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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 4 KB, 126x126, 1290399215721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6917682 No.6917682 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>6930558

Previous >>6881888
Current version: v1.10
Wiki: http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/Main_Page
External IP: http://whatismyip.com/
Portforwarding: http://portforward.com/

last one hit the bump limit
still looking for a battle, North Georgia, US.

>> No.6917713 EU
Sakuya Tier.

>> No.6917720
Quoted by: >>6917741

eh alright, my connection will probably be shit though.

>> No.6917741
Quoted by: >>6917749

Yeah, was quite spiky and the delay was over 8, too.
Anyway, gg.


>> No.6917749
File: 29 KB, 256x192, 1284386655083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea unfortunately I had some stuff I needed to do, you're pretty good though I was stuck to the wall. I'll have to replay you when I get my connection fixed.

>> No.6917780 [DELETED] 

Is some nigger crashing my soku? Stop that.

>> No.6917795
File: 265 KB, 972x663, 09eaaba7563018c6b7a681fb319f65bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Me trying to play this game

>> No.6917833
File: 23 KB, 298x296, 1282958894118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go practice in arcade. it doesn't take long to get good.

>> No.6917855

Watch replays

>> No.6918000 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 640x704, 1288383711976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bamp, OP here looking for another game. Anyone?

>> No.6918226
File: 139 KB, 658x752, 1292742789705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone in the states feel like battling?

>> No.6918241


Don't play against Sakuya. Then you can get destroyed in other ways. I kid, but yeah, practice helps. Mostly playing against other people. I've gotten rusty because I mostly play against computers and they're the best I have.

>> No.6918258
Quoted by: >>6918501 >>6918503 Finland

>> No.6918350
Quoted by: >>6918370

Playing around with deck. (Patchouli)

Currently have
3 Wipe Moisture
2 Autumn Blade
3 Noachian Deluge (water)
3 Phlogistic Pillar (fire/water)
3 Silent Selene (light)
3 Royal Flare (light)
3 Grimoire

Is philosophers stone worth it or should I keep grimoire? Any other changes I should make?

>> No.6918370
Quoted by: >>6918376

3 autumn blades
4 grimoires
no pillar
no selena
stone is ok if you use one of the alt 22 skills

>> No.6918376
Quoted by: >>6918460

why no pillar or selena? they're my best moves. I also just added royal flare, HOLY FUCK THIS IS OP.

>> No.6918460
Quoted by: >>6918489

short version: too shitty. flare is shitty, too.

>> No.6918489
Quoted by: >>6918513

I want a better explanation than THAT.

>> No.6918501


>> No.6918503
Quoted by: >>6918881

Good games, nopan.
You're the first and probably the last Suwako player I'm going to see.

>> No.6918513
Quoted by: >>6918546

Long version:

Pillar only does max damage if your back is to the wall. Most things you combo it from will cause early limit and severely lessen the damage. Your normal combos will do the same damage. It's only good from a charged or counterhit j2a, and you can't hitconfirm that online.

Bullet reversals in general are not great because they can graze through it and hit you. Selena is especially poor because the opponent can fall out of it sometimes, and in combos it doesn't do any more damage than your normal combos or lower-cost cards.

Royal flare only works from a 66b or counterhit 66c. You'll never catch someone off guard with it who is paying attention. Hardly op.

>> No.6918546
Quoted by: >>6918594

Flare, run to other side, wait for them to start an attack/run out of orbs. NUKE.

I've yet to have anyone fall out of selena and even when I miss I'm invincible for a bit don't see a problem with it.

I usually back away for pillar as well then come in afterwards to smash/juggle them.

although I haven't played much netplay yet so it may be different against actual players, I will give you that. Still if you notice in your above post if I follow your instructions I'm left with several points unassigned. All the other spellcards I've played with so far are shit, as in don't have enough range/firepower.

>> No.6918582 [DELETED]

>> No.6918594
Quoted by: >>6918609

Four slots free, if you add my suggestions to yours. You could add four stones. Ibuki gourds are really good. You could also add Sword of Scarlet Perceptions so you don't get stuck in the inevitable Typhoon-with-one-hit-point-left scenarios.

>> No.6918609
Quoted by: >>6918620

also another note, autumn blade is grazeable, though a cheap spellcard, its also pretty useless. I can see where ibuki's gourd could come in handy so I'll try that. As for the typhoon thing, I usually just stay towards the ceiling and spam projectiles to wait it over. Perfected flying makes grazing an easy task.

>> No.6918620
Quoted by: >>6918647

Autumn Blade is a skill card.

>pretty useless

>> No.6918634
File: 157 KB, 642x482, currentdeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any Sakuya alt skill cards that aren't shit? I've been running all of her normal skills because I hate her alts, but I'd like to improve my deck in a way that complements my playstyle and even with the wiki I'm not sure of what every alt can do to its full potential.

>> No.6918647
File: 70 KB, 448x342, 1292553658639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6918663

>press A

also insulting me because I used the wrong term? seriously bro? its uses magic, its a card, it does damage, I don't see a fucking difference.

>> No.6918649
Quoted by: >>6918713

Skills page, top to bottom:
good, REALLY good, shit
good, GOOD, shit
really good (REALLY good if you level it), beyond shit, shit
ok but better at level 1+, ok, kinda ok

>> No.6918663
Quoted by: >>6918677

Reading your posts is insulting enough.
Elemental Harvester is a 2-cost, melee-invulnerable, melee reversal spell card. Autumn Blade is a large, dense, tracking, air-usable alt-214 skill card. Autumn Edge is the full-screen, fast, default 214 skill card that does very high damage at level 1+.
Pretty big difference.

If you read the wiki like you claimed, you would know this. But I can understand if it's too much for you to comprehend, considering how poor your writing and reading abilities seem to be.

>> No.6918668
Quoted by: >>6918713

Current deck looks almost completely fine to me. Propelling Silver and Time Paradox are two alts you can actually get some good use out of.

>> No.6918676
File: 539 KB, 850x595, sample_2a217392545f1ecfa56a52c9e3ba4006f519662b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6918686

Geesh and here I thought I was playing just to run around as a girl shooting magic bullets everywhere.

Your best bet is to take the best looking spell cards, ignore effectiveness.

>> No.6918677
File: 160 KB, 450x580, 1291690751628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. I never claimed to have read the wiki.

2. I don't think you have actually used any of these cards because half of those stats are bullshit.

3. What are you getting so angry about? You're the one who started insulting me. Maybe if you'd stop acting like a child I'd take you more seriously. I explained why I didn't like those attacks in length, I wasn't attacking you personally until you started getting all anal about it.

>> No.6918682

You need more Killing doll and Time slow like real men.

>> No.6918686
File: 16 KB, 372x372, 1290647558951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6918704

I want to like Cirno but I find most of her spellcards really hard to use effectively. Her bullet attacks are pretty easy to dodge too.

also anyone in the states want to battle?

>> No.6918692
Quoted by: >>6918713

How do you guys main multiple characters? I find if I play one too much I start to get bad with the other.

>> No.6918694
Quoted by: >>6918713

Put in the alt236 frozen knives and hide behind them. Wait until they get impatient and graze in. 3A them out of the sky for an easy 2.5K hitconfirm.

>> No.6918703 [DELETED] 

I don't see how manly one is for using spellcards to help him press. If you want to be into real masculinity, do without the "stop playing for 10sec kthx, I need that to do something" cards.

But who am I talking to here anyway. We're all little girls playing a child's fighting game with more little girls in it, after all.

>> No.6918704
Quoted by: >>6918712

if you post your IP you'll have a challenger within seconds, always

>> No.6918709

I don't see how manly one is for using spellcards to help him press. If you want to be into real masculinity, do without the "stop playing for 10sec kthx, I need that to do something" cards.
But who am I talking to here anyway. We're all little girls playing a children's fighting game with more little girls in it, after all.

>> No.6918712

I would but my internet is fucked atm and I'm using a friend's network so hosting is not an option. I got like 3mb down/4mb up if it hasn't changed, gets really bad if I play with euro players.

>> No.6918713
File: 150 KB, 640x480, 5ktimestopholyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6918750


I might try some of those out and see if there are any combos they have or whatever utility they might possess that I might lack.


I don't like them because I can't combo with them. I tend to like creating large momentum quickly so I need it that way.


I naturally play a lot of characters. I dunno, it's how I've always been.


I tend to be more aggressive so I don't know if that would fit in well with how I play. I may make a third deck and see if I can get any use out of it or if it'll be a silly gimmick deck.

>> No.6918723
File: 138 KB, 600x853, 7fff7dd946be90dc81b4e87b613b35f683ac1225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Midwest

>> No.6918733


>> No.6918737
Quoted by: >>6918772

Forgot your port. If it's 10800 or 7500, then I can't connect to anything.

>> No.6918750
Quoted by: >>6918777

Sakuya's skills in general are pretty crap for combos or confirms with the exception of her starting 623 and whatever that dash is. You shouldn't really need them for that anyway.

>> No.6918772
File: 286 KB, 602x550, 1289875511698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6918779 >>6918788

gg, you could use some improvement though :P

>> No.6918777
Quoted by: >>6918824


Yeah, that's true...But I love the utility on her main cards so much more. I can't really find a use for her alt 22 or 214 cards, so that just leaves the other cards, which are mostly delay type attacks that I normally don't get much use from. MSS is a nice, fast projectile with large priority that is great for my Luna Dial combos, Crossup Magic for grazing and combos, Bounce for preventing enemies from wailing on my inability to block and Vanishing for...I dunno actually, but I can't use the alts at all so I prefer this card. If I try my hand at more defensive play those cards might be worth more though, but I'm not sure.

>> No.6918779

now that thats done anyone in the states up for a game?

>> No.6918788
Quoted by: >>6918814


Rehosting, port is 10800, skill is swinging scythe wildly tier.

>> No.6918813 europe - Italy

>> No.6918814
File: 24 KB, 336x336, 1291153793643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6918816

/jp/ is too goddamn slow.
alright we'll have another rematch.

>> No.6918816

already playing? damn
i'll wait.

>> No.6918824
Quoted by: >>6918836

Perfect Maid is great against certain characters, especially the slower ones like Iku and Yuyuko. Many characters don't have a good downward projectile from close too, so if they jump at you, it's going to be melee jump-in. Easy punish.
Time Paradox can be confirmed (or not for guessing games) off D6A. B version's also safe.

Ricochet... yeah, sucks.
Misdirection is great for lockdown at range, something that Bounce isn't. Slow enough to rush forward and add melee pressure and tracks after it's thrown. Less useful against characters with quick beams since they can just stand still and shoot at you, but good for overwhelming other attempts at setup since the knives are denser than Bounce.

>> No.6918836
Quoted by: >>6918853


Oh god I completely forgot about Iku. No one ever seems to play her around here but she is ridiculous. That alt may come in handy, that god damn scarf has stupid range and it's the reason why she destroys me. I actually never used Misdirection, so I have no idea how it works. I might attempt to use it if it's good at keeping people from hitting me up close since I'm probably the worst blocker ever.

>> No.6918853

Misdirection hangs in the air for about a second, then shoots out waves of knives (more if charged) with an empty tunnel in the opponent's direction. IE, it'll miss at long range if the opponent just stands still or moves directly away from it because the spread is too much, but at close, it'll do close to 2,000 damage since every single knife will hit.

>> No.6918861

Anyone in the US hosting? come on I'm getting bored here.

>> No.6918881
File: 164 KB, 900x700, a1098af21584f240ee0c9f6423c37d89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6918898

GGs Kaali. I'll have to stop checking these threads when I'm planning to go to sleep since I know I can't resist joining and will end up playing for hours. And do idiotic mistakes while I'm at it. Failing to block that Nuclear Heat "Uncontrollable Dive" was clearly a sign that I need to get some sleep.

>> No.6918898

Heh, you're probably right.
I could use some sleep too, after all weekend vacations are usually meant for recovery and yet here I am playing Soku for hours when I need to leave tomorrow (today) again.

>> No.6918900
Quoted by: >>6918908 >>6918910
EU host

>> No.6918908
File: 27 KB, 200x194, 1280822876924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about that, EU games give me trouble. Any Americans hosting?...

>> No.6918910
Quoted by: >>6918913

Was incredibly laggy, tried to fix my connection.
Should be better now.

>> No.6918913
Quoted by: >>6918918 >>6918921

I'll give it another shot but I can't guarentee anything.

>> No.6918918

yea still getting terrible input lag.

>> No.6918921
Quoted by: >>6919215

Ok thanks for trying.

Still hosting.

>> No.6918968 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 302x218, 1293880882827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demand an opponent

>> No.6919182
File: 94 KB, 150x150, 1284954331623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still looking for a battle. us only please.

>> No.6919215
Quoted by: >>6919414

GGs aki, thanks for the games.
Sorry for all this lag, almost unbearable.
I still can't do a shit against your Sakuya (nor your Yukari, since I assume you were testing stuff)

I noticed you sometimes tried to use your alt 623 as the original (to punish dash or use Ran), guess it's just a bad habit.
It's a really interesting move, but you have to forget the awesome parasol spin.
Well, it's not like you don't know what I'm talking about.

>> No.6919238

any host in EU?

>> No.6919279
Quoted by: >>6919317 >>6919356

>> No.6919317
Quoted by: >>6919319

that was weird, it was good for like 20 seconds.

>> No.6919319
Quoted by: >>6919350

Yeah, not even lag or anything. It just went black

>> No.6919350
File: 31 KB, 277x256, 1283552494395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6919464

holy shit, I got owned.
looks like I need more practice. it'd be nice if there were more people playing this.

>> No.6919356
Quoted by: >>6919358

GGs to both of you. For some reason Soku keeps crashing all the time for me.

>> No.6919358

Just reinstall, its not like its hard to do.

>> No.6919368

I've noticed that every time I uninstall this, suddenly 20 new people start playing, and when I reinstall it, everybody leaves, even if I don't actually play. Seriously, I think I'm just cursed when it comes to this game.

>> No.6919414

GGs recupel, I wanted to try out a slighly more unorthodox playstyle with Yukari, but it didn't work out all that well, ahaha. Maybe with some more practice...

>I noticed you sometimes tried to use your alt 623 as the original (to punish dash or use Ran), guess it's just a bad habit.
Yeah, but in some cases I even forgot if I activated the skill or not. It happens with 236 too, 66B tombstone, not so good.

>> No.6919431
File: 44 KB, 800x533, 1287781146526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6919464

looking for a game

>> No.6919464
Quoted by: >>6919700

You might want to take a look at the IRC channel.

>> No.6919700
Quoted by: >>6919749

You mean the one on Rizon right?

>> No.6919749

#hisouten on rizon, yeah.

>> No.6919845 [DELETED] 


>> No.6920389
File: 23 KB, 450x450, 1288386309356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6920497

bump, grabbed this off hisouten channel thought you guys might be interested

1. Disable AV if necessary (utilizes keyboard hijacking to create AI)
2. Install C++ runtime 2010 if you havent already
3. Run AImanagerJP.exe
4. Choose an AI
5. click load AI
6. Choose untranslated hisoutensoku exe
7. do vs player
8. Set player 2 to a different profile and use different keys
9. Select character for your AI
10. Start game

I can confirm this works, its also open source and has a wiki.

not all AIs work. choose komachi if you want a real challenge.

>> No.6920497

Been around since the original hisouten. Didn't know they were still working on it.

>> No.6920852
Quoted by: >>6920955

Eastern Canada
Just got a better router so I can host now.
Scrub tier: port: 01800

>> No.6920955
Quoted by: >>6920976

>using internal IP

>> No.6920976
Quoted by: >>6921013

>>6920955 port: 01800
Implying specifically stating scrub tier doesn't give you a hint. Try again.

>> No.6921013

I think I found it try this one port: 01800

>> No.6922059


>> No.6922379 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6922386 >>6922388
US Midwest

>> No.6922386

Ah, sorry for that. Lag made It unplayable

>> No.6922388
Quoted by: >>6922393

You don't have torrents running do you? Not even EU players lag that bad.

Still hosting

>> No.6922393

Well, I AM from Central Europe.
But for some reason It has been weeks since I had good Soku connection. Dunno what's wrong

>> No.6922506
EU host

>> No.6922510

Sorry for the lag berserkmir, do you lag with everyone or just me?

>> No.6922539
Quoted by: >>6922623

Bumping for an opponent

>> No.6922623

GGs Duckator, sorry I couldn't play longer.
Your Sakuya is just a nightmare for me.

(Also, felt a bit laggy, not using it as an excuse for losing though)

>> No.6922629

Good games even though the delay was pretty high. It was like trying to play in molasses.

>> No.6922683
Quoted by: >>6922733 >>6922739
EU host

>> No.6922733
Quoted by: >>6922736

Had to leave.
GGs, your Sakuya was a great exemple of how I still have to improve.
(Guess Sakuya is my new nightmare in general)

>> No.6922736

Good games.
You knew how to BE so you aren't that bad.
But you were way too passive.

>> No.6922739


(I'll leave if it's too laggy, don't join my game again)

>> No.6923058
File: 502 KB, 1400x1000, udonge2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6923291 >>6923294 EU hosting <6 delay

>> No.6923291 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 451x442, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6923353


>> No.6923294
Quoted by: >>6923352

internet died, REhosting, allthough only for a few i have to go soon

>> No.6923338
File: 467 KB, 992x1400, efe2d7d0f45ef9b4a60e6d35f6b64bdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6923338 hosting
North Mexico

>> No.6923348
File: 252 KB, 933x320, remi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6923386 >>6923666 (US EST)

I dunno what tier I am tier.

>> No.6923352

GGs, you have a neat Aya.

>> No.6923353

GGs, input lagg is so high that i didn't get off a single tk j6a, but i have to go now

>> No.6923386
Quoted by: >>6923393


>> No.6923393

Oh. Rehosted.

>> No.6923407
File: 145 KB, 297x281, 1293858871309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6923407 (US East yo~)

These threads are pretty active when I'm not around.

Playing for a little bit.

>> No.6923628
Quoted by: >>6923652

GGs control, man that was fun. I'm starting to regret not hosting sooner.

Your tactics are pretty flowchart though, I take it you're pretty new? Or maybe that's what happens when someone reads me~
Much wider range of characters than me though, it was fun fighting your colorful cast.

Really wish I could play longer, but I'm pass my limit, GGs again~

>> No.6923652
Quoted by: >>6923663 >>6923669

I don't why a flowchart player such as yourself would bother pointing out flowchart play. GGs though.

>> No.6923663

>implying flowcharts are a bad thing

>> No.6923666

Hosting again. Cure my boredom.

>> No.6923669
Quoted by: >>6923691

Nothing wrong with flow charting it, join me my brother.

I was implying that i'm actually pretty flowchart myself, and that reading my moves will just make your playing look just as flowchart. Flowcharting isn't all that bad~

>> No.6923691
File: 50 KB, 200x256, 1278737118135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6923714 >>6923731

I don't believe anything in my post says it is a bad thing, I was just musing at your association of flowchart play and new player, considering you play flowchart and you aren't new.

>> No.6923714

>doesn't know the definition of muse

>> No.6923731

Ahhhhh, you would actually be correct.

I tend to think that players gaining experience around here would stray away from that kind of play. I was just associating the play style with my experience around here. They usually start out that way~

You win though, you got this one~

>> No.6926911
File: 47 KB, 491x688, 176c1c063516d6884d730a5e6ad1fe6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6927503

>> No.6927503
Quoted by: >>6927563

GGs Idler. That's enough for today, starting to get hungry as well.
You kind of crushed my morale for a few rounds there, when you decided to rape me with my own character.
Don't ask me about that last deck I used, I couldn't remember if I had made anything useful out of it.

On a different note, was the delay worse than usual?
Anyway, great session as always, looking forward to the next one.

>> No.6927563
File: 92 KB, 842x582, 1261183102927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Mungay. That was a fine way to start my day. Or rather, spend half of the day. I'm still not sure if calling forth those Typhoons is a good idea with Cirno but it seems to work pretty well for me most of the time.

>You kind of crushed my morale for a few rounds there, when you decided to rape me with my own character.
You're still a lot better than me with Komachi, I'm having hard time getting used to her style of play.

>On a different note, was the delay worse than usual?
I've been hearing that quite a bit lately but I don't really notice any difference.

>Anyway, great session as always, looking forward to the next one.
Likewise. It's great to have longer sessions like this, not many people would stay for 4 hours.

>> No.6927682
Quoted by: >>6927803

Anybody still wanna host? I'll play [US EAST]. I have no port forwarding though . . *camps*

>> No.6927803 [DELETED] 
File: 314 KB, 1024x768, 1282194566066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting for 15, 20 mins tops. >>6923407

If you join right away, give me time to set up some music~

>> No.6928045
File: 252 KB, 880x480, Soku cast spinning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6928283 >>6930196
US East
Drizzle tier. Might mix it up my super sub-par with Tenshi or Remilia (maybe)

>> No.6928061
File: 104 KB, 850x789, sample-5b2659263f8afbeea74af0b601b033f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody mind Hamachi, a mediocre Youmu, and a terrible everyone else?

server: PostTouhouOnV
pass: virgin
my name: Nyoron

Yeah, I know.

>> No.6928068

Oh, didn't notice somebody else had put up a host. Weird.

>> No.6928244
Quoted by: >>6928578 >>6928606
US Midwest

>> No.6928283 [DELETED] 

saved as

>> No.6928289
Quoted by: >>6928292

GGs Nyoron. They were pretty fun, though a bit laggy (6 delay...caster can't come fast enough).

>> No.6928292
File: 62 KB, 400x545, c6662e46a3ea0729c973afafe20895aa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6928333 >>6928370

GGs. I wish I was decent at anyone except for Youmu. Still, pretty fun stuff even when I didn't win as anyone else.

It was laggy? I didn't even notice. How can you tell?

>> No.6928333
Quoted by: >>6928342 >>6928370

I thought there were a few instances where an input seemed to come out late or not at all(In one instance, I was about a second late or so to block a bullet, yet the game shows that I blocked it). That could just me being paranoid about this game's netcode though.

>> No.6928342

Nah, you're probably right. The more likely case is that I haven't really played enough to be able to tell the difference between minor lag and no lag... I don't really know frame advantages or stuff like that, and half the time when I miss an input it's probably because I actually messed up the input, rather than the game dropped it.

>> No.6928370

All minor desyncs get dumped on the joiner's end while the hoster is unaffected. It's really retarded.
When something goes wrong in Caster, the response is "HOLD EVERYTHING PEOPLE, let's get this shit sorted out." When something goes wrong in Soku Net, its response is "Whatever, that dude will catch up later."

>> No.6928417
Quoted by: >>6928756 >>6929386

What happened to the stats guy? What does the tier list look like now?

>> No.6928578

ggs, thanks for the matches etc.

>> No.6928606

Good games yomi. I like your name, it's clever.

>> No.6928655 [DELETED] EU

>> No.6928658 [DELETED]

>> No.6928666

>> No.6928756

He quit SWR2 so he no longer makes them.

>> No.6929016
Quoted by: >>6929400 West Coast

>> No.6929115

I'm tired, good games.
You should learn some Sakuya combos and some card usage. All your combos were below 2000 damage.
which is pathetic
But you were trying I suppose.

>> No.6929386
File: 35 KB, 1185x820, TABLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to copy it so here you go. Made with data from today.

>> No.6929400

that yukari is fast, I couldn't know what to do when tempest weather appeared lol

something interesting will happen if you run tengu fans in a deck...

really good games

>> No.6929491
Quoted by: >>6929539 >>6929580

>Aya in 4th

How the hell did this happen?

>> No.6929527
Quoted by: >>6929547

Sanae all the way down there? What?

>> No.6929539

Same reason Alice is mid. They're both highly technical characters that see very little use, so you end up with a higher average skill in those the people playing those characters and other people have comparatively little experience against them.

>> No.6929547

Why does that come as a surprise? Sanae was and always will be bad until patches happen.

>> No.6929555

How did Patchy drop so low?

>> No.6929559
Quoted by: >>6929581 >>6929607

It's not a tier chart, you asshats. It's a usage and record chart.

>> No.6929580

Aya seems to attract a lot of real good players. She lacks damage but if you can control her movement well, you can make up for it.

>> No.6929581
Quoted by: >>6929616 >>6929650

Rephrase, then: why is the average Patchouli and Sanae rating so low?

>> No.6929607

It's not really accurate because the best players don't like getting recorded and there are too few players overall(500 for every character would make it much more accurate) but usage doesn't have such a big factor in it since it's top 10.

>> No.6929616
Quoted by: >>6929776

Because the top Tenco and Patchy and Sanae players aren't that good?
Tenco keeps ratings of people based on their records with each character. That chart shows the average rating of the top ten players with each character for the month. That's all this is. See how Cirno's upper limit stretches so far out? That means the fifth best ranked player in February so far is some guy using a Cirno.
Furthermore, it's for February, which has been seven days long. This is not exactly statistically rigorous.

>> No.6929639

Something fun for you all to check out. http://www44.atwiki.jp/sokuplus/
Some sort of mod for Soku.

>> No.6929650

Because Patchy and Sanae have always been horrible. If you look at the matchup chart, you can see that Patchy is pretty high. She's incredibly easy to use but sucks in high level play.

>> No.6929680
Quoted by: >>6929763

An unofficial Soku patch for high-level play? Reminds me of a certain other "fighter".

I have to try this.

>> No.6929698
File: 15 KB, 467x396, 1286771586236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone hosting?

>> No.6929763
Quoted by: >>6929783 >>6929788

Also this may sound stupid but it has what's essentially FADC (6DD/4DD cancels an attack for 2 cards and a whiffed one for 3). Also O-bombs are back and stuff like that. If it was incomplete, it'd be interesting to see everyone switch over for a few weeks and try it out.

>> No.6929776

Tenco doesn't reset the rating every month. It's updated every day. I just don't plan on doing more than one per month.

>> No.6929783
Quoted by: >>6929810

I always liked the idea to crush your own orbs to do an offensive dash cancel. Like a border escape. This works too I guess.

>> No.6929788
Quoted by: >>6929829

Doesn't Youmu's card do that?

>> No.6929810

Never thought about it but this is almost exactly like AH3's homing cancel. CANCEL EVERYTHING INTO EVERYTHING.

>> No.6929816
Quoted by: >>6929873

how to install this new soko??

>> No.6929829
Quoted by: >>6929839

Do you really want to put a card in your deck to have a 1/20 chance to cancel an attack that could be canceled into bullets or specials anyway and waste all your orbs on it?
That card sucks.

>> No.6929839
Quoted by: >>6929864

Can't you cancel out of bullets and specials also?

>> No.6929864
Quoted by: >>6929872

It doesn't cancel from specials. So if you don't have a useful special and you are able to put on some good pressure with no orbs and 5(?) seconds without regeneration, go for it.

>> No.6929872

Oh, that blows.

I'll try it anyway.

>> No.6929873

Just drag the .dlls and .ini file into your soku folder and start up th123(e).exe. If you already have SWRSToys, then don't copy over the zip's .ini and just add the line "SokuPlus=SokuPlus.dll" in your SWRSToys.ini file (preferably, have it be the first module loaded) and

>> No.6929995
File: 163 KB, 800x775, 1276090067081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6930034

FUCK YES. Marisa's lazer is back.
I love this so much already. This is like the thing I wanted most.

>> No.6930034
Quoted by: >>6930070 >>6930517

Don't forget to check out her j.1a. Hitbox is somewhat weird but word from #hisouten is that she can combo after DP with it.

>> No.6930070

And 5AAA 5B IAD j.5A is a tight blockstring. This is some crazy shit.

>> No.6930074
Quoted by: >>6930109

I'm not so sure about this.... should I be getting this....?

>> No.6930109

It's like every bullshit decision from SWR and 1.10 reversed plus great system changes. And every character has about 5 new moves now.
Though I'm not sure how the balance will look like. It's just ver 0.11 so there's work to do.
Protip: Make a copy of your 12.3 folder and try it.

>> No.6930124
Quoted by: >>6930544 >>6930668

>great system changes

>> No.6930146
File: 68 KB, 500x500, bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya's damage is still shit. And they could have at least got her 22 back.

>> No.6930196
File: 427 KB, 1440x2000, 51ac39e86d356ff1b94dbe851d1cba9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rehosting. Trying out Soku+ 0.11b.

>> No.6930247

Any regular hosts?

>> No.6930517
Quoted by: >>6930572

Is most of #hisouten playing the new mod?

>> No.6930518
Quoted by: >>6930526


>> No.6930526
File: 90 KB, 432x728, Hong Meiling&#44; the name is Hong Meiling!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6930565


>> No.6930544

How the fuck?

>> No.6930558

bailey is a girl's name

>> No.6930565
File: 221 KB, 836x1051, Iku4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6930587

Are you frustrated Guy?

>> No.6930572

A good amount of them, yes. Seems a year of no patches has left them hungry for something that changes the game. Can't tell if they'll stick with it though.

>> No.6930587

Oh come on, I haven't posted that in forever! Your memory is bloody superb.

This new Soku thing might pique my interest. Maybe I'll take it a look at it, see what they did to Suika.

>> No.6930668
Quoted by: >>6930761

Gee, I wish they had some sort of English list of the changes. I'd like to try them all out but Google translate is butchering the sokuplus wiki.

I'm feeling the changes they've made so far though. I'm really looking forward to this.

>> No.6930741
Quoted by: >>6930750


I'm liking some of the Reimu changes so far, especially those new needles. I already love the game, seems like something nice to try that doesn't change it too much, but enough to make a difference.

>> No.6930750


Then I saw the Youkai Buster change...I guess I didn't like them all. Being able to chain them together was nice, but oh well.

>> No.6930761
Quoted by: >>6930861 >>6930890

Here's a short list of some of the changes Soku+ has made to the game: http://hisouten.wordpress.com/2011/02/07/sokuplus/

Supposedly, the entire changelog will be translated sometime soon.

My overall favorite add-on to the game so far has to be Yukari's 1A; hilariously powerful hitbox on that. Oh and let's not forget EX Reimu and EX Remilia modes.

>> No.6930762
File: 136 KB, 400x567, 1204298335695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6930800 >>6930926

hosting wc, about mid

>> No.6930800

Sorry, I got the wrong profile.

>> No.6930808
Quoted by: >>6930902 >>6930906

hosting soku+ (US EST)

>> No.6930861

Thank you kind sir. That list is sick, I can't wait to see what they'll add next~

>> No.6930871

So Marisa's j1a doesn't work online for some reason. A bit strange.

>> No.6930890

I'm pretty new to this game and already there's a fuckton of new things I have to learn after already playing around with other chars.


>> No.6930902
Quoted by: >>6930922


Good games, you're too good for me, but I had fun. I need to get some technical skill, I'm pretty sloppy when it comes to that.

>> No.6930906
Quoted by: >>6930912

Good games, your Youmu was pretty good but can use some polishing.


>> No.6930912


The strange thing is I don't use Youmu as much, normally I've always done better with Sakuya. Maybe I'm experiencing main shifting again.

>> No.6930922

nameless is too good for everybody, there's a reason he's one of the top ranked Iku's. ;_;

>> No.6930925
File: 221 KB, 500x760, 1294383620667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6931061 >>6932498

>>6923407 (US East yo~)


Dem 2B shards man, Dem 2B shards.

>> No.6930926

Enough of that. Thanks for the first half of the games.

>> No.6930952
File: 118 KB, 1092x714, Soku Plus Failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6930964

I hate to ask y'all for tech support, but I can't get soku+ working. Can anybody tell what I'm doing wrong?

I get
>th123.exe - Application Error
>The application failed to initialize properly (0x0434f4d). Click OK to terminate the application.
if tell it to stop looking for answers and:
>th123 error
>Could not get thread context
if I don't.

>> No.6930964
Quoted by: >>6930985

Do you have Windows .net framework 4.0 installed?

>> No.6930985

It seems like that's the problem. I don't know why I thought I had it installed; thanks for putting up with my stupidity. Installing now.

>> No.6931061
Quoted by: >>6931064


Those were some nice games, but I'm done for now. I need to learn to stop playing like ass after winning a match. Dat Youmu knee though. I really need to look into it, I love that thing.

>> No.6931063

GGs Luna. That felt absolutely amazing. They really are thinking things through with this Soku+ nessness. It feels amazing, it was even cool fighting the new changes on your characters.

Thanks for the games, but I think I'm going to call it a night soon. So much school tomorrow~

>> No.6931064
Quoted by: >>6931080

Yes, Yes, YES. Youmu Knee is the cutest most amazing thing ever.

>> No.6931080


Actually, when I saw that Youmu knee, I was reminded of Captain Falcon for some reason. I don't know why. Perhaps we can get a Youmu Punch somehow?

>> No.6931084
File: 571 KB, 640x480, lolyuyuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6931228

Man, Soku+, I don't even.

>> No.6931099

So, whats the verdict on Soku+?

>> No.6931107
File: 325 KB, 800x1125, How will I ever finish this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having fun with Suika so far. Overall, the game feels like it moves at a faster pace, which I also like.

>> No.6931132
File: 77 KB, 646x506, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6931318

Oh crap I installed Soku+ and now my profile card list is broken.

>> No.6931133
Quoted by: >>6931152


It's pretty nice. The new moves are probably the best changes I'd say. Youmu knee is a nice melee move with good range, Marisa air broom smack easily combos into the different Master Sparks and other spellcards, Reimu needles are nice for pressuring a blocking enemy, and there are more I probably haven't seen. I don't really have a use for Sakuya 3C time knives, but that's nice too. Try it, but make sure to copy your Soku folder if you do so that you can play normal Soku if you want, or if you're about to play someone with it.

>> No.6931149

Soku+ needs a bit more nerfing and I'll be happy. Giving Yuyuko another broken melee? Good job. Well, I love what they did with Komachi, she's less frustrating now without every single whiff having a 15 year punish window. 2B and so much else is actually useful now.

>> No.6931152
Quoted by: >>6931161 >>6931164

Do you have to go about unlocking the new cards? I installed the thing and only noticing how some moves are sped up.

>> No.6931161

Also, instant air dash. I like.

>> No.6931164


I don't know if there are any new cards. I haven't checked. Apparently there are but I don't know what they are or how to get them. I've mostly just been trying the new non-spellcard moves.

>> No.6931185
Quoted by: >>6931205 >>6932594

What's EX? Like EX Reimu.

>> No.6931203

It's interesting, even if my character doesn't have too many changes.

>> No.6931205
Quoted by: >>6931366 >>6932594

EX Reimu has a slightly altered moveset. Haven't played with her much, but 3A can't be charged, she doesn't have the needles, and her j5a doesn't stick out as long.

Also, for some reason, when I choose Marisa, she will randomly turn greyish and will have infinite cards. I don't know why this happens, but it's useful for RC/bomb combos. Anybody have any input on this?

>> No.6931228
File: 24 KB, 100x138, 1285543372850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6931318
File: 6 KB, 248x142, WTF error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6932593


Uh... now I'm getting this and a black screen on start up. WTF?

>> No.6931366
Quoted by: >>6931446

Okay, so I figured out you can get black/gold characters by holding 1D/3D while the game is loading. 1D for black characters, 3D for gold characters.

>> No.6931446
File: 2.15 MB, 320x240, th123 2011-02-08 11-04-48-21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6932113

Well, this is silly.

>> No.6931853
File: 112 KB, 640x480, subsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6932093

Oh baby.

>> No.6931909

You can actually continue 100% limit combos by doing a force cancel. I don't think this is intended.

>> No.6932093


That's just silly right there. Sheesh. Also, I didn't notice how great Sakuya's j.2a was for spellcard combos. Reimu+ j.2a is pretty much the same thing as Sakuya's except with better horizontal range. j.2a-j.2a-623B/C is a nice combo now.

>> No.6932113
File: 162 KB, 450x338, nicecomboag6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6932161

>214B 214B 214B 214B 214B...

>> No.6932147
Quoted by: >>6932152 >>6932159

So black gives infinite cards and free Romans, and Gold gives a speed increase?

I wonder if gold will be accepted in regular play, I'm loving this speed boost.

Willing to host Soku+ for US East in 10-15 mins. I have to get dressed for class.

>> No.6932148
Quoted by: >>6932179

China's 5[B] 6C 236B is tight and drains 4,3 orbs. This is not a mod for BE-impaired people.

>> No.6932152

Well not FOR US east, I am US east.

>> No.6932159

You can only take the black/gold characters if the other player does so too.

>> No.6932161
Quoted by: >>6932175


It's only for gold Youmu though, so I don't know if it'll really have any use. Also, good news for Youmu fans that don't already know this. Youmu knee is air unblockable.

>> No.6932175
Quoted by: >>6932194

But her last rekka hit is still airblockable. Fuck that, I'll take the alt for easy 3100 midscreen.

>> No.6932179


BE impaired? I never use it in the first place and I did okay against the first two guys I went against, although they were still better than me by quite a bit. I can't win unless I have all my orbs. I just need to improve my offense.

>> No.6932194
Quoted by: >>6932258


Which alt are you talking about? Also, unairblockable knee is pretty big to me considering you can do it from a dash. Sure, 66c can also but I never really liked it too much.

>> No.6932205
Quoted by: >>6932232 >>6932241

I'm not seeing any visible changes, after unzipping everything and dropping it all in a copied-over Hisoutensoku folder... Any idea what I've done wrong?

>> No.6932232


Do you have Windows .net framework 4.0 installed? If not, that's the problem. The title at the top should change if it works.

>> No.6932241
File: 448 KB, 1920x1200, Soku+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6932261 >>6932329

Is your window stilled labeled as so?

This is how I tell, normally it would say Touhou Hisoutensoku V1.10 and other gibberish about English

>> No.6932258
Quoted by: >>6932286

I'm talking about Youmu's default 214. You can just chickenblock and punish the last hit.

>> No.6932261
Quoted by: >>6932275


>> No.6932275
Quoted by: >>6932291


>> No.6932286
Quoted by: >>6932300


I see. I was wondering which alt you were going to replace it with though. I can't think of any that lead to an easy 3100 for Youmu except Heat Carving Cut, and that's only counting spellcards.

>> No.6932291


>> No.6932300


Wait never mind, I saw AAAA-623C HCC do 3000. Holy shit.

>> No.6932316

Komachi SO GOOD now. Everything's faster, antiair 2B is back, 3A much faster, unlimited 5C whisps, j.2A into j.2C is tight again, 2C almost instant, coins combos into HJC coins.
Her 623 and j.6A weren't changed back though. What a shame.

>> No.6932329
Quoted by: >>6932343 >>6932350

Yeah, it's got the different title... I guess I just haven't noticed any changes.

What's an easy way to confirm in-game changes? Does everything work in Arcade mode?

>> No.6932343

Youmu wasn't changed much but she profits a lot from the system changes. Just try if 5AAA 623C 6DD 5AAA works.

>> No.6932350
Quoted by: >>6932362


Press 1A on the ground with Youmu. Then you'll be able to tell easily.

>> No.6932362
File: 12 KB, 200x137, sokuplus[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6932417

Aha, excellent. Thanks much.

>> No.6932417
File: 272 KB, 1279x473, mastersparkeasycombo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, some characters should have new moves, so that's the best way to check. 1 and 3 A and C on the ground and in the air are the best bets for checking, I haven't noticed any new B moves. This is easily my favorite change though.

>> No.6932460
File: 131 KB, 400x400, 1282139015851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6932761 EU

Trying out soku+. Looks like Reisen is back in style.

>> No.6932498
File: 32 KB, 344x205, 1286172067549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok.... I think I'm ready to host....
>>6930925 (US East yo~)


Dat 236C man. Dat 236C.

>> No.6932508 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6932523 >>6932536

So there are gonna be tourneyfags now in this game?
That's too bad....I've always liked this game....

>> No.6932523


They were always here. Now they're just going to kick our ass harder...Maybe. Some of these new moves helped me get what I needed to destroy some enemies. Well, besides skill. The changes aren't too drastic and it's just a relatively small change to an excellent game I think.

>> No.6932536

What!? Stop over reacting. Most people aren't playing this for balance or something like that like what Brawl community did with Brawl+ (Whether balance is the intention of the Soku+ team or not, I don't know). Most are just playing it as it's something different and gives a new feel to Soku and the characters many have been playing for months.

>> No.6932582

Also is it just me or have my connections been better when playing Soku Plus? Normally I have lag out the ass when I play even against players near me, but lately I barely noticed any, at all.

>> No.6932593

I was having that error too, but then I ran th123.exe with Applocale and that seemed to fix it. The window name was still in mojibake, though, for whatever reason.
Another weird thing is that the BGM changer doesn't appear to work at all. Bummer.

By the way, OH FUCKING WOW at instant kill Subterranean Sun (even the little bullets). I wonder if that was intended (maybe the creators were THAT bad on that card in SA?).

>> No.6932594

EX Reimu is also under Sunny effects the entire time

>> No.6932724

As a mashkuu player, things seem the same to me.

I suspect the only difference to me is I am going to be dominated harder in netplay than I already am.

>> No.6932761
Quoted by: >>6932849

GGs Idler. Gotta get some food.
I still hesitate on those cancels. 2 cards is a high price but it's nice for unsafe moves. Damn 7 delay.

>> No.6932800
File: 1.42 MB, 1154x1452, 1291222760014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck Eli that was fucking amazing. I am totally in love with this patch. Your new fucking Marisa combos are cute as fuck. You had me screaming at the top of my lungs when you pulled them off!

God I'm actually a bit pass my limit, I needed to leave around 10 mins ago for class. Best believe I'll be hosting a lot more.... in 10 hours. Fuck Tuesdays.

>> No.6932802

GGs Renee. It's pretty frustrating fighting someone 154 times and still not being able to anticipate what they're going to do and fall for the same tricks/gimmicks you did months ago. Frustration aside, you've seemed to adjust to this Soku+ pretty quickly. Some use of those "FADC"s were pretty clever and took me by surprise.

>> No.6932849
File: 418 KB, 1351x2000, d67ee787e80baec004b9596e3259fecc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6932880

GGs. I'm not sure how I feel about this mod but at least it brings something new to the table. Can't really complain with all those Cirno buffs either. That Youmu 1A will take some time to get used to though, I haven't even noticed that I tend to input 2A as 1A before now.

>> No.6932880
Quoted by: >>6932972

Cirno looks fine. Her 6B is scary as hell. Most chars got a way to do airtight blockstrings now.

I crammed 4 bombs in every deck as you may have noticed. I'd use them even if it wasn't for the reversal effect. And it's been a long time since I last tried to IAD. More than half of them failed.

Oh and my favorite combo is 6C into final spark

>> No.6932972
File: 624 KB, 1058x1411, 767e0842b3b1e0512468e2186f3d4944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6932985

Aside from the 6B buff, Cirno's 236 now comes out ridiculously fast, her 4card screen freezing spell has 1000 more damage, Icicle Sword bounces the opponent from the ground allowing extra combos (including into itself), Ice Kick does 3400 damage (up from 1700) on its own on max level and a lot of other buffs as well. I'm not yet sure how useful her new default 214 is but it seems sort of interesting.

>> No.6932985
Quoted by: >>6933067


>Ice Kick does 3400 damage

What? Okay, that's just ridiculous. Then again, I have no idea how hard it is to land, so I may not be able to say much on that. With all these new changes I really hope Sakuya doesn't get left in the dust. It seems as if she didn't really gain much outside of two moves, and I can't find any reason to use them.

>> No.6933067
File: 262 KB, 768x1024, 1d2f0c31dfe3bffce7de7311fc7ce514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting all 6 hits from Ice Kick is pretty rare and it doesn't have many combo opportunities, so most of the time it was a random sub-1000 damage hit. Even though it is a graze attack, considering the awkward angle, there was really no reason to use Ice Kick instead of the versatile Ice Charge. Now with double damage there might actually be some use for it.

It's pretty amusing that it does now more damage on MAX than the spellcard version (2700), although you can use the spell to add more hits to it.

>> No.6933316
Quoted by: >>6933522 >>6934346

Trying Soku+
US Midwest

>> No.6933402
New to this game and already I have to adjust to a new patch. Oh well, come on in and destroy me for a bit.

>> No.6933522
Quoted by: >>6933527 >>6933584


You're too good. Still, it was quite fun. I got some weird error on one match that said something about Aya during one Reimu Yukari match, dunno exactly what it was though.

>> No.6933527
File: 11 KB, 764x133, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got something like that while spectating you two.

>> No.6933532

Anyone else willing to host?

>> No.6933534
Quoted by: >>6933684 >>6933685

coming out of my soku retirement to give this + shit a try, first time so yeah... rusty but otherwise about low mid wc +

>> No.6933553 hosting soku+
North Mexico
Testing new Sanae's MoonWalk

>> No.6933563
File: 118 KB, 850x739, flying citrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6933582

Good games, you're not that bad for a new player. That lag was pretty bad, though.

Apparently not all 5card round 3 finishes get the Hokuto no Ken music, though. At least massacre did, I suppose!

>> No.6933566

Whew, too strong for me.
I'll need to practice my patchy a bit more as well. you almost perfect'd me a bunch of times with your Tenshi.

GG's orange

>> No.6933582

Heh, thanks. I'll try and get better at this too. at least my Meling got a few round points here and there. I really need to stop mashing my buttons for spell cards though. It was really annoying leveling up a move then accidentally activating a spell.

There's a bunch of other things I need to work on, but that was the most embarrassing for me.

>> No.6933584
Quoted by: >>6933605

Good games. I didn't get any error like that but it seemed like we desynced that game. You should stop throwing out 66Cs and DPs for no reason, it's really hurting your game.

>> No.6933605
Quoted by: >>6933663


Which DP was it? I can understand the 66C since I tend to do that with Sakuya, but I don't know the other character since I normally don't throw out the other type of move often except with Sanae. That j.1A hurt my Marisa a lot though, I'm still getting used to how good it is.

>> No.6933663
Quoted by: >>6933674

>Which DP was it?
Youmu's mostly and I think you whiffed Reimu's a few times too and you were doing 66C a lot with Reimu and Aya .

>> No.6933674


I see. I kind of forget about using it with Youmu most of the time, which is strange. As for Aya 66c I have no idea how to play her anyways so it's not that big a deal to me.

>> No.6933684

ggs rabbit, was nice to practice my youmu a bit. this new patch is interesting, but i'm not sure how to apply offensive bombs or the cancel much at all. you seemed to just play normally without bothering with any of it.

rehosting, probably not for too long.

>> No.6933685
Quoted by: >>6933695 >>6933721

Good games Ai! I noticed you were able to do some sort of card cancel across your characters that I couldn't figure out how to do it myself. I'm finding Youmu's knee attack is useful for punishing and it has some cool combo possibilities, however it replaces her old low poke which I need for pressuring. I'm also liking the sort of instant air dashes although I can't always get them off cleanly.

>> No.6933687
Quoted by: >>6933701


Canada Central.

>> No.6933695

think of it like a reverse border escape. just do 6dd after a block (2 cards) or whiff (3 cards). that's how i was doing it at least, didn't get me too far though, but i couldn't really keep you in a corner long enough to try anything fancy anyways

>> No.6933701 [DELETED] 

doesn't work for me... are you soku+ or normal? i'm rehosting now on + if you want to join, ip is above.

>> No.6933721
Quoted by: >>6933768 >>6934082

also i never did understand the 'instant air dash'. i hear only aya has it in non-plus, but playing her it seemed like any other air dash. maybe i just can't notice it, but what's the difference now from before?

>> No.6933768
Quoted by: >>6934082

Noone has it in soku. You can't immediately dash after jumping. The time or height has been reduced in soku+. Combined with a dash that goes downward like Komachi, you can do stuff like 5B HJC9 66 j.5A (land) 5A.

>> No.6933872

Rehosting for a bit.

>> No.6934082
Quoted by: >>6934243


What I'm trying to describe is a hjc into a forward or backdash. Input 196 or 374. It lets Youmu air dash about her character height off the ground.

>> No.6934100
File: 154 KB, 640x480, lolyoumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6934109 >>6934124

5aaa 623c 6dd 5aaa 623c 6dd 5aaa 6a 6c o-bomb 623b

>> No.6934109

Great. I can't wait for you guys to get sick of Soku+

>> No.6934124
Quoted by: >>6934129

That one does just barely over 4k for me. Wut?

>> No.6934129
Quoted by: >>6934168

623 at max level + control rods + hail weather

Just having fun.

>> No.6934132

Sheesh, I don't play for 1-2 days and... Soku+.
How long will you play it anyway?
Is it generally accepted?

>> No.6934139

Anything is better than vanilla soku so yes

>> No.6934159
Quoted by: >>6934180

Looks great so far. The whole game got faster with more options and the balance is already better than 1.10 in my opinion. Just at first sight.
Most people are still trying it out.

>> No.6934164
Quoted by: >>6934180


You should be able to find matches. It's mostly just a way to add replay value through new moves and combos for me, although some are looking into it for balance or more competitiveness.

>> No.6934168

Don't do that. You will scare away the players. With that setup, a simple 5AAA 5card would do more damage.

>> No.6934180
Quoted by: >>6934208 >>6934219

Thanks for not-trolling answers.
Guess I'll have to give it a try.
I don't mind adding new mechanics, but this dash cancel, costing cards? Wouldn't it be better to work as an offensive BE?

>> No.6934193
File: 137 KB, 641x534, bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking over list of Soku+ changes
>623B/C Veils like Water autoblock startup decreased, recovery decreased along with 214 B/C alt Dragon God’s Lightning Flash and default 236 drill.
>6C -> Narrow Spark -> Master Spark combo is once again valid.
>Alt 236B/C Butterfly Lance speed increased.
>Flesh Dismantler is now a graze attack.
>Border Sign “Quadruple Barrier” is now a reversal.

Oh my goodness

>> No.6934208
Quoted by: >>6934256

The card cancel means you aren't vulnerable when otherwise you would be. If it didn't cost cards then I'd use it to spam dragonpunches all day.

>> No.6934219
Quoted by: >>6934256

If it took orbs instad of cards it would be far too spammable. The orb regeneration has been increased and shifted more to the attacker side so it's more momentum-based. In normal soku, you'd run out of orbs before the opponent in some situations.

>> No.6934240
Quoted by: >>6934250

Soku+ Alice related question.
Dial-A "Artful Sacrifice" "Return Inanimate"
Valid again?

>> No.6934243

any kind of shortcut or advice for doing it on a dpad? i can't do it fast enough :/

>> No.6934250
File: 157 KB, 640x480, artfulsacrificereturninanimate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6934265


>> No.6934256

And what if it breaks you an orb like a BE?
(Don't know, just asking)
Imo it wouldn't be overused, since it puts you in a difficult situation (even more defensively since the drain spirit buff)

>> No.6934265

Thanks god (and you for confirming it (still can't try it myself for now))

I missed this silly looking combo.

>> No.6934346
Quoted by: >>6934645 >>6934655

Rehosting. Still Soku+

>> No.6934479

images 62 posts 300

>> No.6934611
Quoted by: >>6934624

The new thread should consider putting Soku+ wiki into it's OP.

God damn it Rabbit, you better still be around. I just spent 5 hours in school thinking of what I'd be like to soku+ that ass.

>> No.6934616

new thread:

>> No.6934624

Lucky for you, I'm still here. Camping new thread.

>> No.6934645

Good games, Duck+, I had fun. Looks like my gunpowder dolls aren't hardcore enough (also Okuu getting perfected all day.)

First soku+ netplay game; felt mostly the same to me, but that's because I guess all I do is mash all game. Is it just me, or do Sakuya's crazy knives persist on hit?

>> No.6934655
Quoted by: >>6934661

Good games. O-bombs are amazing aren't they? Just putting those back in has made this game twice as fun. Also, it looks like you can't pick black/gold characters in netplay which is kind of disappointing. Maybe it would work if both players picked it.

>> No.6934661

Yeah, besides extending combos, I constantly got caught just by ground level bombs because I figured, "okay, well, I blocked it time to go on the offensive."

I read somewhere (in this thread?) that both players have to pick for it to work. There would be... balance issues.
