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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 193 KB, 1200x675, 1645144586616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39217043 No.39217043 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.39217048
File: 101 KB, 595x842, FOplu7xaMAA_PQ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really love my clown wife !!

>> No.39217051
File: 356 KB, 1400x1600, FOgx_OjUYAA8EXD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217053
File: 1.09 MB, 2000x3173, FPH8SHDacAAwonm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217058

Pekora has a husband (Jun)

>> No.39217059
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1642761026964.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217173


>> No.39217060
File: 87 KB, 470x685, nakedfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my kirin wife mommy

>> No.39217065
File: 50 KB, 325x318, 1636913887887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217118

>> No.39217068 [SPOILER] 
File: 658 KB, 3464x3464, 1648691888824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217092


>> No.39217071
File: 46 KB, 462x500, 1473478696246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217076
File: 152 KB, 818x1200, FO2T5QkVsAEt6Qx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

>> No.39217078
File: 410 KB, 507x808, 971552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217079
File: 364 KB, 1536x2048, 1643338774931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flare is a cute idol!

>> No.39217083
Quoted by: >>39217182

Why hololive doesn't appeal to lolicons anymore?

>> No.39217085
File: 2.90 MB, 358x312, hololive koro drool.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217098

>> No.39217091
File: 550 KB, 2067x2756, 1643796723144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend OP
post sex friends

>> No.39217092
Quoted by: >>39217534

can you lose this game?

>> No.39217094

The 空 kanji can interpret nothing 空(から)and can be read as 空(くう)
空気(くうき)can be interpreted as vacuum or air or atmosphere.

>> No.39217095
File: 661 KB, 2451x3460, 1648040012243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217096
File: 381 KB, 492x270, 3535353535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.39217098

Post the entire thing

>> No.39217100

Too big

>> No.39217106

Great, now I want sex with milf Fubuki, thanks anon

>> No.39217108
File: 662 KB, 2832x2000, 1646843645907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217112
File: 2.12 MB, 2545x3683, FPFzIlFaAAAdYIp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217114
File: 24 KB, 363x331, matsuli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will marry this menhera.

>> No.39217118
File: 1.30 MB, 1430x1000, 1642231035677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like older women

>> No.39217120
File: 1.79 MB, 1583x920, 1640330754328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend is for marriage and motherhood

>> No.39217121
File: 3.85 MB, 1500x1500, 1628860397215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko is the cutest!

>> No.39217124

One hour until Fubuki announces her graduation, bros....

>> No.39217126
File: 212 KB, 919x1300, 1612351631235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217130
File: 468 KB, 1581x1204, FO7sUGlVkAEFz7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217172


>> No.39217134
File: 105 KB, 700x1024, 1646398340081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the announcement is another cat

>> No.39217135

Making small friends with Friend...

>> No.39217140
Quoted by: >>39217174

Gura is being very moany today...

>> No.39217142
File: 175 KB, 1200x900, FPG7v3vaUAIMeKz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217145
File: 1.51 MB, 850x1562, 1648000806269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217162

>> No.39217150
File: 109 KB, 758x1024, FPJGolxVcAQa3j9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217173

I love Towa!
Please listen to her latest cover with Miko, Aki, Polka, and Iroha, Sakura no Ame!
Please listen to these two as well!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6AmCNdwT7E born to be real
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fX6qYFXemY Prism Melody

>> No.39217152
Quoted by: >>39217176


>> No.39217155

You will never hear Azki orgasm with her angelic voice

>> No.39217160
File: 476 KB, 964x1239, FNyFzUyXEAMeePj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217162

too big

>> No.39217163


>> No.39217168

please be another outfit. it's been so long since her last one.

>> No.39217170
File: 97 KB, 838x791, hoshibros3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still feels like yesterday....

>> No.39217171

Most if not all the holos are going to go past their expiry date and never marry. Them getting cats one after the other is just the first step to coming old cat ladies with 50 cats in their apartment...

>> No.39217172

fuck friend

>> No.39217173

Does anyone actually click on these links because of these ritualposts?

>> No.39217174

Kirby does have that effect on girls.

>> No.39217175
File: 131 KB, 1005x2048, FLYrbhnVIAM85EZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217176

Why did she throw away this cunny model...

>> No.39217179
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, 1648688980429.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-yandere Miko?!

>> No.39217180

fuck off, she has enough outfits for a life time.

>> No.39217181
File: 413 KB, 1536x2048, 1621472006651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all according to plan

>> No.39217182

Do you really want this nightmare again?

>> No.39217184

With me

>> No.39217185
File: 369 KB, 1261x2048, FKwjG_ZaIAICHaZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217186

Bring back the granny outfit

>> No.39217189
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1080, 1642970297706.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217223


>> No.39217190

i hope so too. haachama too. the rest of ikkisei got outfits already..

>> No.39217195
File: 697 KB, 1268x1800, 1639570962538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217200

I had this stream on my dream before and it never left me ever since.

>> No.39217203

>noontime announcement
>frame isn't up yet

>> No.39217206

How do we stop the HoloCats secret society?

>> No.39217213
Quoted by: >>39217231


>> No.39217215
File: 329 KB, 1451x2048, FFRVIniaMAIOG48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217217

I think most holos over 30 are secretly married already

>> No.39217223
File: 1.48 MB, 960x540, 1647961857240.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is gone...

>> No.39217224

Any loyal grubbers?

>> No.39217226
File: 326 KB, 1555x2048, 4E3EF5FE-6AA0-4E6D-A85D-2D95494A6A52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Shion.

>> No.39217228

The announcement is another foxdemon collab

>> No.39217230

>Cat loving holos
Miss me with that shit
My oshi is allergic and likes dogs better
Dog loving holos like Shion will have a family by 35

>> No.39217231

But that's Shions

>> No.39217234
File: 164 KB, 389x442, Elt1235765300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217241
File: 129 KB, 900x900, 55D9999F-FE54-4C1A-A169-39AFC1C1B1AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m gonna stalk Subaru until she falls in love with me!

>> No.39217242

Based Shion

>> No.39217244


>> No.39217247
File: 182 KB, 480x480, 1630921047490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217271


>> No.39217250

Grubstomo, is this good?

>> No.39217255
Quoted by: >>39217265

which holo should I masturbate to today?

>> No.39217256

Hey man!

>> No.39217258
Quoted by: >>39217281

Shion sounds way too young in her old videos

>> No.39217259

That just means she rolled 201 times.

>> No.39217260

Yes, actually.

>> No.39217264
File: 2.30 MB, 1636x1023, 100rolls+mukku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah fuck that game. Got shafted this anniv so fucking hard

>> No.39217265


>> No.39217266
Quoted by: >>39217297

Why couldn’t Shion get dog ears instead?

>> No.39217267 [DELETED] 
File: 1004 KB, 1854x2971, 1645108111053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like this holoturds...

>> No.39217270

Why is she trying to appeal to gachaniggers now?

>> No.39217271
File: 443 KB, 685x646, 1632226923458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217280
Quoted by: >>39217311


>> No.39217281

She was 15 or 16 back then.

>> No.39217283
Quoted by: >>39217296

This isn't /v/, go back.

>> No.39217288

Didnt know Pekora was a gachafag.

>> No.39217290 [DELETED] 

the fujos are too powerful...

>> No.39217291
File: 729 KB, 905x1519, 1648142232146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna stalk you the whole time and send you straight to Hell right as she starts considering you as an option!

>> No.39217293

Hololive gacha game when?

>> No.39217295 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39217311

based chinkGOD

>> No.39217296


>> No.39217297

Because Tam-U likes cats.

>> No.39217302

Thanks for removing the competition while I go ahead and marry Subaru instead!

>> No.39217303

Still the best concert hololive has ever put out
Platonic Girl was absolutely awesome

>> No.39217305 [DELETED] 

can't wait for EN Stars

>> No.39217310
File: 94 KB, 1024x1024, FOsaxTpUcAssKtP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217311

>a minute apart
many such cases!

>> No.39217314

>Miko actually beat the Tree Knight
What the fuck...
Thats impressive. Even if it took her 4 hours.

>> No.39217316
File: 419 KB, 2048x1536, FOQ3ornagAcRtlm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio is definitely still single. Her papa on the other hand...

>> No.39217321

Subaru is tall enough that she can actually beat some anons here...

>> No.39217322

Ilsa is hot, hag love

>> No.39217323

That's not even the best pairing in the concert

>> No.39217326

>Dog loving holos
Oh no no no, you know what they say about girls and dogs....

>> No.39217327 [DELETED] 

>beats the Whore Four
what the fuck how do we cancel him

>> No.39217328
File: 93 KB, 1309x968, 53BB2473-0F73-4940-B4D8-2267DB71DCD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry m8 but I run a faith build. Not even Fubuki can touch me.

>> No.39217329


>> No.39217333

Why do people think we care about nijisanji sucking chink dick
Do you think we don't know what virtual real is?
It will blow up in their face eventually, it kind of already has when you look at the state of the company

>> No.39217335

She should have just done this stream yesterday when she had the free rolls and all.

>> No.39217337

I'd agree if it wasn't for Gurenge.

>> No.39217338

Shion loves dogs a little too much

>> No.39217340
File: 229 KB, 689x461, sleeping_towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>next scheduled JP stream is in 8 hours

>> No.39217342

I really love Abadango Necromancy!

>> No.39217343
Quoted by: >>39217373

Only white girls fuck dogs

>> No.39217344
Quoted by: >>39217354

Good job showing them that you care, retard

>> No.39217345

yup, still dead hours

>> No.39217353
Quoted by: >>39217422

I just want HoloYouchien 3
Mio please...

>> No.39217354

Imagine being as stupid as a shitposter

>> No.39217356

It's definitely the cover. She's probably going to laugh at how she made it unlisted instead of privated too.

>> No.39217358 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 807x156, 1632356361547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217360

If anything her rate of gacha streams has gone down.

>> No.39217361

So what time is this Shadoba collab actually? Both of their streams are scheduled at different times.

>> No.39217364
File: 453 KB, 1058x550, 1624810622577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217371

<span class="sjis">hey man</span>

>> No.39217373
Quoted by: >>39217383

Japs are honorary Aryans, so knots are in the menu.

>> No.39217374

>chloe has alzheimers
its over...

>> No.39217375
File: 102 KB, 1200x1200, FPHKGyvaIAA5M21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pero pero

>> No.39217376

Thanks Iofi very cool

>> No.39217378

Timezones exists anon....

>> No.39217379

rent free

>> No.39217383
Quoted by: >>39217402

Aryans aren't white either

>> No.39217386

The only one who will get 50 cats eventually is Iofi, she's already 1/5 of the way there

>> No.39217387
Quoted by: >>39217447

The average Holo hag is quite unhinged to some degree and not a desirable trophy wife to the average Nip salaryman. It's just Sora, Aki, and Koyori who'd have a considerable chance at being secretly married

>> No.39217389
File: 78 KB, 242x242, 1604548544299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217412

Wanna hear something sad? There's people on the internet who spend all day trying to own strangers on the internet instead of having lives

>> No.39217390


>> No.39217392

>Barely beating Miko in a celebration stream
Oh nononono nipplesharts, even the new holoID had better numbers on their numbers lmao

>> No.39217397
Quoted by: >>39217420

Chloe fucked up the time on the waiting room, it's to start at 22:30, Laplus will have another stream at 19:00.

>> No.39217398


>> No.39217399
File: 3.87 MB, 1802x1049, 1648044750838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said she logs in to grab freebies/dailies a year or so ago and showed this recently in a supacha reading

>> No.39217402
Quoted by: >>39217427

If they take the knot, they are white in my book. Your oshi will never love you as much she loves inumaru's chinchin.

>> No.39217405


>> No.39217409
Quoted by: >>39217426

>you know what they say about girls and dogs.
No I don't

>> No.39217410

Didn't Subaru plays Granblue? Did she drop it?

>> No.39217412
Quoted by: >>39217428

Couldn't be me, I spend all the day thinking that I should start learning japanese but never actually doing it

>> No.39217415

Chloe's start time is different from the one she said on twitter, while Lapu's is the same. I'm sure you can figure this one out.

>> No.39217416 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>39217434

This is the price Cover must pay for betraying the mighty chinese.

>> No.39217420

Thanks anon.

>> No.39217422

She has a collab project in the works, just pray it's actually youchien 3.

>> No.39217424

Their debuts*

>> No.39217426


>> No.39217427
Quoted by: >>39217437

Isn't 10am a little early to be fantasizing about dog dicks, SEAbro?

>> No.39217428


>> No.39217434 [DELETED] 

do chinks unironically support trash streamers to destroy hololive?
does this means all of his fans are males pretending to be girls?

>> No.39217436
Quoted by: >>39217455

I don't get it

>> No.39217437

But my oshi is a dog, I can't stop thinking about dogs....

>> No.39217440

She can only have one gacha in her life and she has chosen Sausage Legend

>> No.39217441
Quoted by: >>39217470

i'd pay good money to watch my oshi getting knotted...

>> No.39217442
File: 283 KB, 750x610, El3xth4U4AA_Fgc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217456

>> No.39217443 [DELETED] 

>Need a special event/celebration just to beat hololive
Pathetic, hololive destroyed nijiturds in a daily basis

>> No.39217444
File: 174 KB, 1080x1080, 1624865171171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah married to me

>> No.39217445

Cats are evil (Taiga) and dogs will cuck you, thats why its best for your oshi to prefer hamsters.

>> No.39217446
Quoted by: >>39217453

P*mu status?

>> No.39217447

Great way to completely misunderstand Japanese dating world
If Marine for example wanted to be in a whatever marriage that will end in cheating and divorce she could be, but she obviously doesn't want that
The reality is Japan has become so loose around casual sex, with soaplands everywhere and high school girls dating married men who shower them with gifts, marriage is barely a thing people consider.
Look at a certain trap vtubers marriage, do you think a rich ceo is going to be faithful? That she cares?
"Good girls" who would; never forgive cheating and want true monogamy either are stuck like Noel or Choco... or they give in to the society of sex and just end up having lots of sex with hosts and one night stands

>> No.39217449

>ame gets knotted by this

>> No.39217452

I mean just look at his title. It's just fujos. They finally have a vtuber they can understand so just give it to them.

>> No.39217453


>> No.39217454

Unironically yes

>> No.39217455
Quoted by: >>39217462

Ponos in vagos
Doggy ponos, your oshi's vago
You get?

>> No.39217456


>> No.39217459

hope it's outfit + 3.0 showcase

>> No.39217461

Noel is the purest titcow bikini asmr streamer out there

>> No.39217462

That makes no sense, is that a sea thing?

>> No.39217464

Hey guys
Is Poki okay? I can't imagine thinking you're going to die every other month

>> No.39217465

I trust my oshi will follow Abe's plan

>> No.39217469

They tune into gay ASMR and drop akasupa just to prove Cover WRONG!

>> No.39217470

Koronesukis wtf is this????

>> No.39217472
File: 165 KB, 680x524, subarumeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it too late to submit this to reddit review?

>> No.39217473
File: 1.77 MB, 1519x911, 1637576298973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She played for the story but she's still doing like those event gacha roll things

>> No.39217474

Really? she as some ridiculous luck. Her Granblue grid was turned into a meme

>> No.39217477

was her coworker's lewds worth it

>> No.39217478
File: 210 KB, 1648x1321, 1646834857361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217480

That's 3 more SSRs than my spark... Didn't even get a single grand......

>> No.39217485

Be honest, is any holo Tete real?

>> No.39217486
File: 675 KB, 1400x827, 1645609504947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217487

Thanks for making all the /vt/ard numberfags here expose themselves, Nijibro

>> No.39217488
Quoted by: >>39217580

She membered Okayu on purpose
This is a girl who is extremely self conscious and is very careful about her information

>> No.39217489
Quoted by: >>39217506

You forgot to delete your own post, janny >>39217392

>> No.39217491

Opinion discarded

>> No.39217492

>a single Niji with a single 1k over Hololive

>> No.39217493

KanaMari is real.

>> No.39217495

NoeFure is gachi.

>> No.39217500

Suisei and Roberu

>> No.39217502

Towa made me like piercings. And granny voices.

>> No.39217503
File: 1.61 MB, 2743x4096, 1638333363048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217504


>> No.39217505

Subaru has ruined gachi for me

>> No.39217506

meds now

>> No.39217509

Subaru misses Aniki too...

>> No.39217510


>> No.39217511

TokoNokiSe is eternal

>> No.39217517
File: 513 KB, 633x620, 1637611857840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217518

Kson and Mikeneko.

>> No.39217520
Quoted by: >>39217542

When is more Apex?

>> No.39217522
Quoted by: >>39217647

Pochi hasn't been saved yet....anon, you let her down....

>> No.39217526

Towa as whiskers?

>> No.39217530

why is towa allowed to be this cute?

>> No.39217532

So why did Aqua namedrop Nose but no one else when talking about the reaction clips?

>> No.39217534

if you don't look at the towa

>> No.39217535
File: 331 KB, 1748x1181, __houshou_marine_inugami_korone_adon_and_samson_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_sabaku_chitai__6e512b4d7f160e60410d191b82593fcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gachi is eternal

>> No.39217537
Quoted by: >>39217574

PekoMiko is canon.

>> No.39217538
File: 121 KB, 1162x1131, 1639545502777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217539

Matsuri and Fubuki.

>> No.39217542

April 2. Startend will stream and join a custom.

>> No.39217543
File: 1.82 MB, 1561x845, 1620559763564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217544

all holo tete is real, nobody remembers subaru reading a script asking a holo that I won't name because the timeline would shift to do their fake tete thing back in her good old days
they all gay now

>> No.39217546
Quoted by: >>39217591

Because she doesnt know who any of these people are but Towa told her about Nose-san

>> No.39217550
Quoted by: >>39217555

Towa and tobacco

>> No.39217551
File: 452 KB, 1528x1062, 1634390738857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217555


>> No.39217556

Aaaaaahhhhh why did you cancel the second HoloBaby championship Miko...

>> No.39217558
File: 317 KB, 708x403, 1596146438739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217559

shion is not a good mother

>> No.39217566

AkuShio and OkaKoro are obviously real. The rest are a bit played up but still based on reality.

>> No.39217568
File: 222 KB, 1563x1114, 1647500539702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217573

Reminder that miComet is now canon

>> No.39217571
Quoted by: >>39217583

Weren't most of the others males?

>> No.39217573


>> No.39217574

It's also canonically dead.

>> No.39217578

Are we back in the Hololive=WWE thread loop?

>> No.39217580

Subaru now has two different names to egosurf. That's where she won.

>> No.39217582

AkuPeko is the true tete, you just see

>> No.39217583

That new neoporte cutie was also praising her but i think it's like the other anon said, aqua barely even knows who some of them are

>> No.39217589
Quoted by: >>39217602

she's a smelly sweaty hikki like her

>> No.39217591


>> No.39217593

LapuShio seems legit
That recent one where Shion randomly called Lap during her meeting then get mad for answering during a meeting is cute

>> No.39217601

Pekora and Miko

>> No.39217602
Quoted by: >>39217605

imagine being trapped under a kotatsu while the two of them sat (bottomless) on opposite ends of it and played apex

>> No.39217605

god I wish that were me

>> No.39217606

Why do women want to look prety even when represented by ugly caricatures?

>> No.39217610
File: 357 KB, 598x683, 1618320838547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217611
File: 1.04 MB, 3124x4096, 1648023058175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217639

This is a Sex Elf thread

>> No.39217612
File: 845 KB, 4096x2992, PKMK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eternal, canon, status quo.

>> No.39217621

>Mori retweeted this

>> No.39217624
Quoted by: >>39217700

Wrong. Miko hates brownsada.

>> No.39217632
Quoted by: >>39217664

Sorry she already confirmed it

>> No.39217634

just mute when she comes on lol

>> No.39217635

So this is confirmed her worst live right?

>> No.39217638

i just hope my oshi doesn't make another surprise appearance on suityan's live and get tainted by the brapper

>> No.39217639
File: 725 KB, 3488x2472, 1617368514229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sex elf
>no aki

>> No.39217640
Quoted by: >>39217652

wigger hate, suisei is going to ruin hololive by making the wigger feel welcomed

>> No.39217645
File: 479 KB, 1658x2215, 1646633955579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217647

I'm working on it...

>> No.39217650
Quoted by: >>39217700

Mikosharts shipped them too hard and Pekora got weirded out. Yurifags are friendless cringe factory

>> No.39217651
File: 360 KB, 1920x1080, 651B62E9-6463-495F-B1D1-8677E059C536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217660

I miss her….

>> No.39217652

Watame or Kanata already started it.

>> No.39217660

indies not welcome

>> No.39217663
File: 142 KB, 501x443, 1648641949987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217664


>> No.39217666

*cums on Ayame's feet*

>> No.39217669
File: 268 KB, 900x900, 1632947128528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she knows

>> No.39217675

not hololive
fuck off traitor

>> No.39217678

erased umai

>> No.39217680
Quoted by: >>39218079

Anon saying he's going to save Pochi is about as trustworthy as anon saying he's going to learn japanese... save her already, you shitty bastard...

>> No.39217685

So I just looked up some footage of those nose you all can’t stop talking about she’s just a low energy towa that plays fps?

>> No.39217687

It's a sad occasion. Bye bye Rushia

>> No.39217690

Friend interviewing Jared Leto!

>> No.39217692
File: 144 KB, 1200x675, 1624279896828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217696

Chloe's right armpit never fails to amaze me.

>> No.39217697
File: 256 KB, 712x698, 1629893179760.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it isn't a cat
>it's a fucking JARED LETO interview

>> No.39217698

*cums on Shion's feet*

>> No.39217700
File: 380 KB, 3840x2160, pekomiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218005

Seethe more schizos. They love each other.

>> No.39217702
Quoted by: >>39217715

It's her own damn fault. Hope she has a lot of fun with these thoughts today.
Also appatently she made some more accusations against cover/hololive on her sub account with 100 loyal paypig followers.

>> No.39217703


>> No.39217710

which gay capeshit is that
tired of these niggas

>> No.39217711
Quoted by: >>39217931

>laplus gets batman kino
>fubuki gets the shitty capeshit

>> No.39217712


>> No.39217714

lol who the fuck cares about jared leto

>> No.39217715

>Also appatently she made some more accusations against cover/hololive on her sub account with 100 loyal paypig followers.
what is she even gonna bitch about?

>> No.39217717
File: 241 KB, 1200x630, FPI0VfgVkAEu9xQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217718

sugoi friend!

>> No.39217719

The "damaged" Joker from Suicide Squad
Also the guy Bateman murdered

>> No.39217720

Poor Friend... interviewing a hobo...

>> No.39217721

armpit pussy...
breeding sex with chloe armpit...

>> No.39217722

bitch got what she deserved but I'll still feel sad

>> No.39217723

Joker from suicide squad

>> No.39217724

Only ~30 out of 800+ comments are in full Japanese and half of the handle indicates they are JSL too

>> No.39217728

I will always remember him as the guy edward norton beat up in fight club

>> No.39217730

*cums on Pekora-chan's tits*

>> No.39217731

Just the right? What's wrong with the left one?

>> No.39217737

my penis is already currently rubbing inside that one

>> No.39217739
Quoted by: >>39217748

it's hairy

>> No.39217741
Quoted by: >>39218073

Imagine going from being at the top of the company, legend status, to whatever sad pathetic state this is. All because you wanted to fuck some ugly singer and couldn't bother to keep it private.

>> No.39217742

right has more crevices and folds

>> No.39217744
Quoted by: >>39220056

For me, it's Polka. The best ASMR in Hololive.

>> No.39217746

Probably how it's unfair to get terminated and how awful the work environment was, you know the usual stuff.
But she won't even try to sue them for wrongful termination anyway since she is most guaranteed to lose with the evidence on Cover side, just treat it as a loser barking endlessly.

>> No.39217748

She only shaves one armpit, to appeal to both types of armpit fetishist... sugoi...

>> No.39217754
File: 22 KB, 121x123, 55241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217757

>how it's unfair to get terminated and how awful the work environment was, you know the usual stuff.
if it was unfair she would've been sent to the chopper for literally every waking moment her roommate went batshit insane

>> No.39217760


>> No.39217761

tete? Yes.
lesbian? lol no.

>> No.39217765

I *will* fuck this bratty meido.

>> No.39217767

To be fair crotch is just leg pit so it's fair that Parsley drew pussy on her armpits

>> No.39217769
Quoted by: >>39217778

Reminder that Chloe doesn't shower.

>> No.39217776
File: 701 KB, 722x619, azkis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of an era...

>> No.39217777

I don't see it

>> No.39217778

Marine ruined this

>> No.39217779

Bitch got what she deserved. The retarded white knighting EOPs are what she has left.

>> No.39217780
File: 55 KB, 638x680, 1625481983576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217819

>rushia dies
>mio nendo is out

>> No.39217783


>> No.39217784

>spics too

>> No.39217788
File: 1.24 MB, 850x1290, 1622280331962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to be my oshi, but she betrayed us and I am happy she paid the price for it.
Now she can do whatever she wants and be happy.

>> No.39217789
File: 182 KB, 363x328, 1627763364889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will she complain more or less on Twitter now

>> No.39217790

married woman official transfer...

>> No.39217791
File: 335 KB, 1536x2048, FPIpfS_VUAAHud4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217793 [DELETED] 

Love all those 14 year old SEAmonkeys trying to console a 35 year old woman they don't even understand

>> No.39217795

AZKi is always cheerful on twitter
She loves her job!

>> No.39217796

more, hopefully
the gap between cheerful diva AZKi and bitchy OL nayuta is one of her most appealing qualities

>> No.39217797
Quoted by: >>39217822

Friend's big announcement

>> No.39217800
File: 288 KB, 1768x2149, 1647184212723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217803

>> No.39217801

translate it weebs

>> No.39217803
Quoted by: >>39217809

i want suityan to brutally bust my balls

>> No.39217806

This but she doesn't get to be happy

>> No.39217807
File: 1.77 MB, 4096x9295, 1642051239245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217808
File: 642 KB, 600x800, 1630543472129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is the mio nendo up for a pre-order now?

>> No.39217809

Get in line,

>> No.39217810


>> No.39217812

die capesharts

>> No.39217819
File: 75 KB, 600x800, FPJX0rtVIAAFnbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute.

>> No.39217822

How does she keep getting away with it?

>> No.39217823
Quoted by: >>39217830


>> No.39217824
Quoted by: >>39217836

so will she stream at a higher rate than manjigumi now?

>> No.39217829

Nijiniggers, don't look!

>> No.39217830

nevermind i'm retarded

i'm still panicking for when that noel figma and nendo comes. the flare one is 87 bucks, not including shipping. too bad it's pre-order period is over.

>> No.39217831

>lapu already replaced

>> No.39217833

Kson will purify her, just wait.

>> No.39217835

What's this

>> No.39217836
Quoted by: >>39217845

AZKi is joining the apex tournament (she will be replacing towa)

>> No.39217837
Quoted by: >>39217850

the fuck is working environment... literally u don't even required to fucking stream from home... or interact with most holos
bitch's crazy

>> No.39217838

There's no cure for menhera

>> No.39217840

Can't wait for sunbreak.
I'm tired of all these shitty games.

>> No.39217844
Quoted by: >>39217875

Status report: jerked off to Subaru (real) again.

>> No.39217845


>> No.39217847

She's just delaying the inevitable. They have been friends for 2 years already and M*ke is still a deceitful whore.

>> No.39217848
Quoted by: >>39217865

So how based is he? I don't know the guy.

>> No.39217849 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 497 KB, 708x1000, 84373737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T u T

>> No.39217850
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 1632379405261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217853
Quoted by: >>39217863

My oshi isn't included in it, keep it.
Also >EN and >ID

>> No.39217857

Lmao fucking jared leto

>> No.39217859

She just complained about having to practice for 3rd gen live while her cat was dying and then she also acted like getting locked out of her holo accounts ehrn she got fired was unfair.
The fanfucks are going a absolutely crazy over this like some great crime has been exposed.

>> No.39217861

Dunno but Ollie is in it so it's shit.

>> No.39217862


>> No.39217863

Ok, I didn't ask for any of that. But alright.

>> No.39217865

He's cringe played a gay guy 3 times no basedness here

>> No.39217867
File: 19 KB, 443x455, 1631871348899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217892

Hey isn't that the vocalist for 30 seconds to mars?

>> No.39217868

the turbo whores of hololive

>> No.39217870

I have the feeling I know the artist, so who is it?

>> No.39217871
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x1200, 1639285180658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217882

how much is this figma gonna cost on the resale market now?

>> No.39217874

She's doing everything she can to be unhappy

>> No.39217875

I jerked off to Subaru (fake) last night.

>> No.39217876

Jared Leto seems like a takodachi to me
That's the feeling i get from him

>> No.39217878

How can Kronii be a whore if she hates men?

>> No.39217880
Quoted by: >>39217885

Imagine if it was mads mikkelsen instead because the sequel for fantastic beasts is literally releasing soon

>> No.39217882

Nothing because nobody will want it.

>> No.39217885

I'd at least watch that hearing how wet she got over it

>> No.39217886

>marine, kronii, miko, subaru, watame, aki, okazu, ollie, lui, koyoyo, lamey.
wtf is this?

>> No.39217888

>jared leto

>> No.39217890

why are they shilling disney garbage

>> No.39217892
Quoted by: >>39217896


>> No.39217893

That my friend is called UNITY

>> No.39217895

Some april fool's video?

>> No.39217896
Quoted by: >>39217913

my favorite FPS montage music

>> No.39217897
Quoted by: >>39217907

noel gonna interview hayden christensen next

>> No.39217898

april fooru

>> No.39217901

business chocoboru

>> No.39217902

So is this just a thing they're going to be doing going forward?

>> No.39217904

Kek the 19 years old Shion had her cat died suddenly in fucking midnight and still came to her scheduled NND Pokemon program needing to act cheerful the next day. This hag is just fucking wrong in the head man.

>> No.39217905

I mean it's rough but what the fuck the alternative? dropping out of 3rd gen live?

>> No.39217907

That would be awesome

>> No.39217910

Which one?

>> No.39217913

for me its imaginary places - busdriver

>> No.39217915
File: 2.07 MB, 1648x927, towhore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore.

>> No.39217917
File: 110 KB, 945x1024, 1647765783836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217927

Hopefully, Cover finds a way to have Fubuki interview Benedict.

>> No.39217918

it's up on amiami

>> No.39217921

isn't everything owned by Disney at this point?

>> No.39217927

No way, she had her turn

Another holo will interview him instead, probably subaru

>> No.39217929
Quoted by: >>39217945

>So why did Aqua namedrop Nose but no one else when talking about the reaction clips?
Because Aqua has always wanted to boost her ego. Despite her always saying she doesn't talk to other people much, she really likes getting praised and everything goes into her head when that happens.

>> No.39217930

Towa is our whore

>> No.39217931

Hopefully she can get Dr Strange later

>> No.39217933
Quoted by: >>39217938

she wants to steal all of towa's girls after she made towa her remote controlled DOME bitch

>> No.39217938

hey TOKOYAMI, the dome

>> No.39217942
Quoted by: >>39218478

Die bitch die

>> No.39217943


>> No.39217945

Nice non sequitur, schizo-chama.

>> No.39217946
File: 890 KB, 1200x675, FPJXbrQagAQboyx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK

>> No.39217947
Quoted by: >>39217962

kson will lead her mental illness to the right path.

>> No.39217949

She needs to purify herself first lmao

>> No.39217952


>> No.39217954

My wife AZKi

>> No.39217959


>> No.39217961


>> No.39217962

She doesn't deserve it

>> No.39217963

Not surprised that Fubuki is imitating Laplus.

>> No.39217965

Imagine this but with Towa having to speak eigo with no external help whatsoever.

>> No.39217969
File: 299 KB, 459x514, 1604949771483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39217970
File: 74 KB, 680x950, 1642886923580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39217978

*turns kanata into a plushie*

>> No.39217971


>> No.39217976
File: 64 KB, 451x553, 1630016458511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the majority of this thread is too new to remember Joker Towa

>> No.39217978

atleast she won't coof now...

>> No.39217979

Fuck Cover when will Korone get to interview Jeremy Renner?

>> No.39217980

Maybe in another life she'll be a little less crazy

>> No.39217981

>ENfags complaining again about why a JP talents gets to interview an english speaking actor

>> No.39217986

Don't try to burden Kson with the weight of your menhera Mikefags

>> No.39217987
File: 788 KB, 3737x1900, 1648695961566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Holo wears the cutest pantsu?

>> No.39217989
Quoted by: >>39218011

she's stupid so she's doing it herself

>> No.39217992

Come on now... Mike isn't fat... Yet...

>> No.39217996
File: 3.78 MB, 2056x4093, 1636934140462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39217994
Quoted by: >>39218009

Those legs look ugly

>> No.39217997

What happens if hololive gets world cup sponsorship?

>> No.39217998
File: 211 KB, 1851x1680, 1625254630946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218031

kson at least isn't a dumb fuck like mike is

god it's gonna suck saying it like this instead of coco and rushia

>> No.39218002


>> No.39218003
Quoted by: >>39218495

>19 year old NEET high school dropout is more emotionally mature than a 33 year old hag
My fucking sides. Bitch got what she deserved.

>> No.39218005

You really hate that much huh

>> No.39218007

Except Miko of course, she is the saint of saints.

>> No.39218009

Ok faggot

>> No.39218010

pubes doko?

>> No.39218011
Quoted by: >>39218023

Goddamn it, fucking saviorfag

>> No.39218012
File: 860 KB, 2304x4096, FPJbCcqacAcMvhr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39218015

was haachama ASMR any good?

>> No.39218018

I retweeted suisei's 3d live btw

>> No.39218022
File: 97 KB, 673x533, 1641072511910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39218023
Quoted by: >>39218036

It's the MASSfaggots all over again.

>> No.39218025

I can read this bros, i think I'm gonna make it...

>> No.39218027
Quoted by: >>39218035

Be honest, did you hate, didn't care or ignored Rushia existence before her YAB?

>> No.39218028

Lamy's are cute and also have cute flower designs

>> No.39218031

It's also gonna suck saying that when it turns out she is a dumb fuck and keeps fucking herself mentally by trying to help someone that doesn't want help.

She puts in so much effort and guess what? Mike still doesn't consider her a friend.

>> No.39218035

she didnt exist to me outside of collabs with my oshi

>> No.39218036

2 years later and MASS still cannot fuck off?

>> No.39218037

>implying kson isnt just gonna leech michael cat while she is still relevant
I feel bad for michael cat for being so fucking stupid.

>> No.39218038

I just listened to Howling

>> No.39218040

35p status?

>> No.39218041
Quoted by: >>39218089

I liked Lapras interview with Batman, nice to see Fubuki is getting the chance to do it too, hopefully Subaru and Miko, maybe Korone, can do it too.

>> No.39218042


>> No.39218044


>> No.39218045
Quoted by: >>39218058

did you cum

>> No.39218048

There's nothing to leech since Michael Cat's viewers are mostly EOPs

>> No.39218054

Anon, I don't think he's implying that. You're the one implying it.

>> No.39218057

Waiting for Miko's stream!

>> No.39218058
Quoted by: >>39218075

My hands moved by themselves and preordered the nendoroid instead

>> No.39218059
Quoted by: >>39218076

aqua doko...

>> No.39218060

Give me the codes.

>> No.39218064

I'm currently listening to Howling

>> No.39218066
Quoted by: >>39218068

I'm about to sleep, what's up?

>> No.39218068
Quoted by: >>39218090

I need sex

>> No.39218069
File: 1.93 MB, 1770x2360, 1598391115594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218103

Watame's polka dot panties

>> No.39218070
File: 770 KB, 1063x598, 1618362401217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218163

>> No.39218072
File: 553 KB, 1654x1020, 1636181737314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218116

>> No.39218073
Quoted by: >>39218185

I actually can't imagine it because that incident wasn't what killed her career. Talking to dramatuber is what got her fired

>> No.39218075


>> No.39218076

2 more days anon
there's also a slim chance that she might appear on Suzy's live later

>> No.39218077

Rewatching her winning moment against the tree sentinel, man that was great.

>> No.39218078

>Rushia fires an arrow at Miko
>Miko said FAQ to Rushia
>Rushia goes on a menhera rampage and writes a full fucking paragraph on her membership community post how she's getting bullied

>> No.39218079
File: 195 KB, 2048x1522, 1626819686440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*open anki
>*2000 due
>*close anki
i-i tried...

>> No.39218080

Smash dogs

>> No.39218087

>See's Ollie's silhouette
Don't care.

>> No.39218088
Quoted by: >>39218106

it's time to accept that the wigger is the only going to show up

>> No.39218089

>Subaru the kaigaiwhore

>> No.39218090

Just call your mom or sister

>> No.39218093

>Suzy's live later
Suisei says there's only one guest and it's very obviously Mori

>> No.39218095
File: 1.46 MB, 1200x630, 1620648902518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218097

I hope not, I don't want that whore anywhere near my Aqua.

>> No.39218098

Now this is an eardrum piercer if I've ever seen one.

>> No.39218099


>> No.39218103

I have it on good authority that Watame goes nopan

>> No.39218105

And just like that Sankisei became a good gen.

>> No.39218106

It's ok, I love Getcha! and RED

>> No.39218107
File: 291 KB, 716x656, 1647759031941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to believe.

>> No.39218110

isn't that pink rushia

>> No.39218111
File: 937 KB, 3024x4032, 1633499535232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218134

listener san....

>> No.39218112

I've Noel's it's a very good plush

>> No.39218115

woah they have Tokino Sora from Hololive Fanatasia

>> No.39218116

How was the Noel/Towa pair here

>> No.39218122

why so much EN shit?

>> No.39218123
Quoted by: >>39218142

>good gen
only Flare is worthy of the Hololive brand

>> No.39218124

yeah there's no fucking way they'll let that tranny voice anywhere near interviews

>> No.39218126
File: 32 KB, 451x318, 1608540174572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good dogs good stream

>> No.39218128
Quoted by: >>39218320

It's funny how the only one of these I bought was Rushia's and I really just want to burn it now.

>> No.39218129
File: 70 KB, 448x603, 1621856560493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218140

An episode of explosive diarrhoea will prevent Jabba the Hutt from participating.

>> No.39218134

must be his cousin.

>> No.39218135
Quoted by: >>39218220

Post THAT pasta

>> No.39218136

The most powerful vtubers from this era will be remembered like the Beatles were remembered.
I'm talking about the likes of Subaru, Pekora, Gura, Kuzuha and Vox.
No other vtubers will ever even amount to compare to the kings of rock.

>> No.39218137
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1333, 1593152065458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a stream where someone gets every Holo to describe the panties they're wearing and Miko has to guess who they belong to.

>> No.39218140

suisei dancing with calli is gonna be really funny though

>> No.39218142

Agree, but Sora being there will skyrocket Sankisei value.

>> No.39218148

imagine if flare was rushia's model, and rushia was a coffee elf

>> No.39218150
Quoted by: >>39218166


>> No.39218151

Who would Elvis be in this music analogy? The REAL king of rock

>> No.39218152
Quoted by: >>39218159

What do you mean? Rushia is literally below Marine

>> No.39218153

Behold the best Suisei live

>> No.39218155

If Flare was white she probably would actually have less subs

>> No.39218157

Minato Aqua

>> No.39218159

Can she be metaphorically below Marine?

>> No.39218160
Quoted by: >>39218351

>those dolls
Christ, its 2022 and people get paid to create that shit?

>> No.39218161


>> No.39218163
File: 41 KB, 225x225, 1636178058114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gaki yo...
Anya should teach Shion Japanese

>> No.39218166

>It's on April 1st 12AM JST
Very sus.

>> No.39218167

Lord, I dont know if I can endure both of them yelling together. Koyori is already too much by herself.

>> No.39218169


>> No.39218172

Lmao no, they are just FOTM. Marine and Miko have more staying power than them

>> No.39218176


>> No.39218177
File: 515 KB, 2067x2756, FPIpfS_VUAAHud4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218190


>> No.39218181
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, 1633111516683.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you may be cool

but you will never be as cool as okasuba

>> No.39218185


>> No.39218186

Watame don't record your sheep farts...

>> No.39218187


>> No.39218190
File: 887 KB, 2673x2673, 16816292461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is friend using her ex-girlfriend's pajamas?

>> No.39218193
File: 478 KB, 650x647, D986E162-8959-4BF7-B952-1E31EB81A75D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Date with Bae

>> No.39218198

Astel, he just needs the numbers.

>> No.39218205

Not this kind of HoloBaby...

>> No.39218206
File: 615 KB, 600x800, 1644114193009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218211

ukulele love

>> No.39218211

I wish she came with a little Taiga...

>> No.39218214


>> No.39218216
Quoted by: >>39218218

Kronii is streaming

>> No.39218218
Quoted by: >>39218227

I don't watch ENwhores.

>> No.39218220
File: 1.73 MB, 1593x1058, 1588887733837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa: It's been a rough few weeks Coco... ever since I... jacked off those guys on stream...
Coco: Ok, I'm waiting for for the punchline.
Towa: There's no punchline... It's not a joke...
Coco: You're serious aren't you? You're telling us jacked off those three guys on stream?
Towa: Uh huh.
Coco: And why should we believe you?
Towa: I got nothing left to lose. Nothing can hurt me anymore... My life is nothing but a comedy
Coco: Let me get this straight; you think jacking of those guys in front of your fans is funny?
Towa: I do. And I'm tired of pretending it's not. Purity is subjective, Coco. ain't that what they say? All of you, the fans that know so much, you decide what's pure or not. The same way you decide what is being an entertaining liver or not.
Coco: Ok, I think- I might understand that you did this to start a movement? To become a symbol?
Towa: C'mon Coco... Do I look like the kind of vtuber that can start a movement? I jacked off those guys because the fans are awful. Everyone is awful these days. It's enough to make any vtuber crazy.
Coco: Ok so you're a crazy slut. Is that your defense for masturbating those men on stream?
Towa: No. They couldn't hold it in for more than a minute even if their lives depended on it.
Towa: Ugh why is everyone so upset about what I did? If I was some other slut on the streets your wouldn't give a shit. I stream for you every day and you don't notice me! But these other holos, just because they have hundreds of thousands of subscribers like Sora, Aqua or Marine.
Coco: You have a problem with Sora and the other popular holos?
Towa: Yes I do. Have you seen what it's like to be a regular vtuber, Coco? Have you even had less that 15k viewers while streaming? Everyone is just doing collabs with other popular vtubers! Nobody is civil anymore! Nobody thinks what it's like to be an unpopular vtuber. You think someone like YAGOO thinks what it's like to be someone like me? To be somebody but his popular holos? He doesn't. He thinks that we'll just sit there and do an apology video like good little pure idols! That we won't Gibara and go wild!
Coco: You finished? I mean there's so much self pity, Towa. It sounds like you're making excuses for masturbating those young men on stream. Not all of us, and I'll tell you this, not all of us are awful.
Towa: ...you're awful, Coco.
Coco: Me? I'm awful? Oh yeah? How am I awful?
Towa: Ignoring the yabe incident... Not collabing with me... You just wanted to make fun of me. You're just like the rest of them.
Coco: You don't know the first thing about me motherfucker. Look what happened because of what you did. You tarnished the hololive brand. You laughing. You laughing. Your fans heard you masturbating men and your laughing. People are still mad today because of what you did and you're laughing.
Towa: I know. How about another joke, Coco?
Coco: No, I think we've had enough of your jokes.
Towa: What do you get when you cross a menhera slut with a FANBASE THAT ABANDONS HER AND TREATS HER LIKE TRASH?
Coco: sugi no news desu

>> No.39218222
File: 181 KB, 327x443, 1622443765119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that actually legal?

>> No.39218223
Quoted by: >>39218248

Wonder what exactly the criteria is for having to put this, it's not just for sponsored streams given Elden Ring so I guess it's something they have to agree on to get the permissions.

>> No.39218224
Quoted by: >>39218238

Why is Lui such a slut?

>> No.39218227

Either call up one of the JPs and tell them to stream right now for you or shut the fuck to and watch archives or EN

>> No.39218228

I want to power wash Kronii with my semen

>> No.39218229
File: 379 KB, 1390x2048, 1604392373072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scale fig will come with both Taiga and Tawa.

>> No.39218230

is it true what they said about laplus?

>> No.39218232

I'm cumming Lappuchan...

>> No.39218234
File: 185 KB, 737x553, 1621953509981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218235


>> No.39218237

Is this what the fabled old hlg OC looks like?

>> No.39218238

unironic dyke (check one of her zatsudan where she is talking about relationship for more details) just like koyo

>> No.39218240 [SPOILER] 
File: 616 KB, 821x657, lsk63g_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218248

It's in blanket personal use permission. You can read it there. Not really about sponsored.

>> No.39218249

my mom told me to cut my 2 year old long hair
holo for this feel?

>> No.39218250


>> No.39218252

Would fuck

>> No.39218254
File: 78 KB, 680x357, FPJBfoFaMAIipr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, this is low.

>> No.39218255
File: 991 KB, 1227x824, 1648436690681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218256


>> No.39218260
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, 1638604268256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39218261

my favorite sankisei Tokino Sora

>> No.39218264
File: 4 KB, 57x36, 45678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218266


>> No.39218267
Quoted by: >>39218300

whers rushia

>> No.39218270

thats a boy...

>> No.39218272

This Bae dating stream makes me want holos to stream Catherine

>> No.39218273
File: 1.29 MB, 1065x1080, 1631118370764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218274

Yeah, spending money and time to produce EN merchandise is really reaching a new low.

>> No.39218277
File: 170 KB, 1714x1072, FOMzktwUcAA3aMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a more than 0% chance that Fubuki gets to interview Tom Hiddleston or Mads Mikkelsen in the future.

>> No.39218279

Just toss Sora in there, lol

>> No.39218281
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, bblnfll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why

>> No.39218283

Still has a hole

>> No.39218286

Based Miko.

>> No.39218287

Not many co-op games

>> No.39218289

Can't say I care much for the winking. Makes the plush less dynamic when it comes to taking photos.

>> No.39218290
File: 27 KB, 471x578, 1639348715276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218296

If she interviews Mads you will be able to physically hear the wetness of her panties

>> No.39218299

Botan and her shill squad.
And even if it's not sponsored they still got free shit for the COD stream so Botan knows how to pick them.

>> No.39218300

In a cell.

>> No.39218301
Quoted by: >>39218325

Didn't Botan shilled the game before

>> No.39218307

baby lon

>> No.39218309
File: 192 KB, 1200x675, nobeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218318

Where is it?

>> No.39218311
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, 1628195198106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218324


>> No.39218318
Quoted by: >>39218322

why is friend the only close to looking like her character

>> No.39218320

Keep it for a year or two then resell it for massive value.

>> No.39218322
Quoted by: >>39218330

would you want noel and polka to look exactly like themselves?

>> No.39218324
File: 73 KB, 1024x603, FHWv7uMaQAYABCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218346


>> No.39218325

Yea and also Outriders, another Sqex dead coop game.

>> No.39218328

Did Hololive shill anything good at all? Maybe Azur Lane and Curry Meshi? Dying Light 2 was ok I guess?

>> No.39218330

not really just find it weird that friend's character has similar qualities to her unlike the others with theirs

>> No.39218331
File: 576 KB, 1916x1080, 1630526742013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218332

JP and ID got paid to shill Elden Ring

>> No.39218335

can Sora's cat beat up Taiga? he seems a lot more malicious than that fat fuck.

>> No.39218342

>Pekora is a whore
>Flare is a cold hearted bitch
>Marine is a super whore
>Noel is a super hyper mega whore

>> No.39218345


>> No.39218346
File: 309 KB, 1258x2048, EEBzANBUcAAYlvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218349

How much are they getting paid to play this shit game?

>> No.39218351

Chinese slaves don’t get paid

>> No.39218352

noel is a pure virgin whose body has never known the taste of cock

>> No.39218353
Quoted by: >>39218363


>> No.39218355
Quoted by: >>39218373

Gokisei literally cannot stop getting updates to their Live2Ds.

>> No.39218359

They expelled the Whore (True) and the others just gay it up

>> No.39218363

also im not referring to the ENs

>> No.39218364
Quoted by: >>39218369

She probably sniffed her brothers underwear, is that close to the taste of cock?

>> No.39218365
Quoted by: >>39218370

will Ui give Subaru a sister?

>> No.39218367
Quoted by: >>39218373


>> No.39218369

Haha why would she do that? Haha

>> No.39218370
Quoted by: >>39218378


>> No.39218372
File: 1.66 MB, 576x720, 1621439908083.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218374

>> No.39218373

face too big

>> No.39218374

*gets eaten by Taiga*

>> No.39218377

>announcing reports

>> No.39218378
Quoted by: >>39218382

JJ is a bastard. Ui doesn't recognize JJ as her own daughter.

>> No.39218382

That's not nice...

>> No.39218383
File: 1.12 MB, 955x751, noelburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39218390
File: 577 KB, 2048x1152, 20402100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nice I have another chance at getting Marine and Pekora

>> No.39218391

>panic but do nothing
Wrong about rushia
She would absolutely make things worse

>> No.39218395
File: 69 KB, 687x687, nene_disdain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I watch the KoyoKoro collab or ChloeRap collab at 6AM?

>> No.39218396

>and then Noel never opens her reddit account ever again

>> No.39218402
File: 67 KB, 667x554, 1627798999918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218405
Quoted by: >>39218517

She spent the night at KanaCoco house getting drunk atleast twice
There is no way

>> No.39218407

>you will never be Noel's boyfriend
>she will never bring home McDonalds on the way back from the studio
>she will never use you as the dildo for her blowjob ASMR

>> No.39218408

This reminded me kanata's "show" is still not close to happening especially after covid

>> No.39218409
File: 387 KB, 794x774, FPJM2-TVEAAWWZO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we love on model art here

>> No.39218410

The shadowverse collab get pushed to 22:30 JST because Laplus want to practice on 19:00 JST

>> No.39218416

I'm going to buy a kiara and pekora one

>> No.39218422

Mads is in the new Fantastic Beasts movie, so that might very well be soon.

>> No.39218424
Quoted by: >>39218454

Wow., Gura is really cute

>> No.39218435

This is sad, you can see they’d planned this out but it makes no sense with Sora now
>flat holos
>blonde holos

>> No.39218436
File: 143 KB, 500x500, nene_grateful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice. more stuff to put on while studying

>> No.39218450

It's was always 22:30, Chloe just put the timer wrong, her tweeter always said 22:30.

>> No.39218451


>> No.39218454


>> No.39218469

My oshi is ToWA and I like making out with buff burly men.

>> No.39218475

Koyori always wins baby

>> No.39218476
Quoted by: >>39218498

My oshi is LuNA and I like making out with cute twinky kenzoku

>> No.39218478

I seriously hope you get chronic unbearable back pain.

>> No.39218479
Quoted by: >>39218487

Soda.... the filler holo...

>> No.39218481

I'm going to sleep you can listen to me on twitcast if you like. Otsuanon~

>> No.39218486
Quoted by: >>39218513

How come a newbie like la+ gets to interview batman and cedric diggory while the ex-queen of vtubing Shirakami (who once interviewed the likes of legends like Sugita Tomokazu) only gets to interview this indie rock band singer?

>> No.39218487
File: 394 KB, 1920x1080, E1o7rUaUcAUQ5G-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows how to fill the holes

>> No.39218493

p-please no more stroking.....

>> No.39218495

I can tell you're both muslim SEAfaggots. If my cat or dog died, I wouldn't want to show up to work the next day either. But I wouldn't expect souless insects like you to understand.

>> No.39218498
File: 932 KB, 1239x1300, 1625888061287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no we fucking don't

>> No.39218500

Sora I'm not jerking off tonight

>> No.39218502

Hags over brats, any day

>> No.39218511
File: 129 KB, 812x1200, IMG_20220331_125825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pardon the phoneposting
but I masturbated to a clothed Furea

>> No.39218513

Laplus got it first and got good numbers, now the doors are open and hololive girls will get more and more opportunities to shill capeshit.

>> No.39218516

Shion isn't a SEAnig, Mikecuck

>> No.39218517

cocock doesn't count, she's still pure

>> No.39218520

Prove it then

>> No.39218524
Quoted by: >>39218532

Is a fucking animal, should they postpone a concert and lose millions over a cat?

>> No.39218532


>> No.39218539

I'm brown
holos for me?

>> No.39218541

Please watch the new Homos...

>> No.39218543

Catching glimpses of Flare's armpit when she lifts her arm...

>> No.39218544

Chloe, apparently.
Saw a South African anon the other day.

>> No.39218550

Damn, man, I'm not interested in listening to men, I listen to men every day at work, what I need is to listen to thirtysomething ladies talking cutely and doing cute things.

>> No.39218552
Quoted by: >>39218735

>テレビ · トレンド
Didn't they quit already like in 2016?

>> No.39218553

If we message Cover and point them to what's happening in NijiEN -how the female and male NijiEN members have been meeting up for sex. Do you think we could convince them to scrap HolostarsEN?

They need to understand this is going to happen to them as well if they debut starsEN.

>> No.39218555

if he's south african and wealthy enough to have chloe as his oshi, he's 99% a white guy living in a gated community, 1% a politician funneling corruption funds to her

>> No.39218556


>> No.39218559

South African on internet are white
The black natives can't afford it

>> No.39218560

Vinny would never touch those whores

>> No.39218563


>> No.39218565

Cover doesn't care what they do off screen, with whom they have sex, if they have one or multiple boyfriends, as long as none of this is shown during the stream, there is no problem.

>> No.39218567

It really will be the end of EN

>> No.39218572

wrong board but you probably copypasted this here so take my (you)

>> No.39218584

>Niji en has been a nest of sexual abuse for years.
>Depraved, sex starved females abusing poor virgin boys.
>He thinks it's not something Yagoo would enjoy participating in.

>> No.39218593

Baes cat just pissed on the floor mid stream.
Why are Holocats like this?

>> No.39218597

>Depraved, sex starved females abusing poor virgin boys.
I-is it true? Should I apply for NijiEN?

>> No.39218599

Consider watching my Monhun indie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6nHeTZlY_g

>> No.39218600

HoloEN doing their private stuff behind the screen. Niji females already known for being prostitutes become vtuber only to promote their service.

>> No.39218602

Are you implying that my oshi is having sex with homos?

>> No.39218604
File: 403 KB, 652x614, 1625956209348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niji EN is literally entirely made up of Hololive rejects. Some of them have straight up fucking admitted it. They were rejected for a reason, anon.

>> No.39218605

nijisanji already won its already over
stop crying about it

>> No.39218608
Quoted by: >>39218629

Does she not have a litter box? If not her cat is retarded

>> No.39218611

this is literally one of the NijiENs falseflagging so she can get some anon dick, don't fall for it

>> No.39218616

why does marine always talk about sucking on shion's titties? does she know something?

>> No.39218618
File: 2.05 MB, 538x982, hololive noel march.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39218624
Quoted by: >>39218633

my back hurts

>> No.39218627 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 641x215, nijicucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as long as none of this is shown during the stream, there is no problem.

>> No.39218629

Oh my bad, it just knocked over its water bowl

>> No.39218633

stop pretending as if you have big tits

>> No.39218638
Quoted by: >>39218658

I'm going to do my best to fap to Nene

>> No.39218641
File: 198 KB, 339x294, 1630388107934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I applied for Homos EN when the auditions went up, and was literally rejected solely because I didn't list an EN as my favorite VTuber.

>> No.39218642 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1134x590, nijicucks2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as long as none of this is shown during the stream, there is no problem.
and anon...

>> No.39218643

Sora is honorary sankisei after all.

>> No.39218644
File: 296 KB, 492x499, 1614805657109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218671

>> No.39218656
Quoted by: >>39218680

This was an off-collab where these two girls met up with this guy in a hotel room, btw. It wasn't just a m/f collab.

>> No.39218658
File: 421 KB, 658x1748, 94136181_p0~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218663

Based but you should have put one of the least offensive ones down

>> No.39218666



>> No.39218671

I want miko to rape me while making this face

>> No.39218672

>anons shit on Homos all the time
>anons still applied to the Homo branch

>> No.39218673

*moans in agony*

>> No.39218676

If Cover was smart they'd auto-reject everyone who DID list an EN

>> No.39218677

The correct answer was to say Mori and then let her force herself on you (while clumsily beatboxing into your mouth) in order to get her recommendation, it's your own fault for not realizing this

>> No.39218680

The good thing is that my oshi is Fubuki and I don't have to be afraid because the only homo she interacts with is gay.

>> No.39218681

You mean the guys that add shart to every single tag?
Those sane individuals?

>> No.39218688

I don't give a fuck about EN or Homos but I'd apply just to get paid for playing vidya

>> No.39218690

I just want to have sex with my oshi, is it too much to ask?

>> No.39218692
File: 1.44 MB, 897x1024, 1647548376068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oga isn't gay he just likes being pegged

>> No.39218697

funny you say that because the guy in the picture is also gay, doesnt stop anything

>> No.39218698

Isn't Jared Leto a complete cunt in real life?

>> No.39218701

Based maximum NTR experience.

>> No.39218706
Quoted by: >>39218722

I gotta be honest with you guys the new homos don't seem interesting at all from the tastes they listed.

>> No.39218711

I just want to have sex with one of the IDs' mama, is it too much to ask?

>> No.39218712
Quoted by: >>39218719

Gura's kimono outfit really screams of sex

>> No.39218713

He's a schizo who is mad nobody liked him as Joker

>> No.39218719
Quoted by: >>39218740


>> No.39218722

Japanese men are really fucking boring, anon

>> No.39218723

Yes he’s an actor

>> No.39218725
File: 906 KB, 2218x4096, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_sak_lemondisk__e07dc4d52f8ee5e4bc854d3570d31f20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel said she would never collab with a male because she has no male friends and is a lewd woman so it would be awkward. 白銀騎士団 are safe.

>> No.39218726
Quoted by: >>39218736

Yes. He uses method acting as an excuse to be an absolute schizo behind the scenes

>> No.39218728

>implying western males are interesting

>> No.39218733

Arino-kachou and Mafia Kajita are cool.
Also even in homos Oga is pretty cool as well with some interesting game choices.

>> No.39218735

The were grouped back for the All-Stars game.

>> No.39218736
Quoted by: >>39218754

he sent a dead rat to robbie right?

>> No.39218738

didn't ask

>> No.39218740


>> No.39218741

I think bae is really cute and I'm tired of pretending she is not

>> No.39218748

good to know. I would literally sell my soul to marry noel and bury my face in her tits daily as i pumped babies into her.

>> No.39218754

A live rat, a dead pig, used condoms, sticky porn magazines, anal beads, all kinds of fun stuff. A very professional fellow. Not just robbie of course, all the cast members

>> No.39218756
Quoted by: >>39218766

>ame just confirmed being in suisei's live

>> No.39218762

>she has no male friends

>> No.39218766

Suisei likes the pudding song and wants it on her concert

>> No.39218774

You’re not alone

>> No.39218779

Continue to be ignorant anon

>> No.39218785
Quoted by: >>39218793

she is
but she's borderline ID tier with homolust and she's good friends with ollie which are big red flags

>> No.39218786

Yes, apsolute cunt. Not a good actor too.

>> No.39218790

How do you hoshiyomis feel about Mori being in your live?

>> No.39218792
Quoted by: >>39218808

Would Peko, Okayu, Korone or Botan every colas with males? That’s all I care about, I don’t care if other holos wish to commit career suicide like Niji EN

>> No.39218793

she only needs correction and she'll be fine

>> No.39218798
File: 1.30 MB, 823x937, 1648410528432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon has a shrimp dick

>> No.39218799
File: 613 KB, 1677x807, 1647679775408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she could have prevented this

>> No.39218801

That's a good thing, wish my oshi didn't talk to men.

>> No.39218804
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218808

I think Botan wouldn't care much herself, but if her viewers don't want it she probably won't do it.

>> No.39218817
File: 366 KB, 888x500, 1625146295290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disappointed but I will enjoy the live regardless.

>> No.39218827
Quoted by: >>39219053

Cope, Mori will make Suisei bigger than ever

>> No.39218834
File: 852 KB, 568x717, 1631852061254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218838
File: 245 KB, 480x480, 1640509995064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. She is really cute.

>> No.39218841
Quoted by: >>39218852

i want suisei to crush my fucking balls with her foot

>> No.39218850
File: 222 KB, 998x559, ss (2022-03-31 at 02.44.05).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the only case where a vtuber did a collab with a vtuber they knew but reincarnated?
Polka and Tamaki, Luna and Niji gamers, Lulu and any Niji, Kson and any Holo...etc have not done it yet. (I think? Maybe Luna did but I don't remember)

>> No.39218851

Cute (for a rat)

>> No.39218852

I would rather she gave me a footjob.

>> No.39218853
File: 568 KB, 900x808, 1610424095132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218858
File: 1.74 MB, 1910x1350, 1648705579523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218902

cmon anon get in the shartlimo

>> No.39218861

How much experience as a streamer did you need to apply?

>> No.39218862

I miss the Convenience Store arc

>> No.39218864
Quoted by: >>39218870

I want to rape Suisei so much

>> No.39218867

if Kiara is any indication, a few camshows is enough

>> No.39218870
Quoted by: >>39218886

Can't rape the willing.

>> No.39218880

You just need to shit out content even if it's not streaming
Botan's content were mainly video compilation
The ex-utaites mostly just upload covers

>> No.39218884
Quoted by: >>39218893

Yes, and?

>> No.39218885
File: 88 KB, 573x568, 1619409332110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post an image of a holo reacting to your penis. I will start.

>> No.39218886
Quoted by: >>39218912

Suisei will never willingly fuck her fans

>> No.39218887
File: 288 KB, 744x1052, 1601464850378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39218891
File: 97 KB, 265x404, 1614146995491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218892

What will he send to Fubuki...

>> No.39218893
Quoted by: >>39218919

Its funny and cute.

>> No.39218897
File: 76 KB, 341x339, 1634466844133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218898
Quoted by: >>39218929

If I remember Subaru once collabed with Chloe's past life. I can't remember if they did now but it's inevitable in the future I guess

>> No.39218899
File: 131 KB, 506x666, 78751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218901
File: 229 KB, 1080x1079, 1646777647421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218902

Imagine the orgies with the male(female)

>> No.39218903
File: 753 KB, 1000x1000, 1647853599600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218904
File: 152 KB, 731x381, CD1263FD-4BF5-49CE-9155-E7915BE7BD7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218905

I would send him a pigs head with an image of his face on it.

>> No.39218906
File: 473 KB, 872x711, 1627733404204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218909
File: 26 KB, 864x422, 1632403648752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218911
File: 434 KB, 771x395, 65464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218912
Quoted by: >>39219062

If it would get her faster to where she wants to be and she would be sure it was safe, of course she would.

>> No.39218914
File: 327 KB, 1920x1080, 1648389292151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218916
Quoted by: >>39218959

moruru (luna) streamed with shion, aki, roboco, choco, and matsuri in the past, and they've all collabed a bunch now that she's in hololive.

>> No.39218917
File: 406 KB, 428x453, 1611995077471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218918
Quoted by: >>39218959

Not at all, it's not uncommon. You'll see a lot of that when you look up what Amaryllis girls went on to do after the group died. Moruru too collabed with some Holos like Choco who's now collabing with her again now that she's Luna.

>> No.39218919

Thanks, I guess.

>> No.39218921
File: 167 KB, 293x293, 1640269358462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218922

As the other anon said, Luna in her niji life collabed with a bunch of holos. Two of them are her best friends in hololive now.

>> No.39218929

>If I remember Subaru once collabed with Chloe's past life
No thats Iroha

>> No.39218932
Quoted by: >>39218940

Is that how Cover poached her?

>> No.39218934
Quoted by: >>39218947

Yeah but Tuna collab when

>> No.39218935


>> No.39218936
File: 52 KB, 543x421, 1648339954157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218939
Quoted by: >>39218971

Still waiting for nijis revenge poach.

>> No.39218940

Rbc and Choco probably did have some influence in hololive picking Luna.

>> No.39218947

Never. Towa is Luna's mother and it would be strange if they collabed.

>> No.39218952
File: 1.09 MB, 1042x954, 1638826902727.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218955
File: 405 KB, 1586x2643, 1648706533295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39218957
File: 221 KB, 512x478, 1596112149406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218959

Oh right I'm stupid I forgot about the other way around

>> No.39218970
File: 59 KB, 800x730, 1640664070479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219008

You DO love Menheras, right anon?

>> No.39218971

Revenge is a dish best served cold

>> No.39218972 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 385x397, WHAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218979
File: 464 KB, 765x654, 1622366411243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39218991


>> No.39218983


>> No.39218988
File: 160 KB, 1100x1000, Towa(34992).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218991

POV: me

>> No.39218992
Quoted by: >>39219049

>jared leto is paul allen

>> No.39218993
File: 89 KB, 960x720, E937RusVgAA7-T0.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218995
File: 490 KB, 588x720, 1612336754590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39218999
File: 130 KB, 960x1358, FAN0hjrVkAM0FEv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219001
Quoted by: >>39219011

which holos have the most creamy, thocky sounding keyboard?

>> No.39219004
File: 752 KB, 1080x1080, 1642619923487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219005
Quoted by: >>39219016

Is there any trick to lengthen my penis?

>> No.39219008

Only if they give me the feeling that I can fix them with sex.

>> No.39219011

irys was creaming over her new keyboard on stream

>> No.39219013

poor friend..

>> No.39219016

Get a lunaito to kiss it

>> No.39219025

I'm not gay

>> No.39219034

Why are watamates like this?

>> No.39219036
File: 277 KB, 1280x720, 32sass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219040


>> No.39219042
Quoted by: >>39219059

You'll fall to the coordinate discord gay erp raid sooner or later

>> No.39219043
File: 234 KB, 1009x973, 1cd34f92-8c9e-40b4-8a55-bd34bf99ce5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219048


>> No.39219048
File: 116 KB, 608x1080, FO92z9_UYAMOm8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know this was a set

>> No.39219049

I'm sorry you had to find out this way

>> No.39219052

Ah yes! Can't wait for more holos ti be spammed to death!

>> No.39219053

Uber food VVIP customer.

>> No.39219054

what does "born to be all" even mean?

>> No.39219057

I hate Suisei so much

>> No.39219059
Quoted by: >>39219074

Too late, I already fell into temptation with a well-known yukimin/crew from around here.

>> No.39219062
Quoted by: >>39219094

Suisei is not a slut who's willing to do anything just to get what she wants.

>> No.39219068

>no Haachama
What's her problem? Sometimes I feel like managment is trying to push her far away from other holos, be JP or side branch.

>> No.39219072

Towa-sama is helping PekoMiko.

>> No.39219073

haha, it's not l*l*

>> No.39219074

crew only jack each other off. you need to be crew to get such privileges

>> No.39219075
File: 253 KB, 1473x2048, FOp6ZOmaQAAcldG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219087

>> No.39219079

En 0

>> No.39219080

He gave you the answer, anon.

>> No.39219087

iofi traced chloes hair

>> No.39219091


>> No.39219094

Success, real success, doesn’t come to those who were born talented or smartest. No. It comes to those who will do anything to achieve it.

>> No.39219095

Don't care

>> No.39219096
Quoted by: >>39219103

Isn't Haachama busy with College?

>> No.39219099


>> No.39219100

Ojou will come in late and leave early like last time

>> No.39219101
Quoted by: >>39219121

She literally collabed with Pekora yesterday retard

>> No.39219103

Shut up retard anon's working up a narrative

>> No.39219105

That's some big eyes

>> No.39219108

Not if Towa has any power she won't.

>> No.39219111
File: 51 KB, 600x87, 1639150897547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219113

home...it wouldn't be an ojou stream if she wasn't at least late

>> No.39219115

Ayame should just stream her LoL grind desu

>> No.39219121

You don't seriously expect people posting here to actually watch streams do you?

>> No.39219125

It's good that Towa is helping in introducing Ojou to holomem past sankisei.

>> No.39219129
Quoted by: >>39219147

next you're going to say she needs to upload constipation vlogs

>> No.39219130


>> No.39219132

The utter state

>> No.39219133
Quoted by: >>39219154

Michael will be forgotten in a couple of months.

>> No.39219135

Why are Rushiamates like this?

>> No.39219138


>> No.39219139 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.68 MB, 3840x2160, meru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219146

riot already sponsored some holos so I don't why this isn't a thing already

>> No.39219147

That's actually a good idea

>> No.39219148

did you get a dinner reservation at Dorsia? Fubuki only goes to Dorsia so it's Dorsia or bust if you want a dinner date with her.

>> No.39219150
File: 153 KB, 1000x1643, 1641795382810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219155

Gotta take me out to dinner first

>> No.39219154

nah I'll still be posting her clips here

>> No.39219155
Quoted by: >>39219181


>> No.39219159

cause she plays in a stack with her boyfriend

>> No.39219160

Ayame is a lazy zoomer that doesn't recognise the fortunate position she is in.
She wouldn't care if there was permissions.

>> No.39219163

Do Rushiatomos really?

>> No.39219168
Quoted by: >>39219174

Wtf is this real?

>> No.39219172

Watch hinaANO

>> No.39219174

No that's Towa

>> No.39219181
File: 115 KB, 855x856, 1642734497621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219200

I want a big juicy steak

>> No.39219191
Quoted by: >>39219446

you don't understand why Ayame doesn't play LoL on stream with her boyfriend?

>> No.39219198
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, ayame_smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219199

She needs to stream more in the first place

>> No.39219200
Quoted by: >>39219212

don't you want to eat better a rice with egg? my indonesian salary is not enough

>> No.39219202

why do anons keep repeating the same thing about ojou? can't you come up with something new already...?

>> No.39219209

She will have more dead subs than the indogs

>> No.39219210

Because try as they might they couldn't find anything against her so the best thing they can come up with is the low effort boyfriend shitpost.

>> No.39219212
File: 913 KB, 3753x4096, 1641012363006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219225

I'm finding a new man, someone who likes Watame and has a cute dick.

>> No.39219215

You don't love your oshi if you wouldn't lick her asshole.

>> No.39219216

Not enough material, there's nothing new about her

>> No.39219218
File: 1.60 MB, 500x500, 1632204767289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219225
Quoted by: >>39219244

the size of the dick is very important? mine is not that big...

>> No.39219226
File: 67 KB, 543x531, 1638318247359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would lick that pretty princess starfish clean

>> No.39219230


Coco's still there

>> No.39219233
Quoted by: >>39219247

I find her IBS more funny than the boyfriend

>> No.39219236

We have already reached the truth about her boyfriend status so unless something changes there's nothing new to say

>> No.39219238

>licking where shit comes from
Why are modern men like this?

>> No.39219240
Quoted by: >>39219290

Why do we all love Towa? Is it the autism?

>> No.39219241

I just don't know about Gen 6, is Iroha a whore?

>> No.39219243

>We have already reached the truth about her boyfriend status
Non-existent? Cool.

>> No.39219244


>> No.39219246
File: 1.48 MB, 720x1280, 1640549206512.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219247

boyfriend meme is too general so something specific will always be funnier

>> No.39219248

mikeniggers will never learn the difference between graduation and termination

>> No.39219250


>> No.39219251

I guess you're right that there's no new narrative fuel

>> No.39219253
Quoted by: >>39219257

Someone please do a gorilla

>> No.39219256

Risu is so obviously a hundred dick riding Stacy.

>> No.39219257

I would do him if I could.

>> No.39219261

I wish they'd sell her plush again. It's seriously the cutest one.

>> No.39219262

Oga's tiny nippon peepee...

>> No.39219267

My ruutan....my poor and misunderstood ruutan...

>> No.39219269

Oga is 190cm, she has a big dick

>> No.39219270

Just do it on twitch

>> No.39219277
File: 2.43 MB, 3545x2644, 96319879_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219279
File: 595 KB, 674x817, douzolad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suistream 21jst today, 3D live!!
She also put up a new premiere for 22:15jst! Which will probably be related to her Midnight Grand Orchestra announcement later
Make sure to watch them

>> No.39219281

She alienated her entire sea fanbase with that comment.

>> No.39219285
File: 106 KB, 267x267, 1595942549684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the fag whose ad I have to skip before I can watch streams

>> No.39219286
Quoted by: >>39219323

don't break NDA how hard can it be...

>> No.39219290


>> No.39219291
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, cLjZg_bDqnTPY6ud.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her plushie is pretty great

>> No.39219292
File: 136 KB, 1075x819, 1639329678495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accept offer?

>> No.39219296

I'll take Rosemi, fuck ironmouse and Mori.

>> No.39219297

It's the same reason that we repeat "Eddy" to fauna posters and "Marcel" to mumei posters.
Women with boyfriends don't belong in Hololive.

>> No.39219299
Quoted by: >>39219311

Go back

>> No.39219300


>> No.39219301

No, fuck off retard, try putting up a 30mi song video before talking about Mori.

>> No.39219302

Rosemi is at her best with Yugioh, so I'd have to reject that

>> No.39219304
Quoted by: >>39219363

You keep saying this but you immediately stop when someone brings up Jay's cumrag, which is Gura.

>> No.39219306

I don't watch any of them and only know 1. Why do you ask this question here?

>> No.39219309

Why do people call assholes starfish?

>> No.39219310
File: 67 KB, 640x563, 1647842552101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fucking accuse your coworkers of bullying you and spread shit about polite managers to dramatubers, how fucking hard can it be?
And not just that, they asked her politely to stop in Jan, and she continued doing that shit.

If she wanted to leave that bad why not just resign like Coco did? It's not like cover is a black company that doesn't allow employees to quit.

>> No.39219311

I want to rape ojou in front of her boyfriend.

>> No.39219312

>Eddy" to fauna posters and "Marcel" to mumei posters.
>still believing this rrat

>> No.39219313

well fucking duh they don't want homo ENs thirsting for JP interaction every fucking time

>> No.39219315
Quoted by: >>39219334

Is she graduating?

>> No.39219316

Kiara is the only Holo I'd maybe consider swapping for a Niji

>> No.39219317
File: 251 KB, 1510x2430, streetsora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219360

New outfit when?

>> No.39219319

>If she wanted to leave that bad why not just resign like Coco did?
She's obviously in it for the money lmao

>> No.39219323

Mental illness please understand

>> No.39219330
File: 548 KB, 1026x1080, 1645684583384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not like cover is a black company
uhhhh, who's gonna tell him?

>> No.39219331
File: 245 KB, 290x333, 1626092396325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219333

>that forced korosan-esque laugh

>> No.39219334

lol no
she's like 1st year

>> No.39219336
Quoted by: >>39219377

It's funny to me how Mori has become the most hated Holo EN member when Kiara started avoiding her because she loves Amelia more now.

>> No.39219340
File: 499 KB, 2048x1536, FLTSKWXUYAQo8Tz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219348

you have some kind of notification every time someone posts mikeneko shit here or something?

>> No.39219357

I used to overlook Korone as an entry-level holo when I was starting out but now I've realised she's very funny and entertaining and I've been missing out.

>> No.39219358
Quoted by: >>39219495

vt is unaware of the azki black company stuff, weird
with how much they raid >us you'd think they would know by now

>> No.39219359
Quoted by: >>39219415

no one cares, go away

>> No.39219360

Hopefully soon...

>> No.39219362

watame should do more rap songs

>> No.39219363

First, his name was Joel. JayVA was his online handle.
Second, how is a 6 month cross continent LDR where they never even met IRL, the same as two people who live in the same country and have been in a relationship for years to the point that they now live together?

>> No.39219369

What did Mikeneko say that started this most recent drama bomb?

>> No.39219373

"entry-level", "for contrarians" and other labels for holos don't exist outside your head anon...this is what happens when you let labels control how you think

>> No.39219377

Didn't she avoid her because they want to drop the whole shipping shit?

>> No.39219378

She started liking comments mentioning how bad malaysia is

>> No.39219379

The mental gymnastics you people do to deny the truth.

>> No.39219380

who? go back

>> No.39219381

No, she avoided her because Mori is holding her back and just wanted to move on from that.

>> No.39219384

She has a great sense of humor. One of few holos that have made me actually laugh out loud several times

>> No.39219385
Quoted by: >>39219388

I'm sure this is bait, but there's pics of them together, anon. I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.39219387
Quoted by: >>39219397

"entry-level" who decides this shit?

>> No.39219388

of course it's bait

>> No.39219389

Kiara, as much as I dislike her, seems to really love that idol shit, so Mori's infatuation with connor and other males is like poiison to Kiara, so she distanced herself.

>> No.39219391
File: 168 KB, 1070x1440, 1630748842883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219417

Why are people talking about Mike Stoklasa?

>> No.39219392
File: 267 KB, 368x538, 12321321321312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia is not very smart

>> No.39219393

>haachama is graduating on April 1st

>> No.39219396
File: 846 KB, 587x2048, file_(3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me holos for this feel

>> No.39219397

exactly, anon should stop browsing these threads if he's going to take hlg that seriously

>> No.39219399
File: 449 KB, 1278x718, ss (2022-03-31 at 03.59.42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokoyami "Organizer" Towa

>> No.39219404
File: 321 KB, 1651x2047, 1646558838165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219408

>> No.39219406

Wrong thread nijinigger.

>> No.39219407
File: 3.34 MB, 262x312, 1644411378754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219408
Quoted by: >>39219419

This does not look like Luna.

>> No.39219409
Quoted by: >>39219444

The gen 2 blood sacrifice must be offered first

>> No.39219410


>> No.39219411
Quoted by: >>39219418

Are they doing 4v4? Whichever team has Fubuki and Korone is going to stomp.

>> No.39219412

You can take wigger and I won't ask anything.

>> No.39219413

Fucking KEK

>> No.39219414

Pekora is an entry level holo

>> No.39219415
Quoted by: >>39219440

i asked. fuck you and your lying whore.

>> No.39219416
File: 145 KB, 1154x719, 1622431332736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219425

They all seem like mentally deranged people

>> No.39219417
Quoted by: >>39219443

Do you want to talk about something specific?

>> No.39219418

They're going to be on Towa's team.

>> No.39219419
File: 755 KB, 849x1200, 1647712299890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219453


>> No.39219423

This looks like chink propaganda.

>> No.39219425

so basically hololive then

>> No.39219426

What a joke. A lying den of snakes.

>> No.39219427

Where's Pekora?

>> No.39219428
File: 240 KB, 1250x1900, 1647577432097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219429


>> No.39219430

this is like north koreans being forced to cry over kim jong il's death

>> No.39219432
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, CharaStudio-2022-03-31-14-57-27-Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219441

Take off your pants, nerd.

>> No.39219437
File: 143 KB, 1442x996, 1633736592683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219438

>Miko is there
You know the answer.

>> No.39219440

I don't even watch her, she's not hololive. go away

>> No.39219441

I already gave you my wallet and smokes just leave me alone already

>> No.39219442


>> No.39219443
File: 26 KB, 494x370, 1630361013940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Lets talk pussy. Innies or outie. Which one is better? Which holo has which type?

>> No.39219444

Miko is working her way down the gens

>> No.39219446

>Comments section is full of EOPs and MTLed JP
Fucking kek. MASSfaggots are on it again

>> No.39219447

>off topic complainer and anti nose poster disappeared as soon enposting started
>but they didnt start complaining about muh off topic when enposting started

>> No.39219448

All out war ahahahaha.

>> No.39219449

Why do you niggers still pushing this "Pekora and Miko hate each other" when they're clearly still friends and close offstream

>> No.39219450

None of the members who played the YuruMarika yesterday are in this.
She probably invited a bunch of people and asked "who want to go Mario Kart and who want to go Splatoon?"

>> No.39219451
File: 406 KB, 850x769, 1644639728363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl, sure is cute

>> No.39219453

That looks a little more like Luna, but its still quite off.

>> No.39219455
File: 74 KB, 455x372, 1616683560995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<- holos for this feel?

>> No.39219457
Quoted by: >>39219488

>when they're clearly still friends and close offstream

>> No.39219458
Quoted by: >>39219488

>when they're clearly still friends and close offstream
Proof next thread?

>> No.39219459

they are jealous of towa's friends

>> No.39219460

wow, that's very cute

>> No.39219463
File: 320 KB, 1307x1592, FK3tehxacAAwZdY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219474

Most japanese are Innies.
Except this whore who fucked 3 males.

>> No.39219464


>> No.39219465

Aqua. Formerly Rushia.

>> No.39219466

>no one live

>> No.39219469


>> No.39219472

>Natsuiro Matsuri
>Prefer winter over summer
>Don't like festival

>> No.39219473

Holy cringe

>> No.39219474

>fucked 3 males.
Yes. Me, myself and I.

>> No.39219476

I got your Hololive right here.

>> No.39219480
Quoted by: >>39219508

Eh, this is silly but it's not like Hololive are really a stranger to blatant stuff like that. Remember everyone's tweets when Cover announced they got Nintendo permissions?

>> No.39219481

Too green, and ENs still carry hololive on their name.

>> No.39219482
File: 262 KB, 1440x2789, 1627485807275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219484

chowa is live

>> No.39219486
Quoted by: >>39219502

Innies are obviously far superior, in both bellybuttons and pussies

>> No.39219488

Go watch the mario kart collab and sports fes newfags

>> No.39219491
Quoted by: >>39219499

Chowa got fucking erased along with her entire vtuber agency

>> No.39219492

Give Chowa link

>> No.39219493
Quoted by: >>39219640

>watching streams
rumao even

>> No.39219495

They don't do their roommate sub account reps, sad

>> No.39219497
Quoted by: >>39219528

Done, there was nothing whatsoever in there that indicates they were interacting offstream.

>> No.39219499
File: 27 KB, 374x324, c8e227b53e04d381bae11aa8bc30a1c6019f6bc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is back completely independent!

>> No.39219502
File: 175 KB, 387x424, 1648669823002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Innies are far better.

>> No.39219503

don't fucking tease me like this anon...

>> No.39219508
Quoted by: >>39219543

The most recent one is when Rushia got fired, everyone just tweeted "Please support me from now on, I will do my best"

>> No.39219510

You are thinking about sex all day huh

>> No.39219511

2view chowa...

>> No.39219513

If I have to go on Baidu, NND, Youku or something to watch them, it's a nope for me

>> No.39219514

what did towa mean when she said "debi debi bibi bibi"?

>> No.39219515

PekoMiko in Among Us collab tomorrow

>> No.39219516
File: 103 KB, 989x1024, 1617760219321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219517

married woman buttfangs...

>> No.39219520
File: 382 KB, 2538x1050, Capture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys told me everyone hates Towa but she gets the best girls in her collabs. First Mario Kart now this?

>> No.39219521

So if some holos are entry level holos, which ones are the advanced holos, really difficult to truly appreciate?

>> No.39219522

>No Cameltoe
Fuck Yagoo. Nipples are allowed but this isn't?!

>> No.39219523
File: 320 KB, 991x2118, 1644432978852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219525

I want to see Lui 3D.

>> No.39219527
File: 295 KB, 1800x1500, 1600596976707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219528
Quoted by: >>39219542

t. EOP

>> No.39219529

I only hate towatomos, i love twi

>> No.39219530

Towa made an offer they couldn't refuse.

>> No.39219531


>> No.39219535

Why didn't Towa invite the newest Hololive member to her collab? She announced it on the very same day that AZKi transferred into hololive proper. Why does Towa hate AZKi?

>> No.39219537
File: 176 KB, 1440x2789, 1627577475704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219542

Sure thing, bro whatever makes you sleep at night.
It's not like you can provide any timestamps anyway since you just make shit up all the time.

>> No.39219543

I'd bet you that the weird turnout for some of the totsumachis they had afterwards too was a management reaction to Rushia's termination, to encourage the concept of Holo still being one big happy unified family and all that. I don't really mind but it did feel a bit unnatural.

>> No.39219546

lunaito status?

>> No.39219548

Seems like a weird place to vamp up

>> No.39219549

no one, watch who you want
and besides, who can even answer this question? only crew can speak for aqua, ojisan for shion, etc. DDs can't since they only have surface level understanding. unless you oshi everyone, no one can answer this question. even if you do oshi everyone, it's still subjective and up for debate

>> No.39219550
Quoted by: >>39219563


>> No.39219551

Towa fears Azki.

>> No.39219552

what does whore even mean anymore?

>> No.39219553
File: 406 KB, 512x512, 1592430584783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219556
File: 283 KB, 1463x2048, FPA1iqfUYAAZofw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a whore?

>> No.39219558
File: 145 KB, 955x1351, 1629492812320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna is the biggest filter in all of Hololive

>> No.39219559

In that context? Person who makes /vt/ seethe.

>> No.39219560
File: 372 KB, 528x607, 1610101737557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towasama is getting too strong lately, she needs correction.

>> No.39219561

If a woman farts, she's a whore

>> No.39219562
File: 1.41 MB, 1451x1470, 1589968892371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219563
File: 465 KB, 2000x1426, 1599806081000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bgm keeps following me

>> No.39219564
Quoted by: >>39219583

I hate Suisei, that whore needs to graduate

>> No.39219565
Quoted by: >>39219570

if a person doesn't have a penis, they're a whore

>> No.39219570

WTF anon is pure!?

>> No.39219572

next meme

>> No.39219575

stop, miko is very popular and loved by everyone

>> No.39219576

Can I get a TL?

>> No.39219578
File: 53 KB, 626x512, 1630564192292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219580
Quoted by: >>39219590

switch coco to the other side and this is an okay image

>> No.39219582
File: 97 KB, 1188x784, 1591386383978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who loves you no matter who you are, what you look like

>> No.39219583

calm down Kanata

>> No.39219584
File: 3.48 MB, 370x498, ayame_bantyo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame is both. Easymodo is to just enjoy clips of her giggles and being cute, lunatic mode is enjoying her for her content (lol).

>> No.39219586
File: 4 KB, 125x113, watagrass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219587

She basically ranted about some black company and promised to stream more often.

>> No.39219588

I am a whore for aqua

>> No.39219590

No. Coco wasn't as popular as the other 5 when this was posted.

>> No.39219591
Quoted by: >>39219632

>coco, the literal reddit queen
>not on the left

>> No.39219594
File: 1.36 MB, 848x1200, __usada_pekora_sakura_miko_and_don_chan_hololive_drawn_by_niwasane_saneatsu03__0e9451498ae584c66c31138b6193fafe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only schizos think Pekora and Miko don't like each other

>> No.39219595


>> No.39219597

i'm sad, i need money so don't leave me please streaming is all i got, i'll do better i guess blabla

>> No.39219599
File: 412 KB, 459x575, 1648501022676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it was "It was not my fault, everyone is against me. Give me money"

>> No.39219600

Like holy shit, why is Suisei such a whore?

>> No.39219601
Quoted by: >>39219647

I wonder if Azki would even accept, she's so busy with roommate shit that Hololive must be beyond an after thought for her

>> No.39219602

Literally nothing wrong with acknowledging that her design is cute as fuck. It's Mika Pikazo after all. Her personality is still out for debate.

>> No.39219605

who? hololive?

>> No.39219610

Bitch should change her name to Whoresimachi Whoresui because that is how much of a whore she is

>> No.39219611
File: 341 KB, 991x1368, 2bloody_great_big_ones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219627


>> No.39219614
Quoted by: >>39219636

AZKi wants to be whisked away from her office job and romanced under the cherry blossoms...

>> No.39219617

EN Ollie, part of homowhores with zoombie and lofi.

>> No.39219619

Your oshi needs a rape correction

>> No.39219623

Fucking disgusting whoresimachi whoresei, fucking whoreish whorey whore

>> No.39219625

Aki and AZKi are the only non-whores in Hololive
And soon Choco

>> No.39219627
File: 67 KB, 628x823, 1627944603754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try me, bitch

>> No.39219628
File: 93 KB, 736x700, 1611769582559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What triggered the schizo?

>> No.39219630
Quoted by: >>39219701

>Noel and Polka
But they hate each other.

>> No.39219632
File: 3 KB, 276x86, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219648

>retarded newfag doesn't know when this was posted
Here, I'll give you an idea on how fucking new you are.

>> No.39219633
Quoted by: >>39219651

But you are my Oshi, anon...

>> No.39219635
File: 336 KB, 1440x2789, 1632523377918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219636

why can't AZKi just quit her OL job?

>> No.39219637

lack of affection

>> No.39219638

I'm hoping for a new album

>> No.39219639

I want to cave that whore Suisei's head in with a crowbar

>> No.39219640

>the mario kart collab
Oh yeah were they were awkwardly trying to banter?
>and sports fes newfags
Yeah where they asked each basic shit like which tv-show they’d watched? (Something best friends would know already)

>> No.39219643

Towhore is a leech

>> No.39219644

Job Security

>> No.39219646

Someone called him out on his bs.

>> No.39219647
Quoted by: >>39219714

she could always just quit her soul crushing office job that she constantly bitches about and make just as much money playing video games all day with Towa

>> No.39219648
Quoted by: >>39219667

>he hasn't been here since 2019

>> No.39219650

Black company

>> No.39219651

What motivated you to become my gachikoi?
I'm fat, ugly, bald and without grace.

>> No.39219652
File: 66 KB, 960x540, matsuri_of_culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon-chama, what's the point of rape correction when I think you'd enjoy that?

>> No.39219654

Her OL job is being part of cover's management

>> No.39219655

Nah. And what about nijien spam? Gotta do nothing for them? You keep mass reporting with your multiple devices to get me a warn and 6 hours rangeban for posting nose but nah you shitposting nijienshit and mikeshit is fine.

>> No.39219656

Miko is a saint.

>> No.39219657
Quoted by: >>39219731

Sega is really going all out in promoting Sin Chronicle huh?

>> No.39219662


>> No.39219663
Quoted by: >>39219671

We hate Hoshiyomi and Suisei here

>> No.39219667

>moving the goalposts

>> No.39219669

i hate suisei so much i want to rape her and leave her in a ditch

>> No.39219671
File: 3.05 MB, 194x155, suikek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219673
File: 124 KB, 1285x1096, FPKQOP5aQAMlG07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219675

I would hope for Suisei to be beaten to death but that would be too merciful for that bitch

>> No.39219677
File: 146 KB, 828x1731, E1GXO1lVoAIkJyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor nousagi is crying again

>> No.39219682
Quoted by: >>39219692

nousagi status?

>> No.39219685
File: 188 KB, 1125x1295, 1644432978857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219695

>> No.39219692

Still cucked...

>> No.39219694

The hell is that writing? "template" ?? Did she forget to swap out the text when making that thumbnail?

>> No.39219695

why is your Mel so pixilated?

>> No.39219698
File: 691 KB, 2749x4096, FDlF_SVVQAgphIv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219716


>> No.39219699
Quoted by: >>39219709

Polka just had a collab with her former colleagues PokoPea for Polka no Densetsu last week.

>> No.39219701

Noel thinks Polka is very funny and creative she doesn't hate her or anything near that

>> No.39219702
Quoted by: >>39219733

Why arent these deleted meido? Not gonna apply your off topic rules there? Abusive and selective moderation again? Right right, people cant funposting, but it is fine if en/vt/fags keep shitting up the thread with off topic and copy pasted posts?

>> No.39219703
File: 3.37 MB, 480x259, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219704

Self-drawn MV?

>> No.39219705
File: 2.28 MB, 2782x1470, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219732


>> No.39219706

>ENs still carry hololive on their name
that's their cardinal sin

>> No.39219709
Quoted by: >>39219736

I've been watching a lot of PokoPea ever since they showed up on Polka's show last week. They're very fun to watch. I'm actually mad at myself for not watching them earlier.

>> No.39219714

Nothing guarantees her that going all in on Hololive is going to work out, specially since she won't have crazy gachis due to being an actual married woman

>> No.39219715
Quoted by: >>39219727

give me better

>> No.39219716
File: 1.14 MB, 2082x4096, E01U1-8UYAIfnrG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219758

Towa owes me sex.

>> No.39219717

With all of these holos playing grub. Where is the holocrew?

>> No.39219721

anyone else feeling the burnout from hololive? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens

>> No.39219722

Nosefag is mad as fuck ahahahaha

>> No.39219727
File: 1.13 MB, 792x720, 1643253519670.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219744


>> No.39219729
File: 50 KB, 600x400, sleepyfau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night

>> No.39219731

I don't get why they're so focused on Noel and Subaru, everyone in Hololive has their slice of the sin chronicle add money, but those two specifically have way more than the rest

>> No.39219732


>> No.39219733
Quoted by: >>39219752

This is a Noah thread, Nose is not allowed

>> No.39219736

I like OmeSis too. upd8 had plenty of great talents that they squandered. The fact that even Kizuna AI went on indefinite hiatus is still mind blowing to me.

>> No.39219737

Good night, sapling.

>> No.39219741

Don't wake up

>> No.39219743

Your oshi owes me sex

>> No.39219744
Quoted by: >>39219762

now make her sing viva happy and strip

>> No.39219745
File: 471 KB, 1290x1821, deviltenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel Towa doko...

>> No.39219746

watch the thread improve tenfold

>> No.39219752

Noah sucks, Runa is the best VSPO now

>> No.39219756

I owe my oshi sex

>> No.39219758
File: 781 KB, 800x717, 1608659427712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219769

>Rurudo probably wanted to give Twi a womb tattoo
>can't, too lewd for Hololive
>drop it down to her thigh
>now it looks like Twa is a dumb dumb who did a womb tattoo at the wrong place

>> No.39219760

The one with the least amount of translated clips of course

>> No.39219762
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, 1633483246410.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, don't not lewd Mel.

>> No.39219768
Quoted by: >>39219785

i think it has something to do more with aliasing than it being pixelated

>> No.39219769

Why is Towa so dumb?

>> No.39219775

>doesn't have the time to read SCs
>still has the time to collab with sharts
Fucking hilarious

>> No.39219777 [DELETED] 

>Going to sleep at 19h

>> No.39219779

I LOVE /hlg/!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.39219780

For me, it's sumire.

>> No.39219781
File: 236 KB, 1780x1000, 1648712701343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219789

>> No.39219785

shit, you're right. I didn't know the term.

>> No.39219789


>> No.39219790


>> No.39219793
Quoted by: >>39219800

Noah and Runa aren't very cute.

>> No.39219796
File: 2.95 MB, 1354x760, 1624383935305.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219800

They're cuter than Nose

>> No.39219801 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 320x320, 1647636740868.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.39219802
Quoted by: >>39219815

I think you'll find reading superchats takes longer than an hour or two a year

>> No.39219812
File: 2.57 MB, 957x410, 1647726696945.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219821


>> No.39219815
Quoted by: >>39219844

depends on how fast you read them. considering Suisei barely gets any SCs anyway, it wouldn't even take her 15 mins to read everything that was given to her in one stream.

>> No.39219818
File: 361 KB, 931x1024, 1630243773170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>censoring the pit

>> No.39219821


>> No.39219824
Quoted by: >>39219840

>Field of trash
Can't believe they're dancing over their haters.

>> No.39219830
Quoted by: >>39219854

When will Parsley give her hoodie off mode
Hoodies look fucking retarded because these girls have huge as fuck head

>> No.39219832

When will Miko play Tekken or Factorio?

>> No.39219838

unironically towa.

>> No.39219839

35p status?

>> No.39219840

They're mocking SEAnigs

>> No.39219842

friendly reminder that if wasnt for nose and yuujin s, towa wouldnt be here to tell stories

>> No.39219844
Quoted by: >>39219914

it's because she doesn't read them that she barely has any superchats. it's a cycle that feeds upon itself.

>> No.39219845
File: 59 KB, 663x503, they see my dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219850
Quoted by: >>39219865


>> No.39219853
File: 3.28 MB, 498x376, 1648019342872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219854
File: 144 KB, 1000x1000, 1643139843027.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suityans hoodie is super cute!

>> No.39219857
File: 515 KB, 660x1200, 90780982_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girls keep making jokes about Hololive Summer but all it does is remind us of what we can never have again.

>> No.39219859
File: 444 KB, 1234x695, neeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219860
File: 350 KB, 900x900, FOtHPfLVcAkShOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219897

*licks Towa's ass*

>> No.39219861

>males living with her
>collab with stars
>was in a relationship but everything went wrong
>multiple boyfriends and maybe had an abortion
>safe for now
>suck Roberu dick
I don't know anon.

>> No.39219865

Watame is an advanced holo because you have to be really deep into the parasocial relationship to sit through multiple 8 hour long SC readings

>> No.39219867
File: 67 KB, 454x532, 1646800346239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219869
Quoted by: >>39219899

Since when is she collabing with homos retard? Go back to your drama board instead shitting here

>> No.39219872
Quoted by: >>39219887

I also have no idea what you're on about

>> No.39219875
File: 598 KB, 2887x1817, towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219876
File: 3.28 MB, 2129x3025, 1647351927863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to see Subaru have butt battles and her cute little bow and sandals again.

>> No.39219878

Suisei is a good and kind girl

>> No.39219879
Quoted by: >>39219889

oga is a fucking coomer for pngs

>> No.39219882
File: 215 KB, 732x732, 1631205417984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219884

>Collab with sharts
Only in your head, schizo

>> No.39219887
Quoted by: >>39219910

ego muzukashi

>> No.39219889

>naru trash
I expected better from him

>> No.39219890

if your oshi went to university she is a loose whore

>> No.39219891

Pick your mom :

>> No.39219893
File: 254 KB, 456x488, 1604760693739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219928

Is being taller good or bad for butt battles? You have more body mass but your center of gravity is higher

>> No.39219894
Quoted by: >>39219913

What the fuck is going on in that picture?

>> No.39219895

Roommate faggots ruined Subaru for me so i guess its time to move on to watching Suisei.

>> No.39219896

She has done a cover song, a radio show and a sponsored stream! She absolutely loves those boys!

>> No.39219897

Why does she have six eyebrows?

>> No.39219899

>Since when is she collabing with homos retard?

>> No.39219900

Tokiwhore Sore-a
Suck-ura Mikhoe
Whoreshimachi Suisei
Shira-Cum-on-Me Fubuki
Aki Hoesenthal
Akai Haathoe
Natsuirhoe Matsuri
Yowhore-a Mel
Nakiri Ayame
Mura Suck Me Shion
Whorezora Subarhoe
Yuzuki Choke Hoe
Minathoe a Cuck
Oh Cum On Me Mio
Ne-Cumata Hoekayu
Inugami Whorone
Whoresada Pekhoera
Sheer Hoe-gane Noel
She Ran Away (with your money) Flare
Hoe-Show Marine
Tsunomaki Watame
(she has) A Man-e Kanata
Tokoyummy Towhore
Himewhorey Luna
Yuki-hoe-na Lamy
Mo-Hoe-suzu Nene
She, She Hoe Botan
Whoremaru PHoelka
Lapussy Darkness
The Cunny Lui
Hakui Kowhorey
Suck-amata Chlhoey
Kazama Iwhora

>> No.39219902

Lui seems the most competent of this particular lineup, and it's not even close

>> No.39219905
File: 26 KB, 554x313, 1622358032439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219906
File: 644 KB, 1053x1030, 1603380265208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219907
File: 125 KB, 714x758, 1635300838235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drop out holo chad ww@??

>> No.39219910

That's what happens when you communicate solely through greentexting

>> No.39219911

Mio would abandon me the moment she has another child...

>> No.39219912
File: 2.98 MB, 1024x576, matsuri swimsuit (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219913


>> No.39219914

Anon, she is middle of the Hololive pack for Superchats and still the 44th most supercharged channel on YouTube. Calm the fuck down

>> No.39219915
Quoted by: >>39219944

>Only in your head
You can keep on being in denial but it's only going to make you look more stupid. See >>39219899

>> No.39219916

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT https://twitter.com/minatoaqua/status/1509440862438125572

>> No.39219917


>> No.39219920
File: 65 KB, 662x548, 1646549485259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, it's been applied so much that it's lost all meaning. If everyone is a whore, then no one is a whore thus there are no whores.

>> No.39219921

Not important

>> No.39219922

It's only a matter of time, you know.

>> No.39219924

>mandatory and shill stream
>clickbait, misleading and homofag clip channel
Keep cherrypicking, it will not make it true

>> No.39219925


>> No.39219928
File: 174 KB, 1351x955, 1627228896430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a tall person myself, I think it'd be better, slightly longer reach and you can put more momentum into your push and mass is great for offsetting you opponent.

>> No.39219931

>moving goalposts
Yep, keep being on denial, suicuck.

>> No.39219932

If it's not Aquapex, it's not important

>> No.39219933
File: 960 KB, 320x360, 1625298093336.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219936

Everything i don't like is company mandated

>> No.39219939
Quoted by: >>39219948

Go back to Suisei thread schizo, people are missing you, they are missing making fun of you, then you just go back to your schizo central thread called miComet general

>> No.39219940
Quoted by: >>39219959

>moving the goalpost

>> No.39219942
File: 778 KB, 992x1403, FO9HcAlVsAQCV7O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219943
File: 130 KB, 900x1080, 1638683569367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219944
Quoted by: >>39219956

>A single company mandated shill stream
>A single cover where she has also had one with every other branch
rumao, beggars really do scrape around for the smallest of scraps

>> No.39219946

If a girl's height is above 150cm, she's too tall

>> No.39219947

Subaru sat on Koyo's mayo...

>> No.39219948

I accept your concession, suicuck.

>> No.39219949


>> No.39219952
File: 122 KB, 922x1241, FOkOiAuVQAEvWY7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fall of Babylon
That game is actual hot trash

>> No.39219953

Reminder every holo collabed with males at holoexpo

>> No.39219954
File: 2.07 MB, 1242x1847, 1648657082652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219966

And if the age is not on analog clock she is too old.

>> No.39219955

Subaru should get something for that yeast infection

>> No.39219956
Quoted by: >>39219965

Please understand, the Nijifags are absolutely DESPERATE to have something to shitpost with about Suisei. This is the best they can do with the resources they have

>> No.39219959

>exactly 1 minute apart
and yet the other anon keeps replying...

>> No.39219960

t. manlet

>> No.39219962

But enough about you

>> No.39219963

>>exactly 1 minute apart
oh, now we have the resident schizo in here.

>> No.39219965

Careful, they will start talking about points fraud next.

>> No.39219966
File: 57 KB, 680x512, 1621380098958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219967

I like to reply to anon's posts a minute later with inane shit to make it seem like the original reply is retarded
Not in this case though that's entirely one retard

>> No.39219968

If you are below 2 metres you are short.

>> No.39219969

Why is Sora drawn like a Yugioh villain?

>> No.39219973
Quoted by: >>39219987

minato aqua is a maid ( ・ᯅ・ )

>> No.39219974
File: 127 KB, 920x1202, ufo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219975


>> No.39219978

Minato Aqua is not onyan.

>> No.39219979

Did Subaru's bow predate the Rental Girlfriend chick or is Ui a hack?

>> No.39219982
Quoted by: >>39219997

Ui is a hack but in this case I don't know

>> No.39219983
File: 222 KB, 1868x1053, suuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39219984
File: 260 KB, 1593x2075, E5UGJwYVEAI4rqT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219995

>> No.39219986
File: 90 KB, 243x194, 1623256202104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219997


>> No.39219987
File: 549 KB, 850x635, 1647148007364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39219988

Why am I so based?

>> No.39219989

I thought >we called her aqunyan now?

>> No.39219992
Quoted by: >>39219997

That character showed up in the manga about half a year before subaru's debut

>> No.39219993

i stroked to yumi kobayashi again

>> No.39219994
Quoted by: >>39219997

>rental trash - 2017
>suba bow - 2019

>> No.39219995

I think about this belly a lot

>> No.39219996

Rental Girlfriend came out 2 years before Subaru debut'd.

>> No.39219997
Quoted by: >>39220013

Even the mamas are in need of correction...

>> No.39219999

I am craving for dildo sashimi...

>> No.39220001

dunno, yes

>> No.39220002

sex status?

>> No.39220004

Fuck okayu

>> No.39220006

that's the plan

>> No.39220007

I would if I could. She seems like she'd be pretty good at sex

>> No.39220008

Shut up Ko'one

>> No.39220009

I'd rather just cuddle

>> No.39220011

It's a sad day when /vt/ supplies the translation but /jp/ won't.

>> No.39220012

Please don't, you'll get doxxed if you get horny for the fat cat.

>> No.39220013

Don't worry. Lap corrected her mama live on stream the other day. The revolution is starting

>> No.39220014

how can I achieve what pokobe has? I love marin and I cannot contain my jealousy any longer...

>> No.39220015

fucking okayu's porridge...

>> No.39220018

not hololive

>> No.39220020

don't ask me too much, with luck I can correct English well with the translator

>> No.39220021

/jp/ doesn't talk about offtopic whores is the difference

>> No.39220022

don't care, not hololive, fuck off

>> No.39220027



>> No.39220028

Jesus, a word salad that puts even politicians to shame.

>> No.39220031
Quoted by: >>39220037

Miko is the only confirmed lesbian in hololive and she had only dated girls. So she's not a whore.

>> No.39220034

>/vt/ supplies the translation
>from the mikeneko thread in /jp/
Very good anon very good

>> No.39220035
Quoted by: >>39220039

Who triggered Suischizo?

>> No.39220037
Quoted by: >>39220044

>Miko is the only confirmed lesbian
I am dating miko...

>> No.39220038

>go to mike thread
>75 ip
>half are antis
I tell you, those people are the saddest of the sad.

>> No.39220039

It was me

>> No.39220040

That IS important!

>> No.39220041

>40 minutes ago
Fuck off retard

>> No.39220042

Fat elf.

>> No.39220044


>> No.39220045
Quoted by: >>39220060

what a manipulative whore, when will it come to the point where hololive is just a pump and dump company to fish fans and fuck off when you're big enough?

>> No.39220049
Quoted by: >>39220054

Miko Splatoon https://youtu.be/PfMaKHzsg_4

>> No.39220052


>> No.39220053


what is chammer announcing?

>> No.39220054
Quoted by: >>39220072

But it's on Towa's channel.

>> No.39220056

I think Her audio settings are fucked
I can barely hear her. it's so quiet.
Okayu is way better.

>> No.39220058

>/vt/ translates
>they just copy from a /jp/ post
baited me

>> No.39220060

>when you're BMI is higher than your IQ

>> No.39220063


>> No.39220065

Her april fools joke

>> No.39220066

She's reenabling her superchat?

>> No.39220067

higher than yours esl

>> No.39220071

can't you read? that's not chammers

>> No.39220072
Quoted by: >>39220076

Last time I recall towa doesn't have 1.42M subs

>> No.39220073

Schizo losing his SEAnigger mind hours before Suisei's live. My fucking sides.

>> No.39220076

All the more reason to watch it on hers, she needs more subs. Let's hit that 1 million

>> No.39220078

is it true what they said about towa?

>> No.39220080

>suicuck is talking to himself again
hilarious as usual

>> No.39220082

Every word

>> No.39220083


>> No.39220088

That's she's the best and cutest devil? Yes.

>> No.39220091

Splatoon is a bad collab game

>> No.39220092
Quoted by: >>39220104

is it true what they said about anon?

>> No.39220095

Schizo admits to being a SEAnigger. BTFO'd again.

>> No.39220104

Yes, he's a slut.

>> No.39220123

When's Suzys live?

>> No.39220124

1 pm for me

>> No.39220125

Tell me about the Selfish, why is it of a Rough Stone?

>> No.39220130
Quoted by: >>39220148

Suisei is a selfish bitch

>> No.39220133
Quoted by: >>39220144

If mori is actually at her live why didn't she explain to suisei how fucking retarded "selfish of a rough stone" is?

>> No.39220140

Suisei is a selfish of a rough stone

>> No.39220141
Quoted by: >>39220154

Why are we getting YuruHolo 2 days in a row?
Did Towa have some leech quota she needed to fill?

>> No.39220144

probably name's already been decided before suisei even thought of the guest/s she'll invite

>> No.39220148

We don't sign our posts here

>> No.39220149

35browns still angry at Suisei prefering Aqua over a pregnant whore that was a JAV actress.

>> No.39220150

Hoshi no Kanata bros how are we feeling

>> No.39220154

All that leeching and she still doesn't have 1M subs yet lol. Towhore is a failure

>> No.39220156

Was it meant to be "Selfishness of a Rough Stone"?
The selfishness of Suisei who wants to still be a diamond in the rough?
Or did she have a few bad shellfish and struggled to explain it properly to the organizers?

>> No.39220157

I heard Suisei was out eating one day and Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson came in and sat down with her. She was trying to enjoy her famichiki and he decided to grab it from her hands without permission and said "it's mine now!" She looked down and said "that was selfish of a rough stone" and suddenly started frantically texting her manager in the most inspired state she had ever been in.

>> No.39220158

Nenechi time

>> No.39220165

It's literally just genseki no wagamama

>> No.39220170
Quoted by: >>39220198

Are people still pretending these two were ever good? It's like Marine and Kanata. You're good friends off stream but on stream it doesn't work.
Well I always felt Suisei felt left out when PPT started clinging to Coco and that's how they slowly drifted apart.
Coco was unironically playing ARK while Suisei was holding a Christmas party with Noel/Flare/Nene/Towa next door.

>> No.39220171

https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/4938938/post/3502469 towa...

>> No.39220176

all I feel is hatred for Suisei now

>> No.39220179
Quoted by: >>39220189

3 hours

>> No.39220180

This too is a selfish of a rough stone

>> No.39220181

t. my penis

>> No.39220183

I want to see Suisei naked

>> No.39220184


>> No.39220185
Quoted by: >>39220186


Miko.. please move on

>> No.39220186

Business nyeggas...

>> No.39220187

Very high on hopium and copium

>> No.39220188
Quoted by: >>39220196

The next thread will be Suisei being raped by 3 ugly bastards.

>> No.39220189

Thats 5 AM for me... damnit...

>> No.39220195

Next thread better not be Suisei

>> No.39220196

Me, my other personality and my evil twin

>> No.39220198

Explain to me how MariKana is not good on stream wtf. But in all truthfulness I think Hoshi no Kanata situation is pretty similiar to PekoMiko and the only thing people can do is to guess what actually happened. And the real answer is definitely far off from what people think.

>> No.39220209

As I said, Hoshi no Kanata dated, then broke up and their relationship got rally strained because of that.

>> No.39220210

Did you see the Pokemon parallel stream? It was fucking garbage.
Or the hell trip that Kanata planned? They have no synergy at all, It's just a bunch of inside jokes that the viewers have no clue of or lezzing it up with each other.

>> No.39220220

didn't ask

>> No.39220225
Quoted by: >>39220239

Next thread is me raping Suisei

>> No.39220226

Kanata basically fell for Coco and Suisei was just too much of a cuck to do anything, they finally broke up when Suisei finally had enough of Kanata cheating and exploded when they were playing Marika together

>> No.39220227

Who raped who?

>> No.39220231

https://twitter.com/rayp3939/status/1509219389144371201 uooh

>> No.39220235

How does Miko cope with the fact that Suisei would rather fuck Aqua than her?

>> No.39220239

When did I make this post?

>> No.39220240
Quoted by: >>39220241

Next thread is me raping you

>> No.39220241
Quoted by: >>39220256

It's not rape if it's consensual

>> No.39220246

Minecraft collab? Lie detector? The trip I acknowledge is pretty bad because they have no prior schedule to a 12 hours stream but they are still great together. I also think that there's nothing wrong with their Pokemon stream too. I don't get you.

>> No.39220247

the Cocock was too good...

>> No.39220248
Quoted by: >>39220301

Smelling Nene's feet time!

>> No.39220252

pokemon was ruined by the chat backseating but they were still fun when battling
the trip was a special case since kanata was going menhara internally at the time

>> No.39220254

But that was just all in Suisei's head. Kanata and Coco were just really good friends, and when Suisei finally exploded and verbally insulted Kanata when they were just playing Marika. Their relationships were essentially over there, Suisei never visited KanaCoco anymore and Kanata got more and more suicidal as days go by because she thought Suisei hated her.

>> No.39220256

Sure? my dick is 30cm long, it will leave a lump on your belly while I penetrate you

>> No.39220257

It's been a year.

>> No.39220258

didn't ask

>> No.39220260
Quoted by: >>39220269

I like Marika but sometimes I think it's too rng you know?

>> No.39220262

>your oshi
>my oshi

>> No.39220263

Maybe watch her streams
She mentioned multiple times how she'd rather have you spend money on her goods/merch/music rather than superchat/membership
Why do you think her merch sells out so fast and is so fucking inflated in price?

>> No.39220265

Where can I read the rest of the fanfic

>> No.39220267


>> No.39220269

I-it's KanaMari... Sorry.

>> No.39220270

It's over...

>> No.39220271

Miko was literally coping hard here
>After that Apex tournament Suisei will play with me again, r-right?

>> No.39220272

hololive truly is scripted...

>> No.39220275

It's a bit early to be posting april fools jokes yagoo...

>> No.39220276


>> No.39220277

fuckers ruining the surprise

>> No.39220278


>> No.39220279

Ugh when is she going to get fired?

>> No.39220282

real schizo hours

>> No.39220283

Haachama's announcement baiting got rekt

>> No.39220286

yes yes it's ok but when new 3D outfits?

>> No.39220288

finally aqua's the one cucking holos instead of the other way around

>> No.39220289


>> No.39220294

Suisei found another girl now, she is trying to move on with Miko now, but Kanata just can't, she just keeps getting more suicidal and depressed. Kanata probably won't survive miComet marriage announcement in May.

>> No.39220295


>> No.39220299

Momosuzu Nene des~

>> No.39220300
Quoted by: >>39220302

I wonder what Haachama's surprise is?

>> No.39220301
Quoted by: >>39220333

I wish

>> No.39220302


>> No.39220305

Miko is a serial rapist, she fucks whoever she wants to

>> No.39220306

Miko loves Kanata

>> No.39220307

I will save Kanatan

>> No.39220310

time for rape

>> No.39220314

I want to cum into Nene's hair

>> No.39220315

Miko will marry Pekora

>> No.39220318

>After the tournament surely she'll play with me right.
oof, That's why people hate APEX, It's a fucking cancerous drug game.
I'll fucking cry if Suisei gets addicted to it after the tournament.

>> No.39220319

Will this be with 3.0 function?.

>> No.39220321
Quoted by: >>39220330

Kanata loves Kanata

>> No.39220322

I haven't masturbated for two weeks, any recommendations?

>> No.39220323

Sakura "she will always come back to me" Miko
Sakura "it's fine if she has another girl" Miko
Sakura "I just want to watch" Miko

>> No.39220324


>> No.39220327

sex with nene

>> No.39220328


>> No.39220330

biggest crackship in hololive

>> No.39220333

I'm doing it now!

>> No.39220334
Quoted by: >>39220339

she won't but you should still cry because of how mentally ill you are

>> No.39220337
Quoted by: >>39220349

imagine if it was Flare

>> No.39220339
Quoted by: >>39220350

nice, can I get the lottery numbers too ya fucking nonce.

>> No.39220341


>> No.39220344

Sakura "it's not cuckold if it is with another girl" Miko
Sakura "I will support her decision" Miko
Sakura "I like her girlfriend too haha" Miko

>> No.39220345

miComet is eternal, people been shitposting about their dead since their inception but they're still going strong

>> No.39220346


>> No.39220349

>goes on a break instead of revealing the outfit

>> No.39220350

speak american first

>> No.39220351

>gets addicted
Nigga, she's literally said she has plat on her smurf account. You don't even watch streams.

>> No.39220354
Quoted by: >>39220391

yumi kobayashi

>> No.39220356

P2 New Year Nenechi

>> No.39220360


>> No.39220361

Cute Nenene!

>> No.39220362

first time I'm commending an esl

>> No.39220365


>> No.39220366

Sakura "she is just a friend" Miko
Sakura "I'm not insecure, they are just playing a game together at midnight" Miko
Sakura "she needs me I don't need her" Miko

>> No.39220367

Plat 3 is fucking casual and only takes 1 or 2 days to get there and she's definitely boosted there.
She's been playing 6 hours a day on her other account since the tournament announcement.

>> No.39220369

35p status?

>> No.39220370

Nene looks better with the short hair

>> No.39220371

plat is new silver lol

>> No.39220374

God I love long hair

>> No.39220376

Waiting for miko's stream

>> No.39220378

cucked like their oshi

>> No.39220379
Quoted by: >>39220394

not that I mind but it feels like gen 5 gets these updates very often.

>> No.39220380
Quoted by: >>39220400

twintail nene is still the best

>> No.39220381

>APEX, It's a fucking cancerous drug game
For some reason or another despite playing a wide variety of games and dumping lot of hours into many of them, apex is the one game that consistently invades my dreams. I've played souls games for a combined thousand hours but I don't remember ever dreaming about running around Anor Londo, but for some reason I have frequent dreams of being in apex. I even know the layout of maps that only exist in my dreams and are consistent and remember previous dreams while in the current one. I've been wondering if ea hires some propaganda nerds to ensure this happens.

>> No.39220382

I like the ribbon. Very cute.

>> No.39220384


>> No.39220385

the long hair looks better with these new bangs

>> No.39220386

why are they pranking her

>> No.39220387

As a heimin I just want to warn 35ps that all the teetee stuffs MiComet does like talking to each other until morning, collabing for hours, 3D lives appearance, making a collab song, etc Hoshi no Kanata did those too and we know how that went.

>> No.39220388
Quoted by: >>39220401

Miko will call in during Suisei's live just like last year. Mark my words.

>> No.39220391

ain't that the girl in the maid dragon manga/anime?

>> No.39220392


>> No.39220393

nousagi status?

>> No.39220394

either they just put more money into their models or their mama's just like them more than average

>> No.39220395

Nene is too cute to be sexy

>> No.39220396

>forcefully turn off superchat.
>get your announcement ruined.

>> No.39220397
Quoted by: >>39220416


>> No.39220398


>> No.39220399

Return of the booba.

>> No.39220400
Quoted by: >>39220410

Chink Nene is still the best Nene

>> No.39220401
Quoted by: >>39220418

You're getting too invested into fictional people's lives

>> No.39220402
Quoted by: >>39220430

Straight bobs are shit

>> No.39220403
Quoted by: >>39220426

cucked and brown

>> No.39220404


>> No.39220406

Big tits looks stupid on Nene, she should have been flat.

>> No.39220407

nene pits

>> No.39220409

Nene G cup…

>> No.39220410
Quoted by: >>39220432

The buns...

>> No.39220411

you know that image of that girl who streams all happy but once it turns off her room surrounded by ramen cups and garbage bags and really depressed? Yeah that's Nene.

>> No.39220412

mikeneko status?

>> No.39220413

this, gokisei also needs a flat holo anyway

>> No.39220414

Miko is a lesbian, that's how lesbian relationship works. I mean Miko is still lusting over Ame and Haachama eventhough she's dating Suisei.

>> No.39220415
Quoted by: >>39220427

Her pits look horrendous

>> No.39220416

pits and tits

>> No.39220417

Let the girl dream...

>> No.39220418
Quoted by: >>39220431

Holos are real people, Anon

>> No.39220419

those are some meaty pits

>> No.39220421
Quoted by: >>39220425

Why can't lesbo just date one girl?

>> No.39220424

As a towatomo I just want to warn twi that all the tokoyummy stuffs toi does like towaing to each other until torre, twapping for hours, 3D twinky winky appearance, making a tonegawa song, etc Toshi no Towa did those too and we know how that went

>> No.39220425

Homosexuality is a sin

>> No.39220426

That's nouseagi, not 35p.

>> No.39220427

It's the same in her default outfit unfortunately.

>> No.39220430
Quoted by: >>39220439

gayest post in the entire thread

>> No.39220431
Quoted by: >>39220449

but their company mandated ships are not

>> No.39220432

I'll post some Chink Nene in the next thread. There's just something about that outfit combined with her personality that makes it so fun.

>> No.39220434

>Can't post images
crying fauna.jpg

>> No.39220435

The only lesbian holo is Laplace.

>> No.39220438

The next thread will be a TOWA thread

>> No.39220439
Quoted by: >>39220452

That's rich coming from someone who finds medieval christian monks sexy

>> No.39220442

Remember this?

>> No.39220444


>> No.39220446

Laplus is straight. Unlike the lesbian icon Miko.

>> No.39220449
Quoted by: >>39220468

MiComet is not a ship, they are business friends and it's the official name for the duo

>> No.39220451

>8 hours old thread
Please no, I don't want to become like those 2hu faggots...

>> No.39220452
Quoted by: >>39220467

If your association with bo cuts is medieval christian monks and not Japanese women then I have some bad news for you

>> No.39220453
Quoted by: >>39220480

these things takes time

>> No.39220454

Everyone in Hololive is in a complex webs of lesbian relationship together

>> No.39220456
Quoted by: >>39220484

Laplus is like one of the straightest holos

>> No.39220458

Didn't miko literally admit to having a boyfriend

>> No.39220460

Miko is straight.

>> No.39220462


>> No.39220463

the next thread you will lick my otintin

>> No.39220466


>> No.39220467
Quoted by: >>39220478

It's a shit hairstyle regardless of whose head it's on.

>> No.39220468

miComet are business sex partners

>> No.39220469

Next thread will not be Suisei

>> No.39220472

Ui beam

>> No.39220474

All married holos are lesbians who got into hololive to escape their unhappy marriages to an environment full of beautiful girls and casual gay sex.

>> No.39220476

Everyone in Twilive is in a towa tweak of twappi relationship together

>> No.39220478


>> No.39220479

35p are mentally ill and repetitive

>> No.39220480

Have some god damn faith, anon! and send more SCs to your oshi.

>> No.39220484

Fauna OP or we riot

>> No.39220485

Reminder that pekomiko died because people got too invested in shipping them
miComet will get this soon as well tick fucking tock
