>>35029308I listen to it and I get excitedThere's nothing more to explain>>35029320Learn Japanese >>35029333It's good
>Ctrl+W>"Friend">Zero resultsSad...
I really, really love my clown wife !!
I want to fuck the dog
Post a hag to ensure this thread's safety
I love Towa!
Botan will kneel for Watame
I really miss Aqua
>>35029357Here's your safety hag.
I really love Marine
I love my oshi very much!! She loves /hlg/ too!!
I love Fubuki!
>>OP cowe
I like that schizo who posts about how much he hates SEA at the end of every thread.
Okayu's got this. I feel it.
Here's your numbers for today
i miss haachama
Fat cat is still on this one bosshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCzZ9qNl9V4
Sora Love!
Pekora is the turbo whore of hololive.
This boss is too much of a slog
>Less than 200 hours streamedHas a boyfriend.Simple as.
>Suisei chose Zoe in RE7 instead of her canon wife??????
>>35029392Tits too big
>>35029408I would too, mia is a cunt
>>35029408uuuuuuuuuuuuh based?
>>OPLucky Kanata
>>35029373>in 3 days Rushia makes more than I do in 3 years
Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!
>>35029396He's kind of a shitter. I wonder if the extra boss that the remake has is as long of a fight.
>>35029408rushia did too both of them are quite based as the young kids say
>>35029406Can't believe that Miko twitch has a boyfriend!
>>35029416what DOES towa do?
>>35029381Aki Love
I miss this little onion like you wouldn't believe
>>35029393People watch Kanata?
>>35029406Hololive Official has a boyfriend...Also, stop posting your globalhomo EOP version, post the proper one.
>>35029388You're back!
>>35029406Looking at the holos with known boyfriends there, it's less than 300 hours, not 200.
>>35029394Reason #1: She is not your girlfriend
I want to ejaculate on Haachama's meaty thighs
>>35029423How fucking poor are you?
>>35029439Kanata is the most watched of her gen after Coco
>>35029404Is the milk contained in her jugs not enough already? How avaricious. How deplorable. How detestable.
>>35029382same Mikopi!
>>35029404Please keep your distance from Cowe, she is dangerous when agitated
>>35029438That really came out of nowhere and I want more like that from her.
>>35029347I'm starting to like you fren. how about you don't ctrl+w your life but you ctrl+w this ritualpost. deal?
I hate Haachama
>Towaspam hoursHere we go again...
>>35029439She was leeching off Pekora.
>>35029394your money... you don't even have a membership, fucking poorfags
I love my weird but cute friend
Just woke up, how was ShubaMoona?
>>35029357Only one?
>>35029457Making 1000 a month is a lot you know and I barely make 600...
>all these breaks from older genstime to graduate then and finally introduce 6th gen, we need more girls for fucks sake
I'm more of a casual watcher of Hololive, can someone more versed in the lore and stuff explain why Noel is cow?
Please listen to this cute bean.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttrblFfxDr4
>>35029496>Making 1000 a month is a lot
lamy please watch
>>35029479Towaposters are eleventh best group in the thread, fuck off.
I broke a dog's neck
Be honest with me bros, how many dicks has Haachama recieved on today's anniversary??
>>35029493okayu isn't a hag
>>35029399Sora Love!
>>35029456A cat is fine, too.
>>350294903 hours of Subaru speaking English while Moona sits in autistic silence trying to play the game. It was great
>>35029406The fact Watame still tops the ranking of streaming hours despite taking a lot of days off last month is insane.
>>35029439the only reason people watch her is when she does something related to Pekora, same for MC, otherwise she barely breaks 10K
>>35029502look closer
Coco came up with this joke weeks ago already but it really made for a perfect punchline to top off two hours of them locking horns with each other. Then there's NoeFure ending up with the exact same score. What a great stream.
>>35029425miko tiger punch
your oshi will become a cow
>>35029502Ante la duda la mas tetuda.
>>35029512Just one
>>35029502her roommate is actually a cow
>>35029484Oh no how did you know? I'm actually considering buying another 3x of her daki just to make sure I have enough..
Connect:https://files.catbox.moe/q4ni3s.mp3https://files.catbox.moe/pyau2f.tsGod Knows:https://files.catbox.moe/ghccat.mp3https://files.catbox.moe/jvz8r4.ts (part 1)https://files.catbox.moe/m2rijq.ts (part 2)Crossing Field:https://files.catbox.moe/kkq5wh.mp3https://files.catbox.moe/rhxhqh.ts
>>35029556There's something really wrong with this picture
>>35029560What's a roommate?
>>35029541Guess when Pekora start streaming.
>>35029496600 is not even enough for rent her..
>Plans no stream tomorrow besides a guerilla at mosthttps://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1400131682397671428>Immediately plans 2 streams shortly after, possibly 3 streamshttps://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1400147200659787776Friend...
>>35029502She's a knight, she was cursed by a flat witch, now Noel is half cow half bitch.
>>35029512chammers that dork is probably a virgin..
>>35029512None, she is pure as a flower.
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88053237touch the shuba
>>35029576If you share your room/aparment/house/whatever with someone else that's a roommate.
>>35029393>manjisanji's big hyped tournament mogged and btfo by 4 autists playing Mario PartyThe absolute state of nijisanji
>>35029345(You)The only decent Mori song is Live Again
vuching woosh zing wojing STABASTO STOREAAAAAAMU! bshuuuuuuuu
>>35029617Oh fuck i totally see it
>>35029596Today, I will remind them
>>35029616Red is her best song by far
>>35029567Hai hai hai hai!
cocock still ravages marine
>>35029629It's too edgy
>>35029567>.tsnice try i'm not clicking that
Do you know Marine?
>>35029632Marine, fucking hell.
>>35029605Love you miko
>>35029345The problem is that it is a rap cover and she goes too fast some times; there are some parts where the English version it's just too long, like this one line in Japanese:"生き抜くためだ キメろTake a "Selfy"" becomes a lot longer and I feel like it ruins the flow.It's not bad, but I wouldn't say it's "so good". And I commend her work, since it's obviously not an easy task.
>>35029626I like this clip but still don't understand what it is supposed to show when used in this manner.Her movements are amateurish compared to my sister.
>>35029640Breaking Towa's choker! Giving Towa a prostate orgasm!
>>35029632This was always a great combination because both of them can take it as well as they can dish it out.
>>35029626She is a sexy dork, but still a dork that had problems with even making friends in straya.
>>35029605faq migo!
>>35029643.ts is raw video anonchama.
>>35029643you clicked the .mp3? i'm not that brave broseph could be a virus
>>35029667It would seem that your sister might be engaging in the oldest profession, anon...
>>35029648The Cocock takes another victim
she did it!
>>35029648Papa dragon is giving Rushia money too? STOP GIVING RUSHIA MONEY
That was a pretty weak raction, Ogayu...
>>35029460She gets more views than Coco on a lot of her streams.>>35029541Factually incorrect.>>35029577SC reading started.
>>35029643That must be the fabled dolphin porn they keep talking about.
>>35029460>Kanata is the most watched of her gen after CocoAnd Coco is the most watched in her gen after Watame
>>35029663>>35029637>>35029629>>35029616>>35029345Fuck off.
>>35029672>tfw you didn't save Haachama from learning nothing in Australia, not having friends and teaching her proper english before comming back to Japan which lead her to schizoness in this timelineIt's not fair anons, why did I born in this third world shithole...
Not a single mention of Roboco all thread.
>>35029699Victory is a given for her.
>>35029711>And Coco is the most watched in her gen after WatameAnd Watame is the most watched in her gen after Towa
>>35029717What are we gonna talk about, her trying to main one of the worst killers in the game?
>>35029712Are you going to cry?
>>35029731And then Towa woke up
But is Noel ACTUALLY cow??
>>35029464She might break your keyboard.
>Kenzoku and Watamates are fighting againWhy are you like this
>>35029712>When an anon hasn't realized that the joke has been old for over an year now
The same tired jokes, the same canned responses, the same worn out arguments.Every thread.
>>35029752How about you stop posting cringe in the first place, you EN/IN faggot?
>>35029758She has been called cow before, that's for sure.
>>35029701ok heiminshe's a leech, deal with it
>>35029485Otaku Idol, best streamer!
>>35029771Seethe harder
>>35029567It's a shame that VARK's equipment melted during God Knows and had audio pops throughout, I hope they're able to salvage it like they said in their tweets.
sex lady
>>35029728best version
>>35029772>INThere's Google programmers among us?
>>35029771You'll come back here regardless
>>35029783Ugly fat hag
Is Okayu planning to do the post game dungeon?
>>35029771That's basically every other general in this site
>>35029615The autism was strong for that collab too, what the actual fuck. More awkward Nintendo collabs please !
>>35029775I accept your suction
>>35029771Miko kusa
no seriously the minimal stuff makes this even better
>>35029723>>35029741No married hags allowed.
>>35029795Not sure if she even knows about it yet. I'm sure she'll want to when she finds out about it.
Why am i fine with loli-week and daughter-mommy roleplaying but Noel's cow outfit triggers me?
>>35029559The only coco.k that counts.
>>35029811That cowbell, I love it!
>>35029811It's really cute
>>35029826i cant call you a lunaito
>>35029826You're a pedo probs
Okayu gives me warm fuzzy feelings that no other Holo gives me. Her streams are like hanging out with a good childhood friend. I also really really want to fuck her.
>>35029817Holos with boyfriends are cheating on you.Holos with husbands are cheating on them.
it's nearly herehttps://store.steampowered.com/app/1611490/Night_Delivery/
Miko baby in FFXIV
>>35029811needs more cowbell
>>35029835When hypnosis fails, you resort to bribery.
Did that aquafag ritualposter got banned or something?
>>35029406Tell me about the sheep. Why does she stream so much?
>>35029848Okayu is dangerous that way; I understand completely. Did you hear her trying out her new massage chair? It's really cute.https://twitter.com/nekomataokayu/status/1399970078871867396
>>35029826You only like under-ripe girls.
>>35029855Chilla's Art 最強!
It is inevitable.
>>35029867Legitimate mental illness.
>>35029867depression, loneliness
>>35029867She loves her fans, that's basically it.
>>35029868Maybe she's really a cat, after all...
Imagine if you had a JK Noel as your classmate when you were in school, what would you do?
>>35029868How hard would she cum if she used her head scratcher in that thing?
>>35029855what's with these chinese shit games that have awful graphics and slapped chromatic abberation on top of them and other filters to make it seem like it's not shit and to make your eyes bleed becoming a trend recently? they unironically all look the same
>>35029567Hell yeah brother
>>35029880I miss the slurping Maid, look forward to having her back
>>35029897Call her running titty cow.
>>35029901it's not shit. it's chilla's!
>>35029855Is this by the same guy that made Stigmatized Propery?
Running titty cow
>>35029897I did have one.I laughed at her tits with the boys while I secretly jerked off to her.
>>35029898She would die, anon.
>>35029855I wonder who is going to play it...
>>35029567utawaku doko
>>35029901Proud Chinese manufacturing practice, steal the framework, add cheap makeup, produce in a cheap and polluting manner, undercut the competition hard. Ez Pz
>>35029849Anon, holos having boyfriends and getting married is part of my plan, I have been sending SC so they can afford to live and have sex. This is all part of the bill for japanese birth rate increase.
>>35029901It's a new genre of meta-horror in which you struggle to determine whether or not everyone else is genuine in their love of something that only you are saying is actually shit.
>>35029943It's wonderful.
>>35029940she looks like that girl from prison school now
>>35029924yes, nearly every cheap japanese horror game the holos play is by the same two guys. they make like 6 games a year.
>>35029930Can someone explain to me why men are like this?
VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENThttps://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/1400149622836789250
Okayu sounds exhausted.
does Watame have autism? she finds joy in the most mundane tasks possible, barely talks durin collabs or just repeats whatever the other person said and enjoys being alone doing nothing but readin chat for hours and hours in the middle of the night
Instead of fighting maybe we should just COEXIST
>>35029943I wouldn't have it any other way.
>>35029792shut it little girl
>>35029967She sounds just fine. She handled those two huge Shiren streams back-to-back without any issue.
Why is everyone watching Ogayu today?
>>35029971She's born from rural stock, they are far more simple people.
>>35029964I would drink Towa's ぷぇ...
>>35029986She keeps sighing though
>>35029971And that's why she's based
>>35029987The Catto provides Chatto, she is decent at keeping dead air away
watch roboco...
>>35029971does anon have autism? he finds joy in making the most mundane posts possible, barely talks to people in real life or just repeats what the other person said and enjoys being alone doing nothing but posting on a mongolian basket weaving forum hours and hours in the middle of the night
>>35029987I'm not. I'm watching chicken
>>35029901>they unironically all look the sameBecause they are made by the exact same developer?
>>35029998Roboco is streaming too
>>35029987Dead hours.
>>35029996Those are contented sighs. She just completed a 40 hour playthrough.
>>35029987It's either her, RBC or Kiara and I like Dragon Quest.
Why Two Noels?
>>35029990Miko was also born in the countryside and she's one of the most sociable holos
>>35030003My condolences.
The real reason Korone is graduating is because her job of turning Okayu into the perfect hag and her successor is nearly complete...
Watch Roboco
>>35030024Miko is a riajuu
Sounds like she intends to do some levelling off stream, to that anon who was asking. She might even attempt the extra dungeon tomorrow if she gets to a good level. That's probably hard though, since she was a good 6 levels under what she should have been already. These games really do have too much grinding.
>Kiara, Okayu and Roboco>Have to choose between a fat ass, a fat ass hag or an annoying girl just reading superchats
>>35029957Wish I knew, I should've disavowed my boys and try to fuck her, maybe I wouldn't be a virgin nowadays.
Jesus, the ps1 startup sound is so nostalgic.
>>35030034Yeah alright.
>>35030016Imagine the w paizuri
>>35029987I like Okayu but usually there is someone else I want to watch streaming.
>>35030034ehhhh do I have to?
When is Aqua graduating again?
>>35030051I'm listening Pekora singing instead since I missed out on her while I was watching Subaru + Moona
I miss the old Haachama so much
>>35030024Marine described Miko as someone who's always in a corner with her phone
>>35030045Thank you and nice, a shame that the best grinding spot is inside the dungeon itself.
>>35030041Watame had a boyfriend for 7 years, she's also a riajuu
>>35030051Do your reps or watch your oshi's archive. Come on dude, it's not that hard.
>>35029783>actually juiceI love little details like that.
>>35029987Okayu streams early hours for me, so even if I get up to catch it, I don't really feel like posting/reading chat. It's easier when she streams for longer.
I want to fuck Izutsu
>>35030066When you graduate from life first.
>>35030084That technically isn't contradicting what anon said.
>>35030078That Flare reminds me so much of her old rig, while Noel seems a bit tired.
>>35030065Imagine getting flashed by Towa in public but nobody notices besides you...
>>35030084That's a very blatant lie tho
Don't you think it's a little creepy that Kanata was a huge fan of Suisei's roommate before Hololive and then decided to follow her there?
>>35030041She is not, she's just comfortable talking with her close friends.
>>35030085Chat's saying she should shoot for level 50. Only 15 levels to go...
>>35030078Why does every one of Polka's Miis look so fat?
roboco is so cute today
thinking about towa's tits
>>35029964Yellow soup...
Towa is
>>35030115Multiple holos have mentioned it already that Miko is not really sociable in person.
>>35030117stfu towacuck
>>35030032Good thing Lamy still has a long way to go...
holocomicanon... where are you?...
>>35030140Too big
>>35030165*n*n, are you even trying?
>>35030118Sure anon, whatever floats your boatNot sure why you're taking being a riajuu as something negative, there's nothing wrong with Miko being a very extroverted and sociable person
>>35030168>21 Jun 2020Was it really that long?
>>35030171She needs a lot of space to store milk for her kittens.
i miss akwa
>>35030165Who is this mysterious individual?
>>35030117Pekora did the same thing to Aqua.
>>35030190Time is convoluted.
>>35030084Miko is that shy and average girl who is constantly bullied by a popular and beautiful girl (Pekora) but in the end she wins the Chad's heart and they lived happily ever after.
>>35030165Haha it's C*
>>35030196>missing traitors
>>35030202I want back.
>>35030203miko hates chad, she said so
>>35030215Unfortunately you can't.
>>35030024She's a mother. She improved her social skills through parenting.
>>35030185Because that's wrong.
>>35029880I hope that if they collab again it isn't meme review.Not because of reddit but because that would make it feel a bit "forced" since everyone is doing it, compared to if they just played a game together again.
>yfw you will never be emotionally manipulated by Watame to marry her and live a happy long live together with 5 kids
>>35030235Keep talking shit birdkun
>>35030235Fuck off birdchink
>>35030241Actions speak louder than words
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbGgo9VWyuw*sigh*....here we go again....
Pekora is asshole. Why Aqua hate?
>>35030234Shut the fuck up, bitch.
>>35030265It will take a while...
>>35030265Hmm... I'd like to fuck a brown elf...
>>35030265Flare's utawaku are always really nice though.
>>35030265She's such a numberfag now.
>>35029348I really, really love your clown wife !!
>>35030165What trauma? Getting called fat tits?
>>35030235no, nigger. she's not and your youtube channel is cancer. kill yourself
>>35030267What is she going to do with that?
>>35030267She has one hell of an Asuna. I wish someone drew them wearing the outfits.
>>35030265NICE, her utawakus are always filled with bangers
>>35030265She should put live sub count up
>>35030326Nowhere near Red Heart, but it wasn't the worst.
>>35030326I've been listening it on repeat since she released it. I don't care about the schizo shit, Haachama makes good songs
>>35030024country folk are typically friendly and open to small talk, it's the city dwellers that are the social autists
>>35030326Schizo shit so automatically trash
>>35030264Like I said then she's only comfortable talking with her close circle of friends. You know that even the biggest loner have their friends they are sociable with right?
>>35030326It was bad and had schizo shit
>>35030338lamy's 3D is the cutest thing in existence
>yeah Haachama is not going to do anything for her anniversary>go to sleep>release a song at 01:30 JST???
>>35030300She really is lovely, dear friend.
None of the girls over 30 will ever reproduce at this point
>>35030327/jp/, I have a confession to make. I've never liked kig shit.
why did subaru marry towa?
>>35030345>>35030358>SCHIZO = BADWhy are you all like this?
>>35030338throwing stars and flowers at Lamy!
>>35030382I said it was bad and it also had schizo shit in it
>>35030382Do you even read the fucking thread?
>>35030382Because schizo does = bad
>>35030381Hololive needed a yaoi ship
>>35030319how many times do you think Korone and gen 2 did with their boyfriends today?
>>35030381So she can get clipped
>>35030381because she needed an entertaining topic for ohasuba
>>35030381Everyone is out to get Towa.
wen u shit the cover corpo with funnee schitzo stuff
>>35030216Miko wants to deflower a cherry boy...
>>35030338>Those legsShe's so damn cute
>>35030382It's just objectively not as good as Red Heart.
>>35030216explain mikooji then
>>35030216Miko makes fun of DTs. Girls like that love Chad.
>>35030117I did the same for Towa, so it's not that strange.
>>35030381Subaru found a new way to farm clips, pretending to be a lesbian with anyone she interacts in Minecraftjust another lie to the list
>>35030422Is Duke a Chad?
>>35030255>>35030271i starting to think marine is just meme character at this point, everyone makes fun of her
>>35030380You shall be forgiven. All you need to do is sex Towa.
Kids these days can't handle a little schizo now and then. Very very sad
>>35030381For Taxes and clips
Subaru is the pathological liar of hololive.
>>35030297Being the only one so far from 1M while all of her genmates reached it must've sting
>>35030435Duke is the biggest Chad of all
>>350302651 million yen well spent
>>35030449Ame of EN is worse
>>35030441People in these threads handle a bit more than a "little schizo" every now and then
>>35030446shes too dorky...
https://youtu.be/pfQ_Es2O5aY>Good JobHome...
>>35030460I don't watch ENwhores, care to explain?
if I remembered to download the tucker and dale watchalong I'd cut out the part where miko says what she thinks of chad
>>35030460Good thing we don't talk about her here.
>>35030460What has Ame said?
>>35030460>Ame of ENAre there multiple Ames?
you're a wizard subaru
Okayu is getting teased by onigiryaa. Cute.
Which holos have never done an "until X subs" stream?
>>35030477*casts avada kedavra on Towa*
>>35030460>>35030469>>35030474Go back.
>>35030470Oh right, Twitch VODs don't actually stay do they?
>>35030478She's real easy to fluster. She's good at doing it back too though, so it's always a fun little battle.
>>35030475Amelia Towa of Hololive gen 4
>>35030482Shark cause she hates the attention
>>35030494deleted after 60 days
>>35030460He said Hololive, not western whores.EN is not Hololive related
Korone's stated that she doesn't want kids and I believe her
>>35030435The Duke is (You)
>>35030493They would already know if they were from there
>>35030460Idk, I believe the story of her family being cursed by a witch because her grandma was acting like a whore and slept with the Husband of said witch
>>35030501The meidos disagree
I purposely made this >>35030117 stupid post to see how many people would correct me and all I got were these turbo newfaggots>>35030153>>35030198>>35030423Do your roommate reps
>>35030518Meidos-san do not matter
I can't stop thinking about Towa...
>>35030460Of course, she's not real, she's an anime girl, do no trust anime girls.
>>35029567what the fuck that doesn't even sound like Lamy
>Tamaki is doing a Roberu interview before Gen 5https://twitter.com/norioo_/status/1399987028347932675
>>35030524Stop replying to yourself.
>>35030524Literally no one gives a fuck about kanata and suisei here
>>35030532The tattoo confirms that she is Hololive's turbo whore.
Would you want to have a pet Aqua?
>>35030542Women hold grudges with each other, what's new?
>>35030548I will never forgive Marine for this
cute costume
>>35030542married woman who caresused goods
>>35030542Are we tired of winning yet Homobros?
Zero posters in this thread can tell me Gen 4's name without looking it up in the wiki.
>>35030558Having a pet Aqua sounds very stressful.
>>35030524I thought about it, then I decided it wasn't worth my time.
>>35030558A pet Aqua is too much trouble, she'd keep acting like a rat, running away and hiding in tight places.
>>35030572You mean Holofours/Holoforce?
>>35030572Towa and the Towettes
>>35029712HOLY BASED
Which Holos like One Piece? If so, have any of them revealed their favorite crew member?
>>35030542>>35030569>>35030578Wrong thread
>>35030572Coco, Kanata, Watame and the Irrelevants
>>35030572luna and the others
>>35030603You probably meant Watame and the rest
Why do the meidos only care about the holostars and IDs? Why do they never defend the JP holos?
>>35030599Aqua loves Kirito
Right thread
>>35030572pptasacocokusozako sheepnaaaaaamenhera
>>35030572Twap Force Five.
Did Tamaki even do a Towa interview?
What if TOWA and KORONE-SAN met on the ringwith just their bare handsand only one could leave it alivewho would prevail?
>>35030617It's almost like... the meidos don't moderate with the intention of making these threads a better place
>>35029734tears of laughter, yes
>[hidden]not a day without offtopic garbage huh
>>35030572pptrio a smoka and a princess!
>>35030630Miko looks pregnant, did Birdkun draw this?
>>35030572Mukkun, Sumomox and Astel personal onaholes
>>35029567I wonder what kind of trauma she had to go through as a kid to hate this voice so much. I hope she's gaining confidence in it little by little.
>>35030633No, Towa is VERY transphobic
Do not believe her lies
>>35030617This is admin of this site. Go figure.
>>35030646we had a very good slow thread last night, unfortunately it's back to being shit today
>>35030542why do married women like him so much?
>>35030051RBC is fit with big tits
>>35030542WINNING SON
Roboco's being creepy
>>35030620I'm happy to hear that she isn't ashamed to like something just because it is popular. Hipsters are lower than dirt.
>>35030572In Dire Need of Dick vol.2
now youve done it
is Roboco the only drama-free holo?
>>35030660I will never forgive that cunt for making lamy cry.4chan HATE
>>35030660Maybe that entitled richfag bitch shouldn't mock people who actually work and contribute to society
>>35030680Okayu and Botan.
Do you think that Matsuri is sexy?
>>35030226so fucking stiffshe needs some pb blaster
>>35030686moot was better
>No Towa, I don't think you should get a clit piercing...
>>35030572The Prostitutes feat. that deaf woman
clean your house
>>35030542If Tamaki ever gets Polka for an interview, that's something I must see.
Okayu really likes "Next year with Okayu!". I don't want to correct her at this point now.
>>35030659It's honestly impressive how well Moona managed to latch onto Pekora. She's not just a leech, she's a full blown lamprey, riding the coattails of others towards success. She's attached herself at the hip, to the point where she gets paired with Pekora even more than Miko does nowadays. What a successful parasite.
someone post the picture where a holo is trying to post nose but she is banned
>>35030542Polka and Tamaki had a rough goodbye sadly...
>>350305722 lesbians, one lonely woman, one hysteric and lunahime
Aqua is graduating, isn't she?
Which holo appears sexy but is actually very unsexual?Which holo appears not sexy but is actually very sexy?
>>35030689Botan laughed at Janitors
Why did Coco call her a true idol?
Bye Okayu...
bye bye fat cat...
I want to fuck Mio.
>>35030733coco loves luna
did roboco win any match? jesas christ
>>35030692tanlines matsuri is harmful to my dick
>>35030733coco loves the princess
>>35030692Any day, any time
Polka.... oruka?
>sleep posters in RBC's chatGod damn it.
I just realized, OKAYU FORGOT THE FOOD.
The sooner the ID branch is graduated, the sooner Hololive heals.
Why does Matsuri look for porn art of herself? Isn't she a heterosexual woman? What does she get out of it? Can someone explain?
The REAL PekoraThe REAL RushiaThe REAL MarineThe REAL NoelFlare FEVEALS herself
>>35030762the cape really made me like the costume even more
I want to be a fashionable and slightly depresses Japanese OL...
>>35030765>The sooner the whore Coco is graduated, the sooner Hololive heals.Fixed
>>35030769>the capethat is the royal poncho good sir
>>35030769The cape is the best part.
>>35029897I did have one. She got married to a drug dealer who dropped out of college and got pregnant a year after graduating.I would probably jerk off to her
>>35030769it's a poncho.
>someone post something about stars>suddenly the same homo spam startsnot even trying to be subtle
>>35030692Yes to the power of 10.
>>35030548back when korone had a soul
>>35030776>>35030779looks more like a cape and less like a poncho.>>35029897give her a hug
zehi zehi...
>>35030776>>35030779But she isn’t Mexican
>>35030783too big
What's with all the holos always talking about milk? Aren't most nips lactose intolerant?
>>35030767If someone made high-quality porn of you fucking the woman of your dreams. Wouldn't you fap to it?
>>35030776Look more like she tied a towel around her neck
>>35030799Today or yesterday was Milk Day
>>35030799they have boobs and milk comes from boobs dumbass
>>35030767There are no heterosexual women in hololive
>>35030797ponchos are argentine
Step aside for the true princess
>>35030791Is that going up my ass Coco?
>>35030797>He doesn't knowAnon, Luna is Spanish for Moon...
>>35030686>muh contribute societyBitch pls, every shits on janitors, not just rich people
>>35030776>>35030777>>35030779It's a cloak.
>>35030817Nobody cares
>>35030822But that would mean that she is a Spanish princess.
>>35030812牛乳 not 母乳
>>35030812But the only pregnant holo is Miko?
Botan and Mio are the only holos I find erotic nowadaysI can't believe I was brainwashed
>>35030828>shion>appears unsexy
>>35030799Only about half and most people with lactose intolerance will not have any issues unless they have an excessive amount of dairy products.
Time for Lamy sake! https://files.catbox.moe/jl5xt3.png
>>35030692Yes, but the rest of her personality outweighs that aspect.
>>35030834Clearly you do.
Luna is clearly Scottish.
>>35030771what the fuck? buff holo when?
>>35030265>7k away4 hour utawaku?
>>35030562what grudges?
>INdog spamGo to sleep already you little manlet
Do you agree with Luna?
>>35030797That's impossible, the Mexicans killed their royal family.
>>35030880SASERU KA?!
>maturi got a tan costume before subaru>subaru gets long hairfuck everything god damnit
>>35030853This is a very good picture
>>35030886What a cute baby
>>35030835shes working on it
>>35030838>he doesn't know
How was the super mario party, did Coco have fun?
>>35030907>presidenteLuna playing Tropico when?
Stop posting Moona.https://files.catbox.moe/630dlg.webm
>>35030877Dangerously cute cowe
>>35030915OH MAI GAH
>>35030913It was great, everyone was in good form. Go watch instead of asking here.
Smile and Go bros...
>>35030744a few, there was also a 4k, followed by a disastrous 0k lmao
>>35030921Will Watame get molested in 3D this Sunday?
>>35030925Very cute!
>>35030907isnt this country with that peko currency
I’ve honestly had enough of Haachama>inb4 haatons and saviorfags get madNo I’m not gonna hate on her, no I’m not gonna sperg about her itt but the schizo shit has been going on too long, she doesn’t even stream on her anniversary, she doesn’t seem to care at all.I won’t even care if she graduates, I’m just gonna ignore her from here on
>>35030915God I hate that monkey
>>35030891very much chu
I hope you appreciate Cow Noel because she had to relieve her painful high school trauma for this. All for the enjoyment of her viewers.
The cutest outfit showcase.
Weird how all this lunaposting popped up, you guys were pretty quiet when she was playing momotetsu....
>>35030958Yeah Towa should've stayed quiet.
I didn't know Moona and Subaru had a collab, how did they even communicate over a game like that?
What’s the most you’ve ever done for/to your Oshi?
>>35030913Pretty bad, it was mostly a solo Marine Mario Party stream. No idea if Coco had fun she never said a full sentence
>>35030978i went and did my sleep reps
>>35030955The stream is tonight retardchama.And a members only.And she already posted a new song.
>>35030978if luna is on nothing else exists to me
>>35030974Isn't it a good thing if she was relieved...?
Look at all the Moona spam.Meidos?
>>35030988I sent an image.
>>35030988They don't. Subaru tries while Moona sits in awkward silence.
>>35030975its perfect for luna. only one that comes close is with towas.>>35030978its like afternoon time. luna streamed it at the time when i was asleep sadly
>>35030326It sounds like a cross between that song Botan covered and a deep track on an early 2000s emo album.
>>35030921I want to cum between those thighs
>>35030990Did you actually watch the collab or are you just making shit up to see if someone will actually reply to tell you how retarded you are?
>>35030978Lunaitos are fat burgers. They were asleep.
>>35030989membership for a month
>>35030997>spam Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's spam. I don't see you getting angry when anons post Suisei, or Mio, or Miko.
>>35030998Meant for>>35030989
That's uhhhhhhhhh alot of images
>>35031002kek that's what I thought
>>35030997Everyone has already seen your cool spambot faggot, kill yourself.
>>35031002They played for over 3 hours and had the time of their life.
>>35031013Any kind of spam is bad but at least Suisei, Mio and Miko are part of hololive.
>>35030989i akasupa and have member along with merch and stuff but im not much for drawing or putting something together
>>35031022don't reply to schizos
>>35030992The schizo song is what made me write all that. I’ve had enough
>>35030978It was a terrible time for EU lunaitos including me who had to go to college at the time.
RBC is so cute. I just tuned in and she's speaking english but it's all slurred.
>>35030989I've done so much now, it's hard to remember it all.
>>35030955She ain't obligated to care about her anniversary though and can just stream normally like the shark did when she got 1 mil subs
>>35031037why does she have her controller out shes done for today?
>>35031031>It was a terrible time for EU lunaitos including me who had to go to college at the time.Just watch her during classes?
Why does RBC keep the controller when she's not playing
>>35031031you guys actually have to go to irl classes? i'm jealous
I sometimes imagine what this thread would be like if SEA was rangebanned. It's a dream that will never be realized sadly...
its nice to talk about luna with people
you're all fucked, cunts.
Oh boy, retards spamming images for no reason hours. My favorite
cocock and luna...
>>35030988with PASSIONIf you don't want to watch the collab wait for clips, it was actually quite decent.
>>35031050I had to practice public speaking, do a presentation, and do a fake negotiation. Didn't have time to watch sadly.
>>35031053Anon... That's her hip...
>>35031048She was playing for so long that her hands melded into the controller.
>>35031060>he doesnt have the option of online classesGrass
>>35031066oh no jesas
towa is so ugly
>>35031032So the stream doesn't count because she made a song you don't like?
People think RBC is a lonely loser with no family since she gets low views.
>>35031083i only have online classes and it's terrible
>>35031060Yeah. I genuinely enjoy my classes so going irl is not a problem. We have the option of just watching online tho.
Is there a way to replace the captcha with a brown paper bag test and/or breathalyzer?
>>35031065It is lunaito. If Luna does the EU prime-time monhun streams again we are going to have a lot more.
>>35031096Yeah, I had that too during the lockdown and I nearly failed.
>holos attach heartbeat monitors to themselves during horror game playswhy do i have a boner
>>35031099Don't listen to fucking sheepfags, they're the same retards who said that you shouldn't write comments in your fucking code, study properly.
>>35031060i get in person classes soon. burgerstan is nearly fixed, i hope. i just want normalcy again>>35031120i had an art class during that time and failed it because i missed the final meeting
Best holo for mating press?
>>35031122I want Button to do it.
>>35031126>Don't listen to fucking sheepfags, they're the same retards who said that you shouldn't write comments in your fucking code, study properly.It was about commenting the end of your code blocks
>>35031099>>35031120>>35031127i'm gonna graduate without ever going back to my campus...probably won't even have an irl ceremony either
>>35031130sex with that tight cunny...
>>35031122Heartbeats power your penis engine, listening to them makes yours run faster
>>35031127Most of my classes are learning about PR, public speaking, persuasion techniques and the such, so not being in real class was absolutely terrible.
>>35031133When is Korosan coming back bros...
>>35031134Roboco, adjustable tightness
>>35031094Meanwhile people don't think about you at all.
>>35031096I had all online classes and I would spend most of the day doing reps and watching hololive. It was pretty great, sucks that you didn't get to reap the benefits anont. burger
I love Roboco!
>>35031134If you want to mating press a holo then Suisei.If you want to be mating pressed by a holo then Botan.
>>35031141That's sad. Luckily my country has incredibly lax covid laws.
>>35031137I don't think rushia would be able to perform such activity with her health conditions.
>>35031127Meh, I discovered I do better with online classes since I can just study and do the work st my own pace. Besides I hate being around people for prolonged periods of time anyways so it works for me besides I'm technically done with college and got a degree but I'm only back to get cert in web dev>burgerstan is nearly fixed, i hope. i just want normalcy againHaha they're gonna fuck up again this fall, just watch
>>35031166cute roboco!
>>35031135>80>80>80>jumpscare>82>giggles from some silly stuff>95
The cutest little booties.
I wish she didn't have to leave https://files.catbox.moe/6e5rnq.mp3
>>35031182Which holo had the lowest resting? Was it Noel?
Anyone knows what website is this? i want to see Shion's channel
I am a sheepfag. I will be stunned if I pass all my exams this year.
Look at this baby.
>>35031193Chris really had a beautiful voice.
Sex with Shion should be considered a national treasure
>>35031126If you need comments to explain your code, you're doing it wrong.
Please give me attention.
Marry Mio.
>>35031193Chris sounds like that!?
>>35031199That shit is not accurate, literally made up stats
>>35031200I have a ton of exams because I had covid during the first exam dues. But most of my professors are incredibly chill luckily.
>>35031195Noel's normal heartrate is around 60 according to herself. During her RE8 playthrough she was around 70 BPM and rose up to 120 when doing the fucking ball puzzles.I'm sure the only holos who could beat Noel are fitness maniacs like Aki
>>35031200>had to withdraw from a class because I got forcibly relocated to somewhere with no internet access>barely passed the second class because I was lazy and went full menhera about the forced relocationThat aside I still prefer only classes
>>35031155Me on the right
Uh oh! Someone got Shion pregnant!
I thought this was an ojisan board, what's with all these kids talking about exams
>>35031122What can an autist do with that kind of information?
>>35031200You should never be afraid of failing your exams if you actually learned what they taught you during the class/course.
Matuli is gonna get vibe checked by Chihiro...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUb9mM2HA_U
Gook Roboco..
>>35031193Old Suisei VA...
>>35031238Me at the back
>>35031244Kids are faggots who think this is their blog
>>35031244Lunaitos are all children and live in impoverished nations, what's new?
What are your thoughts on the SubaLunaChoco 3D?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y3CkFyPcW4
>>35031199It's bullshit is what it is. The graphs there are completely different from what the channel owner sees which of course isn't completely trustworthy either but still.
>>35031242I thought witches couldn't get pregnant? does she have a spell for dogs?
>>35031264I didn't realize that group 3Ds were back on the menu.
It would be poggers if Pekora got invited to the OTV Minecraft server
Why is Botan the only holo who is 100% cool and not dorky? Cover wtf?
>>35031262but I'm a 30 year old burger anon
>>35031244>>35031260stop blogposting boomers
>>35031264mite b cool
>>35031273>not dorkyyou are DEAD wrong, sonny
>>35031199An absolutely BS website that you should stay for away from.>>35031212As a programmer, I can second this. The whole "more comments is more better" mindse is bs and just makes understanding the code more tedious. Well written code describes itself through proper naming, layout, order and encapsulating where necessary. Comments should be a supplement, a last resort. Only exception is that they are useful to describe the parameters of methods, and you may want to do that fairly often, especially when you, for instance, Design by Contract.
I will keep translating things and posting them in global, but I will always do it in comic sans.
Ina playing Bayonettahttps://youtu.be/pEip4fdyfd8
>>35031278Stop -oomer posting you faggot idiot
>>35031289You know what, fuck it she has got me to watch her.
>>35031273She's an anomaly in many ways, can't hold others to her standards.
>>35031247>almost failed an html class late year and would have cucked me out of graduating>still pretty much remember 80% of everything , especially since I have old code and notes to refresh my memory,. Not to mention the free fucking guides I can just pull a up youtube>same thing happened in my intro to java and sql course though there are a few more things I need more practice and relearning like how to implement libraries and shitHonestly I've been insanely lucky coasting by and I really shouldn't push my luck like this anymore but atleast I still remember a decent amount of stuff from these classes regardless
>>35031264Won't be able to compare to SubaMoona.
>>35031244To be fair it took my fucking years to go through med school and just finished 2 years ago.
>>35031293stop getting mad about dumb shit on the internet
>>35031247I wish it was that simple sheepbro. Teaching has been ass this year. I'm invigilated over Zoom for every exam as well. Hololive has helped massively in keeping me sane this year.
>>35031315No fuck off die
>>35031286>As a programmer, I can second this. The whole "more comments is more better" mindse is bs and just makes understanding the code more tediousWell it's somewhat language dependent, languages like Kotlin and Python don't really need that much comments if you write them properly, but if I had to read vanilla Javascript without comments, I would want to kill myself.
>>35030660White Moot wasn't much better
I am still mad that Korone never played Fallout New Vegas.
>>35031264yuribaiting to the extreme
Is Aqua a hag yet?
post THAT
>>35031319taiga will fuck you
>>35031315Suck my dick you little cockslut
>>35031238Remember when some autists would get mad if someone called this place /hlg/? Where did they go?
>>35029381Aki love!
>>35031318I cant wait until I understand this shit enough to fuck off and start moving into typescript
>>35030660he gets pissy when holos get more supacha than him
>>35031338i'm a man, that's gay. you're gay
>>35030989I've spend over 3500 USD on Yukihana Lamy goods and Akasupas since last August
>>35031315stop being a dumb shit on the internet
>>35031336taiga has no balls
>>35031342They got over it
>>35030660I will always laugh at this since he was literally trying to scam people and sell their info and get's people do all of his work for free.
>>35031366uh, you first pal
So when will holos have a collab or some sort of event in pso2 ngs?
>>35031370He can get hard and procreate even without them, that's how much of a beast he is
>>35031385No one is going to play that
>>35030660>>35031373>he tries to clout chase and shit on la,y/vtubers in general>everyone calls him out>even a fucking a Gosling posterFucking karma right there
>>35031389>Ayame steps on his tail>he runs away like a bitchYou ain't fooling nobody.
>>35030660EOP here. What does it say?
Does anyone else hate it when a holo gives bad news then tells you not to worry? That shit just makes me worry even more.
Coco posts here?https://streamable.com/8tmjld
>>35031411What are they supposed to say, do worry?
>>35030660Lamy didn't even do anything, justice for my Lamy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEip4fdyfd8Why do action games always get such low live viewership?
>>35031405He just wanted to make sure people don't think he's into that sort of thing, it actually didn't hurt him at all
>>35031395Collab as in like what AL got or atleast cosmetics and voice tickets where you can make your character cosplay as them or something, not the holos actually playing it
I hope holos play world of warships again...
I miss Korone...
https://youtu.be/pyh1F25LgWMMorning Choco!
I hope holos play more Final Fantasy.
>>35031424they're pretty bad at them
>>35031405Cats have a good sense of smell and he smelled the shit particles sticking on Ayame's asshole and bailed.
I hope holos don't play more Final Fantasy.
>>35031424wtf they made a game about Coco's roommate
>>35031437I prefer moaning Choco
>>35031437Choco has the most odd sleep patterns
>>35031395>thinking holos like corporate shillkora are above taking sega moneyogey
>>35031446What if they play XIV
Why aren't any holos playing TBC wtf?
>>35031457Pekora is going to play XV
>>35031467As much as people meme about her sleeping for days, there have been times where she would only sleep for 3 or 4 hours cause of work in the morning
>>35031497She'll hate it.
>>35031451>can't handle shit particles>supposed to fuck someone in the assAnon?
>>35031472That line is so good
>>35031424>meanwhile peko just was having 30k with yakuza
>>35030768kys seanig
>>35031495Once Watame stops playing shit games, she's picking up FF IX again.
>>35031472I never watch Akira
>>35031505She seemed REALLY into it and will watch the movie first so who knows. Pekora is not one to care about gameplay and the story is pretty goo
>>35031497Yikes, I'd honestly rather she just play the entire XIII trilogy.
>>35031524Based sheep, IX is one of my favorites.
>>35031424>Why do action games always get such low live viewership?LOL who the fuck said that? it's never the game, it's always the streamer just like >>35031518 said, same goes for Miko, Marine, Shuba>Shit holo = shit viewership>Good holo = good viewership
>>35031524Will it make her cry?
>>35031484Yuck, no.
>>35031555Let's have a guess, shall we...
Why do y'all post on /jp/ instead of on /vt/, the dedicated chuuba board?> inb4 durr newfags EOPS normies tourists muh speshul clupIn my experience the difference between /vt/ culture and /jp/ culture is very small
>>35031424It's like 15 years old.
>>35031563>Not a new IPDo better next time
haachama is so generic and bland when speaking japanese
>>35031528Story-wise, XIII was interesting and the linearity would be good for streaming. I thought Lightning Returns was actually fun.
>>35031563>In my experienceWho asked, retard?
>>35031409Hiro is a Yukimin. He's taking about how much he loves Lamy and that her minecraft streams are his favorite.
>>35031215..but she already has all of my attention?
>>35031563>In my experience the difference between /vt/ culture and /jp/ culture is very small>I'M NOT EOP!!!!!!!!Go back
>>35031334https://files.catbox.moe/ctv301.webmDo it for her, she needs it
>>35031497Well with all the free updates + the Royal Edition content she wouldn't have to suffer the fucking pain that was vanilla XV. too bad that the updates didn't fix the chapters after Leviathan
>>35031505She will love Ignis and will feel bad for him after what will happen to him in chapter 9
I love my wife Choco!
>>35031578Agreed. I also think it's funny that people shit on XIII for being linear but X is pretty linear as well.
>>35031524I hope Watame sings Melodies of Life.
Early Choco...
>>35031602I just hate the way summons are treated in XV
>>35031563>y'all>inb4s own post>failure to terminate in a periodNo.
I don't care what FF the Holos play as long as they don't play Tranny Fantasy XIV.
>>35031563>Why do y'all post on /jp/ instead of on /vt/Because I don’t have to. And guess what? I’m never leaving.
Flare is the Uncle Tom of Hololive.
>>35031563EN is fucking trash same for /vt/.
>>35031619She's so cute
>>35031524I want Lamy to play that
>>35031623They should just remake the entire game, both story and gameplay
Choco sure is energetic at 5:30am
>>35031623Same. I never got to see Ramuh the first time I played it
>>35031563You come off like a very mean person
>>35031643I want Lamy to play my penis like a flute.
It's fucking 5am Choco. Chill out!
>Anon are you in a hurry? Can you join a meeting at XX?>Sorry, but I've already made arrangements for that time...*Boots up Watame's stream*
>>35031563>y'all>Like /vt/ and EN>SpacingHoly fuck, just kill yourself already.
Well my ears are fucking bleeding, still would let Choco drain me though
>>35031286If only people would write code that isn't shit. There's really nothing like working on garbage legacy where you don't even have documentation about what the code is even supposed to do.
>>35031563because /jp/ doesn't allow wojaks and frogs
>>35031646Nomura is already working on the FFXV remake https://youtu.be/_RRefXawjnM
Pekora is more of a gamer than 3/4 of the Hololive Gamers
https://files.catbox.moe/qhwiag.jpgFrom Suisei's RE7 stream. Why the hell are so many people (SEAnigs) trying to backseat? I would ignore it but her chat feed is in the stream itself
>>35031682What the fuck did I just watched?
choco got laid last night
>>35031585Thank you anon.>>35031592Never said I'm not an EOP, shitter
>>35031703Why did you screencap that? Do you understand that creature?
>>35031714yeah, with me
>>35031714Yeah with me
>>35031714Yes, with me.
I'm going to hornypost now.Oh, wait
>>35031724>>35031735>>35031736wow anon has 3 devices to triple post! nice flex...
>>35031678>>35031639t.never visited /vt/
>>35031723No, I just thought it was funny to read the writings of a monkey trying to use a keyboard
>>35031739text should suffice for that
>>35031739There's always the fags at /vtsg/
>>35031749Anyone who gets an erection from reading text should be hanged by the neck until dead.
>>35031752Describe in great detail the curves, texture and smell of Pekora's ass
>>35031747i go on /vt/ and fuck frog/wojak posters
>>35031760>hanged by the neck until dead.as opposed to hanged by the neck until..?
>>35031760It's okay that you're a subhuman with no imagination but there's no reason to take it out on everyone else.
>>35031773but cumming and dying aren't mutually exclusive
>your oshi>her reaction to dildo sashimi
>>35031724>>35031735>>35031736are you over 45? cuz choco is unironically into old men.
>>35031747I don't.fuck off you fucking immigrant.
You're now imagining Shion's tight puffy vulva getting stuffed by your inadequate sized phallus.
- Thanks for waiting for me, Lamy-chan! - said Botan, as she closed the door to the recording room behind her.The white lion always gave off the impression of being relaxed, but right now especially so, after the exhausting but satisfying Live they just had. She walked over to the bench Lamy was sitting on, landing softly next to her, leaving a bit of space between them. Lamy, on the other hand, having burned out while she sang herself, then again when she cheered for her Shishiron, was somehow once again getting increasingly tense. In her hands she had the acrylic stand of Botan, the one she got Shishiron herself to sign for her, the sole existing copy in the world (so far).- Ah, this. A really nice idea, - Botan leaned over slightly, looking over her shoulder.- Shishiron, is it really all right for me to be so selfish like this? And during the concert, I couldn't help myself and hogged the fanservice... - with an uncertain look on her face, Lamy turned to face Shishiron.Ever since they became an official ship, Lamy kept overthinking things, even more so as it was hard to read what exactly was the lion thinking even for her. It would seem that Botan refused to even acknowledge the existence of time, and could stall forever if Lamy didn't advance. While the others all but considered them married, Lamy never even saw Shishiron naked, and didn't know if *that* was true. So, after getting at least something done by exchanging the stands, Lamy probed if she could go a bit further with that question. The answer caught her off guard.- Honestly, you don't need to hold yourself back, even more so today. You're always such a good girl, I never get a chance to spoil you, so today, my Lamy-chan, ask for anything, - as she said that, Botan straightened her posture and gave Lamy a mischievous smile.With a surprised "Eh?", Lamy blinked quickly in disbelief, then, before she could process it, started talking.- Then what if I ask for a k-kiss? - even a full second didn't pass after her lips closed before they were parted again, Shishiron putting one hand on her waist, the other one on her back and getting a good taste of her soft, gentle lips, slipping her prickly cat tongue carefully past them.Lamy's heartbeat went from very fast to explosively fast, and she let out a stifled but still loud moan, going completely limp, only managing to regain enough control to return the embrace after a good 20 seconds of lion's tongue exploring her mouth and playing with hers. The ever-observant Shishiron saw her state, and, with surprising ease, picked her up and laid her down on the bench, not even breaking the kiss, ending up on top, right above her. Then, with a last taste of Lamy's lips, she exited as gently as she entered, stopping some centimeters above her face, two white twintails hanging down on the sides.- Lamy-chan, is that what you wanted? - she asked, gulping down a mix of her own and Lamy's saliva, breathing heavily, not from previous exhaustion, but from the sudden need of self-control.Lamy was all hot and bothered, her body reacting wildly, heart jumping out of her chest, erratic breathing, hands trembling and heat rising at her nether regions.- ...ore, - she answered weakly.- Eh?- More! Shishiron, I want more! I want it all! - she raised her voice, even managing to startle Botan a bit (probably).- Your wish is my command, Lamy-chan, - with that, Shishiron once again ravaged Lamy's lips, and got her hands in motion, starting to massage Lamy's right breast with one, while exploring her left hip with the other.Off went the coats, Lamy's full breast, now free of her rolled-up clothes, rose and fell with her heavy but steadier breathing, while Shishiron could no longer contain her towering erection under her skirt. The lion went on to hungrily suckle on the ample mammaries, while Lamy could only repeatedly call out her name and let out pained moans, occasionally stealing glances at the enormous thing dangling down that avaited her shortly. After Shishiron satisfied her curiosity with Lamy's breasts, she moved her a bit on the bench, making sure the next part is going to be comfortable. As Botan kept kissing Lamy's neck, she felt the thing of her dreams touching her belly right below the belly button, despite Botan's body still being considerably lower. At the same time, saying that Lamy was gushing down there would be the understatement of the century, so at the very least the entire area was more than lubricated. With a few more kisses, Botan moved up, pressing her breasts against even bigger Lamy's ones and facing her from just a bit above, looked Lamy in the face.- Lamy-chan, I'm going to put it in now, - she said the phrase so many people ran through their mind when watching their horror dates.
>>35031807i'm a spic so my phallus is quite adequate
>>35031812- Wait-wait-wait... F-fine, y-you can do it now... - the same way she prepared herself for jumpscares, Lamy collected herself as her dearest Shishiron was right there, even closer to her than ever before.Botan drank in the view, staring intently at Lamy's face as she aligned her enormous barbed cock to her wet, anticipating entrance. Little be little she started the insertion, holding back her strong hips from just skewering the half-elf in one go. Lamy got a little loud before the head gained purchase, then let out soft moans as as the first half went in. In Lamy's head, the overwhelming feeling of fullness and the barbs digging into the walls gave her the impression that it was fully in, and that she could handle it, but that ended very soon. After a very brief stop, Botan continued pushing it in, this time hitting yet another entrance, this time directly to Lamy's childmaking chamber. Lamy let out a short surprised yelp, suddenly made aware of possibility of such an insertion, but before she could say anything, the lion started pulling it out, and then putting it back in with a little bit more force. Lamy, overwhelmed with the stimulation previously spread over minutes in a few seconds, started letting out cat sounds mixed with moans, and then, as the battering ram hit the gates and and got through, her entire body was violently shaking with an explosive eye-rolling orgasm. With a light giggle at the display, Botan once again stopped, giving Lamy a short breather.- My Lamy-chan, - she kissed her partner lightly on the lips.- Shishiron, I love you! - responded Lamy, blushing at the literal depth of connection between them. Even as Shishiron didn't move a bit, the pulsating lion member that radiated heat inside Lamy got her body going again right away.- I love you too, Lamy-chan. Here I go! - leaving just enough time for Lamy to brace herself, Botan resumed the movement.Lamy was loud, so loud, that Botan would buy her sensitive animal ears some rest with deep kisses every now and then, as she got up to the pistoning pace she herself considered sex. Lamy endured, just barely, but she managed to, and, as Shishiron's breath slowly became heavier and more erratic, she knew exactly what to do. She hugged the lion as tightly as she could and locked her legs behind her, shortly before said lion's thighs spasmed as she was as deep in Lamy as possible. The feeling of the high-pressure stream of liquid shot out in there in three long spurts, as it filled everything inside and started leaking outside with the massive cock still inside, once again pushed Lamy to an orgasm, matching her partner this time.- Of course, Lamy-chan would do it like that, - said Botan, catching her breath.- Shishiron, will you always be with me? - asked Lamy.- Wouldn't have it any other way, - with a wide smile answered Botan.Lamy couldn't hold in the tears anymore, and let it all out on the lion's shoulder like back when she first fell in love with her.The giant pool of Lamy juices, lion semen, sweat, Lamy's blood from her first time being taken in such a spectacular fashion and their saliva that got everywhere, with some tears thrown in, dripped down from the bench, as Botan walked Lamy over to the toilets and they somewhat made their clothes look presentable as streetwear once again, Lamy hissing at the procedure while Botan laughed her ass off. Lamy had no idea how Botan explained away the pool to the staff, but a few minutes later they were safely in a taxi back to Botan's place, and, with all her worries once again taken away by the lion, she fell asleep peacefully, head on Shishiron's shoulder.
Tell me your oshi and I will tell you how I would make sweet love to her.
>>35031785Sup David Carradine, how's it going?
>>35029357HIPSTOO SLIM
Whoever was doing that jigsaw now, fuck you. Stop leaving shit in the middle you retard.
>hololive>only tako is livewhat the fuck
>>35031812none of them are fucking gay
>>35031835Tako is the only you need
Check this outhttps://files.catbox.moe/qqumk5.mp4
>>35031842You're way too redpilled for this threads anon
When was the last time peko used her prisoner outfit?
>>35031807please dont laught at it shionyo
>>35031852lamy's moist titpussy...
>>35031852Why does it get censored midway
it seems absolutely insane that someone as talentless and insignificant as Choco comes from the same generation as Aqua and Subaru
>>35031852Lactation is so hot, any other holos that are lactating as we speak?
>>35031193I wish she could've done the song for HoloALT instead of Mori
>>35031807My phallus isn't inadequate. I also kinda' doubt Shion's tight with how little she streams.
>>35031871reminder choco was the first in her gen to reach 100k subs
>>35031871It's not her fault youtube fucked her over
>>35031859Sunday technically. But before that it was the RE7 DLC.
>>350318712 years ago today, she was the 3rd most subbed Holo and 1st in Nikisei.
Hey you, you like holos with big tits?
>>35031907fuck no i hate big tits
>>35031907No I'm not gay
>>35031907Yeah I love Shion
>>35031871Hello summer child.
>>35031907yeah i like both big and small
>>35031907I only like holos with flat chests
>>35031907who doesn't?
>Oh this is really simple!>This is not simpleIna...
look at /vtsg/ if you want to see shion's tits
>>35030326it has the same level of energy as her streaming schedule.
>>35031907Haachama has big tatas, so yeah.
reminder not to give your favorite holos any money or they'll end up like Coco, Haato and Aqua, where they basically fuck off when they make enough cash.
>>35031907no thats gross flat chests only
>>35031924What is this girl's problem?
>>35031907Yes, I love Roboco's high spec D cups
>>35031964Lamy makes close to that amount if not more and she still streams for a majority of the week anyways
>>35031957I can watch my wall if I want to see shion's tits
>>35031964How convenient of you to leave out Rushia/Pekora. Could it be because they haven't fucked off?
>>35031907the bigger the better
I will have an orgy with all the hags
Some days I think Rushia
>Your oshi>At what time does your work/classes start and when do you really wake up
>>35032020wtf are you sure?
Why can't I post images?
>>35031907my oshi must pad heavily because by her own admission she's pettan
>>35032035blame moot
Someone make another jig
>>35032035You aren't believing in yourself
>>35032023haachamai burned out and quit my job three weeks ago
>>35031682When are they going to play Kingdom Hearts?
>>35032023AquaSchool is over so I wake up whenever
>>35032023WatameWork starts officially at 8am, but I start my work really at 11am unless there is a meeting
>>35031981>>35031988"enough" is a relative term so what i posted is totally accurate
>>35032023>PekoraWork, have a profession where I travel a lot - My sleep schedule is a controlled mess.
>>35031887Maybe she should find a niche other than being a whore
>look up one calli farting video>now youtube recommending me all sorts of farting videoswell fuck
>>35031964Coco fucked off?
>>35032023Korone I'm a NEET but about noon for me. I wonder what it's like to have a job.
>>35032023PekoraI usually start working around 9:30-10:00 and wake up just before 4 or 5 depending on when her stream is that day.
>>35032075Except that Pekora earns more than two of them, and Rushia earns more than all of them. To think they aren't making "enough" is the weakest attempt I've seen at doubling down.Just admit your post doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
>>35032023lunalike 9-11 am. i kinda have to get back in the groove again
>>35032023ChocoWork starts at 9, I get up at 9
>>35032023SubaruI quit over a year ago, but I either wake up too early at like 7-8am and feel like shit, or sleep until noon
>>35031964Good, I want them to be happy once this fad end one day.
Remember this?https://files.catbox.moe/2rlna2.mp4
>>35031613X is linear but at least as towns, stores, a movie theater and places that you can revisit. XIII doesn't even have towns. XIII as that little faggot called Hope that is easily one of the most anoying characters in FF story.
>>35031842Next you're going to tell me neither of them have penises?
>>35032023NoelMy semester ended a month ago, I wake up around noon now
>>35032085You can go to history and deletes all watched videos and searches. It'll reset back to the state before you searched farting video.
Imagine confessing to Towa...
Koronesuki, Aqua Crew, Miofa... How are you guys holding up? Nousatoddlers fuck off btw.
>>35032124How convincing does she think she's being when she turns on the "sad face" before "crying"
>>35032148Anon, she had the sadface on since the bomb death...
Remember this?https://files.catbox.moe/3gbbwq.mp4
>>35032097you don't get to define what "enough" means for them. that's what i'm saying.
>>35032144No thanks, I'm not mentally ill.
>>35032146Koronesuki, don't care. She has so much shit going on in her life that nothing is shocking or concerning anymore.
Remember this?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V83-UnWZ204
>>35032023ChocoWork starts at 8.30. I wake up at 8
please have a cute video !! https://files.catbox.moe/ea9e6e.webm
what is choco doing?
>>35032172>>35032174I took the time to imagine a Hololive without Korone today. Perhaps its for the best, but I don't think I'd watch much Hololive anymore.
>>35032146Aqua crew here. I just want her to be okay. If that means streaming less that's fine with meMakes me wonder if retiring wouldn't be in her best inerest in the long run tho
>>35032165But you do?Remember, your entire argument is predicated on the idea that Coco, Haato, and Aqua earned enough, which is something that none of them have stated flat out. You had to make the claim yourself.So why do you have that authority when others don't?
>>35032213I know our oshis may have had bad blood in the past and maybe still today but I've never had anything against. Ultimately I hope both are OK. They're both what got me into Hololive.
Remember this?
Remember Towa?
Remember love?
>>35032197I already don't since she left. There are plenty of entertaining Holos but no one is "interesting"
Towa is reading this thread right now
I don't remember
Anon, please wake up, it's been 5 years since the accident...
Tokoyami Towa sounding her Towa banana with a cigarette
I remember the /hlg/ minecraft server...
>>35032257You must know something I don't about Korosan
>>35032283enough for her to call me "kimoi" if she ever knew
>>35032164I remember Luna's...
hag kisseshttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/E241a4aUYAU-8xE?format=jpg
>>35032284Don't mind if I do
Why are both of Haachamas original songs in English? Does she hate her Japanese fans?
What's Choco's malfunction?
>>35032290Did she say something on her roommate account or something? I'm not quite getting it. I don't see a graduation hint.
Inseminating Towa-sama...
Is it true that the ID branch eats out of trashcans and lives in mudhuts?
>>35032305She doesn't have any left
>>35032310>tfw Choco's thoughts of me thinking about herQuite the imagination to be honest desu.
>>35032310Being cute isn't a malfunction
>>35032317No that's just your life anon...
>>35032236Base. I will pray for your oshi too
>>35032315She's barren
>>35032313You've misread his post I think.>>35032257 is just saying that he hasn't watched much Hololive since Korone's recent absence began, not that she's left Hololive entirely.
>>35032305Haachama's fanbase is like 60% English, why wouldn't she pander to the majority?
>>35032317They all live in Reine's fuck mansion except Ollie and Moona who have to deal with their families
>>35032334Towa is literally at peak fertility. It would literally only take a drop of semen to get her pregnant.
>>35032317Don't project Anon. Good luck though.
>>35032317No only the poor ones like risu do
>>35032317When Reine was building the ID mall in maicra, she made a drain on the floor in the toilet.
>>35032337Ah yeah same here. Not the same without Korosan being under the weather. I don't know how Miko's fans did it a year ago.
Anyone know Choco's BGM?
>>35032305One of her big selling points early on was her eigo skills, why wouldn't that be part of her appeal to her JP audience as well?
>>35032342I volunteer.
If Risu's nipples are big and brown, what is her pussy like?
>>35031964None of the top earning holos have fucked off though. Coco still streams and Chammers has been bottom tier for a while.My akwa...
Moona mentioned during the collab that it's common for Indonesians to bathe once every two months. Is this true? Something about the country's water being really toxic.
>>35032377Filled with my cock
>>35032221you know not all of us started watching hololive when EN debuted. some of them used to stream a lot more back in the day and it's not a coincidence that they feel the need to stream less as they've become more popular.
My Choco wife roleplay...
>>35032386Imagine what her fat rolls must smell like haha
>MLB has 140K viewersbros...
>>35032377big and puffy. like her nose
If we're not supposed to masturbate to Sora, then why did Yagoo make her so damn sexy?
>>35032386God imagine the smell when theyre in studio for their 3Das
>>35032023Korone Work starts at 7:30, wake up at 5.
>>35032386SEA monkeys are truly something else.
>>35032396Haha! Let me in abe! So funny!
>>35032395So it's pure conjecture and you're a hypocrite. Got it.This is the final (You) that you'll be getting from me.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNAHJGK2PJYMy daughter remembered that she has been in hololive for 3st years! I am very proud of her!
>>35032425Couldn't even bother to do it on the right day
>>35032425>Every single caller starts the conversation by saying "Are you Haachama or Haato now?" while they roll their eyes
>>35032423You do you. I'm just gonna watch Hololive without caring what this anti board thinks.
>>35032425She wouldn't do schizo arc during this right?
>>35032425I can't wait for her to ruin another milestone by turning it into schizo garbage
>>35032420I'll use it more just for you anon
>>35032425This can only be salvaged by Watame calling in and setting her straight
Holos for this feel?https://files.catbox.moe/wmoeyg.mp4
>>35032423coco basically admitted it you redditor. do your reps.
>>35032456Make sure to spam Rushia boing boing and Suicopath while you're at it.
>>35032334just imagine pumping load after load guilt-free into towasama's hole...
>>35032486you people get mad over the dumbest fucking shit i swear
>>35032465Matsuri calling in and setting her straight*
>>35032486Great idea
>tfw ywn be Choco's ubereats delivery guy
>>35032184cute meru!
>>35032184>"GOOD MORNING COCK">*orgasms*meru...
>>35032518I'd rather be Shion's.
>>35032497>you people
What is Minato Aqua doing right now?
>>35032497Exactly. They seethe at the very sight of Miko. Getting old at this point.
Fubuki friends?
>>35031852>open this and leave my room to do something>realize i just opened a video from 4chan and that there's a chance it could be nsfw>it actually is>mom entered my room just after I came back to close itthat was a really close one
>>35032184too hairy
What ever happened to this?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XdRYXwt-HY
how did you celebrate Pancasila day?
Why are there so many numberfags recently? The last time it was this bad was after EN's debut
my oshi will never collab with people outside of hololive and that's a good thing
>>35032023AquaI work from 7PM to 7AM and wake up at 2PM
>>35032585Same as the Mel collab
>>35032386its a joke we bathe like you guys ,with cheese
>>35032585Toilet stream with ayame...
>>35032585its not apex and its a holo so matsuri doesnt care.
>>35032539Slurping my cock
Does Lamy piss taste like wine?
What kind of toilets does Cover have in their office/studio? Is it a big room with booths where the holos can hear each other relieving themselves?
>>35032585CMT are fucking clickbaiting cunts
>>35031008Haachama covering American football when?
>>35032547This actually repulses me. Reminds me of fat white girls who talk about how they have "ghetto booty" when it's just them being fat. Seriously, they never shut up about it.
>>35032673Wrong thread retard
>>35032673I don't care what they do as long as they collab only with the EN branch.
>>35032673>check that tweet>konlulucentral in the replies
dead hours
>>35032689The world is a small place
>>35032689our boy get's around
>>35032669Ice cold sake.
https://youtu.be/JuznL1l0jDkDead hours are over!
>>35032539Probably sleeping.
>>35032673wrong thread
>>35032721Wrong thread faggot
I don't watch EN very often and this Watson waiting music always catches me off guard with how good it is.Damn it's catchy.
Watch Ina play Bayonetta.
>>35032721I have that font installedgood taste
Coco’s huge, odor stricken balls...
I just got done preparing a superchat for my oshi, I think 200$ is enough for her recent achievements.You do give money to your wife right? I mean, it is just going to become your money once you official marry her anyways so.
>>35032757I akasupa my oshi regularly yes.
visiting the ruins...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3HeUhsA8VI
I have never donated or membered or even subbed AMA
>>35032757No. I watch these women without memberships (a friend streams member only streams on discord) and I don’t turn off my adblocker.
>>35032757No, I'm not paying for free entertainment. Japs are the only ones subservient enough to do that shit
>>35032775What is the most efficient way to husk a coconut?
>>35032757I have not supa'd Chama since she went off the deep end.
>>35032721fuck off
>>35032757Of course, I've sent her multiple akasupas.
i will never give Cover any money after what they did to Aloe
The smell of pagpag has overtaken the thread.
>>35032757Donate to her roommate, pay for her membership. I don't have any hard feelings towards Cover, but I want to support my oshi for who she is as a person, not because she's their employee
I would like to have sex with Amelia but I'm scared I'd get HIV
>>35032776You are the worst scumbag
>>35032757No, I only recently freed up enough money to start thinking about memberships.I also buy concert tickets.I wish I bought more merch but the figures are going to kill me anyway.
I joined my oshi's membership on day 1.I've never sent her an akasupa though.
>>35032818Can't be much worse than whatever you got from being birthed by your sister, inbred monkey.
>>35032757fuck no, I'm poor
>>35032757The country which most posters in this thread are from has blocked them from superchatting.
>>35032776i only send 5$ supers once-twice a month, my oshi still remembers me and notices when and when im not around. i prefer to just pay for memberships and merchs
I want to die https://twitter.com/NLO28636331/status/1400213280866533377/photo/1
>>35032865peak female form
>>35032865hips too developed
>>35032865Perfect female form.
What’s the creature known as Towa doing right now?
>>35032825Buyfag anon...Are you gonna try to get all the nendos?
lvl. 99 smoke daemon towa
>>35032865Does Ina also have chocoball nipples like Kanata?
Did you know that Towa has appeared in a video game?https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Smoke_devil
>>35032925Ina has no nipples, that image is a lie
>>35032806I would if her roommate was active, but here we are.
>>35032671Japanese toilets have buttons you can press that makes sound that masks your pooping sound
>>35032865absolute perfectioni need an ina wife
Every day without Korone is agony.
Is Towa lawful, neutral or chaotic evil?
>>35032897Yes, and the figmas. When the scales start coming out in earnest I'm fucked.I'll have to find another income stream. And buy another display case. Or two.
>>35032941here in america if you live above people in an apartment building you have to poop and pee in big cups or else the people below you will hear it hitting the toilet
>>35032962She's neutral evil since she's just a selfish asshole.
Every day with Towa is agony
>>35032962Chaotic good.
>>35032894Probably sleeping while cuddling her cat.
>>35032966i wouldnt be very impressed if i heard someone say this to me in real life
>>35032966Same except for figmas. Maybe I will sell some unwanted stuff
>>35032941Here in Indonesia, it's actually polite to be as loud as you can while shitting. Grunting and groaning are encouraged, as is not wiping and ensuring others around you know you had a good bowel movement. If you really have to wipe, you use your hands. Anya talked about this the other day.
There are no more underage Holos. Cover need to hire more of them next gen.
Ran into Towa today, said she’d give me head if I bought her some smokes. I just looked and then went home. The utter state she’s in is depressing
>>35032673as long as it's only EN I literally don't give a single shit
>>35033016>Ran into Towa todayDid you at least apologize?
i would grab these figurine nerds by the ankles and have them upside down shaking the spare change out of their pockets in 3 seconds flat
>>35033010We’re blessed to have such an advanced and inspiring culture in Hololive
I have watched every second of every Hololive stream, I have membership to every channel and never have missed any Hololive content. Every roommate, every twitcast, every twitter post. I am on a constant mixture of experimental amphetamines, cocaine, mdma, coupled with a makeshift neural interface which allows me to watch all the streams simultaiously and comprehend everything. Not only I am N1 in Japanese and lived there for the past 5 years, I also went on a spiritual trip using a mix of DMT and Ayahuasca in a room where 15 laptops were playing a variety of advanced Japanese lessons, historical dramas and hours of casual conversations of my Japanese neighbors I secretly recorded. All that has allowed me to achieve the secret N -1 level of Japanese comprehension. I am now better than even the best Japanese scholar.But despite all these efforts in elevating myself into a higher plane of understanding, I still have no fucking idea what is the Purple Devil Holo's name is? WHAT THE FUCK IS HER NAME?
>>35033041>implying I have any spare change
>>35033055EMASED URAI
Felt bad for Towa so decided to pet her for once. The bitch bit me ofcourse, I got mad and kicked her out in the rain. Will probably leave her out there over night
Cats > wolf > dog
cow ears>>>>>>>>
>>35032997The implication that I still care about what others think about me is misguided at best.>>35033009>Maybe I will sell some unwanted stuffThat always hurts but it's probably the sane option.
imagine being used like a toy by the hags while they fight over who gets to have a child first
>>35029711Watame numbers are inflated due to her grinding , in 8+hours of stream braindead views will always come(especially in dead hours), im not saying that's a bad thing, but still, the core of her strategy is grinding
>>35032686It will go like this>Collab with EN>Collab with Coco>Collab with TwitchloverMiko or ENwannabeslutHaachama>Collab with your oshi
>>35033131And that's a good thing. While they're at it they should collab with nijis and stars more
>>35033131Fuck off aitard
Sheep > *
>>35032686Coco is already friends with one of them, retard.
*cums literally everywhere*
>>35033131>>Collab with your oshiBut my oshi is Aqua
>>35033174Coco can erp with Melody on twitter for all I care. The line gets drawn when they actually collab.
How was the It Takes Two collab?
>>35033179Prostate Pumping Tenshi...
I still wont give any views to non holos
I wish I was cool like Towa
>>35033129>you should enjoy something in a particular way otherwise it's worse/doesn't countcoco's numbers are inflated by saviourfags kanata numbers are inflated by people feeling sorry for herluna numbers are inflated by pedostowa numbers are inflated by eops wanting to feel better about themselves
>>35033211I won't give views to anyone.
>>35033198Pretty good until Subaru went on another rant about all the nigerians in roppongi.
>>3503319895% of it was silence, the other 5% was Moona repeating whatever Subaru attempted to say in English.
Towa said that Toy Story was based off of a true story, but I don't know if I should believe her or not
>>35033198Surprisingly good. Subaru really put in the effort to make it so and the played two more chapters than originally planned without noticing.
I hate anon
I love anon
>>35033192meds, there is no indication that holo who participates in holo-vshojo collab is automatically a whore, maybe in your mind, but that's not how the world works, also there is no such thing as a bad press.
>>35033228>>35033239Can Shuba be certified as a tard wrangler?
>>35033198It was a good time some cringe as to be expected but they both put some effort in and the game can carry them for the most part
I love Towa...
>>35033216>conveniently excluded watame in his post yeah, eat shit sheepposter
Towa isn't real
Can hololive get verified in Twitter?
>>35032865Too big
THIS IS HOLOLIVE>https://streamable.com/7djjy1
Towa will pay for her crimes
>when Botan talked about the old minecraft, she started it after complaining to Towa how digging sucks and she wanted a Buildcraft QuarryAt this point I'm starting to believe that someone just fucked with my brain to find what I would consider the most based possible and manifested it, like I'm living in the fucking matrix or something.
So who is the most autistic holo? Aqua? What if we include ID and EN as well?
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENThttps://twitter.com/akaihaato/status/1400226376943169537
Is Tenma proficient in English yet?
>>35030660that fucking faggot sits in paris and tweets 24/7 about japanese politicswhat a fucked up hypocrite someone go and do things with him in minecraft
>>35033198Best collab in a long while
>>35033274>i didn't read the post that post was replying toor>i don't have any arguments therefore i'll act like a retard so i can convince myself i was just pretending laterwhich one is it anon?
this is an underrated song...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtRpDpfE69Y
>>35033300Aqua and Moona, who are coincidentally my two favorite Holos
>>35033305I'm so proud of my retarded slut daughter!I can't wait for the stream!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwhmS3bD59AHe's live
I still don't understand why we love Risu so much
>>35033348You like me because I'm cute
>>35033348Moona too, and Anya and Reine. Really all of the IDs
Watch my wife's wifehttps://youtu.be/pvsJuwoeCl8
>>35031272Okayu gyrating is extremely erotic
I saw Tokoyami Towa at a conbini in Tokyo yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.She said, “TABAKO TIME”I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “SMOKA! SMOKA! SMOKA!” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen packs of Marlboros in her hands without paying.The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by pissing in the corner really loudly.
>>35033316dunno, im drunk
>>35033254It's not about the holo, it's about the public they bring to Hololive. Do we really need even more people who are oblivious of streaming etiquette, hate idol culture or try to push their western values?
so does haato even have management at this point or have they given up?
>>35033364Based shitposting alchy. Unaccountable to everyone including themselves.
how can i stop loving towa?
>>35033360Important question, in the end, is she a hag or not?
>>35033367You will never be Japanese
>>35033385kill her
Honestly, the IDs are the best branch.
>>35033385Start watching her after mid 2020
>>35033385Open her stream.
Busting Towa's brain using a glock17!
https://twitter.com/cover_corp/status/1358933015301222400>【Important notice】>Notice regarding graduation from "Tokoyami Towa"
Is there any actual reason for the constant Towa spam besides debilitating autism?
>>35033458Towa baby...
>>35033458Korone... Everyone saw it coming but it's still sad.
>>35033458towa baby...
I have to give it to her, this is a cool touchhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6WsvUe0NWwI don't care it's the wrong thread
Hm Ayame said during their radio show with Mio that her cat is same breed as Taiga... that's some interesting lore now...
>>35033476i thought this was hololiveJP
stop shitting up /pso2g/ with your glorified ethots >>/vg/337949378You faggots should have been banned from this site instead of getting your own containment boards THAT YOU DONT EVEN FUCKING STAY IN FUCK THIS TRANNY MODS
>>35033476Mio...unprivate the archives...
>>35033501>cant even link properlyembarrassing
Korone really is just hanging on by a thread.
>>35033490This is hololive
>>35033501>impllying /pso2g/ was good anywayseven when it didnt have a globa version the threads fucking sucked and was nothing but drama.
>>35033501Didn't AskDon't CareGo Back.
>>35033495Polka is too thin and Pekora's boobs are too small and not saggy. 6/10.
Why hasn't their been much interaction between ID1 and 2? Do they hate each other?
>>35033367>hololive >idol culture btw, what is idol culture in regard of hololive?dancing and singing? being a proper idealisation of purity?proper, bvanilla corporate behaviour that have nothing to do with reality?
>>35033501why do you faggots from /vg/, /a/, and /v/ blame vtubers every time your threads are shit when its always been proven to just be your native shitposters using *insert hot new thing* as a way to generate (you)s like always? fuck off
>>35033501Is this what you kids call "seethe"?
>>35033515>>35033523>>35033509>>>/vg/337949378fuck off and stop shitting up our threads and the rest of 4chan you braindead simps
>>35029615>manjisanjiGo back /vt/ enfag nigger
Towa killed Aqua
>>35033575Towa killed Towa
I'm smarter than Towa
I hate what /vpol/ has done to these threads so much.
I'm dumber then Towa
>>35033615This, but the website as a whole.
Post that cute Towa webm
>>35033615I hate what China has done to all forms of media so much.
>>35033630That's all of them...
I'm watching Flare play Limbo right now, you guys should join me
>>35033538No one cares about Moona, ID2 hates Iofi and Risu hates ID2
Cutest fucking thing I've seen all day>https://twitter.com/AZKi_VDiVA/status/1400226722629435406?s=20
>>35033662cute bean
>>35033517hope she retires
This will surpass smile and go...https://youtu.be/9mj2QJE-UOI
>>35033367They already collaborated with Kizuna Ai and were respectful
If I could have any superpower, I'd ask for the ability to sense when Fubuki's nipples are hard.
>>35033662New Azki is so fucking cute
>>35033661How could anyone hate lofi? All she does is draw
Minato Aqua unfollowed someone in Twitter
>>35033541Idol culture is not veing a whore like towa
you know the problem with these threads?
>>35033674Haachama is actually talented
>>35033633this but unironically, i'm tired of it
>>35033674Atleast flare has talent
>>35033674Haachama is not only a creative genius but a great singer
Every time the thread image limit hits the fucking thread quality drops so fucking hard Jesus it's all brain-dead idiots spamming wrongly spelt names of towa and retards talking about Schizo narratives and graduation faggots. Holy fuck I wish mods would actually get off there asses but with raging homosexuals like uwu we might as well kill off these threads entirely
>>35033674why she started the schizo arc?
didn’t read
>>35033744Holy cows!
Why you keep bullying the nigger elf? She tries her hardest
>>35033761I detest numberfags.
>>35033761I want Flare to spit in my mouth
There's nothing better than coming home after a long day of shucking coconuts, sitting down with my bag of pagpag, opening up /jp/, finding this thread and misspelling Towa's name for 4 hours. It's simply how life is meant to be lived.
>>35033761if she tried her hardest she would have kept the boob window
>>35033744Never leaving 2hufriend
>>35033765The only thing flare has are two big tits
>>35033744no joke?
I thought Towa must be streaming since people keep posting her name but her last stream was 12 hours ago. I don't get it...
maybe towa needs to figure it out and stop being a nigger, stop being a criminal
>>35033744I wish we had 4k post threads back.
How big is Towa's banana?
>>35033761Learn English, you mouth-breathing monkey.
>>35033761She's a numberfag
>>35033674thats because the eop are already tying it to their "lore" just look at the comments mentions of it are everywhere
>>35033809must be giant if all holomems are in love with her
your oshi is a whore
>>35033823Towa is the normalfag whore they all wish they could get away with being, so they idolize her.
>>35033744I honestly think you would enjoy reddit, there are no narratives, nobody eve thinks about graduation, nobody spams wrong spelling of Towa's name and most importantly the moderation is working 24/7 and you even get to speak to your oshi. Surely you would fit there better.
>>35033830True, Miko is a whore but I still love her
You ever and stop and think before clicking the "submit" button? Me neither.
>>35033857i don't think this guy did either >>35033839
>>35033857>You ever andI can tell
>>35033839This, but discord
>>35033832Towa will NEVER be normal.
I had sex with Sakura Miko
is there anything genuine about korone at all
>>35033890That's like bragging about breathing air.
>>35033839That sounds nice but I don't understand the design of reddit. Everything seems disorganized and I hate it. This thread is nice because everything is in order and I can post about wanting to fuck Pekora's mouth.
>>35033869sorry meant for >>35033857
>>35033817Based loreCHADs
Since the thread is already like that, can someone recommend an anime with the same feel like ShishiLamy? At least remotely.
>>35033904I am sure there is an option for an older and newer design plus the many extensions to make your experience better, plus you can go to the R18 subreddit and coomerpost all day long with actual porn.
an apple a day keeps the towa away
>>35033761I don't. Flare is respectable and deserving of our love.
Haachama is a whore
Coco is a whore
A towita is the diminutive form of towa in Spanish, this means that a superior form exists called EL TOWO
why did she call it her 2st single
>>35033923First thing to come to mind would be Sabage-bu episode 2 onwards. Mc and one side character gave me a similar feel to shishilamy. Also guns and the mc is pretty badass.
>>35033984Building something big on MC eh? Back to the roots I see.https://streamable.com/ytmoiy
>>35033990>EL TOWOIt's called El grande Torre
>>35033715Flare is pretty good but smile and go it's bad
>>35033990El TowANO
Towa is a cute girl...
>>35033715Flare needs to realise people see her as cool, not cute
>EN discussionOut
Haachama should hurry up and graduate herself
>>35033992like a virgin touched for the very 2st time
>>35034016Post proof
Moona is a fat leech.
>>35033815>>35033771She's not a numberfag
>>35034033anon should hurry up and graduate himself
Anya should join the Stars so her numbers don't look so bad.
Towa is a very cute animal
>>35034033Graduate from life and prevent yourself from reproducing
Towa needs to play Apex with Ollie
I want anya to step on me
The only thing we can all agree on is that Risu is a pathetic failure and holoID does not belong in these threads.
>>35034053>Endurance celebrations every 50k>EOP pandering>Plays almost entirely FotM>Original song literally displays BIG NUMBERS>Always telling people to give her a high ratingCome on, anon
I run over seaNIGGERS with my car for fun. I flatten them like pancakes. Little seaNIGGER pancakes. I call my 1985 Pontiac 1000 the seaNIGGER squisher. It runs on the blood of seaNIGGERS. Someday I'll run over uwu too.
>>35034067Why is she crying?