SECRET MEIDO-SUMMONING TECHNIQUE #1META-THREAD!Besides reporting all the textless threads and all unrelated shit, what can we do to make /jp/ at least possible to browse? I don't think that e-mailing moot or asking for mods on #4chan will work, by the way.Making good threads could work, but finding a good topic is hard - and even if you do, shitposters will just shit on it and keep trying to imitate Sion as usual, replying with "u mad" if we say anything.And well, do you still have any hope in /jp/'s future (or on the current /jp/)? Do you think it's possible for the board to go back to how it was in the beginning?
u mad
textless threads are bad now
/jp/ right now is much better than several days ago. /jp/ is great the way it is now, I like /jp/ like this.
It's useless. I remember being a hardcore elitist(not implying you are one) bent on making /jp/ a better place but after around 1-1.5m posts it was futile. Once a board gets popular, its over.
>>5324502This is definitely the real Sion. I can tell because he posted drilltits and said u mad
>>5324502why is she so HUGE?
The easiest way to solve all this shit would be to give the board an actual direction and purpose.Such, say, splitting the board into /vn/ and /touhou/ like everyone wants anyway.
>>5324506Arcueid's "u mad"s make me happy. It's nice to know that you're still here trolling us as usual. Sorry for having filtered you in the past.
Hey guys I have an idea. We should have an IRC channel, and before someone starts a thread, he should ask the people on the channel if the thread is good enough.
>>5324542Except for the fact that this board is not only for Visual Novels and Touhou, but actually for everything that comes from Japan and is not anime or manga.
>>5324542that's retarded.
>>5324549No, you just got lucky. I post on /lit/ now.Very rarely, when /lit/ is balls to the wall slow and full of Twilight/Ayn Rand, I peep in here on my way to /g/.
Rather than rely solely on the meido, why not do a part to make the board browsable by bumping threads that aren't on page one?
>>5324576>on my way to /g/Brave soul.
>>5324562I'm aware of this. I think it's retarded.>>5324568Not since the name change it isn't.
>>5324554We have an IRC channel. Derp.
>>5324617We have multiple fucking IRC channels, fuckAnd they're all on Rizon too
>Browse /jp/>Someone posts a page from a doujin>Gatetrip gives source and link holy shit>Download>Someone posts a Touhou remix off of Youtube or is looking to find an album>Remilia gives source and link holy shit>DownloadSeriously, /jp/ has the best tripfriends.
>>5324658/jp/ has those two, who are the best tripfriends, but /jp/ doesn't have the best tripfriends overall.
>>5324658More like it's filled with assholes who drop good shit and don't give source.
>>5324658We also have some of the worst.Yes, I'm a glass half empty kind of guy.
Seriously though, I first came to /jp/ not long before the name change, and it was a pretty cool place. Then the name change happened and everything went to shit.CHANGE IT BAAAACK
>>5324603>Not since the name change it isn't.And when did moot specify that?As long as he doesn't come here and say "hey guys, /jp/ is only for Touhou and VNs now", the rules he set when he first posted here are the ones that count. This name change was made only for trolling us, after all - even though we liked it.
>>5324603moot didn't change shit but the Otaku Culture where Japan General used to be.
>>5324689NONONO/jp/ has been shit for a long time. Blaming it on the name change is, frankly, insane. In fact, it's only helped, because now we don't have tons of people posting hiroshima troll threads (which long term /jp/ residents without fail seriously replied to, i might add).Name change did nothing but clarify what the board was about, and with /int/ there's really no reason for it to have the confusing old name./jp/'s problem is, pure and simple, its community. That and a huge number of shitty threads, but that's a problem with 4chan having no moderation in general.
Nothing can be done. Just stay strong and above all take it easy. Everything's alright.
>>5325040Just blow your brain out since nothing can be done with you or this board. Your attitude is shit.The name change did nothing to change what the board covered topic wise. A bunch of retards read into the change to Otaku Culture something that didn't not happen. The board purpose and topic covered did not change one iota. Go back and look that the thread and you will see moot said nothing about a topic change though he was repeatedly asked point blank.
Maybe we should petition for more mods or something? It'd cut down all the /b/-like spam, at the least.
>>5325307Moot's kind of an insecure faggot when it comes to moderation.
> 1267077581744.jpgNewfag.
>>5325135Why'd he change the name then?
>>5325330There's a good reason. On a board like 4chan where users don't even know who the mods are or how to contact them, there's plenty of opportunity for them to run amok. You know what creates a fucking metric ton of drama on a lot of other forums? Mods playing favorites. And on 4chan you almost have free reign to be a totally bias dickhead if you wanted to be. That's why moot is very careful with getting mods / janitors. That's why he is hesitant to bring in more mods / janitors.
>>5325257Fuck your emperor.
>>5325355To fuck with us.
>>5325387You can't tell me we don't need the moderation, though.
>>5325135he changed rules tho
>>5325355>>5324704>This name change was made only for trolling us, after all
>>5325400You're being too cynical.He wouldn't have asked us if he just wanted to fuck around, anyway.Pretty sure the rules have changed, stuff like "How do I get a Japanese girlfriend guise?!" is no longer allowed. It's just that the lack of moderation makes it seem like things are still the same.
>>5325407I'm really not so sure. I actually feel like I side with moot on this issue. He's doing the right thing.
>>5325432You aren't doing anything at all, moot.
Fun fact: /jp/s downfall started not long after umineko became popular.
>>5325441lol. If I were moot I wouldn't be here posting in a useless metathread at almost 2am on a weekday. I'd be working on my new secret project thing.
>>5325416Yeah, from "all things Japanese welcome!" to "all things otaku welcome!". Your point? How does that mean it's a Touhou and VN-only board?
>>5325452Pretty much. Last summer around the time of the EP4 translation and anime. I think it started getting bad a little before that but the Umineko boom certainly caused a dive in quality that we never recovered from.
>>5325461Yeah, the 'only Touhou and VNs' crowd are mistaken.But there's still a definite change from "All things Japanese" to "All things otaku".Personally, I don't think we need new boards for each topic. That'd just lead to several dead boards.But some moderation would be welcome.And since it's never going to happen, I'm glad I only visit /jp/ twice or thrice a day now.
>>5325416He didn't change anything but the name and the rule change is one word from Japanese to Otaku.He trolled you.Nothing changed except a bunch of ASPIE /a/ faggots think this is neo/a/ now and the fuckeres that wanted a VN only board left.