I love my boss, Nenechi!I'm glad she feels better!
I Love Kanataso!
Sora Love!
Lamy's gaping anus...
I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!
I love Towa.
5 hours with Ayame...
Yukihana Lamy love
These faggots are now shilling themselves in art tags.
Masketta man’s dick... i need it now...
I love my oshi very much!! She loves you too, Anon!!
>>33324177Does Nene use her bare hands or her bear hands to fight?
Akutan,...your stream...
>>OPVillain Lamy is unironically the best thing to happen to Hololive
>>33324204Stop falseflagging Kenzoku
>>33324179かなたソ LOVE
ayame single
>>33324201just report them for spamming hashtags..
>Ctrl+W>"Friend">Zero resultsSad...
If Miko insults somebody calling him a virgin, does that imply she isn't? Then why faggots around here say she's still pure?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VD2c6oIojc
>>33324215you wish
ayame eating burger
>>33324179I'm happy she's streaming so much today.
>>33324198Lamy Love
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENThttps://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1363555475120250882
>>33324209Some of the Lamy fanfiction fanart shows her fighting with bear hands.
>>33324184it got left up all thread right?
>>33324172I guess today's stream brought the Haachama ritual poster back.
>>OPI will have these powers too if I become Lamy!?
>>33324237Poor girl got brainwashed.
>>33324179Being gay is a sin, how did she became an angel?
>5+ hour stream today>another watchalong tomorrowOjou... I apologize and kneel...
>>33324179>>33324213>>33324229Imagine how smelly her butt will be after this stream
>>33324243noticed a lot of JP comments after RED-kun came back, you think she's getting some lost JP bros with red-kun revival?
>>33324248You are witnessing the power of Lamy Prime. Converted Yukimin only have a fraction of this power, you can make warm drinks cold.
I predict that this will be in the next meme review and Coco will spend 20 mins on it.
>>33324215coco basedhttps://files.catbox.moe/klgtud.webmhttps://files.catbox.moe/feugy3.webm
Subaru spotted in the wild
Why do you guys keep hanging around on /jp/ when you now have a board of very own? There's not much interaction between you guys and the rest of /jp/. Isn't this just splitting up your community?This is not a veiled "gtfo to >>>/vt/"; it's an honest question. You guys can stay if you really want to, but why do you want to?
>>33324223It's a self-deprecating joke
>>33324269Change is scary
>>33324263I don't see enough wojacks.
There was barely any mention of Mel on Marine's Profile Book earlier, is the decade long bond between the two truly on the rocks?!
>>33324213>>33324229I hope she gets a good night(day)'s rest before the endurance stream tommorow(today)!
>>33324260Probably not, but surely there were tons of new fans.
Ojou love
>>33324252she seems to enjoying the streams too, smiling through them & chatting with livechat after BLOOM.BLOOM gave her confidence.
>>33324269/vt/ looks horrible. /jp/ is fine
>>33324209The bear hands are a limiter
>>33324269oh look it's this pasta again
>>33324269It just ain’t the same
>>33324283POP LOVE
>>33324293wont be long before she goes back to hibernating though
>>OPIt wouldn't surprise me at all if Lamy funds her own gen 5 fanfiction OVA
>>33324285They were never that close, they just knew each other but nothing more
Leering at Anya in the streets!Anya kicking you into the balls!Anya abducting you!Waking up in Anya's basement!Anya coming into the room in bondage gear!Anya saying she will train you to behave!Anya sitting on your face!Trying to lick Anya's cute little butthole!Anya giving you a firm "No!" and giving you an electric shock!Anya still sitting on your face teasing your dick with her toes!Saying you are about to cum!Anya peeing into your mouth right as you ejaculate!Anya training you to only get hard when she's sitting on your face and trampling your dick!Anya training you to only cum when she's peeing!Anya training you to become a good little doggy that knows how to behave!Anya taking you on daily walks!Anya feeding you food from a bowl on the floor!Anya letting you drink her Holy Water in public!Anya torturing your cock and balls when you misbehave!Slowly learning to associate erections with Anya's smell!Slowly learning to assocate ejaculations with Anya's pee!No longer being able to get hard without Anya's smell!No longer being able to ejaculate without Anya's pee!Anya showing you off to the other Holo girls!Risu pegging you but you can't get hard!Being desperate to smell Anya so you can get an erection!Ina making fun of your flacid cock despite you shivering in excitement and clearly wanting to cum!Anya rewarding you with her freshly worn panties!Smelling Anya you can finally get hard!Anya puts the panties over your mouth and nose!Risu putting clothespins on your balls!Anya sitting on your face with you wearing the panties over your mouth and nose!Anya peeing onto the panties!Getting waterboarded by Anya's pee on Anya's freshly worn panties!Cumming as you think you are desperate for air and drowning in Anya's pee!Risu and Ina giggling over how pathetic you are as you cum!Not being able to stop cumming while getting waterboarded by Anya's pee panties!Passing out from lack of oxygen!Getting shocked back awake by Anya branding her name onto your balls with a branding iron!Feeling indescriable happiness at Anya finally making you into her property for real!DAGGER LOVE!!!LOLIDOM LOVE!!!HAG HATE!!!
sans was supposed to be hard? I had never played the game before and I completed it in like 1-1,5 hours on the simulator
>>33324294What looks so horrible about it?
blessed be sheep, slayer of dead hours
when are you people moving to vt?
>>33324269The culture of these threads is drastically different and being in the catalog there would slowly turn this place from a shithole into a gacha general-tier shithole.
>>33324269question, how many genders are there?
>>33324215coco life horror...
>>33324283Needs an edit of Noel in one eye and Rushia in the other
>>33324283Pop chan looking kinda fat
Never trust elves.
>>33324215>coco life horror
>>33324316>>33324318What did god mean by this?
>>33324316It still took you a while.
>>OPEvil Lamy needs a wardrobe change if you ask me
>>33324269the overall culture tone and knowledge over there is completely different. people there dont know anything but surface level clip watching shit about my oshi
>>33324325Never https://streamable.com/41v9q9
>>33324350Full Gilgamesh with Silver/Blue armor
>>33324262The strongest
>>33324283her tweet along with that picture was the cutest thing
>>33324263This one is like a billion times better than the wojak one so I doubt she picks it.
Yonkisei alt outfits when?
>>33324315I want Anya to grind my balls into the ground with her cute little lolifeet!
>>333243792 months
>>33324201uhh isn't that a /hlgg/ thing?
holy fuck, Watame is too cute
Holy shit. Based Watame
https://twitter.com/leonatoieiri/status/1363551901472669703Fuck you...
>>33324371What’s with the pig snouts
>>33324363Wasn't hers the opposite making cold drinks warm?
>>OPramy is loving this chuuni shit so much its great
>>33324379Maybe 2022
>Both Holos and Nijis kneel to her>687 000 viewers last stream>2,1 millions USD in superchats>First vtuber to reach the 4 millions subs>Close to the Princess of Japan>Massive influence on the Asian media sector>900 kg gold in her reserve, ready to crash the market to fund gacha>Doesn't pee herself anymore instead, preserve it>Own pfizer and the Covid 19 vaccine is based on her DNA>Was hand-kissed by Hoshikawa before throwing her in Jail>3rd Holofes was just her singing for 48 hours>Took a break and no one in the thread noticedMATSURI FEAR.
>>33324374this probably doesnt prove shit but i did take a screenshot just now. it definitely wasnt 2 hours tho, maybe like 1 hr max of practicing and then ~5 real attempts
>>33324293Mio and Flare's changed a little since BLOOM, too, I think. Being recognized for your efforts and allowing your abilities to be showcased does wonders.
>>33324269>There's not much interaction between you guys and the rest of /jp/.It works out great for me because I like touhou and I like holos. Read some nice stuff from that disturbing touhou doujin thread, for instance>Isn't this just splitting up your community?Everyone that left were the people that shouldn't have been here in the first place
>>33324315https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNmfyQzUPsYTeach me how to behave Anya-sama...
>>OP>>33324211>>33324350Is evil lamy after or before the current timeline?
uragiri endo...
>>33324408Empress Matuli, I KNEEL!
>Kanata thought Undyne was a trannyCan't make this shit up
>>33324390towa is friend!
I really really love yonkisei!Post you're favourite gen!
>>33324215Towa kind!
Kanata didn't even notice that Undyne is a girl until she noticed she has tits.
>>33324315>>33324419holy fuck dagger is so fucking hot
>>33324315>HAG HATEfuck off
>>33324415>It works out great for me because I like touhou and I like holos.Right, I forgot; lots of people on /jp/ browse /jp/ only.
>>33324428Canonically sheep is a bard, so she isn't that powerful
>>33324401it's tumblr shit
>>33324315>HAG HATE!!!
>watch JP clips>pretty much all of Matsuri's clips are just her saying bad wordsIs this the JOP equivalent of clipping Engrish in streams?
>>33324263Moona is a celestial being
>>33324438Who's laughing now?
>>33324263mel is a vampire, a bat
I've watched my oshi for more than 4 hours today.. and yet i feel like i should watch some archive now..
>>33324263this whole thing is just a rushia is a board joke
>>33324430I like this. It's villainess-like.
>>33324435it's ok, Watame still has 5 good years left in herMaybe if she begs Mukkun in full dogeza. she'll get to fullfill Abe-san's dream
Serious question, is there an equivalent to /hlg/ on /vt/ ?
>>33324410pekora too
>>33324490based kenzocuck
>>33324315>Getting waterboarded by Anya's pee on Anya's freshly worn panties!Unless these are like granny wool panties I doubt they'd be thick enough to suffocate you.
>>33324315>HAG HATE!!!You had me until you wrote this.
>>33324481Go watch apex vod, friend
Marine should drop the "horny" shtick she has far outgrown it by now, and I'm not talking specifically the "I'm horny or overseas sexy X" but just her being perverted in general, it's transparently obvious that she's not really like that, and it just makes her come off as shallow to new viewers when that's far from being the case
>>33324315>Getting waterboarded by Anya's pee on Anya's freshly worn panties!What even. Is this an actual thing?
Ayame WILL stop streaming soon. She will become a vtweeter like shion
sign the contract with demon lord miko
>>33324508but she is like thatyou just might be autistic
cute sheep
>>33324528All her knoledge of sex comes from doujin and her more intense stuff clearly makes her uncomfortable
>>33324514If her panties are absorbant enough and there's enough urine it would work, yeah.
>>33324438*boots up dick game instead*
How many fails Fubuki will have before beating Sans later? There' no way she can beat him before 10 deaths
>>33324315wtf i love dagger now?
>>33324508She already said that her horny-theme partly played for entertainment purpose and partly a way to vent out actually.
>>33324223there's only 1 holo in the entire history of hololive that I can unironically buy is a virgin
my friend looks different for today....
>>33324538actual autist huh...
>>33324494Yes, but it only has a small fraction of the IPs, even during Coco's review last night
Can't tell if this place is the same or not since I left
>>33324510what the fuck
>>33324507>villain doesn't join you in your adventure after you beat the shit out of him to kill the REAL villain Wasted opportunity, nene.
>>33324569What the fuck, is this real??
>>33324547https://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1363544315822297100Sounds like she already beat it twice (off stream for some reason)
>>33324569This is how Fubuki would look like if Lyger had stuck with her
>>33324510remember to only use catbox for clips. hope someone has it saved and can reup on catboxgood thing I still have this: https://files.catbox.moe/36b3al.mp4
https://streamable.com/rifkpl>this isnt gone
>>33324510streamable clips get auto pruned after a certain amount of time, save the ones you like
Who's playing Undertale next?
>>33324510Somesone surely saved it...
What is your opinion on 'the elves'?
>>33324510>violating our Terms of Service.But why
>>33324419>LEARN TO BEHAVEI want her to bully me...
>>33324316most people who get into undertale are playing a bullet hell-like game for the first time, which makes these fights harder for the general public
>>33324545Her roommate streamed more this week than Coco... zhang hate.
>>33324606never mind I didn't see the ToS shit
I just noticed how cute AZKi is, why isn't she more popular?
>>33324588That's not fucking fun
>>33324588remind me to leave a dislike next stream
>>33324588Bad friend.
>>33324613I want to lick elf ears
>>33324588Friend SUCKS
>>33324510Seems like it was one of the few I didn't save
one day the entire minecra server will be set ablaze
>>33324588is this bad jork?
>>33324619Oh is K-on back to streaming regularly, good to know
>>33324595so the stress would turn her hair white?
>>33324588Why does she always do this?
>>33324613I'm mad about elves
>>33324223No one actually believes that she's pure lmao
Rewatched Bloom. Lamy is clearly the best dancer in not just gokisei, not just Hololive, not just among vtubers, but in all the world.
>>33324510https://youtu.be/29xaeVfdDRIsomeone put it on youtube
>>33324588Noob, glad I'm watching Kanata's playthrough
Post your idea for the gokisei arc
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29xaeVfdDRIAYAME GIGGLE FOUND THE DAY IS SAVED
>>33324588RUINEDThe fucking fun was to see her getting better while streaming.
>>33324419Okay, you've convinced me. I'll give her a shot.What Dagger streams should I watch?
>>33324584That's what Polka does though
>>33324633Yeah, my dick
>>33324588No anon she says she made it to the 必殺, not that she beat it
>>33324490I want to impregnate WTM.
>>33324588And people ask why I don't like watching Fubuki.
>GAMERS>plays offstreamWTF
>>33324652>>33324663someone up this on catbox so we can rest easy that ojou giggles are preserved for all eternity
>>33324263>Choco in succubussasuga r*ddit
>>33324613I hate elvesbut flare is only a half elfso I half hate her
>>33324613i like the elf and her friend
>>33324692Nobody has ever asked you that.
>>33324613All elves should be drowned in magma
>>33324588Friend HATE!
>>33324263where's the punchline?
>>33324613This is my answer
>>33324508She said before part of it is played up for entertainment, but her libido really is wack. Her member streams are way more chill.
>>33324588why the fuck...
>Ezic superchatkek
>>33324659Polka doesn't actually "die" at the end of the lamy betrayal arc she gets send to the underworld with calliope therefore starting the rescue polka arcgokisei vs gen 5 arc soon in your nearest cinema
>>33324672Both Love Corner streams are goodThe one with Ollie had more schizo submissions, like a guy who asked for advice on how to kidnap a girl he's into, but the Risu one had the two of them make fun of and bully literal incels that didn't understand why girl's didn't want them.
>>33324617probably this. beating it without food, now thats an accomplishment I can respect
>>33324700Flare's 3D model legs are so sexual
Yagoo... hoodie onegai.... I can pay for it...https://youtu.be/Ban3HoaKnkU
>>33324588Uh...this just says she practiced and made it to the "hissatsu" and that she feels confident clearing it tomorrow?
>>33324702Someone asked why people weren't watching her just yesterday though?
>>33324613I love elves.
>>33324263Coco doesn't understand half of these words neither am I .
>>33324735shut up purple rushia
>>33324733You were hallucinating.
>>33324720>gokisei vs gen 5
>>33324588But the attempts are the entire reason people watch it...
>>33324263Fungibros... we are being oppressedWe need to demand yagoo a mushroom holo!
>>33324700Noeru... the hag has better moves
>got bored and decided to check out the catalog on this board since I never really fucked with /jp/ like that outside of a few generals and this place>every other thread is literally the same as the individual holo threads but touhou characters instead of vtubersOutside of it being the result of raids and schizos acting up how is this any different or ruined /jp/. If it wasnt for /qa/ schizos, the usual schizos and shartmeid shitting up this board it literally would have been the same
>>33324418She joins botan's harem in the end
Bugs, narratives, numbers... I just want to baby for god's sake
>>33324730>>33324684That's bascially clearing the fight, as the special attack is just a conversation with sans before landing the final hit.
No please no superchat...
>>33324588but people want to see all the effort it took to get there...
Time for superchats
>>33324720Sounds like a direct to dvd Kamen rider movie
>>33324769oh. yeah I don't know shit about tumblrtaleFRIEND HATE
>>33324588asked oga to beat it for her
>5am in japan>Both watame and kanata still streamingUnhealthy sleep schedules let's fucking gooooo
>>33324789Oga sucks at games
"Screenshot time" is watame's way of telling watamates "here's some more shitpost material"
>>33324778God, Ryuuki's and Faiz's direct to DVD movies were so fucking good.
>>33324708Rushia [redacted].
>>33324789lmao the nigger fucking garbage at games, he's worse than just-starting-the-game Korone but without the improvements throughout.
good morning watame
Honestly Watame should just restart asacoco as watacoco since she's always gonna be up at 6am
>>33324419>>33324315I want her to fuck me so fucking bad
>kanatan remembered his nameI love this cute dork
People weren't lying when they said FBK was THE shilling streamer. Most holos have between 1 to 3 streams. Pekora has 5, Marine 4 and Botan 7.Fubuki has 14.
>>33324798I'm glad my oshi cares about me so much
>She smells your cock
>>33324805is a bad gamer.
>>33324819Because she forgot about him in the 1st run even though she wrote down his name
>>33324798I know. Isn't she awesome?
>>33324761iT's bOARd culTuRE Burh!
>>33324419Girls who say shit like "you dont wanna try me" usually start crying once you raise your voice.
>>33324798I wonder how she would feel knowing that her visage is the weapon of choice for smugposting all over this mongolian basketweaving forum
>>33324821pls andastand she gets no superchat
>>33324821She is the face of the company so she gets hired the most. And its not hard to see why
>>33324848Because her armpit water?
>>33324836>congratulate the board for its 13th birthday>get yelled at for it in the thread because holo image>they bitch about us and paint us as the enemies anywaysI fail to see the difference between 2hu and Vtubers but we "ruined" their board because more people came? cut me a break. 2hu sharts have gotten butthurt a lot more as of late and i stopped enjoying them because of how bad the fanbase has gotten.
>>33324588God dammit, friend. Stream ruined!
what server was noah* playing on that she had a relatively easy run to solo master but gorilla is getting constantly shat on by cheaters in diamond 3?*she is insanely good though
>>33324800I love Faiz so much
>>33324588No wonder Oga is being unfaithful.
Your oshi has bad breath.
>>33324848how far she's grown.people should watch friend's debut videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X53mU_mxCDQ
>>33324419She sounds like a twitch thot
>>33324864that's cause she likes to taste her pee
>>33324761More than anything else I'm just impressed at how prevalent Hololive is on the board, it's like 80-70% of the thread, it looks more like a Hololive board instead of a virtual youtuber one
>>33324864I'm going to suck her bad breath right off her tongue
>Tune into Watame stream>She's just reading superchat instead of playing a gameEvery fucking time
>>33324588Remember to not assist to next Undertale stream of her. That will teach her a lesson.
>>33324864maybe idk but it's not like i couldn't get used to it if that where the case
>>33324764She actually gets killed by Nene in the end after killing Polka and having a rough fight with both Botan and Nene, Botan is gravely wounded midway through the battle and Nene is forced to take an ascended form to defeat Absolute Zero Lamy
>>33324878she just finished like 10 minutes ago
Which holo has the tastiest armpit sweat and why?
Watame's laugh just now was so cute. I love her so much
wen de meem is funee but i addedd da wojack to show me feerins #relatable
more people stayed for superchats than people watching kanata....
>>33324864I will clean her mouth with my tongue.
>300 posts in>1/3 of the images gone
Watame just spat on me. Later virgins
>>33324649Dancing expert here, can confirm.
>>33324878*casts Retardo Expelliarmus on u*
>>33324588>start stream>beat sans in 10 minutes>kill the flower>get killed>stream ends in 20 minutesTHANK FUCKING YOU, FRIEND.
>>33324911>implying just because she beat it twice offscreen she will quickly beat it onscreen
PPTenshi it's 5am...
the chickmins roommate reminded me of lulu for some odd reason
>>33324895superchat readings are prime content for 90% of watamates
>>33324917Anon it's 5am why are you still awake. SLEEP
>see holofightz wrestling>check/vt/ archives>Not a single mention of asamiko newsmanJust how new are these people?
>>33324878listening to her puts me in a good mood
>>33324893wen u make meem cosent..conterst and haatons send you degelenate videos and anons get angwy#haachamalife
>>33324924I love how much fun she has chatting away during superchat reading. She's always so cute
>>33324916She will
>>33324263Isn't Moona the personification of the moon thoand what the fuck am i missing about Rushia
>>33324932stop shilling your retarded twitch channel
>>33324865Friend model wasn't so good before...
>ooh yis
>>33324941Based watamate
Is kanata planning to finish this in one go?
>>33324917Concernfags deserve the rope
>>33324864Cigarette smell doesn't count.
Kanata saving us from dead hours!
>TMT = TomatoWatame..... stop making fun of tawp...
TMT = Tomato
>>33324960>>33324961towa maji tomato...
>>33324864Does Red Bull smells bad?
4th gen lovehttps://youtu.be/BNn_jXi0D-I
>>33324966Tomatoyami tomato...
>>33324973>Streamed live on Feb 29, 2020
>>33324976SHAME ON YOU
>>33324976friend hate
>>33324979I really hope they collab again soon, even 2nd gen does forced collabs.
>watame hasn't been to the world cup yetImagine how much she's going to pee...
>>33324619The penis game stream was really good to be honest. Most of the stuff she plays on that account is kusoge or ARK (kusoge) when she's low energy but that one was peak Coco. There's no way they would have let her play that on youtube anyways.
>>33324993let's go WC!!
I am a simple minded man, not a very smart one and I don't have much free time in the weekdays. Which holo is good for me?
I wonder if it's going to be Watame pillow merch for 800k subs she talked before.
>>33325005more like*shits*
>>33324720>gokisei vs gen 5 arcCare to elaborate?
Post cursed collabshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4RlbSIHRGo
>>33325010One of the greatest battles ever since Marine vs Senchou
>>33325005me on the left
>>33325013Pizza dad next?
>EOPs already telling Kanata to go to sleepwara
>>33324960>>33324961stop or I'll jump
>>33324992Gen2 did one collab in total, two years after they debuted.
>>33324864Hey, me too!
>>33325021tomato don't do it...
>>33325019Kanata has the lowest EOP audience out of yonkisei so this is unusual
Kek I love Watame
>>33324992They will eventually, not like most of them have a problem with going there, just need to get Luna and Watame out and stream it.
>>33324944moona is a ghost.
>>33325030I miss her so much already
>>33324870Except she's a cute anime girl, isn't it hot?
>CoolA-chan: Flare, TowaMatsuri: FlareBotan: OkayuFubuki: TowaChoco: MelKorone: MoriPolka: BotanWatame: AzkiKanata: HaachamaTowa: Flare, SuiseiSuisei: MoriNoel: Towa, KanataMiko: Subaru, OkayuAyame: Okayu, BotanMarine: Mori, Botan, Coco, Suisei>CuteA-chan: Rushia, MelMatsuri: LunaBotan: SuiseiFubuki: AquaChoco: MelKorone: NoelPolka: AyameWatame: LunaKanata: Shion, Towa, AyameTowa: Aqua, MikoSuisei: AquaNoel: Flare, AyameMiko: Sora, HaachamaAyame: Noel, RushiaMarine: Aqua, Gura, Rushia, Miko, Ayame, Flare>FunnyA-chan: Miko, MatsuriMatsuri: SubaruBotan: SubaruFubuki: SubaruChoco: Marine, SubaruKorone: MikoPolka: PekoraWatame: MikoKanata: Subaru, Okayu, KoroneTowa: Marine, SubaruSuisei: MarineNoel: Marine, RushiaMiko: Korone, MarineAyame: Marine, Korone, Pekora, RushiaMarine: Pekora, Miko, Rushia, Okayu, Korone, Subaru, Lamy>KindA-chan: Luna, AzkiMatsuri: MarineBotan: MioFubuki: EveryoneChoco: MelKorone: MarinePolka: LamyWatame: AllKanata: Flare, Roboco, Watame, MatsuriTowa: Aki, KanataSuisei: NoelNoel: Pekora, OkayuMiko: All HolomembersAyame: Mio, NoelMarine: Noel>CleverA-chan: Subaru, SuiseiMatsuri: AkiBotan: CocoFubuki: Thinking EmojiChoco: BotanKorone: KoronePolka: FubukiWatame: CocoKanata: Fubuki, Choco, AzkiTowa: Coco, OkayuSuisei: ChocoNoel: CocoMiko: Fubuki, CocoAyame: ...Marine: Botan, Coco, Subaru>StrongA-chan: Choco (Aki, Kanata)Matsuri: BotanBotan: KanataFubuki: Watame, Flare, ShirakamiChoco: Kanata, LamyKorone: KanataPolka: MEWatame: LionKanata: Botan, Suisei, AkiTowa: Lamy, Noel, Rushia, GorillaSuisei: HaachamaNoel: Kanata, AkiMiko: Suisei, Kanata, Rushia, Botan Ayame: Botan, Subaru, TowaMarine: Kanata, Aki, Botan
Desk drum skills.
Watame is so talented! And so cute!
>>33324992Kanata really wants to do a gen 4 3D collab, but Watame is too busy crying about Mukkun, Luna is a walking corpse, Coco doesn't want the chinks to spam other channels, and Towa doesn't stream in general.
ankimo ch is dead....
>>33325010just shut up already i meant gen 5 vs holoENhere are your fightsramirez vs kiara (ice vs fire)gura vs botan (apex predator fight)joker vs detective (gotham fight)super nenechi vs death itself
>>33325030Gone before her time... https://streamable.com/u11iwy
>>33325062What the hell
>>33325056Towa visits them plenty, they just don't stream it often...
>>33324562Yes, Shion.
>>33325051Primal Power Tenshi...
>>33325056And you can't do that many 3Ds now cause of rona
Ojou nerding out about bloom is the cutest thing
what happens if you do leave towa alone?
>>33325078h-how did Towa phase through Rushia?
>>33324980>SHAME ON YOU>LARPing
>>33325086Rushia is an actual Midget IRL
>>33325091BULLY TOWA
>>33325086Rushia is actually two midgets standing on top of each other in a trench coat.
Kanata go to sleep!
>>33325087>beating a game offscreen >when people where rooting for you nonstop for 4 hours
>>33325056Coco has been talking about wanting another takoyaki offcollab for ages now but manager forbids them from getting together for the time being.
>>33325086They're very small, the models are bigger than them.
>>33325096towa dance!
>>33325102MANAGER HATE
>>33325102Covid reasons huh?
>>33325097It's true I'm the bottom half
>>33325086i'm impressed that towa's model even interacted with rushia's dress at all
>>33325096Why doesn't this pair do more together they would be great
am i the only one who finds hologra cringey? is it a cultural thing? do japs find it absolutely hilarious?
>Watame hasn't peed in 6 hoursHow does she do it?
>>33324663>whats she laughing about>checks phone>sees"Towa is a whore"
>>33325051I wish more Holos took part in this. Especially Aqua and Pekora
>>33325119Get filtered by nip humor
>>33325102Kanata says the same thing but she said that it's hard to hold offcollabs right now cause of the lockdown
>>33325119its for the kids
>>33325119Hologra is just like their TV shows.
>>33325102>4th gen is finally stopping being autistic and ready to collab again>lockdown happens againYoncursei.
>>33325123I wish she'd pee into my mouth. Imagine how much pee she's holding
>>33325119You didn't watch any anime comedies right?
Ah, tenshi...
>>33325119eops love it because it's like those 3 minute anime series
>>33325139Really cute dorks
>>33325119Hologra is in the same vein as bobobo-bo bo-bobo or nichijou. it's funny if you like that kind of thing.
>>33325034>upyowhat did she mean by this
The next yonkisei collab will destroy this thread.
>>33325154Nichijou is funny as fuck
>>33325059How do we save Ankimo, bros?
>>33325165Good thing it will never happen.
>>33325160i want to pick her up
>>33325173Delete this.
>>33325165Yonkisei is not real
>>33325169collabs with bibi, poyoyo, kintsuba and daifuku should help
Reminder that Mio thinks Towa needs to be tardwrangled
Wasn't 4 = shi? Why people call it yonkisei instead of shikisei?
>>33325142only comedy anime i watched was pic rel and i liked it
>>33325178yonksei is DORKS and i love them all
>>33325195Death generation.
>>33325191Which holos don't need a tardwrangler?
>towa puts all her kotaro images on fleets instead of her regular timelinedamnit...
>>33325195Because yon is 4 too
>>33324911It's not the time, it's the reaction. That's the point.I wanted to see her beating him for the first time, this is like fucking an unvirgin woman.Oh well.
>>33325195Because the number called shi, but the fourth order is yon.Like 3 is san, but there us shit like mitsuboshi (3-star).
>>33325123Just imagine when she finally goes, it's literally the re-enacment of the "look how hard I can pee" comic.
>>33325002It might be on 777k but we don't know if the finalization of the goods would make it by then.
>>33325191Mio knows Towa needs to be tardwrangled.
>>33325183I wonder where is this anon, I want to punch him in the face
>>33325216fuck you I had that memoryholed
>I don't want to be in this sheep holeMy sides
>>33325212Anonchama... at least logic reps if not JP reps...
>>33325213why is her 3D so ugly?
>>33325213Imagine the faces and noises she'll make
So is luna x matsuri officially done?
Watame streams the most but I've never watched her lol
>>33325217I doubt it considering she will reach it this/next week.
how do I date kanata
>>33325211FRIEND HATE
>>33325234Please don't watch her for your own good, unless you are willing to give up 7-8 hours of your day every day
>>33325226It's cute.
>>33325240Be me, her boyfriend
>>33325246>Hey kid, want to do drugs?
>>33325230no, and i think matsuri is friends with luna anyways. she did text her before luna's surgery btw
is it really so wrong to wish graduation on some holos? if they clearly don't like being there, or they doing something shady, or their fans believe they'd be better off in Niji or as an indie, what's really the problem?
>>33325247Shut up Coco
>>33325240At the bare minimum, you need to be able to name every single member of ensemble stars from memory.
>>33325245>you are willing to give up 7-8 hours of your day every dayor just watch the stream on a 2nd monitor like a normal person
>>33325236That's just the target if she doesn't make it then it would happen on another milestone.
how do I delete kanata
>>33325256>their fans believe they'd be better off in Niji or as an indiethat would be utter retardation
>>33325240Be a dragon
>>33325267keep taking diphenhydramine until she's replaced by spiders
Watame this voice is too sexy...
>>33325211this is true
Why does Watame like Betelgeuse so much? She has been repeating her lines even before the new season aired.
>>33325211This will never be surpassed. The second day after being beaten for 16 hours, that joy in her voice starting again, that confidence when she got to the last attack. And that fucking cocky "ikuzo" is straight out of anime https://files.catbox.moe/6cbiiy.webm
heimin, when was the last time kanata did a powerpoint presentation?
The anyafags have been getting annoying as fuck.
>>33325197>only comedy anime i watched was pic rel and i liked itThen you should have a gist of what JP "humor" is. I recommend watching Gintama if you want to see some of hologra inspirations.Try watching some "gintama best moments" on youtube to see, you can't be spoiled on Gintama because it has no plot per se so it's safe to watch them.
Did you know you know it's naughty virtual virtualize a life alive?
>>33325292Yes we need to learn to behave
>>33325292some people started shilling her and then I guess some schizo latched ongoes to show that you shouldnt actually talk about your oshi here
>>33325220>this place can't be worse.
As a Yakuza fan, I thought it was nothing but necessary to go to Japan to live the same life as Kiryu-Chan. Upon arriving, I was dreadful. There was no funny eye patch man, and the real yakuza blew out my kneecaps. I limped over to a local massage parlor (in hopes of going on a cool journey like Majima did in Yakuza 0). They looked at me and said "What the fuck are you doing, this is not a doctor, we're calling immediate help" when I was in that ambulance, I understood what it meant to be Yakuza, and I look foward to returning to Japan to go beast style (Yakuza 0 - Yakuza Kiwami 1) and defeat the guys who shot my knees.
>>33325292No one ITT watches ID, they're just here for (you)s and reactions, stop providing them
>>33325211hololive girls think we watch them for gameplay, they need to realize we're watching their reactions because we've already beaten the game months ago, kek.
https://youtu.be/_ZJbN97N62UIs this real?
>>33325281good luck trying to take a piss
>>33325293I can get free Mel gf in VRchat?
>>33325293Become Mel...
>>33325312now it is
>>33325312As real as the Lamy one.
>>33325306I watch them sometimes, if they stream something I wanna watch in JP or EN
>>33325312Yes, I'm the girl on the right btw.
>>33325285https://youtu.be/PCDBuYG1-_Mit feels like this moment anyways. pure euphoria for subaru when she got it down pat and knew how to beat sans. thats the shit that made me love subaru
>>33325315yes but she'll have a deep voice
>>33325312Not sure, we would need a piss measurement of her ass to know for sure.
>>33325312It says right there.
>>33325312>started uploading random japanese girls and calling them holosDesperate.
>>33325286When she came back after getting hospitalized, or the one where she talked about the sleepover with Marine, Aqua, and Suisei. Can't remember which came later.
>>33325312yeah totally real trust me bro
>>33325340look at her go!
>>33325312kek, just put a random weeb & tag it a hololive girl
>>33325312Yeah, Kanata is the one next to her
>>33325312At this point I can't even tell if these dox discords are just fucking with people or they're just dumb
>>33325312Man these new doxfags are really digging lol
>>33325312please not doxxhours...
>>33325347Yes and yes.
>>33325345The voice and the oisho is really similar
ayame is facking cuteo
>>33325347They're just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.
>>33325359That's the point, they just grab random girl with similar voice and voila.
suisei big nose!
I got arrested by Watame!
>>33325359come on now, that's just as desperate as the people who say that male prostitute video is Aqua because the girl screams like every Japanese girl ever.
its her
>>33325359if u're fucking deaf maybe
Watame caught my heart!
>>33325367Honestly they should just take voice clips from their streams and then dub it over clips of random asian girls talking
No Wata no Uta this week?
>>33324588People forget FBK can be a tryhard on the level of Suisei or Aqua or worse.
>>33325368TWO BRUHS?????????/
>>33325390People forget FBK
suisei TEETH!
>>33325312yes of course anon, trust the discordfags even when suisei deleted or privated most of her past life
>>33325387She was making bunch of videos last week, so no.
>>33325387There's going to be other videos instead, Watame said so earlier.
>>33325367they did the same with their "a-chan" and "young fbk" vids which were just random nnd steamers
>>33325386That's what NND tried with Miko, it didn't go well.
>>33325328What made it better is that it was the very first attempt of the day and she was straight out of the bath. Just by being calm and refreshed she managed to concentrate and push through. She managed to qualify in Mario Kart the same way, staying clear-minded and cool. Even though she cried both times right after that it still qualifies as anime powers.
>>33325359Yeah, the matsuri legs video must be real as well.
>>33325312>that lamy one what the fuck? it sounds nothing like her
https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1363527998515814403?s=19I thought we were gonna be free bros...
>>33325394Imagine your cum between her lips, stretched out across her mouth and all over it...
no one is stronger than the sheep
>>33325411How Lukewarm are you?
>>33325402That one actually was real though
Mud brothers....
>>33325390Don't expect newfags to know anything
>>33325411>misunderstandingmore like wishful thinking
>>33325408You know that they change their voices for stream right
>>33325400the a-chan one is funny to me because why the hell would the random office lady that occasionally shows up in holo streams ALSO be an NND personality? That's like if YAGOO ended up being some random utaite.
>>33325404it's okay, they are special pantsu that are meant to be seenit's not lewd, trust ui
>>33325119Hologra is pretty good. I can imagine why people might not like it because most if not all of the girls are out of character and most of the jokes are pretty lol so randum XD but I still appreciate what they're going for.
>>33325416just pick that random russian girl that's always in doxx compilations
>>33325390And they wanted her to tryhard on stream.
>>33325422A shame. At least I can still hold out hope for Moona graduating.
>>33325418That video is older than her time actually being thin. Shit doesn't line up.
Oh boy, is it doxxhours?
>>33325312People would believe this despite no proof, yeah.
>>33325051>Clever>Korone: KoroneNice
>>33325411pekora is now safe
>Started streaming 7 hours ago>6am in the morningWatame's average stream length outside collabs must be over 5 hours in 2021
>>33325119i think they're okay but they make peko and luna look retarded with the way they speak via "translations"
you are KINGhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6P_m6adkgc
>>33325428Lamy has used her normal , non exaggerated voice on stream and it still doesnt match the vid
This is such a fabulous boss fight I love it
>>33325451>but you stream everyday.png
>>33325429You think he isn't?
>>33324510>>33324697https://files.catbox.moe/mjpmr6.webmhere you guys go
>>33325444Wtf is this real
>>33325451And I have not missed a single streamSend help...
Doxx hours? Ikuzo!
Watame doesn't stream enough.
>>33325461>Real voice Lamy singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas" I am coom
>>33325403okayu really was a good mentor for her. she went under her wing, and in the tournament she did pretty well. everyone remembers the aqua/suisei stuff but the way how it all folded out in the end was fun. subaru herself was impressed with how she did, and I was proud of her. even as a lunaito I gotta respect her resilience, and thats why I grew to like her also.
>>33324588I love my tryharding friend!
Is Kanata aiming to finish this tonight?
>>33325285This was pure soul, what the fuck? I should watch Subaru more
>>33325450that's the best part, my oshi won't get stabbed by a lunatic
how many times do I have to teach you all this lesson?
Remember, this place is shit on purpose, the discord tranny meidos laugh at us every day while keeping an eye 24/7 on the niji thread.Meidos themselves are the schizos, they’re the ones who shitpost here.Never forget, it’s all hiro’s and their discord tranny army fault.
>>33325495Is this real???
>>33325480haha.... fat... joku....joku....joku berybery haado....
>>33325368Rushia belly and chest erotic!!!! T.T
>>33325429well, exactly. plus, if they were that well known they would have been found ages ago by japanese fans. but i'm guessing the doxdiscorders have close to zero japanese knowledge and they were effectively doing it for the clout or whatever
>>33325451Watame single handedly carries hololive along with Korone in terms of hours.
>>33325503I believe it
>>33325495>This controller is a piece of shit!
>>33325495They always choose the least flattering photo of my oshi
>>33325503Hiro unironically doesnt give a fuck about the site outside of the obligatory once every two year visit. The only reason he joined in on that shit in your pic was because of cloutchasing and shilling his shitty book. Hes also still busy living in France because he has people from america and japan after his ass
>>33325520Korone hasn't been doing long hours for a while already.
>>33325520>single handedly>along with?
remember when Artia did a face reveal?
so what is the consensus, do pekora actually like moona or is it just numberfaggotry?
Watame has more superchat hours than Ayame has total stream hours. I'm not kidding.
>>33325536My consensus is that I'm about to make you eat my cum
>>33325378Rumao I still laugh at that shit. I can't believe that fake clip that was made for shitpost got out of this place and newfaggots actually believed it.
>>33325444Abayo nigga
>>33325536She likes her a lot, don't let the schizos tell you otherwise.
>>33325537Watame has more superchat hours than half the holos have stream hours. A more apt comparison would be that Watame has streamed more this week than Ayame has streamed in 2 months.
>>33325536It's numberfagging but by Moona, she calls Pekora when she needs to reach her subs quota.
>>33325491You should, she really gets immersed in the games she plays so moments like these are really exciting to watch. Her Undertale is a classic, as the first "rpg" she played she was really blown away by it and still remembers it fondly. Shame those archives won't come back but at least it was safely saved off-site.
>>33325411Holohouse is safe, thank God...
>>33325536weak bait
>>33325519Do her tits hold extra SOUL or something?
would mr.koro like tom brady?
>>33325537Blessed sheep. Truly one of the better holos.
>>33325411Why would anyone think she stops streaming once she gets back home? Besides her and Mori, none of EN or ID live in Japan.
>>33325537That fucking numberwhore.
>>33325312I can't believe they got both anemachi and suisei...
>>33325554Just watch that someone finds everyone with their throats slit open after Kiara just conveniently has left Japan
>>33325490If she doesn't stop after Metaton then probably
>>33325547That would be wrong though.
>>33325536Its all scripted, but maybe she gets along with the person behind Moona anyways.
any holo who push their yuribaiting on purpose is annoying. friendships are okay though
>>33325536imagine thinking ID is a buff of any kind. despite the language gap they are very similar and awkward socially.
>>33325567Hope and weird wording.
Here's your GEN6 holo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWn-6mY47TQ
Does Kanata want to finish the game this stream or is they gonna stop soon?Did he say?
>>33325490Probably, don't think I've seen anyone stop after they've done Metaton.
>>33325411How long till the inevitable yab from cabin fever?
Watame would be such a good deal to promote your game. Usually they just pay for an hour of gameplay, but Watame would 100% the whole game if she likes it.
>>33325597>meidos will delete this one
>>33325597Why does Kanata have a photo of Flare?
No Watame don't leave me...
>>33325597What's the gimmick here, are they all jav actresses?
>>33325598She didn't say anything but it looks like she wants to finish it, considering that she was planning to do it tomorrow but moved it today cause tomorrow is 700k endurance
>>33325596less than 10 viewers don't click this
no sheep...
>>33325612I hate how much the minecraft cat noises sound like my cat. I always think she needs something if I'm watching a minecraft stream
>>33325598She thinks she's close so pretty sure she's just gonna keep going and finish it at this point.
>>33325536Rabbit loves the Moon. She spent two nights making this mapart off stream. Anyone telling you it's scripted or just for the sake of numbers is idiot or shitposter.
>>33325597I only recognize Ai Uehara
>Watame finished but PPT is still streamingDeaf hours
We dead hours now
Live for the Kachi, die for the Kachi
Watame said she wants to sleep with me. Later virgins
I'm going to sleep with Watame, bye.
Watch Kanata and Ina
I'm sleeping with Watame, see you later losers
>>33325051>cute>choco: meltheyre both cute!
Watame just hugged me and asked me to sleep with her. Guess I'll sleep.
>>33325628Anything that happens off stream was made by managers.
>>33325621I click and then I leave to bully her.>that accentNo, I'm staying.
What does it say about the artists behind the CN girls if Rosalyn and Doris managed to get the same artists to design their new characters while Civia's and Arita's didn't though I imagine Paryi couldn't because he's pretty expensive since all of his vtubers explode in popularity
>>33325596I will now watch Bearhoge
Dead hoursDead threadDead friend
>>33325654>cover management>able to do anything, let alone minecraft artnope. also peko was in the server in off hours for a long time.
>>33324648I am not Aki...!!
>>33325647This is literally me watching choco.
>>33325660Money is money.
watame.. don't leave me
I'm going to make Mel play ARK hahahahaha
>>33325665Does Minecraft has accounts? If not, remote controlling her pc
>>33325660Artia's design was so horrible
>>33325660Mad that Paryi's character in hololive had to be in CN
>>33325669>he doesnt like her moansFaggot
>>33325669choco has perma ASMR voice though
>>33325628>She spent two nights making this mapart off stream.That was her manager logged into her Minecraft account. There's a reason no Holo streamed Minecraft during those two days.
>>33325635Watame's kachis are always so cute. She knows how to end her streams on consistent high notes
>>33325682Shirakami Fubuki (p)
>>33325660Paryi is a hack.
>>33324208Aki please stream more games...
>>33325681Artia still loves Paryi though, and you can't deny that Paryi has an extraordinary power. Pretty much every vtuber he has designed has been a massive success, especially in China where Artia is aiming to grow.
>>33325612Lamy's autism is so cute. God bless Papa Yukihana. Mama Yukihana, too, may god bless her soul.
*uses your oshi's pubes to garnish my salad*
>>33325691Yeah, she's the only one that I watch until the whole stream ends
reminder subaru was publicly molested in red deer. alberta, and they're still looking for rick from red deer to this day. They wont allow him to attend flames games and he wont stop calling about this duck he took for a night
>>33325710Imagine the sex in Akihabara
>>33325710I really want to have sex with Moona in front of pekora
>>33325706The combination of her voice and the comfy BGM makes her SC reading good background noise for when I'm working.
>Coco's roommate played Valheimit can't be hard for Cover to get an indie game permissions...right?
>>33324315Wrong board>>33324419Wrong board seanigger>>33324562Wrong website chink>>33325030>>33325062Wrong thread /vyt/ards>>33325256Wrong fucking board muslim spammer>>33325422Wrong board>>33325548Wrong board seanigger >>33325660Wrong website
rumor has it Yogiri is reincarnating into the vtuber company that put together her 3D debut
>>33325728Its funny to predict which game permission will come after Undertale arc
>>33325731how did you get internet connection at your asylum? im calling your handler
>>33325664FRIEND HATE
>>33325728We already have Minecraft.
Now that people are talking about the chinks, Civia debuted last week and apparently already had a 100k subs stream celebration.
>>33325731Based yet again
*casts a spell that makes your oshi play every Chilla's Art game, every Undertale route, and then every single Yakuza and Uncharted game in a row if you don't watch Kanata*
>>33325756better than more fucking minecraft
>>33325751Civia and Echo have managed to get pretty high sub counts with their new accounts. I'm surprised Echo didn't get any sort of dent from the allegations she had against her
Oh yea we talking about chink land again?肏你祖宗十八代
is kanata into crossdressing?
>>33325742Vanquish is next
>>33325756*casts a spell to make your oshi play ARK and only ARK every day*
>>33325756You don't have to watch her stream if you don't want to, please take care of yourself first
yuri hours?
>>33325756*counters the spell just because it would benefit Kanata*[This spell cannot be countered]
>>33325596Why did you post this, I'm actually enjoying this and feeling about low numbers at the same time.Is this the indie life?
>>33325768She's into not dressing.
>Rail startKanata... your english reps
>>33325779she's railing that bird thing
>>33325596This is super nice, 10-20 viewers is pure suffering though, how long has she been streaming?
>>33325051>Noel is the comon answer in kindHuh? Since when
>>33325769Lots of action, good history and not a long game, its perfect for me
Go to a Holo's channel and list what games she played this year so far. This is Watame'sMinecraftPhasmophobiaMario KartVoid TerrariumMomotetsuPapers, PleaseSmash BrosTouhou Spell BubbleClubhouse gamesSakuna
>>33325704RIP Mama Yukihana...
>>33325790I miss hamutan already
kanata just looks like a mess with the way she dresses. the way noel described the bloom dressing room was a mess and I just wanna smell it
>>33325795Undertale MinecraftMother SimulatorCooking Simulator
>>33325783Actual streaming time seems to be 5 months, there's bunch of other older stuff on the channel.
>>33325051>>Clever>Fubuki: Thinking EmojiWhat did she mean by this?
>>333255961 stream per week...
>>33325775>>33325756the magician...
>>33325776>Why did you post thisBecause it's nice and comfy and more people need to see it.
>>33325596Sounds like RBC desu
I love kanata, but I'm sad there aren't many Kanata fans here.
>>33325756I'm already watching Kanata, I love that she loves the game.
>>33325537Pretty sure that Watame has more superchat hours than regular stream hours, it's all that bitch does
>>33325803Kanata's dasai style is great, it's really consistent.
>>33325716Subaru's outfit is high sexual impact
>>33325596I'm taking note of the faggots posting in the chat. I'll cross reference it later to faggots chatting in holo streams
>>33325822love kanata, she's an angel for helping coco.
*appears and derails watame's next stream*
>>33325818It's her alt account w/ real voice
>>33325802I'm sure she'll use that outfit again in the future, she knows everyone loves it.
bun bun chaI hate DHL, it took forever to get here cause of the snow.
>>33325775You've fallen for my spell trap! Now all of your power has been absorbed to focus it even further into including your oshi's most beloved series, and any permissions needed for it.
does anyone have the webm where peko tilts her head when the cars move in MK8?
>>33325612that's very cute
>>33325822I love Kanata and I'm always here. There are enough Kanata fans here, just not a lot of Kanata posters. I don't think it's a bad thing.
>>33325768Not sure if she's into it, but back when she was playing GTA she did say that there's nothing wrong with it
>>33325840Very cute peko
>>33325803Imagine if everyone took their shoes and socks off at the same time after performing.
>>33325822love cocolove kanatasimple as
how was the chammers utawaku? i couldnt finish it
>>33325840you fool! now peko will forever haunt your house and watch over you!
>kanata is still playingcoco is waiting in bed kanatan....
This date is fucking gold and Kanata's reactions are great
>>33325292>anyafags>existingjust schizos propping up their stupid split bullshit by spamming her and then saying why are anyafags annoying and justifying their split
Kanata is cringing so fucking hard right now holy fuck
>>33325861I can't wait to get the Pekora figma so she can watch me jerking off while listening to her stream
>>33325822Her tension is too high for me, even Mio and RBC are sometime too chaotic for me, what's with their sudden screaming. I prefer chill stream like Botan's. Yes, I am old.
>>33325776Want more indie? Here's one.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXyW7kSuvxk&t=2612s
nigger mel hasnt streamed for 3 fucking weeksi am getting mad and will certainly call her a whore if she wont stream this week
>>33325751wait Civia has a new account? I haven't caught up with vtubers in a couple of months so I thought she was still dead. I miss the unicorn wife...
>>33325873You accept every ID poster as genuine but as soon as anyone complains about them they suddenly all turn into falseflaggers.EVERYSINGLETIME
Hands down to Kanata best undertale stream
>>33325536>Don't kiss subaru senpai, pekora okWhat did she mean by this
wheres the armpitbro? went to global?
>>33325846would she peg me while I crossdress with her clothes?
and there was lots of sex....
Is Kanata going to play a genocide route too?
>>33325862>heil!What did she mean by this?
>happy about "a lot" people watchingyamero
>>33325887This is really good, thank you.
>>33325863That's right, hurry up
>>33325914I wish I could superchat already
>>33325911Yeah, she said after Normal she wants to clear both other routes.
>>33325051>Miko never named Pekora in any of the categoriesSo their relationship is that broken, huh?
>>33325908I wanna nibble on flare's knife ears
>>33325862watame trying to leech those short clip viewers huh?
>>33325921Coco already had her fill of dick in today's game.
>>33325887Fuck you, I won't get guilt tripped by you niggers again.
>>33325811Same as Ayame
>>33325792Never heard of her being particularly kind to non brown holos, certainly not the kindest like Marine implies
>>33325932Pekora was her option for "who you think you get along with the best"
>>33325911She's not going to make it past Undyne, but it'll be a fun endurance nonetheless.
>>33325919She's an amazing talent that somehow got told her voice was way too good when she tried to make it big. I don't exactly remember the details, though.
>>33325940Someone baiting everyone with another indie >>33325596
>>33325862Eradicate the Heimin! Heil!
i wandered to the other board to find out what was going on with the VOMS whore and my god they are the worst schizos I have ever seen. just truly awful postersSEAmonkeys I apologizesuiseifags I apologizewatamenumberfags I apologizeand most of all splitschizo I apologize YOU WERE RIGHT
>>33325921God, Coco is so ugly
*cast a spell to make you membership her channel to tier 3*Arigathanks!
>>33325934nah, this was taken by her manager back when she was in the office testing the idol outfit, she didn't know at the moment, she talked about it in stream and in twitter, that she would post it in her membersheep and some clips
We already groomed Ahoge, there's no more room for other indies here.
>>33325895why give shitposters the benefit of doubt? They're both attentionwhores, falseflaggers or not.
>>33325934if she uploaded her kachis as short clips, she'd get more gachis
>>33325908Why is Flare white
Penis inspection day for foreskin
>>33325955Do I get nudes at tier 3?
>come home>see thiswdyd
>>33325951Hug the sheep!
>>33325952What happened? I just realized that the magnet girl graduated like a few hours ago
>>33325955But I'm already an oil baron..
You have to take responsibility and feed your new indie daughter
>>33325967>literally playing with dicks some hours agoWhat's next? Some porn game for the funsies?
>>33325948post her again when she's streaming, I'll watch
>>33325962But I don't. It's you who points to them as proof that majority of the thread wants to talk about ID.
>>33325978Super Seducer next
>>33325536Moona probably makes her feel like an older sister.
Meidos... even indie groomers run rampant on these threads now...Remember when you banned those bastards for 30 days?Good times
>>33325710Make them seethe
>>33325972Basically fired because breach of contract. That's all we know. I'd like to know what actually happened but who knows if we'll find out. I hope she didn't do something so bad that she can't become a vtuber somewhere else if she wants. I really loved magnet's streams
>>33325969Reprimand them for wearing inappropriate and frankly dangerous attire for working in a kitchen. It's all fun and games until someone tries to make bacon in just an apron.
I wish youtube had a feature to promote small channels like Twitch.
>>33325929thank you
>>33325995I wish there was a way to gift memberships to other people at least for 1 month.
peko has cute booties!
abayocabayach....savior of eurofags and dead hours........I kneel....
>>33326001nah, there's way too many small communities with 1 or 2 major simps who just buy everyone subs to try and groom the streamer
>>33325995You mean the recommendation algorithm isn't enough?
>>33325991Man, it's really been a cursed year for other groups I've been following, Kano's group imploding and now VOMS has only 2 members. The year just started too.
>>33325995does that actually work? how many people continue the sub after getting gifted?
>>33325969Have each one sit on either of my legs while I enjoy my meal
>>33325994Yes, reprimand their tight
>>33325340What do we christen this dance move?
>your oshi>nijjisanjis that you like
>>33326006>pandering to E*rosAMANEKANATACH HATE
>>33325995do you want 10k dead memberships?
>>33325596great voice
>>33325862heil sheep
Why is it that for the most part, holostarfans had no issue leaving to their own thread, yet ID and EN fans keep trying to desperately latch onto these threads?
>>33326015Only 3 days after her 100k celebration stream too. Tomoshika and Pikamee did quick streams to explain the situation, but they're tough to watch just because they're both so torn up about it
>>33325051Tallying.>CoolsFlare 3, (A-chan, Matsuri, Towa)Towa 3, (A-chan, Fubuki, Noel)Okayu 3, (Botan, Miko, Ayame)Mori 3, (Korone, Suisei, Marine)Botan 3, (Polka, Ayame, Marine)Suisei 2, (Towa, Marine)Azki 1, (Watame)Haachama 1, (Kanata)Kanata 1, (Noel)Coco 1, (Marine)Mel 1, (Choco)You really understand the sort of demographic Mori appeals to looking at those who rated her cool. Choco seems to want to raise Mel flags.>CutesAyame 4, (Polka, Kanata, Noel, Marine)Aqua 4, (Fubuki, Towa, Suisei, Marine)Rushia 3, (A-chan, Ayame, Marine)Mel 2, (A-chan, Choco)Luna 2, (Matsuri, Watame)Noel 2, (Korone, Ayame)Miko 2, (Towa, Marine)Flare 2, (Noel, Marine)Shion 1, (Kanata)Towa 1, (Kanata)Suisei 1, (Botan)Gura 1, (Marine)Sora 1, (Miko)Haachama 1, (Miko)Miko's taste is beyond mortal minds. Also more Flare baiting.>FunnysSubaru 7, (Matsuri, Botan, Fubuki, Choco, Kanata, Towa, Marine)Marine 6, (Choco, Towa, Suisei, Noel, Miko, Ayame)Korone 4, (Kanata, Miko, Ayame, Marine)Miko 4, (A-chan, Korone, Watame, Marine)Pekora 3, (Polka, Ayame, Marine)Rushia 3, (Noel, Ayame, Marine)Okayu 2, (Kanata, Marine)Matsuri 1, (A-chan)Lamy 1, (Marine)Sasuga, Duck. Marine also seems to have grasped every Holo other Holos would think are funny while being funny herself.>CleversCoco 6, (Botan, Watame, Towa, Noel, Miko, Marine)Fubuki 3, (Polka, Kanata, Miko)Subaru 2, (A-chan, Marine)Choco 2, (Kanata, Suisei)Botan 2, (Choco, Marine)No Answer 2, (Fubuki, Ayame)Suisei 1, (A-chan)Okayu 1, (Towa)Azki 1, (Kanata)Aki 1, (Matsuri)Korone 1, (Korone)Holos respect the dragon it seems.>StrongsKanata 8, (A-chan, Botan, Choco, Korone, Towa, Noel, Miko, Marine)Botan 6, (Matsuri, Watame, Kanata, Miko, Ayame, Marine)Aki 4, (A-chan, Kanata, Noel, Marine)Lamy 2, (Choco, Towa)Suisei 2, (Kanata, Miko)Rushia 2, (Towa, Miko)Choco 1, (A-chan)Polka 1, (Polka)Haachama 1, (Suisei)Subaru 1, (Ayame)Watame 1, (Fubuki)Flare 1, (Fubuki)Fubuki 1, (Fubuki)Friend repping Bakatare it looks like. It seems Gorillas beat Lions. Also, Mukirose power.
>>33326028i wish watame was hitler
Is Oozora Subaru a good girl?
>>33325474Thank you ayamefriend!
>>33326035She is the one pulling the strings.
>>33326025it must be crushing to twitchers(?), seeing their plummet if a gift subber stops gift subbing
>>33326033that's meani don't want watame to be dead or a loser
holy shit the teddy bear vtuberwhoever posted it, you goddamn legend
>>33326014>>33326017There's many tools to help promote. There's one that allows you to host other channels, so when you end your stream you could make it that everyone watching automatically gets linked to another channel.Imagine an indie pulling 30 viewers suddenly getting Pekora's viewers.
>>33326032>Clever>Korone 1, (Korone)large kusa
>>33326029Because all they want is discussion. Same reason the JP only thread did fine until making new ones became bannable.
>>33326032Pure Power Tenshi!
>>33326042Pekora accidentally leaning into you while you play Mario Kart together!
Who are the Stacies of hololive?
>>33325929Only 2 videos? lol
>>33326015Hanayori Dorm was so comfy, too. It sucked when Nononono left, but now the whole group's gone.
>>33326049all that youtube needs is global membership emotes and it's chat is saved
>>33326046She's my new oshi already
>>33325051>>33326032And I missed the Kind section.>KindsCopout answer 3, (Fubuki, Watame, Miko)Noel 3, (Suisei, Ayame, Marine)Marine 2, (Matsuri, Korone)Mio 2, (Botan, Ayame)Luna 1, (A-chan)Azki 1, (A-chan)Mel 1, (Choco)Lamy 1, (Polka)Flare 1, (Kanata)Roboco 1, (Kanata)Watame 1, (Kanata)Matsuri 1, (Kanata)Aki 1, (Towa)Kanata 1, (Towa)Pekora 1, (Noel)Okayu 1, (Noel)Answers all over the board here.
How long is this pacifist route? Jesas, it's been hours, I'm already tired
>>33326032Is mori cool?
>>33326081downloading her singing streams right nowvery pleasant, fren
>>33326032Botan is surprisingly popular.
>>33326029Stop falseflagging with Chammers when you want to metapost disgusting schizo.
>>33326086About an hour or two left
>>33326085>Copout answer maybe they are honest and theres no one kind hololive krk
>>33326085>Watame 1, (Kanata)
>>33325888no she have been streaming
>>33326086This is the last area, then a boss fight, then depending on how she feels about it, about an hour or so of backtracking and talking to every npc for closure
Kanata your bed reps...
>>33326092Her little stumbles and laughing about it in some songs is very cute!
>>33326086Depending on if she gets stuck on any fights here, Marine did for a while on one of them, like 1h30-2h left, then another hour or so for the epilogue if Kanata decides to go talk to everyone, which she almost definitely will.
>>33326095some fag above posted a live stream with a RBC voiceshe's nailing ithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWn-6mY47TQ
>>33325756>and then every single Yakuza and Uncharted game in a rowdon't threaten me with a good time watamage
Does Kanata hate abstract things?
>>33326114She's just weak to Japanese horror like walls of text.
>>33326126leaning retard
>>33326101the fuck is this english bro
>>33326029>IDBecause there's no better place than here to discuss them>ENbecause global is dead in /jp/ and in /vt/ is just a reactionary thread, when a holoEN stream they just spam image reactions, and when no holoEN is streaming, the thread become slow, to the point that even /hlg/ in the death hours is faster.
>>33326092>>33326107>>33326081>>33326046I perked the fuck up when she started singing Watashi no R, and then when she projected her voice during the "ふざけんな!" part. That was fucking great. This fucking bear is a legend.
>>33325955Does anyone have a clip of chammers saying arigathanks? It's the cutest shit ever.
>>33326131we're swimming in SEA
>>33326089Is Towa cool?
holy shit this is pure SOUL
>>33326133I'm loving this song right now. I like her voice a lot
Holy fuck she's great
>watched friend's undertale stream>watched suisei's undertale stream>I'm watching kanata's undertale stream with the bear vtuber in the backgroundOh jesas
kanata nope'ing out of the rooms is cute as hell
Second most popular word in chats after 草 is NTR. How does it make you feel?
>wanted to watch cabaya>now stuck watching a bear indie because anon decided to be a cunt and ruin my night with indies yet againat least she's good
>>33326126maybe you need to learn english
>>33326155I don't feel anything. How is it supposed to make me feel?
>>33326143I want to aka supa so bad... youtube onegai
Wait which is her face
Can you losers fuck off to the indie thread
>>33326158it's too late for me anon....i'm sorry...
>>33326172Can you faggot go back to global?
ah yes /ホロライブ/, my favourite place to discuss indies on 4chan!
>>33326154just watch both
melposter has a brain impediment, forgive her
>>33326139Towa is cute!
I swear to god the genocide route is way more simpler
>>33326131better than yours SEA
>>33326132>when a holoEN stream they just spam image reactionsThat's the average audience for EN and the reason why they're not wanted here.>when no holoEN is streaming, the thread become slow, to the point that even /hlg/ in the death hours is faster.Because they come here.
Timeloops never leave us.
>dead hoursPlease I'll take anyone, just stream.
>>33325596Fuck you, not another pnd
>>33326144i love akua
Nene ojisan
tfw teddy bear has better merch than your oshi
>>33326192Kanata, Ina, and Astel are still streaming retard
>>33326192Watch the bear
>>33326192watch the bear
>>33326192We're watching the bear
>>33326029None of the retards posting that stuff here are genuine fans, they're only using whatever gets them (you)s and reactions. You niggers have to learn to ignore posts you don't like. True fans would go where they can discuss whatever they like in peace.
WTF Ankimo sounds like THIS
>GlowFuck please no...
Swear with me: I will not watch Kanata's stream!
This thread would rather watch an indie than Kanata, all you need to know about the absolute state of tenshit.
>>33326188That's the point, killing is always easier in gaymes so blablabla pacifist route is the subversion blablabla
Nijiniggers raiding again I see
>cant watch usual oshis because of undertale spam>stuck watching an indie singing cute songs because COVER are faggots with perms>got baited by indiesNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo
>>33326192Watch the bear. She's singing classic kino Vocaloid songs.
>>33326207>KanataOkay I'm retarded didn't notice.>Ina, and Astel?
Oh, that's the enemy Marine was stuck on for a bitDid Kanata save beforehand?
>>33326192yeah watch the bear and ignore the tourists they havent been here for long enough to understand this place
teddy bear fags raiding us
>>33326221Does she even stream? All she does is post bait clips
>>33326224I'm watching Kanata though
>>33326206>>33326209>>33326210>>33326214>>33326220>>33326232>>33326236Fuck off.
>>33326225The game tries to make me feel bad for the monsters?
>>33326242Yeah, you're the only one.
Just be Friends!
>more discussion about a fucking indie than KanataKill yourselves you fucking losers
>>33326203Licking Lamy's left armpit while Nene licks her right armpit and discussing the taste with Nene afterwards!
Undertale is played out. So glad FBKing is going to speedrun this shit and move on. Korone fills the ‘14 hour longplay where 9 hours is her dying to one boss’ niche
does astel even do anything besides streaming
>>33326242Nice try, Coco
>>33326246all me
>>33326246Fuck off mad your EN whores were not accepted but a random indie was?
>>33326102>>33326108and she's supposed to be doing an endurance stream tomorrow too
I want to know what Noel's pits smell like
is kanata just really bad at this game or what
>Yogiri's rumored reincarnation doesn't follow any of the other CN reincarnationsif it's really her, that pretty much confirms she hates them.
>>33326252I fail to see a problem
>>33326265The endurance is at night anyway, after Okayu's
>>33326270What a cuck gameMONSTER HATE
Kanata getting filtered by teeth
>>33326241Never clicked on her channel before?
This thread isn't very good.
>>33326258Wrong thread shart
>>33326269like light body odorjaps tend not to smell too strongly
>>33326288Why would I?
Watch Ina
>>33326279obviously she hates them. she was a huge hololive fan and judas ruined that for her
>>33326215But they keep insisting that they just want discussion like this guy >>33326132Chances are you also post EN/ID here since you're so concerned for the "genuine fans".
Just be friends.. don't read her twitter...
Is it true that Aqua's autism levels are magnitudes higher than anyone else's?
>>33326246trying REALLY hard to fit in
Fuck you guys, I'm trapped, when is the right moment to leave without hurting her?
>>33326295I'll watch her if she does more jp collabs
>>33326285you think kanata's gonna sleep through okayu's birthday stream?
>>33326306You're fucking pathetic.
>>33326306You're here forever.
>>33326192Watch the bearOr Mio in 20
>>33326306When the stream is over
>>33326300no, there are a couple pretty close like luna and miko
People are actually surprised nobody gives a fuck about Hololive here? Have you missed the last few days? Nobody here watches anything, they're just here to shitpost.
>>33326295Sorry I rather watch an Indie
>>33326306nope, you're stuck. gotta just mute and open a new tab
>>33326294Never used jetri before?
I disliked the bear's stream. That's what you faggots get for spamming that shit here. Keep it up and I'll shit on her chat.
Oh jesas another shit boss
>>33326299Too late now I'm sad
https://twitter.com/tokino_sora/status/1363506654923288587 https://twitter.com/tokino_sora/status/1363509603296706561Remember, today is International Cat Day
>>33326299at least she sounds happy now...
>>33326311She might
>>33326326thanks for standing up for us suichad
>>33326336Don't care, I'm watching a superior bear holo
>>33326306Just stick it out.
>>33326336collared sora....
>>33326295i will when she reveals every wrinkle of her anus
>>33326326she'll kill herself if you do it
>>33326318I'm tired of undertale, man
>>33326299menhera bear...
>>33326306just leave lol
>>33326326Mad global faggot?
>>33326299damn it
I'll deploy the wheelbarrows
Why would you learn english from a french? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_rqgoHBa0Q>>33326306I closed after she began this song, it doesn't sound that good.
>>33326326Release the wheelbarrows
>>33326298>But they keep insisting that they just want discussion like this guyWell this obviously ain't the place because I don't see any discussion regarding those branches happening in this thread. Only shitflinging and baitposting. Just because this thread is better than the alternatives doesn't mean you can make it about whatever you like it to be, the vast majority of people here want to discuss hororaibu JP. Last metapost from me, we're in good hours right now.
>>33326318unironically lost interest in undertale after FBK pulled the>I played off streamstunt
>>33326306You don't. I am still giving my daughter monthly care packages
>>33326336sorachii...... more streams....
>>33326355Fuck off to /vt/
>>33326316Miko is just retarded, not autistic.
>>33326355Anon you can't just call everyone who disagrees with global
>>33326361Speaking of wheelbarrows, as far as I read, chinks at NGA had a hard time to decide what to do with CocoXKanata new reloaded friendship, but it seems that they don't care at the end if heimins or even Kanata get's in the way if they collab with Coco.
You fuckers act so tough here, yet you can't even leave a random YouTube stream because you'll feel bad for the girl?
>>33326326Just waiting for someone to wheelbarrow her chat to teach her a lesson.
>>33326392Then he's a touristGlobal is easy to blame since they bring to many new shitters
And yet mods will ban you if you make a ホロライブJP thread. Naruhodo ne.
>>33326387not mutually exclusive
>>33326394Men punch each other but they would never punch a girl.
>>33326394watame, nodont guilt trip me, please
>>33325390I dont watch her much let alone is her gachis, but with how he punished herself with stupid amounts of Apex streams after her bad performance in the tourney its obvious how much of a tryhard she is. If you even watch her old gamer moments clips that tryhard aura is there as well.
>>33326392sure, ESLkun
>>33326393Extremely fascinating
>don't watch clips>don't do reps>don't watch holos>don't watch other big names>don't even watch indieswhat can you do?
Whachu gonna do faggits?
>>33326416I can coom
>>33326402that's what we get for shitting on global so much. it makes the shark meido pissy
>>33326306You leave when she's not enjoyable. It's that simple.
>Why yes, I am waiting for Watame's Undertale stream instead of jumping to watch Holos who most have already played the game offstream or cannot properly appreciate the intricacies of the game's setting and story telling. How could you tell?
>>33326419idk who that even is
>>33326306First time?
>>33326402There's no mod. The "wrong thread" spammer's post is still there.
>>33324588For the people bitching about this remember FBK already played through the entirety of Undertale before this playthrough.This Genocide run is more just a trip down memory lane for her than anything.
>>33326419Pray for Kanata, she deserves better fans.
>>33326394of course?
>>33326181She hasn't been getting her clit sucked lately, pls andastd.
>>33326421>shark meidohe is long gone...
>>33326419you're the one who wont be able to sleep, frenremember if this stream is unarchived, you're gonna take it to the grave, kek
>>33326442>fren>kekWhat the fuck
>>33325952>going through other threads that is not the individual choobas thread or the generals in the new board You got what you deserve!
is mel dead?
I don't even know what "ホロライブ" means so I will discuss anything I want.
>>33326442I couldn't give 2 flying shits. I'll sleep like a fucking baby tonight.
>>33326441oh he's here, he likes us too much
>>33326443賛成 (DeepL)
>>33326451I wish.
>>33326447welcome to 2021
>>33326365Marine... N-not the french...
>>33326452You're a newfaggot you have to lurk first
>>33326452you forgot your sheep image
>>33326295She has such a nice body
>>33326438>FBK already played through the entirety of Undertale before this playthrough.She literally never played it before. She has only watched streams and videos.
>>33326443>ディスカッションReally bitch?
>>33326452Well, might as well discuss about Holo cats
>>33326466Welcome to ホロライブ, globalfriend!
>>33326474shape up, I can't believe you fell for that
I can’t actually believe how different this place is now, not that long ago faggots didn’t get this triggered because someone posted an unknown indie, in fact most faggots went out of their way to help the indie. This fucking place is really newfag central.
which holo is a bitch nigga
>>33326443Why does the concept make you so butthurt?
>>33326450pogu u onyn
>>33326488Im little bit heated right now so many newshitters....
is that giant skull thing the basis for boss-flowy?
>>33326489You're not fooling anybody.
>>33326487commenting on the fact that retarded /pol/ lingo is widespread in current year means I'm from global? you don't even know what the words your saying mean ESL dumbass
>>33326489guy literally put a single dislike for no reason, bit sad how much the thread's fallen.
>>33326279They aren't even close anyway.
*performs ASMR by revealing pubic hair*
>>33326486mio comes to save the day!
>>33326491Flare ships Watame with Kiara?
>>33326499it's mostly bait bro…
>>33326486My mom Mio with another morning stream! God bless.
>>33326489There are holos streaming right now. If you aren't watching them why are you in this thread? You know you don't have to be here 24/7 right? The only reason to be here if you aren't watching anyone is to shitpost. Which you are, you fucking faggot.
>>33326489Even the new board didnt take those newfags I still wonder why they come here
>>33326489The good guys all left to /vt/
>>33326500Stop eating cum.
>>33326511Yeah man true. It's really interesting that I keep seeing shit like "kek" posted ever since /vt/ was made, when I never saw it here before. I guess it's just a coincidence!
>>33326501idk shit about this game but its got 6 horns like the 6 tubes the boss had for the 6 souls
>>33326501I don't think it's explicitly said but it fits the shape.
>>33326524It's the prestige of posting here, you can claim that you're "better" than everyone else because you post here and only here
>>33326522Once kanata stops we should watch Ina right ? Fuck off
>>33325596>check twitter>followed by Gorillahow the hell?
>>33326489Yeah this place sucks. Let's go to /vt/.
>>33326540Watch whoever the fuck you want, why do you need to talk about them here? There's an entire board retard.
>>33326489I bet my left giant nut its just an underage wanting attention
>>33326528yeah interesting that I was saying the same exact thing when I said welcome to 2021 but your ESL ass thinks that means I'm from global
>>33326425Will she play it though?
>>33326541She's followed by Asano Ruri, Koyoi, Ashino, Hachi, and Meguri Shikibu, too.
>>33326541Gorilla runs vtubing
>>33326554Yeah I agree
>>33326513>for no reasonHe had a reason though.
>>33326560wanna make out then?
>>33326559is there anything he can't do?
The reason not to watch Kanata's stream is devil's proof, I refuse to explain it!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrSCQMmXrykMio is live!
>>33326552You right anon shitposting is much better than having something common to talk about
>>33326043I chat with some and it's not even just when they leave, during events they get loads of gift subs then the next month it's sometimes even less than normal which makes small affiliates wonder where they went wrong
>>33326557wtf?!?she's bretty gud
>>33326572no thanks LULW
>>33326555Yes, but probably not anytime soon.
>>33326513he had a perfectly fine reason. don't post a link if you're not prepared for someone to dislike it
wake up miostream at 6am
>>33326555Yes, she talked about it in yesterday's and today's stream. Apparently Miko and Fubuki highly recommended her to play it, saying that she'll like it.
Kanata getting so into it the cell phone jumpscares her, very cute.
>>33326340That would make me sad... I know Okayu was waving a light stick during Kanata's 3D Homura performance. I'm sure she'll tough it out to return the favor.
>>33326599We're watching the bear.
>>33326593>6amIt's 7 30?
>>33326611Fuck off retard
>>33326575Win a tournament...
>>33326607Still well over an hour to go anon, probably close to two
>>33326579Don't care
>>33326593it's 7 JST right now...
>there are people ITT who are newer than Azki's 48 hour song stream
>>33326032>>33326085Now that I've done that, Holos by total ratings. I have not double-checked this. I should have used a spreadsheet in hindsight.Sora 1, (Miko 1)Roboco 1, (Kanata 1)Miko 6, (Towa 1, Marine 2, A-chan 1, Korone 1, Watame 1)Suisei 6, (Towa 1, Marine 1, Botan 1, A-chan 1, Kanata 1, Miko 1)Azki 3, (Watame 1, Kanata 1, A-chan 1)Mel 4, (A-chan 1, Choco 3)Fubuki 4, (Polka 1, Kanata 1, Miko 1, Fubuki 1)Matsuri 2, (A-chan 1, Kanata 1)Aki 6, (Matsuri 1, Towa 1, A-chan 1, Kanata 1, Noel 1, Marine 1)Haachama 3, (Kanata 1, Miko 1, Suisei 1)Aqua 4, (Fubuki 1, Towa 1, Suisei 1, Marine 1)Shion 1, (Kanata 1)Ayame 4, (Polka 1, Kanata 1, Noel 1, Marine 1)Choco 3, (Kanata 1, Suisei 1, A-chan 1)Subaru 10, (Matsuri 1, Botan 1, Fubuki 1, Choco 1, Kanata 1, Towa 1, Marine 2, A-chan 1, Ayame 1)Mio 2, (Botan 1, Ayame 1)Korone 5, (Kanata 1, Miko 1, Ayame 1, Marine 1, Korone 1)Okayu 7, (Botan 1, Miko 1, Ayame 1, Kanata 1, Marine 1, Towa 1, Noel 1)Pekora 4, (Polka 1, Ayame 1, Marine 1, Noel 1)Rushia 8, (A-chan 1, Ayame 2, Marine 2, Noel 1, Towa 1, Miko 1)Flare 7, (A-chan 1, Matsuri 1, Towa 1, Noel 1, Marine 1, Fubuki 1, Kanata 1)Noel 5, (Korone 1, Ayame 2, Suisei 1, Marine 1)Marine 8, (Choco 1, Towa 1, Suisei 1, Noel 1, Miko 1, Ayame 1, Matsuri 1, Korone 1)Kanata 10, (A-chan 1, Botan 1, Choco 1, Korone 1, Towa 2, Noel 2, Miko 1, Marine 1)Coco 6, (Botan 1, Watame 1, Towa 1, Noel 1, Miko 1, Marine 1)Watame 2, (Fubuki 1, Kanata 1)Towa 4, (A-chan 1, Fubuki 1, Noel 1, Kanata 1)Luna 3, (Matsuri 1, Watame 1, A-chan 1)Lamy 4, (Marine 1, Choco 1, Towa 1, Polka 1)Botan 11, (Polka 1, Ayame 2, Marine 3, Choco 1, Matsuri 1, Watame 1, Kanata 1, Miko 1)Polka 1, (Polka 1)Nene 0Poor Nene.
>>33326607>>33326579who tf cares, bear is streaming
this fucking hag is up early in the morning on a mondaycute!
>>33326623There are people in this thread newer than new years. What's your point?
I really love the PPTenga doujin
If only the protagonist were streaming to save us... instead we have fags spamming indies.
>>33326565>>33326590whatever you say, lad. I know plebbit/twatter would do it, but I expected 4ch to not do stuff like that to indies.
>>33326626I totally forgot about Nene.
>>33326579I don't normally like feet but seeing them in pantyhose always makes me want to sniff
>>33326623did the bear indie have a song there?
smol miosha
>3 dislikesBased chad newfags
>>33326608I hate gura and she should just graduate already. dumb bitch is too "scared" or whatever to collab with her senpai's cause she doesn't want to get called out for all the dead EOP subs that she has. bitch can't even compete with luna in terms of numbers (a bottom of the barrel holo mind you)
You have 5 seconds to explain why you aren't watching our based bear indie singing right now
Would you rather have Rushia paizuri, or chammers footjob?
>>33326626>Nene 0Sasuga my CEO!
>>33326637lmao what sort of "take it easy" /jp/ crack have you been smoking
>>33326646I'm listening to red heart like every single day at this hours.Hi, how are you?>Hi I am good.Are you calling up my phone?>I am still looking for proofBaby tell me what is wrong>Am I good enough for you?Don’t you ever let me go>Don’t you tell me what’s my ruleIf you check the lyrics of red heart the first 2 verses are actually a phone conversation. This is of course foreshadowing to the schizo haachama arc.
>>33326646because no one knows who you're talking about samefag
>>33326644>Rona means she probably won't show up at the 3D liveHopefully things are better by the time their anniversaries come around.
wen u play the dangorampo gaem but you kill de friendz#understandable
>>33326605She is probably going to sleep until night, she's missed out on a couple totsumachis and 3Ds because she was asleep but she'd obviously watch it if she was awake
>>33326659how fucking new
>>33326635Good thing Mio started streaming, but I was promised yuro friendly Moona streams. Where are they?
>>33326540Kanata is still streaming and will be for one more hour at least, and yet you're still not watching her.
>>33326646I'm watching my oshi
>>33326637Were you asleep for the past 6 months or something? People here WILL harass whoever they want just to piss you off personally. It's not the way it used to be.
>>33326640Pretty sure she did, at least judging from her twitter.
>Haato>RisuAre there anymore Hololive members who sound childish but can speak with a deep voice really well?
>>33326646Left a thumbs down and closed the stream
rumao, got a falseflagger already. I don't care about that indie, just ignore and report, don't shit up the thread even more.
>>33326672Yeah force me to watch her fucking newfaggot kill yourself
>>33326623>there are people ITT who are newer than the fucking global split, newer than holofes 2, newer than marika tourney, newer than vtuberfes, heck even newer than bloom
We need Ricardo back
>>33326685Pekora is way too sexual for her own good
>>33326640Yes, she did.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvm--lCLris
Miosha sneeze...
>>33326646you have 5 seconds to explain why you aren't in the indie vtuber thread right now
>>33326675I also think it's SEA fags mad that an indie is getting more love than ID or EN.
>spamming dislikes on an indieWhat a bunch of faggots
>>33326690>there are people ITT who are newer than the bear
>>33326687Hey, don't use my mom for shitposting.
>>33326670this is the only bear relevant to here and they're not livehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSOfFtVCTBfmGxHK5OD8ag
>>3332664211 months between those and the last dislike I could find on her videos, rare event.
>>33326703I disliked because she leeched off of azki
>>33326709You will never fit in newfag
>>33326706>Being obnoxious faggots about herThis is what you get for both posting her in the schizo thread and acting like a retard
>>33326681Risu uses a pitch modifier software, you can hear static at times when she's talking, it's how you recognize men on the internet when they are trying to use a female voice.Risu has a natural deep voice but uses her treerat synthetic voice for her hololive persona, it's not real.
>linking indiesDon't you remember what happened last time?
Know your place.
Mio isn't for sex stop it
>>33326706don't post indies here, then.
>>33324260Even the dogshit horror arc actually brought in new JOPsJust like Coco's meme review, the audience isn't exactly 100% EOPsIf you think Haachama just panders to EOPs with that, it's wrongSure the meme comes from EOP obnoxious kids but I think Haachama only used it because of JOP clips responsesFor example, this thing was posted before the very first "Akai Haato" guerilla stream this month :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oolAgjhcRxwAnd Haachana actually used their clip on her stream too, just a few days before they posted the clip abovehttps://youtu.be/l0F_KGomG8w?t=2215Also, she was commenting about how her English streams don't get clipped to JP like the EN girls when she stopped doing as many English streams as she did after the chink ban (I forgot which stream)As for her "old" JOP fans, I'm not sure about the casual ones, but I still noticed familiar JOP names in the few SC readings she did in the horror arc. The ones noticeably missing are, understandably, the JSL names.
>>33326706but my threeaaaaaadddd!!!!
>>33326706if you wanted her to succeed you'd know better than to post her here
>>33326706>spamming an indie in a Hololive threadWhat a bunch of faggots
>>33326717anon, she's an indieazki is in BLOOM & has supas
>>33326726Trying too hard newfag
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zcakxq3miIgHurea Miko collab
>>33326731>t.new year tourist
>>33326725her motherly voice makes me want to have 4 little wolves with her
>>33326726>>33326729>>33326730>>33326731Hi newfag.
>>33326731How new
>>33326706This place is schizo central now. Know your place, fag.
>>33326739>flarekek let her drive
>>33326731Yeah, let's go back to talking about nga
>>33326723We bought some girl Pikimin and ramen?
>>33326626>>33326655She was present in the category "the holomember you want to keep as a pet" the most.
>>33326750Underage central*
>>33326635Pekomoona apex collab when
>>33326732>BLOOMno she wasn't.
>>33326724>matsuri's fanbase on the lower sidekek well done
>showering obvious newfag (you) farmers with (you)s in comfy hours
This place really went to shit after global moved to /vt/.
Birthday cat in Mama's chat.
>>33326721What a weird narrative
Bearfags are getting uppity again
>>33326731Trying way too hard newfag
>>33326723ThisI like my indie and I will never post her hereShe is mine
>>33326743sorry I told the truth. if anyone posting about this indie actually cared they wouldn't post about it here because it's a given that people are just going to dislike the stream for (You)s
flaremiko gta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zcakxq3miIg
>>33326740>>33326743>>33326744Older than you reddit tourists. You have an entire board on top of a general vtuber thread on this one. Take it there and talk about Hololive here. You are not here to actually help her.
>>33326774Way too new
>>33326780You aren't fooling anybody, pal.
>>33326780Lurk 2 years before posting.
>>333267591000s of supas then?
>>33326768it's ahoge all over again
>>33326772Where are her panties? Won't she get cold?
?Why do people keep saying we're being raided when there's less people in the thread than there have been for the past several months?
>>33326780>Pretending to be oldYou do realize archive exist right?
>>33326739Flare and Miko are hilarious together
>>33326768bear getting graduated. when? lol
>>33326771it's the correct mentality to have these days.
>>33326780At least 6
>>33326765Look, the number of unique IPs halved, but the thread quality didn't improve at all. Do your math
Which one did you like betterhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDPQ5xLXAWshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZzIDJXT2gA
>>33326791ok, so azki is popular? how does that not support my claim that the bear leeched off of her?
>>33326724Towa's fanbase are girls?
There's a bear anti now
I'm tired of faggots not lurking and not doing their reps than I am of off-topic posting
>>33326803>the number of unique IPs halvedok retard
>>33326776>no Flare anywhere in the thumbnail or in romajiRIP EOP elfriends
>>33326774Not only that but she has already got a bunch of "fans" trying to be intentionally obnoxious about her.
>>33326750It's always people that is trying too hard to fit in that pretends to know more than he actually does.
>>33326765Come here when burgers will be sleeping, you'll be surprised how diffrent the thread is.
>>33326814I'm just tired
>>33326814Learn English, retard.
>>33326817Are EOP elfriends even a thing?
>>33326805she's the most attractive woman I've seen
>>33326795You weren't here at the time but those were actual dead hours. The second time she was brought up we all got a vacation by the way. Now there are holos streaming. You have zero excuse to post an indie here right here.
>>33326830Learn to read english retard
What the fucjk who removed the dislike ? pussy keep it up we gotta show these faggits who run this shit
>>33326805I actually do hope she's married, she deserves to be happy.
>>33326807If you're going to claim that the bear leeched off her, then you might as well claim BOOGEY VOXX leeched off her, too.
>>33326807>bear leeched off of her?anon>40 viewersto>10k with superchats & more4ch doesnt do stuff like that. you stick out like a sore thumb
>>33326805Nice nails
>>33326813lelbear numberfag incoming
so, what was the mystery of Atlantis?
>>33326832Probably. When Flare does her all nighter Minecraft streams, I wouldn't be surprised if EOPs watched her during dead hours because she was the only thing on. I would know because that's what I did when I first started getting into watching streams live
>>33326844Not you. Get the fuck out, faggot.
You really need to get the fuck out of this thread during yuro hours, SEAnig and burger hours are better because their schizos are easily distinguable. And those hours have better moderation.
>>33326860the main character is the son of some bad guy or some shit from a previous kusoge game by the same company, it's a retarded twist
>>33326844>What the fucjk who removed the dislike ?lol
Another thread ruined by burgersharts. Like clockwork.
>>33326839Yeah I got caught in those bans to for like doing a single post
>>33326863You know the archives exist to prove you wrong right?
>>33326853what the fuck are you even trying to say ESLchama? this bear appeared on an azki stream. she appeared to shill her channel. no other reason. she does not have a substantial following. she didn't not bring any new viewers to azki's stream. that is by definition fucking leeching you illiterate fuck.
>>33326832But I am a EOP elfriend :^)
>>33326883Dumb newfag
>>33326877You always blame the burgers but it was me, Ars Chad !
Jesus fuck I've been ignoring these EOPs in Kanata's chat but they're getting really obnoxious now
>>33326863When the fuck are these hours? Whenever people say burger hours it's like lunchtime JST and people say SEA hours is during prime time. So when the fuck are these threads browsable according to your your logic?>inb4 just stop browsing these threads
>it's the burgers>its the seafags>its the yuropoorsmaybe its just (you)
I never realised heimin were so petty.
>>33326832Flare is very accommodating to EOPs, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's a fair share of them
>>33326805I like the one behind both of them
>>33326839Ahoge was the only time I've gotten a vacation, I managed to miss the ogey vacation plan because I typed it in kana. Didn't really think the ahoge thing was a big deal at the time since people were posting indie traps in the thread almost every day back then.
>>33326890nice counterargument SEAnigger
I'm convinced even if there were only 20 posters in these threads, you guys would complain about being raided.
>>33326861>>33326885>>33326896flare has a lot of EOPs actually. there's hardly a stream that doesn't have a live translator
How to be a /ホロライブ/ newfag>Person says anything you don't agree withCall them an ESL>Person makes a narrative postCall them a schizo>Thread is shit during any time of the dayOh boy it's SEA/Burger/Euro/Chink/Smart Fridge hours!>Thread is deadStart spamming about something completely irrelevant like holostars or IDs
>>33325051>Your oshiA-chan: I can't choose a serious answer, everyone has a different characterMatsuri: HoshikawaBotan: I can't narrow it down to one person...Fubuki: Too many!Choco: Mel and DebiKorone: OkayuPolka: https://twitter.com/kobato_riaWatame: Petelgeuse Romanee-ContiKanata: Morine Rinze, Aragaki YuiTowa: All HolomembersSuisei: MoriNoel: Flare (she crossed out the question and wrote "the person I love" instead) Miko: Haato, SoraAyame: Noel, Rushia, Korone, MarineMarine: Hololive 箱推し>Which Holos voice do you like the most?A-chan: Okayu, Fubuki, Ayame, Aki, LamyMatsuri: Miko, LunaBotan: Rushia, AkiFubuki: OkayuChoco: I like them allKorone: AyamePolka: AyameWatame: BotanKanata: Miko, Rushia, Sora, Fubuki, Mel, Ayame, Luna, LamyTowa: Rushia, OkayuSuisei: RushiaNoel: AyameMiko: MarineAyame: Noel, RushiaMarine: Fubuki, Okayu, Rushia, Miko, Noel, Mel, Gura, Shion, Luna>Which Holos stream content do you like the most?A-chan: Korone, Marine, NoelMatsuri: AquaBotan: Marine, PekoraFubuki: SubaruChoco: Marine, Coco, FubukiKorone: Subaru?Polka: SubaruWatame: KoroneKanata: Pekora, RushiaTowa: Marine, PekoraSuisei: MarineNoel: I can't choose... everyone!Miko: HaachamaAyame: Korone, Marine, Okayu, PekoraMarine: Pekora, Miko, MioSuba, Korone, Aqua>Which Holos are you likely to get along with?A-chan: Aqua, Roboco, HaachamaMatsuri: Fubuki, Luna, Suisei, etcBotan: Towa, KoroneFubuki: MarineChoco: I want to conquer them allKorone: I fit in with everyonePolka: FlareWatame: Fubuki, FlareKanata: Coco, Marine, OkayuTowa: Subaru, Botan, OkayuSuisei: MikoNoel: LamyMiko: PekoraAyame: Mio, Subaru, Fubuki, Korone, Okayu, Noel, RobocoMarine: Kanata, Flare, Matsuri maybe?>Which Holos do you want as a pet?A-chan: Shion, Polka, PekoraMatsuri: NeneBotan: NeneFubuki: WatameChoco: Aqua, ShionKorone: RisuPolka: OllieWatame: NeneKanata: Nene, AquaTowa: NeneSuisei: PekoraNoel: Pekora, WatameMiko: OkaKoroAyame: Rushia, AquaMarine: Noel (dairy cow), Nene, Okayu, Miko
>>33326894Always has been
>>33326911Don't care anymore.
>>33326893Check in in 9-12 hours. Most burgers will be asleep and the diffrence will be plain as day and night
>>33326906is the /jp/ mentality
>angel vs chuuni goat
>>33326813This is the ‘official’ anti thread if you haven’t realized. Less weird posters go to individual threads on /vt/ or the slow Holo thread. The people left here are schizos and antis, so naturally any new schizos are directed here. This is totally fine, we need a space for people to be assholes, we can’t be nice all the time
>>33326874Really nigga?
>>33326911FUCK FRIEND
No matter how many times you try to shit up these thread im not moving to /vt/
>v2>hairs is still stiff as fuckMiso...
FUCK asriel
>>33326935>buzzword buzzword >we're buzzword buzzowrdNo faggot it's just (you)
>>33326911I'm disappointed in my friend...
>>33326926Are you joking? 12 hours ago this thread was complete shit.
>>33326911the reaction she posted on twitter was what we wanted to see, FRIEND
Woah first time I've seen this fight and it's fucking great
>>33326940No one gives a shit about what you do
This OST is GOAT
https://youtu.be/5-T4hj9vR0YPlease watch Kanata beat Azriel!
>>33326911Sorry friend but I'm rooting for Risu now.
>>33326958>kanatapffffthahahahahaha ill pass
>>33326920>Aragaki YuiHow old is Kanata again?
>>33326958I am but I feel dirty posting about it here.
>Seanig>Burger>ESL>EOP>Oldfag>NewfagShut the fuck up faggot, weatch the stream or go back to >>>/vt/
>>33326925>>33326938>>33326917what did I miss?
>>33326976https://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1363544315822297100Practiced the sans fight off-stream
>>33326958>KanataI'll pass
>>33326911Ruined. Go back to your APEX nothingness, friend.
>>33326935I'll never anti post in this thread no matter how much antis want it to be that.Your oshi is gonna have great fucking day and there's NOTHING you can do about it.
what's the song right now?
>>33326839You're not supposed to point that out to the actual newfags pretending to be old
>>33326958The story is too deep for me honestly.I have no idea what the fuck is even going on with Frisk, Chara, Azriel, the human souls, and all that shit.Sans is pretty funny though.
>>33326972>weatchyou can't just say stuff like that man, shit's mad disrespectful.
>>33326976friend supposedly trained a lot off stream and reached the last part where sans just talks to youunless there's a translation error, this means her genuine first time reaction to beating it wont make it
Is Kanata's stream stuttering like crazy for anyone else?
>>33325312>>33324810>>33326326Very interesting
Did PPT just vape
>>33326765That's what happens when the schizos realize meidos have largely given up on doing their jobs here
>>33326920Nene is just a pet...
>>33326949Maybe check her drawning streams?
>people post random asians in thread>you have to research if it's a roommate post or else you need to report it as off-topic>if you report it as the wrong one you get bannedMeidos...
>>33326993It was misbehaving for a bit a couple minutes ago, but seems fine again.
Wait, is Kanata asthmatic?
>>33326996>schizos gonna schizo>a few people farming (you=s shit up and ruin the thread for everyoneYou retards need to learn to stop replying.
Did Kanata just vape? It sounded like she took a big hit
>>33326993I thought it was my connection.
>>33326972>>33326645>>33326326>>33324810Sugoi Sugoi
>>33326904My only indie vacation was desuwa posting after Haachama's goukon. When is Haachama doing another kikaku aaaa.
>>33326993It was before she got to the corridor for me but has been fine since
Does Noel really smell her hamster's ass or is it just a joke?
>>33327010>>33326997Sounded like an inhaler of some kind.
>>33327005Post a picture here and I'll tell you who it is so you know for future reference
>>33327008that didn't sound like an inhaler tho
ppt just took a fucking bong toke live on stream
>>33327010She breathed in some oxygen.
>>33327012>>33326993Working fine on jetri for me
it should be illegal to give a girl like Sora hips like thishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTBEgaN9ZlI
help me with the sauce of this song she's playinganyone?
>>33327010>>33327008>>33326997It was an oxygen tank
>>33327016i subbed to the maid but i never watch her
>>33326926So SEA hours are around midnight JST, burger hours are around lunchtime JST, and yuro hours are when?
>>33326920Rushia really has the most pleasant voice despite the screaming and bad mic.
>>33326920>Which Holos stream content do you like the most?>Miko: HaachamaTruly, she is on a different level.
Holy shit bear
Kanata smoka...
>>33326976Dumbasses just discovered that Fubuki is a tryhard.
>>33327031Why does she have an oxygen tank
>>33327005>random asiansif you can't recognize a holo's parent you're too new to be using the report function.
>Kanata is a vaperHeimins???
>>33327025>>33327031I never heard it on her streams before, when did she get one?
>>33327005what is this even in reference to
PPT's voice is really low now
>>33327039>Fubuki is a tryhard.im a friend, I know she's a tryhard but she was a tryhard ON streamthis is disappointing, no matter what
>>33327043Heck if I know, just said she was lacking oxygen and then the sound happened
>>33327038>>33327048KanaTowa LOVE
>>33327044>>33327046dankeshe nailed the ending, wtf
Bye bye!
>PPT has been high the entire fucking playthrough
>>33327039I remember the rice loli incident
>>33327057Going by this pattern, Coco does weed.
>>33327050he's probably complaining about >>33326805 and doesn't know that she's nene's mommy
>>33327028Sora is extremely sexual
>>33326976She "defeated" sans 2 times offscreen. Obviously she didn't kill him but at the end of the fight Sans doesn't even attack so it is basically a free kill.
Can't wait for Ojou movie date tomorrow bros
>>33327033Yuros are slowly going to sleep, so their prime hours are 8-16 hours from now on.
>>33327071nah I reported >>33325695 and they warned me for it
>>33327028I love Sora's hips as much as I love A-chan's butt!
>>33327005>he doesn't know Nishizawago back
>>33327069so does botan
>>33327088well yeah I mean, it's a stock photo. one reverse image search would tell you that
>>33326920>Korone: I fit in with everyoneKorosan, you have to back up your words with actions
Kanatan is getting so emotional She's gonna cry a lot if she really does force herself to do Genocide next...
>>33327087>prime hours to post are the moment you open your eyesholy moly NEET-san. prime yuro hours started about 6 hours earlier and end in about an hour
>>33327088It's a stock photo and the one Haachama used to represent her sister
Savor this Undertale arcNext month it's going to be MH Rise arc and it will be awful
>>33327100>reverse searching potential doxx postsyeah no thanks
>>33327106>Next month it's going to be MH Rise arcanon...
Is the Undertale music free to use? I often hear some of the BGM in other videos
>>33327005>Gen 5 wasnt even that longHow do you fuckers even find this place? Facebook? reddit? youtube?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r6qh15YYS4Here, more indie.
>>33327106nobody tell him
>>33327112Toby literally doesn't give a single fuck what you do
>>33327107look at the picture for a second dude. it's obviously a professionally taken picture with lights and posing. not some NND screenshot lol
>>33327116kkg is a whore
>>33327110They got sponsored for the demo so there's a big chance actually.
>>33327106CAPCOM HATE
>>33327106I hope Mio plays it!
kanata crying!!!
>>33327102Someone in the chat said after her Normal that she's gonna cry and she didn't even try to deny it so she just might.
>>33327112toby fox is very liberal with the use of his IP
https://twitter.com/inugamikorone/status/1363616079512145921Cute dog
>>33327107If you dont know every single holo by now you have to go back
>>33327127It wasn't sponsored.
>>33327127Your capcom reps
>>33327116awful, fuck off
The part that gets me is the post-game Flowey's advice to not ruin everything with another playthrough. Everyone always goes for G-route after it so it's pretty effective.
If you ever say go back you are new
>>33327003It's the same schizo that got publicly banned and exposed on a global thread when he publicly admitted his falseflagging and samefagging to derail threads
>>33326920Even with the Holos you have people that think you have to choose one oshi and the ones that just list everyone.
>>33327112The tracks in the game are copyrighted, but Toby doesn't care about remixes and is pretty chill on infringement.
>>33327150NOOOOOoooooo watametake me out of this undertale hell, pls
>>33327163come on in
>>33327150I'll bring tissues
>>33327166What? You know the suisei post got deleted hours ago right
>>33327156this actually worked on me, i couldn't go do the genocide route after pacifist...
>>33327112According to the label the music is published under, no.