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38987891 No.38987891 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>38990922

Unga bunga and fun edition

>> No.38987916
File: 3.11 MB, 1488x2105, 004_93376775_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38988974

Hopefully this one will be better than the last

>> No.38988269
File: 158 KB, 411x298, #15【ドラゴンクエスト11S】最強のおじいちゃんの最強の孫。【白銀ノエル_ホロライブ】※ネタバレあり 2-3-0 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love danchou love C

>> No.38988698

I’m depressed fellas

>> No.38988974

If she keeps talking about her new plan it's not going to get better.

>> No.38990922 [SPOILER] 
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Quoted by: >>38991960

I love noel.

>> No.38991367

God why the fuck does she do these sudden streams so much.

>> No.38991421
Quoted by: >>38991528

The other day during one of these streams she said "this is it!" and uploaded a Noel frame right after, so weird to think she's making Noel thumbnails or something while talking about this stuff.

>> No.38991465
Quoted by: >>38991486

what is she talking about i can't watch rn

>> No.38991486

The same shit about the new plan, leaves the last stream without archive and says she won't talk about it again until the next members when she's more sure and now she's answering all the same questions, why is she like this?

>> No.38991528

A while ago she had a "work" stream in which it was extremely obvious that she was signing autographs, funny stuff.

>> No.38991565

The idol reps are paying off

>> No.38991698

Never saw it that way, but yeah, if she were to buy a place and people found of where she lives, she's fucked.

>> No.38991715
Quoted by: >>38991736

Is rice porridge a good diet?

>> No.38991730

>watched Jun's wedding

>> No.38991736 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.38991924

And there it is, the work.

>> No.38991960

this is why i visit these threads
your work is appreciated

>> No.38993099
Quoted by: >>38993120

Shes streaming again.

>> No.38993120

Thanks, she must be really bored

>> No.38993129

She's dangerously cute...

>> No.38996565
Quoted by: >>38996628

Three C streams and no solo Noel stream...

>> No.38996628
Quoted by: >>38996657

One is very clearly more demanding than the other

>> No.38996657
Quoted by: >>38996675

How is a twitter space as Noel anymore demanding than this? Unless she's getting tired of playing the Noel persona.

>> No.38996675

Has she ever done a Twitter space on either account?

>> No.38996697
Quoted by: >>38996725


>> No.38996709
Quoted by: >>38996725

She said before she wanted to try one.

>> No.38996716

For anyone worried about her doing more lewd content, is it because you're worried about a slippery slope situation or what? I'm looking forward to it honestly

>> No.38996725

Given her mess ups its probably best if she limits the number of sites she uses for streaming. More sites means more chances for mess ups.

>> No.38996779

I'm worried about antis using it to shit on her more, especially if she fucks up and leaks more connections between accounts, or getting judged by other holos or staff and getting isolated.
But yeah I'll rap to it happily, it's her life if she wants to ruin it.

>> No.38996797
Quoted by: >>38996851


>> No.38996831

I am excited for it but she should have talked about in a members only stream instead for the reasons >>38996779 said

>> No.38996833

She's free to do whatever she wants.
So long as she isn't trying her best to satisfy other people in the cost of satisfying and looking after herself (I don't mean that literally)
She's already loaded money wise so I doubt she's struggling to make ends meet or something.

>> No.38996851

So no C lewd ASMR rap remixes?

>> No.38996856

Antis will shit on a girl regardless of what she does. There are schizos that think Watame or Flare are some kind of heartless bitches off screen or say Haachama is only doing it for the money despite having superchats permanently off. You can't dance around someone who's simply decided to hate you.

>> No.38996870

I don't think it's that big of a deal, but given that it's a sensitive topic I just hope she doesn't rush into it . But given what she mentioned on the past stream it does seem like she's being a little more careful than usual
But who knows, she might not even go through with it in the end, wouldn't be the first time. It could just be stress coming from all the recent drama and the concert pushing her over the edge

>> No.38996896
Quoted by: >>38996914

How much time does she spend on Tick Tok? A lot of the songs she has been playing lately are popular there

>> No.38996914

A while back she mentioned knowing it as "the app where hot girls dance" so probably long enough to know the basis
>Popular tick tok songs
How long until Aqua's song starts blasting

>> No.38996915

Yeah but what I mean is something like this gives them material to get other people on their side, if it causes a big enough drama it comes down to how much Noel can endure, before she starts blabbing to others to defend herself and get fired.

>> No.38996930

When you look in /vt/ long enough, every one to them is a double crossing lying bitch that has a boyfriend because of some stupid fucking thing that doesn't matter.
So antis saying anything about her wouldn't be surprising or believable anymore.

>> No.38996945

She might be ditzy but she isn't stupid. She's made mistakes at times but nothing to that level.
Certain other people have been skirting that line for a long time now so it was only a matter of time.

>> No.38996951


>> No.38996965

Matsuri has way more antis than her and is also a lot dumber, but she has survived.

>> No.38996990

What ticked her off the last time she went menhera on stream again? Is it something about her family?

>> No.38996997

Nozomi also gives her antis too much ammunition to go after her

>> No.38997003

Yeah I'm surprised the host stuff didn't go anywhere, I guess it's fine as long as there's no direct connection between the accounts.
So as long as Noel doesn't fuck up more like she almost did this morning it should be fine.

>> No.38997017
Quoted by: >>38997063

Today's collab was at a studio right? I guess that's why she's dressed up.

>> No.38997041
Quoted by: >>38997063

I actually thought the hand would've been the end of her but it blew over relatively quickly

>> No.38997063

The Tik Tok stuff makes her seem a lot younger than she actually is.

because she didn't go leaking information to dramatubers. She still has an insane amount of antis though.

Yeah it has to be since she doesn't have a PS5

>> No.38997079 [SPOILER] 
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Cute mouth

>> No.38997091
Quoted by: >>38997103

She’s not getting the supa numbers she used to so her constant fuck ups haven’t helped

>> No.38997103
Quoted by: >>38997168

Her supas are the same as always or at least they were until ER

>> No.38997168
Quoted by: >>38997237


Look at the drop she got from 2020 to 2021:
2020 - $343,714
2021 - $287,261

Compare to say Subaru who is pretty drama free:

2020: $283,843
2021: $418,697

>> No.38997170
Quoted by: >>38998143


>> No.38997237

Where are you getting these numbers?
Noel was $486 301 in 2020 and $483 805 in 2021 according to playboard

>> No.38997731
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Quoted by: >>38998094

I don't know...
I just want see Noel and C happy for streams.
Maybe It's dangerous for showing more other side.
But I have faith on her.

>> No.38998094

I am glad she is safe

Me too anon, I think she will be alright.
These last few months have been pretty good for her actually, all things considered. She visited her mom, she collabed more, ER, she has been part of a lot lives, more sponsorships etc..
Until the Rushia thing the only major fuck up was when she injured her jaw.

>> No.38998143

I was talking about matsuris numbers not Noel sorry if I wasn’t clear unless Noel also had a host drama I didn’t know about

>> No.38998191

Sorry I misunderstood. Matsuri's are actually worse since that includes the Apex gacha streams where she got a ton of supas and made me drop her completely

>> No.38998423

Oh yeah, Matsuri had a shit load of drama in 2021.
It doesn't help streaming has mostly just become apex and not much of anything else.

>> No.39004611
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>> No.39006112

gay thread

>> No.39006793
Quoted by: >>39009448

Is she the softest hololive

>> No.39007706

gorilla zatsudan as Noel in an hour

>> No.39009448

Like emotionally or physically?

>> No.39010224

Heh, doesn't talk about the credit card getting blocked for buying too much shit on Fanza since she doesn't remember if she's said it before as Noel or just C

>> No.39010355

probably physically

>> No.39014433
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>> No.39015837
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Both of them

>> No.39023651

She's live.

>> No.39031708
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>> No.39045551
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>> No.39046109
Quoted by: >>39065599

She was cute during Holofest

>> No.39053244
File: 196 KB, 622x977, EyNb-7XVcAYTZVC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39065599

Yeah the performance with Luna was cute

>> No.39067009

I'm going to become a Noel/C anti, she deserves it lying piece of shit

>> No.39067033

Wait until she starts her new plan and start your anti activities by buy and sharing that content, she would really hate that.

>> No.39067042

What did she lie about?

>> No.39067990

Maybe you should take your meds

>> No.39069221

You might as well off yourself because the only truth in the world is that everyone is lying to you.

>> No.39070493

I wonder what 案件 she's talking about, just more stuff like the ishuzoku reviewers thing or bigger projects? Mel just got https://2u.fan/channels/980766108556 so it doesn't seem like Cover minds them basically taking secondary streamer jobs with another company.

>> No.39070575
Quoted by: >>39070801

I am not watching but I would assume it would be sponsorship stuff like the ishuzoku reviewers. I don't really think she has the time for bigger projects like Mel does.

>so it doesn't seem like Cover minds them basically taking secondary streamer jobs with another company
I wonder what the restrictions actually are. Obviously they can't go join Nijisanji and stre there as well but they are allowed to use vtuber avatars and obviously Mel's thing.

>> No.39070665
Quoted by: >>39070707

Didn't she mentioned wanting to make her own platform for streams a few streams ago

>> No.39070707
Quoted by: >>39096196

If you mean the more lewd plan stuff, no, she worded it wrong and later said it's just a platform that allows her to have and manage her own channel and content, just like NND and fantia.
I'm actually wondering if it's related to the 2u thing too, she said a friend introduced her to it and well Mel is there, plus some other NND oldfags are involved, though it's really new and doesn't seem to have lewd content yet.

>> No.39070801
Quoted by: >>39071041

Well she said it's something that won't happen for like another three months so it seems big enough to need lots of preparation.

>> No.39071041
Quoted by: >>39071084

I wonder if she wants to back to doing normal non member, non ASMR streams. I can see her building up some interest after what happened with Coco and Rushia
The preparation could very well mean moving so she has better streaming space and a kitchen she feels comfortable streaming from

>> No.39071084
Quoted by: >>39073401

No, 案件 is something she's doing as a job with another company.
Non member, non ASMR streams is precisely what she's doing right now, current stream is almost at 3 hours and these past few weeks she's been doing community streams almost everyday, she won't use a camera because she just wants to relax. And said she won't stream games because she doesn't have free time, obviously if she has time she'd rather just play games as Noel

>> No.39073401
Quoted by: >>39079187

Makes me happy to hear that, I appreciate all the love and effort she puts into Hololive. But it won't last forever, keeping a strong roommate is a must

>> No.39079187

I kinda wish they focused a bit more on HL instead of trying to spread out even more but oh well

>> No.39079458
Quoted by: >>39079574

Rare after talk with camera today.

>> No.39079571

That was really good. I thought the theme was kind of lame so I didn't have high hopes but it ended up being really good.

>> No.39079574

Oh well it's done.
She's talking about the new plan to everyone, no turning back now.

>> No.39079647
Quoted by: >>39079664

she's talking about prices?

>> No.39079664

No, the price will be shown once the site is set up.

>> No.39079795


>> No.39080119

Guys I'm worried that she might suspect that people masturbate to her...

>> No.39080144

With all the talk of 淫語 and the words she wants to use I wonder if the 案件 could be like being a VA on an eroge or something, it wouldn't be much different and she's getting VA training as Noel.

>> No.39080192

It could also be a voicepack on DLsite

>> No.39081245

They must be offering her some really good money if she's taking time out of her super busy schedule for it

>> No.39087510
Quoted by: >>39087554

What is this? DMs?

>> No.39087554
Quoted by: >>39087646

Isn't that a twitter draft?

>> No.39087646

So it was stuff she was about to tweet but didn't? I thought about that but the last one about いやらし話 didn't make sense, sounded like a complain about yesterdays talk.

>> No.39094938

Maybe I'm going full shizo but I just noticed she called Dani, the Ganbare EOP, -chan instead of -san like the rest on superchat thanks, does she do that with other popular viewers that follow both accounts?

>> No.39095047
Quoted by: >>39095112

I think it has less to do with who follows both accounts and more with who she recognizes.

>> No.39095057
Quoted by: >>39095112

Its just people who she recognizes

>> No.39095112

Well you're easier to recognize if you comment on both accounts, specially those community streams with viewers on the hundreds.
I'm just surprised she acknowledges that she recognizes him, Dani doesn't even have a Noel oshimark, just Canan's.

>> No.39095131

Apparently, somehow the archive machine is working again. I would like to continue my archiving works but it’s either that my internet is in a terrible state, or NND just gone to shit at the moment. Sometimes I really wish she would upload the archive to Fantia with the after talk intact so I don’t have to archive the too….

>> No.39095136

I miss the blogposts it was a nice way to catch up on missed streams

>> No.39095227

NND has been terrible these last 2-3 weeks for me too. Even for just watching normal music videos and stuff.

>> No.39096196
Quoted by: >>39096314

I haven’t been able catch up with her a lot lately, can I get a QRD on this? So she’s not planning to have more expensive plan on Fantia? And what do you mean by making a new platform? Which streams did she talks about these stuff?

>> No.39096314

No, she wants to do a more lewd plan with streams and Fantia doesn't allow it.
For the platform the thing is she keeps being really secretive about what it is, only saying it's place where she'll have her own channel and you'll pay membership to access the streams, and that it has good support for foreigners but it's a Japanese site.
Since she's 100% sure she'll do the new plan but says it's still months away and doesn't talk about the site it makes me think she's involved with someone creating a new platform and got invited as an initial streamer, but it's just my guess.
She's been talking about it for the past few weeks on community streams, and in the last member stream, that is already on nyaa, she went in-depth explaining everything.

>> No.39096399

The "not doing it on fantia" thing comes from not liking how they handle streams? I remember her talking a while back that even though Fantia does support streaming she doesn't like how they work

>> No.39096501
Quoted by: >>39096571

I see. I wish she would just move there and leave NicoChannel for good so I don’t need to pay extra. NicoLive could stay though since it’s free.

She once said that despite the reputation of Fantia, they put a very strict rules for their live-streaming service compared to NicoNico. So that’s not an option for her.

>> No.39096536

She said fantia doesn't allow 18+ streams, is it true?
Honestly to me it feels like the offer to stream somewhere else came first and everything else has just been an excuse to justify it.

>> No.39096571
Quoted by: >>39096713

I don't think she's ever leaving NicoNico... But yeah even a change as basic as doing the radio streams on twitcast would be great

>> No.39096713
Quoted by: >>39097708

I mean not completely leaving since it seems that she has some sentimental feeling towards her account there. Just the NicoChannel, the thing she made recently in 2019 for membership things like the ASMR and cooking stuff. She has abandon Blomaga for Fantia before (excluding some important blogpost) so it’s not a far fetched to wish for it.

>> No.39097708
Quoted by: >>39101116

People would freak out and call her a money hungry whore if she totally abandoned that channel and only did stuff on the more expensive one.
In the last member stream there were people that said they wouldn't get the new plan and just like her for normal ASMR and don't care about lewder stuff, she would keep the niconico channel doing the same thing as always for them.

>> No.39101116
Quoted by: >>39101159

Wait, it’s going to be more expensive?? What???

>> No.39101159
Quoted by: >>39102346

More than 1k less than 10k yen.

>> No.39102346

Wow, she could just retire by 30 at this pace.

>> No.39102383
Quoted by: >>39102436

Looking at that Matsuri tweet makes me wonder how much she talks about her activities with other holos.
Someone must have told her she was selling herself too cheap and got this whole thing started.

>> No.39102436
Quoted by: >>39102513

I don't think so. Her selling herself cheap is pretty obvious considering that girls on Fantia usually would put their content on at least 1000JPY and for her content, I'd say it is worth at least 3000. I remember her reluctance to charge her fans more when someone asks about a higher tier plan on Fantia and YouTube membership, but I guess she has rethought it now.

>> No.39102513

>but I guess she has rethought it now
Yeah but why?
Thinking about she did say some months ago how she had talked to a streamer friend recently about her NND streams and was happy that she didn't get judged about it.

>> No.39102998

Hamu bit her…

>> No.39105801

Has she started schizoing over her brother recently

>> No.39109551

Never mind, I still can't archive the Nico Community stream but I could at least archive the Nico Channel stream. I still don't know how to fix this since I'm not a tech guy.

>> No.39111272
Quoted by: >>39124331


>> No.39112072

I end up brute-forcing it with OBS instead. I'll record what's rest in the coming days. No password this time cause I'm lazy.

>> No.39112462
Quoted by: >>39134164

I'm fine with her doing whatever kind of content she wants but I'm really worried about her pricing if goes over 1000 or 1500. That's an easy way to drive away fans and spurned fans become the worst antis.

>> No.39124331

Please understand she is horny and Hoshikawa won't put out for her...

>> No.39126114

I really like the lingerie C wore in her last stream. I hope she buys more like it.

>> No.39133719
Quoted by: >>39136470

Man she's just straight up updating Noel while streaming and her only protection is muting the stream from time to time, she really doesn't put a lot of effort keeping the accounts separate.

>> No.39133882

New plan on summer.

>> No.39134164

There’s probably truth in this she’s priced herself low for so long she’s going to probably upset a few nutcases if she prices them out (lol they should get better paying jobs)

>> No.39136470

Not like people who watch her put any effort in hiding that they support both

>> No.39136496

Nigga everyone knows who she is

>> No.39139193

She really want to get lot of money lately. She did lot of shilling as Noel and this new plan. Is she planning to buy something expensive like a house?

>> No.39139818

And she's also planning to do more sponsorships as Canan.
Maybe the Rushia thing spooked ger into realizing all of this could end any day, though that would imply she's hiding similar stuff.

>> No.39141205

She seem to feel pretty bad lately.
Didn't she say during the stream yesterday that she was going to sleep right after and yet at night Noel complained of feeling too sleepy?

>> No.39141761

rushia situation happened because she leaked nda info, not because mafu mafu, it's all her fault cover even made a statement saying they don't
a give fuck about holo talents personal shit

>> No.39141784

i don't think she's doing all this because she's hiding shit just like rushia she wants more money that's all

>> No.39142033

She’s always made more money as Canan

>> No.39142114

>Is she planning to buy something expensive like a house?
Wouldn't be surprised if that's the case, specially given that she pays 3 rents

>> No.39144268

My rrat is this: one of the biggest reasons is because she needs to make more money so that she can send more money back to her mom. Her brother is getting married, so she probably wants to (or has to) send money back to help pay for the ceremony. Also, since her brother is getting married (and presumably going to be starting a family soon) he can't financially provide for their mom as much anymore.

>> No.39144370

She didn't even know he was getting married until her mom told her and she doesn't even know the bride, why the fuck would she send money?
The reason is just the same as the holos that take every sponsorship and job offered by Cover like Aqua and Lamy, they know they got blessed with an opportunity that won't last long and taking advantage of it in every way they can right now is the best thing to do.
You can't never have enough money, even if you're not actually spending it right now.

>> No.39144546

She already sends a considerable amount of money to her mum, I remember a while back her talking about sending like a million yen to her mum unprompted, just in case she needed it

>> No.39144572
Quoted by: >>39144849

She planning to support her mom for long time. Regardless whether her brother stop doing it or not.

She definitely will give him some wedding money for sure. but yeah I doubt that the reason she taking this jobs.

I doubt it simple "accept all sponsorship" for her since she know very well that she need to manage 2 jobs/lives. She certainly have financial objective to achieve atm. I doubt it just simple retirement fund

>> No.39144849

It would be the wise thing to do trying to get a home asap specially if she intends to stay in Tokyo since rent and house prices will only get higher

>> No.39145024

>Why pay should she pay for her brothers wedding when she's never might the bride?
Asian culture (at least where my family is from). I know of instances where the person paying only knows about their relative's partner through other people and they still pay for the thing. It's not a matter of paying for the couple, it's a matter of paying for your relative.

>> No.39152991

Oh damn she's wearing those sexy stirrup socks, really hope for some feet content at the end.

>> No.39156994
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>> No.39162281
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>> No.39162324

>just randomly jumps off the elevator
What is wrong with this woman? Is Ramy suicidal?

>> No.39167551
Quoted by: >>39169811

She is live

>> No.39168053

All of this talk of age...
Wonder if she'll ever stop saying she's 17 as Noel too, though she doesn't get made fun of like Marine so probably not

>> No.39168113
Quoted by: >>39168146

She says she is 18 + xx as Noel though.

>> No.39168119

She must have met a lot of pedos in her early years

>> No.39168146
Quoted by: >>39169028

Really? I feel like she said 17 recently during a Elden Ring stream.

>> No.39168239

Imagine Noel being your lonely wine aunt...

>> No.39169028
Quoted by: >>39169407

Its her official age.

>> No.39169407
Quoted by: >>39169501

Yeah I got it all wrong, she was responding to a comment asking if she's 16 and she responded she's 18.
Still, it is interesting her chat doesn't make much fun of moments like these unlike Marine and others.

>> No.39169501

Its very hard to imagine her as a hag, its the same with Pekora.

>> No.39169811
Quoted by: >>39173096

Where was she live? I think I might be missing something.

>> No.39173096
Quoted by: >>39173120

Sorry, I realized how this made me sound.
I'm a member on NND and Fantia, I didn't know if she was someplace else or another channel.
I'll do my reps.

>> No.39173120

Follow her twitter, she has two niconico channels.

>> No.39174127

You think she'll get any blowback for outing Holomems for having boyfriends?

>> No.39174183

It's was ambiguous enough that no one can really complain.
Hearing her say so casually that she knows her friend's boyfriends masturbate to her is pretty crazy though.

>> No.39174309
Quoted by: >>39174371

She didn't name names but it could have just been IRL friends. She has friends outside work, I hope...

She's probably used to it by now. Or she just came to terms with it a while ago.

>> No.39174371

She does but not many, I think she said right now it's the most friends she's ever had.
From a pure number perspective it would be more likely to be a holo, it's also the kind of topic that she would only discuss with very close friends.

>> No.39175201
Quoted by: >>39175278

She's actually older due to Marine IIRC. She's joked a few times about how she boosted her age at Marine's reccomendation for drinking on stream, hence part of her occasional teasing of Senchou's claims.

Enough have ballsed up their opsec enough it hardly matters by this point (in the abstract).

That's gotta be weird when she runs into them, probably used to it though.
Luckily none of those friends seem to mind so that's nice.

>> No.39175278
Quoted by: >>39175362

>She's actually older due to Marine IIRC
I actually think there's some truth to Marine turning 30 this year. People joke but last time someone brought it up she got really serious asking how they figured it out.
Noel I think is mid 20s, 26-27. Just the way she carries herself and the things she talks about.

>> No.39175362
Quoted by: >>39175578

Yeah, Noel is the youngest gen 3.
Noel 26 > Pekora 27 > Marine 29 > Rushia 33 > Flare 33

>> No.39175578
Quoted by: >>39189915

>Noel 26
Damn, my age, didn't think I would ever Gosling this hard.

>> No.39176985

>boyfriends masturbate to her
Haha, wouldn't it be funny If it included her own bf?
Wonder how the gf's know though? Catch them watching her streams?

>> No.39177134

Probably looks on their bf's phone. I know of couples having an "open phone" policy, so they can look at their partn>>39176985
er's stuff.

>> No.39177189

Matsuri's roommate basically implied she masturbates to C and 110 liked Twitter posts of Cs tits before they debuted. So its not really that surprising.

>> No.39177214
Quoted by: >>39177236

Still a bit of a leap to go from "he follows this hot chick on social media" to "he wanks off to her". I follow a shit ton of models on Insta, barely anyone gets one out of me.
Unless they're chatting with their mates about who's getting them off.

>> No.39177236
Quoted by: >>39177297

If they are membered to her NND or Fantia they are 100% masturbating to her.

>> No.39177297

That might be it, but in that case they are dumb af unless they don't care about hiding it.

>> No.39177323
File: 708 KB, 343x264, 1648347186978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey don't care about hiding it

Maybe they are...

>> No.39177335
Quoted by: >>39177426

You'd have to be ok with your SO masturbating in this day and age to have a healthy relationship.

>> No.39177426
Quoted by: >>39177615

I think doing it specifically to someone the gf is friends with is the eyebrow-raising bit. I think I'd have an issue with it, it's not a problem if it's someone they'd never meet irl, unattainable basically.
Still, must be a great confidence booster for Noel. She could probably seduce any one of them if she wanted to.

>> No.39177615
Quoted by: >>39181673

I imagine it's more like the friends found out and told her as a funny coincidence, the boyfriends wouldn't have known who she is or even met Noel.

>> No.39178698
Quoted by: >>39180390


>> No.39180390
Quoted by: >>39190018

Any idea who this is? Says it's a new Canan fan art exclusive account and got retweeted by her right in it's first tweet, I imagine it's someone that also does Noel art but couldn't find anything similar.

>> No.39181673

You'd have to imagine that if any of the bfs found out that C was their girlfriend's friend, they'd be asking to meet her and/or asking for a threesome. I would.

>> No.39189424
File: 868 KB, 2075x4096, 20220203_004813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39189915
Quoted by: >>39189987

damn you're gosling for asmr whores

>> No.39189987

rent free

>> No.39190018

I recognize the art style but I have only ever seen it with C fan art

>> No.39191228
Quoted by: >>39191342

>C stream before Noel stream
You ever wish she'd drop the double life and just focus on one or the other?

>> No.39191342

Yeah it feels like she barely rests, with the new plan she will either new to tone down Noel activities more or rest even less.

>> No.39192240

Anything important from the YouTube stream?

>> No.39192333
Quoted by: >>39194240

Do you think anyone that has been following her for 10+ years feels weird looking at her stuff? If they were an adult then she must feel like a daughter now.

>> No.39194240

Yeah, they totally weren't grooming her from the get go.

>> No.39196299
File: 149 KB, 850x1200, 20220113_231917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39196681

Anything note worthy from either stream's chat?

>> No.39196681

Talked about Kson and Nozomi but said nothing about mike

>> No.39196714

If collabs mean we get to see her do more casual streams as C I'm all for it.

>> No.39196765

I don't blame her. If the rumors are true and she threatened to doxx the talents then I'd be pissed too. Everything Noel worked so hard on for years put in jeopardy because someone couldn't walk away from a computer.

>> No.39196792
Quoted by: >>39197270

Excited for the anniversary stream, last year's countdown and birthday were great, so hopefully it's something like it

>> No.39197270
Quoted by: >>39197344

Well listening to this current stream I'm not too hopeful, she sounds kinda worried about streaming on YouTube, and a bit depressed? But maybe that's just from being sleepy.

>> No.39197292
Quoted by: >>39197344

Well it's over, I thought she was about to cry again.

>> No.39197344
Quoted by: >>39197400

What was she talking about? She was fine earlier.
She asked for old footage of her on Twitter, I wonder if thats related to the anniversary

>> No.39197400

I'm not sure it was a bit rambly.
Said something about a hard choice, if she should really use the YouTube channel and something kinda like not knowing what the reward is after working so hard, she sounded kinda unmotivated? The archive is still there I think but I'm not paying niconico premium for it.

>> No.39198646
Quoted by: >>39202545

How did the stand saga end? Did she buy a new KU100 yet?

>> No.39202545
Quoted by: >>39211783

She just needs the stand not the whole mic, she hasn't said if she bought it already though.
Hopefully she has it by the next earlick steam, looking forward to the promised bunny suit.

>> No.39203140

She can do some pretty dumb suff, but she's also so cute... she really has strong little sister energy

>> No.39211514

Asking existential questions at 2 AM again...

>> No.39211624
Quoted by: >>39212267

Jeez she got up from bed and went to the PC just because some 5chfag talking shit about getting banned.

>> No.39211783

oh I thought they were fixed together

>> No.39212091

Antis seems to be much more effective against Japanese streamers and it’s kind of been shown a few times that they all go to 5ch and read the retarded shit they post there

>> No.39212267

Again? I don't even get why it matters. Who cares if banned some random from her chat?

>> No.39212447

She's really lonely...

>> No.39212678
Quoted by: >>39212899

Why do people keep saying this?

>> No.39212899

She was streaming at 2 AM because she couldn't sleep and started kissing the chat and asking if we'll be there for her forever.
Yeah sure it could just be pandering but the way she does these sudden streams she feels very vulnerable and genuine.

>> No.39213047
Quoted by: >>39213091

It's probably pandering, she knows how to work the chat and she's always been a bit of a night owl. A quick hour and a half audio chat doesn't bother me as much as if she did something else at that hour.

>> No.39213091
Quoted by: >>39213133

Its both. Streaming at 2AM is geniunely lonely behaviour but the kissing and stuff is pandering.

>> No.39213133
Quoted by: >>39213209

The guy talking shit probably got to her, she is still a woman, mix that with stress from life and she probably just wanted comfort from chat.
She's been doing this for so long I would assume this shit wouldn't get to her but she is a woman and she does seem stressed out with her workload. Cover managers are really bad with helping their talents manage their workloads but I blame Japanese work culture.

>> No.39213209

Between yesterday and today she seems really troubled with something she can't talk about. And I think today she said she's moving the anniversary stream to the 3rd, might have heard wrong though.
Feels like she might be having some trouble keeping balance between both lives, and with that being something she can't talk about with either chat it bothers her even more.

>> No.39213270

>lonely and stressed
Aaa, just open the border! I'd comfort and take care of her and ask for nothing in return! I'd listen to all her problems and help in any way possible.
This sucks...

>> No.39213371

I would think if it was bad she'd reach out to a friend like Flare or someone else and talk or vent a bit. But maybe she thinks they have enough going on in their own lives she doesn't want to burden them.

>> No.39215695
Quoted by: >>39216299

Oh another thing she said last stream sounded kinda like she's getting cold fee and embarrassed about the new plan.
I do want it but yeah, I don't think she should do it if she doesn't feel 100% sure.

>> No.39216299

I rather her focus on Noel stuff. I might be bias but I rather see her having fun and playing games with friends while being cute than more ear licking ASMR.

>> No.39218162

When is the splatoon collab? Seems like she woke up feeling bad.

>> No.39219166
Quoted by: >>39219405

Someone finally put up their waiting room, 22jst. Hopefully she will be feeling better by then
I'm glad that even with her ultra busy schedule she still finds time for collabs, hopefully it also cheers her up at least a little

>> No.39219405
File: 968 KB, 2894x4093, FO3gNGoaAAUNprp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39219653

Hopefully she won't have to cancel, I agree she would enjoy this with Ojou and the rest, she needs it.

>> No.39219468

Sounds like a headache so should be treatable.


>> No.39219653

Both C and Noel are great as JKs. Noel puts up with a lot of shit for collabs so the chances of her cancelling are very small, at worse she won't have her own POV like with the most recent ark collab

>> No.39228727
Quoted by: >>39228802

she wants to do tiktok's as C

>> No.39228781
Quoted by: >>39228802

So she’ll start doing face cam this year huh

>> No.39228802
Quoted by: >>39228831

It's April Fools anons...

>> No.39228831

No…….. Nozomi fell for it too…

>> No.39228849

Is that her face though?

>> No.39228897

Yeah, pretty sure she showed it a couple of community streams ago, along with that funny photo of her mouth

>> No.39228901
Quoted by: >>39228939

Yes she showed that pic in a community stream

>> No.39228939

Yeah but in that stream sh said it's heavily edited and barely looks like her.

>> No.39230101
Quoted by: >>39232784

She's live.

>> No.39230131

She should get some sleep.
She has a ton of stuff these next few days.

>> No.39230153
Quoted by: >>39232784

Said she couldn't sleep so shes cleaning her room.

>> No.39230250

How many cans does she have in her room?

>> No.39232784
Quoted by: >>39232872

Did she say anything of note? Anything about future plans or something? Video looks private.

>> No.39232872
Quoted by: >>39233216

Said the new plan could en up "R15" instead of "R18", everyday it seems like she's realizing more and more what a bad choice it was and might by trying to go back on it.
Other than that nothing, but I think she's going insane, or had some other reason for being very hyper signing and screaming at 3AM-6AM.
Honestly kind of a weird thing to do on the day Rushia got finally fully deleted.

>> No.39233216

>Honestly kind of a weird thing to do on the day Rushia got finally fully deleted.
Well that might be part of it, it's amazing how things start to pile up when you're stressed out. But sounds like it's a little bit of everything just chipping away. Brother getting married so a wedding is on the way, I know she supports her mom so maybe there's money woes, everything going on at Hololive, managers are notorious for letting their talents overwork and burn themselves out. Who knows what projects and things Noel is working on in the background, then she has everything going on with C.
Living a double or triple life sounds exhausting and she should take a step back and prioritize things. Maybe just scrap the new plan idea and work on something else. It doesn't help Japan's work culture is one of the worst in the world and favors your job and work over your own wellbeing and health. I worry about her and if it gets to a breaking point what would happen but hopefully it won't come to that.

>> No.39234254

What if Noel goes the Choco route and sleeps for 30 hours then stays up for 30 hours?

>> No.39235802

I wonder if she's going to commit to reading all marshmallows again, because that would be a pretty fucking long stream

>> No.39236543
Quoted by: >>39238100

>C's latest tweet
What's this talk about capacity?

>> No.39238100

>2 hour ago
About streaming so much on the same day
And those after that, why is she like this? She let that DM talking shit about her "job" get to her and now she doing a drinking stream out of nowhere, how the fuck is she doing to do a Noel stream after that?
What did she say in the community stream? I missed it

>> No.39238225

What did the DM say?

>> No.39238279
Quoted by: >>39238416

She must be really stressed if she's letting this stuff get to her. 13 years doing this you think she'd be used to it.
Maybe we'll just get a drunk Elden Ring stream but I can't see that going well.

>> No.39238316
Quoted by: >>39238431

The tweets are still there, but well in case you don't know jap
Its basically some schizo saying she's betraying her audience for not doing the anniversary stream today and the reason she moved it was because she's "doing work she could have refused " referring to the Noel Elden Ring stream later, and then after that he was even more blatant calling her Noel and complaining about it.
She responded by saying she's only Canan and no one else, that he reason she didn't do the anniversary stream today is because she was feeling bad these past days and out of nowhere announced a YouTube drinking stream at 8 PM today, two hours before the Noel stream.

>> No.39238416

Honestly I think it's a reaction to more that just that, when she first talked about moving the anniversary stream it was like 3 days ago on a community stream so the excuse that she's doing it became she couldn't prepare doesn't really work if she already planned to move it back then.
And when she talked about that she sounded kinda troubled, like moving the stream wasn't fully her decision or something she was happy with.
So maybe there is actually something from her job preventing her from streaming as Canan today and she wants to revel against that with the drinking stream.

>> No.39238431

Thanks, I'm still learning Japanese, I got he was upset but didn't know he went full schizo attacking her like that.
It pains me to see her like this but she should focus on what she has and not this shit. There'll always be haters and antis but she has almost 1.5 million subs on Noel and a dedicated following on C. Who cares what one guy thinks? It's her choice what she does.

>> No.39238489

I understand why most Holos drop roommate duties if not scale back drastically when they join Hololive. She seems like the only one trying to do both full time probably due to some obligations to her fans, she doesn't want to let anyone down.
I don't think Noel would ever graduate but she might scale back a lot and her subs will stagnant then drop which would be a shame. It would be like Ojou or Mel with rare streams.

>> No.39238609

>Looking at my posts
...I really hate being a bleeding heart white knight piece of shit...

>> No.39238894

>with camera
And she says all the earlicking streams always require a lot of preparation and stress due to worrying about her face or something showing, doesn't seem like something she should be doing on impulse.

>> No.39239039

Maybe she won't drink too much. It also looks like the Elden Ring stream is exploration and leveling so not too stressful.

>> No.39239193
File: 28 KB, 627x730, 20220401_034430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy is an entitled piece of shit.

>> No.39239505

She did a Diandl steam once? Was it an earlicking or just zatsu? I don't remember seeing it

>> No.39239567
Quoted by: >>39241907

That kururu にょう道ステーション collab is still on niconico somewhere. I am too lazy to find it right now.

>> No.39240171
Quoted by: >>39241692

When she talks like this it sounds like she has a really low opinion of herself about what she does.

>> No.39240316
File: 1.86 MB, 2567x1440, Screenshot_20220401-050459~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearing her gush about her hamsters is nice.

>> No.39240838

Drunk canan can get a bit loud huh

>> No.39240921

I love her

>> No.39240975
Quoted by: >>39241009

Did she actually forget to mute or was that a joke?

>> No.39241009

Assume it's the latter with all the noises she was making.

>> No.39241154
Quoted by: >>39241221

Fucking EOPs

>> No.39241221
Quoted by: >>39241261

Because the Japanese language is so easy to learn especially if you're coming from English. Couldn't be more far apart.

>> No.39241261
Quoted by: >>39241276

Come on she's fucking laughing after puting on a fake male voice and people ask if she really forgot to mute?

>> No.39241276
Quoted by: >>39241637

Don't need to know japanese for that. Also it's a minor thing why are you sperging out, go jerk off you pent up nerd

>> No.39241308

Got a little worried there for a second

>> No.39241637
Quoted by: >>39241709

It's kinda sad that it's probably that guy who's keeping this thread alive

>> No.39241692

Well, you can tell that she's not a sexual person. If you're gonna do the type of stuff that she does, even if it is just softcore, you gotta have a little bit of a hoe in you. And I don't think she does. Either that or she's realized how far she's taken the ear licking stuff. That would take in with her making her new plan R15 instead of R18 (assuming the other anon was translating it correctly)

>> No.39241699


>> No.39241709

That's not me, I'm a good Kishidan. I even wished the Fandeads a good farewell yesterday.

>> No.39241871
Quoted by: >>39244445

So she debuted as 13 year old with big boobs on April 1? No wonder people thought she was lying and called her a hag.

>> No.39241907
File: 2.90 MB, 2131x1584, chibis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39242012

This one ?

>> No.39242012


>> No.39244445

Didn’t she only does voice only stream back then? I have only ever seen her picture from high school.

>> No.39250018
File: 1.27 MB, 4092x2893, 20220330_080540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39258015

Kururu is so flat.

>> No.39258346

Damn would C have turned into this if vtubing didn't exist? These are some very annoying women

>> No.39258375

I'm not even watching, I'll watch the vod later if it's worth it. Supposedly Marine's roommate was listed, is that true?

>> No.39258423

Yes she's on the list towards the end. It has me kind of worried.

>> No.39258437

Yes she's the last guest.

>> No.39258453
Quoted by: >>39258466

Huh I thought C would be next, so it's not really according to the order.

>> No.39258466
Quoted by: >>39258474

There's a timetable below, anon...

>> No.39258474

Ahh shit I missed it, thanks

>> No.39258611

Weren't they just with Flare? She tweeted out having cake with them. How can they call in?

>> No.39258641

From their phone? They don't have to use a cam right?

>> No.39258676

They probably just went home since Flare is having a stream right now.

>> No.39259214

Such a cute voice compared to all the others

>> No.39259217

I forgot how annoying kururu is.

>> No.39259243

The contrast

>> No.39259254
File: 837 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39259281

>> No.39259281

I pick right every time

>> No.39259325
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, VS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39259486

>no bra during middle school with D cups
Holy fuck imagine...

>> No.39259686

Batora's voice is so deep

>> No.39259818

At some point it must get annoying people only talk about her tits right? She's known that kururu for years and that's the only conversation they could have?

>> No.39261446

She's live rn, talking about doind a utube stream to read the rest of the marshmallows.

>> No.39261449
Quoted by: >>39264021

>Noel Elden Ring, C anniversary stream and members stream on sunday
She's trying really hard to prove she can handle both lives fine.

>> No.39261962

Seems like someone send her an archive with stuff from 2010, hopefully she shows some of it.

>> No.39262048
Quoted by: >>39262218

The idea of someone following her since back then and keeping all those videos is so crazy, what does he think of her now?

>> No.39262054

>drunk and showed salami
She had a nipple slip back then and someone has the video?

>> No.39262218

I saw someone on Twitter replying to her saying they have them but they don't follow her anymore, I don't know if its the same person.
Apparently recordings from her internet radio days are on niconico somewhere, she was like 11 or 12 back then.

>> No.39262375

Aw now she's not going to show them because they have background music and she wants to do it on YouTube.

>> No.39263979
File: 73 KB, 727x1000, 1560356936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39264021
Quoted by: >>39266532

And she can, she's been doing this for years. It's just hectic around this time because a lot is going on in Hololive right now and she has anniversary with C. It'll even out in a week or so.

>> No.39264923

i like to image canan is actually 吉根ゆりあ

>> No.39266523
File: 3.17 MB, 3508x3508, 93920028_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39266532

iirc April is generally a quite month after the coffee elf's birthday

>> No.39266706

Yeah, it'll get easier for her soon. She had Holoexpo, birthdays, anniversaries, recordings for Error and other projects.

>> No.39266746

>April is generally
So there won't be a thread after this?

>> No.39266824

She streams in 20 minutes and C later so knowing OP he'll make another

>> No.39266862
Quoted by: >>39266957

These threads are getting faster, whats wrong with making them?

>> No.39266868
Quoted by: >>39266888

There's no quiet months for hololive anymore, they'll be always recording something, and Noel has the seiyuu lessons on top of everything.

>> No.39266888
Quoted by: >>39266903

She'll be fine. C activity doesn't take much time, usually 1-2 hours.

>> No.39266903
Quoted by: >>39266923

She says the earlick streams required a lot of preparation beforehand, they tend to last 3 hours and they're mentally exhausting.

>> No.39266907
Quoted by: >>39266933

Anniversary will be on niconico, so we will see the archives

>> No.39266923
Quoted by: >>39266929

You make it sound like she's suffering and hasn't been doing this since 2019. She's fine. She's strong and I have faith in her.

>> No.39266929

She is definitely managing things way better now than she did in 2019/20

>> No.39266933

Will we see the nip slip one?

>> No.39266957

I just wanted to know if there was going to be a new thread since someone said she gets quiet.

>> No.39266966
Quoted by: >>39266972

Someone should just make the new thread. We’re in the bottom four anyways.

>> No.39266972

Bottom three now.
