.1209488

By the way, russians usually donate more than all other western viewers combined.
For example, her latest karaoke stream:
>ARS: 40
>AUD: 5
>CAD: 18
>COP: 8000
>EUR: 39
>GBP: 14
>HKD: 3272
>JPY: 554438
>MXN: 200
>PHP: 1340
>RON: 100
>RUB: 40760 (~ $546)
>SEK: 50
>SGD: 41
>TWD: 33635
>USD: 266
>ZAR: 70

>> No.1209590

>ARS: 40

>> No.1212154

> The day she does Russian only challenge, the day we eat our cum comrades

>> No.1212225

>CAD: 18
I'm disappointed in you fucking leafs

>> No.1212286
Quoted by: >>1213293

>source in reddit post.
>not on the image itself.
Really? You can make the longest and unfunniest down the rabbit hole meme for Coco's meme review but not this?

>> No.1212581

which is actually disconcerting considering the average wage in russia

>> No.1212985
Quoted by: >>1213775

Probably the main audience of vtubers are residents of big cities, where salaries are not much different from the civilized world. While poorfags in the provinces are trying to survive.

>> No.1213076
Quoted by: >>1213775

Wages in Russia aren't low, it's just that the gaps are ridiculous. Some people live extremely well without even having to be suckling from Putin's teat, it's just that the bottom strata live in conditions that make STALKER look like the lap of luxury.

>> No.1213156

>Biggest foreign spaming language blaming other languages.

>> No.1213195

how fitting

>> No.1213259

come 2 moscow

>> No.1213293

Not to mention that this was sourced from like a handful of recent streams which threw off the analytics.

>> No.1213331
Quoted by: >>1214993 >>1220433

>subaru second highest
>source for a lot of translation clips

>> No.1213396
Quoted by: >>1213775

If there's one difference between China and Russia, it's that China at least tries to pretend it's making life livable there.

>> No.1213615

Here, add this to the end of the /hololive URL: /comments/l2f9en/which_member_gets_the_most_english_chat_messages/
The data came from a few recent streams at the time so it was somewhat skewed due to the types of streams certain members were holding.
This keeps getting caught in the spam filter so I had to cut off the first part of the address.

>> No.1213695
Quoted by: >>1214365 >>1214772

Why does this place keep coming up? What's so special about it?
I've seen videos on it from BaldAndBankrupt, and that long-haired Russian Youtuber (at least, I think it was him?)
t. non-Slav

>> No.1213775
Quoted by: >>1213929 >>1218056

I heard Putin will be giving out gibsmedats to encourage Russians to marry and have children. When will you anons be producing your Russo-Japanese children with your jap wife?

>> No.1213929

It's hard to produce babies with a 2d wife, but I'll try my best.

>> No.1213969

>ywn be a starving Russian peasant, forced to be the plaything of a woman who can only shout game quotes at you to have a chance at a good life

>> No.1214068
File: 9 KB, 216x216, 1613710390214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is though. She kept it because she's cute, good at fps, and friendly with them
Source: slav.

>> No.1214365
Quoted by: >>1215120 >>1215361

Miserable industrial city. The air tastes horrible, the scenery is worse. Some people reckon its the most miserable city on earth, but those people probably haven't been to scunthorpe
t.Slav who used to live in Russia but recently moved to the UK

>> No.1214450
Quoted by: >>1214700

>English Study Stream
Not for long.

>> No.1214700

Damn, I missed it.

>> No.1214772
Quoted by: >>1215034

It's a Russian city-meme, the epitome of harshness and hopelessness with the toughest citizens.
In addition, a meteorite fell on it in 2013. Then there was a popular joke: the inhabitants of the meteorite watched in horror as Chelyabinsk approached.
Although irl it is not so bad, of course.

>> No.1214993

Her stream content doesn't work well without translation since most of its talk based, so EN viewers stick to clips.

>> No.1215034

>the inhabitants of the meteorite watched in horror as Chelyabinsk approached.

>> No.1215099
File: 489 KB, 1200x1200, 1613919061700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ok buddy? Cute lion pic to make you feel better

>> No.1215119

>like mailing you my moms bread
My sides
Fucking Russians

>> No.1215120
Quoted by: >>1215361

It's a damning statement on the UK when Russians say that one of the cities their is more miserable and depressing than their most miserable and depressing

>> No.1215323

>Only JP girls
>Only Monolinguals
you haven't been to a Kiara stream, have you

>> No.1215361
File: 513 KB, 2592x1944, Screen_Shot_2015-04-24_at_6.00.14_PM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked it up. Didn't think it would actually be that, bad but...

>> No.1215399

Doesn't look much worse than so many other European cities

>> No.1216153

>Is she a grandma, She's the hottest grandma in the world, i Will end her menopause
They are just like us

>> No.1216311

looks like detroit

>> No.1216378

>also this only happens with holo jp.

Some comments translated:
>Was Japanese always this cute?
>This video makes me understand why overseas bros like it when JP members speak English.
>I like it how she gets 4.5 times cuter when she speaks Japanese.
>I want Gura to learn Japanese, but I don't want her to lose this clumsiness.
>I never thought "desu" could be this cute... desu.

>> No.1216560
File: 517 KB, 854x720, 1572646922728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Erotic Witch Brat of Milking Old Men

>> No.1216609

This. A lot of idolfags are okay with Mr. Koro. Even fans of Takamina were ok when she announced her marriage a few years ago.

>> No.1216615
Quoted by: >>1218794



>> No.1216928
File: 2.84 MB, 250x255, 1614927951286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck

>> No.1218056

for real though, slav + east asian genetics produce the cutest girls on earth

>> No.1218794
File: 67 KB, 1151x167, Russians behave themselves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1218844 >>1219287

Botan likes them and the ruskie bros behave themselves, there's no issue here.

>> No.1218844

I don't blame them, I wouldn't want to be likened to Chinese either.

>> No.1219210
Quoted by: >>1219286

What does Botan's butt smell like?

>> No.1219286

Like leftover piss after she cleaned herself

>> No.1219287
Quoted by: >>1219794

Respec to the better commie country


>> No.1219794
Quoted by: >>1219811 >>1219825

Actually Russia isn't communists anymore they're a capitalistic dictatorship.

>> No.1219811
Quoted by: >>1219856 >>1224720

The same can be said about China.

>> No.1219825
Quoted by: >>1219856

Same with China. Funny thing is that the birthplace of communism there has a gift shop and a mcdonalds.

>> No.1219856

No it can't because it actually touts itself as communism, and outside of the special administrative zones it is. Inside of the special administrative zones, yes, it is a capitalistic dictatorship that is heavily regulated.

>> No.1220022
Quoted by: >>1220287 >>1220351

>[EN] viewers always gravitating towards loser holos
why are we like this?

>> No.1220160

It's the reason they paid attention in the first place.

>> No.1220287

White saviors, enlightenment was a mistake

>> No.1220328

To be honest I just think it's funny that the slavs are just as weeaboo as the rest of us

>> No.1220351
Quoted by: >>1220446

Who? Is Botan a loser?

>> No.1220355

you have no idea do you

>> No.1220416

I'm from radiation land and I've seen more weebs my age than alcoholics my age.

>> No.1220433

You don't need to watch the streams if have a ton of translated clips. It's pointless.

>> No.1220446

I was talking about this graph >>1204860
Towa, Aki and Mel all have lots of [EN] viewers
They are pretty much the loser holos

>> No.1220556
File: 227 KB, 661x920, hedoesntknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1220612 >>1222149


>> No.1220612

>Itachi fan

He was probably going to grow up to be a murderer or something anyway.

>> No.1220652

Sadly plenty more shitholes like it, there is basically a section of England that is riddled with permanently drunk/high dole (welfare) toting chavs (scum). Fun job centre story time, used to service computers for one of the multiple benefit centres in Leeds (main City Centre is alright but the surrounding areas are grim as fuck), multiple cases of drugged up customers just straight up shitting themselves on the job centre chairs during their work coach interviews.

Disclaimer: I grew up poor as fuck just like these people as did several friends of mine, and none of us ended up this way, it is genuinely trash that do not want to work and not me being classist.

>> No.1220674


>> No.1220679
File: 521 KB, 983x903, 1612595493342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1220698 >>1220928

In reality many people here hate anime and will probably harass or even beat the shit out of you if you say that you like anime.
It's an even split between anime haters and weebs in Russia.

>> No.1220698

Seems reasonable, probably how it should be desu

>> No.1220928
Quoted by: >>1221133 >>1221410

Makes sense, Russia is full of big dumb alcoholic Chads who beat fags and trannies to death, not like they'd tolerate public weebery. It's good to remember their services to society while criticizing them for their shiftlessness and domestic abuse.

>> No.1221133
Quoted by: >>1221170

What services, lol? The best thing they are capable of is being a minimal wage security guard on an abandoned Soviet factory.

>> No.1221163

LOL Amerimutts are irrelevant third world baboons there

>> No.1221170

The ones I listed? Removing degenerates and bullying cringey losers into hiding their power levels.

>> No.1221410
Quoted by: >>1221678

Isnt all west like that?

>> No.1221678

There's an order of magnitude less alcoholism and any Chad with an ounce of savvy now pretends to be at least neutral to whatever the bitches are crying about so he can get pussy without them lecturing him.

>> No.1222149

I'm gonna hold my tongue on this one

>> No.1224206
File: 330 KB, 2560x1440, Botan Su-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over/under on botan playing AC7 ever bros?

>> No.1224720

Ahh yes, the People's Republic of China, run by the Chinese Communist Party, who spend their lives studying Maoist and Marxist theory. They're not real communists though, somehow
