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8030325 No.8030325 [Reply] [Original]

Am I bad for feeling more sympathy for Reimu than the dozens of homeless I see each day?

>> No.8030328

Well, Reimu is more adorable than any smelly old homeless person, so no. You aren't bad at all.

>> No.8030330
Quoted by: >>8030335

You aren't bad for not caring about the homeless but you are bad for caring about the finances of a fictional character.

>> No.8030335
Quoted by: >>8030386

I figured having some sort of attachment to a written character was normal, for the media industry would collapse if it wasn't.

>> No.8030336

What if the homeless were touhous

>> No.8030343

Would you feel as bad for a homeless loli as you would Reimu?

>> No.8030342

Danmaku fights with empty cans?

>> No.8030346
Quoted by: >>8030371 >>8030396

Actually, I feel bad for homeless people and I wouldn't mind giving some money or food to them, at least until I'm in front of them, as horrible as it sounds I lose all the sympathy once I smell them, the odor of a homeless and vagabonds is so horrible here that sometimes makes you wonder if they are humans like you and me.

>> No.8030351

If there was a little homeless girl I would feel much greater sympathy for her than I would a 30 something heroine addict.

>> No.8030352

yuugi and suika chugging night train instead of sake?

>> No.8030360
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Quoted by: >>8030374

Well, they would be prone to theft. They would never change. They would hang around other panhandlers. They would commit violent acts for money.

So, they'd be like Marisa, with out the failing shop.

>> No.8030370

Reimu begging for donations? Fanonshit.

>> No.8030371

On one hand, I'm insulted. On the other, I understand-- smelly homeless are lazy. I manage to stay clean just fine.

>> No.8030374
Quoted by: >>8030388 >>8030397

But Marisa is likable. And has a house.

>> No.8030386

What's wrong with the media industry collapsing?

>> No.8030388


That depends subjectively.

>> No.8030391
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>> No.8030396

That's how everyone on /jp/ feels when trying to talk with unknown tripfags like you.

>> No.8030397
Quoted by: >>8030423

>But Marisa is likable
Have you read Oriental Sacred Place? Shes a dick.

>> No.8030398
Quoted by: >>8030405 >>8030408

I feel bad when I see them on the subway but I'm poor too and I'm exactly in the best position to give them any money. Sure if, I give them a dollar here, a dollar there it would ease me a bit but what if they become dependent and ask for more? And eventually my very limited funds would run out. So sure I'm a terrible person but it's not like I'm the worst person around and causing others harm.

Anyway I would say no, you're not a bad person, you're just human.

>> No.8030405
Quoted by: >>8030414 >>8030456

If those bums didnt want to starve, they could get off their ass and work. I have no sympathy for them.

>> No.8030408
Quoted by: >>8030434

There's nothing wrong with not giving out charity. You have to come first-- look out for number one and all.
Most homeless don't end up that way by choice, but it's their choice to stay that way.

>> No.8030414
Quoted by: >>8030482

Some of them can't, they are disabled and some even had children (I was going to give that person with children all my change but oddly enough I had no money left that day, I think I spent it on a snickers bar to get through the day).

But about the bums who aren't disabled, or the annoying ones that come onto the trains to beg, I don't have empathy or sympathy for them, in fact they annoy the shit out of me.

>> No.8030423
Quoted by: >>8030452

Sorta, I guess. If she is, she's more lovable rascal than dick.

>> No.8030434
Quoted by: >>8030444 >>8030454

Is spending the rent money on cocaine not a choice?
I'm sure some people are on the streets simply because life is a bitch, but it doesn't take that long to get a job washing dishes in some Chinese restaurant, and that's at the very least a start.
I heard a beggar once say she averaged around $280 a day if she gets a good spot. I suppose I know what I can do if I'm ever in need of cash for a figure or something.

>> No.8030444
Quoted by: >>8030478

What the hell, $280 by begging? Did she lie like hell and do it for 24 hours? That's some bullshit, man.

>> No.8030446

Am I bad for feeling worse about fantasizing about raping homeless people than all the terrible fantasize I have about Reimu each day?

>> No.8030456
Quoted by: >>8030469

Most people that donate to charity are not moved by altruism but by the feel of helping lower beings and making homeless dependant of the charity, they give the money and then look down at them after feeling good for helping.

Pretty much like buying self-esteem and mental peace.

>> No.8030452
File: 134 KB, 600x800, marisaburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8030474

She helps the enemy and ruins the human side's projects. She must be burned for treason or at least brainwashed into a mere servant.

>> No.8030454
File: 11 KB, 158x136, nigs niggin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8030478

Holy shit $280

you can buy a nignog-device with that and hold up a liquor store and get even more, and so on.

>> No.8030469

You just went through Psychological Egoism in your Intro to Philosophy class, didn't you? It's not nearly as insightful or interesting as you seem to think it is by the way. About as thought stimulating and meaningful as Relativism or Determinism.

>> No.8030478
Quoted by: >>8030505

It seems a little far fetched, but if your in a busy town with several thousand people passing you in just a few hours, and even just small percent of them giving anything, then it could add up.
People also feel more sympathy for a female beggar than they would for a male.

>> No.8030474
Quoted by: >>8030491

There is no "enemy" in Gensokyo! When will you understand that!?

>> No.8030482
Quoted by: >>8030494

Granted, but think of it this way-- homelessness is not as difficult as it appears. There's literally like a dozen options to stay fed and warm for free, even moreso in large cities.

That said, nobody living on the streets has any business having children with them. Admittedly, children in the system fare poorly, but what's worse? Being fucked up and antisocial in a foster home, or being fucked up, antisocial and living on the streets? Which do you think provides the better opportunity? The streets are ridiculously dangerous for women and children.

>> No.8030491
Quoted by: >>8030510

Youkai detected, go back to your filthy realm you scum of the planet.

>> No.8030494

Ah, I can't say anything about the difficulty of it since I'm not homeless so I'll just take your word for it.

Yeah probably true, the next morning I did not see them there. I haven't seen them since, maybe they went into a shelter or something.

>> No.8030505

True, even at a 1% conversion rate of at least 10,000 people, with a quarter - 50cents per person, that's at least $25 a day, which is not that bad. Probably depends on where since the in our subway system I know that most people ignore everyone including the homeless so it's probably like .01% there, but there are probably like 50,000+ people going in out of those stations each day.

>> No.8030510
Quoted by: >>8030536

Gensokyo IS their realm, you idiot.

>> No.8030536
Quoted by: >>8030574

Duh, that's why I'm saying that, if they were in Gensokyo they couldn't be posting on the internet as confirmed by the kannushi.

>> No.8030574
Quoted by: >>8030938

The what?

>> No.8030938
Quoted by: >>8030947

Kannushi 神主, fancy Japanese talk for ZUN. Basically means head priest of the shrine, and it's what ZUN calls himself - the kannushi of the Hakurei Shrine.
I don't see it used often in jp though, probably because ZUN is less than half the letters to type.

I don't have sympathy for Reimu, she's a greedy ass bitch. She's probably not even all that poor, she just asks around for donations for some extra cash to buy the rice crackers and tea she always seems to have in her house in doujins.

>> No.8030947
Quoted by: >>8031079

>she's a greedy ass bitch
Sounds to me like you just don't like Reimu. Otherwise you would know this is completely false. Why did you even bother posting?

>> No.8030948
File: 401 KB, 750x1800, Touhou_4koma-001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8030958 >>8030955

>> No.8030958
Quoted by: >>8030984

That delusional reimu I'd trudge through youkai infested forest each day to pay a visit to her shrine and hang out

>> No.8030955

Why doesn't she just blast the birds with danmaku and eat them?

>> No.8030984
File: 54 KB, 500x755, reimu5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8030998

That's awfully nice of you, but don't go risking your life on a daily basis just to hang out.

>> No.8030998
Quoted by: >>8031001 >>8031048

It's ok if it makes her feel better that she atleast gets one visitor other then trouble makers

Being super miko of gensokyo without recognition is pretty suffering

>> No.8031001
File: 115 KB, 607x730, reimu ugh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8031019 >>8031026

...no, I mean...if you do that, you'll get killed. Maybe it won't be immediately, but it'll happen. Some hungry or feral youkai'll find you and eat you, just like that.
What kind of miko would she be if she let a human get killed by youkai, much less put himself in danger of being eaten every single day?

>> No.8031019
File: 361 KB, 800x600, 0a42c943919cd0f8784a38b60285c3715cbcdfb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't fix stupid, even if it is well intentioned. It's hardly her fault there's a weird human wandering around where he shouldn't.

>> No.8031026
Quoted by: >>8031039

I... Guess you have a point I'll just take a risk sometime. I hope I don't get eaten specially by that ball of darkness everyone keeps talking about

>> No.8031039
File: 237 KB, 500x691, reimu10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumia? She's harmless if you're not blind. Just don't walk in to the middle of the darkness ball, or preferably into the ball at all, and you'll be fine.

>> No.8031048

>Being super miko of gensokyo without recognition is pretty suffering

Oh, but she gets plenty of recognition.

From youkai who want stuff done and youkai who want to kill some boredom by fighting.

>> No.8031056
File: 451 KB, 660x880, reimu bondage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You find Reimu tied up at the shrine; gagged, blindfolded, and already driven half-crazy from the vibrators strapped to her chest and crotch. What'll you do now, anonymous?

>> No.8031079

Because he had something to say and he said it.

>> No.8031944
File: 885 KB, 1000x1200, reimu donations4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8031948

You cannot say no to that face. It is impossible.

>> No.8031948 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 600x480, reimu_petting_a_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh HELL? what about this

>> No.8032009
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>> No.8032381
File: 1.61 MB, 1848x1155, aab8c3da2ddb92aa49e8e3f456517fdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global economic crisis has reached Gensokyo

>> No.8032419
File: 167 KB, 800x800, 1239946781369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. At least Reimu can go beat someone up to get some food.

>> No.8032422
File: 355 KB, 900x900, 744939a4a7a511a9ccd0d6f5949510e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8032837

She'd probably mug you

>> No.8032837

She won't unless you're a filthy youkai whom she's not friends with and needs to pay off a debt.
