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7724794 No.7724794 [Reply] [Original]

What do NEETs eat to stay healthy?

>> No.7724798

A constant diet of spam.


>> No.7724799
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I eat

>> No.7724805


>> No.7724809
Quoted by: >>7724820

I can't usually afford to buy fatty foods, so I have to buy a lot of bread or make stuff myself.

>> No.7724814
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One meal a day.

Nothing else matters

>> No.7724817
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daily dose, daily exercise

>> No.7724818

Three fried eggs a day keeps the hunger away.

>> No.7724820
Quoted by: >>7724829

But fatty food like french fries, self made hamburgers or pizza from are as expensive as bread (if you buy the stuff from a discounter of course).

>> No.7724823
Quoted by: >>7724828 >>7724832

I usually have a sandwich, some ramen, some chips, or some other kind of junk food. And once per day.

I'm 6'3" and 115 pounds. Any other NEET really, really thin?

>> No.7724828

Only slightly underweight. 6'1" 140 lbs.

>> No.7724829

I don't actually like ground beef or pizza, so I stick more to 30 second hot dogs and ramen

>> No.7724831 [SPOILER] 
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Keeping it to one meal a day is usually the best option. It's unfortunate that sometimes the worst foods for you are the cheapest, but you will be amazed at what things you can make when you are on a budget that aren't necessarily the worst thing on the planet.

>> No.7724832
Quoted by: >>7724852

The most NEETs i know are thin as hell. They saying that they don't even notice when they're hungry and making food or going to a supermarket for buying something takes too much effort.

>> No.7724833

Whatever the fuck I can afford at the moment.

>> No.7724837

I fucking love fruits/vegetables (not smothered in ranch..)/pastas and breads, and don't really like junk.. So that plus having a high metabolism = I'm pretty underweight hehe.

>> No.7724845
Quoted by: >>7724849

Basically, my diet is based on pizza and noodles. I am thin.
And cake. A lot of cake.

>> No.7724848 [SPOILER] 
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(;_;) I think I probably have the slowest metabolism known to mankind. So depressing.

>> No.7724849
Quoted by: >>7724856

Ever baked a cake, and just ate that, breakfast lunch and dinner?

It's so good.

>> No.7724852

If i'm doing something interesting on the computer, browsing 4chan or playing videogames I dont notice i'm starving until i get up to use the bathroom.

>> No.7724856

Cake has no specific time. Every time is cake time.

>> No.7724864
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I'm pretty sure I either started talking to myself or my furniture I was so hungry at one point. When you don't make any money it sure is hard to afford food. Pic semirelated.

>> No.7724876
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do the homu homu

>> No.7724912

Wellingtons, fish pies, curries, regular pies, and other stuff that a home cook like myself can create.

>> No.7724982 [DELETED] 

No particular meals. Just various ingredients thrown together in a pile. Dinner isn't really about taste sensations, it's just the time of the day when you shove food into your face.

I drink copious amounts of coffee and tea, however.

>> No.7725140
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Quoted by: >>7725162

Lift 3 days a week, jog the two in between and excessively masturbate on the weekends.

>> No.7725153

Diet composed mainly of fish, rice and tea. Jogging and calisthenics for exercise.

>> No.7725160

Only NEETs who have to cook for themselves are skinny. My mom always cooked for me, and as a result, I was always borderline overweight. But when I started cooking for myself and on my own budget, I lost weight dangerously fast.

>> No.7725162

But lifting weights don't make you healthy, quite the contrary you only get fucked up shoulders, knees and pain in the back for the rest of your life.
It only makes you look like arnold schwarzenegger, if that's worth...

>> No.7725165
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Tea, Water and sometimes food.

>> No.7725168

I'm not healthy

>> No.7725169

I drink a lot of tea to keep the edge off and have a hotdog when it get's too hard to ignore.

When money gets tighter I usually just sleep as much as I can, less hunger pains and it probably uses less energy.
If I lived alone or my dad knew what ramen was I'd probably eat that instead of these $.50 pack hotdogs.

>> No.7725170

I don't like cooking so I can't help but to eat normally mostly raw fruits and vegetables.

>> No.7725174

>It only makes you look like arnold schwarzenegger
this is what retards actually believe

>> No.7725177

I used to just starve, but now I eat frozen pizzas. One a day, and maybe a sandwhich if I'm feeling daring.
Strangely I'm gaining weight alarmingly fast, but when I try and lose it I get a lot more dizzy than I used to. Doing someone online self diagnosis tells me I probably activated my diabetes (which most of my family has), can't say I care, but it is a hassle should I ever need to eat as little as I used to again.

>> No.7725179

I lift weights too and it's not that bad. It has fixed my slouching posture and it feels really good to lift weights, it makes you feel like for a moment you can forget about all of your troubles. Though appearance wise I don't look like I work out at all so I think to look like young Arnold you would definitely need steroids.

>> No.7725182
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>> No.7725194



One meal a day and unhealthy foods can't be good for you. You're either underweight or overweight. Either way you're out of shape and can't run for a minute without collapsing.

>> No.7725195

Brown rice, lentils with fresh cut salsa, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, chicken breast, turkey, swiss cheese, eggs and oats, etc.

I also get outside and do a lot of physical labor, so yeah.

>> No.7725197 [DELETED] 


>>believing weight lifting automatically makes you look like a body builder
>>believing weight lifting isn't great for you

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.7725198
Quoted by: >>7725217 >>7725232

The main problem with lifting is that it takes you far away from being able to look like a little girl.

>> No.7725211

Oatmeal, eggs, broccoli, rare meat, tuna and potatoes.

>> No.7725213

I can't wait for living alone next month so that I can lose weight.

>> No.7725217
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I'm 1.90m tall and balding. Huge quads don't change much.

>> No.7725221
Quoted by: >>7725225

Eggs, broccoli and chicken everyday. I'm cutting.

>> No.7725225 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7725226

Chips, chocolate, ice cream, cookies.

>> No.7725232
Quoted by: >>7725243

But that goes to every sport.

>> No.7725235
Quoted by: >>7725245

Get out normalfags, we don't want your healthy or fitness advice.

>> No.7725243
Quoted by: >>7725267

I'd much rather see a swimmer crossdress than a lifter.

>> No.7725245
Quoted by: >>7725266

enjoy being a fatass for the rest of your life you big fat nerd bully gaylord fart commander

>> No.7725248
Quoted by: >>7725253

I'm a vegetarian so I eat a lot of fruit, salad, vegetables, tofu, chickpeas etc.

I eat 3 meals a day, my parents still pay for my food so I'm happy to eat it.

>> No.7725249

Whatever I feel like eating. So normal stuff most of the time and pizza and other stuff on weekends. I still don't gain any weight, feels good man.

>> No.7725253
Quoted by: >>7725262

Normal eater here, try tortillas with chickpeas, hot salsa, cucumber, salad, cheese and possibly other things you want to add in there. Chickpeas go perfectly with tortillas.

>> No.7725262

Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a go.

One thing I enjoy for breakfast is corn mixed into an egg with some fetta cheese. Cooking that up and putting it on a tortilla (or rye mountain bread) and adding rocket or some lettuce mix to it. Fills me up for hours.

>> No.7725266

Not him but I will, thank you very much.
Fuck off to >>>/fit/

>> No.7725267

A girly body means get lost of all your muscles. Especially for your legs. If you do sports you will always have manly legs.

>> No.7725272
Quoted by: >>7725281 >>7725293

Hi /fit/, I want to look like a trap, what do?

>> No.7725281
Quoted by: >>7725321

I refer you to /cgl/ fitness-district. /fit/ is for blaarblll-steroid-anons.

>> No.7725293

Tie rope on your chest and waist to get upper body figure. Effects will be visible after few weeks and as bonus there is huge chance of brb_gensokyo.jpg by accident this way).

>> No.7725304
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Quoted by: >>7725377

eat all the yummy as HELL junk food, then fap it off

>> No.7725311

three bowls of rice

captcha: ecommune each. lol

>> No.7725314

White tea, eggs, chicken, baked beans, curry and salmon. I don't exercise enough though.

>> No.7725321


>/fit/ is for blaarblll-steroid-anons.


>> No.7725339

I used to eat fastfood but I started to feel really fucking bad all the time. So now I eat stuff like rice and yoghurt.

>> No.7725352

I work out a lot, so I have to eat a lot as well.

>> No.7725368
Quoted by: >>7725397

try to consume carbo and protein as least as you can, since it's unlikely for you to have much activity anyway

>> No.7725377
File: 68 KB, 490x600, But Then I Read Your Post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7725383

aw MAN anon u sure TOLD them xD

>> No.7725383

Back to /a/.

>> No.7725384


>> No.7725396

Frozen kool-aid and sleeping during hunger pains helped me lose quite a bit.

>> No.7725397

Sometimes I eat peanut butter out of the jar. Is that good enough?

>> No.7725401

This thread could use some Lyrics along with some hot sauce

>> No.7725402

Rice most time, I like it alone yet sometimes I add some source to it.
When I start to feel weak for only eat rice, I buy some cheap meat and 1 pound of mixed fruits and vegetables.

has been for 3 years now and I'm alive.
livingthedream.jpg until 1 day I colapse.

>> No.7725434

I can afford to eat quite well (by living with parents and receiving money from the government for being depressed) and varied kinds of food
I have lots of frozen crap and cup ramen though because I am lazy

>> No.7725442
Quoted by: >>7725446 >>7725458

I've been on the border of hitting the overweight range for a while. Now I can't eat much of anything without getting intense stomach pain and diarrhea, so I'm losing weight pretty fast. My diet has become turkey sandwiches and soup.

>> No.7725446

The chronic disease diet is pretty effective

>> No.7725458
Quoted by: >>7725479

Tell me more, not only do I need to lose the wieght, but it'd up my moe factor too.

How'd you contract it?

>> No.7725479

No idea. Just suddenly got sick and it never went away. Finally got the nerve to see a doctor about it, the appointment is in a few hours. I'm more terrified of finding my way to the office than actually seeing the doctor.

>> No.7725490

I love cooking from scratch using recipes I find on the internet. It's fun to try lots of new things.

I wish I had someone to share it with though ;_;

>> No.7725503
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I miss the days when I could get addicted to a game and just not eat for days.

Now playing games feels pointless so I just watch TV and eat shit like Cheez-Itz Duos and string cheese all day. I've spent the last 4 days doing nothing but listening to Louise CK on O&A and watching shitty anime.

>> No.7725511
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Quoted by: >>7725516 >>7725558

>Louise CK
Fuck, I've been listening to those lately, too. Some asshole uploaded all his appearances on youtube so I MUST LISTEN TO ALL OF THEM.

>> No.7725516
Quoted by: >>7725558

Well shit now I know what I'm doing for the rest of the day.

>> No.7725558

This? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u2ZsoYWwJA
Do Americans really laugh at something like that? Seriously?

>> No.7725559
File: 114 KB, 461x314, louisck_18950066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ - Louis CK

>> No.7725560
Quoted by: >>7725571

Yes, some of us have a sense of humor that isn't shitty.

>> No.7725562
Quoted by: >>7725566

Stand-up is never funny

>> No.7725564

Yes. I'm sure if you posted some British or wherever the fuck your from comedian, we wouldn't laugh either.

>> No.7725566
Quoted by: >>7725576

People who don't use proper punctuation are always retarded.

>> No.7725571

Yeah, saying fuck is fucking funny, fuck.

>> No.7725572
Quoted by: >>7725584

>listening to O&A

By God I hope you arn't paying for it. Since the beginning of the year its been so bad. Nothing but "Opie bitches, Ant raves, Jimmy makes a new voice then bash on E-rock, repeat". Shit sucks.

>> No.7725576
Quoted by: >>7725589

The stupid person is the one who needs a little dot to tell him to stop reading

>> No.7725584
Quoted by: >>7725594

Pay for radio? Don't insult me.

I only listen to the segments where Louis CK is around. Opie and Anthony are shit and Jimmy is just alright.

>> No.7725589
Quoted by: >>7725594

You're such a rebel, not using proper grammar and all. Keep up the good fight.

>> No.7725594
Quoted by: >>7725659

Why the fuck do you keep bumping this shit, idiot?

>> No.7725608

And now you know why shitty internet memes become popular.

>> No.7725646
File: 17 KB, 420x420, too lazy to maintain a healthy diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7725651

I avoid fast food, and try to eat mostly plants and fruits.

I usually fail, because plants and fruits need continual re supply about every week or so. This requires going outside, which is anathema to NEET doctrine. In this case, I fall back on using the amazing invention of the delivery system so I don't die of starvation, along with research and information from the internet so I don't die from degenerate diseases like 50% of Americans are currently doing.

>> No.7725651

I've got it down to a science, about 09:45 is the perfect time for a trip to my nearest grocery, usually there are a few old people on the way that are more scared of human contact than I am. Whenever I miss this 09:45 window I don't get groceries that day even if it's needed.

>> No.7725659 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 770x442, 1285074308632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use sage because I am not a faggot.

I'm also too lazy to type it in even if I felt like saging.

>> No.7725664
Quoted by: >>7725675

Trashfood, noodles, cereal and candy. Oh and energydrinks all day, everyday. Superior diet.

>> No.7725671
Quoted by: >>7725679

Then you should get the fuck out to where you crawled from.

>> No.7725673
Quoted by: >>7725679

Go home yankee

>> No.7725675

>energy drinks

Enjoy dying early. I'm a biomed student, if you actually understood what those drinks do to your body you would want them banned.

>> No.7725679
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>> No.7725685

That's interesting, elaborate.

>> No.7725690

Please, tell me about it. I don't drink them often at all, but I'd love to know WHY they're so bad for you.
To me they seem like coffee with a lot of sugar. Or lemonade with caffeine. Which is indeed unhealthy, but not really more so than regular soda (unless you get addicted to the caffeine and have that shit daily instead of coffee/caffeine tablets/tea)

>> No.7725691
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Quoted by: >>7725719



Posting superior comedian.

> /jp/ - Comedian & NEET Culture

>> No.7725719
Quoted by: >>7725815

Haha, no.

Carlin was way too preachy, to the point that I would consider comedy secondary to his acts. The only reason he's so well known is his banned words shit that wasn't even funny, it was shitty shock humor. He was basically an angry faggot who thinks if he whines enough people will agree with him. Pryor shits all over Carlin, and Louis shits all over both of them. He's the king of comedy right now and every comedian worth his salt knows it.

>> No.7725723

All I've had today was a roll and a triple shot of Disaronno over ice.

Should probably eat something.


>> No.7725727

Doubt you are anything but ignorant.

>> No.7725739

Might as well ask. I remember seeing some video of a comedian talking about English language and how seemingly similar words are pronounced differently. Who was it?

>> No.7725759
Quoted by: >>7725764 >>7725769

>I'm a biomed student

Cool story bro, but I have a Master's at Yale and I can tell you that you're full of shit.

>> No.7725760
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Oh good! Thats all that I really want so Im fine with that.

>> No.7725764
Quoted by: >>7725769

I'm hanging off the side of a satellite right now and I can tell you don't know shit about energy drinks.

>> No.7725769

Calm down both of you, remember love little ones~

>> No.7725775

>remember love
but I hated Macross

>> No.7725785 [DELETED] 

The Japanese honorific "-kun" is actually derived from the English pronunciation of the word "coon".

"Coon" is commonly used as a synonym for "nigger", the latter of the two being frequently used to describe trust and friendship between two African Americans.

>> No.7725791


>> No.7725795
Quoted by: >>7725819

>I'm also too lazy to type it in even if I felt like saging.
God, this.

moot should leave the e-mail cookie permanent even if the e-mail is 'sage', at least in /jp/ since it's the only board that knows how to use it properly anyway.

>> No.7725801

My mom feeds me healthy and satisfying meals.

>> No.7725806

I'm not really concerned with health so I eat anything I want to, but I count calories to make sure I maintain my weight. I also weight train and do cardio

>> No.7725815
Quoted by: >>7725860

And yet any shit tier comedy anime is more funny than all of them combined.

>> No.7725818

I am at that golden age where I can eat whatever the fuck I want with minimal exercise and still not put on any weight.

So, whateverthefuck I want.

>> No.7725819

nokosage, idiot.

>> No.7725826

I find typing in sage with my left hand before clicking submit to be pleasurable

>> No.7725848

A lot of weed

Keeps me high all time

>> No.7725860
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>> No.7725869
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Quoted by: >>7725927


>> No.7725911
Quoted by: >>7725922 >>7725927

Weed made me fat.

>> No.7725922
Quoted by: >>7725927 >>7725928

Well, it does need fat to be assimilated better, but in me it only got me thinner.

Maybe it's my metabolism, if it does make you fatter then just smoke it.

>> No.7725927
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Quoted by: >>7726170


>> No.7725928

You could also make it tea, it is really delicious but it is a little rough on your throat

>> No.7725929

It depends on your metabolism. Try to eat healthy, and don't eat before you go to sleep.
Also fap alot.

>> No.7725956

I'm eating pork sausages with ketchup and instant coffee with milk and sugar right now.

>> No.7726026

my diet is mostly rice, chicken, kimchi and instant noodles. i also drink an ungodly amount of alcohol, which makes up more than half of my daily calorie intake. i'd probably be pretty healthy if it wasn't for that.

>> No.7726070

Buy a bag of nuts. Throw a handful in your mouth whenever you get hungry. Cope with hunger.
Also drink lots of water and drop alcohol.

>> No.7726072

An apple a day and less sweet stuff. Both sides of the family are susceptible to developing diabetes.

>> No.7726136

Pork cooked in extra pork fat, plain white rice, thickly seasoned salty and spicy rice, the occasional slice of cheese, soda when I can find some that doesn't have HFCS or sodium benzoate in it, orange juice, lemonade, french fries (I cut and cook the potatoes myself), popcorn with mounds of powdered cheese and butter on it, and alcohol.

I sample a few things every once in a while, but this is more or less my diet.

>> No.7726166

> What do NEETs eat to stay healthy?
Their current waifu, when they get bored with them.
Then they get a new one.

>> No.7726170


>> No.7726177
Quoted by: >>7727755

I've been cutting down on things like biscuits and replaced them with fruit instead I have some (home made) cake pretty often though, but that'll be the next thing I start cutting down on.

Also, about 4-5 litres of water a day, more when I'm at work, I also tend to eat a little more while at work, because it's pretty physically demanding.

>> No.7726206

I buy cheap packaged meals like canned beans or dumplings and make myself simple meals out of rice, potatoes, pasta and vegetables (mainly frozen, fresh ones are too much of a bother for many reasons). This plus cheese sandwiches and occasional juice or cookies makes up most of my diet.

I've never had health problems of any kind and my body has always been perfectly usable (to a reasonable degree of course, I woudn't be able to run a marathon or something) whenever I decide to move my ass and do some physical activity, no matter how long I've been doing literally nothing before that, so I guess I'm doing something right.

>> No.7727755

>What do NEETs eat

Learn to read and get out of /jp/.
