So I guess this place is just /vg/ now, huh?
Here we go
Suisei baby
Threadly reminder2husharts will always have low IP numbers2husharts will always have low IQ2husharts will always have low reply numbers2husharts will never get allowed in boards that aren’t /jp/ and /vg/ because none of the mods give a shit about them2husharts will continue to beg2husharts will always be a failureI will never enter a 2hushart threadI will never reply to a 2hushart postI will always wish for the kicking of 2husharts2hushart posters will always be shitposters and falseflaggers trying to get (you)’s because not even 2hushart posters actually play/watch/read touhou, you’re just against getting sent to /trash/ because you love posting with le smug 2hushart imagesReimushit, Sanasomething and Marifag will die and nobody will remember themJust look at the state of this board/jp/ is a discussion board of otaku culture and yet i’m supposed to put up with 2hushart subhumans talking about how their literal who nobody who’s earning below minimum wage is exterminating youkai? How is this acceptable?Read the fucking room already meidos, nobody here watches 2husharts, stop letting them be used for shitposting.ENFORCE A HARDSPLIT ALREADY, ANY MENTION OR IMAGE OF A 2HUSHART SHOULD BE A 3-DAY BAN
Remember when these threads weren't like /vg/
I really like that I can post more sheep daily now.
>>33609303it was always a 'general'
>>OPHey /vt/ here.Who are you watching now?
I love Lamy!
Everyone should just make a new thread when the image limit is reached
I'm certain that we can achieve the legendary sub 400 post archived thread, get your hondas out sheepfags.
Reminder that the meidos approve of using all the images you want. This will not at all backfire.
And this is supposed to stop Hololive from flooding the catalog with new threads? Now it's just going to happen more often.
I don't really see what is the issue, another home-run by the mods!
I can't wait to see how many threads get made when meidos aren't here to instantly delete them
>new threads and old thread deletedThat was fast, are they deleting this manually or is it automated?
Threads are going too fast
Rare biology lesson:Peafowl get intense sexual gratification by preying on and/or cuckholding small mammals
Yes, 4 threads killed. We can do this again.
Watch Ina drawing Hatsune Miku!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr8q3-bOYkI
What happened to this thread, how come it's more image spam than discussion?
>we'll never have a ">imageboard >can't post images s-sugoi" post ever agains-sugoi....
Kotone lovehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtgcODY1bxs
>>33609303Does /vg/ have the 'instant archive on image limit' thing or something? I've never been there for long. Horsegirls made me visit that cursed place in search for links
This is not ogey
Give me all your gun edits or I WILL kill 2hu thread.
>>33609332Trust in the meidos plan, anon
I love Aqua.
>>33609332It's not, it's supposed to burn this board to the ground
>>33609343Have >we achieved the golden age again?
I can get used to this
they cant archive threads all day, just wait till burger hours are over and we'll see if it's really "automated"
Ah yes, I see, truly this is the way to save /jp/.
on topic image, nothing wrong with spamming image, dump your hololive folder friends
>>33609351this is the ホロライブ / 2hu image war of 2021also dead hours
>>33609359I only have this one
Remember when we were happy /hlg/?
>image board>will always be able to post imagesS-Sugoi!
I really do love Suisei
>>33609383Sure thing
Can we please talk about how breedable the IDs are? I can't get them out of my head. Every time I see Moona's or Reine's fat tits jiggling on stream, or think about Risu's big brown puffy nipples, I'm filled with a deep urge to pin them down and matingpress their tits.
Welcome to the HomoCHAD thread
>>33609091That was fucking hot, thank you
I love Towa.
I'm never leaving, 2hu meidos
Take control of your thread.
>threads are actually 500 posts long nowyou all made fun of him but he was right
Make sure to post an image with every post.
>>33609342manually, like how the itoddler mod is manually posting by posting on 2 different networks
>Ctrl+W>"Friend">Zero resultsSad...
>>33609383You know what, just for today, go wild.
>>33609356No but they make a new thread right at 750 posts and fight over the OP content.
What now /hlg/
>>33609397Me too
It was me all along!
>>33609346I want to be cucked by Reine...
azki now owns this thread
>>33609428guess we finally move to /vt/
The bingo for Roberu's 3D hand it over
I guess we'll just have to keep going until the meidos stop being retarded or fall asleep
>>33609420Comfy Cat.
Think about the schizo pastas...
It has been 2 threads since Toi was banned by meidosI'm glad he went to the IRC and complained but he's definitely not doing ok. I hope everything gets better for himTOI LOVE
>>33609408The only way to protect something you love - is to fight
>still pretending to like touhou in 2021
Are we killing 2hu threads?
>>33609316Show me one (1) thread from the past year that didn't have a ritual post
You'll never win uwu
she's okayu friend, still on topic ogey?
>>33609289Before vtubers i was a mikufag, dreaming about the day, when 2d and 3d entertainment will become one, and real people would play virtual characters. Until, one day, i saw a video of a new youtuber named Kizuna Ai...
the 2hu genocide
>>33609431Please stop posting this.
>>33609346Sounds like bullshit but I believe it
>>33609463always have been
>>33609086This, nigger. Is it the same filename?>>33609452>>33609202
Wonder what kind of mental gymnastics will the next visit to the irc start
so many new images to save...
Imagine supporting Gokishit and specially that orange failure Nene lmao>Roberu's announcement: $5145>Botan's announcement: $1592>Lamy's announcement: $1823>Polka's announcement: $1654>Gen 5 added together: $5069
Reminder that the meidos explicitly endorse this, so go complain to them if you want the 2hu genocide to end.
>>33609454TOI LOVE
matsuri dream girl, still on topic
>>33609435If only
>>33609349Shut up bitch. I'm watching her now
God damn, I love images.
>>33609485Both are my post by the way. You don't even know shit about iphone, educate yourself first before going on your high horse.
I wish I could commission Ina to draw my Oracle in Pathfinder.
How about only posting images when they're absolutely needed? Like ritualposts can fuck off.
I'll crash this board, with no survivors.
More mommy Reine
>>33609351There's only gook squid and a homo on right now, what is there to discuss?
>>33609472She's also Luna's best friend if that helps.
korone's friend
>>33609463With mods support now!
i'm gonna miss bathroom discussion
Too slow
Oh no, think of the 2hus!
>>33609502Some nuts please.
I've been informed by management that his is the HomoCHAD thread now, please delete all images of whores at once
Looks like meidos are finally killing the threads for good. At least they made Hololive board on futaba so I can migrate there.
>>33609505This actually looks nice.
another okayu's friend
Moona thighs prease
Just a reminder to hoshi no kanata fans
Choco just accidentally tweeted a pic of her cat again
*gets off on shota, catboy, guro, ryona porn*
>>33609546No they're just allowing us to make new threads at image cap
>there won't be men in Hololive>Holostars are just a gimmick>What do you mean Fubuki and Matsuri collabed with Holostars?>Holostars aren't even getting subs!>Holostars won't get 3D Models! YOU ARE HERE>Holostars aren't going to take over Hololive>They're not going to graduate those whores!>What do you mean they're getting rid of the whores!>They'll add female talent back some day!
What if meidos are using us to eradicate 2hu from this board?
>>33609555KanaCoco is better
Feels like this conflict will take a while
suisei's friend
>>33609556Is that yab? Her cats are cute
>>33609558good taste
the 2hus...
>>33609361https://streamable.com/udd3j2I would do anything for Aquard. Too bad she has a boyfriend.
>Nene: a fucking failure, needed a redesign and Cover doesn't consider her worthy of a 3D>Botan: old and ugly >Lamy: Boring as fuck, only get's by pretending to be some retards mommy gf>Polka: fat, ugly, shit singer, leeches of Flare, FUCKING FLARE, hilarious >Roberu: WINNING
Ah, they brought out their EN script as well. Well played.
>>33609545What the fuck are you doing
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH6duN31TscPolka is so fukin loud.
>>33609570We're being played like a damn fiddle
>>33609597I kneel, protagonist of Hololive
So we just spam images and then start a new thread and jannies have to clean our old threads off the board?
I love Subaru!
Give me the TLDR, what’s going on here? >INB4 archive reps No.
>>33609610Yes, for free
I think we should have another split one thread for images one thread for text only
>>33609560No thanks. I have no interest seeing homo spammers screaming "RIGHT THREAD HOMOCHADS" and "FUCK OFF TO /vt/" while thread being archived in 30 minutes. You can have that.
>>33609597My protagonist
>>33609584They should've known
>>33609610yep, jannies encourage this so it's ok
People made fun of meido's english and minutes later it happened...
>>33609612Just like the ol' days
>>33609610Yes. Also, everyone must accidentally create a new thread when image limit hits.
>>33609555Still love SuiseiStill love KanataStill love Hoshi no Kanata
Imageposting was a mistake
Right thread homoCHADS
>>33609616Mods being fags as usual
>>33609596>they brought out their EN script as well???
make as many threads as possible when this hits image limit
>>33609619Can you actually imagine?
>>33609610Don't forget to make 10 duplicate threads when this one gets archived. Meidos clearly want it.
Well, if this is what the mods want lets not disappoint.
>>33609643Good couple
>>33609610For free of course
>join thread>thread almost overnice
>>33609597Oh, Watame's kneeling.
HomoCHADS fucking run this shit
>>33609666kek i missed this one
>>33609610Basically yes.
>>33609610Every time this happens uwu personally has to archive the thread and his ego won't let him stop. This is fucking hilarious.
>>33609631That too is the power... of SEA
>>33609631meidos are Seachad? based
>>33609555Link to this post?
suisei's friendduet cover where
>>33609639But does kanata love suisei?She probably doesn't have any romantic interest for either of them
>>33609521Please don't post this, I don't want to masturbate.>>33609555I told you guys months ago. Suisei is like Evil Miko.
>>33609666Do you have the other one with Korone?
See you guys later, I'm gonna go fap to holos until these threads get sorted out.
Dont open this global chads...https://files.catbox.moe/csjp8m.png
I really, really love my clown wife !!
>>33609574Toko is love. Suisei has good taste
It's been 20 minutes and we're already 70 images away from killing an another 2hu.
>>33609700Kanata tolerates Suisei but she's really tired of being around such an insufferable person.
Time to say the N-word
At least spam Haachamas lewds, all the folder if possible.
>>33609679Thanks Watambe
I want to hug this duck so much...
>>33609723>anNope, we're killing several at least.
>>33609729I'm gonna say it.
I came here to laugh at you.
>>33609685>>33609561Excuse me, but Gokishit doesn't belong in these threads, specially not nenshit the failure without a 3DWRONG FUCKING THREAD NENESHART
>>33609610Yep. Mod endorsed.
>>33609732I don't think I will
pekora's favorite pricunny
>>33609753you wish homofailure
>>33609753nobody cares fag, busy posting pictures
>>33609555What does it say and were is the source for it?
>>33609753Soon you'll run out of of pictures shart.
>>33609708no, it took me forever to find this on warosu
>>33609616>a meido spams homoshart images from his iPhone (check iPhone filenames), or condones that practice>people start reporting him for spamming the threads>those who reported him got warned for false reports instead>more people start getting annoyed by the non-stop image spam>instead of fixing the issue, a meido called uwu decides to archive threads once it reaches 300 images, so a new thread is made for the spammers to keep spamming images>threads go from 1500 replies to sub 500 replies and getting archived in less than an hour>people go to the IRC to ask>they reply with this https://textbin.net/5uh5dfwiwwNow we can start a new thread once the old one reaches image limit
>>33609577She only posts them as her roommate
Something tells me if we end up on /vt/, we won't be able to have a HoloJP thread.
Good thread. Now give me the chicken
23 minute thread! Nice one meidos!
>>33609814Nene will get more viewers than this failure :)
>Mods encourages image spammingSo be it.
Don't forget to create a new thread too!
>>33609814I hope its a good stream!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLW4hEvOsSU Mario
Please don't accidentally make a new thread all of you when the image limit is reached. DON'T DO IT
Only make one thread please!
>>33609847I kneel
>>33609806>a meido spams homoshart images from his iPhoneHow do you know that he is meido?
Killing time...
hororaibu RTA lets goooooo
Image limit, new bread?
>>33609808She doesn't>>33609577She didn't mean to post it that's all
>>33609862He let him spam ofc
you guys realize you're just speeding up your exodus from here, right?
Another 2hu bites the dust
Another thread, uwu, do it you nigger!
>>33609814i'm honestly kind of impressed with how this model look, the question now is how it will look in motion