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11518921 No.11518921 [Reply] [Original]

Finishing ToA no matter what

Finale: https://youtu.be/x0wTOodzAGU

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1447336741300547588

Art by: https://twitter.com/kinoko3218/status/1448246794287140865

Previous thread: >>11419318

>> No.11518975
Quoted by: >>11519023

shes been kinda quiet on what next week will bring, wonder what she'll have

>> No.11519018

Takwanawshi Kiwawa

>> No.11519023

Costumes and collabs maybe.

>> No.11519164

For anyone curious, the Bamco ToA streaming policy and timestamp of random Japanese playthrough at the cutoff point for cross reference.

>> No.11519223
Quoted by: >>11519288

thats so fucking random wtf

>> No.11519228
Quoted by: >>11519256

Predict how long the stream will be. My guess is 5 hours of gameplay and an hour or two of sc reading

>> No.11519256

Definitely more than an hour of SC reading I bet

>> No.11519288

Can't deny it ends at a shit spot. I imagine it's some exec's idea of withholding the following "plot twist".

>> No.11519292

Playing catchup finally. Here's a list of discussion points for the new thread. Spaced like a fuck to make it easier to reply to an individual comment.

Her modesty in public kills me. I'm not saying I'd be dtf in a pool somewhere, but it makes me laugh hearing her tell stories like and I guess it cokes from years and years of being wapanese and actually living in Japan, so it makes sense.

Shill stream was a little much for me. Can't really get into it and I don't care much about the series as a whole, but tune in to the jrpg stuff sometimes because Kiara is cute and it's her version of Zatsu. I'd love to see her work desk cluttered with discussion points ripped from her daily life. Do you think she had a 'FREE BREAD' tangent reminder?

AmeTori continues to be cute as hell. Ame's sarcasm with Kiara's kind of straight man when it came to the quizes portion of the stream was gold. Hopefully Kiara can inspire Ame to start eating a little better if they keep talking and doing things together. The surprise finish of the puzzel with Kiara freaking out and Ame's 'so what?' attitude was perfect.

Minecraft streams have been pretty good, and unlike her past JP content, I've actually been tuning in because she makes an effort to translate some things for the EOP viewers which really helps. I'm glad she started doing that and think it's at a healthy amount, pretty close to her Japanese dubbing she does when doing EN streams. I'm glad she can finally show off what she's been working on for months to some heavily invested into minecraft JP members and the interactions are gonna put me into comatose with how sweet they are. Fight ring would be great and having a goofy tournament would probably make a lot of fans all over Hololive happy. She just needs to make it open to anyone and set a time/date so she doesn't have to kill herself to make it happen.

Final thoughts: Naked Kiara in the pool? Yes please.

>> No.11519533

I know she'll feel the need to get to the cut off point, but it doesn't exactly matter where she stops

>> No.11519558

>Final thoughts: Naked Kiara in the pool? Yes please.

>yfw fuck in front of Kiara and make her watch

>> No.11519604

>Minecraft streams have been pretty good, and unlike her past JP content, I've actually been tuning in because she makes an effort to translate some things for the EOP viewers which really helps. I'm glad she started doing that and think it's at a healthy amount, pretty close to her Japanese dubbing she does when doing EN streams. I'm glad she can finally show off what she's been working on for months to some heavily invested into minecraft JP members and the interactions are gonna put me into comatose with how sweet they are.
Yeah I like the occasional self dubbing she does, in both directions. It's good she doesn't do it too often but it's nice to hear updates. Some of her best chemistry is with some of the JP members so I hope that she continues doing it semi frequently.
I hope this Minecraft arc sets up more varied interactions in the future. I really hope this is the start of more Kiara and Flare etc.

>> No.11519896
Quoted by: >>11520226

The intro to the impromptu Flare hangout was fucking amazing

>> No.11520226

If only we had Kiara's POV, that could make for a really great video with jump cuts switching perspectives and some background horror music

>> No.11520287

>I really hope this is the start of more Kiara and Flare
the flaming runts of miracle gens... it writes itself

>> No.11520328

A better cutoff point would have been before they fly to Lenegis
Not after the 1 hour rushed cutscene expo

>> No.11520402
Quoted by: >>11520502

>chimkin will have fun finishing the game without us
>she'll make cute noises
>she'll cry

>> No.11520502 [SPOILER] 
File: 367 KB, 1920x1080, 20210919225326_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11520581

>you'll never see her reaction to pic related

>> No.11520581

Genuinely mad cause she'd turn into a cute blubbering mess.

>> No.11521275
Quoted by: >>11521407

Really surprised this is still getting 2k views. Figured it'd be on the low 1k by the last episode

>> No.11521407

Just goes to show that those 2k are her hardcore viewership that would watch literally anything she does.
And it's probably a few hundred more since many people have those RPG streams running in the background and get culled by Susan.

>> No.11521480
Quoted by: >>11521647

>and get culled by Susan.
if i watch her in picture-in-picture mode does susan cull me

>> No.11521647

Nobody knows, probably not even YT itself.
All we know is that the culling is happening - whenever an ID or EN holo does a poll it gets more votes than viewers in a very short amount of time.
JPs have a bit less trouble with that since most japs watch with phones and are computer illiterate so they probably don't even have ad block.

>> No.11521880

>a few hundred more
More like two thousand more. Look at the likes.

>> No.11521971

Jesas what is Susan doing

>> No.11522503
Quoted by: >>11523038

Not only that, but is everyone who's watching the stream even liking the video?

>> No.11522651
Quoted by: >>11522711

Did I miss any cute tangents?

>> No.11522711

She talked about her second vacation day, meditaion and yoga, gushed about Flare and wants to go to a waterpark but fears being publically humiliated by children.

>> No.11522947
Quoted by: >>11522974

JWU anything interesting happen? She talk about her collabs yet?

>> No.11522974
Quoted by: >>11523114

Gushed about Flare but nothing besides that.

>> No.11523038

Now that holodex added a remote like button, I'm finally doing my rep. My view still probably doesn't count since holodex is technically an embedded video.

>> No.11523114

I hope she seen the "I LOVE KIARA" from Peko, I feel that would be a good pick me up for her.

>> No.11523390
File: 95 KB, 1024x768, Chonkers and Smoothie ultra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jealous of these fucking cats.

>> No.11523826
Quoted by: >>11524626

>Publicly humiliated by children.
I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say it's because she would be afraid of the rides while kids would just go wild.

>> No.11524275

>producers have different mics and find the one, that suits your voice the best.
Yeah Kiara, have you like considered just getting the mic they gave you for hinotori or heart challenger? I know crazy idea.

>> No.11524563


>> No.11524566

Does Kiara have the thread open?

>> No.11524579

I wonder, do you think she prefers the voice debuff as part of opsec?

>> No.11524626


>> No.11524679

Nope. If you were around a little while after her birthday, you'd know that pretty quickly.

>> No.11524808

Dont think it has anything to do with opsec more like her being tech illiterate and just picking a mic and mixer based on recommendations. Once she spent money on it she obviously doesnt want to switch for no reason. Kiara isnt oblivious to the voice criticism and wonders, if it is just her voice or really the equipment. The worst case would be to get new expensive equipment just to get the same or maybe worse results.

>> No.11525313
Quoted by: >>11526675

In reality, unless you were able to get time using it before hand, you should always be prepared to return your mic and get a different one. Even if you can't return it you can sell it to get most of the money back. Buying a mic and trying to force it to work will almost always be worse than just trying out different mics until you find one that fits your voice well. Also she should just get her room treated, this meme were people get dynamics to try and combat shit room acoustics doesn't work when you compress the shit out of the signal so the lower level room noise is brought up in volume.

>> No.11526675

aahhhhhhh Kiara please sex up a asmr holo and absorb some mic knowledge

>> No.11526761

>Kiara will never ask you to become her fertilizer

>> No.11527077
File: 118 KB, 704x626, it hurts to live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would sell some of my organs just to see Kiara in a bikini at the water park

>> No.11527318
File: 469 KB, 586x720, smugiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FROGIARA in minecraft

>> No.11527360
File: 60 KB, 384x333, Witch Kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11528325

>calling out the back seaters
>calling out the not doctors

>> No.11527365
Quoted by: >>11527410

5 hours sleep. And I thought I was bad on days where I have work at 8 am stay up to 1am.

>> No.11527410

She stayed up until 4am again.

>> No.11528325
Quoted by: >>11528430

On the one hand not doctors deserve to get anal raped by a horse
on the other, just telling her to faqing get medical treatment is not being a not doctor she's just too lazy

>> No.11528430
Quoted by: >>11528560

Watch streams, she will go to a doctor next week after getting a blood test and an x-ray this week.

>> No.11528560

Anon do you realize how often she has said she'll do something health-related adn then not done it?

>> No.11528604

2 of the 3 things I mentioned already happened, anon.
She even read her blod test results to us.

>> No.11528621
Quoted by: >>11528928

ringfit doko?
threadmill doko?
cock rating doko?

>> No.11528928

appeasable KFPs doko?

>> No.11529232

Don't wanna watch the stream until Kiara can maybe actually play the full game, has there been any kino tangents?

>> No.11529258
Quoted by: >>11529671

Reading her blood tests on stream and finding out how bad her diet really is

>> No.11529671

That's what happens when you eat half a single serving of pasta a day, some cereal or whatever, and a bunch of sugary snacks lol.
Unrelated to that, does the big spoiler that will really fuck her up happen before she has to stop?

>> No.11529732
Quoted by: >>11529935

Song cover for Halloween, talked about how she worked on her other songs and mic stuff, oshi talk. her and mori met yagoo before debut, and she's got high cholesterol

>> No.11529935

We didn't start the fire

>> No.11530682

How can Kiara fight this feeling of burnout? She keeps talking about how these vacations are doing nothing for her. She also seems to avoid all "vtuber stuff" on her days of. Could this include talking and bonding with her genmates/kohais? She also talked about how happy she was when people like Flare "sound happy when talking to me, not annoyed". My rrat is that Kiara is isolating herself from the rest of EN because she thinks that she annoys them. That with the other thing from yesterday means that she is taking all the stress on to herself. She watches Netflix instead hanging out with EN and her only Emotional support seems to be BFF. She is going to burn out no matter what if any of this is true. I hope I'm wrong though. But this is just the scattered thoughts of a concerned schizo. What do you guys think?

>> No.11530772

mucho texto

>> No.11530795

I think you've fallen into the trap of overthinking things. Besides, a day of is a day off. Sometimes you just need to shut off.

>> No.11530807

I think you need to take your meds.
Also Kiara should have sex with everyone in Myth, Reine, Subaru, Nene, Watame and Flare.

>> No.11530831

I think you are mostly right though I wouldn't think talking to holos would help her tremendously either. I don't think she would put any holo in the circle of trust BFF is in where she can be open and share all that's in her mind, which is what's causing her underlying issue.

>> No.11531222

she just needs to see some payoff again, bunch of projects and nothing to show
as much as we meme about >>> and all, her insecurities are still around
add the issues with making music, conventions outfits, sleep schedule and so on

>> No.11531369

Anon just because her coworkers and job are the bulk of what you see about her life doesn't mean the magical solution to her problems is interacting with the more.

>> No.11531930

You're overthinking some things. She does need to take a proper break though, I'll give you that. An extended weekend is nice but a good 2 weeks off of total disconnect can do wonders.
That and she needs to continue to do 2 break days from now on. Possibly look into doing more exercise to help with her physical health which will make her mental health better to.

>> No.11531972

This. I'm more wanting her to improve her physical health at this point.

>> No.11532360
Quoted by: >>11532520

She has a phobia of long breaks because muh algorithm and her fear of losing her audience.

>> No.11532520

It was a sensible fear, but considering Ayame and Haachama are doing fine, I wouldn't worry too hard if I were her.

>> No.11532665
Quoted by: >>11533076

No it wasn't, all her genmates have gone on extended breaks and nothing happened

>> No.11533076
Quoted by: >>11533126

She is neither Haachama nor Ayame though. Kiara knows she's relatively a bottom feeder.

Define extended break. Because Kiara herself has also taken breaks.

>> No.11533124

Eggs seem way more active today, bans run out.

>> No.11533126
Quoted by: >>11533233

2 days of not streaming is not a break.

>> No.11533233

Shouldn't Kiara know best how a break affects her when it comes to jewtube? She has all the data from when she's taken breaks.

>> No.11533255

>I can't take the spicyness waah waah
God suck it up you dumb bitch, how is it even possible to be this fucking white

>> No.11533354
Quoted by: >>11533430

>implying she is smart enough to look at any data
Probably doesn't even know how to open the analytics tab.

>> No.11533409

Kiara, but naked

>> No.11533430
Quoted by: >>11533666

I unironically believe Kiara is too scared to open her analytics in fear of seeing things she doesn't like.
And I think I recall her even saying that on stream.

>> No.11533666

I doubt that, she already knows how unpopular she is and everything people don't like about her. She even mentioned how she's always last place in any poll those clip channels do about HoloMyth. Also she is always looking at criticism and ways to improve and studying analytics is obviously part of that. If she knew how to look at analytics she would most definitely do it, though I don't know if she does.

Dunno how much this still affects her, recently she seems to really not give a shit anymore about being unpopular or whatever and seems more comfortable with her current status than she's ever been.
But who knows when another 1m fiasco is approaching.

>> No.11533729

Thanks for the feedback lol

>> No.11533832 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11533921

This the kfp split thread, right? Can’t really tell.

>> No.11533838
File: 625 KB, 3316x4081, 1633124168908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw don't chat regularly but Kiara still reads out my comments often

>> No.11533909

It feel great doesn't it.

>> No.11533921

Retard KFP love using this split too since they're scared of being called eggs in global

>> No.11534009

It ties into her worries about not being loved. If no one cares about you in the first place, why bother fighting against the current? To better yourself?
Come to think of it, this is also probably why she's shrugging off her medical issues. Kiara's case is literal proof of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and that she's depressed as fuck.

>> No.11534087
Quoted by: >>11534620

I wanna say "imagine caring" but I'm pretty sure most of the autists who would even go to a Kiara split cream themselves at the thought

>> No.11534128

We have such nice butts bros

>> No.11534388
Quoted by: >>11534481

>Tales of Arise
>35-45 hours
>Mass Effect Trilogy
>~76 hours
It will take a while

>> No.11534481
Quoted by: >>11534849

Honestly I don't think she should do them all in a row. They are all different games, so I think it would make sense to stream other games between them

>> No.11534620

I love it when Kiara reads and responds to my comments...

>> No.11534849

>ME1 18-30 hours
>ME2 25-35 hours
>ME3 25-35 hours
It would work nicely

>> No.11535074

Bamco HATE

Mostly Harada for Tekken's bad online BUT THIS TOO

>> No.11535257
Quoted by: >>11535498

Sometimes its hard to tell, if it is eggs or doomfag KFPs. It is like you fags cant survive without something to worry about.

>> No.11535498 [DELETED] 

Like Oshi like fandom

>> No.11535679
Quoted by: >>11536185

>10 hours later
>Kiara hasn't moved from this spot
>Still shilling
>The PS5 is still missing

>> No.11535731

I love the shill purely because I know it will get her work in the future. I fucking hate it otherwise.

>> No.11536185

>>The PS5 is still missing
Fucking customs.

>> No.11536328

What the fuck how come she's not going to finish the game I want to see her reaction to the ending

>> No.11536364

Bamco is a Japanese company and thus retarded.

>> No.11536381
Quoted by: >>11536466

I cannot fathom how you managed to get to that point of the stream not knowing. Or have you not watched any streams yet and are going off this thread?

>> No.11536445


>> No.11536466
Quoted by: >>11536536

I just like Arise I don't watch her or any vtubers regularly I just saw she was playing it and wanted to see her reaction to certain scenes

>> No.11536536

In that case:
Bandai Namco does not allow her to stream the ending. And since she has and wants to keep good business relations with them she abides by their stupid demands.

>> No.11536660

JRPG story spoiler autism. I think decent amount of JRPGs have streaming rules where you can only play to a certain point to not spoil it, or cuck people into buying the game for the end.

>> No.11536759

Idk if its about good relations, they would probably copystike the video if she played further, so she literally can't play further.

>> No.11536787


>> No.11536803

well that fucking sucks

>> No.11536884

Yeah I've definitely seen it happen a lot. Most youtubers don't give a flying fuck though and their shit rarely gets taken down.

>> No.11537028

Am i beeing a shizo or is kiara geting less superchats this months? Still in the uper range of her gen but lower than normal

>> No.11537095

can recommend hunting for clips that show off Kiaras stuff in other tours
great fun on an off day

>> No.11537121


>> No.11537126
Quoted by: >>11537353

A lot more collabs than usual comes to mind immediately.

>> No.11537251

Baqua is onto us.

>> No.11537353

And also her vacation

>> No.11537369

>Reads Silkyboi perfectly
>Can't read Tetsuo
Ssg, Baqua
But that's pretty cool, I'm glad she enjoyed herself, it sounds like Phoenixton might inspire some Akukin builds.

>> No.11537374
Quoted by: >>11537501

1 million stream, birthday, 1 year anniversary, soon new outfit reveal
Even KFP's pockets are not infinite.
Her "am back" stream and all three ToA streams did well. Mario Kart was fine as well. Collabs never get much.
Honestly only her Minecraft stream did underperform. Which is funny because MC caused Gura to finally get a ton of SCs after getting a pittance compared to her viewership for so long.

>> No.11537387
File: 909 KB, 3000x4000, 1629912698413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11537678

I Love Takanashi Kiara

>> No.11537443

more breaks, lotsa collabs and spending less time reading SC means fewer chances to interact and motivate people to SC again
cant bully her with money if she only sees it a week later

>> No.11537501

She didn't do a superchat reading after minecraft. Thats where most of her sc come from

>> No.11537678

I want to sex this chicken like you wouldn't believe

>> No.11537806
Quoted by: >>11537852

Just came back and everyone is spamming concerned emotes what did the chimkin say

>> No.11537852
Quoted by: >>11537918

Cock too big and won't fit in her shorts

>> No.11537918

I wonder how her bf feels about having a smaller cock

>> No.11537993
Quoted by: >>11538447

>oh nyo

I love this cute dork.

>> No.11538279
Quoted by: >>11538374

>avoid the game portion because I want to play the game myself
>she starts randomly ranting about a plot point in response to an unrelated birthday SC

>> No.11538374
Quoted by: >>11538401

You had several weeks to catch up with her.

>> No.11538401

Bitch I'm broke, I don't even have the game yet.

>> No.11538447

Oh now you mention guh i hope we will have no drama becouse calli and kiara will collab new week its about a song

>> No.11538492
Quoted by: >>11538582

I pray that Mori comes in without the tsudere stuff and then I will praise the collab to the moon and back, no matter how good or bad it is.

>> No.11538537

Huh who talked about thatt?

>> No.11538582

We seem to be getting an en collab of sorts so it could be anything.

>> No.11538867
Quoted by: >>11538907

Why would there be drama about Kiara and Calli having a song? Where'd this info come from?

>> No.11538907

cause they hate each other now said the voices

>> No.11539128
Quoted by: >>11541017

People here will make drama out of anything.

Like I'm sure there's a shit ton of schizos thinking Kiara hates ina because she doesn't attribute humu humu to her but attributes oh nyo to gura or some other crazy schizo shit.

>> No.11539309

This is great material for soundposts:

>> No.11539378

She comes out with some great gems that's for sure.

>> No.11539693
File: 3.45 MB, 600x337, kiara dumptruck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11540831

I want kiara to destroy my neck with her trash compactor

>> No.11540831

Unabased and coomerpilled

>> No.11541017

No anon you see the funny voices in my head that sound like luna said kiara is sending a 7 meter tall nuke to ina's residence and if the voices said it must be true

>> No.11542057
Quoted by: >>11542390

I hope new outfits are coming next week. Will she do another dressing room bit? Loved that shit in the summer outfit reveal.

>> No.11542276

hey KFP can i get advice on how to deal with waves of egg spammers?

>> No.11542390

no new outfits in october

>> No.11542661
Quoted by: >>11555613

In order of preference:
>Ignore them completely no reply with or without a (you)
>Call them eggs without even the beginning of an argument
>BTFO them with facts and logic, like short straight to the point argument with stream timestamp that don't even needs explaining, no need to elaborate

>Write long reply or try to argue
>Give them too much of your time, not worth it

>> No.11542686
File: 382 KB, 2500x4093, Eo6JmlXVoAAhudl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. Every time an egg posts any bullshit just remember Ame cute.

>> No.11543941
Quoted by: >>11555613

Send them an unrelated copypasta.
Can they handle the weight? The weight of one who's life has passed?

>> No.11545316

>Kiara used the meme thumbnail Subaru for the thumbnail.
I love Kiara's subtler shitposts

>> No.11546852

This. They can not argue against FACTS!

>> No.11549590
File: 40 KB, 936x527, FB0G0NGVEAEhvsM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Ame cute!

>> No.11552968
Quoted by: >>11554303

the special announcement is a pomu collab (you) me later

>> No.11553001

I mean cool beans but this is the first i'm hearing about it

>> No.11553143
File: 1.33 MB, 1918x1080, Kiara Coping [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsir5cu.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11554303

You better not be bullshitting!!!

>> No.11554319
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, Where Do You Think You Are [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdmi8q0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11554706

Hope it's useful

>> No.11554575

Bros why don't we have any cool soundposters on these threads.
Last Kiara soundpost I can remember is from over a month ago and it wasn't even posted here.

>> No.11554706

Much appreciated, I can imagine it will

>> No.11554825
File: 561 KB, 828x1080, KiaraSLURP [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh8b5ol.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11555127

I try sometimes

>> No.11555127

I mean that's cool but it's also ilterally just noises.

>> No.11555613
File: 456 KB, 645x740, 1615254256276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11555730

thank you KFP
kiara cute

>> No.11555730
File: 76 KB, 638x430, 1634089922082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ametori is a blessing !

>> No.11559104
File: 3.41 MB, 2040x2720, 1632867340003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11559517

>> No.11559517

my wife

>> No.11561967
Quoted by: >>11562274

>Bamco release a Tales of 2D collection
>Kiara is forced to play
>She has fun
>Will now play older JRPGs
I can dream

>> No.11562206

Would've been neat if they were playing Armageddon instead and did custom maps.

>> No.11562262
File: 578 KB, 2560x1440, FB20Nu5UcAUoedx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11563581

Today's Tales stream was so good. While I'm glad she's not forcing herself to do these long ass streams as often, it was really nice to spend the entire day with her on the telly.

>> No.11562274
Quoted by: >>11562404

She said she might try out Tales of Phantasia just for being the first Tales of game. I really hope it would sell her on pixel graphics.
My dream is that she plays Chrono Trigger - it's a JRPG people might actually watch and it's super short for one of those games. So it could be another streaming project she finishes that people can use to try and get into her similar to Papers, Please!.

>> No.11562404

I was thinking Chrono would be a good choice. Not cause the views would be exceptionally better but it is one of the first big jrpgs with a real cinematic nature. Game has a lot of gimmicks and big stuff happen. Which I think is what Kiara really likes in JRPGs, cause she sure doesn't learns mechanics.

>> No.11563581

I got the same feeling like how it was during her birthday week, I think she had a shit ton of collabs and stuff so no talking to chat. So when a solo stream finally came, it was like a nice decompressing feeling being able to talk about everything.

>> No.11564152

Kiarefield is so fucking fat

>> No.11564486

She eats, that's what she does.

>> No.11564555
Quoted by: >>11564681

Still can't believe she basically remade PioletRedSun's Garfielf video. She always seems to referencing things I think she would have never known about.

>> No.11564681
Quoted by: >>11564901

She kinda saw it while browsing kfp memes. The art/meme was made by some guy on twitter ages go.

>> No.11564901

Yeah, if anything, it's just further proof that KFP truly has everything from cosplayers through /k/ommandos to oldfag shitposters.

>> No.11565767 [DELETED] 

>roommate is self-pitying again

>> No.11565982

I refuse do this again. We already had that in the last thread. Instead let's look forward to Turducken and whatever that big en collab is. Which is probably among us.

>> No.11566175
File: 742 KB, 1638x2048, 1621533472176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11566263

There's just something about Kiara/KFP and uniforms of any kind

>> No.11566191
Quoted by: >>11566200


>> No.11566200

there's no owl in a turducken

>> No.11566263
Quoted by: >>11567008

I know she won't get one due to the obvious yab that greynames will just have to reference. But I can still dream. I think if she ever does do what Coco once said and create a evil alter version. A more militaristic twist on KFP's existence could be fun. Not like we're not already there though.

>> No.11566971
Quoted by: >>11569083


>> No.11567008

Reminds me that Coco offered to make her her own Kiara Kaine kek. Hope that the dragon’s happier where she is now.

>> No.11568082
File: 175 KB, 1000x1000, 1633413768323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11568587
File: 543 KB, 600x585, Kiara Love [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftevn0c.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11569083
File: 800 KB, 2677x1484, 1632950784371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11569390


>> No.11569390

I need a chubby tenchou in my life.

>> No.11569869

Babu Suba

>> No.11571283

Subaru engrish is adorable

>> No.11571964
Quoted by: >>11572015

So that's why we have tanks

>> No.11572015

As you saw, KFP specialize in aerial forces

>> No.11572072

Tanks are an Austrian's best friend!

>> No.11572368
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>> No.11573646

So SC reading soon?

>> No.11573894

Translation onegai

>> No.11574143


>> No.11575165


Craving some turducken...

>> No.11575224
File: 170 KB, 1502x1092, FB5Mob0VIAI3wxF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11575716


>> No.11575708

Kiara told both of them to meet up for a road trip but arrives late and in a tank. She's also telling them to get in.

>> No.11575716


>> No.11575761
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>> No.11576208
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>> No.11576811
Quoted by: >>11576969

>finally get the turducken collab and it's kino
>getting a sc stream in the same day
>reine hit 500k subs

Today is a good day

>> No.11576969

Both birbs already congrulated on her already, too.

>> No.11577834
File: 129 KB, 1146x1169, FBshA58UcBIHcIg.jpg%3Alarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11579211

>> No.11577848
File: 231 KB, 1544x2126, 1631656994223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11577901
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>> No.11577989

What would be a good 4 player game for the full holotori collab?

>> No.11578165


>> No.11578207


>> No.11578218
Quoted by: >>11582505

More Worms
Minecraft shenanigans
Smash if the net code worked
Train game
Quake deathmatch

>> No.11578273

Imagine if MS wasn't gay and we could have Holo Halo tournament, Umsea vs Holotori

>> No.11578393
Quoted by: >>11578589

Payday 2
Magicka 2
Left 4 Dead 2
The Forest

>> No.11578589

>Kiara trying to mix up elements, accidentally blowing up Subaru and sending Mumei to drown
>TPK by Reine
Magicka 2 would be amazing

>> No.11578934

Mario Party honestly, conduct together or similar if there was good netplay.
While I would love to see a Quake or Q3A match, I don't think anybody in Holobirbs is actually an FPS fan.

>> No.11579211

This image is sexier than most Kiara images, that fucking expression is hot

>> No.11580073

Guys it seems the collab caused some pretty horrendous rrats. In another thread, someone said Suba isn't a duck.

>> No.11580142

Fucking dramaniggers always making up some shit.

>> No.11580284
File: 661 KB, 1800x1200, FB6ty6iUUAAEb5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaysis, the rrats get more and more vicious as time goes by. It's really sad to see.

>> No.11580658

Collab stacy

>> No.11580903

>>when people sound happy when talking to me, not annoyed
You would only say this if you think you annoy people. Honestly, that's sad

>> No.11581045
Quoted by: >>11581076

Can't watch today, what's her announcement she mentioned on Twitter

>> No.11581076
File: 3.29 MB, 1433x1074, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11581092


>> No.11581092

Fuck yes!!! Holy shit

>> No.11581100
Quoted by: >>11581270

Anyone think Kiara is acting like Lex Luthor today? Kinda strange

>> No.11581152

she just shat on omega alpha and timed out someone mentioning him

>> No.11581179

I fucking kneel

>> No.11581270
Quoted by: >>11581380

I still don't understand the Lex Luthor thing.

>> No.11581273
File: 448 KB, 574x653, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rrats on this? Its kinda sus desu. Why does she hate omegatranny so much? Omegatranny prolly did something bad or said something bad to her...

>> No.11581284

So this has been why she seemed so stressed the last couple weeks and felt overwhelmed. I'm glad my Oshi is the one who busts ass to get big collabs going and I hope other fags on this website actually appreciate her for this shit because half of it wouldn't happen without her.

>> No.11581315
Quoted by: >>11581341

They're not a streamer. Who cares about the faggot who yells at the talent on the back end?

>> No.11581341

This, fuck vtweeters

>> No.11581344

General management hate, which makes sense when you consider how much work she does behind the scenes.

>> No.11581355
Quoted by: >>11582332

Not really. Just a weird question like the one about inviting TT to hololive. Why would he be there?

>> No.11581377

They started IRyS 200 hour nothingburger countdown during her birthday and then put Sparks on Amazon under her Japanese name so no one could fucking find it.
Omega is basically a punching bag for all of Kiara's frustrations with management.

>> No.11581380
File: 1.44 MB, 1430x1310, Screen Shot 2021-08-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11581629


>> No.11581393

BASED KIARA fuck omegatranny

>> No.11581629

You mean...it's only really me in the chat? Everyone else is fake? Just me and Kiara. Oh, I'm going to faint.

>> No.11582181
Quoted by: >>11582247

>I don't want this to be a 5 hour stream
>Hour 1
>Is reading Wikipedia

>> No.11582247
Quoted by: >>11582363

Isn't she just the best?

>> No.11582332

Imagine being the faggot fan who actually wants to invite him/her/them.

>> No.11582363
Quoted by: >>11582443

I love our silly, ESL and accidentally 2 way parasocial relationship oshi

>> No.11582385
Quoted by: >>11582790

Holy shit, casper is 20x worse.

>> No.11582443
File: 272 KB, 1780x1351, 1632005730769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon, me too

>> No.11582505
Quoted by: >>11582613

HoloTori Uno sounds kino already

>> No.11582613

hope mumei drops the autistic act so she doesnt ruin the collab

>> No.11582730

She hates them because she's pandering to the fucks here that bitch about "omg tranny!"
Anything for more viewers and love, bet she'd shit on her own cats if it meant more viewers.

>> No.11582749

You are really trying too hard.

>> No.11582790


>> No.11582829

>defending trannies to own the KFP

>> No.11583625


>> No.11583656

>HoloEN gets FFXIV perms
>no one wants to play it
S-sasuga Omegakek.

>> No.11583692
Quoted by: >>11583786

Now this time I agree with Kiara. MMOs deserve to be called grindy.

>> No.11583700

Can't believe people say Kiara isn't based

>> No.11583752

FFXIV would be a terrible game to stream tbqh for both chuubas and viewers

>> No.11583786

Yeah MMOs are about the loop, you not only grind but the exact same shit just to get a drop or fuckers have figured out it is the quickest way to level up.

Still, Kiarascape doko?

>> No.11583899

Her superchat streams really are the best

>> No.11584059
Quoted by: >>11584097

>Why would someone stream a MMORPG once or twitce?
But Kiara you streamed WOW only once...
I still stand by her opinion that MMORPG streams would be boring. To me they would just be JRPG streams 2.0.

>> No.11584096
Quoted by: >>11584539

Kiara 10 am isn't early...

>> No.11584097

That was more for nostalgia reasons tbf

>> No.11584539

If you stay up until 4am it is.

>> No.11584582

Wait, did she say something about a collab with 3rd Gen?
I kinda spaced out for a moment

>> No.11584650

Concert watchalong only, Flare collab next month.

>> No.11584660

Flare collab in November

>> No.11584668

She talked about the 3rd gen concert.

>> No.11584842

fuck yeah!

>> No.11584949

My fucking god i have been out of my house for the whole day and just got home, I will watch Turducken VOD ofc but can you tell me what was she talking about in SC reading up to now? Some info about HoloEN amongus and Mori MC collab?

>> No.11585058

>Completely misses a point-and-click airstrike on an opponent standing in the open on a 2D game
Guys, I'm not looking forward to the FPS stream...

>> No.11585163

>EN Amongus
>Takamori MC (probably chasing an Elytra)
>4 person mystery collab
>Sametori Outlast (Halloween Week)
>Halloween cover
>Flare Collab on November

>> No.11585180

Where to begin. Holomyth + Council + Hope Among Us. Can't get anymore unity than that. She's also doing Outlast with Gura and actually took initiative to chase it up with her. Mori Collab will be MC and will likely be them hunting for an Elytra. That's off the top of my head.

>> No.11585186
File: 539 KB, 2535x2562, FBqLIP5VIAImTOu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, if it is gonna be anything like that impromptu Minecraft I already love it.

>> No.11585201

Oh yeah, forgot 3rd Gen concert watchalong

>> No.11585316
Quoted by: >>11585976

>4 person mystery collab
ENs or not specified? Phasmo?

>> No.11585976

Probably not Phasmo as it might happen next month if they can't fit it into the Halloween week.

>> No.11586044

What a beautiful bag of gifts she's giving us. If you abstract the Among us as a general All-EN collab then all of these things are things on my wishlist.

>> No.11586117
File: 107 KB, 827x1123, EvIiWCcVkAAYQAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11586371

And you said she isn't lonely...

>> No.11586177

>marry your cats
>get lots of wedding dress fan art
Sasuga chimkin

>> No.11586196

Honestly as a shitpost. This is hilarious.

>> No.11586244
Quoted by: >>11586391

That honestly sounds like a hilariously terrible stream

>> No.11586371
Quoted by: >>11586646

it's not about lonely at this point, it's getting into batshit insane with her cats obsession

>> No.11586391

She's... not very good at coming up with stream ideas.
It's okay, she's cute.

>> No.11586469


>> No.11586482

Once again cucked by chonkers and smoothies
Also does that mean we're getting smol kiara wedding outfit

>> No.11586646

She said she misses them even just by going to the supermarket.
She's... not normal

>> No.11586690
File: 10 KB, 332x104, 12312123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11586703

Bit of a pattern with her. The only popular unique streams she does are just the cooking ones. I don't think she knows how to appeal to a western audience despite working hard

>> No.11586761
Quoted by: >>11586976

is it too late for her to regain the Japanese portion of her audience?

>> No.11586821

Seggs with Kiara...

>> No.11586837
Quoted by: >>11586976

Yeah no ones done or know for cooking stream

>> No.11586976
Quoted by: >>11587022

Last I remember she has the most JP crossover in her fanbase than the other ENs but that's based on data from waaay back
Unique as in different from her usual content you triple nigger. Use your brain

>> No.11587008
Quoted by: >>11587067

I mean, I think the cat-wedding stream might pull views but I don't think it will be a very good look. I hope someone talks her out of it, but I don't think anyone will though. It's more likely assets will stall her out until she forgets/stops caring about it.

>> No.11587022
Quoted by: >>11587257

She doesn't get much JP chat interaction tho which is why she says she doesn't translate herself nearly as often anymore

>> No.11587067

I WILL remind her to marry her cats.

>> No.11587101

Fuck off nigger M*mei is NOT part of Holobirds.
Its called Torinity not Tronity Plus One.

>> No.11587119
Quoted by: >>11587181

someone should tell her to get a height adjustable desk
She definitely spends a lot of time at her computer and therefore sitting which isn't good for her back or neck.
Being able to occasionally stand while working on stuff or doing literally anything would provide a significant boost to her health long term.

>> No.11587181
Quoted by: >>11588195

Not even people who bought adjustable desks actually stand lmao

>> No.11587194

The group would be called SoraSky surely

>> No.11587257

Any JPs still watching have probably just accepted that they shouldn't expect her to pander to them as often. They pop up whenever she does translate stuff and they do still SC but yeah it's still weird that she's still so mindful of them when pretty much every other EN just doesn't give a shit. That's just how she is I guess

>> No.11587466
Quoted by: >>11587651

She cares about everyone anon.
That's what makes her special.

>> No.11587651

Yeah I know. I just get the feeling that caring too much bites her in the ass too much like with collab autism or overlap nonsense

>> No.11588183
Quoted by: >>11588856

I think she underestimated at the time of her how tiring it would be to repeat herself in japanese all the time. She probably didn't think she would stream as much as she is doing right now. Also if I'm not wrong she gradually stopped using japanese on stream after she went back to Austria.

>> No.11588195
Quoted by: >>11588246

I'm literally standing at my desk right now.
I also use it all the time at work.
Even she would just use it like 10 minutes a day that would still make a difference.
It can also be more comfortable to stand than to sit if you've got back pain.
The problem with advice like "going to the gym" and similar stuff is that it takes real effort and perseverance to make it a habit to actually do it. Obviously you should still make an effort to go to the gym even if it isn't easy at first.
But with height adjustable desks it suddenly gives you a healthier and equally comfortable alternative to sitting whenever you're at your computer, which for certain types of people is like a third of their total time alive.

It's the biggest quality of life improvement you can make if you're spending more than 8h per day at your computer, which includes at least 80% of this sites user base and definitely Kiara as well.
It'd be especially good for Kiara since she already has back problems and should take advantage of any passive, effortless boost to her health she can find.

>> No.11588246

*Even if she would just use it 10 minutes a day

>> No.11588482

>but yeah it's still weird that she's still so mindful of them when pretty much every other EN just doesn't give a shit.
Don't Irys and Bae also self-translate from time to time?

>> No.11588543

Bass is a little too heavy.

>> No.11588771 [DELETED] 


>> No.11588836
File: 355 KB, 1625x2048, FB7hVuQWUAIWeKG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11588856
Quoted by: >>11591048

It wasn't particularly gradual, she noticed less people due to time zones so she pretty much stopped in a stream or two.

>> No.11588883
File: 328 KB, 1448x2048, FB3SJsZVgAU2-X4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11588994


>> No.11588951
File: 1.63 MB, 1200x569, 93026588_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11588989
File: 1.12 MB, 1200x1600, FAFbZ57X0AI495Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11588994

Look at those noodle arms. How does she even raise that mug?

>> No.11589020
File: 153 KB, 871x1200, FBr-r7MVcAAvmbp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11589064
File: 303 KB, 500x500, smol[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffrj6ez.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11589092
File: 335 KB, 356x352, soap [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpqyvlr.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11590940

>> No.11589179
Quoted by: >>11589459

>turducken is just a minimal time stream that lasts the mandated 1:30
Bros... I had hope...

>> No.11589459
Quoted by: >>11589706

Time zones...

>> No.11589706

And clearly they can't take time off their busy schedules to coincide on one goddamn stream for longer than the absolute minimum on a stream they've been teasing since a year ago.

>> No.11589843

She’s a weeb. And she likes using a language she put a lot of effort in to learn.

>> No.11589888

just browsing through twitter tags, saw this

>> No.11590057

Anon "pretty much every other EN" couldn't do anything even if they tried, they don't know japanese.

>> No.11590210

3D worms is one of those games i was surprised when i first got around on the internet that people did not like it

>> No.11590240
File: 469 KB, 2500x1300, 1625835671172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11590806

New thread in a few minutes.

>> No.11590925

New thread up:

>> No.11590940

As somebody who's never been to Japan, yeah

>> No.11591048
Quoted by: >>11591124

She stopped because a lot of people were triggered by it back then and that made her feel insecure

>> No.11591124
Quoted by: >>11591206

Triggered? By a chuuba talking in Japanese?

>> No.11591206

It was a really big thing the first month. Just go listen to the first superchat reading where she kinda breaks down a little about people SC'ing her about it. It's a kino saviourfag moment because she starts to talk about her inability to bring anything to the table in comparison to her genmates and that the strong JP skills are the only thing she thinks she had to offer.
