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7067044 No.7067044 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>7067128

4 days left.

>> No.7067052

TH13, and at least 13 albums to soothe my soul and burn my dread.
I'll enjoy this.

>> No.7067051
File: 202 KB, 495x700, 4f85ba01659b61883c6f9d5df07d761b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is ready.

>> No.7067054

Sweet, Yuuka got an alternative hair cut.

>> No.7067053

inb4 bones

>> No.7067066

My bones, they feel it.

>> No.7067101
Quoted by: >>7067118 >>7067152

>>Stage 6 : The forgotten worshipped god
>>Mima : AHAHA! You're the "Miko of Hakurei"? What a coinky-dink! My name's Hakurei too!
>>Subtitle : The Eternal Worshipped God; Mima Hakurei

>> No.7067118

Who the fuck does these translations anyway?

>> No.7067120
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>> No.7067128
Quoted by: >>7067136

2 more days before stag 1 boss fan art flood.

>> No.7067134

Finally, Elly is coming back. I can feel it in my left proboscis.

>> No.7067136


Oh right, the disk will be shown on the blog right?

>> No.7067152

>An evil spirit that has been living(?) for very long time. As she can't remember things for such a long time, she appears to be enjoying her current days.

>She is like the deity (evil deity) of the Shrine by now, but her personality is more human-ish than human.

It can happen.

>> No.7067307

Who are you going to play in your first run? Anyone doing hard+ instead of normal?

>> No.7067331 [DELETED] 

HELL yea, ima pirate this bad boy

>> No.7067329
Quoted by: >>7067486

Everyone should start on hard/Lunatic for their first day and get used to it. Makes the normal run much faster. Difficulty usually peaks around stage 4 in most games from what I've seen.
If you can hard all the way to 4, you can 1cc normal once you get a few looks at 5, 6 spellcards.

I'll be playing Marisa probably. Slowmoo never really appealed to me, gonna have to see if the other two got any drastic changes.

>> No.7067338

Reimu needles/normal, as always. First thing i'll be doing is trying to figure out the scoring system, although hopefully that gets on touhouwiki before I get my hands on the game.

>> No.7067340

I feel it in my bones.

>> No.7067347
Quoted by: >>7067454

Youmu just because she is probably going to be totally different than in Imperishable Night. It would make the game more interesting.

>> No.7067454


I'd like to have the old system as one of the options. It's so rare to have a manual directional shot type in Touhou.

>> No.7067486
Quoted by: >>7068374

Demo has only 3 stages.

>> No.7067491
Quoted by: >>7067509 >>7067524

I best get to practising. Still haven't beat SA yet.

>> No.7067499

inb4 Youmu tries to cut Mima.

>> No.7067509

Shit's hard, yo. That damned cat.

>> No.7067510

Please don't get too sad when you guys end up seeing there will be no Mima even though this plot will be the closest plot that could ever relate to her, confirming that she will never be back.

>> No.7067524

You can beat SA by doing this:
play Reimu A, stay under the boss
stage: slowly move from left to right (stream) and vice versa.
boss: bomb anything hard and be rewarded with star pieces.

>> No.7067523

As long as the dresses are frilly and the hats are silly I am content.

>> No.7067532 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 500x400, Bones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7067547

I have faith that one day a game with the title Something of Lasers will be released, and Mima will return in her full glory.

Unless, of course, Mima has been back all along.

>> No.7067537
File: 656 KB, 717x820, 05db4be35e5d6261b48ee538e565c68f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will be back.

>> No.7067546
Quoted by: >>7067558

>this plot will be the closest plot that could ever relate to her
I swear I heard this with every new game released.

>> No.7067547
File: 52 KB, 761x571, 1227407906906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something of Lasers
brings back memories

>> No.7067550


I don't really care about her, but I can feel it in my neck. Maybe that pain is just that disappointment you described though. I don't really care though, as long as I get a nice shot type to use I'll be happy.

>> No.7067557

ReimuA, as always. Although I'm wondering if there will be different types of shot for the characters. I know there were almost every time, but who knows?

>> No.7067558
Quoted by: >>7067568 >>7067596

How come? This plot is entirely related to her.

MoF, SA and UFO were not related at all. The only plot that could relate to Mima was PoFV and ZUN decided to make something entirely new for that, the same thing will probably happen this time too.

>> No.7067568 [DELETED] 

MoF -> gods
SA -> (earth) spirits
But I admit you're right for UFO.

>> No.7067596
Quoted by: >>7067629

Mima is not a god neither an earth spirit. And even if you want to speculate hard like that the whole plot would resolve around the Hakurei Shrine.

>> No.7067629 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7067643

It didn't prevent the fandom to associate Mima with every game using any wrong way/excuse.

>> No.7067643

Yeah, but I'm not "the fandom".

>> No.7067908
Quoted by: >>7067918

No Sakuya. Shitsuxs

>> No.7067916
File: 93 KB, 1000x636, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7067918


>> No.7067934

>東方Project第13弾 東方神霊廟

Yay more ghosts

>> No.7067947
Quoted by: >>7068032 >>7068053

Considering ZUN is saying the difficulty will be easier this time around... I'll be playing Hard (which is what I play now anyway). I hope he meant Normal will be slightly easier as SA and UFO were a bit rough compared to PCB.

>> No.7068032
Quoted by: >>7068041

I think he meant that you will have fun (killing all enemies) even on lower difficulties.

>> No.7068041


you can only choose one.

>> No.7068046
File: 345 KB, 727x1000, elly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna be a great return.

>> No.7068053

he said more fun, not easier.

>> No.7068055
File: 56 KB, 848x480, [gg]_HIGHSCHOOL_OF_THE_DEAD_-_09_[3A25004C]_20100830-18160648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't wait anymore.

>> No.7068061
Quoted by: >>7068073

Hopefully it's SA level difficulty. I've been getting pretty decent recently.

>> No.7068073 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7068124

He said that it wasn't going to focused on difficulty, just something pleasant to play. So I wouldn't put my hopes on that if I was you.

>> No.7068111
File: 302 KB, 1440x810, 1277048594293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7068118

>SA was difficult

>> No.7068118

I guess doing a non-focus ReimuC pacifist lunatic run won't make you sweat then.

>> No.7068124
Quoted by: >>7068276

He said something somewhat similar for UFO, and it came out with a hellish difficulty.

>> No.7068137

Playable Youmu making a return still makes me happy.

>> No.7068244

I take it granted it you guys will have a torrent ready mere seconds after elease, right?

>> No.7068276
Quoted by: >>7068322 >>7069187



>> No.7068312
File: 581 KB, 124x146, Sad Girl in Snow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7068322

>your stupid

on >>>/a/ or >>>/v/ doesn't matter, it's all the same shit.

>> No.7068326

Can't be bothered to memorize when i should get this UFO, When i should trigger UFOs, and when i should bomb enemies on screen for MAX ITEMS

>> No.7068374
File: 78 KB, 320x240, 1250129136597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like in the year 2009 with Touhou 12.

>> No.7068419
Quoted by: >>7068436 >>7068439

I'm looking forward to reading Youmu's dialogue. How long until the translation patch gets out, on average?

>> No.7068427
Quoted by: >>7068495

I find the difficulty to most often be related to how many lasers and how many diagonal bullets are on the screen.

Easier would be more friendly bullets.

>> No.7068436

Usually 2 weeks or so after the full release.

>> No.7068439

Nobody knows, but there should be a translated script in the Wiki by the end of the first week.

>> No.7068450
File: 647 KB, 1120x854, playable youmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7068495

>Easier would be more friendly bullets.
Touhou multiplayer with friendly fire.

>> No.7068493

What a shitty game

>> No.7068551

touhou needs more fightan gaems

>> No.7068565

After SWR and Soku, I'm not sure if I should look forward to a new one.

>> No.7068582
Quoted by: >>7069238

As for UFO, I think by easier he meant you can score lives more easily.
He also said in the help section of Fairy Wars that the game didn't turn out that hard. And then we got that motivation meter and a Marisa fight.

So apparently easier = more chances of fucking up if you exploit the system.

>> No.7069187


Lunatic UFO is possibly his hardest game yet, especially if you are aiming for a high score.

>> No.7069238
Quoted by: >>7069855

Fairy wars wasn't particularly hard though. Apart from SA it's the only games I have 1ccd on hard so far, and the extra wasn't too bad either.

>> No.7069855


I must've done something wrong..
I have cleared all extra stages, 1cc'd every game with every character on normal and I'm about to 1cc SA on hard but fairy wars completely rapes me on normal difficulty


>> No.7069863
Quoted by: >>7069990


Everyone has their problems when it comes to games. Fairy Wars is the easiest for me considering I can actually get to the final boss on Hard, but I still haven't gotten through EoSD, SA and UFO on Normal.

>> No.7069954

Which route are you playing fairy wars on?

I can 1cc all on normal and a couple on hard, but some of them are a LOT harder than others. The barrier to entry on hard is pretty high though, the extra bullets spawning from ice and dead enemies completely change how non boss portions of the stage have to be done.

Also, learning when and where to freeze instead of just doing it when you're in trouble makes things easier. The non boss part of the extra stage was the second hardest after UFO for me, but after trying out a load of different ways to move around and protect myself with ice I can reliably get to marisa without losing any lives, and maybe one bomb if I screw up.

On cards or noncard attacks that you don't struggle with you can just time them out freezing a load of bullets for more lives and bombs.

Take that for what it's worth. I do decently at SA and fairy wars, and maybe UFO on a good day, but EoSD ruins me on normal.

>> No.7069990

I know that feel. I 1ccd EoSD a few months ago, and the extra last weekend. My skill in SA and UFO is balanced when it comes to normal or lunatic.

>> No.7070051

Mima has already made an appearance in OSP.

Most of you are bandwagoner secondaries anyway so I guess it doesnt matter.

>> No.7070072


Can you post the page? OSP is still behind in translations.

>> No.7070095

My feel I can bones it in.

>> No.7070170

Grazing and killing stuff charges your ice power, killing things with frozen bullets increases your motivation.

>> No.7070218
Quoted by: >>7070230 >>7070285

Oh yeah in the festival scene with everyone. I missed her the first time.

>> No.7070230


>> No.7070285

They're lying.

>> No.7073367
Quoted by: >>7073373

It's coming.

>> No.7073373

Just like my penis

>> No.7076469

in my bones bump

>> No.7081870
Quoted by: >>7081933


>> No.7081933

