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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 241 KB, 1200x1686, __original_drawn_by_syuntyu_katze__9e066fb30ed65fd748b6fcfc44da75d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40113444 No.40113444 [Reply] [Original]

please dont drama or advertise, and be kind to your fellow anon

>> No.40113448
File: 202 KB, 1074x1200, DjwSMrmUwAAi2zE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the thread

>> No.40113453

Damn you didn't have to kill the thread like that
But you did the right thing killing it

Gonna read today

>> No.40113455
File: 851 KB, 835x627, 1654696501564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the great thread op
raep time!

>> No.40113458

what manga magazines are intended for kids younger than shounen jump?
was thinking of trying doraemon

>> No.40113460

can't stand iturazenko or tatsumoto

>> No.40113462
File: 578 KB, 1280x960, the moogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let djt die

>> No.40113464

notice how it was killed the moment people starting talking about vinnies being the best route to making it
you can't let them silence the tr

>> No.40113467
File: 535 KB, 600x848, 7f7341a278e89a91e88a08ba9db8b8400218f0fc_1200_1697_1557293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and gmi pilled

>> No.40113469

>you can't let them silence the tr
Oh shit he dead

>> No.40113472

Og has power over 4head and will squeeze out every drop of attention she can before adding him if ever

>> No.40113475

lol we got euthanized

>> No.40113480 [SPOILER] 
File: 387 KB, 1265x800, 1654373437208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40113487

this has "still living at home with his parents" vibe written all over it

>> No.40113495

gonna have to agree

>> No.40113500

can you recommend one that I could get into without much installation hassles or drm crap that would suit me at not quite N4 level ?

>> No.40113503

yo what page was that on

>> No.40113504
Quoted by: >>40113648


>> No.40113507
File: 871 KB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40113509
File: 78 KB, 769x320, Screenshot_20220609-153609_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40113634


>> No.40113520

vinnuel bros..

>> No.40113529


>> No.40113535

Are you autistic? You've posted the same song 10 times

>> No.40113541

>Are you autistic?

>> No.40113546
Quoted by: >>40113560

reminds me of when i copy pasted a line from hxh and someone called me crippled

>> No.40113547 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40113559

any takes on the drama last thread

>> No.40113554

it was me
i stand by it, anybody that watches hxh is crippled

>> No.40113557
File: 6 KB, 257x74, 1652132523048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40113559 [DELETED] 

what drama
give me the outline

>> No.40113560

what if it was the line of a retarded character?

if i post anya saying できるます its crippled as well

>> No.40113566

Yeah, you gotta read it to get the true message and avoid getting crippled

>> No.40113568

ask him in his discord

>> No.40113569

can't imagine asking to be spoonfed djt drama, let alone caring in the first place

>> No.40113577

based jannies are gonna purge queef lmao

>> No.40113581

crazy how this is the best thread in a while

>> No.40113582

queef too scared to post now

>> No.40113589

be kind to him hes raising another mans baby

>> No.40113591


>> No.40113595
Quoted by: >>40113619

qm what do you think of 4bc's japanese learning and his duel with jamal? and the og drama

>> No.40113596
Quoted by: >>40113612

16 IPs in the new thread even after the ebin incident of the last one going down
if we assume a conservative rate of about half of those being samefags already, then...
djt is dying...

>> No.40113606
File: 58 KB, 512x512, 1654801584145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40113612

all me

>> No.40113609

djt been dead ever since quiz betrayed us like some character in logh

>> No.40113612

and that's a good thing

>> No.40113618


>> No.40113619
Quoted by: >>40113622

>4bc's japanese learning
no clue about it
>his duel with jamal
haven't heard anything
>og drama
what drama?

>> No.40113620

djt was better when Anacreon was posting a lot

>> No.40113622


>> No.40113629

can we get a qm vs 4bc duel

>> No.40113634

I actually own nekopara manga. I might try that then, I felt is was a bit difficult for my near N4 level though last time I looked through it.

>> No.40113636 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40113650

og self doxxed and 4bc cried

>> No.40113638
File: 661 KB, 1920x1080, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40113700

>> No.40113641

true march seems so far away

>> No.40113648

I'll look that up, thanks

>> No.40113649

they're both dead posters who only post to remind djt they are alive

>> No.40113650

me and anacreon walking down the path, djt thread posters sitting on the ground

really? where did he cry? are there pics of og?

>> No.40113654


>> No.40113656

just one pick of her greasy face with colo(u)r contacts in

>> No.40113662
Quoted by: >>40113674

wtf that was easy maybe i can watch it now

>> No.40113665
Quoted by: >>40113687

add ciaran too! epic flashtard battle royale!

>> No.40113670

she was embarrassed to show her brunette hair

>> No.40113674

watch the new one the old one is barely animated dated trash

>> No.40113677


>> No.40113683
File: 697 KB, 810x848, h.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40113684
File: 159 KB, 713x528, pzzKw3e6UOlU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40113687
Quoted by: >>40113712

ciaran could kill qm in his prime with one hand behind his back and qm's japanese is alot worse now...

>> No.40113689
File: 1.36 MB, 2528x3427, 1654663158983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame og looks like that?
og bros we won
holy babe

>> No.40113700
Quoted by: >>40113742

Bro are you gonna seed this shit
I can't get the 1st ep

>> No.40113702
File: 63 KB, 506x900, FUtzislVsAAnvfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40113717


time for morning news!

>> No.40113705

crazy how ciaran is the best gaijin japanese learner ever and he also had the most fun live of anyone here. its not fair bros

>> No.40113712

ciarans japanese has been going down too

i could probably defeat him now

>> No.40113717
File: 1.22 MB, 2204x3508, 1654617561823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoooo nice thanks for the reminder

>> No.40113720

same same

>> No.40113721
Quoted by: >>40113734

oh i'm gonna seed alright
buckle up

>> No.40113734

t.. the show right...?

>> No.40113741
Quoted by: >>40113777

when was the last time two 20k+ titans collided in djt

>> No.40113742
File: 62 KB, 663x222, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40113768

there should be enough seeds

>> No.40113765
File: 25 KB, 200x200, 0QRRqSkXAxCX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did he do it?

>> No.40113768
File: 54 KB, 1286x210, 1654812505108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40113804

Can't get shit cause of these leeching faggots

>> No.40113777
Quoted by: >>40113803

no one does epic taiketsus anymore. know all we have is that peace and rainbows holo faggot

>> No.40113784

same way they always do… lying and scamming

>> No.40113785

stop posting that loser here
he did it because he started young, that is ultimately always the difference, if you try to seriously start learning after the age of 16 it is likely that you will never truly make it

>> No.40113791


>> No.40113797
Quoted by: >>40113801

matt was and is better than qm and ciaran and i'm tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.40113801
Quoted by: >>40113807

matt died on a moe vinnie

>> No.40113803

>peace and rainbows holo faggot
he talks more shit than anyone

>> No.40113804

leave it overnight then, i delete all eps after i watch em

>> No.40113807
Quoted by: >>40113813

exaggeration. he read more bunkos than you

>> No.40113813
Quoted by: >>40113823

he didnt read shit

>> No.40113816

og would it be acceptable for me to marry a 15 yo? (im 23)

>> No.40113823

why do you always seethe at matt? did he wrong you? do you feel inferior to him because your japanese is worse?

>> No.40113827

matt admitted he did the bulk of his “acquiring” from anki
bunkbro >>> matt

>> No.40113832

his japanese is still better tho. you're just a shit talker hiding behind a keyboard

>> No.40113842

rather hang out with matt than bunk
that's all i think about when it comes to these comparisons

>> No.40113849

>his japanese is still better tho.
post proof

>> No.40113852

>hiding behind a keyboard
lmao what? should i dox myself?

>> No.40113861

life would be so much better if we treated each other like we treat pets

when's the last time someone cuddled with you for no reason other than you existing

>> No.40113871

please don't bring your weird petplay fetish into the thread

>> No.40113872

matt talks weird though. even natives agree yeah he doesnt make that many grammar mistakes or whatever but he doesnt speak like your regular person like he does in english

>> No.40113879
Quoted by: >>40114017

Matt's innovative methods and workflow involving japanese dictionaries, ajatt, aozora bunkobons, sentence cards and using japanese subtitles for anime was revolutionary and paved the way for everything that came after. His videos explaining the ingenuis setup date back to 2015. Quizmaster should be grateful to Matt because he got to ride off his coattails and profit off of him through his derivative and inferior anime cards method (copied from core 2k/6k, I might add)

>> No.40113881
Quoted by: >>40113899

if she's mature for her age, you are set up already, and her parents approve...maybe if both are truly in love it's ok but you have to fight for it

>> No.40113895
Quoted by: >>40115857


>> No.40113899
Quoted by: >>40113928

matt donda
wtf og why are you still awake is your heart ドキドキするing after the last thread?

>> No.40113901

depends what country you live in

>> No.40113913
File: 715 KB, 1280x720, 白刃きらめく恋しらべ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40113924

bless the glossary

>> No.40113923


>> No.40113924


>> No.40113928
Quoted by: >>40113942

I work nights I'm drifting off tho

>> No.40113942
Quoted by: >>40113947

night babe love you take care

>> No.40113947


>> No.40113961

>all this namefagging and eceleb bullshit
>no discussion about japanese whatsoever
None of your are ever going to make it. I'm done with this thread.

>> No.40113968


>> No.40113969

damn so true

>> No.40113973

so how bout those kanjis

>> No.40113983

can't live with em can't live without em am i right LMAO

>> No.40113984


>> No.40113986

i like my women how i like my kanji
i dont like kanji

>> No.40113996
File: 1.15 MB, 1469x745, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not immersing?

>> No.40114005

dame meant for >>40113961

>> No.40114017

Fuck M*tt

>> No.40114032


>> No.40114037

before matt people learned japanese on this site sometimes jamal remembers

>> No.40114054
File: 843 KB, 737x1052, 1654556567703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love women and kanji in equal measure

i really very very very love women bros theyre so cute and soft and delicious and kanji are cool too and much easier to fuck (as long as you are fucking upwards)

>> No.40114068
File: 46 KB, 405x680, FUvtXJsacAYOQ8R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40114082


>> No.40114070 [SPOILER] 
File: 174 KB, 1280x1920, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am too
miss this semencubbus bro

>> No.40114077
File: 1.71 MB, 1678x2362, spunk-vingummi-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40114082
File: 310 KB, 540x540, 1654207382215.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40114083

lol cancelled

>> No.40114099


san jyuu shichi???
san jyuu nana????

>> No.40114105

either way 美味しそう

>> No.40114113

mi so thichi

>> No.40114129

Do you all learn not just how to read kanji, but also how to write it? Progress has been nice so far, but I've been neglecting how to write them. Can I go like this, or should I learn how to write them, too?

>> No.40114144
Quoted by: >>40114212

Of course you have to learn to write
You don't want to be illiterate, do you?

>> No.40114157
Quoted by: >>40114212

depends on your goals
which of these are you interested in and how does writing fit in with them? for many, writing helps with reading.

>> No.40114171

my goal is to save japan through sex!

>> No.40114172 [DELETED] 

i started learning stroke order like 2 years in
it helped a lot but i quit after 1000 or so kanji cuz after a while the returns are minimal

>> No.40114178

just learned how useful radicals can be
is the radical anki deck on itazuraneko any good?

>> No.40114184
Quoted by: >>40114200

its u shaped

>> No.40114200 [DELETED] 

i still learn stroke order of kanji that i have trouble with in my reps
just dont feel like spending 1/2-1 hour on it anymore

>> No.40114212
Quoted by: >>40114236


mainly, reading and translation
I do think learning how to write them helps me remember the kanji for a long time, but it kinda felt like a bother along the way, so I stopped
I guess I'll start learning how to write them again from now on

I see, thank you for telling me your experience, anon. It convinced me once again to learn how to write them.

>> No.40114236

if translation is a goal, you should read a lot in your native language too so that your eventual translations don't read like shit

>> No.40114245

terrible advice
just get really good at google translate and youre set
hell you start tomorrow

>> No.40114250

Any good resources, videos, or tips for writing Japanese with a pen? I'm having a lot of trouble with my hand movements; I can't easily do horizontal lines or the top-right corners of boxes; even curves like in ru and su are difficult. I feel like I'm not holding or moving the pen right when I try to do the stroke order.

>> No.40114254 [DELETED] 

how about you learn japanese first before worrying whether you are 達筆

>> No.40114277
Quoted by: >>40114287

a lot of practice
this guys channel is very cool tho not sure if its what you mean

>> No.40114287


>> No.40114302


>> No.40114377


>> No.40114404

please be aware of gaslighting&envious antifairi btw please do not worry and continue your cute dream magic

>> No.40114412

zoku? no, there's a mouth. shoku.

>> No.40114434

uhh frufi said he’ll be homeless soon can somebody help him?

>> No.40114449

og could let him stay in her apartment

>> No.40114467 [DELETED] 

maybe his fairis can let him couchsurf for a while

>> No.40114477


>> No.40114485

ちょうど今にコーヒーのお替りしましたけど今日は全然食べなかったこと忘れてしまった もう頭が痛いわよ

>> No.40114523 [DELETED] 

dame fairy gay guy is gonna be like the dude in satoshi kon's tokyo godfathers

>> No.40114566
File: 425 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20220609-210248_Tachiyomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone help me understand this

>> No.40114605 [DELETED] 

its saying his face was so unthinkably handsome that you could only think it was god's favor

>> No.40114646


>> No.40114655

i think i get now
from god received a favour としか思えぬ
i cant translate it but i feel it means something like "you could only think"
but jp en defintion for しか doesnt help

>> No.40114664

can't be thought of as anything but

>> No.40114673 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40117056

と思う - to think that
と思えぬ - not possible to think
としか思えぬ - except for [gods favor], not possible to think

>> No.40114689
Quoted by: >>40114895


my notes from when i read tae kim define it as expressing the lack of everything else (and that's why it needs to be in a negative sentence). it makes more sense when you contrast it to だけ, they essentially mean the same thing but dake focuses on that being all there is
is the glass dake or is the glass shika

>> No.40114702

yeah djt is pretty dead these days

>> No.40114724

maybe it's not enough to judge by but she looks ugly as fuck in that pic

>> No.40114728
Quoted by: >>40114777

any new tools? love the mpv script

>> No.40114731 [DELETED] 

the holospammer killed it

>> No.40114740

theres nothing to talk about

>> No.40114743

we could talk about our feelings

>> No.40114748

lol fag

>> No.40114749


>> No.40114765

the longer i spend time away from here the more annoyed or disgusted i am by its regulars when i visit

>> No.40114772
Quoted by: >>40114776

that doesn't make sense, absence is supposed to make the heart grow fonder

>> No.40114775


>> No.40114776

it doesnt work like that

>> No.40114777

uhhh just some more hacked retro consoles for me, you don't really need anything besides radical lookup or google keyboard that supports drawing kanji on ur phone. i guess one milestone i made is only using j-j dictionaries since about feb. i used to think they weren't really worth it but once you can read them easily you'll find a lot of the jmdict shit frankly cringey and confusing compared to it

yeah i poke my head in sometimes if im on 4chan anyway but the thread is so shit all the time i just go back to my other boards immediately

>> No.40114781 [DELETED] 

i can't believe jamal actually quit after years and years of daily shitposting

>> No.40114782

that's a blessing, makes it easier for you to leave and not look back

>> No.40114788


>> No.40114791
Quoted by: >>40114992

>hacked retro consoles
what sort of hacks?

>> No.40114792
Quoted by: >>40114796

he got a childhood friend fiance finally, now he can live his anime protag life

>> No.40114796
Quoted by: >>40114992

how do you know

>> No.40114798
Quoted by: >>40114992

/g/'s too obvious so you probably don't go there
i recall you saying you drew monsters, so i think you're a /tg/ or /ic/ kind of guy

>> No.40114799
Quoted by: >>40114992

>google keyboard that supports drawing kanji on ur phone
is this from google japanese ime or something else?

>> No.40114807

he was in the last thread though?

>> No.40114814
Quoted by: >>40114820

its the nature of 4chan, you aren't supposed to lurk in a thread forever and pretend its soc
everyone from the old threads other than the absolute basket cases, are gone
if there is nothing more of interest in japanese for you, its time to move on
thats the way of this place
everyone will get homes, partners, graduate, jobs, whatever and move on
the only people here should be beginners, people who want to help beginners, and the mentally ill who have no other place they could possibly go, i guess
(angry retard dude comes to mind)

>> No.40114820

thats too sad

>> No.40114827

because hed make 600 posts a thread about it before fucking off

>> No.40114852

Is it safe to assume that any goodies sold in Japanese shrines and temples are made in Japan? And in general, what areas and what kind of stores should I avoid to stay away from made in china products and knockoffs?

>> No.40114858
Quoted by: >>40116270

no, its not sad, you are not supposed to use a trip as a name and pretend this is life, thats what reddit is for
you of all people should get that
this place is not real, and nobody here is your friend, this is a place where you exchange ideas, not try to pick up thread menheras then beg them loudly to add you on mal
it can happen, and you do meet cool people, why, i have, but you should never forget that for every person thats cool, theres someone wholl microwave your cat for fun
and its the later who tends to stay forever (see tats)

>> No.40114875

the people you spent time with here are real and its disrespectful to say otherwise

>> No.40114888

4bc dame mindset, no one here is real and that's why what anon said means absolutely nothing

>> No.40114895



>> No.40114904

theyre real in that they exist, but they aren't the people they are irl, everyone is an extreme caricature, inclusing you
btw if you think im exaggerating, don't forget someone doxxed bunko for lulz, and were he in the states, he/his family/whomever would be getting swatted regularly just to see his reaction on the thread
lulz is much more dangerous than malice
you yourself are fragile as wet toilet paper in a... who the fuck even talks about things like respect here, sorta way
but im gonna leave the convo there
you are the kind of person who gets hurt here, is why i posted, and i know you don't believe me, and i know you wont listen, but if the worst thing that happened to you from here was losing your heart and some time, you got off cheap

>> No.40114934

does anyone know how to make the homonym selection come up for google voice input? or better yet how to force hiragana.

>> No.40114956

>but if the worst thing that happened to you from here was losing your heart and some time, you got off cheap
what did they do to you anon

>> No.40114971

not him but i was sent twice to a psychiatric hospital and i take lithium risperidone olanzapine escitalopram seroquel and wellbutrin

>> No.40114992

most recently using a raspberry pi to display a ps vitas screen on a tv

we talk, he was only here cuz he had basically gone through a divorce-tier breakup, probably would have left sooner if covid didn't happen

/g/ is one of them. i do draw stuff but i do it for my own enjoyment only, so never been to those boards.

yes or just the google keyboard on android

>> No.40115014

feelio when too tired to read

>> No.40115019

i passed the test for n3 but i still can't reliably read kata half the time, ama

>> No.40115025

Can you share the source for your texthooker page? I want to make some changes but it's minified and obfuscated

>> No.40115027
Quoted by: >>40115131

are you happy with what youve accomplished in life?

>> No.40115041
File: 2.76 MB, 1280x720, 1654556915178.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they... they showed me the melon bro
that damn horny sheep with a melon on her head...
and then... everything changed

>> No.40115056

My friend asked me for a translation request which I'm usually fine with but this is for a tattoo so I want some input from a native speaker before I accidentally ruin his life or something. He said he wanted something like memento Mori in Latin but with his dog's name which is Landy. He suggested メメントランディー after I guided him a little bit does that make sense. I also suggested ランディーの記念 which makes more sense to me. My question is would the first suggestion work, I assumed memento is Latin so it would make sense in katakana but would it come off as weird to a native speaker?

>> No.40115065

native speakers either tatoo dragons or cool shit like that, or nothing, they don't tatoo shit in latin, and if they did theyd do so in broken, misspelled arabic characters not kana

>> No.40115075

Ask a native on /int/. They have a japanese thread (not djt)

>> No.40115076


>> No.40115079
Quoted by: >>40116262

tattoos in japanese are cringe

>> No.40115088

Anons that's from r*ddit...

>> No.40115098

>memento Mori = remember death
>memento Randy

>> No.40115107 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115119

yep, people getting baited by reddit reposts
thats when u know the thread is dead

>> No.40115119 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 877x495, hhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40115147

It turns out you are right. But you have to be an active redditor to find about a post from not even an hour ago

>> No.40115123 [DELETED] 

me ciaran quiz moe jamal and anacreon have to become regulars again to save this thread

>> No.40115127

maybe hes asking in both places
he should really ask int tho

>> No.40115131

still got a long way to go

>> No.40115139

are you happy with what youve accomplished today?

>> No.40115147
Quoted by: >>40115156

What the fuck is that font
Are you dyslexic or something?

>> No.40115154

it wont change a thing. those guys leaving was an effect of what killed djt not the cause

>> No.40115156
Quoted by: >>40115165

Not sure what you mean.

>> No.40115157 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115173

namefags leaving was actually an unexpected benefit

>> No.40115159
Quoted by: >>40115196

the thread doesn't need "saved", youll understand one day
you shared a moment in time that cant be prolonged or repeated, the people having card battles are now fathers, or employed, and quit, you cant artificially try to keep convos going all day, jaxcrement tried and he didn't enjoy it
you cant "replicate" organic excitement, and the people that participated are elsewhere in life now
you too will meet a girl or reach your goal and have no use for the place

>> No.40115165

your font is fine, that anons sight is not well or he is the one using something weird

>> No.40115173 [DELETED] 

qm left when djt was still fine but the benefit of the others leaving was buried under the pile of shit this thread became, they only left when the thread had become unusable

>> No.40115196 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115245

but you mentally ill vtranny youre stuck here forever youre 30 and have no money and you will be stuck here making simp posts @ obese girl

>> No.40115200 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115213

djt expert here the thread died at the end of last summer when bunko got doxed and og left korea

>> No.40115201

fucking hell, blasted him out of the water with no warning

>> No.40115202 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115455

jamal is back and we're gonna save djt

>> No.40115207
File: 1.87 MB, 540x720, 1652816578939.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoooo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxI_i6Myhm8
theres dancers and everything!

>> No.40115210 [DELETED] 

*eyes get blinded by jamals radiant presence*

>> No.40115213 [DELETED] 

yea korea arc was the last fun arc djt ever had

>> No.40115215 [DELETED] 

yup. turns out most if not all the obese girl simp posts are made by the adhd vtard. whodve think the guy calling me an incel is a beta male simp begging for attention from the thread egirl.

>> No.40115224 [DELETED] 

see thats the kind of people who remain, garbage that lives with their mom and seethe at their miserable lives and try to feel important online by trolling strangers
poor nameturd, he is not well at all

>> No.40115226 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115230

oh now he's real? lol

>> No.40115230
Quoted by: >>40115241


>> No.40115234

i just let the jannies know of his diarrhea tier posts, he is not worth insulting, he knows exactly what he is and loves the attention

only attention he can get, poor poor sad guy

>> No.40115237

look I know it's fun to roast them, but when you call out the vtuber poster they sperg out and shit up the thread for a while
just be mindful of the timing

>> No.40115241 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115247

you insulted me when i warned you a few months ago

>> No.40115242

true true

>> No.40115245

lol true

>> No.40115247
Quoted by: >>40115255

i would never insult anyone for something like that

>> No.40115249 [DELETED] 

jamal warned us, had archive links and all

>> No.40115255 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115257

lmao you told me i'm trying my hardest to convince you he's real and called me crazy when i pulled posts from the archive

>> No.40115257
Quoted by: >>40115292

you're exaggerating

>> No.40115262

true true

>> No.40115277 [DELETED] 

nice self own

>> No.40115292 [DELETED] 


>> No.40115298 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115449

sad when moe left for weeks if not months but glad he's back

>> No.40115318 [DELETED] 

lol moe contradicting himself
confirmed retard

>> No.40115321
Quoted by: >>40115324

how is that a contradiction

>> No.40115324 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115326

how is not you dumb fuck

>> No.40115326 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115352

you can't just name every1 you don't like mlen

>> No.40115352 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115354

it's the guy who made the posts linked in that thread idiot. you sided with him and denied the same fucker's existence and now he hates you (was only a matter of time) and gets you banned multiple times every thread lmao

>> No.40115354
Quoted by: >>40115381

yea dunno man

>> No.40115381 [DELETED] 

lmao go through the chain

>> No.40115414
Quoted by: >>40115425

getting too much secondhand embarrassment seeing this guy try to epic own the namefag

>> No.40115425 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115432

what's embarassing is moe getting kicked in his balls every day by the same tard he defended and complaining about in the same breath

>> No.40115428
File: 94 KB, 1280x1024, 0EAC395A-346E-4E53-839E-8D248DDD3678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40115432 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115435

i didn't defend anyone but you might be right. i concede the debate

>> No.40115435 [DELETED] 

for once in your life you admitted you were wrong. thank you.

>> No.40115439 [DELETED] 

why would i admit im wrong when i never have been

>> No.40115444 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115448

moe has never had problems admitting he's wrong the problem is that he's almost never wrong

>> No.40115448 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115454

he was wrong this time and had a problem admitting it

>> No.40115449


>> No.40115454 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115469

no i didn't and based on the information i had at the tjme there was no reason to believe this character existed

>> No.40115455
Quoted by: >>40115468

No one misses you

>> No.40115458 [DELETED] 

i appreciate moe as a bulwark against something much worse

>> No.40115465

Only bulwark I appreciate is foot-in-ass guy
I miss that guy every day

>> No.40115468 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115479


>> No.40115469 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115477

you had the same information as you do now cause the insane tard's posting style is redundant as fuck and all his key posts were linked. the only difference is you get targeted by him regularly now so you care more or finally noticed it

>> No.40115477
Quoted by: >>40115500

i just didnt pay attention to his posts like you did

>> No.40115479

No thanks. I'm quite content right now

>> No.40115484 [DELETED] 

you sound insecure

>> No.40115492

you sound based and confident

>> No.40115496

yep yep this anon won

>> No.40115500 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115507

which is why you were wrong. you sound like the kids who fail algebra and cope how they weren't wrong but that the problem was wrong and they just weren't paying attention

>> No.40115503

this is unhealthy, anon

>> No.40115507 [DELETED] 

what is your problem

>> No.40115509

forgot to check what djt thought of berserk continuing

>> No.40115511 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115520

we're cautiously pessimistic about the idea

>> No.40115516

Spent today reading, not planning on wasting time on pointless dick measuring competitions with random people on a thinly veiled shit posting general today. おやすみ

>> No.40115520

i expect it to be bad but i like that we'll know how it ends. if miura's friend typed up a paragraph summarizing what miura told him i'd prefer that though.

>> No.40115522

think its incredibly based and red pilled and cant wait to see the new chapters
miura did all the work already, but he was too perfectionistic, and while i loved him and his attention to detail, im fine with seeing his script done by dudes whose style is actually very similar
he also knew he was dying and left notes and had talks with them on the subject and everyone knows where the story was going so whats not to love?

>> No.40115533

how could it be bad? its his disciples finishing his lifes work properly

brings tears to my eyes, manly tears.

>> No.40115552

worst case scenario i'll just personally choose to believe the manga ended with miura

>> No.40115559

you know what isn't ending yet? hxh
hxh guy is probably ecstatic

>> No.40115570

they stopped posting the "since last chapter" thing in /a/...

>> No.40115606 [DELETED] 

>he also knew he was dying
no he didn't retard it was a sudden death

>> No.40115625
Quoted by: >>40115627

the only person he told the ending to is a friend of his who is also another big name author. it was probably just something that slipped out when he was drunk or something, and now that is going to be the 'official' ending.

>> No.40115627 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115640


>> No.40115636
File: 59 KB, 735x1046, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40115650


>> No.40115640

Me, i am his big name author friend, George JRR Rowling.

>> No.40115643

poor low iq angry retard guy missed that berserk is full of allusions to what he died of, so either he was a prophet, or he knew
perhaps not the exact day but it was clearly not a new thing

>> No.40115650

gonna end picking it up just cause of how exquisitely cute and funny the art is

>> No.40115651

are these allusions in the room with us now?

>> No.40115661

theyre in your heart anon

>> No.40115662 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115682

there's no source for any of the allusion bullshit. nothing shows up on google

>> No.40115682 [DELETED] 

you can't predict you're going to have an aortic dissection. dunning kruger tard was talking out of his ass as usual

>> No.40115727
File: 746 KB, 3318x1562, ytusnqmcs7071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40115733

its a reference to threads from when miura died and comments he made in young animal
poor angry retard guy, always so literal and so frutrated and mad
poor anon, pity him, he doesn't even know whats ever going on, he just seethes, forever
the threads were great, too

>> No.40115733

same same

always know who he is cause hes always seething lol

>> No.40115734 [DELETED] 

robert says the berserk anime is better than the manga

>> No.40115741

yeah hes disproportionally angry over nothing all the time, seems like a fun guy, bet his life is peachy

>> No.40115755

the creator of the Holyland manga is basically the new author of Berserk. https://www.hakusensha.co.jp/information/63802/

>> No.40115759 [DELETED] 

yup, whoever is losing is winning

>> No.40115783
File: 685 KB, 557x741, 1629655241701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright bros, I've got a conundrum for ya'll.
I can read lolige and hentai novels for hours on end if I'm horny because i dont jack off unless it's the perfect scene.
But sometimes that scene comes after like 30 minutes of reading.
Then after I cum, I lose all motivation to continue.

How the fuck do I immerse more...

>> No.40115792 [DELETED] 

>we talk, he was only here cuz he had basically gone through a divorce-tier breakup, probably would have left sooner if covid didn't happen
he's been in there threads since '16 wtf do you mean covid happened in '20

>> No.40115795
Quoted by: >>40115830

go slower

>> No.40115806
Quoted by: >>40115830

Start reading things with slightly less sexual content until you exclusively read VNs with the "Late Sexual Content" tag that are like 60+ hours long

>> No.40115810 [DELETED] 

read unsexual slice of life manga

>> No.40115818

..and then jerk off to the fanart

>> No.40115830

>read manga
that's not even possible


i can see this working. right now the thing pushing me is my 欲情
that state of extreme 欲望 brings me into the flow state. and being extremely close to 絶頂 is what allows me to power through the text.

>> No.40115831 [DELETED] 

>uhhh just some more hacked retro consoles for me
sasuga retard doing the anki equivalent of playing vidya

>> No.40115838 [DELETED] 

why did og say her eyes were violet when they were just run of the mill blue? also that pic is pretty much og giving you a blowjob it's great thx og

>> No.40115839
File: 1.90 MB, 1700x2400, M.K..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40115844

og's a bit retarded, it is known

>> No.40115847

guess her eyes look different depending on the light, maybe not violet tho

>> No.40115848

Can't read. Won't read.

>> No.40115849 [DELETED] 

he speaks japanese daily to his gf whereas you can barely read a vn outloud

>> No.40115854

fuck... so many sweet men in need of love... and only one me

>> No.40115856

huh bunko talks with his egf every day, he makes sure to mention it every single day, you are a couple seasons behind

>> No.40115857

there's a really disgusting scene in that movie where this ugly ass pervert puts this little girl's hands in his pocket and forces her to jack him off in the adult section of the movie store

>> No.40115859 [DELETED] 

yeah he speaks to her on the phone which is not the same as speaker to someone in person, you acquire better in person

>> No.40115864 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40115867

yeah it's a great movie

>> No.40115866

ewww thats so disgusting cant even bear to imagine her little hand wrapping tightly around his stiff meat and sliding slowly up and down, tentatively, slowly at first, then faster as she feels more confident... its just... disgusting to think about ew

>> No.40115867

he let her go tho..

>> No.40115871

sauce? have to make sure i never watch that disgusting thing

>> No.40115870 [DELETED] 


>> No.40115874


>> No.40115881
File: 1.08 MB, 600x338, 1654778484415.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40115886 [DELETED] 

ill never understand the twitter crying emoji "meme"

>> No.40115892

Porn is the most dangerous drug on the planet.
It’s free, easily accessible & does more damage to a man’s brain and soul than he can comprehend.

>> No.40115903

nah, the internet is worst

>> No.40115905

Current thread: #3287

Previous threads:
>>40103743 #3286
>>40092354 #3285
>>40078208 #3284

>> No.40115913
Quoted by: >>40116041

the internet is the best thing thats happened to mankind
fool if someone misuses a tool, is the tool the idiot?
or is the idiot the idiot?
ponder this
also (worse) or (the worst)

>> No.40115914 [DELETED] 

parallel paradise is so good

>> No.40115934
Quoted by: >>40115953

umm cunnyge allows me to learn japanese how is porn bad????

>> No.40115953

this anon won
and lets not forget the internet that brought the cute and funny to you, too
wonderful things both, without them youd be in a cell somewhere being pounded raw as cute and funny enthusiasts often are

>> No.40115973
File: 103 KB, 680x320, e96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40116570

>> No.40116041

so this is what it means to be left to our own devices

>> No.40116081







>> No.40116156 [DELETED] 

yup just came to og's latest pic, is anyone going to do the cum tribute honors?

>> No.40116170 [DELETED] 

i just wish og dropped a moan tape along with it otherwise it just takes too long

>> No.40116178

>he cant produce it in real time in his mind from her vocaroos


>> No.40116227 [DELETED] 

y'all give mid 20s virgins a bad name

>> No.40116228
Quoted by: >>40116276

her laryngitis inflicted whimpers begging me to stop

>> No.40116262


>> No.40116270
Quoted by: >>40116294

I was seriously thinking of subscribing to 4chan just to get around the captcha and so I can use a vpn

>> No.40116276 [DELETED] 

og is sick? i have something that will soothe her throat

>> No.40116282

yeah she got throat aids from sucking off all those south east asian school boys she was meant to be teaching, she got fired and all

>> No.40116294

as long as you remember if you get banned you are out your pass benefits (for the duration of the ban, or forever if its a perma)

>> No.40116301
Quoted by: >>40116329

used to have a pass, got banned too much to be worth it

>> No.40116308 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.68 MB, 2039x1378, 1653000840696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just happy there's so much quality fan art of our girl

>> No.40116318

what's with female weebs and this particular eye makeup?

>> No.40116319
File: 77 KB, 381x320, kanjiGrid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post em. need to see where I stand

>> No.40116324
File: 461 B, 23x35, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40116343

i thought that wasnt a kanji
isnt that chi
why do japs do this

>> No.40116329

when? they changed their pass policy in recent years

>> No.40116340 [DELETED] 

nobody likes your vtash homo

>> No.40116343


theyre completely different bro

>> No.40116352

embarrassing post, you aren't even worth insulting
jesus fuck cmon, you can do better than t..
no, i guess you cant

>> No.40116358
File: 13 KB, 381x169, kgrid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40116370

you have blue. increase new words/day?

>> No.40116361 [DELETED] 

make a fucking strawpoll and see if your garbage is welcome here

>> No.40116365
Quoted by: >>40116380

nice! love it post more!
roflmaololomaolol fail

>> No.40116366
Quoted by: >>40116372


>> No.40116369 [DELETED] 

@52 he's right

>> No.40116370 [DELETED] 


>> No.40116372
Quoted by: >>40116379

? when did you buy your pass

>> No.40116379
Quoted by: >>40116384

i had my pass for 2 years and didn't renew it for a 3rd a few weeks ago, caught a 30 day all boards ban for posting in a bait thread and that put me off

>> No.40116380 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x720, 1651067113613.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

don't mind that anon, when people told him to get well he... well refused

>> No.40116384
Quoted by: >>40116446

>30 day all boards ban
what did you do

>> No.40116385


>> No.40116392 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 500x400, J2LL4p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40116423 [DELETED] 

still too much of a pussy to make the strawpoll?

>> No.40116445





>> No.40116446

there's certain threads that pop up that you shouldn't post in

>> No.40116450 [DELETED] 

good thing this holotard doesnt go on qm's server

>> No.40116454

queef you are so bad at shilling

>> No.40116455
File: 94 KB, 800x600, 1624023371025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40116462 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 581x46, rIs0gli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can do even better

>> No.40116463

most of the servers are better than current djt to be fair

>> No.40116465 [DELETED] 

as if he could pass the quiz lol

>> No.40116470 [DELETED] 

this just reminds me that analcrem was pretty much reading the fanfic translations from jisho up until recently lol as expected of that retard

>> No.40116475

og isnt there

>> No.40116481
Quoted by: >>40116511

just realized 4bc only came back to djt for og

>> No.40116494

>be me
>put anime on
>don't understand anything
>make up the story as it goes
honestly, feel bad for you guys not getting my fan fics. don't know what you're missing

>> No.40116500 [DELETED] 

do you actually learn some languages faster than others or does it just look like you do?

>> No.40116506 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40116516

can't believe jamal came back made 2 posts and left me alone with the squares

>> No.40116511 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40116557

wouldn't it be crazy if that pic og posted the other thread was the most 4bc had seen of her up to that point even after all his efforts trying to chat her up in dms? he must feel like an ntr protag

>> No.40116516 [DELETED] 

>can't believe jamal came back made 2 posts

>> No.40116517
Quoted by: >>40116535

you really can
languages can share a lot of vocab and grammar so some languages are easier than others

its like if you know what a bird is you can learn what a chicken is easy

whereas if you've never seen a girl's pussy before how will you know your way around
it ain't as easy

>> No.40116527 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40116735

wonder if that's the reason jamal hates japan so much the gf he had that bad brakeup with is probably japanese or something, crazy analcream won't tell us the story also crazy he pretty much went back to sucking his cock like he probably messages him on discord being like
>hey man what's going on you haven't been posting are you ok?

>> No.40116535 [DELETED] 

>languages can share a lot of vocab and grammar so some languages are easier than others
doesn't matter they're still distinct enough where you have to learn them from the ground up
>some dumb analogy
whatever retard lol
>some non sequitur

>> No.40116557
Quoted by: >>40116566

og said he kept it professional and only talked about anki

>> No.40116566 [DELETED] 

wonder if anyone's been making posts on reddit about ways to move discussions from anki to sex

>> No.40116570 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 1275x718, imagine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

想像力は、現実に対する戦いにおける唯一の武器である - ルイス・キャロル

>> No.40116582
File: 150 KB, 570x720, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.40116588 [DELETED] 

why does it say imasine tho

>> No.40116593 [DELETED] 

just feeg

>> No.40116595
Quoted by: >>40116604

#leg_raise #armpit

>> No.40116604
Quoted by: >>40116634


>> No.40116605 [DELETED] 

4head is like that kid in highschool who thinks if he berates the girl he likes' math ability enough she will think he is really smart and fuck him (i can tell him from experience it doesn't)

>> No.40116612
Quoted by: >>40117164

hard work beats talent if talent doesnt work hard

>> No.40116629 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 416x371, 1627919317739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard work is the dumbest thing you can do
just wu wei it

>> No.40116634
File: 35 KB, 211x450, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40121752


>> No.40116645 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40116712

just blew my nose with my cum tissue

>> No.40116659


>> No.40116680
Quoted by: >>40116685

og doxxed herself?

>> No.40116685

no she just uploaded an eye and nose pic

>> No.40116712 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40116808

why didn't you throw away your cum tissues

>> No.40116735

uve got issues

>> No.40116808 [DELETED] 

might want to reuse them

>> No.40116991
File: 410 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2022-06-10 00-48-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.40117056


>> No.40117164
Quoted by: >>40117398

nope, talent doesn't need to work *hard*

>> No.40117367
File: 1.79 MB, 1765x2500, FU2nMTnakAA160f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40121680

gooooooooooooood morning


>> No.40117398

true just look at og

>> No.40117416
File: 71 KB, 564x846, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40121680

Word of the day:

>> No.40117698

i'm in a discord server for a game. i text chat about the game sometimes but haven't joined their session in voicechat. This guy who's never talked in the server messaged me super thirsty to play with me. He's not trying to learn english. What's his deal?

>> No.40117748 [DELETED] 
File: 1.35 MB, 2367x1229, Screenshot 2022-06-10 054529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40117829

who tf is this guy thats been on matt's channel lately

>> No.40117792


>> No.40117829


that's what matt looks like now

>> No.40117856
Quoted by: >>40121680


lets goooooo

>> No.40117927
File: 1.29 MB, 1287x725, heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame my heart skipped a beat

>> No.40117972
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 1654856174246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40121680

good morning, it's time for my reps.

>> No.40117999
File: 74 KB, 700x785, todo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but with anki reps

>> No.40118001
File: 388 KB, 471x651, 1652132523048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40118033
File: 9 KB, 285x82, brave_nYRpdq81yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeeesh, so that's what a bad Djt thread looks like.

No people talking about the language, only drama and fanboyism.

I need to be more grateful of good threads when i see them.

>> No.40118038
Quoted by: >>40118190

>No people talking about the language
listening challenge for you


>> No.40118190

not him but this is easy, if you know the names you can fully transcribe it

>> No.40118229
File: 672 KB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40121680

>> No.40118321







>> No.40118395

where the fuck is matto

>> No.40118401
File: 843 KB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40118461


>> No.40118494
File: 936 KB, 1920x1080, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40118679
File: 426 KB, 960x540, mune.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40118734

thread is painted red lol what do you expect

>> No.40118809

is うそ ever used when referring to a joke?
it was a good joke

>> No.40118819
File: 814 KB, 737x980, 1631053948374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40118984

forgot image now im embarrassed

>> No.40118926
File: 778 KB, 960x540, しゃがむ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40121680

>> No.40118984

yeah, you can also use うそ like まじ when you find something hard to believe
or you can say うそ like なんちゃって

>> No.40119053

good stuff
thanks anon

>> No.40119130

opinion disregarded

>> No.40119141 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40119605

i use brave but yes that post is shit

>> No.40119161






>> No.40119275
File: 194 KB, 1920x1080, 1654865177757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the pictures on some of my cards...

>> No.40119375
File: 601 KB, 1920x1080, Cp8Mcs0BlvbC.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40121005

download memento and forget the rest

>> No.40119510

yosh outputted

>> No.40119605
Quoted by: >>40119646

>i use brave
literally why

>> No.40119646
Quoted by: >>40119671

what do you mean

>> No.40119671
Quoted by: >>40119678

why not use almost anything else

>> No.40119678
Quoted by: >>40119686

why should i

>> No.40119686
Quoted by: >>40119700

so you dont have to use brave

>> No.40119700

not a good reason

>> No.40119763
Quoted by: >>40119856

bloat spyware that tricks regards into think they're protecting their privacy

>> No.40119781
File: 735 KB, 840x720, 1652132523048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40119856
File: 142 KB, 698x459, ldMH0atadgQR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

macod user vs linux user.

>> No.40119887
Quoted by: >>40121584

i use both firefox and chrome for different reasons

i tried brave but some pet peeves made me not wanna use it

>> No.40119922 [DELETED] 

stallman is a dumbass lib who wants gas to be 20$ because of the climate hoax

>> No.40120014
File: 866 KB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40120054

>> No.40120054
Quoted by: >>40120972

man it would suck to have teeth that spiky
imagine how often you'd cut your tongue

>> No.40120149

need jk with fang scrumper gf

>> No.40120178 [DELETED] 

need to get married

>> No.40120190

marriage is a scam

>> No.40120200

need to get scammed

>> No.40120264
File: 144 KB, 700x827, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40120332
File: 105 KB, 329x380, 1654583591077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same fr tho

>> No.40120354 [SPOILER] 
File: 315 KB, 640x361, gras.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you guys really need to do

>> No.40120441
Quoted by: >>40120467

甘草 came up in my baby japanese

>> No.40120445
Quoted by: >>40120453

why do you need a contract?

>> No.40120453

i dont

>> No.40120467


>> No.40120473

cool kanji

>> No.40120498

good because that would be retarded

>> No.40120525
Quoted by: >>40120539

get a prenup

>> No.40120539 [DELETED] 

need to get a mate first

>> No.40120556

try going out more

>> No.40120565
Quoted by: >>40120573

add an inquiry form on your mal

>> No.40120573


>> No.40120602
File: 5 KB, 357x109, 1623403266790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40120841

this is what happens when you output

>> No.40120620
File: 460 KB, 1555x813, 1654868156742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks like more and more japanese holo watchers are returning to /jp/ and /vt/ is becoming en focused

>> No.40120628

dame i love kurumi

>> No.40120690

watasi ha eigo desu

>> No.40120761
Quoted by: >>40120779

>what movie
I'm a researcher...

>> No.40120779


>> No.40120790

hmmm, dunno if you can really make judgement calls like that regarding the spread of cancer unless you're an oncologist

>> No.40120841
File: 508 KB, 512x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40120854

how can one man be so
even Kojima-san is gei for him

>> No.40120923

good sign, give it 5 years and it'll all be en and only on /vt/

>> No.40120926

jamal when vocaroo starts recording

>> No.40120950
Quoted by: >>40121196


>> No.40120955

What would you do if your girlfriend/prospective girlfriend told you she had 3P in the past?
There is only one right answer

>> No.40120972

how often do you bite your own tongue?

>> No.40120973
Quoted by: >>40123423

ask if it was ffm or mmf 3P

>> No.40120977

never heard of it

>> No.40120983

be pissed

>> No.40120992


>> No.40121005

>download memento
what's this for?

>> No.40121009

she had three penises!? aaaaaaaaaaa
fucking kill it

>> No.40121010

lets go

>> No.40121028

what the plan, holmes?
club over the head or covert grooming?

>> No.40121034

no guarantee that she doesn't currently have three penises too
she might be too powerful

>> No.40121039

thanks, moe

>> No.40121057


>> No.40121062

didn't know moe was a vtard

>> No.40121061
File: 658 KB, 605x809, ひひ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40121116

>not liking a little extra...'baggage'

>> No.40121075


>> No.40121081

fake moe

>> No.40121082 [DELETED] 


>> No.40121086

I heckin love the internet sensation know as Virtual Youtubers.

>> No.40121101

should I be doing grammar as soon as I start the core 2k/6k? or until I hit a certain point/percentage. I am reading some manga with furigana at the same time though

>> No.40121106
Quoted by: >>40121120

you're japanese is complete shit you need 3 more years in the immersion pod

>> No.40121109
Quoted by: >>40121392

pretty sure im just gonna marry a japanese for the visa exchange who cares at this point its not like im saving myself
at least id get a legit japanese name out of it

>> No.40121116
Quoted by: >>40121137

who are you and why are you namefagging?

>> No.40121120
Quoted by: >>40121145

the irony

>> No.40121126
Quoted by: >>40121172

>taking your wife's name
you'd never catch me being John Yamamoto

>> No.40121137
Quoted by: >>40121171

I'm an anon; we're not so different you and I.
>I forgot to replace the Name with blank
>don't tase me bro

>> No.40121145


>> No.40121159 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40121250

>There is only one right answer

>> No.40121170
Quoted by: >>40121225

grammar can be done at the same time, and should be if you feel comfortable doing it. furigana manga is perfect to do as well. core2.3k has a bunch of fixes for core2k/6k so i would recommend switching to that

>> No.40121171
Quoted by: >>40121191

now i get to check all boards for that name and cyber stalk you :^)

>> No.40121172
File: 9 KB, 180x58, もう.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40121183


>> No.40121183
Quoted by: >>40121232

don't be gay anon it's bad for your immersion

>> No.40121188

yamamoto no but id settle for a kimura or something dope like that

>> No.40121191

how about just coming here instead, I need a new giant leaf waver anyway :)

>> No.40121196
Quoted by: >>40121241


>> No.40121225
Quoted by: >>40121265

>core2.3k has a bunch of fixes for core2k/6k so i would recommend switching to that
aya, well I guess I should fire that up then. I'm still less than 300 cards in. どうも
it's in the link in the OP, right?

>> No.40121232

>don't be gay anon
what if the door swings? and no i'm not a chef, but...

>> No.40121241
Quoted by: >>40121279

what type of mate you need? a drinker, a cleaner, a vidya player?

>> No.40121250

cute pic

>> No.40121265

it's linked in the other op that usually gets posted here. the guy that ran itazuraneko abandoned it so new resources can't be added to it, people still link it out of tradition though.

Previous threads:
>>40103743 # #3286
>>40092354 # #3285
>>40078208 # #3284

These have much better resources and guides

>> No.40121279
Quoted by: >>40121433

need someone to go watch anime movies in the cinema with me because its awkward to go alone

>> No.40121286

naa man, you have to go through a 6000 card deck with words you're never going to see in it

>> No.40121298
Quoted by: >>40121433

make sure to grind through all of it and regret it later like me, don't mine after 1-2k

>> No.40121374
Quoted by: >>40121379

No one cares if you have an accent. Except for one coworker who was very drunk at the time, nobody has ever brought up me having an accent in almost 8 years of living in Japan. People care whether you can make yourself understood, and practicing speaking from early on helps your output abilities. People definitely appreciate it when you can be verbally creative. Output reinforces input, too.

This whole "don't have an accent" thing is mostly coming from non-Japanese people who stigmatize accents, not a real need to avoid having one. Of course there are bigoted Japanese people too, but why make your learning experience worse just for them?

>> No.40121379

Is this really how pitchlets cope?

>> No.40121381

love japanese people badly speaking english

>> No.40121388

おおおお my goodness thanks so much, I am ever grateful to you, anon

>> No.40121389
File: 38 KB, 711x620, 1652032878516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is 2k/6k really that bad?
i'm 1.5k cards in...

>> No.40121392

4bc is waiting for you

>> No.40121393

no its pretty much the same shit

>> No.40121412
Quoted by: >>40121451

>new joji single
wtf did he mean by that?

>> No.40121433

yeh I like anims too, lets go see stuff
wait, those still exist?
did you make the switch to the 2.3K? when should I start the mining dig? I-I don't w-wanna be a loser! that's why I'm here!

>> No.40121451

his music was only good in the beginning

>> No.40121457
Quoted by: >>40121709

>wait, those still exist?
yeah mine started showing anime movies in japanese with subs
but there's only like one screening every couple months

>> No.40121462

2014-2016 joji was peak joji

>> No.40121485
Quoted by: >>40121666


is the moebile equipped with this

>> No.40121503

it has about 700 cards in the first 2000 that really shouldn't be there, along with many other problems like ordering and cards that have the exact same front but with different answers on the back, as well as using Chinese instead of japanese font.

You can read the full of list of fixes here https://anacreondjt.gitlab.io/docs/coredeck/

>> No.40121541
File: 566 KB, 500x375, 1654876106693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40121553

kill it

>> No.40121564

wotd 齧歯類

>> No.40121584

>use both firefox and chrome for different reasons
same here, well ungoogled-chromium to be exact but yeah, Brave isn't for me, I think

>> No.40121588
File: 546 KB, 960x540, kome.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40121598
Quoted by: >>40121709

> did you make the switch to the 2.3K?
he said he grinded the entire 6k so that wouldn't make sense

>when to start mining
when you feel like it. some people get the urge before they finish core2.3k, it's important to always be doing stuff the way you feel like doing cuz otherwise you will burn out cuz this language takes years to get decent at then after that you have to maintain it for the rest of your life

>> No.40121613
Quoted by: >>40121633

different kind of rodent

>> No.40121633
File: 579 KB, 960x540, 寝室.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole bedroom is infested

>> No.40121648

fucking cock gobbling rodents

>> No.40121666

chad honestly

>> No.40121680
File: 2.60 MB, 920x880, 1654546150238.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

morning, same same
amazon delivery guy simulator bros...
same, always you good posts!
true true but unironically
yosh, our time is now!
be welcome brothers/sisters/whatever
let the inane screeches of haters punctuate the beat of our exquisite revelry!

>> No.40121699
File: 862 KB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40121720

acquired 雄しべ and 雌しべ

>> No.40121708
File: 1.58 MB, 854x1543, 1654686135034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a post of yours thats good?
even you get a you!

>> No.40121709

>maintain it for the rest of your life
that's the plan, anon-kun. ふふふ There is no escape from this for me, I will carry this on even into the afterlife!
>one screening every couple months
よし what are we going to watch first? i'm open to whatever

>> No.40121717
File: 177 KB, 977x843, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40121720

are you reading up on plants & flowers?

>> No.40121726


>> No.40121732

yeah i love flowers

>> No.40121742
Quoted by: >>40121820

gotta make the threads if you want your links there bro, im cool with your work, but if im forced to make the thread, im not gonna do advertising for anyone, out of principle
is what i imagine the op thought

>> No.40121752
Quoted by: >>40121803

>that split
Oddly enough, everytime I go to Japan, there seems to be a sumo tournament happening and I always tune in when not out roaming. I should attend a match or more in the future, I actually enjoy watching them

>> No.40121758
Quoted by: >>40121824

me and og (shes blonde tho)

>> No.40121773

okay ill watch your show

>> No.40121791
File: 32 KB, 543x581, miyagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if one is allergic to the touch? unless you mean...another type of grass? *smirk*

>> No.40121803

you can do it if you want, getting the split on the ground will take 1 or 2 months depending on your base, standing one will take... a lot longer

>> No.40121807
Quoted by: >>40121855

you guys need to touch ass

>> No.40121820
Quoted by: >>40121841

i don't care what is linked in the op as long as it isn't tatsumotard

>> No.40121824
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>> No.40121830 [SPOILER] 
File: 399 KB, 1280x1816, 1654473944132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been there done that, highly recommend

>> No.40121841

same same

>> No.40121855

>just like my japanese anim-- 待って!

>> No.40121858
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40121869
File: 337 KB, 259x545, i will NOW watch your show.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40121951


>> No.40121872

is that her butt hole? i don't know much about women

>> No.40121877

same same

>> No.40121907
Quoted by: >>40121954

girls dont have those

>> No.40121935

theyre all more or less the same, make your own deck, learn to mine

>> No.40121941

i learned the things all over the place are called wisterias and came from japan

>> No.40121951
File: 1.65 MB, 372x618, 1654523388356.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40121954
Quoted by: >>40121964

I think it is, consider the tightness shown
>right in the pooper
anon, there was a book written many years before we were all born called みんなうんち. 読んでください

>> No.40121964
Quoted by: >>40122045


>> No.40121965

あははは cute yo

>> No.40121969


>> No.40121982
Quoted by: >>40122069

penis inspection day flashbacks

>> No.40122045
File: 1.62 MB, 1273x737, attic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40122057

I went to the attic just for you

>> No.40122057
Quoted by: >>40122083

those are all males

>> No.40122069

it's bigger now right? ....right?
>don't show proof

>> No.40122083
Quoted by: >>40122225

>all males
how can you tell? does shit have specific colors depending on ones sex?

>> No.40122154

Does the 2.3K not have furigana for the example sentences? or do I need to finagle with something in the settings? although I guess it'll be kanji learn as time progresses...

>> No.40122186



>> No.40122213
Quoted by: >>40122321

no furigana. listen to the audio, it is much more accurate than whatever you are making up in your head. also read the instructions, it says to ignore the sentence if you don't understand it

>> No.40122221
File: 632 KB, 2413x3935, 1654635444246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now post kones... p..please... i just need some dog...

>> No.40122225

because they poop and females dont

>> No.40122233
Quoted by: >>40122321

the furigana’s your ears, if you don’t know it replay the sentence audio
you want to cut that crutch out right away, especially for any word that would be in a core deck

>> No.40122273
File: 508 KB, 662x955, 1654411197111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40122365


>> No.40122276
Quoted by: >>40122365

she's coming back sometime next weekend

>> No.40122277

the caveat being that furigana in manga is fine because it’s a bitch to look up, ocr is a slog no matter how convenient or accurate it gets
that poricorm’s getting close but it’s still effort

>> No.40122321
Quoted by: >>40122350

>listen to the audio
>ignore the sentence if you don't understand it
sorry I missed that part of the instructions, I only read the dotted points because I thought the bottom was just how to use 'anki'
>the furigana’s your ears
>cut that crutch out right away
分かった I faintly figured it was like this, good to know

OK, I'm ready
>*gets lotion*

>> No.40122322

i like furigana if its only on some words

like on 拵える so i know its こさえる and not こしらえる in that instance
or on some kanji like 囃す and of course for all names

>> No.40122350
File: 395 KB, 562x427, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40122687

>OK, I'm ready
>>*gets lotion*
bend over, this won't hurt

>> No.40122365
File: 2.98 MB, 960x540, 1654609961264.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40122383
Quoted by: >>40122532

The merger of JAL and ANA didn't happen?
Still waiting for JANAL.

>> No.40122399

yall coping with vtubahs too much

>> No.40122408
File: 2.43 MB, 3244x4868, FU4hOXXUEAAR9Tk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40122705


>> No.40122465 [SPOILER] 
File: 229 KB, 1200x675, 1654798715266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never used ocr
never will

>> No.40122501
File: 724 KB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40122521

>> No.40122504
File: 2.98 MB, 720x480, 1646279925257.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder:
v美人 are the next best thing to a japanese mom:

-constant dialogue
-descriptive dialogue
-VERY language dense, they never shut up
-conversational cadence
-cant be mined if you are watching in real time, nor paused (so you have to pay attention and your brain is in do or die mode)
-if they are playing a game you already played (recent banjo kazooey streams with kone), you already have the english translation of everything in mind, but even if you haven't played the game, they describe everything they are doing.
-they activate the natural "want to understand what the cute girl is saying" part of the brain
-a lot of variety
-essentially always on

probably the next best thing to conversations with nips, but they have the added benefit that you do not have to carry the conversation or keep it alive, the vbijin does that herself. essentually you get a girl talking to you and describing everything for 1 to several hours.

v美人 are THE path to true fluency!

>> No.40122519
Quoted by: >>40122579

>v美人 are the next best thing to a japanese mom


>> No.40122521
Quoted by: >>40122569

wanna sex her so bad

>> No.40122530
File: 107 KB, 656x902, 1652364455136.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.40122532

japanese anime list?

>> No.40122552

since there are newfriends in the thread it should be said that vtubers are not actually recommended as immersion material unless you like slow progress and getting crippled
normally would just ignore it but i don't want anyone to be lead astray

>> No.40122569
File: 720 KB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40122582

fujiwara妹 > iino miko

>> No.40122579
File: 217 KB, 2048x1592, wp7868474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese mom bros...

>> No.40122582

dont watch the show just wanna sex the girls
all of em desu

>> No.40122591


>> No.40122596

based woman lover

>> No.40122607
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>> No.40122637

Do passes ignore bans or something?

>> No.40122652
Quoted by: >>40122684

lol no

>> No.40122664

post a vocaroo

>> No.40122684

Then what did that guy mean when he said their was a policy change recently to the guy bitching that he got banned too much?

>> No.40122687

>this won't hurt
don't worry, this isn't my first rodeo :)

>> No.40122699

maybe he meant they changed their policy to that recently

>> No.40122705
File: 142 KB, 789x689, muhface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40122715

>i'm gonna need more lotion

>> No.40122715


>> No.40122739

>their was a policy change

>> No.40122752
Quoted by: >>40122838

I tried watching someone named Zentreya once, as side from the thick thighs dance that occurs when someone simps out 100 subs, I nope-d out. although I have cut practically all of my twitch viewing out.
>hmm, i wonder if that one oppai sakura still streams or not...

>> No.40122758
Quoted by: >>40122838

for me it's pikamee

>> No.40122768
File: 820 KB, 1920x1080, 0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40122838

>> No.40122789
File: 169 KB, 405x410, 1561598234263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40122838

depending on the material I don't always have precum ready so it helps to have something to get that quick nut

>> No.40122838
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, 1653742353988.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40122907

she does!

based dayo!
love being able to read hidden things like these
get vitamin b (niacine) for mind blowing sex or whatever it is you do

>> No.40122906
File: 472 KB, 2837x1739, FU4xwJ6aAAAJs6n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40122990

newfriends couldn't immerse with vtubers anyways
only once you ascend to japanese godhood you'll have a nice viewing experience

>> No.40122907
Quoted by: >>40123018

this is not the sakura I'm speaking of, I said oppai, and she's got black hair, also not a VT (i think)
ah, found her, SAKURAsenpaiJAPAN was the name. seems the last stream was 2年前, BUT, she is on tiktok
https://www.tiktok.com/@sakurasenpaijapan ひひ
>get vitamin b (niacine)
I take supplements that include 1,4mg B6 and 10microg B12, because I don't eat much meat. I imagine for anime-size loads I would need a lot more to surprise the 女

>> No.40122932
Quoted by: >>40122986


>> No.40122973

quizler playing it safe

>> No.40122986

how's the kid

>> No.40122990
File: 2.63 MB, 720x480, 1654184905019.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true
vbijin are sssmoking difficulty level

>> No.40122996

why dont you raise it for him

>> No.40123006
File: 626 KB, 812x1290, localizers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame, localizers are at it again

>> No.40123018
Quoted by: >>40123099

cute followed
theres two types of vitamin b3, niacinamide and niacine, exercise enthusiasts take the later and its added to a lot of pre/post workouts cause it causes a very nice "flush" of dilating capilaries
strongly recommend, its supossedly good for gains when combined with proper diet and excercise but then everything is

>> No.40123029
Quoted by: >>40123050


i call japanese media translators trannylators jokingly but now they literally just trannylate

>> No.40123034
Quoted by: >>40123080

this is why you dont do purity spirals and mock, harass, humilliate, in whichever way possible anyone that tries to start one
ouroborii of pure unadulterated stupidity every time, regardless of subject

>> No.40123048

>crapa totan
which part is crapa??

>> No.40123050
Quoted by: >>40123054

when are you gonna do another vinnie stream bro

>> No.40123054
Quoted by: >>40123063

not anytime soon probably, i'm way too busy

>> No.40123063

it just takes an hour to stream dude
do muramasa this time lets goooo

>> No.40123076 [DELETED] 

i'm literally not getting an hour of uninterrupted time man, life is different with wife and child

>> No.40123080
Quoted by: >>40123130

i encourage it if anything, i want it to purity cycle to absurdity and collapse with millions dead so that future generations will learn with a backlash that would make glubb’s views look like a kiddy joke

>> No.40123084 [DELETED] 

why do yatura glorify marriage so much
its is a good deal for the woman only men always end up resenting it or deluding themselves with copium

>> No.40123092

白痴弁 reading of した

>> No.40123094

dokoroga would lose what's left of his reputation if he dared to try reading it live lmao
sasuga copemaster you made the same excuse when your wife wasn't even pregnant

>> No.40123095

it gets better when they start eating solid food

>> No.40123096

the guy has an addon that turns shit into crap for youtube

>> No.40123099

>cute followed
oh no, what I have I done...sorry I don't use tiktok, but it was on her twitch page so I thought sure why not, at least to just make sure she is still alive ナイスおっぱいだよ
>supossedly good for gains
I'm not trying to bulk up but I do stay /fit/ (not endorsing that board, ひひ) irl. しかし if it helps with 'other' gains, why not. "あらあら, anon-kun, why are there three towels here? are we expecting company?" "yes, millions" ふふふ
this is why I'm studying, getting my 日本語 gains and not be dependent on 'them.' also wtf is that crapa? almost reminds me of crapula

>> No.40123106 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40123149

will you just admit you should have waited to settle down already? there is no other reason for you to cling to this place

>> No.40123105
Quoted by: >>40123181

wtf that can't be real
oh god it cant be
ahahahaha why is tbat so funny
ahahahhaha lmao for really you earned the you

>> No.40123111

link to your streams?

>> No.40123117

ahh that's why shita was missing
youtubers got it rough

>> No.40123122
Quoted by: >>40123129

his or his wife's?

>> No.40123129

>why not both?

>> No.40123130

that already happened, several times, look up i dunno the terror is a good one and aptly named but theres myriad examples
once some imbecile succesfully starts the spiral you quickly notice the insane excel at both climbing them and making up new rules

>> No.40123134

imagine queef junior grows up thinking his dad knows japanese and then one day discovers djt and his smirk disappears forever

>> No.40123137
Quoted by: >>40123146


>> No.40123146

excellent post, thanks anon

>> No.40123148
Quoted by: >>40123169

its good for the man too if he marries a woman he loves

>> No.40123149 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40123159

not really, having a newborn is stressful but that was expected
in fact now is probably the best time because i don't have a job yet, with job me and my wife would be even more stressed out and she'd have less support and i would have to come home to baby stress from work

i don't have them saved but i believe some people have them downloaded, they are all really old though haven't streamed for a few years

>> No.40123159
Quoted by: >>40123206

>i would have to come home to baby stress from work
you gonna follow in your fathers footsteps and make him proud?

>> No.40123169 [DELETED] 

love lasts 6-24 months on average for men then other women start looking better
look it up its all hormones and cope

>> No.40123171

are you waiting for 24 months to end?

>> No.40123178
Quoted by: >>40123211

have had it last much, much, much longer
a mentally ill n6cel describing love is like a work describing flying through the sky

>> No.40123181

i took the screenshot from

but on the site he took it from its shita so that guy has an addon for sure

>> No.40123183

my sister’s got a 6 month old, fed him some plain salmon yesterday and he loved it

>> No.40123187

a baby sounds nice though
its too bad you need to have sex to make one and single parents are bad for their psyche

>> No.40123192

baby reinhard heir to the djt empire

>> No.40123198
Quoted by: >>40123215

can't figure out what you mean by work

>> No.40123204
Quoted by: >>40123239

an old man once told me, he got married to a woman to stop himself from whoring around. they never had kids though. still happily married too, they do all kinds of things together. travel, etc. i'm with wife as well, she's into japanese culture and likes to cook, she even speaks the language. it's just something people do

>> No.40123206

"beating" the baby batter!

>> No.40123211 [DELETED] 

ok how long did it last from the time you went exclusive without any breaks and after moving in together? and why arent you still together

>> No.40123215

lots of unnatural stuff that babies in nature wouldn't require
like pumping of milk so you can give it later via bottle, or god forbid formula

>> No.40123234
Quoted by: >>40123253

og x 4bc lasted longer

>> No.40123236

boiling some rice, courgette, carrot and tomato with a small lamb bone is my family’s go to baby food
remove the bone and tomato skin and mash it up, they love it and it makes them strong, none of that bullshit in store bought food either
don’t add the bone until they are at least 5 months and comfortable with eating simple things like mashed banana

>> No.40123239

fair enough but notice he did that later in life after spending years being a whoremonger when his t levels were high
yeah i mean if you marry a guy whos 45+ sure the dudes got a handful of years before hes in the grave anyway and is looking for mommy but it aint the same

>> No.40123241

long, off topic story, tho a good one, i imagine.
ill just say that sometimes life doesn't quite work out as you thought and to treasure the moment.
loving someone and being loved is the highest feeling, strongly recommend

>> No.40123253

lasted? you mean og doesn't love him anymore?

>> No.40123258
Quoted by: >>40123297

>why arent you still together
she couldn't beat the cancer..

>> No.40123270

t. some dude whos "love" shattered like all the rest
why would i take advice from a dekinai in japanese or romance the only one i sorta believe is analcream cause he never slipped into simping and he has a high opinion of his wife who sounds like she knows what shes doing and he doesnt sound deluded like qm does

>> No.40123272

i realized it was due to youtube penalizing profanity in the algo and it became much less funny tho, sorta sad actually, as its a machine that reads the text and people who bow to it, turning things to nonsense for its sake

>> No.40123282
File: 133 KB, 719x182, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40123320

How to fix this in mpv?
Basically the subtitle lines are reversed, it should be
I know the subs are fine because that's what I see in the texthooker but mpv somehow fucks it up

>> No.40123289

did your love shatter og?

>> No.40123297
File: 212 KB, 407x490, 1654221025978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40123302

can't believe qm has a 3DPD waifu and won @ life while i rot here in my basement wanking it to 2D roris

>> No.40123308


>> No.40123315
Quoted by: >>40124447

lol i know this guy because he got into an internet fight with one of my favourite internet racists that i follow over anime avatars

>> No.40123319

His wife isn't japanese and now he can't even get 1 hour of free time thanks to his screeching spawn, he hardly won at life

>> No.40123320
File: 21 KB, 530x306, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40123356

i solved this with a program called SubtitleEdit
couldn't find an easier solution that's just a button in mpv

the problem is the sub has both lines separate and starting at the same time and mpv emds up rendering them inversed

>> No.40123332

i don't need hcx coping inkwells like you reacting to my post

>> No.40123349

the best thing he did was marry a german woman which basically is mentally the same as an autistic slav so at least they are on the same wavelength
marrying an asian would have been a nightmare for him and hed get male post partum from a happa spawn that hed end up yeeting out a window during a mental break

>> No.40123355
Quoted by: >>40123406

>Love goes away, like night into day. It's just a fading dream...
> I'm the darkness, you're the stars. Our love is brighter than the sun.
>For eternity, for me there can be only you, my chosen one...

>> No.40123356

That worked, ty anon

>> No.40123377 [DELETED] 

you know i agree i think me and my wife being culturally similar is a huge positive, i honestly can't imagine having a relationship as deep with an east asian

>> No.40123393

why does og have a problem with wmaf but not amwf

>> No.40123396

gee i wonder

>> No.40123397
Quoted by: >>40123409

she wants to hog all the dicks

>> No.40123400

well okay she can use mine

>> No.40123406
Quoted by: >>40123478

thanks for reminding me why ill stick with fictional romance. no irl ドキドキ is half as good

>> No.40123409

i want to dick all the hogs

>> No.40123412

just another ugly western slag seething about cuter women
women are inherently jealous of other women they're inferior to, just tune 'em out

>> No.40123413
Quoted by: >>40124539

because that’s the default white woman’s nature, give themselves as many options as possible while crushing any competition that may lessen their value
it’s not bad, or something she’s doing wrong, it’s just how they are

>> No.40123423
Quoted by: >>40123446

What difference does it make? She is tarnished in either case. It's just that the latter is also a 大災害

>> No.40123424
Quoted by: >>40123474

what? both are equally gross. i was mostly joking about the visa thing but it would be a sham marriage anyway
that might just be the funniest thing you've ever said

>> No.40123446
Quoted by: >>40123491

ffm is cute and if it was with one of her besties we can maybe do it too

>> No.40123457 [DELETED] 

where's moe?
aharen is out...

>> No.40123466
File: 932 KB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40123474

i know you are serious you have a gold digger streak and a whore past

>> No.40123478
Quoted by: >>40123520

lold have a you
also a good one
ff8 too, not the one with rinoa, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcpnFFoE0qI
cry erry tiem

>> No.40123480
File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna mate press all the big booty asians

>> No.40123491
Quoted by: >>40123499

Your girlfriend and some other girl were competing for some guy's dick though?

>> No.40123493


>> No.40123495

your gut cant digest seaweed

>> No.40123499
Quoted by: >>40123521

sharing is caring

>> No.40123501
Quoted by: >>40123528

all 4 of them?? lol

>> No.40123520
Quoted by: >>40123544

darling, so there you are
with that look on your face

>> No.40123521

true true, god gave them multiple fun spots so bros could share

>> No.40123528

Yes, there's prolly thousand of them tho.

>> No.40123544

as if you're never hurt... as if you're never down...
shall I be the one for you?
who pinches you softly but sure?

>> No.40123554

was looking forward to doing some serious japanese over the summer but now that summer is here i dont feel like doing anything

>> No.40123557

crazy how humans cause their own suffering
everyone has the capability to have loving faithful relationships but were just like nah id rather do all the wrong things and regret everything

>> No.40123574

>doing some serious japanese
wow, so cool

>> No.40123604

if you need to feel like doing things to do them, nothing will ever get done

>> No.40123610
File: 270 KB, 960x540, pansuto.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40123612


>> No.40123614
Quoted by: >>40123631

it means you're depressed

>> No.40123631

yh almost like he got involved with a crazy chick on the internet or something

>> No.40123639

suffering is fun
getting what you want is boring

>> No.40123642
Quoted by: >>40123699

my 5 inches would not even reach her hole

>> No.40123647
Quoted by: >>40123664

we arent involved and never have been
we hadnt talked in months even you all are wildin

>> No.40123664
Quoted by: >>40123685

lmfao you posted sketch toys crying and begging him to show his face

>> No.40123668

its true, 4prince is even deader than he used to be, his flame is gone, there is no way hes talking with anyone

>> No.40123678

he should eat raw meat and get some sunlight that cures depression real fast

>> No.40123685


>> No.40123693

its kinda sad ngl, 4bbc puts on his trip to make inane posts so og will see him and maybe take pity on him and talk to him

that really doesn't ever work (not that id know)

pity is a currency that only buys disgust from women

>> No.40123699

there's enough taiis taht let you get some and besides there's more 方(hoes) to mitasu her karada and kokoro

>> No.40123703

nice try bovine spongiform encephalopathy, but i think ill pass

>> No.40123711
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40123747

>> No.40123731

im not disgusted with him i just dont know how to stand my ground about not wanting to have aids dm sessions with people without coming across as cruel
i said i dont wanna email people itt anymore and thats it. and im not gonna backpeddled by getting guilted into shit. theres nothing to be said in private that wouldnt make shit worse

>> No.40123747
Quoted by: >>40123797


>> No.40123753


>> No.40123765

i reverse what i said a few months back, its not your fault, moths enjoy burning, blaming you is akin to blaming the flame
some people really enjoy suffering

>> No.40123776
Quoted by: >>40123826

how do i unsubscribe from this?

>> No.40123797
File: 720 KB, 784x1200, FU4NR9vaUAA55SK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40123804
Quoted by: >>40123828


>> No.40123810

not telling

>> No.40123812


>> No.40123819
Quoted by: >>40123844

eh, well, he married right around late 20s cuz he said he'd been whoring since he was in late teens and realized he needed to change soon or 'be trapped.' he's in his early 60s now. but yeah, he apparently finally met a sweet, loving girl and what is the saying "love at first sight." seems like a lot fortune fell upon, but anyway the girl was enough for him to 'sober up on skirts' and commit to her. he told her of his past and he worried it might worry her, maybe it did but he said he never once thought of leaving her. he did have a drinking problem when they first married though, nothing harmful, except his liver ひひ

>> No.40123822


>> No.40123826 [DELETED] 

she used to have a trip you could filter, but she never sticks to it out of what i imagine is spite towards me for filtering her

>> No.40123828
Quoted by: >>40123872

more like pathetic. she was literally begging for him to come back and posted cringe every other day about missing him

>> No.40123844
Quoted by: >>40123883

women see it backwards, a man who has many women must be remarkable in some way, they realize that getting women is a non trivial task, just as men realize getting dicks is beyond trivial

>> No.40123862
Quoted by: >>40123884

lmao at "get a trip so i can filter you" tards life

>> No.40123867
Quoted by: >>40123888

I forgot to mention, his now wife was already engaged to some other dude when they met, but...well

>> No.40123872

thats not true lots of people posted about missing him
anyway i never said i didnt like him itt im glad he posts why does that have to mean anything further ? im glad hes alright doesnt mean im going to email him i also dont email bunko even though he wanted to a few times

>> No.40123875

unironically? please get a trip so i can filter you

>> No.40123880

wtf does og want

>> No.40123883

>just as men realize getting dicks is beyond trivial
I read this the wrong way and was waiting for you to unzip your redacted

>> No.40123884 [DELETED] 

she used a trip twice, i filtered her both times and enjoyed the peace

>> No.40123888

truly a chads chad

>> No.40123892
Quoted by: >>40123911

曲 of the day

nice line

>> No.40123900

uhm, you do realized the people who posted about missing him were being ironic/sarcastic, right?
trust me, id know

>> No.40123901
Quoted by: >>40123935

what? first post was cause it was a sore issue and i didnt wanna talk about it
second was a shitpost im not even sure i did myself
3rd wasnt even about 4bc specifically i was responding to bunkos point about how people only show their affection for someone after their gone

>> No.40123905

>i never said i didnt like him itt
okay but do you 愛している him?

>> No.40123911

nice song, thanks!

>> No.40123916

lol og getting flustered you love to see it

>> No.40123919

i would just want to show og my wife thats all

>> No.40123929

i want to show og the door

>> No.40123934 [DELETED] 

og can you just get a therapist
you constantly queefing out these blurbs about how youre broke and alone as this thinly veiled cry for help thing is getting old (like you)

with love

>> No.40123935

you were crying and depressed he was gone, read the thread

>> No.40123942

i want to show og pleasure beyond her most lurid dreams

>> No.40123952 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40123965

big j stepping in 4 4head who woulda thunk

>> No.40123965 [DELETED] 

if what anacreon said is true then he knows the pain of breakup and how it can break a man

>> No.40123979
Quoted by: >>40123998

nta but its fair to add there was a popular theory 4king had roped at the time

>> No.40123992 [DELETED] 

for fucks sake ill make a goddamn mal and you all can stfu about all this once and for all
bunko you can send me your damn obasan too
wtf im literally way happier now dec-jan-and the first week of feb i was worse than id ever been and said dumb shit itt im sorry for that
im not angling anything about being broke im fine i have a job and an apartment to sell if need be im just not gonna posture and lie about having money if i dont
im starting to think only peopel who dont go to therapy shill that shit. people arent cars they cant be fixed only doped and coped up

>> No.40123998

he did die in a way, never liked him but he used to have fire, if autistic
now hes just a corpse

>> No.40123999

曲 of the 今日

>> No.40124004
Quoted by: >>40124038

holy based 4bro won!

>> No.40124027
Quoted by: >>40124650

>ill make a goddamn mal
anilist is better

>> No.40124029

dumbass whats bad for your mental health is this shit, you are empathic and absorb peoples energy, you used to sped way too much time with depressed basket cases
as for the rest, its 4chan, who cares, do what you want
you can't save anyone, they have to save themselves and drowning people are great at sinking others if nothing else

>> No.40124037 [DELETED] 

im glad youre mentally doing better but now that youve posted your face i worry what youre going to post next for future thread ragequit posts
and yes therapy is just paying some fuck a bunch of money so you can vent your crazy in the presence of another human being i know exactly what it is
anyway just chill and make the boys some sandwiches or something thread mommy chan lol

>> No.40124038

he lost, the reason she didn't want to talk with him is that he will really not like what she has to say
he knows it too

>> No.40124042

post your titties next

>> No.40124046

this but unironically

>> No.40124047

that would be the only win for her

>> No.40124049 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40124083

if og posted her tits i dont think 4head could take it because it would be kinda like 1 of those ntr mangas that r all the rage with the youth these days lol

>> No.40124050


>> No.40124051 [DELETED] 

crazy how all the big djt players (qm, bunko, 4bc, moe, ciaran, og, jamal) are gathering on mal and how moe started it all huge l for analisters

>> No.40124068


>> No.40124074 [DELETED] 

ciaran switched from mal to anilist tho

>> No.40124077

yeah im on anilist for this reason lol

>> No.40124083 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40124676

you should make an mal too ill add you

>> No.40124084
Quoted by: >>40124102

>namefags who don't watch anything gathering on mal
not sure how this is a loss for the anilist chads who don't have trips and actually consoooom

>> No.40124086

>big djt players
i mean i know it's relative
but lol

>> No.40124088 [DELETED] 

i dont have a mal or an anilist
only a txt file that started on an amd k6 computer

>> No.40124097
Quoted by: >>40124116


>> No.40124100

makes no sense how much this thread talks about reading but not how to get faster at it other than just “read more”

>> No.40124102

true true except moe he watches seasonal anime

>> No.40124105
File: 544 KB, 1920x1080, カッコウの許嫁 第04話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40124106 [DELETED] 

now stop bodying me i know im fucked up but chill

>> No.40124116 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40124183

i dont have time to manually add 3000 animes on any of htat shit
im unironically gonna start a djt on /trash/ for everyone to post on when the troon comes in later to do it all for free
be sure to post there and escape the ty-ranny

you get faster when you learn things
i playe dfinal fantasy 11 and eventually was able to instantly read japanese players shout messages bc i saw words like 募集 constantly

>> No.40124117

there are no shortcuts, there is no easy way
dont look for excuses
just read until you get better at it

>> No.40124119
Quoted by: >>40124234

>other than just “read more”
because that's literally the entire secret

>> No.40124130
Quoted by: >>40124234

im not sure theres a trick to reading faster
i read really fast, trick is reading several things at once i guess, and sorta sliding your gaze over things without focusing if that makes sense, instead of reading words in order one by one scan through the text as a whole

>> No.40124136

>i dont have time to manually add 3000 animes on any of htat shit
same same
i just use it as a backlog and automation with Taiga, i'll remember what i've already watched because im not retarded

>> No.40124148 [DELETED] 

OMG the stars have aligned jamal comes back and saves djt og changes her mind 4bro comes back to life queef and trannylisters get owned unbelievable turn of events

>> No.40124150

that's literally just specificity of training which applies to nearly everything
there are efficiency gains to be had by using certain tools to aid your learning or adhering more to the i+1 zone but the most massive benefit will be from upping your time reading
that's like saying "hurr why do people tell me to bench press more when i say i want to increase my bench press"

>> No.40124160 [DELETED] 

groid chan plz

>> No.40124163

How do I naturally ask a Japanese person to have a conversation with me?


Just something random I made up. I took it from the sentence 「みこ」でいいよ。 Which was used by Miko to give a more preferred name to which they can be called? Like saying Chris instead of Christopher.

>> No.40124178


>> No.40124183

based, they’ve been pretty ban happy over the last few months

>> No.40124191


>> No.40124192
Quoted by: >>40124198

hope 4bc gets his relief

>> No.40124194 [DELETED] 

no one added me except 4bc :(

>> No.40124195
Quoted by: >>40124261

if we tell you what are you gonna say next
or are you gonna rope some poor short yellow guy the likes epic tanukana despises into a ruse of a ocnversation only to be unable to say anything after initiating ? lol

>> No.40124198

yes i am relieved

>> No.40124204
Quoted by: >>40124211

wtf i cant even send a message for 3 days after making an account thats some bullshit

>> No.40124205

because we're unironically all on anilist

>> No.40124210

did you watch musisi

>> No.40124211

on anilist you can

>> No.40124217

4bc has 3 days to get his manifesto just right

>> No.40124221

wouldnt send a pic over mal anyway

>> No.40124224

try wicker like hana chan maybe

>> No.40124225 [DELETED] 

well thats stupid imagine using a site pronounced "anal-ist"
also how can i mog moe with my superior taste otherwise, it has to be mal

>> No.40124226
Quoted by: >>40124716

anilists ui looks terrible

>> No.40124234

no it isn’t
the problem is that most of you believe that
there are other contributing factors at play than just volume of material read
scope of one’s 焦点 as one reads is a very important aspect yes anon, good on you for pointing that out
this is one area that needs to be discussed more
that’s far from all there is to it though

>> No.40124235

>literally "vomiting up lies"
I love this language so much bros

>> No.40124239
Quoted by: >>40124281


>> No.40124240
Quoted by: >>40124281

how do you ask somebody what their まんこ tastes like?
do you have a speech impediment?

>> No.40124242
Quoted by: >>40124266

operation hanako was 1 of my personal favorite moments in djt history

>> No.40124252

kitsu.io > analist > mal

>> No.40124261
Quoted by: >>40124274

The idea is to get the conversation started. I have translated lots of things before and have a lot of experience with the langauge. Kanji is easy for me but I've never actually talked to someone in Japanese or have any conversational skill. I imagine you can't learn such a thing just by studying grammar? What do you suggest? For example, I can easily translate large kanji compounds without use of an OCR tool as I can count strokes of radicals I've never seen before because I've studied around 500 of the most common ones. I want to talk to people, I want to be able to understand sentences beyond just if something exists or doesn't. 犬小屋がいない "There isn't a dog house". 犬小屋は屋根 is 赤い I want to say here the doghouse's roof is red. But I just fall apart trying to connect things

>> No.40124265

hanako was suspicious, the anki pic gave her away

>> No.40124266 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40124302

i still miss her

>> No.40124269
File: 707 KB, 1280x720, 3111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are other contributing factors at play than just volume of material read
there are certainly other factors "at play"
but at the end of the day the number one determining factor as to how well you understand nihongo is how much comprehensible nihongo you have watched or read or listened to
in the long run it's literally the only thing that matters
"read more" is just a short-hand for this concept

>> No.40124274
Quoted by: >>40124294

bro wtf

>> No.40124277

>there are other contributing factors at play than just volume of material read

>> No.40124281


>> No.40124291

true true

>> No.40124292


>> No.40124294
Quoted by: >>40124313

I just remembered it's actually: 犬小屋の屋根は赤いです  Is that good?

>> No.40124302

shes still there (in our pics folder)
its not the amphetamines, ive always read fast

>> No.40124313
Quoted by: >>40124323

i didnt read your post just enough

>> No.40124319
Quoted by: >>40124356

its nice to have a way of listing shit ive seen and read honestly
half the time i cant remember what ive actually seen offhand till im reminded

>> No.40124323

Are you actually Japanese? Your English isn't good.

>> No.40124337

his english is fine most of the time

>> No.40124342
Quoted by: >>40124373


>> No.40124345


>> No.40124352

bunko bros not like this

>> No.40124356

i like getting reminders about ova's and new seasons or movies
or seeing what my fellow degenerates chug

>> No.40124357 [DELETED] 

i added you on mal

for everyone else my user name on mal is shut_up_og

be sure to add me !! きゃはっ !!

>> No.40124367
Quoted by: >>40124406


>> No.40124373
Quoted by: >>40124383

sometimes i can read this word, sometimes not

>> No.40124383

needing glasses is a bitch

>> No.40124389

read that as kissui oh wait that's correct haha

>> No.40124398

wanna kissui ogs manko...

>> No.40124406
Quoted by: >>40124412


>> No.40124412

so is it safe to say youre back

>> No.40124416
Quoted by: >>40124439

you tribute me in your mal name lol
youre such a cunt

>> No.40124421

this might be the worst the thread's ever been during the past year

>> No.40124434

triggered v-sister lol
i told you id revive this place didnt i? your fucking welcome another thankless job story of my life

>> No.40124437


>> No.40124439
Quoted by: >>40124472

somebody has to jump on the grenade

>> No.40124447

>one of my favourite internet racists
>one of
any of them have nice oppai? the jiggle boggles my brain enough to forget what they are saying/spewing

>> No.40124453

thinking of making a very silly account with a very silly profile pic on mal and add og/4bc/jamal

>> No.40124457

how does one win at life, Ozzy said we are all only losers and the world will keep turning when I and you are gone.
>tfw Ozzy is still alive even during/after the coof-of-costs

>> No.40124468

here’s the thing though, even people in their native language can significantly improve their reading comprehension by implementing subtle changes in their reading approach. the discourse should reflect that instead of just being 100 posts of “read more” like a bunch of robots who don’t know how to say anything else lol
many of lower and mid intermediates could benefit from shifting their approach to reading itself and seeing a 20% increase or more in ease of comprehension after just a few hours of changing those things
that kind of thing would definitely be worth mentioning

>> No.40124472
Quoted by: >>40124526

im watching the new kanon by the way
pretty shit so far

>> No.40124475
Quoted by: >>40124482

idk why, but in my gut I feel you speak truth, my i ask where QM-san is from?
>inb4 east europe
it happens

>> No.40124480

the new ikkitousen was the worst garbage i've seen in a long time

>> No.40124482
Quoted by: >>40124530


>> No.40124483

wait do i have to admit to everything ive read and watched? i went through a bl stage im not proud of

>> No.40124487

>an irl futa ITT

>> No.40124491
Quoted by: >>40124629

its often better to post actual research/material than theory tho
im already at 600+, wonder if it can go higher, never did any reading or thinking on the subject til anon brought it up the other day

>> No.40124509

you dont "have to" add anything

>> No.40124526
Quoted by: >>40124585

2006 is good in some ways but as an overall presentation very bad there were many mistakes made

>> No.40124530

>tfw direct western neighbor
QM-san if you are still here, if you ever need a place to stay, just in case my door is open. But only on days that aren't named after a mythical god. if you bring 'good' vodka, i'll reserve some sauna for you.
>I'll bring the birch branches ん~ふふふ

>> No.40124531
File: 1.27 MB, 1282x752, 164028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40124571

what am i doing with my life apain

>> No.40124536
Quoted by: >>40124590

lol post your homoerotic faves

>> No.40124539 [DELETED] 

what about coal burners? even those that pay the toll?

>> No.40124543

let the maidos know instead of us anon, works better

>> No.40124548

"read more" is what you see in the thread because it works and is easy to regurgitate
people that are ready to benefit from more specific advice should know enough to find it on their own
plus this thread isn't capable of deeper or more meaningful insights lmao do you see the state of this place?

>> No.40124563

whats your best approach? chunking is one i’ve seen mentioned, dno if that was just for anki

>> No.40124571

waiting for the next steam sale to buy more vinnies

>> No.40124572


>> No.40124576

yeah this one's ngmi

>> No.40124578

what does buy mean? word sent a nasty chill up my back

>> No.40124580
Quoted by: >>40124585

>big booty asians
>tfw more than 5 inches/12.7cm
So....there's a chance? Too bad none that big are in soaplands
>doing some serious japanese
how serious, as big as above mentioned? ん~ふふふ

>> No.40124585

watched 8 eps nothings happened so far and all the girls are annoying

>> No.40124590

gravitation manga of course
anime sucked but i burned out the soundtrack which still has bops

>> No.40124602
File: 615 KB, 1440x1080, 機動戦艦ナデシコ 第11話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40124617
Quoted by: >>40124634

>i went through a bl stage im not proud of
why not? bl is cute

>> No.40124621

that link aint the original disregard

>> No.40124629

some people naturally gravitate towards reading strategies that are very efficient.
you sound like one of those people
but not everyone is like that
many unknowingly have reading habits or 癖 that slow them down unnecessarily
one common example esp with learning to read japanese is the impulse to 丁寧にsound out every word in your head
as if you had to hear every word clearly in your head before moving on
when really that’s one of the most brainpower consuming things you can do and will slow you down majorly due to constraints on working memory
that kind of reading should only be done in the very beginning or for words/phrases that one has just recently learned and need more getting used to

>> No.40124634
Quoted by: >>40124661

i got a lot of strikes against me as it is fujosi baggage too much id never admit to it in japan
i dont read bl anymore anyway you read a couple and youve read them all

>> No.40124640

or you could just enjoy sounding out the japanese in different voices in your head and have fun with the stuff you're reading

>> No.40124644
Quoted by: >>40124663

i actually posted the dekaketsu image to get banned from here

>> No.40124647
Quoted by: >>40124705

lol of course gravitation was the go to back then no doubt

>> No.40124650

what about anidb?

>> No.40124651
Quoted by: >>40124767

subvocalizing? but there are studies that say you have to subvocalize

>> No.40124661
Quoted by: >>40124705

also wait till you realize thats basically the same for everything japanese
surprised you havent yet since youre 35 like me you should know

>> No.40124663

should have posted one where she's not wearing clothes then

>> No.40124671


>> No.40124676

I have a mal

>> No.40124688
Quoted by: >>40124712

yeah was reading on it just now as it was brought up, my anecdotal and worthless 2cents:
dont read super fast all the time, depends on many many things
can read japanese at the same speed as english, but only things i know, i stop on words i dont
everything describes both the scanning thing, and chunking, i think the best way to improve both is playing fps a lot, or learning to shoot a gun aiming with both eyes/hunting the important bit is not waiting till your eyes focus on something, just scanning fast repeatedly
learning music might help you learn to read everything really fast
stuff that's interesting, particularly interesting, i read slower, i read the fastest on things i don't care about that much

>> No.40124690

this makes me want to take a bath

>> No.40124705
File: 132 KB, 737x1080, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back when cute guys were guys and not traps
wym im notoriously not good at otaku culture these days almost nothing past 2010 i.e. since im an adult same answer youll get from japanese people

>> No.40124708

yup djt is back

>> No.40124712

oh ace combat is amazing if you don't like fps

>> No.40124716

>Heterosexual 74%

>> No.40124717
Quoted by: >>40124730


>> No.40124730

zooms just cant help filter themselves you love to see it

>> No.40124744

although you shouldnt read gravitation as a guy anyway its literally gay lol

>> No.40124761

given its score kingdom season 4s member count is interesting really stands out in the top anime list

>> No.40124767

a very subtle level of subvocalization happens naturally as we read anything that we know the pronunciation for, yes
but the default subvocalization should be a small barely perceivable whisper in the back of your mind
it’s not prominent at all
whats prominent is the meaning or what matt has called “Mentalese” of what you’re reading
what’s “behind the words” so to speak
which brings me to my next tip
i say “big red ball” and those words are pointing to an object that faintly appears in your imagination when you read them
i say “fucking pissed fuming“ and those words are pointing to a feeling you can vaguely sense in your body
the image and feeling are the real meaning of the words, the end output that those words are supposed to produce in your mind
making meaning more salient as you read (instead of subvocalization) makes it so that the actual images and feelings that the things you read are pointing to (the mentalese), appear in your mind faster and more vividly

>> No.40124779

idk bros

>> No.40124787


>> No.40124788

lol https://myanimelist.net/animelist/shut_up_og?status=4

>> No.40124790
Quoted by: >>40124796

i havent watched a new anime in at least 5 years
but fear not the term otaku is dead and otakudom only lives on in the older generations

>> No.40124792
Quoted by: >>40124838

okay that's nice and all but you'll naturally get to this point as you read more and internalize the meanings of the words you're seeing

>> No.40124796

everything post 2016 sucks anyway

>> No.40124804
Quoted by: >>40124822

what do normal guys even think of bl assuming its well written and they dont drop it? does that even happen?

>> No.40124806
Quoted by: >>40124814

why 2016

>> No.40124811
Quoted by: >>40124889

source? or are you just saying whatever comes to mind

>> No.40124812
Quoted by: >>40124818

the obasama liked jujutu kaisen and kimetsu so i guess im doomed to chug

>> No.40124814

because thats when konosuba came out

>> No.40124818

good taste

>> No.40124822
Quoted by: >>40124839

what do normal girls think of yuri
oh wait

>> No.40124838
Quoted by: >>40124855

why would someone “wait for it to naturally develop after their next 40 books read” when they could just choose to consciously practice it and start to see those benefits in reading speed and comprehension in their next few hours of reading?

>> No.40124839

no girl was turned off of a show cause of yuri
if anything most women wish they could be attracted to other women which is why you get a lot of fake lesbians who watch too much of it
gays only work in fiction tho

>> No.40124840

i added 100 animes at random off the top of my head to my anime list and i feel like ive added nothing
ah the power of 3000 animes

>> No.40124846
Quoted by: >>40124912

deleting my mal

>> No.40124848

its all eng subbed fluff

>> No.40124851

i thought i was modern for thinking non non biyori was a good series but i looked that shit up and it was 2013 my god im old

>> No.40124855
Quoted by: >>40124950

nigga a beginner isnt going to magically be able to not subvocalize
mentalese comes with acquisition
acquisition takes time

>> No.40124864
Quoted by: >>40124876

i gave up after a lot less than that im just gonna do it a bit at a time as i remember them
im going to have to go chronolgically from like 7 years old but thankfully i stopped watching new shit around age 20 so thats only 13 years of content

>> No.40124866
Quoted by: >>40124900

need to rewatch onegai teacher and twins to see how it holds up

>> No.40124870

if you are thinking about whether or not you are subvocalizing you definitely are not reading

>> No.40124876
Quoted by: >>40124921

more like you listed almost everything youve watched lol 20 shows
ironic weeb

>> No.40124877
Quoted by: >>40124884

add me on anilist btw

>> No.40124882
Quoted by: >>40125038


>> No.40124883
Quoted by: >>40125038

can't believe this sort of advice was the best they could come up with after criticizing the golden path of just reading more

>> No.40124884 [DELETED] 

idk who u r but u can add me im shut_up_og on myanimelist

>> No.40124889
Quoted by: >>40124892

i made multiple points which one are you needing a source for?
although much of this is just basic cognitive neuroscience
around working memory and how language creates virtual experiences by connecting qualia
(neuron-mediated information that shows up in our consciousness as images and feelings)
to basic sounds and symbols (what language is)
the source of that is just any intro cognitive neuroscience textbook lol

>> No.40124892

ok but how many linnies have you read

>> No.40124900

oh yea i forgot to list it as a drop

>> No.40124908
Quoted by: >>40124923

great op though

>> No.40124912

export the xml backup first

so you can make an anilist and port all your stats

>> No.40124921

ironic didnt get added to weeb till i already dropped out of this shit
and when i started i dont even think "weeb" wasnt coined yet so stfu, child

fyi you do know ironic modern weebs are the ones binging and chugging right? back in my day we shared the same handful of dvds and manga amongst ourselves (the good shit worth watching) and stretched that shit out for ages

lmao you ninjas got trash on tap having the fucking audacity

>> No.40124923
Quoted by: >>40124944

snow angel > the op

>> No.40124931

>you ninjas

you can't use that word, that's our word

>> No.40124932

whats your issue im just saying youve barely watched any anime which is true also i dont watch modern shows

>> No.40124938
Quoted by: >>40124962

>also i dont watch modern shows
this is why you will never beat moe

>> No.40124942

aw yea go off

>> No.40124944

1:13 is really cool

>> No.40124946

personally i think its cute she used a jamal word and im excited for the upcoming 展開

>> No.40124950
Quoted by: >>40124983

do you remember when i mentioned that these kinds of tips are for low intermediates and up?
or did you skip reading that part

>> No.40124953

my issue is its not fucking ironic weebism
its the opposite. its not a win to be a chugger i never claimed to be a good anime otaku i fall for a handful of series and stay pretty loyal to them
consooming for the sake of it is cancer

my taste is def better though because i actually drop almost everything or better yet dont bother after seeing the reboot anouncement

>> No.40124962
Quoted by: >>40124979

i couldnt even if i tried hes about to hit 10k eps

>> No.40124975
Quoted by: >>40125011

>consooming for the sake of it is cancer

It's also how you get good at japanese, so.... *high pitched fart squeaks out*

>> No.40124979
Quoted by: >>40125037

wonder how many podcasts eps that dialogue would add up to
like 700?
most of it is probably literal oniisan tier though

>> No.40124983

it still applies
low intermediates are going to subvocalize what they haven't acquired yet, and they're going to see the "mentalese" of what they have
that's how humans naturally read
the only people who subvocalize are people who haven't read enough to get used to extracting meaning instead of just reading letters
--> your "tips" are redundant drivel now go read more

>> No.40124990

i'm about to hit 7k episodes myself
it's been a wild ride

>> No.40125010

i remember the moment i knew for sure anime was dead
when i saw an anime listed as a "netflix original"
it was then that i realized things had gone too far and the world of anime became like the earth with no ozone layer after runaway green house effect caused it to well run away
all thats left of anime is a barren desert hellscape of dehydrated fail and aids ftl

>> No.40125011

4bc has zits older than how long hes been at anything japanese
you cant condense wisdom and experience into anki drills sorry you simply cannot touch the old guard no matter how much tech points you grind out
its not the number of grapes its how long you let the wine mature
nah its how you get good at consooming jp content i just go to japan to improve

>> No.40125022
Quoted by: >>40125029

netflix baki is one of the best anime ive seen

>> No.40125023

i think it was the same moment for me
even worse cause it was go nagai it was like the universe spitting on me personally
and of course crybaby was coomer western degen shit

>> No.40125024

imagine making posts like this while missing out on modern classics like カノジョも彼女

>> No.40125028
Quoted by: >>40125054

this argument would only work if you picked shows after a lot of careful research or sampled many shows before committing to one (your dropped list doesnt reflect that story btw) otherwise youre pretty much an ironic consumer chugging whatevers being advertised to normalfags lol

>> No.40125029
Quoted by: >>40125035

true the best part about the japanese experience is accepting that ur elders are forever better than u and theres nothing u can do but genuflect lol
ur a literal teenager

>> No.40125030
Quoted by: >>40125032

big fan of netflix, never paying them or watching any of their shit but someone somewhere used them to rip jsubs

>> No.40125032


>> No.40125035
Quoted by: >>40125046


>> No.40125037

hes watched all kinds of shows

>> No.40125038

knowing whether you’re subvocalizing excessively doesn’t require “thinking” just basic awareness of your experience as it’s happening
if you can’t perceive any subvocalizing as you read then thats a sign you’re already doing it right
you three are missing the point pretty hard
i said that subvocalization is -supposed to be imperceivable- if meaning is more salient
if the pronunciations of the words are imperceivable to you as you read then that’s a sign you’re probably doing it right already

>> No.40125046

im a fan of netflix i made a lot of money shorting their stock for the last two quarters
barely old enough to hold my beer (non alcoholic)

>> No.40125048
Quoted by: >>40125186

>then thats a sign you’re already doing it right
yeah like everyone who reads frequently lol

>> No.40125054

>careful research or sampled many shows before committing to one
yeah thats how it used to be. excrutiatingly careful that shit was expensive and it was word of mouth. you didnt need to sample trash cause no one would buy it
>drop list
dude fuck off like im not even close to done i got bored and my memory is shit
why do you have to make everything a gay competition how about i just fucking delete my account str8 up you ungrateful twerp

>> No.40125064

if you can already read over 600 characters a minute then obviously you’re not subvocalizing excessively why would even think any of this information applies to you

>> No.40125066
Quoted by: >>40125091

og why are you acting like a brat its unbecoming for a grown ass woman

>> No.40125068
File: 617 KB, 1920x1080, カノジョも彼女 第07話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good show

>> No.40125073

the underwear designs are cuter in the manga

>> No.40125080

not telling

>> No.40125084

ah yes generic uguu trash #5764574564

>> No.40125088
File: 52 KB, 334x571, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come this guy has over 24000 cards but only 2935 kanji? I have 2125 kanji with only 4000 cards

>> No.40125091
Quoted by: >>40125132

just a second ago you told me to go off
im not letting zoomer dickwaving slide they need to get the fuck to the back of the bus til im cold in the ground they dont gotta wait long

>> No.40125097
Quoted by: >>40125114

he has a card for every conjugation

>> No.40125102
Quoted by: >>40125131

pretty sure bootlegs were cheap lol youre just solidifying the normalfag image
probably added a lot of easy words

>> No.40125104

people who know they’re already at a higher level than most itt love jumping into conversations aimed for lower levels and derailing the conversation to talk about how they, personally, don’t need that advice. lol. we get it

>> No.40125111

mining every katakana loan word he came across

>> No.40125114
File: 40 KB, 637x147, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah he doesn't
Although some retard actually does have something similar

>> No.40125130
Quoted by: >>40125315

nobody cares about your advice cope and read more retard

>> No.40125131

>pretty sure bootlegs were chea
pretty sure you dont know what the fuck youre talking about or how big a cottage industry burning shit was for your school or ebay
no one new shit about japan locally it was a subculture of you and like 5 kid in your whole fucking school and online forums and if you were lucky you were in driving distance to a convention

anime is LITERALLLY normalfag culturein the west now
for grown ass men, no less

these fucking kids mang

>> No.40125132
Quoted by: >>40125148

lol there you with the thinly veiled cry for help at the end
you aint dying any time soon youre here forever

>> No.40125148

its not a cry for help turn off your thirst trap projector
its one of the 決めることs and it aint even new bunko and i had an arrangement but hes sussy lately so

>> No.40125153
Quoted by: >>40125174

actually can confirm that in the early days of cd burners i made a killing off the kids at school
i even provided vcds to the anime club that i did not go to
i unironically made kanon 2002 vcds for my schools anime club and they watched it
and thinking back on that now i realize just how fucken win that is that i could bring that to them

>> No.40125156
Quoted by: >>40125187

bootlegs were cheap whats your counter to that
>anime is LITERALLLY normalfag culturein the west now
yea agreed

>> No.40125163

why you call me sussy
besides im not sad anymore sorry

>> No.40125164

you should thank me for coming out to play with you today
im the one doing you a favor here
i can just as easily leave you here to get dunked on by zoomers all day

>> No.40125167
Quoted by: >>40125426

thanks for bringing up the subject anon, made me think
anything that requires fast reflexes will also train one to read faster is gonna be my postulation
i never did do anything to read faster, what i did do is become good at bemani, racing games, and the like and the same skills you develop, transfer, and are whats described in all the "how to read faster" stuff
i imagine an hour or even 20 mins of dirt2rally with a fast car, or similar, a day, would have exponentially bigger results than spendings those 20 mins reading (tho of course you also need to read)
djmax/bemani/ddr/we probably work exactly the same, things that look really fast when you start move in slow motion when it clicks.
also, its gamified, keeps metrics for yoh, and has variety, so yeah i think thats the way

>> No.40125168

try immersing for another 1k hours

>> No.40125173

true, agree

>> No.40125174

were you in a city

>> No.40125181

surprised i managed to hook someone with the ironic usage of "animes"
you love to see it
whats ur spectrum diagnosis ?

>> No.40125186
Quoted by: >>40125239

no, not everyone
there are people who read frequently but are in the habit of paying more attention to sounding out everything in their heads than going directly for the meaning, and it slows them down
for people like that, simply becoming aware that they have that habit and intentionally shifting their priority to clearly experiencing the meaning of each chunk of text as they read can cause rapid improvements in their reading speed and comprehension
your personal experience is not the only one that exists, if it doesn’t apply to you personally then just ignore the post

>> No.40125187
Quoted by: >>40125192

you literally werent there
you just have to trust me it was so so underground in the west for so long. even with the internet you would like "holy shit the song one week has a line about sailor moon!!!!" or "this one tv show mentioned astroboy omgggg"
we had nothing but scraps and a one shelf at borders. we didnt even get youtube clips till 2005 or whatever

>> No.40125192

ok if you insist

>> No.40125200
Quoted by: >>40125459

of course anime in the west was best when it was scarce and somewhat exclusive to the import scene
but then again og was talking about dvd so she dont go back quite that far
she prolly bought anime dvds at hot topic or smth lmao

>> No.40125207
Quoted by: >>40125226

Did somebody link this one yet lol

>> No.40125210
Quoted by: >>40125217


this will be the best anime in ages

>> No.40125217

netflix will save anime

>> No.40125220
Quoted by: >>40125261

i had sailorstar vhs access through a friend but bootleg vhs from the local asian market was something i did a few times
just realizing they were raws too which is weird how were the chinese people understanding anything?

but anyway yeah burning dvds was just something you could actually barely afford as a broke teenager. vhs is like $10 just for one blank tape dude

>> No.40125226
File: 18 KB, 159x165, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sure how I should feel about that, it's a lot! I'm wondering how many other people have ever done more reviews than this??
rookie numbers lol

>> No.40125230

picked up

>> No.40125239

>experiencing the meaning of each chunk of text as they read
this sounds like what “just feel it” would mean if it wasn’t just a cope for whitenoising

>> No.40125259

not telling

>> No.40125261

back in those times its impossible to say but they prolly watched it raw too and understood very little

>> No.40125280
Quoted by: >>40125289

a lot of anime is just fine without understanding the dialogue anyway

>> No.40125289

the best scenes in anime are when theyre just standing and talking

>> No.40125295

or when they pan up from the ground and show some panties

>> No.40125298
Quoted by: >>40125303

vinnies do it way better

>> No.40125303
Quoted by: >>40125316

the scenes get repetitive visually

>> No.40125305

this but the exact opposite

>> No.40125307

liked learning about 草船借箭の計 in today's パリピ孔明

>> No.40125315

>if he’s actually onto something, i don’t want anyone else to have a better time at this than i did, so he better shutup about it

>> No.40125316
Quoted by: >>40125319

but the music

>> No.40125319

post some

>> No.40125322

idk bout that guy but personally seeing gay advice(?) just gets me mad because its retarded and pointless

>> No.40125329


>> No.40125333

nah more like
>i can't stand fags who don't know japanese preaching to people about non-existant shortcuts when all you have to do is read more

>> No.40125335


>> No.40125342


>> No.40125345

not true

>> No.40125370


>> No.40125426
Quoted by: >>40125597

you’re welcome anon thanks for saying that
you make a good point about reflexes
i think it does boil down to that, but specifically reflexes pointed in the right direction
ideally the reflex pattern should be

sees chunk of text(水を浴びて輝く紫陽花) —> immediately has salience of the actual experience, image or feeling being pointed to (reader can “see” the flowers dripping with water and shining) —> subvocalization step happens vaguely in the background

rather than, for example
sees chunk of text —> zooms in to confirm its reading, causing that subvocalized reading to be the primary experience (みずをあびてかがやくあじさい)—> meaning-making happens vaguely in the background

it’s primarily a switch of what you’re paying more attention to. then our reflexes develop in response to that

>> No.40125444
Quoted by: >>40125448

asobi asobase was great and came out in 2018

>> No.40125448

good anime

>> No.40125459

anime was best when i was 12

>> No.40125473
File: 1.23 MB, 2422x1119, 1654138588123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40125598

WTF how do you

>> No.40125516

i haven't watched anime in two months

>> No.40125518

so what happened with the dog and the wifey j-man?

>> No.40125533

i haven't watched anime in two minutes

>> No.40125536
File: 799 KB, 1765x993, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she get upset at the other girl when she showed her the scar? Because she pitied her or what?

>> No.40125564
Quoted by: >>40125598

they broke up because stocks or whatever and jamal came back to pick up og for real this time

>> No.40125565
Quoted by: >>40125592

how should we know?
what did they say

>> No.40125584
Quoted by: >>40125598

>they broke up because stocks or whatever
i missed this development i guess
weird thing to break up over
jamal just needs to admit that he wants to chase his fujiko forever

>> No.40125590

don't know what that is so maybe

>> No.40125592

Well there's the anon who watched it so I was mainly asking him but here's the transcript
リナ… 私…。
かわいそう! そんなひどい痕 隠してたなんて。
気付いてあげられなくて ごめん。
本当に つらかったよね。
雪が こんなことになってるなんて 知らなくて…。
もう二度と あんなこと言わないから
これからは なんでも リナに話してね。
Now that I look at it again she seems kinda condescending if not bitchy

>> No.40125597
Quoted by: >>40125617

i read this しようか how the fuck is it あじさい i hate this language

>> No.40125598
Quoted by: >>40125605

? mondaiga ?

i dont have a wife

but i do know a girl who might puff out her cheeks if she saw me type this

lol look at my last post on mastodon
pretty sure no girl would be mad at me shorting netflix

there is no development sorry i have nothing to contribute to the soap opera at this time

>> No.40125599

yeah id get mad too wtf

>> No.40125604

she hides her scar so people treat her normally instead of this condescending way

>> No.40125605
Quoted by: >>40125619

your page just looks so lovely is all it SAYS BITCH ON HER 4HEAD

>> No.40125617
Quoted by: >>40125637

its literally a filler word, some dumb flower
not even worth mining

>> No.40125619
Quoted by: >>40125630

i felt it was thematically appropriate to the motif of the account :^)

>> No.40125630
Quoted by: >>40125651


>> No.40125637
Quoted by: >>40125697

this self own is pretty bad lol

>> No.40125651

always wondered if this is correct via their pidgin of english

>> No.40125661

pretty sure nothing about those bloody benchods is correct

>> No.40125681
Quoted by: >>40125709


>> No.40125696
Quoted by: >>40125705

fake bunko shilling threads what?

>> No.40125697

no sentence with 紫陽花 in it adds anything of importance, you could literally read it as たんぽぽ and it wouldn't change a thing
彼岸花 is the only important flower

>> No.40125705

dark times

>> No.40125709

fake unko

>> No.40125742

yall fakers
