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File: 3 KB, 125x125, descarga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32824071 No.32824071 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.32824111

Ame posts a link to Mel's channel in the video description, but YouTube doesn't recognize it. Poor Mel can't catch a break.


>> No.32825089


>> No.32825094

What's that, a Gura for ants?

>> No.32825095

Who's Mel?

>> No.32825097

works on my machine

>> No.32825100
File: 50 KB, 400x400, 1608109370676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look forward to kiara dehydrating herself from all the 2B thirst.
And maybe some sufferkino.

>> No.32825101

Hello Gyaro Goomba

>> No.32825103


>> No.32825105

Based on my dick, retard!

>> No.32825106
File: 879 KB, 850x944, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32825108

>SEA hours
>Dox thread is made
Really makes you think.

>> No.32825112 [SPOILER] 
File: 206 KB, 400x400, 1611818954732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My son will get mogged by Mori in a rap battle right?

>> No.32825114 [DELETED] 

About time some of those selfish EN sluts helped out their senpais

>> No.32825115

Works here, how good are Mel`s eigo reps?

>> No.32825116

>no one surprised Mori was retarded and didn't read the MC TOS
Whoever is her manager I pray for the amount of headaches they have to deal with that 14 year old boy in a 20 year old girl's body

>> No.32825117
Quoted by: >>32825148

Is Kiara seriously overlapping Ame's senpai collab? Chicken...

>> No.32825122

Really doesn't at this point.

>> No.32825123
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>> No.32825124
File: 2.11 MB, 1084x1500, 1610138141723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching SEA and antis get mad over Kiara makes me happy because I know that they are gonna continue being mad forever since Kiara is sticking with Hololive for as long as Hololive exists. Also love chicken wife etc.
Thank you for listening.

>> No.32825126

Oh no, a manager having to manage the talent(s) they are assigned to. How terrible.

>> No.32825127

Who's the girl other than sheep and duck? Please tell me she always talks like this.

>> No.32825129
Quoted by: >>32825182

Dont let our son near any of these whores
He's too precious for them

>> No.32825130

So even though she didn't like the game, Kiara's jumped on streaming Nier Automata on day 1 in the hopes of cashing in on the "new game permission" hype.
Trouble is the timezone debuff. I'm guessing 5k views tops

>> No.32825131

I wanna see Mori trying to sing Kaze no Sakana

>> No.32825133

Who is the tard wrangler for each gen, and why does 4th gen seem doomed if they were ever in a life or death situation?

>> No.32825137

Daily dose of Nenechi

>> No.32825139
File: 137 KB, 1067x1080, 1602594007177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825172

No it's back, I'm literally watching the third vod of Subaru's nier as I'm typing this

>> No.32825140

>reads benis knowing it's yab
What did Mori mean by this?

>> No.32825141

Yeah, I hate it when people make me actually do my fucking job and what I'm paid for.

>> No.32825142
Quoted by: >>32825185

Wait, fuck me, it's back holy shit I thought it was gone forever. Duckbros, if you're there, get that shit on a torrent asap.

>> No.32825143

Gore anon might as well nuke that shit

>> No.32825145
File: 119 KB, 225x474, 1601280805534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aw jizz

>> No.32825147 [DELETED] 

You can only pity bait for so long. Either her fans will grow tired of their toy or become so obsessed one of them will make her into a skinsuit.

>> No.32825148

if anything it only hurts kiara, but i doubt she cares about game views at this point

>> No.32825149
Quoted by: >>32825212

What happened? I was watching roboco...

>> No.32825151
File: 54 KB, 460x702, 1609769119350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to do your fucking Japanese reps. Don't be one of those losers who goes through life not learning a skill.

>> No.32825152
Quoted by: >>32825184

Why are they mad now? I took a break from these threads in the last couple of days. I was securing my retirement fund

>> No.32825154

We don't know because she was secretly doing them behind the scenes if she did any

>> No.32825155
File: 155 KB, 512x512, 1611620744355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's a guerilla stream then why doesn't chicken just schedule Nier a couple hours earlier or an hour after Ame's collab starts? Am I missing something or is she that much of a birdbrain?

>> No.32825158
File: 1.08 MB, 2703x2849, 1609395903690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunny time

>> No.32825159

Oh wow poor manager-san has to do their fucking job. Poor Cover...

>> No.32825161
File: 258 KB, 398x379, 311E7821-72BA-4B6C-909A-5338554D1F12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First post on the board is a doxxpost
I fucking hate SEAniggers with a burning passion, but I hate tranny meidos for letting a tranny bitch them around and for allowing this

>> No.32825165

how the fuck does amelia make these hellbeast noises
I already learned eigo

>> No.32825166

Which jps are easy to understand and which are hard to understand?

>> No.32825167
Quoted by: >>32825238

Choco, you newfag

>> No.32825168

They are always mad.
I just feel sad for them sometimes

>> No.32825173

Most anime gets speedsubbed at decent-good quality by the companies, so honestly I don't think learning it for anime alone is worth it. People hate on the streaming companies but they did bring a certain standard of quality to what used to be a madhouse of fansubs. But you can't trust manga/LN/VN translations, especially when you start learning more about the people who do the translations and that many of them are utterly incompetent. LNs being the worst offenders outside of really popular series.

I don't have as extreme of an opinion as other anons, and I definitely think you can get the general feel of things through clips, but it's more of a "You don't know what you're missing" type of deal. You don't get a lot of the subtleties of how the streamers operate over an entire stream. Missing out on collabs is also huge, clippers on take a small piece of those and the bants and discussion that run through the whole thing are usually excellent. I don't really have the perspective on it though because I got into Hololive after having a pretty good foundation in the language.

>> No.32825172

I only recognized the link from seeing a post about it getting killed a few weeks ago should've followed my own advice before posting.

>> No.32825175 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 1080x608, IMG_1611760767783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame in arknight!

>> No.32825176
File: 1.42 MB, 1905x881, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works on my machine.

>> No.32825177
Quoted by: >>32825238

Please tell you're pretending bro

>> No.32825178
File: 1.06 MB, 1709x2130, AOCHAN HAS BREACHED CONTAINMENT [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Foarg7n.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't have fucked this up
Anyway, me too!

>> No.32825179 [DELETED] 

Kiara hates Mel

>> No.32825181

Jokes on you faggot I won my county's egg tossing and catching contest, im superior to you non-skill having faggots by tenfold.

>> No.32825182

He did good with Pikamee though didn't he?

>> No.32825184
Quoted by: >>32825236

they are mad because kiara hasn't graduated yet.

>> No.32825185
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Quoted by: >>32825212


>> No.32825186

>a Cover manager had to do something other than literal nothing or trying to rape one of the employees

>> No.32825188
File: 32 KB, 502x436, lets fucking GO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which wine party did Mori get the craziest during? I'm about to get blasted and that's the kind of energy I want to be around.

>> No.32825190
File: 35 KB, 707x675, 1609998025235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32825191

Suck my dick I'm not achieving anything

>> No.32825192

Gura's new emotes really are getting alot of use in these threads huh

>> No.32825194

's cool Anon-san, I already learned English.

>> No.32825196
Quoted by: >>32825257

Posted this in last thread, but it was near the end. Posting again just because I bet people will still ask about why the T3 MC was cancelled, and not just released within 24 hours.

Here's a hypothetical they avoided by cancelling the T3 MC stream.
IF a yab happened in her T3 stream, and she was not able to release the full VOD, then that goes against the Mojang TOS. If the yab happens on fully accessible live stream, and it's later edited out, then it doesn't break the TOS, because it was streamed live at least and that portion was availible then to everyone.
Simple as. The manager did not want to risk messing with Mojang TOS, because a chance of a yab is non-zero.

>> No.32825197

You don't get it man, *** RPs sucking dick really good

>> No.32825200
File: 303 KB, 2048x2048, Eknq5yJXEAUYDiL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wonder what games would be best with for someone with gamer skills like Kiara. I genuinely think she'd love Dead or Alive Xtreme since the gambling minigames and outfits collecting would be enough to actually attract female gamers, but I wonder if getting permissions for that would be a bitch since she'd probably have to go through KT Japan. Unless of course she can maybe get a 360 and a copy of Xtreme 2 and try and get KT America permissions for that?

>> No.32825202

>Tough times
You can't bring up the gamer uprising Mori, wtf yab

>> No.32825204

The only stream she's been well and truly plastered in is the Scarface watchalong.

>> No.32825206
File: 685 KB, 753x579, 1583950928194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark my words /jp/ EN WILL play Ark. You haven't heard the last of me.

>> No.32825205
File: 8 KB, 155x200, 1602460225771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Predict who will play Nier: A with 2B's skirt gone the whole time

>> No.32825208

I’m not a footfag, why do I want to suck on Mel’s toes so fucking bad?

>> No.32825209

overlapping doesn't matter, shut the fuck up

>> No.32825212

T3 minecraft got axed.


>> No.32825215


>> No.32825220

Payback for Ame potentially overlapping her Holotalk this week. Chimkin needs to put Ame in her place.

>> No.32825221

Scarface t2 for sure

>> No.32825222

She's 24 (almost 25)

>> No.32825223
File: 876 KB, 800x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura retweeted this

>> No.32825225

not a few hours earlier because she's setting the game up still and preparing to play it
not a few hours later because that's too late JPY time for her to be able to sleep

>> No.32825226

I appreciate your effort anon but you could've just posted this video or rallied the takodachi

>> No.32825227

Is Princess Connect! Re: Dive any good?

>> No.32825230 [DELETED] 

I don't get why some of you niggers pretend like the real identities of the Holos need to be protected like they're batman. As long as they're public figures this will happen and a lot of them literally don't care whether people know or not like Karen. Get a grip.

>> No.32825232
File: 114 KB, 512x512, 1606162288037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute

>> No.32825233

Of all the reps for me to do, learning the dying language of a small island nation seems like one of the least productive.

>> No.32825234
Quoted by: >>32826379

Go to hospital, reddit dragon.

>> No.32825235

Birdbrain is the answer every single time. Watch it move about an hour after someone tells her on twitter

>> No.32825236

They will be seething for a long time then...

>> No.32825238

I only watch holos I'm familiar with while autistically ignoring others
I'm afraid of change
Thanks, I'll check her out

>> No.32825240
Quoted by: >>32825273

Probably Miko too

>> No.32825242
Quoted by: >>32825381

the fags who complain about overlap have never seen how the JPs stream, them being 100x worse.
i want to see them have a mental breakdown when EN gen 2 debuts

>> No.32825243

>Kiara gets mad at empty superchats because she wants to interact with her community
>Mori encourages empty superchats because she only cares about the money

>> No.32825244

You're a footfag

>> No.32825245

Nene cute!

>> No.32825246

Its an autobattling gacha game with a ton of voice acted cutscenes. It's fine, and honestly pretty generous with the gems.

>> No.32825247

>I’m not a footfag

>> No.32825254
File: 64 KB, 825x743, 1611712069337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I say about playing ARK. Do you want to get hit by a "car" again

>> No.32825257
Quoted by: >>32825302

editing a small portion out wouldn't violate TOS, only if they had to private the whole stream for some reason

>> No.32825259
Quoted by: >>32825325

>Dead or Alive Xtreme
This game is certain to get her shadowbanned. She could try playing a telltalle game, Wolf among us or Walking dead would be cool

>> No.32825260

>Here is my last 200 rubles, now im gonna starving for a week, Just to you read my name
Ruskies are kinda funny lmao

>> No.32825262


>> No.32825266 [DELETED] 
File: 515 KB, 1600x1200, 55D2E6B4-4AC8-4F2B-9161-80BE1E8F0137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. SEAdog
Fuck of back to your landfill nigger

>> No.32825269
File: 101 KB, 641x480, 1595443897365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It matters to ME!

>> No.32825270
File: 124 KB, 1413x749, remove seanigger3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825326

go back poka

>> No.32825271
Quoted by: >>32826379

Kaichou please go to the hospital and check for blood clots that's actually pretty god damn dangerous

>> No.32825272

>What. A.... FAG

>> No.32825273

Will Kiara know to self destruct to destroy it, though?

>> No.32825277
Quoted by: >>32825300

based, song source?

>> No.32825278


You do know he correct right? what the fuck kind of dirt does Coco have on this company is it really black company?

>> No.32825279

Why overlap when you can easily schedule 1 hour later or earlier? Its not like anyone else is streaming at that time

>> No.32825281 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32825440

The greatest trick Mori ever pulled was somehow convincing people she was a starving artist who really cares about her fans.

>> No.32825282
File: 42 KB, 327x147, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night

>> No.32825288
File: 547 KB, 1000x1300, EsqpML5XcAISPf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand the trend of making CEO a seal, but I'm glad she finds it cute.

>> No.32825289

Should I draw everyone playing it as 2B?

>> No.32825290

It will be the first sc on her stream if she doesnt

>> No.32825296
Quoted by: >>32825316

No because ALL mori streams are her interacting with her community . Retard
You don’t need to superchat for her to respond in normal streams

>> No.32825297
File: 77 KB, 500x571, 1601017601496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825360


>> No.32825298
Quoted by: >>32825360

Stop replying to yourself, Zhang. At least fix your garbage spelling if you want to bait replies.

>> No.32825300


>> No.32825302

Still, non-zero chance of that happening.

>> No.32825301

Watching SEAniggers reply to each other becaue nobody else will is always great.

>> No.32825304

>People still shower Mori with money
>People are retarded

>> No.32825306

Promare is not two hours. Ame will finish it right before Holotalk starts.

>> No.32825308

Manatee is Matanene!

>> No.32825310
File: 64 KB, 699x767, 1594503925973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frank Reinielle Jerao​hi I'm from Philippines what about you guys?

>> No.32825312
File: 147 KB, 336x355, 1608299571260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825329

>Played Nier and got through all 5 endings
>Wasn't aware at all of the self-destruct function and didn't get to do this after deleting my save file

>> No.32825317

Did Mori mention the Minecraft TOS yet?

>> No.32825316
Quoted by: >>32825364

Why did you respond? Why are you so fucking stupid that you not only responded but did so seriously? Learn to report shit silently.

>> No.32825318
Quoted by: >>32825422

Ame 2B
Gura 9S
Mori 2S

>> No.32825321

thats what matter

>> No.32825322

If her manager would have done their job properly, the whole situation wouldn't have happened in the first place. It's not the responsibility of the talent to be up to date on the TOS of every game.

>> No.32825325
Quoted by: >>32825383

How so? I remember Xtreme 2 being fairly tame save for the strip dancing scenes.

>> No.32825326

Sometimes I worry that this back and forth will just make doxxers even more obsessive and vindictive. I really hope this all doesn't backfire in some way.

>> No.32825327

both work out for both of them.
kiara wants the leech vtubers to fuck off when they donate just to advertise,
and mori just treats them as donations and doesn't pay attention to the annoying fags.

>> No.32825328
Quoted by: >>32825389

She already overlapped Holotalk in a collab with Gura.

>> No.32825329
Quoted by: >>32825382

>deleting save file before getting all 26 endings

>> No.32825336

Go for it, and post it on twitter maybe your oshi will notice you

>> No.32825341

Is this a 2B for ants?

>> No.32825342

Drawing stream instead of Minecraft, manager didn't explain why but chat did.

>> No.32825343


>> No.32825345

Yes. she's doing something else instead. Probably drawing because she can't get cubase working on stream.

>> No.32825348

>Mori encourages empty superchats because she only cares about the money

I never watch Mori, is this true?

>> No.32825350

Not on her own, no... Someone in chat will tell her for sure though.

>> No.32825357
File: 26 KB, 622x408, 1590789137443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825372

>implying kiara cannot interact with the community without superchats to begin with

>> No.32825360

Why do it feel like you're both bots that only work if key words is posted

>> No.32825361

>Open thread
>SEAdox niggers comfortable
No celebrities, no culture, no capital.

>> No.32825363

Mojang took away permissions from EN since someone reported her schedule to them.

>> No.32825364

I just tell you truth! Go fuck yourself. The people need to know

>> No.32825369

she calls you a chad for sending empty aka supas

>> No.32825372
Quoted by: >>32825394

she likes SCs with messages because she can respond to them and start a small conversation as opposed to just saying thanks and moving on.

>> No.32825376 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32825407

Yes she's trying to train her fans to send textless superchats by calling them chads when they do

>> No.32825381

there is a big difference between around 30 holo's and 5

>> No.32825382

After getting Ending E, I felt satisfied with the game already and I hated the grind of it. I got this.

>> No.32825383
Quoted by: >>32825592

>strip dancing scenes.
She will go straight for these

>> No.32825385

Yes, someone on /hlgg/ said it so it's gospel truth.

>> No.32825386

The doxxfags will double down and our infiltrators will just keep on infiltrating until one side gives up. That's just how this is gonna go.

I was praising him last thread for pretending to type like a broken Google Translate sentence, then he cross-threaded and revealed himself to be serious. Eat medication, schizochama.

>> No.32825388

Ame said she wanted fanart of her as 2B and Gura as 9S awhile ago

>> No.32825389

She said in the Mario stream she's doing an intermission just for Kiara. She'll wait till the stream is over and go back to TF2

>> No.32825390
File: 415 KB, 2069x1552, 37FE712C-4BAA-4700-9C80-F54059B92CD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825603

You literally cannot tell apart their landfills from their homes. They won’t do shit

>> No.32825391
File: 20 KB, 801x110, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32825394

you can still interact with the community without superchats though, you really did not think this through

>> No.32825403
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, 1609181763131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the best collab in all of hololive history?

>> No.32825404


Ame = 2B
Gura = 9S
Haachama = A2
Mori = Adam
Kiara = Eve
Ina = N2
Fubuki = Pascal

>> No.32825406


>> No.32825407
Quoted by: >>32825489

She already has. The only reason she’s getting so many messages now is because of newfags during the marathon

>> No.32825409
Quoted by: >>32825450

go back and might as well put a bullet or two in your brain

>> No.32825408

that cat was fucking savage

>> No.32825410


>> No.32825413


>> No.32825414
File: 312 KB, 1600x900, 1602245545293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because obvious ESL-isms and shitting on Coco make things too obvious, Chang. You really need to work on those Eigo reps if you're going to try and blend in.

>> No.32825416


>> No.32825421

No, according to her she likes them because it means you genuinely enjoy the content and just want to show your support while not being an attention whore.

>> No.32825422

You mean A2?

>> No.32825423

Ame is doing a hybrid schedule to fuck her boyfriend
Kiara completely lies about her insecurities to bait KFP retards
Gura trashed chumbuds to Ame
Ina's priestess duties are code for her doing drugs
There you go you gullible retard.

>> No.32825424

It's more about respect than anything else.
respect the oshi, respect her roommate, respect her community, and respect her roommate's community.
Not that I'd expect a doxxnigger to understand.

>> No.32825425
Quoted by: >>32825563

Her niche of choice isn't bad persay, as there absolutely is an audience for the female-nerd-core RPGs/sims she chooses, she's just bad at the games themselves, which makes it a slog for both her and the viewers. I think RPGs with less moving parts to confuse/overwhelm her with would be fine.

Final Fantasys that aren't 12 or 13. The pre-PS3 Tales of games. Ni no Kuni. Maybe even Trails of Cold Steel.

>> No.32825426

Absolutely based and true fuck those orange bitches for both spreading hatred and lies to a larger audience I fucking hate them

>> No.32825427
File: 815 KB, 2892x4096, 20210128_014151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nacho mama retweeted this

>> No.32825428

Fuck, I wanna see her reaction

>> No.32825429

He forgot to take his meds

>> No.32825431

Holy fuck the hoard of normalfags HoloEN attracted.

>> No.32825434
Quoted by: >>32825446

Do deadbeats really?

>> No.32825433


>> No.32825435

>has kiara in profile pic
what did he mean by this

>> No.32825440

If you really don't believe she cares about fans, do your roommate reps

>> No.32825442
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, Emj7mGJVoAE_bED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally like the gurame a way out the most. Really love the fanart that came out of it too.

>> No.32825446

Kiara is his profile pic.

>> No.32825447

gura cute

>> No.32825448

Something tells me they didn't watch the sims stream.

>> No.32825449
Quoted by: >>32825499

Coco is a reincarnation of the Dowager Empress of China, using black magic that binds Zhang to her will. Therefore she commanded Zhang to murder HoloCN with a wildly excessive reaction to a non-attack, and force Cover to leave the country, not even tripping the "I will never work for a black company" flag laid by Friend over what could easily be interpreted as insufficient loyalty to talent. Empress Dowager Coco was also responsible for said talent's disturbing backstabbing and attacks on Cover and Cover's other talent, forcing Cover to choose between them.

Why would Coco do all this? Why use her magicks to force Zhang to cut off his nose to spite his own face, instead of commanding Zhang to do good?
That, I do not know. But within the cheerful mask of that dragon beats the same heart that responded to the Chinese Navy's requests for ship construction with a useless statue of a boat. She's probably just crazy. Too crazy to die and stay dead.

>> No.32825450 [DELETED] 

>go back
The only people who care about "doxxing" are reddit savior fags since all they're doing is reposting publicly available videos. Didn't your parents ever tell you what you put up on the internet is there forever? This happens to every single public figure.

>> No.32825451

Yeah I chuckled at that.

>> No.32825454


>> No.32825456
Quoted by: >>32826574


There's not really any room for argument here.

>> No.32825458

PekoMiko chirstmas collab imo

>> No.32825463

>he doesnt understand kayfabe

>> No.32825466


>> No.32825467
Quoted by: >>32825760

so does he hate kiara or like kiara?

>> No.32825472

They are cute and expressive

>> No.32825475

Who is this "eekie guy" Mori keeps mentioning?

>> No.32825479

eat shit sea monkey go be a jealous poor fag somewhere else

>> No.32825478

>Kiara pic
>Her behaviour was problematic
Very confused here

>> No.32825480

Time to see whether Mori will handle this better than Kiara

>> No.32825484


>> No.32825488

ESLs anon

>> No.32825489 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32825524

Pretty lame that she only commits to reading out the reds regularly and now can't even be bothered to do that.

>> No.32825491


>> No.32825493

t. Doesn't watch streams

>> No.32825495
Quoted by: >>32825531

>I have no time for children

>> No.32825496

no idea what the context of this is but fuckin based

>> No.32825499
Quoted by: >>32825534

>Reddit dragon is Tamamo no Mae

>> No.32825505
File: 388 KB, 1535x2048, 1611509934226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I think I'm sexually attracted to Ollie, what do I do?

>> No.32825508
File: 19 KB, 391x263, peek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara avatar
I'm deeply confused. KFP, is this guy a regular?

>> No.32825509

Ame already said she's going to be an intermission in her stream because she wants to watch Miko on Holotalk.

>> No.32825514
Quoted by: >>32825550

>Mori on Skyrim: I'm ready for a cgild
>Calli to an akasupa: No, no, no I'm not ready for a baby

Todd chama?

>> No.32825515

Mori reading these SCs made me remember just how many people try so desperately hard to get these girls to say something they don't want to. Will they ever get a fucking clue and realize they aren't as funny as they think they are?

>> No.32825518

Why does the dumb bitch try to paywall gameplay streams anyway?
Should just open only fans for all those top tier unironic simps

>> No.32825519

It's in £, unlikely.

>> No.32825524

It’s more like reds are fucking stupid messages half the time that add nothing to discussion. She still reads them though

>> No.32825527
File: 294 KB, 2048x1448, 1611312130122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32825528 [DELETED] 

>attracted to a flithy SEAnigger
Bullet to the brain asap

>> No.32825530
Quoted by: >>32825571

Do you honestly believe a single streaming member of hololive has read more than 2 lines of that TOS

>> No.32825531
File: 33 KB, 660x371, 1591978873468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32825533
File: 498 KB, 2048x2048, Cute Ollie! [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ft6nxe2.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825633


>> No.32825532


>> No.32825534

>Coco = Tamamo
>Haachama = Tamamo Cat
Now all we need is Tamamo Vitch

>> No.32825537
Quoted by: >>32825633

The cemetery is free to enter anon

>> No.32825538
File: 275 KB, 511x463, 1600658314861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big ups to dihydrogen monoxide

>> No.32825536 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32825630

go back to your gay doxxcord circlejerk SEAnigger.
>reposting publicly available videos
Those were privated for a reason doxxfag. neck yourself

>> No.32825542

Actually makes quite a lot of sense

>> No.32825544

never seen his name before.
he sounds ESL and his sentence implies that he hates kiara, but it was worded like he's okay with kiara now?

>> No.32825548

Fuck you Tony

>> No.32825550

The moment was right during the stream and we all missed our chance

>> No.32825552

I will ignore the spoilers, CUTE!

>> No.32825553
File: 465 KB, 1500x1500, 1611364971983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Mori read the dick cutter SC yet?

>> No.32825557

Hydration check!

>> No.32825558 [SPOILER] 
File: 244 KB, 2048x1966, 1611820030640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32825559


>> No.32825562
Quoted by: >>32825633

Do you live near a cemetary?

>> No.32825563

Shame permissions fuck them over.

>> No.32825566

Is EN going to destroy hololive?

>> No.32825569
Quoted by: >>32825591

I thought Mori was straight?

>> No.32825570

>big ups to zyklon B
Holy shit Mori!

>> No.32825571
File: 18 KB, 411x411, 1583293397302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure Hachaama has.

>> No.32825572

i will defend her with my life

>> No.32825573
File: 357 KB, 844x856, ErYi8uOVgAouSzV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I look forward to Kiara getting filtered by the wonderful Nier Automata PC port! As far as I know, it was never fixed, so we'll get 720p and maybe bad performance. I really doubt Kiara will be able to use the mod to fix it.

>> No.32825574
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, EsqSlvJVkAAAOBp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32825575

I'm sure Mori's extremely competent manager filtered it out.

>> No.32825576 [DELETED] 
File: 306 KB, 1000x1000, 99930223-0DA1-489C-9F17-1498BCD0A086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit, Twitter, and SEAniggers are a stain on this earth, please understand

>> No.32825578
Quoted by: >>32825621


>> No.32825580
Quoted by: >>32825610

Anon, your FGO reps...
Tamamo no Vitch is the aspect of Tamamo that brought down empires.

>> No.32825581

They should all be like Ame and tell SCers to eat shit

>> No.32825584

>I'm crapping

>> No.32825589

That was from Getting Over It which I don't think she's read.

>> No.32825591

She is but let /u/schizos have their delusions.

>> No.32825592

She'll have to grind like crazy to even unlock that though. IIRC she would have to hit the jackpot 9 times to unlock it, no clue how the hell it works in Xtreme 3

>> No.32825593

Do you think Amelia will put all the money she made from the collab right into GME after?

>> No.32825594
Quoted by: >>32825615

>Thanking you for sticking with Hololive
What the fuck?

>> No.32825599
Quoted by: >>32825641

Do you think part of the reason the holos constantly have repetitive grating BGM music is so that people can't sample their voices easily for deepfakes?

>> No.32825601
Quoted by: >>32825619

What problematic?

>> No.32825603

>Implying actual manila/tondo shitters are going to be interested in chuubas.

If anything they're shitters from makati hiding behind tons of vpns.

>> No.32825605

What are the odds Jenma told her about FAR?

>> No.32825607

I know it's SEAnigger hours and almost none of you actually believe this, but I'll respond anyway.
The real reason Mori calls empty akas "chads" is because she sees someone give $100+ without sending a message and thinks "that's pretty cool" so she called them a Chad and that stuck. She didn't think that made her sound ungrateful or like she doesn't want to read messages.
That's something people don't bring up about Mori. Just like JPs don't realize she's a dork, a lot of you don't seem to realize she doesn't think before she says or does things sometimes, and is kind of dumb sometimes.

>> No.32825608

Clearly just wants me to be her "daddy"

>> No.32825610
Quoted by: >>32825703

oh that's easy, Tia. Except replace the ruthless cunning and sharp wit with dumb menhara juice and the naivety of a highschooler with her first crush. I'm amazed that one anon who has her as his oshi still stuck around this long

Does my idea work?

>> No.32825615
Quoted by: >>32825643

Didn't you know? Hololive is just a stepping stone for her.

>> No.32825616


>> No.32825619

>watching a clip

>> No.32825620
Quoted by: >>32826725

Fuck, you just reminded me of this. I played on ps4. Can they even use FAR? Does it show the mod is in use?

>> No.32825621
File: 982 KB, 500x370, 1589673819375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While Ame was considering suicide over having to get mogged in Mahjong, Mori and Gura were exchanging their Corona strains using every bodily fluid known to man.
Ame love!

>> No.32825625
File: 465 KB, 367x603, 1611529513920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825966

Ame said in one of her streams she thinks Robinhood is a scam, so probably not.

She seems like the type that keeps all her money in a shoebox under her bed.

>> No.32825626 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 1080x1693, IMG_20210128_054731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in bois. Should I report now or waiting for him getting bigger?

>> No.32825630 [DELETED] 

I'd rather have this thread filled with indonesians than hear more of your autistic screeching about how it's unfair that videos that got posted to the internet are being reposted
>Those were privated for a reason doxxfag
"B-But I deleted my tweet you can't just take a screenshot and spread it around!"
You are really, REALLY fucking stupid and naive. That isn't how the world works.

>> No.32825631

>expecting anybody to watch the streams
Anon... I...

>> No.32825632

>Just like JPs don't realize she's a dork
I didn't think of that, is the nippon autism kicking in and they truly don't realize it?

>> No.32825633
File: 1.48 MB, 1511x2000, 1611466013485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825653

I don't, the closest cemetary is an hour and a half away.
Cute retard

>> No.32825634

You can literally blame the current chink situation all on Mori

>Canadian attention whores have their superchat war
>Mori overreacts like an autist to everything and it becomes a meme
>In reaction to this, Coco does a segment on Asacoco about how people in other countries donate just as much as Japan, and shows Taiwan as an example
>You know what happened next

Thanks a fucking lot, Mori.

>> No.32825637
Quoted by: >>32825729

why is there a random cat walking around a zoo in the first place?

>> No.32825641

Yes anon, the reason because pekora and rushia cried is because Yagoo is replacing both of them with a computer generated voice.

>> No.32825643

Yeah, someone believed the rrats

>> No.32825646
File: 404 KB, 1920x1080, r7stcu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825716



>> No.32825649 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32825707

>check the catalog
>roommate thread
what is the end goal of posting roommate shit on here?

>> No.32825650

kek go back

>> No.32825652

unironically you retards have more nuanced and insightful comments than r/hololive (probably because they just have shitty overplayed memes)

>> No.32825653
File: 176 KB, 950x1403, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqclrto.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825745


>> No.32825656

What do you mean? Everything's been fine so far. Hope she reads my superchat next, I left an empty one so I just want her to read my name.
t. Nicholas Gurr

>> No.32825657

suppose a woman is raped and murdered, and this is streamed to Youtube. A film of a rape and murder is not, itself, rape and murder. It is also useful as evidence for the crime that happened.
Should you therefore
1. report it to the police and then ignore it, or
2. jerk off to it, reupload it, chase down the girl's family and post it to them constantly, sell USB sticks of it, and put up a womandestroyersimulator.moe where visitors can upload faces that an AI will stitch over the faces in the video, to produce a personalized snuff film?

Your position is #2. Does that position change if you cared about the woman before it happened? Does that position change if the woman survived the ordeal and you're now in a relationship with her?
I'm wasting time on you because you're come across as too fucking autistic to even be insincere. Try and think hard about this. We are not saying "if not for you, nobody would know about roommates". We are saying "fuck off with YOUR GIANT SPOTLIGHT FOCUSED ON THE ROOMMATES". The choice is not nobody knows vs. everyone knows; the choice is more vs. less attention is placed on it. You are raising attention and you should stop.

>> No.32825658 [DELETED] 

i'd say wait a bit, but normally it takes a bit for discord to do shit. report for ban evading unless you can find actual dox being posted

>> No.32825659

>She didn't think that made her sound ungrateful or like she doesn't want to read messages.
And it doesn't unless you're schizophrenic. Even half-functioning people don't see her responding her to blank akas with "What a chad" and think "Wow, how fucking ungrateful" because they aren't that insane.

>> No.32825661 [DELETED] 

>server is run by a cross-dresser
What a surprise...

>> No.32825666

Mori killed HoloCN? Based, I like her even more now.

>> No.32825667 [DELETED] 

Might as well report it now

>> No.32825668

Holy shit, based Mori.

>> No.32825669 [DELETED] 
File: 292 KB, 780x770, 7e4r515z3ohx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825710

>an academy of dark knights


>> No.32825670

Do clipniggers really?

>> No.32825672

its clipfags that only see the girls as walking catchphrase machines. Moris real problem is her SC paypigs are insufferable narcissistic attention whores that figured out they can get more attention by constantly spamming small donations instead of sending akasupas

>> No.32825673 [DELETED] 

Play the long con, anon. Wait a few days before doing the deed. Prob shouldn't even have posted proof, we know they're lurking here.

>> No.32825674 [DELETED] 

Spam loli, take a screenshot, report to discord saying its a loli server

>> No.32825675
Quoted by: >>32825731

She was poor until Hololive. She has never had enough money to have a reason to learn how stocks work. Plus, she gets stingy when having to pay $20 for a movie. You really think she is letting any of the money she has made go?

>> No.32825676 [DELETED] 

Holy mother of chuuni

>> No.32825678 [DELETED] 

probably wait and see what poka has in mind for doxxposting

>> No.32825679

because its full of clipwatchers who flanderise the characters as quickly as possible

>> No.32825680

go tweet this to @HeroHei poka he might notice you

>> No.32825683

If they get more vindictive they will land themselves in serious legal consequences

>> No.32825682 [DELETED] 

Being dumb doesn't mean someone can't also be inconsiderate, self centered and rude though. In fact they're often correlated.

>> No.32825684

Its always clipwatchers

>> No.32825685

Based Mori killing the Chinks

>> No.32825686
File: 1.69 MB, 3011x3976, 1605229578260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori got HoloCN nuked, Cover out of China

>> No.32825689 [DELETED] 

>dox server
>can't post dox

>> No.32825691

Was this not common sense?

>> No.32825692
File: 143 KB, 540x438, 1609768684218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting really sick of all the racism against people from SEA. Honestly mods need to filter various slang like SEAnigger and INdog. They are an important part of the Hololive fanbase and only a small minority are bad eggs. Is it so hard to believe that people from other parts of the globe are also schizophrenic doxfags? The fact that they've become a scapegoat for all the evils of this thread really shows how low the average poster's intelligence is.

>> No.32825693
Quoted by: >>32825779

as a flip, this is the real problem.No normalfag here will obsess about chuubas. They're almost always from the Lasalle/Ateneo types who have unlimited resources and a whole frat group backing them up.

>> No.32825697

Thanks faggotron, I appreciate it.

>> No.32825699

Holy fucking shit, Mori reaping an entire country's Holos. Based as hell.

>> No.32825700

Some dude

>> No.32825703
Quoted by: >>32825758

>Except replace the ruthless cunning and sharp wit with dumb menhara juice and the naivety of a highschooler with her first crush.
Fucking kek
>I know it's SEAnigger hours and almost none of you actually believe this,
I have zero faith in the retardation of this place anymore

>> No.32825704
Quoted by: >>32826628

Ayame is a whore by the way

>> No.32825705

fucking clipniggers man

>> No.32825707 [DELETED] 

SEAniggers at work. Their crab mentality is in their blood.

>> No.32825708 [DELETED] 

Whatever pisses off moralfags more

>> No.32825710 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32826605

>lore wise the ultimate dark knight is actually love
I loved that hilarious twist, made the edgy class the super love class lol

>> No.32825712 [DELETED] 

What does that last part mean?

>> No.32825713 [DELETED] 

>server your cross-dresser bluna
do doxxniggers reall?

>> No.32825716


>> No.32825717

I think he's referencing how Kiara pushing the Takamori relationship to the point of making it uncomfortable and Mori not reacting well to it
messed up a lot of early collabs and how it really improved as their friendship bloomed and thry perfected the chemistry.
That said he sounds ESL as all else

>> No.32825718

I really REALLY hope these Nier permissions leads to a weight of the world singing collab

>> No.32825722 [DELETED] 

Wait a little and report the videos to youtube with a link to discord saying the videos are being used to bully and harass the holos

>> No.32825725
File: 347 KB, 1448x2048, 1611134071552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, welcome to the real bastion of Hololive discussion.

>> No.32825726

>reasoning with an edgelord

>> No.32825727

please kami-sama give me a gloomy goth girl chuba with an emo haircut who's actually very soft and kind on the inside

>> No.32825729

Why rrats are revered and tribute as Gods?
It's just as things are

>> No.32825730

Mori's cowboy voice...

>> No.32825732
File: 63 KB, 750x761, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32825733
File: 416 KB, 1401x2000, 1601387942390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina more likely to do that considering that she has smarts and her dad was talking to her about investments.

>> No.32825731


that's a good point, although I can also see the flip side of the coin with index fund autism

>> No.32825734 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 712x1825, IMG_20210128_055340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy cringe

>> No.32825737 [DELETED] 

no one cares sea monkey go fuck a dog or eat trash or whatever you guys do

>> No.32825742 [SPOILER] 
File: 734 KB, 2048x1966, 1611820468975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32825744
Quoted by: >>32825791

>aqua humming the mr bean theme

>> No.32825745
File: 561 KB, 441x496, 1608790281797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825774

Why does this zoomer make me feel this way

>> No.32825746

>he doesn't remember when we were told by a mod that a overwhelming majority of shitposters were from SEA

>> No.32825747


>> No.32825749


>> No.32825750

As long as Aki get to sing the Ancient Language parts

>> No.32825752


>> No.32825753 [DELETED] 

how do people not have self awareness in this day and age?

>> No.32825757

Does Miko have a great Ass?

>> No.32825758

I honestly can't believe at one point I thought she was evil, it took her backstabbing CN within the last two weeks fucking twice in a row for me to conclude that yeah no she's just stupid.

>> No.32825759
Quoted by: >>32825784

>Stream dies and there's a chance she read over your SC without realizing she's offline
I swear this has happened to me once.

>> No.32825760


Aah the kiara, kiara. You know the kiara? The no one? I always- I always watch the hololive, hololive kiara collabs; and without kiara. I always watch the kiara collabs and without kiara. Kiara! I like kiara. I always- I always watch the hololive EN collabs. How can I explain? I can explain by my drawing. I always, watch like the collabs that it has memebrs on here, this part, the video. Video on YouTube. And then I watch, when I watch collabs the EN, it always have kiara in it. But I pick up this, Away! Because I don't watch her! Then i watch the hololive EN collab.

>> No.32825761

I'd lose my shit listening to that and I went to the Nier Orchestral Concert in Chicago last year.

>> No.32825763
Quoted by: >>32825973

>one free holo genocide.png

>> No.32825767

how many members we talking?

>> No.32825769 [DELETED] 

i thought the SEAnigger meme was just cope what the fuck

>> No.32825774
File: 3.20 MB, 2039x1378, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0qva86.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825849

and the final Zoombie soundpost that I have

>> No.32825775

>Kiara ships Iname, liberating Gura for Mori
Kiara is such a good friend!

>> No.32825776

I take it she had not yet seen any of the insane Iname fan art.

>> No.32825777

>Even in SEA servers the flips get bullied

>> No.32825778 [DELETED] 

Nigger, it never was.

>> No.32825779
Quoted by: >>32825828

I don't know what any of these words means.

>> No.32825780 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 173x194, 1611723492930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826677

I fucking knew it it's ayameposter that problem in here for doxx

>> No.32825784
Quoted by: >>32825798

I have to go to an idol meeting soon and I have the same fear.

>> No.32825785

Go back since you know so much about reddit.

>> No.32825788 [DELETED] 


>> No.32825790

I don't know about that one, but I would agree on the insightful.

>> No.32825791
Quoted by: >>32825801

Is she streaming right now? I don't see her on holotools

>> No.32825792 [DELETED] 

The problem is this happens to every single public figure, you ever heard of paparazzi? People are always going to be interested in the private lives of celebrities. You'll always have autistic people trying to pry into their personal shit because they're obsessed. Is it right? No, but it is getting tiring of the thread getting filled with saviorfags who think they can change the world or endlessly bitch about something that has gone on since forever. It's especially funny because Hololive is the first dose many people here probably have of celebrity worship so they think having fringe schizos is something unique that can be fixed if you complain enough.

You need to just deal with it. They're not going anywhere, there's nothing you can do. Just shut the fuck up and deal with it.

>> No.32825793
File: 3.62 MB, 1920x1200, 1611154304564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825875

>Ayame channel
I bet that chilean nigger is in there.

>> No.32825796

There's no reason for us to do anything except have discussions. There's no karma/voting system or usernames to attach to people. There's obvious tribalism depending on the phases of the moon, but whenever that retardation calms down and a new thread starts, you can't tell who is who and people for the most part just move on. No one is going to recognize you as "that faggot that really won't shut up about Matsuri" unless if you go out of your way to be a ritualposter.

I could be daredevilchama for all these people know, or even 140IQchama. I could even be loserbait getting paid to have conversations with retards all day.

>> No.32825795
Quoted by: >>32825815

It's about values. "Moralfags should be pissed off." is a value. "Entertainers shouldn't be harassed for the rest of their lives and turn into weird Satanic creatures as a result like happens in Hollywood." is a value. The difference between our values is that yours are based on self-contradictory nonsense ('moralfags' exist and you are not one yourself) and ours are based on real-world knowledge of celebrity and creeper behavior.

>> No.32825797 [DELETED] 

>he wasn't here for the great sea monkey mod battle a few months ago where the mods literally spoke against the sea monkey scourge

>> No.32825798

I just took my phone with me.

>> No.32825802 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 245x184, 1592308633266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these people actual legit chuunis

>> No.32825801

I'm watching a vod

>> No.32825803
Quoted by: >>32825827

Anyone else feel like EN is losing its luster? I haven't fully watched a stream for a couple of weeks now. Hololive needs to come out with HoloEN gen 2 FAST before people start losing interest en masse.

>> No.32825804


why does ame have to work through a pile of literal whos before getting to collab with anyone notable

>> No.32825806
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, sasuga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32825805 [DELETED] 


>> No.32825811

go back poka

>> No.32825810 [DELETED] 

Funny that back then when I was in /a/, Flips were tripfagging every thread.

>> No.32825814

you are insanely difficult to reason with so i suggest you go back to just larping as a counter-genocidal bigman jew

>> No.32825815 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32825942

Go change the world then superman. Just keep it out of the thread.

>> No.32825816

I still love TakaMori but I've been itching for GuraMori collabs instead. There's so much potential there.

>> No.32825817 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 438x568, 1611516816786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never was

>> No.32825819

Ame is boring and cute, so she gets paired with other boring and cute talents

>> No.32825820 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32825888

It's clear he's hiding the REAL doxcord and this is just a smokescreen.

>> No.32825821
File: 412 KB, 627x821, twt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there were anons who told me I was wrong when I said cover wanted Mori to be the face of EN

>> No.32825824


lol at 140IQchama. is he a regular here? only saw some of his posts yesterday

>> No.32825825

Idk anon fucking with discord doxxfags sounds like dealing with it to me.

>> No.32825826

mori killed yogurt...

>> No.32825827

>0.3 yuan has been added to your account

>> No.32825829



>> No.32825828
Quoted by: >>32825878

he means that no low-income/poorfag schmuck from the Philippines is going to obsess about chuubas. If anyone has the capability, it'll always be part of the elite (no, not you, Miko), as in they usually have politician backers and/or have fraternities.

>> No.32825830
File: 196 KB, 482x268, 1211231865169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SEAnig Schizoposter
>Burger Cuckposter
What about Europoor?

>> No.32825837 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 237x149, 1611680560682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think its a joke until you realize its not. SEA consists of genuine schizos, which makes it all the sadder that Reine cant black bag them or bring them to death camps yet

>> No.32825836
Quoted by: >>32825871

They do that for every holo

>> No.32825840

europoors are always irrelevant

>> No.32825841
File: 309 KB, 1272x1800, 1611573097915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it is so cool of Ame to do this, not even joking. Not because Mel is a pity case, rather she got fucked in several meanings by things she had no input over - but it's neat seeing interactions between relatively obscure JP senpai and ENs outside of Kiara. Mel is from a different age of Holo, pre-ASMR ban and attacked by Youtube's own algos over and over. Back when she made her first house on Minecraft, that huge town there as we know it literally did not exist at fucking all, and her dirt shack was practically in the wilderness and prone to creeper attacks at that spot.

I don't necessarily want a bunch of random shitters from reddit to get a savior complex for her but it is nice for people to remember that she exists. I basically never hear about her anywhere outside of the resident Melposter in /hlg/. Probably one of the only more out-there collabs possible with an EN would be Ayame although her English is like Gura's Japanese, nonexistent, so it'd probably have to be Mori or Kiara to have any chance of working out.

>> No.32825842
Quoted by: >>32825871

I mean, they did the same thing for Gura though.
Right? R-right?

>> No.32825843 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 960x720, 0370192436163d381e5f74efb83dccae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine living in this shit
ngmi SEAnigger

>> No.32825845
Quoted by: >>32825928

Yeah, and for all that the best discussion we get is a group of people collectively jerking off to Gura pictures. Get your head out of your ass, retard

>> No.32825847
Quoted by: >>32825898

>Angry Manjew

>> No.32825848


I'm actually curious how ame ended up collabing with roboco and mel

>> No.32825849
File: 670 KB, 850x1195, 43962822f67a3929bbe2bad26ea0443d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the zoombie posting. I need to go scrounge for lewds now

>> No.32825850
Quoted by: >>32825867

Yogurt chose to leave, anon, not stick with that den of snakes.

>> No.32825851
Quoted by: >>32825898

>Big ups to angry manjew

>> No.32825852

How many of you are rich now anons?

>> No.32825853

>Hey wanna collab

>> No.32825854

>kiara poster

>> No.32825855
Quoted by: >>32825890

Can't believe this fucking dumb chicken is still desperately chasing views with meme games! I guess Fire Emblem, Ryza 1, FE, Ryza 1, FE, FE, Ryza 1,Ryza 1, Ryza 2 and 1h/week of minecraft in last 4 months is just isn't enough for number obsessed whore!

>> No.32825858

There's no way he's regular, he was a total newfag, his writing style is way too recognizable for me to not have noticed him before.

>> No.32825860

>clip channels get millions of views, are wildly successful and profitable
>dox channels get deleted
Poka just join the winning side already, you can have a discord and a youtube channel just play by the rules like everyone else. You have to realise that posting dox videos is never going to get you anywhere.

>> No.32825861 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32826410

To be fair they deserve it. Let's not pretend they are some poor souls. They created that. They are a disgusting group of people that deserve every bit of disgusting shit they wade in.

>> No.32825864
File: 68 KB, 463x453, 1598644157396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32825867
Quoted by: >>32825897

I miss her so much

>> No.32825869 [DELETED] 

>Just shut the fuck up and deal with it.
Why? Fucking over autistic SEAnigger doxxfags sounds like fun to me.

>> No.32825871

They didn't do that for Gura, they just included her into FBK and Korone's joint tweet.

>> No.32825873

Don't know and as long as he's taking his meds don't care. And if he isn't, then he better make the thread enjoyable.

>> No.32825874
Quoted by: >>32826114

Wow they really didn't say shit for gura's 2m

>> No.32825875
Quoted by: >>32825909

>ayame channel
Is this a shitty anime where the first big bad reveals himself to be a grunt to the BIG 4 bad guys sorta deal, I guess it works for their chuuni server.

>> No.32825877
Quoted by: >>32825964

She's done how many Haachama streams now? Also collabs routinely with a 2mil subscriber Holo. Apparently she's played Apex with Aqua off-stream before so she has gotten closer to some JP senpai, so it's not like she's turning a blind eye to them.

I think she gets enough clout riding accusations thrown her way to want to avoid being called a leech by searching out big-name collabs. Besides basically none of the JPs speach English besides Haachama and Coco anyway, and I bet we'd have seen Coco collabs by now if she wasn't quarantined by management.

>> No.32825878
Quoted by: >>32825956

Which makes sense I suppose. I'd figure your average flip or other flavor of SEAnig lives in a sheet metal hut by shit's creek.

>> No.32825879
Quoted by: >>32825906

Kind of suprising this thread hasn't attracted any tripfags

>> No.32825883

>I don't necessarily want a bunch of random shitters from reddit to get a savior complex for her
I do. Reddit has actually done a good job at supporting Aki and Towa even months later after they "savior hype" died down. It would be nice to see Mel get that same amount of love.

>> No.32825884

couldn't enter the train, never understood how I could even buy stocks because I'm outisde of USA

>> No.32825888 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 660x643, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres more than one

>> No.32825890


>> No.32825895 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32825936

>Server your princess cross-dresser b*una
Huh?? I'm an ESL what the fuck is he saying?

>> No.32825897

To this day she's the only casualty I'm sad about, despite catching Tia's Twitch debut live. She never deserved what happened. The rest, maybe, but never her.

>> No.32825898
File: 449 KB, 512x724, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32825917

your reps...

>> No.32825904 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 752x378, 5493056036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not on anybody's side, but it's highly unlikely that he's from there. It's more likely that he's from pic related. (not even trolling, poorfags/squatters care more about what they would eat the next day and or/ the government)

>> No.32825906
Quoted by: >>32825937

Hello, friend.

>> No.32825910

I hope we can see Yogurt again, one way or another.

>> No.32825909

Nah, it's the one where the big bad shows himself disguised as a grunt, fades into the shadows, and then later on the plucky heroes realize he was pulling the strings of the discord behind the scenes all along.

>> No.32825911


>> No.32825913

Europosters complain how they how to ruin their sleep schedule to watch streams live

>> No.32825916
File: 415 KB, 547x596, 1611123950528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Ame isn't a numberfag and she never will be. She was super happy to collab with Robocco.

She has repped up for IDs and even Holostars on her stream many times. She likes anyone who works hard. Of course people will still call her a leech just because she's friends with Gura so whatever

>> No.32825917

Why do you think I called it based? I fucking love Hollow ataraxia.

>> No.32825919

We'll see what happens when Haachama crosses a million

>> No.32825920

you guys convinced to me to do my jp reps, and now I'm getting fucked over by all the different numbers and dates in the 2k anki deck

>> No.32825923

You could say annoying and I'd accept that as your taste, but she's anything but boring on solo streams.

>> No.32825928

>group of people collectively jerking off to Gura pictures.
Do chumbud coomers really bother people that much?

>> No.32825931

I love Gura!

>> No.32825932 [DELETED] 

why are discordfaggs like this?

>> No.32825935

>Chinese government wisely bans rap and hip hop music
>Mori continues to perform it
Her continued existence is an affront to China and its people! This offense cannot stand!

>> No.32825936 [DELETED] 

misspelt serve

>> No.32825937

Sweet I can finally start filtering people.

>> No.32825938

Is it because Gura doesn't care about numbers that they dont bother?

>> No.32825939
Quoted by: >>32825974

>he didn't delete the dates
skip days of the month it will fuck you over so hard

>> No.32825942



>> No.32825943
File: 40 KB, 547x441, slowpoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you guys talking about

>> No.32825945
File: 5 KB, 369x86, removeSEA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i did my part.
you ARE reporting doxnigger discords right?

>> No.32825946
File: 76 KB, 605x703, 1437852354587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to Gura talk about being sick while watching the food channel is really fucking hilarious. I felt kinda bad for her but the way she described it was entertaining. Whatever she was watching sounded disgusting and fat.

>> No.32825947 [DELETED] 

Try looking up "white knight", space included, in the archives. You'll be in for a nice surprise; they've been here all the time.

>> No.32825949

no, it only bothers that SEAnigger in particular

>> No.32825950

Yes? It's the worst kind of low quality spam.

>> No.32825955

These doxxfags don't even dig anything new, they just autistically shove old lolcow doxx into everybody's faces. I don't get it. Even lolcowfags themselves long since abandoned doxxing HoloEN, these SEAnigs are legit mentally ill.

>> No.32825956
File: 14 KB, 480x360, kirashock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really. only people who care about anime here are people who've watched 90's/80's/70's anime.

tldr; We're getting a Voltes V adaptation and I'm scared already.

>> No.32825959

>Just learned from this poll there are 3 gens of holostars

Fucking why? Yagoo saw them with their whopping 67 subs, and said "Yeah let's do another batch"

>> No.32825960

Check the news for gamestop.

>> No.32825962
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1602623227758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I lost my 1 week nofap to hags
feel like shit

>> No.32825964
Quoted by: >>32826137

I have literally never heard anyone accuse ame of clout chasing.

>> No.32825966

Oh yeah, she literally did say she thought it was a scam. Fuck, which stream had the chat talking about specifically robinhood?

>> No.32825967

some weird meme economy magic with gamestop, look it up in google

>> No.32825968
Quoted by: >>32826094

From what Ollie told us Mel just seems very active in supporting the girls. Ollie said Mel dms her to talk a lot, even if it's just random stuff like how are you doing. Mel has also been supportive of Ame for a while now on Twitter, even buying her merch. Mel might have asked for the collab, or it might have been something they kind of just mutually agreed on. I have a harder time thinking Ame just straight up asked Mel for a collab. Not for any negative reason just because she has such a hard time socially interacting, and has said it's hard for her to ask for collabs.

>> No.32825971

Reine deathsquad...

>> No.32825974
Quoted by: >>32826112


ahh okay thanks for the tip. I took japanese class but of course forgot all the retarded ways of pronouncing the same numbers. Also why are there two cards for 円 with one for circle and yen...do I just randomly guess that?

>> No.32825973

Please, I want to see an edit of this

>> No.32825975

Ame has a savior complex and thinks it's her responsibility to rescue her senpai from obscurity.

>> No.32825976

Marine is 17, don't worry.

>> No.32825981 [DELETED] 

I don't like to use this word in vain, but this, this is truly the very definition of cringe. What sad existences...

>> No.32825982

GME stocks

>> No.32825983

I woke up at noon because I was up all night watching JP peak hours, so I'm still a poor fuck.

>> No.32825985
File: 49 KB, 320x298, 1610254076119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame JP collab in 5 hours
>not tired


>> No.32825989
File: 867 KB, 850x1200, 1596593597444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon

>> No.32825991

They met during the among us collab and probably talked, then found out they both like apex
Mel bought Nabi-mama's Ame book and she's wished Ame a happy birthday

>> No.32825993


>> No.32825996

ame gremlin noises

ame gremlin noises

>> No.32825998
Quoted by: >>32826049


I understand why she would think that about Robinhood, but has she said anything about diversified index funds and "non retarded" investing?

>> No.32826003

People only think Botan is old because they keep trying to convert her age into human years. You gotta take the age as already in lion years and convert it back.

>> No.32826008

It is becuase Cover have been caught flatfooted with her success, they had no clue what the fuck to do and celebrating Gura's million when she just overtook FBK and Korone mere days before their own big milestone would've been really anticlimactic.

>> No.32826014
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, 1599753949625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it because of this?

>> No.32826016
File: 1.89 MB, 2400x3000, 1611293294320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complete fucking EoP
>middle of the pack for subs in EN
>Has still collabed with 3 JP members

How does she do it?

>> No.32826017

Almost non existent. Watch Mel’s collab with Ollie. Whenever Ollie gets stuck with japanese and tried to say it in english instead, Mel has no idea what Ollie is trying to say.

>> No.32826018
Quoted by: >>32826046

Yagoo fell into Tokyo Ghoul hype. Like any other Asian, he gambled.

>> No.32826021

Por quoi

>> No.32826025

>three five p

>> No.32826029

What the fuck I didn't know this dog could sound like that.

>> No.32826030

>Thanks Elite Three-Five Pee!

>> No.32826033

does anyone have a pastebin for mori's akas? There was one for ame on sunday

>> No.32826035

Blue board, please understand.

>> No.32826036
Quoted by: >>32826048

The first fucking holo to actually catch me off guard with out of context moans is fucking KORONE!?

>> No.32826038
Quoted by: >>32826130

This will be interesting. Ame didnt do her reps right?

>> No.32826039
Quoted by: >>32826818

By compromising the quality of collabs.

>> No.32826041

Hot dog...

>> No.32826043

Probably a Supa Sunday, and it was this year, so it narrows it down to only a handful of them, but I couldn't tell you which one.

>> No.32826045


>> No.32826046
Quoted by: >>32826271


what does this mean?

also, do you guys think there is no potential for male hololive members?

>> No.32826048

the dog is more erotic than you think anon

>> No.32826049
Quoted by: >>32826084

We're talking about the girl who thought intentionally having debt was a good way to build your credit score.

>> No.32826052

Pretty much except it was Mio fighting a zombie in minecraft

>> No.32826053
File: 222 KB, 2048x1280, 1595620457502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826248

How mad would Korone get if you started laughing at her dog moans mid fuck?

>> No.32826054

>>Complete fucking EoP
This isn't right, she's also a fluent spaniard.

>> No.32826061

Korosan wtf

>> No.32826063
Quoted by: >>32826088

How the fuck is this collab going to work then? Language barrier makes the game fun but not when they literally can't understand anything the other person is saying. Surely they've done practice rounds right?

>> No.32826069


>> No.32826072
File: 20 KB, 757x608, DO_IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826536

Nacho will have a three-way collab with Ame and Gura and there is nothing anybody can do about it.

>> No.32826075

Ah yes, "el chair"

>> No.32826077
File: 6 KB, 235x215, coolsville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in

>> No.32826078

Not a hard bar to hop when shitty template edits are literally all the front page is and they literally fucking do not actually discuss the streams, which only encourages them to be clipfags EVEN for fucking ENs. Most of that entire leddit is the Holo equivalent of Touhou secondaries/tertiaries aka fans of the fandom who don't actually play the games and just go "cirno baka 9 XD" etc.

I'm not sure if it's just because Cover itself is so afraid to let people really talk about things because reactions/perceptions aren't always rosy in truth and they want a hugbox, or if it's just the inherent pattern of redditors seeking approval and karma and being deathly afraid of being critical. Even when the China thing was at its worst they were still being policed out of really talking about it, I don't know what kind of fully-endowed mind would stand such an environment. Granted, nonstop running your mouth with tired shitposting with no intent of actual conversation, like some faggots here do, isn't useful to anyone. However, critique, talking about both positive and negative views and facts, is part of actual thoughtful analysis, and is necessary to have a full-bodied conversation.

>> No.32826080
File: 1.82 MB, 1447x2046, 1610422954484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to fuck this chicken till she starts moaning in german!

>> No.32826082

yagoo's savior complex crosses gender barriers

>> No.32826084


Oh shit she fell for that myth? Now I'm worried about ame's finances lol

>> No.32826086


>> No.32826088

It'll be cringekino

>> No.32826089

This was really early on though, Kiara's comments about Amesame duet, etc, are much more recent.

>> No.32826087

what happened to noels minecraft stream?

>> No.32826090

there's no way that was not unintentional

>> No.32826092
Quoted by: >>32826179


>> No.32826093


>> No.32826094

>Mel might have asked for the collab
She 99% asked or pitched the idea. Even putting aside Ame's introversion, she would especially never reach out to a jp senpai for a collab at the moment given her desire to improve her Japanese first (whether that desire'll bear fruit is a discussion for another time so whatever).
I admittedly don't have a clue how Mel's English is beyond a few cute clips of her speaking some words, but she probably tried to accommodate Ame as best as she could by offering to speak some which made it easier to accept. And the bomb game's probably an okay choice for the same reason.

>> No.32826097
File: 118 KB, 448x640, ErIhu19UYAMcXKt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame has some good news for you guys!


>> No.32826098

Kiara unironically knows more spanish vocab than her.

>> No.32826100
File: 20 KB, 361x354, 1571004539111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ.

>> No.32826101
File: 2.23 MB, 2066x1152, 1610325821213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 week
that's it?

>> No.32826103
File: 127 KB, 850x1189, 1584605774291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32826104
Quoted by: >>32826537

>They didn't do that for Gura
they did it for Gura, FBK, and Korone at the same time actually.

>> No.32826106
File: 55 KB, 500x500, batetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, did Yuzu Koshiro make the Actraiser remix specifically for Korone, or did he write it in the 90s and gift it to the dog when she streamed the game?

>> No.32826107

Vtubers are cheap to produce and the holostars have pretty low tier artists compared to the girls, too. They're still profitable. My favorite rrat is that Yagoo started making all this money and wanted to help out some of his long time NEET friends so he hooked em up as Holostars.

>> No.32826111

Post more lewd noises

>> No.32826112
Quoted by: >>32826198

>"Numbers and counting in Japanese are difficult enough to require its own section. First of all, the number system is in units of four instead of three, which can make converting into English quite difficult. Also, there are things called counters, which are required to count different types of objects, animals, or people. We will learn the most generic and widely used counters to get you started so that you can learn more on your own. To be honest, counters might be the only thing that'll make you want to quit learning Japanese, it's that bad. I recommend you digest only a little bit of this section at a time because it's an awful lot of things to memorize."
It's about context. You will see this a lot. Seriously, countless Kanji have multiple readings based on the context and the vocab it is around.

For example
>中 - naka, inside
>夜 - yoru, night
>夜中 - yonaka, middle of the night
>工事中 - koujichu instead of kouchinaka
>中国 - chucoku aka China

It's a big reason you are a MASSIVE idiot if you try to learn kanji outside vocabulary. It's a huge waste of time.

Basically just memorize it. There's a reason the Japanese are autistic as fuck. The more you learn the more you'll question how their society even functions

>> No.32826114
Quoted by: >>32826128

The 2nd mil isn't as sensational as the first. They'll make a press release when she either passes AI or reaches 5mil

>> No.32826115

Beacuse the girls like her, find her cute, and appreciate her support. Also although Ame has a hard time initiating social interaction or asking for collabs she has always said she's willing to collab with her senpais if they asked.

>> No.32826118
File: 344 KB, 748x844, 1607579097917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiara stream in 4 hours
>barring tech issues kiara streams 3+ hours average
>got work in 8 hours
I'm not sleeping tonight

>> No.32826119
File: 25 KB, 600x379, i-bone-my-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32826120


That was really well put. I normally mostly go on reddit but the hololive subreddit was so bad I somehow found my self here and actually enjoying it (except for 1/3 of the thread being autistic schizo shit)

>> No.32826125
File: 997 KB, 1364x1050, 1609891643484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, that was a good fap

>> No.32826127
Quoted by: >>32826169


>> No.32826128

They won't.

>> No.32826130
Quoted by: >>32826170

What do you mean by "do your reps"? You think she could learn japanese in a few months or some shit?

>> No.32826131
File: 2.56 MB, 2160x3054, 1602906726343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based.

>> No.32826136
Quoted by: >>32826312

Damascus why are you like this

>> No.32826137

It's been tossed around here quite a few times that she leeches off Gura's success, and that worries about this are why Ame is sometimes kind of cold about Gura and tries to shoot down Gurame shippers, while Gura doesn't give a fuck and isn't afraid to talk about how much she likes Ame.

Although, it's not really a very well-received notion even here, since they seem to be pretty genuinely friendly. Not to mention with timezones making Mori/Kiara collabs harder for her and Ina usually being too busy, Gura is just the easiest solution. I don't blame Ame for collabing with the person way-easier to set up anything with out of her genmates.

>> No.32826139
File: 109 KB, 788x682, 1598167659991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Polka apparently casually chats with Ina
>has openly said she's a fan of Ame
>Schooled Coco on her own show in EN knowledge
>obviously finds mori to be a hot babe


>> No.32826143

And then she mogs Tomoshika of his virginity.

>> No.32826146

The hololive reddit is filled with SEAniggers

>> No.32826147

Where you gonna get them wombs from anon?

>> No.32826149
File: 172 KB, 454x374, kiara raff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get an email back from discord about my doxnig reports
>it just tells me that they reviewed the person and just said 'if they keep it up then we'll do something lol'
discord please

>> No.32826150

Wait I just hopped in on Mori's stream, why are there supas but I can't send one?

>> No.32826151

Hope you came the moment she said "biohazad"

>> No.32826153
File: 119 KB, 674x960, 1580729633435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826182

>all these AMel doomposters
Believe in the vampire bros, I promise you it's gonna be good.

>> No.32826162

Both is likely, the latter is certain, there's a reason almost every major subreddit has some sort of spinoff for actual discussion with memes, art etc banned. like gaming and 'truegaming', because the upvote system and people reading that shit on the bus or the toilet tends towards the most digestible surface level shit. the system is explicitly not used as intended to such a degree it's overridden the intended purpose of promoting stuff that contributes value. the other one really depends, like i said, reddit inevitably trends towards that so they don't have to do anything.

>> No.32826163

Once Kiara leaves Japan, Polka is going to be outside Mori's door with a bottle of wine and flowers.

>> No.32826164
Quoted by: >>32826196

She turned off SCs like 5 minutes ago.

>> No.32826169

i really can't take this anymore

>> No.32826170
Quoted by: >>32826192


>> No.32826174
Quoted by: >>32826233

okayu gets to listen to that every night

>> No.32826175
Quoted by: >>32826197


>> No.32826176

Make an alt and try again.

>> No.32826177 [DELETED] 

So this is what happens when you combine the chuuni of bugs and the faggotry of nijiniggers

>> No.32826179

French. It just sounded funny to me.

>> No.32826182
File: 108 KB, 491x720, roboame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People here have shit memory. Ame's Robocco collab was super cute. She may be an EoP but she has good mannerisms JPs can pick up on

>> No.32826184 [DELETED] 

SEAniggers are the most annoying people on earth. Take a look at their shitty general on /int/ and it's nothing but sperging at some random Hispanic despot

>> No.32826186


>> No.32826188


Ngl "el squiggle" and the other "el" phrases were hilarious and actually one of the best recent ame moments

>> No.32826192


>> No.32826195

She didn't say she thought it was a scam. She said brother Watson thought it was a scam and she wasn't sure. She was basically just saying she doesn't understand where to do stocks, and heard of a place to do them (or she read the name in chat idr) and then said something she remembered about it.
IIRC. Pretty sure it was a super Sunday and that she never said she thought it was a scam. Everything else may be a little fuzzy.

>> No.32826196


>> No.32826197
Quoted by: >>32826213


>> No.32826198
Quoted by: >>32826249

>The more you learn the more you'll question how their society even functions
holy fuck this, I'm around 600 kanjis and the only thing I can ask myself everyday is

>> No.32826199

Post racist comments on an alt

>> No.32826204

She's reading older SCs and she turned it off after seeing how many were rolling in or something.

>> No.32826206 [DELETED] 

they also have a "no racism and sexism" in their descriptors. What a bunch of literal faggots

>> No.32826207
File: 714 KB, 758x1200, 7EE7AF98-3D06-4D65-A16C-C9E630959099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the nofap until Pekora came back challenge.
Turned out to be a pretty easy challenge.

>> No.32826208
Quoted by: >>32826221

Just send one during the T3 drawing stream. Doesn't even have to be an aka, the stream will probably be slow enough that she'll have time to read whatever you send.

>> No.32826212

Kek, just wait 5.5 hrs for t3

>> No.32826213

? The dude asked for lewd clips

>> No.32826214
File: 299 KB, 789x797, 1599702128260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826517

I think I haven't fapped in the 7 months or so. I think that's when I got into Hololive. Weird how watching anime girls on a screen play games made me stop fapping altogether.

>> No.32826216

Mori said she was booked with collabs until May right? Imagine if Polka was too scared to ask before and when she finally builds up her courage she was to wait until almost half the year is over.

>> No.32826218
Quoted by: >>32826270

>open noels stream
>shes a cardboard cutout
what happened here?

>> No.32826221
Quoted by: >>32826238

Technically he could send one now. It's already open.

>> No.32826226

how fucking rich is this xenomorph guy

>> No.32826227

They lumped Aqua and Marine together as well.

>> No.32826233
File: 377 KB, 474x470, 1610964633981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korosan... it was fun the first few times, but my neighbors have started complaining about how loud my dog barks every night... just shut the fuck up, please

>> No.32826236

>booked with collabs until May
What is she? A heart surgeon?

>> No.32826238

Good point, though I'd probably wait in case she takes the scheduled T3 down and replaces it with what she's going to do instead.

>> No.32826242

Some people harp on it because in the spectrum of all collabs it wasn't stellar, but considering the context, it was brilliant.
I take holos cutely fumbling with their words and laughing any day.

>> No.32826243

did the holos get platinum games permissions ?
is their any hope for revengeance?

>> No.32826244
Quoted by: >>32826262

Does she really need to blow into the recorder though

>> No.32826248

god that outfit makes her look old

>> No.32826249

The best part is when they randomly don't use kanji. Literally no reason they just won't have it there and you're sitting there confused trying to get part of your brain to activate without seeing the symbol

>> No.32826251
Quoted by: >>32826313


>> No.32826252

Probably needs Konami permissions first

>> No.32826253
Quoted by: >>32826569

Apparently this one only got a translation because Cover's EN social media interns (t-chan on leddit) took his time to do it. He even apologized for not translating the previous ones, and acknowledged that it could be taken as preferential treatment.

>> No.32826257
File: 684 KB, 1152x1200, 85811193_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her cuteness killed millions...

>> No.32826259 [DELETED] 

just dropping by to say fuck deadbeats


>> No.32826261
Quoted by: >>32826293

I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I think Konami is blocking that.

>> No.32826262

She lost the harmonica.

>> No.32826264

JP Rap reaper is easy buff please andastd

>> No.32826266

>video games

>> No.32826270

>noel watched a clip of Moona-Iofi stream
>noone shat on her about this
What happened here?

>> No.32826271
Quoted by: >>32826311

I think it depends on whether Cover still views EN as a spin-off branch or not. With how each EN girl is going to be at 1m in less than 5 months, and there's a good chance 2 of them will be 2m+ before 2021, there absolutely should be more investment in EN, both resource and talentwise. With ID 2 it's clear that we're getting an EN 2 sooner or later, but there's no precedent for an intl holostars branch yet.

As far as viability, that's tough. One of the reasons hololive took off when it did was because people (mostly male) were/are lonely. That doesn't really transfer over to holostars, who for the most part might as well still be indies. You could argue that male streamers are more popular in the west than overseas, but adding in the vtuber x-factor, I don't think anyone can say for certain whether it'd be a successful venture.

That being said, holostars does have a very strong core audience, even if they probably will never break into the main stream, which apparently is enough for Yagoo to green light 2nd and 3rd gens.

tl;dr: Maybe.

>> No.32826279
Quoted by: >>32826305

t. deadbeat

>> No.32826280
Quoted by: >>32826301

JP holos have pretty booked schedules, like the Towa Mario Kart one was booked months ahead

>> No.32826281

they just need more perms so that collabs can have lots of game-centered communication instead of Minecraft which just turns into a zatsudan.

Deep Rock Galactic would be perfect. Gary's Mod would work in a lot of modes.

>> No.32826282
Quoted by: >>32826305

t. deadbeat

>> No.32826285

Pizza papa played Bayonetta recently

>> No.32826286

Very popular among JP holos (and indies) + she's addicted to filling her schedule with work.

>> No.32826291
File: 14 KB, 299x304, 1600274282006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. Now I'm curious about this question.

>> No.32826293

Since they have Bayonetta permissions, it is 100% Konami

>> No.32826294
File: 423 KB, 673x875, 1606452482071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember most people agreeing that it was getting a lot better towards the end when they were getting into the groove

>> No.32826295

Even back then I remember the Ame Robocco collab having mostly negative reactions. Didn't help that it only lasted an hour.

>> No.32826300
Quoted by: >>32826372

That's specifically song collabs, not stream collabs. I mean, Mori even asked Reine for a collab in the middle of her endurance stream.

>> No.32826301

So, why are people surprised by the lack of JP Gura collab then?

>> No.32826305
Quoted by: >>32826321

You don't have to reply to everything, y'know.

>> No.32826308

i've been egging them on to play TTT on gmod.
it can fit to like 30 people and the interactions would be god-tier.

>> No.32826311

male v tubers are massively successful if they are just good, look at someone like corpsehusband that guy would rake in millions if he gave himself an avatar

>> No.32826312
File: 13 KB, 221x224, nachoshock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

family is important

>> No.32826313

W-wow... gratz to the homos

>> No.32826314

>Fubuki = Pascal

>> No.32826318
File: 1011 KB, 1350x1902, 1580642786571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, there are some fucking great mangas coming out lately.

>> No.32826319
File: 138 KB, 850x1143, 1598703160724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help me, I can't stop thinking about hags

>> No.32826320

Roboco seems very willing to collab with just about anyone. She was in that indie/small label Among Us collab last night.

A very wholesome robot.

>> No.32826321
Quoted by: >>32826336

Why are takodachis like this?

>> No.32826324


do you guys ever think about what it would be like to become a vtuber? If so, what's stopping you?

>> No.32826325

Is that the first time Mori interacted with her mama onstream?

>> No.32826326

Mori, Wtf

>> No.32826327
File: 142 KB, 943x663, 1611822205133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826378

for cute happy married couple

>> No.32826329

I knew female simps existed but it’s crazy how much more there seem to be nowadays. Internet is crazy

>> No.32826331
Quoted by: >>32826395

>collabs can have lots of game-centered communication instead of Minecraft which just turns into a zatsudan
Is that a good thing? Because that sounds like a sure fire way to filter pretty much everyone who hasn't played the game in question.

>> No.32826332
Quoted by: >>32826778


>> No.32826336

Why are Ikadachis like this?

>> No.32826337

I think it's the first time her mama showed up to a stream.

>> No.32826338
Quoted by: >>32826373

kek, at first I thought kanjis were a stupid idea and that they just should use kana, now I wonder how can they communicate through words without them

>> No.32826341

yes, all the rest were in twitter

>> No.32826342


>> No.32826343 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32826408

aaaaaah help me teamates, the big bad discord kids doxed my oshi and now I can't stop thinking of what an ugly fuck she is!

>> No.32826344
File: 295 KB, 501x443, 1597167264828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're called chumbeggars for a reason, anon. They will never be satisfied unless Yagoo gets on his knees, crowns Gura queen of Hololive, and then ceremoniously drinks her piss.

>> No.32826349

Can someone give me a heads up when Mori starts reading the superchats from this stream? I want to see how she 'handles' that one aka.

>> No.32826351


>> No.32826353

No, her mama has SC'd her before.

>> No.32826360

It's hard to concentrate with all the hags being mentioned here, not to mention the mori /ss/ stories.

>> No.32826363

A /hlg/ regular

>> No.32826365

She just won’t read it out loud

>> No.32826366
Quoted by: >>32826418

Because Ame is also an EOP yet she's still reaching out to her senpais for collabs. People expect the biggest chuuba in hololive to have done at least 1v1 senpai collab by now.
JP collabs don't all need months in advance planning.

>> No.32826368
File: 730 KB, 850x850, 1585825403239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too late, just accept it

>> No.32826371
Quoted by: >>32826388

They have permissions for Bayo, probably all the Platinum games published under Sega too. Revengance will probably never happen because it's Metal Gear and we all know who owns that one.

>> No.32826372

She then followed that up with saying she was booked until April

>> No.32826373
Quoted by: >>32826413

That's where your listening reps come in

>> No.32826375
Quoted by: >>32826506

Because people love shitposting about [X HATES HOLOLIVE] when schedules are almost always packed, moreso for the JP holos that have dance practice, singing lessons, off-collabs, inter-company collabs, commercial deals, sponsorships and so on.
Also we don't even know which JP holos Gura is actively talking to off-stream, if they get along well enough to collab, language barrier and so on.

>> No.32826376
File: 92 KB, 720x726, Yuzuki_Choco_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826403

Why do you need help after improving your taste, anon? Congrats, you're based now. Hags are the best.

>> No.32826377

I am only awake to watch it

>> No.32826378
File: 287 KB, 860x856, 1611801201951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32826379

i've been in a university induced coma for the past few weeks, what happened?

>> No.32826382

Trouble in terrorist town...

>> No.32826387

nut baby

>> No.32826388
Quoted by: >>32826539

Vanquish stream when?

>> No.32826390
File: 1.31 MB, 1447x2039, 1606023825848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

convince me to jack off to kiara.

>> No.32826393
File: 837 KB, 1080x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826415

learn you racists niggers

>> No.32826395

it can definitely be a bad thing. Even if everyone in HoloEN had played mahjong all their lives I still wouldn't've paid attention to what they said about the game. But Deep Rock Galactic and TTT are pretty easy to understand and follow. And it's not that zatsudan is purged, there's a lot of irrelevant stuff you can talk about while playing these games, it's just that a language barrier wouldn't mean no conversation happening at all.

>> No.32826397

Cars fucking dragons.

>> No.32826399
Quoted by: >>32826457

I'm so tired of the timeloop of anons thinking that Cover/JP must be shunning Gura because of blah blah blah. Feels like a victim complex.

>> No.32826403

Please... Someone... Marry Choco-sensei before it's too late... Chocomates, do something...

>> No.32826404

Why am I like this?

>> No.32826406

I can't/don't moderate or filter myself and don't really like the whole interacting with chat aspect of streaming. I play a game, I get super focused, and lose track of everything around me to the point where I forget there are other people in the room with me.

Learning how to edit/produce videos, advertise and network, that all comes with practice. But I put on a different persona for 8 hours a day at work; I couldn't imagine doing it while in my own home as well.

>> No.32826407
File: 336 KB, 1000x1501, 1611477397735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826448


>> No.32826408

No lie I've masturbated to Ame's roommate more than Ame herself.

>> No.32826410 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32826469

>idol simps calling others disgusting while sighting race wars

>> No.32826412

Why would you need convincing?

>> No.32826413

I actually don't know how, do I just listen to a vtuber while trying to figure out what they're talking? I tried and failed miserably a few days back

>> No.32826415
File: 1.31 MB, 318x222, 1608355277171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the sloth?

>> No.32826418

Yeah I very much doubt that Ame is the one reaching out for collabs.

>> No.32826421


>> No.32826423 [DELETED] 


>> No.32826426
Quoted by: >>32826463

>Ame = 2B
lol. I'm not even KFP but Kiara is the one with the trash compactor ass.
Mori would also fit 2b because she likes short

>> No.32826430
File: 180 KB, 391x401, 1589019071657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dusty hag pussy

>> No.32826432

Polka might not be feeling so confident after the Kiara MC collab didn't go so well, albeit that was really for technical reasons. Aksi Ina hung out with her and Nene not too long ago in MC, so it's not like there's 0 effort going in from her/ENs.

More like, it seems they can't really figure out what to do together besides Minecraft 'tours' and really those only work once. Polka herself really does an absolute fuckton of zatsudan, storytime readings etc and that's not easy collab material at all when you don't speak English at all outside of babytalk. The fragmented English is cute but would mostly lead to blank stares in a full-fledged collab, like when an EN talks in full sentences to Haachama. Haachama's comprehension is far far beyond Polka's or any JPs really besides Coco, yet she still has a tough time talking.

I suppose they could attempt to collab on something in MC but that's pretty hard when Polka isn't an especially studious builder and neither are any of the ENs besides maybe Ina (who I can see being the first EN to start making blueprints for structures). Otherwise Among Us probably would be a good idea I think because Polka actually knows the game well and it doesn't require heavy conversation/comprehension to play.

>> No.32826433

I'd love to see any of them play DRG but I hope they at least play the tutorial first
they won't
not that it's that hard to pick up, just disappointing when the entire stream is them figuring out how to play the game and then it's over and they never play again

>> No.32826434

I wonder if Mori even realizes just how outrageously popular she is. And I don't mean in terms of sub count, I mean how both her senpais and JOPs think she's super cool despite her being one of the new kids on the block. Something she probably never experienced in her youth.

>> No.32826435
Quoted by: >>32826476

I'd do it even if she had 0 subs.

>> No.32826437

i wanna try this

>> No.32826439

>zis izzu baito

>> No.32826441


>> No.32826442
Quoted by: >>32826524

Not really, by the end most people were fine with it for what it was and were just sad about the supposed miscommunication. Even /hlg/ was mostly lukewarm towards it, though they'd probably tell you it was shit today.

>> No.32826448

>german accent
>life-ending thighs
>beautiful eyes
everything about kiara is perfect for me.

>> No.32826452

Probably never. Trauma and all that, kind of difficult to just "overcome" it one day.

>> No.32826457
Quoted by: >>32826587

I thought they shunned her too with how they treat the milestone celebration. Then I saw they lumped Aqua and Marine together and now Im like "may be they have their reasons"

>> No.32826463

Ame has asked for 2B fanart on stream with Gura as 9S. Also medium short hair like 2B

>> No.32826464

Polka's English cheat sheet for Among Us was cute.

>> No.32826466
File: 911 KB, 680x477, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

korean movies watchalong with ina, when?

>> No.32826465
Quoted by: >>32826670

>I wonder if Mori even realizes just how outrageously popular she is.
No due to her imposter syndrome and low opinion of herself.

>> No.32826468
Quoted by: >>32826489

Among Us is actually a pretty good one for them because they do a bit of talking but not much; they need to just get over that one collab where Gura got gangbanged by JPs all night. If anything Gura needs an opportunity for revenge.

>> No.32826469 [DELETED] 


go to twitter Poka maybe @HeroHei will notice you

>> No.32826475
File: 11 KB, 209x241, 1608455750222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32826476

Of course you fucking will

>> No.32826477

Old Boy... I Saw the Devil...

>> No.32826478

Mori and Polka just playing weird fucking instruments at each other for an hour would be kino, and that doesn't take any langauge skills. Mori could even frame it as a 'instrument review' or 'sampling stream' so they would have an excuse to talk about her music, which Polka clearly loves.

>> No.32826480

I've thought about it, but I don't really think there's room for an EN male indie vtuber to grow, there's just too much competition out there on the streaming platforms. It's really hard to make it as a streamer, you need to build up an audience by being good in one game and be good at it, and even then it's very hard to make the jump to variety streamer. I've seen big streamers in semi-niche titles who pull 5-10k viewers be completely unable to break away from the game that got them big.

On the other hand, I think a foreigner could do decently as an indie in the JP market, but obviously you would need your language skills to be up to par.

>> No.32826481

>I'm honored to be your first

>> No.32826483

>big ups to friendly neighborhood lesbian

>> No.32826488
Quoted by: >>32826521

>I'm honored to be your first
Moririn you sound too cute and bashful when you say that

>> No.32826489
Quoted by: >>32826529

Ame's the real one who needs revenge. She never got to be a detective.

>> No.32826490
Quoted by: >>32826532


>> No.32826494
File: 827 KB, 2362x3464, 1607176338293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826526

I really need to catch up on my chikin vods... Did anything happen in the Fall Guys and Among Us streams?

>> No.32826495
File: 241 KB, 490x490, 1602832664369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32826497

I hate people who write
>This is my first aka
Not it is not nigger, fuck off with your attention whoring

>> No.32826499

I'd be very boring to normies, and I dislike people just a chotto bit. Don't like talking, and can't talk about random shit, either. I just wouldn't be able to entertain anyone. I love games, but only enjoy playing them alone. Speaking and interacting with people while playing games would ruin the process for me.

>> No.32826502 [DELETED] 

That retard got an indie vtuber harassed by falsely accusing her of doxxing Coco. I hope he genuinely kills himself.

>> No.32826503

good taste

>> No.32826504


>> No.32826505
File: 45 KB, 368x359, 56654435453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32826506

We know she talks to Shion and sometimes Marine off-stream. It's 100% a language barrier thing when it comes to those two.
She has talked to Haachama off-stream too and they've even talked about collabing together too, but for some reason it just hasn't happened yet.

>> No.32826507


>> No.32826508

But it is...

>> No.32826510

absolutely based

>> No.32826511

are you a perfect uman?

>> No.32826513


>> No.32826516
Quoted by: >>32826542

Hey there Ame, didn't know you posts here

>> No.32826517

based, I'm at about 5 months myself. Hololive had the same influence on me as well

>> No.32826519

The Host
Train to Busan

>> No.32826521

Fuck I hope someone clips that. I missed it.

>> No.32826524
Quoted by: >>32826675

>Even back then I remember the Ame Robocco collab having mostly negative reactions.
Your memory might be selective. It wasn't negative in the least. People only had small gripes with it, saying it was a bit awkward at the start, but generally it was thought to be cute and fun.
Fuck, I just went to dig that post myself.

>> No.32826525

Im sure your akas are well written and precisely planned out, and im sure you would gladly present your previously sent akas to us

>> No.32826526

honestly? the games themselves, no. the SC readings are 100% worth it though for max chicken love.
the among us had a doxfag who kiara handled well but that's it.

>> No.32826527


>> No.32826529

She'd be a lot worse at that funnily enough, even considering her legendary execution of Polka in the first one. During the second one she was getting the hang of imposter quickly with the vents and shit even without understanding most of the game.

>> No.32826530 [DELETED] 

I will when your bitch ass learns to take a shower.

>> No.32826532

Fuck, this reminds me when I had Bell’s palsy

>> No.32826535
File: 1.08 MB, 1939x2160, 5849c5c2dea337b157879e56d98cb64a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the biggest dorks becoming the one everyone fawns over. Love it.
Mori is too humble to take any advantage of it. She tries to do it the proper way, respecting her senpais, not wanting to overshadow her genmates. It surprised me how quickly she reached a million but I also completely understand how she did it. She would have gone far with wherever the first big break came from, we're fortunate that break came from Hololive because it created some really nice friendships across branches and generations.

>> No.32826536

It's like one of those doujins of a guy being invited by his girlfriend for dinner and it turns out her mom is a lolibaba.

>> No.32826537
Quoted by: >>32826587

That's what he said anon, did you not read the post you replied to? They waited until Korone and FBK hit 1 mil and lumped Gura in with them but gave Mori a standalone press release. Didn't even say shit for Gura's 2 mil.

>> No.32826539

I'd love to see a Holo play Vanquish. Maybe Botan... I'm not sure if HoloEN can handle it though.

>> No.32826542

Hey there, anon. Thanks for watching my streams. Tune in for more Apex Legends later!

>> No.32826550
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, s0064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how many minutes in will ollie realize that directly reproducing from blueprint is not gonna happen?

>> No.32826549

The sorts of games I enjoy playing and the sorts of hobbies I immerse myself in don't lend themselves to streaming, at least not as a vtuber.

>> No.32826553

I think she does, and it just fuels her imposter syndrome more since she thinks she has to do special things to live up to being the face of HoloEN in Japan.

>> No.32826554
File: 1.14 MB, 814x730, 1609235028705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instruments playing/zatsudan ... actually is a fucking good idea. Guess it's up to Mori to figure something out. Hell she can even whip up a shitty little track on the fly with Polka's instruments on-stream or something, it could be fucking amazing.

>> No.32826558

>I like the comics that you made

WHO THE FUCK, Doxxbeats.

>> No.32826562
File: 129 KB, 894x1046, 1605646039161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Lammy be a honorary hag? She has the same energy

>> No.32826564

Has she planned to put in traps and stuff?

>> No.32826569

So they did say why they decided to lump Gura in with FBK and Korone and not give her, her own one? Did they say why they didn't do it for 2 million?

>> No.32826570

Oh what the fuck, I don't even know if Aqua or Pekora would have the patience for something like that. Maybe Ollie will prove us wrong though, who knows.

>> No.32826572
Quoted by: >>32826586

Have they organised the 11 person collab yet?

>> No.32826574

Does this count as a collab? It was more like a stand-off.

>> No.32826575
File: 277 KB, 1663x1698, EszUfOhWMAAJWeH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Mori so much.

>> No.32826576
Quoted by: >>32826589

I love how cool japanese find english speakers who cuss. Like she's completely opposite of how they expect people to talk but they love it

>> No.32826577
Quoted by: >>32826670

i hate how people say that kiara and ina are unpopular even though they have 700k+ subs and are a part of one of the largest vtuber groups in the world.
even ina makes bank in SC earnings.

>> No.32826579 [DELETED] 

that's doxchads, and you're welcome.

>> No.32826580
Quoted by: >>32826639

What manga is this?

>> No.32826583
File: 194 KB, 299x418, 1608704515273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 minutes in and they're already concernfagging

>> No.32826585
Quoted by: >>32826931

this is why I have to lurk these threads because anon posts amesame arts that's not even on twitter

>> No.32826586

Can't happen for at least 2 week anon.

>> No.32826587

Can you guys just be grateful the management was able to force her to even do a 2m celebration stream? The problem isn't the company but Gura herself.

>> No.32826589

Why do the Japanese find Mori's cussing cool but not Kiara's?

>> No.32826594

He posts them on twitter all the time

>> No.32826595

the stream that made me love womb

>> No.32826598

I never fapped to vtubers, not even once. Except EvE, I guess.
My voice is also boring, and I'm really disconnected from normies.

>> No.32826599

>the management was able to force her to even do a 2m celebration stream?

>> No.32826602

she needs 4x bigger maze to put that blueprint on the ground....

>> No.32826605 [DELETED] 

Drk truly is the most kino job

>> No.32826608


>> No.32826614
Quoted by: >>32826661

Is that visual all she had to go by? Or is there a gridform of what she intends to do? It's a way harder pain in the ass if she has to eyeball the dimensions of all that without a grid.

>> No.32826617
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x3942, Edited_20210128_173642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Lawsons today to see my oshi. I bought some discounted chimkin while the voice of my actual oshi, the onion, played over the radio

>> No.32826619

Of course she does. She has booked herself like a professional artist, because that's who she is. She finally has the recognition she thinks she deserves.

>> No.32826620

I am one but im scared to debut, i have everything ready but im too scared

>> No.32826621
Quoted by: >>32826707

It's been idea floating around the thread every since Polka first was revealed to be a T3 Deadbeat and we've just never got Mori be around whenever we're talking about it. It would be a great way to break the ice, though at the time, people wanted it to be an offcollab where Polka shows up at Mori's with a dufflebag of her favorites but we'd settle for just doing it over the internet at this point.

>> No.32826623
Quoted by: >>32826692

Good job ignoring the sharkleech, Mori.

>> No.32826624
Quoted by: >>32826652

Why the hell do they need her permission/agreement to do a short article?

>> No.32826626

>expecting cussing to sound cool
>in that chicken voice
C'mon, it's obvious.
Mori's FUCK MY LIFE was something else desu

>> No.32826628


>> No.32826630
Quoted by: >>32826662


>> No.32826631
Quoted by: >>32826669

>the management was able to force her to even do a 2m celebration stream?
You mean Kiara?

>> No.32826633
Quoted by: >>32826650

Because Kiara is a bitch

>> No.32826634

Her gruff voice and actually-angry-sounding intonations more likely than not. Kiara says it in more of a whiny way and is very casual about it with zero emphasis like it's any other word. Mori shouts her swears in and pauses so it's hard to miss them.

Also the Japanese still seem to have a wide perception that Mori is a tough badass, somehow, instead of an awkward dork.

>> No.32826635


>> No.32826638


shoot your shot man, what do you have to lose?

>> No.32826639

The heroine is an obvious homage to Pekora, which I find extra funny.


>> No.32826640
Quoted by: >>32826699

Do they have those plastic stands there yet?

>> No.32826644

The way Mori curses is extremely sharp and like whole(?) with that growl of hers. I love the way she curse too y'kno

>> No.32826647


>> No.32826649

I miss Lawsons chicken. I haven't been back since 2019.

Coof really took everything from us. 7-Eleven isn't the same.

>> No.32826650
File: 199 KB, 600x1565, 1611273715238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, my bitch

>> No.32826652

She got a huge post on reddit, way more than anyone else has gotten, and you guys bitched about that too. There's literally no winning with chumbeggars

>> No.32826654

Mori's cussing is both cool and intimidating!


>> No.32826659

Do 3D lovers really?

>> No.32826661

yes, she seems to be lacking the critical information, and i can't wait until she gets confused on very first row/column.

>> No.32826662

I will get an onion burger to celebrate both my oshi and the burgers at /hlgg/

>> No.32826664

mori's swears are deep and badass sounding while kiara is more casual

>> No.32826667
File: 199 KB, 600x1565, EsuoZAYUcAYbIlb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's so cute. She wants to be seen so much as a woman that she despises people who call her dad.

>> No.32826669

It seems like that Cover weren't the ones preventing Gura from doing a celebration. She just didn't want to do one until Kiara told her otherwise. Why do people still blame Cover about this then?

>> No.32826670

That's changing over time and it is awesome to see. When she had #1 album, that could have easily scared her off. Instead she thanked everyone for the support and said she would prove she deserves it. Constantly trying to improve but not always saying "I'm doing this wrong." as she was in the past.
The million milestone was also handled really well. She was happy to reach it and celebrate with her fans. There wasn't pressure to live up to any expectation because she's realizing the only expectation is that she be herself.

I don't get it either. I know some people want to make it a competition but all of them work their asses off and are benefiting from it.

>> No.32826671
File: 44 KB, 781x480, shutterstock_1018366477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara saw posts comparing her to a certain Nier/Atelier autist that she was determined to get Nier permissions

>> No.32826674

Can I at least use my Lulu and Nose reaction images?

>> No.32826675
Quoted by: >>32826878

I remember it pretty well, most of the thread was calling it bad or cringe for the first 40 minutes and only started to have fun during the last 20.
It didn't help that the narrative of "Robocco misinterpreted Ame's comment about their last game and thought she wanted to end the collab already" became pretty much accepted by most of the posters at the time.

>> No.32826677
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1604375548449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice English

>> No.32826679


>> No.32826680
Quoted by: >>32826728

>BITCH MADE PASTA is put on YouTube Kids but this is age-restricted

>> No.32826684

Why don't Kiara's songs have english subtitles?

>> No.32826685


>> No.32826689


>> No.32826690

Don't worry teamate, I'll stand with you.

I think you're disgusting for fapping to my daughter, but I respect your decision to do so.

>> No.32826691

Filipoor internet, low spec laptop (which I plan on fixing with an uber-expensive "gaming laptop"). I don't have space for a desktop rig here.

>> No.32826692
Quoted by: >>32826710

Sharkleech showed up?

>> No.32826693
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, elliott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826746


>> No.32826695

That’s calli fighting back

>> No.32826696

Not only that. They blocked all other posts to the sub for at least one hour so the main celebration post wouldn't get drowned out by karmawhores.
I guess that's still not enough for these people...

>> No.32826698

I despise those people too. It was a joke from over a month ago, fucking let it go already. God.

>> No.32826699

I was looking for the A4 file but I think plastic stands are order only, could be wrong

>> No.32826704

Because Kiara is a bitch

>> No.32826707
Quoted by: >>32826752

Can we make a pact to bring this up to her if the topic of collabs comes up in tonight's stream (and that topic always fucking comes up)?

>> No.32826708

They do milestones posts for every Holo on reddit, even the Homostars.

>> No.32826709

Polka is a treasure

>> No.32826710

She spoke in chat and a bunch of people said hello to her but Mori didn't say anything and just kept reading. There's a chance she didn't notice but I'd prefer think she ignored them.

>> No.32826712
Quoted by: >>32826773

You're weird. Not even for jerking it to a roommate but for Ame's in particular.

>> No.32826714

Not the same person you're referring to most likely but tfw this will probably be Kiara in about 50 years

>> No.32826716

What the fuck? I know she's really cute in recent videos but unironically take your meds

>> No.32826721

what is ollie doing?? why is she destroying the maze?

>> No.32826725
Quoted by: >>32826748

>Does it show the mod is in use?
I think FAR shows on the boot up screen but disappears during gameplay. But this is Kiara, I don't think she knows what mods even are

>> No.32826728

It's for childhood season two.

>> No.32826729
Quoted by: >>32826756

the way that people compare the ENs between themselves make it sound like that kiara and ina are indies with like 10 subscribers.
they are popular as fuck in the vtuber world. the fact that they managed to get here in the first place is an achievement of it's own

>> No.32826730

That image does things for me. Father, guide me away from doing something I shouldn't to our boy. (Our boy who is not our father.)

>> No.32826731

I hate how bad the translation is on this clip.

>> No.32826732

Just think about it like this
>I'm gonna succeed or fail
>I'm a literal nobody fake face, nothing I do is tied back to me unless I make it that way
>If I succeed, well fuck me I guess I'm likable and was lucky enough to get a bunch of people to find me
>If I fail, it would have just been an experience with no negative future effects that I can learn from

>> No.32826733

go Ollie go

>> No.32826736
File: 400 KB, 735x642, 1589181325307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Hololive EN
>First two songs are in Japanese
>Not even subtitles for your English speaking fans even though most JP Holos add them
What did she mean by this?

>> No.32826741
Quoted by: >>32826867

Yeah it's really nice to see how Mori has been growing since her first month. She used to be significantly more self-deprecating and would constantly undercut praise given to herself. That made her 1 mil celebration all the more worth it.

>> No.32826743

Is polka a westaboo?

>> No.32826745

To Ayame's credit, she can read and understand basic English. She just has 0 confidence in her ability to speak English

>> No.32826746
Quoted by: >>32826772

What the fuck is Hulse up to anyway these days.

>> No.32826747

Chumbabies don't want to pin anything on Gura, obviously. There always has to be an external factor.

>> No.32826748

She know, she talked about modding among us, but that she would need to ask management if they can use mods IIRC

>> No.32826749

also The Good, the Bad, the Weird

>> No.32826750
Quoted by: >>32826770

There's a non-0% chance that Mori has ytcFilter installed, otherwise there's no way she would've been able to catch those messages from other holos during the 1m stream. Chances are that ignoring the tranny leech was a choice.

>> No.32826751
File: 85 KB, 525x525, ne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826771


>> No.32826752
File: 388 KB, 850x1389, 1595373027044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye cap't, though we still haven't got her to normalize her scythe swing transition to the rest of the stream either so I don't hold much hope.

>> No.32826755

Because she will never be Japanese

>> No.32826756

People looking for drama. Or more simply forgetting the reality that even being in this league is a huge win.

>> No.32826760
Quoted by: >>32826801

I didn't really think about how important having the actual vtuber animated character on screen was until I checked out noel's stream just now and saw she has a still image...it just felt very off

>> No.32826763

what happened to Mori minecraft?
Also how the fuck she earns 2 grands while reading superchat?

>> No.32826764
Quoted by: >>32826780


>> No.32826768

Polkahime is a vtuberboo

>> No.32826770

Wouldn't catch her since she's not a mod, and there's zero way she's got it set up to catch all checkmarks.

>> No.32826771
File: 88 KB, 525x525, NE!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

\ NE! /

>> No.32826773

So you think its only valid to jerk off to chicken because she has coomer content?

>> No.32826772

he went extreme trad last time I checked

>> No.32826774

She just really loves vtubers.

>> No.32826775
Quoted by: >>32826827

Big Ups to all the lurkers out there, Moririn sees you

>> No.32826778

You can just ask him yourself on twitter.

>> No.32826779

Has mel even done her eigo reps?

>> No.32826780

Whoops, my mistake.

>> No.32826782
Quoted by: >>32826807

She certainly has the horny down if we're thinking of the same person.

>> No.32826785

You are saying they need her "Yes" to write a bloody article?

>> No.32826786
Quoted by: >>32826803

should've done what kiara did and directly tell him to fuck off

>> No.32826787
Quoted by: >>32826809


Which of these movies will Mori watch next? She seems to be following the list pretty accurately.

>> No.32826788

Then she's really going to lose. people like VA's lore commentary as well as her dorky personality. She's already being filtered by Ryza 2, while the former thinks Ryza is Atelier for dummies.

>> No.32826790

I don't do it to chicken either because I don't find her all that attractive.

>> No.32826792
File: 73 KB, 128x128, 1602770793278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826823

Probably because Mori's swears are a lot more clear to make out, and with a deeper tone they give off more of a coolness factor to them that JP fans probably aren't familiar with.
Kiara's swearing, to me anyways, is more funny than anything else. She drops it so casually that it's not necessarily intimidating or cool, just hilarious.

>> No.32826795
File: 347 KB, 1500x1800, 1aa7ebc143ae842d32f34367b622dccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826847

>The one watching who never types anything in the chat
Mori mentioned me! Always sending support with good words, even if you don't see them, they're getting through to you.

>> No.32826796
File: 10 KB, 334x287, 1610476400073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32826797

>You need to just deal with it. They're not going anywhere, there's nothing you can do. Just shut the fuck up and deal with it.
Seethe more Poka

>> No.32826798

axed, she finally figured out you can't paywall Minecraft
replaced with drawing I think

>> No.32826799
Quoted by: >>32826811

Surprise surprise, she hadn't read Mojang's Terms and Conditions.

>> No.32826801

Yeah, the difference is huge

>> No.32826803
Quoted by: >>32826835

Mori's too nice for that. She doesn't even realize how some of the "indies" that try to interact with her are using her kindness as a tool for self-promotion.

>> No.32826805
Quoted by: >>32826899

So? Should Gura have gotten special treatment.

>> No.32826807
Quoted by: >>32826831

not the lore autism and the mori-like dorkiness, though.

>also a trilinguist.

>> No.32826809

Shrek is next week with Kiara, and then the Sandlers.

>> No.32826810

Not him but I can't fap to her. Her outfit is so unerotic despite all the coomer bait. Ame and Mori have significantly more attractive designs.

>> No.32826811

Nobody reads ToS, that's why they're not legally binding.

>> No.32826818

t. KFP

>> No.32826819

Welcome back peko

>> No.32826821
File: 53 KB, 768x768, 1611173934391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826826

>Ollie's stream is already loud as fuck
>She turns the in-game volume up even more

>> No.32826823

Ironically enough, it's when Kiara swears in a language other than English that people in this thread stand up and actually take notice of it, because it takes on a completely different dimension to her English cursing.


>> No.32826825
Quoted by: >>32826864

>half-paying attention to Ollie
has her chat decided that she is a male impersonator?

>> No.32826826

Just sew some new ears on, anon.

>> No.32826827

No she doesn't?

>> No.32826829
File: 194 KB, 2266x974, 1596726002282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't even read what I said, idiot. Look at Gura's post and look at Aqua's post and tell me that Gura is being treated unfairly. Oh wait, you'll just shift the goalposts again because in your mind Cover is an evil company who secretly hate Gura and will never do anything good for her.

>> No.32826830
Quoted by: >>32827050

god german kiara is hot as fuck

>> No.32826831

Is her jp fluent? I've heard her speak it a little but I don't remember it that well.

>> No.32826833

>Gura, Korone, Fubuki grouped together
>Pekora alone
>Aqua and Marine together
>Mori alone
What did they mean by this?

>> No.32826834

based peko

>> No.32826835
Quoted by: >>32826887

>trying to replicate Mori's pet snake's success
This really rubs me the wrong way...

>> No.32826837


>> No.32826842
File: 231 KB, 1500x1500, 1611823905299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32826886

What Ollie's chat talking about? I can't hear any difference

>> No.32826843

I'm mediocre at games, with low reaction times, but I wish the girls were a bit better at them. They just need to focus.
The hat is silly, but that midriff

>> No.32826845 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1611823912028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She really can't help it. As do I.

>> No.32826847

But where do you type them?

>> No.32826852
File: 775 KB, 1409x2409, Screenshot_20210128-035138_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32826851

You need to get yourself out of the hololive bubble and watch some other vtubers. The holostars only look bad if you compare them to hololive who are literally the 0.001% of the vtuber industry. In nijisanji they'd be solidly middle of the pack vtubers and that's not even talking about smaller companies who have problems getting more than 200 live viewers

>> No.32826855

Do it. Worst you got to lose is your self-confidence, but it looks like you don't even have that to begin with, so you're gucci.

Just remember to network with other streamers. Join discords, hang out in their chats, talk on twitter/reddit, etc. Chances are you're not going to have many viewers if at all, if you're going in blind. Expect and prepare for the awkwardness of talking to no one for hours at a time. Don't make your very first stream your debut stream where you introduce yourself to literally no one. If it starts picking up steam, start gathering your resources that you've made through networking, and set a date for your "debut".

Also, common mistake I always see is engaging your chat directly by their names and calling them out. "So anon how was your day?" When anon is afk taking a monster shit. Just treat the chat as whole with "thanks for watching" etcetc and only engage one-on-one if the viewer themselves initiates it.

>> No.32826856
File: 318 KB, 1446x2048, EskUNh7UUAANQa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say whatever you want about Gura,
You will never ever receive this kind of affection from your mom.

>> No.32826858
File: 893 KB, 2220x1080, Destroy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rrats and doxxcord fags, they're practically destroying themselves

>> No.32826859
File: 521 KB, 225x350, 1611579486823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doxxfag absolutely seething that his castle of cards is crumbling

>> No.32826860

Fucking chumbabies, man

>> No.32826861

>Miko playing Nier Automata in an hour
Well ogey

>> No.32826864

no for real, what is with her voice, i missed it

>> No.32826865
Quoted by: >>32826961

How much did you pay for your art and model?

>> No.32826867

Not going into details but just learning everything I have from her own stories and music, it's been a nice journey to watch. Mori is the type of person I want to see succeed in the world and reach the highest levels she can.

>> No.32826868

Kiara is 6O, no debate

>> No.32826869

Called it.

>> No.32826873

Skirt on is hotter

>> No.32826875
Quoted by: >>32827013

it's not as cringy as Mori, as she started replying to Japanese comments on twitch during the last stream I was on.

She also understands it more enough to inflect the difference between dub 2B and original japanese 2B in one of her videos.

>> No.32826877

Pain peko

>> No.32826878

>Most of the thread was calling it bad or cringe
No it wasn't. It was an early JP collab, so there were couple shitposters going wild. It was a fucking tradition back then to have a lot shitposters come for collabs, and they were always especially noisy at the beginning. And look at most of the posts of people discussing it once it was done, not just rate replies. It was a fine collab.

>> No.32826879
Quoted by: >>32826951

Both are lazy and shitty.

>> No.32826880
Quoted by: >>32826903


>> No.32826882

She's just not suited to cursing in English I still like it but German cursing is both fresh and natural to her

>> No.32826885

>"So anon how was your day?" When anon is afk taking a monster shit.
Thanks for killing my sides, anon.

>> No.32826886



>> No.32826887

As it should. Unfortunately, it's a lesson she has to learn herself. Mori's too used to being in the trenches as an indie herself, she hasn't seen the other side, the corporate side, where some of those same "indies" will try to use you for their own selfish gains.

>> No.32826888
File: 127 KB, 670x565, 47262749274635339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32826892

>"haha pufferfish go BFFOOOOOOP"

>> No.32826894


>> No.32826893

Imagine if that guy with the eye-hole hat was a vtuber

>> No.32826898


>> No.32826899
Quoted by: >>32826981

I mean.. Gura is the only Holo so far to reach the 2M milestone, and will be for awhile. It'd only be special treatment if nobody else got celebrated afterwards.
If anything, Mori got the "special treatment" for getting a celebratory post all to herself when the rest had to wait for another Holo to reach the milestone for them to get celebrated.

>> No.32826902

for the nth time, mori. IT'S LOOMPIYA

>> No.32826903

you guys vastly overestimate how much power the direct managers have. At the very least this would come from whoever Enma's boss is.

>> No.32826905

Basedchama chama

>> No.32826908
Quoted by: >>32826967

Kiara swears well in English sometimes.


>> No.32826909
File: 143 KB, 2051x1365, 1610897010888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say I didn't see that coming.

>> No.32826911
Quoted by: >>32826942

cursing in german is a lot more natural and common than in other lanaguages.
kiara doesn't realize that english speakers don't swear as much.
not complaining though, kiara's swearing is great.

>> No.32826912
File: 374 KB, 1505x2125, EswDpKKUwAIstiX.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop thinking about Nenechi

>> No.32826915


>> No.32826918
Quoted by: >>32827004

>Enmafags exist

>> No.32826921


>> No.32826920
File: 449 KB, 1888x1259, EsT_bscUcAIjmEU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.32826922 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>32827005


>> No.32826923
Quoted by: >>32827029


>> No.32826928

Kiara? She speaks very good Japanese.

>> No.32826931

https://twitter.com/Rogue_5K/status/1354608680780656642?s=20 sometimes they're on the normal art tags

>> No.32826932

i doubt a new hire, talent level manager for a foreign branch would be the decision maker on that. more likely a higher up concerned about muddying the brand.

>> No.32826933
Quoted by: >>32826954

Isn't Enma the branch manager? I doubt it was her, if anything it was Haachamas manager but that seems to be high up enough to have some leverage.

>> No.32826938

Nene milk...

>> No.32826939

>Join discords, hang out in their chats, talk on twitter/reddit, etc.
I refuse to join any discords or shill myself on reddit, the furthest ive gone is shill myself and network on twitter. I've only got 48 followers from that and unintentionally gotten myself involved with the pronouns in bio community. It seems like the only way to get people to watch you is through faggotry.

>> No.32826940

What the fuck is wrong with Cover? It's just a fucking hashtag

>> No.32826942
Quoted by: >>32826993

In Bongland we swear every other word

>> No.32826943

>No fun allowed
Poor chaamers

>> No.32826944

>Mori is the type of person I want to see succeed in the world and reach the highest levels she can.
Same here my man. I want the best for Mori. She really deserves it.

>> No.32826948


>> No.32826949

No, the person they were comparing her to.

>> No.32826951
Quoted by: >>32827010

Did you want them all to line up and give her dome in sequence? No seriously - what the fuck would have been enough for her to have been properly praised in your opinion?

>> No.32826954

It's 100% a higher up who doesn't want newcomers who search HoloEN to get exposed to ESL-chaama and think the rest are like that.

>> No.32826955

>Ame does the collabs no one else will do because she dgaf, she only wants to have fun
Ame is the true MVP

>> No.32826960

Nenechi's Nenechichi!

>> No.32826961

I draw my own art and my model only cost me $190 for bust up live2d with full animation and rigging

>> No.32826964

>I refuse to join any discords or shill myself on reddit
Based, its the long road but you'll get there

>> No.32826965

we're talking about some former norse warriorseeker that became a wolf

>> No.32826967
File: 342 KB, 486x481, 1606979873220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still want her to go back to SM64 or SMS... I miss her angry streams

>> No.32826968
Quoted by: >>32827000

Nenechi? More like Nenecchi...

>> No.32826969
File: 2.86 MB, 256x256, 1611603946456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827116

I can say that about all EN girls honestly

>> No.32826970

Isn't this old news?

>> No.32826976
File: 23 KB, 617x34, firefox28011001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ollie calls her NPC too
Doesn't she get annoyed?

>> No.32826975


>> No.32826978
Quoted by: >>32827048

Technically, it is misleading, cuz Haachama is indeed not holoEN, #holoEN0 is fine still

>> No.32826980
File: 92 KB, 382x332, 1610320356523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32826981

I'm pretty sure Pekora, Marine and Aqua got their own posts. They just weren't translated

>> No.32826986
File: 53 KB, 527x924, small bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to bed.
watch chicken's Nier sufferkino for me KFP bros...
watch ame's vampire collab for me Teamates...
I'm not gonna make it aaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.32826989

I hope the new outfit will bring a surge of NENE

>> No.32826990
File: 300 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20210127_233739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32826991

Honestly I don't read the reddit posts, I just know they happen. They all read like if someone just copy-pasted alot a bunch of information anyways.

>> No.32826993

Aussies too, but americans have that puritan history hanging over them.

>> No.32826995

This is where otaku become wota, its beautiful

>> No.32826996
File: 194 KB, 2048x1528, 1604172255360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna make it bros...

>> No.32826997

have there been or do you think there should be larger collabs between hololive and nintendo (or some other japanese video game company)?

>> No.32826998

I definitely need more Kiara yelling in German. My understanding of it is terrible but I tried to listen for the few words I know. I got:
>Fuck off! You're shooting me too much!

>> No.32827000
File: 119 KB, 850x1202, __momosuzu_nene_hololive_drawn_by_elina_erina__sample-8474f7730d7b546d0525a5c2682e70cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827001

there are only so many times that she can kill all of Mario's family and friends.

>> No.32827002

What's the problem here? The hashtag was created for official EN members and she isn't one. Now she has her own made up tag that conveys the EN Gen 0 thing properly.

>> No.32827003

>It's almost 1 AM
Yeah, here in PST. This freaked me out for a second until I noticed the time on the tweet.

>> No.32827004

I honestly couldn't give less of a shit about *any* of the support staff outside of A-chan actually. I just am sick of you retards just blaming whoever with literally zero basis or knowledge of the actual internal structure of the company.

>> No.32827005
Quoted by: >>32827099

Are you gonna post this everyday to promote your channel? We know Ame's roommate is cute, now fuck off

>> No.32827007
File: 1.63 MB, 2100x3455, 876764435453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827009
Quoted by: >>32827026

Do deadbeats really send essay for akasupas,

>> No.32827010

Just put some effort and write a short custom message from management, rather than copypaste their channel description for no reason.

>> No.32827011

You do you, but just remember you can't win the game if you don't play the game.

>> No.32827012
Quoted by: >>32827125

Hey, you could always go the koopa way

>> No.32827013
Quoted by: >>32827069

If we're talking about VA she talked about playing FF15 in Japanese and she spoke about how the main character is actually changed between the english and japanese release.

>> No.32827016

haachama love

>> No.32827018
Quoted by: >>32827063

Kiara will just look stupider in comparison to both Mori with her Crash playthrough as well as Ame casually mogging Galaxy

>> No.32827019

Marine and Aqua got bundled together. You're right Pekora got her own post though.

>> No.32827020
File: 2.57 MB, 2314x2866, 1597204634147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827238

Ame believes in you.

>> No.32827021
Quoted by: >>32827169

Aqua is still lumped with Marine tho. Thus far, no one elsse will reach 2m in the near future to know if it is mistreatment or not

>> No.32827026
Quoted by: >>32827042

Why are you ESL?

>> No.32827027
File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, 1604128289806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will she fail as hard as she did in Mario, anons?

>> No.32827029

Holy shit, I love Suisei.

>> No.32827031
File: 17 KB, 480x466, 1610437253806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's so fucking stupid

>> No.32827035


>> No.32827036
Quoted by: >>32827065


What little we do know just makes me even more curious about the "inside baseball" of cover and how everything works

>> No.32827042

Why are you an ESL?*

>> No.32827044

This is true.

>> No.32827046

>Ina just started another gacha

>> No.32827048
Quoted by: >>32827093

The funny thing is, holoEN doens't even use #hololiveEN, they use #hololiveEnglish

>> No.32827049

reddit, twitter and discords are shit, but they are unironically good for networking and gathering popularity.
it's not impossible to go on your own, but it is significantly more difficult.

>> No.32827050


>> No.32827051

>Mori getting emotional over her deadbeats
Bros my heart can't take this. This dorky reaper is too endearing.

>> No.32827052

Why do you even care that much in the first place?

>> No.32827054
Quoted by: >>32827238

listen to this and say that again

>> No.32827055

Is Ame the main target of antis these days?

>> No.32827063

Thats the point anon, the sufferkino

>> No.32827064
File: 2.36 MB, 1738x975, dfgdfgdfgdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been a half year since holoEN started
>it took this much to hentaiclicker to rip them off

>> No.32827065
File: 571 KB, 2220x1080, admonishment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827084

you will never be Japanese

>> No.32827069

basically yes, she did. As well as commenting on why the dub team chose an english accent for Ignis.

Was really cool and funny that she would go that far for a stylistic choice.

>> No.32827072
File: 168 KB, 1200x1500, EsroYjlXEAU3pq6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827114

I love this dork too much.

>> No.32827074
File: 290 KB, 831x1435, EoeWK35UYAEA9X_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827107

I love Gura very much! Also, good night /hlgg/

>> No.32827076
File: 3.78 MB, 259x144, kfp secret recipe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if any of you are bored right now, you can jack off to my tenchou's boobas

>> No.32827079


>> No.32827080
Quoted by: >>32827105

No, but she gets an uptick during SEAhours. Honestly every girl except maybe Ina's been getting their fair share of shit these past few days, just one of those times.

>> No.32827084

And Pekora's fan project will never be approved.

>> No.32827085
Quoted by: >>32827104

Jesus Christ this looks like something made in high school

>> No.32827086

Not a surprise really, she and Coco had the EN Gen 0 thing going as a joke since months ago.

>> No.32827088
Quoted by: >>32827100

Oh shit, that dodge kek

>> No.32827089


>> No.32827090


>> No.32827092
File: 612 KB, 1920x656, 1561789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss these two brats so much.

>> No.32827093

Random retard searching Youtube doesn't know that, though. Honestly, having a semi-official HoloEN0 tag to use for any of the other girls who want to do an EOP stream like Sora or Sui is a good thing.

>> No.32827095
File: 625 KB, 2452x1800, 1588106302937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm good

>> No.32827099

If you see one don't respond

>> No.32827100
Quoted by: >>32827133

What’d they say?

>> No.32827101

she's more like a main character at this point.

>> No.32827102

>its been half a year since holoEN started
no the fuck it hasnt

>> No.32827104
Quoted by: >>32827157

Anon, I don't know what kind of high school you went, but generally it's not something you make in school.

>> No.32827105
Quoted by: >>32827142

Gura and Ame are targets because they can't do anything about Mori (who's basically pied piping people to the other channel anyway) as well as Kiara who's still posting as her roommate.

>> No.32827106

She can play my doodlesack

>> No.32827107

night, gura love

>> No.32827108

Thanks for the remainder

>> No.32827114

New Mori sensei art? Muh dick

>> No.32827115

collecting her pee from Tokyo's sewers

>> No.32827116
Quoted by: >>32827140

I wish I had a goal in life that would constantly drive me to keep going and improving. Until then I will use what motivation I have and enjoy watching her and the other succeed.
Mori was always a big pool of talent waiting for good promotion. One way or another, she was going to make it big once someone noticed her.

They're all going to go far.

>> No.32827125

Koopa was kind of a special case since it was directly global-related (the whole idea came from an anon's dream after all), and I don't want anyone else to chill themselves here, because then we'll end up with dozens of faggots trying to advertise themselves here as well.

>> No.32827126


>> No.32827127
Quoted by: >>32827273

Why do you miss them? They're still around, Gura streamed just a few hours ago and will again in 9 hours.

>> No.32827128


>> No.32827130

This desu
>Omori permissions

>> No.32827131

Seerms like she is the main target of doxnigs and people aren't happy with her schedule still

>> No.32827133
Quoted by: >>32827202

see >>32827079
Something like that and she said
>I am sure you are referencing something

>> No.32827134

>Omori permission

>> No.32827135

Only the week of the hybrid schedule. She got a little bit of flak last night for not participating in the collab but not too bad. Ina got a lot more.

>> No.32827137

i fucking new it

>> No.32827138
Quoted by: >>32827187

>Playing the entertainment game on hard mode because of sheer autism
If you're going in without brand recognition AND you refuse to shill yourself you are literally going to stream to zero viewers forever. You can be the next fucking Leonardo da Vinci of VTubing but if you can't network for shit all that talent will go to waste. This is the stupidest hill to die on, anon.

>> No.32827140

>Mori was always a big poo
what did he mean by this

>> No.32827141
Quoted by: >>32827170

is it any good

>> No.32827142
Quoted by: >>32827213

Oh, you meant in that context. In that case I guess you're right.

>> No.32827148

Mori got Omori permissions.

>> No.32827149

The hell is omori?

>> No.32827151

Are you gonna watch Miko's NieR?

>> No.32827152

>Guerrilla stream
Yeah, sure.

>> No.32827153
File: 171 KB, 272x322, 1607964669902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827162

It's just another gacha, can handle a new one with Arknights, FGO, Grub, Azur Lane, Girls Frontline, etc.

>> No.32827157
Quoted by: >>32827188

I'm saying the art quality is on the level made in a high school art class, not literally made in a high school class, anonchama

>> No.32827158

why can't these fucking brats do their reps and collab already

>> No.32827160

has anyone here played summer memories?

>> No.32827162
File: 377 KB, 419x497, 1597889504154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827163
File: 657 KB, 1720x972, 1602903046575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827185

I need another T4 stream already...

>> No.32827164


>> No.32827168

I'm waiting for Ame's NieR.

>> No.32827169

Basically, it'll be a good while until another Holo reaches 2M, and if it's a JP Holo the one who does, I'm almost certain they'll get a celebration post. If that happens, I can already see these threads going crazy with the shitposting (Especially if Gura reaches 3M before that happens, which is very fucking likely).

>> No.32827170

No fucking clue but Moririn is excited for it!

>> No.32827172

>Mori got permission to play with Mori on stream

>> No.32827173

Mori schedule autism at it again

>> No.32827180

>drawning gameplay
Iofi is following suit for sure

>> No.32827182

Shion streamed within the past 24 hours, maybe you should update that membership

>> No.32827183

>Guerilla stream
Mori stop teasing me you schedule autist

>> No.32827185


>> No.32827186
File: 299 KB, 1920x1080, EqDEt1pW4AEiVGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes aside, being Haachama must be really hard.

>genuinely enjoy learning and speaking English
>have to return to Japan
>most of her co-workers are JOP
>find out your English kind of sucks in front of thousands of viewers, multiple times
>finally get some EOPs to play with and practice English
>get constantly scolded and collabs with them are probably super moderated between managers
>any creative stream ideas you have get shot down by your manager; I'm surprised she's even allowed to do haachama cooking still
>to top it all off supposedly her parents want her to quit and attend uni so they probably don't even support her streaming

And yet every day she goes to work and gives it her 100% with that big stupid grin on her face, looking for more trouble to cause. Everyone lovers her, I don't know why she's on such a short leash. I feel like giving her more creative freedom could only result in positives.

>> No.32827187

I thought my super unique vtuber idea would push me far enough to not have to delve down to reddit levels since im the only one of my kind but im starting to cave

>> No.32827188

That's fine, I agree it's shit, but it's porn so you shouldn't do this in school.

>> No.32827192
File: 98 KB, 538x530, 1604668587963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I recognize every artwork in this

>> No.32827195

Sorry I'm gonna wait for Kiara

>> No.32827197
File: 165 KB, 298x407, 1611204886086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827199

How easy do you think it is to learn a fundamentally different language from scratch? What the fuck do you want from them?

>> No.32827200
Quoted by: >>32827225

Yes, I still need to watch the rest of her Kiwami 2 vods.

>> No.32827201


>> No.32827202
Quoted by: >>32827212

I don’t get it

>> No.32827204
File: 327 KB, 339x388, 1599973457303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827301


>> No.32827205

Fuck those buzzkills in management

>> No.32827207
Quoted by: >>32827235


I'm curious, what's your unique vtuber idea?

>> No.32827210
Quoted by: >>32827246

Didn't this occur like weeks ago? Why is this being posted now?

>> No.32827212


>> No.32827213
Quoted by: >>32827250

the only thing cringy about people on Mori's roommate's channel are people taking the "lets keep this a secret" thing to the ground and becoming cringe incarnate. Can't they fucking just thank her for the awesome things she was working on?

That guy on Fake Type's MV's comment section for example. They're not even in the roommates' channel to begin with.

>> No.32827214

Reine said the same thing as well, it's basically a canonized meme at this point.

>> No.32827218

Haachama is the strongest.

t. spider

>> No.32827219
Quoted by: >>32827249


>> No.32827221

Mori has always had my taste in videogames like metroidvanias and rpgs but I was always filtered by timezone and cringe. I might give this stream a shot if it happens during PST hours.

>> No.32827225
Quoted by: >>32827294

Shit, she already beat K2? They’re going through the games fast.

>> No.32827226

ollie, your left click attack mechanic reps...

>> No.32827228

The fact she says "finally" is like she knew sooner or later they would catch on. That makes it funnier.

>> No.32827229
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1611663172717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chammer love....

>> No.32827230

>Everyone lovers her
It amazes me she hasn't hit a million already, fucking everybody likes Chammers

>> No.32827231

What is the issue with the hardcore doxx people? Not just people who are interested to learn what vtubers did in their past career or what they look like (natural curiosities many people will have) but the ones who spend their time doing really deep primary research on it. Making the same discord over and over, going to youtube, here, reddit, wherever and trying to spread doxx stuff like it's a new religion or something. Do they hate the girls and not even watch them? Is it just a way to be able to say you had some influence, however small, over someone famous? I don't really buy the "oh they're just crazy, from SEA" ect.

>> No.32827234

So this is what FBK was tweeting about.

>> No.32827235

vietnam war chuuba

>> No.32827237
Quoted by: >>32827252

Don't forget
>handle the management duties for the entirety of holoEN

>> No.32827238
File: 264 KB, 975x697, 1601962551855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827260

I can't do it, it's over... There's no way I'm catching the collab live, I'll just watch the vod

>> No.32827240

Shit, I JW* way too early for the Amel collab.

>> No.32827241

Eren has a new doxxcord invite on his latest video btw.

>> No.32827243

Guys, do you think minecraft EN server was a good idea or they should have played just in the main server?

>> No.32827244
Quoted by: >>32827272

>Ame liked this
Lusting for that Gura ass

>> No.32827245

Gura doesn't have the drive to learn an entire language on her own or to hire a tutor.
Shion doesn't really have any strong motivators to learn eigo. She doesn't have much of an overseas fanbase.

>> No.32827246

Nigga she posted this minutes ago.

>> No.32827249
Quoted by: >>32827265

Are the permissions only for Automata? Did Squenix say something? Or platinum?

>> No.32827250
Quoted by: >>32827322

Those people are everywhere. I saw a clip where Mori and Gura were talking about the word yeet and the entire comment section was just roommate references. Probably didn't help that the video itself has at least two of them in it too.

>> No.32827251

She's fading ...

>> No.32827252


>> No.32827254


wow I have no idea what that means but good luck to you man

>> No.32827256

>Drawing gacha
>The characters look like shit
What did they mean by this?

>> No.32827257

im addicted to the autobattling and equipment building.

>> No.32827260
File: 179 KB, 703x1000, 1609979645642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, it's 6am here and I should really go to bed

>> No.32827263

They want the attention from people who follow them for the doxx. Seeing their member count and views grow gives them a dopamine rush.

>> No.32827264
Quoted by: >>32827299

doesn't matter how unique you think you are, if you don't shill the shit out of yourself and fight for brand recognition no one is going to see you over the billion vtubers flooding the place

>> No.32827265

Kiara made out that it was for the Nier series specifically, maybe or maybe not including drakengard, I can't remember.

>> No.32827267
Quoted by: >>32827295

W-Why is she dieing?

>> No.32827268

Give me one reason not to hate EnMa

>> No.32827269

Maybe, or she could break her neck slipping in a puddle of lotion, some restrictions are probably necessary.

>> No.32827273

I begin to miss the girls the moment they stop streaming. The thought of having to contain my lust for these brats for 9 hours is not healthy for my semen production

>> No.32827272

Anon.. Gura retweeted it

>> No.32827277

People just really hate ecelebs, whether they have a 2D avatar or not. Just because some of us can make an exception for hololive doesn't mean everybody can.

>> No.32827279

Honestly Haachama is an inspiration. Her computer being too shit for most games resulted in her streams being some of the most unique and original in Hololive, despite streaming almost every day.

>> No.32827280

>Ollie's total supacha passed Lofi's
>Risu's in next few thousands
i've never been a numberfag, but holy shit first gen IDs are indies. even some homostars like pizzadad earned more.

>> No.32827283
Quoted by: >>32827311

It was a good decision for the first few months, but now the server is fucking dead and all the IDs getting to interact with their senpais & producing kino moments are really getting to me. They should join the holoserver, at this point. Subaru even recruited Kiara to OozoraKen, I don't get why they're still seperated.

>> No.32827293
Quoted by: >>32827442

Moona still doing well, right?

>> No.32827294

I went to check and no she hasn't and I'm actually only behind one VOD, last time she played it was 3 days ago.

>> No.32827295

You were the shadow to my light...

>> No.32827296
Quoted by: >>32827348

All the EN girls having a meetup and Haachama sneaks in to see how long she can stay before she is noticed
All the girls are too polite or indifferent to say anything, the only one she needs to avoid is Enma

>> No.32827298

She's cute.

>> No.32827299

You're right, im gonna try harder tomorrow

>> No.32827301

Getting Ame to watch TDKR is one of the best things that could've happened in this timeline.

>> No.32827302

God, please make it happen, also for the love of God port the games to PC

>> No.32827304
Quoted by: >>32827442

It's hard to make judgments on that to be honest since the Ids use streamlabs too.

>> No.32827305
Quoted by: >>32827344

How much Uoohhhhs will we get when those two collab

>> No.32827306

Nigga this is Lofi we're talking about. She's a sweet girl but she barely leaves an impression. Hell I've even seen redditors say the same thing.

>> No.32827308

They didn't even do any research. They just got doxx from lolcow. I have no clue why they are so hellbent on spreading it, shit's fucking bizarre. I can only think they are actual schizos.

>> No.32827311
Quoted by: >>32827326

I'll take the HoloEN server being lame over
>Holo is dropped into Creative mode lite with every item available

>> No.32827312

It's a good thing in the long term since it's setting up a long running myth and place to hang out for subsequent gens. It sucks for now because there aren't enough people though.

>> No.32827313

she'll encourage anything for a quick buck

see: griefious

>> No.32827315

EnMa smells bad.

>> No.32827316 [DELETED] 

Nah, Karen is a fat bitch

>> No.32827319
Quoted by: >>32827375

Did Kiara really tell Fubuki that she was Fubuki's senpai?

>> No.32827320
Quoted by: >>32827599

It will be when they add new generations, will take a while to pay off though.

>> No.32827322

the thing that grinds me the most on that YYY comment section is that it's on her roommate's comment.

>> No.32827324
Quoted by: >>32827675

Astel's pulls like $700 per karaoke, Ollie is literally chump change to him when he isn't going extreme gamer autism mode.

>> No.32827326
Quoted by: >>32827343

Shut the hell up you Minecraft autist.

>> No.32827328

God I hope mori plays it at some point. I know she got filtered by the begining but I know she's love 9S

>> No.32827332

Yeah, mine.

>> No.32827333
File: 128 KB, 1920x1080, 1611661822091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl+F - SEAnig
>Over half the posts shitting on them [redacted]

>> No.32827336
Quoted by: >>32827366

meds....and vitamin C

>> No.32827338

I thought Rushia was taking a few days off because of that SC guy but I guess she actually is sick
why is everyone getting sick right now? don't say coof

>> No.32827341

They want attention. They want to feel like they're TMZ or some shit. Or they have a harmful motive and want to try to find something they can try to hurt the tuber with. The persistence even after getting deleted and ramblings about "being knights" or whatever shows they are not sane enough to get the message.

>> No.32827343

Bitch I don't play Minecraft

>> No.32827344

They won't collab, so 0

>> No.32827346
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, 1611825393487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827347


>> No.32827348
Quoted by: >>32827401

it's like minecraft irl!

>> No.32827349
Quoted by: >>32827367

Fat ass cow?

>> No.32827352

rrat: Ame loves Haachama and has all these JP collabs purely as triangulation against the barrier to more Haachama collabs.
The early Haachama collabs were something Ame had to fight tooth and nail for, and instead of opening the door to Gura-tier frequent collabs, Enma said "OK, I gave you what you were asking so hard for. Now go back to work and don't ask about her again."

Go, Ame!
You can do it, Ame!
This collab with Mel will be great, and you'll be one step closer to marrying Haachama, Ame!

>> No.32827357
Quoted by: >>32827408

I don't remember Mori talking about Nier, are you sure it was her? Kiara's talked multiple times about getting destroyed in the tutorial.

>> No.32827358
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, 1602960672906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A joke only stops when the thing it's based off stops
Mori acts like a tomboy, then she act's like a cute girl
As long as the literal gap-moe character type that is so embedded into her personality that its literally put into her initial introduction video when HoloEN was announced and is the only personality trait shown at all, it will never end

>> No.32827360

what's the possibility of Gura playing better mario than both Ame and Kiara?

>> No.32827366 [DELETED] 

Don't make me get the pic, deadbeat. Your oshi is a fat weeb chick on a one way trip to deportation when her visa expires.

>> No.32827367
File: 3.21 MB, 2480x3508, 1611072017819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827371

They one who say SEAnig is the SEA themself

>> No.32827374


>> No.32827375

Yes, she then peed on her to finish asserting her dominance.

>> No.32827376


>> No.32827378
File: 606 KB, 2508x1718, 1611498186741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coco doesn't have a short leash, probably because she's a bit pro at streaming
haachama is a young adult trying a whole lot of new thing, of course she needs a short leash
a tight one for that matter

>> No.32827381
File: 8 KB, 265x190, rrat death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a one way trip, anon.

>> No.32827383

Did you expect Airani 'I dont play minecraft, FPS' Lofifteen to make money?

>> No.32827384
File: 62 KB, 250x250, chammers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827407

blaine bloken

>> No.32827386
Quoted by: >>32827409

I think they should just play on both servers, but all the girls are too autistic to go to the JP server for some reason

>> No.32827387


>> No.32827388
Quoted by: >>32827426

To contrast, ID 2's experience would be basically what EN would get. Don't have to learn or build anything because everything is already there and they can just fuck around and make some decorative stuff. That's the downside. Upside is getting to interact with the JP Holos (although for some like Ame and Gura and even Ina most of them are already logged off by the time they stream). I think Kiara would have benefited the most because she's not actually interested in *playing* Minecraft, speaks Japanese, and streams right in the thick of jp primetime. Mori doesn't like MC, doesn't seem to care about interacting with JPs either, so it wouldn't make much difference for her.

>> No.32827389

Why is Kiara playing the tutorial stage off stream.

>> No.32827390


>> No.32827391
Quoted by: >>32827417

They're either in some misguided impression that any attention is good and want some kind of 15-minutes-of-fame moment by having some supposedly huge expose about famous people. Could easily be teenagers going with the "ooohh forbidden knowledge!!" thing, like how "that kid" in school LARP'ed as a hacker or ninja or whatever these kids go "you know ___? guess what I have super secret special knowledge about her!" for some horribly misguided attempt at clout.

That or they're just straight up the true antis. Not antis in the sense of "my oshi's better than your oshi" but like they just hate Holo and/or vtubers and want to try to damage them in any way they can. They both hate vtubers AND think they can get some kind of fame from being dox faggots. Absolutely no fucking mercy should ever be granted them.

>> No.32827392
File: 127 KB, 1794x1090, 1611749634561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827436

Oh, look who's back.

>> No.32827393
Quoted by: >>32827414

Well she seemed to think she could.

>> No.32827394

Are you frustrated?

>> No.32827396

early gen always like that. look at JP

>> No.32827401

Haato? You're not supposed to be here!

>> No.32827406

>1st gen
>still shit pc
wtf did she spend her money on?

>> No.32827407
File: 275 KB, 540x399, 1611527877005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827408

Yes it was mori. I want to say debut stream she mentioned it but I also remember being in hlgg when she said it so I'm not sure. but I'm sure she mentioned playing the game and being unable to get past the first hour. I don't watch kiara so I can't be getting confused.

>> No.32827409

They're obviously not allowed. Kiara wouldn't purposefully never go there once outside of the Peko collab.

>> No.32827410

No the dad stuff started when she did that readalong of the dad vtuber manga.

>> No.32827414
Quoted by: >>32827435

To be fair a blind retard could play mario better than chikin

>> No.32827415
File: 41 KB, 604x624, 1611233652364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end, it wasn't Akai Haato calling for help, but Haachama herself...

>> No.32827417

The holos are internet famous and make good money from it, it comes with the territory.

>> No.32827418

She played it years ago.

>> No.32827421

cute rushia costume

>> No.32827422

It's winter anon, people tend to get sick more often around this time

>> No.32827424

man, is there anything that unites us more than a doxxnigger enemy

>> No.32827425

yeah nah, Risu just need to fucking start karaoke stream for a quick bucks

>> No.32827426

>Mori doesn't like MC, doesn't seem to care about interacting with JPs either, so it wouldn't make much difference for her.

>> No.32827428 [SPOILER] 
File: 66 KB, 269x273, 1611825654876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more pics anons... Post pics of your oshi

>> No.32827431


>> No.32827432
Quoted by: >>32827767

I wouldn't put it past Cover, but I remember someone (I think Kiara?) saying they could go there whenever they wanted. I could be wrong though.

>> No.32827434

Rare and endangered animals to eat.

>> No.32827435

I mean it was hard. when I was 7. My young cousin could play it without losing Marios cap.

>> No.32827436 [DELETED] 

>everyone who calls her Karen is the same guy
meds, take em.

>> No.32827438

He's talking about the dad thing. but also the Calli Mori thing should have stayed dead.

>> No.32827439
Quoted by: >>32827474


I started listening to the albums after watching this, I'm not having much fun.

>> No.32827441
File: 460 KB, 1080x750, Screenshot_20210128-013429_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't here a few days ago, so I wouldn't know, but was there any reaction or anyone talking about Moona collabing with some random Russian girl? I just randomly found her through a EN translated Russian clip, which surprised me enough, but then I see her second latest stream was a collab with Moona and I was really surprised. She's kind of cute.

>> No.32827442
Quoted by: >>32827565

moona have become slightly popular since the pekomoon, i guess she has her own loyal paypig now?
yeah, i'm sure they have more on streamlabs, but still. not having superchat feature in indonesia really hurts them.

>> No.32827443
Quoted by: >>32827481

>She beat it
Holy shit she's got better at games!

>> No.32827444

She runs with "your boy" so she can't hate it. If she did, I think she would ask people not to call her dad. It's more part of the joke that she pretend to be offended at it. As long as it's not every post then it's still fun. But we all know how quickly a joke can get run into the ground.

Speaking of the EN announcement, does anyone know what music played for that and the first few stream ends where it showed all their characters? It was really claming.

>> No.32827446

I don't think she wants to upgrade her PC when she's stuck in fucking Australia

>> No.32827449
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>> No.32827450

dunno, school?

>> No.32827453
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>> No.32827454
File: 29 KB, 511x461, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi after im done with her

>> No.32827456
Quoted by: >>32827546

I remember Gura said she was stressed watching Ame play Odyssey for a bit, and she said she'd played Galaxy before I think? Just knowing platformers puts you above Chimkin and Ame, although Ame's been okay enough at Galaxy so far for someone who doesn't bother long jumping.

>> No.32827459
Quoted by: >>32827551

more like "people have standards"

>> No.32827466
File: 899 KB, 1160x1301, oMori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw might get my doodle as a thumbnail

O fug bros

>> No.32827467
File: 357 KB, 612x1335, 1589046933925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827594

>What Enma saw

>> No.32827469
Quoted by: >>32827540

Which side?

>> No.32827471
Quoted by: >>32827497


>> No.32827472
File: 932 KB, 566x648, 1611565412523.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827474

T o T

>> No.32827476

It's an exceptionally cold winter in Japan.

>> No.32827478

>posts literally the same seethe for days
>gets defensive when called out

>> No.32827480

watch the doxfag's video about getting striked by luna and him getting all excited about it and you'll get your answer. It's unironic mental illness and a life void of attention what makes them act like that.

>> No.32827481
Quoted by: >>32827512

She played it on easy where it pretty much plays itself

>> No.32827483
File: 140 KB, 1280x658, 1610591814055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827596


>> No.32827486
Quoted by: >>32827615

never before now have I wanted so much to taste polarbear meat

>> No.32827490
Quoted by: >>32827508

Well did you make it?

>> No.32827491

The Japanese cold is deadly

>> No.32827492

Thats the only thing i can do to women

>> No.32827497

he is not in the way; I can see her pits already

>> No.32827500

What is sex with Lamy like?

>> No.32827501 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 852x478, f43281ce-875b-48e8-85cb-af1398d2e523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827574

my oshi having a relaxing chat on discord.

>> No.32827503

Fuck me it's real. I thought you were bullshitting.

>> No.32827505

She already asked someone on Twitter who made an Omori-styled Mori for thumbnail tho

>> No.32827508
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1608444397793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not strong enough... maybe someday...

>> No.32827510
File: 24 KB, 422x454, miosha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based off of design alone, Mio's the only erotic Gamer.

>> No.32827511

haven't checked them out, but i think they are going to collab again on sunday

>> No.32827512
Quoted by: >>32827533

Yeah she played it on easy before and couldn't beat it, now she can beat it, she's getting better

>> No.32827514


>> No.32827515
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>> No.32827518
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>> No.32827519
File: 198 KB, 906x1400, 1583744522490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is my treasure

>> No.32827520
File: 3.84 MB, 2646x3679, 1610152614094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827534


>> No.32827521
Quoted by: >>32827625

Ever put an icecube up your ass while you're jacking off?

>> No.32827523

Was this enma or japma's decision?

>> No.32827524
Quoted by: >>32827564

is called falsefalgging

>> No.32827528

2 cute autistic ESLs building a house. Moona learned about russian fishing from her and then taught it to Reine.

>> No.32827530
Quoted by: >>32827561

Honestly chimkin playing the tutorial off screen is a mistake because it's one of the bigger set pieces people look for for the hilarious chance that you die and have to start over again, but also because immediately after that you're just wandering around an empty open world for awhile before getting to the next setpiece.

>> No.32827532
File: 631 KB, 2325x3541, EsaDQmYVEAMGQCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827533
File: 19 KB, 320x368, 1611537563527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827591

Pretty sure you can use chips that auto dodge and etc on easy

>> No.32827534

That ass is designed for piss.

>> No.32827536
File: 830 KB, 2893x2945, EmOLlEqVkAAf7zb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are one

>> No.32827540

US Army 1st Infantry

>> No.32827543

It's also good practice to make sure you can run the game and have the controls, sound, settings sorted before you stream it.

>> No.32827544
File: 415 KB, 1447x2047, 1601966896734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827560

My delicious Moririn

>> No.32827545

It's always low effort anti posts, it's always in small bursts over the course of a couple hours. if it's not one person it's a small ass group that always appear at the same time and either way they don't belong here.

>> No.32827546

Ame playing with the massive input delay was retarded. Streams are much more enjoyable now, she doesn't rage when she dies because she knows its 100% her fault

>> No.32827548

Rather eat a fucking spider.

>> No.32827551 [DELETED] 

Most of her simps are carryovers, retard.

>> No.32827556
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>> No.32827557
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>> No.32827559
Quoted by: >>32827568


bu-bu-but it's the ping?

>> No.32827560

not as delicious as her pee

>> No.32827561

She can replay it on screen, besides she needs to check if the port works on her pc, but yeah, the beggining is SLOWWWW....

>> No.32827563
File: 56 KB, 750x543, 20210122_094232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm.... Ngmi... Not unless... You post...cute pictures of Gura.... Please...

>> No.32827564
Quoted by: >>32827590

They were all deleted way beyond the self delete time limit so definitely deleted by a meido.

>> No.32827565

>slightly more popular
She went from pulling 500 ish viewers to consistently getting 3k. That's not slightly more popular

>> No.32827568
File: 1.61 MB, 1668x2224, 1609348452770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827635


>> No.32827571

Is this the Ramen Sundae of Hololive?

>> No.32827570
File: 771 KB, 654x707, 1610941626161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827610

Because if you fuck up and die during it you have to do the whole thing over again which isn't fun if you made one little mistake. It's just the tutorial, just set a fucking checkpoint, man.

>> No.32827572

also, she's pretty EOP friendly, with a live translator in a little box on the stream itself.
nice to see she's getting some incline from that collab: https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UC3czs41x7HD5-nk_cZ-Eo3g

>> No.32827573
File: 60 KB, 779x438, 1608926700172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moon and earth

>> No.32827574
Quoted by: >>32827582

Nice 5 year old pic retard, go back to your discord

>> No.32827575
Quoted by: >>32827604

Many of them are also looking for the "OMG NO WAY" reaction from people they show it to, like stories where the protagonist reveals to the plebs that magic exists, so they can feel superior and in-the-know. When places like here and many of the YT comments dismiss them instead they chalk them down to being white knights or peasants angry at having their immersion 'broken'. To them, finding out the identities would have been impossible on their own, and their own world was turned upside down when they found out, so they can't fathom how other people can just dismiss their cool forbidden knowledge unless they were sour grapes or had other ulterior motives. To them they are Prometheus.

>> No.32827576
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>> No.32827579
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>> No.32827580
File: 266 KB, 2533x1480, 1609000045361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love her.

>> No.32827582

how fucking hard is not to reply you fucking buffoon?

>> No.32827585
File: 28 KB, 638x360, Rozen Maiden - 07 - Large 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying that even some of the other known antis have standards. What does that have to do with her fanbase? It has everything to do with your incompetence.

>> No.32827587

haachama's invincible zoomer mentality means she bounces off of setbacks into unpredictable new directions. she's the most creative streamer in hololive and does not know fear

shion might've been the same if it wasn't for depresshion

>> No.32827588
File: 57 KB, 984x709, 1602584802239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fucking never a good idea, and this was obvious to me the second I heard them utter they were making their own server. Lag really isn't a big deal, Haachama (when she was in AU) and the IDs play on the JP server just fine, and Kiara and Mori play on the EN server from Japan.

The entire good part of Holo MC is the random-ass by chance interactions/socializing that happens on it. Like Miko and Watame messed around yesterday and Watame inadvertently got Miko killed and she lost her elytra etc, all hilarious adventure that just writes itself effortlessly. There was no need for a special pre-planned collab for any of that, because enough randos are on the HoloJP server that stuff just happens on its own.

For EN they only have 3ish players functionally vs a couple dozen for JP, and have had to slowly work their way up the infrastructure/farms tiers on their own. "it's good content seeing them figure it out themselves" is essentially complete dogshit, the PPP building streams were mostly complete ass minus the face Ame was doing them and she got tilted when she fucked up on the water flow. They still don't really know how to make big structures/fancy buildings easily, because nobody is there to help them with blueprints or resources besides each other and none of them were experienced with MC beforehand. There's also no sense of inspiration or competition to make interesting things on EN, because they aren't walking around the Holotown all the time and getting ideas. Even if they do finish something, like say if Ame finishes the Nuko statue? Who's there to see it? Ina and Gura? Of which maybe Ina saw GLT if we're lucky? Kiara and Mori would either not care much or not even know what it fucking is. You see, if the giant Nuko was on the JP server it'd get a lot more attention/interest. It'd show up on fucking hundreds of random ass MC streams all the time. It'd be a server landmark. I don't know if the ENs even realize these things but if they don't that's probably a lot of why there's just not a great deal of enthusiasm for it.

What I'm hoping to see, is that for the next patch update if Cover decides to make a new server and merges everyone onto it.

>> No.32827590

is mostly the same pople anon. they dont get a reply the use a phone to reply themselves.

>> No.32827591
Quoted by: >>32827626

yes, those auto chips only work on easy difficulty.

>> No.32827594

I think they're more worried about someone stumbling on Haachama and getting the impression that everyone in HololiveEN speaks ESL gibberish and writing it off.

>> No.32827596
File: 1.96 MB, 1900x2417, Tsk Tsk [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhyfzm4.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827597
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, new-octoling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827627

>> No.32827598 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 387x473, 1611826210184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827599

>It will be when they add new generations
I have the feeling that this will be a lot slower than we thought, after the whole Cover debacle with the chinks and the copyright issue.

Also, there's the saturation factor which is something I think the whole Vtuber industry will face someday. Talents won't be as welcoming to new Vtubers in the future (even inside the same agencies) when the audience starts to became more scarse.

>> No.32827604
Quoted by: >>32827784

Oh, like how conspiracy theorists want their beliefs to be validated?

>> No.32827610

She should have recorded the tutorial and played the video whiel doing live commentary, then after it she starts playing normally

>> No.32827611
File: 39 KB, 768x720, af0fade52b037bd245ddc1ce361c89a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling her by her real name doesn't make you some enlightened person. You just look more like an idiot.

>> No.32827614

I can't be too mad because the undocking moment was legendary. But yeah, I was really hoping she'd resolve it before she started Galaxy and the streams have been fantastic. The spergouts are funny when they do happen since it's just a funny reaction to her unfortunate situations.

>> No.32827615

t. Haachama

>> No.32827616


>> No.32827621
File: 1.42 MB, 1181x1240, 1605515471868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827646


>> No.32827625

No but I want to try now

>> No.32827626
Quoted by: >>32827670

100% she uses them, not that it matter anyway, Automata gameplay is okay, but not as good as the others Platinum games IMHO

>> No.32827627

>A new type of octoling
Ikadachis on suicide watch

>> No.32827631
File: 153 KB, 777x800, pekomath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827725

>> No.32827632
File: 132 KB, 973x1469, 1589800397161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827660


>> No.32827633

>The Mori anti and Ame doxxfag is the same person
What does this mean?

>> No.32827634
Quoted by: >>32827648

Its to piss people like you off, not to appear enlightened, dumbass.

>> No.32827635

I want to put my nose in it

>> No.32827637
File: 808 KB, 1811x2366, 1592596099425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm excited for gura's red dead stream but i can't sleep

>> No.32827641 [SPOILER] 
File: 829 KB, 1280x720, 1611826374254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827681

Do you remember?

>> No.32827643

hey would you look at that it was all the same guy
who saw that one coming

>> No.32827645
File: 115 KB, 1178x623, doxxnigers attention whoring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

narcisism, is for the attention and is the easises way for him to get some kind of followers. Becasue he isnt a really interesting or cool person if you saw hes begging for Hero Hei.
They dont care about the girls, they care about the views and how many people can suck his cock.

>> No.32827646
File: 136 KB, 500x500, 1611478567007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I am a complete retard, now I understand why you guys kept saying vampire collab

>> No.32827648
File: 10 KB, 340x191, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4f78664c326337537679786d7a513d3d2d323535362e31353665336336313862613134323137383632373336363737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827667

it's not working though. You're just looking stupider by the second.

>> No.32827650
Quoted by: >>32827671

If anyone wants to clip "I'm honored to be your first" from Mori


>> No.32827655

Chileano 2.0

>> No.32827656
File: 628 KB, 1144x907, OLLIE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So people are going to die in Ollies maze right?

>> No.32827660

As much as people have said they want to sex the rabbit's mum I haven't seen that many lewds of her. Shame really

>> No.32827661
File: 262 KB, 850x1259, 1610917579916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post 9 instead.

>> No.32827662
Quoted by: >>32827680

People will tell you that reporting does nothing and yet, clearly it does.

>> No.32827667
Quoted by: >>32827690

I'm not even that guy, I was just trying to make you realize that its pointless replying

>> No.32827670

I made some pretty decent style combos in the debug arena in the weeks after release. Does /v/ have an archive? Might be able to dig them up.

>> No.32827671

Oh, did she get through them all?

>> No.32827672
Quoted by: >>32827738

or stuck for eternity and became minotaurus

>> No.32827674
File: 854 KB, 1076x570, moriqa4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827675

Fuck off astelfag

>> No.32827677
File: 169 KB, 448x369, onimiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827709

did you think people were talking about a collab with a leech?
(pic unrelated)

>> No.32827680


>> No.32827682

The problem is unironically management kicking out people who wanted to play there. If Haachama had been allowed to build her castle and keep doing shit there while befriending the ENs, they'd have an idiot savant to help get them rolling and build random ass shit for them to find. The problem with dropping them onto the HoloJP server is what Ollie is already experiencing in that she gets fucking screamed at by not just block autists but permission autists as well to the point she had to spend half an hour yelling at/apologizing to chat for daring to use any of her senpai's stuff.

>> No.32827681

what could have been instead of mahjong

>> No.32827690 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 1024x967, 6417c2ef34e0a5540ab1055bb2a2ac66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it got deleted. It wasn't pointless. My reply is a marker to the idiot who thought he was being an anime protag.

>> No.32827695

Nah, she's got about 500 left but she mentioned having a lot of time after streaming Skyrim this week and that's when she'll get through the rest.

>> No.32827697

Great job.

>> No.32827702

No, she will continue reading them after Skyrim

>> No.32827706
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, 1611531733600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to double-check to make sure too, chumbud

>> No.32827708

For me it's braids

>> No.32827709
Quoted by: >>32827731

No, I tought she would play a vampire themed game. I dont watch nor follow Ame so I didnt know her schedule

>> No.32827712

Where are you seeing this? I don't see anything but the stream announcement on her twitter

>> No.32827714
File: 682 KB, 1500x2388, 1611605715755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Ina is a masochist and would prefer to have her own tentacles tied up.

>> No.32827715


Mel POV.

>> No.32827717

His strategy doesn't even make sense. Posting dox pictures that everyone knows are old as all fuck (fat Mori, hair dyed Ame). I can only assume he has assburgers

>> No.32827722

Wavy is fucking hot. Shame she'd probably never get something like it since it's not too drastic a change, braids or ponytail would be nice though.

>> No.32827724

Wavy is nice but so are buns

>> No.32827725


>> No.32827728

lol. I hope she shows more of the stupid messages she gets.
>dog water
I had never heard this phrase until she brought it up in that post and now I've seen it appear twice in other places entirely unrelated. Weird how that happens.

>> No.32827730

its like pecor's trap but actually a maze.
so there will be casualties, 100%.

>> No.32827731
Quoted by: >>32827793

She was deliberately vague on it until she announced who it was at the end of the awkward mahjong collab

>> No.32827733

That's nice, but stop avatarfagging. Post Mori art if you feel the need to make your comments important.

>> No.32827735
Quoted by: >>32827748

All these Holos playing Skyrim made me reinstall Oblivion

>> No.32827737

she wants to add traps to it, so definitely

>> No.32827738

That's hot.

>> No.32827741
Quoted by: >>32827840

Why are deadbeats so obsessed with roommate posting?

>> No.32827743

bunbuns FTW

>> No.32827745



>> No.32827746

They're not even that fat, I don't get it

>> No.32827748
Quoted by: >>32827757

Saw a seanig the other day. Horrible creatures.

>> No.32827753
File: 131 KB, 600x1067, 1603791881916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there

>> No.32827754

Are you ready for Nier KINO?

>> No.32827756
Quoted by: >>32827770

did someone say fat

>> No.32827757


>> No.32827762

they still rake in the (You)s and they will never stop as long as they do

>> No.32827765
File: 518 KB, 1738x2105, 1610987979345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827766

Am I missing something? Amelia said she will probably start Nier Automata next week, yet Kiara is starting as well. Is this going to be the first case singleplayer games overlap or is Amelia just not aware of Kiara starting it

>> No.32827767

It's probably their autistic managers. I don't see why IDs can play but ENs can't.

>> No.32827770

Architect bros just can't stop winning

>> No.32827771
Quoted by: >>32827819

>The problem with dropping them onto the HoloJP server is what Ollie is already experiencing in that she gets fucking screamed at by not just block autists but permission autists as well to the point she had to spend half an hour yelling at/apologizing to chat for daring to use any of her senpai's stuff.
This is what people don't realize. EN watchers are already full of MC autists. Adding JP autists on top of that would make things so much worse. If if something similar to the dirt stack thing happened between Gura and Peko instead? Nousagis would be harassing Gura for days on end.

>> No.32827776
File: 846 KB, 900x900, 1611403471972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827777
Quoted by: >>32827810

Yeah, she's okay (well, as okay as your regular russkie who can't help bringing history/politics into whatever they do can get).
Watching her zatsudan yesterday made me realize that there's no such thing as Russian online culture, it's all a western ripoff. Like, even her syntax was almost entirely English, on top of countless gratuitous loanwords.

>> No.32827782
File: 636 KB, 2220x1080, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

_______ hours

>> No.32827784

Conspiracy theorists want their beliefs to be 'validated' by the chosen people they unveil their information to, in the sense of positive "you opened my eyes voluntarily/involuntarily" reaction.
However, they don't want them to be validated by the mainstream. Theorists are usually utterly uninterested in actual conspiracies that 'everyone knows'.
This is why for Kiara/Mori/Gura their past online identities/activities are never brought up by doxxfags; instead notice how they're far more interested in the shock value of photos than any actual information about what they were doing.
They want the reactions of someone caught off-guard; Photos do this readily, but text takes time to digest and debate reduces the first impact. This overemphasis on photo/video was also a common theme in their discord.

>> No.32827786

I'll have both open if my connection lets me.

>> No.32827787

So what happened to chat replay on Gura's video?

>> No.32827788
File: 1.35 MB, 2049x1664, Esu6ZmVU0AUz1Da.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827791

>In japanese
Oh no, hope Ame continued her reps

>> No.32827792

yo we should have vtuber comedians

>> No.32827793
File: 2.79 MB, 260x560, 1611549377625.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, ok

>> No.32827796
File: 266 KB, 2480x2268, 20210128_034021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32827801
File: 885 KB, 1074x596, sad-botan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a Gun-Free Zone

>> No.32827803
Quoted by: >>32827845


>> No.32827804

Based if true

>> No.32827805

Ina and Kiara played the rice game at the same time before. I guess it depends on ame.

>> No.32827808

Who's more likely to appreciate the story between the two of them? I'm trying to decide who to watch.

>> No.32827809

Long hair blonde is the best. Same with Mel.

>> No.32827810
Quoted by: >>32827870

Russian online culture consists of various ways to rush b.


>> No.32827811

Do you know Pekora?

>> No.32827814
File: 3.27 MB, 2048x812, 1580380713497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32827815

Agree, also, Minecraft is a lot more meaningful to Hololive than your usual game, it's almost like the tool that help them to socialize in a daily basis, at this point it's almost like a meta world where they can interact in a virtual way (like going to the office and see your colleagues, or going to school with your friends).

It's no surprise that every Minecraft stream has a viewer boost only because of this "social" factor, it's like watching a Slice of Life anime with infinite episodes.

Also serves as an unification tool for the whole company, today HoloEN feels like an external branch with random collabs (which are heavily restricted by the language barrier). You can bet Gura would have interacted with a ton of senpais if she had the chance in Minecraft (even without the need to direct communication).

I think the whole server split was a huge chance wasted.

>> No.32827816
File: 426 KB, 1197x1517, 1611201558082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827842

We have a depressed clown

>> No.32827819
Quoted by: >>32827941

The autists in chat are a small price to pay for 10x better content IMO. Besides, the ENs are no strangers to tard wrangling if need be.

>> No.32827821
Quoted by: >>32827891


>> No.32827832

Oh shit I thought it was still a few hours away, I'm fucking ready.

>> No.32827835

Ame might get hooked on the robot independence angle given her recent AI Dungeon arc.

>> No.32827840
File: 423 KB, 1920x1920, Er7WRRsVgAENNlY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even the actual roommate.

>> No.32827841

Just a question for Deadbeats here..
Is this guy >>32827690 annoys you?
I'm not even Deadbeats but avatar fagging using DDarts seems kind an asshole move. I Know some of you have tendency to discuss Mori roommate here but honestly this guy is like another level attention whore.

>> No.32827842


I was thinking more like bill burr lol

>> No.32827844
Quoted by: >>32827891

Kiara for the story
Ame for the gameplay and rage at backseaters and spoilers. Did she play the game already?

>> No.32827845

Holy shit I love Gen 5

>> No.32827847
Quoted by: >>32827891

I vote neither

>> No.32827848
Quoted by: >>32827919

Pre-rrat: Kiara will openly seethe at Miko for playing Nier on the same day with better numbers than her on holotalk

>> No.32827856

Kiara ignored the story in Atelier and due emblem in favour of thighs and waifus and Amelia loved the themes and story of Bladerunner 2049 and Outer Wilds.
You decide

>> No.32827862

Neatest collab of 2021 so far. Not guaranteed best, in fact it may be awkward, but the idea is very cool. Mel is so fucking shy and inactive it's amazing Ame got her out of her shell.

>> No.32827863
File: 3.86 MB, 800x450, PEKORAP [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fa9g4jc.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827866
File: 360 KB, 1448x2048, 1610791241994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827884

no, you're more annoying.

>> No.32827870


>> No.32827871
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 1588575663551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing annoys me anymore

>> No.32827873

Meh I always triggered people use Nier for Automata instead Nier 2.

>> No.32827877

Coomerstacy Kiara

>> No.32827884

Sorry for being ESL and annoyed you

>> No.32827886

Things like that go without saying, anonchama. Report silently and scroll on.

>> No.32827887
Quoted by: >>32827913

Avatarfagging is what, a 3day ban? This would coincide with the ban expiring for that mecha autist who was a deadbeat who got purged for avatarfagging, so hopefully he'll learn the fucking lesson this time.

>> No.32827889

I wouldn't be surprised if Mel was the one who approached Ame for a collab, she was fangirling over her pretty hard on twitter after her birthday stream

>> No.32827890
Quoted by: >>32827940

>Genius blonde duo
>Bomb defusal in Japanese and English!

>> No.32827891

Did any of you clipfags even watch Ame's outer wilds playthrough or her BR2049 watchalong?

>> No.32827894
Quoted by: >>32827931

I don't even think the devs gave a shit about Ryza's plot.

>> No.32827895
File: 119 KB, 288x289, 45646656156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827896

I'm 100% convinced Mel asked for the collab, so Ame's reputation as a sweetheart might still be alive among the JPs despite Coco's best efforts.

>> No.32827899
File: 2.62 MB, 2010x2010, 1611101219123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32827921

We are not gonna make it bros

>> No.32827912
Quoted by: >>32827946

Even putting Minecraft aside EN feels extremely sheltered and walled off from the rest of the company, it's like their managers are completely overprotective to the point that it negatively affects their content

>> No.32827913
File: 416 KB, 1920x1080, NSrwnzK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827916
File: 827 KB, 1920x1200, 20210128_034521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32827918

Yeah, Minecraft is very much the Holos' downtown hangout area or playroom or whatever analogy you like. For the JPs that is. It makes perfect sense that, for a medium where the girls very very rarely actually-see each other for real, yet are supposed to all be members of a big social group, that they have some stand-in for it online. This is exactly why ARK took off for a while too, although it never got as big as HoloMC did.

ENs have their own little shack out in the woods comparatively. It's missing the point completely.

>> No.32827919
Quoted by: >>32827935

She rushed to be the first to play it despite not really even wanting to, only to find out Miko's literally going to stream over her.

>> No.32827921
File: 39 KB, 550x540, abayo pekor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827923


That's a scary thought that the JPs see the EN members mostly through Japanese translated meme clips

>> No.32827924
File: 306 KB, 531x589, helpwata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genius Blonde Duo! Bomb Defusal with English and Japanese
Ame... your reps...

>> No.32827925
File: 2.76 MB, 600x600, 1611544106162.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827926
Quoted by: >>32827989

Yes. It does. I fucking hate doxxbeats side of our group and it's fucking annoying how they just don't learn. I just want to enjoy. Mori for Mori. There's literally no reason to post shit like that but they constantly do it. They have an obsession with it and it just gets in the way. If you're interested in her past work, cool, keep it to yourself. B-side faggots should fuck off and stay gone.

>> No.32827931

But Kiara ever shown any interest in any story vs the multiple examples of Amelia loving existentialist sci fi?

>> No.32827935

Based Elite

>> No.32827934

No they didnt, they're clipniggers

>> No.32827936
File: 848 KB, 1920x1080, 1605886972578.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent the last 24 hours being a real life numberfag and watching numbers and percentages go green. I missed everything in these threads.
Give me a qrd on the latest rrats.

>> No.32827938
Quoted by: >>32827970

Avatar shit is whatever depending on how annoying the particular person is, but yeah, I'm not a fan of the casual roommate shit... i miss sharkmeido.

>> No.32827940

To be clear, that is the title, not something I pulled out my ass.

>> No.32827941

It's a small price for you as content consumer
As Ollie shows, the price for content maker is different

>> No.32827942

I hope mel's done her eigo reps

>> No.32827944

Except Kiara, which is a good thing because Kiara doesn't have that many clips

>> No.32827945
File: 141 KB, 498x504, 1611827290998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only source of light is the sunlight so you need to finish it before down.
How devilish

>> No.32827946
Quoted by: >>32827986


there's also a language barrier

>> No.32827947
File: 890 KB, 2900x4096, 1611487898245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped watching Ame months ago

>> No.32827949
File: 596 KB, 2220x1080, ret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827952

I get the feeling it was Mel who asked for the collab. Ame by her own admission never asks for collabs and just waits for others to approach her.

>> No.32827953

No but Kiara likes big butts and she can not lie

>> No.32827954

Literally don't care. Between Mori antis and Mori bashing timeloops one avatarfag means nothing to me. I'm just here to appreciate my boy and move on with my day.

>> No.32827955
Quoted by: >>32828012

Rushia don't accept shiny metagross please or your pokemon home gonna dead.

>> No.32827956
Quoted by: >>32828156

It really feels like Polka might be one of the only ones that actually watches any EN content

>> No.32827958
Quoted by: >>32827995

Kiara didn't ignore the story in Atelier, but I'm beginning to think that part of the JRPG debuff is that she leaves the dialogue on JP and keeps silent during conversation scenes. Sure, more engaged viewers enjoy the native dub more and will read the text, but casual viewers don't want to devote the merest effort to read dialogue if the chuuba could read it for them instead.

>> No.32827960
File: 1005 KB, 734x1080, 1611620773063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand that you are busy but I will be there at least I can do that for you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year and I have to go

>> No.32827964

Ame, easily. I expect Kiara to mostly care about 2B's ass.

>> No.32827965

Shupachatto sankyuu!
Membershipu sankyuu!
I wuv yu!

>> No.32827966

Imagine saying gay as an insult to the EN girls.

>> No.32827967
File: 329 KB, 875x600, 1611288036894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pass the dead hours with puyo-posting, puyo! It's good medication, puyo!

>> No.32827969
File: 434 KB, 1448x2048, 20210128_034601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32827970

I only tolerate avatarfagging if it's something I can coom to or it's good art

>> No.32827975

Some anons have mentioned that Mel initiated a lot of conversations with Ollie so it might be the other way around

>> No.32827980

I don't think bringing in watchalongs is fair, Kiara's always given those due attention.

>> No.32827983

They probably didn't but it's nothing to get so worked up over, it happens, and two of those read like shitposts anyway.
I would assume that Mel and Ame have actually been talking a little, which helps. Everyone who's actually talked to Ame says she's nice.

>> No.32827985

Kiara is a coomer and hates sad stories, Ame can understand some deeper themes at the very least

>> No.32827986
Quoted by: >>32828006

Language barrier doesn't explain ghosting Coco without even bothering to tell her that she's not allowed to interact with EN

>> No.32827989

If Lew Alcindor played better games than Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, people will inevitably compare them.

Right now Mori's music is literally 666d6-lite (which is unfair because she's just beginning) but the comparisons are still inevitable.

>> No.32827992
Quoted by: >>32828014

That's the case with 5ch at least.

Polka could easily call out the whole wesbite on their bullshit, they actually don't know anything about the girls at all except from what they see in old memes.

>> No.32827993
File: 2 KB, 125x125, DYRBI [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5cm7dv.webm].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's amazing Ame got her out of her shell

>> No.32827995
File: 120 KB, 271x312, 1611537309436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32828034

I noticed it too, you cant leave her as background if you cant understand what is happening. But dont kid yourself, JRPG are huge debuffs either way

>> No.32827996
File: 103 KB, 1179x834, EphlldXU8AAZujw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32827998

I'm not reading all of this but morons who think the only good thing about Minecraft are the random meetups then you're retarded. It's exciting yes because you can get interactions you usually don't get, but the EN server has plenty of other more important qualities then "hey these two who don't usually interact talked for 2 minutes"

On the JP server the only thing they do is build shit because they have all the resources and everything is already built. In the EN server they had to start from 0. Everything built on that server was built by our girls, and we got to see it. Sure they may not be the most efficiently built but they have character and soul. Think of all the good memories and streams we wouldn't have if they just fucked off to the JP server.

It also leads to them growing closer. The chemistry all the girls have together and how close they are is a big benefit to EN and something I and many others appreciate a lot. Even if they haven't done much together recently, all the early collabs were very important, and they still can do them anytime.

Lastly, the thing I rarelysee get brought up. EN is a side branch but it is so in a different way then what most people think that means. No one at Cover expected them to be this popular, yet they are just as popular and even more so than a lot of the JP girls. This leads them to feel like they're on thing, like a branch that may not be in equal terms of seniority but definitely not a weaker side branch. The Minecraft server reinforces that.

Also whenever gen 2 comes out, either late this year or early next year they're not moving 10 girls, or 11/12/13/who tf knows when you include vsingers to the JP server.

>> No.32827999
File: 370 KB, 850x500, 1529201008686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32828030

Everyone is going to get what they fucking deserve in due time.

>> No.32828004

All these hack shiny pokemon on Rushia stream. Facepalm.

>> No.32828006
Quoted by: >>32828016

It's because Coco smells bad.

>> No.32828012
Quoted by: >>32828031

wanna try that again in english?

>> No.32828013

He brought them because of the sci-fi themes

>> No.32828014


>> No.32828016

Enma lacks taste!

>> No.32828017
File: 227 KB, 1333x1600, 1609844805778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crashing this thread with hags

>> No.32828019

I'm more talking about prior history of liking stories that are thematically similar to automata, but fair point. Though the she's mostly done LotR which she is already familiar with.

>> No.32828022

wow literally skinwalker sighting

>> No.32828020

>Everything built on that server was built by our girls
More like Ina and Ame.

>> No.32828027

rrat: Ame is not nice at all, but she is clever enough to disguise this. Her apparent love for Haachama was all a ruse, with the target not being Haachama herself but all the other HoloJP who would think "she's so nice, even to Haachama?! She would be nice to me."

You can do it, Ame!
Leech on everyone while having everyone praise you for not leeching at all, Ame!
Become the #1 in all of Hololive, Ame!
Force Gura to stream once a week and spend the rest of the week massaging your feet during streams, Ame!

>> No.32828030
File: 1.01 MB, 1369x911, 1611501298332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as they say, Live by the doxx, die by the doxx.

>> No.32828031
Quoted by: >>32828054


>> No.32828034
Quoted by: >>32828052

No, of course, even Pekora dropped to 12K viewers for Xenoblade. But Kiara might be pulling 6K even with bug if she was on EN dub, though I hate it normally.

>> No.32828035
File: 390 KB, 1447x2024, 1604108505160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32828073

Please don't make me start posting the like of Mio in these threads. My body can't take another go.

>> No.32828038

Kiara is probably gonna play nier with JP audio since she's a purist, sad since the dub is actually one of the better ones out there

>> No.32828040

even if PPP is shit it has SOUL

>> No.32828041
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 1578723186880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based hag lover-chad.

>> No.32828045
File: 178 KB, 325x325, 16162368901755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32828064

i dont get the point youı're trying to make here

>> No.32828047


>> No.32828052

EN dub is cancer

>> No.32828053

ollie is testing the maze

>> No.32828054

ogey malaynigger

>> No.32828060
File: 3.56 MB, 2906x3228, Esx1WPAW4AAoW23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32828062
File: 924 KB, 2160x3840, 1609956521568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32828139

Holy fuck deadbeats, don't reveal your ages. That's an 80's basketball reference.

>> No.32828063
Quoted by: >>32828096

come on now, Gura built the creeper farm that no one has ever used!

>> No.32828064

He doesn't have a point. ctrl+f "rrat:" and you find his other schizo post ITT that got literally 0 replies

>> No.32828065

You okay there?
Are you having a stroke, anon?

>> No.32828068

>Doing their eigo reps
Come on anon, you should know better than that.

>> No.32828071

>Ame doing a collab with Melposter

>> No.32828072

>Lew Alcindor
>Google this
>Google gives me his real name


>> No.32828073
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, 1637743890297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32828091

So post more, got it

>> No.32828074


>> No.32828075
File: 24 KB, 638x319, mori aint readin that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32828076

Do we know if Kyle is voicing bro Nier for the remake? Would be pretty funny considering there's a parallel character voiced by yuri lowenthal.

>> No.32828077
File: 155 KB, 1000x1171, 1585698619733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32828078
File: 764 KB, 827x1169, 1611477218282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32828095

>> No.32828085
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1399, 1605781007673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hag love!

>> No.32828086

Oh Jesus, Kiara held a poll for voices and kfp overwhelmingly voted Japanese voice over.
Stop debuffing your oshi please kfp

>> No.32828091
File: 677 KB, 1410x2000, 1586670175233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a sly little devil.

>> No.32828093
Quoted by: >>32828120


>> No.32828095

I want slightly tanned Kiara

>> No.32828096

trident farm is theoretically useful

>> No.32828098
Quoted by: >>32828120


>> No.32828100

this, a new server AND inexperienced girls is pretty much kino.
MC stream friendliness comes from the survival and random aspect of its gameplay and the zatsudan part that it brings.

Only thing they should let is free visit between the sevrers.

>> No.32828101

>wanting to listen to Runka-chunk for 30 hours

>> No.32828102
File: 24 KB, 240x240, Mel!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know Mel is about to collab with Amelia Watson? I love Mel! Do you want to know more about Mel? Mel !!!

https://streamable.com/h4jq9r - Mel pharaoh !
https://streamable.com/9ub463 - Mel cute Towa cosplay !!!
https://streamable.com/lecmf1 - Mel with trident !!
https://streamable.com/4iq6c5 - Cute !!!
https://streamable.com/ycjpjj - Mel's fighting stance !!!
https://streamable.com/tj2xng - Mel's very very cute dance !!!
https://streamable.com/24ju3d - Idol Mel hips !
https://streamable.com/ttyxma - Mel cute pose !!
https://streamable.com/a23gbg - Mel waiting for Suisei
https://streamable.com/r6o9z0 - Thank you very much !
https://files.catbox.moe/w84bu8.webm - Cute impression !!
https://files.catbox.moe/m8ajiy.webm - Smart Mel avoids creeper !
https://files.catbox.moe/6oixw7.webm - GoodniMorning !
https://files.catbox.moe/vq8pym.webm - Mel...
https://files.catbox.moe/yx1n3i.webm - Hey man !
https://files.catbox.moe/fok6td.webm - SSR Yozora Mel !!!
https://files.catbox.moe/tdr3rg.webm - SSR Angry Mel !!
https://files.catbox.moe/8agi4q.webm - ZZZ
https://files.catbox.moe/yg0tg0.webm - Fall Meru...
https://files.catbox.moe/mvprwh.webm - Mel very very cute singing !!!
https://files.catbox.moe/w29x89.webm - Unexpected !
https://files.catbox.moe/u8aj5r.webm - Cola !
https://files.catbox.moe/g8iptx.webm - Lucky !!
https://files.catbox.moe/xh8y2d.webm - Bad jump...
https://files.catbox.moe/ldfekz.webm - Meldows 10 !!!
https://files.catbox.moe/miqz09.webm - Ender pearl !
https://files.catbox.moe/bj1qlk.webm - Melback !!!
https://files.catbox.moe/qb1lvn.webm - Mel...
https://files.catbox.moe/7sep9q.webm - Mel the greatest warrior !!!
https://files.catbox.moe/z95hwy.webm - Melglish !!! (>>30368568 I think your request here !!)
https://files.catbox.moe/5atybe.webm - Fall Meru season two !!
https://files.catbox.moe/gnrvjq.webm - Mel is not very good at Minecraft...
https://files.catbox.moe/c2kk0r.webm - Mel builds a ladder...
https://files.catbox.moe/kq9b38.mp3 - Nice boat
https://files.catbox.moe/s1j52d.mp3 - Mel hacker !!
https://files.catbox.moe/51csmk.mp3 - Melglish counting sheep !
https://files.catbox.moe/fw830g.mp3 - Angry Melglish !!!
https://files.catbox.moe/dbi9cj.mp3 - Sexual Melglish !!!
https://files.catbox.moe/qpmcon.mp3 - Goodnight !
https://files.catbox.moe/1217cy.webm - :)

Look!!! So much Mel !!! Please learn about Mel !!! Mel !!!
t. not Melposter

>> No.32828104

>you include vsingers to the JP server
I think vsingers would be like AZKi, probably they won't even be streaming games at all (much less minecraft which is a game you need to play in a regular basis), so Holo EN will be just 5 girls for a while, that's the point. No one knows if Hololive will be as popular in 2021, like it was in 2020 (probably not), so wasting the chance to milk content in the JP server NOW that Hololive it's still on its peak, it's a huge chance wasted.

At the end of the day, interactions ARE the real content, everything else it's just secondary.

>> No.32828105

Seriously? The English cast in Nier is fine.

>> No.32828110
Quoted by: >>32828124

>chat finally made ollie turn off autojump
what other holos still have autojump on?

>> No.32828111

I love Ame

>> No.32828112
File: 41 KB, 750x205, MORI MY PENIS [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fijdpa2.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32828117

When is Ollie going to build the Colosseum and have HoloJPs fight for her amusement?

>> No.32828118
Quoted by: >>32828234

And if people are talking about the quality or content of Mori's music, that's one thing, I'm more bothered by the people posting random shit that has nothing to do with Mori, weird injokes centred around old music videos or song lyrics with an implied wink. also people calling her Karrot thinking it's not obvious.

>> No.32828120
Quoted by: >>32828178

Fuck the purists, automata dub is kino and loved by the community.

>> No.32828121

the debuff is that she's not reading the dialogue herself, or talking about it, and that there's too much of it vs. a more thoughtful game like Outer Wilds where you get brief, terse text, and then lots of quiet.

>> No.32828124

Well autojump while building a maze makes a lot of sense to me.

>> No.32828126
File: 27 KB, 609x151, vsinger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll definitely be like AZKi, she's a Vsinger herself after all.

>> No.32828127
Quoted by: >>32828150

I knew you weren't Melposter because this is the same assortment of clips and Melposter changes them up, but I appreciate you anyway

>> No.32828130

>a guide to all the endings.

>> No.32828135
Quoted by: >>32828178

Did they even played Nier or just unironic weeb who pick Japanese related over anything? I think Nier is one of the game where their English dubs is great.

>> No.32828137


>> No.32828139

Fuck the Lakers, Doc and Moses were the real ballers of the era.

>> No.32828148

>your oshi
>continent where you live
>brand of your phone
>1st letter of your first name

>> No.32828150

Just reposting for the ones that might've missed it.
Melposter is damn dedicated

>> No.32828152

Yup. Ame wouldn't be able to justify PPP if she was on JP server, or the long railway, or the Nether transport. Ina wouldn't be able to justify the iron or wool farms. Whenever any of the other girls uses their projects or resources, both them and their audience will always have the person who built it in the back of their mind to add attachment and provide motivation for other girls to create their own projects. On the JP server this would just be absent, like taking a subway built by a faceless government.
Furthermore, any push to make any of the basic stuff they've been trying to do will be met with chat spam "oh but Pekora already built it so you don't need..." "oh Haachama already has an large-scale version so you don't have to..." It'll literally just be a trip to the beach at a theme park. Sure, you can build something, but don't kid yourself that they're anything other than sandcastles to eventually become just another background prop.

>> No.32828153


>> No.32828155

oh shit

>> No.32828156
Quoted by: >>32828201

Honestly I used to get the impression that most Holos don't watch each other's streams, at least until Gen 5 and EN happened.

>> No.32828157
Quoted by: >>32828190


>> No.32828158
Quoted by: >>32828185

Do Hololive get permission for Drakengard 3? I am tired with Automata.

>> No.32828160
File: 269 KB, 437x427, 1587200711814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32828162

>22% for EN
Dammit KFP I thought you would be more sensible

>> No.32828172
Quoted by: >>32828220

I think they may play games but as always. I remember Azki playing Overcook with Sora

>> No.32828175
File: 8 KB, 227x178, 1582690088203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara talks about someone being excited about Nier permissions
>turns out it's Ame
>Kiara guerilla schedules a story heavy game
>Ame will not play it for months because she doesn't want game overlap
>Kiara schedules her guerilla 30 min before an important for Ame senpai collab
I hate rrats but..

>> No.32828177

just fapped to 2b to prepare for this lads

>> No.32828178

I did
Thats ok, I still prefer the Jap voice over

>> No.32828179

I like Mikos opening bgm

>> No.32828182

Nice try CEO of doxx

>> No.32828181
File: 388 KB, 1976x1118, 1650375196513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32828185

Idk, kiara only asked for automata.

>> No.32828188

IIRC the vsinger auditions did mention game and or streaming experience.

>> No.32828190

Good point. I was kinda hoping she would continue seeing that they kinda have perms

>> No.32828191

I'm getting Space Dandy Dub vs Sub flashbacks

>> No.32828192
File: 405 KB, 770x776, 1608209311752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon anon, soon

>> No.32828193


>> No.32828194
File: 704 KB, 4096x2536, EopNm0zUcAMB7YC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when she has everyone on the server as wives, and they begin to suspect something.

>> No.32828196

>oops we couldn't find the video

>> No.32828197
File: 299 KB, 440x540, miko jesas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /elite/ here?

>> No.32828198

Counter point to that is that AZKi actually just bought Minecraft to play with Sora and said she wants to do an English only game stream to connect with her overseas fans.

>> No.32828199

Why no German dub? WTF Kiara, do you hate your fans?

>> No.32828201

They drop in on each other every once in a while but they don't have time to sit and watch every stream like we do, they have their own content to work on

>> No.32828203

I don't give a shit about a debuff. I just hope she'll pay attention to the dialogue and not talk over it.

>> No.32828208
File: 1.84 MB, 1280x1243, 1597795106387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im ready

>> No.32828209

Normie here, how the hell are people kinoing virtual avatars? There isn't a butt to grab or physical earhole to finger

>> No.32828210

The bomb game collab with Kiara says otherwise

>> No.32828217

I think after she ended up delaying Ina titanfall she no longer cares about overlapping games

>> No.32828218
Quoted by: >>32828230


>> No.32828219
File: 28 KB, 469x133, c40b48c603ffcd29c5022496c8350731eb5c3facb7dd63fcc903aa305bc5025c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32828220

*Not always/occasionally

>> No.32828221

>Non-member poll
Whatever you say mate

>> No.32828223
Quoted by: >>32828264

Instead of making farms, which by their nature don't actually reflect much about the builder and are only judged on their efficiency, they could have used all this time to make more interesting or personal things.

I don't know why the fuck people have a delusion that watching them spend 5 hours making far-shittier farms than the JP ones is good. It isn't. It's a lack of vision.

>> No.32828224

i want to know what you think kino means

>> No.32828225

Your rrat is stillborn, Kiara talked months ago about wanting to play Automata, more than once

>> No.32828228
File: 365 KB, 568x697, 1596600275910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32828229
File: 117 KB, 219x249, 1603639207893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

migo is cuter than usual

>> No.32828230


>> No.32828234

To be fair, she said that on-stream!

>> No.32828237

if you played with english audio wouldn't you want to check out the JP audio on stream instead of english again?

>> No.32828238

It's almost as if she has a Japanese audience

>> No.32828239
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1611105791320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32828244


>> No.32828243

>It's already built so you can't build a different one.
Nope, there's a lot of repeated farm of sorts on the JP server, this is not an issue.
Also, Ollie is doing a maze now, EN girls might actually try to build different kind of things if they had the resources available. This is not a problem at all.

>> No.32828245

I usually prefer the JP voices, but honestly the Automata dub is almost on par I'd say. 9S fucking kills it in both languages.

>> No.32828248
File: 374 KB, 2000x1543, EspZUFLUwAAqDaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32828249

I love Mori!

>> No.32828259

Frig off, Mori's cave is precious.

>> No.32828261
File: 824 KB, 642x567, 1611123690297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32828264

Oh boy, more boring gay pixel art.

>> No.32828266


>> No.32828267
File: 78 KB, 787x581, 1583324233173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

