Hololive Global
I like birds too.
mumei and reine would be better
I LOVE MUMEIAnd I love Kiara too!
Why is Kiara teaching someone who will forget everything?
>>OPThis drawing us an accurate depiction of their combined IQs
i love my wife kiara and our adopted retarded child mumei
this one
Kiara please ask chat who is building the museum I need to see that
>Kiara will never raise your child like this
Mumei has the best BGMs.
>mumei still has the random ass metal bgm
Why kiara treating her like a retardIt's disrespectful
>>10486210right here gurafriend!
Kiara promoting militaristic state Shintoism!
Don't fall for her trick, she's the smartest holoenhttp://poal.me/tadjdh
>Fauna's forest continues to be destroyed Nature needs to move
>>10486194I WILL impregnate kiara
>those asians sure do like their shrines right?
>>10486210too bussy taking hrt.
KFP tell your oshi to stop backseating my oshi
>>10486259She's right
>Hololive EN>All building in japanese style
>>10486299your oshi likes being backseated
>Mumei getting bossed around
>>10486343>Server full of weebs>Expect anything else
>>10486299i'm going to tell her to backseat her even harder
Please remember that hating Kiara is just a meme and most anti Kiara posts are actually made by hardcore fans.
>>10486343>Employees of a Japanese business>All building in a japanese style
>>10486476Kiara your pickaxe is gone, let's goooooooo
>>10486076I feel sorry for Mumei. She probably wanted to be nice to Kiara, but after this disaster of a collab, she'll know better.
>>10486527Is that Temple OS
>>10486679How come kiara gets mogged by fucking mumei? lmao?>Captcha: 0SGXD
it’s my birthday!
cute snoz
Hey guys, can i have the korean dog hands Ayame tweet? There were 2 of them
>>10486527please be real
>I hate Kiara and MoriMumei...
>>10486076everything's better with Reine (except Kiara who ironically has no chemistry with Reine)
>>10487160happy birthday
>>10487160hh-happy birthday anon
Why they talk about dog sex?
I love Ina!
Somebody's ogey is not very kinosomebody's dead rrat is destroying my thread(Mumei's Weezer reference flew over Kiara's head)
>>10488393they are inviting the japanese
Gura cute!
This sounds like Reine's BGM
>>10486076basedkiara hate
>>10488677After you die
>send een ze creepeur
Sell me on Sana
Matsuri is cute!
>Takes 50% of all revenue>Can't even teach Talents how to utilize their DMCA free music partnership
>>10488677My guess is 5 years from now
>>10488958autism thoughts
I miss Fauna...
>>10486527I like elephants. Do you like elephants?
>290K SUBS VS 1.3M SUBSNice botted subs, mythtards
>>10488973big brown tits
>>10487160happy birthday!
Why aren't you using images
>>10488958Sleepy thoughts
>>10488958cutest bird streaming right now
>>10488914anon where is this from please. ive never been this hard before
I truly do hate the GoXLR, it's packed full of bullshit nonsense and it's way to expensive. Just get that new presonus interface for 200 bucks ffs
Watching Meimei become easily amused by Kiara's self imposed censoring with the beeps and boops and as Kiara uses her demon summoning voice a creeper literally got too horny and exploded all over her. This collab is extremely entertaining and Meimei's learning a lot about Minecraft through Kiara's guidance! Go Holobirds Go!While in less than 45 minutes, BIG SANA is going to diving into some good ole Deltarune as we're going to groove out with Lancer and meet up with Bae's biggest fan who can do anything and loves Chaos Chaos CHAOS!So friends, where we at?
>>10488973thigh meat
Bees are friends with benefits
>>10488955The cutest!
>>10488677After she's satisfied with what she's accomplished in her tenure at Hololive and is ready to move onto the next stage of her career.
Reasonable KFP here.I'm sorry but I can't stand watching Kiara like this. How can KFP really justify watching her without her scrumptious, supple, sweaty thighs wrapped around their necks? I'm sorry, but it's the truth...
>>10486527"I like Watamelons, and God likes Watamelons, so here's a realistic Watamelon"
>>10488972For every thread that runs out of images at 700 posts, there must be a thread that dies with 30+ images left.
>>10489008Right here, friend
>>10488973huge chocolate milkers
this collab is meh
There are no actual cat girls in this image.
What's a cool OP with 4 characters instead of 3 now that Moomers is a Holobird?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lpQa6Dk2Xc
>>10489008>good ole Deltaruneyou realize this game came out like a week ago right?
i'm gonna ask sana about homestuck
>>10486210Please Gura, don't bullt Kronii...
>>10488553I'm a rrat fag, but while rrat's Japanese is easier to listen to and "cleaner", Kiara's Japanese is definitely better. Kiara's word choice and manner of speaking is way more naturalrrat's Japanese is still good though, and she'd definitely enjoy collabing with a JP, so I'm hoping it can happen sometime
>>10488958The same thoughts as usual
Mumei is good but she’s so autistic collab partners can’t keep up
>>10488973She's awful and you should stay away from her so there's more for me
>zhe shark is in the server>shut eet down
lol this circus music
So teamates where is Ame's schedule hm? Surely she couldn't have broken yet ANOTHER one of her (now meaningless) promises~
This is some quality BGM, Mumei
Inshallah brother
>Gura still trying even though she's going to be streaming in a bit anywayGoes to show just how much she wants to collab and play MC.
>>10489041Lucky Star
>amebee just want sex with the flower
>>10486527Look at the realism
KFP stay away from my wife
Why're you retards trying so hard to act like this collab is bad, just watch streams Eurosharts and Ameripoors
Why is there suddenly looney tunes music playing at the owl's
why didn't mumei kill the chicken?
>>10489044Isn't Sana starting with Chapter 1?
>>10489049I fucking hate Ina mains, they just keep spamming wah
>>10489044She's playing Chapter 1
What do Hoomans look like?
>>10488980But that's five years too soonHow about ten or twenty even thirty forty fifty sixty
>>10489037I'm loving it. They're being super cute and I love their banter
getting groped by Mumei!
>>10488938Guess I'll just close my tabOgeyyAlrightFeels kinoTonightAme on the tellyPosts filled with goslingsDoxxbeats schemingBehind my back
>>10489101It's bad by Kiara standards. She usually has *something* to work with.
>>10489041yuru yuri?
>>10489091it's in 2 hours
>>10489115>he missed the first 2 pseudo-asmr streams
>>10489124They've been making fine conversation so far threadreaderkun
>>10489041This video is perfection. Mumei needs more lore and stream stuff for another one of those
>>10488973if i have to sell you on sana, you dont deserve herless normie clipnigger shit to deal with
>>10488958Repressing baby urges by mothering my coworker thoughts
what the fuck is this music mumei is playing
did mumei just hit "random shuffle" on her playlist
is mumeis BGM rn a fucking circus?
>>10489122go on anon
I feel like Mumei is trying to make me go insane on purpose with this
>10k likes:33 dislikesPretty high dislike ratio for Mumei. Must be the Kiara effect (for reference, her member reveal stream was 11k:20)
>>10489082If you want more Ame pics posted you can just ask.
>>10489101It's just not good. Not offensive but not good.It reminds me of that Watame and Miko MC collab
>>10489091it can't be the time Ame delayed her stream to play minecraft for a bit during Ina's stream
>mumei's bgmfinally some kino
nigga this some tom and jerry shit on mumei's stream
>autism holo>autism bgm
>>10489025I…I can’t justify this…there’s no excuse…
I can't even hear any bgm on Mumei's stream
>>10489163yes, she didit's better than having the smol ame bgm for hours on loop tho
>>10489163that's literally what's happening
>>10489159>>10489166>>10489163I hope she keeps the random bgm playlist its funny
This stream just makes me want more collabs with bae
>>10489141Wasn't one of them members only?
>>10489166She's attempting to summon Polka
>>10489174>this nigga numberfagging over 10 dislikes
> /who/ quickly became one the boards most active splits> It's a Holobirbs collab so lets see what they think over there> ctrl + f KiaraJesus.....
>>10489174Oh wow, 33 people of 10 thousand disliked a stream. Truly the end of Hololive.
>>10488958Comfy thoughts
>>10489198its pretty faint for me
>>10489198There's BGM?
>>10489208Both of them were
>>10488973she birthed a horse on stream which was pretty fun to watch. she said she was gonna talk to yagoo about me birthing my own horse as well. shes very sweet like that.
>>OPI'm not going to bother with this MC stream after last nights Kino, give me the run down how bad is it?
The shit FPS is making Kiara's stream hard on the eyes.
>>10489174>He's trying THIS hard
>>10489206i think bae and sana are god tier when it comes to collabs. god damn friendly aussies
Gura hasn't logged out this time but hasn't typed anything in chat.
>>10489025Oh no... KFP... he's right...
>>10489210Kiara really has the most ridiculous antis.Pic related.
>>10489215stop shitting up splits and coming over here
>>10489215I can't believe they're talking about Kiara during the collab...
Looks like Gura's managed to stay logged in this time
>Mumei has put the same stair piece and removed it 10 times now
>>10489233Mumei baby...
>>10489215mumei's retard aura is no match for orange woman
>>10489215aren't most splits just filled with schizos?
Dude, stop rotating threads and get a life. I know you're desperate for validation but just stay in your discord server.
Sanatori when?
>>10489041I forgot how well done that video was
>>10489041Konosuba's OPs would work really well
I haven't really paid attention to Mumei until this stream. She has such a weird energy, I'd seen people say that she might be so smart that it wraps around to make her seem dumb and I actually kinda understand what they mean now.
>>10489215>anon shitposts in splits and comes back to the thread again
>>10489233it's fun
>>10489025>le reasonable kfp is finally rightBros... we have met our match...
>>10489263I don't think they'd go well together
>>10489241>>10489243I bet she is standing in front of the alchemy table and getting really confused by the wiki
>>10489019this ame model could be its own vtuber or beetuber
>>10489215The eggs are currently visiting; the earlier talk about holobirds and the collab was a lot more positive.
Just a few months ago, noone is ever on in this weird ass server.
>>10489254quality entertainment
>>10489215Stop shitposting on splits
>>10489259Kiara will not be contained by a mere Lex Luthor
Collab thoughtshttps://poal.me/fcggrahttps://poal.me/fcggrahttps://poal.me/fcggra
>>10489233Kiara is now Mama bird and we now have the highest concentration of curse words in a single Mumei stream.
>>10489246“I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it." -KFP
>>10489215Brining split sher into /hlgg/ should be a 5 year ban
poppy punk metal hmmm
>what kind of music do you listen to>while this random flute is playing>she'll answer metal or something like always
puppy punk
mummers is the \m/ holo?
What is pop-punk metal?
>folk>punk>pop>metalHoly BASED
That just sounds like hlgg
Damn, Mumei is kinda based
Mumei sounds like she would like Coheed and Cambria
is she a folkmetal chad?
>Makes me feel aliveShe gets it.
/who/ really hates kiara huh...
>poppy punk metal
mumei is just like me
>folk musicBASED
the owl wants to be abused!
Is that like WHEN I WAS or is it something else?
>>10489206Bae, Sana, and Fauna, are more comfortable of the Gen2 for collabs. In my opinion anyway.
>Mumei likes pop punk>she hummed Welcome to My LifeMoomers, Simple Plan unarchived karaoke let's gooooo
>It makes me feel alivekek i like this dork
>>10489233It's a collab
>>10489246I just want your oshi to fucking die is that too much to ask?
Wait so Sana and Meimei are the hard Ms of Council?
>likes metalShe is LITERALLY autistic
>>10489269She isn't dumb, she is just slow
>>10489174Holy shit you niggers are really grasping at straws today. This collab is comfy as fuck.
>the story so faromg this girl is a 2010s pop punk nerd
Here's the song btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lHoWL2wrj8
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSztLD2DesQMumei likes this kind of music, how does that make you feel?
I only care about my oshi Gura, did she make any other cameos this stream?
>I like to hear people yelling
Oh no no no hoomans this man is in your oshi's ear...
Mumei was a Vans Warped Tour kinda girl
>collab>they both mute to listen to musicA-alright….
Sorry, I'm gonna be a hooman now...
>Story So FarFuck I hate pop punk
So she likes Greenday knockoffs?
>>10489303>Praying to Kiara's biggest anti
>>10489374She’s made like 10 cameos
>>10489246wtf is wrong with those feet jesus
mumei confirmed for ancient scene
>>10489041>What's a cool OP with 4 characters instead of 3 now that Moomers is a Holobird?TMNThttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEF7J2Xcr-M
I just realized Kiara is a sex demon, but her voice filters me so hard. It's such a disappointment that she decided to make this dumb chicken voice instead of sounding like a normal human.
>>10489387would be fucking kino
Wait thats generic emo shit
>>10489056Can I get an Ayamefriend Naizuri please?
im a hooman now
>>10489361>This collab is comfy as fuckNot really. Kiara's literally pulling from her conversation topic pool. Not bad but it's Rushia-tier forgettable
Do you think Mumei likes La Dispute
what are they doing?
>>10489341You'll die before she does, 41%-kun
>>10489386Mumei and Ame definitely moshed together.
>mumei likes to listen to men yellingThe DDLG role play really has rotted her brain.
Anyone drop by while Chimken and Moomers have been playing?
Man, kurobe has such a shit layout, guess i'll stick with Chrome for the time being
Mumei is dead on the inside!
emo owl....
>>10489389The experience of being alone at a party a friend brings you to
Missed the song artistnerve by who?
Mumei: it's not a phase mom
>>10489373No, no she doesn't
now I want a Mumei and Sana punk metal cover
>>10489373well i like some of those bands but i still don't like mumei
>>10489433Gura has been trying.
I want to listen to Cap'n Jazz with Moomers.
>>10489433Gura has been struggling to login, but she keeps getting kicked apparently. other than that no i dont think.
I wonder if Moom would like Bayside
Why does Mumei and Kronii have so much pain inside?
>>10489429All zoomer women are into ddlg.
>>10489452the story so far
>>10489441>I'm dead inside>Meimei is dead insideWE ARE
>>10489424Sounds like all the other council collabs honestly
>>10489413She's got Fran Drescher syndrome
>>10489382Is that fucking Connor in the middle?
Edgy Owl listening to Linkin Park
>>10489450that rushia arm
>>10489246Seriously why is every single one of her antis some kind of deformed tranny? Did her roommate talk shit about trans rights or some shit?
>share your music>what?>eh?>huh?>who?These retards...
>>10489233It's alright but it only looks like a bad collab if you compare it to every other collab the past week.
flyleaf, based
>>10489414I didn't even knew there was a new TMNT cartoon, looks cool
mumei stop being so nice please. call her a cunt and hang up the phone
>Kiara: So what music do you like, Mumei?>Mumei: Oh, you know... Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brainbombs, Egor Letov, Death in June, Current 93, La Monte Young, Moondog, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, Luigi Russolo, Popol Vuh, Fishmans, Jean Jacques Perrey, Les Rallizes Dénudés, Rainbow Caroliner, Taj Mahal Travellers, Fushitsusha, DNA, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefheart, Pharoah Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane, Arnold Schoenberg, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Nang Nang, Haruomi Hosono, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Nara Leão, Basic Channel, Raymond Scott, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram, Noah Howard, Terry Riley, Y. Bhekhirst, Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho, Boyd Rice, Mahmoud Ahmed, Henry Flynt, Kazumoto Endo, David Tudor, Aporea, Half Japanese, Mega Banton, Secret Chiefs 3, Keiji Haino, Ramleh, Otomo Yoshihide, John Zorn, Joe Meek, Robbie Basho, Phil Spector, Faxed Head, Harry Partch, Frances Baskerville, Wesley Willis, Fred Frith, The Residents, Sun Ra, Sun City Girls, Hans Krüsi, Royal Trux, Jandek, Yat-Kha, Loren Mazzacane Connors, Pärson Sound, The Dead C, Comus, Cromagnon, Eliane Radigue, Arthur Doyle, Shizuka, The Red Krayola, Henry Cow, Magma, Opus Avantra, Pan.Thy.Monium., Murmuüre, Ksiezyc, Gong, Cukor Bila Smert', cLOUDDEAD, Muslimgauze or Kaoru Abe
so cute to watch this mom tell her daughter her embarrassing musical past.
Mumei, your speaking reps…
>>10489461Hooooooooly FUCK that's cute.
Not to be an egg but I think Kiara sucks and she should take off all her clothes to be a better streamer.
Last night was the first time I've had to miss a gura stream in 7 months, the damn samegaki. How was it?
>>10489433Gura, Gura, Gura, Gura, Gura, Gura, Gura, Gura, and also Gura.
>>10486527If Terry Davis was still alive, who would his oshi be?
>>10489482>Mumei listen to linkin park>I listen to linkin parkWE ARE
>FlyleafBased Christian Rock Birb
Imagine ever having an edgy/emo phase.Couldn't be me.
>edgy era>flyleafkek, Kiara was so seiso back then.
>>10489382>>10489478second dude from the left is fucking Yagoo, man
>>10489341>literally seethinglol
>>10489515She hasn't slept yet, has she?
>Flyleafa fucking leaf
>>10489482>Linkin Parkbased
>>10487160Happy birthday cumbud. My brother is being born today as well.
>>10489521I did not expect that
>>10489414I loved the ost, I should look it up
Thank god Kiara dropped the retarded chef hat
>>10489511I never thought I'd agree with an egg but here we are
>>10489515Might have been a couple of more Gura
>>10489511She streams nude quite a bit!
i can't believe mumei is an /emoe/chad
>>10489522I wanted to get one. I never got into it...
>>10489507>The hopium now extends to /mu/
>>10489529nah, it's about time for her JWU
>>10489477Fuck no, bae was way fucking better than this. Mumei just doesn't mesh well with kiara's style, nothing wrong with that but pretending like the collab is nothing more than just Kiara carrying the conversation and getting lukewarm responses is delusional.
>>10489477The other Myth X Council ones have been good or memorable so far at least
Metalhead Holo when guys? I'd even sell my left nut for that to happen.
>>10489532Reines poster...
Story so far fuckin sucks
>>10489493Kiara and her roommate is a perfect woman. That's the true cause of the seethe, they will never be a woman like her.
>>10489416stop saying words you dont understand
>>10489502That's the old TMNT from 2012. This is more recent. https://youtu.be/iNV6AXPeJeU
>>10489529>>10489577Checks out
>>10489543>being bornI-is he ok existing?
nice dox kiara...
>>10489174Jesus why are owlkeks this insufferable?
>Can I google them
How is the collab i wasnt here
>>10489472*All women
>>10489264it really is, you should watch it once while reading the chat for itthe guy went the extra mile of actually recording himself doing the dances so he can use it as reference
Mumei hates her doesn't she?
>>10489493trannies are mentally illthat means they're more likely to be abusive to others and themselvesKiara was a very easy target during debut, and it just stuck
>I've never heard of your fucking Eastern Euro jank>you fucking zoomerKiara is seething.
>im not asking. im doing
>I think I'm a boomerShut the fuck up Kiara you're not even 30.
>>10489507I know...Frank Zappa.
>>10489584fuck off k**k*riki
>>10489607>Not a new IP
Finland mention.
>>10489590why does it look worse than the one from the 80s
>>10489579Roboco? Rikka?
>>10489625shes timeless retard
>mumei will never sing Slipknot songs>Mumei will never sing marylin Manson songs>Mumri will never sing nine inch nails songs>Kiara will never sing DU
sana image
>>10489579Same desu. Unironically
>>10489590What is this disgusting shit?
The Rasmus had one very popular song in Germany that was played all the time on TV and upcoming primetime movie teasers. Prease undastand THE CONCEPT OF LOVE
>>10489578Patiently waiting for Kiara to call Mumei "YOU LITTLE SHIT"
>>10489341this, but Fauna and Mumei
>>10489633Modern animation has no soul.
>friendship book Kiara is fucking ANCIENT
>>10489633Americans can't animate for shit anymore
so, what's the appeal of Mumei anyways?
>>10489008Right here!
>>10489505That's Green Day though...
>>10489628i really wasn't here...
>>10489654and you're fucking new
listening to algernon cadwallader with mumei!
>>10489507literally who
>>10489607nothing interesting or kino
>>10489661Cute and funny
>edgy/emo phaseI fucking WISH TO GOD I had an edgy/emo phase instead of having what I had and what half of you fags had.Fucking Anime Club phase...
How are the birds?
HELP I'M SEETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>10489606wrong, that is cringe
Remember when boomer actually meant someone who was born in the 40-50s? Those were the days huh
>I just wanted to feel acceptedmoomers...
>>10489654What's a friendship book
>>10489614>Dodged the first impression question.You tell me.
>>10489645It's zoomer shit like Teen Titans Go.
>>10489683stop posting this picture in every thread
>>10489642Fucking imagine if she ever got an outfit like this. I would become a beast of carnal desires that all must avert their eyes away from
>ParamoreWhat's with these white girls and all liking Paramore? Same desu
>>10489661she cute
>>10489661having no appeal is her appealt. just membered her despite only ever watching 3 of her streams
Ah, yes. When Paramore was at their best...
>>10489689I hated you by my own accord though
>>10489683being edgy/emo and and into anime during these periods usually fell hand in hand
>>10489687It's getting better now that they're bonding over edgy music
Anyone paying attention to the actual Minecaft? wht are they making?
>>10489661Innocent EN MAtsuri
>>10489683Why not both? Plus a jock phase if you're a Mumeichad.
>>10489532>a tranny>a /v/ermini don't care>a pyro mainfuck that furry fuck
>>10489596He gets to suffer like the rest of us. I'm still debating if I should teach him nerd shit or actually give him a chance at being a normalfag as he grows up
>>10489683>Not being the emo anime kid
>>10489670no i'm fucking your mom
>>10489687Just ok
>Moom likes Punk metal>Has made refrences to Weezer and Weird Al on stream
>>10489661Lovable retard
>>10489683Those are dark times I wish not to remember....
>>10489702Gura and Ame are no longer friends
>>10489663>>10489691what are her actual tastes though? metal is sort of diverse
>friendship bookI'm getting survey posting flashbacks
Gura is still in the server. By the looks of it.
>>10489373if she comes out as actually liking Agoraphobic Nosebleed I'll actually Oshi her on sight. You have no idea how desperate I am for Grindcore pop culture representation I will literally take anything
>>10489633it really doesnt I dont know what you're smoking
>>10489689i've payed just short of 0 attention to ogayga but guess he's esl
>>10489689Did he/she/it have a stroke when typing this?
>>10489724minecraft streams are glorified zatsudan streams, no one cares about the blocks
>>10489694it is a notebook you give to your classmates and friends to fill. It has some stupid questions.
>>10489731>>a pyro mainFuck you, pyro is based.
holy shit you guys I just realized>Mumei Nanashi>Anonymous Anonymousb-bros?!? which one of you got into Hololive?
>>10489683I feel like I'm having a delayed edgy phase, I was pretty chill as a teenager but lately I'm indulging in more edgy content.
>>10489661>But aren't girls cutest when they're almost retarded?But she's not "almost"
>>10489683>having an edgy phase in the 2000s>think Ow The Edge is cool|>I Am All Of Me is still a kino song tho
>>10489754She made the server kneel. It’s exciting to think there’s a nonzero chance we get another Minecraft guerrilla tonight
>>10489727ah alright i see... thanks!
>>10489742mumei needs to sing dare to be stupid during karaoke
Guys I'm just not seeing the Autism or retardedness from Mumei. Is this what you guys have been talking about for so long?
>>10489735 more likely he'll pick up stuff from you whether you intentionally show it or not
>>10489689holy ESL
>>10489689What the fuck does that even mean?
>>10489689Omega types like a Kiara anti
>>10489694>Everyone older than meBoomer>Everyone younger than meZoomer
>>10489683>not being a chuunichad
>>10489639I FEEL SO GOOD
>>10489771That's me
>>10489766Just ESL
do you think mumei has scars from when she self harmed oh god that's so hot do you think she looks at it at night and gets tempted to do it again while she listens to "MakeDamnSure" before she goes to sleep
>>10489776when you grow up you realise your instinctive fear of edge is almost as cringe as the people who go all into it with no self awareness
Which EN is the most racist?
>>10489772rope thyself
>>10489726Shut up tako
>>10489727No?If you read the thread, it's almost all>This is niceand like, 5% of it is retards sperging.Are you focusing on the negative and ignoring everything else again, like whenever a Holo looks at chat for advice and gets the wrong stuff?
This feels like a pretty average collab. No kino, but not bad
>>10489772Do not bring Pyro mains near me.
>>10489724shinto shrine/templethey will put in a Fortune gacha box later
>>10489709it's better than all of bae's trash taste
>>10489683Fauna still owes us an emo karaoke.
I used to listen to The Rasmus back in 2010...
>>10489689Why is Omega an ESL?
>>10489689>Holo EN>Manager is JPIt's all so tiresome...
>>10489771>one>Anonymous AnonymousIt's two men in a trenchcoat.
Kek Kiara
They should be fixing phoenixton
I did my VoD reps for the Gura/IRyS/Bae/Kronii Minecraft, I went to sleep before the hunt started. Good stuff, but I was most surprised by Ina’s role as an instigator. Gura was ready to call it a day with some light verbal bullying but Ina completely enabled her to be a shitter. Love this stuff.
What kind of music do you listen to Anon?
Moomers is a therapy dog....
I love Polka!
>>10489752according to her Death Metal, although that also doesn't tell us much considering she could mean anything from Rings of Saturn, to Bolt Thrower to Pyrrhon. Or she could just be using Death Metal as a catch all for anything growly
>Watching Irys's vod>Kino Kronii collab>Gura has to ruin it with forced interaction faggotry againJust fuck off already. You never see this shit in JP servers. leave them alone, dumb fucking MEMEME attention whore
>>10489742SOMEONE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE SING THE SAGA BEGINS>she sings this for Sanahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg_4b-1aWKg
>>10489664T o T
>2010? Isn't that pretty new>check year>11 years agoWhat the fuck
The real Lex Luthor is trying to sneak up on Mumei
>Patronizing GuraLEX LUTHOR!!!
>>10489579Hololive is pop music.If you are not afraid of males you can try Nijisanji for a bit more jrock. They did a rock relay on last Sunday.Also try Futakuchi Mana.
>>10489822Kiara is a borderline neo nazi
>Okayu love Gura so much she has Gura as her desktop backgroundShion.... Akwa.... don't look...https://youtu.be/l-skahHpZC4?t=5067
>>10489820make damn sure was when taking back sunday diedyou're so last summer will ALWAYS be quintessential taking back sundayand yes i have scars
>>10489830It's just two girls talk to each other. It could be boring for some people
>>10489751who are Kiara and Ina in this situation
She's motivated.
>>10489902and y'all are there!
Gura said fuck management
>>10489869The soundtracks for Tony Hawk Pro Skater and Shadow the Hedgehog
>>10489871I'd rush Polka's B
>>10489867I really like Gura and Ina’s chill chemistry, the teamup to bully the newbies was fun
>>10489246>ID>trannyWhy is it always trannies/indogs? What is wrong with them?
>"""they""" cannot stop meWhat the FUCK did Gura mean by this
>no holo will ever do a full American Idiot rock opera concertAme... Mumei... Fauna...
>(((they))) cannot stop meHOLY SHIT
>>10489752I only know she said she likes The Living End but they're more pop-punk than metal
>They cannot stop me
>>10489683I had a phase where I thought creepy pervs were the funniest thing and would go around telling the girls how I was going to rape them. Miraculously I never got snitched on for it but looking back its pretty damn embarrassing
>>10489948"They" as in (you)
>>10489703Brother calm yourself. There are children here
>>10489493/cgl/ is mostly trannies.
Gura is such an attention whore holy fuck
>>10489948She told trannies to fuck off
>>10489807Seeing other people have their own judgement and take on things. Fucking native speakers, learn to read!
She's feeling MOTIVATED
>And do it to your face
>>10489878What timezone wakes up at 5:30 PM EST
>>10489869I was listening to some Ministry the other night. That was pretty good.
>>10489920>>10489932>>10489948Management doesn't want unneeded collabs anymore on MC
>>10489948She forgot her triple parantheses.
>>10489984>SEAnigger still seething about all the impromptu collabs
>>10489694the meme started to make fun of 30 year olds
>>10489373>Black FlagBand went to shit when Henry Rollins joined and has never recovered since
>>10489878Agreed that it's going to get old at some point but that one was pretty harmless and IRyS was still able to achieve her stream goals at least.Also I miss IRyS
>>10489873>according to her Death Metalwhy the fuck do people say this? Someone asked her if she liked death metal. She said she was in a 'rock / metal' band. She never said she liked death metalFucking chinese whispers going on here
>>10489878Trying to hard. This post might fit in if you repost it in 12 hours
>>10489997nice, I love Jesus Built My Hot Rod
>>10489869Currently Van Canto and The Dreadnoughts
>they cannot stop meTHE BEAST HAS AWAKENED
>>10489907cats love fish after all...
>>10489984I want to give her all the attention she needs
>>10490017Go back.
>>10489998you will not stop the kino MC collabs management man
>>10489996Neets do.
>>10489614She finds her annoying for sure. I would feel pressured and overwhelmed.
How do I lose weight and not want to die
>>10489948>>10489965>>10489994Woah buddies!
>>10489948She's becoming to powerful...
>>10489771that "amber" postersomeone with a screenshot post it
I miss Ina.
>>10489984This but Kiara
>>10489878Fuck off to the splits. We love Gura here, faggot.
>>10490042A knife.
>>10489869pretentious experimental industrial music from England in the 1980s
>A tree houseFauna...
Did Gura take lessons from Kiara on how to be a MEMEMEMEMEMEME whore?
>>10489878I bet this is the same fucker who was seething last night posting the same message on cooldown.
I would follow Fuhrer Gura to the grave if she ever started a movement
>>10489948The IP Jew
>>10489903does comrade mana still stream?
>>10490056They are already there
>>10489948Omega is literally in Guras house right now wrestling for control of the computer and manually logging gura off minecraftGura managed to take the upper hand for now
>>10490006If you weren't here last night, it was wild. One guy with a pass and 1-2 without spamming the same lines with a few words switched around for 3 hours.
>>10490019The one I was listening to was "The Land of Rape and Honey". I think it's one of their more popular albums? Other than that sludge metal is pretty cool too.
>>10489869I never left my 00s pop-punk and alt phase, so I just listen to Green Day, JEW, The Killers, and Rise Against on loop...
>>10490017The number rolling to 2 digits really makes it hit home how much time passed.
>I want a homeI CAN SAVE HER
>>10489973Good fucking lord I don't think I'd be able to sleep at night with that in my mind.The worst I did was do Giga Drill Breakers in the hallway in 8th grade to go back to class from the bathroom if the hallway was empty because I assumed it decreased wind resistance.
>>10490001uh, anon? that's kinda racist
>>10490042Find a vegetable that you like and can snack on. No butter popcorn, snow peas, and coffee helped me get over that intial hurdle.
>>10489957Can Ollie join in?
>>10490094Also Omega came in my asshole
Why gura makes every minecraft about her?She's more annoying than kiara now
>>10489869Mostly prog metal and electronic
>>10490070He’s posting on cooldown again
Mumei listens to "Eye Hate God" 100%
>>10490070Anon, the jannies can see that you're spamming on cooldown you know.
>Kiara asks>Mumei answers>repeat nice epic collab
>>10489896 there are kids that are playing now that weren't even alive when the game dropped
>>10489661She plays the quiet cute anime girl without any of the usual baggage of being too insecure and asocial. She is surprisingly witty and is great at filling dead space with her random observations.
>>10490068fauna wants to build the world tree yggdrasil not just any tree house
>>10490099I was here.I was the anon that couldn't sleep so I checked the thread, and found it infested with SEAnigs shitting on Gura (why?).It was awful, and I'm never staying up late again.
>>10490138t. Not watching the stream
>>10489907I thought you were memeing but wow she actually said that
>>10490138yeah, shit's rad
>>10490069That's a bet I'd ante up on
Is Kiara's FPS cause of the AMD jank?
>>10490103you should listen to The Melvins, check out the albums Houdini and Stoner Witch
>>10489948Man this Gura arc is so fucking good, she's 1000% better now that she's herself and not the fake porcelain doll of the exchumbuds
>[BIG] Holo first EN to stream DeltaruneIt's all coming together
>>10489996Literally Bae/Sanatime. Or I guess the entirety of /jp/
>>10489869I only listen to vidya music. I will not change.https://youtu.be/CIWLYlRqaxo
>>10490042burn calories
>>10489973holy based
>>10490116Gura's the one who said it, not me.
>>10490129myth are threatened by a new gen
>>10490125Based Spotify please put their music back...
>>10489869math rock, masturbatory jazz music and loval indie shitalso vtuber karaoke-core aka. anisongs
>>10490108Please stop driving this realization home, I just wanted to joke around but you're making me feel bad too...
I'm liking this dynamicKiara seems calmer than usual, and they're being cute together
>>10489869Folk Punk, EDM and Shoegaze
>>10489878You posted this 12 hours ago
>>10490042Watch Fauna.
>>1048986990's rap and nu-metal
>>10490138It's cute kino. You wouldn't understand.
Jesus what's with these hours being so shit? Are Euros actually this fucking bad?
>>10490129She has control of the JPs and ENs now. Hololive IS Gawr Gura.
>I'd be nice to be good at somethingMumei...
>>10489903>Manashe killed herself for 5 minutes of internet fame
>>10490146God fuck vtweeters and fuck CMs spending all day shitposting on twitter to be relatable
>Mumei disabled superchats>Kiara didn'tWhat a fucking bitch.
>>10490146what's even the job of this person?
>>10490138Yeah it's nice and comfyNot every collab is prank shit
Sanallites important pre-stream questionhttps://poal.me/hgvem4https://poal.me/hgvem4
>>10489869experimental bass edm
>>10489869Led Zeppelin, Dimmu Borgir, Frank Klepacki, Luca Turilli, Vangelis, Anime OSTs and so on and so on.
She can draw you know!
>>10490042retard just eat less calories than you burn
>>10490169OH SHIT
>>10490131fuckin BASED
>>10490099I was there before and for the first 15 minutes of Gura’s stream, can only imagine how fucking bad it was after.
>>10489869Ranchera music right now. Enjoying being cozy as it gets a bit colder round here
>>10490169>not waiting until it's finished<expression of disapproval>
>>10489683I had both
>Kiara has to tell Ina to draw her>Kiara has to tell Mumei to draw her
>>10490169>skipping UndertaleUnmemberedUnsubscribedDeleted my commetsReported to Susans for viewbotting and viewsubbing
>>10490216to post tweets
>>10490042Eat less, fatty. You'll never not want to die.
>>10490223>Vangelisman I fucking love the 1492 soundtrack
This collab is comfy
>>10489907Nice! I didn't know Fato Cato liked Gura
>>10490210And Kiara instantly had something she's good at. Nice, Tenchou.
>Mumei wants a tree>Fauna wants a tree>Ina has a treeSoon the EN server will look like this
>we still have some Slavs
>>10490194An example of WHAT?
Have any Holos played Undertale before?That'd be cool
>>10490224not sure who suise is, but suisei is for me
>>10490163pretty sure its just from being in europe and having to connect to youtube and to Cover corp
>>10490163AMD > Intel
>>10489947>What is wrong with them?What's NOT wrong with them?
I am going to impregnate Ookami Mio, then Shirakami Fubuki, then Inugami Korone, then Nekomata Okayu, and then Momosuze Nene for good measure. Thanks for reading.
>>10490216being an insufferable faggot and enabling trannies
>>10490203Yeah, Euro evenings/late night are pretty bad
>>10490146Shut the FUCK up, omega
Mumei is the jack of all trades, master of none.
Gura trying to login is the highlights of this stream
>>10489683I am remembering my Sonic phase and am now resisting the urge to self-defenestrate.
https://twitter.com/omegaalpha_en/status/1442605055056642048Informative as per usual.
>>10490165Oh yeah I've listened to Houdini before, shit goes hard. Big Black are also a personal favourite.
>>10490271That's saved
>>10490246You joke but you lose nothing for skipping Undertale.
>>10489869Deep House, Dub Techno, Ambient, Black Metal, Death Metal, Hip Hop, Emo
>>10490194That looks like cat vomit when they're sick and cannot properly eat.
>>10490264No, never
>>10490163Yes. AMD OpenGL drivers are garbage
>>10490242It most likely not take as long the wait for ch2 because his hand wasn't working good
>>10490138Think of it as an in-Minecraft Holotalk featuring Moomers
>>10490263Of based people
>>10490282Mumei is the Red Mage of Hololive!
>>10489246/vt/ takes didn't post dox as far as I know and actually seemed pro-Kiara, so not only a schizo but an idiot.
>>10490262Not with IRyS around it won't
>>10490119>popcorn is a vegetableGura, why are you here and not playing minecraft?
>>10489869Video game music, Japanese alt rock, shoegaze, Vocaloid covers
>>10490264I don't think so maybe the gorilla?
>>10490187Kiaras definitely a lot more dialed back and I like her better like this.
>>10489869math rock, midwestern emo, post hardcore, and japanese experimental jazz/psych jazz
>>10489683I wish I had either of those phases compared to what i had, being an autistic loner that was too shy to make friends with the nerds
>>10490203It isn't THAT bad right now
>>10490214You already tried this
>>10490203Unironically Euro prime has been as bad as SEAprime for months now. Unironically I'd argue SEAprime is better at this point
>>10490153I was incredibly surprised, being an ESTfag that stays up late to catch IRyS, that some "people" were raging so fucking hard at that.It felt like the retards trying to shitpost about PPP just got hit into overdrive from seeing Gura, which was really strange to see. I guess it just happens every once in a while.I should, uh, probably stop talking about my oshi in these hours if it's attracting those retards to her, huh
>>10490262yes please
Anon, you're looking like you need a hug
Kiara is going to leech off of Kronii next week, huh?
>>10490146Is he Vince McMahon of HoloEN?
>>10489869Mainly prog rock with the occasional dad rock and vidya soundtrack throw in there.
>>10490203Ina's hours usually has schizos
mumeis thats a cop out answer and you know it
>>10490264Have any Holos played Underrail before?That'd be DOMINATING
>>10489869Whatever tickle my fancy, I've been listening to bill withers lately
I wish it was possible for viewers to do their own audio balancing as needed. These girls only have a flash of feedback from their chats to manage their own audio, which always have a bias towards saying things are fine or saying their oshi isn't loud enough.
Gura is such a brat, she should be given one scoop of ice cream instead of three
>>10490275>>10490248No the one on Discords
>>10490216Thinking a lot
>>10490214Is she really disabling SCs until she actually reads them all? How am I supposed to buy her condoms?
>>10490262>HoloEn fights one another in a dark souls arenaKino, pure kino in the making.
>>10489869Moe Slam of course!https://youtu.be/aK4bP3Z-zZA
>She speaks really good english
Lads I'm starting to think Mumei is cute....
>>10490238It actually calmed down after that and at worst there was just one SEA poster seething.
>why you put a English translation?
>Haachama speaks really good EnglishShe's spiggin it!
>>10489907I literally never stop winning. My tastes never stop being pandered to.
Haachama English
>>10490299You miss the better experience.
haachama is spiggen it!
She's spigging it!
Chammers come back...
>Kiara pushing for Haachama collabI KNEEL CHICKEN
>>10490203Are you asking this every day?
She's spiggin it.
T u T
>>10489869I only listen to anime OP/ED
>>10489640>Mumei will never sing marylin MansonThanks for the superchats everyone. What's next? ...Ah, okay, this one's called 'White Trash'
Based Kiara promoting cross branch collabs.
>Kiara talking in members only about how she's running out of time to settle down and start a family>Collabs with Mumei and treats her like a daughterYou can't make this shit up
>mumei/haachama collab I really have no idea how this would go
>>10490299Yes you do, half of Deltarune's impact comes from knowing the UT characters and what they're like in the DT world
>>10490393>every day?No retard
>>10490344leeching my dick UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Haachama please tweet...
>>10489907Okayu will collab with HoloEN this year, I beleb
Moome sure has a lot of members in chat
>>10489869lolicore and denpa
>>10489869I listen to too much stuff to list. I'm going through another trance phase right now though, mostly just listening to the classics from back in the day. I think the only stuff I don't really listen to is pop and country music.
>>10489869Your oshi screaming my name in sexual ecstasy at the moment
Is Mumei implying that Kiara's speaking to her as if she were six months old?
>>10490372based and slampilled
>>10489869Vidya music aside, Jazz and Prog rock.
>>10490347No that's Yagoo
What's with Gura's indentured servants?
>>10489246Stop posting literal whos you fucking faggot, you're as bad as them.
>>10490288A window is but a doorway for those brave enough to enter.
>>10490347He would need to waste talents and then fire them first.
>>10490299>>10490387>Two retards in conversation
>marine drawing collabhaha.....
>>10490344How do you figure? She has three times her subs and more than that in average supers.
>>10490408Living in Japan really warped her perspective, didn't it?
>if they speak to me like I'm 6 months oldSEE SHE'S LEX LUTHOR
>>10489683As a spic, my edgy phase was when I got into narco shit. That unironically liking the COD Zombies OST
>marineShe's dead...
>>10489869I could give anything a try but I like shoegaze, post-rock, and sludge metal the most
>forced collab >scripted stream of teaching then building>soulless build taken from google>scripted conversation, Kiara probably reading off a list of questions to fill dead timeThis stream is kinda bad
>>10490375Same. At first I thought she was just boring, but I dunno... I think i like her even if she is sometimes kinda slow to pick up on things.
>>10490313They were pretty pro Kiara whenever I spoke to them. Even reported eggs with me. I don't know what happened to him that day. Yes this means what you think
>>10489174>>10489878>>10489984>>10490070roru rorurumaoThe gura anti and the kiara anti are one in the same
>>10490194>not onions sauce and vanilla
>Drawing collab with MarineFUCK YOU KIARA
>>10490246I'd be very surprised if the majority of EN hasn't already played Undertale. The only one that I'm confident hasn't played it, is Kiara.
>>10490415it's not them, toby is just reusing assets
>>10490344>Maybe you'll be as good as ME at minecraft>Collab with all of holoJP? even I haven't done thatMEMEMEMEMEMEMEof course shes going to leech and act like shes better, everytime.
>>10489869New wave/Italian disco
>>10490359the audio in the mumei stream is better balanced
what IS Gura doing?
>>10490468Rice means sex
>>10490392I knew you'd be happy with that, saw you post it in the last thread. Kiara always try to shill the jps to the ens and vice versa
>>10490262In the age of ancients... the EN server was unformed... shrouded by fog... a land of no shaders, oak trees, and ender dragons... but then there was a merger, and with the merger came JoPs...
>>10490187Kiara usually adjusts to her collab partners. Mumei is so extremely chill she calms Kiara to an unprecedented degree.
>>10490270>Mumei Intel+Nvidia : smooth 60 fps with shaders>Kiara AMD+AMD: 10 fps no shaders.ogey
>I can explain... by my drawing!
Why is Kiara's stream so choppy?
>>10489683I had my emo phase at 21
It pisses me off that Kiara doesn't want to get off her high horse, and actually take notes from Mumei.
>>10490408who's the father KFPkek?
>>10490117There it is
>Haachama and Mumei peppeloni diagram drawing streamINJECT IT STRAIGHT INTO MY VEINS
>>10490381Same desu
>>10490488Building the temple
>>10490468I can not only hear mumei say this, but conceive of a full, and believable, reason as to why she would.
>Good luck pissing!
>>10490488trading quartz
>>10490117I KNEEL
>>10490358Wrong, she's getting two scoops and there's nothing you can do about ithttps://twitter.com/gawrgura/status/1412800590464311298
Idol meeting
>>10490503stream quality reflects the streamer quality
Mumei is going o give her BF a HJ
>>10490488Being invisible and stroking her cock.
>>10490288I actually memory holed my sonic phase until about a year ago. You learn to deal with the painful memories
how the fuck do these girls speedrun pissing this fast
>>10490337SEA prime has unironically always been the best hours, but only if no EN have been streaming or are gonna stream.
Fauna.... schedule.... onegai...
>>10490413Autistic noises and giggles
>>10490429>lolicoreBased as fuckhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTO8JzG7fdw&t=1420s
>>10490513Subaru's trash can
>>10490246>>10490387>>10490415Undertale was a demo, Deltarune is his vision
Mumei's going to collab with Haachama before Gura....
>>10490132Based. Dream Theater and Jean Michel Jarre were my favorite artists back in za day. Also Autechre.
>>10490549they have a bottle at hand
>>10490513Can't tell, we went in double vaginal and cream pied her on the spot
Why did Ollie follow her?https://twitter.com/MaidMacaron_MOE
>>10490513Me of course
>>10490527yes we know schizos are here lets enjoy the stream
>>10490549idol training
>>10490499AMD + Nvidia is the correct answer
>>10490478>Many of the shitposters endemic to this place are actually the same few peopleWhat a novel concept.
>Puts up the waiting screen so we don't have to listen to Kiara.Thank you Mumei!
>>10489869The Aristocrats. All three band members are legendary musicians in their own right, but the chemistry they have together is incredible.Guthrie GovanBryan BellerMarco Minnemann
>>10490513Shuba.Reine is that eccentric wealthy aunt that everyone humors hoping they'll include her in her will.
>>10490457Why do you use sub count as an argument when it's clear Myth has dead subs?Mumei is literally beating out your "MORE SUBBED" oshi even though she has 1M less subs. 11k viewers vs 7k.And no shit Kiara has more SCs she's been streaming for a year. But if you want to talk about average SC/stream Kronii is literally #1 in all of hololive right now.
>>10490531with me
Mumei just fucking cuts off Kiara while she's away, based.
>>10490480Hey Kiara did her best to constantly shill that Ina and Marine...
>>10490429>denpaMy nigger.
>>10489907f-fatto catto... i kneel...
How's the collab been so far?
Say something nice to the two best council members.
how beeg is sana's pussy
>>10490478yeah its called SEAnigger
>>10490203EU noon/SEAprime is usually really nice. It usually gets a lot worse around 17.00 GMT+1, which is when SEA goes to sleep and US is waking up. I doubt all of the shitposters are wagie euros coming back from work to shitpost and that they couldn't have been doing it at work from phones. I'd wager it's more likely that hikkis and students waking up are more likely to shitpost than wagies coming back from work. Who knows.
>>10490203It's all me by the way.
>>10490549Just push and it goes out under high pressure real quick
>>10490117i wonder if she is talking to suisei again
>>10489869I always get weirded out explaining that I listen to game OSTs and "epic orchestral" when I'm not listening to punk or 80's metal. There's a lot more to it than that but that's the basics
>>10490483I know, but that's not what I meant. Someone who has never played Undertale or knows its characters gains nothing by Sans' "good to see you again" dialogue option in Chapter 1. Wouldn't get what "you hear the distant trousling of bones" means. Stuff like that is what I mean. Someone who plays Deltarune without playing UT gets a fraction of the experience one would have from having played UT first.
>>10490169will Sana be a pacifist or genocider?
>>10490620whores, both of them
i was her toilet btw
>>10490591>>10490606owl love
>>10490308went diving through years of posts related to an emulator I use and AMD drivers and seeing their response made almost made me an AMD anti
>mumei just shut down the stream while she's on a breaklmao
Why the FUCK did Mummers choose Kiara out of all the options she had as her first collab partner? Even Iofi or Anya would have been better.
>>10490483Only sans was a reused assets everyone else wasn't
she swallowed my seed....
>>10490488Getting ready
She keeps seeds in the bathroom?
Sunflower seeds are great
>goes to the bathroom>"stuck in my teeth"Huh???
>>10490620I hope they collab more often so I can get more of that mother/daughter syngergy
>swallowing seedsYeah a quick blowjob
>sunflower seedsBased
>>10490620My wife and daughter wouldn't appreciate that kind of exclusionary language, anon.
>>10490637Whats your favorite OST's?
>>10490661>He's still trying
>>10490619It's a holotalk with minecraft gameplay.
>>10490461At her age she is running out of time though.
>>10490644did any holos do weird route yet
>>10489907If they ever had a duet, what would they sing?
she had to go kiss her boyfriend
>Kiara not bullying MumeiI THOUGHT SHE WAS A GIGASTACY?
>>10489869Classic rock, Metal, Drum & Bass, video game OSTs and Synthwave mostly.
>>10490131Gura will not be stopped
>>10490626After you get the context for this it becomes so retarded
>>10490592I know, I know.But it seems like if you don't make it clear to faggots every time, they start to pretend that there's a sudden "new wave of newfags who are destroying the thread," and not simply "the same fucking faggots every time"
>>10489869everything, my fave genres are midwest emo and jazz tho
>>10490488She's in the server right now?
>>10490661she was last in line to pick and only kiara was left
>>10489683I fucking wish i had a cringe anime phase in school. I allways was the cynical asshole (ha-ha weeb dumb, emo cringe dumb, look that scene girl, so lame, etc) even now when everyone is a cynical asshole.I'm craving for enjoy something unironically.
>>10490131Gawr, going dark
>>10489869vtuber music, but the more EDM variety than the usual holo onesCan only hope they'd work with these sorts composers moreSenchou with yunomi and Suisei with Taku Inoue is good progress though
>>10490645>a single dialogue option>a fraction of the experienceRetardchama.....
>Delta RuneWhats with Sana playing all these tranny games anyway?
>>10490708yeah, me
>>10490619Extremely chill and nice. Kiara and her are super mellow
>>10490622very, if her anus is anything to go by.
>>10490712She just wants a child
>>10490688Realistically who would be the first to play Super Mario All-Stars?
>>10490117Why does she have to pee so frequently?
splits are funny>>10490681
>>10490622It can expand to almost ANY size
>>10490488farming more tridents.Kronii's going to wake up next to one next time she logs on.
>>10489869Vaporwave, ambient and experimental music. There's also some vocaloid artists which I really like, but mainly PinocchioP
>>10490549tiny bladder
>>10490435Amen brother, the future is all full of hammers and anime album art
>>10490712It's hard to bring yourswlf to bully real mentally challenged people.
>>10490705I think only Flare and ollie have played it so far and they're doing pacifist form what I've seen
>>10490706Something soft sounding but with dark themes. They have that kind of music taste in common.
grorious nippon
>>10490230Unironic banger
>>10490725It's wrassling and I kinda miss the super retarded story arcs from back then. It was better back then...
why don't they build western stuff instead of this weeb shit?
rratss 3 years ago
Mumei lead the black ships....
Should I play Deltarune myself before I watch a Holo stream it? Thus far I haven't been spoiled on anything for either chapter.
>Japan has changed a lot since thenThe black flags...
You know, I'm starting to believe that every single hour is shit in this thread, it doesn't matter which hour it is.
>>10490753Proabably Sana. I can imagine her doing a warpless run of all the games.
>>10490755>Samefagging across threads
>Mumei sticking to kayfabeWoah...
How long before Mumei makes a German or Japan world war 2 yab?
Those of you who like Shoegaze, what's the appeal?
>>10490796>watch weebs>wtf why do they like weeb shit?
53C033 :Room IDJoin my Granblue Fantasy co-op room!AnyoneNo Min. RankHop in, it's Mori Love!
>>10489869Japanese internet rap
Some point in the future HoloMyth does Holohouse EN in Tokyo. Given they are all loaded they rent a sweet house for everyone to stay at/stream from. Should Council come too?
>>10490725it was a big copout to have it be vince, but man it makes a good clip
>>10490805It's only a few hours long. Just play it alongside Sana.
>>10490184>>10490223>>10490317>>10490322>>10490371>>10490372>>10490399>>10490429>>10490738>>10490769YWNBJ stop listening to languages you do not natively speak pasty whites.
>>10490796they built some "new-york-style" stuff but it got destroyed 16 days ago
>>10490805Probably, it'd be pretty lame if you've already seen the whole thing.
>Eat crapJeez, Kiara I know their food's subpar but... damn...
>>10490775She bullies her employees very often though?
a few of Kiara's question actually manage to penetrate her keyfabe and that's pretty grat
what is this Kiara way of saying crepe, is that how its supposed to be pronounced?
>>10490712her motherly instincts were set into overdrive with her instead
>>10489869whatever i've been feeling like recently i've been going on a discovery trip in normal, happy, nice, EDM music and "classic lofi" ie nujabes and J dillaotherwise its anywhere from free jazz and experimental post rock to trap rap and cloud rap
>>10490805If you plan to then I'd lean towards yes, but you're only getting the first 2 chapters out of (presumably) 7 so you're only getting a short preview of the full game either way.
>>10490145Once she gets comfortable streaming and opens up a lot more she's going to be very dangerousJust look at S2 Gura compared to S1 Gura
Kiara is carrying this collab so hard...i cant believe im saying this but Mumei is worse than Ame in collabs
>>10490841All me baby.
>>10490854Which one?
>>10490841All me and I'm Japanese.
>>10490841>WhiteAll me
>>10490834Get on Minecraft, bitch.
>>10490841I'm not white
>>10490693The Metroid games, Sonic games, Metal Gear Rising, DMC, No More Heroes, basically any N64 game you can think of, Super Meat Boy, Nier, Shadow of the Colossus, Ys, Zelda series, Advent Rising, Dead Rising, some fightan, Mother 3, just to name a few. Lately I've also been jamming to the MHR OST
>>10490577Nobody would care about deltarune if it wasn't undertale 2
>>10490841owl me
>>10490311>>10490282The Red Mage of Hololive!
>>10490840>>10490805This seems like a good plan
>>10490854Mumei's actually dropped the voice a bit when she gets excited about a topic. It's super cute
>>10490796Kiara wanted to build an idol stage but saw everyone built all traditional Nip shits so
>>10490841>pasty whites>implying
>>10490712stacies and chads don't bully innocent people.They bully people who deserve it.
>>10490488probably trading emeralds since you can only trade for 12 quartz before the trade locks up
>>10490851KFP isn't real anon.
Why and how is Mumei's mic audio panned to the right? Ahh, the is driving me insane!
>>10490881Get out.
>>10490593>YOU'RE A DYKE AND YOU LIKE GIRLS!!!it fits
sound delicious
>>10490866Not really. Kiara's really trying to draw as much out of her to keep her talking. They're both doing very well
shut up
>>10490203It's literally always burgers. They always try to shift the blame on whatever boogeyman they've created but the thread is only bearable during the dead of night in the US.
I thought they were talking about crabs...
>>10490826Surprised that Hololive still hasn't had any sort of collabs with these gatcha games, at least since that boat one.
wtf is a krep?
>>10490858It's an ESL thing, because crepe is a French word, and the English mispronounce it, so you end up kinda guessing how to mispronounce properly since if you say it proper ENs won't get it.
>>10490858take whatever pronunciation she says with a grain of salt, she's an absolute ESL at times
>>104908416 of those were me btw
I only just realized that Kiara was talking about crepes, and not crabs.
A lot of Japanese sweets that look great on camera are also kinda flavorless
>>10490841>whitedude, I'm Latinx.
>>10490620Has Fauna collab with a Myth girl yet?
>>10490866Mumei has godlike comedic timing, like Gura. Kiara isn't letting her display much of it.
>>10490930I did too, didn't suspect anything until she said cheesecake and realized I was retarded
>>10489869Radiohead, trio/bolero music and some anime/videogame OSTs
>>10490841I'm not white and obviously know I'm not and never will be JapaneseBut YWNBJ is just cope for someone who doesn't have the drive to learn a language to enjoy things they like more
>>10490932Most gachas are run by or do most of their business in chinkland
isnt it like 1am on austria? and isnt mumei a college student?Shouldn't both of them go back to sleep?
>>10490858It's closer to the French pronunciation than the English
>>10490910She wanted to pan Kiara to the left but forgot.
>>10490952Eh, Crepes are better savoury than as a dessert anyways.
Why does Bae's shirt say RAT on it?
>>10490841From what I’ve gathered, whites are a minority in these threads. But who knows
>>10490957>ame is here>>10490834>mori is herehow about you two fuck off and play minecraft instead
>>10490932Mori doing the princess connect song kinda counts
>>10490952that's a common thing in the confectionery business. Like I heard that stuff they use on cakes to make all the crazy looking cakes tastes awful, fondonte I think it's called
>>10490930It wasn't until Mumei mentioned strawberries that I realized she wasn't. I mean, Japan eats a lot of seafood, so...
>>10490841t. EOP
>>10490959Nah, she's been really shy in asking. I hope she has a collab on her schedule this week.
>>10490858Murricans don't even know how to pronounce it right, it's a french word.
>>10490982What? most big names are japanese, and only those really matter
>>10490957A real latinx would never use latinx
https://twitter.com/ayunda_risu/status/1442608221235994625What did she mean by this?
>>10490932A holo collab is coming to D4DJ EN in ~4 hours, which Ina is shilling twice this week.
>>10490824wall of sound appeal and how it sounds like you're surronded by the vocals and guitar, or it's really dreamy, it's the appeal of the atmospherehttps://sangorecords.bandcamp.com/track/sleeptight
>>10491000its there so people don't call her a mouse
>>10491000Don't you have a shirt that says HUMAN on it, anon? All real humans do.
Why is Kiar lagging so bad
>>10489869Classic Rock, 70s to early 90s Metal, Visual Kei (bands like Rosenfeld, AION, X, LUNA SEA and Malice Mizer) Chuuba music and Baroque, Classical and Romantic stuff.>>10490841I am white and theres nothing you can do to prevent me from learning another language faggot.
>>10490959Nope. She has the Gen1 (excluding Kiara) 'tism where she doesn't want to ask for collabs. In her case is because she's both shy AND starstruck since she was a fan of HoloEN before she debuted.
>>10490895Oh shit it's Mumei from the hit game Final Fantasy XIV
To those of you who listen to Jpop/anime/japanese vidya music, check this out:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IV%E2%96%B37%E2%80%93V7%E2%80%93iii7%E2%80%93vi_progressionJapan has a common chord progression for this kind of music. Once you realise this, you can't unhear it.
>>10489683Glad i get out of my unironic pedo phase. A couple more years and i would end serving life sentence without parole.Lucky i got tired of that shit and now just enjoy safe cunny
>Gura uses slaves in Minecraft>Kiara uses slaves in MinercraftTHEY ARE
>>10490941French words always seem to throw ESLs for a loop. Ollie and Reine always say them wrong as well.
>>10491000remote access trojan
>>10491003>whites are a minority in this thread4chan demographics are 95% white.
>>10491000It's because she's ogey
>>10490622Heaven's Hole EX++
>>10491037No idea, she's not even running her shaders
Is crepe pronounced creep or crape?
>>10491025But if you say latinx you'll trigger all other latinx, and that's hilarious
>constant echo, like she's in an empty room or a room with thin walls/poor insulation>constant sneezes>constant "idol meetings">can only stream for a couple hours>cannot guarantee when things are quiet enough for her to do a karaokeShe's in the hospital. She streams from her hospital bed and her idol meetings are when the nurses come in to give her meds. Animal is her therapy dog.
I'm japanese
>>10491003This isn't true
>>10490959No. Though Watame managed to get a kiss from her.
>>10490866>>10490960>Kiara - Carson>Mumei - Conan
I gurantee that if you autobanned anyone who has visited either /v/ or /pol/ the threads would drastically improve.
Why did Kiara bully Nyanners so much but is nice to Moomoos?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vElch1EAhpwTHREE MINUTES LADS
>>10490627like a charge rifle
What is the shark up to then?
>>10491061le mao ecks dee
>>10490483Deltarune is literally about exploring the same characters from a completely different angle, they're the same characters, just in a different situation.For example, Toriel and Asgore are terrible parents in DT, but they were ALWAYS terrible parents, even in UT, DT just drags that to the forefront and forces the retards to confront that their soft uwu goatmom is actually a bad person.
[Good News] Gura is still connected to the game
>>10491069only to chicanos
>>10491065sounds like grape
>>10491037seems to be coming and going, weird.
>>10491090Establishing cross company dominance
>>10490866They are doing great together. Don't shit talk the owl. My chikinwife and her are being very cute together.
>>10491080Imagine watching either of those people to understand this comparison.
>>10491028Why Ina of all people? Should that be perfect for Gura since those rhythm games are her thing?
>>10489683> Fucking Anime Club phase...Those memories are painful, but we are who we are because of them.
>>10491051Anon I don't even know what chord progression is.
>>10491026But the big ones have a big userbase in China. A lot of money comes from China and most gacha don't want to risk associating with Hololive due to that.
>>10491072She's a nurse, trying to be a doctor...
>>10491073Anya, go to sleep please.
>>10491094I thought it was Flare when i saw the thumbnail on youtube
>>10491103Did people actually think Toriel was a good person in Undertale, though?As far as I could tell Undertale was a Dark Souls situation when everyone is fucking lame, even you, but you just have to deal with it.
>>10490952Japanese cousine is pretty much style over flavor, shit gets old when you are there for more than 1 month
>>10491114Anime website.
>>10491072>things i hoped EN2 would give usa holo in japan for mori to hangout with>things EN2 gave usgoslings even more retarded than teamates
>>10491090Everyone who interacts with Mumei goes full "protecc" mode
>>10491157you will never not be japanese
>>10491073Fuck of Bae
mumei stomping the chicken by 3k. Having said the controversial phrase do not reply to this or you mom dies today
>>10491147Aren't doctors and nurses the same thing in america?
>>10491151I can't blame you
>>10490932They've done a couple. I'm more surprised Cygames hasn't done a full-on Holo collab after the Priconne and Shadowverse promo stuff they've done.
>>10491153>clickbait equivalent of food
>>10491161>HoloEN>expecting JPRetardchama?
>>10491039Wait, where's Ina's then?
>>10491177Not even close
>>10491073its around 7 am, you have to hurry up to your 16 hour work shift anon
>>10491161>a holo in japan for mori to hangout with
just tuned in, did any other mems appear in the stream/are in mc right now?
>>10491137Ina did a few shill streams when the game first launched and still plays the game a bit.
>>10491061>He honestly believes thatI'm sorry anon but vanilla gorillas don't make up 95% of 4chan. They may just be self-hating latinos larping as whites or even worse it may be Irish and Anglos pretending to be white.
>>10491073Of course you are, Anya
>>10491161Keep seething grasshopper
>>10491073Anya where is the schedule?
>>10491178My mom is already dead
>>10491178sorry but the immunity dog is protecing me for the rest of my life so I can reply
>>10490246Sana 100% completed Undertale and Deltarune Chapter 1 already.
>>10491137Nigger she shilled for them before, why the fuck wouldn't she do it again? She has a hard on for a singular character and even the voice actress for that character responded to Ina. Why the fuck WOULDN'T it be Ina when Ina has showed massive interest in the game?
why is chiara lagging so much?
>>10491202Gura is (was?) online but doing her own thing.
>>10491090Kiara didn't even want to collab with Nyanners. She wanted to do it with Vei and then Nyanner shoehorned her way into the thing, and it became a 1 on 1 after Vei bailed. Kiara was a little frustrated and didn't really have time for Nyanners "on no im so shy" bullshit so she just steamrolled her to salvage at least a halfway entertaining collab.
>>10491137Ina actually played D4DJ on stream and continues to play it off stream
>>104910614chan as a whole maybe but not all boards. This board is full of SEAmonkeys for example, and /biz/ is full of Pajeets
>>10491202Gura, but the jews are keeping her away.
>>10491137Ina asked management for a bunch of permissions to draw fanart, D4DJ said okay and offered her a shill stream on top.
>>10491137Ina loves the game and wanted to do a fanart stream, and in the process of asking for permissions the company turned around and gave her a sponsored stream
>>10491193Don't you guys have nurses giving consultations and prescriptions? Only doctors can do that in my country.
>>10491161>a holo in japan for mori to hangout withIrys exists and they've already off collabed
>>10491007I like fondant, but too much of it on a cake is kinda gross. frosting is better
>>10491186is this cum or piss LOL
>>10491161she had tea with irys, and they may hang out more
>>10491061this is truet. white and make 95% of posts
>>10491129They're cute I'll give you that but it's not that interesting of a collab
>LOOK AT HOW MUCH BETTER I AM THAN YOU MUMEIThis is so fucking annoying to be honest.
>>10491201i keep forgetting about her...>>10491211DYEL? if your answer is no then don't post fauna ever again
>>10491153For some reason I think you aren't exploring enough and just eating sukiya or something...
Kiara said padawan, I unironically expected Mumei to say she's a padawan and Kiara not getting the reference I'm not sure if she knows what padawan is though
>>10491241This is truet. Pajeet
>>10483157 Btw get shit on you fagass European.
>>10491211He was talking about Mumei you stupid fuck, not Fauna. I'd call you a fasleflagger but no, you're just a fucking retarded phone poster.
>>10491061Rumao RumaoRoru Roru
>>10491129They're cute but they're not being very entertaining. Hell, the highlight of the stream was Gura entering and exiting repeatedly, I can barely remember anything else.
>>10491061>post retarded claim>no sourceevery time
>>10491090Because they are part of the same branch working for the same company. If they ever have a collab with NijiEN, you bet your ass Kiara and they others will go into full bully mode and the others will have to take it.
Why is this dumb owl whore so retarded?
>>10491073I actually wonder if there are JP ESLs lurking around. The ones that could be using 2ch or 5ch but instead chose to spend more time here.
>>10491276it's just banter anon i hope
>>10491276seaniggers are getting desperate
Sanners on the telly!
>>10491152You'd be surprised, there's a reason why Toby just decided to drop all subtlety for some of the old characters in Deltarune
>>10491231Europe to Japan. Internet tubes have a long way to go.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vElch1EAhpwSTARTEDRip her numbers though since the collab is still going
>>10491061this is true
>>10491090She's an anon at heart
>Lol that is funnier than the time Kiara dug the hole
>>10491261It's not a real offcollab until they go to an onsen and have sex together.
>>10491037Server is probably dying. Mumei said she felt the same thing. Also gura was getting booted off the server a bunch
>>10491145A chord is more than one note played together. A chord progression is when you play certain chords in a certain order.Now you know.
>>10491177Nurses are assistants for doctors.
>>10491201IRyS / Nene offcollab sounded so cute, especially with IRyS being self-concious of her soda drinking in front of Nene.
Both of these bird brains get distracted by shinies. Imagine how easy it would be to entrap them using jingly keys.
>>10491061This is true
[BIG SHOT]s report in
>>10491211>posts the wrong whoreroru
I missed Sana's last stream, what did she mean by horse birthing?
>>10491161>a holo in japan for mori to hangout withHaha, imagine not even having any Holos to hang out with on your continent.
>your oshi>the hottest Hololive image you have savedGura
>>10491051Isn't this a meme? It can't be that common, r-right?
>>10491330Hi vivar!
>>10491186Cum. Mine.
>>10491325Nah Kiara's is graphic lag, Mumei's stream is smooth.
>Sana at triple digitsthat's homo tier....
>>10491319Why are numberfags like this?
Kiara will never be Japanese
So is this going to turn into a short Kiara stream?
>>10491319>numbers it's ok Sana doesn't care about numbers.
>>10491061This site is the biggest melting pot of the whole internet, which is why everyone jumps at each other's throat so fast
>>10491344I don't want to talk about it.
>>10491319I can save her...
>>10491061Nothing is 95% white, not even Klan meetings.
>>10491061Anon a majority of /pol/ isn't even white.....
Would you say you also have yellow fever anon?
Please watch Sana...
>>10489869I listen to a lot of music (or I'd rather said I DID before I discovered Hololive) but if I could list my very favorite genres it's thrash metal (particularly the technical and speedy kind), death metal, prog metal/rock, 80s pop, anisong, vgm and some electronic artists. Also I see some very cool and diverse tastes from some of you anons. You guys are pretty alright sometimes.
>>10491319bassed, Sana will filter out the worthless
>>10491256Nah, nurses do most of the interaction with patients but doctors are responsible for most of the stuff that actually matters.
>>10491344opposite of horse unbirthing
>>10491296>they ever have a collab with NijiEN, you bet your ass Kiara and they others will go into full bully modeFUCKING BRING IT! I FUCKING DARE KIARA TO TRY TO BULLY NIIJIEN.
>>10491344she drew a horse to filter people from her stream
>>10491344Exactly what it sounds like.
>>10491326They actually might, IRyS is making the rounds. Tea with Mori, lunch date with another unspecified Holo a few weeks ago, lunch and karaoke with Nene.
>>10491340Feels good not being a [[slime]]
>>10491375When Mumei's stream ends, sure
>>10491361What does Sana care about?
>>10491346I can't post it, but it's Katana fucking Coco with her huge futa dick
>>10491346I-IS THAT A- A NIPPLE !!!!!!!!??????????????ame
Kiara.. You are justifying imperialism
raiding neighboring villages is part of the natural process
Why are people in chat saying it's Fauna's portal that she's griefing? Did she actually build that?
it's big shot time
>>10491255IRyS has been in Japan at least since debut
How do Hoomans feel that the owl has spent 4 times as long with Kiara than she did in what was supposed to be her membership opening celebration?
>>10491376i got it bad
>>10491330Don't fall for this falseflag, this guy actually loves Kiara, he sent like 20 messages on her papers please stream.I know because he's been posted here before, like twice.
Kiara just...happens to acquire valuables from wherever she passes through.
Holy fuck the stream started 2 minutes ago and she's playing Undertale 2, don't worry about her view count she'll be blowing away any indie or nijien by the time it hits 5 minutes
>>10491399It's fine it's censored
>>10491409She's doing chapter 1 thoughOnly CHAOS
I don't think there's been a single collab involving council that felt awkward.
>Sana has a tenth of the viewers of Kiara & Mumei>Her chat is ten times as active as both of theirs
Name (1) EN duo with better chemistry than Kroniirys
>>10491343>have some of the best indies in your area>be the equivalent of a biblically accurate angel to themsuch is the life of a bird
>>10491330upboated my good sir!
>>10491346AmeMy dick stay soft when it's 2d i'm sorry
>>10491400Its in her blood anon.
>>10491376>top 3 is Ina, Kronii and SanaI guess...
>barely functioning xanny zoomer>massive whore>boring as shitWhy do people watch this dumb owl?
>>10491307>seaniggers>peak american hoursthose Sea fucks live rent free in KFP's heads huh?Keep coping dude, Kiara is a shit person who just looks down at everyone, we get it mumei is new no need to fucking flex every single minute about how much better you are, God I hate KFP hours so FUCKING much, I don't even hate Kiara I just hate you fucks who cope nonstop and can't accept shes a bitch a lot of times.
>>10491414dont care i love kiara
>>10491425This guy gets it
>>10491296Kiara only does that to passive people. Her and Pomu would get along fine and play off each other well. A doormat like Rosemi or Petra would fold though.
>>10491340I'm [Hyperlink Blocked]
>>10491437Gura and my cock
>>10490604tl;dr you can't cope
>So we accidentally killed an entire villageKiara...
Which holo listens to busdriver?
>>10491409it's chapter 1 today so no big shots unfortunatelywould be nice to see her fight Jevil though
>>10491437Ame+smol Ame
>>10491330Ah yes the Naziposter
>>10491061If by "white", you mean castizo/mestizo mutt dog mixtures, then sure, plenty of white guys. Using con pictures and other pictures posted ITT, you can tell there's plenty of those guys. European whites? Kek.
>>10491452Oh no he's running amok now
>Sana was watching Mumei/Kiara and almost missed her own stream cute
>>10491414Mumei was sick for her membership opening, so that's pretty reasonable.
>>10491400Imperialism needs no justification
>>10491307Anon, wanna know how badly desperate they're getting?They're getting laughed out of even the splits for trying to falseflag now.And surprise, surprise, it's a salty ex-/hlg/ seanigger at that saying shit like>globalfags pretend their containment thread is legitimate and not just a spinoff to bait all the trannies And then look at the response to you just before mine, and see they're jumping back over to shit up here, too.
Is Kiara interviewing herself with Mumei to as an audience?
>>10491436>chat is active when stream literally just startedwow
>Starting from chapter 1sorry bigshots
>I found an egg
should i watch sana or play it myself? i loved undertale
>I found an eggThrow that out.
>>10491475I never actually noticed the descending sound effect until today.
>>10491352Look at all of the different songs listed; and that's only some of them.Not every song uses this progression, but it's out there. Some Hololive songs even use it.It's like how we have a common set of 4 chords played in the west.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pidokakU4I
>>10491452Oh no he's crackin'
>"I found an egg">Kiara laughs
>>10491319>DeltatroonI love saner, but no fucking way I’m watching this faggot snoozefest.
>>10491452i'm not a kfp, nigger, i'm tired about faggots like you seething at everything kiara does
>>10491427such is the nature of the germanic
Will Kiara ever stop talking?
>>10491498I still think World Revolving is better.
>>10491502Play it yourself
>>10491436Maybe because she's interacting with it instead of having a conversation with another person while people shout into the void only to be ignored.
>>10491502Both at the same time.
>>10491502Play it yourself dumbass
>>10491319good thing she's doing chapter 1 because i haven't done 2 yet
>>10491498His NEO form is still easy but his BGM is the best among the two fights
>>10491502Do neither. I hate undertale.
>>10491346MumeiThere are too many to choose just one but this one makes me diamonds
I was catching up on vods. How has the bird collab been going?
>>10491502play when it's finished
>>10491425Please explain to me why do you guys like pubes so much?
>>10491478>Opts to start from chapter 1 for a chance to dunk on a representation of her genmate and fellow countrywomanBased aussie
What's Gura doing in the Nether?
>>10491502play it yourself then catch the vods later
>>10491502Any game I have any intention of playing I have to avoid watching any streamer playing it.
>>10491512Trying too hard
>>10491535Kiara babysitting a down syndrome owl
>>10491502Play it yourself first for sure.
>>10491319Is ch 2 a complete experience? or does it otherwise provide good payoffs? ch 1 was pretty short.
>>10491502I've finished Undertale but never had interest in Deltarune, so I might as well check it out. I guess I'll be watching her playthroughIt's not like the game is finished and it'll have multiple endings and stuff too
Someone explain what Mumei is doing
Bald Sanner...
>>10491518Then maybe she should stop being a shit person and stop trying to flex on Mumei of all people when all Kiara has done has been using fucking youtube tutorials or outside help.
Reminder that the final fight of Deltarune will be the vessel you made vs Kris. No, I will not take my meds.
How did Kiara get Netherite?
>>10491535Boring, but Mumei is cute when you can hear her.
>>10491578Her best
>>10491502Play it yourself since it's short but honestly it's not really a big deal if you watch either. Ch1 and Ch2 are roughly six hours total if you do everything possible and there's five more chapters after so you won't really get spoiled for everything.
>>10491535It's alright, mostly calm with some cute moments like sharing their edgy phases or talking about crepes in Japan
Fauna's hole...
>>10491581and piglike
>>10491576You need to have finished ch1 first, or it's intended you do, it's all one game
>>10491578Her best.
>>10491543She isn't tho?
>>10491582baffling post
>>10491191>he doesn't know
>>10491592She carpetbombed the nether
So have Mumei and Kiara made any progress/built anything?
>>10491500fuck thats an old one
>>10491408No. Fauna found and excavated it and said she wanted to fix it because it was such a big portal ruin.
>>10491430fat cat hot
>>10491592tnt mine in the nether with her mom
>Chooses baldI HAVE A CHANCE
kiara just raped mumei in fauna's house
>>10491582You don't watch Kiara AND you don't watch Mumei.
>Straight to pain
sauner is making a koronesuki
>>10491615i can't remember a single thing they've done
>>10491137Ina is getting a tako drink item in the game
>chapter 1 firstWill she make it to Baelz?
>>10491582>LITERALLY getting offended on someone else's behalf when they don't even take offense themselvesRetarded shitposters...
>>10491651god i wanna drink inas juices
>>10491299I'm a JP ESL and I go here because 2ch is slow and 5ch is a shitty site with no good extensions to make it less painful to useNot to the anonymous 5ch holo threads got kicked off to some VPN restricted site that doesn't let you browse old threads unless you literally pay up for VIP accessThe tripfag only holo thread is still on 5ch, but it's also relatively slowSo while I browse JP message boards every now and then, I stick to here because Japanese web development has been trash for the last decade
>>10491493She wasn't sick. She had her bf over and they were looking at all the members and wanted to celebrate with a good fuck.
>your oshi>how's your day been?
>>10491604Mumei should speak up
>>10491582based fuck Kiara
>>10491604/vt/ takes is over, anon. stop trying so hard.
>>10491502Get better taste you fucking faggot.Also Chapter 1 has been out for over a year. And it's free.
>>10490959no but it's pretty likely Ame will collab with her soon
Mumei with the metal BGM feels right.
>>10491687GuraI made the mistake of taking my ADHD meds thinking I could finish a paper I've been putting off for 2 weeks and now all I've done is fap all day and browse /hlgg/
Isn't "ananas" pineapple in several languages?
Whats that shark up to?
>>10491655Depends if she wants to go 7 hours again like she did on that celeset stream
>>10491687baesweaty but healthy
JWUHow's Mumbai?
>>10491661That looks fucking disgusting
>>10491575Apparently the game isn't actually going to have multiple endings, so far Ch1 only has one route and Ch2 has a weird genocide-esque route but it's 10x more esoteric to unlock and who knows whether it'll actually carry over to the next chapters.
>>10491705Baffling post
>>10491687GuraI just woke up, making rice to eat with dinner while I watch Sana
>>10491685i don't believe you, post eyes nip
>>10491687SanaMy day just started, feels great so farI should wake up early more often
>so well>swell
>>10491687guraits been decent
>>10491713Does this mean she'll have to fight Fubuki?
>Kiara has never heard the word Swell????
>>10491685Huh, okay, that's interesting
sana's sananas
>>10491685Out of curiosity, who do you follow?
Kiara your ESL is showing.
>>10491687gurait's been good. i microwaved some cereal and drank coffee mixed with monster
>>10491718Nasa and undertale.
JGBFW how is the retarded birds collab been going? worth going back to the start?
>>10491687KiaraNot bad
No Sana stop
>>10489041Post the better versionhttps://youtu.be/zPVmDVhYUHA
Did swell really originate from so well?
>>10491713The other way around, anon
>>10491718Sana is a rearranged NasaDeltarune is an rearranged Undertale.
>>10491604Mumei would be disgusted by your post.
>>10491605sorry, yeah, I meant to ask if there would be a ch 3 or if its complete with ch 1+2
What the fuck was that accent
>>10491718Switch the N and S anon....
>>10491679bottle, can, or straight from the source?
>>10491685>5ch holo threads got kicked off to some VPN restricted site that doesn't let you browse old threads unless you literally pay up for VIP accessThey can't even do their reps...
>>10491712>he takes his meds
>>10491732>Your tastes suck, and also you're a fucking retard if you haven't played the game yet despite "lubing xDxDxD" undertaleThere, made it easier for you, you stupid furfag cunt.
>>10491687moriive been putting off classwork all day and ill have maybe three hours to do five hours of work now
>>10491299I remember one asking about what the EN fanbase was feeling about a certain thing, but they were just speaking in broken English, but the specific type of English that you get from Japanese ran through DeepL, so I explained shit to him in terms that would translate well and he was really happy.They show up every once in a while.
>>10491687amei woke up did my japanese reps and started smoking weed just another comfy neet day
>>10491687GuraGoing well. I'm still feeling good after all the streaming she did last night and there is a members stream coming up soon.
>>10491718Do they have Nasa permissions?
>>10491582At this point I'm convinced anybody using Hologra images is a shitter
>>10491749Not surprising in the slightest, Kiara doesn't know a lot of English words/sayings.
>>10491765Yup. They're super cute
>>10491800Baffling post
>>10491796Why does Kiara talk to Mumei like if she was retarded?
How come Kiara can sing OWTH, but Mori can't?
>>10491751EOP-chama... It is:a i u e o
>Open /hlgg/ after 6 months>everyone still getting triggered at Kiara's existenceBased Chimkin still living rent free on all the schizos heads
sana will stream for 4 hours and not finish chapter one, screenshot this
>>10491661What the fucks this niggas problem?
>If i voice the game everyone will have an aussi accentkek
Fauna unpinned
>>10491785There's supposed to be 7 chapters (maybe 10) released in chunks. Next chunk will be 3+4+5
>>10491718Nasa is Sans Undertale
>>10491827don't quote my post nigger i don't like you
>>10491376Yes. Yes. Bone skinny cute Asian girls with breasts that, while not big, are disproportionately large for their tiny body frame are truly a gift of this world.
>>10491687AmeIts been alright, played a bunch of super Metroid after watching gura play it yesterday and got to marida already in less than 3 hours.
>>10491784Fucking bitch doesn't even know EN2 names
>>10491813No.Which is a pity, because Sana playing Moonbase Alpha is something I need in my life.
>>10491827>like if she was
>>10491835And I still make anons seethe by speaking my mind
>>10491765I think it's pretty boring, but I also hate mumei so i may be biased
>>10491805Flip isn't a real languaget. flip
>stream heart challengerMoomers, stop breaking containment.
>>10491777This doesn't make sense since language is descriptive and terms are commutative. Pineapple is ananas is pineapple is ananas.
>>10491835Eh its down to a handfull. Its nothing like the days of orcshizo and eggcord.
>>10491687not telling youfuck off
>>10491846Pinning Fauna...
>sana is sans backwardsguys I'm scared
>>10491775doesnt look like it>"fashionably dressed or equipped," 1810, from swell (n.) in the "stylish person" sense. As "good, excellent," by 1897; as a stand-alone expression of satisfaction it is recorded from 1930 in American English.
>>10491846Don't lie to me...
>>10491779>Deltarune is an rearranged Undertale.Ah........
>>10491859You're not going to get screencapped dude, stop it.
>>10491885Who pissed in your cereal?
>>10491833No it's not. It's aeiou
Sneeze count: 2
>>10491835Hey I went from indifferent to liking her in 6 months, give me some credit.
>>10491835>Not new IPFor some reason I doubt it.
>>10491825I'm sorry you were born a SEAmonkey.
>>10491879That's spic...
>>10491849if the release cycle is anything close to the gap between 1 and 2 then I'll just never bother finishing the game. same shit that made me drop homestuck
>>10491687IRySI aced my Financial course's first quiz and am so, so close to a degree in Business Admin.
>>10491872what did i tell you? i'm going to rape you
>>10491340Thanks doc
>>10491907it's 3
kiara please let her go
>>10491814At this point I'm convinced anybody who replies to any criticism of Kiara is a coping KFP tranny.