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File: 45 KB, 492x320, 2-shoes-lg--gt_full_width_landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6772308 No.6772308 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>6772348

Do you wear shoes in the house?

What kind of filthy faggot wears shoes indoors?

>> No.6772319

I usually don't even bother to put my shoes on because I have nowhere to go to. But when I do, I generally keep them on. I only dress and undress myself once on a day, fucking wap.

>> No.6772317


>> No.6772320
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 1294433359470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6772330

I wear socks because Tatami mats are expensive

>> No.6772333

>Son, why do you walk around the house in your socks?
>To absorb the dirt you track all over the place.

>> No.6772337

I wear slippers. I have one pair for inside and one pair for outside. If it's too warm for slippers I wear sandals. The reason for two pairs of slippers is because I walk over clothes that I wear while I'm in my room, so I don't want to walk over them with dirty slippers. I also wear socks with my slippers because otherwise they start to smell strongly of feet.

>> No.6772348


I don't see what's the problem.

>> No.6772352

Spring - socks
Summer - bare feet
Fall - socks
Winter - slippers

>> No.6772366

I don't wear shoes in the house because I don't put them on in the first place. And if I happen to need to wear shoes, I take them off as soon as I can because they're less comfortable than slippers

>> No.6772370

Socks and slippers always, like a true gentleman. If I had a smoking jacket, I would wear that too.

>> No.6772372

Socks or bare feet!

>> No.6772373

Of course not, it's not good at all.

I wear only socks or my dog slippers if it's too cold.

>> No.6772392
File: 40 KB, 682x400, 1294433318517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6772418 >>6772426

people with marble floors

shoes aren't normally dirty at all, it's just psychological pig disgusting dishonorable shit

>> No.6772404

I'm wearing shoes right now.

>> No.6772418

Being covered in shit is usually dishonorable. Sucks to be under the delusion the streets being clean and not full of dried dog poo ans hobo pukes mixted with rapist sperm.

>> No.6772414

If you claim to wear shoes indoors to "keep your feet clean", just how filthy is your house?

>> No.6772421
Quoted by: >>6772451

Shoes are dirty if you ever go outside.
Most people don't wear shoes indoors.

It's not weeaboo at all.

>> No.6772426
Quoted by: >>6772454

Well, my shoes aren't, but these people apparantly carry shit and mud on their shoes all the time.

>> No.6772451

Unless you sanitize your kitchen floor every day, it's dirtier than the average sidewalk.


>> No.6772454

Protip: OUTSIDE is full of dirt. You. Step in it inevitably of wherever you go unless you're some kinda germophobiac who cleans the toilet seat with vodka before daring to sit down.

>> No.6772460

I've heard that quite few countires actually take off their shoes.

>> No.6772464
File: 112 KB, 1000x1000, 1277379123256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind of faggot that has un-insulated floors and a cold draft blowing in under the door.

>> No.6772470
Quoted by: >>6772497 >>6772543

Of course americans dont take off their footwear in the house. They are like 400 pounds so bending over is somthing they can only do once a day without killing themselves.

>> No.6772495

I wear slippers inside the house, as the streets are really dirty, even if there is there nothing visible under your shoes but white dirt, there can still be bacterias or even viruses. Walking with shoes inside the house is disgusting, I don't know why only asians are into the habit of removing them before entering their house as a whole.

>> No.6772497
Quoted by: >>6772550

>Implying I'm not 140 lbs and work out 3 times a week.

>> No.6772511
Quoted by: >>6772517

I wear shoes inside, I just don't care. And I have a cat that goes in and out and there's nothing I can do about that.

>> No.6772517
Quoted by: >>6772524

Most people tell their cats to take a bath

>> No.6772529
Quoted by: >>6772538

Are there no asians at all in this thread? Even fucking Indians count here.

>> No.6772524


If you can train your cat to bathe itself right before it comes in the house then that's fantastic

>> No.6772538

Asian here. No, I don't wear shoes indoors. It's PIG DISGUSTING filthy.

I also don't like shoes all that much, and wear flip-flops outside.

>> No.6772543
File: 168 KB, 1200x1200, 1290228499248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I lol'd.

>> No.6772549
File: 3 KB, 409x259, 1284754125858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take my shoes off at the door but I'm the only person in this house who does.

Pic related, it's my face when I step on a wet floor, especially in the winter when it's ice cold water.

>> No.6772550

I think you just got unskilfully trolled, friend.

How does it feel?

>> No.6772561
Quoted by: >>6772621

Lol, asians worried about a little dirt when they smell like shit and have horrible table manners.

>> No.6772571

Most countries don't do this shit, stop being a bunch of pathetic weeaboos.

Kill yourselves.

>> No.6772573

I never wear shoes inside. I live alone, so if I track dirt inside it will stay there until I clean it. Which is never. So I get ahead of this situation by keeping my shoes by the door.

>> No.6772574

I live in Estonia, Europe, and EVERYONE take their shoes off, IT'S JUST LIKE JAPAN LOL

>> No.6772578
Quoted by: >>6772598

>most countries

>> No.6772584
Quoted by: >>6772598


I've been in a number of households where this is the case in the US. It is also like this in my home as well.

I have encountered many examples of the opposite as well. It goes either way.

>> No.6772587
Quoted by: >>6772598

Sanitary behaviou= weeaboo.

Ok I see

>> No.6772598
File: 3 KB, 167x225, 1289248671747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6772600 >>6772609


>> No.6772600
Quoted by: >>6772641 >>6772661


That's a cute little drawing, Anon.

>> No.6772609
Quoted by: >>6772641 >>6772661

You are right, we are gaians. It is our nature to act like gaians.

>> No.6772621
Quoted by: >>6772641 >>6772661


Fat Americans neckbeard virgin nerds crawling around in their own shit while playing WoW and eating a pizza detected. Do you also wear diapers to never have to get out of your chair ?

>> No.6772628

Did you know
There's more bacteria on the average doorknob than on the floors of the parts of the America that wear shoes indoors?

>> No.6772632

Asian reporting in.

Marble floors and carpets, house slippers and socks, no filthy shoes in the house allowed.

Marble feels good man(especially in the summer).

>> No.6772641 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6772657


I'm a faggot who doesn't wear shows inside because that's what people do in anime, look how Japanese i am ^_^

>> No.6772647

Babies crawl on the ground then put their hands in their mouth. The soil has to be perfectly clean.

>> No.6772658

Asians are so worried about germs and bacteria, it's hilarious.

>> No.6772657

Every asian country does it, not only Japan. And many people in Europe and apparently even some in the USA do it too, try some more nerd.

>> No.6772652

ITT the US vs the civilized world.

>> No.6772654

Fucking americans and their filthy carpets. I have wood and stone floors.

>> No.6772661
Quoted by: >>6772699


I'm a faggot who doesn't wear shoes inside because that's what people do in anime, look how Japanese i am ^_^

>> No.6772669
Quoted by: >>6772684

I don't take off my shoes, because we BRUSH THEM OFF on the doormat before going inside.

Stupid slanties.

>> No.6772684
Quoted by: >>6772696

If you walk on a condom full of semen, after walking for a while, the semen will go off till there is nothing visible anymore. But the viruses will still be there, does your doormat brushes viruses away too?

>> No.6772696
Quoted by: >>6772708 >>6772839


You probably also believe in shit germs floating in the air after you took a shit, don't you?

>> No.6772699
Quoted by: >>6772712

I saw what you wrote. You wrote shows instead of shoes. Not calling you a loser but your argument is very hard to take for serious anymore.

>> No.6772708


>> No.6772712


The letters are next to eachother on the keyboard, you fucking weeaboo, it was typo.

>> No.6772716

Everyone in my family takes their shoes off.
The floor doesn't look nice with shoe prints all over it.

>> No.6772733
Quoted by: >>6772739

There's far more people in the world who take their shoes off when going in their house, than those who leave them on.

When you don't take off your shoes, you track bits of dirt and little bits of shit from outside all over the house. I'm a white American and yet always grew up being taught to take off my shoes in my house.. my friends growing were ALL the same way. Quit making up excuses for your gross habits.

I guess the only circumstance I could understand is putting on shoes if you were planning on going soon and it would be inconvenient constantly taking them off/lacing them up again. But if you're done for the day and like to put your feet up on your chair or on an ottoman like me, leaving shoes on is just plain uncomfortable and doesn't make sense. Socks, slippers, so much better.

>> No.6772735
Quoted by: >>6772746

You sound a little frustrated. Get on your nerves~?

>> No.6772736


See? another typo, i didn't hit 'a' hard enough.

It was a typo*

>> No.6772739

>There's far more people in the world who take their shoes off when going in their house, than those who leave them on.
There's far more people who are religious than those that are not.

>> No.6772746


Go eat pocky and listen to vocaloids, weeboo.

>> No.6772753
File: 16 KB, 481x303, carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of filthy faggot wears shoes indoors?

If the shoe fits, wear it!

>> No.6772763

Hey man, no hard feelings. Your argument wasn't really that void before either.
Being a little turd inside of ones own house is all up to the individual choice.

>> No.6772839
Quoted by: >>6772849

You are an idiot if you don't think viruses and bacterias can live on a surface outside of a body for a while, and still contaminate people later, especially toddlers, since they are always on the ground.

>> No.6772849
Quoted by: >>6772857

And you're an idiot if you seriously believe a little viruses will always spell instant death to you.

Enjoy your non-functioning immune system.

>> No.6772856


People don't wear shoes in their houses because of fucking outside DIRT, not fucking MICROBES!

>> No.6772857

I hope your well functionning immune system protects you of hepatitis, HIV and herpes then. And yeah, herpes won't kill you, but it will make your late life a pile of shit.

>> No.6772863

Where do you live that you step in fresh semen every day?

>> No.6772891

Herpes is not a rare ailment you know, many people have it without knowledge of it and still lead healthy lives with some mouth sores every now and then.

>> No.6772897

Good thing I got my hepatitis shots.

>> No.6772930
Quoted by: >>6772952

Shoes are to keep your feet warm / protect them from getting punctured on anything. It's warm / safe in a house so why wear shoes? Also shoes can make markings on the floor and bring dirt -> more cleaning.

>> No.6772952
Quoted by: >>6772988

>It's warm / safe in a house so why wear shoes?

No it's not, i love how all these weeaboos pretend they have super clean houses free of any bacteria or viruses.

I doubt most people posting in this thread even have a clean room right now.

>> No.6772963

Only time I wear shoes indoors is when it's a formal occasion. Other people that I know who wear shoes indoors do so because their feet get cold (they are old).

>> No.6772962
Quoted by: >>6773012 >>6773262

Why do they allow threads like to exist? It's nothing but a bunch of European weeaboos circlejerking and making up bullshit excuses as to why they take their shoes off in their house.

>> No.6772988

>i love how all these weeaboos pretend they have super clean houses free of any bacteria or viruses.

How are bacteria/viruses on the floor going to affect me through the sole of my feet?

>> No.6773012
Quoted by: >>6773157

>European weeaboos

I love how you have to resort to pathetic insults to justify being a piece of shit.

>> No.6773017
Quoted by: >>6773038

This is a good thread and everyone in it should feel good.

>> No.6773023


>> No.6773038


>> No.6773044

Since I live in a civilized country, I along with everyone else here take off their shoes.

>> No.6773058

I never understood the obsession with taking off your shoes at the front door. Do you take off your shoes when you go to work or at a restaurant?

>> No.6773095

No, because I can't control what dirty faggots, like you, might leave there on the floor.

>> No.6773100

>shoes off at work or when in a restaurant

I think no one does this, nowhere. Although some exceptions might exist, none come to mind at the moment.

>> No.6773110

For some works, like in hospitals, people have to wear something on their shoes or change their shoes before entering certain areas.

>> No.6773121

>you make people take off their shoes

What a terrible host. There's nothing more uncomfortable than having people tell you you need to take your clothes off just to come in. Specially with boots or something hard to put on or off.

>> No.6773157
Quoted by: >>6773248


It doesn't make me any less right faggot.

Go back to /a/.

>> No.6773192
Quoted by: >>6773221

Answer me honestly, how many of you who take off your shoes have a clean room right now?

Bacterias and shit are not a good argument, all places are dirty, all things have bacterias.

You just do it because you are weeaboo or people just do it in your country.

Stop calling other people 'dirty' just because they don't have the same traditions.

In some countries people only use a specific hand to wipe their asses and everyone feels extremely disgusted if they see you using that hand while you eat.

>> No.6773221

Asian here, I don't buy the bacteria argument either, but there is a big difference in dust. Don't have to vacuum nearly as often.

Plus slippers feel pretty comfy and really helps with the whole "oh I'm at home now" feel, since you wear shoes to all the other places except your home.

>> No.6773248
Quoted by: >>6773270

You're wrong about everything, piece of shit. Are you saying that /jp/ is a bastion for fat americunts ? You know that you are already considered a weeaboo by your fellows pieces of shit, only by coming on this board, containing lots of Japanese drawings and games ?

>> No.6773256

I notice this thread is on /int/, too.

>> No.6773262

Why would any sensible person have to excuse common human decency?

>> No.6773270
File: 268 KB, 640x480, 1291586239743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6773289


>> No.6773272
Quoted by: >>6773354

Never mind that, what kind of disgusting fucker wears flip flops?

>> No.6773289
Quoted by: >>6773295

Exactly what I said, you're calling others weeaboos, while being the one considered to be the weeaboo by your peers. Hilarious. Not to mention that you had to resort to a reaction image.

>> No.6773295
File: 72 KB, 800x800, 1267746621757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6773354

I wear it in winter but i make tiny holes so i dont get to much air resistance when i tread upon the snow
