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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.73 MB, 918x1378, 0xbpwdhoq9o71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11349210 No.11349210 [Reply] [Original]

Vshojo squad, fake OP edition.

Welcome to VShojo+! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any vtubers frequently associated with them.

Yesterday was stacked. Silvervale was playing with our hands and spooky games,Nyanners reviewed her art and memes, a huge vshojo+ collab (emphasis on plus) including Melody, Haruka, Bao and some more, Ironmouse tortured our eyes with her, khm, unique Minecraft resource pack and certain Monke played Minecraft for the first time which was precious.
Oh, and Taka did another episode of his CYOA TV2 stream featuring Mim, Cimrai, Trickwii, Haruka which was very entertaining as well.

Anyway, I am not your usual OP but certain fox is now live so I created this thread. In meantime, ignore the bait, be reasonable to each other and pet the rrats.

VShojo is:
Nyan - https://www.twitch.tv/nyanners
Silver - https://www.twitch.tv/silvervale
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Vei - https://www.twitch.tv/veibae

Previous one: >>11324904

>> No.11349274
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>> No.11349310
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Anny the fuck is live: https://www.twitch.tv/anny

>> No.11349523
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>pet the rrats
I want to pet Froot!

>> No.11349550
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Melody: CB @ 4, Twitch @ 7, EST
Nyanners: Drunk Jackbox! 3 PM EST
Silver: In sound Mind, 3 PM CST
Ironmouse: Jackbox as well! 3 PM EST
Haruka & Snuffy: Jackbox! Probably no POV.
Vei: Jackbox, 3 pm!!
Froot: [ERROR]

>> No.11349634
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potential future op

>> No.11349656
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Hime tweeted 2 days ago.
>How bad would it be to release my schedule for streams this week with one stream being not long after I posted my schedule?? (emojii)
Yet no schedule was posted. Very high likelihood of aliens abduction again, though this time she is prepared better.

>> No.11349705
File: 44 KB, 478x262, 1631741890846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyan did say on stream a while ago there might be more magic circuit stuff coming and that mousey and silver might be involved, so it's potentially what they're excited about for sure.
Anyone else have any ideas as to what it might be?

>> No.11349755
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Quoted by: >>11350201

Froot said she wants to stream more Apex, though it is unknow if she still fixed her model problem.
And bri'ish internet is shit so she cant stream anyway.

>> No.11349819
File: 228 KB, 475x381, snuffy bulge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11349869

I literally can't wait, it's gonna be amazing

>> No.11349832

I love Saruei

>> No.11349869
File: 692 KB, 739x709, 1625794222914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you were in THAT thread as well.

>> No.11350075

My rrat is the figurine Vei accidentaly leaked

>> No.11350110
File: 195 KB, 1080x1080, brosglad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11350708

So the Vshojos are participating in Arcadum's chat now? His subreddit shut down after the controversy and my mom told me died of pneumonia. He's alive and speaking to our girls?

>> No.11350201
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Quoted by: >>11350261

How do I apply to work for Virgin?

>> No.11350261
File: 350 KB, 2700x1410, 1630417426630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have at least 2 pages of recorded history fucking someone in the ass. Or just fucking over.

>> No.11350292
File: 369 KB, 1061x1497, E_6Y3fMUUAEwtH5.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, might as well drop some art

>> No.11350311

I see I'm not the only foxfag who will make a thread when anny is live

>> No.11350323
File: 2.38 MB, 4096x3022, E_X5Ze2WEAsd-qH.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11350354
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>> No.11350386
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>> No.11350409
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>> No.11350443
File: 2.95 MB, 2065x3037, FBLDoI8VUAIMv3B.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11350531
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Cute fox cute

>> No.11350708
Quoted by: >>11350889

I didn't see any participation... or any chat

>> No.11350770
File: 848 KB, 2892x4096, 20210916_050423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream that the Vshojo girls were rated based on what kind of pickle was their favorite. There was a long genetic tree of the pickle, and the closer to the original jurassic pickle your favorite was, the higher you were rated. About halfway down the list is where we start, with an ancient Spanish orange pickle which was Mouse's favorite. Almost all of the other girl's fell within the next ten genetic pickle offspring, all orange with Spanish names. Then we have a gap of red pickles and yellow pickles, then we get to the very bottom of the list with only 2 pickles left. The pickles have finally turned green and only 1 Vshojo is unaccounted for. The 2nd worst pickle was the modern day dill pickle, who was favorited by none other than Hime Hajime, thus making her the worst rated Vshojo by a long shot. The only genetic offspring that pickle had which would've been the single worst choice, was the vlastic dill pickle.

>> No.11350856
File: 99 KB, 518x407, 1633875862049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you people up so early? the streams haven't even started.

>> No.11350879


>> No.11350889
File: 107 KB, 958x940, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11351015

and just like that you bite. Worse than that, an ESL bait.

>> No.11350893
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Quoted by: >>11351026


>> No.11351015

Obvious self-reply

>> No.11351026

Right, I forgot about Anny

>> No.11351108

Mousey is a guest in Ollie birthday.

>> No.11351203
File: 740 KB, 1119x687, 1624026176083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, why are YOU up so early?

>> No.11351246
Quoted by: >>11351263

Is there a way to watch the vod while it's still live?
I don't know how youtube works

>> No.11351251

It's 3pm

>> No.11351263
Quoted by: >>11351439

just pick a spot and watch

>> No.11351273
File: 389 KB, 565x449, 1631242038751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11351439

Correction: she is live right NOW on stream Ollies stream:
~3 hours in

>> No.11351439

aaaannnnd she's gone.

>> No.11351511
File: 347 KB, 811x573, Dragon_Muteki-ironmouse-Mori-Calliope-Hololive-6765017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was nice nevertheless
Unity LOVE

>> No.11351596

I mean yeah, this is how birthday calls usually happens.
She's just one from 30+ people who called Ollie.

>> No.11351857
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>Genshit impact
I will now drop your fox.

>> No.11351943

I’m so fuckin hype for Drunkbox collab

>> No.11352560
Quoted by: >>11352647

OKCode raided, she loaded it up for a few mins for the raiders
Back to Hollow Knight again now

>> No.11352647
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Quoted by: >>11352837

I will now watch your fox

>> No.11352837
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>> No.11354195
File: 304 KB, 2048x1998, ExzgdajVcAAAHEo.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anny the fart

>> No.11355345

hlgg seems to be going apeshit over our monke appearing on ollie's stream

>> No.11355592

I don't claim him.
Still don't fully get how people can stomach him.

>> No.11355598


>> No.11355695
File: 121 KB, 993x993, 1630992024322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is literally a vshojo member

>> No.11355701

was talking to mousefags

>> No.11356407
File: 642 KB, 1388x1024, E_BQRcYWUAQe3Gq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11357739

Has Connor collected all the vshojo girls?

>> No.11356785
Quoted by: >>11360349

Does hlgg really believe they have a chance with Ollie?

>> No.11356973
Quoted by: >>11360457

She did, but I can't imagine something like this would generate THAT much hype for them. The viewers sure and I'm really looking forward to that Mouse and Nyan duet whenever it happens but the way Mouse talked about it made it seem like it's more than that. How much more I don't fucking know but releasing music together doesn't seem like it'd be worth that much hype.

>> No.11357113

I dont understand.
How is that when Vshojo or Nijis says "Cock hehe penis" its western horses but anny somehow makes it cute?
She is the most seiso cocklover I've ever heard.

>> No.11357218

She only ever plays it for little bits at a time on stream

>> No.11357239

Most people on this board don't pay attention to anyone not in a company. If everyone knew who she was or if she joins VShojo she'd be known as a western horse as well.

>> No.11357560
File: 79 KB, 480x473, 1624485508610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what you mean anon. I get rocksteady when anny says anything about cocks. Her model makes me produce more cum which I need to dump.

>> No.11357739
Quoted by: >>11357783

He can't. I've already collected the most important of them all theGunrun

>> No.11357783
File: 315 KB, 780x438, E88e2sYVEBoR58I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, anon...

>> No.11358798

>Froot still having troubles with Virgin
Poor girl

>> No.11359871
Quoted by: >>11359930

Never thought watching memes with Anny could be so comfy

>> No.11359930

It's scientifically impossible for anything Anny does to not be comfortable.

>> No.11360093

Hime's "grandmother" from Australia is moving along with some Thai-Britbong, so whatever plans she may have had got held up by that.

>> No.11360189

Funniest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.11360349

Clearly, because being on a call with Ollie is just a magical electric conduit where he can physically fuck her on stream. If Connor can do it, they all think they can, too.

>> No.11360457

I have a feeling the secret has more to do with V-Clan than Magic Circuit. Mouse already spoiled that months ago and Silver and Nyan both confirmed it independently. No reason to keep it secret now. But what would be a secret, and something that would even impress IronMami would be if they ended up on TV in Japan through that. For someone as boomer as IronMami going from "newfangled Twitch streaming" to "TV STAR!" is a big deal.

>> No.11360694

Finally, a V-Clan rrat that might actually make some sense

>> No.11360698
File: 108 KB, 604x769, snuff-o_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruka's impressions are scary good.

>> No.11360812

first time watching anny. her voice is cute, what's her accent tho?

>> No.11360890

Also cute

>> No.11360911


>> No.11360930
File: 316 KB, 1608x2048, E3IMOoSVkAYJgRg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da Ukraine

>> No.11361084

I think Anny is a ukrainian girl living in japan.

>> No.11361202
Quoted by: >>11361274

>3k fucking viewers for indie
Not bad, better than almost every non-vshojo indie.

>> No.11361204
Quoted by: >>11361444

Zen live. Going to be playing FNAF 2 https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

>> No.11361274

people are hoping to catch vei in her stream

>> No.11361312
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>> No.11361347
Quoted by: >>11361441

I always enjoy Neon's stream titles

>> No.11361441

He is speaking the language of the gods.

>> No.11361444
File: 141 KB, 800x800, E-YrAWmVcAUeGSs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will give your dragon one (1) chance to make me happy. I will take my meds and stop shit posting about Zen if I laugh even once.

>> No.11361534
Quoted by: >>11361655

Or people just like her streams
I definitely don't go there hoping to see names in chat, hardly even look at chat desu

>> No.11361563

When will these whores move to an appropriate platform?

>> No.11361605
Quoted by: >>11361771

livestream.com is dead anon

>> No.11361655

It's not vei in chat but vei collab with her randomly without notice before, even froot join a couple of days ago before "comeback". she's in

>> No.11361688

They will "move" to my basement pretty soon

>> No.11361745

How about this? You can stream whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.11361771



how do you do fellow stream boomer

>> No.11361880
File: 252 KB, 1544x876, 1609139809130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More new Halloween accessories from Zen. A mask and a machete

>> No.11361961

based retard

>> No.11362373
File: 261 KB, 1522x867, 1618190344413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another new accessory. His name is Bobby.

>> No.11362727
Quoted by: >>11362821

Does Zen usually spank her ass this much?

>> No.11362821
Quoted by: >>11362922

now that you mention, I think so
Zen does the most boob-/ass-/thigh-/feet/armpit-play out of all the Vshojos, only being beaten my CB Mel

>> No.11362922
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Quoted by: >>11363089


>> No.11363089
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>> No.11363462
Quoted by: >>11363816

lol even in chat haruka is loud, all caps all the time

>> No.11363771

Did Bunny ever eat her broccoli from failing at FNAF yesterday? I don't follow her much but I was watching then.

>> No.11363816

I still have trauma from that time she tried ASMR

>> No.11363851
Quoted by: >>11363963

By broccoli, did she mean the vegetable or Momo?

>> No.11363963
Quoted by: >>11365398

Well she said she hates broccoli so I hope she didn't mean Momo. But Bunny eating Momo would be hot

>> No.11364225

You think that salad dodger eats vegetables?

>> No.11364347
File: 103 KB, 1500x1000, architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11365507

I don't mind if she keeps her greens at low amounts

>> No.11364374

Any guesses on the upcoming announcement? It must be huge if even Mousey needs to keep her mouth shut.

>> No.11364415

It is always fucking merch.

>> No.11364456

I forget she is fat irl with how skinny she has made her vtuber. Why wont she embrace the chub? I love her big wobbly belly irl. It would always shake and jiggle during her irl work out streams and I got banned for mentioning how cute it looked. She doesnt even show her irl self live anymore and her photos are getting more and more edited. It’s sad. Wish she embraced her real life chub and gave that same weight to her vtuber.

>> No.11364500
Quoted by: >>11364571

Didn't she do nudes?

>> No.11364512

Take my hand, anon
We'll walk back to /ag/ together

>> No.11364523
File: 239 KB, 1000x1000, murch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hav sum murch

>> No.11364528

I doubt they would be this tight-lipped about merch.

>> No.11364529

why do you post this same shit every week

>> No.11364540
Quoted by: >>11365563

Vei cancelled, she will be on jackbox though

>> No.11364553

Top 2 rows even glow in the dark. cool.

>> No.11364571
Quoted by: >>11364771

I know she did softcore porn stuff but not sure if full nude. She was still chubby back then but nowhere near the size she is now. She practically doubled in weight and is really self conscious about it so she hides her body on stream now but shows her tits and tons of skin in her pics since she can edit her waist. I hate when thick girls photoshop their bellies. That’s the best part, why hide it?!

>> No.11364594
File: 1.84 MB, 1440x2037, vy71TgMtACT0KO4qfOItfxq90meN26bjCUd8bzAlV1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11364633

What did she say exactly? Anyone have a timestamp or clip?

>> No.11364610
Quoted by: >>11364686

Some day we will get merch that's actually cool....right?

>> No.11364633

These two. >>11338204 >>11338256 The scream she said was in frustration over not being allowed to talk about it, not out of anger or anything else in case there's any anti vshojo schizos lurking.

>> No.11364659

Why would her mom be in disbelief about fucking merch? Her reaction implies she is going to do something than even a normal person would recognize as a huge deal.

>> No.11364683

inb4 another concert

>> No.11364686

I think the clothing merch is pretty good.

I'm guessing if she's scared it's probably some sort of live performance. Maybe she'll sing at a Kizuna AI event?

>> No.11364690
Quoted by: >>11364737

That's why I want to lean more towards a concert of some kind, or what that other anon said with convention appearances. Both of those would be pretty "out there" for an older normie without much knowledge in streaming and what's possible these days.

>> No.11364698

They obviously all chipped in to get Mousey a working ironman suit

>> No.11364732

Saw it in the other thread but my guess is something to do with V-clan and Nippon TV.

>> No.11364737

>convention appearances
Like in a screen or what?

>> No.11364771

Bunny comes off very confused. She clearly wants to look asian and seem japanese (calling herself “ayumi” kek) but also wants to larp as some super Texan with this phony accent. She always talks about how “thick” she is but edits her body in her photos and makes her vtuber skinny. She comes off really crazy.

>> No.11364788
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1624134861097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup Hololive's done it before.

We get it sperg you can drop the bit now we know you're samefagging

>> No.11364794

That's what Hololive did so it wouldn't be unusual. IDK if they'd get that excited about a convention appearance though.

>> No.11364824
Quoted by: >>11364981

She's desperate for attention

>> No.11364826

Its going to be a shitty tv appearance on some small channel by vclan

>> No.11364851
Quoted by: >>11364902

They are getting interviewed by Jimmy Falon (unless he got cancelled while I wasn't paying attention)

>> No.11364855
Quoted by: >>11364908

Okay bunnyknight. Are you planning to go on your schizo tirades against anyone who says something you dislike about a fat old ethot and ruin the thread with your frantic “sperg” spam or are you going to act normal like the rest of us and ignore it?

>> No.11364902

Didn't Nyan once do a bit about how unfunny she thought Jimmy Fallon was once.

>> No.11364908
Quoted by: >>11364923

it might surprise you but the majority here actualy like her

>> No.11364917
Quoted by: >>11364993

that wasnt a bit. Nyan genuinely hates Jimmy Fallon

>> No.11364923
Quoted by: >>11364944

I'm not the sperg you're talking to, but most anons here are indifferent to her.

>> No.11364944

The sperg unironically makes me like her more. Making retards seethe just by existing is really funny.

>> No.11364979

Don't forget to take your meds.

>> No.11364981
Quoted by: >>11364998

>desperate for attention

>Literally every streamer

>> No.11364988
Quoted by: >>11366637

Helps that he literally never has anything new to whine about with her. Makes it extra obvious how stupid this grudge is since it's the same shit over and over and over for months now.

>> No.11364993

Even better

>> No.11364998

maybe everyone you watch

>> No.11365015
File: 1.01 MB, 1010x663, pink cat in heat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11365044

>Making retards seethe just by existing is really funny.
Unironically how Nyan conquered everyone's hearts on the divegrass tourney

>> No.11365044
File: 210 KB, 1592x2048, 1622580386017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11365079

Fuck you anon I was rushing to post a Nyan pic at the exact same time lol

>> No.11365079
File: 3.11 MB, 441x300, 1630299143337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be faster next time, nerd

>> No.11365085
Quoted by: >>11365124

I don’t like that bunny’s new model looks like a Vei recolor. Exact same hair and face and body. I also think her voice is pretty ugly and vtubers voices are really important for their overall appeal.

>> No.11365120

>see more posts about sperging that any actual sperging

Are bunnyfags usually this thin skinned or am I missing something here?

>> No.11365124

>Vei recolor
Vei has horns, maid attire, long white hair and isn't as thicks
the only thing they have in similar is having the same illustrator

>> No.11365152

>am I missing something here?
you are

>> No.11365186
File: 7 KB, 247x204, 1594754092456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen! cease your musings and speculations this instant. Having filtred through the minutiae of this case I have come to an absolutely ironclad conclusion that will satisfy your insatiable curiosities and put all speculations to rest.

Inspired by Veibae's DD character commission VShojo approached a large and well known videogame company to insert the girls' likenesses into a game as DLC. The game is anyone's guess but their shared excitement stems from a team of professionals capturing their personalities and their finding the preliminary interview and creative process exhilarating.

or they they got a taco bell sponsorship or some shit lmao also the new girl is bao

>> No.11365213
Quoted by: >>11365982

Nyan is going to be an optional boss in Bloodborne 2. Cap this

>> No.11365265

They'll have time-limited cosmetic items in FF14

>> No.11365270
Quoted by: >>11365425

Genshin Impact x Vshojo incoming

>> No.11365272

Kek you mean bunny herself? No one cares about her here except for the fag who takes every comment about her extremely personally like it’s about them. Really makes you think.

>> No.11365285
File: 1.17 MB, 1036x574, 1620309387051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11366268

Would be into something like this even if it's just something simple like the Hololive recolors in Disgaea.

>> No.11365398

aye and on either side of the rtx slider as well.

>> No.11365425
File: 669 KB, 833x1000, 1630466190339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VShojo must move to Bilibili as part of the deal

>> No.11365432
File: 581 KB, 1200x1200, cryingassoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mousey as an angel
That's going to be really sad before you know it.

>> No.11365463
Quoted by: >>11365602

Yeah because she said she has an angel model on the way.

>> No.11365484
File: 178 KB, 1078x100, 1613920452041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11365506
File: 53 KB, 640x620, 1632807181031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They won't have to make new art when it happens. Business 101

>> No.11365507
Quoted by: >>11365534

Only an Architectfag can best a Bunnysperg

Still going with what I said >>11360457 but I really don't know. Just spitballing.

>> No.11365534
Quoted by: >>11365598

Architects always win, you know it in your heart

>> No.11365563

Vei hates streaming collabs, so this is consistent for her.

>> No.11365569

Nyanners in Smash confirmed?

>> No.11365598
Quoted by: >>11365651

Literally every single time Nyan said architect last night I tensed up thinking she was about to start making jokes about calories or eating sweets or something but it never came. Her talking up how good of an architect Silver and Vei are made me laugh anyway though

>> No.11365602

An IRL angel model

>> No.11365651

She said she lost weight during the stream. I don't think Nyan will ever be big because she likes fitness and has a puking illness.

>> No.11365979

Nyan delayed stream by an hour, apparently some people are feeling sick

Wonder if they're waiting to feel better or if she's gonna find replacements

>> No.11365982 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.30 MB, 2240x3340, 1626755746260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see it.

>> No.11366030


>> No.11366045

>some people
Is there anyone in vshojo who isn't a terminal patient?

>> No.11366063

i want her being humiliated by bigger monsters

>> No.11366134
Quoted by: >>11366240

Well, Zen will probably happily switch from FNAF to Jackbox at this point I think

>> No.11366165
Quoted by: >>11366275

Btw, no Mel today as well.

>> No.11366240
File: 103 KB, 1600x900, 1626537692086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Zen to jack his huge cock into my ass

>> No.11366243
File: 69 KB, 896x482, 1617021570854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just tweeted about it and lol the image she added to it https://twitter.com/NyanNyanners/status/1448363409989255171

>> No.11366268
File: 2.99 MB, 3840x2160, Neptunia Virtual Stars_20210511210059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything is better than the Neptunia Virtual Stars rug pull where the Vtubers were just loading screens.

>> No.11366275

It might be that she's only cancelling CB and not Twitch, judging from her tweet

>> No.11366303
File: 436 KB, 1000x994, 1633565438046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate Jackbox. I don't really like collabs very much either. Any more than 3 people in a call and it becomes a shitshow.

>> No.11366341
File: 211 KB, 350x327, 1624043253547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11366385

Y u r gay

>> No.11366385
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 1631079177814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11366391

ngl it's a shitty move to announce stream delays like this in her supporter only channel, feels like you shouldn't have to give her money just to know if she's going to be late

>> No.11366399

Girl_DungeonMaster is online with more Noita

>> No.11366411
File: 543 KB, 579x505, 1625971042524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11366418

Stuff like Gartic Phone and Jackbox work great with bigger groups though because everyone gets to take their turns

>> No.11366422

They really could do with adding one more person, odd players isn't great for jackbox

>> No.11366433
Quoted by: >>11366511

retard read >>11366243

>> No.11366437
File: 80 KB, 704x430, UHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11366439
File: 317 KB, 449x417, 1633306125604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11366505


>> No.11366444
Quoted by: >>11366511

She literally posted it on Twitter, retard.

>> No.11366446

Anon, I... >>11366243

>> No.11366458
File: 146 KB, 477x528, 15152066774372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11366511


>> No.11366479

but anon, you don't have to pay her money to know

every time she announces a stream delay I post it here

>> No.11366489
File: 669 KB, 1073x783, snuff-smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Sniffy would do a Q&A at my friend's convention? She could do it on stream so the other shrimps could still give her bittolies.

>> No.11366505
File: 133 KB, 1489x1134, E6cuA5jWUAYdnlI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11366506
Quoted by: >>11367051

Only if the payment is really good

>> No.11366511

How about you look at the timestamps, she posted it in discord before, they getcadvsnced notice and for some reason others have to wait even when she clairlycalready decided to postpone the stream

>> No.11366530

You jacking off in front of a screen doesn't count as a convention, anon

>> No.11366535
Quoted by: >>11366601


>> No.11366541
Quoted by: >>11366601

Learn to type, retard.

>> No.11366560

>feels like you shouldn't have to give her money just to know if she's going to be late

But that not what you said, you said you had to pay her to know. When she posted it on twitter a couple of minutes later. seriously seethe less and chill.

>> No.11366561
File: 34 KB, 474x380, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so flustered he's missing spacebar and making typos

>> No.11366570

Wrong meds dude

>> No.11366580
File: 80 KB, 478x583, 1539633325085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck you touched my cocks reply

>> No.11366592

8 minutes delay that's fucking crazy

>> No.11366597

She probably has Discord open already because she was talking to whoever isn't feeling very well with it.

>> No.11366601

>oh no a slight typeo
Not my fault people here are so fucking retarded it makes me berserker type and hit a key or 2 that I shouldn't in the process

>> No.11366606

Never fucking type here nerd.

>> No.11366624

What benefit is there in getting the info like 5 minutes earlier than everyone else?

>> No.11366637

And if you know that, you should just ignore him and move on.

>> No.11366646

Wow, discord users get some early notification that a stream may be delayed, then when it's actually confirmed that it's going to be delayed she tweets it publicly. Pretty standard stuff. If you're so concerned, get into the priority news cycle that is her discord.

>> No.11366681
Quoted by: >>11366759

Don't worry anon, as a subscriber I too wonder why the non-supporter announcement channel seems to be basically for nothing but the stream announcement bot. Like I understand supporter-only fanart and stuff, but actual announcements? It's strange to me. I don't understand why mentioning it got all these other tards so riled up though.

>> No.11366687


>> No.11366696

>Seething this hard
Shouldn't you still be at school?

>> No.11366701

you don't seem to get it, you look like a complete fool throwing an autist fit so hard you can't even type over something this trivial
you need to rethink your life

>> No.11366722
File: 259 KB, 1553x868, 1634072059823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11366738

I'm more concerned that someone has infiltrated our ranks that expects a Nyan stream to start at the time on her schedule

>> No.11366746
File: 805 KB, 506x700, 1601926295832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11366759

Yea me too anon they're all just stupid and we're really really smart.

>> No.11366766
File: 1.48 MB, 1318x2000, BF305332-0F0F-4F2D-8093-1132A9E84019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the frenchie in?

>> No.11366804
Quoted by: >>11366855

No one knows if she even applied, but it would be cool.

>> No.11366811

Out of everything that can happen, this is the 1 thing that might make me drop everyone in vshojo

>> No.11366812
Quoted by: >>11366855


>> No.11366828
Quoted by: >>11366855


>> No.11366833
Quoted by: >>11366855

hope not

>> No.11366854

Doubt they'd collab much outside of Froot and Zen.

>> No.11366855

>replying to Saruelfag

>> No.11366864

Same, some will be easier to ditch than others

>> No.11366888

but I love Sarueifag...

>> No.11366894

Fair point, I feel dirty now

>> No.11366918

I want Saruei to verbally abuse me while I jack off in front of her.

>> No.11366929
Quoted by: >>11367030

I'm making friends with him since he'll be a thread regular once she's in

>> No.11366941

Management has been good with no interfering with collabs the past couple of months, but based on what the girls were talking about, and the collab with olly that's being planned it seems they're starting to interfere again, if she joins you bet that the others will have to do "vshojo" collabs with her,especially at the start to try and get her fans to watch the others too to inflate their numbers

>> No.11366972
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 1633037226436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11366977


>> No.11367030

He doesnt care if she is in or not, he just wants to post Saruel in this thread.

>> No.11367034

Other than the 2 obvious ones pretty much everyone counts as part of vshojo already I'm hoping for Bao and Anny and maybe a couple to fill the gap between the time zoomer whale usually finishes and cute fox begins

>> No.11367044


>> No.11367051
File: 88 KB, 402x402, degenerate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think any payment would be fine since she has to stream anyway and wouldn't even need to leave her room.

Is it true that Nyanners been arrested twice?

>> No.11367096

The "+" in this thread has always been for "vtubers on twitch who are too popular for /wvt/" anyway, I don't understand why this particular guy gets thread policing spergs so riled up.

>> No.11367100

>Is it true that Nyanners been arrested twice?
I know of one time

>> No.11367101
File: 952 KB, 4096x1668, FAj5x77VUAEI-xv.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is in.

>> No.11367104

You are not paying her to stream, you are paying to put up with your autistic ass.

>> No.11367130

Because no other shill makes daily threads in vt exclusively for their chooba
Also she seems like kind of a cunt

>> No.11367152
Quoted by: >>11367182

>no other shill makes daily threads in vt exclusively for their chooba

>> No.11367179

Yeah, and it shouldn't be a dumping ground for everyone else

>> No.11367182

From twitch indies fucktard, nobody is trying to shill holo or niji girls here

>> No.11367183

This is wrong and people need to stop thinking it is true.

>> No.11367190

So long as >>11366854 is correct I could live with this. I only really like Nyanners and, to a lesser extent, Ironmouse and Melody anyway.

>> No.11367198

before Anny became a regular chuuba discussed here, she was being shilled by her very own Annyfag

>> No.11367230
File: 6 KB, 224x225, dowload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Temmie Chang is VShojo+? About time there was somewhere to discuss her.

>> No.11367259

Cool, then there's precedent, sarufag can go put his hours in until she's roundly accepted here
Doesn't look like we've reached that point yet

>> No.11367258
File: 35 KB, 400x400, Beatani_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11367282
Quoted by: >>11367312

This is actually not true. When we had an "official" plus list it was asked she be added because she had become friends with Vei and Nyan and it looked like, at the time, that friendship would blossom and grow. Then nothing happened with Anny for months and eventually the other faggots demanded we take down the "official" list of +'s and now we get Saruei shill.

>> No.11367312
Quoted by: >>11367350

Not like Anny stopped being friends with Vei in that time, they both just got tired of collab beggars

>> No.11367350

Perhaps, but we also didn't know if the friendship went anywhere either. It just became a "nothing" for months until recently, in fact.

>> No.11367389
File: 208 KB, 1500x808, F3AD45B8-7DE2-44DC-A8E1-1B89D2E05A08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace the Elgaite fraternitie and liberte

>> No.11367436

She’s collared with Froot and Zen

>> No.11367477
Quoted by: >>11367513

So did a list of about 20others

>> No.11367513

And they get posted too. Snuffy and Bao frequently in fact

>> No.11367550
Quoted by: >>11367660

GTFO tourist and don't come back

>> No.11367571
File: 290 KB, 411x438, 1631116469992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Bunny and Saruei both get in.

>> No.11367594


>> No.11367605

Having a plus in the name has done nothing but case arguments, either we add a rule that we dont talk about a + if wtraits not about a collab they are in with a vsj, or we get rid of the +, or we change to something like popular western vtubers and stop making the arbitrary distinction between vshojo and others

>> No.11367612

It's a symbiotic relationship. He loves the attention and the thread-policing spergs love to thread-police.

>> No.11367613

I think Arcadum streamed last night because he is coming back and is in

>> No.11367619
File: 336 KB, 1755x2048, 1625081104227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11367726

Zen was also the first of the original Vshojo crew to ever collab with Vei, and then a few months later Vei joined Vshojo

>> No.11367651
Quoted by: >>11367690

I'd take this over zoomer whale even when I hate saruei.

>> No.11367660
File: 12 KB, 461x439, F09A9892-932F-46F0-AC71-7ACB2DE0FE06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11367683

Snuffy is constantly talked about but when was her last collab?

>> No.11367661
Quoted by: >>11367709

>we add a rule
you are actually retarded

>> No.11367683
Quoted by: >>11367864

2 days ago

>> No.11367690
File: 401 KB, 548x440, 1632793749802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11367723

Oh she's getting in too.

>> No.11367691

unfathomably based

>> No.11367709

Are you implying we don't have any rules? Great! I'll talk about my favorite holo here too then since we can do whatever we want

>> No.11367723

You can't say that with pink cat pic. It's not fair

>> No.11367726

meant for >>11367436

>> No.11367864

Sometimes you gotta shake the tree to see what falls out

>> No.11367877

Board rules barely get enforced despite jannies and mods having the "power" to do so, your gayass thread guidelines aren't going to do shit. People will keep doing whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.11367895

i'm going to have to assume that the jannies don't care about your self-appointed role as the thread cop and don't really give enough of a shit about your proposed "Clause XVII: don't talk about other vtubers unless these four conditions apply" but go off my man, maybe one day people will listen to you

>> No.11367979
Quoted by: >>11368129

Can't believe a lost faggot wandered in here and called snuffy's position in the thread into question
Anyone here got a jannie friend that can be convinced to give them a lifetime ban?

>> No.11368129

Do you really care that much?

>> No.11368193
Quoted by: >>11368411

>Zen raided Saruei
S____ __!

>> No.11368203
Quoted by: >>11368277

Snuffy has been friends with the girls for over a year. Bao is only tolerated during "dead hours".

>> No.11368277

Isn't Sniffy's origin story that she was a girl in Nyan's Discord server that Nyan took a liking to?

>> No.11368299
File: 676 KB, 1071x1026, cvnka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11369577

She's in!

>> No.11368310
Quoted by: >>11368362

She groomed her

>> No.11368314

Or we go back to what we had before, an official list of "+"s, which you faggots had us get rid of. It worked just fine until faggots started sperging about the officialness. Now look where it got us. I said it a couple of days ago, but make up your fucking minds people. This is never going to be "just" a VShojo only thread because they do too much with certain others to the point where they will be brought up whether we like it or not.

>> No.11368362
File: 247 KB, 1190x1195, 1627312717802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11368394
Quoted by: >>11368457

can someone spoonfeed me a timestamp of mouse's birthday greeting in ollie's stream? i'm not autistic enough to find it in the vod

>> No.11368411
File: 1.53 MB, 1009x878, 1634072190459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11368515


>> No.11368412
Quoted by: >>11368538

Personally my only problem with the way it was before is that it only had the 5+ girls channels and not the ones that were actually in vshojo. Was kinda weird.

>> No.11368417

The official +'s list caused more problems than it was worth.
Who decides who is 'official'?
Then if you bring up anybody who isn't in the list, retards have a resource to refer to to shut you down.
That, and the fact that people will never stop complaining about who is on it after it is made. People will bring up the chuubas they want to talk about regardless

>> No.11368430
File: 1.50 MB, 2576x2520, 6B51635C-BEEB-40A3-940C-D02A343C15FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>+ and anti+
Vshojo civil war

>> No.11368431

Her origin of first joing the Vshojo-shere was the christmas charity, where she collabed with Vei and Silver.
She was friends with Silver, Vei and Nayn beforehand though.

>> No.11368457

No but maybe 3hrs10?

>> No.11368483

She just used to post in Nyan's chat occasionally and then someone on Nyan's discord made a short story about them fucking and Nyan read it on the stream.

>> No.11368515
File: 233 KB, 1481x859, 1633471263731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a huge 3dfag but god damn Silver has a powerful 2d form

>> No.11368518

thanks, anon

>> No.11368538

An easy correction.

Well, the "no official list" is causing more. Pick your poison. As for who decides, we do. Just like we are now by arguing about whether Saruei is eligible for discussion and why now that people are apparently thinking we're in the wild west of /vt/, that they can just talk about whomever is too popular for /wvt/ which has never been true.

>> No.11368560
Quoted by: >>11369083

I feel like snuffy was at nyans debut
I know Mousey and a couple of others were

>> No.11368573

>Well, the "no official list" is causing more
Agree to disagree, I guess

>> No.11368619

Maybe Sarueifag should carry out a hostile takeover of wvt

>> No.11368631
Quoted by: >>11368720

Who do we put on the list? Haruka and snuffy are easy, and I say we stop at those 2. We don't need more

>> No.11368648

Also, you're misremembering history. Nobody just brought up whomever because we had a list, and anybody who tried was collectively ignored or told to fuck off to their thread. It worked just fine. The reason the official list died was because people were getting pissy that the thread was ALLOWED to talk about certain vtubers whom they didn't think belonged. That's why it was dropped.

>> No.11368673
Quoted by: >>11368758

i know half of this thread are discordteens who got lost but if you think people will stop posting things you dislike because you reworded the opening post a little boy do i have bad news for you

>> No.11368720

Again, we can decide that but only if we agree on an official list and a limit. Originally the only reason we had that list was because Vei, Snuffy, Bunny, and Momo were involved with the girls either with direct interaction and collabs or through D&D. That's why Haruka was added after Vei became VShojo. Anny was where things got tenuous and was probably a mistake in hindsight. The original official list made sense and still does.

>> No.11368758
Quoted by: >>11368891

It worked fine for months. I know you're new here, but really it did. It is not a shock that this place has become "WAH DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" only over the last few months as we've gotten more IPs showing up.

>> No.11368812
Quoted by: >>11368974

I dunno, we seem to have quite a few Annyfags here and her and Vei are actual friends that play together off stream

>> No.11368849

Before the list was done away with, it had girl_dm on it.
Still wanna tell me the list made sense?

>> No.11368885
Quoted by: >>11368995

god i want to kill hall monitor fag

>> No.11368891

>it worked fine for months
that's because we didn't have 50 post spergouts whenever someone posted an offtopic vtuber like anny, bao or momo

>> No.11368936

Did it? I thought it was just the 5

>> No.11368951
Quoted by: >>11369027

Most people were pretty accepting of ++ people until recent sperging

>> No.11368970

I blame the auditions

>> No.11368974

No I just mean Anny was probably added too hastily back then. She makes more sense now.

>> No.11368995

Cringe but based

>> No.11369023

>girl_dm on it
Either you're new trying to sound like you're old or you're confusing girl_dm with Momo. Girl_dm was never on the list.

>> No.11369026
Quoted by: >>11369100

Yeah and vshojo for saying 'we'll maybe make a decision sometime this year'

>> No.11369027
Quoted by: >>11369177

And I'm convinced the sperging is almost entirely 1-2 people using it to troll. And a lot of it comes from the Sarueifag(s) shouting at anyone who bring up anything negative she's ever done while shilling her at maximum speed.

>> No.11369059

I hope SarueiSperg is happy with the chaos he has caused

>> No.11369083

she was

>> No.11369100

I admit, the auditions have not helped. Honestly, after Vei joined part of the "+" reason was also "who else might join" because it was believed only close friends would ever join VShojo. The auditions have nuked that whole thought process.

>> No.11369106

Zens hosted her earlier, he's probably jerking off in heaven right now.

>> No.11369110


>> No.11369127
Quoted by: >>11369199

I don't care about saruei fag, The problem is the 8 fags that reply to him every time. He literally never makes more than 2 posts per thread but it derails the thread every time because people want to exert authority on the cambodian speare fishing forum
If you're so pent up about it report and move on. The current system is fine.

>> No.11369150
File: 3 KB, 247x132, Screenshot 2021-10-13 nyanners - Twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11369551

While I'm waiting for Nyan...

>> No.11369157

Would have been only 5~ posts but then the thread police arrived to save the day

>> No.11369170
File: 17 KB, 400x300, 4f9012d4ecad049556000013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based mayhem creator

>> No.11369177

It's both. Saureishill and Saureihaters should both fuck off. People need to go back to where we were months ago ignoring bait and irrelevant topics.

>> No.11369199
Quoted by: >>11369253

I'm pretty sure he was the guy comparing her to snuffy because of 2 collabs

>> No.11369235
Quoted by: >>11369255

This is all because fake OP didn't tell us to be excellent to eachother.

>> No.11369253

And it should have been ignored. Learn to ignore stupidass posts. Don't even laugh at them. Any (you)s you give just give them the dopamine rush they want in jerking you around. How have you fucks been on 4chan as long as you have and not learned this.

>> No.11369255


>> No.11369286
File: 184 KB, 619x323, squidgame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11369311

Guys, I think I have an idea on how MowtenDoo and Gunrun can narrow down the audition applicants...

>> No.11369294

kek, almost felt like Ollie was just going schizo at first

>> No.11369301


Back on topic, it looks like jackbox is dead in the water due to sicknesses all around. Time to find a lost Mouse!

>> No.11369311

Mousey is already doing literally that

>> No.11369402
Quoted by: >>11369508

No announcement on Jackbox being dead but disappointing from Mouse I wanted to be inundated with bad clips and watch her fail to stop from laughing.

>> No.11369469

Mouse was already planning on streaming tonight

>> No.11369508

Actually now that I look at her schedule Mouse always had the TNTL at 7pm EST separate from the Jackbox, so maybe she's only modifying that part.

>> No.11369551

Huh, hasn't she hosted Girl_DM several times recently?

>> No.11369553
Quoted by: >>11369738

>who will rescue me
...who, indeed?

>> No.11369577

I wish

>> No.11369591
File: 145 KB, 1287x1091, FBihDSQUUAEOmgO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11369643


>> No.11369643
Quoted by: >>11369747

Assuming the stream title is not incorrect it sounds like everyone's going to be around too. Good. I hope this stream is amazing

>> No.11369738

OTV Rescue Team on the scene

>> No.11369747

Maybe Mousey just changed her mind about streaming it
We'll find out soon enough I guess

>> No.11369894
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>> No.11369898

i like mouse on minecraft even if i have to look at unicorn barf

>> No.11369917

I love nyanmilia

>> No.11369963
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>> No.11370023

lmfao Haruka's naivete. Not knowing what pack a bowl means

>> No.11370042
Quoted by: >>11370079

Whos Froot?

>> No.11370049
File: 6 KB, 331x49, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any snuffy discordfags?

>> No.11370072

Screenshots of what?

>> No.11370079

She likes beans on toast

>> No.11370094
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>> No.11370093

I think the exchange between vei and haruka about packing a bowl lol

>> No.11370096
File: 99 KB, 579x536, 1629306617845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11370167

Tell me about the beans.
What makes them special?

>> No.11370124
File: 58 KB, 479x457, 1620649419536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol more than one.

>> No.11370146


>> No.11370160

Anon's wife can't possibly be this sheltered.

>> No.11370167

Do you have the pink cat version of this anon-sama?

>> No.11370171

lol does Snuffy realize bongs (ironic) still get arrested for that?

>> No.11370176

>the minecraft stream after is going to continue the collab
I pity the dead who can no longer know such joys. How the fuck is today so fucking stacked lmao

>> No.11370196

WifePoster might be on to something.

>> No.11370212
File: 129 KB, 283x233, 1633295210163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holoEN is all minecraft
>check out vshojo
>they're all getting addicted to minecraft

>> No.11370241

Unbased and not joker pilled

>> No.11370250
Quoted by: >>11370293

Valheim only delayed the inevitable

>> No.11370260

The real down side is all the effort Silver put into the Valheim server is basically wasted now.

>> No.11370263

Joke of the thread.

>> No.11370272

new to Vei?

>> No.11370271
File: 112 KB, 564x399, haruSmol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I say, I love my wife!

>> No.11370282
File: 14 KB, 112x112, snuffHehe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all Mira's fault

>> No.11370286
File: 534 KB, 802x802, 1630797057945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know what it meant either and you fags are making me feel bad

>> No.11370293
Quoted by: >>11370329

It's kind of sad how Silver built them so much cool stuff and they never played. Figures.

>> No.11370329
Quoted by: >>11370379

This is why Silver always feels like she's never good enough.

>> No.11370332

Is this a 2hu meme or a rezero meme?

>> No.11370342

Great collabs planned today and now a storm is rolling in. What luck.

>> No.11370356

>mousey is a discord groomer
i beleb et

>> No.11370362

I dont get it.
Whats wrong with packing bowl of snacks? Is this fucking weed lingo or something?

>> No.11370379
Quoted by: >>11370558

The other girls don't really help with that either.

>> No.11370398
File: 181 KB, 464x434, SnuffHoodSmoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11370438


>> No.11370400
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Quoted by: >>11370438


>> No.11370438

God fucking dammit.
I hate potheads except Snuffy, she gets a pass.

>> No.11370468

for now minecraft is really fucking good content, maybe it will decline but for now is good

the girls mostly liked to hang out in valheim and with the models it's impossible to play in more than 3 at the time, like it or not, minecraft is the best game to play if you wanna chill with friends on a shared world

>> No.11370474
File: 871 KB, 722x932, 1625437827348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't ALL drink weed here, right?
We aren't all filthy marijuana injectors?

>> No.11370479
Quoted by: >>11370575

Never thought i'd say this, but Haruka needs to be turned up slightly.

>> No.11370536

I snorted a couple of lines of maryjane back in my college days

>> No.11370550

wtf did i join in, tf is this cumbox

>> No.11370558

She makes and hosts a server for them, acts as tech support to get it up and running, mods it for them all, and they just dump it for Minecraft. I don't know about her, but I'd feel pretty dejected.

>> No.11370570

the only good thing to come from reddit

>> No.11370575

It'll happen naturally with alcohol>>11370558

>> No.11370588
Quoted by: >>11370893

I have never done any drugs in over 30 years. Not even alcohol. Because I get addicted easily and I would probably ruin my life.

>> No.11370609
File: 758 KB, 1100x695, 1623870037985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont drink, dont smoke, dont use pots, dont use weed, dont use drugs.
The only way I get high is by sleep depravation

>> No.11370624
Quoted by: >>11370792

She also invited Mira sooo....

>> No.11370626

I tried it but I'm the paranoid type so it sucked

>> No.11370663

I would post a pic but I get the feeling it'd be bannable. Just google cum box and you'll find more but it's similar to the rainbow dash cum jar except it was a box and even more pointless

>> No.11370716
Quoted by: >>11370868

If it were decriminalized in the UK I'd probably try it. Until then I'm too paranoid to get it delivered to me and too socially inept to find a plug.

>> No.11370718

>Snuffy hung out with raccoons as a form of method acting before committing to the raccoon redesign

>> No.11370719

I wonder if she was invited to jackbox

>> No.11370721
File: 60 KB, 600x426, 0AB98D86-4213-45E6-93F2-4B772ACC9D32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope I drink alcohol

>> No.11370755

tbf the minecraft server was announced before the valheim one, it was pretty obvious it was going out pretty quick

>> No.11370759
Quoted by: >>11371098

Not to mention building things to help smooth the learning curve so they can progress comfortably. It's really sad how she's always taken for granted. Do you think she'll even bother with Minecraft?

>> No.11370762
File: 153 KB, 441x601, snffcan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11370907

>Snuffy studied for the role of raccoon by throwing Combos at raccoons in the park at 3am

>> No.11370783

>snuffy is "the queen of animal husbandry"
you just know

>> No.11370792

Maybe Silver should just graduate and form a separate group of her own. A group that's interested in MMOs, RPGs, and the like.

>> No.11370795


Hopefully it's just in my head, but it feels like theres a bit of a pissy tone to it.

>> No.11370839

So how new is this new Jackbox, are any of the games good?

>> No.11370845

Weeeellllll. she is a furry.

>> No.11370863
Quoted by: >>11370910

Don't know about the second question but it's so new it's not releasing until tomorrow. She started the stream saying she contacted the devs to get a key a day early.

>> No.11370867
File: 1.36 MB, 1317x1017, 1623870845912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not coincidence she has the most /trash/ nsfws than anyone else

>> No.11370868
Quoted by: >>11370934

it's easy just go to a cheap bar on friday night near a uni and ask around

>> No.11370881

Sounds like someone who isn't feeling to well.

>> No.11370892

it's just you

>> No.11370893

Oh hey it's me except I didn't abstain

>> No.11370897

Literally so new it comes out tomorrow. Mel and Nyan got advanced codes.

>> No.11370907
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>> No.11370910
Quoted by: >>11371019

yeah I heard that part I was just curious if anyone else has played it (on stream) since they typically give streamer copies out

>> No.11370934

What part of socially inept aren't you getting here? Go to a bar?! ASK AROUND?!

>> No.11370942
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>> No.11370971
Quoted by: >>11371078

3 cancels and 1 delay today.
The absolute state of Vshojo.

>> No.11371019
File: 276 KB, 1696x954, 1623790422773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was curious so I just checked and Mel played it in her collab yesterday.

>> No.11371029

Zoomers only use punctuation when they're upset.

>> No.11371039
Quoted by: >>11371090

The ones Mel played yesterday were pretty cool. A trivia game with a spin the wheel mechanic, normal drawful but you draw a 2 frame animation instead, and one where you answer prompts using words from other people's ramblings.

>> No.11371078

3 cancels? It's 1 cancel, 1 change of plans, and 1 delay isn't it?

>> No.11371090

ah thats good, those all sound like good fun

>> No.11371098

Is Silver selfposting? What are these womanly whines?

>> No.11371111


>> No.11371115
Quoted by: >>11371273

I'm sorry you had to find out from me

>> No.11371123

All of them are shit, no joking.

>> No.11371145

>went on 4chan
lmao what a loser

>> No.11371149

I both wish she wasn't so direct about this and fucking love it

>> No.11371175

Vei, Silver, Melody cancelled.
Nyanners delayed.

>> No.11371273
File: 130 KB, 375x206, poieh43htpih34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11371354


>> No.11371297

>unprotected handholding?!
>it's a safe day, don't worry

>> No.11371323
Quoted by: >>11371395

vei would've probably just stream jackbox collab so i wouldn't really consideri it a cancel, she's still on

>> No.11371354

>A social game eve

>> No.11371365

So a 20 year old college bro groomed a 11 year old Nyan into a lesbian.

>> No.11371389

Vei was never streaming

>> No.11371395
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>> No.11371418

I'd shake his hand if I could

>> No.11371430

that story was hilarious

>> No.11371434

>20 year old college bro
what if it was one of the girls and they were both just RPing as guys like usual

>> No.11371443
Quoted by: >>11371583

But Nyan was the one catfishing him.
Imagine if he was also an 11 year old lesbian

>> No.11371444

She was gay the moment she saw Yuna and she was on 4chan looking at sailor moon porn before she was 11

>> No.11371583
File: 212 KB, 500x376, free-beer-hey-mister-i-got-a-bunch-of-rock-32353203~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11 year old Nyan cat fishing college bros

>> No.11371608
File: 1.13 MB, 1082x1080, snuff-cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyan, Sniffy, Haruka, Mouse, and Vei. What an amazing lineup.

>> No.11371676
File: 464 KB, 2048x2048, 1624232525763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, it has my wife in it!

>> No.11371696
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>> No.11371716

Anyone is making new thread?

>> No.11371740

posting a new thread

>> No.11371774

I like this new SHNIV. Silver was shit anyway

>> No.11371793
Quoted by: >>11371838

nice this thread didn't die. so new thread

>> No.11371820
File: 82 KB, 240x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another nyanjak

>> No.11371838

>page 11
I'm scared, bros

>> No.11371881

Page 11 is a scary liminal space

>> No.11371939

Hold me, bros...

>> No.11371961

on the threshold between life and death
