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File: 1.81 MB, 4586x2464, Era.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40865759 No.40865759 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>40878333

>What is this.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese developed text porn games based off of . Some of these games have ongoing translation and modding projects. It's not exclusively related to the franchise but it's one of the series with most era games.
WIKI: https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/Main_Page - Guides/downloads for all era games
GIT: https://gitgud.io/era-games - Git repository that has latest builds to any of the games, stability not included but rarely the case anything wrong happens
Jap wiki: https://seesaawiki.jp/eraseries/
TRANSLATOR: https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/Sugoi - Automated translator with a customized built offline model
Auto Updater: http://madhammer.club/files/era-updater.7z
BUGS?: https://wiki.eragames.rip/bugreport.php - Report them over here

>How to play?
Run anchor.exe, japanese locale is advised so you don't run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav folder to avoid any bugs.

>How can I help?
https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/Contributing for starters
You could try your hand at translating dialogue, there's guides currently in TW folder(in #Translation) on what to do, since I mostly played TW, not sure if it that folder exists in other games.
Another guide from threads is:
1) Download an IDE. VS Code, for example.
1a) If using VS Code, install the EraBasic addon
2) Select UTF8 encoding
3) Open the ERB files and edit them
That way you can now edit files without much trouble.
The path for files to edit is usually the ERB folder:
K: ERB/口上
TW: ERB\口上・メッセージ関連\個人口上
You can also report bugs or typos when you see them.
If you'd like to either edit or add your own portraits for 2hus, the files are located within the resource folder as webp also known as the worst filetype known to man.

>> No.40865777
File: 865 KB, 850x1190, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As first i impart in this thread the wisdom that Hags are the ideal 2hu wives

>> No.40865796
Quoted by: >>40865883

Just started a new save after not playing for a month thanks to a broken computer. How does White Day work? I made cookies but I don't seem to be able to give them to any of the girls.

>> No.40865823
File: 1.26 MB, 896x887, 1629145168500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40865883
Quoted by: >>40865899

you have to wait till it is actually white day to give them out

>> No.40865899
Quoted by: >>40865924

It is White Day. Can I only give to girls who give me something on Valentines Day, or is do I need a high enough relationship or something?

>> No.40865924
Quoted by: >>40865931

>Can I only give to girls who give me something on Valentines Day

>> No.40865931

Ah okay, that explains it.

>> No.40866253 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 479x640, 1659010667685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I fucking love teh Nuenners and her cock-hardening thighs and feet.

>> No.40866306
File: 1021 KB, 850x1202, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40866747

this game turned me into a hard yuukafag bros
now all i daydream about is building a family with her

>> No.40866747
File: 392 KB, 700x1176, 1659231220382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game turned me into a tenshifag

>> No.40866846

I wonder how many virgins were sacrificed for the creation of the absolute autism that is EraMegaten

>> No.40866975
Quoted by: >>40868056

How's her dialogue in TW? Decent?

>> No.40867094

2hoe just doesn't have any good hag wives

>> No.40867883
File: 8 KB, 810x203, fairy overpower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40899563

Can someone post that image of a tide of fairies from OP?

>> No.40867928
Quoted by: >>40868397

I thought about using Nue for the OP image but you're just too fucking horny dude.

>> No.40868056
Quoted by: >>40873748

I haven't encountered anything that was untranslated and some of the dialogue is pretty cute so its good in my book.

>> No.40868397 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 486x246, 1659000498954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fault that she makes me Nuenis go doki doki.

>> No.40869442

any new translated dialogues in TW?

>> No.40869902

>rape a fairy
>feel bad afterwards and revert the save
I'm not cut out for this

>> No.40870009
Quoted by: >>40899257

>the only toehoe that's a masochist

>> No.40870511

It's a good thing you can experience almost the entire game without raping anyone.

>> No.40870542

Do I have to reset my relationships every time I update? and Why do I get errors every time I tried to BAITSA DASUTO?

>> No.40870580
Quoted by: >>40870614

>Why do I get errors every time I tried to BAITSA DASUTO?
Are you wearing Keikogi?

>> No.40870614
Quoted by: >>40870667

I don't think so, just the usual kimono and haori

it throws this every time:

NEWGAME\NEWGAME_MAKE.ERB at line 201 THROW has occurred
THROW contents:
Function call stack:
NEWGAME\強くてニューゲーム.ERB at line 248(function@BITE_THE_DUST_NEW)
NEWGAME\強くてニューゲーム.ERB at line 12(function@強くてニューゲーム)
SHOP関連\OPTION.ERB at line 63(function@OPTION)
SHOP関連\SHOP.ERB at line 204(function@USERSHOP)

>> No.40870667
File: 33 KB, 456x543, MASTER_CLOTHES_NAME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40870693

Yeah, that's Keikogi.
From what I can tell, there's an odd mismatch between ids, where Keikogi, which should typically be 8, is treated as 7 in @MASTER_CLOTHES_NAME, which throws an error for what I presume are reasons.

If you change your outfit it'll work fine.

>> No.40870693
File: 10 KB, 373x173, 1632236809815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not wearing a keikogi though but let's try going buttnaked before BAITSA DASUTO

>> No.40870739

huh it works thanks, now I can fuck akyuu's chaste pussy all over again

>> No.40870765

why bother with jap autism when you can have homegrown autism?

>> No.40870788
File: 663 KB, 850x1200, 1649265762101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not wearing a keikogi
Guess I've misremembered which one it was labelled at. Now I just feel embarrassed.

>> No.40871574

I don't do it because there is really no point. You get nothing from it that you can't get from your loving waifu, so you might as well be loyal to her. Lewd/rape route really needs a buff.

>> No.40871724

I keep running into traps when going outside in TW, but I appear to be agile enough to avoid them all. What happens if you get caught in one?

>> No.40871758
Quoted by: >>40871786

You get turned gay.

>> No.40871786
File: 2.68 MB, 384x216, 1660338943533008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew someone would say something like that but I had to ask anyway...

>> No.40871791

Every dialogue that's being worked on right now is very big in size, so it'll take a while. One of the contributors had his PC bricked after the storm, data was backed up, but he's looking for a replacement. Another contributor is having a depression. Another one is playing FF14. As for Marisa, I got some playtesting done the other day, it's going smoothly.

>> No.40871870

Nue sex.

>> No.40871909

Pitfalls? Childish characters create them as pranks. I think it's a small sta/ene decrease, or you can make fun of a 2hu that fell in one.

>> No.40871998

>Another one is playing FF14.
not like this...

>> No.40872081

>One of the contributors had his PC bricked after the storm
Man, what's with people doing important stuff and their PCs getting bricked? It always happens to someone working on stuff like this or doing something on YouTube. Meanwhile good old neet me is still using the same PC for 5 years straight now.

>> No.40872440
File: 299 KB, 1200x720, Dr. Strangelove - YIFY - 00_22_28 --2022-08-13-16h14m15s880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bug report:
This one just makes me seethe.

I found that Lily White has her 破瓜キャンセル口上有 CFLAG set to true, which is used to add character-specific checks to whether they accept you taking their virginity (though I think it only checks for penis, so jamming in a vibrator is a-okay, somehow). However, Lily White does not actually have any script for that, so she just flat out rejects all attempts at penetration, without even showing an error or anything.

As it turns out, this is caused by the Chinese alternate Lily White dialogue, which sets "CFLAG:18:破瓜キャンセル口上有 = 1" regardless of whether the dialogue is used or not, breaking the normal dialogue.

I can only imagine this must've been an elaborate communist conspiracy to give me an aneurysm or something along those lines.

>> No.40872905

I might be misremembering but I think theres an event in TW where some yokai invite you to drink but instead drug and take turns riding you. How do you trigger it?

>> No.40873052

That should be the tanuki event a random chance when travelling between areas don't use timestop.

>> No.40873060

You're probably thinking about the Bakedanuki event that can trigger randomly when moving between maps, though I think only one of those events can trigger per day.

>> No.40873385
File: 976 B, 389x39, Lured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40873596

>> No.40873576
Quoted by: >>40873993

Alright, I am going to write dialogue for Sekibanki, but I need a list of things to write for.

>> No.40873596
Quoted by: >>40873737

How are you supposed to mating press her like that?

>> No.40873737
File: 68 KB, 850x850, __okunoda_miyoi_touhou_drawn_by_kaigen_1025__sample-baa68eb01de91dba318a3a59ce5cd78b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happened into the liquor shop, so I assume it was inside one of those big wines barrels.
Now why does the only commands available were the standing sex one? No idea.

>> No.40873748

Oh shit, she's translated now? I haven't played in a while.

>> No.40873751

>Do I have to reset my relationships every time I update?
You don't need to, the game asks if you want to do it on characters who've got new dialogue in case you want to check it starting from scratch.

>> No.40873945
File: 47 KB, 180x179, the more beautiful and pure it is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40874062

I am going to rob this fairy of her innocence.

>> No.40873993
Quoted by: >>40874235

See these: >>40843114 >>40843758
If you want, I can supply you with tohoJ Banki dialogue for inspiration sake at least. It's untranslated, but a lot of cases can fit right in (for example conversation action, etc).

>> No.40874023

So which track do you use for sexxing the 2hus?

>> No.40874062
File: 131 KB, 241x565, (C81) [RapidRabbit (Tomotsuka Haruomi)] Sekka no Sho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40874081

Shame on (You).

>> No.40874081
File: 13 KB, 1065x242, muhahahahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40874344

Yes, Lily Black now fully understands how reproduction works and will never be tricked by lecherous oji-sans ever again!

>> No.40874235
Quoted by: >>40875390

Any support is appreciated. Send the dialogue, for I can run through DeepL and work from there.

>> No.40874344
Quoted by: >>40874406

>t. lecherous ojii-san

>> No.40874406
File: 151 KB, 690x316, giving youkai what they need.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm a gentleman. Big difference.

>> No.40874616
File: 274 KB, 1000x750, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_asutora__92fb07e50bc0c19d9241c7a098c7868a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is game is turning me into a Kosuzufag, and I don't even like lolis

>> No.40874631
Quoted by: >>40874951

it's weird that kosuzu is treated as a loli since she says that she's not that much younger than akyuu, meaning (as akyuu was 18 when she said that) she would have been at least mid-teens and somewhere in her mid twenties now

>> No.40874637
Quoted by: >>40874688

I’m finally at the stage of the game where girls are beginning to confess to me and shit it’s kind of hard to refuse I actually feel terrible every time I say no. Why is it so hard to just pick one

>> No.40874643
Quoted by: >>40874728

>I don't even like lolis
you're even worse than gays, at least they like shotas

>> No.40874688
File: 5 KB, 81x60, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it so hard to just pick one
It's because you're a bad person, anon.

>> No.40874687
File: 3 KB, 553x83, Clueless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that taking advantage of ignorants characters is alway evil with the only exceptions being star sapphire.
Alway educate your girl before getting intimate.

>> No.40874728
File: 72 KB, 559x696, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_u_u_zan__023c3a822efc98dfb49a60340e46643f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worse than you can hope to imagine, I even like megane

>> No.40874734
File: 1008 KB, 595x842, kosuzu _ykzt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good taste

>> No.40874748
File: 3.19 MB, 3200x3200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glasses are cute

>> No.40874883
Quoted by: >>40874944

TW not having a nude Kosuzu who still wears her glasses should be considered a war crime.

>> No.40874944
File: 945 KB, 1000x1100, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_5alive__115b261c2b0a78026b1552b1bb4e9e54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40875020

The glasses should stay on when she pushes you down
Which she does a lot. I thought romancing her would be a bit more wholesome then getting fucks for headpats.

>> No.40874951

Loli is more of a body type.

>> No.40874978
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, 1629087836693.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TW Kosuzu gave me an appreciation for two-faced girls.

>> No.40874997

two-faced girls are very cute, which is why I'm never fucking akyuu and she'll have to go masturbate in the corner while me and kosuzu repopulate gensokyo

>> No.40875020
File: 2 KB, 626x148, The Suzer always wins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since she only wears them while working, I dunno when she would be supposed to push you down while wearing them.
And did you really think that the girl who deliberately gets herself involved in youkai issues on a constant basis would be cowardly when it comes to sex?

There's nothing two faced about this girl, anon.

>> No.40875111

this always reminds me of that pasta of the player mourning akyuu´s grave with kosuzu only for kosuzu to invite him over to eat something filled with aphrodisiac

>> No.40875143

>mourn akyuute for five minutes
>then take a walk to hell and go back to bullying her with your penis

>> No.40875187

she's not in hell though
she'll be wageslaving in the ministry of right and wrong for a hundred years with no midday snacks

>> No.40875208

the ministry is in hell, they relocated to take advantage of the cheap real estate

>> No.40875225

>no midday snacks
Black! Black!

>> No.40875279
Quoted by: >>40875658

The tragedy of Akyuu's fate really loses its weight when MC is just one timestop hop away from seeing her again.

>> No.40875390

Here you go. The structure has a lot of similarities in terms of events (stuff like first kiss, meeting, etc), and actions (conversation, skinship, dates, sex stuff, etc).

>> No.40875658

isnt there a whole game about that? there must be more to it

>> No.40875692
File: 235 KB, 850x1200, __hieda_no_akyuu_and_motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_ttmry_bonbon__sample-c286a9927a2d52ec03becfcb887e6777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40876403

>this always reminds me of that pasta of the player mourning akyuu´s grave with kosuzu
Yeah I came up with the yandere kosuzu POV, dying akyuu POV then player POV ones when I was bored.
But the 2 first were all meres variations of the ones from https://de.catbox.moe/btg8lu.txt..
Whoever wrote the original was surely inspired.

>> No.40876403

thanks for posting anon, i really like these ones, specially the reimu ones

>> No.40876504

More relevant for females (NPC or MC), I feel like the games should acknowledge if someone is wearing underwear or not. In TW for the NPCs it's more a flavour thing with some extra dialogue whereas it's not even mentioned at all for the MC most of the time. At least in eraMegaten, if as FeMC with no underwear with a skirt on, the Arena NPC kind of goes "you know you're totally exposed down there, right?", but then dismisses it as one of your weird quirks and never mentions it again. No one else does either except when you train someone with no underwear, where they are embarrassed in the pre-training dialogue.

The only era game I can think of where the presence of underwear is important is eraGvT, because underwear can mean the difference between surviving 'one more turn' or being penetrated.

>> No.40876671

Whoa, do any toho actually go the whole nine yards and try to steal the MC away?

>> No.40876709
File: 2 KB, 529x66, shitty pestilence goddess loses to cute fairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, nobody in TW would go that far.
All Kosuzu's "rivalry" does is adjust her dialogue and dairy entries depending on your relationship with her and Akyuu. It's flavour, really.
There's little to no consequences to being a manwhore in this game.

>> No.40876731
Quoted by: >>40876807

Nothing that extreme. That saying, last thread or the thread before that, someone did find yandere-ish portraits for Suzu in the files so maybe we'll get proper yandere content soon

>> No.40876807
File: 425 KB, 850x340, __yakumo_yukari_saigyouji_yuyuko_yagokoro_eirin_shiki_eiki_and_hieda_no_akyuu_touhou_drawn_by_kaoru_gensou_yuugen_an__sample-60c0f57039504651b70767f807fac80a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40877071

Not quite, some have line for when they see you dating someone else like suika give (You) a scolding look or /egg/ sakuya as lover being jealous.
>All Kosuzu's "rivalry" does is adjust her dialogue and dairy entries depending on your relationship with her and Akyuu. It's flavour, really.
>so maybe we'll get proper yandere content soon
Check this out.

>> No.40876942
Quoted by: >>40876991

>There's little to no consequences to being a manwhore in this game.
Too bad you can't literally be a manwhore and get paid for being the only dick around.

>> No.40876961
File: 869 B, 313x17, probably upsetting the balance something fierce here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gensokyo better watch out.

>> No.40876991
File: 47 KB, 985x563, lust at the first sight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40877054

You absolutely can.

>> No.40877036
File: 154 KB, 995x444, getting a little scared here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DeepL not pulling any punches today, I see.

>> No.40877054

I've never gotten this once in like 600 days. Is it a relatively recent thing?

>> No.40877071
Quoted by: >>40877606

Soon TW will become a survival horror game. (You) wont be able to outrun the yanderes

>> No.40877165
Quoted by: >>40881165

The request has been around for years, but it doesn't show up often because the requirements are fairly harsh.
It's only available to sluts, or sex friends with at least 50% sexual frustration, so it rarely shows up, since to most players, few characters would qualify to begin with, and even if they're rolled on the request gacha, they need to have not masturbated their lust away already, and even then, there's a chance that they'll just pick a normal request instead (though the weight for this particular request is fairly high, so if you get that far, the odds are pretty good).

>> No.40877272
File: 80 KB, 1033x698, Lost knowledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40879730

I think I just rediscovered a mean to exterminate oni.
No wonder they ended up getting away from humans.

>> No.40877606
Quoted by: >>40878339

Just how I like it. I hope that some girls are still okay with sharing so I have to contend with yanderes who cooperate.

>> No.40877908
Quoted by: >>40880768

Are the Dante/Vergil Devil Hunter mods still floating around? The links on the wiki dont work for me

>> No.40878333

Based off of what?

>> No.40878339

Yandere elements would be fun to contend with. Provided that it’s optional.

>> No.40878433
Quoted by: >>40878467

fish pussy

>> No.40878467
File: 573 KB, 850x638, 1659486601796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40879730
File: 607 KB, 707x1000, you cant suffer in gensokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onis are extremely weak to human penis

>> No.40880469
File: 19 KB, 471x240, Yuki' Request.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, help me. What am I supposed to do here? Is there an option to search for an item? What does it mean by "key character"?

>> No.40880491
Quoted by: >>40880533

Talk to Mai; she has Yuki’s item. Probably.

>> No.40880533

With the regular converse option? I tried that, nothing came up.

>> No.40880577
Quoted by: >>40880616

Try the other Mai.

>> No.40880579
Quoted by: >>40880616

Maybe try searching around in Mai’s residence?

>> No.40880616

There’s another Mai?
Is it the one in the human village or the this other Mai anon above is talking about?

>> No.40880636
File: 412 KB, 900x702, 1645116122638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40880778

It should be a green option.
>There’s another Mai?

>> No.40880647

If it isn’t the one in the Human Village, you might have a problem, since the other Mai doesn’t have a home. Unless you pray for her to visit you.

>> No.40880768

eng-dev branch on git has it.

>> No.40880778
Quoted by: >>40880805

Well, there’s a first time for everything. By the way, how do I train for combat? I trained with Keine before, but now there’s no option for it.

>> No.40880805

You need to be in an area with "enough space" outside, try tsp dragging someone out to a garden or something.

>> No.40881071

There are some characters who get some different confession dialogue if you are already in another relationship/have another Lover already.

Some examples include Yuki saying she won't lose to Mai if you're already with her [That's the general jist of it when I translated it]; and Yuuka [of all characters] saying she's essentially fine being a side piece and is already well aware of that fact if you're already Lovers with someone else.

>> No.40881079
Quoted by: >>40881084

Mai/Satono aren't usually anywhere near as hard to find as other "homeless" Touhous since they have "frequently visits: Forest of Magic". They are, as a result, usually found there. If they're not there, they're often wherever Okina is.

>> No.40881084

Huh. I didn’t know that.

>> No.40881109

Mai and Satono are easy to find because they'll always pop out of your back right as things are getting steamy with a girl.
They're the ultimate mood killers.

>> No.40881165

You can also enable it on girls who have Love (and 50%+ frustration) by replacing this file >>40849433

>> No.40881764
Quoted by: >>40881822

So what's the point of affinity between girls in TW? It's not like they ever do anything to each other.

>> No.40881822

I don’t know. It’d be nice if the system go overhauled to support events between characters, but alas…

>> No.40881855

but that'd be literally ntr

>> No.40881877

Cheers, and by the way, what's eratohoJ all about?

>> No.40881884

People can interact with eachother in a platonic manner, you know?

>> No.40881897

My wife is not allowed to talk to anyone else or to leave the house without my permission

>> No.40881901

Oh, you’re one of those people… I feel nothing but pity for your kind.

>> No.40881913

I don't think about you at all.

>> No.40881917

go fuck a sheep

>> No.40881939

I concur with you. That particular Anon is unable to fathom the concept of a healthy relationship.

>> No.40882088

I just want proper group sex. TK has it.

>> No.40882118


>> No.40882126

Group sex is banned.

>> No.40882138
Quoted by: >>40882154

Good man. As it should be.

>> No.40882154
Quoted by: >>40882398

Get help.

>> No.40882351

>shit's misaligned
What version are you playing? Don't tell me it's a release version from 2016

>> No.40882398
Quoted by: >>40882414

Who hurt you?

>> No.40882414

Reread what you gave kudos to, incel.

>> No.40882430
Quoted by: >>40882452

Where do you think you are?

>> No.40882443
Quoted by: >>40882452

I'm just here to dogpile on you, I'm not even the poster you replied to. You're so cute and adorable, you know that? Clearly it's your first day here.
Yes, we hate women here. Yes, we think they're inferior. Yes, they need their agency stripped away from them lest they destroy everything.
Cry about it.

>> No.40882451
Quoted by: >>40882472

Your wife actually talks and interacts to others? lol you're pathetic

>> No.40882452

We still live in a society…

>> No.40882472
Quoted by: >>40882488

>wife has to take care of 23 kids
>still has time to talk and interact with others
I don't buy it

>> No.40882488
Quoted by: >>40882500

Exactly, and she still needs to at least double that number.

>> No.40882500
Quoted by: >>40882509

>less than 100 brats
There are tohous with unique dialogue for reaching that milestone

>> No.40882509
Quoted by: >>40882519

What if his wife is akyuu? I don't think she will live that long.

>> No.40882519

You just have to batch them together, 20-30 at a time. That way you'll be done before she croaks and you can start having ghost kids.

>> No.40882642

I think she would die if she has to birth 20-30 kid litters. Or explode before she got to that point.

>> No.40882755
File: 7 KB, 721x131, hieda household.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40886036

Considering that my childrens with akyuu are now 16+ years old but their mom is still fine, there is definitly some time fuckery going on.

>> No.40882779
Quoted by: >>40882817

They already do things like arguing or patting each other heads. But yeah, there needs to be more stuff, and not just sex between two npcs. Give them ability to danmaku each other, spontaneous drinking parties without invites, Kaguya and Mokou killing each other, 9ball team causing mischief, not just "playing" at the same time at the fairy tree, stuff like that. Make them lose stamina on their own. Let them regain it from eating and stuff. Weird that they get tired only by sex with player, and that actually strengthens them to hell and back.

>> No.40882817
Quoted by: >>40882968

Yeah, all of those ideas would be great were they to be implemented. Alas, methinks we’re going to have to wait a lot of time for any of that to happen… Would definitely be a mess of code.

>> No.40882949

Holy fuck, this dialogue is actually very cute.
I am definitely going to work from here.

>> No.40882968
Quoted by: >>40883014

And we all know there are better things to code.

>> No.40882972
Quoted by: >>40883011

Godspeed, comrade.

>> No.40883000

Would be cool to keep her original "I'm totally not a youkai though, you know?" shtick with it.

>> No.40883011
Quoted by: >>40883063

My vision for Banki is a girl who is tsundere, is slightly arrogant (cause youkai) but has very delicate emotions when you get closer? Thoughts?

>> No.40883014

That overhaul would be kino; don’t even try to deny it.

>> No.40883063
Quoted by: >>40883151

Try to keep her as close to canon as you can, comrade. A “cold shoulder” tsundere personality could work—she’s supposed to be prideful and somewhat cynical youkai that is ordinarily recalcitrant towards both humans and other youkai. Having her “shell” be broken by a human would be kino, though.

>> No.40883131 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40883191

Yeah, I think I am going to have her reveal the fact that she is a Youkai when you hit Love/Lust.

"Love" would have her be really cutesy and cheerful, with you snuggling with her heads at night etc. - and her being happy with you despite being a youkai.

"Lust" would have her reveal her rokurokubi powers, with her pointing out all the crazy stuff you can do.


>> No.40883151

Notes taken.

Yeah, I think I am going to have her reveal the fact that she is a Youkai when you hit Love/Lust.

"Love" would have her be really cutesy and cheerful, with you snuggling with her heads at night etc. - and her being happy with you despite being a youkai.

"Lust" would have her reveal her rokurokubi powers, with her pointing out all the crazy stuff you can do.


>> No.40883191

Yes, that sounds like a decent start.
I doubt you intended to post twice…

>> No.40883219

Oh. I see.

>> No.40883272
File: 296 KB, 600x900, 1578895459150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banki absolutely needs some fun stuff done with her heads if you're going for the reveal at love stage. Kisses all over your body, her using her head as an onahole for blowjob, caress command has a few of her heads agehaoing at you, etc.
Maybe waking up/going to sleep together could have some of those extra heads mentions too, since you generally only do that with one touhou.

>> No.40883324

there was that cute image of banki sleeping and all her heads cuddled around her

>> No.40883342
File: 2.57 MB, 2500x3500, 1639878169666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40883378

Yep, this was it.

>> No.40883426
File: 428 KB, 400x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sorry the auto submit button screwed me over
I'll get to work in a short while, but first I need to prepare everything, seeing what I can pull from eraTohoJ. Afterwards, I'll write to the tune of this list some kind anon put together.
>>40843114 >>40843758

Then, I'll need to send it to devs so that they can put dialogue in, and programme it to make sense.

There's also this one I really liked, and it inspired me while playing TW.

>> No.40883470
Quoted by: >>40883945

We the community of /egg/ look foward to your contribution, comrade.

>> No.40883945
Quoted by: >>40884100

Aye. I shall perserve in the name of Sekibanki.

>> No.40884100
File: 426 KB, 1158x1637, 1600628600759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40884139


>> No.40884139

I want to kiss all of her heads goodnight.

>> No.40884325
Quoted by: >>40884400

Cute anons, I will make both of you my wife.

>> No.40884400

you sure you want a dude that weighs twice as much as the normal person and hairy as a monkey for a wife?

>> No.40884437
Quoted by: >>40886378

Nothing Eirin can't fix.

>> No.40884443
Quoted by: >>40886378

To be fair that would be extremely funny because you just described me.

>> No.40885210

Not it is not. Girls can't love other girls.

>> No.40885223


>> No.40885233
Quoted by: >>40885268

My futawife can certainly love other girls.

>> No.40885268
Quoted by: >>40885303

Girls with peepees are just men

>> No.40885303
Quoted by: >>40885333

And that's why they're the best, they're like bros you can fuck and cuddle.

>> No.40885333
Quoted by: >>40885365

>they're like bros you can fuck and cuddle.
No that's tomboys.
Futas are girls that fuck you, they're like 300% gay

>> No.40885336
File: 58 KB, 856x233, 1646698348071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40888499

I'm pretty sure charisma in broken in current eng dev TW, I already had Remilia be annoucned as a player character multiple times but it never goes above 100.

>> No.40885365

>that fuck you
>he's the bottom
anon, I...

>> No.40885496


>> No.40885499
File: 44 KB, 1024x768, 1636994711662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40885618

I can't seem to be able to make eraTohoK work. When I start it there it throws a huge error saying that it can't find a method related to threading and there is a huge X on the screen. I run it under Windows 7, and dotnet40. eraTohoTW is working fine.
This didn't happen with wine, dotnet20 and 40 but here I had issues with moonrunes in the filename, and whatnot.

>> No.40885618
Quoted by: >>40889889

iirc the new versions of era games require you to install dotnet48. that worked for me from what i remember

>> No.40886036
Quoted by: >>40886687

>kids are forced to leave home at 14
Gensokyo truly is a harsh place.

>> No.40886378

starting to hate this place

>> No.40886441

guy who wrote the first post from the last thread here
there was a lot I didn't know, so if you end up putting together a more comprehensive list for banki, please share it so I can do my own dialogues!

>> No.40886687

Eh, I dunno. It's kinda true to the way things were back in the day, isn't it?
With all that low life expectancy, both japan and europe had kids become independent a few years earlier than today. 18 years old being considered "adult" is a relatively new thing, and frankly I dunno if it's a good thing at all. You should be forced to take responsibility for your actions early in life imo.

>> No.40886933
Quoted by: >>40886974

I would like it if TW had more events where you interact with your children…

>> No.40886974
Quoted by: >>40886985

Fucking pervert, leave them alone!

>> No.40886985

Not like that, Anon—genuine familial relationship dynamics are what I what.

>> No.40886991
Quoted by: >>40887006

Even worse, didn't know your kind still existed...

>> No.40887006

Ignore the second what, I meant to type “want”.
Weak. Even if my father was a deadbeat, it doesn’t mean I’m going to forsake my children…

>> No.40887022

>Even if my father was a deadbeat, it doesn’t mean I’m going to forsake my children…
Same, anon. Same.

>> No.40887044

Can... can you fugg inchlings in this?

>> No.40887079
Quoted by: >>40887098

I mean, Shinmyoumaru is in the Touhou-related era games. I’m not sure what that has to do with my post, though.

>> No.40887098

Sorry, didn't meant to reply to you

>> No.40887109

I see. Carry on, then.

>> No.40887209
File: 1 KB, 396x76, twist and turn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40890610

Yes, there's a unique [Inchling onahole] command in TW. But you'd need to grind a fair bit before you can use it. Shinmy's the only one by default, you can make her 'big' via the miracle hammer, but I suppose that piece of info isn't useful to you.
There's also the option to make everyone an inchling at the start, but I dunno if it's a good choice for the first playthrough.

>> No.40887404

I know the quest isnt finished but conceptually the change to the SMT4 questline for eraten actually massively improves the story in my mind. Replacing Flynn with a surface native, assuming you dont go for the "kidnapping off the bat" approach, would end up making Isabeau's hesitation a lot more understandable. She obviously wouldnt want Mikado going up in flames because its her home, but having a connection to someone on the surface gives her more reason to not want the entire place wiped away as well. It's better than her liking the manga on the surface

>> No.40888499

The Bogdanoffs are simply fucking with you.

>> No.40888517
File: 391 KB, 1024x768, __moriya_suwako_touhou_drawn_by_hammer_sunset_beach__9fbce4f8f81ddeaca180093d54595eb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know that the news is completely controlled by the Moriya these days.

>> No.40888534

damn frog brat...

>> No.40888600
Quoted by: >>40888700

What triggers the extra night prayer for children? Is it just random?

>> No.40888700

Yeah, it's just one of the random nighttime events.

>> No.40888731
File: 131 KB, 834x286, Health .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We all know that the news is completely controlled by the Moriya these days.
When and why did Kanako got put in charge of monitoring the childrens growth?

>> No.40888737
Quoted by: >>40888792

Snake hag needs to hurry and get translated so I can fall in love with her.

>> No.40888766

Don't forget that every week or so, Kanako likes to visit school to "measure children", whatever it means.

>> No.40888792

Okay let's see where she stands in my list
>translations planned: rumia, medicine, kanako, eirin, okina (+dancers), seiga
>writing planned: suika (port from K), miko, parsee, kurumi, kotohime
>expand: chen, tenshi, meiling, ran, reisen, mokou
Which way, /egg/man?

>> No.40888795
Quoted by: >>40888811

She measures their height with a ruler? The player can do it too.

>> No.40888811
Quoted by: >>40888817

Obviously it's just a stand-in for penis inspection, silly anon.

>> No.40888817

There are no penises in Gensokyo except the player's. I made sure of that.

>> No.40888822

Ran needs an expansion?

>> No.40888825
File: 356 KB, 616x644, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is kanako translated yet
i wanna see her have dialogue about her finally having her first kiss with (You) despite being old as shit
that would be pretty cool i think

>> No.40888831

This, and I also want us to band together and bully the frog.

>> No.40888849
File: 28 KB, 538x264, 1629131102346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah, she lacks reactions for caress commands (during sex), first time reactions for sex/service, orgasm reactions, and so on.

>> No.40888857
Quoted by: >>40888864

If I wasn't so trusting and pure of heart, I'd suggest she is up to no good.

>> No.40888858
File: 299 KB, 650x595, __hieda_no_akyuu_futatsuiwa_mamizou_motoori_kosuzu_and_futatsuiwa_mamizou_touhou_drawn_by_shiroshi_denpa_eshidan__997a2387a8f701f4f7c6314890893fab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidentally made kosuzu fall in love again because i gave her homemade custard in exchange for her shitty black thunder
Sometimes it's hard to be a chick magnet.

>> No.40888864

>Some mortal will fall for my charms and knock me up any day now
>Any day now...

>> No.40888872
File: 218 KB, 588x1222, __kochiya_sanae_moriya_suwako_and_yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_abubu__c3473d4fc0a2c52adf9c2c7aecda326e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40888880

Every day now.

>> No.40888877

When will we see red-eyed Marisa from 18.5 added in?

>> No.40888880

Kanako is very much my type desu

>> No.40888886

That depends on how closely it is related to the absolute travesty and shitpile that is th18.

>> No.40888887

Probably before Kotohime.

>> No.40889012
File: 2.60 MB, 1500x7881, 1646399073294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40889029

I'll make her the happiest hag in the world.

>> No.40889029

based and hagpilled, I want to drown her in love

>> No.40889295
File: 878 KB, 758x1122, 1654727582583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally my waifhu needs an expansion, or several.

>> No.40889556

one for every tail

>> No.40889889
Quoted by: >>40889964

I installed dotnet45 and it worked like a charm. I will give my firstborn your name.

>> No.40889964
Quoted by: >>40891238

>I will give my firstborn your name
After the hot winds of Mexico, Santana.

>> No.40890027
File: 136 KB, 603x249, budist nun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40892915

I'm not fluent in japanese but I think she is happy.

>> No.40890235
File: 196 KB, 1044x349, Jealous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40890880

Excuse me?

>> No.40890440
File: 8 KB, 530x324, jamming session.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40890445

Tried my hand at something a little different this time, and ended up creating two new requests.

<Jamming Session> is pretty much the musical equivalent of <Special Training>. It is only available to musician-types (i.e. anyone with Musical/Singing/Dancing Knowledge), and is resolved through a simple roll of the dice. On success, it will give you and the requester an amount of XP based on both your Music skills.

<Musical instruction> is instead focused on non-musicians. If you have sufficient skills in Music, Speech, and Knowledge, the girls may request you teach them a little (characters in [Love] will request this more frequently).
Success is based on a combination of music, knowledge, and speech skills and a random variable. At S-rank in all three you should always succeed.
After a girl passes 100 XP, you can teach them one of the three music skills, allowing them to join in your performances from then on.

These may need some fine-tuning and I probably screwed up somewhere, but they seem to be working well enough for now.

>> No.40890445
File: 10 KB, 804x260, the amazing dancing inchling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40890610
Quoted by: >>40890775

>there's a unique [Inchling onahole] command in TW. But you'd need to grind a fair bit before you can use it.
You can also use it without training in TSP, but it's so nasty that she literally get knocked down two or so uses in.

>> No.40890726

Focus on Suika, and then on the expansion packs. Forget about the shitty backdoor witch and her slutlings.

>> No.40890772 [DELETED] 

Kanako oversees penis inspection day at the Temple School

>> No.40890775
File: 36 KB, 1187x318, tags minigirl, stomach_deformation cum_inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40902898

That's why you need to grind, first to stretch her enough(btw buy forbidden knowledge), then once you can actually fuck she should start getting extra sta/ene with every session. Soon enough she'll take it for 3 turns, 4, 6, 10, 20, then hours, then you'll start knocking yourself out before her. And then she'll try to take you if you so much as breathe near her.

>> No.40890841
File: 994 KB, 1064x768, whereabout sense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40890857
Quoted by: >>40891627

how many times does whereabouts sense have to break before someone actually tries to fix it
it worked fine a couple years ago

>> No.40890880

haha look at this slut

>> No.40891183
File: 1.00 MB, 850x1112, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

akyuu and reisen have some really sappy dialogue
make some for junko
no better healing for her hate than some dicking

>> No.40891238

Why do the 2hus hate this name so much ;_;

>> No.40891274

They don't hate the name, they just dislike you making a joke out of naming your child.

>> No.40891583

Because they aren't mexican of course.

>> No.40891627

My unpopular opinion is that (you) shouldn't even have it. Makes praying and Momiji's ability pointless.

>> No.40891644

maybe, in my opinion it should be harder to get or even only getting it after beating momiji

>> No.40891682

I share your sentiment. You should have to sacrifice panties or ENE to use it, like how lust sense works

>> No.40891707
Quoted by: >>40891722

Being able to tell where everyone is in Gensokyo is a bit much, but knowing where people are in your current area should stay for the sake of gameplay. We lack feedback of sight and sound so blindly moving between rooms in search of a 2hu which is also moving around is tedium.

>> No.40891722

this, it should be limited to area only
though, the global one is kinda too convenient

>> No.40891872
Quoted by: >>40891898

What did you do? Did you zoom the pictures in or something?

>> No.40891898
File: 266 KB, 1066x765, Sanae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's zoomed sanae new art who does some fuckery with it.

>> No.40892041
Quoted by: >>40892068

That's actually quite decent, but I guess the true test are the naked pics.

>> No.40892068

I havent undressed her yet so I wouldnt know.
Eiki alternate art also break whereabout sense while i'm at it, but byakuren custom pose doesn't.
Not sure about the rest.

>> No.40892082

Sanny is supposed to be like that, it's twice the default resolution.

>> No.40892212
File: 303 KB, 1464x2048, FW1HpWJUEAA4n4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't agree more with this post as a Kanakofag

>> No.40892915

most detached from mortal affairs buddhist

>> No.40894676
File: 2.98 MB, 4096x2221, 1629210627785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be great if all girls had a portrait from pic related's artist, like a few girls already do. It would make things look more consistent.
Marisa's art in particular looks a lot better than the ones we've currently got in game.

>> No.40894887

>Kagerou's visible shoulder
My dog can't be this lewd.

>> No.40895022


>> No.40895070

why did they decided to not to that? why pick from multiple different art styles? just because they could?

>> No.40895125

I think it's better to try to implement art that's done for all the 2hus, like this, instead of doing 1 or 3 hus and leaving.
I hate that we've got a bunch of artists that seem to be dedicated to certain characters but in the end they're all shelved because their art clashes with all the others. Like we've got some weird lumpy boobs or weird shading on them here and there(ahem, Junko) on the stock art, and god, I wish this got fixed already, but it is consistent at least and that matters a lot. It's just frustrating that you can enter a room and see 5 girls with 5 different artstyles.
I'll take this opportunity to complain about something
Reimu's summer and winter clothes are made by different artists. Marisa's too but her winter set is actually better than the normal. Really wish these would be moved to 'alternate' rather than be enforced to look one way today and switch everything (including her goddamn boob size) the next. I get it, it was propably done to test if you can make a girl wear something else for the winter season, but the test is done, it's clearly not being worked on, there's no extra art. Get it outta here, everybody else is always wearing the same outfit, these two can live with that too.

>> No.40895334

That's a lot of fucking hats.

>> No.40895335


>> No.40895434


>> No.40895522

Excellent argument.

>> No.40895775

How are you suppsed to fuck the Reimu, I can't raise my reliability with her for shit

>> No.40895887
Quoted by: >>40896179

Take your time™.

>> No.40895968
Quoted by: >>40896179

The miko is a maiden, anon, and she wants to be treated preciously.
Just be nice to her, or at least make sure to support her and help her out.

>> No.40896127

I didn't know the (((Scartlets))) could control the market this fucking hard.

>> No.40896179

Is that code for bringing her a lot of sake and buying her stupid fortune telling things?

>> No.40896203

Yes, but no. Do more work for her. Massage her when she asks, don’t take her money as a reward when you complete a request for her, etcetera.

>> No.40896406
Quoted by: >>40897286

>stupid fortune telling things
Well, if you're going to say things like that, it's not exactly surprising that she doesn't like you all that much.

>> No.40896433
File: 2 KB, 717x53, barely bothered miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40897338

>How are you suppsed to fuck the Reimu
Same as any other girl, wake up when she does, TSP carry her in kitchen, cook something with her, TSP lace it with love potion, feed it to her then TSP carry her in the open to train/forage/fish/study....
Exploit her request that allow to lead her around for early dating.
Or get bored by this and buy a rope from nitori or the mail order.
Wake up an hour before she does, TSP carry Kana far away from remu bedroom to not get interupted, TSP sneak in then start molesting, unbutton cloth, tie her up, get your hate mark 3 when she wake up unless she love/lust over (You).
Finaly get dissapointed when you realise that she doesn't have any non consensual lines and faint after 4-5 actions unless you force feed her drugs which you probably dont have at this point in game so all of this was for nothing.

>> No.40896615
Quoted by: >>40897196

I downloaded the pedy version of TW but it appear that the anchor is failing to load the images from the resources folder, lots of Lvl 1 Warnings, how do it fix this? I even downloaded a locale emulator just to be sure.

>> No.40897196

Happens on every version just restart the game.

>> No.40897286
Quoted by: >>40897978

I'm sorry, but what am I supposed to say about fortune telling talismans that tell me that everything will be bad and I should donate more to the shrine?

>> No.40897338
Quoted by: >>40898186

Which characters have non-consensual lines? Asking for a friend haha

>> No.40897502

Didn't work for me. What worked was copying a libwebp_x64.dll from a older version and throwing it in the pedy version, dunno how or why but it works now. I hope nothing breaks later.

>> No.40897978
File: 234 KB, 764x1360, FJtNFZCVkAISh8p.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say: "Thank you, Reimu, for protecting me from such a dreadful fate" and then you do as the fortune commands.
I'm starting to get the feeling that you really don't know how anything works here. It's like you *want* to be horribly cursed.

>> No.40898076
Quoted by: >>40898084

>actually doing requests
Just go up to your touhou and hug her. Don't let go until a week has passed. By this point she should have fallen in love with you.

>> No.40898084
Quoted by: >>40898107

>how to get hate marks 101

>> No.40898107
Quoted by: >>40898119

Just hug harder.

>> No.40898119

>how to die 101

>> No.40898122

Just befriend Kaguya and cuckquean her.

>> No.40898132

Just hug the onis until they let you leave Hell.

>> No.40898142

Yeah its better getting a artist that has art of every 2hu, there are some on pixiv.

>> No.40898186
File: 19 KB, 1040x464, joon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which characters have non-consensual lines?
Reisen and Kaguya does have some custom lines upon the default one that every charaters have. Others girls like Joon use their consensual lines for some reason.

>> No.40898189

As long as they size them up properly, I find that the newhus that used dairi's art seems to be positioned too far away if you do body portraits

>> No.40898194

is Okina in K ever getting translated

>> No.40898916

i will kill you homo

>> No.40899033
File: 6 KB, 737x113, the strongest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all these fairies so erotic?
How can Gensokyo even function when such lewd creatures are everywhere?

>> No.40899096

It doesn't, everyone is too busy fucking fairies or trying to get the men to stop fucking fairies.

>> No.40899109
File: 60 KB, 800x800, 1655037035333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40899124

>How can Gensokyo even function when such lewd creatures are everywhere
its the crippling lack of males anon, there's like 1 every 300 females
and not one of them is as good as you.

>> No.40899117
Quoted by: >>40899330

I want to fuck Clownpiece

>> No.40899124
Quoted by: >>40899149

I want to hug the nun

>> No.40899149

Frankly I'd hug the old mans hitbox before I'd hug the nun

>> No.40899257
Quoted by: >>40899283

That's the best part.
No picrel because blue board.

>> No.40899283
File: 80 KB, 1091x356, the results of proper training.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

words are sfw

>> No.40899300

Get help.

>> No.40899330
File: 355 KB, 654x661, (C90) [Avalanche (ChimaQ)] Yousei-tachi to Otona no Omamagoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40899374
File: 32 KB, 680x508, pain2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone wrote and scripted this

>> No.40899530

Speaking of, I wonder why isn't the Anchor program set to try and reload on its own the very images it failed to load, instead of forcing you to restart it and reload everything from scratch.

>> No.40899563
File: 1.56 MB, 4541x1200, __hatsune_miku_hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_artoria_pendragon_cirno_and_34_more_touhou_and_14_more_drawn_by_gustav_telomere_na__e8254546635a69c5c54e2009360d6f32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40899578

This image was easy to track down. Searching "hakurei_reimu" and "fleeing" was enough to narrow it down to 4 pages on Danbooru. In the future please use this knowledge to attempt to find things yourself.

>> No.40899578

>spinzaku and sayoko-lelouch in the background
Nostalgia just hit me like a sledgehammer.

>> No.40899670
File: 114 KB, 1196x1633, protecting the human village by satisfying every fairy by myself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40899940

This fairy is dangerous.

>> No.40899940
File: 110 KB, 1230x1355, 1652960549426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40900036

I've had the same happen with Reimu. Twice.
But also, I thought the girl needs the Love trait to ask you to stay, did you get her to that point while keeping her a virgin? Impressive if so.

>> No.40900036
File: 56 KB, 370x526, sweet innocent enemy of okinakind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40900049

It's really not that hard as long as you have some self-control, anon. At this point, I rarely sex anyone until they've properly fallen in love.
You shouldn't stick your dick inside until you've sufficiently prepared them for big human dick, anyway. Mentally and physically.

>> No.40900049
Quoted by: >>40900057

Oh yeah, I do the same when the girl is child-like or child-sized.

>> No.40900057
File: 351 KB, 682x742, __vergil_devil_may_cry_and_1_more_drawn_by_royalcat__e2c64c07689174b1bf3abadb4bd55f55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40900115

You don't do the same for hags?
You demon.

>> No.40900070

I don't know why but eraTohoK is super addicting. Does TW give the same feeling?

>> No.40900115
Quoted by: >>40900189

Nah, they tend to push me down and fuck me of their own volition already at Yearning, and I don't usually feel like depriving them of it.

>> No.40900127

These games kind of lose their spell once you know what's being their magic, don't they?

>> No.40900129
File: 8 KB, 681x118, 1656911309276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40900198

If you like autistically grinding different stats and relationship points, yes.

>> No.40900134
Quoted by: >>40900198

It depends on you. If you enjoy an "ideal life" simulator in which you spend days living a comfy life surrounded by girls you'll love TW. If you just want lots of action you'll find it subpar compared to K.
I'd say it's worth a try at least.

>> No.40900189
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x1024, __ibaraki_kasen_touhou_drawn_by_hammer_sunset_beach__cd12816714e4dd3b0ade97e5edd00f45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, all you need to do is say the magic word.
The hags may think they want to engage in carnal pleasures right that instant, but you know better and understand that such acts are only proper after the two of you express your genuine and pure love for each other, and fill in the required documents in triplicate.

Do the right thing, anon. It's worth it.

>> No.40900198

Looks like I'm downloading TW after eraMegaten; I've missed playing text games like this.

>> No.40900223
File: 954 KB, 2996x1624, 1646857115282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you have shown me the light. I'll give it some effort.

>> No.40900257
File: 10 KB, 849x291, even yuuka has limits to her cruelty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40900369
File: 26 KB, 953x514, strongest and most fertile eggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40900452

Well then.

>> No.40900426
Quoted by: >>40900443

Letting Remi be the ruler was a bad idea.

>> No.40900443
Quoted by: >>40900470

What did you expect with a Chuuni?

>> No.40900452
File: 168 KB, 642x482, granende2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40900498

It better be a girl, half fairy for a male sounds faggy.

>> No.40900456
File: 227 KB, 600x360, 1654781367482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn
anyone is welcome to look at you being pathetic but not her

>> No.40900461

Yeah group/harem sex is cool and all but [531] Doze Off or [529] Join Relaxing between 3 soft bags of affection and body heat must be nice.

>> No.40900470

I certainly didn't expect a coalition of 10 nations. I had to join the other side and personaly crush the remainings of oujousama's army to be able to set her free.

>> No.40900473
Quoted by: >>40902018

Is there some vanilla impregnation and happy pregnant sex in this?

Definately not this>>40899283

>> No.40900476
File: 2.17 MB, 1236x1884, 1659469012098594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn i love hags bros

>> No.40900498
File: 327 KB, 708x1000, __cirno_touhou_drawn_by_mitsuki_yuuya__80ebf742f4b97ab2b57dcc1368ec7d07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40900925

Sounds like an issue with shit genes on your part.
My child will solve the Human Village's population crisis by impregnating all the women with quarter-fairies.

>> No.40900925
File: 537 KB, 1211x1080, 1568920203297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40900955

>My child will solve the Human Village's population crisis by impregnating all the women with quarter-fairies.
How about doing the fucking job you were bought in in the first place instead of offloading it to your child?
Fucking deadbeat.

>> No.40900955
File: 458 KB, 1280x1807, 34 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40901035

'cause I'm already busy fucking the fairies into submission so that the few surviving human men's seed remains safe.
There's only so much time in a day, anon. I can't keep scores of fairies in check while also giving human women the love and attention they deserve.

>> No.40901000

Which fairies are translated I need fairy

>> No.40901035
File: 3.21 MB, 1776x2045, 1556134961054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40901065

>There's only so much time in a day
He says while having the power to TSP breed all gensokyo without spending a second of in game time.
So much for "saving human men's seed".
Larva is, rest require machine translator.

>> No.40901065
File: 463 KB, 1280x1807, 9 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The goal isn't to impregnate them, anon. That's just a fortuitous side-effect of my great labour.
My purpose is to keep the fairies calm by having so much sex with them that they no longer have any desire to assault random men for their semen. Time stop sex won't satisfy them nearly enough; they need to be conscious for it to have any meaning.

And Clownpiece is also translated, and she has significantly more than the rather barebones Larva.

>> No.40901301

do yuuka fags really?

>> No.40901309


>> No.40901397

>he wouldn't let yuuka beat the shit out of him

>> No.40901470

Clownpiece is mostly translated.

>> No.40901644
File: 264 KB, 800x600, 1595914299656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instructions unclear, dick stuck in hag.

>> No.40902018

>vanilla impregnation
>pregnant sex
You can fuck them while they're pregnant but I don't know if any girls have special lines for when you do, none of the few girls I've done it on far have them.

>> No.40902235
File: 21 KB, 324x251, you dont say.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40902601

>You can fuck them while they're pregnant but I don't know if any girls have special lines for when you do
Toyohime has one line asking you to be gentle when she is pregnant.

>> No.40902601
File: 264 KB, 1161x1839, b0e0e4ad94c2f5f8cdcfd603a806ed12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love hags

>> No.40902758

I have never seen that line before.

>> No.40902780
Quoted by: >>40902800

What is tohosim? Is it the sims but touhou?

>> No.40902800
Quoted by: >>40902915

An Era game that doesn't look like it debuted in the late 70s.

>> No.40902832

I think it's when Yuuka is really angry.
I might have triggered once when stealing her panties and then coming back later.

>> No.40902837
Quoted by: >>40903037

Returning player here, what version should I get for TW?

>> No.40902898
Quoted by: >>40903418

Lmao, imagine getting dominated by someone the size of your hand. What a sissy.

>> No.40902915


>> No.40902937

Another coalition.... people really hate bats.

>> No.40903037


>> No.40903205


>> No.40903418
File: 304 KB, 1500x1062, e7c6f2c63a53018b6ad0ce600499b7a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40903533

Hey fuck you buddy, you know it only happens if you allow it and don't use tsp slip out. I'm maxed out and can tangle with the oni and dominate everyone in Gensokyo, but seeing the smallest girl out there try to turn herself into a baloon is endearing. Hm, maybe that is a weakness, if you're like underestimating her as an opponent, but not like she would try to harm me at this point, or could even scratch me if she would.

>> No.40903533
Quoted by: >>40903596

She's clearly got a shit ton of strength in there if she's able to carry you to your room even after all that, sounds like youre the one underestimating

>> No.40903596
Quoted by: >>40903625

She can always make herself bigger using the mallet.

>> No.40903625
Quoted by: >>40904007

Yeah but it's funnier to imagine she's just lifting you above her head as she casually walks to your room while in inchling size

>> No.40903793
Quoted by: >>40903830

>impregnated 5 hus in one week
Child support is going to be fucking brutal.

>> No.40903830
Quoted by: >>40903966

I usually have around 5 women taking care of kids at any time. It ain't so bad. Just make sure you're watering your veggies every day, and/or you're aware how to play the charisma game.

>> No.40903966

Tell me about the charisma game, why does it wear the mask?

>> No.40904007

The vision made me cackle.

>> No.40904394

It's part of her bad mood dialogue when you don't have any relationship with her.
The text varies depending on your pain resistance.
She'll also hit you less hard if you're a woman, which seems a little weird.

>> No.40904575
Quoted by: >>40905219

do they eventually give birth?

>> No.40905219

Touhous reproduce via budding, pregnancy is only an illusion.
