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1154214 No.1154214 [Reply] [Original]

Rushia overtake Coco as the most superchatted youtuber in the world

>> No.1154550

thats not new, they overtake each other a lot

>> No.1154593


>> No.1154655

Damn, Kuzuha's ballin'

>> No.1154778
Quoted by: >>1155089

Holy fucking shit Lamy.
She's past the half-million mark already and it's only been half a year.
Her genmates don't even show up in this list.

>> No.1154906
Quoted by: >>1160660

Company is rich asf

>> No.1155036

Where the fuck is my boy tim pool at?

>> No.1155047
Quoted by: >>1155626 >>1160093

Gura getting mogged by Shion and Lamy never gets old.

>> No.1155055
Quoted by: >>1155131

Fucking Kiara makes more than every single female Niji, LMAO

>> No.1155063

this always happens

>> No.1155089

MILF/mommy character types are in high demand.

>> No.1155106

Rushia and her ability to milk her paypigs indefinitely is nothing new.

>> No.1155131 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1156442

Niji makes money out of only the Japanese audience.

>> No.1155244

Too many menheras in top 10

>> No.1155626

Anon chama...

>> No.1156442
Quoted by: >>1156859 >>1160333

EOPs are far more stingy than the Japs, there's no solid data but the vast majority of Hololive supas are in yen, I'm 100% sure Holo beats Niji even without the foreigners

>> No.1156722

just because something is popular doesn't mean it's good

>> No.1156766

So nobody on YouTube, the entire fucking website, is getting close to as many superchats as Vtubers?

>> No.1156810

It happens. Rushia like Marine milked the hell out of her million subscriber stream, Coco was like thirty minutes with a lot of it going in her free chatroom which doesn't get tracked.

>> No.1156823


>> No.1156859

You'll never be Japanese

>> No.1156917
Quoted by: >>1156980

Nothing like cute anime girls to make lonely men open their wallets, and most big youtubers don't stream or only started recently like pewdiepie and make their money from adsense and sponsorships. The thing I'm most interested in is how Coco and Rushia's income stacks up against the biggest twitch thots.

>> No.1156980
Quoted by: >>1157487 >>1158750

It doesn't because Youtube and Cover take huge chunks out of it.

>> No.1157487

Says here Pokimane earned 550k USD last year
Coco's superchats were 1.455mil, of which the talent supposedly gets 35%, so 509k USD. It's incredibly close.

>> No.1157519
Quoted by: >>1158972 >>1164510

Listen to This while reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkID8_gnTxw

Start of the Song

>Gates of Underworld blow open
>Amelia slowly comes out smiling while glitching back and fort into other holo's
>Mori sits on her throne not Impressed
>Slowly stands up and walks down from her dark throne
>Materializes a scythe from smoke
>1 second of staredown
>both start to fight
>scythes immediately starts coming beneath Watson's feet
>Smoke from the amount of scythes and the strength of impact
>Mori walks away assuming its done
>She looks back *masaka?*
>Watson has glitched into Noel Shirogane
>*Watson glitches back to her original form* she smiles at Cali
>Cali is now impressed, she then immediately summons a legion of undead from the ground
>The horde starts dashing into Amelia Watson's Direction
>*Intense Battle Ensues* about 34 starts attacking Amelia in succession, *glitches into Ookami Mio*
>Bodies starts flying
>Mori is now annoyed, *summons 9th tier undead*
>Undead giant's shadow starts to show while Amelia glitches into different respective holos Madara vs Ninja Alliance style
>Amelia starts to notice the HUGE FUCKING FIST going into her direction
>the hand stops... *silence* hand suddenly starts to glow and eviscerate
>as things clear up you see Miko glitch back into Amelia watson after exorcising the Undead Giant
>Mori is now angry
>Amelia is not done, *glitches into fucking hachama*
>*starts aggressively multiplying hachama style*
>*hundreds of hachama starts glitching into various holos*
>Mori ready's her strongest Authority, *Authority of Death activates*
>Mori starts to stare intensely at every holo, everyone she stares at start dying and glitches back into amelia
>1 amelia left standing
>Mori pushes her authority to the limit and Stares at Amelia
>*Amelia Glitches into FUCKING URUHA RUSHIA*
>Instantly nullifies her power because Necromancy logic
>Mori is confused why its not working, too late her authority gives out
>her eyes bleeding a bloodbath
>Amelia pulls out syringe and stabs her with it and pull the syringe turning mori into light and adding her to her collection

By this time you should be at 1:18 of the song

>Kiara walks in at the exact time Amelia adds Mori to her collection
>She drops her KFP chicken and anger starts to fill her up
>She pulls out her Blade of Fury and Shield of Eternity
>Amelia tries to Glitch into a Holo, but Kiara's anger and overwhelming power doesnt allow her
>Kiara beats the fuck out of Amelia, Anger filled her eyes as it glows yellow orange
>*Amelia glitches into Mori*
>Kiara stops for a second
>Hachama stabs Kiara with a syringe, *Hachama and Mori Glitches back to Amelia and refuse*
>Kiara's tear drops as she slowly is absorbed into the syringe

By this time you should be at 1:55 of the song

Transition to Amelia walking into Ina's Church near a cliff above the sea

>Ina is smiling into the moon
>she slowly turns around and welcomes Amelia with a smile
>Amelia greets her with a gentle smile
>Tentacles starts grabbing Amelia underneath the tiles and from the walls
>Body gets broken into multiple from the pressure from different directions
>Ina sits in contentment
>*Ollie Arm starts to choke Ina*
>another Arm stabs her with a Syringe


>Ina is slowly getting absorbed
>Ina looks at her back
>The shark is here
>Ina smiles knowing Ame can't win against the strongest Holo in EN


>Both Prepare for Battle
>to be continued

>> No.1158750
Quoted by: >>1158874

Google takes 30% from superchat
On Twitch you either make $2.50 for every sub (prime or tier 1) or a $3.50 deal for large streamers
How much Hololive takes we will never truly know

>> No.1158874

*for Bits on Twitch, 1 bit = 1 cent, the donator pays the fee upfront
Ad split on Youtube is 45%, 30% for Partners, same for channel memberships
Ad split on Twitch is 90%

>> No.1158972

that's pretty cringe anon. Link and greentext kinda not a bop.

>> No.1159080

The zhang arc is the reason for this

>> No.1159113

Holy shit this newfags

>> No.1159137

I’d be curious to learn how much youtubers and twitch streamers actually make. I imagine the top talents make good money

>> No.1159143

Glory to the queen!

>> No.1159149
File: 80 KB, 288x288, B8E66B48-18B1-47FA-85BC-1514A8BA688D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rushia has made $1.8m USD
Holy shit

>> No.1159155

Kuzuha carried Nijisanji alone in top 10. He is top 3 Niji pillar with Kanae and Hayato Kagami. Btw what the hell is that Bintroll channel? Iirc there's also one political channel from South Korea in top 10 superchat ranking

>> No.1159200
File: 103 KB, 426x1084, 1614770093418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1159307

what a shit graph, here's a fixed version

>> No.1159261
Quoted by: >>1159349

Nijibros only care about merch sales.

>> No.1159275

Pure entertainer is becoming way more rare, especially in the west. People would rather spend their money on unwoke shit

>> No.1159282 [DELETED] 

surprised me a bit that flare is that high.

>> No.1159285

I don't get the appeal of Rushia, what is it?

>> No.1159307


>> No.1159329 [DELETED] 

her japanese and voice can easily kill every moe-otaku. shes like a living moe character

>> No.1159332

Cute yandere that rages a lot
People also like to bully her with spachas iirc

>> No.1159341

Deadbeats and KFP doing their part. Won't be long until they pass everyone outside of top 5

>> No.1159349
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Quoted by: >>1162851 >>1163341

can't blame them

>> No.1159370

strong kayfabe

>> No.1159753
Quoted by: >>1160020

is this of all time?

>> No.1160020

Yeah, most super chatted of all time worldwide.

>> No.1160093

Those are lifetime earnings, dumbass.

>> No.1160219
Quoted by: >>1160545

no one sensible streams on jewtube where they lose 30% of their fucking money my guy. and if they were smart they would use streamlabs to bypass the cut. vtuber+superchat culture is honestly retarded, makes no sense to willingly lose 30% donos

>> No.1160333
Quoted by: >>1160711

Wrong money generated by EOPs giving money to HoloEN eclipsed the total revenue of HoloCN's entire lifespan within the first month

>> No.1160545

It's funny, I always thought it was against terms of service, but plenty of huge streamers use it. Like how it's against TOS to run your own payment service for iOS apps, because that means Apple doesn't get their 30% cut. Shopify also tells you to fuck off if you use Stripe for payments. You'd think Youtube/Google would do the same.
So why is Hololive not using streamlabs and paypal ? The only downside is that they wouldn't see the donation popup is chat, right ? So they would have to either not display it or have a pop-up on stream. I guess they don't want pop-ups because they want to be able to sanitize the stream.

>> No.1160660

And that's not counting the advertisement streams they do for their clients. If it's holos with ~1M subs, it's a fat 5 figures check every time.

>> No.1160682
Quoted by: >>1160935 >>1163746

Coco was pushing hard for Streamlabs back early last year when a lot of Holos were demonetized. Cover ended up agreeing too eventually but just then everyone got monetization back and they decided not to after all.

>> No.1160711

>than the Japs
Learn to read
China is a 3rd world country who gave what little money they had to the zhang queen Aqua

>> No.1160935

Is it maybe because Japanese people don't use Paypal or don't have credit cards or theirs are not compatible with the MasterCard/Visa system ? Superchats seem a little bit more convenient since it's directly linked to your Google wallet. But then they should just have both options to optimize.
Another reason is that you can refund Streamlabs donations but not Superchats.
And of course, Cover is technically lazy/incompetent

>> No.1161091
Quoted by: >>1162483

Flare that high up surprises me.

>> No.1162483

She has fever but more dedicated fans than average, pretty much every stream is guaranteed to get a handful of akasupas.

>> No.1162851
Quoted by: >>1162980 >>1163084

literally nothing but america, japan and a dash of the UK, what the fuck are other countries even doing?

>> No.1162980 [DELETED] 

yuros? they are huge ameriboos obsessed with american stuff like their aaa games are always set in some mutt city lol except for historical games. they lost their own culture.

>> No.1163084

Yuros don't do entertainment

>> No.1163185
Quoted by: >>1163472

Cover should make their own jewtube with their own pay system

>> No.1163308

Considering how the EN girls have only been out for half a year, its pretty impressive. By the end of the year, Kiara, Gura and Mori will all be in the top 10. Ame and Ina will be top 20.

>> No.1163341

is shounen jump a media franchise? isnt it a collection of other media franchises

>> No.1163472

The real service Youtube provides isn't the streaming, it's not hard to build your own streaming service. What they really provide is discoverability. The value they add is their massive userbase that will be re-directed to your content thanks to clips and other videos. It's thanks to clips that HoloEN is huge, and if they had their own streaming platform it wouldn't work as well.

>> No.1163746
Quoted by: >>1163829

i randomly watched an holoID stream and anya had a streamlabs link in the description, i think all the new ID girls have some sort of streamlabs integration now. cover might be experimenting with ditching superchat but cant say for sure

>> No.1163829

The IDs have had it from the beginning. It's because the Superchat functionality isn't available in Indonesia. Don't expect JPs to get it.

>> No.1164510
File: 136 KB, 319x393, shigure_ui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids these day have no sense. Lurk for at least 6 months before posting. Do you know what lurking is, kids?
