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4550277 No.4550277 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>4550964



>> No.4550283

the bullies were koreans

>> No.4550288

I thought nips lacked those kind of balls

>> No.4550299
Quoted by: >>4550538

Soon she will be gangraped by faceless men. At least that's what my experience with hentai tells me.

>> No.4550294


This must be the fourth or third thread about that we had today.

>> No.4550305

those bastards

>> No.4550326
Quoted by: >>4550338

Japanese have no respect for women, even their princess, she lives simply to be tormented!

>> No.4550338


Time to go Admiral Perry on these whoresons.

>> No.4550343
Quoted by: >>4550468 >>4550773

What's so horrible about letting a chick be the Empress anyway? All they seem to do is attend events and pose in pictures.

>> No.4550468
Quoted by: >>4550850

IDK Male leadership traits?

I say they kill 2 birds with one stone.
Let her marry her male cousin.
She stays emperess and Japan gets their male heir.

What is not to like?

>> No.4550477
Quoted by: >>4550539

I'm a little disappointed that Aiko can't be Empress anymore. It might have been interesting to see how things might change.

>> No.4550538

Doujin where?!

>> No.4550539
File: 14 KB, 315x343, 1106137195963 -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only shame here is that these two cuties will eventually marry out of the imperial family.

>> No.4550773

If you went down 2 or 3 generations, Emperor or Empress' blood would be completely replaced. Why would they have to spend tax payers' money to revere a commoner?

>> No.4550791
Quoted by: >>4550802

Isn't there a way to find the kids who bullied her and teach them a lesson ? (ie. put a wooden stick in their arses)

>> No.4550802
Quoted by: >>4550854

Yes. Why? Do you want to help me?

>> No.4550823
File: 44 KB, 800x600, gfs_80719_2_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4550835

>> No.4550835

It's me, I'm the one holding the sparkler.

>> No.4550838
Quoted by: >>4552276

Ugly lolis deserve to be bullied, whether they be peons or royalty.

>> No.4550850

Men with small dicks make poor leaders, or so says the rumor.

And we all know japanese men have tiny dicks.

>> No.4550854
Quoted by: >>4550869

Sure, let's get them bro !

>> No.4550868
File: 79 KB, 740x593, Shigemitsu-signs-surrender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Nip royalty sure got told by America in 1945!

>> No.4550869
Quoted by: >>4550909

We will defend glorious Nippon.
Everyone on 2ch will love us, then.

>> No.4550909

Speaking of 2chan, how come they didn't ass rape the bullies yet ?

>> No.4550917
File: 149 KB, 413x310, descendentsofthegodemperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4550920

Samurai sent emperors to small islands for life-in-prison. Signing documents is nothing. That family went through a lot in 2000 years and they are tenacious.

>> No.4550931
Quoted by: >>4551386

America did everything they could to protect the family, that's hardly getting told. America were pussies, MacArthur was a weeaboo, they should have had the royalty executed.

>> No.4550964 [DELETED] 

I am proud of those kids.

Monarchies and royal families are shit.

>> No.4550970

Hopefully they'll make the bully's parents commit ritual suicide in apology.

>> No.4551058
Quoted by: >>4551145

How do you get bullied when you are the daughter of the God-Emperor of Nihon?
That's the ultimate "my dad can beat up your dad" right there.

>> No.4551145
Quoted by: >>4551162 >>4551499

There is this private school all loyal members go to. I have a friend who went there. They all know how to treat them (not necessarily bullying) and don't really treat them differently.

>> No.4551162
Quoted by: >>4551168

What is this friends name?

>> No.4551168
Quoted by: >>4551333

Why do you want to know?

>> No.4551174 [DELETED] 

R3móv3 yÓur ilL3gaI [Lõñe immediä+€lyo YÓu h@v3 [opi€d Añd past€d vvv.@NoñtA|K_<Om ÒN +he subd0m@iñ. Cu+ th€ [rAp, m0ò+, @nd Th3s€ m€ssãg€s vilL s+õp* If +h3 p3rs0n reädiNg This is nOT mÓo+, 3-mäi| mõö+@4chäN*Órg äNd +eLL him Töo

R3mÒv€ yOur iL|egäL <LÓn3 immediA+3Ly. YÓu håv3 [öpi€d ãNd p@sTed wvv*ãNòN+AIK.cóm ÓN the subdOmäiN, Cu+ +h3 [rãp, mõöT, ãnd th3s€ m3ss@g3s vilI s+öp_ If +h€ p€rsOñ reAdiNg this is n0t mo0+, 3-måi| m00t@4chãN*Órg @Nd +eII him tÒ*

R3mòve yóur iIlegãl <loñ€ immedi@Tely, YÓu hAve copied aNd päs+ed vww.AnOñTäIkocöm oñ th3 subdÓmäiñ* Cu+ Th3 [rap, mo0T, ãñd +h3s€ m€ssages viLL stöp. If the p3rsóñ reädiñg This is nöt mòõt, e-mãi| móÓT@4[hãN.Órg @nd t3ll him +Ó*

Remöve yöur ilI3gal <IÒñ3 imm€diãT3ly, You hãv3 còpied aNd pAs+€d wvw,ånónT@Lk.<Óm Òn th3 subdOmäino Cu+ Th€ <råp, mòÓ+, åñd th€se mess@ges viIl sTOp. If th€ persön r€ädiNg +his is not móÒ+, €-mai| móO+@4[hAN,òrg åNd +3|| him tÓ,

>> No.4551333
Quoted by: >>4551449

Because, they attended a school with the Japanese princess. I'm just curious.

>> No.4551357
Quoted by: >>4551374

It's sad being a princess..

>> No.4551374
File: 50 KB, 594x409, 1106158392417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4551393


>> No.4551386

Srsly. America practically wrote Japan's current constitution, and MacArthur himself made sure that the emperor remained in power, even when more liberal Japanese would have gladly done away with him. It makes you wonder why the Americans wanted "unconditional surrender" so badly, when they let Japan off the hook anyway.

>> No.4551393

Eroge plot material right there.

>> No.4551394

They wanted to make to make Japan a bastion of democracy in an increasing communist Asia, so they used Britain as a model constitutional monarchy and turned it into that.

They continued to invest heavily into the Japanese economy to ensure the capitalist system didn't fail.

>> No.4551449
Quoted by: >>4551489

They? I have just one friend who did that. That school is open to anyone who can afford it. There are thousands of people like my friend. It's not that special.

>> No.4551485

They wanted a place to monitor those "sneaky yellow bastards".

>> No.4551489
Quoted by: >>4551555

But..but...Princess! The princess!
Did this friend ever see the princess? Speak to her? Tell me all.

>> No.4551499

do you mean royal? your japenglish is showing.

>> No.4551501

They weren't too concerned with unconditional surrender. Japan was on the way out. They just wanted a chance to show off their nukes to the Russians.

>> No.4551517

goddamn, this thread makes me sad.
I would hold and hug her.

>> No.4551555
Quoted by: >>4551566

This is like when the current 2nd prince was in school. So, no, there was no existence of her.

>> No.4551561

I love how you all assume she doesn't act like any other 3D girl.

>> No.4551566
Quoted by: >>4551589

Well, the prince then. What was the prince like?

>> No.4551589
Quoted by: >>4551609

My friend wasn't in the same grade. So this is like 3rd-hand story. Anyway, what I heard is ... he was pretty keen on scoring girls.

>> No.4551601
File: 34 KB, 640x479, sad_princess_deep_in_sad-thought_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4551819 >>4551839


>> No.4551609
File: 42 KB, 611x700, 1262871538326765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4551639

>he was pretty keen on scoring girls.

Imperial-tier brofist.

>> No.4551639
Quoted by: >>4551682

That's in their job description, Worldwide. What do you expect?

If I remember correctly, his wife is a daughter of a professor of this school. (It goes from elementary to college.) There you go.

>> No.4551682

Cool stuff.
I wish I were bros with a Japanese prince. We could pick up chicks together.

>> No.4551819


>> No.4551839
Quoted by: >>4551971



>> No.4551963

Hime thread!?


>> No.4551971



>> No.4552276

This. Those boys kick ass, that they have enough balls to bully royalty. They're Japan's future.

And it is glorious.

>> No.4554345

The BBC said they the boys were bullying "girls" from her class which included her. They were from a different class.
