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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.17 MB, 733x733, micro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7754164 No.7754164 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7754170
File: 658 KB, 1280x853, IMG_0604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7754234 >>7773557

>> No.7754175

Is there like a high memory flashcart you can use with one of these and get every GBA game on there?

>> No.7754181
File: 40 KB, 430x650, dcajheb-0904f02d-7b3d-43e1-b375-cfd7b8009022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7754241

My hands are too big to justify a purchase

>> No.7754187
Quoted by: >>7754214


>> No.7754214

Well that makes these a whole lot less gay

>> No.7754225
Quoted by: >>7754237

I dont have one.

>> No.7754234
File: 1.22 MB, 3092x2422, 1422445995654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really nice, what game btw?
yes u can

>> No.7754237

Well you should get one

>> No.7754241
Quoted by: >>7754248 >>7764590

My hands aren't particularly large and micro still sucks. They're not worth their cost at all. I got mine brand new at Wal-Mart on clearance for $30 and gave it away.

>> No.7754248

How do they compare to the PSPgo?

>> No.7754267
File: 432 KB, 1024x702, 20210514_113308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, it's Mario Picross for the Game Boy.

And here's my hands for fun. Other than the shoulder buttons being awkward, I don't have trouble playing on it.

>> No.7754268

I've actually never held a PSPgo so I couldn't say. My guess based on what I've seen is the go has a larger actual controller area?

>> No.7754292
Quoted by: >>7754326

i dont understand why people like the micro so much.
my hands always cramp up when playing for more than a few minutes, its really uncomfortable to hold and isnt backwards compatible

Its looks slick and the screen is great, but i hate actually playing on the thing

>> No.7754326


For me, it's not that uncomfortable to use. You can see my hands here >>7754267

I don't think I have huge hands, but my hands aren't particularly small either.

I definitely hold portability as a top priority for handhelds, and there's really not much that can beat the micro in that regard. I actually bought a Funkey S because of its size.

My eyesight is also fine, so the small screen has never been an issue.

I once had all the iterations of the Game Boy systems, and recently sold them to consolidate my collection. I have not regretted that move.

>> No.7754351

These things gave me eye strain.

>> No.7754367
Quoted by: >>7756252

Always wanted a micro but it’s just too expensive for what it is. I was thinking about getting a chinese handheld to play GBA games instead but not sure which ones are good.

>> No.7754445
Quoted by: >>7754447 >>7754568

lol the is my Micro... wtf

feels weird someone saved my image

>> No.7754447

this is*

>> No.7754448

Dick pics aren’t allowed OP

>> No.7754507
Quoted by: >>7754592 >>7760039

The only upside of the micro is that its smaller screen makes games look sharper and the system itself feels very nice, but it still has ghosting issues that the AGS-101 has, has a higher cost point, no backwards compatibility, and as someone whose hands are cramped playing the regular SP, it's even more extreme here. Just get an IPS mod for the SP or original and you're set.

>> No.7754568
File: 6 KB, 600x100, date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7754751

you posted it at

>> No.7754576
File: 746 KB, 2537x1450, 1422453343173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7754592
Quoted by: >>7760039

My micro screen ghosts less than my AGS 101

>> No.7754680
File: 920 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_7554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7756257 >>7757615

way too fucking small to be enjoyable. there's better ways to play gba these days

>> No.7754751
Quoted by: >>7754779

Fuck why am I still on this fucking website

This is mine too. I don’t even own these images anymore

>> No.7754774

Is Aria of Sorrow as good as people make it to be?

>> No.7754779
Quoted by: >>7754803

>Fuck why am I still on this fucking website

Kek. Is /vr/ really this old? I feel like we got granted this based board just a few years ago.

>> No.7754783
Quoted by: >>7754810

Yeah. It's like SOTN but you can get enemy powers like Kirby or Megaman.

>> No.7754803
Quoted by: >>7754935

Na, I sure I posted this on /v/

Anon that had the time and date could defo confirm. Probably confirm what iPhone I used too to upload

>> No.7754810

>but you can get enemy powers like Kirby or Megaman.

So that's where Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night got that idea from.

>> No.7754935
Quoted by: >>7754992

I checked around, and /vr/ was created March 2013. It's 8 years old...

>> No.7754951
Quoted by: >>7754959

you look like a little irish midget with your cute doll hands.

>> No.7754959


Awww thanks :)

>> No.7754992
Quoted by: >>7755018

I thought /vr/ was after Moot? he left what 2015ish?

Anyway I’m sure I posted that on /v/, it does remind me though I need to find my original grey faceplate.

>> No.7754998
Quoted by: >>7755580

I sold mine earlier in the year with ~ 20 games.
Made $350

>> No.7755018
Quoted by: >>7755039

yeah u posted it on /v/

>> No.7755020

Micros look sleek, but they are a bitch to play on. Too small to hold comfortably, too small of a screen.

>> No.7755028

This is a blue board anon

>> No.7755039
Quoted by: >>7755062

Random question. Can you find the pictures I posted with the castlevania games?

>> No.7755062

I saved them too, it was the nes classics castlevania with your silver micro but it's on my old hdd and i'm too tired to search through all the files sorry maybe tomorrow

>> No.7755063
File: 30 KB, 640x480, HNI_0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have terminal stage colortism. One console for every pokémon game that must match the color.
Green micro for Emerald.
Pink DS for Pearl.
Blue 3ds for AS
Red 3ds for RO
Yellow gbc for Yellow.
No black or white console because gen 5 sucks.
I'm still looking for a cristal console because the basic GBA isn't really blue.

>> No.7755086
Quoted by: >>7755121

i really dig the green micro too bad i had to settle for the pink one since it was much cheaper

>> No.7755090

Omega flashcart is pretty good. You can also put a GB emulator on it like Goomgba (but it isn't as good as real hardware like a GBA/SP)

>> No.7755094


>> No.7755101

Goddamn you are weird.

>> No.7755104

goomba emulator on a ez flash iv

>> No.7755108

ROM added to a GBA cart.

>> No.7755114
Quoted by: >>7755117

On my original ezflash (it’s shit now) and the gooba emulator with superboy boarders. Looks awesome but was literally poststamp size play screen. I took the picture only because it looked cool. Was gameplay wise better on the SP however.

>> No.7755117
Quoted by: >>7755125

thanks for the superboy headers, I will look into them (never hard about them or how to add border before)

>> No.7755119
Quoted by: >>7755127 >>7756074

did you take this photo with a colonoscopy camera

>> No.7755121
File: 37 KB, 640x480, HNI_0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have the box just in case. I bought that console when it was released because I was a consoomer.

Im not american so I couldn't trade with you.

>> No.7755125

I’m sure they’re automatically added in the Goomba emulator. I’m sure I never added them

>> No.7755127
Quoted by: >>7756074

No it's the 2ds camera.

>> No.7755403
Quoted by: >>7755484

Nobody posted a pic of their dick yet? Shameful.

>> No.7755484

I'd post mine but it's more the size (and shape) of a Game Gear so it would be off topic.

>> No.7755515
File: 657 KB, 2560x1152, GameboyMicro_Goombacolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7755519 >>7773557

>> No.7755519
File: 2.64 MB, 3840x2160, TinyPiPro_vs_Sansa_Clip_zip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7755629

but actually, it's too large for my taste

>> No.7755557
Quoted by: >>7755564

It's interesting how gba micro released AFTER the ds came out

>> No.7755564

Nintendo hedging their bets.

>> No.7755580
Quoted by: >>7756082

Could’ve gotten more

>> No.7755629

That thing on the left looks like it's carved from soap

>> No.7755732
File: 56 KB, 576x1024, 1618524439887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7761332

I used to have one as a kid, but my mother took it away as a punishment and i never saw it again.

Want to kick my younger self in the dick.

>> No.7756074


Wtf dude dont you at least have a cell phone or digital camera?

>> No.7756082

yeah but I didn't feel like creating individual auctions. Actually, they were only 15 games. I liked the idea of owning it but I hadn't touched it since like 2009 so I just decided to get rid of it.

>> No.7756252

>I was thinking about getting a chinese handheld to play GBA games instead but not sure which ones are good.
None of them; they're all software emulation

>> No.7756257

pic unrelated

>> No.7756479
File: 3.69 MB, 4032x3024, CAC5ECAF-A58E-4F86-A911-0ABD98373DE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some weapons-grade autism. I thought getting a cobalt blue ds lite for sapphire was weird, but this is next level. I approve.

>> No.7756515

For those of you who have the EZ Flash Omega, how do some patched roms run? I'm interested in playing FF6 with the Sound Restoration patch.

>> No.7756553
File: 47 KB, 460x947, 20210515_021956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking awesome. I loved Circle of the Moon but finally got a copy of Aria and it's fucking amazing. I've never gotten stuck and had to look up where to go next, and I'm having a total blast with every system in the game.

>> No.7756675


>> No.7756846 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 720x480, gba_3x3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's easily one of the best GBA games and I like it as much as SotN.

>> No.7756852
File: 489 KB, 720x480, gba_3x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7757620 >>7766525

Yes, it's easily one of the best GBA games and I like it as much as SotN.

>> No.7756862
File: 1.52 MB, 3678x2069, 20210515_103931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7757324 >>7773557

Here's one of mine, along with the coin that lives in its case. Got it in my change when I bought a monster energy from the lawson across the road from Nintendo R&D in Kyoto 5 years ago.

I have another famicom micro with the player 2 faceplate, but don't keep it with me (travel a lot) must have a pic of it somewhere though

>> No.7756994

>Post your Micros
This is a work safe board

>> No.7757324

beautiful, love the famicom version

>> No.7757338
Quoted by: >>7757781

how.. how did you take this photo?

>> No.7757549
Quoted by: >>7757587

I had one of these when they came out. I'd rather play on my phone honestly.

>> No.7757587
File: 68 KB, 720x720, 1614722227602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7757613

you need to go back

>> No.7757613
Quoted by: >>7757757

Back to playing on my sp like a normal person? No prob, bob.

>> No.7757615
Quoted by: >>7763040

what device is that?

>> No.7757620

At risk of sounding like a boomer but I fucking love the GBA, such an amazing library of portable games and the console itself hasn't aged a day. At least the SP and Micro models. I find them both as good and playable as a hacked 3DS or Vita.

>> No.7757757
Quoted by: >>7758345

The SP is good for everything, except the D-Pad fucking sucks.

>> No.7757781
Quoted by: >>7775645


Phone camera on a timer and holding the phone in my mouth with the popsocket

>> No.7757803
File: 504 KB, 1325x937, delete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the risk of giving myself away, here's what I used to have and got rid of.

>> No.7757812
Quoted by: >>7757819

How are things going in the Mirror Dimension?

>> No.7757817
File: 37 KB, 720x532, micro p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757819
Quoted by: >>7757840

hoping for some measure of anonymity despite sharing person info.

>> No.7757840
Quoted by: >>7757980

I don't see how your collection and console would give your identity away but whatever

>> No.7757858

lol I know this guy

>> No.7757980

It might because nobody cares about the Game Boy Micro except like 3 people.

>> No.7758074
File: 33 KB, 569x547, 611QJb+77uL._AC_SX569_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's even smaller. I use my Go all the time when watching shit with my GF and it can be a bit uncomfortable. The Micro is literally almost as small as a GBA cart, I wouldn't give one of these things to my worst enemy

>> No.7758081
File: 46 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is possibly the best Igavania game. If you liked Symphony of the Night you are absolutely guaranteed to have a blast. I highly recommend playing it asap.

>> No.7758267

Any micropeens here have this problem where the power switch is loose and randomly turns the system off if you even breathe on it?

>> No.7758283
Quoted by: >>7758338

I think your shit is fucked up. Sounds like an issue with your battery.

>> No.7758338
Quoted by: >>7770296

I'll check out getting a new battery. I'm still using the original but I'm convinced that it's the switch.

>> No.7758345

You're right. I find my hands cramp up a bit too because it's so narrow. These days I usually find myself playing gba on the wii or vita

>> No.7758449
File: 24 KB, 657x624, 5zin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7758653

really nice collection fren, what's your favorite final fantasy?

>> No.7758653

FF V Advance was amazing the first time I played it. Otherwise, FF VI is my VIP

>> No.7759607
Quoted by: >>7760495

I finally found your bitch ass. LMAO, think you can just switch from Reddit to 4Chan and I wouldn't find you?


We gon' do this bitch. How much you make on my bundle there muh'fukka?

I'm fittin' to come over and take my proceeds of the sale, bish.

>> No.7759774

>mario picross
took this for a spin cause it looked interesting
god damnit i love it

>> No.7759849

>never got the black ds lite
>had to settle for metallic silver
It still hurts

>> No.7759952
File: 352 KB, 1280x848, E344A954-5631-4077-90A0-35CD8BFD563B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7760920 >>7773557

My game boy collection looks dull with only the micro and my GBA games. I really like them but I always see game boy, GBC, and GBA as one.

>> No.7759953
File: 1.33 MB, 2419x1814, micro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7760920 >>7773557

Finally getting through Minish Cap.

>> No.7759985
Quoted by: >>7770296

Yeah. Mine sometimes turns off if you touch it. It's not very sensitive but it's unpredictable. The power switch is the biggest flaw on GBAs. Even my SP takes a couple of tries to turn on and has the same problem where it might turn off if you touch it. I think the problem occurs when the switch, ever so slightly, slides like you are switching it off and turns off because the contacts touch or something. I think it's due to dirt in the power switch. You might try to open it and clean it see if that helps. Worst case scenario you might have to re-solder the power switch or even replace it.

>> No.7759997 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 600x772, 135408B7-8A49-4CC9-AF52-C8ED6BCA0F13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your macros (macro BBC)

>> No.7760016
Quoted by: >>7761564

I think my teal GBC looks good with crystal and even my pearl blue SP. You should get a game boy pocket in red, blue, and silver for their respective games.

>> No.7760039

this >>7754592
I find the micro more ergonomic than the SP for simple actions. I can even hold it with 4 fingers; my index fingers on the back and my thumbs on the buttons. It sucks for fast action so for that the SP is better even it's like playing with a hard, sharp box.

>> No.7760043
Quoted by: >>7760171

Are there people with eye issues that own these?
I have type-1 diabetes and severe retinopathy and I can't even use my SP without my magnifying lamp.

These days I wish EVERYTHING could just be plugged into my 40".

>> No.7760171

I can't see from far but I consider I have stellar near vision. You can actually plug everything into your TV.

>> No.7760495
Quoted by: >>7760690

What’s going on here lads?

>> No.7760690

a zoom is zooming about zooms zooming zoom. all yall need to go back

>> No.7760920
Quoted by: >>7761095 >>7774307

great collection, love tactics ogre any particular reason you own multiple copies of some games? i have leafgreen also twice but only because i got one copy for 10€
nice, even though i own a micro for 5 years now i never played minish cap too and how is it? i'm thinking about buying but the prices are ridiculous right now

>> No.7760934
File: 268 KB, 986x750, F098D4CF-ABC2-4AC9-964D-5566E983233C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s an updated picture.
Not sure why my original grey faceplate has got too. Using a clear one atm.
Most of the games I had from new. Have the boxes flat packed. Missing some games. Probably in my other boxes in the attic.
Love the GBA. CoTM is probably my favourite game for the system.
GBA and 3DS are probably my favourite consoles.

>> No.7761095

I had a copy that didn't work so I bought another. I was later able to get the first copy to work with a thorough cleaning.
I want to replay it but didn't want to delete my save file.
I thought I would want an extra copy in the future and I thought prices would go up. Seeing how high prices are I'm glad I have an extra copy.
>Japanese Emerald
I plan to give myself the Mew event.
I overpaid for one copy and then saw another copy that was too cheap to pass up and I bought it out of spite.

>> No.7761332
Quoted by: >>7775653

Sounds like you should kick your mother.

>> No.7761564

Yes indeed, the original gb also these colors and can play red and silver.

>> No.7761861
Quoted by: >>7761969

Superb collection what dkc game do you like the most?
>CoTM is probably my favourite game for the system
Just currently played through it and indeed it's fucking great and so much fun

>> No.7761969

Controversial but DKC3 was my fav on the GBA.

Just going through Shooter mode on CoTM. The homing dagger sub weapon is awesome

>> No.7762204
File: 309 KB, 1280x960, 3A18255D-A5B9-407D-AC7E-03EA65484F21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not having the rare, Japan only wireless pack too.

>> No.7762227
Quoted by: >>7762318

>look at how cool I am with this multiplayer peripheral that literally no one else has

>> No.7762264
Quoted by: >>7762318

what is it? i have never seen this thing before i know of the gba wireless adapter that came with pokemon firered and leafgreen but this doesn't look like anything like it

>> No.7762265
Quoted by: >>7762318

Can any fellow microchads recommend a decent third party battery replacement? I have one but it's shit and drains so fast. Are there even options anymore?

>> No.7762318

It works with the US games just fine.

It's the same thing but reduced in size for the Micro.

I got one off Amazon for like $5.

>> No.7762343
Quoted by: >>7762432 >>7762642

>gen 5 sucks
time to end your life

>> No.7762432

but he's right

>> No.7762642
File: 19 KB, 350x261, 1463196314926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7762646

What is this hipster curd

>> No.7762781

I've never held a micro but it looks incredibly uncomfortable

>> No.7762858

It's actually super handy and nice.

>> No.7762997
Quoted by: >>7764539

It's very comfortable actually. Feels way better than any other game boy other than the original GBA. It's also better than any DS or 3DS.

>> No.7763040

Odroid go advance

>> No.7764539

This guy gets it

>> No.7764590

The micro may be small, but the placement is more spaced-out than on the SP. Actually prefer using the micro for long play sessions.

>> No.7764714
Quoted by: >>7764762

The micro is enormously comfortable and the screen is terrible if you have to read text. There's a reason people buy them to show off how small they are and nothing else

>> No.7764762
Quoted by: >>7764791

People play them all the time, you sound like you're angry because you can't afford one on your meager wage...

>> No.7764791
Quoted by: >>7765128 >>7766225

Hmm, I could afford one, considering I regularly buy retro games that cost more than the micro. Not sure why you're shilling for it so hard though. Everyone knows the ergonomics are the worst for any gba model.

>> No.7765004
File: 3.05 MB, 2910x4029, IMG_2205[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stripped my screws trying to open the damn thing since the buttons were not as responsive as it was. Any tips on how to unfuck my situation?

>> No.7765105
Quoted by: >>7765545

show screws and we can tell how much you're screwed
it's possible to save it unless it's literally just a flat round head, then it's going to be a massive pain

>> No.7765128

Everyone knows the ergonomics are the worst for any gba model.

Yeah I'm sure everyone who doesn't own one or have played one knows that

>> No.7765372

> Rhythm Heaven GBA
good taste

>> No.7765545
File: 1.47 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2207[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried the rubber band method, using a larger tri-wing, the gorilla glue + screwtip. Not even sure if a screw extractor would work since it's so small.

>> No.7765607

Are micros a good form factor for playing platform games? I know for a lot of people GBA is a rpg machine, which is why I ask.

>> No.7765631
Quoted by: >>7765650 >>7765653

I cant even imagine looking at a castlevania map on one of those things... whats it like?

>> No.7765650
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1280, IMG_0748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Could be worse

>> No.7765653

Not too bad. The screen is far superior to the SP screen. The colours on the micro are awesome. Things looks less washed out.

>> No.7765661
Quoted by: >>7768323

Cute pussies :^)

>> No.7766225

The SP is way worse. The SP has the ergonomics of tiny book.

>> No.7766260

Doom looks awesome on a GBA cartridge

>> No.7766440
Quoted by: >>7775279

That looks awful. How much of the head is above the case? It looks like you might be able to grip with some pliers and twist.

>> No.7766525
Quoted by: >>7766627 >>7767623

Name of the two games with stars everywhere and moonrunes in the title?

>> No.7766616
Quoted by: >>7768323

Based also what kind of cat is that

>> No.7766627

Top left is Kuru Kuru Kururin

>> No.7766864
Quoted by: >>7767558

Fuck the triggers

Also mine keeps flashing red for the battery until I nudge the power switch and then it goes back to normal. Not sure if it's a shit switch or a shit battery cause the battery also doesn't seem great.

>> No.7766893
File: 3.17 MB, 4032x3024, 20210509_153711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7767958 >>7773557

>> No.7767490

added to gore folder

>> No.7767558

Mine does this too

>> No.7767623

Kuru Kururin and Rhythm Tengoku

>> No.7767958
Quoted by: >>7768172 >>7769053

Shieeeeeeet what happened?

>> No.7768172

Fatass tard sat on it

>> No.7768323
File: 518 KB, 1280x853, IMG_1260-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks. Not sure what breed she is. I found her hiding alone in a bush at a gas station when she was a wee kitten. She's super fluffy though.

>> No.7768384
Quoted by: >>7768984 >>7775279

How does this even happen

>> No.7768984
File: 22 KB, 512x288, _4.2.5.13_Down_Syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7769000

did you use a fucking POWER DRIVER? lol

look at those scrape marks and abuse

>> No.7769053

Fell off my desk landed on another toy. The backlight port is fucked due to some short circuit bullshit.

>> No.7769127
Quoted by: >>7775279

Your remaining options are trying glue again, trying to grab what's left of the head with pliers, or drilling the screw out and hoping you don't knacker the case.
I would also suggest you let somebody else have a go at it before you hurt yourself.

>> No.7769894
Quoted by: >>7769971

pspgo is still the best bang for your buck when it comes to emulation and a dedicated library in your pocket. On that point it's very slim, and doesn't look out of place in post 2020 everyday life (at least not yet)
My biggest hook desu is the Doom Legacy sourceport that has customizable controls and let's you play if not all, a shitton of wads.
Fuckin modern design doom gameplay, any wad, on the go. That was my shit for a golden 3 years until the screen broke :(

>> No.7769971
Quoted by: >>7771168

>doesn't look out of place in post 2020 everyday life
what the fuck are you babbling about you weirdo?

>> No.7770296

I have two GBA SPs, one had a really faulty ON/OFF switch but it somehow got massively better after replacing the battery

>> No.7770573
Quoted by: >>7770776 >>7771193

Bought one for $70 a few years ago and used it like twice before I went back to my SP, and eventually switched to a DS lite.
It's just uncomfortable to use, and a $15 flashcart gives me infinitely more functionality on a DS lite anyway.

>> No.7770776

Give it to me

>> No.7771049
File: 2.78 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20200828_172455910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7771421 >>7773557

Here are two of my three.

>> No.7771168

He's a retarded freak ranting about how he spent 3 years of his life playing doom on a PSP. You really don't want to know what's going in the psychos head.

>> No.7771193
Quoted by: >>7771793

Backlit SPs have much better screens than the Micro.

>> No.7771421
Quoted by: >>7772406

What color is the third one?

>> No.7771724
File: 329 KB, 900x888, 2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cats so much bros

>> No.7771793
Quoted by: >>7772238

The SP has a bigger screen which is nice but the micro has less ghosting and more accurate colors. I don't want to undersell how great the size of the SP screen is compared to the micro but that is the only advantage it has.

>> No.7771854

Anybody know where to get a decent quality replacement front for a GB Micro that isn't hideously expensive? I bought one a while back and it's overall in good shape but the front is scratched up.

>> No.7772238
Quoted by: >>7773571

The clamshell design is also comfy af

>> No.7772406

Also black, but petty nice condition (the black in this pic was mine from when I was a child and I carried it all over the fucking place so it's well loved). I used to pick up "non working" ones on eBay for cheap (before the current craziness) usually it's just the battery gone dead.

>> No.7773557
File: 69 KB, 450x405, F95A4010-3810-43E7-A47A-61D467A073BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy that so many people actually own a micro on this board

>> No.7773571

I hate the design but the functionality is unparalleled. It protects the screen so well. I just wish you could suspend the game by closing the lid.

>> No.7774307
File: 913 KB, 1612x1209, Fakeaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7774835

Unfortunately it's a fake that came bundled when I bought my Micro, I got mine about five years ago too! Minish Cap is super charming and has some fun items but meh dungeons. It's a mid-tier Zelda imo but still worth playing.

>> No.7774317
Quoted by: >>7775279

Fucking tell us what's going on, I must know.

>> No.7774765
Quoted by: >>7775279

You got Parkinson's?

>> No.7774835

>Minish Cap is super charming and has some fun items but meh dungeons
I always wonder about that. While the dungeons weren't as good as other 2D Zeldas, they were miles and miles ahead of what Breath of the Wild had to offer. Yet BotW is the top tier prime Zelda game for many people while Minish cap is shrugged off as "that Capcom one".

>> No.7775279
Quoted by: >>7775301 >>7777038

After a day or so with the screw extractor, it seems I can’t drill deep enough with the provided tool to make grooves for extractor bit. Guessing I’ll have to actually try it a power drill or something to make it deeper but risk drilling through the console.

It was already pretty scratched up from the previous owner, I just added to it by cutting the top to hopefully make enough room for a flathead to unscrew.

I’ll just have to live with SLIGHTLY pressing the A button harder than usual. I’m sorry anons, maybe one day I’ll just crack it open and replace the shell with a shitty aftermarket one or something.

>> No.7775281
File: 216 KB, 840x472, 6028efd48aff2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7775301
Quoted by: >>7775571


Could a soldering iron be hot enough to melt the screw out? It's worth a shot!

>> No.7775571

Don't do this, it releases mustard gas

>> No.7775645

This post is really ghey.

>> No.7775653

in the dick

>> No.7777038

Guaranteed, given your history or retardation