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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 74 KB, 635x900, FAYbf3jUcAgc49_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10571487 No.10571487 [Reply] [Original]

Live by the berries, Die by the berries Edition
Previous thread: >>10536424
Previous / current streams : Minecraft Megacollab (w. Baelz, Fauna, Amelia, Ina, IRyS, Sana - on Baelz's & IRyS respective channels - your pick)

Guerilla Unarchived Karaoke Stream
Setlist : >>10531503
The link will be placed in the 'Various pieces of media' next time by. If there's enough future guerilla karaokes of the same vain, I intend to do a third pastebin linking those links and the setlists for each of those.

Useful Links
>Youtube Channel:
Refer to the link below if you got any trouble.
>Fanart Hunting Links
>Various pieces of media

As always, a friendly reminder: Not all criticism or opinions are printers. Doxxfags are the only printers. Do not reply to printers, you can make fun of them and not giving them (you)s. Don't reply to flamers and bait either, especially in this thread.
Any suggestions for future OPs are also welcome.

>> No.10571530

I love the owl

>> No.10571534

What is her endgame with the berries!?!?

>> No.10571538

All I need in life is a single berry from Mumei. Then, I can die happily.

>> No.10571540
File: 318 KB, 539x500, mumeistic abuse[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz3kirj.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing weird things to spaced out Mumei while no one is watching!

>> No.10571554
Quoted by: >>10571578


>> No.10571578
Quoted by: >>10571604


>> No.10571577

Irys said they made her forget.
that's how Mumei drains your int.

>> No.10571586


>> No.10571604
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, FAJk9c1VEAUFgUB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10571625
Quoted by: >>10571653

were those rrat's parents?

>> No.10571650

owl love!

>> No.10571653

did you hear voices?

>> No.10571678
File: 482 KB, 1231x716, berries eater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me of the berries this guy eats in Great Destiny Man 2

>> No.10571684

is rrat playing a rhythm game or why is she clikity clacking so much

>> No.10571687
File: 136 KB, 293x303, berries detected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10571697

I love the cute autistic owl

>> No.10571709

How do you forget something you did like 10 seconds ago

>> No.10571710

>berry field

>> No.10571715

owl is best EN

>> No.10571745

mumi saving bae's yab

>> No.10571774

She sounds like her dialogue script just got interrupted

>> No.10571790

What happened? I was looking away.

>> No.10571799

pls explain, got distracted after 40 minutes of intent watching and I missed it.

>> No.10571812
Quoted by: >>10571867

>everything's funny to me right now

>> No.10571830

cute sleepdrunk owl...

>> No.10571836

Irys stop grooming my owlshi REEEE

>> No.10571867

reminds me of.. was it gura? or ina?
>Doesn't it happen to you that something is 10x funnier when you are sleep deprived

>> No.10571866

IRyS hinting at being /here/ prophet?
"I can see the future, I saw you visiting?"

>> No.10571880
Quoted by: >>10571924


>> No.10571898


>> No.10571924

which one is the false part?

>> No.10571941
File: 7 KB, 185x273, reeeeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10571975
Quoted by: >>10572005


>> No.10571993


>> No.10572005


>> No.10572021

I feel that she does get more tired when having an audience, that's why she has kept going even on a tuesday, "no pressure"

>> No.10572079
File: 227 KB, 1920x1080, 71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Field of Berries
I am the.... Who?

>> No.10572099

Cause then she has to tardwrangle chat.

>> No.10572131

this is hot.

>> No.10572194

tanned mumei works

>> No.10572207
Quoted by: >>10572218


>> No.10572218

>inb4 guerrilla karaoke
do it anon, sacrifice yourself

>> No.10572246

mumei should play ace combat...

>> No.10572280

It's nothing really, Australia does have its immigrants, people are going to think somebody speaking a certain language means they're a certain political party. They'll take the muted call as proof of her going silent like she got caught or something.

>> No.10572323

She said she's been up over 16hrs, and she is still in MC. sadly, I don't think any amount of anons sacrificing themselves to slepp will get us a karaoke tonight.

>> No.10572329

even if she happened to sing every single song I want her to sing I would rather sleep, yesterdays anomaly wasn't something else and I was awake for it, I can miss a few.

HAHAHA what is wrong with you people.

>> No.10572337
Quoted by: >>10582014

Nothing particularly egregious. Bae forgot to mute and was on the phone with what I'm guessing is her mom. You could briefly hear some Cantonese.

>> No.10572388

aussies really do just bant to hide their pains

>> No.10572438

You're right anon.. she has to sleep

>> No.10572456

Mumei finally realized the phantoms are hers.

>> No.10572541

Fuck off, just because somebody's trilingual doesnt mean they belong to a fucking political party. Its just people looking for drama

>> No.10572563

Sana and mumei might keep going?
no POV

>> No.10572588

it sucks because she's going to get a bunch of antis now

>> No.10572662

australians are fucking retarded

>> No.10572693

wrong anon?

>> No.10572803
Quoted by: >>10572900

I love how Mumei's socialization is directly inversely proportional to the number of people with her. I can relate.

>> No.10572844

>Mumei dropping the IFpill

>> No.10572849

Mumei truly has a good upbringing doesn't she?
Prosciutto fig pizza
Travels to japan

>> No.10572900

Same, it's making me feel so comfy hearing her talk this much

>> No.10572906

There's the reason she refused those fund SCs

>> No.10572914

my potato farmer rrat...

>> No.10572953

suddenly OWL LORE

>> No.10572959
Quoted by: >>10573050

Moomer.... Owl do hunt in the morning....

>> No.10573006
Quoted by: >>10573276


>> No.10573007
Quoted by: >>10573068

>Mumei's STILL playing
Isn't she in grad school?

>> No.10573050

>he fell for the owl propaganda
It's not real, real owls log off in the morning. The morning owls you see aren't real.

>> No.10573068

Assuming she's west coast it's only 12:30 there. If she doesn't have morning classes she'll be fine.

>> No.10573112

>I am the.... Who?

( •_•)>■-■


>> No.10573137

Put berry bushes around and it's perfect

>> No.10573276

explain, honestly, I open Dolphin to check how joycon works and suddenly something happens.

>> No.10573315


>> No.10573319


>> No.10573338


>> No.10573340


>> No.10573360


>> No.10573364


>> No.10573387
File: 72 KB, 293x304, 1632478840770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy autism...

>> No.10573390

Im going to be an asshole: what is wrong with IRyS? bae had 15k, Irys had 11k
bae left, irys didn't get bae's extra 4k
and we are talking big improptu collab

>> No.10573411


>> No.10573414 [DELETED] 

irys is ugly so people dont give her a chance

>> No.10573415

Are these all from foraging? What the fuck

>> No.10573455

She also said when Bae left that she would be ending soon. people probly didn't think it was worth it for what might only be a few minutes

>> No.10573462
Quoted by: >>10573506

I honestly enjoyed Irys stream more than rrat stream but thats just me..

>> No.10573479

They went sleep

>> No.10573502

sana and moomers will have discord sex and there wont be a cable to with now

>> No.10573506
Quoted by: >>10573616

Irys had better voice levels than Bae. I had them both opened for the multicam though.

>> No.10573524
File: 151 KB, 500x500, 1631433574870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Mumei

>> No.10573544
Quoted by: >>10573695

irys will be able to get more of bae's viewer (viceversa too) if they keep collabing, i really want them too, they have great chemistry

>> No.10573604

Me too..

>> No.10573616

>better voice levels
>as in rrat is toned WAY THE FUCK DOWN
I felt bae had louder Mumei, but her voice was too loud + no icon to know when mumei was actually talking.

>> No.10573668

to those that care which is none of you, bae spoke vietnamese, not chinese

>> No.10573695

All I know bae needs to hit 3 months faster so I can see if she drops chaos or not, if she does I might actually love her.

>> No.10573728
File: 2.20 MB, 2480x3508, E_VapZZVEAQCqIa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that /who/ was the one complaining but I feel like it's worth noting for the retards (mostly in global) who were bitching about four streams this week that the Kiara stream was extra long. We got a knee bender of a guerilla karaoke, and now her showing up on minecraft for like 5 hours (even though she was quiet until near the end).

So any and all rrats about her not putting in any effort should get fucked.

Love me owl

>> No.10573734

does she stream from a bush? real question

>> No.10573781

Yeah just let them print anon, not worth your time reading those idiots.

>> No.10573814

mumei is such a goofball

>> No.10573850

Mumei is all or nothing kinda girl. Yesterday it was the rice, today it's the berries.

>> No.10573869

Hail to Lex "Mumei" Luthor, who has plans within plans within plans and is cute within cute within cute.

>> No.10573925

>1 community post
Say hello or something again Mumei...

>> No.10573967

Karaoke was insane, like even though kronii's also hit 28k it didn't even feel as massive as mumei's, she had Holomems going crazy, fucking trending topic, azure papa himself believed in the cure for cancer just from listening to Mumei's voice. SHE FUCKING GLOWED WITH THAT KARAOKE.
it had the intensity of all those karaokeless schedules, honestly anyone who keeps shitting on Mumei can go use a cactus as a buttplug.

>> No.10574091
Quoted by: >>10574152

hey man this is /who/ not /hlgg/

>> No.10574152

Irys and bae pov only to reach my oshi

>> No.10574154
File: 1.64 MB, 704x456, whoooo [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcg6rs3.webm] (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10574261
File: 186 KB, 811x1200, 1630028277730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10574739

The entire Karaoke last night was great. I usually tend to enjoy Ame's style of things more where it's not about the singing quality but just belting it out like a retard and having fun but Mumei's combined with everything going on (especially the rest of council losing their shit in chat) was really something else. Left me feeling "MAN I SURE DO HAVE AMAZING FUCKING TASTES IN OSHI DON'T I"

I feel bad for brrats right now. Looks like it's their turn in the schizo wringer over nothing.

>> No.10574280
File: 64 KB, 1023x682, 34623462346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a timestamp for the rrat's stream when mumei entered?
Baalz filters me with her lore/persona so I'd rather skip the non-owl parts.

Also, did hope also join the chat? Might jump ship to her if so

>> No.10574360

Hope had a stream, Mumei was also there. If you get filtered by rrat then watch that instead.

>> No.10574407

And don't forget it all happened without any warning, which probably mogged her views a lot. Imagine the numbers if she announced it at least a half a day before. Owl too strong!

>> No.10574421

check the archive and sync the ENTER posts with the VOD

>> No.10574513

Mumei is scared of high numbers.
Numberfags out.

>> No.10574515

Hope has better audio of Mumei, but less cam time. Also joined VC well after Mumei, so you'll miss a bit if you skip the rats viewpoint

>> No.10574526
Quoted by: >>10574649

I wish it was lower so she could have focused more on singing and not being scared of big numbers.

>> No.10574641
Quoted by: >>10574716

unironically i think the no warning thing actually *boosted* her numbers by a bit, people panicking about needing to see it all of a sudden
it definitely wouldn't have trended on twitter as hard
sasuga lex

>> No.10574649

I agree BUT her peaking at the numbers and freaking out was incredibly cute.

>> No.10574716
File: 284 KB, 2048x1535, 1632459418357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devious Luthor wins again

>> No.10574739

Her rendition of Wonderwall was out of this world.
So emotionally charged, like someone distraught was actually there, speaking to you the lyrics.
Her abrupt cut-offs during the verse give off the feeling that she's holding back tears. It's almost as if she's intentionally doing it.

>> No.10575630
File: 288 KB, 1850x1175, 1632778105208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my child, say something nice to her.

>> No.10575691
Quoted by: >>10575756

I was kind of disappointed that i couldn't see Mumei adventure in Irys and Bae' s streams.

>> No.10575756

She still gets good moments here and there, especially at the end when she was sleepy and talked about the weirdest things.

>> No.10575818


>> No.10575838
File: 118 KB, 304x304, 20210928_025833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been brainstorming, anons. I know it's a whole year away but, I really wanna do something big for her birthday! Takos put Ina in Times Square; what's something we could do?

Someone thought about a notebook with memorable screen caps and quotes from each stream she's done. Something she could "look back through when she forgets everything".

>> No.10575904
File: 1.29 MB, 1024x1024, 1619820294246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10575914
File: 263 KB, 1024x768, 1629495660951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make the hopium video but with real screenshots this time

>> No.10575999

My wife Mumei is so cute

>> No.10576211
Quoted by: >>10576268

Our lusty hope hag is still underrated because of her design debuff.

>> No.10576241

Now I want to hear her grandpa's war stories.

>> No.10576268
File: 28 KB, 660x440, 05af36877ad79728573ab40671f5af9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Irys made me realize she's the Lex Luthor of sexual innuendos

>> No.10576394
File: 1.37 MB, 980x1540, 1606291511232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576452
Quoted by: >>10576521

Reminder that the sons of Nephilim are giants.

>> No.10576493
File: 1.52 MB, 980x1540, IRySoLewd[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbqctzn.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least make it the soundpost if you're going to post that image.

>> No.10576521
File: 155 KB, 508x491, 1632828234336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10576601

I thought nephilims were supposed to be the giants? I should go back to my reading reps.

>> No.10576601
Quoted by: >>10576636

It's never really clear, but either way your kids with nephilim will be HUGE. Will you not breed with the angel / giant angel and father a race of gigachads to serve your Reverend Mother Mumei?

>> No.10576636
Quoted by: >>10576733

>children becomes giants
>can't carry them on my arms
There's no point, sorry Irys I'm cumming outside.

>> No.10576733
File: 156 KB, 678x1500, 03423e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10576794

Not all giants are fuck huge, you know?

>> No.10576794
File: 91 KB, 592x621, 1604485243597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10576834

>you have to do lifting reps with Fauna
>to breed with Irys
>to make an army worthy for Mumei

>> No.10576834
File: 599 KB, 629x900, nochoice[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhlapg2.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10576873

Just breed with Mumei.

>> No.10576873

>listen to this
>instantly get a chub
I'll be right back just going to the local sped center

>> No.10577275
File: 1.70 MB, 2048x2897, 1632909011772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha! Got you owlshi. Now I and my gang do some unsafe hand holding with her.

Jk. We ask her very politely about this photo session and yea. That’s all make up.

>> No.10577447
Quoted by: >>10577823

Good choice of gag. Wouldn't want to miss out on her voice

>> No.10577503

Does your group still have spot openings?

>> No.10577616

So what's the consensus, what stream do I download for the latest owl adventures in Minecraft? Hope?

>> No.10577823

Sorry friend. we have already sent her home by Uber, having previously fed my mom's chocolate chip cookies and treated her to tea. Of cource we provided her with a set of spare clothes.

>> No.10577830
Quoted by: >>10578013

Bae has the first parts of owl going into the server since Irys came later, then it's a toss up between the two just choose who you want, and then Bae ends her stream earlier than Hope

>> No.10577858
Quoted by: >>10577916


>> No.10577916
File: 32 KB, 121x122, 1615119444164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SEX post
Like clockwork. I'm gonna take revenge by fapping to clock tits. That'll show them.

>> No.10578013
Quoted by: >>10578040

Well where does the owl speak more?

>> No.10578017
File: 56 KB, 401x372, 16043262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was gonna suggest dex, but hope privated her vod...
In Rrat's stream: Mumei ENTER at 1:05:40

Anyone know why the nephilim privated her vod? Did something yab happen?

>> No.10578040

Irys' later part of the stream has her speak a lot.

>> No.10578041

the rrat speaks chinese in it
she's gonna graduate tomorrow now that her secret bugman nature is revealed

>> No.10578076
Quoted by: >>10578125

It was vietnamese

>> No.10578077
Quoted by: >>10578800

Rrat talk with her mom through discord.

>> No.10578125
File: 425 KB, 400x400, 1632907248189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Cantonese (Hong Konger/Australian dialect, pro-democracy)

Btw below is what was said
>her mom(?): are you done (streaming)?
>Bae: not yet, almost
>mom(?): your older sister is bringing the cat over
>Bae: Okok

>> No.10578163
Quoted by: >>10578217

>britcuck slaves

Mothers are a trend with holos now anyway, no need to cut it out.

>> No.10578171

rrat lucked out, that could have been a hell of a lot worse for a yab

>> No.10578217
Quoted by: >>10578318

Better be britcuck slaves than communist

>> No.10578219 [DELETED] 
File: 434 KB, 305x205, 1622045872851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10578348


>> No.10578318
Quoted by: >>10578455

In 2021 it is unironically better to be a communist in a rising superpower than a britcuck slave freezing to death at home.

>> No.10578348

go back

>> No.10578369
File: 800 KB, 1242x1394, 1622862954021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10578455
Quoted by: >>10578724

It's all fun and game until CANZUK forms. Then we'll see who's the real superpower and who gets the last laugh.

>> No.10578470
File: 521 KB, 1000x1400, 1631843064329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10578913


>> No.10578492
File: 85 KB, 915x1056, gigachadnazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10578724

On one hand it would be nice to decouple UKucks from UScucks because I intend to transfer whites from there to here. After reeducation camps, naturally.
On the other, it will be a fucking riot watching limp dick UKucks and their subs prance around with no real power to speak of too.

>> No.10578800

Why private the vod over rrat talking with her mom in cantonese, if they didn't even say anything personal?
Shizo antis are really doing a number on these girls' psyches huh?

>> No.10578840

She didn't know what was said so she panicked. After checking the video and muting those part she realize it's not that big of a deal. She addressed it in stream just now.

>> No.10578846

Better safe than sorry. You've seen how Showing YouTube statistics done.

>> No.10578906

i wonder what this has to do with mumei huh
go talk about this shit in one of the many bait threads in the catalog

>> No.10578913
Quoted by: >>10578964

We really got the most newfags out of everyone in council, although I don't know why. I thought that would be Kronii.

>> No.10578964

She probably did. It's just less apparent when all you have to do to fit in is sexpost.

>> No.10579023
File: 481 KB, 2126x3780, 2A2643CC-47A8-4C39-A90F-B403352DED15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we should also post about how sexy Mumei is to drown out the noise? I’ll start. Look at this exposed back and tell me what you are thinking about.

>> No.10579074

I'm sorry hoomans, but I'm not autistic enough to make long greentexts on how I want to fuck Mumei is 20 different positions while she's wearing nothing but a long skirt

>> No.10579081
File: 992 KB, 4096x2236, something more cheerful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The glory of Rome and its decadent fornication.

>> No.10579115

I filtered "rrat" posting so Bae thread don't exist for me
Such a lust for-whoooooooooooo

>> No.10579125


>> No.10579139

I'm thinking of pressing my dick against her back and cumming on it and making her wear her cloak later without washing it and spending the rest of the day like that.

>> No.10579349
File: 43 KB, 145x151, 1614626174655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the community tab so empty? Post a cute members-only drawing or something, moomers.

>> No.10579471
Quoted by: >>10579635

Just a poll or two would suffice.
Gura has the same problem, the page is there but not much is happening. Contrast with Ame and chimken.

>> No.10579569
File: 191 KB, 1265x1733, df1174cca2a20524e0e0ff1983de63a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei is for missionary position baby maker sex but only after marriage.

>> No.10579578
File: 116 KB, 400x400, 1630726716265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10581793

She's gonna post her fried rice

>> No.10579610

I'm going to that but before marriage

>> No.10579635
Quoted by: >>10579808

The community tab is mostly for membership posts e.g. Gura has posted at least once a week for the last two months, including two polls and one open thread for questions.

>> No.10579772
File: 309 KB, 1280x720, owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10579826

spot the owl

>> No.10579794
File: 120 KB, 249x373, 1631005952051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While procreative sex is always going to be the focus, Mumei and I are going to explore plenty of other pleasurable sex experiences together.

>> No.10579808
Quoted by: >>10579908

More like Gura has posted once a week at most recently, which is still admittedly more than before.

>> No.10579826

I love the way Bae is looking at her here.

>> No.10579908

And she's had a year of practice. Maybe chill and cut your retarded owl some slack.

>> No.10579948

Mumei needs Ame corrections class after her Kiara class. We'll get the owl up to speed yet.

>> No.10579968
File: 808 KB, 1000x1000, 1628017214481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei is my meds and when I don't take them I go schizo

>> No.10580220
File: 233 KB, 400x428, 1632889058949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10580745

>> No.10580745

I love this dork.

>> No.10581069
Quoted by: >>10581196

Timestamp for her finding diamonds?

>> No.10581196
Quoted by: >>10591241

The real moment the archievement is made is around 4:30:00

>> No.10581211

We arrange the Stonehenge into a shape of an owl when viewed from the top

>> No.10581734
Quoted by: >>10593390

We can try making friends of our own, and post it under her #

>> No.10581788

do you guys have good mumei gif? i really need it

>> No.10581793
File: 201 KB, 436x630, 1632772938020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be such dominance asserting move. Here is my rice and you're gonna look at it, like it and leave a praising comment.

>> No.10581805
File: 797 KB, 600x600, 1613261719079.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10581824
File: 64 KB, 1200x675, 1619282121517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10582473

>go to sleep
>mc collab happends

>> No.10581922
File: 2.47 MB, 600x338, 1630883392275.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10582014
File: 28 KB, 630x487, Cantonia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10582115


>> No.10582023

what is your fav quote from mumei?

>> No.10582115
Quoted by: >>10582337

nvm, just read >>>>10582014

>> No.10582176 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 200x200, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10588823


>> No.10582225
File: 326 KB, 800x662, 1630734143930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the bone of my sword

>> No.10582286
File: 62 KB, 890x501, 1630355166430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Please, talk to me Pete"
I dont know why, but emotions that filled her voice at that moment always make me smile

>> No.10582337

Nevermind my neverminding >>10578125
the dream lives on

>> No.10582348
File: 770 KB, 752x356, 11531531536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


'Mhhh, has a nice smell to it' for blood money in the Jackbox Party collab

>> No.10582473
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 1631064207353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10582589

Mumei sneezing

>> No.10582947
Quoted by: >>10583493

hey /who/ bros, just dropping by to say that your oshi's karaoke is fucking good so far. I just started watching the unarchived VOD.

>> No.10583493
Quoted by: >>10583977

thanks friend. its gonna be great when she has the pace and privacy to be lowd

>> No.10583977

definitely. she clearly had fun doing the karaoke stream. currently at unravel.

>> No.10584082
Quoted by: >>10584152

I cant wait until Mumei can sing with her power limiters off.

>> No.10584152

I am just waiting for the original song...

>> No.10584286
File: 164 KB, 417x610, 425724724572457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay owlbros, Im starting to work on this one.
Any ideas on how to implicate that Mumei is wearing almost nothing behind that shield?

>> No.10584333
Quoted by: >>10593053

Have a mirror behind her reflecting her BARE ARSE.

>> No.10584347

Shield is battered and full of holes.

>> No.10584430
Quoted by: >>10584995

Show her naked shoulders.

>> No.10584895

add some bullet holes

>> No.10584979

You could just put the clothes in the background

>> No.10584995
File: 135 KB, 704x1000, 1632709268187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10585241

Is that really what good christian girl like Mumei would do?

>> No.10585147
File: 231 KB, 374x550, centurionMumei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10585241

I wish cause it's hot

>> No.10586306
File: 3.60 MB, 1440x2160, 1632858360736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10586518

I'm excited for her stream today! I wonder what she has planned, karaoke maybe?

>> No.10586508

A piece of clothing slung over the shield.

>> No.10586518

I bet she fucks like a racehorse.

>> No.10586967
Quoted by: >>10587261

Anon, please!

>> No.10587010

/who/ is slowly turning into takeshi

>> No.10587261
Quoted by: >>10589647

I am a very sexually charged being. I always have been, and I always will be. I thought my libido would slow down when I hit 30 but here we are two years later and it hasn't.

>> No.10587274

What I can do Friend?
I just love Nanashi “Guardian of Civilization” Mumei

>> No.10587574
File: 196 KB, 550x474, 1623598749152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei is my daughter, and I am ready to open fire at takeshis trying to come close to her.

>> No.10587753

I'm bullet proof, nothing to lose, fire away. Fire away.

>> No.10587793
File: 211 KB, 550x474, 1607410147664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10588360


>> No.10588360
File: 131 KB, 378x301, Ahg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10588626

Richochet, you take your aim

>> No.10588709

Wriitten and Directed by Nanashi Mumei

>> No.10588823

>Mumei is just a smaller scale Dodo

>> No.10589236

God I wish I could cook rice for mumei

>> No.10589647

Wait three more, you're almost there.

>> No.10590743
Quoted by: >>10590838

I just have to install Rimworld, Ideology and Royalty, right? I want to prepare myself for the next stream since I couldn't last time and didn't know what was going on half of the time.

>> No.10590838

not sure what the dlcs add since i only played it back in beta, but i don't think mumei had them installed either

>> No.10590849

Just the base game if it's your first time playing it. Though if you install the DLCs you can disable them ingame.

>> No.10590858

So this I was wondering about, there was a point in which bae had left and Mumei was back with Irys, mumei kept saying something while irys was typing quite fast and not answering to mumei, once she was done with her message she clearly filtered mumei voice while she was typing, yesterday I thought it was probably bae asking her to edit VOD, now I know that yeah it definetly had to do with that.

>> No.10591241
Quoted by: >>10592283

I will always love her TA-DAAA
this actually sort of reminds me of Ars Almal from niji, there is a clip where she is in VC damning everyone else because she isn't social and everyone is just talking to each other, then she goes "if only i could find diamond .. i could talk hey! i found diamond! and everyone would praise me"

>> No.10591265
File: 246 KB, 876x876, 1617804700296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10591692

>listen to the karaoke again, but this time with a clearer mind
>her nerves the entire time become more nervous
My heart can't take any more of this...

>> No.10591315

Have her pantsu and shirt hang on the shield

>> No.10591637

I could envision a christian Mumei who suddenly goes through a rebellious phase, thinking that sex is sin she feels that bein overtly sexual when speaking is the way to go. of course this would bring attention to her, to a point where she actually gets tangled in a messy conversation that ends in her going to someone's house, still being dom when talking, she unbuttons her shirt a little but the moment anon takes her dick out mumei instantly blushes and goes into processing mode, she apologizes, leaves and goes to her nearest temple to confess.

>> No.10591692

Her spazzing out when she looked at the numbers and saw like 25k viewers was the most precious thing.

>> No.10591720

Yo, Buddy. Still alive?

>> No.10591851
Quoted by: >>10592067

<< Have you found a reason to fight yet? >>

>> No.10591890
Quoted by: >>10592067

<< You fired up? Come shoot me down. >>

>> No.10591984
Quoted by: >>10592028

It finally happened anons, I dreamt of hololive.

I was playing for mumei In minecraft while she ate, gura was there, told Mumei "did you ask manager about this?" as in me using her model to play, got to talk to shark.
currently I'm 1 month fap free, ready for the 2 month polka footjob.

>> No.10592028

Godspeed anon, godspeed

>> No.10592067

Ace combat permissions when? Come on Bamco I know you just did something for cover.

Side note how did /who/ even become the ace combat embassy in /vt/ in the first place not that im opposed.

>> No.10592131

I haven't had a proper sleep in 2 days now

>> No.10592134

watching Bae stream it's pretty clear that the rice was real
and that she probably was trying to deflect kiara question about the rice to talk about it during guerilla karaoke.

>> No.10592209
File: 27 KB, 600x300, 1631915967969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mumers first membership stream soon
>can't make it cause undodgeable irl responsibility
Is this how villains are born? At least its not unarchived...

>> No.10592212

you already posted this, mumei and we believe you
you should stuff your pockets with rice for easy snacks

>> No.10592230
File: 2.25 MB, 2048x2048, 1606535479016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop eating friend rice all the time Mumei it's bad for your health

>> No.10592239
Quoted by: >>10592364

Mumei mentioned borders once and then I posted Pixy images.

>> No.10592249
Quoted by: >>10593053

I dont think the membership celebration is for members only, since it was supposed to be for everyone.

>> No.10592283

I remember that one, but then retarded chat tattled on her and made the others try and talk to her only for her to go silent after a few lines again. It was a kino moment nonetheless

>> No.10592323
Quoted by: >>10593053

Mr. Dubs Bale-san...it's just a regular celebration stream, not mengen. It was due because she only streamed for half an hour when she opened memberships.

>> No.10592364

unironically good job

>> No.10592400
File: 20 KB, 380x544, 1632280531608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She mentioned borders once and everyone began to pixy post.
Someone used to post "it's time" everytime her stream starts, and now everyone just uses pixy for the same thing

>> No.10592556

/who/, help me. My wife keeps wandering around and gathering all the berries in the bushes for no reason at all, even to the point of hurting herself in the bushes. She just puts it all in her bag, and the gives it to everyone she comes across. Why does she keep doing this?

>> No.10592634
Quoted by: >>10592718

i made this post

>> No.10592637

sustenance and good will towards her peers.

all hail the berry bush.

>> No.10592683
Quoted by: >>10592718

Holy shit now that you mention it, my wife does the same thing!

>> No.10592718


Mumei is playing you all, she wants to have both a harem and a reverse harem and you are falling for it.

>> No.10592761

Jokes on her, that's *my* goal for her.

>> No.10592764

>the berries mind break you into loving her.

>> No.10592775

>seducing people by throwing berries at them
Does this work? I need to know

>> No.10592780

lots of samefagging going here, anon (me)

>> No.10592810

she's a real go-getter, how can i not support someone so ambitious

>> No.10592818

You can always be the first one to try owlbro

>> No.10592918
File: 40 KB, 600x400, 116456464864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10593123

>> No.10592923

if you gift things to others, they'll start to like you, some odd human behaviour for ya

>> No.10593053
File: 1.99 MB, 345x220, 1269099332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it was just my autism poking its retarded head again, must be all those berries my owlwife collected. It still sucks that I can't make it to the celebration, but at least its not her first member stream.

Oh and while I'm here, check 'em >>10584333

>> No.10593123
Quoted by: >>10593181

Do owls eat berries?

>> No.10593181

Apparently Burrowing Owls do.

>> No.10593318
File: 378 KB, 3000x2137, 1605266121433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon took his meds
[Bad Ending]

>> No.10593390
Quoted by: >>10593747

Everybody making Friend is actually a great idea anon. I'll write that down, thank you.

>> No.10593747
Quoted by: >>10593812

let's hope the merch drop doesn't happen before then.

>> No.10593812

>Hololive starts selling paperbags for $50
Yagoo, I kneel

>> No.10593913
Quoted by: >>10593970

plushies anon, plushies.

>> No.10593970

It's going to be real paper to sell the realism. What more, it's a DIY where they only send you a paper bag, blue construction paper and instructions on how to make your very own friend.

>> No.10593995

HoloLabo, I see.

>> No.10594002
Quoted by: >>10594046

Speaking of. I gotta say our autistic owl becoming the harem protag of EN was not the route I expected her to go down but im all for it. She's got like 2/3 of EN actively simping for her at this point.

She is becoming too powerful.

>> No.10594004

might as well just be a printable thing at that point

>> No.10594017

somebody, post the paperbag and mumei greentext I have to read that again..

>> No.10594046

and she completely mindbroke Kronii, some anon mentioned kronii randomly brings up mumei, didn't show proof but I trust him

>> No.10594131

It was in the karaoke, from what I've heard Mumei gave Kronii the courage to make a guerilla karaoke

>> No.10594190
Quoted by: >>10594321

Mumei had to be the one to do that, wow.

>> No.10594247

I mean she did, but the post from anon was before anyone knew kronii was doing the unarchived.

>> No.10594321
File: 2.50 MB, 3000x3000, 1606157099408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also appeared on Kronii's stream to cheer for her despite being in the minecraft collab. I'm this close from going /u/schizo.

>> No.10594323
File: 860 KB, 2200x3225, FATCiIMVQAAiL_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder if in the next few days the idea to do Friend will come to fruition but with 3D pens. I can see that happening that someone will do a Mumei model will that but there's some much detail on the 2D model that it will be quite a pain to pull.
Things like that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU4eVVtrTt8

>> No.10594381
Quoted by: >>10594408

i mean it was just the last song, wasn't it?

>> No.10594408
Quoted by: >>10594608

She still appeared, and that's what matters.

>> No.10594413

Well I wouldn't mind sharing my owldaughterwife with kronii..

>> No.10594489
Quoted by: >>10594664

This is some true Lex shit.
Have to watch all the other talents to get the full Mumei lore
Even if there is a literal 0% chance of her being there.

>> No.10594608

Didn't mean it like that anon.

>> No.10594664

>he doesn't have 11 monitors to watch every EN holo on the off chance that Mumei or any mention of her might appear in any of them

>> No.10594673
Quoted by: >>10594719

That was actually probably me. Id have to go digging but I mentioned it when kronii was doing her last Hollow knight stream. Wasn't anything in particular it'd just multiple times she brought up thst she had talked to Mumei about something or compare something to her. Was just kinda cute that Mumei seems to be on her mind a lot even if you just view it as them becoming friends.

There was also the bit in Kronii's karaoke last night at the beginning where she mentioned that seeing Mumei do her own Karaoke gave kronii the confidence to do it too.

Clock clearly cares a lot for Owl

>> No.10594719

>Mumei lives rent free in Kronii's head
>Mumei lives rent free in my head

>> No.10594761
Quoted by: >>10594787

>thinking I don't
>thinking I can't watch 20 vtubers at once
I'm saying she's forcing everyone to do it too.

>> No.10594787
File: 86 KB, 1200x1000, 1612946703378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10594875

>being forced to be a UNITYchad by Mumei
Anything for the owl...

>> No.10594809

maybe that's how Omega became omega, she didn't want to miss her Oshi guerilla collabs.

>> No.10594875
Quoted by: >>10594959

I joke about harem protag but more seriously Mumei seems to be becoming something of a centerpiece of EN. Bae is clearly good at being social glue since she's caused a lot of guerilla collabs to happen but Mumei seems to just draw a lot of the mems to her one way or another. Even if she herself isn't directly doing something they all seem to really adore her.

>> No.10594929

why so many people hate the owl? I just want to enjoy mumei in peace

>> No.10594959

I genuinely would be interested to see on how a potential collab with the other Myth members will turn out at this point. Especially with Mori and Amelia.

>> No.10595056
Quoted by: >>10595181

don't worry about it

>> No.10595076

For me, the Gura collab would probably be the best since they both have the same retard energy and the history between them is funny and has potential for bantz

>> No.10595181

antis have gotten to me too much

>> No.10595367
File: 376 KB, 700x880, 1629838535547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10595627

Rewatching Mumei's Karaoke vod while waiting for the celebration stream and I got reminded of how truly lucky we are to have gotten this owl. I'm not even goslinging, but she's literally everything I could ever want from a chuuba, she's the 2view experience without the grooming, absolutely beautiful singing voice, random cute noises, nervousness paired with modesty and observable growth with each stream. Not to mention her kino collabs with the other members. I'm so fucking glad we won this hard owlpals

>> No.10595398
File: 335 KB, 1254x878, 1606781803511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the same schizo yesterday who keeps going to bait threads just to get mad at timeloops? My prescription is to take your daily meds and laugh at yourself for getting baited by fucking schizos

>> No.10595518

their hate only makes me stronger

>> No.10595526
File: 730 KB, 2576x3610, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fssanfs.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10595553
Quoted by: >>10596038

"I'm bird noises"

>> No.10595601
File: 137 KB, 1024x768, 1287311736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a new rrat for you, we haven't had any in a while:
>owl is 2view like Ame was before
>owl listens to punk like Ame has before
>both are the dark horses of their gen
>both the quiet ones in collabs, while also being the one that keeps them all together
>ame is the only myth owl hasn't interacted with yet on stream (mori too, but stfu I'm trying to make a rrat here)
Mumei is Ame's nepotism hire! You heard it here first folks!

>> No.10595603
Quoted by: >>10595695

>implying he's not samefagging.
but yeah, out, please. Don't bring your global shit into this split.

>> No.10595627
File: 161 KB, 1242x1219, 1613437982545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've searched so hard for a new vtuber to really follow after Kaguya Luna's disappearance, drifting from 2view to 2view just to find the right one. Owl just ticks every box that I wanted in a vtuber so hard that I'm glad to be in the right timeline.

>> No.10595653

Nah I don't have enough energy for that shit I just wanna chill and watch a moomers stream after work. I do need meds though.

>> No.10595695

Does global live rent free in your head? No one even brought them up, get some sleep.

>> No.10595748

good advice

>> No.10595825

It doesn't but, yeah, couldn't sleep well. Thank you for your concern anon.

>> No.10595828
Quoted by: >>10596117

Its a really loud minority. Not that they mean much but last time there was a poll to that effect in /hlgg/ basically asking if people liked or disliked owl the likes to dislikes was like 100:2. There are just a few really dedicated schizos. Just ignore them.

Mumei has also been winning more people over especially with things like the karaoke.

>> No.10595826

This place feels like a veteran's recovery center, they all keep hearing the printers and antis in whatever they do.

>> No.10595879

It's the berries anon, they do things to you.

>> No.10595886
File: 281 KB, 2048x1538, 1615489414093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10597125

Moomers on the telly in a few hours, what is she going to do during the celebration?

>> No.10596038
Quoted by: >>10596104

This was the point that sold me on her and everything since just reinforced that decision. Mumei is absolute king of being unintentionally hilarious either through her off beat responses to thing and her penchant for comedic timing. Its also why I think she's a great one on one collab partner cause NO ONE can resist her or her INT debuff just cause she'll say something really earnest and wacky and just throw any guard her partner had way off.

>> No.10596064

Dude, I work for hp, I HEAR PRINTERS EVERY DAY.

>> No.10596084
File: 249 KB, 1332x850, berries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as the new bread is getting baked, there will be a minor change on the OP as the Guerilla Karaoke will be placed in the 'various pieces of media' section pastebin.
This will also changed as if the Guerilla / Unarchived / Both Karaoke will become some sort of trend and it may get its own seperate pastebin in the future. On which I would like to also include the setlist for each of these.

>> No.10596104

I like how you say "unintentionally" and then list direct contradictions to it.

>> No.10596117
Quoted by: >>10596210

I swear I will shotgun ANYONE who slanders my pure mumei

>> No.10596204
File: 177 KB, 750x750, 1612964202158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thnks fr th moomers

>> No.10596210

don't be that adamant about it, just attracts more people, just report and don't reply
and for the love of god stop going into bait threads
there are no threads made in this board that were made with good will, none.

>> No.10596211

good bread

>> No.10596218

Funny, she's also my daughter and wife

>> No.10596240
Quoted by: >>10596312

This post was made by me

>> No.10596312
File: 21 KB, 394x470, spurmeido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

berries just work

>> No.10596433
Quoted by: >>10596717

I'm enough of a /u/ schizo to want it. I'd be thrilled about the fact that both my top two from Myth and top two from Council became the designated pairings.

>> No.10596444

Get your filthy paws of MY granddaughterwife

>> No.10596484
Quoted by: >>10596538

Does it? I don't think Mumei is doing those things on purpose except in situations like flipping Bae's happy birthday call on its head. Most of the time I think she is just genuinely being her oddball self and it just happens to have that effect.

>> No.10596486

trips of truth

>> No.10596524

Fuck you dad, you can't tell me what to do anymore!

>> No.10596538
File: 820 KB, 784x514, 1632898263006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10597473


>> No.10596623

calm dawn Tomaru Sawagoe

>> No.10596717

Kronii has strong dyke vibes anyway. Way stronger than, say, Kiara.

>> No.10596724


>> No.10596790
File: 599 KB, 900x750, 1627656585661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still believe in more Fauna collabs

>> No.10596841

Will Moomers eventually live at Fauna's?

>> No.10596878

No, Kronii has a tight leash on her. Even built her a museum just to make sure Mumei stays with her.

>> No.10596927
File: 2.82 MB, 2760x4856, 1632189273317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine Mumei furiosly abusing Fauna's natural resources while she begs her to stop

>> No.10597088
Quoted by: >>10597147

>Time and Nature constantly trying to mindbreak Civilisation
Good love triangle arc desu
t. civ player

>> No.10597125
Quoted by: >>10597217

Read superchats, eat homemade carrot cake.

>> No.10597147

Time and Nature are two divorced parents trying to make their child Civilisation love them more than the other parent.

>> No.10597217
File: 132 KB, 1000x1000, 1622026473185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a superchat reading stream
I sleep, wake me up when she shares her fried rice recipe instead

>> No.10597225

Yes. They're already fiance's, they're about to get married.

>> No.10597244
Quoted by: >>10597312

i like the idea of mumei being the most dominant, i think i'd be pretty kino

>> No.10597303
File: 132 KB, 600x594, activate it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will share it as soon as (you) go to sleep.

>> No.10597312

i swear i'm not this retarded

>> No.10597336

I haven't slept for weeks...

>> No.10597473
File: 92 KB, 588x478, lex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10597499
Quoted by: >>10597537

>Sleeping and missing out on Mumei's cute voice saying "Thank you"

>> No.10597506

fuck off

>> No.10597521

Waaaaait. Is this real?

>> No.10597537

fuck, meant for >>10597217

>> No.10597559
Quoted by: >>10597601


>> No.10597565
Quoted by: >>10597597

Yeah but it looks its a automated tweet.

>> No.10597578
Quoted by: >>10597654

did you just reply to yourself three times just to start off topic shit

>> No.10597593

I really like her autism bit knowing that she is playing it up kills it for me.
Great actress I admit

>> No.10597597

It is, there are others of the same type. It seems she has it set up to tweet whenever someone donates.

>> No.10597601


>> No.10597628


>> No.10597646

Cool but i dont give a shit

>> No.10597648

Eh, it will stay this way for like a month or two at best. Look at Gura progression and keep in mind that it will be quicker this time around as well. If anything, real Moomers is even more interesting.

>> No.10597654
File: 51 KB, 593x408, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10597690


>> No.10597690
File: 54 KB, 486x754, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice proof

>> No.10597731
Quoted by: >>10597826

i'm getting fucked up owlpals my brain isn't big enough for these mindgames

>> No.10597826
Quoted by: >>10597858

it's simple anon Mumei is right here in my bed

>> No.10597854

When did Mumei got her new keyboard? I need the actual date. Was it 9/17-19?

>> No.10597858

i made this post

>> No.10597892
File: 14 KB, 114x114, 20210828_141912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10598195

What are you trying to pull here, anon?

>> No.10597924

I don't like the ESL vibes of this post

>> No.10598034


>> No.10598072
File: 390 KB, 563x557, 1632180152204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok /who/ are you an ass or tits man?
I personally am a breast man

>> No.10598095

What he means is her word choice and inflection are inherently structured in a way that most people don't expect.
Instead of "there's no birds in this game" or "you're saying that because I'm a bird" both of which convey the same situational information ("you're lying") she chose "wait, I'm bird noises. You're trying to TRICK me"

>> No.10598096
Quoted by: >>10598166

>not thights
get on my level scrub

>> No.10598100
File: 695 KB, 550x734, harlausLikesThis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going to make it, owlbro.

>> No.10598128
Quoted by: >>10598166

I'm a personality man

>> No.10598166
Quoted by: >>10598209

Can't dick down a personality.
This man has taste.

>> No.10598195

HER made a Twitter saying she got a new keyboard 9/19. Mumei got her new keyboard (replacing clickity clakity) 8/31. I think it’s just another coincidence

>> No.10598209
Quoted by: >>10598285

>Can't dick down a personality.
>he can't close his eyes, imagine kindness and fap to the mere thought of it

>> No.10598224

and why should we care fag, fuck off

>> No.10598285

I can kinda sorta imagine resistance maybe. Decades of fapping to depraved jap shit do all sorts of things to your head, absolute most of them negative.

>> No.10598347
File: 164 KB, 288x274, 1603937509855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I haven't slept yet

>> No.10598357

Why limit myself to just one part?

>> No.10598378

I like legs

>> No.10598459
Quoted by: >>10598501

I like stuff that aren't normally exposed or normally erotic. like the back or nape in >>10579023

>> No.10598486
Quoted by: >>10598613

Holy shit I woke up too early, I thought she was going to stream at this hour.

>> No.10598501


>> No.10598525

Unironically face

>> No.10598564

Purely personal curiosity, but do you have any degree of prosopagnosia?

>> No.10598608
File: 463 KB, 622x676, 1630009807538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like harmony and balance between all body parts, but I'll l keep it real anon, now matter how good looking girl is, it gets extremly boring when you cant talk about things you both like with her, so I choose personality

>> No.10598613
File: 449 KB, 600x594, 1609936977763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10598746

He awoke early. Cancel the unarchived karaoke.

>> No.10598639
File: 521 KB, 2122x3596, 1632934061361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10598696

Is there a transparency edit of this?

>> No.10598696
File: 427 KB, 544x795, 1630714209216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heree you go

>> No.10598746

We need to have Mumei edit with this picture

>> No.10598751


>> No.10598811
Quoted by: >>10599010

i won't try to understand that

>> No.10598836
File: 258 KB, 1024x1024, 1632861175686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy lex...

>> No.10598851
File: 108 KB, 205x223, 1629628719283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10599010

I give up trying to get it

>> No.10598882


>> No.10598908
File: 1.58 MB, 1000x1484, 1632858373618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10599010
Quoted by: >>10599097

Basically, that sentence is talking about the lowest positive number that could not be mentioned using only 60 letters. But since that sentence has under 60 letters it cant be referring to any number that exists. But also since there are infinite numbers that CAN exist that number has to exist. And thus its a paradox that both is and isn't a number.

>> No.10599020
File: 201 KB, 746x772, 1608069249648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10599081

You can work out body, but you can't really change the face, so cute face is a priority

>> No.10599097

You just made it more confusing, I still don't get it

>> No.10599109

For you smooth brains, read this
> Perhaps another helpful analogy to Berry's Paradox would be the phrase "indescribable feeling".[3] If the feeling is indeed indescribable, then no description of the feeling would be true. But if the word "indescribable" communicates something about the feeling, then it may be considered a description: this is self-contradictory.

>> No.10599145

Jump in anytime, whenever you wanted.
