I really, really love my clown wife !!
Towa's coming back...
Minato Aqua is my boyfriend
Post yfw there will be no Riceloli after this
I love Lamy
I FUCKING LOVE LAMYI can't live without Lamy....
>>35633614me drowning on the right
>>35633618Tits too big.
>>35633618is this from an aggie?
I love Towa!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7cpjmkc1Rw
Rockeks! Roru roru rumao
I love Fubuki!
>>35633643The current one
>>35633645Towa's aborted siblings...
I LOVE my Rummy!
Watame sounded kind of desperate for the toilet there bros...
Lamy love?Lamy love!
>>35633657There's a nonzero chance that some leaked out
Uh oh! Better start smiling and going faster!
Daily number delivery.
>>35633657I want to cup my whole mouth around her pussy and chug her piss so fucking bad!
>>35633643yes i drew it...
>>35633661rummy rab
>>35633666Go where?
I wonder how close this will be
Doggo when are you going to sleep?
I miss Towa.
>>35633666Flare is a whore
>>35633677Wish I could draw like this.
Sora Love!
>>35633677>unbuttoned shirtholy fucking SEXgod I hope it is close
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA6AUFSPS4cIs she the best singer in hololive?
>>35633677Good ol' okazu
>>35633682Do you drawing reps then
>>35633685Sora CUTE!
>>35633670eh? but the schizos said Marine was doing badly with the re2 stream?
I'm in love with this sheep!
>>35633663cry more bitch
>>35633694It's hopeless
>>35633654Gin rummy??
Lamy lust!
for me? its towa
>>35633707Watame looks like she is about to ask if this is an out of season April Fool's joke
Why the fuck does Towa look like that?
>>35633691but that's Gura...
for me? tits towa
>>35633662I like those odds.
Imagine being Suisei and Asskey and seeing someone debut in their own weird singing branch like they did and already be more popular than both of them.
>>35633666>FlareAvg. Viewers 6,783Last 7 Days Revenue ¥773,614Avg. Video Views 154,380>OllieAvg. Viewers 3,030Last 7 Days Revenue ¥353,962Avg. Video Views 109,478
>FF IX time!>poke snap, story of seasons...WATAME NO!
>>35633704With that attitude it is!
>>35633672it's very good
>>35633727She said she doesn't feel like playing those two so it's fine
>>35633704Nothing is impossible if you actually try every day to get better, I believe in you anon
I can't believe the app actually works now. It didn't use to.
>>35633670>Homo didn't even make the top 15Roru
>>35633718who put that stupid hat on her head?
>>35633666>Proud of being Kiara 2.0
>>35633733You found an app to make Shion stream and use her witch outfit??
Anything for you hime...
why doesn't anon want to fuck the dog anymore?
>>35633733does ayame still have her model on it?
>>35633700I don't remember posting this.
I'm disappointed at Subaru caring about homo's 3d too much. Hololive and Homos have no relation.
>>356337484 more days til 3時12分!
>>35633765Oh no, don't remind me of this show's existence
>>35633765Gambling addiction
>>35633761pizza dad is Flare's brother..
>>35633715My watersports fetish or Coco's graduation?
>>35633704It's only hopeless if you don't do anything, anon. Start doing your reps and you'll surely see improvements little by little.Speaking of which, the weekly aggie is still on going and it still has plenty of space left so feel free to doodle something there.https://aggie.io/hnjd518u4m
I've been here the whole day and I didn't do anything else...
>>35633781And she doesn't give a shit about him that's for sure
>>35633755He fucked the dog
>>35633772Can't wait
>>35633769I love blondes.
>>35633781Yeah, the famous tightknit lack family, she hasn't collabed with Ririmu either and there's nothing stopping her
>>35633721hostess Towa..
>>35633786That's what the sabbath is for, watching streams and friendposting.
>>35633682You post this every day
>>35633618A thing.
Koone wtf
Dumb dog
>dead hours>what are you doing?
>>35633849>watching Korone>also playing FFIX
>>35633849I just finished doing my reps
>>35633826oh nice thank you. i think you did this one for my swimsuit peko as well. appreciate it if your that same anon
How can I see Curry Meshi CM?
>>35633849Watching Watame read superchat. These are peak hours.
>>35633664Never forget!
How do I force my oshi to sing?
>>35633868Become Japanese
>>35633664I really doesn't feel any different without her
I love this nigger elf
>>35633621Shionyo... Stream yo...
>>35633802DONTATowa has moved on to opiates
thinking about the worst gen 5 girl...
https://old.reddit.com/r/HoloStatistics/reminder these people exist
>>35633879Get her more paid concerts since that's apparently the only way she's willing to sing sober. Hey her anni is right around the corner and it seems like Gen 5 is going hard with it going by other holos so I wouldn't be surprised if everyone get's a 3D. 3D Lamy means she must sing
>>35633664We lost her but got KanaHana so its okay.
>>35633891We know Marine, watch your vocabulary
>>35633826You can also get the png with transparency in the aggie
>>35633849Waiting for this Win 10 reinstall to finish
>>35633891Fuck off. Your shit will never catch on.
>>35633907We got KanaHana and Yoshino Nanjo at the same time!
>Remember Nene to scream over Kiara in tomorrows collab any time she starts getting rowdy!
look at mei'm mio now
>>35633898Oh my goodness
>>35633891I want to breed the coffee elf
How is Koone liking FF9?Is it enough to transition her from DQ to FF?
It's been 313 days since Mano Aloe "graduated".Thanks to the many voices of concern and encouragement she has received, Aloe was able to overcome a lot of difficult situations and now she's able to think positively and stay motivated to work on her album, merch and in the new design of her live2D model.Mano Aloe is not a very strong person and she's a person whose mental health breaks down frequently, but I'm glad that she's alive and happy that she's working hard to accomplish her dreams.ALOE LOVE
i wonder if towa ever gets horny...
Reminder that Miko and Pekora used to have the same ribbon on their legs, but when they updated Miko's model, they removed hers.
>>35633891shut up sans
Was she a H*tomi C*ris reincarnation all along?
>>35633943It's never happened.
>>35633943Her trick is that she's always horny
>>35633942ALOE LOVE
>>35633951Did she promise to have sex with her Mama?
Watching Watame on my phone is quite nice since her voice makes it vibrate in my hands.
>>35633903>it seems like Gen 5 is going hard with it going by other holosOh really? I haven't been able to catch many streams lately, I'm really looking forward to their anniversary along with all the other celebrations next month
>>35633943>retweeting lewd art of herself at 3AM
Was Botan in the right for dumping rurudo
>>35633943nigotine actually reduce libaido with all that smokes I'm don't thinking she can get an erection any moreyyhdh
>>35633980That wasn't Towa, it was Yagoo. He has access to everyone's Twitter account
>>35633992>Botan dumped RurudoWhat?
>>35633903>Cover wasting more money on this failed genIn your dreams faggot
>>35633964God I hope so
dude prey lmao
Where is the Kanata JAV?
>>35634013Enjoy seething every time you see Nene getting shilled.
i miss cooc.....
>>35634017Watame gyaru JAV onegai...
>>35633978Yeah, danchou brought in her latest SC reading how things are pretty packed in August with the Gen 3 and 5 anniversaries.
>>35633943Towa is completely asexual.
>>35633943>sucked her cat's dick>a dog jumped at her because of her horny hormonesI don't think so.
>>35634023>Getting whored by corpos is a good thinglmao, Nekkoshits are such cucks. Too bad, as much as she tries, she'll remain a bottom tier holo. She doesn't have the creativity nor the charisma better holos have
>>35634032also sankisei gonna have a ton of fun during that stretch. isn't there a birthday snuck away in august also?
>>35634044you seem worked up today. new delta fanbox post or something?
I like Luna, but I don't respect her much. I like her the way I like a cute dog.
>>35634044Aqua’s anniversary, Noel’s anniversary and Towa’s birthday are all one the same day
>>35633939>How is Koone liking FF9She's been playing for almost 8 hours, so I think it's pretty safe to say she likes it a lot. She especially likes Bibi-tan.>Is it enough to transition her from DQ to FF?I don't know, but I hope she plays more FF games eventually.
time let the retard have a stroke
>>35634032lmao Gokishit anniversary is gonna be mogged by Sankisei. What a cucked gen, guess gokishitters have to hope there'll be scraps left to at least keep their whores afloat lmao.
>>35634047The cicadas are a euphemism for her custody of her children
>>35634017no news...but at least the second part of pekora's one is already available.
the result
haha funny ara ara rushia board meme..
>>35634047>Most cicadas go through a life cycle that lasts 2–5 years.>The 13- or 17-year lifespan of periodical cicadas is one of the longest of any insect.They outlived Coco, get it right dog. She did live longer than a locust, at least
>>35634062Korosan's cousin was a cicada, it was a really tragic event for her family, and here you are, just using her honest feelings to make dumb jokes
>>35634077crap crap next crap
Why are masscucks like this?
>>35634042Sora's favorite kouhai!
I love Gen 5!
>>35634047Is Mr. Paradise cursed with immortality?
Luna's moogle voice is somehow cuter than Korone's...
>>35634051Cover has plenty of days to choose from, why would they do this?
>>35634112Small indie company But they at least did something together last year https://youtu.be/skDqeyd0NaM
>Wouldn't it be really funny if we all ganged up on Kiara in tomorrow's Mario Party?
>>35634103luna gave out some very fun voices. her voice acting is why i love her as well>anemori voice for beatrix and steiner a goofy onegod i love my hime
>>35634077how uncomfortable is having your sister working with you in the same company?
>>35634101There's literally no proof that she isn't. Prove she isn't. You can't.
Korone's going gay for Garnet...
Noel mogs Coco hard in every way >more attractive than Coco + bigger tits>100% Yamato Japanese, born and raised, while Coco grew up around blacks and Hispanics >makes more money than Coco through her roommate activities >keeps more of her money because she doesn't have to pay US taxes >can rent her own apartment because she's not a foreigner >better investment and money management skills>joined Hololive for the lulz, has found real friends, joy and happiness >was never harassed by Chinese people
I really, really miss Polka...
>>35634075god I love my girlfriend's oppai... can't wait to see it later tonight...
>>35634146Excuse me, her name is Dagger.
would you?
>>35634166I would hug her
>>35634075Damn look at those TITS
>>35633805Is it true that blondies are aggresive on bed?
>Nene is Sora's favorite please believe megokiseifags being delusional is nothing new but spreading lies is a new low for themhttps://youtu.be/7n6golqclR4
>>35634166Would I do what exactly?
>>35634090>the opinion of the old company mascot is relevantthis isnt 2018 nekkoshit, no actual relevant holos like her. They see her as a fake tryhard only with them for clout
>>35634175Haachama: NoMel: NoAki: MaybeChoco: She is so desperate so she has to beFlare: NoWatame: YesNene: YesPolka: Only towards the bedAme: No
It sucks that the characters in FF9 aren't blank slates that the Holos would feel comfortable naming after other holomems
>>35634166I would, I would also this marine too
>>35634178Sora does likes Nene
>>35634189>Polka: Only towards the bed
>>35634191Watame literally didn't remember the character's real names as she named them after holos
>>35634183It began with the purchasing of the Smart Fridges. Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf-Lords, great miners and craftsmen of the holo servers. And nine, nine fridges were gifted to the race of Anon, who above all else desire attention. For within these fridges was bound the strength and the will to post each thread. But they were all of them deceived, for another fridge was purchased. Deep in the land of Minecraft, in the Grass of Mount Sheep, the Dark Lord Watame ordered a master fridge, and into this fridge she poured her cruelty, her malice and her will to ban all life.One fridge to bait them all,one fridge to numberfag them,One fridge to report them alland in the darkness shitpost them
>>35634189Aki is definitely aggressive.
>>35634195liking and being the favorite are different things
>>35634219Playing Valorant with her boyfriend
What would you name the FF9 characters if you had to name them after holo members? I'd definitely name freya pekora. You can guess why.
>>35634230reminds me of someone
>>35634044Yes. Pekora and Rushia have their anniversaries on the latter half of July with the Oneesangumi having their debuts on early August very closely followed by Marine's birthday and the Gen 5 anniversaries Seems like the focus this time around is going to be in Gen 5 since both Pekora and Noel confirmed that they won't have 3Ds in August and I don't know if Rushia is back from home
>>35634219>WHERE THE FUCK IS HAACHAMAsucking dickus and playing valorant in her free time
wen u haven't stremed but crossed over with the retired member by axident
>>35634245Don't do it sicko
>>35634245Woah take a look at mr whitey mcwhite here. Do you ever go out in the sun?
>>35634189>Watame: Yes
>>35633861Yeah, I did that one too. Just like any other upscale posted in this thread.>>35633913The AI has much easier time of smoothing out jaggies when there's a background behind the subject. You can see how much of a brainlet it becomes when I feed it something without a background and a lot of jagged lines:https://litter.catbox.moe/rdbnpx.pnghttps://litter.catbox.moe/yektiz.png
I'm dating Korone
I'm going on a date with Korone! Later losers! Right after I win this Festival of the Hunt.
>>35634260I'm dating okayu
>already at half a Smile and Go!! after just one dayhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_xMgw2j9v8
>>35634266nice ass
>>35634265Like hell you are. That's my wife.
Haachama doesn't have a bf nor does she play valorent off stream
>>35634257Watame will be all over your dick for 3 hours straight and then ask if you want to do the supersuck afterwards
>>35634237>neglecting Pekora and Noel for having 3D anniversaries while giving the focus to gen5is Cover's staff retarded or something?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3rZm2cN5ZYsweet night, sweet time…眠らないよ 眠らないのsweet night, sweet time…夜ごと遊びたいsweet night, sweet time…喋りたいよ 喋り足んないのsweet night, sweet time…きみと朝まで
リア充 in my /hlg/?THUNDAGA
>>35634230This is mostly the real case. I remember my sister being occupied playing online games after getting a new boyfriend for almost 1 year (before breaking up with him anyway). She didn't want to even get out of her room to even eat lunch, she just wanted to play with the poor bastard 24/7. She also dissapeared for almost a month with the excuse she went to a camp.
>>35634232vivi - flare
What is sex with Okayu like?
>>35634299Your sister had some big loads dumped into her that month, you ever think about that?
>>35634302soft and sweaty
Thingken of Twap...
Song shilling hours?https://youtu.be/JqwKeddXPOgThis is my favorite MV now. I'm glad she went the extra mile to get it animated like the original, even if she had to wait a few extra months to release it.
>>35634304not really, I put loads into her too
>>35634287They aren't neglecting shit schizo. Pekora has a lot of other plans for her 3D that have kept her busy as of late, that's an important part of why she has been streaming a little less as of late.Noel will be having her anniversary 3D in September-October, she simply needs more time to organize it she since just got done with her 1M live among other things that are keeping her busy at the moment
>>35634299Can relate but league instead of valorant.
>>35634302Lots of crying, but she comforts you when you're done.
*shows ass*
There's something wrong with my dog
>>35634339what the dog doin
Korone seems pretty lively considering it's 6AM
I forgot how shitty trance was.
>>35634339>>35634348>>35634350That's normal.
>>35634318The MV is fucking fantastic, definitely top tier. The song is a little meh tho nothing with Okayu the song simply ain't that good
What does Pekorrat do all day when she's not streaming?
KANATOWA SEXToo bad Lime said he wouldn't finish this drawing...
>>35634361Scratch her ass and the smell her fingers.
>>35634361probably working and hanging out with friends like a normal human being
>>35634367They never let twapie top...
>>35634379Towa is a doormat
https://youtu.be/2eyhAZUCQIkI wonder how different Nene's personality will be in this considering it's not only a corporate collab but a premiere as well
>>35634302It'll be the kind where she won't even feel it, but she'd be kind-hearted enough to smile, let you lead all the way and cuddle after you finish~
>>35634266Someone redraw this with Korone and Watame
>>35634379Towa is prime bullybait
>>35634103Luna is an actress, Korone isn't
Paradise did it
>>35634005Before Botan became Botan she had 2 other vtuber incarnations and one of them was designed by rurudo.
I need to fuck Freija.
Oozara police is pretty funny.
Watame's superchat backlog never ends
>>35634415its a fun mini series
>>35634425Welcome to membersheep.
>>35634425I bet she spends the money faster than she thanks her fans for it
>>35634432lamy did nothing wrong
>>35634382Probably similar to her member streams
>>35634439she stole milk
https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/1413970663954534400IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT
>>35634219Her and Coco probably both threatened to quit because their content was being shut down by management. Coco went through with it because she stopped caring about money. Haachama was convinced to stay with the compromise that she'd take an extended break. It's possible they didn't want to have two graduations at once, thinking that'd be bad press, so Haachama decided to just disappear until the Coco stuff went down, then she'll come back for a couple months to play Minecraft or whatever and then announce her graduation.
>>35634361penis research
Is Korone planning to end Disc 1 in one go?
>>35634361didn't her mom said in her "guest stream" that Pekora is pretty much holed up in her room all day?
so are /we/ watching the new EN bitch?
>>35634462fatto catto...
>>35634462Where does this hag get so much energy?
>>35634475She does her best....
>>35634408Was she cute?
>>35634446It was for a good cause, she sold it to me so I could make noelgurt.
la lion
>>35634469yes, we love EN here
>>35634484>four ears
>>35634469Only if she turns out to be namirin. They need to announce the rest of holohope members before they lose hype.
>>35634372>Pekora>having friendsroru, she spends all her free time egosearching and watching Twitch streamers
>>35634361Pretty much this.
>>35634469She's honorary JP
I wish I was Kotaro so Towa would carry me around in some gay little box
>>35634499Do you...watch streams anon?
>>35634499Are you just now noticing she has 4 ears?
>>35634515No, but I'm repulsed every time I see them.
>>35634506Idol Okayu is so cute. I want to see her again.
>>35634291Match your rhythm with Watame so you have sweaty marathon sex until the next morning.
>>35634508Kotachi was free range in her mama's house.
>>35634520kek trying to save facefuck off tourist shitposter
>>35634318https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ziNItsX3iQI love that it's another personalized MV, Kanata's song choices for these are exceptional since the lyrics can be applied to her well. It's like this and 秒針を噛む are a series about her now, fully expect another one eventually.
So Pekora has been talking about Twitch streamers a lot, but has been any normie Youtube/Twitch streamer that even talked about Pekora once, given she's the third most watched female streamer?
>>35634523Watame Fap Hero...
>>35634530Go back.
>>35634318I honestly forgot Okay even exists for a while.
>>35634545Who's Okay? Gen 6 got leaked?
>>35634545Are you someone important, or are you just blogging?
>>35634545Get out
>>35634523>Carrying Watame around the house and fucking her on all existing and improvised surfaces until you both are so sweaty that you retreat to the shower and then turn the bath into a porno
>>35634545I will become an Okayu schizo to remind you.
Paradise don't leave me...
>>35634561The legacy that will last a lifetime.
korone please its like 6 in the morning
>bought rice cunny on sale>still haven't played it
I was just informed by YAGOO that their picking up this really rare person to be part of Gen 6
Why do you call her paradise
It hasn't even been 12 hours. Did Korone hate it?
>>35634318There is this very obscure song, it doesn't have too many views but it is amazing, everyone should give it a listen!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4PT1phuM9M
>>35634545same, it happens with other forgettable holos too like Aki but not with RBC because it's easy to make fun of her
>>35634582leech don't look
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acMdi_OMnZ8Aki in 90 minutes
>ONLY eight and a half hoursShe HATES it, it's getting replaced with a DQV playthroughThis was a really good stream though
Towa is having sex with Amane Kanata RIGHT NOW...
>>35634582Looks like there won't be any collabs with Kanata
>>35634590fuck off fatass elf
>>35634584Because they've only been here for two weeks.
*casts spell that makes you play rice loli*
>>35634601let it go Towacuck, your meme is as dead as her
Korone, giving us a schedule? What the fuck?
how do they clean their seat after these long ass gaming sessions? do they get a change of panties mid stream?
>>35634485Some of her design motifs (like the 2 alternating highlight colors) went directly into Twap.
Tell me if Korone spills what game Okakoro is playing tonight for the offcollab. Okayu kept it a secret.
>>35634615New outfit for sure
>>35634581I remember you asking about it and I fucking warned you.
>>35634619They don't
>>35634627OkaKoro swimsuits... onegai...
>>35634587couldn't compare to Luna's
>>35634620>Barcode BotanUUUOOOOOHHH
>>35634636luna was having fun also but horror game killed her throat ffsNIGHT DELIVERY HATE
>>35634597Are they making another HoloEN member?
>>35634489I want to ram this lion.
I'm posting Towa
Towa is a whore
>>35634645anon....her nipple is showing
Towa's whole existence is a jokeThis is not an insult
Posting in a Towa thread
Okay but no one actually hates Towa right? We're just shitposting right?
>I'll stream if I have the energy after doing a recording today>6:40 and still going strongHow does it feel like I've seen this exact pattern play out countless times...
The hiring of Kiryu Coco and its consequences have been a disaster for Hololive.
Towa is a wild animal that need to be put down
Towa is god's greatest mistake
I always wondered why Inugami Korone has an arcade stick in the background when she doesn't play any fighting games. I guess you can play Final Fight and other beatemups with an arcade stick?
>>35634653That's just chest hair.
MAOUL A M Y !https://files.catbox.moe/8wb864.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/jl5xt3.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/at2sp7.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/72qenb.jpg
>>35634619Only fat people do this.
>>35634674She's a fake gamer girl.
>>35634674Yeah, I remember playing metal slug in arcades as a kid.
>>35634667I concur
>>35634674biggest poser after Miko
Spic Korone...
>Watame likes men who are like Zaraki Kenpachi
>>35634667- Twa Konyapski -
>>35634645Me too
>>35634701Where are you reading these subs?
>>35634701What is that, like a sex thing?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItZdAC1JRg0narrative bros... were right all along wtf
wow they really are making a lot of vivi art for korone
>>35634701Watame likes countryside twinks who are alright at dancing and are way too brown for a nip
>>35634709Viewer asked what kind of a hair cut he should get and wanted to know what was Watame's favorite male hair style. After pondering a while, Watame said she likes men like Zaraki, but that the hair style would be hard to copy.
>>35634674I have a friend who played Code Vein with an arcade stick
>>35634712fuck off
>>35634718He is handsome though. I'm not gay.
>>35634718>Mukkun got dumped when he couldn't use Bankai and tank attacks like Zaraki
Korone loves me.
>>35634338Why is she like this?
I'm not lion when I say Botan is pawsitively purrfect!
Why is Koone so disliked here?
>>35634733Not really
Tokoyami Towa is the funniest name that ever made
>>35634739No seriously, why is she >canonically< like this?
>>35634747She's old and ugly
What kind of new STD is Towa infected with now that's back from her vacation?
>>35634743one of the most shameless leech streams in the history of this company. anybody that still considers themselves 35p after this must be a lobotomized zombie or something
>>35634747too old...
>>35634763Lung cancer.
>>35634747Because you just implied it by asking the question, despite it having no basis in reality!
Life starts at Towa and ends at Watame.
>>35634747she's not, but she's been reclining pretty hard lately which gives the shitposters an easy target for baiting (You)s.
>>35634765Take your meds
>>35634747we only like Pekora, Marine and Miko here
>>35634747We love dog here
Towa save us...
>>35634747She might be an asshole IRL
I don't understand this thread. You all insult Towa and call her a gross smoker and STD-ridden cross-dressing manwhore but you keep posting porn of her and talking about having sex with her?
>>35634747Gamers suck. I'm not going to watch a lady playing games for 15 hours straight.
>>35634778>Marine>MikoThis is the Pekora board.
>Korone's dad likes FF4 or FF5 the best
>>35634645I want to ram this sheep.
Towa's immune system is so strong diseases catch her.
>>35634789Towa is the kind of kid that you bully in the hallway but also dick in the restroom between soccer games
Why does this thread like Towa so much?
>>35634747The real meaning of /hlg/ is Hag Lovers General, anon. We love all hags.
>>35634789it's called love
>>35634794/vt/ is two blocks down
>>35634789I only like used goodst. Kenzocuck
>>35634674i thought she talked about wanting to play street fighter at one point a long while ago before capcom permissions came?
Why is Kiara so disliked here?
Towa is a single cell organism
>>35634780First it was pro-wrestlers, now I have to compete with fucking Kenpachi in terms of physique.
*steals bibi*
Who is the bigger whore, Ayame or Towa?
>>35634789Someone post the Towa is a useless bitch image
>>35634823aiwan number one
>>35634838Only one did enjo kousai
>>35634837It has been well over a year and half since sheep debuted but she still has the best rig in Hololive. Watame really was born to be an anime girl
>>35634835Don't forget you have to be a good dancer her last bf taught her all these moves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGun2cWbPEM
>>35634838(You)'re* oshi
>>35634847Nice aim
>>35634847Keffiy gets all these rigging jobs from Cover, only to half ass them and use that excess time to work on improving Watame's rig
>>35634696My mind is incapable of comprehend someone hating on Towa. It's impossible.
>>35634838ayame is the stacy whore that uses her feminine wiles and charisma to make people do her biddingtowa is more like the standard trashy girl from your school who smokes too much and gets into fights with the teacher because she talks back
>>35634765I'm glad my oshi Ayame is not a leech.
>>35634861Fucking the fat!
This girl Tokoyami Towa is having a stream in 30 mins. Maybe I will check her out.
>>35634865Towa can't talk back, Towa is a fucking coward. Towa is a bug
>>35634870why this horrible shit exists?
>>35634489>>35634645>>35634801excellent thread. more of this.
>>35634874She really is Chinese
>Fubuki is streaming oopas in her loopa in 10 minutesWatame will join her at this rate...
>>35634875Bibi drawfag isn't even that old anon.. come on
>>35634747"roommate age matters" faggots.
>>35634866She is just a whore who is probably having anal sex and snowballing with her bf right now
>>OPhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItZdAC1JRg0&ab_channel=DranCh..just here to say I TOLD YOU SO to all of matsuri's white knights who claimed that what happened between her and luna last year was nothing but rrats and narrativesNARRATIVE CONFIRMED TRUTHMatsuri the menhera bitch just keeps on burning bridges and starting fights with all of her 'friends'
towa used to do bug crushing fetish videos she loved it
>>35634880imagine she gets a second blue from breeding 2 random oopas, Kanata would love that
Watch Fubuki's forced breeding stream.God I wish that was me
>>35634883repulsive. go check yourself
>>35634870>>35634883I don't really know why, but this always makes me smile like a retard when I see it
Do you miss her?
>>35634887but in that same clip she says they are friends again?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7misImyaQ0 Fubuki
>>35634904Towa grinding hunter rank so that they can do high level quests with Coco!
towa is cock hunting
>>35634904Towa.. the Capcom arc is over..
>>35634905I don't want to be called a chink so I'm gonna say yes i miss het
>>35634917Towa has had non-human boyfriends, checkmate daidork.
>>35634919big ol furball
*punches towa in the dick*
>>35634934Stupid deaf fuck
>>35634917I actually find her to be really attractive. As guess as I got older, my standards on looks became more realistic
>>35634934I wish I had a big fat fuck like Taiga.
>>35634934Mio definitely regrets adopting Taiga
>>35634944Looks even dumber than Towa
>>35634944Why is the face so fucking awful?
>>35634951Don't bully Twap's daughter...
Who is the guest for meme review this week?
>>35634934He really does look like an evil mastermind
>>35634958A blue oopa loopa
>>35634944who is her artist again?
>>35634955Why is your face so fucking awful?
>>35634944Please don't let thos man draw a live2d ever again
Okayu announcement + Good Job! 1/2>EchoOkayu talked about how she was getting her room soundproofed the other day. In order to do that, she had to move her bed to the other room until the process is finished; so now her room is very empty, and she's worried that people can hear some reverb.>Yuu(ma)giOkayu reads a marshmallow parodying a line from Yugioh about her 3 announcements, then she realizes that they wrote Yuuma instead of Yuugi. She says she's sure that they probably meant to write Yuugi, and that Yuuma would be Zexal rather than the original series.>Loli OkayuPeople really seemed to like her loli voice, and want more of it. She's happy for this, but even though people said that the stream wasn't punishment for Okayu at all due to how much she enjoyed it, the true punishment is that doing the voice secretly took a toll on her throat. But, she did think did a great job, when she went back and listened to it. She's quite the lolicon, and judged herself as very cute; it sounded like an entirely different person. She would like to do it again if she gets the chance in the future.>4DX OkayuHow would that even work? There's all the rocking, and smells, and wind blowing; it seems like it'd get pretty tiresome to go through everyday. Also the strong winds might be fine in Summer, but it'd be really unpleasant in Fall or Winter. Rainy Season Live 4DX? Everybody would get drenched! You'd have to bring a raincoat, seeing as an umbrella would block the view of the people behind you.>Korosan and rain, also not getting sickOkayu seems like the kind of person who never gets sick? That's very true, it almost never happens. Obviously, she thinks a big part of it is how little she goes outside, but even then it's impressive. Maybe she's an idiot? That is a popular saying, huh? True, she is pretty dumb. Speaking of that, there's also a saying about the first person to get hit by rain is an idiot. Whenever she's walking with Korosan and she suddenly goes "It's starting to rain! Hurry up, or we'll get drenched!" Okayu will start mocking her, saying "Ha ha. Korosan's an idiot." before getting a "Shut up! Hurry!". Korone really feels like a mother to Okayu at time, and she's pretty sensitive to the weather changing.>Verbal ticsOkayu's glad she didn't get into Prince of Tennis when she was younger. She can definitely see herself copying the strange speech patterns of a lot of the characters in an attempt to sound cool. Speaking of verbal tics, Subaru was incredibly weak to them when she would watch Prince of Tennis with Okayu. IF Okayu mimicked one of them while talking, Subaru would bust up laughing. While most people tire of the same joke after a few times, Subaru laughs just as hard the 5th time as she does the 1st.>Suichan sang, cool, realized how brutal lyrics were, realist song, bluerose everyday, sing, imaginary suisei forgives me for failingOkayu thought Suichan's performance of Mogu Mogu YUMMY! was really cool. She wanted to compliment on her after seeing it, but it was so late at night, that she decided not to bother her. She's happy that she noticed how, despite it's poppy tone, the song's lyrics are surprisingly brutal, to the point where Suise wondered exactly what Okayu was chewing on. Okayu likes how the song is unexpectedly realist.>Holo original songsOkayu wants to sing more of the other members' songs. In addition to Bluerose, she wants to sing Subaru's song too. On the topic of Bluerose, Okayu mentioned before that she talked to Suisei, and got her blessings to sing it at the next utawaku. Unfortunately, Okayu's putting off the next utawaku until she learns a bunch of new songs, but it would be a shame to wait that long to sing Bluerose, so Okayu sings it right then and there. It's incredibly cute.>Cutest Bluerosehttps://files.catbox.moe/zm9x31.mp4
>>35634944Redrum can't draw for shit what a failure design.
>>35634951like mother like daughter
>>35634949mio likes taiga and said that him and tawa have been getting along now
>>35634962>>35634963Checks out.
>>35634948Kotaro does look a little chunky
>Towa comes back from break>Is going to immediately burn herself out again by streaming a weeks worth in 2 days
>>356349682/2>BLUEROSE ULTIMATE IMAGINARY SUISEIOkayu loves how kind the lyrics are in the song. She listens to it everyday, when working, bathing, or sleeping. She imagines Suisei forgiving her when she's being hard on herself for not being efficient at something, or laughing with her when she's upset. Suisei would probably just slap her? This is Okayu's special, personalized, imaginary Suisei! She created her so she wouldn't trouble the real Suisei like this. Just like the Blue-Eyes Ultimate White Dragon, this is her Bluerose Ultimate Imaginary Suisei.>Original albumShe has nothing like that planned at the moment, but it is something she'd like to do one day. She wants to get a bunch of her favorite Vocaloid composers, and make an entirely original album. Okayu feels her stance has changed on dreams like these recently. There's lots of things she'd want to do in the past, but then she'd think that they were out of her reach and just accept that it was impossible. Mane-chan is really good at pushing and encouraging Okayu whenever she presents ideas like this though, so now she wants to try and accomplish all these dreams of hers.>ShadesWhat do you think? A lot of holos might have sunglasses, but Okayu thinks she might be the only one with the round kind. Quit saying she looks shady! She wore similar ones during a Kamioka stream a long time ago, didn't she? She had her Mama make these for her, and thinks they're hilarious.>New outfitOkayu's nervous about the reveal. She's never had such a bold outfit before, and she wonders what people will think. Just look at that open shirt! Chat jokes about her being banned like Marine for it, so she blocks the chest with her model. She has a tag for it, so please use it to show your predictions. Okayu will do her best to check/like all of them later; whether it's a serious guess or a joke guess, she really wants to see it.>Korosan encouragementKorone encouraged Okayu a lot in the days leading up to this reveal. Okayu's been extremely nervous, so Korone's been keeping her spirits up. "Don't worry Okayu! You're going to become splendid Okazu! Wait, I mean, it'll be okay because you're a splendid person!"GOOD JOB! 07/10/2021(combining 2 days because this one's kind of small)>MealA vacuum cleaner. The hidden meaning here is that Okayu wants you to go and clean the cell for her. A clean room really does wonders for your mind, doesn't it? Okayu gets depressed when her room is dirty, so she makes sure to always keep it nice and tidy.>Okakoro collabTomorrow Okayu's heading over to Korosan's for an offcollab. There's a game Okayu's been wanting to play, so look forward to it. When was the last Okakoro stream anyway? Molly Online? It really doesn't feel like any time has passed to Okayu, seeing as the two are always talking to each other so much off-stream.>p.h.Okayu is so happy that she was finally able to release the cover. Unlike Cute na Kanojo, Okayu actually finished the recording all the way back in April. She's been fighting the urge to tell her fans about it for almost 3 months now, while everything else was still being finished. She really loves how it looks. She's happy at all the people who love that she's singing their favorite songs, or who are getting new favorite songs through her covers.>OutfitOnce again, this thing is going to be really bold, so everybody better prepare themselves. The shades really do make her look suspicious, huh? She wants to use them sparingly from here on out.>StretchesOkayu's been feeling a lot better since she started doing some neck/shoulder stretches before bed. Her back doesn't usually bother her, so she's not too worried about that. Which stretches? Um, just look up "Neck stretches" on Youtube.>Bitter medicineOkayu's gotten better at taking the really bitter throat medicine she bought. The trick is to just dillute it in some water, otherwise it makes her nearly throw up.https://privatebin.net/?cfe0383a29191d7e#6NFH8vQNv886QvtHXaQCSt7Vy8uYb3BbNaj6QKEKSxac
>>35634958papa dragon
>>35634981I would expect nothing less from Towa
>>35634968>Korone really feels like a mother to Okayu at time, and she's pretty sensitive to the weather changing.Hag love.
>>35634944I hope she gets a new outfit that she will use over her original all the time asap.
>>35634620I really like Rurudo's eyes
>>35634987>>35634968thank you
Why do people hate Nene? Is it even legal to hate Nene? People who hate Nene aren't even human. I really like Nene. Nene is the cutest. Nene is my wife.
>>35634944she looks like she should be a card in shadowverse
>>35633992What's wrong with her?
>>35634968>>35634987>https://files.catbox.moe/zm9x31.mp4Thanks. Her Blurose is cute.
He thinks I'm going to read that
Who is the best poster in /hlg/?
>>35635018Wtf bros I'm hard?
>>35635034am bug
So gen 6 will have an oopa-loopa themed vtuber for sure, right?
>>35634993I hope she spends more time with her children...
Fubuki's running monopoly with oopa roopa again...
>>35635009Did you mean あたし?You will never be a woman.
Holo felines (the actual ones so fuck you nekomimi fuckers) vs holo canines when
>>35634968>>35634987Thanks Okayubro.
Risuna had a hard life
>>35635044t. urkroach
What do you get when you guzzle down sweetsEating as much as an elephant eatsWhat are you at, getting terribly fatWhat do you think will come of that
by the way, NEGI*U are on a radio show today. I can't be bothered to find the link though so you'll just have to take my word for it
>>35635028Stream summary anon is the best poster
So Kanata got a Blew Oopa Loopa right?
>>35635028Okayuposter and the anon who draws cute pekoras in aggie
>>35635080Actually it was azkibro before he killed himself
>>35635072>I think I like the look of it.
>>35635032>>35635037>>35635041>>35635046>>35635048>>35635061>>35635063>>35635080>>35635087All. Me.
Aruran namedrop on stream
>>35634968Hey, just wanted to say I asked where the anon who kept drawing Okayu daily was but I fell asleep right after, it's cool you're still around and doing things for your oshi.Okayu's just so much fun and tiny bit you inspire others, at least me. Thanks for doing fun stuff.
>>35635028/vt/eens when they try to bait but get humiliated instead
Watame seems to be adamant in streaming until IRyS's debut stream...
>>35635013absolutely nothing
>>35635101I forgot that faggot
>>35635028That one guy who posted the Towa tribute
Are we watching FBK or Anya?
>>35635103don't do her dirty...she's not a shart...rip bossu
>>35634917honestly at this point I want a plain, girly gf like Sora.Brown hair, brown eyes, average looks, likes to wear cute clothing.
Why is fbk still blowing axolotls
Menhera noel pls come back
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTU3TIZRUCMchat is full of mexicans
>>35635122The title is BLUE not BLEWAlso she's gathering fish buckets in shulker boxes to give to Kanata for her next stream, because she's an enabler.
>Rorikon wa SeigiFubuki no you can't say that... it's 7AM you can't be a Lolicon this early in the morning
>>35635132Would be a powerplay to fill Kanata's breeding environment with blue oopa loopas
>>35635130getting threatened, gringo?
>>35635130>I am vtuber as well!!I cannot wait to gain inspiration and learn from Irys o(≧∇≦o)Literally the first thing I see in chat.Why do people do this shit? It's not only against the rules but also so fucking shameless.
>>35635130Cringe desu
>>35635127I can't believe that Rushia escaped.
>>35635089b-but why? What happened?
>open sheep stream>make random screenshot>it's a useable reaction imageis this magic?
New FBK lore
>>35635159Wow it's like magic!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE8x8MFHAegMy Mistress is starting her Terraria playthrough!Please come watch!
Woahh guys watch out the towoman is about to grace us with a full hour of her time before she fuck off again for a weekCant wait for her to spend the full stream shilling some gay shit or something with homos Ofcourse as always the stupid bitch is not going to make even the smallest of effort to not be a digusting fucking slob and will just sneez right into her fucking mic and snort up whatever is still stuck in her massive crooked noseHonestly supprised that this pig this absolute zuchttier isnt farting every single streamAnd if anyone would ever point out to her that we all know she is just playing apex 5 days the week and that she could just stream it bitch would get pissed and claim that its enough that she allows the mere peasent to see her twitterGod i fucking hate her
>>35635169Wrong fucking thread poo
I miss the time when all holos didn't the the same bgm
>>35635177This, FUCK Towa.still membered
>>35635130You still managed to love your mother and she was the same way.
>>35635177She has 3 streams scheduled for today, anon.
>>35635176I refuse
Wake the fuck up Towa
>>35635176I'd watch Anya if she was actually a femdom Holo.
Kanata has farmed over 1200 axolotls. What have you accomplished with YOUR life?
>>35635195She's gonna stomp your balls if you're being cheeky!
I missed this ice cream truck
If i cum inside irys does that meam i cummed both inside towa and kanata?
Matsuri immediately admitting her predator tactics, learn well from her fellow groomers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItZdAC1JRg0
Why is Towa?
>>35635199She said the thing.
>>35635200Spam 1200 post of Towa....
>>35635201I'm gonna put her in a wheelchair if she touches me with her brown hands!
Wow who would have thought Dumb bitch cant even be fucked to show up on timeNo wonder her highest point in her life is being a virtual better woman than she could ever dream of beimg
>>35635178Eat tokyo teriyaki tower together today with towa...
Towa just texted me saying some small alien-looking thing just came out of her vagina while she was on the shitter. Stream will be a while, guys.
Towa killed my dog and ate his food
>>35635147Hold shift bro
>>35634968>>35634987Thanks as always anon. I hope she is going to sing Subaru's song. And other original songs that may or may not come out in the future. Kanatach...
https://files.catbox.moe/x2f715.mp4don't open
We unironically like Towa here??
>>35635163Go back into the ocean, do not evolve
I hate Twi... There is no way I like her...
I love Towa's Pekora laugh
I missed this retard...
Shut up Towa
>>35635200I have a job I guess
Towa is being a dork again...
twap status: twoa!
>only 7.5 hours today
>>35635028Aloefag. I keep track of time with his pastas
>>35635177Yeah, I love Towa too.
Anya is being super cute right now!
God I miss this disgusting nasally repulsive voice so fucking much
Did Kanata notice the inclining KanaTowa art?
Speak properly please Towa
>TerrariaI miss Coco...
You WILL play ARK with MUKI ROZE!>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acMdi_OMnZ8
>>35635228>single bed You're not fucking anyone on there and you know it, incel
>>35635266Towa doesn't even understand Japanese...
>>35635244>Open towasama stream>Hear her deep voice for 0.1 second>Smile and like her stream>Sad and cry because of what nips take from us
I missed Towa...
Towa sounds kind of dumb...
Towa has a glob of snot at the back of her throat and it's been stuck there since debut
I miss the days before EN and /vt/ were a thing and this place would shit on Towa from sunrise to sunset for fun.
Towa's real voice comes out whenever she laughs, it's fucking cute bros. Why can't she just go back to using her deep sexy voice...
>>35635028>no one voted for meFeels bad, man
She's back and she's just as dumb as ever...Towamama, your daughter...
>>35635235>lunababy gets scared by trashhow does she manage to look at her viewers without screaming?
>>35635286w-who are you, anon?
Im so glad my stream is stuttering so i have to suffer through as little of her stream as possible Truely a godsend
Joining the waiting room for Watame to appear in Fubuki's stream
>>35635282Did want to you suck it for her anon?
Why is there a male voice on Towa stream?
So when are we going to get Irys's roommate pic?
>>35635282Now now, it's been forming ever since she stopped smoking.
>>35635304That's Towa's normal voice...
>>35635283This was always a Towa thread, larper, if you miss the retard that made two posts a minute for 10 hours in a row you can replace him yourself
>>35635276Towa is owned property of korea anonNot like anyone would blame the japanese for taking the first chance to discard this worthless human being
>Risu is addicted to Terraria and talking about it all the time offstream so Anya got curious and is now checking it outYou stupid squirrel, why aren't you streaming this
Towa is a pretty cute girl...
>>35635295I'm Pomu
>>35635313Risu needs to buy a new PC for that, remember to donate
>Kotaro is able to ejaculate now, so Towa has been giving him daily handjobs so he behaves and isn't in heatJesus christ Towa
>>35635313>Risu>streamingShe can't larp as a slut if she does that, anon.
Why is Towa like this...
>>35635313>oh shit, coco senpai is playin terraria>now i won't stream itContrarian behaviour.
>>35635263She's aware of IRyS being set as their child at least.
>>35635304Its just normal that her bf is there since they live together Kenzocucks just take it since they have no spine
I wish I was Kotaro...
Towa just doxxed Kotaro...
Cute Kotachi...
>>35635336Kotachin no kotama....
>>35635324the worst part is I would believe this post
>>35635329She's like a channer.
Damn Towa literally wants to fuck her cat...
>>35635324This absolutely sounds like something Towa would do.
>>35635230bet she ate the dog too, fucking gook
>>35635336>ywn be masturbated by Towa every morningI wish I were born a cat.
I will become Kotaro.
My computer keep rebooting itself and just now it decided to work, what did I miss from the last 8 hours?
Towa sama sure is cute
>>35635310I don't come around here any more, anon. Actually I haven't posted in here since the dragon left.
What the fuck are those sounds twap...
>>35635358Nothing now go watch twap you stupid ritualposter
I want Marine to finish Outlast 2 ;_;
I want Anya to grind her cute little feetsies into my scrotum so fucking hard
There's so many blue oopa loopas now...
>>35635358Luna had a pretty cool stream earlier also fbk is still playing mcTheres towhore too if you want to waste your time and money
Bros Towa just called me a cuck and I feel kinda happy?
Friend's flooding the market with blue oopas...
>Towa's mother desperately want grandchildren to the point of treating kotaro as replacementKenzoku please save this cake before she become a hag grooming lover....
I want to ravage my friend...
>Towa has a more competent Spanish live translator than her English oneS-sugoi
>>35635382Abe please let me in...
>>35635378She needs 5 opas that will be sacrificed to get a max blue opa.
I want to drink the onsen water after Towa took a fart in it...
Towa impregnating me...
im watching both FF9 playthroughs
Amazing that people are supprised that she would jack off her cat She literally fucking kissed the thing because she just that fucking far off from even resembling a human
>>35635385I want to breed a blue fox with Fubuki. We'll keep trying until she has one!
Onsen with towa!!
>>35635130Como te voy a hacer cagar pa dentro.
>>35635304Towa’s back alright, so are the retards that are going to spam the same thing every thread
>>35635386Esclavo de Towa-sama...
>>35635382abe can't stop losing...
Was there ever a reason on why Irys got banned or was it a mistake?
>>35635382Mio and Taiga are a preview of Towa and Kotaro
>>35635358Don't you have a phone?
How mad would you be if Oga’s 3d debut has a Friend cameo?
towa earned another vacation imo
>>35635419She said the n word on her second secret test stream
My oshi might be a slight whore...
>>35635419publicity stunt
https://twitter.com/kiryucoco/status/1413995242991153156IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT
This SM64 playthrough is triggering me harder than even the Chicken's.Holy fucking shit, I can barely contain myself watching this.It feels like you just stepped into dogshit but can't wipe it off anywhere, that kind of frustrating compulsion that sheds up from inside that you can't shake, like as if the inside of your arms itch and no matter how much you scratch it won't stop
Towa is extra cute today.
>>35635429Towa earned a vaccination too deep into the arm At best with a screwdriver
>>35635436god thats freaking epic
I like Towa's dumb laugh
>>35635436but why
>>35635436ha ha she said the thing!
Ever since I started watching Towa I got addicted to APEX and smoking...
>>35635439tab back in siglemic
Anything important on Towa's stream yet?
I want to breed Fubuki. I want to put child after child in her womb, over and over, keeping her constantly pregnant, until we have a blue-eyed child together. I have blue eyes myself, so it's possible but the chance could be as low as 1% depending on Fubuki's genetics.I'm sure she'd be fine with 1% odds though.
>>35635439Who asked?
>>35635464its impossible to get addicted apex because apparently its so dead that youre expected to wait an hour in a queue to find games
>>35635479Fubuki's eyes are exactly the color of a maicra diamond.
>>35635477She announced Kotaro's graduation
>>35635479Godspeed Oga
>>35635477Towa still have problem reading kanji...Fuck this noodle language. What's the point of learning your language when even your citizens failed to understand it
>>35635477Nothing, Towa is unimportantBitch could just disappear one day and nothing would ever change
>>3563548740+ hours without Lamy...
>>35635490She's Asian, she has brown eyes.I bet you think Sora has blue eyes too.
>>35635424I'm poor anon, I'm still using my phone from 12 years ago.
>>35635419Clearly a mistake, twitter banned her because she has a large amount of followers for a new account
I'm so tired of the towranny voice, I wish she'd just go back to her normal one
>>35635495Graduation from balls?
>>35635499It is hard for a foreigner to learn Japanese after all
>>35635403>>35635479she does not have enough eggs anon for this anon...
Bros... human Ollie is cuter than my oshi...
>>35635504These threads were more pleasant for sure
https://twitter.com/ksononair/status/1413995242991153156wtf kson you're supposed to not make references to that
Why the girls don't play X?Why the girls don't play the good FFs?Why the girls don't play better games?
Towa... my ears...
>>35635506It will be okay Yukimin....
>>35635523Ok schizo.
Sio.. gen 6 please
>>35635521That's fine we'll keep trying until she runs out. You don't always win when you play gacha, and for me the real reward is raising a large family with her.
Which one is better?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyneiz9FRMworhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K57XcDsUl6A
>>35635525I just want to hear OKITE OKITE OKITE again... ;_;
towa sounds like shes putting on a retarded voice to imitate someone but thats just how she talks
>>35635185That's right, still membered
>>35635385>>35635521why is this outfit so erotic?
>towa's fortune is something related with fire. She doesn't know what it means so she will ask mio laterCover office get kyoaini'ed when??
Fubuki lovingly encouraging us to do our Nihongo reps.
>>35635513I want her to just go back
Towa's being dumb again...
>>35635527"better games" are shit in overwhelming majority of cases when this is asked
>>35635534>sio>eli>luluwho else?
>>35635537Miko's is much better produced, kind of an unfair comparison.
>>35635551go back? go back where?
Is there a cure for Towautism?
I don't see Irys stream on jetri.
>>35635551Back to Apex? Me too anon
>>35635544She will do it herself
These threads turned me from being neutral towards Towa to hating her, to loving her.
Towa is still playing with the koreans...
>>35635525We're BACK Motherfuckers! Looking forward to Kson's 4chan meme review!
>>35635555>gibara>kaguya luna
How do people get tilted at fucking Mario 64 of all things
>>35635574Nanahira? Why wouldn't she try to get in with Patra
>>35635573Luna is never coming back, you have to let go.
>>35635425I would be disappointed if she didn't show up. I want to see that horn snapped in two.
>>35635575Where have you been anon https://youtu.be/WilkndNIIfI
>>35635563What a fucking moron you areGo give her money for the truckload of condoms she burns through a month
>>35635555I don't understand Lulu situation, so she quit because of death threats, isn't that just giving in to the criminal demands? That will only make the criminal demand more things, he can get away with it so it seems.
>>35635425How often they joke about FBK finally getting to break Oga's horns once he gets a 3D I'd be way more surprised if she didn't show up.
>>35635591it's the ENfag
>which one is the father, and which one is the mother?FBK asking the important questions
>>35635584I will not, I won't ever let her go! not my Luna...
>>35635584She's went back to her more successful channel, which has a cuter chuuba too
>>35635596Towa is that big of a stud?
Fubuki just said that there's a chance that she's a boy...
>>35635555Sora please save Azulim...she was your friend..
>>35635596>condomsShe takes it inside like a champ. I love twappi.
>>35635609That's hot as fuck
>>35635596Ok, but only because you asked nicely.
>>35635425People will be more upset if she DOESN'T show up anon.FBK snapping Oga's horn as punishment once he gets a 3D has been a running gag in FoxDemon streams for well over a year now.
>>35635563Is Towa the embodiment of horseshoe theory?
>>35635209Wait, that is grooming?, that's how i got most of my friends and girlfriends...
>>35635609Tamaki said the same thing but later on cuck her fans by marrying businessman
>>35634361numberfagging on 5ch
>Still 2 hours until the debutThe sweet release of sleep is settling in
>>35635629>ENjust go to bed
I love my aunt?
>>35635626Thing is, norio is an open fucking secret though
>>35635626Has she given birth? if not, then that means she married a woman.
>>35635628>Replying 2 hours postSasuga retards
Why the hell is Anya streaming at like 6 am her time? She started at like 5 am
>>35635633Honorary jp
>>35635639>esl calling someone else a retard
>>35635609Incoming Kanata, Fubuki and Towa as Holostars Gen 4
>Ame ragequit SM64 and booted up Minecraftw
>>35635597In short they actually got police to do something about some of the people, but the place on the internet they were coming from is still there and new people would just keep popping up. Lulu stated that she wasn't too worried about herself, rather didn't want to worry her fans and couldn't stream as often as she wants, so the bad things outweighed the good for her.
We will love IRyS here
I'm glad my wife Fubuki is a Loli+Shotacon.
>>35635624Towa is a stain on humanity
Lamy being gone is making relapse back to rushia,,,,
>>35635653Why is her design so bad
>>35635563Stop rewriting history. We always loved her.
>>35635425She won't. Oga never invites FBK to anything
>>35635649Isn't the Mario bgm copyrighted?
>>35635479Same but I don't have blue eyes. But my grandmother did so there's still a chance
Wait towa is Apex master now??
>>35635653I hope her live2d is good.The artstyle makes looks like it'd be really hard to rig properly
Flare is apparently the lolicon lawyer
>>35635659Be Lamy and ONLY Lamy
>>35635649Amelia has some anger issues but she's a good girl.https://files.catbox.moe/nq5phf.mp4
>>35635649What a stupid bitch
White Cat san
>>35635668>>35635677Shes so calming and accepting too...
>>35635678what the fuck I love Ame now
>>35635678Sounds like Watame after her boyfriend dumped her.
Sukonbu are going to get torn a new one on twitter today
>>35635655Zerg go home.
>>35635667Towa is platinum
Aki is making a Genesis server? Holy based.
>viewer apologizes in chat saying he can't donate anymore because he just lost his home>Anya: "Sucks to be you, hehe, you're a hobo~~ sucks to be you, heh"what the fuck even
Mukkun stole the choreography to every single dance he ever did
>>35635689I love my White Cat Wife.
>>35635680delete this
>>35635698Based Anya didn't want to become tearslave like watame
>>35635678Imagine getting raged at and abused, then she breaks down crying and loving youwhere does Yagoo find these women?
>>35635698What a bitch, I love Anya.
>>35635698BASED Anya holy fuck
>>35635698Debuff queen pls understand
>>35635698Don't make me want to watch Anya
>>35635698She's such a kusogaki kek
>>35635667Towa is a carried bitch who wouldnt even be ranked without the guys shes sucking off
>Anya actually getting 1k viewers
>>35635678i love menhera girls
Why did she do it?
i want to play with Aki but i uninstalled ARK and it's like 10000 gb to download
My nephew just walked in on me having Towa on in the background and said "Who is that ugly cunt? I can't tell if she sucks more cocks or smokes more cigarettes each day. I hope she chokes on a cat cock."He is 7.
Imagine how much better the world would be if we dropped the third nuke
>>35635725This I literally only watch Menheras
Towa is telling you to do your reps
>>35635698Fuck off im still not watching id
>>35635721That's not how you spell matsuri
>>35635678kinda cute, not gonna lie
>>35635729Blondes smell
>>35635729I laughed when that happened, good times.
>>35635722she's streaming in a timeslot when there's no 10 other streams overlapping
Why do you hate gokisei?
>c*tube starts watching dagger>suddenly tons of posts about herogey
>>35634237>I don't know if Rushia is back from home???
>>35635688>Watame after her boyfriend dumped her.
>>35635739I love Polka's dumb face
>>35635747I have a small penis
>>35635737For good reason because towa is even more of a incapable idiot than she is
fbk be like crashing this market with no survivors bogdanoff style
>>35635731I bet everyone in your house clapped afterwards
>>35635745She's still up against streaming juggernauts like Towa.
Anya... stop dying...
>>35635752>Sora will never destroy me with her hands
>>35635626None of her fans want to fuck her, she's disgusting.
>>35635747They have been streaming for almost a year and yet they don't have their own Fubuki/Aqua/Korone/Pekora/Coco, gokisei is a failure
>>35635760And can't forget superstars like Aki
>>35635752Don't forget Kaoru quit because his wife found out about the mandatory 8-hour pegging session, and Kira was actually crippled by it
>>35635767I do
>>35635759Raised their hands and clapped.
RIP anya
that IS a shitty haus
>Anya died again>and again>and another time>and is about to die yet againDoes Anya know she needs to dig down to find items and gear...?She's starting to get angry...
>>35635747They stream outside my freetime i always have to watch vods
bruh close the door man
Did Towa always do this wink thing or it's something new?
>>35635425At most she'll call in and have him show his detachable horn.
>>35635744and now Nene is taking revenge on LAMEY by taking her Shishiron from her
Towa said IRyS doesn't deserve her subs...
>>35635747The worst JP gen ever so they had to release EN to compensate
>>35635796Fuck Towa what does she know.
>>35635747No? They are my overall favorite gen.
Flare will NEVER play DMC3
KanaTowa baby...
Why all other women seems uninteresting compared to my oshi...
>>35635796She's truly honoring Coco's memory
>>35635796Towa is a whore
>>35635747They killed Yagoo's drive to actually do a gen 6 audition
>>35635747Only insecure globalfags and homofags hate them. So basically no one worth listening
>>35635769They probably the most balanced gen>Can be used to shill streams>Good singers>Least menhera problem>Hardworking>offer different demographics depend on your taste
>>35635796Towa loves her daughter.
>>35635783Anya has not played videogames before streaming. She did not know how to jump or cut trees, I doubt she even knows you can dig down. I bet she thinks she can only go left and right.
all those backseaters in the chat
>>35635760Im honestly supprised towa can even scramble 5k together I know hololive has been gaining tracktion but i still hoped people would see the vile women behind the sharade
By that logic, the next vsinger will be WataLuna baby
>>35635819>Tokoyami "Manager killer" Towa agree with Irys's freedom tweetLike mother like daughter
Twap no...
I hate Twi...
Towa don't go...
>>35635698you said you wanted Anya to behave like this and when she actually does you're like "WHOA ANYA THAT'S A LITTLE RUDE DON'T YA THINK!??!?!?!"
But IS towa actually a whore though?
>>35635786Its definetly a old trick of hers
>>35635671The artstyle is great, but I really fear that the rigging will ruin it.
She going die
I will forever love this sheep!!! For real, she makes me happy
>>35635837no she worked her ass off at 2 part time jobs before hololive, while busking at the streets for some extra money.
>>35635836who are you quoting
>>35635807Meh shouldnt have gotten your hopes up when tuning into towa
I switched out to Amelia after Twaps ended her stream, why is she in creative?
she kill...
>>35635836Who is complaining?
>>35635851Towa is still streaming...
>>35635825I doubt you could see through any sort of charade when you can't even spell the word, seanigger
>>35635840Everyone will, anon.
>>35635851Ame is a bitch
It's a trick! Towa!
>>35635851>he didn't watch Towa's superchat 10QRumao
>>35635851She barely plays on the EN server.When she streams Minecraft it's mostly her fucking around on a private creative server building dumb shit
>>35635856SC reading is gay.
>>35635848Nice cope
First time watching dagger and she honestly is not good at commenting over gameplay
F reine
None of you guys are going to believe me, but I had cyber sex with Tokoyami Towa.
The greatest trick Towa ever pulled was convincing the world she does not exist
Lamy is really excited for IRyS' debut
>>35635858Who aksed u
>>35635878I am really excited that Lamy is excited!
>>35635875Shut the fuck up and stream that Subaru/Nene/Nose/Sio/Kotato/Kanata
Vsinger?more like Vtwitter
>>35635886Shion yo....
>>35635870no shitshe sometimes has these moments where shes just a bitch but thats like the one notable thing about the stream
>>35635820This cant be true....
>>35635885You can't be serious.
I love towa...
Which Holo would be based enough to play DQ7?
Predict IRyS viewer count? Is 300k possible?
>>3563590240k at best.
dab on those graves
>>35635870She's just not very good at video games so playing something more action-y like Terraria she has to concentrate a lot on that which means her commentary is borderline nonexistent past simple reactions to what is happening.Her game commentary is great when she plays more narrative focused games, her Crystar streams for example. She got really into the story and characters with that.
>>35635902I predict that she will sing a song.
Watame is going on a retweeting spree at 8:30am...
>>35635901Didnt pekers want to go through some more dq?
>>3563590230k debut then 1-2k~ No one cares about singers
>>3563590250k at minimum
>twap practicing her ASMR equipmentDid you EVER doubt towasama again??
>>35635902Doubt she will crack 100k to be honest.Maybe 50k, like 75k max. There just isn't really all that much excitement surrounding her debut with her being a single vSinger and not a new Generation with multiple girls.
>>35635915Which song?
>>35635921Yeah but not 7.
>>35635902Probably around 100k
>>35635932Original song.
Towa's voice is really annoying...
>>35635331what did she say about it?
>>35635932Renai Circulation obviously.
>>35635940annoyingly CUTE
>>35635885Is that a real screenshot lolhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_u18_BKczg
>>35635932Dunno, but it will probably have vocals.
>>35635927It's gonna be APEX-themed ASMR where she imitates the reloading and firing noises of various guns, the shield charge noise, ult noises and then as a dessert you get her ten favourite lines from the characters whispered in the dumbest voice imaginable
>>35635932brue crapper
>>35635927She wont fucking do itEverThis girl lied to me one too many times
>friend streaming>towa streaming>aki streamingno one talking about it...
>>35635870she is better when she does zatstudans and has freedom to read and interact with chatshe is like a hag with no game experience up until now and tunnel visions hard when playing anything she's not familiar with
>>35635902Isn't her youtube channel shadowbanned?Also are you stupid? 300k? Hell no.
>>35635950It's snack ASMR.
>>35635916This is why she makes my dick wet.
>>35635942She doesn't really care about that
>>35635933Did she mention it in particular that she doesnt like it or something?
>>35635955Fubuki has not done anything during the stream except run between the oopa loopa farm and the fish farm
>>35635955Towa is cleaning up, I don't know what's friend up to but she was just duping the oopas.
>>35635867You're a retarded faggot with shit taste.
Don't take this too purrsonally, but I'm not lion when I say Botan is cooler than your oshi!
>>35635932Happy Synthesizer, just for that extra dramatic effect
>>35635950God i wish Would actually be hilarious
I wish they made a Ark server where fans can go in and play with Holos.But I guess it would be full 24/7. Could work if there was a certain time that every fan can spend in the server before being kicked out.
>>35635955Too busy watching Friend, she's mainly talking about her oshis and Holo members
Towa really loves streaming huh
>>35635977 ur a gay paypig kenzocuck fuck off
So when's Towa 11Q?
>>35635177> Started streaming 62 minutes agoapologize
>>35635912PTbros... caralho...
Isn't Anya supposed to have a PhD or something...? Why is she so retarded?
Dagger is losing itShe just loudly spanked her thighs again and again
>>35635927I have literally been membered for like 9 months with the promise of Towa ASMR and it still hasn't happened.
what a lil cutie
>>35635982But she can't be cooler than herself! And then she somehow finds a way.
https://twitter.com/AZKi_VDiVA/status/1413997964654223367?s=19Azki is excited to have another VSinger join
>i missed you tooThats another one to add to the lies listOnly thing bitch missed was her pockedmoney she only came to collect today
>>35635950why are you posting the best stream idea possible and saying it like it's a bad thing?
>>35635960I fucking wishhttps://streamable.com/x05kbf
>>35636018AZKi has no friends
>>35635950Choco would most likely do this.
>>35635942She realized she has no choice but to marry Towa now. Sorry Coco.
>>35635968No she asked Noel for recommendations and Noel has never played 7 so she obviously wouldn't recommend it. Also it is long as fuck, like double the length of 11.
Poor girl her channel is shadowbanned just for her debut. Looks like she'll just get like around 30k or something.
>>35636004Fuck you she didnt even spend a full hour with her stream before getting into supas
>>35636012Is there a way to mute only kiara?
>>35635955I've been posting about how bad I want to breed Fubuki for the past hour.
>>35636010The only video games she played before becoming a vTuber were MMOs, JRPGs, and VNs.This might honestly be the first 2D action game she has ever touched.
>>35635950Post that Aqua clip
>>35636010she was a musician, played violin in an orchestra and can play the pianobut she never really makes use of this
>>35634323>Pekora has a lot of other plans for her 3DPekora isn't having a 3D for her anniversary and she hasn't mentioned anything about doing a 3D anytime soon.
>>35636033Last time Watame had Iofi screaming over Kiara whenever Kiara tried to talk longer than one sentence
>>35636038Irys youtube channel is currently shadowbanned.
>>35635698Nice try dogStill not watching
>>35636012>>35636033We love orange woman here
>>35636023She has her husband
>>35636014Hahaha wow you really got fucked over by herMake sure to stay membered she will totaly post that asmr one day
>>356359027 homo 3D debuts
>>35636032I wouldn't know I didn't watch it
>IRyS's roommate literally released an album with AZKi's roommateI see nepotism is still alive and well in hololive
>>35636052Wrong orange woman.
>>35636018Azki is so fucking cute I love Azki so much bros I'm glad she's happy I hope Irys is really nice to her and talks to her a lot and does a ton of songs with her, I hope Azki gets a really good new friend Azki deserves so much happiness...
Made for kaigainiki face and dick
>>35634323>they aren't neglecting shitBut they are? Do you even read tweets? Do you even do reps?
>>35636036she played ender lilies early access, unravel and kokoro clover beforenot much of an experience
>>35636049How can you tell?
>>35636029Theres hoping she will just pick it up by herself without being guided to itOr one could just send a copy to her
>>35636052Only one.
>Anya is making fun of the hobo againw
>>35636040She is so fucking cute it's unreal.
>>35636073Because her channel is unsearchable in youtube and her supposed debut stream isn't showing up in her channel.
>>35636065nepotism gave you the quality we have right now be thankful nigger
>>35636064Good choice You missed nothing but her lying
I want to sekuhara towa too...
>>35636065small family busines pls andastad
>>35635982You wish, nerd.
>>35636082Dunno the stream shows in my subscription tabs but not on her channel page.
>>35636043Yeah sorry. my brain slipped I meant to type anniversary. She apparently has been working on some things for her anniversary but she won't have a 3D stream for it.The point being that Pekora won't have a 3D stream simply because she doesn't want to at the moment
I miss haato...
>>35636054She is japanese, marriage in japan is only to not die alone and have descendants there is no love in there
>>35636065Hololive and Nepotism are synonyms.
>>35636040why is Azki the only one with the >< face? Is it her signature face or something?
>begging on a thread with 166 peopleReminder homofags and idfags are literally retarded.
>>35636082Its just the algorythm filtering out shit shubas
https://twitter.com/sio_kujira/status/1411698880798883843Flare turns into a Polka
>>35636065Hey she got in the same way Kanata did. How nostalgic
>Anya realizes she can dig almost 1.5 hours into the stream
Why is FBK crashing the oopa roopa market?
>>35636112166 extra people could increase Anya's viewership by 1000%
>>35636112>new IP
>>35636120With no survivors. She's a big fox for you.
>>35635983Complete with TenAkuMic
>>35636102Me too. The wait is killing me...
>>35636107Sadly Not only did i have to work 6 hours on a weekend but also this ugly bitch rears her vile head again
>>35636111Azki love!!!
>>35636098But Okayu wished to become like Botan once she grows up
>>35636139Towasama is very cute...
>>35635425Has Friend even mention the guys upcoming 3D streams?
>>35636146And now she has goofy shades. Dream completed. Thank you, la lion.
Last Lamy
>>35636150no but she has mentioned their mass graduation in december
Kissing Sora!
>>35636147Towa is the reason i dont smile anymore due to her being the opposite of cute
>>35636152Is Botan going through midlife crisis?
>imageboard>can't post imagess-sugoi...
>>35636147Cute dork.
>>35636146If i was a girl id want to be like buton too
>>35636166Old and childless? Isn't that the complete opposite what women want?
Why is /hlg so tsundere for the IDs?
Tired Twap...Cute...
I hate Twi so much...
No Twapi don't go...
>>35636160Little too late for that
>>35636160Recovering after her trip home.
>>35636074I wouldn't really hope for 7. When she talked about wanting to play more DQ the 2 she mentioned were 4 and 6.
>>35635729wasn't Lamy the one who asked Nene to move her and Shishiron to the left side?
Is there anyway to watch this commercial outside of Japan at the same time?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJpAlfJAGN0
>>35636177Cutest yawn
Towa is the reason I don't talk to my family anymore
>>35636185Yes, that's exactly what this is about.
>>35636172Well you cant avoid getting old but other than not having family shes quite admireable
>>35635902100k top.
>>35635994Based Watamates
Twapi left me... Friend left me...
Bossu's 3D was pretty cool
Anya sounds fucking miserable right nowWhy is she even playing this?
>>35635932Happy Synthesizer
>>35635932English Shiny Smily Story
Anya is really cute
>>35636210That's legitimately how she always sounds
>>35636210She said Risu has been autistically grinding Terraria offstream and won't shut up about it so she wanted to see what the game was like
Deadest of hours.
>>35636195My dad disowned me after catching me watch that cheap woman
>>35636187it says nippon tv so this one should work https://mov3.co/en/ntv/
https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/1414013335801012226Twapi excited for her daughter!
>>35636210She probably got threatened by management to choose between playing Apex, Minecraft or Stickman, or be forced to graduatebeing the contrarian she is, she made a compromise to stream Terraria
>>35636172I think botan's at the point where she's accepted that she's just gonna have cats who will eat her when she passes away alone
Why do people like Towa? Is it some sort of masochist thing where you want to watch a holo who clearly hates streaming and her fanbase?
>>35636233Cute mama.
>>35636197Nene and Polka stinks that's why
>>35636223She got baited. Terraria is pretty much>I-It gets good 20 hours in!
>your oshi>your (You) count
So I've tried watching this "anya" thing, I think she's having a seizure in between english words she speaks in tongues I just heard her say "salamon pagi" like wtf is wrong with her?
>>35636242At the pace she's going it's more like 100 hours.It's been 2 hours and all she's done so far was cut down some trees, build a tiny house, and die at least a dozen times to random mobs.
>>35636065basedHololive is what you get with nepotism and friendly-friend circles.
>>35636248She hasn't spoken a word of indog this stream. It's 60% english and 40% mumbling japanese to herself.
>>35636269Fat slut
Hey, guys. Quick question: does anyone else think it's weird that most if not all of the holos have leaked their phones, but Pekora was the only one that had a pregnancy app?
>>35634674If you want a serious answer, it's just a prop she had made for that one time she played with the sega astrocity miniShe never really used it again after that and since she recently feels like using her room background that she got over a year ago I guess she decided to put it in there just for the sake of it
>>35636233Ofcourse she is Towa cant wait to leech off a way more competent holo I mean she needs to hit 1m somehow
I'm really surprised how little backseating there is in Anya's chat considering how fucking slow her progress is.Any other Holo would have hundreds of EOPs screaming at them in all caps by now.
>>35636269I love Polka.
>>35636065Oh f'real? I guess AZKi has a legit reason to be excited about her then.
>>35636275the hags can't get pregnant anymore
>>35636275>most if not all of the holos have leaked their phones?
>>35636281She is pretty infamous for snapping at her chat for doing stupid shit like backseating
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l8iBPpQGswOur girl Pomu about to eat some spicy noodles!
>>35636237I really dont think people actually like towaIts just this ironic gag on here and other online forums
>>35636248she learned how to speak from watching the kyoani anime Nichijou
>>35636275That just means they don't track their periods because they are on birth control pillsmeaning peko is the only virgin in hololive
>>35636281If there is one thing Anya is really good at it's keeping her chat under control.They are incredibly well behaved and anyone coming in trying to start shit instantly gets called out and ganged up on, or just immediately banned if one of the mods is around.
>>35636281This tiny brown girl genocided all the bsgs
>>35636275what's wrong with you?>>/jp/thread/S35463537#p35465094
>>35636297Gagging on Towa's banana...
>>35636296who are these girls? did en gen 2 debut already or what I'm so confused
>>35636281https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOjtbvrj84UShe's pretty harsh when it comes to backseating.
>>35636275Only a handful of Holos have leaked their phones retard.
Towa just DM'd me a picture of her banana!?
>>35636319HoloEN 2
>>35636151I think the glasses are cool
>>35636322No wonder her stream is dead.
>>35636322>learn to behavewew
>>35636329She was beginning to incline and had to sabotage herself.
I hate Anya with every fiber of my being.
>>35636289>>35636308>>35636322Based dagger
>>35636322what a huge cunt, I hope she slips up and says something anti chinese and gets the full ching chong treatment till she suicides
>>35636315I just really want to know why every holo has leaked their phone, but only Pekora had a pregnancy phone app. That's what occupies my mind just like searching every post in warosu is what occupies yours.
>>35635932sk8r boi
Imagine if Yagoo was actually based and sent invitation to good Niji girls to desert to Hololive.They all most probably want to join Hololive anyway.
>>35636354 ur a pushover it could have been inceted by now
>>35636357Seems more like you're seething because anons are making fun of Anya and you can't spam ID images out of anger.
Anya's so based, that's why she's our girl.
Our girl Pomu is suffering...
You are debating whether who would join gen 6 but are you asking yourself if they are menhera enough to JOIN gen 6
>>35636361I want lulu back...
damn I look like that?https://twitter.com/_Okunin/status/1413644040633913344
>>35636264She's just like me...
>>35636337I rather have a slow and few stream chat than one filled with EOP backseaters
>>35636361I just want pomu...
Is spicy noodle really that bed or is it just pepper on noodle?
P*mu is inclining!
Menhera has lost all it's meaning, you fuckers are just as bad a globalfags running words into the group to the point where they don't mean anything because of how freely people use them
>>35636378>i'd rather have no money than have lots of money
>>35636371Gen 5 bar poruka is quite not crazy so i dont think yagoo is still only looking for crackwhores and abused kids
>>35636361Imagine Sasaki in Hololive.
If we had a "soul" tierlist what would the placement look like? Korone and Nene would definitely be at the top.
We lovePomuhere
>my first kohaiYeah right, she probably doesn't even know Anya exists.
>>35636395you're goddamn right we do
>>35636357If you actually care about your family you will realize that period tracking app is literally nothing . Don't tell me you're orphan virgin who never see woman even once in your live let alone study biology??
>>35636378Maybe she thinks that too but with that attitude her streaming career will end in 2 years after wondering why she can't get more than 500 viewers and zero money. Young people sure are the dumbest and shortsighted, maybe that's why the holohags are so successful.
>>35636357Pekora had the period tracking app because when she streams on her period she acts different and gets less viewers than average and doesn't want to ruin her average viewercount
>>35636357Okay, I will tell you: Pekora is incredibly cautious about her life and wants to be prepared for every occasion, that is why you can often hear her talking about weird shit like alien invasions. Marine has offhandedly mentioned in members only stream how Pekora spends most of her massive paycheck on building a modern bunker. She is not exactly a doomsday preper (yet), but she is definitly a bit on the paranoid side. Also it's funny how you noticed the pregnancy app and didn't see 3 self-diagnose health apps that are "supposed" to tell you if you got cancer, might be at risk for a heart attack and aneurysms. Pekora is just overly cautions and over prepared for anything.
>>35636388Woah thats deep bro Let me stand up and applaude alongside the rest of the thread
>>35636388what is this menhera post
>>35636395But I'm Pomu
>>35636395P - TO - OM - WU - A
>>35636395no, fuck off
>>35636394TowaThe restTowa
>>35636393SasakiLuna will be another version of Akupeko anyways
>>35636394Towa at the bottom because thats where she belongs and shes little mpre than a kike
>>35636388When was menhera wrongly used here tho?Literally almost every Holo is menhera. They admit it themselves even.
>>/vt/thread/S3926018#p3934798Wrong thread Pomushart
>>35636410The secret code
Pomu is gagging on my spicy smegma dick
>>35636394Soul is a meme and coping mechanism to those who lack creativity and shit at singing
Has pomu ever done what's referred to as a "shit fart"? I think there's slang for it but I can't remember what it is.
>>35636423The problem is people like you that use it as gay as you do
>>35636395BasedPomu is better than most Holos.If her roommate is cute then she is perfect.
>>35636435soul is creativity + shit at singing
>>35636438Nice english, retard.
>>35636436They call that a "fhit", takes a while to get used to the vocalization since you need to slur the fh like a phhhhhh, stretch it out to sound like a fart.
https://twitter.com/ShrikeGames/status/1413335536253784069what is wrong with sheepposters?
I don't understand why is Pomu being shill so much everywhere.
>>35636435Soul is when you have all the creativity and none of the skill to express it, but that doesn't stop you from going all out anyway. You pour your soul into your work and it shines through in the end. You wouldn't know that because you are a sad and pathetic souless husk
What's the point of a vsinger?
>>35636450"lol I'm posting about non-holos in the holo thread!" and saviorfags
>>35636436Because she is the cutest english speaking vtuber right now.
Pomu suffering.....
Don't forget to report offtopic posts.
>>35636456to sing
>>35636456To sing.
>>35636452Ur retarded hes refering to how soul has been used to describe everyone and everything by now
>>35636450Unlike the ENs who pretend to be cute, Pomu is naturally cute
Who Pomu here
The fact Pomu is suffering so much make her even cuter.
>>35636449We are too smart
>>35636405>peckers is a prepper schizoAlright, I'm a nousagi now.
>>35636464>>35636462But they all sing
>>35636456To be a singer, but virtual.
>>35636388this but with Oshi
>>35636462>>35636464They have spoken
You going to watch the debut?
If Pomu ever say she tried to join Hololive but got denied, I will bomb Yagoos house.
https://youtu.be/trKQ_PG4Z98best hololive original song btw
>>35636479sure, it's dead hours anyway
>>35636479Of course. This isn't the anti thread after all
>>35636473You can dance without being dancer, you can game without being a gamer.
its 20 minutes can you guys shitpost faster for the new thread
>>35636479What else do I even watch? Meme review?
>>35636489how? It's not like these guys could post variants of "towa" for the next 150 posts
>>35636466Well "he"(You) certainly failed at expressing that point
>>35636479IRyS is our girl
What is it called when I dont think about lewd things with a vtuber, just hugging and petting her head appreciating how cut she is?
>>35636487Fuck, this isnt the anti thread? Guess I have to go somewhere else then
Pomu no...
>>35636489okaywhen is your oshi going to take the dogpill? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95XQp_okmc4
>>35636495Maybe hes retarded too but i feel soul is massivly overused in everyday speech
She said the word
>Literally talking about sharting and fartingSo this is the power of Pomulive...
>>35636388Fans reflect the vtuber they watch.They are attracted to people who reflect similar mindsets and points of view.A stalker vtuber will attract stalkers and so on...This is a proof of how low humanity has fallen that the most successful vtubers are menhera.This means that the majority of the world is psychologically damaged at the same level.
>>35636515>dogpillyou just know
I hope the IRyS sings Smile and Go!
https://youtu.be/Qaisd-obqJYhttps://youtu.be/nOpx6gnbRdUI really like this new development where Watame schedules the streams for the next day before going to sleep
I know Pomu asshole is clean. I checked.
>>35636534>chickenSo close...
Anya's fucking great
>Roomate posting IRyS before anything has come out about herAre you guys still assuming it's that hafu chick with the 100mil cover?
>>35636515I mean, look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZLGV86y1iMdogs are the superior pets
>>35636523sasuga EN whores
>>35636499>how cut she isI like yo cut, G
Not badhttps://youtu.be/rZsGt9-9RIU
>>35636546we're not assuming, it's confirmed
>>35636546she doxxed herself on twitter (now deleted)
>>35636546This thread is never wrong.
>>35636457Sure but why only Pomu. She's the only NijiEN I see being shill pretty much everywhere.
>>35636547i hope it's her...
>>35636546She pulled a Noel and doxxed herself
>>35636561Nijikeks are desperate for EN to take off.
>>35636561the saviorfag part, she has cancer or something and the lowest subs. The fish one is reddit and the other one is boring, or so I hear.
>>35636561The other two are boring and their artists are trash.
>>35636561She's genuinely pretty cute.
>>35636554>Candy candyI hope she's a hag
I miss Towa...
Is this global?
Imagine licking Pomu fairy ears...
Pomu's wagie life....
>>35636538I see you are still there.Some things never change..Today Hololive took one of my favorite singers away.I was sad to hear she was going on a hiatus, but I learned a few hours ago that a fate worse than that was coming.
>>35636590always has been
>all those grays in the chatI'm about to puke
>>35636590no, global has mods
https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/14140243399139942484 TOWA STREAMS TODAY
>>35636603Wtf this broke my Yomichan.
>>35636609Towa loves us...
For anyone who cares, we have an unreportable offtopic post yet again. What a fucking clown.>>35636523
I went to /sp/ to check the Copa thread and found an astonishing number of South American posters with Hololive reaction pics. I guess I found who's behind the shitposting here
>>35636571the other one really likes tik tok
>>35636609It will be 2 after Towa cancels some of them
tokyo terriyaki tower...
>>35636618It's the argies
>>35636618You, the one going there from here.
>>35636616>it's realGoddammit dude.
>>35636618Well, considering the Towa spam, ID beggars and EN shit, spic hours at their best
>>35636618Anon... it's the same during the Euro matches over there...
Is it morally wrong to like Towa?
Its funny that NijiEN is pretty comfortable in collabs, meanwhile HoloEN still feels awkward as fuck together a year later.
>>35636640It's a sin.
>>35636640Yes, and that's what makes it feel so good
>>35636609She's going to burn out and ditch us in like a week
>>35636616Pomuposting is meido sanctioned
[Mod][Verified][Vtuber] Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN:-11:03 SKRT SKRT. WOOOOOO!!! [Mod][Verified][Vtuber] Botan Ch.獅白ぼたん:-10:27 うおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお [Mod][Verified][Vtuber] Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN:-10:18 We must Pay Them Taxes. [Mod][Verified][Vtuber] AZKi Channel:-6:33 ||:
>all these hidden postskenzocucks woke up I guess
>>35636609She means she will play Apex 4 times today
is azki's identity going to be stolen?
>>35636643I feel like this is the 6th time ive read this post this week.
The new EN better be a hag.
How does it feel to degrade and dissolute a hobby because you can't respect yourself like the braindead instinct-driven NPC subhuman you are saviorfags
>43k waiting
>>35636659azki is graduating into the main branch
I really like Namirin, hope this turns out well.
towa big sweaaaty testicles restting on my foreheadd...heaven :)
>>35636616The off-topic poster has always been the meido all along
>>35636639Nah they mostly post in American sports threads
>>35636609Trying to catch up with her genmates hours huh
>>35634968This bluerose is incredibly cute, holy fuck.
>>35636669I WILL suck towa's nuts. Mark my fucking words
>>35636609Towa mama...
>>35636654lamy too
>>35636675I'm going to throw in a prediction that if she even streams 4 times today, the total length will be shorter than Watame's riceloli stream
>>35636672No, I mean yuropoors use holo reaction images when the Euro 2020 matches are happening.
3 minutes...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTU3TIZRUCMGet in here, lads.
>>35636643dont care about failures
I like how Kson had to say the thing before falling into irrelevancy kek today.
kill the thread
>Ame streaming over Irys debutBased bitch, that's why she's my favorite EN
>>35636654Is this the most holo seen in one chat?
>53k waitingDamn, I thought there wasn't enough hit to even break 100k.
>>35636616Put the name on you fucking nigger. Or are you just a widdle janny and can't do that? uwu keroposting had more class than this
Less then a minute!
Where are the wheelbarrows in the chat?
>>35636702Who and what did she say
>>35636708ame is a good girl, get fucked dingus
The waiting room for the newbie is already at 6 homo 3D debuts...
>60k waitings-sugoi!
>>35636721How new are you?
>>35636708Who cares about the hobo mutt
Pre-recorded debut.
>>35636721GOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING MFS! *middle finger emoji*
Seriously though, who was the one who dug up Namirin before the twitter thing even happened?
>>35636740all me
>>35636740Just a few schizos
>>35636740"dug up"? She's not exactly a nobody
>>35636616I also find it curious that posts containing certain words have black and white report forms when everything else is the standard yotsuba b.
>>35636740She probably pulled an Artia and was shilling herself
>>35636740We did, she had removed her vtuber vids so the connection was pretty easy to make
Let's facking go