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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40162270 No.40162270 [Reply] [Original]

Read more. and listen!
Ignore Tatsumoto spam

previous thread:

>> No.40162377
File: 331 KB, 1323x2048, FVH7Q8jaQAESbhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love thicc bellies

>> No.40162382 [DELETED] 
File: 496 KB, 220x220, 3A5953C6-DBF2-41C5-A061-1DDEF8B9DC21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40162457

>> 40162154
W.I.T.C.H. Games^
^ユニ⑅Elfenfairi yni^Princess subculture ArtStudying Educational yay to play game^
yni Harajuku fairi Subculture game ^
ユニ妖精のティーパーティー 彡
l'imagination et la magie mignonne。^◌⑅𖤣𖥧ހ𖡼⑅^(académie
Gameplay's core is perfecting world by imagination and cute magic。^yni art-game (fairi cute magic academy)。^ultra dreamy and pure/cute magic project for everyfairi for studying cute magic& perfecting world by imagination and cute magic。^

The cute magical Angelic world should not hide and be ignorant if so called “adult”things politics included because of antifairi masses of dream magic distortion that control objective time and govern the "real" worldthat is why cutemagic is so hard to spell and evil things are so easy to perform
btw I have never had sex or masturbate my whole life as fairi so I am much more pure and angelic than any antifairi vulgar that claims me dirty because I support lgbt as asexual androgynous forever virgin

What a scoundrel beast666 you have to be to say about a fairi what she is absolutely not and is the opposite of how "you" represent her.
Sadly, the whole life of the antifairi takes place in the deceit and destruction of the dreams of innocent subculture associates

^The Angelic&forever sacred yni^ fairi subculture associate with only timeless cute&kind pure Angelic and dreamy and have nothing to be ashamed of. We've resisted the evil anti-magic reality all our lives. While the antifairi beasts were ignorant and tried to “reveal” &"expose" our innocence, tried to defile it with their curses and gave respect to the demon lords-generates who cruelly destroyed our castles. antifairi poisoned my castles and elementals not once but thanks to my sacred mental yayness and angelic subjectivity I am not only alive but made every envious curses sparkle and bricks for my castle

◌⑅ 𖡼𖤣𖡼⑅^
yni^. One of the mos popular meanings is fairy game and yniversity of fairy like Oxford with colleges like in Hogwarts YNYTY CHURCH^COLLEGE&fairi-castell^(my birthday teaparty was held here(only imaginary friends come because i guess i can not have friends because of ultra high empathy and i just cry a lot when i talk to people more than 11seconds)
btw "tea" was my first word https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JZS-foRNlY
Mental yayness “degenerative(cute angelic pure) art” game&gallery yni

The girl in the pic is one of my sacred imaginary friends astral plane included you can see my incarnation(fairi golem elementalic) in many videos in the chaneel bye I was born as a girl but sovereign of time which is the most powerful antifairi cursed me long before so no one would believe that I am am a fairi princess

Mental yayness&illness are completely different as angelic innocent fairi and beast666 antifairi. MentalYayness is the sanest way of thinking and spirituality and it good for you and public as a fairi
I went to a mental health hospital when I was 14yo and doctors were stupid antifairi that wanted me to lose my freedom and take”meds”all my life. They can not even tell apart angelic and demonic, yayness and illness are one to them because they poisoned by evil anti magical world, the cute fairy building her castle from lego brick and polymer clays are almost same for them with the demon lord who cruelty destroy fairy castle. I will go only to fairy hospital like Rivendell to get my phytonutrients vitamins minerals and candy

Everyone can seem like a fairi if they use only tunnel vision and sparkle glitter words. We need to be able to still continue or cute dream magic in evil so called real world where the darkness rules and even if the dark lord have everything on control they still afraid the subjectivity of innocent fairy princess, not the that will return the fairy Angelic age
Btw frufi is not a person but a complex fruityEcological fairy tree consciousness system because I can not use rude words or speak about evil things at all because of ultra high empathy with physical pain included. So I use horcruxes which can seem as dark and demonic from the outside but they are fairy golems angelic deep inside so they are yay to study dark dream distortion and play yayly
The girl in the pic is one of my sacred imaginary friends astral plane included you can see my incarnation(fairi golem elementalic) in many videos in the chaneel bye I was born as a girl but sovereign of time which is the most powerful antifairi cursed me long before so no one would believe that I am am a fairi princess

pastel and cute fairi-castell^
I love your castle^

>> No.40162454

>I went to a mental health hospital when I was 14yo and doctors were stupid antifairi that wanted me to lose my freedom and take”meds”all my life.
never take the meds

>> No.40162457
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>> No.40162587
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>> No.40162700

dame what a horrible thread

>> No.40162810
File: 342 KB, 1800x1218, 494A8370-B264-4D96-BCC0-513462268D09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40164375

I always had only imaginary/astral/ polymer clay friends because of ultra high empathy(I can not speak with anyone for more than 11 seconds before I losing myself) so the only possible solution is asking for a political asylum as a fairi I do not know how qwq

>> No.40162889
File: 185 KB, 700x1090, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40162975

all of that looks like shit

>> No.40162980

some of these are pretty good

>> No.40163147

all of that looks like gold

>> No.40163523

this motivates me

>> No.40163729
File: 123 KB, 768x1024, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you studying Japanese?

>> No.40163737


>> No.40163929


>> No.40163972
Quoted by: >>40164621

browsing chan for 12 hours a day gets boring might as well learn something for 6 hours

>> No.40164002
Quoted by: >>40164030

why would someone not? it's natural
not even memeing

>> No.40164017

it gives my life a semblance of meaning

>> No.40164021
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>> No.40164030

can't really argue with this

>> No.40164033

Wasn't this thread on /a/ back in the days? What happened?

>> No.40164039
Quoted by: >>40164052

/a/ is a board for anime

>> No.40164048
Quoted by: >>40164621

some shit went down...
we lost the ones we cared about...
and along the way we forgot about what's important...

>> No.40164052

yeah so? We also had r/a/dio threads.

>> No.40164079
File: 553 KB, 1920x1080, 7YK1V45Z7I2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use memento if you really want to make out of here fluent in nihongo.

>> No.40164112

why is her chin so fucking fat

>> No.40164132
File: 80 KB, 125x270, 1646415631314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40164168

>> No.40164168

kys moe

>> No.40164191
File: 710 KB, 2892x4096, FVG3FS2UsAAn7aB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40164202 [DELETED] 

i like japanese women but white girls look so much better
shame neither would date me

>> No.40164249 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40164370

tried being yourself mate?

>> No.40164308
Quoted by: >>40167033

Idk if y’all read light novels but right now I been reading overgeared and I can switch it to Japanese now there is hirigana /katakana as well as alittle kanji in it…for example “マクソングは、 グリッドとオーバーギアのメンバ ーが宮殿を去るときに彼らを送り出しました。王 子と何百人もの兵士が彼についてきました。 彼ら の王は危険にさらされていました、 そして彼らは 王を保護するという決意を感じました。 グリッド は唖然としました。 マクソングは誰でしたか?王 国が侵略され” now do I translate this to romanji then to English ? Or

>> No.40164357

look at the HONKERS on that MAMA

>> No.40164360 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 758x404, 1655129029676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40164366
File: 135 KB, 900x1220, FVIEKkHaQAAqXFX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now imagine this wonderful piece of art but with the new swimsuit standards

its over for otakus globally

>> No.40164370 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40164439

when i went to the psychiatrist there was a blonde jk staring me like she wanted the D but i didnt talk to her because she was with her mom
that or she was a schizo

>> No.40164375

i posted this in an earlier thread, but do you need a place to stay right now or are you safe? i can't help with a visa, but i have an empty apartment near tokyo you can use for a month or so until i can visit japan again as a tourist. youd be by yourself and all you need to pay is utilities

>> No.40164400


>> No.40164407


>> No.40164422

they're still gonna draw them like this so idk what your issue is

>> No.40164435


>> No.40164439 [DELETED] 

i'm not sure i believe in the psychiatric industry but i applaud you for seeking help.

>> No.40164451

for how many generations?
the sukumizu as we now it is now a 絶滅危惧種

>> No.40164471
File: 310 KB, 1487x1111, 1654593200213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40164485
Quoted by: >>40166826

look I know it's hard to take advice from here but the moment you give them gentle advice like "hey please don't draw on the walls with your poop", they'll decide that you're an antifairy that needs to be eliminated.
you don't want to come back to your apartment and fall through the floorboards into a punji pit

>> No.40164495
Quoted by: >>40164536

i'm antifairy. there i said it

>> No.40164525
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, roboko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on 待機 for this now

maybe get some food in while i can, it has been nonstop immersion for me since 4 hours
so many streams today

>> No.40164536

well that makes it easy to know who the bad guys are

>> No.40164562 [DELETED] 

remember when obese girl larped as a white nationalist traditionalist thing. now she's trying to defend a gay retard pushing his homosexual schizo agenda in this thread. fucking fraud

>> No.40164585

the good guys in anime would defend a mentally yay person

>> No.40164596

that's not what happened in welcome to the nhk

>> No.40164612

nhk in youkoso a shit
brb updating my mal

>> No.40164619
Quoted by: >>40164650


>> No.40164621 [DELETED] 
File: 636 KB, 595x842, 1652024018206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice op
nice art
nice peko!
nice anime!
nice babes!
nice advice!
nice remembrance!
nice shirt!
nice ToT!
nice self pity!
nice left!
nice uouououuuuu
nice og!
nice cosplay!
nice stuff to catch up to!

times for nice reps!
nice thread so far
goood mooorning my frieeeends!

>> No.40164650

ill try to get over it lmao

>> No.40164659

yup just keep coping

>> No.40164677
Quoted by: >>40164807

hate that chadmoedonda has to spend time dunking on shitters like this
but i'm glad that someone is doing it

>> No.40164679 [DELETED] 

never find a wife with that attitude

>> No.40164689 [DELETED] 
File: 970 KB, 1088x546, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my frieeeends
friends get candy! have some

>> No.40164695
Quoted by: >>40164753

kyok' of the day

>> No.40164707
File: 375 KB, 1929x2000, 1655043387047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40164807

yuuup have 30 mins for ふぉおd and some reps, then 1 100 1000 10000 天輩!
emmersion chads status: winning desuwa

>> No.40164738 [DELETED] 
File: 755 KB, 960x540, 1654120807178.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40164807

love friends
love women
love candy
simple as

>> No.40164753
Quoted by: >>40164807

nice kyok!

>> No.40164783

thanks but it goes without saying my taste is impeccable

>> No.40164791
Quoted by: >>40164807

ahaha never was gonna anyway ahahah

>> No.40164794
File: 2.26 MB, 854x480, zousan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kobo.. your listening comprehension

>> No.40164800 [DELETED] 

cuz women love subservient male feminists.

>> No.40164806


>> No.40164807 [DELETED] 


>> No.40164831

moe donda.

>> No.40164835

lets keep the good kyok' rolling

>> No.40164842 [DELETED] 
File: 2.67 MB, 300x169, 1655033294234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sasuga og! as expected of the most based, exhilarating, exhuberating, overwhelming, satisfying, inspiring japanese knower itt!
a pleasure and an honor to share a thread with you, oh glory of glories!

>> No.40164855

they told me shed take guras place
they never warned shed take my heart...

>> No.40164878 [DELETED] 


>> No.40164880


>> No.40164884 [DELETED] 

seek help

>> No.40164909 [DELETED] 

holy based and correct

>> No.40164914
Quoted by: >>40164963


>> No.40164917 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 479x355, 17329541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40164929
File: 48 KB, 1028x558, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slow thread this morning

>> No.40164933 [DELETED] 

why wont og shutdown the disgusting retarded simp? or can she not tell its the same disgusting retard?

>> No.40164935
File: 101 KB, 1920x1080, 1655131750025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40164946

ヤバい ヤバい ヤバい
うう… こんなところで欲情して

he's just like me

>> No.40164940

yoooo don't forget! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNGyOb4kZUU
love watching both at the same time

>> No.40164946

you are a vampire?

>> No.40164955

simple enough, he triggers my enemies
also years spent discouraging simping wasnt doing me any favors why would i facilitate more hostile posting conditions for non-existant brownie points

>> No.40164963

nice too

>> No.40164966

he is the vtuber spammer

>> No.40164976

point your brownie at my nose and let me take a sniff holy goddess

>> No.40164978
Quoted by: >>40165010

and i shit on the vtumor posts your point?
not like we cant get rid of him

>> No.40164986

a mind of unparalleled strategic brilliance

>> No.40164988
File: 846 KB, 1012x1088, 1630632501708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall got issues str8 up

>> No.40164997
Quoted by: >>40165016

least none of us are antifairy agents
glow harder

>> No.40164999
Quoted by: >>40165015

what do you mean?
youre not being reasonable

>> No.40165006

yep output goddess won, barely a contest

>> No.40165010

you're enabling him. you're dumb. enjoy the shit thread with the manic vshitter samefagging trolling and spamming

>> No.40165011

Current thread: #3291

Previous threads:
>>40153613 #3290
>>40140511 #3289
>>40125611 #3288
>>40113444 #3287
>>40103743 #3286
>>40092354 #3285
>>40078208 #3284

>> No.40165013 [DELETED] 

fairyniggers are agents of the globohomo agenda

>> No.40165015


>> No.40165016


>> No.40165025

true true

>> No.40165034 [DELETED] 

i saw his manic posting in the weeks and weeks i wasnt even here
he didnt even know me as a poster till i got back but still simped for me
hes a force of nature just let him tire himself out his mania cant last forever

>> No.40165052
Quoted by: >>40165061

hope you get the meds you need one day schizo bro, missed your wonderful posts, you always cheer me up!
hang in there, itll get better! i believe in you!

>> No.40165061
Quoted by: >>40165089

please please have sex

>> No.40165066
Quoted by: >>40165144

he's been here since september, he left end of october but came back on christmas and has been everyday since then
he's like a leech and is clinically no meming insane

>> No.40165075
Quoted by: >>40165093

cringe post oh glory of glories
for the m stands for mediocre
and theres nothing mediocre about thee
sisp perhaps
or sipp! that one has a nice ring to it

>> No.40165087
Quoted by: >>40165117

luv roboco
also luv choco

>> No.40165089

well okay

>> No.40165093


>> No.40165116
File: 462 KB, 850x1206, 1655132713008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40165117
File: 452 KB, 2223x1817, 1654425276249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.40165131
File: 325 KB, 1000x1563, 1655033986998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40165172

yooo its really good!
one day oujou bros

>> No.40165144
Quoted by: >>40165184


>> No.40165166
Quoted by: >>40165197

Assuming I get N1 certified, what sort of positions could an EFL look into to live and work in Japan? Besides teaching ESL.

>> No.40165172
Quoted by: >>40165303

lmao didn't even know about the beehive

>> No.40165175

i love women

>> No.40165182 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 600x800, 1632632098866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i love women

>> No.40165184

dont reply to any of his posts no matter what bait he posts its the only way
he even turned on bunko his "bro" and spam reported his posts to get him banned, if you want to know why djt died its because the boys rq from his spam abuse
he has janny/mod connections, a pro vtuber guy got promoted to mod recently watch your back

>> No.40165196

>spam abuse
*report abuse sry

>> No.40165197

almost no one cares about n1 certification
they will suss you out just by interviewing you in japanese
also unless you are in a technical field you arent gonna get hired for much other than esl teacher which requires 0 japanese
learning japanese to get a job is the biggest meme ever unless your plan is to work outside of japan ironically
dont be sarah moon

>> No.40165212


>> No.40165235

japanese is a hobby language
it has no real world value outside of bragging rights and even thats gonna be cringe real soon once normalfags turn against mainstream weebism

>> No.40165243 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40165281

you could become the 1st translator who isnt a tranny trying to force the homosexual agenda

>> No.40165250

acquired 上杉謙信

>> No.40165255
Quoted by: >>40165259

western consoomers deserve everything they get
shitmuchers *spits*

>> No.40165259
Quoted by: >>40165274

that's unreasonable

>> No.40165260

oh wow this anon?
not well
not well at all

>> No.40165274
Quoted by: >>40165295

how? fuck em
they keep paying for the shit and they dont know whats good
i hope they suffer and get pozzed as much as possible and stay away from actual otaku culture

>> No.40165281
Quoted by: >>40165289

Wouldn't that involve not being in Japan?

>> No.40165289
Quoted by: >>40165316

don't mind him, he has maybe 5 lines he cycles through

>> No.40165295

cuz some people just wanna read manga and have no choice. but yea they should be principled and not pay for it

>> No.40165303
Quoted by: >>40165315

didn't think id enjoy this game but here we are
dame she talks so fast i love her

>> No.40165312
Quoted by: >>40165328

what happened to migaku? 6 month no update. following not for the fat programmar but the 18months jlptn1 dude - he was dope but got migakuèd...

>> No.40165315

i pay for vinnies and games if they provide japanese text on steam

she talks about kissing a lot i think she might be 欲求不満

>> No.40165316

i just said something i never said before though retard what are you talking about

>> No.40165326

>snowflake westerner ironic weeb visits japan
>gets misgendered
>no vegan options
>women dress and act like women
>men act like men
>gets triggered and leaves early, writes scathing blog warning other westerners to stay away from problematic japanese culture by avoiding all japan media, social media, and tourism
>otakus go back to being obscure and undergound and japan stays based
get a fuctional iq, moegroid

>> No.40165328

1200 dumbasses are still paying him to do nothing why bother

>> No.40165329

i pay for everything, always support things you enjoy bros, you cant take money with you, you can however take joy

>> No.40165335

who are you quoting?

>> No.40165341

get that meme out of your mouth, zoomer immigrant

>> No.40165343

>no vegan options
i follow a couple japanese vegans and they say there's one in most places

>> No.40165353 [DELETED] 

these types of snowflakes are less than 1% of normal people. anime and manga gain more mainstream audience every year. im sorry you are a retard who only talks to people on the internet and thinks trannies are taking over the world.

>> No.40165354

me, they call me who, i say quotable things

>> No.40165359
Quoted by: >>40165365

lmao follow you fucking kids
go to japan and try to eat vegan
even in tokyo you have to go insanely out of your way to speciality returants
give up outside of major cities entirely

>> No.40165362

we will rock you desuwa

>> No.40165365

you can just order edamame

>> No.40165377

edamame bros... we win again... yawn

>> No.40165379 [DELETED] 


>> No.40165391
Quoted by: >>40165402

says the guy whos been crying about the one fairy in tokyo for the last 2 days
anyway im using an extreme example but most normalfags are pretty far gone on basic shit like gender roles and presentation (japanese women wearing skits and dresses regularly triggers the shit out of western woman who spend time in japan)
and japanese are way more openly causally racist than even your basic neocon can stomach

>> No.40165402

im not reading your post and idk what your first rnt was responding to in the first place cuz it had nothing to do with any of my posts also the gay fairy guy is in this thread spamming i dont give a shit what he does in japan lol

>> No.40165406

dame the fire house remains undefeated

>> No.40165415
Quoted by: >>40165436

who the fuck am i wasting my breath on moe hasnt even been to japan or talked to a native outside of a failed italki attempt lmao

>> No.40165431

yeah idk why youre saying a bunch of shit i dont care about

>> No.40165436

whyd you talk to him im the first place, wouldn't your toilet get jealous?

>> No.40165438

id have to scroll up to even remember why we started this argument
my brain is swimming with spicy oden and too much caffein

>> No.40165449

cracked my phone

>> No.40165450

as for me its oujousama gura killer high energy

>> No.40165452

you probably just had a hard time reading something i said and made a irrelevant rant

>> No.40165455

never cracked or broke a phone in all me born days

>> No.40165464 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40165511

ive had the same phone for 5 years

>> No.40165467

same but unironically

>> No.40165476
Quoted by: >>40165493

dame someone put this group on ice they cant keep making bops this criminally good

>> No.40165479
Quoted by: >>40165511

its still usable

>> No.40165480 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40165491

and ive never cleaned it

>> No.40165491

its still cleaner than you are lmao

>> No.40165493

true true

>> No.40165511

same and the charge lasts the whole day
new phones are a meme now either way they can all do the same just "faster" which is also a meme because good software would run fast on every modern chip
and mobile games aren't games so i don't care about that either

>> No.40165521

i bought an expensive ish motorola but its was still only a few hundred with no contract
it runs better than newer phones and its 2 years old now
never catch me buying american, chinese or korean glow-ware

>> No.40165549

as for me its samsung everything

>> No.40165564

think im gonna pick up this game, looks fun

>> No.40165580
File: 2 KB, 426x68, Screenshot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons please help me
what do I do

>> No.40165611
Quoted by: >>40165687

put new cards to zero

do 500 reps, take a break, repeat until the pile is down to 0

>> No.40165619
File: 896 KB, 1447x2047, 1655033184019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2530 cards looks like
its time for the dark souls of spaced repetition anon

dame desuwa is desudone

>> No.40165667

h..halqifibrax bros... n..no...

>> No.40165687
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-633467816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40165723

by 500 reps do you mean "reduce the green number by 500" or "press the spacebar 500 times"

>> No.40165690

what are the best reddit communities for japanese culture

>> No.40165693


>> No.40165695
File: 3 KB, 314x94, ace attorney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i pay for vinnies and games if they provide japanese text on steam
for example, this is "The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles"

since there is no japanese text option i will pirate all the games

>> No.40165723
Quoted by: >>40165743

the former

you could also just press space until everything is gone and deal with the cards slowly as they creep back
your choice

>> No.40165724
Quoted by: >>40165812

you can buy it on japanese steam store instead

>> No.40165743

aight thanks

>> No.40165761

what is the dark souls of spaced repetition?

>> No.40165773
Quoted by: >>40165789

self-flagellation for every failed card

>> No.40165789

ayy. in the brazilian army every time you do something wrong, you have to do 10 pushups. The trauma makes the learning faster.

>> No.40165812
File: 7 KB, 286x176, dragon quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40165841

nope, they've lost their chance of getting a customer
can't be arsed

i know dragon quest xi also has japanese text if you buy it over the windows store with japanese vpn
but since they failed to provide it to steam it was a pirate as well

>> No.40165841

based chad
they should work for your money, not you to give it to them
get a shock collar and zap yourself whenever you fail
research has been ran on this, it doesn't help retention but it is very funny

>> No.40165904
Quoted by: >>40166007

they probably do it on purpose to separate overseas and domestic sales, for statistics

>> No.40165992


>> No.40166006
File: 43 KB, 625x246, 1563784326458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese bros, we keep winning!

>> No.40166007

nice theory but they only do it very rarely, if you look at other games by the same publishers (square and capcom in this case) they mostly have japanese interface, subs, and voice included

often its a sign that some part of the game was changed which warranted the need for different versions
for example in tales of berseria they changed a scene where a child character was impaled by a sword
which ruins part of the game because you get revenge in the same way later on

if you look through that publisher (bandai namco) most games have japanese text included, even other tales of games after berseria

>> No.40166037

dont remember the game but there is one where the crunch sound of a monster eating children off screen is only in the japanese version

>> No.40166040
Quoted by: >>40166102

what video games have furigana that aren't for kids

>> No.40166102
Quoted by: >>40166236

i think they all have some furigana
do you mean full furigana?

>> No.40166127

Would anyone know where I could stream Japanese football (Soccer) matches so I could pick up some more vocab and shit?

>> No.40166179
Quoted by: >>40166496

here you go

>> No.40166225

press spacebar some 2600 times
maybe set a macro

>> No.40166236
Quoted by: >>40166261

like pokemon games and animal crossing have full furigana on the all the kanji

>> No.40166247

japan tourism this month is such joke
no one knows wtf is going on what an inept government
i was optimistic for july possibly but it looks like id be lucky if i can visit at all this summer they cant even get this tour group bullshit streamlined
coof is barely even in the news anymore and things are back to normal almost everyone wtf is wrong with nipponese people

>> No.40166261


>> No.40166262 [DELETED] 

stay out smelly gaijin

>> No.40166272
Quoted by: >>40166317

i smell better than barberic fish-eaters

>> No.40166280

just had a salmon steak good stuff

>> No.40166283

dame i love japanese

>> No.40166286
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, [Judas] Kimi ni Todoke - S01E03 - 00_03_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this screen from kimi ni todoke has furigana on some kanji but not others for some reason

>> No.40166292
File: 144 KB, 700x827, 1654870183404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40166310

wanna smell og bros bet she smells like vanilla and goddess

>> No.40166293

be grateful, if they get it streamlined that's all that's ever going to be offered
the world's deglobalizing and asian countries are ahead of the curve

>> No.40166300
Quoted by: >>40166308

aquired ひでんマシン from pokemon and thought they were having a laugh but it really is hiden/hidden

>> No.40166305

low iq

>> No.40166308

i too double checked it lol
also 缶

>> No.40166310
Quoted by: >>40166319

i have that chick's onlyfans rip

>> No.40166314

never thought id you one of these posts but here we are
true true

>> No.40166317

learn english

>> No.40166319
Quoted by: >>40166394


>> No.40166326

personally i hope they stay 鎖国d for as long as possible
maybe they manage to get rid of US occupation and start becoming an independant country again

it would stop the dilution of their culture
next step would be shutting down all outside internet access but they are still doing good with the language barrier on that front

>> No.40166333
Quoted by: >>40166363

ill tell you a secret, high iq people with obscenely proficient vocabularies oft typo on purpose to trigger low iq retards into doing their hilarious songs and dances

>> No.40166339
File: 66 KB, 173x151, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.40166340

ok true and ideally based i just wanted one last のんき visit before i commit to my next move
my apartment probably has rona squatters by this point need to get it sorted without waiting 8 months for a student bisa to pan out
frufi and i are in a similar boat, wish i got lockdowned in over there like he did tho sounds very yay
thats something only esls have to do :)

>> No.40166342

>maybe they manage to get rid of US occupation and start becoming an independant country again
allowing the US military to stay stationed there is a condition of them receiving US military defense
if the US left theyd get nuked into oblivion by north korea and china

>> No.40166346

it's often difficult for people like yourself, unable to see which way the wind is blowing

>> No.40166355

native esls too

>> No.40166357

>frufi and i are in a similar boat, wish i got lockdowned in over there like he did tho sounds very yay
What is frufi's actual job

>> No.40166361

possibly the true truest post ever

>> No.40166363
Quoted by: >>40167924

literal i was just pretending to be retarded on top of the implication that despite your mid-high free online iq test result that you got once the best thing you have to do is bait for easy yous
can you spell l

>> No.40166365

breaking dishes

>> No.40166368
Quoted by: >>40166380

game dev and yay vlogger

>> No.40166380

I didn't get the impression his game development was particularly lucrative

>> No.40166381
File: 1.98 MB, 1280x720, 1653574040753.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her song is so fun its not even fair i don't even watch her and its been stuck since mikochi did her wrestling thing

>> No.40166392

no wonder og got fired from her teaching job

>> No.40166394

based foot chad

>> No.40166400

>wish i got lockdowned in over there like he did tho sounds very yay
saw an interview of a german baker who moved there and he said they made record profits during rona while all his european friends made major losses due to lockdown stuff

japan really handled the lockdowns well

>> No.40166403
Quoted by: >>40166422

she got fired for touching the shotas

>> No.40166410
Quoted by: >>40166455

fly to my place ばby let's live 一緒に

>> No.40166416
File: 333 KB, 1080x1524, 1626857773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love pirates
love one pieces
love women
simple as

>> No.40166422


>> No.40166436

marine bros we keep wining..!

>> No.40166449
File: 724 KB, 240x180, 1649019124460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40166450


>> No.40166455

I didnt get fired, actually I went from temp to full job offer. This summer is just a holiday THAT I SHOULD BE SPENDING IN JAPAN before I decide if I'm gonna accept a year contract this fall or not. Which looks like how long it will it will be for me to move to Japan anyway at this rate also I need the money.
I have a line of rich guys youd have to wait behind. But I'd rather die than live with a man again.

>> No.40166460


>> No.40166462


>> No.40166468

i will pee sitting down, okay?

>> No.40166474 [SPOILER] 
File: 143 KB, 737x1200, 1654157616359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40166497


>> No.40166483
Quoted by: >>40166506

for what it's worth
i have a line of cute and sexy girls all waiting to marry me

>> No.40166486
Quoted by: >>40166506

if you gonna die anyway you should die in my arms

>> No.40166494

same but unironically

>> No.40166496
Quoted by: >>40166511

Cheers mate : )

>> No.40166497
Quoted by: >>40166521


>> No.40166506

i was born without a hypergamy instinct but nice try
dm me in 5 years we'll see where im at

>> No.40166511 [SPOILER] 
File: 613 KB, 634x898, 1654938360760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries, enjoy

>> No.40166518

not sure what you're implying
just letting the bros know we're all gonna make it (with cute girls)

>> No.40166520

i have a line of cute and funny girls all waiting to marry me

>> No.40166521
File: 2.87 MB, 480x640, 1653741157771.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40166523
Quoted by: >>40166549


>> No.40166524
Quoted by: >>40166537

>born without a hypergamy instinct

>> No.40166526


>> No.40166531
File: 1.08 MB, 600x338, 1654778484415.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40166537

fucking grim
rip japan you are becaming as shit as jamal keeps memeing
look where i spend my time
and consider the sad fact you all are unironically my closest intimacy group rn

>> No.40166546
File: 212 KB, 1000x697, 1654863481107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.40166547

>tfw intimate with og
see ya later virgins

>> No.40166549

cute and loving mom

>> No.40166550

lets take it one step further

>> No.40166562
File: 578 KB, 900x900, FVJeI5wWYAEdWWF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40166571

>you all are unironically my closest intimacy group rn
same, love you all

>> No.40166571
File: 396 KB, 912x535, 1655027704756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love yall so much

>> No.40166583

us just learning japanese like bros

>> No.40166596
File: 781 KB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baking a cake for my djt bros and sisters

>> No.40166598

ywn be intimate with output goddess retards status:


>> No.40166606 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40166654


>> No.40166608
File: 252 KB, 2048x1364, 201001 Akaha Rio 紅羽りお (twitter @riotarou12) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40166650

>ywn be intimate
I know anon... i know

>> No.40166610

my ex looked like that in all our pics and would be like "could you be less fucking loud all the time?"
then shed get ridiculously loud in bed
so inconsiderate

>> No.40166609
Quoted by: >>40166621

its a great deal for me i dont have to touch any of you lol
but lets talk more you guys are chattier than any real bf would be

>> No.40166621
Quoted by: >>40166630

its all me honey

>> No.40166624
Quoted by: >>40166631

gonna start vtuber posting just because OG hates it
it's like schoolyard bullying because i have a crush on her

>> No.40166630

this but inironically

>> No.40166631
Quoted by: >>40166680

https://holodex.net/ got you covered bro

>> No.40166639
Quoted by: >>40166671

how does shitposting in a general relate to the female nature of marrying up?

>> No.40166645
Quoted by: >>40166701

you barely learned that word lmao n7cel

>> No.40166650
File: 101 KB, 822x1200, FUpZNRqaUAAXa6k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40166654

yooooo not well bro, what if this dastardly norse deity of mischievous mischief does exist, and what if it mainly finds you really really funny?
wouldn't that be ironically unfathomably awesome?
nta but i think it would be!

>> No.40166662 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40166678

just woke up any good moe posts

>> No.40166671
File: 14 KB, 225x350, og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40166743


>> No.40166678

>any good moe posts
you have to ask bro?
actually >>40165353 was pretty good

>> No.40166680

thanks,i shall begin my education henceforth
next we meet, it shall be as vchads, no vgentlemen

>> No.40166684
File: 1.11 MB, 1024x768, 144236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same same
i have a line of cute and funny OLs all waiting to marry me

>> No.40166694


>> No.40166698


>> No.40166701


>> No.40166706

purple girl has the most y2k anime hair style possible
its great

>> No.40166705
Quoted by: >>40166732

does frufi know japanese

>> No.40166716


>> No.40166732


>> No.40166743

the girl from nhk doesn't exist

>> No.40166752

wish there were more vinnies with women that have a normal breast size that are not teenagers or kids

>> No.40166763
File: 307 KB, 1280x720, アホガール 第09話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40166773

good show, hope it gets a S2

>> No.40166793

why do they bother measuring boys chests in school lol

>> No.40166795
Quoted by: >>40166971

I have a cute girl on my second monitor that looks at me so when I feel sad or demotivated I can look left and feel better again. god what have I become...

>> No.40166801

even frufi is more in touch with reality than vpoggers

>> No.40166807
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40166820
Quoted by: >>40166846

not a single good post in the thread

>> No.40166826


>> No.40166831

https://youtu.be/OpbK_ZHC9JU?t=441 7:21

>> No.40166846

do you want a good post?

>> No.40166850


>> No.40166860


>> No.40166861


>> No.40166863


>> No.40166878

for asians? yeah
for whitoids she would be on the skinny side

>> No.40166885
Quoted by: >>40166893

what the fuck
you can literally see the slit at 7:43

>> No.40166893
Quoted by: >>40166901

many youtube videos like this out there

>> No.40166901

got any examples haha

>> No.40166906

you can find some wild shit on youtube if you know what to search for

>> No.40166921
Quoted by: >>40166932

hand massage or whatever for lactation vids

>> No.40166932

there are many subreddits for it

hand expression

>> No.40166952

picked up

>> No.40166963

god i love onsen women

>> No.40166971

become the man the girl on your second monitor knows you can be

>> No.40166978


el atrocidad de la america

>> No.40166991

Does anyone know the name of that one video player an Anon was peddling a while ago? It was pretty much VLC but you could use Yomichan in it.

>> No.40167001
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x818, 1654941745354(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40167002

that trip was leaked then

>> No.40167004
Quoted by: >>40167066


>> No.40167006

2nd post is after he posted his tripcode
1st one is lol

>> No.40167016

do SJW japanese people exist?

>> No.40167020

cervical mucus project

>> No.40167033
File: 720 KB, 2517x1275, 1649018537567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40167058


>> No.40167038

MPV with the animecards script is better because you can actually use yomichan instead of a buggy ripoff someone threw together

>> No.40167044

as for me, its SRW

>> No.40167058

katakana should also be whenever.

which would basically just mean hiragana is almost never used for foreign words, that's pretty accurate

>> No.40167061

my theme song
>tfw the look on their face when their theme gets overriden
oh yes its surprise sex time

>> No.40167066
Quoted by: >>40167098

that's some cool shit, gonna watch it later

>> No.40167098

unfortunately most of the stuff gets deleted pretty soon

>> No.40167141


>> No.40167155
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

360 camera

>> No.40167163

holy dame
new post of the thread, great post moe i knew you had it in you

>> No.40167170

been watching jav vr for a few months now like a sad cunt. pretty good tho. the phantom touch is real for me

>> No.40167255
File: 31 KB, 366x437, 1629228416408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40167315

she looks so soft...

>> No.40167315
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just give up
you will never have a jgf like her

>> No.40167338
Quoted by: >>40167426

of course i won't
i'll never even visit the place

>> No.40167397

god i love 今泉ん家はどうやらギャルの溜まり場になってるらしい

>> No.40167426
Quoted by: >>40167438

same, don’t like travelling and generally like where i am
pretty much only doing it for the media and as a hobby that has at least something to show for it

>> No.40167438
Quoted by: >>40167455

actually i'd love to visit
it's just my country is on the no-go list haha

>> No.40167455
Quoted by: >>40167466


>> No.40167466

it's not that bad of a shithole

>> No.40167471
Quoted by: >>40167480

djt trip to japan to slay jk manko when?

>> No.40167480

i hope we make it into the news

>> No.40167692
Quoted by: >>40167731


>> No.40167717
File: 918 KB, 1920x1080, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40167731

>> No.40167719

already have had, also i never acquired 諦、soz

>> No.40167724
Quoted by: >>40167740

not watching porn

>> No.40167731


>> No.40167740

...because im MAKING IT!

>> No.40167743

how japanese perceive foreigners


>> No.40167753



>> No.40167757
Quoted by: >>40167803

yo sauce me up brotherman

>> No.40167803
File: 792 KB, 1920x1080, 0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40167808

yama no susume

>> No.40167808

nice already had it on my backlog

>> No.40167841
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40167849


>> No.40167849
Quoted by: >>40167878

god i love og bros

>> No.40167878
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40167945


>> No.40167890
File: 878 KB, 1920x1080, 0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40167897


>> No.40167901
File: 2.22 MB, 1918x1079, guhikiuolguihuil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40167933

this anime was so good for the first few episodes

>> No.40167924
File: 1.22 MB, 2204x3508, 1654617561823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you pretend real good bro i cant siacern you feom the real thing ahahahaha
my goddess has lain her gaze upon anon
brooooos we all gmi for real!
please walk upon me and spare your heavenly soles from the harsh undeserving floor oh grace of graces!

>> No.40167933
File: 206 KB, 492x280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40167938


>> No.40167940

shid i had no idea

>> No.40167943
Quoted by: >>40167955

why did she die

>> No.40167945
File: 966 KB, 622x622, 1652908276016.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40167951

anyone have the pic where she's tweeting(?) about being happy to celebrate her birthday or something in hospital

>> No.40167955

rest in glory
she was too cute for this world

>> No.40167971
File: 170 KB, 498x276, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40168166

>> No.40167978
File: 26 KB, 598x133, i_hate_americans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to 5ch
>see pic related
muttbros, we got too cocky

>> No.40167992

fuck how did you find my post?
stop stalking me you fucking weirdo wtf

>> No.40168003

>americans exist
>and boom
poor choice of words for a nip

>> No.40168047

their country still doesn't have the right tp declare war lmfao

>> No.40168166
File: 559 KB, 560x560, 213123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this crazy bitch is truly something else

>> No.40168227
File: 3.46 MB, 500x281, b89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40168312


>> No.40168234
Quoted by: >>40168291



>> No.40168275

Pimsleur's existence seems justified by the fact that you can multi-task. The efficacy of a learning method is its return on your time investment. Pimsleur's time investment is effectively zero since you could just do it while cleaning or whatever.

Anyway, any other good audio learning tools you guys like? I have a job right now where we're allowed to wear earbuds in place of ear plugs. Factory job, obviously. I work two 12 hour shifts each week, so I figure even if listening tools aren't that good compared to Anki, studying Grammar, reading books, etc., being able to do 24 hours of listening at work each week seems like it'd be enough to be worthwhile. We work on our own machines by ourselves so I don't have to worry about other people.

>> No.40168282
Quoted by: >>40168392

looking forward to og vs quizslur

>> No.40168291

dame love canaan

>> No.40168302

just listen to your fav anime or audio books

>> No.40168307
Quoted by: >>40168328

i'm back, did jamal and 4head duke it out or did jamal do his didn't agree to anything spiel?

>> No.40168312

that's nothing
i was literally screaming from a couple scenes haha

>> No.40168315

i remember this guy that had a youtube saying he did plimsleur, i remember checking back on him a year ago and he's disabled now

>> No.40168328

4bc let it slide like a month ago and there hasn't been any talk of it

>> No.40168329

vbijin, but if you don't like those, podcasts or dramas, NOT about learning japanese
the problem with pimpsleur is that you are still thinking in japanese and english
the objective of all of this is not, can not be, to memorize lines to later use, but rather, to get a message prompt if you would, in japanese, a hello world from which you can build forward and upward
even when you do not consciously understand things, your subconscious is still decoding them and attempting to give them meaning
by which i mean you don't need anything close to 100 comprehension to progress (but it needs to be higher than 0), your brain will eventually decode things
for proofs think back on a song, how the first time you heard it you couldn't make its words, or meaning, and how every time it seems clearer and clearer
just my thoughts but i haven't made it by any extent

>> No.40168332

i cannot multi-task my mind is single threaded

like i don't even hear what people around me are talking about when i focus on something

>> No.40168342

>85% pass rate for mature cards
It's over, isn't it?

>> No.40168346

really? i wonder what its like, i cant not multitask, am always aware of everything and if i try to do a single thing i tend to subconsciously start doing more things or something else altogether

>> No.40168347

not great not terrible

>> No.40168350

Is there a reliable accent guide? Specifically I think I am not able to alveolar flap for my R which makes any word with an R sound strange. I am still in the vocabulary stage so I am not sure if I should just put off caring about my accent

>> No.40168353

why did jamal come back anyway i thought cream said he got a gf and he was content with life

>> No.40168356

ive got an alveolar flap for u right here *unzips*

>> No.40168361

>65% pass rate for mature cards
should I just off myself now?

>> No.40168363

>accent guide
yeah listening to natives and trying to mimic them.

>> No.40168370

hes never left anon, hes always posted, mostly seething of late, just without the trip
funny i thought it was pretty clear
as to why he put on the trip and persona, og

>> No.40168372
Quoted by: >>40168488

hi djt
consider adjusting your interval modifier

>> No.40168375

sometime it do be like that
woudn't worry about it

>> No.40168389
Quoted by: >>40168488

like just for a day or lifetime stats? we all have shit days, but if that's you average after like a year consider not adding cards for a bit and focusing on reading

>> No.40168391

>he was content with life

>> No.40168392
Quoted by: >>40168426

he's hasn't accepted

>> No.40168397

guess it makes sense that the bottom of the barrel retards he puts the persona on to amuse can't tell that's not really him

>> No.40168403

fake moe

>> No.40168418

what if og is really jamal and she uses a voice changer and that's why 'he' sounds gay sometimes

>> No.40168426
Quoted by: >>40168552

lold youre my favorite poster
true true kino
dat violin

>> No.40168434

he sounds gay cause he has lower test than moe

>> No.40168443


nice translation lmfao

>> No.40168450


>> No.40168451


>> No.40168469
Quoted by: >>40168514

do """""humans"""" actually watch VOD clips of vtubers

>> No.40168472
Quoted by: >>40168481

what's wrong with it not watching vtubers

>> No.40168481

the "yeah" part when she talks about 素面

>> No.40168485

the sun wouldn't stop rising
why would you?

>> No.40168486

What's wrong with it?

>> No.40168488

I've gone back and forth between using the auto ease factor addon and straight rewards. I turned auto ease back on in like march and it helped for a month and then retention has been dropping since. straight reward had no effect and I agree with the way auto ease does it on a theoretical level. might have to tweak some more settings on it. it's probably throwing cards forward too quickly

>3 months
>mature 66%
yeah, I know I gotta

>> No.40168494

thinking of going to college to be a english teacher in japan. is it worth doing? and if so what kinda degrees and what not would I even need for that?

>> No.40168504
File: 1.68 MB, 2416x1608, fear_and_loathing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40168549

Fear and Loathing in Tokyo, Japan.

>> No.40168505

Sounds advantageous for some things

>> No.40168510

it's a dead end job with bad pay and boatloads of unpaid overtime
>what degrees
literally any college degree, it doesnt matter as long as youre an english native

>> No.40168514
Quoted by: >>40168529

can't catch all streams there's often 10 streams concurrently going for hours

>> No.40168529

same same
keep in mind thats an ad so ad some salt
regardless the info is sound, any degree in anything will do

>> No.40168549
Quoted by: >>40168620


>> No.40168552
Quoted by: >>40168620

it really fit their theme
the gay wouldn't fly anymore outside of evening anime

>> No.40168575

where's the manga recommendations list for beginner readers?

>> No.40168591

Is it just me or is jap extremely primitive and simple and if not for retarded writing system would be one of the easiest to learn.

>> No.40168593

kanojo mo kanojo
fairy tail

>> No.40168611


>> No.40168620
Quoted by: >>40168670

good kyoku
i thought it was more in than ever
also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfUIP1wgfJg would get ligeral shrines made
also a nice theme
dame that series is pure kino

>> No.40168660


>> No.40168670
Quoted by: >>40168707

starlight's theme is always a bop
the anime was weird making them disguised as guys physically but seiya and yaten were smoking hot

>> No.40168691
File: 188 KB, 100x100, 1654624600877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoooo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f1Wgj2qCtZE
hope its better than sonys

>> No.40168707
Quoted by: >>40168727

nice thanks
fujobaiting for fujobux
sad there wasnt a stars movie

>> No.40168711
Quoted by: >>40168747

had that open but maybe i'll watch lui cover it instead

>> No.40168712

What was the site to find onee-san in Skype or some shit to have JP partner to speak with

>> No.40168727
Quoted by: >>40168747

There's gonna be a sailorstars movie soon. It will be shit, but.

It wasnt fujobait it was straight up yurifag shit by the male directors. Seiya was haruka 2.0

>> No.40168740
File: 1.51 MB, 1125x1586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40168767

>> No.40168747

true true
maybe mel
maybe all of them!
the gift of adhd is being able to have all of them open and be as confused as if you only had the one!

>> No.40168767
Quoted by: >>40168873

if im ever in japan as a tourist i'll buy one of those rental kanojos and have her guide me arround the city and maybe a waterpark or something

>> No.40168795
File: 148 KB, 1211x676, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40168873

hope they'll show more of the cunny space game

>> No.40168873

same only thing im really excited about
and the onsen and her manko

>> No.40168895

yosh, okayu has the best stream layout

>> No.40169045
File: 1.22 MB, 744x1052, 1654625577203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40169115

true true
i only wish she were here bros..

>> No.40169046
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.40169068

acquired 密林

>> No.40169104

nta but mels is super loud and towas is tiny

>> No.40169115
Quoted by: >>40169160

huge kani
others cover more screen with their avatar or the audio mix is off

>> No.40169160

looked so nice bro

>> No.40169211

vampire bros...!
mame makes it hard to get excited for overpriced ports but who lnows netcode might be nice

>> No.40169240

destiny but dinosaurs

>> No.40169244

セリフ リアルすぎない?w

>> No.40169317


>> No.40169336

ohhhhh this looks neat
dragons dogma bros!

>> No.40169355
Quoted by: >>40169376

what a fucking bait a fucking video

>> No.40169357


>> No.40169366

dame she looks uncomfortable gotta get her out of that bro...
want a new game

yoooo resideathwa bros...!

>> No.40169376

yeah wtf

>> No.40169380

i'm glad steve kaufmann has an intellectual hapa son

>> No.40169406

this rose thing is the most interesting thing so far

>> No.40169418

>mac version

>> No.40169434

Where do i get a JP hag gf bros

>> No.40169473
Quoted by: >>40169604

>dragons dogma bros!
what is there a sequel or something

>> No.40169524
Quoted by: >>40169571

dame no big final announcement

>> No.40169570

well that was underwhelming

>> No.40169571
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40169604

hows an anime season 2 instead?

>> No.40169625

didn't even know there was a season 1... its... really good r..right bros...?

>> No.40169639

dame sometimes i forget okayu is really cute when not being lewd
really like her voice

>> No.40169640
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40169643

あさこよ time!

>> No.40169655

dame i need a cute thick OL JK JGF right now

>> No.40169665

same same
unironically though

>> No.40169677

bro every time the clear liquid bottle squirts... i felt it

>> No.40169701 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40169734

wtf happened with moe? he used to be a fucking loser scum.

>> No.40169718

he's doing it to annoy og since the fairi vs antifairi thing

>> No.40169725
File: 952 KB, 2892x4096, 1650126911733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40169734

he finally realized it wasn't women he hated... but himself
now hes based

>> No.40169736
File: 454 KB, 1012x1088, 1651980986262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40169747

this moe is gonna make it i have no doubt about it

>> No.40169749
File: 64 KB, 533x800, 909de785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40169778

I'm becoming a mix of a stereotypical otaku and ugly bastard. Someone help me.

>> No.40169752
Quoted by: >>40169788

hes just thirsty simple as
his own biological clock is ticking as he approaches wizardhood

>> No.40169755
File: 262 KB, 720x640, punching_anime.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40169802

Today's the day! Starting to learn all 2,136 Joyou Kanji. Here I go!

>> No.40169778
Quoted by: >>40169950

acquired THICC

>> No.40169786

first time i watch this

no asacoco but good, thanks

>> No.40169788
File: 158 KB, 460x342, spit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some

>> No.40169802
Quoted by: >>40169809


>> No.40169809

its not even a new poster

>> No.40169813

its fun seeing japanese not translating words like buruburu and goshigoshi into english because they think they are sounds and sounds are universal

>> No.40169815
File: 2.99 MB, 2400x3389, 1655015686010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking prune juice when you could be drinking oujousabeer fresh from the tap

>> No.40169818

hataraku maou-sama? more like "will never get s2 because otaku have shit taste"-sama

>> No.40169827
Quoted by: >>40169864

its getting a new season

>> No.40169831

wtf how

>> No.40169840
Quoted by: >>40169864

studios different though

>> No.40169839
Quoted by: >>40169954

id unironically have some

>> No.40169854

this show was dogshit

>> No.40169864
File: 15 KB, 104x118, 242424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats good
thats bad
bad look for you just to get a cheap jab
you played yourself

brb updating my mal

>> No.40169866

gtfo attention whore

>> No.40169889
Quoted by: >>40169901

theres no jab so cheap going for it wouldn't make him feel better about himself, please understand
hes running for the world's smallest "man" (in the "man") category

>> No.40169895
File: 44 KB, 439x373, FVHAr5EVIAAxB8j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40169917


>> No.40169901

true true

>> No.40169914

imagine feeling threatened by og

>> No.40169915
Quoted by: >>40169923

we got people in here so dumb if you say an anime is bad they call it a "cheap jab"

>> No.40169917
File: 310 KB, 540x540, 1654207382215.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleep tight based melon

>> No.40169923
Quoted by: >>40169941

just admit you dont like it cause og does
didnt you like gabriel dropout? its a worse show with the same premise

>> No.40169932

what do you mean?
youre being unreasonable

>> No.40169941

i rated it poorly on mal 3 years ago and i don't know what shitty anime obese girl likes or that she made that post. shut the fuck up dumbass

>> No.40169943
File: 56 KB, 1104x515, de70i6H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40169961

I miss moe from 2015
he was a cool dude

>> No.40169950
File: 996 KB, 680x678, @5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to blackmail a thicc meaty woman.

>> No.40169954

same but ironically

>> No.40169961
Quoted by: >>40169974

what 7 years of 4chan does to a motherfucker

>> No.40169974
File: 48 KB, 1605x265, DJwdZOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 years and still cant pass n1

>> No.40169975

dame it ended

>> No.40169983

yea it looks too goofy

>> No.40169987

not me

>> No.40169988

wife and children bros...

>> No.40170007
Quoted by: >>40170028


>> No.40170008
Quoted by: >>40170018

the breast envy frame alone is why maou-sama goes in the space rocket someday
its art.

>> No.40170018


>> No.40170028

same but ironically

>> No.40170067
Quoted by: >>40170082


>> No.40170080
Quoted by: >>40170114

i still dont know how i want rate shin sekai yori
i hated it but i cant say its cause it was "bad"
i guess ill have to rewatch it maybe ill feel differently

>> No.40170082


>> No.40170096
Quoted by: >>40170103

if i don't like it it's bad

>> No.40170103
Quoted by: >>40170111

stfu roberto

>> No.40170111

lmao good post

>> No.40170114
Quoted by: >>40170186

havent watched it but i get the feeling its overrated

>> No.40170120

thats true for me too usually but shin sekai yori is an exception
i dont like what it made me feel, but its not bad probably it was compelling till the end and made me think about a lot of things. it was a deep series

also conflicted on mirai nikki in a lot of ways its a total death note wannabe edgelord trash with garbage mc couple, but then it had some top tier side storylines and background characters and decent worldbuilding

>> No.40170133

id probably die from cringe if i were to rewatch it

>> No.40170134

mirai nilki was excellent and completely different from death note
really enjoyed both for different reasons
one is kakegurui, the other is akagi
one focuses on psychology and emotions and the other is more of a drawn out game between characters you get to know
both are excellent imho

>> No.40170137

kakegurui is shit and so is mirai nikki

>> No.40170141
Quoted by: >>40170180

yousei teikoku is beyond great too

>> No.40170151


>> No.40170156

you have to be an edgy teenager to get mirai nikki, luckily for me i watched it in my edgy teen sweet spot and thoroughly enjoyed it

>> No.40170162

i mean i liked it too when i watched it vaguely remember some really hot scenes

>> No.40170180

good taste

>> No.40170184


>> No.40170186
Quoted by: >>40170219

its not, it was a moment in anime for sure especially if you were in the threads. its very contemporary and relevent it just makes you feel like shit so i dont think youd like it. its one of those stories where morality takes a back seat to existance being about suffering and it pushes moral relativism a lot which i dont care for
im not saying its good at being death note, but it was trying lean into those themes like derivitive japanese crap tends to do.
if you cut out everything to do with the mc's plotline there is a lot of good shit there its just wasted potential pandering to horny teens
minene and tsubaki had great storylines

>> No.40170219
Quoted by: >>40170230

agree, the mc was the worst part of the show, easily
everything else was superb tho
get the feeling the whole point of the mc was the kino when he loses it at the end but he really was beyond bland and forgettable the rest of the way
psycho waifu was fun tho
also dame https://youtu.be/rofWr-9c_ic
loved those dorks

>> No.40170230
Quoted by: >>40170272

>psycho waifu was fun tho
only if you have a dick
shes arguably more trash than the mc
shes actually a net negative to otaku culture imagine modeling your ideal girl after yuno lmao
plus she got mogged by akise what a loooser

>> No.40170234

the story was fucked up

>> No.40170243
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20220613_195602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40170272
Quoted by: >>40170300

kek i fucking hated that part so heavy handed
yuki was probably the first hair ornament herbivore mc i came across and even when i first watched it i was like "cmon bro wtfo"
also not a big fan of the kaoru scenes (which i felt this dude was a rip of), but i dunno, kaoru felt organic, while this dude was just so... random, but bad random

>> No.40170300

well yeah as i said it was highly derivative of better stuff. it had to hit all the tropes and cliches, but where it actually did well was the background stuff they didnt think people would care much about

makes me wonder if the guy wrote a better story altogether but was strongarmed by his publisher to change it to trash for easy money. which to be fair worked since it hit its demographic dead on

>> No.40170327

he probably wanted to go ahead with that rape scene but they mustve said no

>> No.40170329

wouldn't be the first time that happens
good theory, wouldn't surprise me if it was correct
wonder if the rest of stone ocean is out, completely forgot about it but the editorial meddling comment reminded me kek

>> No.40170337

the viewer was getting raped by the retarded story

>> No.40170342


>> No.40170355

pretty much all major published stuff in japan is collaborative. once a publisher takes you on you really dont have much of a say if they are set on making you change shit you just have to hope それはちょっとね can shield your art from too much meddling.

>> No.40170367

i actually lol'd, impeccable timing, have your you

>> No.40170370
File: 72 KB, 655x627, 危篤.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40170387


>> No.40170376


>> No.40170387

dame acquired 危篤
at least hell go happy

>> No.40170419
Quoted by: >>40171240

Is there an mpv script for mining

>> No.40170459


>> No.40170465
File: 285 KB, 735x1046, 1766cd2bbb1715161bab08c25b6c74c7-1364261147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40170513



>> No.40170491
File: 101 KB, 1920x1080, 1655166816079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40170513 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.20 MB, 512x1010, 1643487439788.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.40170573
File: 210 KB, 969x1268, N5mClNrHfU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40170680

>> No.40170578

yeh, she's asking for it

>> No.40170667
Quoted by: >>40170680

mah chin..

>> No.40170680


>> No.40170690
Quoted by: >>40170727

Did Cure Dolly die?

>> No.40170706

best way to be
so called multitaskers are usually just perpetually distracted

>> No.40170727


>> No.40170729
Quoted by: >>40170734

what is a dead end job? is that just when you make the same amount of money each year?

>> No.40170734
Quoted by: >>40170782


>> No.40170743

I don't like people dying
Gonna do something about that

>> No.40170782

i already have enough money so that doesn’t really sound like a problem to me

>> No.40170791
File: 36 KB, 393x628, 窒息.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40170802


>> No.40170802

ahh i remember that word
good card anon

>> No.40170843

the pay actually does go up from year 1-5
although even the highest pay now is higher than it probably should be due to the value of the yen crashing in the past few months compared to USD

idk if the pay is actually updated to try to reflect that but I wouldn't hold my breath

>> No.40170854

lower than it should be*

>> No.40170871

anyone know where to find japanese cpa exam prep material?

>> No.40170886

oh yea then explain why it's popular

>> No.40170924

all that i remember from that series is that people got real pissy with the ln ending, like some girl one and he had the other as a side chick or something

>> No.40170936
Quoted by: >>40171969

the real money is made on private lessons and other gigs you figure out anon, arbitrage if you figure it out (i will not elaborate) is excellent money as well, the value of the program is getting you there.
once there, standard onsite procurement applies, it is after all, an infiltration mission
good luck, anon

>> No.40170959
Quoted by: >>40170998


>> No.40170998

>when you fucked up your combo but keep playing and cycling cards around so the op doesn't realize it and he scoops

>> No.40171146
Quoted by: >>40171332

most people have low iq

>> No.40171227


do you think vtsax is close to bottom right now? just bought at $91

>> No.40171240


>> No.40171244
Quoted by: >>40171332

it isnt

>> No.40171254


>> No.40171332 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40171352

gonna have to see what matt says about this

>> No.40171350
Quoted by: >>40172300

matt is never coming back

>> No.40171352
Quoted by: >>40171371

careful the jannies have been deleting mattposts

>> No.40171371

you saved me thanks

>> No.40171439

i've been meditating daily and have made some good progress, but I still have severe adhd

SO RATTATA BROS, basically what is the easiest way to get diagnosed and prescribed meds for adhd online.
What companies do you recommend or have you used?

I need dem epic nihongo gains...

>> No.40171449

matt says you should give up if you don't enjoy japanese stuff enough to pay attention

>> No.40171467

hope rattata bros eat their rat poison and die quietly

>> No.40171503

if you are online why would you need a prescription?

>> No.40171514
Quoted by: >>40171530

hope rattata bros make it!
no, its not just a hope, its a prophecy

>> No.40171530

same same

>> No.40171533

die quietly behind the couch with your belly to the air
fucking rodents

>> No.40171562
File: 429 KB, 857x900, 1652915106247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d..dame... g..go on without me bros...!

>> No.40171576 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 511x406, 1646899732426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40171579

>> No.40171579
Quoted by: >>40171590

yooo half is missing

>> No.40171590
File: 144 KB, 948x741, 1634722545901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40171620

woops wrong screen shot cristian image board and all that

>> No.40171600

dame coomercards are spreading
coomer bros... are here

>> No.40171620
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x3000, 1654228455830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.40171636 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 950x644, 1625705168810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40171663

>> No.40171651
Quoted by: >>40171659

if you have "severe adhd" then it will be extremely easy, go to literally any psychiatrist and tell them your struggles

>> No.40171659
Quoted by: >>40171669

true true
but my severe social anxiety means i am unwilling to drive anywhere
need some online doc recs

>> No.40171663
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, 1630862875085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you really need to mine that

>> No.40171669


if you have insurance just use ur insurance site, sort by docs that do video meetings online on zoom or whatever, or just search google for the same thing and sort by price

>> No.40171671
Quoted by: >>40171759


>> No.40171728

i also mined it from hiroaka because it was a cool scene

>> No.40171759

this is the only place on the internet where people advise on taking meds

>> No.40171796

nibbas really be spendin their evenings like "okay djt bros how do i find a doctor to give me stimulants so i can finally learn japanese" instead of just reading lmao

>> No.40171969
Quoted by: >>40172080

imagine going on JET to sell your body to lonely japanese men

>> No.40171977
Quoted by: >>40172019

maybe they don’t know 渦 or 巻く

>> No.40171992

when i type the japanese in windows can i type the entre sentence before hitting space and let it auto copmlete the kanji. or should i hit space after each kana to select the knaji to turn it into

>> No.40172019

then what is うずあ if there's  also 渦潮

>> No.40172050

>immerse in loli to learn the language
how can other languages even compete?

>> No.40172067

pedophilia is NOT okay in japan

>> No.40172080


>> No.40172120

it's just a drawing bro

>> No.40172162
Quoted by: >>40172169

any good advice for sentence mining?

>> No.40172169

use dis

>> No.40172283 [DELETED] 

Is one of you guys the one who posts on the tranny faggot general about their experiences as a former Japanese learner?

>> No.40172299

does anyone have this anki deck?
"Missing Keywords (JALUP user Jacob H provides all the cards that were removed by me)" from "Japanese Level Up RTK Mod Anki Deck"

>> No.40172300

We won, Palestinebros. Death to Fezzan.

>> No.40172306
Quoted by: >>40172369

Don't ADHD pills past 8AM unless you wanna stay up till 2AM

>> No.40172311 [DELETED] 

>tranny faggot general
that's literally 99% of 4chan in the year 2022

>> No.40172332 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172349

lol what did he say, weren't we inclusive enough, did we hurt his fee fees?

>> No.40172342

Do you guys remember back when DJT was a good thread that wasn't full of avatarfags, namefags, tripfags, and posters with obnoxious one-shtik personalities?
Yeah me neither

>> No.40172349 [DELETED] 

Please do not assume other people's pronouns

>> No.40172360 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 220x220, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you guys remember back when DJT was a good thread that wasn't full of avatarfags, namefags, tripfags, and posters with obnoxious one-shtik personalities?
>Yeah me neither

>> No.40172361 [DELETED] 

well you said he was a tranny faggot

>> No.40172364
File: 227 KB, 710x354, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40172621

Trying to improve my sleep schedule cause I always feel so tired and it's fucking with my ability to recall what words mean. Do you guys do alright with 8 hours of sleep?

Did 25 new words today anyway

>> No.40172365
Quoted by: >>40172510

Japan's national sport is baseball

>> No.40172369
Quoted by: >>40172378

>Don't ADHD pills past 8AM unless you wanna stay up till 2AM
What fucking pills do you take? The longest lasting ones should stay in your system for 12 hours. Are you on some super high dose or something?

>> No.40172370

S o y tranny summon'd

>> No.40172378

69 czech'd
I usually stay like 4 hours looking at 4chan posts after the pills' effect starts going down and then masturbate before going to sleep

>> No.40172383 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172400

I can't understand what you're saying

>> No.40172387 [DELETED] 

please do not be a faggot

>> No.40172389
File: 45 KB, 340x986, 1650249993467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your adhd pills bro, loot it even has a rattata on it
haha just like the meme
take the whole bottle at once

>> No.40172390
File: 243 KB, 220x220, E57286D1-E6E7-498D-85D6-44D7732AD0FE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I never had a job as a fairi(kid) https://youtube.com/watch?v=U-Q0EHiNB4Y https://youtube.com/watch?v=zjMTa066fpI https://youtube.com/watch?v=PRLcZ9lKCMg
my charity ynyty church projects and myself exists only thanks to the sacred holy associations of fairi princess yaycults of yni…^

>> No.40172397

I take Ritalin LA and it wears off pretty much all at once. My psych fucked me over so I can't switch to Concerta and help you out bro. Didn't think it would take a 12 hour med 4 hours to wear off, though

>> No.40172398

masturbation is really cringe

>> No.40172400

8AM: pills
9AM-6PM: worktime
6PM-7PM: dinner
8PM: pills wear off
8PM-12AM: Posting on /pol/ and /int/
12AM-1AM: Fappytime
1AM-7AM: Sleeptime

>> No.40172402

shut the hell up frufi

>> No.40172408
Quoted by: >>40172421

and just like that the adhd guy'd going to turn on you because you said you post on a particular board

>> No.40172409
Quoted by: >>40172410

and you can't move sleepytime to 8pm?

>> No.40172410
Quoted by: >>40172422


>> No.40172411
Quoted by: >>40172416

>8PM-12AM: Posting on /pol/ and /int/

>> No.40172416
Quoted by: >>40172637

To argue about which country has the best and most redpilled fast food restaurants and transportation systems

>> No.40172420
File: 178 KB, 800x600, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40172421


>> No.40172422
Quoted by: >>40172426

but what do the pills have to do with this?

>> No.40172426
Quoted by: >>40172452

I used to go to bed at 11PM instead of at 1AM before I started taking dem pills

>> No.40172433

adderall is bad for you

>> No.40172435
Quoted by: >>40172442

would jdramas be good for a beginner? Or should i stick to learning by text

>> No.40172441 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172470

all drugs and pills are for losers *sips beer*

>> No.40172442
Quoted by: >>40172457

No. Read rape-themed lolicon h-manga
t. 1AM sleeptime guy

>> No.40172452
Quoted by: >>40172462

either lower dose or force yourself away from 4chan and porn. I have ADHD and I've gotten to the point where I barely use this site or touch doujins at all, and that was before I even got the meds. and now to represent my opinion, I will be leaving to go and read a book.

>> No.40172457
Quoted by: >>40172468

i havent masturbated in 3 months now. Also rape isnt really my thing per say sorry.

>> No.40172462

How tf you plannin on learning Kneehongo wivvout h-manga m8?

>> No.40172468
Quoted by: >>40172478

>rape isnt really my thing
Hello Mr. Gaylord

>> No.40172470 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172481

Aren't you a wagecuck too, Moe? I thought you'd hafta go to to bed earlier.

>> No.40172472
Quoted by: >>40172487

there's plenty of easy jdramas, it's just that a lot of them are shit

>> No.40172478

caring about ones mentality during the act of something such as sex is sort of important. Corrupting yourself with rape and hatred isnt that good my guy.

>> No.40172479
File: 178 KB, 727x332, 1652800916926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40172487

actually you might be able to relate to this one

>> No.40172481 [DELETED] 

i work when i feel like it usually early mornings and evenings

>> No.40172487
Quoted by: >>40172497

then what can i find that teaches me day to day converstations that isnt that shit in your realistic opinon?

this show doesnt even seem that bad and this man doesnt have much wrong with him at all, most people are this man.

>> No.40172488

If you shut away all avenues for expressions of anger and frustration through creativity, all you will do is to make people bring them out into real life

>> No.40172497

>teaches me day to day converstations
Ordinary language is boring, just like ordinary people's lives are.

>> No.40172498




>> No.40172502
Quoted by: >>40172506

rape isn't about hate fag
good sex is a little rapey ask a woman

>> No.40172506

Now this guy reads books written by women

>> No.40172510

pretty based how we invented all our own sports get dabbed on japan

>> No.40172519


>> No.40172521
Quoted by: >>40172573

bros anyone using yomichan on android phone? i'm having trouble scrolling without activating yomichan popup. any tips?

>> No.40172522
File: 43 KB, 367x543, Aprettylittlepocketbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you British?

>> No.40172523

hands on her neck during forced mating press grats you can please any woman now just make sure it's not capital r Rape

>> No.40172528
Quoted by: >>40172534

Anything that is not explicitly verbally consented to beforehand is rape

>> No.40172529
Quoted by: >>40172543


>> No.40172534

glad I'm celibate then that sounds awful

>> No.40172543 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172552

Is your height under 5'11?

>> No.40172552

i was replying for him and yes he is a midget

>> No.40172559

jisho.org actually IP banned me, I'm crying

>> No.40172561
File: 1.56 MB, 1276x957, 1625344009587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40172568


>> No.40172562

i remember there being a guy on these threads who said he was gonna learn french, german, spanish, russian, latin, chinese, and korean. do you remember where he went?
did he an calvin himself?

>> No.40172564
Quoted by: >>40172572

where you scraping it or something?

>> No.40172568
File: 1.55 MB, 1276x957, 1650678850738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40172572

there it is again

>> No.40172573

nvm i found a setting that helps... popup full width

>> No.40172578 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172581

God wants you to make the monolingual transition

>> No.40172581 [DELETED] 

*cuts off bilingual dic*
the jews did this

>> No.40172585

Man...I just remembered all those times I abbreviated "dictionary" as "dic" and all that discussion about transitioning

Creepy in hindsight...

>> No.40172586
Quoted by: >>40172591

no i’m a person. britstains wish they invented baseball

>> No.40172589

do japanese people ply american football

>> No.40172591 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172602

Americans are 56% corn syrup and hydrolized Sojbeanoil mixture and 44% Cheeto dust and taco seasoning

>> No.40172599 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172607

japanese women dream of dating an american man

>> No.40172602 [DELETED] 

brazilians are 50% sopa de macaco and 50% corruption and poverty

>> No.40172607 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172616

ugh imagine the rice-HFCS emulsion umai desu ése

>> No.40172611

ése is kyaragobi for mexican people

>> No.40172616 [DELETED] 


>> No.40172621

try to get as much as i can but eh, sometimes i do 4 or 5 hours, depends on the day
lack of sleep does affect my retention tho

>> No.40172628

then again, now that i think about it, senbei are rice dipped in shoyu mixed with sugar. it's about as american as american food could get without including fake cheese and taco powder

>> No.40172637
Quoted by: >>40172648

very based
its also a good source of news

>> No.40172642





>> No.40172648
Quoted by: >>40172670

I get my news from Reuters and The Guardian after Reddit got banned in my office for being "entertainment" and 4chan got banned for being "pornography/entertainment".

>> No.40172655
File: 82 KB, 416x900, 1655112034728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acquire dictionary.goo.ne.jp look it even has goo in the name

>> No.40172663

>The Guardian

>> No.40172668
Quoted by: >>40172675


>> No.40172670

i see
fine sources too i suppose
all places need you to learn to wade through schizophrenia, agenda, and sheer stupidity after all

>> No.40172671 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172685

The Guardian isn't that bad if you look past editorial articles

>> No.40172675

you should take up ogs offer and then sniff her panties for us

>> No.40172676 [DELETED] 
File: 483 KB, 1800x1800, 123842C-en-CA-1800px-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been taking these since my mom bought a bunch and gave me some
dont know what it is exactly, but if i take them the day before then i can do my reps later without getting tired at all

>> No.40172679
Quoted by: >>40172761

moe is right about you

>> No.40172683 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 538x488, oy1W0Id.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40172702

my reps

>> No.40172685 [DELETED] 

any publication that hires people like ash sarkar and owen jones are disreputable

>> No.40172691 [DELETED] 

yeah this guy's right >>>/v/602369102

>> No.40172695 [DELETED] 

look like rebranded pregnant woman vitamin pills

>> No.40172698 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172705

I think you unironically need some more vegetables in your diet if a mixture of vitamins and nutrients is what is helping you to do your Anki reps

>> No.40172701
Quoted by: >>40172706

why does japanese put rice in everything

>> No.40172702 [DELETED] 

based, gmi

>> No.40172705 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172733

nope i eat some sort of salad twice a day
most of that stuff isn't even found in general vegetables either

>> No.40172706
Quoted by: >>40172710

What are staple grains?

>> No.40172710

well i would say corn or wheat

>> No.40172716
Quoted by: >>40172744

neither existed in japan, also wheat is literally poison

>> No.40172724

people need calories, grains are an easy and inexpensive way of reaching those required calories, before when people relied on subsistence farming they farmed and based their diet on said grains, so that's why people still eat said grains

>> No.40172733 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172756

You can get vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid from lentils.
You can get Vitamin C from garlic, onions, kale, limes, lemons, strawberries and lots of other stuff.
Flavonoids come from tea leaves, which you can consume in the form of hot tea.
Vitamin D comes straight from the sun for free.
Vitamin B12 is the only one you have to eat either red meat or dairy products for

>> No.40172738

miyamoto musashi got his calories from the boiling blood of his still seething enemies and lived a long, full life free of injuries and won 60+ duels to the death

>> No.40172744
Quoted by: >>40172757

What was ramen originally made with?

>> No.40172743

if you wouldn't eat bread all day then your ancestors weren't farmers end of story

>> No.40172754 [DELETED] 

can you collect your wannabe quirky schizo and stop him shitting up /v/

>> No.40172756 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172773

only smelly pakis eat lentils

>> No.40172757


>> No.40172759 [DELETED] 

yeah, vitamin d from the sun
sometimes in the winter i can look at the sky and it's completely grey because there's an eternal cloud there
must be nice living in a sunny climate

>> No.40172761

damn bro

>> No.40172763 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172774

no it's your turn to mind him

>> No.40172764 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172780

hes not schizophrenic you inbred cuck retard piece of antifairy waste, he is yay
fucking educate yourself you inane imbecile

>> No.40172766 [DELETED] 

My ancestors probably ate more turnips, peas, and bitter green leaves than refined wheat flour. Wheat bread is what noblemen used to get while peasants ate heavy, mealy bread made from coarsely milled, unrefined grains. In fact, they probably consumed more wheat and barley in the form of beer than in bread.

>> No.40172773 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172785

Ancient Greeks and Romans ate lentils and chickpeas too.

>> No.40172774 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 350x340, 1655185945907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please contact local authorities and send this monke back to the zoo

>> No.40172775 [DELETED] 

standard multivitamin, get niacin by itself if you want real gains, or a b complex for energy

>> No.40172780 [DELETED] 

keyword wannabe you illiterate retard
ever since terry met train tracks it became """cool""" to be some internet schizo, especially if you mix iyour image with anime girls

>> No.40172783 [DELETED] 

fairy guy is gonna end up one of those homeless schizos who throws poop at pedestrians

>> No.40172785 [DELETED] 

and now the ancient greeks and romans are all dead

>> No.40172786 [DELETED] 

based truthpilled!!

>> No.40172788
Quoted by: >>40172797

u cant make ramen without wheat retards

>> No.40172790


>> No.40172791

you can make anything you want even ramen, never give up bros

>> No.40172794 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172802

Schizos have been in fashion ever since visionaries and fortune-tellers were a thing. Imperial China even had an official schizo minister who was in charge of settling matters related to urban planning and civil engineering regulations by the means of feng shui.

>> No.40172797

Yeah, that's why soba is not the same as ramen in the first place.

>> No.40172800


>> No.40172802 [DELETED] 
File: 722 KB, 1920x1080, 1654199267886.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40172822

feng shui is real tho
maybe not the mystic part but the arrangement theory really is about making comfy places, avoiding things like glare and the like, peasants just like flow of chi better than "if your seating is located there the sun hits you in the eyes"
and sun in the face is bad for chi

>> No.40172803
Quoted by: >>40172807

doesnt soba still use wheat

>> No.40172804


>> No.40172807

Soba uses buckweat

>> No.40172809 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172818

as for me its mung bean flour vermicelli

>> No.40172811
Quoted by: >>40172820

sorry bros i meant to turn off japanese typing mode when i typed this
i meant to ask when i type "sake" into japanese microsoft IME so many different kanji show up

>> No.40172818 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172828

never heard of it

>> No.40172820

oh for fucks 鮭

>> No.40172822 [DELETED] 

Feng shui is all about putting things in the right direction and in harmony with the forces of nature. It's pre-scientific civil engineering and contingency planning.

>> No.40172823 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172834

your ancestors probably subsisted off cum so it's understandable that you wouldn't like wheat

>> No.40172828 [DELETED] 

its the crystal noodle stuff you find in a lot of asian soups/some pho
if youve had asian food youve had them

>> No.40172834 [DELETED] 

youre thinking your mom, god she loves her protein shakes that one

>> No.40172840 [DELETED] 

Cum is an extremely poor source of protein and other nutrients

>> No.40172841 [DELETED] 

sounds gay

>> No.40172843 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172851

it's more of a quantity game

>> No.40172845


>> No.40172851 [DELETED] 

Are you winning son?

>> No.40172852 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172863

4channers b liek
>science bad
>primitive thing good because it make me feel good

>> No.40172854 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 468x492, 1654180332760.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds based

>> No.40172857 [DELETED] 

gonna unga bunga you with a rock science man

>> No.40172860 [DELETED] 

as for me, i fucking love science
retards just saw science being misused and became luddites instead of learning to harness its power themselves

>> No.40172863 [DELETED] 

what b wrong with dat

>> No.40172866 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172872

im literally a scientist lmao you guys are so jealous

>> No.40172872 [DELETED] 

Hi literally a scientist, I'm Dad.

>> No.40172874 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172902

ppl probably had a lot more sex in primitive times

>> No.40172875 [DELETED] 

im a cervical mucus project sample collector and deguster, hard work but its for science

>> No.40172877 [DELETED] 

my dad is dead

>> No.40172879 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172907

im a professional post hider

>> No.40172884 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172900

sorry to hear anon, if not jesting, my sincere condolences

>> No.40172887 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172898

i suspect most people who claim to love science don't know shit beyond common knowledge

>> No.40172889 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172900


>> No.40172898 [DELETED] 

yep *sips tea*

>> No.40172899 [DELETED] 

started hating science after that incident in university, fucker lying about his results

>> No.40172900 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172938

unironically ass cancer
thanks man

>> No.40172902 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172904

It's because they knew that 12/15 of their children would die at an extremely young age, and that 2 others would die before the age of 30, childless, which is why they had to bet on one of their potential sperm ejaculations surviving till adulthood and reproducing

>> No.40172904 [DELETED] 

dame no way

>> No.40172907 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40173017

I don't hide posts. I just report off-topic garbage and posts made by suspected JIDF shills.

>> No.40172911 [DELETED] 

is J for jewish or japanese

>> No.40172912 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172915

I like soience because it makes cars go vroom and planes go nyeeeeowwww and trains go tuktuktuktuktuk

>> No.40172915 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172930

trains dont do that

>> No.40172920 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172947


>> No.40172921 [DELETED] 

space is pretty cool

>> No.40172922 [DELETED] 

ask the woman that wrote their modern constitution

>> No.40172929 [DELETED] 

fuck space
your soul is meant to stay on earth not the abyss

>> No.40172930 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172948

Yes they do

>> No.40172933 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40173030

Your soul is pulled down by the gravity of Earth

>> No.40172938 [DELETED] 

that's tragic my friend...

>> No.40172940 [DELETED] 

how do you stay on the abyss

>> No.40172945 [DELETED] 

fuck you dumbass space is the ultimate atmospheric work of art

>> No.40172947 [DELETED] 
File: 226 KB, 1200x751, 1200px-Pacific-Electric-Red-Cars-Awaiting-Destruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40172948 [DELETED] 

me after eating beans

>> No.40172971 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172978

i wanna man

>> No.40172972 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172979

can you get eye cancer or brain cancer from staying on 4chan for too long?

>> No.40172978 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40172988


>> No.40172979 [DELETED] 

you can get ass cancer from my foot staying in there for too long

>> No.40172988 [DELETED] 

short signature

>> No.40173017 [DELETED] 


>> No.40173030 [DELETED] 

>tfw you run out of colonies to drop
zeon bros...

>> No.40173032
Quoted by: >>40173040

only two or three on topic posts per entire djt thread

>> No.40173035

dont care

>> No.40173040
Quoted by: >>40173053

let the maidos know about off topic garbage

>> No.40173041

what language exchange apps do you guys use

>> No.40173049
Quoted by: >>40173054

tinder osaka 200 mile radius

>> No.40173051
Quoted by: >>40173062

go to rl language exchanges and bang jks bro

>> No.40173053
Quoted by: >>40173067

yeah that'd be nice but what about someone using a name

>> No.40173054

>back of a girl's head simulator

>> No.40173062

this doesn't happen

>> No.40173067

especially in that case

>> No.40173075
Quoted by: >>40173083

when i was studying abroad in jp, my host family hosted another student for a few weeks. sex with australian imouto every night.

>> No.40173077
Quoted by: >>40173083

i can say it does, and so can other anons who tried it confirm, but i will not elaborate.
suck less, i dunno

>> No.40173083
Quoted by: >>40173094

tell me more
>suck less, i dunno
I don't completely doubt it but I also don't live in japan, going to study there next year if I'm lucky tho

>> No.40173089
File: 47 KB, 680x551, FVL_vCkakAEXlbD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goooooooood morning


>> No.40173094
Quoted by: >>40173104

actually ill elaborate cause i love my bros
look, at the start of every uni term a lot of exchange students come, a lot of them girls, none of them know anyone and all of them are bored and want adventures to share with their friends back home
if you show up around the start of the term (every 3 months), and are cool and friendly, they will fight over you and literally pick themselves up
pay more attention to the girls you dont want than the ones you do, the later will aggressively pursue you if you act uninterested
also don't be needy and have cool things to do, know cool places, dunno
good luck bro
you do NOT have to speak japanese (nor do they want you to, they want to practice their broken english)

>> No.40173102
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, 1654983689709.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo its my favorite anon! ohayouuuu!

>> No.40173104
Quoted by: >>40173107

I'm confused
you were studying abroad in jp but your host family invited a jp girl to live there?
this reads like you're telling me to pick up the girls who exchange at my current university

>> No.40173107

you replied to two anons, you are thinking the wrong one

>> No.40173115
File: 96 KB, 739x1024, FVCVAmSVIAUgr_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40173134

up early because i am on dog duty

>> No.40173116 [DELETED] 

if u are a foreigner in japan, u WILL get laid

>> No.40173132 [DELETED] 

challenge accepted

>> No.40173133 [DELETED] 

ive been wondering why the thread felt so extremely chill yesterday and today, turns out bunko is banned

dame i like those odds

>> No.40173134
File: 1.89 MB, 720x720, 1650619102135.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40173889


>> No.40173145 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40173168

this is true
jks REALLY HATE japanese men and ive seen them be absolutely cruel to them more than once
kinda get why they say fuck this and become hikkis/neurotic

>> No.40173153 [DELETED] 

isn't that a bit unsustainable for a society?

>> No.40173158 [DELETED] 

frufi never did it yay

>> No.40173163 [DELETED] 

people aren't bees
brings to mind the convo about girls getting mad if you argue with them instead of exercising them

>> No.40173167 [DELETED] 


>> No.40173168 [DELETED] 

yeah but what other traits are they attracted to? i'm a 6'4" whitey but i know there's more to it than just that

>> No.40173173 [DELETED] 

i imagine frufi had chances, fairy is asexual tho

>> No.40173187 [DELETED] 

you will get sex if even just for the novelty

>> No.40173191 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40173197

get that idiot way of thinking out of your head, women detest men that try to shape themselves to them
just be yourself (or if you suck be someone that doesn't suck, dunno), have a hobby. some talent, maybe lift, but really your number one attribute is you are exotic and have tales of elsewhere
even if you are half retarded you are exciting

>> No.40173197 [DELETED] 

alright based i have plenty of stories from being a fucking retard

>> No.40173211

holy moly

>> No.40173212


>> No.40173216 [DELETED] 

pretty sure frufi has had sex a shitton

>> No.40173220 [DELETED] 

possibly, frufi is not bad looking

>> No.40173268


>> No.40173351
File: 91 KB, 294x441, 5Iokxoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40173505


>> No.40173547
Quoted by: >>40173889

kek watched that earlier

>> No.40173889
File: 578 KB, 864x1152, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and back
i wonder if japan gives out free poop bags
we have them at every public bin here

gonna have to look into how the japanese walk their dogs

watched that stream yesterday ですわ

>> No.40173988


looks like they have to buy em

>> No.40174049

im gonna go to japan and gain 20 lbs


>> No.40174077

デブs on the rise everywhere

>> No.40174088
Quoted by: >>40174111

i gained at least 5lb last time i was there, and i was only there for 7 days. my friends and i were kinda broke so we just went to a bunch of cheap fast food places like Yoshinoya and konbinis. and also the strong zeros..

>> No.40174111

>and also the strong zeros
they need to fucking sell those globally

>> No.40174206

alcohol is gay

>> No.40174240

someone get on discord lets voice chat i'm bored

>> No.40174241

i need alcohol to survive holidays

>> No.40175149

good morning friends

>> No.40175236


