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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.66 MB, 4000x2600, FAWXUApUUAEebu5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10536424 No.10536424 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>10540662

Wandering Edition
Previous thread: >>10518057
Previous / current streams : Guerilla Unarchived Karaoke Stream
Setlist : >>10531503

Minecraft Collab with Kiara - Bird Brained Birbs
Kiara's stream is given with a timestamp as Mumei's stream ends at that moment. The collab didn't ended there.

Useful Links
>Youtube Channel:
Refer to the link below if you got any trouble.
>Fanart Hunting Links
>Various pieces of media

As always, a friendly reminder: Not all criticism or opinions are printers. Doxxfags are the only printers. Do not reply to printers, you can make fun of them and not giving them (you)s. Don't reply to flamers and bait either, especially in this thread.
Any suggestions for future OPs are also welcome.

>> No.10536461
Quoted by: >>10536513


>> No.10536507
File: 281 KB, 2048x1538, 1617349001377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10536686

A reminder to everyone that the moment you close your eyes and sleep, the unarchived karaoke starts.

Do not do your sleep reps.

>> No.10536513
File: 266 KB, 1594x2048, FAXr7JrVkAATP5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10536571
File: 292 KB, 1745x1512, FAXk_nfVgAc7gDr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how the likeliness of the owl being spotted tonight?
Can't see her for the collab maybe outside of chat interactions, but I do see her popping up in some of the MC stream, maybe during Baelz's via chat interactions. Also her taking a rest is completely possible seeing how that day went.

>> No.10536583
File: 1.85 MB, 1067x800, 1630724165898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv mumei

>> No.10536686

I didn't even know that the stream happened until I just opened youtube and got recommended a clip from it. I am pissed because it must have started right after I fell asleep around midnight.

>> No.10536764
Quoted by: >>10536791

it started at 1:40 pm JST

>> No.10536791

Yeah then I fell asleep like 10 minutes beforehand. Many such cases.

>> No.10536850
File: 3.60 MB, 1440x2160, 93092544_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10536857
File: 1.58 MB, 1000x1484, 92990525_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Mumei is cute

>> No.10537001
File: 74 KB, 635x900, FAYbf3jUcAgc49_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10538570


>> No.10537049
File: 830 KB, 680x1024, Owl Spotted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the owl being spotted
Spotted Owl populations have been on a downward trend, so the odds are unfortunately not going to get any better.

>> No.10537051

In my case it happened while I was watching the VOD of the Kiara collab and I didn't even notice.

>> No.10537110

Looks eerily like Ame

>> No.10537151
File: 2.16 MB, 2254x3295, 92838568_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10537457

>Spotted Owl populations have been on a downward trend.
fuck, I didn't ask for this...

>> No.10537162
File: 675 KB, 2000x3315, E_FzkcrVUAIckP8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also think Mumei is cute

>> No.10537182

post more mumeis
i need to expand my collection

>> No.10537227
File: 808 KB, 1000x1000, 1602536455426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mumei never watched LotR
>watched the hobbit instead
How do I recover from this?

>> No.10537261
File: 1.47 MB, 1408x1800, E-OwIFQWYAMed6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10537265

Bully her into scheduling a 12 hour watchalong obviously.

>> No.10537275
File: 3.74 MB, 1810x2701, 1632806964142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10537336

I love teenager pop-punk Mumei.

>> No.10537380
File: 2.20 MB, 891x1200, SEEEEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Mumei is erotic.

>> No.10537457


>> No.10537528
File: 243 KB, 500x500, A7A57690-31FE-46FD-8811-C39354599DFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot look at Mumei loading images the same way anymore

You’re welcome

>> No.10537749

Too big

>> No.10537807
File: 2.76 MB, 1500x2125, 1613987868430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, autistic, sleepy, rice freezing, alto, polymath owl wife.

>> No.10537903
File: 332 KB, 1755x2475, 1625314456701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some ancient Mumei art. It's my oldest one

>> No.10537946
File: 737 KB, 1873x3000, 1608262774455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine

>> No.10537954

When did she say this?

>> No.10537961
File: 94 KB, 488x213, die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10538032

By the owl state decrees you are excommunicated, you are not welcome to this thread anymore.

<[ OK ]>

>> No.10537975
File: 1.38 MB, 1273x1800, FAH2pMeVEAU3IRY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10537986

kiara collab, they talked about a bunch of stuff

>> No.10537987

During the Kiara collab

>> No.10537993
Quoted by: >>10538035

The most important thing is whether she has read the books.

>> No.10537998
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, 1629388493404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10538008
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x2048, E-eYy3KVIAAN6Rq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10538866

I'm smitten with this owl. I've been on the vtuber train for a year now and never Goslinged this hard before.

>> No.10538032
File: 93 KB, 457x1108, 1462D04C-F14E-4B4A-BCF7-76923922BC56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t resist. Give in to the corruption. You are no longer innocent

>> No.10538035
File: 91 KB, 592x621, 1617742706894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watched the hobbit instead
You know she hasn't read the book, all we can hope for now is a Lord of the Rings watchalong and being able to enjoy Mumei's raw reaction to the film

>> No.10538038

>tfw you can't post images because your ip range is banned due to abuse

chileanbros did me dirty

>> No.10538098

I think Bae is doing MC tonight so that'll be worth keeping an eye on for owl sightings.

>> No.10538102
Quoted by: >>10538236

Are you on firefox? Change your user agent and maybe that will work.

>> No.10538112
File: 2.85 MB, 1220x1404, __nanashi_mumei_and_friend_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_g_li__37ccc4baf3520eca48961354425d9d50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same happened to me a few weeks ago. But id rather pay the stupid 20 dollars for a pass than be stubborn about it.

>> No.10538148
Quoted by: >>10538236

All of east coast USA was like that and then Firefox users a few weeks ago.

>> No.10538227
File: 258 KB, 1024x1024, mumy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10538236
Quoted by: >>10538261

oh okay I'll try to use firefox

>> No.10538261
Quoted by: >>10538300

No anon we were talking about how the problem was because of firefox, if you weren't using firefox then all you can do is cry as others post cute owl pictures.

>> No.10538274
File: 39 KB, 672x698, widegorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10538497

Arriving precisely when we mean to with Mumei!
Throwing a 111th birthday party with Mumei!
Disappearing in the middle of a birthday party by using the Ring with Mumei!
Being chased by the Ringwraiths with Mumei!
Taking the farthest step you've ever taken from your home with Mumei!
Visiting Tom Bombadil's house with Mumei!
Reaching Bree and meeting the Strider with Mumei!
Making a stand-off against the Ringwraiths at Weathertop with Mumei!
Carrying Frodo to Rivendell after he gets stabbed by a Ringwraith with Mumei!
Attending the Council of the Fellowship with Mumei!
Passing through Moria with Mumei!
Discovering Balin's Tomb with Mumei!
Watching Gandalf fight Durin's Bane with Mumei!
Having an audience with Lady Galadriel in Lothlorien with Mumei!
Travelling down the Anduin with Mumei!
Having the Uruks ambush us and losing Boromir with Mumei!
They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard with Mumei!
Not trusting the hope that has forsaken these lands with Mumei!
Reuniting with Gandalf with Mumei!
Casting away Grima Wormtongue and mending Theoden King with Mumei!
Taking refuge in the Hornburg with Mumei!
Fighting off the Isengard host besieging the Hornburg with Mumei!
Heeding Gondor's call for aid and witnessing Rohan's answer with Mumei!
Mustering the Rohirrim with Mumei!
Riding to Gondor's aid with Mumei!
Charging at the Orcs besieging Minas Tirith with Mumei!
Witnessing Aragorn's return to Minas Tirith with Mumei!
Fighting against the Hordes of Sauron at the Black Gates with Mumei!
Seeing the Barad-dur get obliterated as the Ring is destroyed with Mumei!
Witnessing the Coronation of Aragorn II Elessar with Mumei!
Scouring the Shire with Mumei!
Crossing the Belegaer to reach the Undying Lands with Mumei!

>> No.10538300

Oh okay I'll try to not be stupid then and try not to cry

>> No.10538379
Quoted by: >>10538414

I'm out of the loop, was it because of the Chilean Ayameposter?

>> No.10538414

Uhh I think so? I just assumed that was it, time to do my archive reps

>> No.10538421
File: 1.81 MB, 1200x584, 1629553306523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never played the Witcher 3

>> No.10538451
File: 86 KB, 576x383, Owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10538498

This is probably the oldest art of Mumei that I have saved.

>> No.10538497
Quoted by: >>10539159

Being healed and living among Elves and Ainur with Mumei!
Dying and leaving the World with Mumei!
Staying in the human afterlife with Mumei!
Returning for the Last Battle against Morgoth with Mumei!
Fighting alongside legendary heroes with Mumei!
Banishing Evil forever with Mumei!
Participating in the Second Music of the Ainur to recreate the World with Mumei!
Living in the newly created paradise with Mumei!

>> No.10538498

Why did you had to doxx mumei like that, atleast do your own schizo thread

>> No.10538570

Can I get a sauce on this? I dont know how to reverse search images from twitter.

>> No.10538647
Quoted by: >>10538698

How do I cope with this song not going to be released this year?

>> No.10538698
File: 28 KB, 593x656, 1630260981646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will just keep fucking hoping anon

>> No.10538866

Pic is very comfy

>> No.10539159

>Being healed and living among Elves and Ainur with Mumei!
We get the healing part in every stream though?

>> No.10539183
Quoted by: >>10539287

EUowl here, I'm heading to bed soon. Please record the gorilla stream that's bound to happen again, thanks

>> No.10539191

holy shit at mumei's unarchived karaoke
holy shit
somebody FOR SURE knows what they're doing over there at hololive

>> No.10539287

Sleep tight EUowlbro

>> No.10539323

I am convinced that yagoo made a pact with the devil for recruiting sometimes. Particularly with girls like Mumei and Ame who were literal whos before hololive.

>> No.10539362
File: 311 KB, 640x360, 1628731194511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10539651

So you rike owl karaoke, kagai-niki?

>> No.10539415

imagine how flustered she was while recording her angsty mixtape to send for the audition

>> No.10539458
File: 69 KB, 687x900, A9FE408F-D973-46DA-9228-566C1ED834A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wish they would fucking fix the weird rigging for Mumei. Perfect still, perfect voice, perfect personality and persona. Only flaw is her terrible rig

>> No.10539482

I never doubted

>> No.10539536

I think the issue with her rigging is how the hair cuts everytime she leans left or right, its unnatural

>> No.10539547
Quoted by: >>10539699

I got used to it after a few streams, at least it's not Anya-tier

>> No.10539651
Quoted by: >>10539866

You did well spending all your research points on leveling up your company's Scouting ability, Japanese man.

>> No.10539677

Rariemonn can do better with more time, it's likely that there will be improvements in the future.

>> No.10539699

It’s still really bad. It’s not even a hard thing to fix. If you give me a day with the model I can fix it.

>> No.10539825
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1630224876606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10541638

Look on the bright side, that means we get to experience her first time reaction while watching the best movie trilogy ever made.

>> No.10539866

Management gets complained on too much when they're the ones keeping the western twitter/twitch influence away from corrupting their talents.
The more lax managing from NijiEN and smaller companies shows in how much those vtubers regularly mingle with common filth.

>> No.10539946 [DELETED] 

This. Management stops the girls from being whores.
But they suck at getting permissions

>> No.10539953

Holomanagement can't be incompetent at everything. They really should've never let Mori get away with as much as she does with her Twitch pandering crap and atrocious weekly output though.

>> No.10539991

now you're veering into offtopic shit

>> No.10540061

at least they're not blogging anymore

>> No.10540242
Quoted by: >>10540568

Topic of today: Mumei is cute

>> No.10540278

i like owl

>> No.10540316

Mumei is a CUTE

>> No.10540439
File: 114 KB, 500x500, heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10540652

>you missed the chance of having the GFE experience with a punk rock high school girl that's nerdy and sweet on the inside
At least we live in a time when we can see Mumei relive those times in guerilla streams for all of us.

Tri-dimensional space sucks and I want to go live in 2Dstan with a Mumei of my own, screw this world of coarse matter and uppity light creatures.

>> No.10540568
File: 204 KB, 400x400, myumei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How cute are we talking?

>> No.10540603

Cutest of HoloEN

>> No.10540637
File: 109 KB, 1100x1100, 1632827966452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cutest in all of hololive

>> No.10540652
Quoted by: >>10540758

I'm probably like 10 years older than her, so I didn't miss it, I lost the chance to have it with her from the start.

>> No.10540662

That thread edition reminded me that it would be neat if she tried a Shiren the Wanderer/Mystery Dungeon game.

>> No.10540758
Quoted by: >>10540801

I guess you can still move to Finland and hook up with the last punk rock nerd highschool girl.

>> No.10540801
Quoted by: >>10540907

Bro I'm 32 theres 0 chance that that I will end up with a highschool girl.

>> No.10540882
Quoted by: >>10541034

Do you anons think Mumei would like drum'n'bass?

>> No.10540907

You're younger than me, anon. Go forth and find your imaginary punk rock joshikousei nerd in Finland or Dreamland, whichever works.

>> No.10541034

as much as any young girl who says she "listens to all kinds of music"

>> No.10541254

The cutest girl who exists, possibly the cutest who's ever existed, I'd rally you all to invade Troy with me to bring her back if she were ever taken from me.

>> No.10541369
Quoted by: >>10541403

during what song did mumei check the viewer count?

>> No.10541403

Owl City - Fireflies

>> No.10541436

nta but here you go https://twitter.com/hoban_spi/status/1442878724572004352

>> No.10541442

>30k viewers
>owl city
It wrote itself.

>> No.10541561
Quoted by: >>10542485

I mean the first time, where she gulped.

>> No.10541567

Neither of the two was "literal who". Pre-Mumei was closing on a fucking million subs. Pre-Ame had notoriety already.

>> No.10541638

Back to the Future is a better, tighter trilogy. Should just watch both, as she probably hadn't seen that one either. Which is a fucking travesty.

>> No.10541711

i don't want to loop again...

>> No.10541733
Quoted by: >>10541767

HERniggers out

>> No.10541767
Quoted by: >>10541834

Which HER? S or S?

>> No.10541832
File: 481 KB, 2126x3780, 1632310881683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moomer's exposed back

>> No.10541834

does not matter

>> No.10541912
File: 118 KB, 246x364, leaveNow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have an image.

>> No.10541942

It really does not: both were approaching a mil.
Still kills your 2view fantasy dead.

>> No.10541990

I wonder if she can sprout wings

>> No.10542001

it takes 2 to loop, and there are 3

>> No.10542002

Holy shit stop replying to bait

>> No.10542065
File: 83 KB, 805x900, 1630682643026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Moomers

>> No.10542091

can't post images but LET THEM PRINT

>> No.10542111
File: 325 KB, 576x705, 1632826820424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love punk moomei

>> No.10542181

To increase the number of saucefags, I'll be the one to teach a man to fish.
broad reverse search: https://saucenao.com
twitter focused: https://ascii2d.net
saucenao is your main tool, after you search for an image it has quick links to ascii2d (twitter, pixiv, etc JP), IQDB (danbooru, gelbooru, etc), then google, tineye, and yandex (general surface web, each scour different parts of it)
There's also trace.moe there, but it's super specific to anime screenshots.

>> No.10542204
Quoted by: >>10542245

Is it weird I find this pic a bit erotic

>> No.10542245
Quoted by: >>10544474

A bit? It's fucking sex this pic.

>> No.10542386
File: 494 KB, 850x1091, B93AC40E-8B81-4A96-9B1A-10F7001DE4A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10542429

Moomei’s exposed front

>> No.10542410

So do we get nothing today? I am afraid to go to bed after what she pulled with karaoke.

>> No.10542429
File: 115 KB, 400x400, qpdhcutdetk71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei's meimeis....

>> No.10542446

amber here today is my busy day so don’t worry about surprise stream~ :)

>> No.10542473

she mentioned that tuesday is the one day she can't normally stream, don't worry about it

>> No.10542478
Quoted by: >>10542527

>He's doubting? Execute Mumei tweet saying good night, wait 30 minutes, then start guerilla MC collab midway a chuuba's mc stream.

>> No.10542485
Quoted by: >>10542789

State Champs - Secrets when the viewer count was I think about at 22k

>> No.10542527

I fucking swear I'll write a daemon to continuously poll her channel while I sleep and launch yt-dlp at everything. You won't hide, Mumei!

>> No.10542789

thanks a bunch!

>> No.10542917
File: 554 KB, 504x700, Mumei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10543152

She will send the ENTIRE neighborhood elsewhere so she scream YURETA YUGANDA SEKAI NI DAN DAN BOKU WA

>> No.10543152 [DELETED] 

>mumei will never sing ave maria at perfect pitch and volume due to neighbours and nerves
My christian choir hopium....

>> No.10543360

okay moomei I'll trust you

>> No.10543510

>~ :)
i trust you

>> No.10544237
Quoted by: >>10545501

Mumei/Amber stop procrastinating in this shithole that masturbates to your avatar and go work on your studies!

>> No.10544474

Well yeah, but I wonder why is it like that, its literally her showing your back without a cape, I can't tell what makes it so special.

>> No.10544734

Watching the karaoke stream right now, and holy shit bros Moomers can sing. I am in love.

>> No.10544753

I don't know if this was discussed yet but. What's with her keyboard mash she was doing occasionally in her latest streams. Just nerves?
Like here for example, she did that quite often.

>> No.10544830
File: 382 KB, 1463x2048, E_80WZDUcAMRI6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you love Mumei?

>> No.10544859

Well in Rimworld I do this very often for no real reason. If she's done it in other streams then it could be nerves I suppose.

>> No.10544918

Likely ADHD, people who have it have trouble keeping their hands/fingers still. I imagine it's the same with how she sometimes wanders around, looks around, or picks up berries in Minecraft.

>> No.10545053
Quoted by: >>10546195

Too much, Mumei if you're reading this, stop tormenting me, I need to sleep for fuck's sake

>> No.10545099
Quoted by: >>10550796

And people laughed when I said threads ago she shows traits of ADHD more than autism.
Autism rolls off the tongue better, so I can't fault using it.

>> No.10545279
File: 910 KB, 4000x2371, FAXOL58VQAgFGy_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10546195

It reached unquantifiable status for me.

>> No.10545501
Quoted by: >>10545714

They need to stop drawing me so cute! I do not think you understand how irresistible I am. Nobody understands :(

>> No.10545601
Quoted by: >>10546195

I've always liked Mumei since debut, but she stole my heart with the karaoke yesterday.

>> No.10545677
File: 2.02 MB, 1190x1188, 1629648401137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10546195

A concerning amount. I thought I knew what it meant to have an oshi before her, but I was a fool...

>> No.10545714
Quoted by: >>10546076

>this level of ego
Anon, at least try to act like the person you're pretending to be.

>> No.10546076 [SPOILER] 
File: 282 KB, 850x1018, 79ED0349-1FF0-480A-ADDC-ACF6399D90B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright you caught me. I am fangirling Mumei. She’s perfect like me.

>> No.10546104
Quoted by: >>10546195

A ton. I would sacrifice everything for a gf like her.

>> No.10546195


Are you comfortable and content with watching her from afar and just enjoying her existence, or does it depress you not being able to be with the girl behind Mumei, or Mumei as a characterf?

>> No.10546213
Quoted by: >>10546557

Focus on not getting blown up you silly clock.

>> No.10546432
Quoted by: >>10547418

Oh no, definitely content with what I had so far with the character and I've lived the days where the Hopium was rampant a month ago. Some expectations may have switched back and forth a bit but "it"'s still there if that makes sense. Now that we entering the phase she begins to gain more confidence, I'd want to say fuck the destination, the ride is more enjoyable.

Nothing to be really depressed about.

>> No.10546557
File: 144 KB, 850x680, 2B3BEAC1-83C5-47F0-AE21-8AC011083274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is just a game. Why would I get over a game

>> No.10546800
Quoted by: >>10547418

It's like a drug addiction. I watch the streams, enjoy the dose of hopium, then it's over and I'm back to being a depressed mid 20's virgin who won't ever find a partner. It's my own fault for being born a subhuman, hopefully whatever the next life is isn't as painful.

>> No.10546992
File: 1.07 MB, 850x1319, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fssanfs.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm under no delusion I'll ever be with the person behind the avatar. If anything it's just an intense longing for a girl LIKE Mumei; an archetype. But I try to use that as motivation to do my reps and be on the lookout for them. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.10547291
File: 451 KB, 960x664, 1631756085594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly meeting the person behind Mumei would be great, but not worth it, everyone has their flaws and this is why fantizising about idols, the "Idealized female" simply leads to dissapointment once the reality settles in. I am not lying when I say I love Mumei (atleast as a character) in fact i'd cut my pinky if it meant watching her more often, but the truth is that she's just an excuse for me to work on an endless 9 hour shift everyday, I simply have nothing else looking forward to.
TLDR; You should never meet your heroes

>> No.10547368

I hope you find a wheelchair bound, autistic, anxious, ADHD riddled owl gf one day hooman.

>> No.10547418
File: 740 KB, 2480x3508, E-Xm6RPVkAE2oay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10548254

ts good to see people staying positive despite loving her so much cause I see so many people that develop such deep love for a vtuber backfire on them and it turns into something depressive. Your owl oshi loves you all, just remember that.

Hang in there anon. 20 years isnt that old. But just hold all the good parts of watching Mumei in your heart and keep thinking about them and everything might turn out fine.

I've had a waifu for 11 years now that isnt a vtuber but I still love her tremendously because of how much she's made me smile.

>> No.10547551
File: 730 KB, 2576x3610, 1631931386474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First one for me. As cute and amazing as "Mumei" is, I'll never know what the actual woman is like IRL, same goes for all the others I like. I've been able to find happiness in being alone and have been able to keep seeing vtubers as the cute anime girls that I rub one out to every now and then and go back to just enjoying the content afterwards.
That being said, Mumei cute.

>> No.10547597 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10547940

This exactly but with the added depression that they are rare and would never even consider me even if i was a chad millionare

>> No.10547940
Quoted by: >>10548205

>they would never even consider me even if i was a chad millionaire
Well with that mentality you've certainly set yourself up for failure.

>> No.10547951

Its a shame vtuber characters never get doujinshi. I wish they did.

>> No.10548060
File: 702 KB, 1000x2053, FAaK3GLVUAA0sEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10548576

if this is an attempt at making me spoonfeed you, know that i will not oblige

>> No.10548205 [DELETED] 

There is no reason to lie to myself anon. I can accept who i am and awknowledge im not most womens type sadly

>> No.10548254

If working out & getting a good job didn't help me, nothing will. Some people will make it, but I won't.

>> No.10548433

We'll make it someday owlbros... don't lose hope.

>> No.10548529
Quoted by: >>10548659

all the good doujins first are sold at comitek, and bc the pandemic well, no comitek

>> No.10548576
Quoted by: >>10549545

its not. i check myself and rarely see anything for even the top vtubers. maybe some short non-H stories but rarely any hentai.

>> No.10548659
Quoted by: >>10548698

Isn't comiket 99 around december of this year?

>> No.10548698

i hope so, there have been a lot of delays

>> No.10548771

Kronii, fix your fucking L2D, you can have discord sex with Mumei later. You don't need to RP her.

>> No.10549314

Mumei + Gura wonderwall, thoughts?

A version with one of them inverted, for fun

>> No.10549469

God, this duo is so soothing. I became warm inside, thank you anon.

>> No.10549536

Ame has been my oshi for a while but Mumei has been my second favorite and my favorite council since debut. Karaoke last night combined with the fact that lately Mumei has been the one who's streams I've been actually dedicating myself to catching has made me flip those positions. Still love Ame but right now Mumei just fills me with something else right now.

>> No.10549545
Quoted by: >>10549644

Anon please undastan
Mumei wouldn't know where to find hentai of herself even if she would oblige.

>> No.10549556
File: 754 KB, 3662x3220, E94OjnXVkAMt_P1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a chance with an 9/10 qt in uni
>but she was super autist and made weird noises and somewhat attached to me as if I am her tardwrangler
>tries to get into anime and she tried talking about it openly in front of the class to a point it made me cringe
>even gifted me a special specific souvenir from her Japan trip (she is the 1%-ers)

thinking back, I'm irredeemable. Watching Mumei is just one big whiplash back to my dumb past of not appreciating airheads.

>> No.10549644

it sure seems like a lot of people want to marry, impregnate, and have a family with her, so I would have thought that'd be a huge moneymaker for a theme like that at Comiket.

>> No.10549712

Yep, You were a complete dumbass.

>> No.10549763


>> No.10549786

Anon I...

>> No.10549807

i actually can't tell which is which sometimes

>> No.10549820

Yeah there's pretty much no coping with that one, you pwned yourself fair and square

>> No.10549822

You fucked up pretty hard hooman.

>> No.10549861

Mumei's weird for me. My other favorite is Ame and she's the one who brings more of the "I wish I could have someone like that" feelings out of me. Mumei on the other hand is the definitive daughterwife. Like I think she's really cute and everything but a lot of what I get out of her is almost pride at watching her develop and come into her own. The Karaoke last night was less a "I wish I was with her" and more a "God DAMN am I glad I went all in on OwlCoin, this girl is going to the top and I'm happy to see it happen."

That said, I'm not under any illusion of being with chuubas or anything other than they're representative of what I find attractive in people.

>> No.10549874
File: 74 KB, 276x334, 1629818972858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10549980
File: 123 KB, 216x277, Eyes Cast Down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10550102

Everybody has that one that got away. You fucked up hard, but don't beat yourself up over it.

>> No.10549996
File: 64 KB, 800x632, decimation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10550102


>> No.10550086
File: 109 KB, 308x344, pity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10550102

The duality of /who/

>> No.10550130
File: 72 KB, 293x304, 1632478840770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10552868

is there video webm/soundpost of mumei trying to get kronii sneeze, with her feathers?
it was in a council collab if i remember well?

>> No.10550796

>And people laughed when I said threads ago she shows traits of ADHD more than autism.
yeah well they were right to laugh. a habit of mashing the keyboard to calm her nerves is closer to autism's stimming than it is to adhd's fidgeting. of course both are applicable, as are a great many other expressions of autism or adhd, which makes sense because autism and adhd are extremely highly comorbid (you know what that means, right?). so at best you should be saying "adhd as well", not "adhd instead".

>> No.10550915

I don't know love as an experience or feeling so I won't call my thoughts and feelings about her love.
I appreciate Mumei immensely though and I want to see more of her.

>> No.10550987

Yeah that's really my thoughts as well. ADHD and Autism are really close to each other in the schemes of disorders and Mumei shows a lot of signs of both. It's not one or the other.

>> No.10551096
Quoted by: >>10551176

>I hope you find a wheelchair bound, autistic, anxious, ADHD riddled owl gf one day hooman.
Scroll up a little until you see a subheading called "Assortative mating" then read until the discussion.

>> No.10551122


Being an "airhead" is a socially acceptable role that covers for a lot of the social mistakes that autists make; tons of women with autism adopt this role to get by. Also women with autism will channel autistic obsessions into socially-acceptable-for-women topics - for example collecting and categorising tons of makeup is literally train autism for women.

You wouldn't think autistic men should be looking for airheads obsessed with collecting makeup. World's a funny place.

>> No.10551176

>Is there also assortative mating for autism or autism spectrum traits? Baron-Cohen et al. (2006) describe evidence of assortative mating between couples who are both high in the autism-associated psychological trait of systemizing. This hypothesis is supported, for example, by findings that both fathers and mothers of children with ASD exhibit elevated rates of systemizing-related occupations in their fathers (Baron-Cohen et al., 1997), as well as both showing high performance on the EFT (Baron-Cohen and Hammer, 1997). The most direct evidence for assortative mating for autistic phenotypes comes from Nordsletten et al. (2016), who reported much higher rates of assortative mating by psychiatric diagnosis for adults with ASDs (0.45–0.48), than for any other of a large set of disorders.

Autists are almost genetically predisposed to be attracted to other autists.

>> No.10551362

autists are better at dealing with autists i guess

>> No.10551540
File: 67 KB, 2240x1100, mate_Web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10551824

also adhd and (lmao) schizophrenia.

>> No.10551542

How do I give myself autism?

>> No.10551772
Quoted by: >>10553401

I'm sorry to tell you this anon, but that's what is commonly called a joke.
I know you don't understand what that is, but we've been trying very hard to cure the condition of people like you and inject a sense of humor.
Luckily it's not terminal, but until we can find a way to help you your life will be much more difficult than that of a normal person.

>> No.10551824

I can understand ADHD.
Schizophrenics and autist surprise me.
Unless those schizophrenics have more schizoid (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizoid_personality_disorder)) traits, in which case it's completely understandable.

>> No.10551869
File: 137 KB, 377x378, 1631747678410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You absolute nigger, you had a winning lottery ticket and you crumpled it into pieces just like that poor autistic girl's heart.

>> No.10551941

I'm sorry Anon, it's largely genetic.
You will not allowed into the autist ethno-state.

>> No.10552438
File: 1.02 MB, 984x914, 1629687538189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm depressed that I won't ever find someone like her character. I don't know the girl behind her at all so it's unfair to try forcing my projections of what she is like based solely off of her puppeting of a character that has a lot of traits I find cute, endearing, or otherwise charming.

>> No.10552513

Hoomans disgust me. It would have been better if she was 5/10 or 7/10. The fact that the first thing mentioned is looks already ruins all of this. Mumei would not be proud of you.

>> No.10552523
File: 447 KB, 661x623, 1592690086700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start playing Dwarf Fortress and traditional roguelikes with no tilesets, if your screen doesn't look like a fucked up excel spreadsheet then you're not being autistic enough.
Also, get as many vaccines as you can.

>> No.10552536

Posts like that make me happier about being mostly a social retard in uni and school. It's one thing to never have had an opportunity but having one and fucking it up is something I wouldn't be able to cope with.

>> No.10552837
Quoted by: >>10553351

Ngl, I almost cried a little when she sang Came Out Swinging. I'm not in a very good place in life right now and been at a crossroads for more than a year already. Hearing the lyrics and her sweet voice resonated with me even if it was just a karaoke cover of the song.

>> No.10552845

/who/ camping Bae and IRyS stream just in case moomoom shows up?

>> No.10552868


>> No.10552895

Of course

>> No.10552938

I tend to watch most council streams when they're on cause I enjoy all of them but yeah. Watching out for Moomer and Kronii

>> No.10553026

I'd have been there anyway. IRyStocrat/Hooman

>> No.10553306
Quoted by: >>10553358


this is what I do to cope with mumei not streaming today.

>> No.10553351

I did the same with her singing Wonderwall, anon. Overplayed song, I know, but her voice is so sweet and, like the absolute fucking retard I am, it made me feel a bit better.

>> No.10553358

owly fans kek

>> No.10553401

>being wrong near autists, about their autistic topic of interest
>"it was just a joke bro"

>> No.10554114

I'm tired but slightly afraid to go to sleep. What if singing yesterday got her hyped about karaokes and she feels like having another one today? I'll wait until the time she announced her guerrilla stream last night, then go to sleep.

>> No.10554408

It's also tuesday which she's said is her busy day so I wouldn't expect it.

In general though I hope she does get the confidence to at least announce karaoke more than 20 minutes in advance.

>> No.10554564
File: 180 KB, 429x500, 1631480672210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't expect much honestly. As >>10554408
says, Tuesday is one of her busiest days of the week. I think she said she would down to stream on Tuesdays if she's up for it, but if she's too tired she probably won't.

>> No.10554632

She actually never even announced it herself. Other Council members tweeted about it though.

>> No.10554715

Mumei is going to play Rimworld till she passes out soon, guerilla of course. Expect it.

>> No.10554804

I still want her to start her next rimworld stream with a freezer absolutely packed with rice.

>> No.10554878

guerrilla 3 day rimworld stream

>> No.10555493


>> No.10555828

I feel you chilean bro, sometimes i'm forced to just lurk because some jackass somehow keeps getting us all rangebanned

>> No.10555859

Owl spotted on MC

>> No.10555931

are you sure

>> No.10555949

It's time to take the meds

>> No.10555987

Anon you're hallucinating again...

>> No.10556159

Are you from the future?

>> No.10556163

what the fuck, he saw the future
she just logged on

>> No.10556168

She heard us talking shit, now she's in the mc server

>> No.10556175

What the fuck how did you know...

>> No.10556177

Now the owl is on

>> No.10556179

Just logged in.

>> No.10556193

owl sighting

>> No.10556282
File: 35 KB, 705x145, mumeihot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holyshit, you're a prophet.... Or Moomers herself!

>> No.10556288


>> No.10556315

>they still don’t think I am here

>> No.10556329

>Posted like a minute before she actually joined
Mumei you teasing owl you.

>> No.10556359


>> No.10556393


>> No.10556395


>> No.10556398

dude berries

>> No.10556406

The berry autism is cute.

>> No.10556408


>> No.10556418

>mumei will never shower you with berries
Gotta stay strong bros, I gotta stay strong

>> No.10556430
File: 3 KB, 160x160, 1622544526375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to watch every minecraft stream to watch Mumei
So this is the holominecraft curse

>> No.10556470


>> No.10556478

yo this nigga eating rice

>> No.10556482

or as our brothers from another continent call it: micra hell

>> No.10556488

rIcE oVeRloAD

>> No.10556507

she has to eat all the rice first

>> No.10556540


>> No.10556548


>> No.10556550


>> No.10556556
File: 103 KB, 703x709, 1629738448430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have to constantly be vigilant of Mumei appearing on others' Minecraft streams
>Guerilla karaoke could happen at anytime
Hoomanity is suffering

>> No.10556568
File: 98 KB, 657x742, 12131221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon sleep?
>Do it

>> No.10556579


>> No.10556602

Moomer sounds very tired tonight...
Also I was JUST about to go to bed MUMEIIIIII

>> No.10556603


>> No.10556618
Quoted by: >>10556799

Mouth full Mumei is CUTE

>> No.10556649

>actually stuffing her face with rice

>> No.10556657

mumei sounds extra white tonight.

>> No.10556660
Quoted by: >>10556728

does your oshi sound different, owlbros?

>> No.10556684

She sounds slightly different on Bae's VC. It's interesting.

Also mouth full Mumei a cute.

>> No.10556694

Do you have time to talk about RICE?

>> No.10556728

Transitioning from rrat to alpha rrat owlbro

>> No.10556799
Quoted by: >>10556845

Even cuter when it's full of my

>> No.10556845
Quoted by: >>10556886

Your rice? Bro she already has more than enough, why would you do this...

>> No.10556886

zhangs jus be like that bro

>> No.10556899

Mumei is 7 feet tall

>> No.10556978

Prophet here. I am actually a fake prophet. I just have access to their Minecraft server and can see whenever someone tries to connect. Or I am actually Mumei. Pick whichever you want to believe

>> No.10557004


>> No.10557015


>> No.10557046

Moomer your spelling reps...

>> No.10557072


>> No.10557075

Obsessing over correct capitalization.

Cute owl.

>> No.10557082

These late night spontaneous collabs will be the death of me

>> No.10557104

>Reminder that Ame is in love with Mumei

>> No.10557185

Gosling magnets attract

>> No.10557202

Is there anyone who *isn't* at this point?

>> No.10557252

The Kronii/Ame fight isn't going to be about time powers but instead about who wins the Mumeibowl

>> No.10557266
Quoted by: >>10557426


>> No.10557294


>> No.10557295


>> No.10557365


>> No.10557398

10/10 would cuddle and listen to My Chemical Romance with

>> No.10557426
Quoted by: >>10557503

who do you think filled her guerilla karaoke and got her trending

>> No.10557503


>> No.10557514


>> No.10557524
Quoted by: >>10557634

>Mumei goes quiet now that there's 6 other people in the voice call.
I'm sad now.

>> No.10557543

A chunk of KFP still seem to be holding out.

>> No.10557596

Everyone is live... kino...

>> No.10557634

It's good practice for her honestly.

>> No.10557794
Quoted by: >>10558048

What is she doing

>> No.10557801

i actually like minecraft now since i can just listen to it and not care about what goes on in the game while tabbed out
i get why some people call minecraft streams glorified zatsudans

>> No.10557843
File: 271 KB, 343x333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10558046

>> No.10557857


>> No.10557867

>Mumei gets stuck on minecart
>IQ draining music starts playing

>> No.10557935

>mumei riding with irys
bros they WILL burn the server together
this is yabai

>> No.10557945

So now we find out the extent of Mumei's INT debuff powers. How many mems can she drain at once?

>> No.10558005

My heart

>> No.10558046

>This picture indicates "forgor"

>> No.10558048

Her best.

>> No.10558069


>> No.10558075

>Where's the mel- oh...

>> No.10558118
File: 124 KB, 800x1070, Praise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This group is too lewd and rowdy for our Christian Mumei to handle.

>> No.10558159

Creeper jihad

>> No.10558194


>> No.10558232

Every time Mumei gets in bed when Fauna's around, something bad happens...

>> No.10558251

"I would like to make a noise complaint"


>> No.10558288


>> No.10558335


>> No.10558399


>> No.10558412
File: 258 KB, 826x1045, 20210929_112909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pronebone with Mumei while she's sleeping!

>> No.10558449
Quoted by: >>10558591

Now we need kronii

>> No.10558520
File: 59 KB, 735x490, Hoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my owls with their soft, floofy, bellies exposed for my enjoyment.

>> No.10558591

she is doing a karaoke stream in 25 minutes

>> No.10558648

>Mumei sleeping on top of you belly to belly

>> No.10558836
File: 75 KB, 409x263, murder scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10558928
Quoted by: >>10559038

>Mumei is tech supporting for everyone.
Call animal.

>> No.10559003

put carameldansen on it

>> No.10559038
File: 59 KB, 750x562, Animal hard at work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my best

>> No.10559075
File: 2.97 MB, 720x1068, 1629510831401.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10559109

Mumei made some strange noises just now

>> No.10559169


>> No.10559278


>> No.10559285


>> No.10559290

>killed by the berries

>> No.10559292

mumei got killed by a berry bush

>> No.10559295

Dead by berry....

>> No.10559293
File: 136 KB, 293x303, berries detected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10560333


>> No.10559299


>> No.10559301


>> No.10559311


>> No.10559315


>> No.10559328

Live by the berries...
Die by the berries...

>> No.10559355
File: 153 KB, 640x640, 1630037320538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony.....

>> No.10559358
File: 845 KB, 1280x720, ≪MINECRAFT≫ new friends + more portal building! 1-45-40 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10559406

blood for the blood god
berries for the berrie god

>> No.10559407

she doesn't want to snitch on the bushes. does she really remember where are the bushes and that's why she gathers them every stream?

>> No.10559411

>nana_mumei was poked to death by a sweet berry bush

>> No.10559454

KEK her discord image

>> No.10559568


>> No.10559613

the guardian(?) of time has joined

>> No.10559633
File: 1.26 MB, 572x1025, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10559674

>that IRyS portrait

>> No.10559686

I wante to sleep early today.. might as well play league on the side...

>> No.10559716

pure kino

>> No.10559729

Kronii has unarchived karaoke...

>> No.10559749

Unitychad pyramid

>> No.10559813
Quoted by: >>10559963

is gura and mori online? VC?

>> No.10559963


>> No.10559972

>You just put rice in a bowl and put seaweed on it

>> No.10559987

Jelly filled donut localization joke going over rat's head kek

>> No.10560333

The berries betrayed her from the bery beginning.

>> No.10560367


>> No.10560369


>> No.10560463

they're not watching kronini...

>> No.10560611

If anyone is going to understand playing too much minecraft it will be her.

>> No.10560784

she is still pulling 10k while bae has an impromtu with half of EN. those tits are too much.

>> No.10560804

Whats with this girl and rice?

>> No.10560857

Those that control the rice control armies.

>> No.10560865

she's a vietnamese farmer prease anderstando

>> No.10560976
Quoted by: >>10565652

Rice 2000 playthrough as Harkonnen when

>> No.10561060

she'll find out about the rice loli game eventually

>> No.10561215
Quoted by: >>10561316

>Mumei gave Kronii the courage to do her karaoke tonight
Jesus Clock you have it bad.

>> No.10561316
File: 151 KB, 500x500, 1632116006441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10561377

As much as I'm enjoying the MC collab, I'd definitely trade it for Mumei in the audience for her karaoke, this poor clock...

>> No.10561359
File: 18 KB, 587x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10561378
File: 33 KB, 608x504, nobunaga&#039;s ambition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10561377

Honestly knowing what we know of Kronii I almost think she's doing it on purpose while they're all in MC so that explicitly DOESN'T happen.

>> No.10561435


>> No.10561507

Pako really fell deep into hololive huh

>> No.10561561


>> No.10561570
File: 100 KB, 211x312, Minemei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, did those Minecraft lessons pay off Hoomans?

>> No.10561575

>Cutest predator
MC knows it...

>> No.10561581

>The cutest predator

That sounds like Mumei.

>> No.10561637
File: 233 KB, 400x428, predator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10561760

someone edit mumei with a fresh kill and the achievement

>> No.10561957
Quoted by: >>10562031

Mumei does shrooms

>> No.10562031

moomei knows the best shroom spots

>> No.10562045

Man, you can't let your guard down with mumei. She can appear at anytime.

>> No.10562100
Quoted by: >>10562188

would that count as nomadic/vagrant in any sense?

>> No.10562169

Mumei is the master of unintentional comedic timing. Or at least I hope it's unintentional because she's a terrifying presence if she does it on purpose.

>> No.10562188
Quoted by: >>10562231

i'm waiting for mongolian steppe raider mumei one of these days

>> No.10562231


>> No.10562236
Quoted by: >>10562360

God that roof looks hideous.

>> No.10562360 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 281x281, 400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean CHAOTIC

>> No.10562373

irys doesn't use push to talk...cute

>> No.10562495

the way this rat crafts is making me insane, is this the power of chaos?

>> No.10562590

Mumei does not sound okay

>> No.10562601

Do you hear the voices too?!

>> No.10562616
Quoted by: >>10562734

It feels like I've been watching the rrat rebuild the same roof for one hour while everyone else is out on an adventure

>> No.10562734

She has. Irys isn't doing too much better since she keeps having to fuck with her farm.

>> No.10562781

this rat has been doing the same thing all day, must be the power of chaos

>> No.10563061

why? I'm shit at minecraft. wouldn't be able to do something from imagination

>> No.10563233
Quoted by: >>10563330

she just keeps doing it anon, and she doesn't stop, she has redone it so many times, it's madness.

>> No.10563304

It's more that she's just approaching it with zero planning. She just keeps placing and deleting blocks until she thinks it looks good.

>> No.10563330

You know what? I've been absent mindly watching, now I realize you are right, she has been there for a while now. I'm not even sure what Mumei is doing.

>> No.10563385

I think she left, hopefully rrat opens the chat so we can check

>> No.10563485
Quoted by: >>10563776

Mewmers is off in a cave mining.

>> No.10563510

okay nvm she just left

>> No.10563557


>> No.10563585


>> No.10563598
Quoted by: >>10563651

she doesn't have a bed so she disconects when it's night so the others can sleep

>> No.10563651

OOH okay

>> No.10563717


>> No.10563776

then what the fuck I'm doing still watchin, got tricked by the PNG. I got distracted on discord, is she still on VC? I mean, it's a bit like she isn't because she is quiet even when she is on, but still...

>> No.10563822

she is retard, please do your reading reps

>> No.10563877
Quoted by: >>10563955


>> No.10563907


>> No.10563953
Quoted by: >>10564045

It's Mumei and there are five other people with her. Do you really expect her not to be mostly quiet?

>> No.10563955
Quoted by: >>10564004

I know! and I love her for that.
bc Ina? is the owl still on or not?

>> No.10563980

Nah she's not talking. Pls Moomi say something like berries please I need to hear your voice

>> No.10564004
Quoted by: >>10564156


looks like i need to do my writing reps
>she is, you retard (as in she is online)

>> No.10564045

what I meant is that if she already left VC i'm closing the stream all together, even if there is only an odd remark by her here and there I'll take it, even if she is mostly quiet.

>> No.10564083
Quoted by: >>10564164


>> No.10564102
Quoted by: >>10564156

Well she just spoke so there ya go. But yeah she's still in VC, just being our social anxiety owl.

>> No.10564156

ah, you put the comma in the wrong spot and totally confused me, thanks anon, useful answer.

she is amazing, isn't she? totally awe inducing, I love my owlshi.

>> No.10564164
Quoted by: >>10564419

WAIT what did she say? I was spacing out while rrat was figuring out her roof

>> No.10564173

rat please i beg you it's fine, you don't need to redo it

>> No.10564191

I'm watching IRyS's POV instead since she has the VC displayed

>> No.10564329
File: 3 KB, 166x52, 8674141419649649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10564397
Quoted by: >>10564463

FUCK. okay so I'm not a holoveteran, even less a minecraft stream veteran. whenever someone links someone's stream I think that's the only POV available. Mumei was on IRyS POV right?
I missed her because I was watching the rrat do the same roof over and over again...

>> No.10564419
File: 1.71 MB, 2894x4093, 1631346333206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10564491

Literally just said 'berries', what a cute dork

>> No.10564424

Don't worry guys. She's just lost

>> No.10564442


>> No.10564463
Quoted by: >>10564677

Holdex anonchama

>> No.10564491


>> No.10564590


>> No.10564638

IRyS POV is much better, it isn't making me actively lose it

>> No.10564677

Thanks, I thought it was just a multi stream site, wasn't aware it also showed everyone live.

>> No.10564792

changed to IRyS now she is going to do the same thing as the rrat. fuck me. also IRyS model is just.
looks out of Final Fantasy XII

>> No.10564811

That rrat sure can scream

>> No.10565144
Quoted by: >>10565229

pretty sure Mumei logged back in because ina logged in. wonder if they will stay up late enough that Kronii enters.

>> No.10565229

Dunno if I misheard her, but I think she said it's a bit late for that

>> No.10565273
Quoted by: >>10565464

she did say that

>> No.10565464


Kronii? Rehab inbound

>> No.10565519
Quoted by: >>10565674


>> No.10565535

rat spent 3 hours on the same fucking building, definition of chaos

>> No.10565652

>Mumers playing as Harkonnen
She will be the forgetting of the way, the owl who plants berries in many places at once. God created nostreams to train the faithful.
Fauna, with her Voice, is a Bene Gesserit witch.

>> No.10565657


>> No.10565674
Quoted by: >>10565744

she's fucking here

>> No.10565720

Please Fauna save Mumei.....

>> No.10565739
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1080, 【MINECRAFT】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10566005

Bros... Chaos had more courtesy about icons than hope did

>> No.10565744

Man I don't want to take my meds, I want to believe.

>> No.10565869

So which stream should I download? Rrat or hope?

>> No.10565888


>> No.10565928

Thanks green woman for rescuing moomer

>> No.10565948

she was hunting

>> No.10565955

Depends on if you want your ears blasted out or not

>> No.10565973

Hope, I can hear mumei way better in Irys stream

>> No.10565984

rrat has been working on a simple roof for the better part of 3 hours, dunno about irys

>> No.10566005

Isn't she pretty new to gaming herself? maybe thought the discord thingy was cool.

Both seem pretty awful as POV

>> No.10566011

>Half of them cooing over Mumei getting basic mining mats
I love these idiots.

>> No.10566080

everyone's daughter-wife

>> No.10566191

Speaking of which POV to chose, breadbaker here : Do we count this as a megacollab and should I provide both links in next OP?

>> No.10566212

Mumei finally commented on clocks stream, wonder if she will wet herself.

>> No.10566220

They all love that little spaghetti roll.

>> No.10566231


>> No.10566274

Yeah, sure breadbaker!

>> No.10566388

the rrat stream is miserable in a unique kind of way

>> No.10566426
Quoted by: >>10566532

Any other streams beside rrat and hope then?

>> No.10566532
Quoted by: >>10566691

none unfortunately

>> No.10566691

I blame Gura.

>> No.10566723
Quoted by: >>10567254

... why

>> No.10566788
Quoted by: >>10567254


>> No.10566853

She ruined hololive

>> No.10566856
Quoted by: >>10567254

i want to know

>> No.10567017

Remember to link the new thread in this one, bread baker.

>> No.10567149
Quoted by: >>10567201

mumei is lost as shit

>> No.10567201
File: 205 KB, 380x526, 1632454848152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or is she...

>> No.10567254

Because Gura has serious weight
in holo, and now she's in her le guerilla phase which is a fucking pain to follow and archive, which evedybody will copy now,because social license.
I say all this as both shrimp and hooman.

>> No.10567331
Quoted by: >>10567386

Ohh... but wait, what does that have to do with Moomers? :D

>> No.10567332

I don't think they are doing it to copy gura. They all just procrastinated on this and were gonna work on it off stream, but were invited to VC instead. Having fun

>> No.10567386
Quoted by: >>10567664

ohhh. no, this makes sense.
I mean, JP was always like that? but I totally see your point.
Still love me some shark, I cry everyday because even though I loved her I dropped her week 2.
however mumei is easy to watch

it does have to do with mumei, evidence A being the fact that I'm only awake because she is playing minecraft right now even when she isn't streaming her POV

>> No.10567588

>Mumei quietly talking to Animal in the background
cute! I love this owl!

>> No.10567664

I'd have no hdd space left if not for vp9/opus now, not even mentioning losing sleep time. And now this!

>> No.10567794

Mumeeeei where are you

>> No.10567828


>> No.10567856

I wish I was Animal Owlbros so I can pee with Mumei...

>> No.10567860

Animal is an idol too?!

>> No.10567995

they irys rrat bants are pretty neat

>> No.10568002
Quoted by: >>10568841


>> No.10568080


>> No.10568352

... discord icon tier list? anyone?

>> No.10568399

>went to bed at 9 my time
>woke up after less than 3 hours, but Mumei is streaming
>my favorite JP is streaming at 6 so I am probably going to stay up and not get any sleep tonight

>> No.10568445


>> No.10568559


>> No.10568669
Quoted by: >>10568693

>some of them are complaining about bald spots
There never was hope for me, was there hoomans?

>> No.10568693

they are? I thought they were talking about grapes.

>> No.10568735
Quoted by: >>10568830


>Mumei Retweeted this.
No... my christian choir girl rrats.

>> No.10568738
File: 71 KB, 700x1000, FAbSnZJX0AEWKvl.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10568830

Being a Christian choir girl does not mean you have no idea what is sexually appealing. Notice it's the upper part, not the lower part

>> No.10568841

this reminds me something from TT
Girls with a horse on their PP should be avoided, they will always love the horse more than you.

>> No.10569126

Christiab choir girls do get sweaty too.

>> No.10569150

>Notice it's the upper part, not the lower part
What did he mean by this

>> No.10569170

mumei has a headache :C

>> No.10569203

>mumei lost in the wilderness somewhere unironically

>> No.10569235


>> No.10569247
Quoted by: >>10569480

Mumei says she is lost and everyone else turns into mom.

>> No.10569317

>edible rrats

>> No.10569379

She's lifting up the upper part of her cleavage window, that action doesn't reveal any more of her breasts. As opposed to pulling down the bottom part of her cleavage window, which would reveal more breast.

>> No.10569480
Quoted by: >>10569508

is Council Mumei's harem.

>> No.10569508


>> No.10569518

mumei talking with iwys

>> No.10569546

I'll bet you $20 Mumei only got coal and iron

>> No.10569631
Quoted by: >>10569668

Man when is it gonna end? I have to do my sleeping reps

>> No.10569668
Quoted by: >>10569790

What has mumei done to me, I'm too afraid to click away because what if she does something in the 5 minutes I'm away?

just go to sleep, you might trigger unarchived karaoke for everyone else.

>> No.10569710
Quoted by: >>10569767

mumei tied and gagged art. this is either very good news or very bad news

>> No.10569767

There's not enough Owl Lewd in this world so I'm for it even if the particular fetish isn't my thing.

>> No.10569771

I can't imagine why you'd want to silence such a pretty voice desu, even for fetish reasons it just feels like a waste

>> No.10569790

Sacrifices have to be made

>> No.10569851

panty express always makes me chuckle

>> No.10569869
Quoted by: >>10569930

for real, I was pretty sure Mumei wouldn't log in or she would leave early, she hasn't stopped playing.
she hasn't done any building, Kiara's lesson got lost on her.
I love her.

>> No.10569930
Quoted by: >>10570037

It is because she is lurking here and posting in /jp/

>> No.10569965
Quoted by: >>10570159


>> No.10569967


>> No.10569971


>> No.10569979
File: 1.20 MB, 600x567, mumi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei got her first diamond whoooooooooooooo

>> No.10570031

This means she is engaged now right?

>> No.10570037

>uses stone pickaxe

oh yeah, nice catch.

if she is /here/ Angel beats OP pretty please mumei nwn

>> No.10570159
Quoted by: >>10570192


>> No.10570192
Quoted by: >>10570287

this >>10569790
go to sleep anon, let everyone else enjoy unarchived karaoke.

>> No.10570287

Okay okay, I won't sleep but I'm going to take a dump. Maybe I will sleep after that /who/ knows.

>> No.10570352

bae made a big deal about a witch, like she usually does being loud like a "fake it till you make it" extrovert
openly said "uh nobody cared" when nobody reacted
.. does she need saving?

>> No.10570382
Quoted by: >>10570424

You are thinking too much about it. They are all focused/getting tired.

>> No.10570424

I don't mean they ignored her, I mean that maybe Bae will go menhera someday.

>> No.10570431
Quoted by: >>10570569

How is Bae's split even like? Do people even have her as their oshi? Maybe she does since Mumei is saved now.

>> No.10570457

She's in a mineshaft..

>> No.10570484

Mumei found the shaft..

>> No.10570520
Quoted by: >>10570616

>Aww Crap

>> No.10570539

she said crap. neutra, bad or really bad?

>> No.10570569

it's relaxed, few newfags, and pretty much no antis, great chemistry with irys helps out the boards

>> No.10570590

>Why won't you die
Sorry Mumei I'll go to sleep.. sorry

>> No.10570616

She implied during Kiara collab that if it's not on her channel it doesn't count. We'll take her word for it.

>> No.10570726

kek, i misheard rrat, thought she said retard

>> No.10570753

>here I comee
mumei... everything she says gets to my heart

>> No.10570778

Mumei your sleep reps...

>> No.10570783


>> No.10570794
Quoted by: >>10570824

Sana, I get you love Mumei as much as any of us. but is she really "the best miner" out of holo-en?

>> No.10570797

mumei... she is sleep deprived, scared to lose her diamonds, still refuses to get help...
I'm going crazy with love...

>> No.10570813
Quoted by: >>10570946

What if she's just been afk all this time

>> No.10570824

She is hinting at her being a "minor"

>> No.10570851
Quoted by: >>10570922


>> No.10570858

my child prodigy

>> No.10570894

new rrat dropped owlpals

>> No.10570913

Fuck I'm dumb. I missed that.

>> No.10570922

Mumei is still in school, innocent mind, youthful, cute

>> No.10570938

now that I think about it nah, Highschool can't be as brutal as her las tuesday sounded, unless she truly is lex and is a minor studying for a post-grad

>> No.10570946
File: 820 KB, 784x514, 1630981657020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mumei stole some invisibility potions from Gura and is just running around stealing diamond to make it seem she's mining
Sasuga, Lex

>> No.10571012


>> No.10571027
Quoted by: >>10571100

Well, when I was a college freshman, I met a few 17 year olds in my classes. There are early start programs

>> No.10571047

HAHAHA I'm dying, the moment everyone leaves she gets social again. I LOVE THIS OWL

>> No.10571061

yandere meimei is hot

>> No.10571077

It was worth staying up for this

>> No.10571100

not even medecine's first year was as brutal as to make tuesday absolutes no go's, honestly

>> No.10571105
Quoted by: >>10571219

Not highschool, but I strongly suspect only in first year of tertiary education (possibly not university, but something more specialised like art school). She has hinted at having relatively recently moved away from home, with leaving most of her stuff behind - fits with travelling away for college. And would leave her still a minor in many definitions.

>> No.10571108


>> No.10571219

stop this. you will enforce my incest fetish if she's that green.

>> No.10571228
Quoted by: >>10571256



>> No.10571232
Quoted by: >>10571260


>> No.10571245


>> No.10571256
Quoted by: >>10571308

she has been lost for a long while.
proof she wasn't AFK too.
also those showed up because of Mumei, she hasn't slept, she just kept logging off.

>> No.10571260


>> No.10571279


>> No.10571287


>> No.10571308

She set the phantoms on everyone else, then logged out. Sasuga Lex

>> No.10571336

She's seducing hope with BERRIES

>> No.10571350

fucking IRyS being lewd around my cute minor owlshi, I'll fucking graduate the bitch.

>> No.10571357

Berries are all you need to score a woman. Thanks Mumei, I'll try this.

>> No.10571386

sebpaIRyS will groom and breed everyone

>> No.10571390

>these berries are making me forget
is this how she drains INT? is this why she keeps giving everyone berries???

>> No.10571411


>> No.10571513

Jump in anytime

>> No.10571553

Rrat's too loud even on Irys stream can't hear my owlshi reeee

>> No.10571685

Mumei HAS to sing Britney Spears on the next unarchived karaoke now right?

>> No.10572000

Well now Mumei has an actual berry farm that is currently killing her.
