>got back from a mental health break
>Kanata got put in a hospital because of Asthma
Yeah, not a really good time for Heimin I guess, but at least she is not playing Dark Souls again, am I right?
I did take a break as I said here >>43724762, not sure if there are others hating on Dark Souls in the meantime but that is not me, anyway, I actually don't even hate Dark Souls anymore. The problem is that I did actually get a lot of time to think about this hobby and my conclusion is that this obsession was literally killing me.
In the 2 years of me following Kanata, I gained 20kg, going from 24 BMI to literally 30 BMI (obese), literally stopped contacting my real-life friends, stopped going to the gym or even going outside in general, started smoking weed and drinking again, fell into depression and even stopped fucking bathing, I realized all this after a really long call with my mom and the probably last friend who is still sticking with me after I became a mess, they really showed me how far I felt being obsessed with Kanata. After that they really helped me a lot to get on my feet again, I am getting therapy for my clinically diagnosed depression and anxiety now, I also joined a kickboxing course, real kickboxing with sparing and stuff (I still can't spar because I just started like 2 weeks ago), not cardio kickboxing for housewives, and I actually felt really good again after a long while, I am still slowly contacting my old friends again but I am getting to it.
I don't hate Kanata, I actually really want to thank her for 2 years of fun times, but I don't think keep on watching her is good for my mental health, so I decided to just stop following vtubers as a whole, I still kept my membership because I thought I am going to come back but I just canceled it just now and the merch I preordered I will still keep but they will probably be put away, out of sight, out of mind, if they are still bad for me, I will probably sell them (I won't destroy them like some retards on Twitter).
Anyway, I also want to see this thread for the last time because despite how retarded the faggots here are, they are at least fun to read and the Heimin here is at least fun to talk to, won't quit 4chan though, I can still function back when I only browse other boards like /mu/, /tv/ and /fit/. Here is the last Kanata from me, going to delete my Kanata folder too. Sorry for using this as my blog.