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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 332 KB, 1000x639, D45C4289-CC28-486B-A823-75B82F6839ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10755300 No.10755300 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the discussion of the Leaven Lusty Lilting of Lamentoso herself, Mori Calliope, as well as the members of her extended universe.

>> No.10755305
File: 1004 KB, 220x285, Mori Crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be Mori’s little brother.
>you will never grow up with Mori in the same house.
>Mori will never use you, her little brother, as a substitute boyfriend to know the boyfriend experience.
>you will never cross the line between brother and sister with Mori and have sex.
>You will never move to rural area to raise your child with Mori in peace.
Why are we even here? Just to suffer?

>> No.10755315
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10755411


>> No.10755359
File: 3.87 MB, 1560x2382, 87718126_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10755381

End your already worthless life and everybody wins

>> No.10755395


>> No.10755411
File: 228 KB, 1440x1680, 1631146287900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based first post.
KING at 8mil by the way

>> No.10755419
File: 573 KB, 954x534, 1627535785497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mori so much I want to support her earnestly in everything she does! I want her to be content and fulfilled by all of the effort she puts forth! I love her laugh! I love how she's cool, cute, and a dork at the same time! I love her commitment to her friends! I love that she holds herself to high standards, and I love that she's able to pick herself up whenever she gets down on herself! I love her voice! I love when she hums in my ears and also when she's pretending to suffocate me with a plastic bag! I love her taste in games and anime! I love her dedication to uplifting small-time creators because she spent so long doing her best underground herself! I love how expressive her avatar is, and I love that she acknowledges that and regularly makes full use of it! I love her hair! I love her eyes! I love her smile! I love how her original outfit is so edgy and flashy and how it perfectly compliments her natural gap moe! I love that her second outfit is so heavily influenced by her actual fashion sense, which is cool and cute and dorky, all at once, just like her! I love her dumb hat and her hoop earrings! I love that she is comforted by her fans! I love the gratitude that she pours out for deadbeats even when we don't deserve it! I love that she would reassure us that we do deserve it if she were to see one of us say that! I love her tits! I love how she's so dedicated to her niche subgenre of music! I love her lyrics and her flow! I love that she's willing to branch out into doing other styles of music as well! I love that she's determined to improve her vocal capabilities to accommodate her trying different musical stylings as well as her raps! I love that she's always focused on self-improvement and espouses those same values to her community as well! I love that she's into theatre and poetry! I love her odd sense of humor! I love her endearing awkwardness! I love that she takes inspiration from so many things from her life and channels them into consistently enjoyable creative output as well as a wonderful personality! I love that she inspires me! I love Mori! I love her so much!

>> No.10755432
Quoted by: >>10755521

Fpbp because it causes that one anon to be mad.

>> No.10755454
File: 3.10 MB, 1500x1205, 1604338809250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to love you Mori.

>> No.10755470
File: 54 KB, 500x523, 1622488176713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a correlation between OPs with unnecessary capitalization and incestposter arriving first, I wonder?

>> No.10755477
File: 624 KB, 2452x1800, 1619439807999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them

>> No.10755516
Quoted by: >>10755796

incestfag is the one who makes the thread

>> No.10755521
Quoted by: >>10755660

You sound like a retarded faggot

>> No.10755628
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>> No.10755653

Not in a mommy way but I really want to suck Mori's tits.

>> No.10755660
Quoted by: >>10755735

Not even him, but I find all ritualposts to be cringe as fuck, but you throwing a tantrum at a particular one is pathetic.

>> No.10755661
File: 314 KB, 2110x1289, En Barristas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cow-iope Moo-ri

>> No.10755665

Does anyone have the art and/or sauce of Lucitan’s image?

>> No.10755683

Does Mori masturbate in her sleep?

>> No.10755735
Quoted by: >>10755784

>He thinks it's one person

>> No.10755737

No. Mori is a chaste woman.

>> No.10755738

Huh, irys sure looks tanned in comparison

>> No.10755767

Yes. She even moans the name of the Deadbeat who sends her the largest aka for that day.

>> No.10755784
Quoted by: >>10755811

Doesn't change the fact that its pathetic to throw a tantrum like a petulant child over a ritualpost.

>> No.10755796
Quoted by: >>10755824

The timestamps dont support this

>> No.10755811


>> No.10755824

There's no cooldown for making the thread.

>> No.10755926
File: 1.32 MB, 951x933, 44444444444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great start, everyone.

>> No.10755954
Quoted by: >>10756047

Blame the schizo bitching about a ritualpost.

>> No.10755959
Quoted by: >>10755997

Why do Kiara, Watson and Mori all have the same size tits ? This isn't canon

>> No.10755997

Also why don't mori's have my mouth attached to them?

Very unrealistic

>> No.10756013

Thanks DAD!

>> No.10756047

Blame this schizo >>10755954

>> No.10756190

Does she usually have morning wood?

>> No.10756203
File: 136 KB, 1242x1242, 1626217649744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10756265

I wonder if we're gonna get back on track with one song a month with this next batch of originals.

>> No.10756220
Quoted by: >>10756259

Thank god there’s a stream tomorrow.
You schizos always go more out of control when Mori’s not streaming

>> No.10756226

i just realized that she was watching baki probably because the prison arc got animated recently

>> No.10756259
Quoted by: >>10756282

Why are you blaming the whole group when it’s just one anon mad at a ritualpost. I don’t know why he just doesn’t ignore it.

>> No.10756265

Haven't we been on track for a while now ? She includes releases on other channels

>> No.10756282

You could drop it, too.

>> No.10756288
Quoted by: >>10756319

It boggles my mind how people can enjoy that shit. Its drawn so horribly.

>> No.10756319

cant be worse than the manga

>> No.10756414

Fuck you guys. From what I've watched Baki is great.

>> No.10756434

Does she have a good taste in anime?

>> No.10756436
Quoted by: >>10756461

Shut up Mori go to bed.

>> No.10756441

I'm sorry Mori, I just can't stand that art style.

>> No.10756453

It looks like shit, Mori. Absolute trash.

>> No.10756461
File: 140 KB, 329x329, 1617859757514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, i dont think so

>> No.10756742
File: 314 KB, 1447x2047, 1632851228353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it'll never happen, but a Cowboy Bebop watchalong would be really fun.

>> No.10756763
File: 511 KB, 900x767, 1625357174399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tink tink tink* I just wanted to say, big ups to the Hime poster! All pink women are based, that's all.

>> No.10756800
File: 26 KB, 640x522, 1623900645858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All pink women are based

>> No.10756806
File: 374 KB, 688x500, 1622347086704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based liz enjoyer

>> No.10756841
File: 359 KB, 800x610, 1626913360113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10757947

Okay okay, 99.99% of pink women are based.

>> No.10756910
File: 1.38 MB, 2894x4093, 1630057767894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

takamori love

>> No.10756931
File: 1.09 MB, 2386x4096, bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting the inferior liz

>> No.10757009
File: 80 KB, 1050x600, 1629748956296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream Red(Piano ver)

>> No.10757032
File: 2.54 MB, 1782x2614, 1601489487133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as f-word

>> No.10757037

Music is harder to make than I thought. Big ups to you musicians

>> No.10757052
Quoted by: >>10757174

I have no negative opinion about pink cat.

>> No.10757077
File: 176 KB, 348x600, E0xXCH-UcAEBzDp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10757091
File: 610 KB, 1024x1280, 65556065_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why lie?

>> No.10757162
File: 169 KB, 1148x1280, 20211002_125752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10757174

Me neither, I was just banking on the local meme "hate"

>> No.10757206
Quoted by: >>10757634


>> No.10757235

>no ceo of sex

>> No.10757239
File: 1.36 MB, 100x160, 1624550382091.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that a lot of entertainment Mori likes is with mostly male cast.
Dare i say based?

>> No.10757272

Women in anime only downgrade the quality of the story

>> No.10757274

at least it confirms she isnt very deep in the hell that is moe shit

>> No.10757336

She is a woman of action, thus her entertainment must have action.

Rape is optional but will earn bonus points from her

>> No.10757408

that's just new ollie

>> No.10757462
File: 89 KB, 850x475, 1632358392688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10758192

congrats for the sheep, one of her best tracks for sure!

>> No.10757538

Ban is such a good artist. Fucking godlike.

>> No.10757634
File: 363 KB, 688x500, 1601679864388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe Love!

>> No.10757669

Made in Abyss is good Mori, but that shit is not.

>> No.10757730

Made in Abyss....Madoka....

>> No.10757748
Quoted by: >>10757992

Good taste, Mori. Baki is not for everyone, but it's great.

>> No.10757827
Quoted by: >>10757992

The less women in an anime the better the anime. it's facts look it up.

>> No.10757843
File: 159 KB, 660x1000, the_thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10757873

Same goes for her taste in movies. She would love The Thing.

>> No.10757873

god, imagine a the thing watchalong for this month, she would love the blood test scene

>> No.10757947

That art style is comforting. Works really well with Mori.
Omocat drawing her was really sweet.

>> No.10757992

fuck you guys im gonna watch yuru yuri and K-On again just to spite you

>> No.10758072
File: 143 KB, 775x1200, 1614261044141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Mori she is cute and talented I wanna hold her and make her happy.

>> No.10758078

those anime are made for women

>> No.10758081

Sudden realization that Myth is slice of life and that Mori is the Mio of Myth

>> No.10758088

Based SoLchad

>> No.10758104

Her two favorite animes include a total of 0 major male character (Reg is a robot)...

>> No.10758108


>> No.10758111

Based, make sure to watch Lucky Star too.

>> No.10758130
Quoted by: >>10758325

You will never have female friends, you will never go to school together with them, you will never hang out after school and most importantly you will never be a woman.

>> No.10758136
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, moriCwp01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10758138
Quoted by: >>10758228

>SoL anime is made for women and not lonely and depressed Japanese salary men who just want to enjoy cute girls being cute


>> No.10758142
File: 1.05 MB, 1683x1041, 1412836525430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10758162

Nope. CGDCT are actually made for men. Sometimes coming home after a long day and just watching cute girls have fun with other with yuri undertones is all a guy wants.

>> No.10758166

thanks for reminding me to the time back in za day on /jp/ that the janny got mad at someone for not watching K-On

>> No.10758168
Quoted by: >>10758221

She will never be happy in your embrace

>> No.10758192
Quoted by: >>10758350

Hell yeah. Mayday was great, a nice shakeup for idol songs. Holos can do rock. Take note, Mori.

>> No.10758221


>> No.10758228

Real men like to watch dependable, motherly figures who can bear and raise children, not kiddies and teenagers like they're some pedo

>> No.10758255

What's a nyanners fan doing on a Mori general?

>> No.10758275

Fishing for (You)s. Good job giving him what he wants, now we'll never get rid of them.

>> No.10758280

nyanners is part of the extended universe

>> No.10758320
Quoted by: >>10758484

A college sol anime would be nice

>> No.10758322

>Real men need dommy mommy because they know can't handle being the dependable one in a relationship

>> No.10758325

>You will never have female friends
i did
>you will never go to school together with them,
i did
>you will never hang out after school
i did
>and most importantly you will never be a woman.
dun wanna be
i miss my small and sickly stoner friend who's also a girl...

>> No.10758350

When are we getting our power/symphonic metal chuuba?

>> No.10758363
Quoted by: >>10758407

When you do your reps

>> No.10758393
Quoted by: >>10758434

Become the change you want to see. Also, maybe next gen?

>> No.10758407
Quoted by: >>10758487

I'm not a cute girl.

>> No.10758434
File: 196 KB, 1200x1200, 1616700871047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only metal chuuba I know doesn't cater to my specific subgenre of metal.

>> No.10758484

didn't k-on do something like that?

>> No.10758487
File: 6 KB, 300x169, 956cdb178f67f3287fa45c464afeb672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10758572

Then become the producer who grooms the right girl into the change you want to see

>> No.10758572

deadbeats are Mori's producer

>> No.10758653
Quoted by: >>10758930

she has absolute shit taste and is a bitch

>> No.10758674

how many of you are from /a/?

>> No.10758700
Quoted by: >>10758779

Not me, I hate weebshit.

>> No.10758779

Surprising actually

>> No.10758807

I am an Elite Gamer Lord from /v/.

>> No.10758930
File: 57 KB, 480x489, 1630049360127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, yeah. I don't vibe to her tastes either. The only chuuba who can pull off I want is Watame since she already has the "style" I want. Just needs a metal track to sing to.
I'm an ancient fa/tg/uy, and I have witnessed all the eras of 4chan.

>> No.10758935
Quoted by: >>10767480

Not a lot of I'm guessing, a lot of /a/ people hate vtubers.

>> No.10758941
Quoted by: >>10758985

I came to 4chan for /a/ and /v/ but haven't been posting or been on either board for more than a few minutes every once in a while since 2012.

>> No.10758985
Quoted by: >>10759148

sao really killed anime huh...

>> No.10759107
Quoted by: >>10759496

I used to watch 20+ seasonals every season. Man that shit used to be so much fun.

>> No.10759116
Quoted by: >>10759549

I replayed Hollow Knight the other day and I really want to see Mori play it, it's such a good game to explore and there's a huge amount of details and not really that much retardedly hidden secrets even compared to Bloodstained. I hope she will come back to it one day and the overall bug theme doesn't push her away.

I guess I sort of am? Though it was 10 years ago.

>> No.10759131
File: 2.87 MB, 1903x5731, 1541933744103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, i used to flip flop between /co/ and /a/ but i guess i would always call /a/ my home board.

>> No.10759148
File: 265 KB, 1366x707, 1615843837413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit just got worse trust me

>> No.10759177

My home board is /mlp/, I wrote shitty fanfiction there too.

>> No.10759181
Quoted by: >>10765437

I went to /a/ alot a few years ago but my home was always /b/ aboout 15 years ago back when I was underage

>> No.10759224
File: 1008 KB, 711x851, 1603998921824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink Women are based. Generally... Hopefully the future will bring some Mori Hime art I can post in here

>> No.10759239
File: 339 KB, 1229x2048, 1624639852439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10759298

not from /a/ From /pol/ but was always of the TDS variant. Mike, Alex and Sven. Most importantly I'm more in the camp of Borzoi and Spectre. learn to [insert skill here] and make friends in your community and have them in a 10~ mile radius around you in case SHTF type of guy. Fucking hate that 2016 brought edge lords and irony fags into the fold but ehh, have to put yourself in an advantageous position before those fags. Also enjoy philosophical break downs through Borz and Keith Probably one of the big reasons I like Mori is her philosophical outlook on life. I respect that shit.

>> No.10759298
Quoted by: >>10759578

Ticking time bomb

>> No.10759417

>Mori is older than me
>She is taller than me
What are my chances?

>> No.10759496
File: 72 KB, 567x414, 1586806356648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, last time i followed seasonals was in 2018.
And after summer season of that year i just stopped for some reason.

>> No.10759543

Higher than most of the tallfags here, at least you have a chance.

>> No.10759549

Nah I don't think the bug thing would be a factor. It's the time investment it took for Ina to beat it that pushed her away from the game.

>> No.10759578

To you, maybe. Nothing wrong with engaging with what reality is like in America. Consumption of product that has no real meaning so on and so forth etc. A dystopian hell-scape where you have to carve out your own path with very little help from your own people has been happening post WW2 here, whether you want to believe that or not. It doesn't even have to be racial, ethnic, philosophical or religious. Discord is a major thing here, Harmony comes in small pockets, and you take it and cherish it.

>> No.10759579
Quoted by: >>10759752

Zero once I step on you

>> No.10759594
Quoted by: >>10759752

Zero, because I will beat your ass into the dirt before you even set foot on Nippon.

>> No.10759752

t. taller than Mori

>> No.10759773
Quoted by: >>10760214

Fade in... Fade out...

>> No.10759776

Yes thats how I'm going to step on you and crush you into the dirt

>> No.10759778

I am 5'5" and I will fucking crush you.

>> No.10759827

I am, though the last time I was really active there was around 5 years ago. Chuubas were what brought me back to 4chan.

>> No.10760016
Quoted by: >>10760059

Anyone have a link to membership revamp + song discussion stream? I can't find it anywhere. It's supposed to be in a few hours right?

>> No.10760059
Quoted by: >>10760091


>> No.10760091
File: 121 KB, 328x313, 1605744467810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10760137

>14 hours from now

>> No.10760137

Just sleep bro wtf

>> No.10760170
Quoted by: >>10760394

Tomorrow' stream is gonna be packed with a lot to talk about: Talking about the song, explanation of the new membership system, lyric dive and SC reading

>> No.10760214

That hit really hard when I first heard it. She knows how to use her voice.
>is it over?

>> No.10760394

Where did the lyric dive part come from? This is the only place I've seen anyone mention it.

>> No.10760448

I don't think the next stream is a lyric dive. Mori said we'll do one further down.

>> No.10760449

He got into some of /who/'s hopium reserves. Might happen though.

>> No.10760512

Now that the dust has settled, what were your thoughts about the new song? I'm thinking it's a 7/10 while the lyrics and music is good I think her voice could be better.

>> No.10760536

From nowhere, I doubt there will be a lyric dive for a while.

>> No.10760543
Quoted by: >>10760599

Didn't you say this already?

>> No.10760599

When, I'm not that schizophrenic.

>> No.10760663

I give it a 4/5. Some of the high notes are still just a little out of her reach, but the atmosphere is great, very evocative.

>> No.10760699

Pretty good. Definitely her best song lyrically and production wise, but it still doesn't dethrone live again as my favorite.

>> No.10760737


>> No.10760805

Typical Mori fangirl, don't trust her words.

>> No.10760809
File: 294 KB, 2048x1448, 1625016477257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bone Bro Love!

>> No.10760823
Quoted by: >>10760906


>> No.10760832

>not knowing incest-chama is in every Mori thread
How new ?

>> No.10760839
File: 157 KB, 852x673, 1629075597415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED little Bonebro

>> No.10760849

>I got carried away, I was thinking about Calli
Same, same. Same.

>> No.10760906
Quoted by: >>10761281


>> No.10761281
Quoted by: >>10761401


>> No.10761389
Quoted by: >>10761571

the Tsun member who covered Red had a pretty sweet karaoke celebration too, she has some nice bite and character to her voice

>> No.10761401


>> No.10761571
Quoted by: >>10761609

Enjoy and support her, anon, for me too. I can't afford more chuubas to watch, my hands are full.

>> No.10761609
Quoted by: >>10762094

honestly, will probably just sub but the karaoke is a decent dead hours filler

>> No.10762058

>Thinks an office is a coffin until off is where you're laid
The song was good but this lyric was kinda awkward imo

>> No.10762094
File: 257 KB, 1296x1272, 1633063438053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10762152

Ditto. Just sub. My favorite Tsunderia girl never streams and my second favorite streams at horrible times so I miss her most of the time, but I can't deny Miori is powerful. Plus she's old friends with Baelz.

>> No.10762150

The meaning gets through so it's fine.

>> No.10762152
Quoted by: >>10762209

doxxbeat, one thread...

>> No.10762209
File: 133 KB, 270x270, 1607501946705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't count if I kept tabs on her before. I was so excited for that Ririsya collab song, but it happened in the middle of her previous company exploding.

>> No.10762214

I thought it was one of the better lines.

>> No.10762217

nah, this is some pretty good wordplay

>> No.10762335

>lyric was kinda awkward

>> No.10762366
Quoted by: >>10763003

> I kept tabs on her before.
That's cool. When I learned about who Bae was before I was like "Who?". Never heard about her before, not even a mention.

>> No.10762376

The amount of emotion it still elicits from me after is impressive, haven't had a song do that in a while. Weakest part for me was actually the MV "stock" club footage, the music was that good for me. 8.8/10

>> No.10762382
Quoted by: >>10763003

did baelz and mori work together before

>> No.10762817

I thought that one was pretty clever. Didn't get it for a moment.

>> No.10763002

Your just dumb, that was good wordplay

>> No.10763003

She was with a song with Snek and the host of Ollie's giant collab song, but no direct Mori connection.
/wvt/ perks, I suppose. There's at least one discussion about the talents before they became holos/nijis.

>> No.10763123

This collab song got shilled on morig by the way

>> No.10763292
Quoted by: >>10763417

10/10 in my books, probably my new favorite, but im also one of those idiots that liked guh the most off Your Mori so my taste is highly suspect

>> No.10763417

Nah bro. Guh wasn't my favorite but I still think it's legitimately good. Mori should give herself more credit for it.

>> No.10763508

>Who's the one, the loaded gun that's always pointed downward? Shooting myself again, the sweetest sound they've ever heard!
yeah its just a fun, boppy song with a bit of snarl to the humor

>> No.10763525
Quoted by: >>10764347

This, every single song on Your Mori is a respectable choice.

>> No.10764347
Quoted by: >>10764763

tgrials is a ton worse than all the others imo. but the rest are bangers

>> No.10764763
File: 412 KB, 2640x1831, E6vxOYZX0AIHDIl QUASARCAKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10764852

You might dislike TGRIALS but a ton worse?

I don't think so. Actually the only song I dislike from her is Reaper ka Rapper and that was a meme song.

>> No.10764852

mori growling "im still moe as fuck!" still gets a laugh out of me

>> No.10764959

would you stay sane if she stops streaming for a month?

>> No.10765007

only the ghostlings would die if that were to happen

>> No.10765068

I don't think she'd stay sane if she stopped for a month

>> No.10765104

i would stay sane but i wonder if i would put too much focus in other chuubas while shes gone

>> No.10765320
File: 183 KB, 400x400, 1607283031816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't forgiven some of you for the enthusiasm arc

>> No.10765322
File: 1.99 MB, 2382x3089, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_longlong_drasdr7513__03276f0719d76ff37ca1475e46a952fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though I'm thoroughly in Ghostling territory, I'll be fine. Gives me time to practice guitar and whatnot. Will still miss her though.

>> No.10765423
File: 14 KB, 580x245, sanity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might become sane. Being in love with Mori feels great but I don't think it's reasonable and rational, exactly.

>> No.10765437
Quoted by: >>10765689

>discover 4chan when you were 10 years old
>cripple your social skills because your primary interactions come from reading anonymous posts on a viet bahn mi cooking blog
he just like me fr

>> No.10765689
Quoted by: >>10766278

actually i stopped going to /b/ after a year because it got so shit, hung around /x/ a little , after like 5 years went to /a/ for a couple years, and finally left until i found out /jp/ had a holo thread

>> No.10765737

I'd like to think so, as long as it was known ahead of time and not dropped on us out of nowhere so I can mentally prepare for it. I was fine during her extended break at the end of May, so what's a month?

>> No.10765840
File: 358 KB, 598x596, 1633059185534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you stay sane if she stops streaming for a month?
Yes, but I fear a Hafu succubus would end up stealing me away...

>> No.10765855

Literal crash and burn: she wasted the spotlight on Communist memes

>> No.10765999


>> No.10766126

That's very unlikely, though. She's a workaholic and would rather die than not do something. Even when she's resting, all she can think of is her work

>> No.10766156
File: 404 KB, 480x358, 1620392133055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori told others to fuck with the roof
where, there goes the guerilla MC

>> No.10766232

thanks phone

>> No.10766244

From /m/. That board probably is a monolith because the general takes they have are still the same from when they split off from /a/.

>> No.10766278

I stuck around before browsing /v/ then mostly checked /x/ whenever I wanted to find story ideas and horror stories.
Never really stuck to one board, I just hop onto /a/ to lurk for recommendations then fucked off to read whatever caught my attention.

>> No.10766398
Quoted by: >>10767361

Doubt they're going to bother. Calli probably won't get off so easy as telling council they can do it.

>> No.10766399
Quoted by: >>10766513

was this during Sana's stream?

>> No.10766513


>> No.10767320
File: 90 KB, 900x900, 1621751895690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10767361

kinda hope not. sorta deserves to be held to it since she went and acted like she's getting addicted to minecraft when the other girls wake up and play until they go to sleep, and she goes off and watches anime and does other shit

>> No.10767386

Not been on /a/ in ages, after 2017 it became as shitty as the shows they wanna talk about no.

>> No.10767430
File: 86 KB, 289x334, 1605258678713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10767917

>deserves to be held to it since she went and acted like she's getting addicted to minecraft

>> No.10767455
Quoted by: >>10767917


>> No.10767477
File: 351 KB, 800x522, 1626524339975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in a really crummy mood and I hope hearing Mori in the morning will help me out.

>> No.10767480
Quoted by: >>10767502

Mori is actually the vtuber most liked on /a/ funny enough.

>> No.10767502

proof next thread?

>> No.10767516
File: 938 KB, 600x584, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm carting in some help.

>> No.10767541


>> No.10767590
File: 144 KB, 827x1669, happymori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10767669
Quoted by: >>10767778

>deserves to be held to it since she went and acted like she's getting addicted to minecraft
She had a couple of streams where it didn't seem like she was hating every second. That's new, and it's ... good? But I wouldn't call it getting addicted.

>> No.10767674
File: 213 KB, 1400x1000, EuPwBTSXAAEQFqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori :)

>> No.10767778
Quoted by: >>10767919


>> No.10767917


nta but I would rather they didn't for their own sake. Dumping something you said you would do on your kouhai isn't something they should tolerate. Its fair play for them to just leave it for her.

>> No.10767919

Yeah, exactly.

>> No.10768089

Why's everyone so pressed for the deadline? It's just like irys said, it's not like they can't add more to it after the portal is connected, there's not even a big mc event / stream happening, why are people so worked up? Are you guys that desperate for drama? Just wait for the chatting stream and misinterpret everything she says about the song then, just like how the 5% thing was born

>> No.10768174
Quoted by: >>10768241

Calm down. Don't project your panic on the rest of the thread.

>> No.10768220
File: 75 KB, 909x768, Mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10768463

>Are you guys that desperate for drama?
Yeah, Mori didn't stream for 2 days and that means it's time for someone to either bite the bait or falseflag. It happens every time. Sana messaged Mori asking if they could work on the roof or something like that and now Mori's abusing her senpai power.

>> No.10768241
Quoted by: >>10768286

I'm going to rip your throat out

>> No.10768274

I don’t know, my interest in minecraft is about as strong as Mori’s. I watch if she’s involved or if there’s nothing else on but I don’t care about the game.

>> No.10768286

Don't threaten me with a good time.

>> No.10768454

>there's a windsong lyre cover of end of a life already
Ah fuck, I feel so bad dropping tbe game early on only to pick it up again a month ago due to fomo

>> No.10768463

Mori withdrawal really is a bitch

>> No.10768614
File: 157 KB, 695x982, 1615753893068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10768649


>> No.10768649
Quoted by: >>10768676

Me on the right

>> No.10768676

Is your spine okay?

>> No.10768945

fuck no, I don't want her to end like Kronii with 7 hour of MC offstream and 3 streams a week

>> No.10769154
File: 176 KB, 873x634, sleapy reapy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10769187
Quoted by: >>10769313

Hell no, Mori should do what makes her happy. We’ve been getting awesome streams lately so minecraft can go fuck itself. I’s rather see her finish jump king

>> No.10769313
Quoted by: >>10769588

What if working on her onsen makes her happy? I'm all for her doing whatever she wants to stream, I did stick around and watch her play Shadowverse.

>> No.10769338
Quoted by: >>10769421

so uhh is that just stock footage in the MV

>> No.10769357
File: 107 KB, 713x1025, ErCEIcvUYAExjoH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10769421
Quoted by: >>10769957


>> No.10769434


>> No.10769516
File: 311 KB, 1447x2039, 1622937868846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10769588

If it does then I’ll happily watch her play it. Only for Moririn though because she’s cute.

>> No.10769630

Yeah, that's approximately my read too.

>> No.10769655
File: 2.42 MB, 2480x2480, E3HgF5NUUAUcxnm kim0222dr5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10769957

Yeah... Cap and jacket are even there. People not really noticing it was the surprise

>> No.10770004
Quoted by: >>10772801

Been shadowbanned in Mori’s chat for months, today find out I’m now banned in all the girl’s chats. Thanks Susan.

>> No.10770081

i think one part people neglect to mention about this song is that there are a lot of double meanings about everything that part of her life did for her positively (most obviously, thank you for saving my life is as much about what the jrap scene did for her as what her new fans have done) and even before the change from joining hololive so much of it had crumbled due to covid

her songs are never as linear as they seem but this one in particular people seem to want to read this one as only about 1 thing, when its just, not. (this part isnt about your analysis btw just a trend im seeing that i wanted to mention)

>> No.10770198

I'm looking at the video and I think it's just stock footage. Though that would have been one incredible move if she/the editor approved using something from a personal archive.

>> No.10770467
Quoted by: >>10770540

the city footage is the LA skyline looking north along I-10 so its prolly stock

>> No.10770488

Yeah, I get everyone likes joking about "doxxbeat prime" but I doubt she'd actually use footage of her RL concerts. Especially footage that you'd be able to recognize her in. Maybe the stock footage came with all those other effects she got to video jockey during her karaoke.

>> No.10770540

I could be recalling incorrectly but I’m pretty sure Mori said it was stock. She said she bought a lot of effects and backgrounds for live shows and mv’s in the t3

>> No.10770707
Quoted by: >>10770765

those bars in particular hit really hard, because the whole song is this bittersweet look back at what it was like living a really fearful, stressful life and coping by acting like it was bohemian. "stop the pity party" is her yelling at herself to snap herself out of it like "you were miserable then, you got what you wanted now. the you back then would have hated you as you are now, and that sucks, but youre actually happy now"

at least thats my read

>> No.10770765

and i say its fearful because the long shots of the passport combined with the lyrics create this feeling of just staring at it, like its looming in her thoughts

>> No.10770764

During my evening walk home, I was relistening to Mori's new song and thinking about the lyrics

I think I finally understood the meaning of "You don't get to say 'I miss you', you watched your heroes fade into the rear-view mirror of the villain you portrayed"
It's one of those lines that made me go "woah that's powerful but wtf does that mean" when I first heard it

After relistening it, I noticed it came after "Does it matter in the end the sound diminished and decayed, and your friends grew tired of fantasy you're wishing they had stayed" and even the part after it "Stop the pity party listen you dont get to be dismayed, you dont get to feel emotional feel blessed youve got it made" delivered so angrily, gave it the proper context
I think she's talking about surpassing and growing disillusioned with her old friendships and role models.... some probably were upset that she got into hololive. "The villain you portrayed" I think is hololive Mori herself, and those same friends she had were probably casual rappers who were wishing they had it made but gave up on it, while Mori eventually surpassed them and saw them in her "rear-view mirror"

I dunno, that might've been obvious to other people here but once I finally understood those lyrics, it hit me hard and made me understand the song better
It's interesting how a song that's almost too on-the-nose about referring to her own unique personal life, can feel so emotionally relatable in a deep and subtle way

When you put the pieces together, the song's really kind of a tearjerker, my interpretation is that it's about that soulful phase in life where you had crazy dreams and friends to laugh along with about those same dreams, living a life where your hopes uplifted you as you went through the struggles of daily life.... to be able to "make it" and come out on the other end, must feel surreal and at times lonesome and alienating, wondering if she is still the same soulful person now as she was back when she was just a dreamer

I think that's the part that's relatable - all this time any of us spends working hard to achieve goals which seem impossible, will we still have the same soul deep down once some of those goals actually come true? Will we still have the same friends we used to laugh along together with? And do we ever stop to consider that maybe the time *before* we have it made, while we're still dreaming and working hard and thinking our goals are hopeless, that maybe *those* are precisely the good old days and we're too stubborn to appreciate them that way? I think the aesthetics and track do a great job of conveying the anxiety that ultimately all of these questions are wrapped in a fog of half-beautiful, half-stinging/lonely nostalgia and maybe they're not things you can ever truly figure out in the end, no matter how far we fly

>> No.10770843
Quoted by: >>10771172


>> No.10771095

It's great that people are looking deeper into the lyrics and are still able to relate to the song.
Just a reminder not to worry though since she stated this multiple times on stream that she's happy now and that this song wad just a way for her to vent.
She was able to release this song because she's happier and in a better place now. Remember not to concernfag too much

>> No.10771172

sorry I didnt see people already linked to my post here, I just really wanted to talk about the song and see what others thought

While I'm here, what do people think about the line "is the me that I could never befriend"? I'm not sure how to interpret it
The Mori I know would love to befriend any person who demonstrates grit and active passion at any level of success, and she's even presenting herself in this song as one such person
I don't want to write it off as just simple self-deprecation, I think maybe she's saying the her of back then is a faded, blurry memory who is worlds apart from the her she is now and, in trying to understand herself and her trajectory/"direction" in life, she's unsure how to bridge that gap between those two worlds. If that's the correct read then I think that further adds to how relatable this song can be

>> No.10771280
Quoted by: >>10771444

i think this is an allusion to an attitude she had in the past that she described as being "a jealous little ho" about idol shit before milky clued her in, and she might have some lingering guilt about thinking that way about the kind of people who have become her friends over the last year

>> No.10771330

it's a sign of her growth as a person and realizing the flaws of how she interacted with people in the past
transactional relationships, only shared thing being negativity and alienation from the 'mainstream', romanticizing being the outsider while denigrating the normal, average person

old 'Mori' is honestly not someone the new 'Mori' would find much of a common language with, even if they are still haunted by similar baggage

>> No.10771378

Because self deprecation while glamorizing the obviously shitty grind she was throwing herself into, not expecting and even making fun of the thought she was deserving of more.

She was sipping on dumb bitch juice.

>> No.10771400

i think its both about how much shes grown and wouldnt want to go back to Tha Old Her but also the fact that she used to hate herself. always double meanings in her lyrics

>> No.10771444
Quoted by: >>10771553

she has this line at the very end thats like "'til the school chime, 'til the train runs, we know it's time, we're the sane ones, waking up now, to the real life" and it feels like an expression of that sensation of looking back at a time where you thought you had it all figured out, and realizing you didnt know shit

>> No.10771516


>> No.10771539

Could be, it may also be that younger her would see "Calliope Mori" as throwing everything away and selling out just for the fame. After all the songs and everything aren't "from her" anymore its from a fictional character owned by a corporation. The highly prideful, rebellious, and creatively driven devil may look at that as an unacceptable way to "make it".

>> No.10771553
Quoted by: >>10771866

“We’re the sane ones” always made me think of like ‘normies’ or like the non-dreamers that gave up on their passions stuck at a desk job. It lines up with the preceding line about her soul being lost

>> No.10771555
File: 429 KB, 1500x2251, c3dac4ad00f15ed9a0842caecffc8db5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think end of a life was an important song for Mori where she was able to bring closure, to herself and to her fans who were wondering an obvious (but unspoken) question.
It's the most bittersweet song she's wrote because it is a goodbye and it is also her eating her own words. A lot of things she once thought and said turned out to be wrong...in the best way possible. She overcame preconceived notions, her own doubts, and doubts from others but in doing so it propelled her onto a different level than those she once wanted to be with. She's growing into her full potential but doing so means she's had to sever some ties because she noticed they weren't good for her (or good for the other(s).) She will always have those fond memories, but they're in the rear-view mirror to where she's headed. Which is a brighter future than she could have ever imagined in the past.

>> No.10771590
File: 65 KB, 202x194, 1620954905203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is gonna Mine and Craft

>> No.10771601

Mori and Fauna on mc together please talk to each other onegai.

>> No.10771688

You're alright bud.
'The me that I could never befriend' is tied up with how much she has changed over the years. We all remember how one of her friends made her realise she was being an unnecessarily jealous bitch about idols way back when, and that said friend convinced her to see past the glitz and glitter to see the aspirational figures who aren't just trying their best for themselves, but also giving their all to inspire their audiences to be their best in turn.
It's a reflection on how she and that older version of herself wouldn't see eye to eye, but also don't skip over the context from the preceding verse. I don't think it's so much the "Old" Mori disappearing into the mist of never-happened as it is a hypothetical Mori who is too stubborn, who couldn't or wouldn't see the value in the path she's decided to walk down.
She's saying now that she can't relate to someone who wouldn't change, who wouldn't give something new a chance, who would break other people down just to feel slightly less shitty about themselves.

>> No.10771719

Mori please don't call sana your nigga

>> No.10771760

It's pretty obvious that SHE would find the mere idea of Mori horrific and would hate what she is now. Of course Mori sees the final result as a natural progression of everything that's happened in her life, but at that earlier point, "Mori" is something she saw as fake and an easy money grab with no effort or thought necessary (obviously though, we see that this is not true and she's working harder than she ever has in her life.) She'd be simultaneously envious and contemptuous, if they were both in a room together, SHE and Mori would never be able to look each other in the face.

>> No.10771834
Quoted by: >>10771990

we owe milky so much bros

>> No.10771866
Quoted by: >>10771953

it hits me totally opposite desu. but its definitely open to interpretation and im interested in hearing the lyric dive

>> No.10771883
Quoted by: >>10771930


>> No.10771919

I think as contentious as that kind of meeting would be, there would also be a lot of pride in both sides towards the other. They're not enemies. They're two players in the same game and one's back-breaking effort led to the other even getting this chance.
[Redacted] is sitting back, relaxing, and smiling.

>> No.10771930

Based, can’t wait

>> No.10771953
Quoted by: >>10772058

I just think of that because of all the ‘dreaming’ context around it.

>> No.10771965

youre an ace, kid

>> No.10771989

"fuck you to the future me whos looking back and cringing" hitting different now

>> No.10771990

Self-respect would call Mori a whore to her face and mean it completely.

>> No.10772004
File: 1.43 MB, 1221x683, Empress & Queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of songs about cities, lights, and dreams.

>> No.10772014

something something little shit got me good

>> No.10772058

the great thing about the song is it hits this particular spot that particularly aches, apparently for a lot of people. id go as far to say it might invoke a particular moment in peoples lives, and the moment it invokes for me influences my read. im not claiming to have a definitive take.

>> No.10772063

zoomie's tiny hands typed this post ToT

>> No.10772067
File: 1.08 MB, 2400x4000, 1607140475481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Don't you know that idol rapper's such an oxymoron?" -an idiot

>> No.10772124

not what that line means but its still very funny

>> No.10772131

aged like yogurt

>> No.10772148

mori and gura eRPing in minecraft text chat lets goooo

>> No.10772158

>Fauna actually exposing herself as a bonebros shipper on stream

>> No.10772164

Yo dude, you gotta clip that "wuv cawi" too.

>> No.10772197
File: 500 KB, 680x679, gosling live with thr pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn defend your reaper gf's honor from her evil time travelling clone

>> No.10772229
Quoted by: >>10772296

jesus fuck, that makes all the pictures more hilarious

>> No.10772231

>blahblah UBW memes Blah blah.

that picture is really apt.

>> No.10772237

speak for yourself. ive been in psychic battle with her for over 6 months now. i've finally gotten a break which is why im posting here but i will have to fight her again very soon

>> No.10772269

I'm enjoying this bone bros interaction but hearing it in VC would be nice too

>> No.10772270

Whatd she say?

>> No.10772272
File: 52 KB, 957x544, 52b37f7d586ba589b97c192b39049959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10772286

I like it. A little edgy/corny, but still.

>> No.10772296
Quoted by: >>10772339

What picture?

>> No.10772297
Quoted by: >>10772368

>not convincing both the only way to settle their differences is with a contest
>the contest is who can pleasure their bf (me) the best

>> No.10772332

"Now you're the exhibit" has quite "You're my present this year" vibes.

>> No.10772339
Quoted by: >>10772439

all the Calligula pictures with Fauna shooped into them
they were based on past life shit before but now they're a stream reference

>> No.10772368
File: 626 KB, 1000x1000, moririn gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheating on your mori with another woman

I would tell you to go to hell but I don't want you near her

>> No.10772422
File: 210 KB, 854x1200, 1620960289483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After listening to the new song for a couple days and digesting it, I've got a lot of raw thoughts and feelings about it and Mori. A lot of what's in the song were things that could be inferred from things Mori and her roommate have already said in the past. But for some reason, hearing it all put into song in her own words really impacted me. I no longer find Mori to be an inspiration. She's beyond that to me now. I find myself putting her on a pedestal.
We joke about >haha dumb dorky reaper she's just like me, but I can't find her relatable anymore. Though, I don't hold it against her at all. In fact, I'm so fucking proud of her. She's someone who took a risk to chase a dream and made it through a combination of hard work, talent, networking, and luck. How many people are fortunate enough to actually live their dreams? I certainly won't. Not with my relative lack of ambition, current job and skills, finances, especially at my age. I can respect the grind she put in, but I'm also not going to delude myself into thinking any amount of reps will let me achieve even a fraction of happiness and success that she has. I know my place in the world.
The worst part is, she's still the same humble and kind person I fell for. It hurts knowing that the perfect woman of my desires exists out there, but I will never have a chance to meet her. I can't move on either because she's unironically ruined other women for me. But I'll stay and keep supporting my boy because that's all I can do.
I want to read her autobiography one day. Hers is a story I can see someone making a biopic of in a decade or so.

>> No.10772435

Are you really cheating on Mori if you have sex with her angrier, more spiteful former self?

>> No.10772439

what the fuck, I'm a saplingbeat and this is the first I've heard of this the shooped pictures I mean I knew about the past life before because t. doxxbeat

>> No.10772441

She was watching Mori and Gura flirt in text chat then gushed about how much she loves their interactions.

>> No.10772493

They are the same person. I will only ever love one woman no matter what time they are from. Now check yourself ficklebeat who wouldn't love the her from two years ago.

>> No.10772513
Quoted by: >>10772600

calling the fbi

>> No.10772561

How long was Mori on Sana's minecraft ?

>> No.10772587

Mori is such a flirt.

>> No.10772590

She wasn't "on" it as far as I can tell, she's in the world and doing her own thing but never went into the VC.

>> No.10772592

5 seconds

>> No.10772600

Little vegetables are for headpats, encouragement, and fostering creative endeavors in. "That" is for later on.

>> No.10772615

she's still on, she's just silently working on the onsen and mentioned going on VC later, she probably doesn't wanna get too distracted

>> No.10772627
Quoted by: >>10772671

Saw the bone bros chat interaction and said “I love watching this interaction”

>> No.10772635
Quoted by: >>10773091

Are you seriously saying this when there's a deadbeat getting married and he stated that he doesn't love his fiancée as much as Mori?

>> No.10772638
Quoted by: >>10773313

I still think those who started it are kinda based. Not only was that comment section an engaging read, as opposed to the usual affair, but we also got a better Mori out of it by the end. Don't be angry now that it's over, be grateful it happened.

>> No.10772671

I wonder how long Fauna will try to dodge Mori and Gura collabs so she doesn't run into "Kiara/Pekora syndrome"

>> No.10772721
File: 314 KB, 349x480, 1632694430772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who wouldn't love the her from two years ago.
But would past mori love you? And if so, would that mean current Mori hates you?

>> No.10772725
Quoted by: >>10772980

I think Mori or Gura will reach out to do a collab with her. She won’t refuse an offer.

>> No.10772734
File: 164 KB, 1000x1468, 976de6cbfd802a44aebd33acec5f3f50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah shark teabeeaytch. I've moved past feeling pain that I couldn't have met her or had those friends I knew stay like she has. Overpowering that pain with that pain was a happiness in finding her and in taking some steps to improve myself. I could never do what she has, I'm too weak, cautious, stubborn, and unmotivated.

Nothing she said in the song was new but it's all condensed when in the past it was little bit here, there, wherever. It all hits in one wave.
She's really something. She proved anyone who ever said 'nay' to her wrong. Even herself.
I know what it's like to have an oshi and it doesn't just mean a favorite streamer. It's someone you want to see succeed wherever they go. As long as she is doing her thing, this world is a better place because she's proof that at least some of us can make it. And for those who can't follow dreams or even identify them (in my case), she's there to entertain.
Then at the end, maybe we will be fortunate enough to actually have an apparition of a beautiful reaper coming with her hand extended for us to take. Our Mori.

>> No.10772737

She's still working on the onsen roof with Gura.

>> No.10772801
Quoted by: >>10773032

Kek. I'd take being banned from everywhere else just so I could chat with mori and deadbeats again desu

>> No.10772868

I wonder why management did not allow Fauna to sing one of Mori's song in her membership opening, maybe they are dodging from something too

>> No.10772893

did she actually say this or is this a rrat

>> No.10772914

it actually happened, management told her that it wasnt a good idea singing live again on that stream

>> No.10772918

she didn't have the instrumental and doing a duet risked an autoflag
Ame and Gura really only do duets in unarchived

>> No.10772949

>I'm not sure how to interpret it
Literally works for me. Imagine you meet your past self and they don't even understand what kinda slang you're using, let alone share your views or maybe even some of the core principles.
Now imagine this past self became its own entity and lived an entirely different life on their own - good luck finding any common ground at all.

>> No.10772951

>check yourself ficklebeat who wouldn't love the her from two years ago
Even accounting for time travel, I could never interact with any earlier version of her for fear of disturbing the beautiful trajectory she's been on. Hell, even interacting with the present her sometimes makes me worry that I might upset her or disturb her ascension somehow.

>> No.10772980

I can see Gura doing that since she is riding a wave of confidence and spontaneity right now. Mori has so many collabs on her plate if Fauna doesn't push it she might get lost in the shuffle, which might honestly suit her desires right now.

>> No.10772985
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They are going to have sex. No. They are having sex right now.

>> No.10773032
Quoted by: >>10773166

Just make another account

>> No.10773040

Calm down /u/beat, they aint having sex, just chilling in VC while drinking a monster white and birthday cake bang

>> No.10773050

When they meet for real they are going to look at each other in silence for five seconds before they start making out furiously. Then pull apart and go on normally with whatever they planned to do.

>> No.10773072

>Mori's Moris
>Shark cunny

>> No.10773077
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>> No.10773080

Mori wasn't awake to give her the instrumental for live again and Fauna's manager said it's better to be safe than sorry, probably because automated copyright systems can be stupid.

>> No.10773091
File: 152 KB, 497x751, looking at (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10773370

Does your mori accept lazy whataboutisms as excuses for being shitty? That deadbeat should learn to let mori go and hornybeats should stop wanting to NTR your boy

>> No.10773117

As bros are want to do.

>> No.10773146
Quoted by: >>10773192

at around 30 minute mark in her recent karaoke, Milky talks about 'End of a life' fairly extensively

>> No.10773152
Quoted by: >>10773222

That would be hilarious
>The other 4 arrive at the airport
>Mori and the managers meet them outside
>They run to hug her
>Gura is quicker and she and Mori just start making out
>Everybody else just stands there awkwardly

>> No.10773166

>implying I didn't
Then again, maybe I should try a more thorough approach, clearing cookies and cache and everything

>> No.10773192
Quoted by: >>10773212

>Didn't get an alert about Milky

>> No.10773212
Quoted by: >>10773277

pretty sure that is on her twitch channel

>> No.10773222
Quoted by: >>10773299

This ain't one of your webtoons partner

>> No.10773271
Quoted by: >>10773433

the concept of a mori and gura off collab is perhaps too kino to even try and imagine

>> No.10773277

Oh, nevermind then.

>> No.10773291

>all that discussion
So would anyone here be interested in organizing/participating in /vt/ sings end of a life?
I kinda need to get this sadness out of my system too though I appreciate how it killed my horniness for the time being. Reminds me of those cases of "post-game depression"


>> No.10773299

Is this some kind of "touch grass" twitter thing or is "not one of your webtoons" just some post-ironic way of saying "ughh, they're real people sweaty, stop"

>> No.10773313
Quoted by: >>10773413

I say fuck all the ficklebeats and faggots thinking their criticism had anything to do with Mori's improvement since then. I trust that she would've recovered on her own. I still can't believe the fact that she does so much work behind the scenes that we don't see had to be spelled out for everyone, yet was still misinterpreted to that shitshow we got. And especially after knowing what we know now that Coco's graduation was looming on everyone's minds at the time.

>> No.10773363
Quoted by: >>10773380

Watch caligula streams /u/shipper

>> No.10773370

Pretty sure everyone was shitting on that deadbeat for his scum behavior.

>> No.10773380

I do and they have sex after

>> No.10773413

watch streams, idiot
Calli is more aware than (You) that no matter how much work she puts in the background, people's critical opinions still hold
and bless her for that, since she made strides thanks to that

>> No.10773433

It will only be kino if it is refereed to or advertised as a Hoedown or Hootennany.

>> No.10773471

oh boy, i sure cant wait for the gurameschizo to come here after throwing their load on global

>> No.10773497
Quoted by: >>10773544

Why would a gurame schizo be in the Mori thread?

>> No.10773499

We're already invested with /u/schizos so I'm not sure how much worse they could make it for us

>> No.10773537
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Quoted by: >>10773647

I like Bonebros dynamic but the shippers need to fucking die. They ruined TakaMori and AmeSame, CatDog, NoelleFlaire, etc. etc.

>> No.10773544

If anything, we may have endangered /ggg/.

>> No.10773551

It's the /u/ schizos fault. Mori is 100% straight. Idgaf about u shippings. The bonebros relationship is purely platonic.
We should've kicked all the /u/ shippers just like the takamori schizos

>> No.10773578

I'm not particularly confident myself but I really would like to see how people cover/remix this song

What I love about this song is how liminal it is; it feels like it's making direct address to the dreamy, ill-defined transitional phase between lifestyles and the track feels like a clear reflection of that vibe
But maybe with different background instrumentals, different line deliveries or maybe even new lyrics, I wonder how it'll retain/adapt the significance of the song

>> No.10773588
Quoted by: >>10774047

Mori on Hot Ones when?

>> No.10773596


>> No.10773597
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>> No.10773647

I like how delusional /u/ schizos can be.
Same sex relationship is an abomination to nature. It's a mental illness. Are /u/ shippers that crazy that they'd rather have their oshi get together with someone else rather than fantasizing about being in a relationship with their oshi?

>> No.10773656

absolutely brutal fucking takedown

>> No.10773790

Fanartists better get in on this. With Gura as cameraman like she said in chat

>> No.10773815

gura fucking owns

>> No.10773837
Quoted by: >>10774064

>fantasizing about being in a relationship with their oshi

That's mental illness right there, it's only good when people are not obsessed but people here are literally different kind of schizos

>> No.10773842

Mori and Fauna are already cute together.

>> No.10773903

Shark put blood in the water

>> No.10773907
Quoted by: >>10774064

>rather than fantasizing about being in a relationship with their oshi?
You will never be in a relationship with Mori and she will never know you. You’re just as delusional as them for even thinking this.

>> No.10773917
Quoted by: >>10773981

Neither a gosling nor a shipper of any kind but both are mental illnesses. A little rich to criticize one over the other, the only difference is goslings mostly confine their delusions to their own corners aside from the stray idiots who actually send streamers their weird SCs. Even then these are way more likely to make them uncomfortable than any shipper does.

>> No.10773947

Gura's the zach hadel of the group

>> No.10773978


>> No.10773981

>the stray idiots who actually send streamers their weird SCs
God I have been swerving dangerously close to this territory recently. I feel the pasta rising.

>> No.10774001

I don't know enough about that sort of thing or have the time to organize it but I'd participate

>> No.10774007
File: 828 KB, 1080x1906, SEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing here? Get back to farming! Also, this is canonically the best Elizabeth Bathory.

>> No.10774043

As much as I love Pink haired women, finally someone with some decent fucking taste

>> No.10774047

she'd tap out on the first wing

>> No.10774048

A lot of /u/schizos are actual lesbians/transbians or dudes who want a sexual outlet for their oshi but refuse to fantasize them with any male.

Gosslings aren't better though.

I'll admit I like some of the art, /u/ or not but I know they're real people and if you're into it, keep to yourself. Don't push it to the actual girls themselves in their chat or twitter replies. Even Kiara got sick of it, and she pushed Takamori the most.

>> No.10774064

At least it's not a sin nor an abomination against nature itself

>> No.10774071

God I fucking hate gacha.

>> No.10774074

2nd best
i quit playing i need money for SC and merch and cocaine

>> No.10774147
Quoted by: >>10774345

Any idea of what the chord progression is to her new song? I got:

Bb/F --> F --> BbMaj7/F --> Gm --> EbMaj7 --> Dm7/F(or F?) --> BbMaj7/D --> Gm7

but I might be wrong

>> No.10774156
Quoted by: >>10774420

Idk if you skip biology but homosexuality is in nature (e.g. penguins, dogs)

>> No.10774167
Quoted by: >>10774238

What's funny is that these /u/ schizos barely contribute anything other than fanarts for them to jack off to.
Fucking /u/ schizos ruin everything they touch

>> No.10774216
Quoted by: >>10774420

mori would think you were a gross lil goblin for thinking this. lol.

>> No.10774235

"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery;' but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart."

Seems pretty clear to me

>> No.10774238
Quoted by: >>10774275

The same can be said with ghostlings and any other shippers but without contributioning anything

>> No.10774264

who gives a shit about nature

>> No.10774275


>> No.10774301

The Son of God says i've already fucked Mori, later virgins.

>> No.10774304


>> No.10774330

Fauna is cool

>> No.10774335
File: 291 KB, 450x400, 1631472112271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will regret those words

>> No.10774342

>arguing about homosexuality here
Can't we all just agree that /u/schizos are delusional and most don't even watch streams and then drop it rather than shit up the thread

>> No.10774345
Quoted by: >>10775471

I hear it as Eb F Dm Gm CMIIW

>> No.10774368 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.05 MB, 2000x2000, E93paU1UcAMTopi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protect your fucking neck boy

>> No.10774420
Quoted by: >>10774476

Seething sodomites. Mori is 100% straight. Burn in the fire of gomorrah

>> No.10774427
Quoted by: >>10774654

You will never be in a relationship with Mori and she will never know you. You’re just as delusional as them for even thinking this

>> No.10774454
Quoted by: >>10775340

>Even Kiara got sick of it, and she pushed Takamori the most.
I'm not a shipper, but I'd say it was a fair trade. It's pretty clear she was aware of the benefits of doing so in the past and she did benefit from it. Only after a year or so of pushing it hard has she decided the cons outweighed the benefits at that point, toned down on it and eventually had to speak up about it months after. Mori didn't play into it anywhere near as hard if at all as Kiara, and that's why she has considerably less shippers in her chat in comparison, and less devoted followers gained (from the shipping).

>> No.10774474

>chord progression discussion
>homosexuality and religion debate
ultracringe, please cease

>> No.10774476

Here since you worked so hard for it (You)

>> No.10774503

>I want to read her autobiography one day. Hers is a story I can see someone making a biopic of in a decade or so.
I've had this thought a few times before, and felt guilty because that's maximum doxxbeat, but I'm 100% sure she's got a million awesome stories to tell and I hope anyway someday we get to hear them in full. Especially after EOAL, her looking back on that fiery point in her life would be interesting as hell.

>> No.10774506

another Luci cover on the horizon

>> No.10774654

>you’re just as delusional as them

>> No.10774747

why the nigger of nipon hasn't talk to sana yet? Is she actually racist?

>> No.10774781

wtf am gigolo now

>> No.10774855

Why would she?

>> No.10774932

>He wasn't there for the Afterparty

>> No.10775000

>Nigger calling someone racist, typical nigger's mentality
Watch stream dramafag

>> No.10775089

listening to chemtrails followed by end of a life just made me tear up

getting to follow her as she ascends to this amazing thing is such a special experience. just an incredible artist. getting to watch this happen is an insane privilege, she's just the fucking best you guys

>> No.10775091
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>> No.10775101

At least most of them realize the relationship between those characters is fake. You fantasizing about a relationship between a character and yourself is far more schizo (and creepy if you're talking about not "Mori)

>> No.10775340
Quoted by: >>10775388

I think she still likes and wants people to make art or do creative shit but it's always been how pushy people have been to them about it that's genuinely worrying. If people weren't obnoxious dipshits, they would be able to play up the dynamic of an immortal loving death while not genuinely being pigeon-holed but people gotta beat jokes to death or take things too seriously.

Similar to the barrage of "Are you okays" Mori got once people heard bully.

>> No.10775347
Quoted by: >>10775356

I'm going to use the horns as handlebars when i throatfuck her and you can't stop me

>> No.10775357
File: 165 KB, 295x411, 1614178662310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to not have a desire to find love in life before Mori so thanks I guess?

>> No.10775356


>> No.10775362

>At least most of them realize the relationship between those characters is fake.

>> No.10775388
Quoted by: >>10775459

>Similar to the barrage of "Are you okays" Mori got once people heard bully.
And other people are the schizos? This never happened.

>> No.10775459
Quoted by: >>10775557

>This never happened
People were concernfagging hard when that came out.

>> No.10775471

Oh you're right it does start with Eb, thanks

>> No.10775557
Quoted by: >>10775760

Where was anybody ever concernfagging about Bully? It wasn't happening after she gave the preview to T3 because somehow no one leaked it, it wasn't happening when the EP dropped because people were too busy either ranking the songs, committing ghostling suicide, or making up Takamori bullshit again, and it didn't happen after the MV because everyone a;ready heard the song months ago.

>> No.10775760
Quoted by: >>10775811

>it wasn't happening when the EP dropped

Lack of Object permanence is real among adults. Shocker.

>> No.10775811
Quoted by: >>10775947

Show proof then.

>> No.10775891
Quoted by: >>10776017

I could see concernfagging having happened for Bully if people hadn't heard Empress, which leaves a much more positive message to end the EP. I personally didn't see much though

>> No.10775947
Quoted by: >>10775979

What's acceptable proof? 1 screenshot of a person concernfagging? Do you want it from hlg, twitter, her YT chat, the comments on bully mv, /morig/?

Honest question right here. I'm claiming everyone was doing it but it did happen. There's probably rrats being made over the current song because one of the lines was about friends not sicking around.

>> No.10775979
Quoted by: >>10775991

*I'm claiming NOT everyone was doing it

>> No.10775991

*I'm not claiming everyone was doing it

>> No.10776017

not everyone had the CD, and there are those autistic ones who refuse to get a torrent, even when they have the digital version.
