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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 31 KB, 468x624, Imag_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7640814 No.7640814 [Reply] [Original]

hi /jp/ :3

>> No.7640821

Who is she

>> No.7640822


Who are you?

>> No.7640827


>> No.7640825

Who am I?

>> No.7640831

Fuck off.

>> No.7640830


>> No.7640834

I assume because you think you're a girl you can garner attention from a female contact starved board ? Psssh

>> No.7640832


If anyone doesn't remember her, they need to fuck off of 4chan right now. Go ask your mum to warm up your bottle.

>> No.7640833


Who are you? I'm being serious.

>thinks everyone is samefag.

>> No.7640837

If you're going to say she's nevada tan you can go fuck yourself because she isnt

>> No.7640839

Hello, Nevada-tan.

>> No.7640840

I don't know who this bitch is, tell me.

>> No.7640844


>> No.7640846

Noone is supposed to remember a cancerous thread with some attention whore you found charming, Anonymous.

>> No.7640848

Post her nude pics again OP? I lost it in hard drive crash

>> No.7640850


>> No.7640851

bullshit where do people get the nevada tan shit come from, there's only like 2 pics of the killer from when she's a kid and they don't look like her

>> No.7640852

Reported for 3DPD

>> No.7640854

this isn't /a/ faggot

>> No.7640855

look at her it's nevada!

>> No.7640863 [DELETED] 

doesn't look like her.

Also how did they get this shot anyway? Can't be she just "cosplayed" ike this after getting out of her correctional facility

>> No.7640858

This isn't /soc/ either, faggot.

>> No.7640860
File: 47 KB, 298x474, 1311136590328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7640865


No kidding... I never said she was. The silly threads about this chick way back when were clearly to be taken as a joke.

>> No.7640866
File: 199 KB, 749x1026, 1311136705385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't look like her.

Also how did they get this shot anyway? Can't be she just "cosplayed" ike this after getting out of her correctional facility

>> No.7640873
File: 107 KB, 800x600, 1311136835660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's adorable~

>> No.7640870

post the rest of her pics or GTFO

>> No.7640872

Obviously that one's not her.

>> No.7640878

looks fake to me

>> No.7640876
File: 75 KB, 640x480, 1311136947946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it sad I still have this picture?

BTW, OP pic is a guy.

>> No.7640877

would you fuck nevada tan knowing she'd slit your throat after you cum?

>> No.7640880
File: 58 KB, 300x282, 1311136984100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7640885


Which is ironic considering she killed a fatty.

>> No.7640882


>> No.7640883

Only if you called her fat.

>> No.7640888

I thought /jp/ was an expert on japanese girls? I guess I was wrong to expect them to know who OP's girl is. I guess they're amateurs after all

>> No.7640893

You must think we like 3D girls. If so, your thought process is flawed.

>> No.7640894


Do you expect us to remember a thread that happened many, many years ago? Be reasonable.

Why do you want to know so badly anyway?

>> No.7640898

is there something wrong with you? /a/ I can sort of understand since they've been exposed to anime for too long but you're just pathetic

>> No.7640896

I don't care if it's a guy. I want to fuck him.

>> No.7640897

I want more pics of op's girl obviously

>> No.7640904

Not a girl, sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.7640902


I guess I should have said "remember specific details."

I believe an identity was discovered, but I can't remember the details.

>> No.7640905


So you can fap to them or something?

>> No.7640915

was it on /jp/? what was the thread about? nevada-tan? I can always search greenoval

>> No.7640911


I dont care

>> No.7640920

nvm I guess green-oval doesn't archive /jp/ anymore

were there more pics from the same person>?

>> No.7640927


>experts on Japanese girls

What? Give me some examples of this? Other than the idolfags who keep to themselves.

Please go back to whatever board you came from.

>> No.7640928

Nevada-tan is famous because she stabbed a classmate for calling her fat over the internet. They were both children when it happened. She has a lot of fanart of her, mostly done by people from 2ch and 2chan. She's called such because one of the few photos of her as a child show her wearing a shirt wearing "NEVADA", and -tan is how a young child pronounces "-chan", Japanese for cute.

>> No.7640929

...I came from 2chan

>> No.7640932

Why are you telling me this, OP's girl isn't nevadatan we're already past that

>> No.7640938


Go back cunt-eyed.

>> No.7640936

Fucking normals in this thread. It might be slightly related if it was nevada, but it blatantly isn't.

As is, you're just like /b/, what happened to you /jp/? I know all threads must be replied to, but this is sad.

>> No.7640946

>insulting the race you're worshipping

Why don't you lick my shoes clean you weeaboo subhuman trash

>> No.7640941

>proud of being a disgusting homo faggot

lol this board is pathetic

>> No.7640957
File: 147 KB, 500x500, 1311138396010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of /jp/


Also, when will she get out of jail?

>> No.7640969

Why do you go to 4chan? Isn't 2ch a bit better?

>> No.7640975

To practice my English obviously. I'm failing my high school freshman English courses so I thought I should immerse myself in an English speaking environment for a while

>> No.7640980


>proper english on the internet.

Really? Fucking really?

>> No.7640978

Hey retard, 2ch=/=2chan

>> No.7640982

Please report this thread for illegal content or something, this is horrendous.
