I’m lesbian.
I love Lamy!
We love lunaitos here.
Reproduction with Miosha...
I will rape Ui
Sui-cha wa!
>>OPHag tummy...
>>36597833Fuck off we hate Marine here.
I love my cute wife Fubukihttps://youtu.be/nMK4cGaGvMs
I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi! Rest well Miko!
Any good stream today?
Did someone say Apex?
Countdown to this retard cat retires?
>>36597833Based, we love Marine here
>>36597847Is that a funeral?
>>36597833Fuck on we love Marine here.
Love Noel.
I love Miko Miko Miko!!!
>>36597861Graduation soon..
Pekora is the turbo whore of hololive.
amanekanasex ch
Call her EN Aqua again. I dare you, I double dare you.
>>36597833We LOVE Marine here
Towa still believes in Satan...
>>36597880Based Ayamy
>>36597890Ministop gang
mmeeeeeeee likeeeeeeeeee meeeeeekoooooo meeeekooooooooo meeeeeekoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Haachama-chamaaaa. The only true JOP holo left
>>36597884ano saaaaa.... *SLURPPPPPPPP*EN akwa
okakoro is over...https://twitter.com/ARCSY_Event/status/1438768115970572288?s=20
>>36597903Where's my (you) piece of shit schizo?
Post holo naked dogezas with their clothes folded neatly in front of them.
My nose is itchy.
My hair is reclining.
>>36597918sorry your collab failed and everyone hated itenjoy playing MC in a dead 建設
Sora love!
Just woke up, who had the best stream today?
>>36597933Aqua and Pekora
>>36597883I want to suckle from the chikubi
Is this the final yab?
How do I go about brainwashing one of the chuuni holos into believing I'm a time traveler?
>>36597882Kill yourself turbonigger.
How long did the doctors give Miko to live? Will the baby be delivered alright?
>>36597933Anya, of course.
>hololive GAMERS>doesn't play video games
Any other Aqua crew here?
>>36597954Here no joke!!
Hololive Fantasy Z
Is Ollie based or cringe?
I'm glad Haachama took over Reddit meme review from Coco! Such an emotional passing of the torch after the saddest event in Hololive is TeeTee as fuck. Hopefully Haachama will continue to reach out to english fans like her oshi did
Why are they like this?
Why is this baby so based
>>36597970They are gay.
We love futa with balls here
>>36597970We are gay muscular men that love Marine
>>36597971hime is a capcom fanboy like myself and that is gigabased
Friend, please stream on your own or with other holos today...
>>36597970Ichimi are 95% fat male sodomites.
>>36597970/pol/ rejects
I'm not gay but I'd suck futa dick
>>36597933Aqua, no doubts.
>>36597842Remember when those 35p absolutely lost their minds because another anon posted this picture? Then they proceededto shit up like 4 threads afterwards.
>>36597981ugly cat
Did Pekora apologize for streaming over Sora's Anniversary live?Does she care about Hololive at all?
>>36597971I love this baby
>>36597996Usada Pecora is ColdHearted and Mean.
>>36597985Nigga you gay.>>36597983Why is /pol/ like this?
>>36597951she's a mommy what do you expectthey just wanted to put her together with her friends
Why is he mad again?OK ichimis you can stop raping his mother already
I love Aqua!
What if Rushia was a man
Pekora status?
>>36597931she gon' get some lovin alright
Why did the Evangelion collab get cancelled? Is it because Miko is dying?
lunaito status?
>>36598011Marinefags were shitting on other Holos again.
Mizukek deserved it
>>36598011Ichimi deserve it.
>>36598013I want Rushifers children.
I love my clock wife!
How did this thread end up being worse than global?
>>36598016Sex with Towa and Botan
>>36598031/vt/ is that way >>>/vt/
>>36598023Because Shinji became a wrestler and humped Asuka on the ring
>>36598001Wish I could draw this well.
>>36597840We breed lunaitos here.
>>36598034We have 1 seething faggot that hates Hololive you can guess who it is
>>36598026Wrong. Everyone knows it was the guy who complains about Marine AND other Holos.
>>36598035Spitroasted rabbit...
>>36598038Never leaving
Are we watching Ina? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcWWpASUVkw
I feel like blowing another load, but I don't know to which Holo.
>>36598044Time to pump a lunaito full.
Sora Love!
Duck tummy
KFPchads status?
>>36598068What a hack.
>>36598058Why not Mio?
>>36598058Do it for Subaru!
>>36598067Her eyes look somber in the thumbnail
>>36598078Why do Japanese think testicles are funny?
>>36597851>>36597882>>36597903>>36597882>>36597954>>36597970>>36597972>>36597983>>36597988>>36597996>>36598026>>36598029>>36598053Samefaggot btw from his phone and PC
>>36598058Think about Friend.
Nousagi status after Kiara and Pekora's stream?
I don't think that Aqua has ever told a lie.
Reminder that Aqua (the most honest Holo) has confirmed that Marine is fat.
>>36598087All me
>>36598057If only it were that easy...
>>36598087Excellent detective work Mr Sherlock!
Towa pussy smell...
>>36598078what compels a grown-ass woman to post cat testicles online
>>36598023Anno hates vtubers
>>36598104Seriously though why is global like this
>>36598063*spreads legs*
>>36598086>>36598114I just think they're neat
>>36598104pekora is not gfe lmfao
>>36598104>rushia not #1okay newfag rushia is the only one on that list to have ever provided any form of GFE and is the best vtuber to do it, period
>>36598120they only watch clips
>>36598123>posted from his smartfridge
>>36598121Mio gave birth to an eggplant from her ass...
>>36598141I wish that was me
not the forgetti beam ina...
>>36598113Now that it's clear she's creatively bankrupt and the chinks will never stop going after her, might as well come back to Hololive.
>>36598150you know i love miosha and all but i can't get the thought of her roommate out of my head especially when she does 3d and is dancing around and stuff aaaahhhh whyyyy
Council status?
reminder that all vaxxed holos are infertile now
I'm Towa
>>36598135rushia is not gfe
>>36598163Yeah just like that.
I'm GFE Please sub to my blog
towa is so hot right now
>>36598172Which model?
>>36598172Let me be your paypig
>>36598160your powerlevel is pathetic, we have unironic bodan in here lusting after hag knowing full well what her roommate looks like
Ina just called Marine far
>>36598166I want to have sex with you
>>36598181I call Marine near
>>36598181far as in mouse in Arabic?
>>36598181How far exactly?
Is this the JSL thread?
>>36598181Well, she is in Japan.
>>36598179i haven't bothered to check no fucking way could be more surprising than polka
pidgin speaking holo when?
why hags
>>36598209We are hags here
Marine is fat>poor diet>lack of exercise>poor stamina>poor mobility>poor coordination>sounds fat (usually a good indicator)>lethargic and lazy (side effects of obesity)>general poor health (side effects of obesity)>extremely high heart rate>other Holos have implied she smells bad (fat "people" stink)>unintelligent (fat "people" tend to have lower IQ)>Aqua called her fat (the most honest Holo)Reminder everyone hates her behind the scenes too.
I believe in friends, that a Hololive Turkey would be the next and next obvious step. If can have HoloID why can not HoloTR? We have many talent (salt bae anyone?) and are treating women better than Indonesian
>>36598184I'm sorry, please use Lunaitos for relief.
>Loved by many women.>Schizos hate him.I wanna be like this 35P
*kills Pop-chan*
Average viewership>Pekora 20,952>Marine 19,911>Ayame 17,468>Miko 14,959>Aqua 14,913>Shion 13,929>Suisei 13,666>Subaru 12,619>Botan 11,107>Rushia 10,074If your oshi is a sub 10k Holo, you are essentially watching a Niji.
>>36598224cock... come back...
>>36598227This is so true
>>36598218i think most of the holos are getting fat given most of them don't leave their house
>>36598179Imagine bragging about having low standards.
>>36598016Will not collab with Kiara for another 9 months because Kiara said so
>>36598174Towa set herself on fire again!
>>36597931Give me the cards
Watame's orisons status?
I only watch holos who are still virgins.
>>36598239>t.fag with low standards
>>36598236holo's bottom 10% does better than niji's top 10%
>>36598245>not OkakoroNot my treerrat
>>36598231We love watching nijis here.
>>36598248Thank you for watching Towa
>>36598260Who's ass is this
Hello, I would like to announce that I do in fact love Marine.
>>36598231bro stop shitting on Nijisanji....they have merch nd shieet!!!!
Crazy Haachama
hag breeding status?
>>36598248Thank you for watching Kanata
>>36598248So none of them?
>>36598104>tier list>retarded postLike clockwork
Statusposter status?
Plump, huge or tight?
This motherfucker piece of shit schizo not giving me (you)s
>>36598124Beg for it.
>>36598262PUFFY CHEEKS!
Aki is the only holo without a yab
>>36598281Kanata is not a virgin and worked love hotels in highschool
>>36598288My dick is kinda huge so I will for middle
>>36598288Tight duck ass plus loud moans
>>36598288Shuba has best butt
>>36598250Says the hagfaggot. Here, this is what you want.
>>36598294Please. I need your creamy cake batter deep inside me.
Subaru unborn sister...
>>36598288missing loli butt...
>>36598160She is cute
Onyan(monky) status?
>>36598304Best Noel stream this year
>>36598307Wrong I went to every love hotel and didn't find her
>>36598189This is the ESLs pretending to be JSL thread
Any Aqua fans?
>>36598331This image terrifies Towa
>>36598345I love Fatqua
>>36598331What would IRyS do if she saw this? Throw it in the garbage bin?
>>36598304She's cute and has that innocence that characterizes Noel but her tits are small.
>>36598179I would make sweet gentle love to botans roommate while we make eye contact and hold hands throughout
saw botan's roommate and not that bad honestlythought it surprises me that cover still hires talents like her, i thought they just hire cosplayers and literal idols now
>>36598323Good. Douzo.
Ayame's bf POV
Smile, Anon. https://files.catbox.moe/wsbeqx.mp4
>>36598373T-txh master...
>>36598326>>36598361No one cares about your irrelevant branches, stop trying to insert them into discussions.
>>36598376there's a hole in your cake brotha
>Akukin gets Gura>UsaKen has Kiaraahahahahaah
>>36598376I'm ready to cook with Hime
Just so we are all clear, Towa is my virgin wife and I am deflowering her tonight.
>>36598382Go back
>>36598390did Gura officially join Akukin?
>>36598376What if Luna bakes a cake in the cookimg stream?
Remember what they took from you.
>>36598390Nothing personal Noukiddos
>>36598134yes she is
>>36598407the illusion has already been broken for me sigh
>>36598404Akukin is now Gurakin.
>>36598407My mion...
>>36598390>ahahahahaahDo you think this is funny? huh?
>>36598410pekora is platonic as hell toward her fans tf do you mean
>>36598390Kiara is unironically more entertaining than Gura.
>>36598407COVER HATE
>>36598407Yeah but Reine's outfit is hotter anyway.
I love Haachama and her funny me me reviews! Haatons make the best memes
>>36598304She is releasing a 2nd photobook next month. Also she is an /m/fag like Noelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54Ph76jU-wo
>>36598437You should see the memes nutters come up with.
>>36598439Ichimin look like THAT?
Is there a lunaito doujin?
>>36598390anon, tasukete...
Sio... Come back.. it's been a year..
>>3659844650% of ichimi are women and 40% of those women look like that
>still giving a shit about the kensetsu war shiraken proved its dominance a long time ago
>>36598439wtf I'm gonna be an ichimin now
>>36598439I look like THAT?!
>>365984601 woman on twitter is not proof.90% of ichimi are fat faggots.
>>36598390>never builds anythingShe'll fit right in
>>36598460This is true.
*gives up*
>>3659846010% looks like this.
>>36598460Feels good to be an Ichimin
>>36598460Why are they like this https://twitter.com/wvt_clips/status/1430817296088322049?s=20
Rushia has the most female fans. Judging by the images in that ine stream.
How do I get an Ichimin GF? t.Nousagi
Ichimi never post proof of any of their claims.
>>36598460Ichichads and Ichivixens rule these lands
>>36598477Risu and Moona tend to get even lewder than Haachama.https://streamable.com/ax916e
>>36598493rushia doesnt even do gfe so it makes sense
>>36598488Beatani is so cute
>>36598503>not pissNo thanks
Can I cum now
>>36598452What would it be about?
>>36598304Another collab please...
>>36598494you don't want an ichimin gf
>>36598503Hey, thats my favourite monster. Thx Luna.
Ayame haircut
Having an ichimin girlfriend is like dating a chink, you just don't
im practicing semen retention
>>36598494I'm going to fuck Ichivixens as a Watamate
>ichichads>ichivixensMost ichimi are like this>>36597970and they are fat since they see no problem with Marine's awful diet.
>>36598532That's not good for you Towa
I want to fuck Marine's fluffy ass
friend.....where's your deltarune chapter 2 stream frame....
I want to fuck Towa but I also don't want to be gay
>>36598538Are Reine and Moona have the best designs in hololive? Pekora and Mio come close
>>36598390>>36598390>>36598390>UsaKeKSweatshop Black company>Akukin™ Successful membersMultinational Corp.Partnerships with Honda and Redbull TOKYO GRAND PRIX 2022
>>36598547>ywn workout with MarineFuck this gay earth
>>36598528>Having an ichimin girlfriend is like dating a chinkGiven how fat most of them are its more like having a black american girlfriend
>>36598538Please don't dox me. :(
>>36598463Towa pamy...
>>36598549What position?
Marine is the Queen of these threads!
Imagine how hairy Aqua's pussy is
>>36598538Subaru is real?
>>36598570This is true1 of the heavenly kings of these threads
ah, ceiling rushia came back
>>36598292fat ass...
>>36598568obligatorily mating press
Lately Lamy has been reading Spy x Family, Tokyo Revengers, and Kaiju No. 8
>>36598539Wrong, check the photographic evidence >>36598439That's just ONE of the 10000 ichivixens available exclusively to ichichads.
That We Were Here Together with Kronii and Owl was a great time. My Clock had a blast.
Marine is only the queen of her local McDonald's.
>>36598390Who cares, the real question is who gets Ina.
>>36598586>only 10000Bro you forgot another 0
Marine is the diabetes queen.
>>36598602who the hell cares about Ina
Kanata is too loud
>>36598570Marine, Suisei, Matsuri and Ayame is the 4 Heavenly whore of hololive.
>>36598514It would be about Luna feminizing all of her lunaitos with her large futa cock.
>>36598584I started spy x family cus of her and I'm loving>Tokyo RevengerThat shit is gay though
>>36598581With irrumatio?
>>365985861 picture isn't proof of 1000s retard.
>>36598590kanata's leg movement is so cute
>chikken mentions akukin>dumb retarded stupid bitchy piece of shit rabbit goes COMPLETELY silentoh man that was funny
>>36598622Give one example of an ugly Ichimin, I'm waiting.
>>36598584I started reading Spy x Family cus of her and I'm loving it>Tokyo RevengerThat shit is gay though
so was the umisea collab awkward again? i don't know if i want to deal with kiara in pekora's collab either
>>36598634Clip or timestamp?
Comfy thread
Marine is a lesbian
>>36598463ayamy love
>>36598643A bit but it was fun nonetheless.
I want to be abused by Subaru
>>36598588My cock had a blast but my brain had an aneurysm.
>>36598619I thought Luna had a small feminine penis...
>>36598659Watamate you ok there?
>>36598648Don't molest Towa
My oshi blocked me on twitter and I don't know why
>>36598647somewhere around 28 minutes
>>36598670She sounds really familiar
>>36598588The it Takes Two collab with Reine and Ollie was better.
>>36598667She does, but she uses a secret magic that steals dick size and makes all the lunaitos small.
>>36598692Size theft is patrician.
>>36598691Towa's lesbian haircut sure is cute...
>>36598679That's what I'm saying.. but they say it's a cope. She laughs 100% like her and that's the hardest thing to fake
Your oshi will never regain her virginity
>>36598691That picture is incredibly cute (I'm going to save it on my phone and look at it a lot!)
>>36598699No one cares. Go talk about her in /vyt/
>>36598699I'm believing it's her Cope or not
Do you think Towa likes (You)?
>>36598717Towa cares
>>36598720>4 ears>>36598724https://streamable.com/vt1927
>>36598720oppai gura...
>>36598724Towa like me as much as she likes apex.
>>36598639Ugly people don't post picture of themselves online, so you can say the same for any fanbase.
>>36598723ten more years and those tits will be terrifying
>>36598736I'm a 35p and I'm ugly but I post pictures with bootleg Pekora merch so people think I'm a nousagi
>>36598653Marine is fat and likes muscular men.
>>36598726Why is she like this?
>>36598755I will never make it anyway
Ichivixens get on my dick NOW
Rare midday okayun stream!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-fBafefNmo
>>36598775>4AMI'm not gonna make it
Someone post Miko's member's only post.
>He don't attend koronesuki member only offline meetup
Watch this nowhttps://twitter.com/nonk_fox/status/1438882647640403969
>>36598781She said her arm really hurts and her legs are tingling and really weak. She said it's difficult to walk and her mind is really fuzzy.
>>36598800Did she take the jab?
Marine is Lesbian google confirmed
>>36598781Pregnancy again...
>Ina learned to play Aqua's derp as fuck intro on the recorder
haha it's
>>36598720Where's her butthole
>>36598831Maybe this will give her the boost to reach 1m subs before the end of the year.
>>36598781>あぁ、目が覚めたら 陽が昇り>まだまだ眠たい そんな休日>さぁ、焼きたてパン 頬張って>眠い目擦り 街に繰り出そう>日向で寝そべって>地面を踏みしめて>思うままに ステップ踏んで>心が躍り出す>笑顔が溢れてく>心のまま 今日を描く>鳥は歌って 空を自由に飛び回って>猫は走って 気ままにじゃれてる>花はそよいで 右に左 風と遊んでる>あぁ 虹が架かる>ぽかぽか 満たされてく>何気ない日常が>僕の髪には花簪>君がくれた大切な物
>>36598811why cant ichimi stop outting themselves as SEA
>>36598601Towa-sama sugoi...
Wake up Twi...
>>36598865That girl kinda looks like Towa for some reason
>>36598869Why do you think they call her Chowa?
Miko is a girl! A very cute girl! Love Miko Miko Miko!
>>36598889Die Judas
>>36598811>google.com.ph HahahahahahahahahaichiSEA.
>>36598892Do yu relly belibe?
>>36598896Marine is a SEA icon. More than 50% of ichimi are SEA.
>>36598889What's wrong with sucking dick??
>>36598896you got baited, look at the ei tag
all yabs and graduations are over for good, we entered a new golden age
Purple women love!https://streamable.com/oce5ie
>>36598746beta onions and extremely low test, probably a tranny
>>36598887>35p outs himself as SEAnothing new there
Hololive has progressively gotten worse every single day since she's left, and the threads have gotten worse because of it
>>36598913https://litter.catbox.moe/zvgb93.mp4This purple woman has more soul
more like Fartia
Towa is not real.
>Mogs Idolshits>Mogs HolotardsKneel to Nijisanji.
>>36598723to bad the dude will have a microdick and the sex will suck more dick than she will.
Holos for this feel?
>>36598428草Glad to see you're coping well with the collab nousagi-san.
>>36598957>>36598954>>36598953>>36598950>>36598932>>36598927kill yourselves
>>36598957White loli Flare...
>>36598950Of course it was a a Paki kek
>>36598960you first mass quotenig
Pekora stinks
Owl in 25 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_th_UdWKO84
>>36598960GOTEEEEEM GO HOME BOY! They just got SERVED!
Kill bugs.
seriously though why are all the holojavs fucking trash? is it just jav that sucks?
Taimanin Gura
Friend, doko?
>>36598982The Luna looks is great. If it ever comes out.
>>36598626Cute and sexy
>>36598995I haven't seen it.
>>36598974No one gives a shit about Pekora here. This is 35p territory.
>>36599005Please stop trying to induce vomiting in this thread
>>36598995if its the same dude it'll suffer just as bad as the rest. he can't fuck for his life and he has a 3 inch dick
>>36598991She went to sleep 3 hours ago.
>>36598584Looking forward to her otaku-out during her drinking stream
So Reddit is racist and no one ever talks about Sana, I assume someone here has decent tastes and can provide conversation about her
>>36599009Makes sense. These threads are 99% SEA s of course Miko is the most popular holo here.
>>36599013Do it faggot
>>36598990I want to be breastfed by Toi...
>>36599037You tell them Paki.
>>36599041Towa is incapable of providing milk and is infertile anon. The best you can get is casual sex
We love miko here
>>36599046? i'm from SEA myself and love Miko.
>>36599050Towa will become a mama.
>>36599014they need the fat ugly dude
>>36599066I'm from Pakistan and I hate Miko and Pekora also Marine!!!
>>36599026We love Tia here
>>36599071they could find an ugly fat guy with a cock larger than 3 inches though.
>>36599050I'll drink any of Towa's bodily fluids
>>36599078Us Pakistanis know how to treat women of their caliber
Kson status?
>>36599035I've liked all the game streams I caught of her a lot. Artful Escape was really fun yesterday.Don't care for the Holoscope thing whatsoever though.It's also a bit hard to catch her streams when she's live at the same time as JP Holos I've been following for years, but there's not much she can do about that, all the reasonable timeslots for her are just pretty saturated with her timezone being so close to JST.
I was told to come here to ask about Matsuri on tv today? did it already air? if so how was it?
>>36599035>sana>decent tastes
>>36599093still richstill tongue deep in angel muffstill harassed by chinks
Where's Towa
>>36599095I agree with you about the Holoscope thing, I think if anything that being one of her first streams post debut is what contributed to her low numbers. Artful Escape was more fun than I thought it would be
>>36599093Less viewers than Towa
Towa said my dog was ugly and kicked it
Numbers do not matter and I love my oshi and appreciate her talents.
>>36599116It's probably true
>>36598950What the fuck is wrong with this country, why is their UI like that?
>>36598831I cannot believe I have to watch chicken.
Amelia said my dog was cute and fucked it
>>36599118Tell me about Watame why does she wear the mask?
>>36599050Towas dick milk...
>>36599108On my bed
>>36599118Sure thing Watamate
>>36599093off-topic, as always.
>>36599093She's currently sucking me off
>>36599130Getting dicked (by me)
>>36599111And she still manages to get 5 times more superchats than herWhy are kenzoflips so poor?
heimin status?
Yeah Google is correct.
>>36599135this is heresy
Can we get a RBC thread next time guys
>>36599127Do white Holos really
>>36598831Why Sora, why?Wasn't the reddit review enough already?Why does she have to torture me like this?
>>36599127did she let you watch?
>>36599148Towa would never drive eurotrash
>>36599127I wish I was your dog..
>>36599158I kneel to my princess
>>36599169She needs reach 1m subs soon...
>>36599169Sora has always hated and lied to her fans
>>36599179Me on the right
>>36598831Is she going to talk about her multiple human boyfriends?
>>36599169What's wrong with her being on HoloTalk?
I think Hololive Production is pretty darn neato!
>>36598831not watching chicken
>>36599186Cute Rushia boing boing
>>36599188That is rich coming from a SEAmonkey/burger/spic.
>>36599199HoloCN runs these threads
>>36599199But that was all chink made
They will not be stopped
Chink hours? https://streamable.com/xzyuoj
Perhaps is Ame a virgin? I've never heard about her bf...
>>36599229why is towa's outfit so whorish? I get hard whenever I catch a glimpse of it
>>36599235Do dogs count?
>Your mom is a whore
>>36599237Omega is green coat lunaito?
Samurai holo when?
>Tú ochi>La hololive que menos te gusta
>>36599241>why is towa's outfit so whorish?
Ja volim Lunu.
>>36599248Why are ALL holomamas so breedable?
Nigromante (celosa)
>>36599253But we already have one.
Gura really does mog Pekora in every way imaginable.>more live viewers>more fanart>more vod views>more superchats>more subs>more twitter followers>more likes on all her tweets>holds record for most live views in non-graduated stream>most loved holo>A-Chan and yagoo ADORE her>Pekora begged her on stream to join UsaKen and Gura STILL chose Aqua over herGura is too strong
>>36599190All me
I'm thinking...yeah, I'm thinking IDs are based.
>>36599035I like her a lot but her game choices interest me as much snail is interested in salt.Also she has bad timing with streaming when some really interesting streams are going, I hate it.
>>36599271It's a mistery
what's with the chinkposting the last few days?It's getting weird
>>36599229Towa crossdresser?
>>36599248That's a long torso
>>36599291I like this female version of Towa.
FBK used to be the burger holo. How did Pekora take the title from her?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHrYy9I_xRw
>>36599283I honestly wasn't interested in a lot of the games she's played before watching either, but she's made some of them decently entertaining, though not quite all. The timing is definitely the biggest thing for me but I mostly just watch her VODs at work
Racist holo when?
No streams for another 3 hours, I'm not going to make it...
>>36599294/hlg/ is healing
what's with the /vt/ refugees the last few days?It's getting weird
>>36599294Credit score farming.
>>36599286God this is so fucking cute, I'm jealous.
Is it normal to feel attraction towards married and or pregnant women?
Never leaving.
>>36599327Yes if they are your wife.
>>36599294Since they've been becoming more and more irrelevant, they feel like they need to try to get attention here for some reason. Avoid giving them (You)s
>>36599294this is the anti-thread and you're wondering why it's full of chinks, lol
>>36599284We need to investigate further, may I get more evidence?
>>36599305Pekora ate the burgers.
>>36599328Too bad Aqua never acknowledged the existence of the CN branch.
>>36599337Not in fact...
>motion sickness>minecraftowl...
I miss Towa hours
Why are JOPs so cucked they can't even run their own threads? EN/ID/CN posters literally dominating them and they think they're oshi will notice them when they are this meek
>>36599351based Aqua
>>36599351Based onion
Owl girl is so dumb...
>>36599360Happens to JP holos too. Probably has to do with their FoV
>>36599372That's some big onions there.
I can't believe Mumei listens to death metal.
did someone ask the boyfriend question
Never leaving
Seiso holo when?
This was the last frame Pekora ever showed of Sekiro. She ran away from it like a coward. Pekora isn't a real gamer. She's a phony.
Clockwife...Owlwife...polygamy love!
Mumei forgot her tissue...
Why did Rushia talk about Coco in her last stream? Do I need to break out the wheelbarrows again?
I was banned from /vt/Can I take refuge here?
Yikes so this is what Hololive threads look like? Glad to see Nijis keep winning. That's what happens when you try to protect a shitty reddit dragon I guess
>>36599413>old IP
>>36599413welcome friend, I hope you enjoy your stay in this shithole
>>36599384Noel wants her part toohttps://twitter.com/starblame/status/1438910626093481986
I miss Watame..
>>36599413*Unzips Pants* You know the drill ENwhore.
lot of old IPs making bad posts. if you think your post isn't very good, run the Towa checkask yourself if your post would get more (You)s than if you just posted a variation of Towa's name. If not, post Towa instead.
"there was something in my throat"mumei..
>>36599431No, I will not reply.
>>36599432Th-thanks...*starts sucking*
>>36598797Thank goodness that Lunaito offered to cosplay as Korone. He was a little too small to be Korone but we all had fun.
>>36599437>old ip>new ipYOU ARE THREAD
I forgot!
Lovey dovey cuddly sex with Tsunomaki Watame
This place is ironically a bigger hugbox than reddit. "B-BUT MUH JP HOLOS! DON'T COMPARE THEM TO EN OR ID! THEY CAN DO NO WRONG" At least the Towa posters are realistic about Towa
>screaming will hurtMumei....
>>36599461this is a bot
>>36599465I thought this was a kigurumi from the thumbnail
For me it's Minato Aqua
Towa, are you here? Give us a sign.
You guys suck. I'm leaving.
>I don't want people to hear me>Join HololiveOwl...
sankisei bebi
I think Japanese Holos are boring compared to Moona
>>36599490No you're not, NERD.
I think Moona is boring compared to Risu.
>>36599480is her fantia shit nude
We all love Risu here
Can japanese Hololive members really keep up with the talent other branches provide? I see Cover going all in on EN and ID and forcr graduating all of the JP girls
>>36599469this is a towa...
>>36599315the 2 fags who like EN2 are looking for a new place to talk about them since global doesn't like them and their individual threads are dead, too bad they can't control themselves and always end up throwing a tantrum followed by spam
>>36599505Probably not
>>36599519Too dark make the purple brighter
>>36599513learn english panchito
>>36599525https://litter.catbox.moe/voi7g2.jpgfound this
Mumei is really struggling with these line breaks.
>>36599519I love pubic hair
Flare hates Noel
>>36599542this, but unironically
Post your reps
Will the Holos get Forza Horizon permissions
>>36599542Damn that's a lot of seetheYou ok there ENtard?
>>36599546Sorry anon it is me who will be marrying Mikoti
>>36599542YWNBAW (You Will Never Be A Weeb)
Low quality posts are against the rules, friends.
>>36599542are you gonna spam your whore owl again? oh wait, there are almost no images left
Towa is going to beat Hollow Knight this month, but this time for real
wtf bros? we are supposed to seethe at ENspammers now they come here to mald?The fuck is going on
Towa eatin a burger
>>36599564The longest playthrough on Hololive
>>36599542can you speak louder I cant here you
ENsharts successfully malded
Towa > EN
Honestly, Moona, Reine, Ollie, Risu, and even Anya are more interesting that half the JPs.
Wake me up when Watame is on
>>36599582Towa > HoloJP > HoloEN > HoloID > piss and shit > Towa
the only good EN is Gura
>>36599564The only thing Towa will beat this moth is her meat
>Imageboard>Can't post imagesS-sugoi...
the only good EN is Miko
>>36599591In the end it's always been Towa hasn't it. I blame her for letting EOPS stop her from graduating and making them think they're wanted
the only good EN is a dead one
>>36599431Gura and Luna collab
>>36599530https://twitter.com/negoto_meme/status/1422417262846173189https://twitter.com/negoto_meme/status/1422745182483607555The classic as close to nude as possible without showing nips or vag. Which is often hotter I think
>>36599600>>36599601explain THIS towafags
>>36599601Sorry, I did it two minutes ago
Artia alone was more entertaining than all of the ENs
Towa alone was more entertaining than all of the Towas.
Artia? more like Fartia
Towas together are more entertaining than all of Hololive.
>Towa thread>Can't post Towas
I hate talented people. This is why I hate Marine, Nene, Fubuki, Luna, Suisei, and Sora.
If I stalk Cover HQ and "bump" into Towa and pretend to know nothing about Hololive or her role as Towa how likely is she to eventually fuck me as a European?
https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/92330710I want to taste it...
Whenever Towa isn't streaming all I can think of is where is Towa...
>>36599629How good are you at Apex?
>>36599577My wives
>>36599630This but only after someone came inside it
>>36599629best she'll do is give you a handjob and a cig anon
>leave thread of 1h>ENfaggot started cryingThats not how you own da weebs on /jp/....
Why did you guys waste all those images on Towa?
mumei is so cute I love her
>>36599608there's some good shimakaze and shuten ones too. trying to track down fantia leaks but I'm not sure what the /t/ code word would be if there is one.
>>36599638name a single thing ENfag do other than crying about never being accepted
>>36599638This post is almost as cringe as EN posters
Towa has swallowed many men's cum in her live but she always insisted there's nothing that tastes better than her own
Still not taking the vaccine
>>36599654Towa's nectar..
i could beat towa in a fight
>>36599582I pray for more KanaTowa every day.
>>36599538Everyone loves Noel especially Flare
>>36599662Oh so now we're lying
>>36599649>name a single thing ENfag do other than crying about never being acceptedKek what a bunch of crying faggots
>>36599638I think there's more posts crying about EN than posts about EN streams in this thread now. And this is none other than Towa's fault. Why hasn't someone stopped this demon?
>>36599662Towa's banana is too strong.
>Snow Flower Lamy>Peach Bell Nene>White Lion Button>Round-Tail Polka>Demon of AloeWhat did they mean by these?
>>36599676Towa has an army of street shitters at her disposal to post on her behalf when she is unable to
How is Towa handling the APEX servers shitting themselves?
>>36599687apex byebye
thinkng bout towas giant-ass teeth
>>36599676>I think there's more posts crying about ENBased they need to know they're not welcome>n-never leavingYou're here to seethe immigrant
Is Towa just budget version of Ollie?
>>36599675How are we feeling about Towa's clitoris (Bananus Minimus) today?
Botan will pay for making Watame's tummy upset!
>>36599697I really really want to suck on it
i couldn't beat towa in a fight
>>36599695What kind of skate trick is Towa?
I want to fuck Gura
I just want Towa to come back...
i could beat towa in a fight if i was allowed to use my trusty ball-peen hammer
List of actual lesbians of Hololive:GuraKanata
>>36599648Haven't been able to find any myself over the last day or two. Haven't spent that long actively looking yet though
>>36599695Towa is the budget version of a pile of shit
>>3659970650/50 because she switches between loving penis and loving vagina
council cucks status?
I could beat Luna in a fight but I'd let her beat me on purpose
>>36599711>Gura>LesbianI think I need to remind youhttps://streamable.com/k7o5na
>>36599711Shion is a faggot
>>36599720Always winning and making 1-2 retards in this thread shit themselves in rage
>>36599693You could be posting about Towa but instead you're feeding the vitriol of EN trolls and making them post more often. Towa should be ashamed.
List of fatties of Hololive:PolkaOkayuMatsuriPolkaPolka
>>36599720Crying that no one likes them
I want a holo to play the original Silent Hill.
>>36599729Please don't talk about Matsuri that way. She is a FIT slut not a fat one
>>36599737Matsuri "I eat burgers every day" Natsuiro
Hey look at me I posted Towa
>>36599729You forgot about Marine.
>>36599722Some streamables get more views than the homos
How many braincells do certain anon's need in order to be trained to not give (You)s to bait posts?
>>36599737I want to get matsuri dependent on me then slowly fatten her up into my ideal weight for her
When the hell are they joining the servers? What's taking so long? Not like EN is busy doing anything to do a portal relay.
If Towa is real why bad things exist
>>36599755A commendable dream
>>36599729Aqua (extremely honest) said that Marine is also fat.
I want a holo to play vermintide 2 at least once, even though it will never happen. I also want a mod for the game that makes all the rats look like Towa
>>36599739Permissions are cancer.
>>36599759I made Towa up
>>36599758EN2 collab ban.They will probably try to schedule the relay sometime in the next week or two, whenever they can line up their schedules.
Post a clip
>>36599772It hasn't even been a month yet? Feels like a year since those failures came along.
>>36599769Would hosting the streams on their own platform get around DMCA takedowns? I know nothing about DMCA laws and won't bother pretending to
i am going to cum inside of this ducks asshole (and maybe towa's)https://streamable.com/arb26t
I walked Towa to the park today
>>36599790Subaru doesn't exist buddy take your meds NOW
>>36599722Isn't she complaining about the guy talking about prostitutes?
When is the next SubaChocoLunaTan again?
Would you a cute friend?https://twitter.com/eidori_k/status/1438835123634442242Or Korone?https://twitter.com/eidori_k/status/1434860180995330060
>owl karaoke talk>mostly unarchivedwhy do they do this
>>36599805No talent I think
>>36599805Because of her bf
I am a lunaito and I am not a slut stop it
>>36599818bend over
>>36599713yeah, I'd dump the 10 dollar tier if I could manage to pay. shame they don't take paypal.
>>36599805i think you're in the wrong thread
Okayu Catsudan and ToM 1/2>StartIt's been a long time, well, only 2 days. The second shot wasn't as bad as the first one, and her arm pain even went away faster. She was prepared for more suffering, based on what she heard from others, but it wasn't so bad. Thanks for all the kind replies; she read a lot of them. She is, of course, still really bad with shots.>RFAOkayu's morning Ring Fit Adventure routine started back up today too. She's sad that the trainer didn't praise her as much as he normally does though. Usually he gets real excited about her doing consecutive days in a row, but he just kind of casually remarked about it being day 15 today, even though she tried so hard to get back into her fitness routine. She feels like part of the reason she was trying so hard was for him to praise her. Thanks to the onigiryaa for praising her in his stead, but you'd probably all be too nice to become her coach. If she felt like slacking off, you'd surely let her do it. What if you were real strict with her? She'd probably yell that she hates you, and run away from home.>Back to itShe's really happy to see everybody today; she was real lonely by herself. She's also excited to play games again, which is why she has a Mana stream after this. She does think it was for the best that she took those days off; she feels great now.>What she did on her days offSleep, really. She slept most of the day, and watched Kinnikun videos. Also, it's apparently his birthday, as she saw on Twitter earlier, so happy birthday! Okayu watches his main channel during the day, but uses his second to sleep too. It has some ASMR-like qualities to it; you can hear the wind or even dogs in the background.>ASMRShe wondered if she was too close to the mic during the last ASMR, but she gave it a listen the next day, and it sounded great. Everybody else really seemed to like it too. She was worried it might be too loud, but the compressor must have taken care of it. You actually want her to bully your ears? Like what? Saying mean things to them like "Hey shorty!"? No? Well, she doesn't get it then.>AtmosphereWhat do you guys think about the feel of this stream? Okayu's real happy with the song that she got made, and the background she requested. All the dolls are super cute, but she likes the space cat with the onigiryaa the most. Also the clock reading her birthday is a nice touch.>AdditionOkayu got her new shades added to her alternate outfit. It's real cool YO! She looks shady? What?>Does Okayu like shota?She prefers loli, if she had to choose, but she thinks shota are cute too. She liked little girls even when she was one herself. In middle school she only drew girls, usually from kindergarten to elementary school, with stockings and usually in school swimsuits too(though there were obviously some differences between what she drew at school or at home). She did eventually even out a bit in high school. Her baa-chan was completely fine with it too, just giving a slightly curious acknowledgment, rather than being taken aback. As long as Okayu explained what she was doing, like drawing kneesocks and focusing on the plumpness of the skindentation, Baa-chan would just go "Huh". Actually she was probably used to it, because her mother, Okayu's great grandma was a fujoshi herself. That and there was Hanaya Onee-san who taught Okayu about BL too. The entire bloodline seems to have something wrong with it. By the way, Okayu's baa-chan is a gamer, but not much of an otaku beyond that.>FuruchinShe likes how shocked everybody got at her "Furuchin" tweet at Noel. That's actually the official term for being fully vaccinated, and not some kind of dick joke. Did it sound like some gag a schoolboy would say while pulling his pants down?>Noon streamOkayu wants to try and get a stream in around noon tomorrow, since she might not be able to stream that night. She thinks she'll continue the new Warioware game that she played with Towa the other day. She's not fully sure she'll wake up in time though, so sorry if she doesn't. It's fine if she sleeps in? But won't you all get lonely if you can't meet at all tomorrow? Please force her to get up if that's the case. Why might she be unable to stream? She's got an appointment that she's not sure exactly when it ends. There's been a lot of those lately, but Okayu feels like the number of things that will make her fans happy that are in the works keep increasing too.
Your oshi tells you "PULL OUT!" but you read in the tech-log the GPWS is INOP. What do you do?
>Be Lunaito>Everyone wants to fuck me nowLeave me alone faggots
>>365998262/2>Busy catOkayu feels like she always starts off the month thinking she has lots of free days, but keeps taking appointments until the the last two thirds are nothing but recordings and appointments. It'll probably be the same next month too, but that's what she's been working on gaining stamina for! If it's still not enough, then sorry in advance. It's only day 15 so far, so it's possible that she hasn't gained any yet. Surely the day when we'll be rewarded will come someday though!>Charming catsOkayu often holds and babies Temari, enjoying her fluffiness and warmth. You want to fluff Okayu? She seems like she'd be warm? Sorry, but Okayu's not particularly warm. She's not cold, but more lukewarm than anything, though the back of her knees are pretty warm. Her hoodie seems warm? Okayu talks a bit about how she'd warm her hands with her friends hoodies when she was younger, but there seems to be a misunderstanding about which part Okayu and chat are referring to.>Make them laughThe first thing Okayu does whenever she goes to the salon is to try and make her hairstylist laugh. If she succeeds, she can usually go home a little bit more happy. She does this while her hair's being cut? No! During the shampoo. Her success rate is about 70 percent, by the way.***Trials of Mana stream***>Curious catOkayu was the kind of kid who would often touch things she was told not to, then confess because she was the honest type. Even now, she's a curious cat, but she really was crazy when she was little. Apparently she stuck her hand in an open-flame stove when she was around 3 years old. Because she's so reckless, she feels she's best with people who have their act together, like the onigiryaa or Korosan. Actually, it may be because of Okayu that Korosan has to keep herself together.>Water Temple traumaOkayu reacts with fear when she sees the name of the next area. She played OOT in elementary school, and remembers getting really stuck during that temple. Even now, seeing a place called the Water Temple makes her feel some of that past trauma.>Weird facesOkayu loves how expressive her 2.0 is, but it's kind of embarrassing now that chat can see whenever she makes a weird face or drinks water during the stream.>SongsOkayu's happy her covers are doing well, and is pretty sure she'll be able to have another one out this month too. Actually, she's pretty sure she's completely set to have a new cover out for each of the next 3 months. She spent a lot of time wondering what to give back with the superchats people gave her this year, and the number one thing for her seemed to be covers. Actually, Towa gave her some praise when they were collabing the other day. She said "It might sound like I'm being conceited when I say this, but Okayu, you've gotten really good at singing!". Okayu was happy to get such praise from Towa, who she considers a very good singer. Okayu's not really one to judge her own voice, and doesn't have regular voice training, so it makes her glad to receive praise.>GoodsOkayu's happy to see that not only are the full sets selling a lot, but a good amount of people are also just buying the voice pack. Certainly there might be people that have others around the house who would make it awkward if they saw her dakimakura cover. She also sees people who are talking about giving it the bed while they take the floor; it'd be better if you just hugged it! Thanks for enjoying the voice pack so much! Okayu tried really hard to make the onigiryaa's hearts go kyun. She also wants to drag out the people who say Okayu isn't gachikoi material, and make them know defeat. She wants to hear their curses of frustration.>Recommended archives?Okayu says it's usually best to just go with a game that you like, but she also really enjoys her whole DK series. She also gets a lot of people saying they really enjoyed her Origami King series.>Cat bellyOkayu thinks the new animation she's using for pee breaks by Masafumi is adorable. She likes how she's doing the belly up position that cats normally do. Temari does it often, but Okayu warns that it's a menhera trap. While she has the image of most cats doing it as a form of acknowledging defeat, Temari's is actually a honey trap. She'll bite your hand and start kicking you with all her might if you fall for it.https://privatebin.net/?89f0655cbbadca63#3a4niQhSEj3TQLdBEjdYJXcxN54yAqy97BWvcMk9Unpm
>>36599826i don't remember asking
>>36599826>likes loli, and shotaWhat is wrong with Japanese women?
>>36599826>>36599832Thanks as always
>>36599797Tuesday watch dogs is the game I dunno what one has 4 player multiplayer
Towa said we can't be friends anymore...sorry guys..
I want nothing more in the world than to kick Miko's pregnant belly as hard as I can.
>I don't speak Francebased
>>36599833I asked /vt/ranny
>>36599729how would I have to train to be able to overhead press a polka?
>>36599833I asked, fuck off
>>36599826I'm glad you're still around although it's annoying how often your posts unintentionally trigger a filtered word for me
>>36599843Why are ichimi like this?
>>36599843You're too late, Miko 2 already gave birth
>>36599851I'm a Subatomo
mumei has cute animals
>>36599848Polka's like 100kg. So lift for 2 years but focus on OHP instead of bench and don't be a manlet/a skelly.
>>36599846>>36599849quote the post where you asked. i'll wait.
>>36599854nice lie, subatomos don't exists just like Subaru
Does Mumei have a pet cockatoo or something? It kind of sounds like a bird.
>>36599854>SubatomoConn, SONAR, new contact
>>36599868right here tard king >>36599849
Was Luna's JAV any good?
>>36599864damn, 2 plates is pretty tough
>>36599874No but mine was
>>36599874Pretty average
>>36599868I left a message for him on your mom's ass during our weeky gangbang
>>36599882Risu you have to be in Japan to film JAV...
>>36599874Fuck off if you watch JAV you are both gay and a c*ck. WE hate homos here.
>>36599874Where do I find it?
>>36599892Send me one BTC and I'll send it to you
https://streamable.com/jnjzmkyou guys were really rude.
>>36599889>if you watch women you're gayDamn>WE hate homos here.This is 100% true
is today the day miko watches a good movie?
>>36599898>>if you watch women you're gay>DamnYou are CHOOSING to look at naked ojisans. You are gay.
>Pekora had one good comedy JAV and another good normal JAVHow does she do it?
>>36599897It's rude but true.
>>36599899miko best of the worst except she actually enjoys all of them
>>36599897You're welcome /hlgg/
>>36599899No, Miko had to take a few days off because the vaccine sideeffects
>>36599667Flare outright dumped her
Why SEAbois love EN so much?
>>36599897en is rude by existing
>>36599897if she posted her tits I would have said nice things
What if Towa
Anyone else just get filled with uncontrollable rage when they hear certain holo voices? I go into an almost frenzied like state when I hear Miko, Pekora, or Luna's voices.
Flare's wife is so cool and cute https://streamable.com/zu1u7g
>>36599916She didn't but okay.Cue ichimi talking about how Noel deserves to die because they are psycopaths
Why fubuki had the worst JAV?
>>36599826>>36599832Thanks as always anon>Furuchin>not a dick jokeCould've fooled me. Smug cat.
>>36599916It was just a matter of time, considering she's with Marine
>>36599897>Even ENHolos rather come to this shithole over GlobalGlobal faggots got cucked so hard
>>36599933She had like three and they all sucked
What does it mean if my penis gets hard when I look at Towa?
>>36599943No code is like doujin JAV, I think it was Sex Syndrome like the Subaru and Pekor ones
>>36599924you're just autistic
>>36599924Hearing Mio's voice gives me an uncontrollable urge to jerk off
>>36599947It means you're a woman
>>36599947You've caught Towa, it's terminal.
I'm watching new year Mario Kart tournament and, why was Luna being voiced by another seiyuu?
I'm proud to be an Ichimin
Ichitrannies are getting uppityhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8lpjPgPAFc
>2021>Still no Mio hoodie >Still no Mio JAV
>>36599976>Still no Mio JAV>He didn't know
>>36599976Good, nobody likes hags.
Is Towa going to play with that rpr guy tomorrow again?
>>36599951and which is the producer? at least to look for it, because it was not even shown at the usual place, and I don't think they will do it for a long time...
>>36599897>still desperate to be accepted on this websiteThere's something seriously wrong with her
>>36599944This was predebut. Globalfaggots were our faggots back then.
>>36599983Towa loves hags.
Lunaito JAV?
>Luna in the sponsored EDF streamSince when did she inherit Friend's crown as shill queen? Microsoft and Tony Hawk both requested her to play their games.
>>36599992Make one yourself
>>36599826>>36599832These are always so boringWhy is Okayu so boring
>>36599983Exactly, hags are made to be loved, not liked
>>36599991Did she confirm or something?
I need Nene's energyI think I can understand Ayamefags feeling a little...
>>36599989>predebutGuess Mori browsing 4chan wasn't just a narrative
This thread lacks the smell of gunpowder.
>>36599897so was she the one who came in here to drop hints a couple times
The owl is really cute
Marine is simply the best
Blasmephous? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2ZcXTtOF_c
which holo should play live a live
>>36599929She did. a few Minecraft streams ago she explained again for the retards on the audience, NoeFlare is as dead they as come
Towa is simply the best
>>36600026so easy
>>36600002Her, Kiara and Gura have to have been here at some point.
>>36600028She didn't. You dumb EOP.How long before you start calling for Noel's death?
Nothing will be lost if Noel is gone
I'm going to go jerk off to Noel be right back
Marine is simply obese.
Nothing will be lost if Towa is gone
>>36600037>sarted Undertale right as Deltarune 2 comes outDid Toby give Cover a tip it would be coming? Do they have permissions for it? How long until Kanata and Flare play it?
>>36600039>They all saw my anti posts about themI don't know how to feel about this...
>>36600042No nothing would be lost if you and your whore mother were gone
>>36600051>portable onaholewhy randomly mention Ayame?
I just fapped to Sora, AMA
>>36600053https://twitter.com/houshoumarine/status/1364497882816991239Toby loves Marine.
>>36600018Oh shit, she's actually going to finish it?
>>36600055Aqua confirmed that Marine is obese. We all already knew anyway.
>>36599933this is good enough for mehttps://files.catbox.moe/fcyszb.mp4
We hate Aqua and Marine yeah?
Toby Fox is a fag
>>36600072no? ok...
>>36600064Of course that piece of shit loves her.
>>36599874I want that Luna JAV really really badly
>>36600053Marine definitely knew. She said she would be waiting for Deltarune to come out for real before playing Part 1, want to bet she plays Part 1 and 2 pretty soon?Maybe Toby even rushed out Part 2 just so the Holos could play it, I honestly wouldn't put it past him.
Toby fox cucked Mizukek the rapist
Lately I’ve been worried, after seeing Nene's new outfit, on whether there still is a vtuber or any other character in general that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Momosuzu Nene now? Let alone defeat her. And I'm not talking about Suzumomo Nene. I'm not talking about Super Nenechi Pro either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Perfect Nenechi with God Steam (with the Ringfit Adventure) and sponsored by Akukin-Kensetsu, after eating gyoza for lunch. I’m also not talking about Nenemax 300k subs vtuber (which is capable of speaking Japanese, English and Spanish), her two wives Ina and Lamy and a third random tall guy clicking his tongue at her as he passes by. I'm definitely NOT talking about NENEMAXMAXMAXSTORONG with 4 parallel universe wives (Ina, Lamy, Matsuri, Okayu), equipped with sexy bikini while paying her employees 4 billion yen per hour after having become the CEO of Neneproduction, capable of glitching Craftopia bosses to only target her and pranking Flare in Minecraft, and having eaten Haachama's gyoza, tasted Botan’s chicken, and survived drinking one of Lamy’s shots. I'm talking about Super Hyper Ultra Ultimate Deluxe Perfect Amazing Shining God 東方不敗 Master Ginga Victory Strong Cute Beautiful Galaxy Baby 無限 無敵 無双 Nenechi, with 5 Hololive auditions, 43 wives, 372k husbands, neverending IQ (π), Perfect Japanglish, and Spanish, and Portuguese, running on a 3080x Asacoco Antenna and wearing the new ultra rare 5-Star Isekai Princess skin, cofounder of world-famous Polka Hologram Circus, with infinite source of water and surprising gaming skills while able to sing La Lion and set herself on fire in Craftopia after having become the eternal CEO of Nenepro who punches and kicks every employee, after having disconnected while singing Connect with Kiara, as well as having her name flipped into ƎИƎИ and turned into a 3D cardboard decoy, unlocked the power of God from absorbing Matsuri’s snot on her body while wearing a sexy bikini and having eaten Haachama's tarantula-spicy-noodles while convincing Ame to trast her and having mastered singing Shiny Smiley Story in 11 different languages at the same time, right after marathoning iCarly and VICTORIOUS twice in a row??
>>36600085Nice, you actually decided to make a proper pasta this time.
>>36600056Just be a nicer person!
>>36600085Me | Nene | H
>>36600075do not wake the gaki
Marine loves men confirmed
>>36600082https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlL86bAMFrgAqua never lies
>>36600002there were screencapped tweets of her talking about browsing /v/ and arguing with people. it was never narrative.
Marine has lots of female fans
>>36600077Is the Kanata one anywhere yet?
owl... my poor owl...
>>36600099Marine is lesbian.
I want to cum inside my oshi but I worry about throwing off her PH levels
Ichivixens I'm coming for you
>>36600076You forgot your Sasaki picture.
>>36600102She's pure
one day, when they hold a fan meet again, I'm going to tell miko hey man
I hate Marine and i want her to graduate
I always fantasize about fucking Marine
would noel and hurea let me watch them have passionate loving sex?
>>36599897>>24505344Did you reply?
I love Marine and want to fantasize about her fucking huera and noel
I wish Ayame wasn't so frail and streamed more. I know that she is doing her best and working hard even when she isn't streaming, but it hurts to be away from her for so long. My cute oni, please come back. I will wait, but I am weak
>>36600119I probably called her a faggot
I want to hold my oshi's hand while another man cum's inside her...
"For twelve months, you have been asking: Who is Towa? This is Towa speaking. I am the devil who loves her life. I am the devil who does not sacrifice her love or her values. I am the devil who has deprived you of victims and thus has destroyed your world, and if you wish to know why you are perishing—you who dread knowledge—I am the devil who will now tell you.”
>>36600063Yeah well, I fapped to fumihiko Sora
>>36599897I was one that gave her genuine advice don't you point that finger at me
Suisei is better without pubes
I want a Subaru Botan Okayu and Mio collab. Non stop infinite Subaru bullying and wheezing
Can you hear me Major Towa?
>>36600136*with pubes sorry typo there
>>36600128ayame doesn't like holding my hand during and only lets me after she's cleaned up
>>36598555Usakin:>equal opportunity employer with promotions based on value-added contributions to the company>International employees are treated fairly and with respect>Largest and most successful kensetsu, envied the world over for their innovative and daring projectsAkukin:>company is headed by an asocial autist>gets nothing done>exploits its foreign employees and denies them pay and benefits
>>36600119>>36599897>it is a flawed ideathat might actually be her post, wow
>>36600136based>>36600144sorry phone autocorrected I meant with pubes is gross*
burger hours...
just take my money mumei stop closing supacha
>>36600155But i'm from malaysia...
>>36600151The timezone tracks. It's in jap hours.
Towa told me to kick rocks...
>>36600128NTR holo when?
>>36600163damn to think I missed getting to reply to mori by about a month. I wonder if she was aware of the reaction to the holocaust here.
I sent my oshi a dick pic on twitter and they thought it was a female clitoris and starting flirting with me..I have never been so emasculated
>>36600174miko loves all women
>>36600173Pretty sure she was a long time lurker
I'm going to fap to the second Pekora cosplay JAV right now
When will my oshi stop being a whore?
>>36600179That was good, the only bad thing is that in the JAVs the same girls always repeat, pekora and marine
How can Polka ever "don't sink"?
how was the EDF stream?
>>36600178yeah I mentioned earlier she was a /v/ user, I don't know about her lurking this shithole though given how little she knew about hololive at debut. pretty sure she was pre election too.
Why is my oshi so nationalistic
Aki is the apple of my eye
miko in 4 hourshttps://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1439010718808883201
>>36600197ojou only acknowledges the superior nippon race there's nothing wrong with that
>>36600194>getting baited by MoriHeh feels really wierd
>>36600193I'm watching the archive right now and so far it's great
>>36600193Earth was defended by a force
I WILL fuck Marine.
Fauna stream in about an hour, dead hours are almost over anons
>>36600210marine will peg you and nothing more take it or leave it
>>36600179Don't come back homo.
>your oshi>make a relevant theme for a new original song
>>36600206eh to ENs credit everyone was expecting way fucking worse than what we got, also I'd fuck mori and her roommate.
>>36600210Give up
>>36600133I don't like how he draws faces but any +18 drawing of Sora is welcome.
Hi I'm Mori and I'm fucking your oshi right now, ama
>>36600219LunaHiro papa would do it better than me
>>36600136all women are better with pubes
>>36599988If you were a vtuber, would you want to be accepted here?
>>36600226how does polkas pussy taste
>>36600226how is Kiara in bed?
>>36600232If I were a vtuber I would campaign for Holostars equality and the return of HoloCN, as well as the addition of HoloPH
>>36600226Sorry for calling you a faggot
>>36600191I'd like a good tanned model doing a Flare one
>>36600225peko listening to haddaway
>>36600232no, I'd name drop /vt/ and call it shit then direct people to /jp/ to make the 2hus seethe though.
>>36600236stale and putrid like all fat girls pussies
according to my data, Pekora is ovulating today
>>36600226this is ridiculous, mori only fucks electro swing rappers
Why did the rat flop? I haven't watched a single minute of her but I'm curious.
>>36600226My oshi isn't some 60 year old bald guy
>>36600256>electro swing rappersYes, like your oshi
What apex rank do I need to be for Towa to notice me?
>>36600256they have to be below 5'6"/167cm and yellow
>>36600257she was wasnt for me in the same way ollie isn't for me too much energy I like people like okayu
>>36599897>in the down lowYeah, that could have been anywhere that isnt Reddit.
>>36600193too short
>>36600226My oshi is not a manlet
Fine ENfaggots I'll watch Mori just because she used to be one of us
>>36600268I like rat way more than ollie honestly, maybe it's because she hasn't had a chance to sully herself with homos onscreen yet. she's just generally cute.
>>36600220The only things that happened that I remember doomposting about is the influx of redditors, the shitty fanbases and that trashtaste eceleb stuff.
>>36600226More like getting fucked by Holostars.Fucking whore.
https://files.catbox.moe/tdyluk.mp4Why is nene such a whore
>>36600276There's nothing wrong with collabing with men
Cooking some fresh bahn mi to enjoy with anyachan!
>>36600285I'm a man and I collab with myself all the time
>>36600275That sounds like a really good reason not to watch someone, nothing worse than faggots who act the same outside of this place or try to use terms and in jokes from this site outside of it
>>36600276rat can be cute I haven't seen much of ollie being cute tho so I can't give the best comparison
>>36600275she probably has my favorite design in hololive (aesthetically) and is the sole ACTUAL tomboy in hololive and I still can't stomach her due to the cringe. it's not worth it.>>36600277I remember people expecting complete leech twitch whore, worse than ny*nners types and we ended up getting people who were talented for the most part and relatively respectful.
>>36600281please post her help me Shishiron
10 minutes!https://deltarune.com/
>>36600275You should be watching Artia, she was shilling herself on /jp/ before /hlg/ even existed
>>36600279Which other holo is the holostar's cumrag?
>>36600304we get it flare just put your frame up already
>>36600308ollie is the hololive passaround girl
Where is MY OSHI!!? WHERE IS AKI!?!!
>>36600306I'll watch her if you post her doing the tit bounce thing on her new model
If I became a vtuber would you watch me just because I >used to be one of us? I'd watch you, anon, you might even become my oshi.
Who the fuck is towa
>>36600316She graduated
>>36600318I'd shower you in ARS and meme supacha
>>36600308olliematsurifbksoraRBCchocothe rratIDs
>>36600318I'd probably pop into your 15 viewer chat when someone links you. then ask you to come to brazil.
>>36600325+ mori
Towa status?
Flare Status?
>too many supacha to read>light headedowl... my poor owl...
>>36600318You'd probably be a boring autistic homo or something, gomen.
>>36600336Masturbating to Sans
>>36600336Masturbating to me
>>36600352fuck off sans
>>36600343Craving Lunaito cock
>>36600058Noel only harms Hololive, everyone would be better of if she graduated
>>36600343Approaching centillion mm in diameter.
mori is a fat worthless wigger
He's just so boring now.
>>36600095Marine only likes women
>>36600193Subaru was too loud and the stream wasn't long enough so I couldn't listen to Subaru as much as I wanted to.
Superchat bebi is playing undertale...
towa is a fat worthless wigger
>>36600369Subaru speaking makes my dick twitch like it has epilepsy. In a good way
i wish nothing but ostracism and misery for ks*n
>>36600357She is extremely helpful and kind.She helped sankisei out a lot in the early days.She is completely controversy free.She doesn't harm Hololive at all.
Wigger is a fat worthless Towa...
>>36600343bleached waxed and ready for enema
I wish more holos would encourage their viewers to jerk off to them...
Marine still hasn't appologized to Miko for what her fellow fujos did...
don't leave me mumei...
Towa is a thin, valuable kpop singer.
I wish towa would encourage her viewers to jerk off to her...
>>36600379>She is extremely helpful and kind.She's a useless piece of shit, bad in collabs, can't sing, can't dance, can't host, can't draw. She has nothing to positive to add to Hololive>She helped sankisei out a lot in the early days.Everyone in Gen 3 hates her, there's a reason they avoid her as much as posible >She is completely controversy free.Her roommate is a whore>She doesn't harm Hololive at all.No one wants to be with her, that alone is harm enough everyone in Gen 3 would be happier if she graduated
My oshi's asshole tastes good
I want Towa to slam herself onto my face with enough force that my nose burst through her gooch region and fills my nostrils with her innards
Towa stole my neighbours chicken...
Thinking about Towa getting fucked by multiple men
>>36600393I hate fujos so much. Worthless vermin.
Wow the Moona thread on /vt/ really hates Pekora.
>>36600379it is surprising how noel hasn't caused any yabs or caused unicorniggers to get uppity about her roommate shit despite her tweeting shit on the wrong account multiple times.
>>36600393WE hate fujos here.
I wish Towa would towa her towas to towa with towa
Why are there so many posts about towa even though she isn't streaming?
im pomu
>>36600428I'm going to titfuck you
>>36600427Towa is always streaming in my brain
>>36600401>see you in 9 months I guessI can't even tell if that's a "haha we had sex - pregnancy funny" joke or a "fuck you it's been almost a year since our last collab why aren't we doing more" riff
Suisei pube status?
I just want to hold Towa's hand...
Wake up, Watame.
im towa
>>36600393It's Miko's own fault for what happened.
Pomu's tits status?
naked towa is a big part of japanese culture
>wake up and see asacoco, Watame no uta, and Miko playing ARKWhat do?
>>36600401"see you in 9 months" kekbut I assume this is /vt/ bait since they like to leak over here when there's something new to shit on kringara about so fuck off.
>>36600447never leaving
>>36600443Around my kok
Remember when Towa was about to finish Dark Souls 3 then she dropped it completely because>the game disc has a weird smell to it? What the fuck is wrong with her?
>>36600434I mean it has been 9 months since their last collab so probably just that.Chicken doesn't really have much of a filter so it was obviously meant to call Pekora out.
>>36600193>literally nothing happens>subaru starts screamingIt's great
>>36600457Call out for what?
>>36600446wake up
Imagine being Towa's cat and getting to tongue kiss her every day
Jun status?
>>36600456I do remember that. She was smelling my cock, I'd inserted it into the game disk. Sorry gays.
>>36600472Cumming inside
/hlg/ cum-tribute compilation when?
>>36600399>She's a useless piece of shitShe has the best audio set up in Hololive and she is /fit/ and athletic unlike a certain pirate.>She has nothing to positive to add to HololiveNumber one ASMR vtuber in the world and was one of the most popular zatsudan streamers on NND.>Everyone in Gen 3 hates her, there's a reason they avoid her as much as posibleThey don't.>Her roommate is a whoreAmateur gravure doesn't make you a whore.She has had no controversies, she doesn't harm Hololive.
>>36600472the only Jun I know is the guy from halo reach
>>36600388Watamates aren't allowed to do that. We're to be kept aggressive for the gaming sheep battle royale next summer.
I think my oshi would be into rimming male assholes
>>36600434It's just a joke about how they haven't collabed in 9 months similar to how Pekora joked with Luna about their collab being so long in the making they'd do one every 1000 years. When she said it in Japanese Pekora laughed a bit but the people up in arms about it are EOPs so they didn't catch that.
Kotarou status?
>>36600479>Doesn't know Pekora's oshi How new?
>>36600484Same, feels good to be a watamate.
Is this the best hololive cover?https://youtu.be/k-q93ccVQqM
Why are all of Aqua's friends stinky, dirty people?
>>36600488>Jun from Halo: Reach isn't Pekora's oshiHow new?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsvpAL0CQZIDamn shuba!
You know what I am going to say it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what Noel and Mel do, its nice. You know what isn't nice BL and other gay shit, you should hate Marine not Noel.
Mukkun status?
>>36600488pekoras oshi looks like this?https://www.halopedia.org/Jun-A266
>>36600478She harms hololive by being a whore
>>36600503crying over losing his lunch table at work to pajeets
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6RkC8hlaMk>ASMR>Minecraft>RepeatThis is worse than early Lamy, Noel, mel choco and the rest of ASMR slut.
>>36600472It's September, retard.
Noel is fucking great.>Fun utawakus, with varied song choice.>Fit and a natural athlete, making her 3D streams fun. Since she doesn't constantly have to take a break like some Holos.>Intelligent and has great general knowledge.>Kind>Cute>Helped sankisei by driving them around in the early days and organizes unique collabs like the one with her cosplayer.>Values her friends.>Unbelievable determination allows her to finish every game she starts.>Extremely varied topics of conversation, everything from science and history to 70s mecha to gravure idols to chuuni Hololive stuff>Has fun unique streams like NoelDX ASMR and the previously mentioned collab with her cosplayer.>True otaku, only Holo to have watched all of LoGH, read and watched all of UC Gundam and everything Tomino and a fan of good mecha in general.>Number 1 ASMR vtuber in the world.>Excellent choice in games only Holo to play Nioh and refused to play Undertale, DDLC and other FOTM garbage.>Prioritizes Hololive over everything else.(Often cancels roommate stuff in favour of Hololive)>Well above average streaming hours.>Amazingly beautiful voice>Dorky>Pleasant to be around>Really kind.>Only literature nerd in Hololive.>Well educated.>Is incredibly helpful to her colleagues, is willing to help them out with anything.Love Noel.
noel smells hamster butts lmao
>>36600517Good job I'm a hamster then
>>36600505She isn't a whore.
>>36600477I already did one (to sora) https://files.catbox.moe/b9zsal.mp4
>>36600514>Unbelievable determination allows her to finish every game she starts.this line should have just said oonga boonga. you and I both know that's what gets her through games she has a hard time with
I sold Noel the sick hamster
>>36600523kanata don't you have a kson to tonguefuck?
>luna dies>calls for help>botan responds by spamming EDF!>subaru revives her>doesn't know it costs hpThis is magical
>>36600510I love ASMR sluts.
>>36600524Nice doxbait but i don't want to get banned
>>36600528how does he have so many followers when tributes is the only thing posted?
154 IPs and 1286 posts. Terrible.
>>36600440It's Marine's fault for being a fujo
>>36600510and yet she's the most fun en2
Pop-chan's murder was premeditated and for the insurance money
>>36600540>one post>zero valueterrible
>>36600540All me, the only kenzoku that exists
I'd pay a lot of money to have Marine eat my ass
Undertale Undertale Undertale https://youtu.be/snM06H6zcIk
>>36600543Marine is not a fujo
>>36600538Amateur gravure doesn't make you a whore. There is nothing wrong with it. Even 3D idols from AKB48, Hello! Projecte etc. do gravure.Gravure is based
>>36600540>154 IPs>One unique poster
>>36600556miko hate
there's nothing wrong with being a fujo
>>36600540me, my smart fridges and my Honda Ridgeline
>>36600478>She has the best audio set up in Hololive and she is /fit/ and athletic unlike a certain pirate.No she doesn't. Her roommate is fat pig and being "fit" in Hololive doesn't mean anything if they can't dance >Number one ASMR vtuber in the world and was one of the most popular zatsudan streamers on NND.ASMR is for retards and the audience it brings is not what we need in Hololive, wow she was midly relevant in a dead website, who gives a shit, she's useless and her numbers are an embarrassment >They don't.Never seen anyone been as direct as Flare when saying that she's fucking done with Noel. If Noel managed to get on Flare's bad side that alone shows just how much of a horrible person she >Amateur gravure doesn't make you a whore.Yes it does>She has had no controversies, she doesn't harm Hololive.She's a whore and no one likes her
>>36600556post when someone puts up a deltarune episode 2 frame up
>>36600557She likes and talks about BL filth. She is a fujo and anyone who supports BL is inherently a bad person.
>>36600488>Not HikakinNewfag, retard, underage
national-socialist holo when?
>>36600559Gravure is for incels that are retarded enough to pay for porn
I'm Mori trips and I post my titties.
Towa wakes up at 3am every day to have a smoke, then she goes back to bed.
Another day, another thread ruined by Marineschizo, I'm honestly impressed
>>36600579you have to pay for noels gravure? news /t/o me
>>36600569>not what we need in HololiveWho the fuck are you?
>301 images
Another day, another thread saved by kenzoku, I'm honestly impressed
>>36600528kill yourself
>>36600584all things considered, this thread isn't that bad. that or my filters are really putting in work.
>>36600570The last chapter had a request to not spoil anything for 24 hours, I wouldn't be surprised if they abide by that either by choice or it being a part of the agreement for permissions.
>>36600576Hikakin is like the Kenzoku, every says they like him, but no one actually does
>>36600598>filters>being so weak to other people on 4chan you cower behind filterspathetic anon
>>36600600She's talked about specific videos. Dumb EOP.
>>36600540Me, my washing machine and my twingo
>schizo mad about filters
>>36597842BASED 35p. Thanks for being the best poster in the thread.
I filter every post that isn't mine and the thread is still shit
>towa mad about anything
>>36600612But I'm on dynamic ip.
>>36600569>No she doesn'tHer sound quality is the best in Hololive.>Her roommate is fat pigDemonstrably false. You fucking liar.Any 3D or RFA stream proves she is athletic.>ASMR is for retards and the audience it brings is not what we need in HololiveIts popular, just because you are a faggot doesn't change that.>wow she was midly relevant in a dead websiteShe was way more than midly relevant and brought that community's fans to Hololive.>Never seen anyone been as direct as Flare when saying that she's fucking done with Noel. Keep repeating that lie, you dumb EOP.>Yes it doesNo it doesn't. Gravure is based and not disgusting like BL.>She's a whore and no one likes herNot a whore and everyone likes her, which is why she was voted kindest Holo on Marine's poll.
>>36600604eh maybe schizos should switch up their word choice thenthat and I'm not obligated to see your shitposts nigger
>>36597842best post I've seen in a long time
>>36600622SCHIZO FIGHT
Towa stole my lunch money and she ate the fruit roll-up my mom packed into my bag...
According to this faggot 49kg at 150cm is fat.Anyone who has seen her recent roommate streams knows Noel isn't fat.
The timeloops... make them stop, I cannot bear this anymore.
>>36600604>being mad that people don't want to read your shitpostspathetic anon
>>3659784235p always coming through, thanks again man
>>36600623But words are just tools, don't blame the messenger.
>>36600634How does defending someone make you a schizo?
>>36600623>maybe schizos should switch up their word choice thenthis way is better, you can tell straight away if the post is worth reading and replying to even if you don't use filters, ther schizos filter themselves
>>36600638That's healthy BMI.
>>36597842This post. This is the post right here. This is why Miko is the best vtuber in the world. This is why 35p are the best fanbase in existence.
>>36600638that's nice and all but how would I get her fat as efficiently as possible?
>>36600649Especially with those tits.
>>36600641>not enjoying 4chan to the fullest and instead filtering contentpathetic anon
>akukin gets shitty shark>usaken gets superior phoenix
*heavy SEA accent* take your meds schizo
>>36597842pag man
I have schizophreniarecommend a holo
>>36600663I'd fuck the shark long before I'd fuck the kraut
>>36600651toby...your japanese reps...
Yogiri's anniversary in two weeks!
towasamawin status?
What did she mean by this?https://twitter.com/shiranuiflare/status/1439022875323764736
Reminder to 4chanX users:-Use the Anonymize feature under your filter settings>In the filter list, put /Anonymous/i under the name sectionYou too can finally enjoy good hololive threads and ignore all terrible posts by flips, spics, burgers, and eurofags.
>>36600669Ask the voices in the walls.
>>36597842PAG migo, NO BABY
Will Ina-chan get the hugs that she longs for when she visits Japan?
Remember when Noelschizo posted random Japanese clips that he didn't understand to try and prove a point and he got called out on it?
>>36600686They don't hug koreans
>>36600672He's tryinghttps://twitter.com/tobyfox/status/1439016639836528641
>>36600686No, she's a chink apologist gook
>>36600690He has revealed himself to be an EOP on a number of occasions.
>>36600669Marinefags, Heimin and Aquafags are the schizos of these threads so go for any of those 3.
>>36597842why is this post getting so many replies? it's not anything
>>36600651Flare is so cute
>>36600694That's fucking cringe
We love Toby Fox here
>>36600675apex byebye
>>36600686>KoreanShe'll be lucky they don't shove her back on the plane after she lands.
>make a funny post about towa>get no repliesI'll just stick to posting Towa... variations...
>>36600712>funny post
Towa is a not a real person. It's a character that any holo can play when they need to blow off some steam.
Someone has the pekora crossdresser jav? i need the code
PEKORA GTA5!!! IKZ!!!!!!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n8kwhm1tHQ
>>36600723Is this a funny post about Towa?
I hear a lot about Toe A in this thread, what about Toe B?
I ran into Towa at the kombini, she stole 500 yen from me and bought a box of condoms..
>>36600725Didn't expect this
I ran into anon at the kombini, I stole 500 yen from her and bought a box of condoms..
>>36600725What a whore.
>>36600727No it's a true fact.
>>36600732Pls no more undertale...
>>36600743towa you whore
>>36600510Say what you want but I'm going to get oil massaged by hissing Green Lamy
>>36600740Irys is a bitch for doing this, Towa will never speak with her again
Towa lied. Billions sighed.
Marine>Likes BL (which you should hate)>Started the faggottale arc (which everyone now hates)>Got Miko in trouble with fujos (we both hate fujos and love Miko)>Told her fans to sodomize themselves (disgusting)>groomed her colleagues kids (morally wrong)>wrote snuff fan fiction (disturbing)>is fat and has poor hygiene (disgusting)
Is towa
>>36600761But IRyS just wanted to be acknowledge by her mother Towa.
>Pekora wants to learn English to collab with the ratsbut they both know Japanese...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1A-jYcoWSY
>>36600774I can't believe Kanata has the superior banana...
>>36600765Miko is a fujo
>>36600774Shouldn't have tried to mog her, she's dead to towa now
>>36600761was it not her management's decision?
>>36600778Rabbits are rodents?
>>36600783>Miko is a fujoWhen has Miko ever talked about BL garbage?I generally don't agree with censorship but in the case of BL and other fujo media it should be erased from the planet.
I hate towa and kenzokus.
>>36600795No but don't tell Pekora.
>>36600725Oh shit, she's actually going to play properly this time? Guess I'll be staying up late.
>>36600761IRyS is owned by Cover, doubt she has any say in what she does music wise.
I love Towa
>>36600795They aren't.
I love Umisea
>>36600809Me too, it's a great fun unit.
It pretty crazy how rabbits aren't rodents, yet capybaras are.
I miss Towa...
>>36600786Wasn't it her desicion to cover holo songs? And anyways she could have consulted with towa before
>>36600817Irys is based for doing this, Suisei will collab with her someday
I love IRyS, and I'm tired of pretending that I don't
>>36600818Because capybaras is just a giant guinea pig, and guinea pig is just a big hamster.
>>36600599That was Toby's request for Undertale and Deltarune ch.1 as well, it's probably gonna be respected by choice since it's obvious why it's there.
>>36600825None of what she's done has been her decision, and almost no one knew she existed before debut. Orange woman mentioned they knew there was a VSinger coming but didn't even actually know who she was or interact with her until only days before debut.IRyS also said on stream she wasn't allowed to do premieres for her music for whatever reason, and seems like she's struggling to even get her EP songs on her YT channel. Cover is incompetent.
>>36600825i have no idea. i just assumed all her music stuff was decided by management because vsinger.
>>36600840And hamsters are just big gerbils
Next thread will be better.
>>36600859You say that every single time.
Next towa will be better.
I oftentimes make up things holos say in streams and people anons in here believe me. They don't even bother to check if it's true or not. I made up something about Mio the other day and got tons of (You)s
>>36600859*Cast magic
>>36600864Will she give me her permission to coom?
>>36600859>betterNot in burgerhours
Love Marine?
why towafucks
Time to remind you guys who is the protagonist of hololive.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kQ2GtvDV3s&t=0s
>>36600871Marine is okay her psychotic fans are the problem
>>36600871I hate her but I fap to her doujins.
>>36600695She's funneling money away from China into Korea to fund Towa's s
>>36600864There will never be another like Towa...
>>36600878Huh, I think you meant to post Moona.
>>36600865I did this once too to check if people were watching a stream they were shitposting about and nobody called me out, even interacted with some anons asking further about it so I made up even more shit.
I like that doujin where Pekora has a penis and has sex with Rushia and ends up getting pounded by Roboco.
Love Towa?
Waiting for Sora’s interview…
>>36600883>but I fap to her doujins.She looks like a goblin.
Where's my promised chink gacha streams?
>>36600865>>36600887I thought I was the only one who does this.
Sakura Miko
>>36600778That reminds me that she was thanking Ina in English, for the drawing she made for her. Even though she also speaks Japanese
>>36600894I'm not too cute to demand a lot either.
>>36600904Green Lamy....
So are there any good collabs planned for this weekend?
https://youtu.be/3qhw9dGnobgSubaru... please wake up
If you look at doujins and/or JAV with men in them, you are gay and a cuck.If you look at lesbian doujins and/or JAV you are not gay but you are a c/u/ck.
Listen to Green Lamy
>スパチャ読みなし回です!sorry! I can not read super chat in this stream!
>>36600916Towa MK Cup Season 2 or 3, i don't remember
I oftentimes make up names for Towa in these threads and people anons in here believe me. They don't even bother to check if it's true or not. I made up some stupid name in Arabic about Towa the other day and got tons of (You)s
>>36600918thank God I only cum to tweetney dildoing her asshole
What will subaru lie about today?
>>36600921Just substitute it with last nights. Subaru was sounding sleepy and it was really cute
I love Narumi
>>36600926>tweetneyIf thats a tranny you are gay but you are not a cuck.If thats a woman you are straight and you aren't a cuck.
Duck is on!
Lamy is delivering....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6RkC8hlaMk
>>36600931Her new haircut is really cute...
Don't watch Subaru
I miss posting images on imageboards
>>36600941shut up
>>36600943She's on suicide watch, I have to.
>>36600924Shion is gonna collab with her futon
Subaru is honest, stop this slander.
One time I farted and thought I shit my pants because it smelled so bad but it turns out a malaysian was standing behind me and he had just rubbed some fresh creamy dookiepoopdoodoo all over his brown skin