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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 386 KB, 873x861, 1613883727601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38469451 No.38469451 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.38469454

Miko had a boyfriend.

>> No.38469455

this one

>> No.38469456
File: 102 KB, 1200x886, FKwFECmUcAA6jQo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469457
File: 348 KB, 1487x1983, FKdyvMxaQAA5fSr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really love my clown wife !!

>> No.38469460
File: 205 KB, 399x357, 1629226444400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura brehs...

>> No.38469461 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 885x905, 1636484613705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469463


>> No.38469464 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.34 MB, 941x1565, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't open

>> No.38469465
File: 164 KB, 717x1000, 67434633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469466

moomer, ame, gura is a cute group

>> No.38469469
File: 736 KB, 1825x3000, 1636631927258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gamer meido shark

>> No.38469468
File: 261 KB, 480x960, 20220125_105809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora Love!

>> No.38469470
File: 273 KB, 1913x1080, 1641116629718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469473

I hope I can one day see her as a regular part of hololive.
She (like lui) is just too boring for me.

>> No.38469476
File: 471 KB, 673x799, FGzFbN5aMAIaWA6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri Love

>> No.38469478
File: 289 KB, 1793x2048, FKwrjBdagAIk8CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469479

your mom is too boring for me

>> No.38469481

fuck off indog

>> No.38469483
File: 311 KB, 1211x1740, 1614469914115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid onion
I want to slap her in the tits

>> No.38469486 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 1125x633, 1639374877347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469488

Aquapex and gurapex collab when

>> No.38469489
Quoted by: >>38469507

Remember when we liked Kanata?

>> No.38469490
File: 77 KB, 151x275, 1642944014531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469492
File: 140 KB, 900x805, EmT8nCXU0AAW9OU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469506

This but her butt

>> No.38469493


>> No.38469497
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 1613260932432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469500
Quoted by: >>38469525

any new aqua porn?

>> No.38469501
File: 162 KB, 1280x640, 1680651056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469533


>> No.38469503

I thought you guys already had like 2 threads? Why make more? Not like that threads going to archive anytime soon.

>> No.38469504

>posting JP dox
Dreadful thread, gonna wait until JP primetime since then the sharts will be gone for a while at least.

>> No.38469505

imagine the cringe

>> No.38469506
File: 204 KB, 714x1000, 1643902701281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid and sensual onion

>> No.38469507

Last thread? Yeah, I remember it, it was like a minute ago.

>> No.38469509

>Iroha pokemon
FFX... on... ah fuck...

>> No.38469510
File: 430 KB, 2324x1687, 1635295806688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469532

What happened to wanting to slap Haachama's tits?

>> No.38469511 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 633x356, 1632391660574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469548

>> No.38469512
File: 406 KB, 1536x2048, 1640559902106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469514


>> No.38469515
File: 683 KB, 1920x1080, 1635144718541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peko chan!

>> No.38469516
File: 250 KB, 1004x710, FIK3PIWaQAMtbeX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which was your favourite part of this year's mikorone?

>> No.38469521 [DELETED] 
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1080, 1636630969683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469524
File: 573 KB, 2067x2756, FKWWaniVQAUJpUk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy her figure.

おにけもだんす MV!

Murder Mystery 3 on the 12th.

>> No.38469525

That new "live as hole" doujin

>> No.38469528
Quoted by: >>38469544

Americans found out that the more you eat, the more you shit which is why they're so fat.

>> No.38469530


>> No.38469531
Quoted by: >>38469538


>> No.38469532
File: 3.08 MB, 2508x3541, __minato_aqua_akai_haato_and_haaton_hololive_drawn_by_brat__aa983f0f61aac28bdb0552653d92b095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469566

I have two hands

>> No.38469533
File: 298 KB, 960x960, 10384931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0kisei OLEV

>> No.38469534

can I sniff?

>> No.38469538 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 674x671, 1621501984389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469544

("enchad domination").toUpperCase();

>> No.38469548

stream yo

>> No.38469555 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 562x441, 1638613122227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469558

towa is a cyborg

>> No.38469560

never forget

>> No.38469562

How significant a role will Subaru have in Lupin? Will she be practically a background character like Nene? Or will there be some focus on her?

>> No.38469565
File: 872 KB, 1214x1720, 1629583958384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469566
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't these two never interact anymore?
Their last "interaction" was when haato accidentally joined aqua and marine's stream and aqua screamed bloody murder

>> No.38469567
File: 31 KB, 576x576, 1633530932865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469568
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1621925417048.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469571

Lupin is going to die and Subaru will replace him as the main character

>> No.38469574 [DELETED] 
File: 397 KB, 1128x1504, 1634875850907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469575
Quoted by: >>38469608

>it was SEA all long

>> No.38469577
Quoted by: >>38469595

I asume she will be a minor character that can be edited out for the Chinese release

>> No.38469581

Who are we watching bros

>> No.38469582
File: 701 KB, 1157x651, 1633712113648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469583
Quoted by: >>38469608


>> No.38469585

>all this 3DPD
>not a single Twap

>> No.38469586
Quoted by: >>38469980

Probably a minor character but I'd love to hear her more. Hololive getting more and more legit VA opportunities is nice to see.

>> No.38469591
File: 185 KB, 991x1474, 1629922993113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469725

Chuu me.

>> No.38469592

Some background character that will just shout "OMAE" for a split second.

>> No.38469595

ah I didn't even consider that

>> No.38469596


>> No.38469600

Nice resolution

>> No.38469601
File: 885 KB, 2126x4092, 20220129_173756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my country Fubuki's average I can save her with sessions of passionate sex and high protein diet.

>> No.38469602
File: 1.15 MB, 1980x1108, 1613273835078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469604
File: 926 KB, 1280x720, 1592200810116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds perfect.

>> No.38469608

lest we forget about this.

>> No.38469609


>> No.38469611 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 584x831, 1629796956898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469612

*cums on Ayame's feet*

>> No.38469614

Stop posting this stupid shitty offmodel art.

>> No.38469615

Festival fat tits…

>> No.38469618

My oshi is so cute

>> No.38469624 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 506x540, 1622693028943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469626
Quoted by: >>38469640

I'm officially out of streams to watch, what do I do? Should I change to WACTOR?

>> No.38469631

definitely a virgin

>> No.38469633


>> No.38469638

Subaru is calling holoX an NGO...

>> No.38469640
Quoted by: >>38469658

Watch Subaru

>> No.38469642
Quoted by: >>38469656

so does anyone like the design of choco's mascot?

>> No.38469644
Quoted by: >>38469938

What if Mori did this?

>> No.38469645
File: 154 KB, 460x401, kaguyacoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469702

Remember when holos used to be more mainstream?

>> No.38469649
File: 2.93 MB, 670x348, bravomiyazaki.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people who want the Holos to play this kusoge

>> No.38469653

I was thinking it would be nice if they actually used her design for the character since it was a competition and obviously part of the prize is exposure, but then I remembered like 80% of vtubers are freakish demons or animal people who would look out of place...

>> No.38469656

onahole-tier, just like shion's and ayame's

>> No.38469658


>> No.38469659

that would be great casting

>> No.38469661


>> No.38469663

Lap baby

>> No.38469664

That's later. You watch Subaru talk now

>> No.38469666

Imagine if Luna had this much stamina.

>> No.38469667 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 360x640, 1623540811226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469670
Quoted by: >>38469707




>> No.38469672
Quoted by: >>38469688

Let me guess, EOP?

>> No.38469673 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, FKy6G9eVkAAuq3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469675

Are shields finally viable now

>> No.38469678

>3 person

>> No.38469680 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 1280x960, 1637733567213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469683

Die ENshart

>> No.38469688

It's okay, Subaru is speaking english for him

>> No.38469691
File: 223 KB, 1200x920, 1612678718914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469694

eating okayu

>> No.38469695 [DELETED] 

I love rica.

>> No.38469697

they operate in different times i think. aqua has a busy schedule and haachama mostly shows up at midnight or later these days. also less minecraft so less chances for interacting too.

>> No.38469698

I don't want Towa to bite my penis

>> No.38469702
File: 128 KB, 1440x810, 1618513231925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469718

Yeah, I remember when Cover started squandering opportunities even before chinks.

>> No.38469703
Quoted by: >>38469721

So is Rushia actually supposed to be streaming right now, or did she set her stream time wrong?

>> No.38469704
Quoted by: >>38469710

Me in the back.

>> No.38469706
Quoted by: >>38469744

what's the point of doxxing asian people? you've seen one you've seen them all

>> No.38469707




>> No.38469710

the obaachan?

>> No.38469716
File: 74 KB, 405x680, 1625717118799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469717

Me with the cane

>> No.38469718


>> No.38469719 [DELETED] 
File: 368 KB, 1200x1600, 1624483972218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grooming your oshi

>> No.38469720
File: 1.82 MB, 4000x6000, 1641432803198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cute lacey underwear. I wish I saw more art of holos wearing them. Tights are a big plus too.

>> No.38469721

read nigger read

>> No.38469723

Rushia turned me into a double Kanata

>> No.38469725


>> No.38469726

why would rushia loop this

>> No.38469728
File: 401 KB, 1410x1880, FEeEn2HagAE8-Gm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469730

I don't even know who I'm supposed to be recognising in half these dox pics. A dox is kinda useless if there's no indication of who's being doxed...

>> No.38469732
File: 498 KB, 1152x2048, 1634376688802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469740

gotta have a good meal

>> No.38469733

There's no holo who'd give it justice aside from Noel. I'd rather watch nijis who actually like Souls play it.

>> No.38469736 [DELETED] 
File: 508 KB, 2048x1768, 1642790590317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469737

You are racist.

>> No.38469738

All Towa

>> No.38469739
File: 125 KB, 756x752, 1635417379913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469740

Which one is matuli?

>> No.38469742 [SPOILER] 
File: 155 KB, 789x1024, 4c2c8f755b77c2091b307489e238a803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469744


>> No.38469745

I'm all the males on those pics

>> No.38469747
File: 255 KB, 423x503, 1644026791545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is going home...

>> No.38469749
File: 726 KB, 3000x3200, 1621933570179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469750
Quoted by: >>38469760

i don't care about the doxx pics, my oshi is cute

>> No.38469751
File: 522 KB, 607x668, 1628649387892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shh Nose is sleeping

>> No.38469754

is Bloodborne the best soul game?

>> No.38469755

What's wrong with her eyes?

>> No.38469759
File: 110 KB, 1065x602, 1632134456971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469769

>> No.38469760

I love your oshi

>> No.38469761 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 639x638, 1628100082356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469762
Quoted by: >>38469782


>> No.38469763 [SPOILER] 
File: 226 KB, 545x505, 1624884897381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minato aqua doxx

>> No.38469764

I'm gonna pick her nose!

>> No.38469765
Quoted by: >>38469774

holy kek...but also wtf

>> No.38469767

It's the only one besides Sekiro that isn't boring fantasyshit so sure I guess.

>> No.38469769


>> No.38469770


>> No.38469773
File: 1.84 MB, 1280x720, 1638447928887.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469794

Turn up that music!

>> No.38469774

Elden "More people will finish it" Ring

>> No.38469776
Quoted by: >>38469843

I will never insult Roboco's Apex again

>> No.38469777 [DELETED] 
File: 226 KB, 1128x1504, 1614777729951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469780
File: 406 KB, 420x477, 1629809116945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469782


>> No.38469784 [SPOILER] 
File: 226 KB, 463x453, 1636594848448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469817

>> No.38469785

Where's Towa

>> No.38469787

loop it more

>> No.38469790 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 960x712, 1622925670728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469791
File: 167 KB, 1079x1078, 1640985471526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more excited for the influx of retards begging for Bamco permissions without realizing who actually publishes Soulsshit in Japan

>> No.38469792

that's' some delicious mayo thighs

>> No.38469794
File: 27 KB, 448x470, 1642955775402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469844

How the FUCK is Towa so cool?!

>> No.38469795
File: 64 KB, 248x204, 2view.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute 2 view, has boyfriend?

>> No.38469796
Quoted by: >>38469882

I never watched aqua's ds playthrough. I know she was good, but was it a fun playthrough? Or was it purely technique and gameplay focused?

>> No.38469797
Quoted by: >>38469828


>> No.38469799
File: 395 KB, 1548x2060, 1639033920952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469801

What triggered the doxxposting this time?

>> No.38469803

just watch l*l* play it

>> No.38469805

Elden "casual" Ring

>> No.38469807 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 768x1024, 1616876582173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470087

Korean Towa

>> No.38469811

There's no trigger
Just SEAnig doing SEAnig things

>> No.38469812
File: 1.38 MB, 1123x630, 1622706811441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469871

>> No.38469813

it's always shit after 8am jst to 6pm jst

>> No.38469814
File: 157 KB, 312x314, 1630306076296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469849

>spamming doxx
>not anti thread btw

>> No.38469817
File: 87 KB, 248x238, 1632963813146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469839


>> No.38469820
File: 916 KB, 1735x1097, 1615893576118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469859

*summons burger*

>> No.38469821
File: 1.54 MB, 1900x1132, 1612798363590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469822

*cums on Shion's feet*

>> No.38469824
File: 233 KB, 1279x959, 1642510126257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469825
Quoted by: >>38470096

it's the ENfag as usual

>> No.38469828

I'm not interested in tight pussies

>> No.38469829


>> No.38469835

>Getting Over It with
ah yes my favourite game

>> No.38469836 [DELETED] 

EN and The whole Americans.

>> No.38469839
File: 68 KB, 463x453, 1601142931380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469842
File: 328 KB, 1536x2048, 1635341322071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469843

Gura is at least a real beginner, but watch Choco for actual bad Apex

>> No.38469844
File: 121 KB, 685x725, 1615675883668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469846

NijiEN is apparently experiencing its own mini chinkout right now. Make sure to thank Coco everyday for protecting us from the bugs.

>> No.38469847
File: 11 KB, 296x296, 1588768544331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demon's Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro are the most original, Dark Souls is THE staple Souls experience, DS2 is the most ambitious unfinished mess ever which was supposed to be the Elden Ring of its time until they scrapped the entire thing half a year before release, DS3 is a "best of" souls trope collection, most solid gameplay but not a lot of own identity.

>> No.38469849

Fuck off.
I love my oshi's roomate. She is super hot.

>> No.38469851 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 985x1313, 1640181502700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469853

EUfaggots shitposting. Reminder that the biggest doxposter from these threads was a polish faggot.

>> No.38469854

What happened?

>> No.38469855

haha can someone post sio's roommate

>> No.38469856

explain further

>> No.38469859
File: 861 KB, 3496x3463, 1635095195389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469860

who is your oshi?

>> No.38469863
File: 1.07 MB, 1278x719, 1617168324331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469864


>> No.38469865
File: 332 KB, 1920x1080, 1641046286815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this little shit while Iroha watches

>> No.38469866
Quoted by: >>38469905

Coco hardly did anything though. The chinks blew themselves up.

>> No.38469868

Don't do it in here then, go post your """"""""""""""""hot""""""""""""""""""" oshi's roommate somewhere else.

>> No.38469869
File: 1.17 MB, 1420x1574, 1631119314208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*summons potechi*

>> No.38469871

all me btw

>> No.38469874
File: 233 KB, 1666x2048, 1638853221453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469937

Arcade date with Korone!
Beating her at KoF 98!
Getting a blowjob behind the Pop'n Music cabinet!

>> No.38469878
File: 266 KB, 1419x781, 1620991191663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469882

Aqua tryharded quite a bit but that was fun to watch, though I personally enjoy Noel's style more.

>> No.38469885

Where are the good games?

>> No.38469887
File: 2.08 MB, 1200x900, 1612947356787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469904

>> No.38469889
File: 34 KB, 885x367, 1634950753857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469915

Will Kanatan finally kill herself this year?

>> No.38469896 [DELETED] 

>He mad because his oshi roommate is ugly.

>> No.38469897


>> No.38469900

champion woooooooow

>> No.38469901


>> No.38469902


>> No.38469903

I always knew Gura was an apex prodigy

>> No.38469904

Is that guy in charge of coding the YouTube chat?

>> No.38469905

She held out long enough for them to be humiliated though. She could have quit right at the start, but she made sure to stay till everyone say the bugs getting stomped out.

>> No.38469908

Easy win for Gura and her gfs

>> No.38469909
File: 461 KB, 2048x1536, 1632043351144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469922

doxxing myself

>> No.38469910
Quoted by: >>38470009

Soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agc6Y5eZlCE

>> No.38469911
Quoted by: >>38470052

how the fuck did that one shit bypass my filter

>> No.38469915

If suisei talks to her before she vacates her house then she won't.

>> No.38469916
Quoted by: >>38469929

Pomu had her cafe in Minecraft leveled because of the game's update

>> No.38469918
File: 253 KB, 589x463, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon Chillabros

>> No.38469920
File: 1.69 MB, 2304x4096, 1623310298615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469921
File: 546 KB, 2048x1536, 1632082889106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469922


>> No.38469924
File: 2.05 MB, 1024x1400, 1640682308903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is no one talking about pekora's tits here?

>> No.38469925 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 720x420, 1612590798407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469927

Towanwan...you were a good boy...

>> No.38469929


>> No.38469932

This body isn't doing anything for me. I feel no attraction.

>> No.38469933 [DELETED] 


>> No.38469937

Ok okayu. Stop showing off.

>> No.38469938

Mori is a filthy white pig and should be treated as such.

>> No.38469939

livin' the dream...

>> No.38469940

Pomu's diseased tits fell off again and a bunch of dead maggots were in the wound. She made a joke about how she hasn't seen this many dead bugs since 1989.

>> No.38469947
Quoted by: >>38469969

This, we hate white people here.

>> No.38469953

Based, thanks for the info.

>> No.38469956
Quoted by: >>38469975

I don't watch NijiEN so I really don't know myself.
What I've gathered is Chinese are ganging up and attacking one of the male NijiEN's chat mods because they were timed out for spamming emojis or something. They said the mod is targeting them and she's "hurting the feelings of the chinese people" and shit. Their behavior mirrors the chinkout because they're trying to organize and contact Nijisanji to get the mod fired. And now they're doxxing the mod too.
I don't really care enough to look into it further. It's just really funny to me how bugs never fail to live up to their reputation.

>> No.38469957

based, nice joke btw

>> No.38469962

Ah yes, the right size.

>> No.38469963 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 831x1200, 1622040489314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469973

>> No.38469965

lulu...don't go...

>> No.38469967
File: 2.33 MB, 2720x3412, 83366375_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american jokes

>> No.38469968 [DELETED] 
File: 400 KB, 2048x1279, 1618774657961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469969
File: 119 KB, 1200x1200, rwqrasf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470006

>laughs in Caucasian

>> No.38469973

How do I get a Lunaito gf (male)?

>> No.38469974
File: 689 KB, 1383x1558, 94356657_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469984

Miko has a girlfriend

>> No.38469975

>hurting the feelings of the chinese people
There's a wiki page for this phrase, it's real and hilarious. Why would they use such effeminate phrasing

>> No.38469980

How much does it cost to hire them for a role? Do I get too meet them for the recording?

>> No.38469981

Too small

>> No.38469984
File: 52 KB, 182x181, 1635555602415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38469997


>> No.38469985 [DELETED] 
File: 470 KB, 2048x1536, 1634194326705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend (Female)

>> No.38469986
File: 496 KB, 930x1316, FKvn6vtVIAkWz5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469988
File: 165 KB, 960x1280, 1604694921083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would they use such effeminate phrasing
dunno, you tell me

>> No.38469989 [SPOILER] 
File: 197 KB, 670x2048, FKw9DsnVUAEO1AP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470003

Why is Kanata such a bitch?

>> No.38469990

What the fuck is this wind sound

>> No.38469997


>> No.38469998


>> No.38470000 [DELETED] 
File: 518 KB, 2048x1536, 1616704239419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470002

Well in this case it actually makes sense for once because the bugs that are freaking out and harassing the mod are old chinese fujos. It's a nijiEN male's chat.

>> No.38470003


>> No.38470005


>> No.38470006
Quoted by: >>38470019

based chechen, we love chechnya here

>> No.38470009

>any DQ
Good joke.

>> No.38470011
File: 14 KB, 281x328, 1600952188245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470043

>> No.38470016


>> No.38470018
File: 850 KB, 3161x1932, 1644028239068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame.. I miss you

>> No.38470019
Quoted by: >>38470031

That's not what Caucasian means for the rest of the world, fellow ssrb.

>> No.38470021
File: 39 KB, 432x432, 161578175987655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470022 [DELETED] 
File: 614 KB, 2048x1536, 1628486178046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470024
File: 89 KB, 675x900, 1641512061593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470025

i'm glad mikochi is cute irl

>> No.38470026
Quoted by: >>38470034


>> No.38470030
File: 202 KB, 990x1400, FJaa2B-VkAEbVWm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filtered like an EOP

>> No.38470031

maybe it was an anthropological joke you tard

>> No.38470032


>> No.38470033
File: 346 KB, 2479x1485, 1629504692301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470034
File: 224 KB, 593x661, upizoalfxtx41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470036


>> No.38470039 [DELETED] 
File: 688 KB, 1536x2048, 1617431539624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470041

>tap strafe nerfed
AqukinnMaster status?

>> No.38470042
Quoted by: >>38470049

doxxbro, just don't post Botan, i beg you

>> No.38470043
File: 156 KB, 807x767, 1638927429285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn that frown into mania

>> No.38470045
File: 5 KB, 203x79, 1641586752798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470093

>> No.38470047


>> No.38470049


>> No.38470050 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 537x994, 1643004026103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470084

>> No.38470052

Keep crying

>> No.38470053

bros.. how is this a boy?

>> No.38470058

Towa's so handsome she could rob lesbians and they wouldn't even mind

>> No.38470059
File: 1.68 MB, 206x286, Siotalkingshitaboutrbc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470068

what the fuck am i watching

>> No.38470060

Is she hag?

>> No.38470064

Do we like Ironmouse here?

>> No.38470068

Didn't they find the exact shit post she made here?

>> No.38470075

>Aqua master
>No more apex streams ever again and she'll be back streaming nothing but utawaku
Was is worth it

>> No.38470076

knowing the mods on this board, that post will stay up the whole thread

>> No.38470078
File: 1.33 MB, 1151x647, 1620871384972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470081

No. She's a whore who had a teenage pregnancy.

>> No.38470083

Sorry Mumei, I'm not watching anything with Mori. Fuck the rest too.

>> No.38470084
Quoted by: >>38470102


>> No.38470085

Idol Smiles

>> No.38470086

After all the hype and build up, YES

>> No.38470087 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1623160464640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she >>38469807 her sister?

>> No.38470090

She's going to join CR cup with Towa

>> No.38470092

Not hololive.
I heard she's not that bad and dying or something so I don't hate her but still go away.

>> No.38470093
File: 934 KB, 740x706, 1617149607318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eigo... muzukashi...

>> No.38470095
Quoted by: >>38470099

This charts was made by redditors

>> No.38470096


>> No.38470099

not wrong, technically.

>> No.38470101

Already taken by her "brother and little sister"

>> No.38470102
Quoted by: >>38470109

She's not fat, that body was the result of bearing 2 healthy kids.

>> No.38470107
Quoted by: >>38470133

common sense

>> No.38470108
Quoted by: >>38470183

Hurea don't look...

>> No.38470109


>> No.38470110
File: 377 KB, 1044x2047, FKzG9MUacAQGRkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470112

what is even going on in fbk freechat
mods where

>> No.38470115 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 1620831958575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470123

Bring Matsuri and they can be death last again as a holo team

>> No.38470127
Quoted by: >>38470182


>> No.38470128
Quoted by: >>38470141

How come EN central gets good shit like this and we're stuck with no OC and doxposting?

>> No.38470129
Quoted by: >>38470183



>> No.38470132

Need another holo girl, she will not play with vspo girl let alone a male.

>> No.38470133

Ah, so you're just strawmanning again. Got it.

>> No.38470137 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 324x547, 1626016060938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470139
Quoted by: >>38470195

cant believe suityan oshi is mio...

>> No.38470141


>> No.38470142
Quoted by: >>38470167

Why is Rushia pretending to be bad when she already beat this? Is she pulling a Noel?

>> No.38470145
File: 778 KB, 1159x655, 1625040316845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470148

It just uses buzzword it just learns without knowing what it is.

>> No.38470149 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1080x1296, 1614815603403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470150

She's back.

>> No.38470151
File: 128 KB, 640x1316, wvwhzpxya8l51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470153

Ayy lmao

>> No.38470154

vsaikyou with aqua haachama hoshikawa or replace haachama with shion. i just think haachama would be a funnier combo.

>> No.38470158
File: 403 KB, 1654x1020, 1638452787887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470160

They could abduct me, honestly it sounds like a good time

>> No.38470162
File: 111 KB, 445x503, dbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470163

With two master players they will surely do better than last

>> No.38470165
Quoted by: >>38470175

was she gone?

>> No.38470166

Nobody gives a shit about haacunt.

>> No.38470167
Quoted by: >>38470180

Are you retarded or have a bad memory?

>> No.38470169 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 741x741, FKv0CWAaQAMcDH6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470174

>> No.38470171

matsuri is not a master player

>> No.38470172
Quoted by: >>38470553

Aqua can't play with Matsuri because they would exceed the point cap. Matsuri is dead weight master.

>> No.38470173

Is Akai Haato finally back?

>> No.38470174
File: 89 KB, 1200x1190, 1641868210763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470228


>> No.38470175

she was moving out

>> No.38470176

that guy said cr cup so no way. there are teams with 2 predators that eat shit.

>> No.38470178

suisei took a break right when ado released an album ogey

>> No.38470179
Quoted by: >>38470311

When is your oshi covering Salamander? I'm trying to make a video

>> No.38470180
Quoted by: >>38470260

Rushia did beat this though. I distinctly remember her pulling up videos of other holos playing and following their steps until she beat it.

>> No.38470181

Just do nazigumi. They'll be exactly 18 points

>> No.38470182

Nobody cares haatard.

>> No.38470183
Quoted by: >>38470207

I mean she's right, Flare should be around where Korone is, if not slightly lower

>> No.38470184

she's back
she's back again until she's gone, and then she's back again

>> No.38470190 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1024x576, 1630351438354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470191
Quoted by: >>38470197

I was wondering why HoloJP didn't stink of attentionwhoring trash lately.

>> No.38470195
Quoted by: >>38470319

>6yr old account
>posting in FoodPorn_jp
Yeah, that's not her.

>> No.38470197
Quoted by: >>38470227

there is no such thing as HoloJP, ENfag. Only Hololive and irrelevant side branches

>> No.38470198

he always does the same
spam doxx, they magically get deleted when the thread is coming to an end, then he starts spamming EN until image limit

>> No.38470202

Practicing once every 3 months...

>> No.38470204 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 1239x897, 1643831647823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470205

theyll never fucking talk to each other and she'll start seething when ayame and shion dont give a fuck about it
aqua needs to team up with the anus licker and another top player

>> No.38470207

i think people that personally know her are more knowledgeable about how she acts around them and how she is perceived by them, Flare personal opinion doesn't matter in this case, couse it would only reflect how she perceives herself, witch is biased

>> No.38470208

Rushia will fall at the orange.

>> No.38470210
File: 1.75 MB, 962x1579, 1619706544910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470212

Is Suisei lesbian

>> No.38470217

whores are Bi, so technically yes

>> No.38470219
Quoted by: >>38470267

gura leeching off from aqua's recent apex popularity!

>> No.38470221

kill yourself

>> No.38470222 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 1536x2048, 1641995891665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470226
File: 221 KB, 567x434, 1619726056993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if luna looked like this

>> No.38470227


>> No.38470228
File: 1.65 MB, 177x133, 1637039793736.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bibi you little bastard - you better not try to fuck it

>> No.38470229
Quoted by: >>38470247

crawl back into your hole

>> No.38470230
File: 228 KB, 740x494, 1642060882031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470231

Remember that one time Towa and Suisei randomly called into Noel's totsu together and said they were at Towa's house and just kept giggling the whole call?

>> No.38470232
Quoted by: >>38470248


>> No.38470233
File: 3.16 MB, 2880x829, 1644027891498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470253

>> No.38470237

yeah it started

>> No.38470240

cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum

>> No.38470245

in suisei

>> No.38470247

woops replied to the wrong post...sorry anon. I have no opinion on Suisei's sexual orientation
YOU can crawl back into your hole

>> No.38470248

What should I say?

>> No.38470249
File: 123 KB, 1274x766, 1628653015846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470250

council will always be a bunch of boring failures and rancid whores

>> No.38470252 [DELETED] 


>> No.38470253

Good artist but why are you uploading the retarded cropped version

>> No.38470255
Quoted by: >>38470277


>> No.38470256


>> No.38470259
File: 554 KB, 900x614, deqe6pn68of81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470260
Quoted by: >>38470295

You have a bad memory. Go back to 2020 July and look at her videos. She never got past this part.

>> No.38470262

I'm showing her images with sexual intent

>> No.38470267

>14 watching

>> No.38470271
File: 2.51 MB, 1989x1411, 1618510196529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470275


>> No.38470276
File: 164 KB, 389x442, Elt1235765300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470280


>> No.38470277

Thanks Towa

>> No.38470280

<span class="sjis">hey man</span>

>> No.38470283


>> No.38470285

I wish I came that much

>> No.38470287

me in the phone

>> No.38470290
File: 1.81 MB, 2895x4093, 1628607097178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lamy sex

>> No.38470292

I swear on my soul i’ll never post or even enter this thread ever again
Abayo, i hate all of you

>> No.38470295


>> No.38470296

see you next week bud

>> No.38470297
File: 75 KB, 905x870, 1613929888503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you tomorrow

>> No.38470299
Quoted by: >>38470315

Only if she's in her fertile days.

>> No.38470303

See you next thread

>> No.38470304

See you next thread.

>> No.38470305
File: 68 KB, 640x487, g2l4k2fitnf81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470326

>> No.38470311

I think there a huge chance Lapras next cover that she is recording is this.

>> No.38470313

see you at the next tournament

>> No.38470315
Quoted by: >>38470324

Elves are barely fertile. It's why they need massive orc loads to breed them.

>> No.38470317


>> No.38470319

ya its not her, looking through old comments and it seems to be a guy from florida

>> No.38470323


>> No.38470324

I had no idea, too bad I'm human

>> No.38470326


>> No.38470331
File: 640 KB, 2260x4060, FKvmkn7akAIdGzg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470333
File: 241 KB, 1536x2048, 1632656453587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470334
File: 117 KB, 1080x1080, waitwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470343

Wait, what's happening?

>> No.38470337

Deaver is a hack.

>> No.38470343

Has Fauna ever solo collabed with Ina or Irys?

>> No.38470347

Sex with Mikocchi

>> No.38470356


>> No.38470364
File: 47 KB, 504x680, FKwoaoCUYAYmDJ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470365
File: 202 KB, 599x812, 1617824826734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.38470372
File: 2.26 MB, 1607x1304, 1634944369744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

troublesome woman(good)

>> No.38470373


>> No.38470378


>> No.38470380
Quoted by: >>38470401

hey buds hows it growin

>> No.38470382

My poor poor stupid and retarded owl...

>> No.38470387 [SPOILER] 
File: 108 KB, 1444x827, 1635728644515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470389
File: 113 KB, 1200x675, 1631951698798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470390
Quoted by: >>38470440

Why do everytime I want to catch IRyS there's always that cringe reaper

>> No.38470394

Gen4+Mio theater and sakura to pan 2 by far
The almost 4 hour long totsu was also very てぇてぇ
The pre-recorded segments where good too but how can they not be when that shit was probably edited to hell and back

>> No.38470398
File: 165 KB, 519x341, 1615868912124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470401


>> No.38470403


>> No.38470407


>> No.38470415


>> No.38470420

rushia still got further than suisei ever will

>> No.38470424

for me its mumei

>> No.38470427


>> No.38470428


>> No.38470429

I love whores

>> No.38470431
File: 246 KB, 593x661, 1631331587596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470433

can irys ever recover?

>> No.38470434
File: 213 KB, 906x1458, FKzS7B9aIAIEh7g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470438
File: 109 KB, 1192x1008, 1622515786659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't watch, but the impressions in 3D was perfect

>> No.38470439
File: 669 KB, 720x812, 158106416581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470448

Lamy is awake

>> No.38470440

Shoving herself because she doesn't want to get shit on by others.

>> No.38470444
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, 1627112232393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470566

>> No.38470445
File: 810 KB, 928x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed the collab

>> No.38470446

Ok, the [Appear Suddenly] in red text black border is quiet funny.

>> No.38470448

delivery when

>> No.38470450

*came suddenly*

>> No.38470451


>> No.38470452

Shame she increases her volume.

>> No.38470454
File: 272 KB, 410x441, 1640913223950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better

>> No.38470455


>> No.38470456
File: 149 KB, 1327x676, 300views.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen4Mio family was absolutely kino
Kanata and Towa absolutely killed it

>> No.38470458
File: 766 KB, 1448x2048, korosan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470468

>> No.38470462
File: 213 KB, 344x427, 1613240422170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470465

is lamy a cat?

>> No.38470466
File: 128 KB, 720x1280, DSKtDxeBzcr--QRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Echo streamed on youtube yesterday with a bunch of moderators
>look up their chat history
>all used to post in holo chats
>none wheelbarrowed
so Echo is now 100% innocent, right? we love her again, right?

>> No.38470467


>> No.38470468

I will do it tomorrow

>> No.38470470

isn't her roommate an actual known slut and whore

>> No.38470472

all of them

>> No.38470476


>> No.38470481
File: 132 KB, 619x434, 1626471688110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470483

>believing artia

>> No.38470484
Quoted by: >>38470533

now that the stigma of doxxing went away and i know what 90% of them look like it feels like old news and im ready to move onto something else

>> No.38470486

No, she is an elf.

>> No.38470487

おはにゃん yes

>> No.38470488

anyone have that pic of matsuri raising nene's skirt and touching her ass

>> No.38470494
Quoted by: >>38470516


>> No.38470496

Where do I put that thing...

>> No.38470500

Holos with boyfriend?

>> No.38470501
File: 991 KB, 1110x960, 93551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470507


>> No.38470508

All of those who don't stream 18 hours a day like Watame.

>> No.38470510

Your oshi

>> No.38470514
File: 123 KB, 850x961, 1625630534927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470516

I remember this from coco's meme review

No need to reply to your post with the source here redditchama

>> No.38470522
File: 121 KB, 1388x1179, EdgF5agUEAIAyfD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470523

Miko and Aqua, and they share the same one.

>> No.38470525

>Kiara admitted that she has Ame Gosling fantasies
>Goslinging... That's a phrase I haven't heard in a while...
>What does Goslinging mean, actually? I'm aware that it's the name of a famous actor.
>It's originally a /vt/ meme but it spread to other sites a long time ago.
>More of a /jp/ meme
>Oh right, I forget about that sometimes. By the time I started watching vtubers /vt/ already existed.
It's a fucking /tv/ meme! Jesus Christ, everytime I think the idiots on the subreddit can't get more misinformed, they prove me wrong

>> No.38470526

Towa told me she's pregnant

>> No.38470532
File: 603 KB, 2149x3035, FKQrhr7VcAE49Cr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on my girlfriend?

>> No.38470533
File: 456 KB, 1920x1080, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470538
Quoted by: >>38470543


>> No.38470539

im going to eat a cheeseburger

>> No.38470543
File: 57 KB, 640x597, headpat panik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470544

/tv/ is the intellectual center of every cancer in this site.
I always chuckle when I see a giganewfag call sneed a /v/ meme because they see it on their home board all the time and thus associate it with there

>> No.38470545

wow! i love hololive even more

>> No.38470552
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x720, 1633020879988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470553
Quoted by: >>38470600

Manjigumi should team up. Shion and Ayame played in previous vtuber tourneys. Ayame and Shion are worth plat points so the point cap shouldn't be a problem with Aqua being the leader.

>> No.38470559

I've been a chumbud from the start but I'm honestly starting to hate Gura. It seems like her attitude is terrible and she has no desire to improve herself and just expects everyone else to adjust to her pace

>> No.38470560
File: 698 KB, 647x646, 1638147209765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470561

guras watched so much aquapex she's actually improved at the game

>> No.38470564
File: 3.94 MB, 1920x1920, 1615859790802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470566


>> No.38470569
File: 407 KB, 1280x720, 1626589983384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470570
File: 199 KB, 1098x1078, 1643334244162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470572
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, Agc6Y5eZlCE-HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

Miko Dragon Quest V in 25 minutes! https://youtu.be/Agc6Y5eZlCE

>> No.38470573

what a qt

>> No.38470574
Quoted by: >>38470584

I HATE 3D Lamy!

>> No.38470578

The vibrating board

>> No.38470579

Do you think my oshi Watame would be sad if I died

>> No.38470584
File: 1.34 MB, 992x709, 1612732797539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470585
File: 921 KB, 1009x761, Rmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470597


>> No.38470587
File: 79 KB, 450x600, 1622616005976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470588
File: 554 KB, 964x1376, __nanashi_mumei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nnnnnanashiiii__2a48324cb1f67d4303abb7221546ad5f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470589


>> No.38470590

Ruchan my fucking ears

>> No.38470591


>> No.38470594

Lucia is too good

>> No.38470596
File: 346 KB, 1013x2156, FGt7GN_UcAIbijX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470619

Is this the Lamy thread?

>> No.38470597
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x720, 1635425708761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470600
Quoted by: >>38470634

Unfortunately for Aqua, Ayame and Shion don't stream

>> No.38470602
File: 758 KB, 1157x645, 1618584885235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470606
Quoted by: >>38470647

Konbanno everyone! Are you watching Meno today? No? You should!


>> No.38470607


>> No.38470608
File: 356 KB, 1458x194, 1620237691989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470611

Iwara needs to stop lewding Sora.

>> No.38470614
File: 2.74 MB, 1280x720, hololive onion master.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470617
File: 662 KB, 640x1136, 1614549474882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470653

Start stroking, anon.

>> No.38470619

Yes, Lamy's mom must be a lonely cake because she nailed the wedding dress fantasy

>> No.38470620
Quoted by: >>38470628

When they lewd Miko it just isn't the same.

>> No.38470623
File: 3.83 MB, 1920x1080, 1622740866016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's giving me that face again

>> No.38470627
Quoted by: >>38470652

Vspo status?

>> No.38470628
Quoted by: >>38470650

The difference is that Miko is the least sexual holo

>> No.38470629
File: 1.02 MB, 1147x650, 1628958836889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470632

I miss Aqua...

>> No.38470634

More like all of them don't stream.

>> No.38470638


>> No.38470639
File: 1.11 MB, 2748x4096, 1642667029814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470640
Quoted by: >>38470673

That's the fish chink

>> No.38470647

Meno is pretty cute

>> No.38470650

Nene though

>> No.38470651


>> No.38470652
File: 6 KB, 468x461, 1642084438995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470662


>> No.38470653
File: 634 KB, 1980x1130, 1614475493493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470678

Pic related was much more used before I think

>> No.38470660
File: 1.06 MB, 2400x3780, FKwB4TyaMAYdLUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470662

Will she make it?

>> No.38470673

oh right the league whore

>> No.38470676

Slander. Artia is jealous of Ayame's sister because her roommate is hot and Artia is a dirty uggo.

>> No.38470678
File: 61 KB, 425x515, 1613330842148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470692

Yes, until i lost that images because my sora folder weirdly got replaced by suisei folder.

>> No.38470679

it was adopted by /jp/ because Ame's first watch along was literally Blade Runner 2049. It was originally only used by teamates.

>> No.38470681
File: 400 KB, 1153x1000, 1643640548088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470684


>> No.38470687

people actually believe this on vt

>> No.38470689
Quoted by: >>38470716

Ame Gosling was a meme way before the blade runner thing. If anything Ame probably just did that watchalong in the first place as a nod to the people who were already using it about her

>> No.38470692
File: 74 KB, 675x1200, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a strange coincidence

>> No.38470694

This is why Rushia's neighbors hate her.

>> No.38470706

people literally believe vtuber faggots invented "goslinging" lmfao how fucking new jesus christ

>> No.38470711

I'm gosling for your oshi right now.

>> No.38470716
Quoted by: >>38470733

I remember the association started on her first gaming stream where she was playing some puzzle game and people realized she wasn't quite as annoying as in the debut
/hlg/ was using gosling before EN existed though and of course the lonely and horny meme predates that

>> No.38470728
Quoted by: >>38470753

Okayu gossling niggers were a thing way before /vt/ or EN existed.

>> No.38470729

naisu rusi

>> No.38470733

Also the Goose being "literally me" started with Drive (2011)

>> No.38470741

it's actually depressing that people have no idea /tv/ has been the "meme factory" of this shithole for close 10 years or more now, forced or not

>> No.38470743

Lately the gamepad of my PS4 has a lot of lag, does anyone know the cause? (I have the dualshock4 V2)

>> No.38470745

to think okayu gosling niggers were so influential that we have holos talking about "goslings" on stream

>> No.38470749
File: 655 KB, 1332x1128, 1638369658515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470750
Quoted by: >>38470806

has Okayu acknowledged the meme before?

>> No.38470751

Stop requesting holosongs in radio

>> No.38470752
Quoted by: >>38470759

Stfu newfag, we used gosling pictures long before En even debuted

>> No.38470753

Why did you post twice.

>> No.38470755

it's no surprise at all, cinema and television are so fucking bad that there's nothing to talk about other than shitposting

>> No.38470758
Quoted by: >>38470765


>> No.38470759
Quoted by: >>38470771

Umm, excuse you

>> No.38470760

towa suk

>> No.38470763

/tv/ just feels like the cesspool on top of another cesspool

>> No.38470764

Post radio

>> No.38470765

at least not ENshit

>> No.38470770
File: 990 KB, 1573x1319, reminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470771

Nice clover

>> No.38470775
File: 962 KB, 720x1280, 1619058990400.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470781

Do you think Gura is smooth underneath or does she have a bush down there?

>> No.38470784
File: 264 KB, 1424x2048, 164403334498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an idiot

>> No.38470790
Quoted by: >>38470799

Holy shit I knew EN hours were bad but this is some next level.

>> No.38470793

ryan gosling was around way before vtubers lol

>> No.38470796
Quoted by: >>38470820

wich holo wud u rape?

>> No.38470799

>obvious bait is worse than doxx spam for hours

>> No.38470806

no but an EN started talking about the gosling meme and more or less related to it

>> No.38470808 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 651x104, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got downvoted just for saying the truth :(

>> No.38470809

who is the Ryan Gosling, star of Drive (2011) of vtubers?

>> No.38470810


>> No.38470813

aqua should have commissioned me to make her montage video. I could do it better than whatever hackjob she gave that project to. Its as if they tried to compile every single bad effect they could do and make it into a video.

>> No.38470816
Quoted by: >>38470839

minato aqua buttsex

>> No.38470819


>> No.38470820

Ui Beam-san.

>> No.38470822
File: 777 KB, 1048x616, 1641368348270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did EN debut again?

>> No.38470823

here's 66 images of friend lewds

>> No.38470830

Send in your own, i'm sure she will feature it!

>> No.38470835

>4 viewers

>> No.38470839
File: 185 KB, 1280x1811, 1635672142113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love aquabutt here

>> No.38470842
File: 101 KB, 437x437, 1597733544517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470844

Good job riling them up. Have another (You)

>> No.38470846


>> No.38470847

>autistic violent loner who longs for companionship
literally aqua?

>> No.38470848
File: 639 KB, 768x432, 1637217486830.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and lamy.

>> No.38470851

What is going on with the viewer counts? I can't fap to these unstable numbers.

>> No.38470857

FUcking christ, that's a intense fox breeding sesion!

>> No.38470859

Why is Calli still getting invited to collabs after all the shit she pulled recently?

>> No.38470860
File: 1008 KB, 480x498, 1599928080932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470861
File: 381 KB, 492x270, 3535353535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko!!

>> No.38470866

Every holo agrees with her.

>> No.38470868

nobody in EN stands by each other they just all go to bed when they stop streaming

>> No.38470869
File: 238 KB, 762x616, 1619107580688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470896


>> No.38470875

Miko started, get in here 35P! https://youtu.be/Agc6Y5eZlCE

>> No.38470876

migo migo bebbi bebbi

>> No.38470877
Quoted by: >>38470898

Somehow I never want to send my member milestone chat thing since it just feels like I'm demanding attention to myself and it's not like the streamer actually gets anything from it...

>> No.38470881

She only called EN talentless.

>> No.38470886
Quoted by: >>38470899

Fauna loves glasses just like Friend.

>> No.38470889

Nyahello Miko Miko Miko~

>> No.38470891
File: 604 KB, 1280x467, 1638847541897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470894


>> No.38470895


>> No.38470896

if not?

>> No.38470897
File: 274 KB, 697x731, 1639005131903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will not watch your fat baby

>> No.38470898

It's fine, the message goes by so fast they don't notice at all

>> No.38470899
Quoted by: >>38470932

Is that the whore with a boyfriend?

>> No.38470904
File: 372 KB, 850x1202, 96004097_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


みんなお待ちかね ぺこらっぷ
準備はできている? hurry up!

3Dも遂に登場 自己紹介をどうぞ
名前は「兎田ぺこら」ぺこ 寂しがり屋とetcetera.




おいしくないよ ぺこらのもも肉




>> No.38470905
File: 1.22 MB, 1484x1000, FKy7Q2pUcAAL4R_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470908
File: 457 KB, 2480x3507, untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(bun bun cha x N)

Everyone's long awaited, PEKO RAP!
Are the preparations done? HURRY UP!

Finally made the 3D appearance,
go ahead with the self introduction!

th' Name is Usada Pekora peko!
Feels lonely easily and ET CETERA.

A BUNNY GIRL whose a entertainer?
The spirit as an IDOL!

HIKAKIN's big brother is SEIKIN!
Its gonna get them angry!

Isn't it attractive? This BODY!
Isn't it cute? This FACE!

GIRLS & BOYS drooling all over!
Its not tasty! Pekora's thigh meat,

Please take care of even such a Pekora!
From now on as well let's carve Pekora STORY―!

(bun bun cha x N)

>> No.38470909
Quoted by: >>38470917

who is the pekomiko of holoEN

>> No.38470911
File: 625 KB, 624x654, 1638522664699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite.

>> No.38470915
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1412, 25780865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(bun bun cha x N)

Everyone's long awaited, PEKO RAP!
Are the preparations done? HURRY UP!

Finally made the 3D appearance,
go ahead with the self introduction!

th' Name is Usada Pekora peko!
Feels lonely easily and ET CETERA.

A BUNNY GIRL whose a entertainer?
The spirit as an IDOL!

HIKAKIN's big brother is SEIKIN!
Its gonna get them angry!

Isn't it attractive? This BODY!
Isn't it cute? This FACE!

GIRLS & BOYS drooling all over!
Its not tasty! Pekora's thigh meat,

Please take care of even such a Pekora!
From now on as well let's carve Pekora STORY―!

(bun bun cha x N)

>> No.38470917


>> No.38470920

If she speaks Japanese I'll watch

>> No.38470923

How long till Miko finish DQV? I need her to play a new game that is not a boring JRPG

>> No.38470930
File: 97 KB, 255x255, sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470946

Wake me up when these threads get good again.

>> No.38470931

She's playing FFX next.

>> No.38470932


>> No.38470933
File: 106 KB, 314x440, kiopkkop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fav
I like the kissing pictures

>> No.38470939

You will getting ARK and Minecraft.

>> No.38470944
Quoted by: >>38470955

how do we save Fubuki?

>> No.38470946
File: 35 KB, 550x540, 1617819914458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38470947

why does she refuse to just go back to being haato

>> No.38470949
File: 1.33 MB, 1500x1500, 1619510022461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470950

Spite and guilt

>> No.38470951
Quoted by: >>38470985


>> No.38470955

breed her

>> No.38470958

Holos with girlfriend?

>> No.38470960

Last time she did her fanbase had a fit

>> No.38470961
Quoted by: >>38470972

Shame that they no longer accept gifts, I'm sure the HoloX girls would have a blast seeing what people would send them, especially Mayori

>> No.38470969
Quoted by: >>38470976

Everyone should just finish this stupid pokemon games in one stream like koyori.
In fact the should do this to every nintendo single player games.

>> No.38470970
File: 1.87 MB, 1618x2289, 1598638409604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38470972

People sending Chloe soap...

>> No.38470973

character development

>> No.38470974
File: 74 KB, 680x950, 1621918540783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38470980


>> No.38470976
Quoted by: >>38470989

they "should" get permissions for better games

>> No.38470980

Looks Noel from the thumbnail.

>> No.38470984

Nice, Miko finally grinding levels offstream, she was clearly underleveled last stream

>> No.38470985

Now Goronyan just have done it...

>> No.38470988
Quoted by: >>38471489

>Pekora's cat shitting on her bed
That's why you don't keep a pet at your home.
They're disgusting as fuck.

>> No.38470989

Like what?

>> No.38470992


>> No.38470993
Quoted by: >>38471000

Froot is pretty cute!

>> No.38470996
Quoted by: >>38471015


>> No.38471000
Quoted by: >>38471011


>> No.38471004

Me on the right.

>> No.38471005

Killing Floor

>> No.38471007

Miko is being very bebi tonight

>> No.38471008
Quoted by: >>38471020

Luv me some Polka

>> No.38471011

he spelled Fauna wrong

>> No.38471012

warhammer 3 total war

>> No.38471013
File: 151 KB, 902x507, 1634834197668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38471015

I'm going to mod it and replaced with subaru model.

>> No.38471016 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 346x339, 1625048828413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38471017
File: 424 KB, 1448x2048, 46782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anthem is playing!

>> No.38471018

Please stand for the anthem
Goro-nyan is too spoiled...

>> No.38471020

polka fauna love

>> No.38471022


>> No.38471024

Women aren't allowed to play games like that

>> No.38471027
Quoted by: >>38471035

>your oshi
>her dark god

>> No.38471028
Quoted by: >>38471034

I fucking warhammer and it fans.

>> No.38471032

Ghost of Tsushima

>> No.38471034


>> No.38471035


>> No.38471038

Master duel

>> No.38471044

Not releasing the My Roar MV even now is a terrible decision.
It's easily one of towa's best songs but almost everyone has already heard it by now because it's available on the Topic channel and a bunch of people have reuploaded it.
The MV was already ready at the time of towa's anniversary so there is no point for them to not have released it a week after Fact.

>> No.38471045
File: 421 KB, 2009x2500, FKjrnU5VEAUI3hk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on my girlfriend?

>> No.38471049

Miko sounds sleepy

>> No.38471051

Migo, you post here? Big fan!

>> No.38471053

Cute eyes.

>> No.38471054
File: 180 KB, 901x506, 1617245440366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471056

Basically never.

>> No.38471058
Quoted by: >>38471061


>> No.38471061

they have that

>> No.38471062
File: 157 KB, 1280x1810, 1613604687929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471064
File: 577 KB, 850x1275, 1600370214339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work for free like the rest of the gachikoi artists and get your shit out there bro. If it's good there'll be even more people that will hire you for commissions. Also link montages you did on Youtube.

>> No.38471065
Quoted by: >>38471088

There is no way a single holo can handle the current yugioh meta.

>> No.38471067


>> No.38471069
File: 23 KB, 122x123, 1631928259089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471073

sora stream...

>> No.38471080

>Noels cowprint bikini ASMR
Oh my fucking God that woman is dangerous for my dick

>> No.38471082
Quoted by: >>38471261


>> No.38471083
File: 20 KB, 142x125, 1637510984276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471086
File: 812 KB, 600x960, 1644022430084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A big part of coco's lineage was spreading "creative freedom" to the rest of the holo girls. She did so indirectly, showing that you can do things like shaving your pussy on stream, acting crass and unidollike; and directly by getting other holos to swear onstream.
It's like Coco's goal was to spread the message that "you don't need to act like an idol", and to corrupt as many holos as possible to act as unidolike as possible.
Mori's not quite there yet, but she's getting there by showing that it's ok to openly collab with m*les (and not just the castrated homostars, but completely normal males, and regularly too). Just like coco, she's showing that this unidol like behavior is ok, that you won't get in trouble for it, and that you should try it too!

>> No.38471088

Even brainlet can play Eldlich

>> No.38471090

Bianca is shit Miko

>> No.38471092
File: 183 KB, 362x582, 1613489204575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471108

God I love NND

>> No.38471094
Quoted by: >>38471106

coco was funny
sharts are not funny

>> No.38471095
Quoted by: >>38471118

>implying mori, baelz, and IRyS are males
What the fuck?

>> No.38471100

your mom is shit, and yet here you are

>> No.38471101

Be sure to add the idolstepping while getting shot at

>> No.38471103

Nah. Bianca is the best.

>> No.38471106

>coco was funny
women aren't funny

>> No.38471108
File: 401 KB, 387x484, 1643501866042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38471112
Quoted by: >>38471122

certainly funnier than any shitter who inhabits this place

>> No.38471113

what if suisei ate a buch of doodoo on stream

>> No.38471114

wait, women can be funny, but can't do stand up.

>> No.38471115

Pekora has a husband

>> No.38471118

Baelz is definitely ftm and Irys has a Towa level banana.

>> No.38471119
File: 352 KB, 710x466, 1635854722677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NND ru chan

>> No.38471120

Oh so that is how you get inside the continent. No killer panther though...

>> No.38471122

i'm hilarious

>> No.38471124
File: 709 KB, 751x735, 1640928857174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommy is too cute bros...

>> No.38471127

My definition of how easy or hard a game is has changed drastically after watching hololive. Yugioh seems like a fucking nightmare difficulty game.

>> No.38471129
Quoted by: >>38471142

I would make the same question with Matsuri.

>> No.38471130
File: 99 KB, 345x168, 1628712021279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38471136


>> No.38471139
File: 411 KB, 700x821, 1636428923351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38471140
Quoted by: >>38471154


A bag

>> No.38471142

Matsuri has paid her dues, Calli is just an upstart who thing she can join the company and IMMEDIATELY do whatever the fuck she wants, it's sickening

>> No.38471143


>> No.38471147

if you got married with your oshi would you drop vtubers (other than your oshi)?

>> No.38471150
Quoted by: >>38471173

Most holos probably know nothing about the game past the meta where tribute summoning summoned skull was the strongest play. Current yugioh is a fucking mess now.

>> No.38471152

I would fucking nut if they gave blue Sora a high ponytail like that.
Pink Sora has a curled ponytail but I don't think we've ever seen her in prroper 3D since she debuted that outfit so we don't get to really appreciate it...

>> No.38471154

a BODY bag

>> No.38471156

Suisei can decently play Vanguard with meta.I wonder if she can do that too in Yugioh

>> No.38471158

Parasect is already dead mommy...

>> No.38471159

Miko yabai yo

>> No.38471161
Quoted by: >>38471166

Only if she asks me to, but I would continue to watch them secretly anyway.

>> No.38471165 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 346x339, 1637116879859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471169

fauna yab

>> No.38471166
Quoted by: >>38471178

based cheater

>> No.38471167
Quoted by: >>38471192

Meme Mole is gone? he was kinda useless anyway

>> No.38471169
File: 251 KB, 1280x2030, 1644035623877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh faunakeks? this is your oshi?

>> No.38471171

Naisu Miko!

>> No.38471172
File: 419 KB, 1080x1920, 20220128_203435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emo clothes when?

>> No.38471173

>where tribute summoning summoned skull was the strongest play
That was never a thing

>> No.38471174

she's not my oshi but Ina is the holo I would most considered marrying

>> No.38471177

acting crass =/= creative freedom though, give me something more imaginative that just being disgusting, thanks

>> No.38471178
Quoted by: >>38471189

It has nothing to do with it, the difference is that I watch them for entertainment but I watch my oshi because....perhaps I feel real love towards her.

>> No.38471179

One-hit kill? the fuck

>> No.38471181

Ollie is a WHORE!

>> No.38471183

Pekora and Rushia overlapping. I tought 3rd gen was suppose to never stream at the same time.

>> No.38471186


>> No.38471189
Quoted by: >>38471196

If you promised your wife that you won't do something and then you do it behind her back you're basically a piece of shit

>> No.38471192

He's in the back but she said people will be able to say their goodbyes if she gets another strong NM. Ramocchi...

>> No.38471193
Quoted by: >>38471211

AM I theo nly one who thinks Ceres would make mre sense as a naem than Fauna and she should her name have reversed

>> No.38471196
Quoted by: >>38471223

And how do I know she won't do something similar? women lie a lot too...

>> No.38471198

They hate each other!

>> No.38471200
Quoted by: >>38471211

Do you think Fauna ever partakes of the devil's lettuce?

>> No.38471205


>> No.38471206

The rule they made only applies to starting streams at the same time.

>> No.38471207

Just heal at the church Miko, don't waste your herbs

>> No.38471210

The rule is they don't start at the same time otherwise most of them wouldn't be able to stream more than an hour most days.

>> No.38471211
Quoted by: >>38471225

Someone get the fucking wrench right now

>> No.38471214
File: 284 KB, 416x400, 1643989780909.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471240

>> No.38471215
File: 114 KB, 849x774, 1623580276873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game will Aqua play next?

>> No.38471220

Lmao a magic carpet?

>> No.38471223
Quoted by: >>38471253

and that justifies it? you have no ground to confront her because you're pre-emptively cheating. sounds like a horrible relationship

>> No.38471224

Mama Fauna is going for some /ss/

>> No.38471225

fauna is a good girl fuk u

>> No.38471227


>> No.38471229

more apex of course. That last stream she had is her most highest super chatted stream. Why do idol activities when you can get big money playing apex, the game she loves

>> No.38471231
File: 426 KB, 1440x1920, E4m80dmVkAQpCi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You, me and her"

>> No.38471232


>> No.38471235

The fuck pokemon is this

>> No.38471240

time for Okayu's yogurt bath

>> No.38471242

has any holo ever played threads of fate?

>> No.38471246

night songing

>> No.38471249

has any holo ever sang this https://youtu.be/2kB_d5DT3Wg before

>> No.38471252

imagine the adultery
you could just pick her up

>> No.38471253
Quoted by: >>38471262

But why is it bad in the first place? I just want to watch my chubas swear and have fun, if she really loves me she would understand

>> No.38471254

league of legends

>> No.38471255
File: 74 KB, 230x230, 1616613837145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do idol activities when you can get big money playing apex
>big money
SC money is literally peanuts tier compared to concerts and merch.

>> No.38471257

>Why do idol activities when you can get big money playing apex
Anon, she has made so much fucking money from her concerts... the first one crashed NND several times to the point the had to redo their entire payment infrastructure

>> No.38471261

NLO's pixiv was suspended by the way.

They don't have any other accounts.

>> No.38471262
Quoted by: >>38471279

then why did you agree not to watch them in the first place? sounds like you're a fucking pussy who can't stand up for himself

>> No.38471264


>> No.38471265

bracku rives maziziz

>> No.38471270

has any holo ever played michael jackson's moonwalker on stream before?

>> No.38471277

I'll beat my oshi if she ever collabs with a man (open hand, as i am a gentleman)

>> No.38471278

has any holo ever played Factorio on stream before?

>> No.38471279
Quoted by: >>38471291

What if it had declined?

>> No.38471285
Quoted by: >>38471295

I like Fauna, but the moment she collabs with a male she is fucking dead to me!

>> No.38471287
Quoted by: >>38471303


>> No.38471290
File: 731 KB, 900x900, 1627773850449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471291
Quoted by: >>38471316

then you should set an ultimatum instead of lying

>> No.38471292
File: 449 KB, 2048x1629, FKxJ_B4aIAELfP2.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38471293

has any holo ever played with themselves on stream before?

>> No.38471294

Thanks, Mastercard

>> No.38471295
Quoted by: >>38471298

She already collabs with her boyfriend every night though.

>> No.38471296
File: 1.15 MB, 320x297, 1620528546774.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471298

STFU Fauna is pure

>> No.38471303
Quoted by: >>38471315

and why the suspension? he isn't the one uploading horse porn and other obscenities

>> No.38471306
Quoted by: >>38471313

You guys think Miko will play the old GTA games now that rockstar is working on GTA VI?

>> No.38471307

Mel is going to graduate from hololive to play with k*on and pikame

>> No.38471308

>wheel hubcap reflection

>> No.38471309

Haachama is a whore

>> No.38471313
Quoted by: >>38471318

she's gonna say the N word like 50 times if she plays SA

>> No.38471314
File: 43 KB, 403x579, 1620748399889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471318



>> No.38471315

No idea, maybe because some of his stuff is unmosaic'd? I can't imagine it's just because loli stuff, people literally upload photorealistic 3DCG loli to pixiv and never get banned.

>> No.38471316

Sounds more reasonable, this is a great moral lesson for me.

>> No.38471318

it's ok she has the pass
it's ok she's literally a demon from hell

>> No.38471321
File: 1.68 MB, 1337x1129, 1623952347064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471331


>> No.38471322

megaman zero series

>> No.38471324

Nose is going to refrain from applying to Hololive so that she can continue sitting on my face

>> No.38471325


>> No.38471331


>> No.38471335


>> No.38471338
File: 600 KB, 1080x1585, 1643519561098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471354

>> No.38471347
File: 685 KB, 1360x822, 1614508968443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471365

>> No.38471351
File: 30 KB, 122x169, 1633844208177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471367

>> No.38471354

>official nude models
is this fucking real? i've seen these whores talk about this so many times that it can't just be a joke

>> No.38471357

For me it's Flare's laugh.

>> No.38471358


>> No.38471359
Quoted by: >>38471380

Apparently Gura accidentally spawned in nude on Ame's screen once (wasn't shown to viewers though)

>> No.38471364
File: 890 KB, 882x1247, 1627133982253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fluffy fuck

>> No.38471365


>> No.38471366


>> No.38471367
File: 1.53 MB, 1154x657, 1621507067533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38471368

AZKi shared hers as a membership image once, shit was so cash

>> No.38471371
File: 474 KB, 514x446, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471374

am I the only one who thinks crazy ollie sounds like a car salesman name

>> No.38471378
Quoted by: >>38471384

aqua, towa and hal the ultimate choke team and dead last

>> No.38471379

Even a bottom feeder like towa made $300k from selling merchandise and album for her anniversary, not to mention jewgoogle tax

>> No.38471380
Quoted by: >>38471389

>still believing this happened
They probably have nude 3D models but it's obviously Barbie doll nude not Iwara nude

>> No.38471381
File: 312 KB, 439x649, 1612852917308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crusty hololive images only

>> No.38471382

What does Mori have to be depressed about? She's rich and successful and loved by millions

>> No.38471383
Quoted by: >>38471393

Sora Stream in like two ish hours!

>> No.38471384

replace shibuya with imperial and they can win

>> No.38471385

rpr dm this to me some time ago:

>> No.38471386


>> No.38471389
Quoted by: >>38471400

Bro most of the Iwara MMDs are made with official Cover free assets.

>> No.38471392

white woman
can't rap
not even the hottest white woman in hololive
can't sing

>> No.38471393

please hopefully minecraft and relaxed bgm I ask for nothing more

>> No.38471397

Am I the only one who thinks Takamori probably fizzled out because Kiara tried to give Mori some much needed advice on how she needs to handle criticism and Mori just got upset and didn't understand how Kiara was trying to help her

>> No.38471400
Quoted by: >>38471471

Oh yeah Cover just give out nude models for free with nipples and articulated vaginas

>> No.38471402

why doesn't Pekora know how to deinterlace

>> No.38471404

they interlacing artifacts andd to the immersion

>> No.38471405

please talk about my oshi more and other holos less
thank you

>> No.38471407
File: 23 KB, 161x204, 1630542651621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

droppin bars

>> No.38471408
File: 133 KB, 828x1200, 1644037225682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd sexually discipline emo gura and fauna after catching them smoking cigarettes behind the gym

>> No.38471409

If you position the camera just right in hololy you can clip the model and see Towa's banana

>> No.38471410

She is stuck in japan but wants to snort coke off rapper nigger dicks

>> No.38471412

King slime!

>> No.38471415

yeah, i fucked her

>> No.38471418

she's a rabbit, not a lioness

>> No.38471419
File: 508 KB, 2560x1440, 皇女凌俗放送 -楽園のプロパガンダ-_2022-01-27_16-24-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi is a whore

>> No.38471420
File: 207 KB, 1197x1075, 1623930451139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471429

lamy has big breasts

>> No.38471422


>> No.38471425

Fat slime...

>> No.38471429

The court requires more evidence to corroborate

>> No.38471432

Reminds me of the emo girl at my high school I used to always try to hit on every day at lunch but she didn't like me and she and her friends always told me to fuck off :(

>> No.38471436
File: 1.66 MB, 1080x1080, 1642792650167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS doesn't belong here...

>> No.38471437
Quoted by: >>38471441

Am I the only one

>> No.38471438

Pekora's husband kneels to Aqua

>> No.38471439

you're a braver man than many for even trying

>> No.38471440

Correct, not sure why she wants to associate with those three whores

>> No.38471441

I hate ensharts too

>> No.38471443

Not like this nousagibros...

>> No.38471445
File: 676 KB, 752x1200, 1644037571340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471464

I knew the emo/scene girl before she when full dyke and I think she liked me in middle school looking back on her behavior now... honestly probably dodged a bullet but I can't help but wonder since she's the reason I got into anime...

>> No.38471448

Has the voice of the typical character who would do NTR

>> No.38471449
File: 153 KB, 1200x792, 1620248085717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rushia very kawaii

>> No.38471450

Reminds me of the emo girl at my high school I rawdogged in the bathroom every day after she and her friends always told some nerd to fuck off :)

>> No.38471451
Quoted by: >>38471470

Shit Squad

>> No.38471453

oh no.... didn't they get into a fight because of him?

>> No.38471454
Quoted by: >>38471475


>> No.38471455
File: 92 KB, 602x605, 1632060727347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me wheelbarrowing Coco

>> No.38471456

Holy based CCPGOD

>> No.38471457

Where are the good games?

>> No.38471458

my heart misses Lamy...

>> No.38471461
Quoted by: >>38471466

Nice anti thread
Nice chink thread

>> No.38471462


>> No.38471464

I knew some emo girl who asked me out on a school trip that was over a weekend, although I turned her down because awkward teenager even though I was kinda interested too. Last I heard was that she's saying she's a trans dude or something now

>> No.38471466
Quoted by: >>38471472

>1 minute apart

>> No.38471467

She doesn't look right next to any Holo, Cover should fire whoever signed off on her design.

>> No.38471469


>> No.38471470

more like shit eater squad

>> No.38471471

Cover is absolutely based

>> No.38471472
Quoted by: >>38471478

I have a pass, I can post every 30 seconds

>> No.38471475
Quoted by: >>38471485

the only real white woman in hololive is our queen, Kiara
all the rest are mutts, hapas, or jews

>> No.38471477

my penis misses Lamy...

>> No.38471478


>> No.38471485

Japanese people are white, Kiara's grandpa said so himself

>> No.38471488

>open video
>check my settings
nnd love

>> No.38471489
Quoted by: >>38471490

peko's just too dumb to train it

>> No.38471490
Quoted by: >>38471493

>training animals

>> No.38471491


>> No.38471492
File: 127 KB, 610x1280, 1636459658410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm naruhodo

>> No.38471493

yeah it's like a self-driving car

>> No.38471496

Nousagi, I don't feel so good...

>> No.38471499


>> No.38471501
File: 56 KB, 526x381, 1641381738520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38471506
Quoted by: >>38471519


>> No.38471508

Smells like shit

>> No.38471509

Don't get to cocky Miko

>> No.38471511

thanks for saving hololive

>> No.38471514

pekora is going to get blacked

>> No.38471517
File: 305 KB, 1089x233, 1626969573339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and guess what it fucking worked lol

>> No.38471519


>> No.38471520

>First Miko, now Jun
Everyone is abandoning Pekora...

>> No.38471521

I've seen Miko's ass

>> No.38471524
File: 149 KB, 1386x925, 1623158165969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471528


>> No.38471529

go back/vt/ shart

>> No.38471533

Who the fuck is this guy

>> No.38471534


>> No.38471535

Me. Got anything to say?

>> No.38471536

That's just a glitch with her clothes

>> No.38471537


>> No.38471538 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 607x608, 1633871676076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holos for this feel?

>> No.38471539
File: 774 KB, 1600x900, 1620721342013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471560


>> No.38471543

Can't you read? It's Pekora's husband.

>> No.38471544
File: 105 KB, 1603x946, FKy6QokaQAMmiRz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471656

>> No.38471545

Pekora's irl husband

>> No.38471547

Oh no the heroes got banished, now is up the the sidekicks to fight

>> No.38471549

Just the most viewed youtuber in Japan.

>> No.38471550

whoreshikawa's friend slutchama

>> No.38471551

some faggot who was apparently a huge deal in the dead website know as NND: Currently insecure that vtubers are hard inclining to heaven so he shit talks them whenever he can.

>> No.38471554




>> No.38471557
Quoted by: >>38471574

EN posting makes me not horny.

>> No.38471560

Rat is isn't smart enough for TWW

>> No.38471562 [DELETED] 

So 4chan?

>> No.38471563


>> No.38471566

Biggest youtuber in Japan

>> No.38471571

Very cool Miko

>> No.38471572
Quoted by: >>38471580

Anon please, your oshi wishes she'd get as big as he is.

>> No.38471574

ENposting makes my penis flaccid

>> No.38471577


>> No.38471578

My cute autistic gamer meido

>> No.38471579


>> No.38471580

she is already bigger than him

>> No.38471581
File: 330 KB, 1400x762, 1644038573723.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the weak should fear the strong

>> No.38471586
File: 857 KB, 672x860, 1625278906653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38471587
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x1949, ca8e9c09aff4c971575e15a29fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471596

>> No.38471589

Fauna is just way too cute.

>> No.38471590
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, 2345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471592
File: 419 KB, 558x574, 1630747682848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Migo

>> No.38471593
File: 3 KB, 323x125, Jun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nah, not even close.

>> No.38471594
File: 16 KB, 378x151, 1623181566445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471608

>1 million views

>> No.38471595
Quoted by: >>38471610

imagine being Ai and graduating before a failure like cheater cat, just fire your staff and do streams

>> No.38471596


>> No.38471599

nye status?

>> No.38471602
File: 1.84 MB, 2500x3500, 95989379_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471616

>> No.38471606
File: 778 KB, 1156x650, 1626734278606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471608

Aqua single handily saved APEX

>> No.38471609
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, mx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471610

>he believes her reasons
She's going to marry someone and disappear forever

>> No.38471612
Quoted by: >>38471627

that's a very entertaining コメント欄

>> No.38471613

Jun is very controlling

>> No.38471614

it's true we had sex without saying a word beforehand

>> No.38471615

>She lied as easily as she breathed

>> No.38471616

Is wakipai just a way for artists to draw pussy without needing to censor?

>> No.38471618
File: 200 KB, 1541x1646, mk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471638

>> No.38471620

>she is already bigger than him

You holobr*nies always makes me laugh. He is just the most popular entertainer of Japan, tell a holo with 200k viewers playing Pokemon then.

>> No.38471621
File: 139 KB, 950x438, 1633209531872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 5ch currently mad at Pekor for some reason or other again?

>> No.38471623

I'm going to tinder match with cover staff and then make her introduce me to subaru

>> No.38471624
Quoted by: >>38471877

Pekora's long time boyfriend (see their cute interactions from a long time ago where they're flirting with each other https://youtu.be/zFcQXFnAvWA).). He is married to Pekora now.
He confessed that he and Pekora were fucking on Christmas Eve without condoms (proof: https://files.catbox.moe/sjlzbh.mp4)) and now Pekora is pregnant with his baby.

>> No.38471626

this isn't Pekora's usual timeslot

>> No.38471627

It actually is, reminds me of a certain website...

>> No.38471628

Ganbare Miko!

>> No.38471629
File: 2.05 MB, 1172x1971, 1639516277851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38471630


>> No.38471632

>weekend noon
>Dragon Quest
It IS her usual timeslot

>> No.38471634

Yes it is, Yakuza just draws more viewers

>> No.38471635

Dead franchise

>> No.38471636
Quoted by: >>38471672

Comparing her with Subaru is just unfair.

>> No.38471637

Debuff game

>> No.38471638

Finally, some good on model art

>> No.38471639
File: 82 KB, 459x453, 99887776565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471641
File: 45 KB, 281x340, 1642886899125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471657

>ESL hours

>> No.38471643

Not really, its just boring quest stream #55.

>> No.38471644


>> No.38471646

I am laughing at you.

>> No.38471647
File: 122 KB, 1024x776, 1623082475947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss noel...

>> No.38471649
Quoted by: >>38471674

Miko is literally stealing 10k viewers from her, she wasn't supposed to stream at this hour. Jealous bitch should graduate already.

>> No.38471650

Miko that's not a cute monster...

>> No.38471651

>He is just the most popular entertainer of Japan
Yup she's bigger than him

>> No.38471652
File: 100 KB, 1108x1477, 1618041829596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471653
File: 187 KB, 1037x1215, 1637802852956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471654

I don't think she got that fat anon

>> No.38471656
File: 3.60 MB, 482x498, 1620459693269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The red eyes should've been warning enough but around a girl like that you can only sit with your back to a wall or you've already lost

>> No.38471657

fuck you motehrfuck bloody fuck you i shit from ceiling of tall roof in sarajevo onto your head

>> No.38471658
File: 603 KB, 849x1200, 1616326438040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471659

You're dead wrong, unless you're talking about Poruka...

>> No.38471660
File: 1.17 MB, 2894x4093, basededdomination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38471662
Quoted by: >>38471666

Nah, keep coping with your delusions, br*ny.

>> No.38471665


>> No.38471666
Quoted by: >>38471690

learn to speak english before you try to troll nigger
see this sentence
>He is just the most popular entertainer of Japan
You're an ESL, you suck at english, I don't care if you're asian, you fucking suck so much at english your disgusting mud accent leaks into your typing

>> No.38471667
File: 699 KB, 4093x2894, 1627437487902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471673

>> No.38471668

I am g oing to become PEkora

>> No.38471669
Quoted by: >>38471701

Name her and make us laugh, come on.

>> No.38471671
File: 162 KB, 1378x1949, 1616773859472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471672

If Pekora played YK2 she would have 10k more viewers than this nikishit

>> No.38471673
Quoted by: >>38471724

I wish I was a Tanuki and Marine would drain my huge balls

>> No.38471674

>implying 35P would watch any pekwhora's stream

>> No.38471676

If Pekora played YIIK?

>> No.38471677
Quoted by: >>38471703

Subaru consistently has more CCV than Pekora, seethe harder nousashit

>> No.38471678
File: 1.36 MB, 1600x900, 1630687707010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471686

me winning the weight lifting gold medal against a tranny

>> No.38471679

>having a life so boring you need to suck some literally who you never watched just to get some (You)s

>> No.38471680
File: 346 KB, 559x357, 12222213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471692

>> No.38471681


>> No.38471684

Miko should watch Indiana Jones

>> No.38471685

The chinese never left.
The person you are talking to is chinese.
The chinese took over.
Is always the chinese.

>> No.38471686

very wiseful not even through unvirtuous cheating can dogs hope to defeat the auspicious dragon

>> No.38471687

Anyone else think Calli would unironically have been happier in NijiEN?

>> No.38471690

>can't argue
>start inventing nonsense as excuses
hahahahaha you're now creating more thread celebrities because you just can't discuss with other people without being btfo

>> No.38471692
Quoted by: >>38471699


>> No.38471693
Quoted by: >>38471711

What's your favourite Otakmori clips??

>> No.38471694

It is actually, last year after shitpost review it was always pekora stream time. However for the past 2 weeks Miko, Subaru and also Aqua invaded this time slot.

>> No.38471698

She won't be happier anywhere until she fixes her broken brain

>> No.38471699

Of course, it's not like I can post more pictures anyway.

>> No.38471701

towa now laugh

>> No.38471703

>Just let me leech from collabs and put in my channel

>> No.38471704
Quoted by: >>38471706

why are there underage seaniggers itt

>> No.38471705

no, she would get the shit bullied out of her. she's too normalfag for hololive and too autistic for nijisanji

>> No.38471706

Pekora is streaming

>> No.38471707

Why leech doesn't stream right now

>> No.38471710

are we being raided again?

>> No.38471711

The "mentally ill Lamy" clip is superior

>> No.38471712

Ramocchi would have one shot him Pekora

>> No.38471713

why doesn't Aqua team up with Astel sometime

>> No.38471714
Quoted by: >>38471717

he's creating more thread celebrities because got btfo again hahahahaha

>> No.38471715

Everything is daijoubu Miko

>> No.38471717

Don't start this shitpost sequence, it's not funny. come up with something else instead, I command you.

>> No.38471718


>> No.38471721

*unzip dick*
Yeah now spread your legs

>> No.38471723


>> No.38471724

huge balled tanuki ain't real

>> No.38471726
Quoted by: >>38471730

Why don't your head team up with a wrench sometime?

>> No.38471728

this has been debunked by snopes

>> No.38471730

Holy HECK my guy, no need to go aggro on me!

>> No.38471731


>> No.38471732

Why is no one talking about Pekora's stream here?

>> No.38471734

RBC or matsuri?

>> No.38471735

This is Tokino Sora's future if she's not getting enough superchat.

>> No.38471737


>> No.38471739


>> No.38471742
Quoted by: >>38471747

I started thinking about Choco and my penis started feeling funny all of a sudden...

>> No.38471743

Good job Miko!

>> No.38471744

Why is no one talking about Subaru's stream here?

>> No.38471745
Quoted by: >>38471753

This as to be one of those fights that you are supposed to lose...

>> No.38471747
Quoted by: >>38471760

then tell us a joke

>> No.38471750

when will we get an official lamy song?

>> No.38471752

Thread status?

>> No.38471753
Quoted by: >>38471830

The bird? It's not but I've seen people call it a filter which makes sense now.

>> No.38471754
Quoted by: >>38471761

Lamy fucking sucks at singing

>> No.38471755

*dies because my hut made of straw collapses due to a typhoon*

>> No.38471757


>> No.38471758
Quoted by: >>38471818

Is she the only one without an orisong?

>> No.38471759


>> No.38471760

What do you call a dinosaur that breaks things? A tyrannosaurus wrecks

>> No.38471761

Not if Polka is involved.

>> No.38471763

Pekora has a nice book reading voice, our future child will enjoy it

>> No.38471764



>> No.38471766


>> No.38471768

When is the dying light 2 collab again? today or tomorrow?

>> No.38471769
Quoted by: >>38471779

didn't listen

>> No.38471770
Quoted by: >>38471783

*steals your red armor*

>> No.38471774

If you acted more like rpr maybe someone would collab with your homobeggars.

>> No.38471775

*cums just from kissing*

>> No.38471776

I am so very sad... which holo for me?

>> No.38471778

Do you think Aqua could beat Selen in Apex?

>> No.38471779


>> No.38471780


>> No.38471782
Quoted by: >>38471796

Watch Naki https://youtu.be/ieNKuL-9_Dg

>> No.38471783

is there a timestamp to this on her VOD? I wanna see the comments

>> No.38471785
Quoted by: >>38471796

if you weren't sad you wouldn't be here

>> No.38471787


>> No.38471788
Quoted by: >>38471790

Miko fat

>> No.38471789

Literally me.

>> No.38471790


>> No.38471791

the top 1% of female players are about as good as the average teenage boy

>> No.38471793

Someone make a version without Mori

>> No.38471794

I don't remember asking

>> No.38471795

Aqua would shit on her

>> No.38471796
Quoted by: >>38471799

But she's not a holo
What do you mean?

>> No.38471797

Miko GTA 4 when...

>> No.38471799

Naki is honorary holo

>> No.38471800
Quoted by: >>38471837


>> No.38471802

When does Aqua get one of these?

>> No.38471803
Quoted by: >>38471807


>> No.38471804

Stop shilling your shitty ecelebs here by using the pretense of shitting on holos, you will never be welcome anywhere

>> No.38471805
Quoted by: >>38471814

I'm not going to cum today.

>> No.38471807

same reaction when she sees my penis

>> No.38471812

rushia ghoul...

>> No.38471813

you know it will all be 草 right?

>> No.38471814

it's not like towa allowed you either

>> No.38471815
Quoted by: >>38471817

Why would the biggest Apex streamer want some no names to leech off her?

>> No.38471817
Quoted by: >>38471843

>Biggest Apex Streamer
That's Hal.

>> No.38471818

Nah, every Jp already has their own orisong that anon is just dumb

>> No.38471819
Quoted by: >>38471820


>> No.38471820


>> No.38471821

Never, they know she wont accept it.

>> No.38471822
Quoted by: >>38471857

I'm gonna say the N word
Kazama Iroha Nin Nin

>> No.38471823
Quoted by: >>38471826

For everyone except that one anon

>> No.38471824
Quoted by: >>38471838

fuck off retard, Aqua can't play in a team

>> No.38471826

WTF I love Towa now?

>> No.38471829

what did she mean by this?

>> No.38471830

Yeah, Instead was one of those "I going to try to murder you but is actually just a test"

>> No.38471831

Shibura Hal Would do naked dogeza in front of Yagoo if that's what it would take for Aqua to join his tournaments.

>> No.38471832
Quoted by: >>38471868


>> No.38471834

When will suisei cover Po by polka?

>> No.38471835

what the FUCK

>> No.38471836

Oh no, she's going to graduate, isn't she?

>> No.38471837

That was so fucking funny

>> No.38471838

>Aqua can't play in a team
But she was playing in many teams throughout the whole challenge?

>> No.38471840

too cute... yamete...

>> No.38471841

Leech being a leech zzzz, wake me up when Kanata stop begging for collabs

>> No.38471842

Miko baby...

>> No.38471843
Quoted by: >>38471852

nah that's micknercs

>> No.38471845
Quoted by: >>38471854

>beijing 2022
>aqua 2022
They are the ones invading, don't let them trick you, stay together!

>> No.38471846
Quoted by: >>38471870

Aqua thanked the horizon after the encore match. I think she would actually really like playing in a team with competent players.

>> No.38471848

im stuck on silver

>> No.38471851
Quoted by: >>38471859

It was darts!

>> No.38471852

Not JP

>> No.38471853


>> No.38471854

america dog country

>> No.38471856
Quoted by: >>38471879

Size Queen Fauna...

>> No.38471857

The real questions are which starter is she going to choose and what type of team compositions as that reveals your personality.

>> No.38471858
Quoted by: >>38471874

but why is migo so bebbi

>> No.38471859

I-I'm stroking

>> No.38471860


>> No.38471861

Is this the Aqua thread?

>> No.38471863

official minato akwa thread

>> No.38471865

post aqua's... you know...

>> No.38471867

What the FUCK is Gura doing?

>> No.38471868

Based hanachad

>> No.38471869

didn't ask english sharts

>> No.38471870

it was just the two of them, imagine if horizon's duo was alive as well.

>> No.38471871
Quoted by: >>38471883

Who is he? Like i see psycho pass in his bio anmd 40k followers is pretty decent

>> No.38471873

>Picks 日本語
>"Wake up!!"

>> No.38471874


>> No.38471875


>> No.38471876


>> No.38471877

>cute interactions
Are you retarded, it sounded like she was annoyed if anything by his comments. She was trying to appeal to her fans/teammates by acknowledging them and he was throwing a wrench for no reason, which she completely ignored. What's his fanbase like anyway, it seems like it would be immature people who think they know how to act around women. Anyway Pekora isn't retarded, she's driven by her goal for stardom, and if there was any sort of relation he wouldn't say retarded yabs to get in the way of that.

>> No.38471879

fauna likes people smol

>> No.38471880

How the fuck?

>> No.38471881

now that akutan's 1 year long arc is over, will she come back to smash bros and marika?

>> No.38471882


>> No.38471883

He's the guy who does the promo videos for CR Cup

>> No.38471886

She will play Tibia now

>> No.38471887

I fucked Towa in the ass hole

>> No.38471888
Quoted by: >>38471980

she'll never play a good game again

>> No.38471889
Quoted by: >>38471899

Nose isn't very cute.

>> No.38471892

Aqua & Gura are gonna become Terraria buddies

>> No.38471893

we will have utawaku

>> No.38471894
Quoted by: >>38471897

Why hasn't Matsuri congratulated Aqua yet?

>> No.38471895


>> No.38471896

hololive is an autism sponsor program

>> No.38471897
Quoted by: >>38471934

busy tracking down whoever leaked the host club image

>> No.38471898


>> No.38471899


>> No.38471900

I hope she start streaming games again ...

>> No.38471901
Quoted by: >>38471908

Female Yangus

>> No.38471902


>> No.38471903
Quoted by: >>38471909

I keep getting "can't provide secure connection" with catbox, is there a fix? I tried the usual stuff

>> No.38471904
Quoted by: >>38471912

Fat ass racoon

>> No.38471905


>> No.38471906


>> No.38471907
Quoted by: >>38471911

where's iroha dono?

>> No.38471908
Quoted by: >>38471922

Yangus's constantly exposed boobs...

>> No.38471909

sure man just type your mom's credit card info on the name bar here and hit submit

>> No.38471910
Quoted by: >>38471915

And xing xong to you too. Next time post something readable instead of just runes.

>> No.38471911

Who do you think is recording?

>> No.38471912

NOT racoon YES Tanuki de gozaru

>> No.38471914

miko butt

>> No.38471915

holy base enGOD

>> No.38471916

Papasu no...

>> No.38471917

I miss historian

>> No.38471918

35p status?

>> No.38471920

Jun is a toxic piece of shit I agreed, but lets not forget that Pekora was also an infamous drama queen back in the day. Anyway pekojun narratives have always been on life support, Not even the zhangs believe them.

>> No.38471922

>Hairy breasts

>> No.38471924
File: 1.43 MB, 4096x3356, FKwlA1PVcAETJ_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miComet next collab when

>> No.38471925

Where are the massive balls dammit

>> No.38471926
Quoted by: >>38471936

Japanese don't even know that Tibia exist

>> No.38471927

Watching Miko's stream!

>> No.38471929
Quoted by: >>38471952


>> No.38471930
Quoted by: >>38472007

She's going to rematch abadango

>> No.38471931
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, 1638233611760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471937

>> No.38471933
Quoted by: >>38471941

みんな あくたん の 事 好き すぎ

>> No.38471934

She's someone that would send multiple copies out, each with a different invisible watermark
Scary woman...

>> No.38471935

i can feel it

>> No.38471936
Quoted by: >>38471963

how can we educate them?

>> No.38471937


>> No.38471938

Shiraken collab soon

>> No.38471941
Quoted by: >>38471956

Why did you put spaces?

>> No.38471944
File: 34 KB, 112x112, 1603906763541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471946
File: 296 KB, 482x454, 1643362475256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set to Mori music

>> No.38471949
Quoted by: >>38471977

They are basically japanese manchildren that go out of their way to harass females. You know, the ones that used to post 444444444 whenever Korone or any female came up.
Hes a literal numberfag anti that gets circlejerked by 2 anons here because they cant find any other place to talk about him

>> No.38471950
File: 106 KB, 588x663, 4zxz25ge9bb81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471951
Quoted by: >>38471958

lol have you seen them deal with a zenloss in maincra? Any holo dealing with pks hunting them would probably be scarred into a permanent menhera.

>> No.38471952


>> No.38471953

I just woke up

>> No.38471956

I actually put a star between the ん and the の, like the song, but you know, cannot do that in here...

>> No.38471957
File: 2.29 MB, 1060x1416, 96014773_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471990

>> No.38471958

it's just making them play PVE and that's it, the problem would be people who go to steal their monsters or things like that

>> No.38471961
File: 792 KB, 2067x1181, 1642613692208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471963

Japanese language support would be a start

>> No.38471965

do you think Kiara fondled Mori's massive fucking titties in the bath

>> No.38471968

I care

>> No.38471972
File: 332 KB, 1432x2048, FKwEwhOakAAoELb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38471979

Image for Kazama

>> No.38471974

I'm waiting for a gentle soul to edit the music and put in something decent.

>> No.38471975
File: 1.16 MB, 2143x3120, FHYbpZ6aMAEvxqU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife and our daughter.

>> No.38471977

Pretty unsurprising. Just a simple glance is enough to get an idea of what you're dealing with. Guess there's that sort of twitchfag in nipland, too.

>> No.38471979
File: 384 KB, 1000x1399, 7101008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38471980
Quoted by: >>38471992

are you implying that mario kart and smash are good games?

>> No.38471981

kiara is so over that whore

>> No.38471983
Quoted by: >>38471989

*dicks EXPLODES from cumming*

>> No.38471985

pretty hard since the video edit is timed with the music

>> No.38471989

That's Aqua's doujin was nice

>> No.38471990


>> No.38471991

sex samurai

>> No.38471992

No, they're garbage for nintoddlers. However, Aqua has played good games in the past.

>> No.38471993

kiryu you retard

>> No.38471994
File: 426 KB, 1701x1457, 2027382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did all these image slots come from?

>> No.38471998
File: 115 KB, 1280x1280, 1633749104787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38471999
Quoted by: >>38472008

how can I get rich as fuck one day? without working too hard https://files.catbox.moe/a3plgw.mp4

>> No.38472000
Quoted by: >>38472009

We love Nintendo and hate Sony here

>> No.38472002
File: 587 KB, 3642x3109, 1638295621299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472003
Quoted by: >>38472011

>pekora is straight
explain this

>> No.38472004

Pumped and dumped

>> No.38472005
File: 1.60 MB, 1902x2646, FJCFmYxaMAEJjIw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472007

The dude is giga washed. Matter of fact all japanese players are. She will challenge mexicans like MkLeo or Spargo.

>> No.38472008

join a side branch. none of the work of a jp and all of the clout of the brand.

>> No.38472009

pstriple > nintendo wii (that shit look like a dildo)

>> No.38472010
File: 736 KB, 2624x3920, 1620168353825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472011

All girls are bi

>> No.38472012
File: 239 KB, 1200x848, 1639287842134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472014

I want to grow up with Pekora as my childhood friend

>> No.38472016
File: 90 KB, 800x600, FKz2hNWaIAUBlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day...

>> No.38472017
File: 87 KB, 688x1024, 1628693279308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472018
Quoted by: >>38472028

I want this but with Nenechi

>> No.38472019
File: 761 KB, 1918x1384, 1628994992817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38472025

Your oshi is a whore

>> No.38472022

Soon Miko

>> No.38472024

>mikoti pantsu
aaaaaaa sseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeex

>> No.38472025

why is she lying?

>> No.38472026

Are you allowed to lick the screen in this event?

>> No.38472027

The pheromones will affect that part of the city for years

>> No.38472028
Quoted by: >>38472049

You want to grow up playing Mushiking and watch Gintama with Nene?

>> No.38472029
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, 1630478696177.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472030
Quoted by: >>38472040

Pekora should just make /x/ streams from time, she is into that kind of subjects.

>> No.38472031
Quoted by: >>38472045


>> No.38472032
File: 243 KB, 1358x1920, 1625389643490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472033
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, FKZ7gIlaIAAbmm0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38472042

>> No.38472035

Choco would allow that no problem.

>> No.38472036
Quoted by: >>38472046

Let's settle this once and for all.


>> No.38472039

God I wish that were me...

>> No.38472040
Quoted by: >>38472047

Yagoo would kill her because he's a Freemason

>> No.38472042

>no hips danchou

>> No.38472044
File: 421 KB, 2480x3507, 1632876906310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472045

rub u rub u
oh oh oh oh oh

>> No.38472046

>not doing your reps while watching holo
never gonna make it

>> No.38472047
Quoted by: >>38472056

Yagoo wouldn't incur that kind of karmic debt

>> No.38472049

sounds like paradise...
then I would kill myself at 18 so she can never forget me.

>> No.38472051

Probably not, I think they implemented ruling after Matsuri had to deal with some pretty nasty otaku. Its like this fags forget there's an actual girl behind the avatar.

>> No.38472052
Quoted by: >>38472067

Please only post properly dressed holos

>> No.38472053
File: 2.65 MB, 1460x2500, 1617613831799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472056
Quoted by: >>38472078

Hololive is a loosh farm, Rushia alone has already paid off hundreds of murders

>> No.38472057
File: 306 KB, 468x530, 1640826487282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38472082

>Subaru consistently has more CCV than Pekora, seethe harder nousashit

>> No.38472059
File: 1.74 MB, 2025x2865, 1622436035930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472061
File: 262 KB, 1471x1972, 1628311915911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472064
File: 20 KB, 228x241, nice ehomaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472067
File: 1.29 MB, 1206x1767, FAD5DVjVUAEAllV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38472068

Is this real?

>> No.38472069
File: 1.13 MB, 2801x4210, 2e0f8493a83c94dc021ed75380394d4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472073
File: 250 KB, 1309x1250, 1639726211449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38472081

>> No.38472074

post more preg holos

>> No.38472076
File: 2.29 MB, 1013x1636, 1632864635137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38472078 [SPOILER] 
File: 572 KB, 2508x3541, 1643711340065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish Rushia would murder me

>> No.38472079
File: 1.20 MB, 895x801, 1643779120719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38472087

>> No.38472081

who's better?
yoshiheihe or magowasabi?

>> No.38472082

What the fuck is ccv

>> No.38472084
Quoted by: >>38472095

Communist Chinese Vagina (referring to Aqua)

>> No.38472085


>> No.38472086

3 numbers on your credit card.

>> No.38472087


>> No.38472088

NouSEAgisbros... How can we lost to reddit duck??!

>> No.38472094

Cunny consumer veteran

>> No.38472095

I love CCV then

>> No.38472096

I uh
found some random dude doing reacts to vtubers including holos recently and looking at the chat in there gave me an idea as to what kinds of people shitpost hololive wherever they go
it was pretty cancerous

>> No.38472098

What the FUCK is this audio?

>> No.38472099


>> No.38472100

Energy isn't there for Pekora. She's playing only to coast and fill a quota now while Subaru is actually having fun.

>> No.38472101

*cums in towa*

>> No.38472102


>> No.38472104


>> No.38472109
Quoted by: >>38472112

who the fuck is reddit duck?

>> No.38472110

guys i found the fix to that shart original song
check it out

>> No.38472111

kazama eroha...

>> No.38472112

Donald Duck. We love Daffy here

>> No.38472113


>> No.38472115

>stuck in low d2 high d3 hell
is this my profile

>> No.38472116


>> No.38472117

Aqua inspired me to do my own solo diamond challenge.
Got to plat 1, immediately lost 800RP and called it quits. Fuck Apex.

>> No.38472119

Iroha dubbing professor in stereotype gaijin voice is how she views kaigainikis..

>> No.38472121


>> No.38472122


>> No.38472123


>> No.38472126

*dick literally turns inside out from seeing towa's b*tthole*

>> No.38472127

They are made for each other, TMS!

>> No.38472128


>> No.38472129


>> No.38472130
Quoted by: >>38472135

i would probably stutter and drop spaghetti....

>> No.38472131

*smells towa's toenail cheese*

>> No.38472132


>> No.38472133


>> No.38472135

Well, it'll be two of you then.
Imagine the ungodly amount of slurping...

>> No.38472138
Quoted by: >>38472149

>Got to plat 1
You mean silver 1? Don't kid yourself.

>> No.38472139

pondering about Marin's unoccupied womb...

>> No.38472140

Let me breed you, Hoshikawa

>> No.38472142
Quoted by: >>38472171

There are so many of these handrawn clips popping up recently, I feel like I get recommended a new one every week

>> No.38472146

i cant get out of silver.....

>> No.38472147

I'm having sex with (You) right now.

>> No.38472149
Quoted by: >>38472175

Bro not everyone is shit at games like you. Why you gotta insult other Anons like a mentally illed person.

>> No.38472150

What's with this unreasonably sexy Marine?

>> No.38472153

If Aqua joins she would have to be worth 10 points right? She's way better than those 8 point masters like Matsuri and Sumire.

>> No.38472155

HELLO /HLG/. How are we doing today?

>> No.38472157

Hal would rig it for the numbers

>> No.38472158

I wonder what Miko will play after DQV, maybe she'll say it in tonight's mengen

>> No.38472159

>No congratulation tweet to Aqua despite commenting alot along the way
>Grinding a ton instead
Fucking kek
I bet she's trying to pull "we're both master!" bullshit

>> No.38472161


>> No.38472163

I'm /HLG/, doing just fine

>> No.38472164
Quoted by: >>38472165

I'm doing your ass

>> No.38472165

Please be gentle to lunaitos

>> No.38472166
Quoted by: >>38472176

Sumire and Noah were both 9 point players last time. ShibuHal might be a little retarded

>> No.38472167


>> No.38472168
Quoted by: >>38472190


>> No.38472169

A little pain in the testicles but otherwise fine.

>> No.38472171
Quoted by: >>38472173

These are good because they actually put in effort while clipping the actual good parts of holostreams.

>> No.38472173

Marine's womb...

>> No.38472174

I wouldn't want that with any of the holos because I wouldn't be able to endure the eventual fallout because my feelings are not corresponding

>> No.38472175
Quoted by: >>38472227

Post rank. No way you're quitting if you're at Plat 1.

>> No.38472176

Sumire is not worth 9, noah is a good player but she is too much of an unga bunga without leadership. Noah probably deserves to be 9 though.

>> No.38472178

How do MiComet fags deal with the fact that Suisei is getting Towa's banana every day?

>> No.38472181

For competitive integrity she should be worth 8 points like all the other girls.

>> No.38472183

That bgm... home...

>> No.38472184
Quoted by: >>38472186

Subaru is having trouble compherending how the Oosaka castle just split in two and then another, golden castle appeared from within it

>> No.38472185

Aqua should be at least 9 points. She's definitely top 10 vtubers mechanically

>> No.38472186
Quoted by: >>38472210

so am i

>> No.38472188
Quoted by: >>38472192

I am blasting Pekora music while watching Pekora stream while browsing Pekora fanarts

>> No.38472190

You're good enough for me.

>> No.38472191

>learns the value of her teammates
>gets to master
Best character development

>> No.38472192
Quoted by: >>38472194

Based Nousagi.

>> No.38472194
Quoted by: >>38472202

I am training my body to be able to enjoy Pekora as much as I can

>> No.38472195

Come on Miko!

>> No.38472202

In my opinion you only need to jerk off to her stream and you are complete.

>> No.38472204

>Towa is being invited to Vsaikyou as a team leader
>Matsuri isn't
Why is the first master player of Hololive so disrespected?

>> No.38472205


>> No.38472207

first person in hololive to be carried to master

>> No.38472209


>> No.38472210

It might just be the most reality-warping thing that happens in the Yakuza series to be fair

>> No.38472213

If you watched Matsuri's apex streams you would understand why

>> No.38472214

i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew i am not jealous of my fellow aquacrew

>> No.38472216

Show me her best gameplay clip!

>> No.38472218

I dont know, you sound a biiiiit jealous

>> No.38472221

not daijoubu

>> No.38472222

I wanna kiss aqua in the mouth

>> No.38472224


>> No.38472225

My silver ass can get carried to master. Being master alone doesn't deserve respect, it's how you got there that matters.

>> No.38472227

Not that Anon btw. If you want to talk shit with me then come see me at actual fighting game tourneys. Going out of your way to insult others for just to feel good about yourself is a manchildren behaviour.

>> No.38472232

Towa is worth 2 points! She is Platinum 1 and has -1 points because of her disability. She can have a team with 2 Master!

>> No.38472235

Towa is dumb and funny, good for entertainment value.

>> No.38472236

*Platinum 4
This ranking system always confuses me...

>> No.38472238

come on let's twist again
like we did last summer
yeaaah, let's twist again
like we did last year

>> No.38472239

What the fuck did you just say about me? I'll have you know I mastrubated to Towa.

>> No.38472240

>mfw still not japanese and missing aqua fanmeet
i hate not being japanese

>> No.38472241
Quoted by: >>38472261

do your reps

>> No.38472242

What is the deal with all the Apex legends discussion?

>> No.38472243

You should only hate yourself for not being in nipland as if you're gaijin they'll definitely remember you.

>> No.38472245
Quoted by: >>38472252

aqua discussion is like towa discussion but with apex shit instead of Towa...

>> No.38472246

I want an EN to get a yukimin/fandead tier fanbase just to see what kind of personality its take for a cult manifestion

>> No.38472247

Blame Aqua.

>> No.38472248
Quoted by: >>38472254

I am from sakhalin island

>> No.38472249

i'm fapping to Towa right now

>> No.38472250

butthurt kenzocuck

>> No.38472252

But we're talking about the fan meeting...

>> No.38472253

Hal still owes Towa a PC

>> No.38472254

we call it Karafuto here and do not recognize russian sovereignty over the rightful Japanese land

>> No.38472255

westerners are too irony poisoned for that type of devotion

>> No.38472256

If towa doesn't invite aqua is a anti

>> No.38472261


>> No.38472263

>What is the deal with all the Apex legends discussion?
/hlg/ has been talking about vsaikyou before you even come here tourist

>> No.38472264

What the hell Miko?

>> No.38472269


>> No.38472272

How is Nose free from the 1 viewer bug?

>> No.38472274

what would you do in that 1 minute with aqua? i probably would practice conversation topics the night before, freeze up when I see her face and hear her voice the next day, and maybe just sing and dance after being an "I love you" bot for 15-20 seconds

>> No.38472280

I masturbate in front of her, 30 seconds is enough for me to ejaculate

>> No.38472285

Ask her to do a funny bit/catch phrase

>> No.38472286

seanigs here love it, but to the rest of us, it's objectively trash

>> No.38472287

Fat cat is singing! Come get your big fat cat tats!


(no not that one.)

>> No.38472288

Unzip dick and listen to her laughing at it

>> No.38472289

lmao I've followed this channel for years

>> No.38472291

Copying and pasting from /vt/ again, huh? Embarrassing.

>> No.38472292


>> No.38472293

Ask he if she hate Pekora

>> No.38472296

You already got that fanbase from Calli. It's already a cult manifestion.

>> No.38472301

I don't like it, I just imitate what others say to motivate this a bit.

>> No.38472302
Quoted by: >>38472330

Ame could have had it, if she didn't forcefully put an end to that herself early on

>> No.38472304
Quoted by: >>38472308

I will practice this motivational speech and then recite it in front of her, that's a guaranteed success.

>> No.38472306

>only 15k
care to explain?

>> No.38472308


>> No.38472310

I see

>> No.38472312

we don't talk about deadbraps here

>> No.38472315

Do you think Aqua has ever masturbated before in her entire life

>> No.38472317

I'm watching Subaru.

>> No.38472318

Of course

>> No.38472319

I'm watching Miko.

>> No.38472320


>> No.38472321
Quoted by: >>38472343

>aqua said i love you back to an aquacrew
>meanwhile I'm stuck here, not being in japan

>> No.38472323
Quoted by: >>38472332

She masturbated to Kirito

>> No.38472328

Not until she was 19, then Shion showed her how to do it, it was a practical lesson.

>> No.38472329
Quoted by: >>38472333

Even hoshikawa got invited. My poor aqua...

>> No.38472330

I mean kinda yeah, that's more a result of cultivating the twitchlib audience than an actual cult though. easy to get them confused.
if she kept it up she probably would have caused actual goslingnigger suicides

>> No.38472331

>/hlg/ meets akwa
>"konnichiwa onyan!!!!!!"

>> No.38472332

She masturbated to Asuna, as a Kirito

>> No.38472333
Quoted by: >>38472342

Hoshikawa is a WHORE

>> No.38472334

berry haado

>> No.38472335

jokes very hard

>> No.38472336

rabu yu onion

>> No.38472338

why is migo so bebbi

>> No.38472340

Gotta let her know that I'm a gaijin

>> No.38472342

The hottest whore for sure

>> No.38472343


>> No.38472344
Quoted by: >>38472359

>/hlg/ meets akwa
>arrested for rape

>> No.38472345

Let's All Love Lain!


>> No.38472348

>Haachama Returns
>Lui+Mori Japanese Lessons
>Reine Karaoke
>Luna We Went Back
>Gura Bully and GTAV
Today is such a good day for streams, holy fuck

>> No.38472350


>> No.38472352

Pekora is over

>> No.38472355
Quoted by: >>38472394


>> No.38472356
Quoted by: >>38472376


>> No.38472357


>> No.38472358

I want to fuck Fauna in her meido outfit.

>> No.38472359

Suisei post here?

>> No.38472360


>> No.38472362

tonight/tomorrow is pretty good but only 2 of those streams are part of why

>> No.38472363


>> No.38472365

how many holos have confirmed got the kung flu so far?

>> No.38472366

Gonnichiwa :DDD....................:D.................

>> No.38472367

Wrong thread, enshart

>> No.38472368

>>Gura Bully and GTAV
Double stream again?

>> No.38472369

Unityshart get the fuck out

>> No.38472371


>> No.38472372


>> No.38472376

why she hates us bros...

>> No.38472377


>> No.38472378

say rabu onyon

>> No.38472380


>> No.38472383


>> No.38472384

I love Amane Kanata

>> No.38472385


>> No.38472386

I bet it is, but please post the good streams so we can know.

>> No.38472387


>> No.38472388

Much better.

>> No.38472391

red is one of her least bad songs so pretty solid edit overall

>> No.38472392


>> No.38472394

He's never getting her to play it

>> No.38472397

Thank god

>> No.38472398


>> No.38472399


>> No.38472400

Hand her a bowl of eggs.

>> No.38472401
Quoted by: >>38472408

If the Holos love Rockstar so much, why don't they play Manhunt?

>> No.38472402


>> No.38472404
Quoted by: >>38472407

Hey sugar I'm your hostess for tonight

>> No.38472405

I wonder if my dullahan wife will ever do a full version of https://youtu.be/J_e7ZZlAyD8

>> No.38472406

another one to the list

>> No.38472407


>> No.38472408
Quoted by: >>38472415

Bad PR

>> No.38472410

thank you

>> No.38472412
Quoted by: >>38472418

cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum

>> No.38472415

how is it any worse than DBD or any of the million other more violent games that have released since? Manhunt was only noteworthy because of the time it came out and because Rockstar was already controversial

>> No.38472416
Quoted by: >>38472429

Nene is for ANAL??
WTF I love Nene NOW

>> No.38472417


>> No.38472418


>> No.38472422

bless your soul anon

>> No.38472425


>> No.38472429

Get a job

>> No.38472433
Quoted by: >>38472439

Maybe if you have ear cancer.

>> No.38472435

next thread will be miko

>> No.38472437

Next thread will be me

>> No.38472438

Why bother when they know she won't accept, plus everyone must be busy ass fuck with holofes 3 practice

>> No.38472439

we get it you have raging yellow fever doesn't make red worse than your average hololive ori song

>> No.38472440

All of her songs sound like those J->E translated anime dub songs female anitubers do

>> No.38472441

You can only piss in one ass, who do you choose?

>> No.38472442

I laughed and stopped watching

>> No.38472444

Never ever Shibuyakek

>> No.38472445
Quoted by: >>38472479

>kanji muzukashii

>> No.38472447

He's not retarded enough to think that she would accept

>> No.38472448

Suityan without doubt

>> No.38472451

Why was there a wigger noise in Aqua montage. I won't accept this.

>> No.38472453
Quoted by: >>38472461

nobody. that causes a painful urinary infection to women

>> No.38472455

The yonkisei bond will never fade

>> No.38472456

You can mute it

>> No.38472457

Playing sugoroku with Miko!

>> No.38472459

holy kek this post is so shitty it got a fuckton of you's

>> No.38472460

ENchads can't stop winning

>> No.38472461

women piss from their ass...

>> No.38472462


>> No.38472463
Quoted by: >>38472471

i did not care for luna

>> No.38472464

Someone already fixed that >>38472357

>> No.38472465

*violently shits all over my chair*

>> No.38472466


>> No.38472469
Quoted by: >>38472473

burakku raibu mazaa

>> No.38472471


>> No.38472473

mmmh naruhodo.

>> No.38472476

Pain miko...

>> No.38472479

She is just like me!

>> No.38472481

Hal talked about Aqua for like 5 minutes straight just now. You know she's getting invited

>> No.38472482

Will he invite Matsuri?

>> No.38472483

god I hope so

>> No.38472484

If he actually knows Aqua at all he's going to save himself the embarrassment of getting rejected and not even bother

>> No.38472490

there's no way Akutan would agree

>> No.38472491

Nice that everyone dropped Towa, I dropped her after Laplus, now I can come back to Aqua

>> No.38472492


>> No.38472494


>> No.38472496


>> No.38472497

what did he say?
