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File: 257 KB, 800x1150, 1297105221723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7331733 No.7331733 [Reply] [Original]

Well, that's it /jp/. I got a job. It's just a weekend retail thing at a clothes store, but it's a job. When she told me I'd been accepted, I could have cried. I only applied to keep benefits going, but now I actually have to end my NEET lifestyle. I'm depressed. All I want to do is take it easy. I only get about £10 more than I got on benefits, but now I have to work. This sucks. I've been a NEET for about 2 years now, can /jp/ cheer me up?

>> No.7331735

Just be yourself, I'm sure you will get fired pretty quick then

>> No.7331742

Shit on floor with customers watching.

>> No.7331746

Look at it from the bright side, with those £10 you can buy just a bit more!

>> No.7331743
File: 212 KB, 980x735, 1253438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This world is one of great blessings. It kills the weak, tortures the slow, and destroys the stupid.

Which one are you?

>> No.7331758

I probably can't, considering I actually have to get a job soon too. Enjoy it while it lasts I guess.

>> No.7331766

Please dont post the torture yukkuri strips.

That just made me daww, after seeing so many of those.

>> No.7331768
Quoted by: >>7331891

Why are you doing this? What happened to your benefits? Don't do this to yourself. Your time is precious taking it easy time.

>> No.7331790

Right now I'm forced to attend classes just so my mother won't throw me out. I don't know what I'm going to do at the end of this year. Either way I've got until I'm 25 and then she won't support my easy anymore, 3 years.

>> No.7331796

Dude, taking it easy doesn't mean being a lazy bastard with no future. It means being cool, going with the flow, and not worrying about all the little shit. You should be happy to break out of your unproductive bubble of a lifestyle. A job like that might not be glamorous but it can always lead to better things.

>> No.7331802
Quoted by: >>7332994

How can you not worry about all the little shit when everyone in the real world wants you to have plans and careers and degrees? NEET is only way.

>> No.7331804

What kind of job do you have? Working isn't so bad as long as you set up your hours

>> No.7331806
File: 1.12 MB, 2359x2359, 3688056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job OP! You are now 1 step above /jp/.

>> No.7331809
Quoted by: >>7331818 >>7332994


I dunno, I can't take it easy when things are forced onto me. I have to worry because if I mess up one little thing I'm going to have everyone on my ass about how badly I messed up and punishment and all sorts of things. Too much pressure. Of course, that's not to say what I'm doing currently is acceptable either, though.

>> No.7331811
Quoted by: >>7331828

Stop spreading lies. You can't take it easy when you have a job. You'll just end up doing nothing in your free time because you can't relax when you know you have to show up the next day.

>> No.7331812

>How can you not worry
By not worrying.

>> No.7331813

Won't it feel better to earn your money instead of being a bottomfeeding leech on society?

>No, fuck off Amerikkkan

Okay then

>> No.7331815

Good on you OP, this country has way too many people on benefits as it is. Don't worry, chances are you won't screw up too badly if at all - plus I guess you've got an excuse, you're new after all.

>> No.7331818
Quoted by: >>7331829

You have to do everything you can to get rid of that job. It's going to ruin your life.

>> No.7331825
File: 16 KB, 444x411, You can do it easy!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7331829

If your job is only on the weekend, then won't you be able to take it easy the rest of the week?

>> No.7331828

>you can't relax when you know you have to show up the next day.
So true. Jobs not only destroy the time you spend on them but the time you don't. You only feel free when you have a few days off in a row, but the feeling of dread just ramps up and you count the hours. A weekend is never enough. Even months seem so short, if there is a definite end.

>> No.7331829


I don't have a job. That's how it is with everything in life for me. I just can't do anything right.


2 days a week of freedom isn't enough.

>> No.7331831

I applied for a job yesterday, 11pm-7am night shift customer service in a local hotel, 40 hours a week.

I really hope I get it.

>> No.7331833
Quoted by: >>7331840


>> No.7331834
Quoted by: >>7331840


5 days of freedom, you retard.

>> No.7331838
Quoted by: >>7331891

But wait, two days? Something doesn't add up here...
>It's just a weekend retail thing
>It's just a weekend thing
The weekend is only two days, three if you count Friday. That leaves four or five days of not-working.
Unless you meant
>It's just a weekDAY retail thing
In which case, yeah, you'd have two days off.

>> No.7331840
Quoted by: >>7331891


I misread that, sorry. But I can't think of many jobs that are weekend only. Plus, would weekend only jobs be able to sustain someone?

>> No.7331870
Quoted by: >>7331957

Getting a job isn't /jp/-related.

Go fuck yourself, OP.

>> No.7331891

OP here, sorry I had to go to the dentist. This week has been pretty sucky.

To sustain my benefits I have to apply to jobs. I tried my hardest to get rejected from them all, by being under qualified, unskilled or ignorant, but it wasn't enough. When she told me I got it I was in shock. I have to go to training on Thursday too. The weekend is my favorite time to take it easy because you know most everyone else is also taking it easy..

Taking it easy means doing what you want to do. I don't want to work..

No, it's just on Saturday and Sunday working. It's not cutting into my easy time that badly, but I'd prefer to have 100% of my time devoted to taking it easy.

Likely no, but I live with my parents who sustain me as well for most things. In fact most of my money goes to them anyway.

Primark is a woman's clothing store which I've never been in before. I'm scared of social interaction and especially that of the girls who work there. I'm pretty much the only male apart from a bunch of really openly gay guys. I'm scared and frightened.

>> No.7331905
File: 73 KB, 574x391, yukkurisa_wide_grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7331929

+£10 huh
"a little goes a long way"
g'luck in HELL (outside)

>> No.7331908

you can probably get a discount when you buy your pantyhose there

>> No.7331916

Are you spooked and nervous too? Maybe a little afraid?

>> No.7331917

>/jp/ - Complaining About Your Life Culture

>> No.7331929
Quoted by: >>7331932

You must be glad you're so fat you won't get forced to go outside.

>> No.7331932
File: 272 KB, 1766x1450, zubat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7331983

i go outside sometimes to eat lunch with my family
also im not fat as HELL >_>

>> No.7331948
Quoted by: >>7331956

I can't handle being a NEET. The crippling loneliness has forced me into spending more hours day-dreaming than actually doing anything. All my dreams seem so far away. I cannot hold on much longer, this black hole is sucking me in, further and further, my mind drifts apart from reality, oh god the walls are bleeding helpppppp

>> No.7331956

>Title: Typical /whine9k/ user

>> No.7331957

I'm sorry, after I start work I'll never post here again.

>> No.7331962
Quoted by: >>7331967 >>7332428

Shut the fuck up. There's a /r9k/ clone board external to 4chan. Google it and go cry there.

>> No.7331966
Quoted by: >>7332428


No, that's not it. Just don't talk about it here. As long as you keep things /jp/-related here, I don't give a shit what you do with you life.

Why don't you delete the thread, for starters?

>> No.7331967
File: 115 KB, 640x480, frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7331973

Wow, OP, you've got to work only 2 days a week? I'm so jelly, even if they pay shit.

>> No.7331983

Same shit. I'd bounce around with my tummy like you.

>> No.7331994
Quoted by: >>7332428

I'm saddened because you probably won't keep your promise.

>> No.7332004

Just remember OP, you got to experience something wonderful which few people are lucky enough to have. Your time spent as a NEET has made you a superior person and the bitches at this job should respect that.

Plus you have benefits, fuck you. I'll have to work 5 days a week and will either kill myself or become a mindless drone.

>> No.7332077
File: 21 KB, 450x313, david-cameron-pic-reuters-750197767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out and work, faggot.

>> No.7332196

I'm 35, just now starting to have to consider doing 2 days a week.

Working for other people is for losers.

>> No.7332372
File: 814 KB, 2600x1802, 1295805628307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think, some day we'll all wake up as little girls and never have to work a day in our lives again.

>> No.7332428
Quoted by: >>7332434

same poster

>> No.7332434
File: 268 KB, 640x480, 1291586239743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7332554

Nope. If you're replying maybe the hat fits you.

>> No.7332438

Stop living on the dole and try to get disability you welsh bastard.

>> No.7332461
File: 17 KB, 394x357, yuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been employed since April 09...

>> No.7332554
Quoted by: >>7332561

Post this pic without the text please?

>> No.7332561


>> No.7332994
Quoted by: >>7332999

I don't think you can take it easy if you have anxiety problems.

>Taking it easy means doing what you want to do. I don't want to work..
You don't want to work at all, on anything? Like I said, taking it easy doesn't mean being a lazy bastard that never accomplishes anything. If you don't want to work, find a way to make enough money so you'll never have to worry about it.

>> No.7332999
Quoted by: >>7333040

I want to work, just not in an environment where I have to talk to people.

>> No.7333040

Good luck finding a job which won't require some sort face to face meeting. lrn2adjusttosocialinteraction

>> No.7333044

I made $2,048 last week pretax.

hope this helps

>> No.7333097
Quoted by: >>7333671

I had a job and it sucked so I quit.

>> No.7333607

I just need a job for a little extra cash for myself so I don't have to totally leech off of everyone else. Not like I'll ever be able live on own since I'm just too mentally disabled in too many complicated ways to do anything right anymore, I mean it's like these mental blocks in my head I can't get around to even do as much as maintain enough ability to live on my own.

>> No.7333657
File: 779 KB, 2560x1920, abstract-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<a href="http://www.edesignfx.com/media">http://www.edesignfx.com/media</a>

>> No.7333671

I had a job which didn't suck so they fired me
Then I had a job that I wanted to kill myself while I was there but I needed so they fired me

>> No.7333683

I wish I had a job. With the money I earned I'd hire a hitman and have him track down and murder shitposters.

>> No.7334118

I had a job for all of a month when I was 16, at the mall. I've had odd jobs feeding neighbors' pets while they're out of town and babysitting since I was 13. I got a small weekly allowance up until I was 18 for daily chores around my house. I still do those chores, but they're more of a pacification thing while I'm still living at home, so that I don't have to pay rent. In the past two years I've worked in a vet's office, a burger joint, as a dog walker, and currently for my aunt.
I am 20 years old and have been enrolled in college and supporting myself on money I've earned, minus rent, since I turned 18.
And I've had it EASY compared to a lot of people.
Suck it up, OP. You're fucking annoying.
