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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 145 KB, 900x1200, EIIbjpkUcAAxKAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32208406 No.32208406 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning, motherfucker

>> No.32208535

Kson's a virgin, right?

>> No.32208586

Imagine thinking this is a possibility

>> No.32208625

No, but you are

>> No.32208641
Quoted by: >>32208851

Bruh, there a public photos out there of her with an ex bf that's a fat spic. She's way too cute and normie to not have taken a few dicks.

>> No.32208851
File: 3.71 MB, 826x2355, 554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying way too hard

>> No.32208953

Dude, it's 2021. Literally no virgin women anywhere

>> No.32208954

She's not an otaku is what I mean.

>> No.32208963

She's a Yakuza otaku.

>> No.32209131
Quoted by: >>32210010

She learned japanese, moved to Japan and reads manga all the time, even Kanata said she has a good manga collection.
You’re an EOP who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, she’s more of an otaku than you.

>> No.32209220

Being in the branch of work she is in, it would be really really weird if she wasn't an otaku

>> No.32209238

Goddamn she's so hot.

>> No.32209264

fuck off

>> No.32209339

Please eat my ass please eat my ass PLEASE EAT MY ASS!!!

>> No.32209431
File: 181 KB, 1364x1080, bsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32209439

You get it.
Even 3/10s aren't virgins anymore.
Any girl with internet access can get her ass ate out.

>> No.32209506

Is she ever going to stream again as Kson?

>> No.32209578 [DELETED] 

Please explain to me how this is /jp/ related at all.
Fuck you meidos.

>> No.32209725

She does all the time on mildom?

>> No.32209753

Japanese seiyuu living in Japan how is it not?

>> No.32209795

Are seiyuus of vtubers allowed?

>> No.32209803

Please explain to me how this isn't /jp/ related.

>> No.32209962
Quoted by: >>32213192

is this the locust king?

>> No.32209972

Super Nenechi!

>> No.32209992 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 500x398, 1586216119599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stopped browsing this board after EN launched and holy shit the mods just dont care at all anymore?
I got a sitewide 3 day ban for posting ksons lips and this thread is just fine apparently.
half the board is dead threads about specific vtubers, why did they stop using the generals as containment threads?

>> No.32209996

I find her attractive and wouldn't mind sexual intercourse with her.

>> No.32210010

She's never even heard of DigiCharat so kill yourselves you fucking /a/ teens. Holoshit is nothing but ESL children giving attention to worthless christmas cakes. Is she more of a kimota than any of you Vtuber watchers? Yes, absolutely. Is that an accomplishment when 90% of you have only watched Jojo, snk, and kimetsu no yaiba and the average viewer's age group is 14-19? No.

>> No.32210331

>Otaku gatekeeping
>Shitty otaku gatekeeping
>this isn't even /a/
Go back to where you belong, weeb.

>> No.32210351
Quoted by: >>32210460

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKNze2ILEsQ cute cute cute!

>> No.32210397
File: 2.93 MB, 1670x5283, vv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They stopped caring when they allowed Holo garbage like you emigrate from shitty boards to post about this Vtuber trash here.

>> No.32210420

Gatekeeping, as in "I'm worthless and I know it, but you're not allowed to point it out!". Stop postponing your suicide and kill yourself already.

>> No.32210424

> Wow my jojo

>> No.32210425
Quoted by: >>32213392

>gatekeeping = bad

>> No.32210460

fuck you discordnigger

>> No.32210464
File: 148 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32210556
Quoted by: >>32210587

But vtubers were fine here for almost 4 years.

>> No.32210587

New wave of popularity means a new wave of people who think their schizo opinion is right.

>> No.32210591


>> No.32210619

that's not fubuki, that's not pekora, that's not suisei, that's not haachama, that's not aqua, that's not shion, that's not kanata

>> No.32211130
Quoted by: >>32211386

No one born after 1860 has heard of that shit you ancient decaying moribund boomer. Lmao. Buhhhh she probably hasn’t even watched the original astro boy either lol

>> No.32211323

She literally worked as a stripper for a time

>> No.32211362

She had a blog back in the day that said she got binto Yakuza because of her ex-boyfriend.

>> No.32211386
File: 215 KB, 600x353, mb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I was born in the wrong era. The original astro boy was the only good anime and every anime made after the 80s is trash.
I love wannabe anime boomers. If you ever meet one in real life, you can smell the insecurity from 20 feet away.

>> No.32211395

My mom was a stripper for a while and she's a viring.

>> No.32211412

reddit meme review

>> No.32211421

50%+ of these are wrong, doesn't even have the fun fake pics either

>> No.32211502
Quoted by: >>32211556

nice try rice picker, many are not correct. i like especially how some have been discovered already but you failed to get them right.

>> No.32211556

That's a very old image...

>> No.32211602
File: 537 KB, 1542x397, artia coco same person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia....good morning

>> No.32211613
Quoted by: >>32211718


>> No.32211643
Quoted by: >>32211724

But they look nothing alike.

>> No.32211718
Quoted by: >>32211738

You didn't watch that 3D Marine collab

>> No.32211724
Quoted by: >>32219760

It's amazing what makeup can do. Y'all would walk right past her any day of the week and not know it.
You mean they ALL look alike.

>> No.32211738
Quoted by: >>32211974

But i did.

>> No.32211839
File: 767 KB, 826x977, 1610329452394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32211848

This bitch is ugly. Get some standards

>> No.32211865

what is subaru and nakiru here?

>> No.32211870
File: 1.18 MB, 939x795, yabkiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32211872
Quoted by: >>32221986

Has Kson ever properly revealed her tattoos?

>> No.32211933


>> No.32211953


>> No.32211974
Quoted by: >>32212004

Then you're retarded. Those were stripper moves.

>> No.32211981
File: 601 KB, 398x362, 1608181038283.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32212198

>> No.32212004
Quoted by: >>32212849

Sure thing, maybe if you keep saying it over and over like you've been doing for months like a schizo it will be true.
Oh wait, that's not how it works.

>> No.32212013
Quoted by: >>32212044

how does he know??

>> No.32212044

>discord cancer
kill yourself

>> No.32212050

It's all about the lighting, angle, and the makeup. Even more props if they can use filters without it looking too fake. Turns a 6.5/10 to a solid 9/10.
Pros: looks cute.
Cons: scraping her face off and realizing you've been lied to.

>> No.32212088

Considering her Adidas obsession do you guys think she owns Yeezys? I feel like she's got 700s.

>> No.32212107 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.32212129

Do you even check her twitter?

>> No.32212138
File: 63 KB, 810x397, coco irl 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32212167

both taiwan and china are cringe shitholes I doubt kson gives a shit about them

>> No.32212188
File: 144 KB, 939x795, 1609168995583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32212361

I've come to like the mspaint version more

>> No.32212198


>> No.32212286

This bitch is so disgusting, never understood why nips like her so much.

>> No.32212316
File: 113 KB, 720x1280, 1602594073880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. commie

>> No.32212332

This is more /jp/ related than half the fucking threads, including 2hu, which is 100% /v/.
Don't give me your "muh culture" bullshit, fuck off.
Culture is the same reason /v/ used to shitpost off-topic crap for the last decade.
Deal. With it.

>> No.32212361

This looks like something I would draw for [s4s].
I like whoever drew this.

>> No.32212376

why can't she be real bros

>> No.32212422
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, 3a84fe1210265326c59b0519899b1c13bcaecc53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about a noel dump?

>> No.32212448
Quoted by: >>32212513

She’s hot but acts like a huge autist

>> No.32212454
File: 801 KB, 1920x1080, 76311403fd0418937de8238222c9527acdbf3c88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32212635

>> No.32212489
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 7cd75f775973bfeb550be8b8fb5de19625f92bdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32212505 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 229x220, 1603555094427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32212513

That’s the best part

>> No.32212524
File: 32 KB, 509x565, 1609980503753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-tell me that Sora is not correct anons. Please.

>> No.32212551
Quoted by: >>32212705

That chart is mostly fake give or take 3 or 4 of them

>> No.32212580
Quoted by: >>32212968

<span class="sjis">>>32211839
I want to drink sake out of the belly button[/spoiler]

>> No.32212633
File: 574 KB, 801x453, canon irl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32212635


>> No.32212653

>Tit tattoo

>> No.32212664

show some respect nerd, that's Canan and will always be Canan

>> No.32212705

Thank you anon, I was really worried because some of them were correct

>> No.32212731
File: 132 KB, 1200x675, 1af2d79228d968e5ab76d638f4da32a1dd1777b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32222268

>> No.32212753
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, 70c7198c6fc8ad20c221b02a56b8c1ca0c5e8ba7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32212761
File: 255 KB, 1920x1080, canan irl 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32212766
Quoted by: >>32212803

that looks like a microphone lapel...

>> No.32212803

No, it's clearly on her skin I'm doing my mandarin reps right now

>> No.32212809
Quoted by: >>32212833

>superior aryan genes

>> No.32212812
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, 68a11c6785915a2006d5f75bc0449e64a5e3ba25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32216793

>> No.32212833
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, canan irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32212843
Quoted by: >>32212933

It’s such a small tattoo, who cares.

>> No.32212844

>American woman over 20
No fucking way

>> No.32212849

massive cope

>> No.32212850
File: 240 KB, 1200x675, 0716d37d90cf303cd6789f22d3168984203f64a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32212914

>> No.32212866

Holy fuck Flare gets to fuck THAT?!?
Anons I fucking can't I'd sell my left foot to hug Canaan.

>> No.32212882

she is 31.

>> No.32212914
File: 28 KB, 907x505, canan irl 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32212967

should do some squats desu
also is pic related canan?

>> No.32212933

I do because I am a stage 5 autist

>> No.32212941
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, b3e1f0ad418e3da3929a589f4a22f438bf56d630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32212962

God I want to put a baby in her while she punches me to death, not because of rape or anything, just because I'm not Flare.

>> No.32212967
File: 70 KB, 658x877, 247d602dcfb52836011de53212b14e2dfd0c2c73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32213047

yes, but a really old photo

>> No.32212968

Me too.

>> No.32213001
File: 215 KB, 1920x1080, ff309d761585a33f958e19c0e9a126357c01c22b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32213634

>> No.32213047

How do you explain the ENTER pic

>> No.32213059
File: 113 KB, 800x450, 1605882958744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32213130


>> No.32213190
Quoted by: >>32213311

is it really...... that substance....?

>> No.32213192
Quoted by: >>32213343

No, bugs hate her.

>> No.32213311

Yes, it's actual Flare juice.

>> No.32213343

Yeah, more like locust slayer.

>> No.32213392
Quoted by: >>32213648

it is when you're attempting to gatekeep a nip living in Japan who speaks and reads Japanese all day when you yourself don't understand any

>> No.32213468

Yagoo proves a man can be an angel and a pimp at the same time.

>> No.32213516
Quoted by: >>32213711

I wonder if there's a Cover casting couch

>> No.32213628
Quoted by: >>32221958

The division between EOP "fearless bitch" Coco and the actual Coco is as nutty as the JOP impression of Mori

>> No.32213634

Hello, I'm her brother. Please delete this.

>> No.32213648


>> No.32213662

Nigga's pimp game be mad strong yo

>> No.32213683

Your sister has nice tits

>> No.32213711

I hope the doujin artists are taking notes.
I wonder if there are any ex-jav doing vtubing?

>> No.32213731

Yes, your oshi.

>> No.32213775

Hello African immigrant, how's it going?

>> No.32213791

fuck up virgin

>> No.32213837

Not even hot

>> No.32213853

She had a black bf according to an interview.

>> No.32213900

That meido that banned you is now dead.

>> No.32213901


>> No.32213928
File: 126 KB, 297x410, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32213959

>he doesn't know about the janny coup

>> No.32213985
Quoted by: >>32214058

yeah that checks out

>> No.32214058

He's lying, in fact Coco was bullied as a kid.

>> No.32214159

ITT: Desperation

>> No.32214187
Quoted by: >>32214400

Literally most AV vtubers and some regular vtubers.

>> No.32214322

What is it with asian girls not having eyelashes and fucked up eyebrows?

>> No.32214400


Like who

>> No.32214492

Sister Claire for example.

>> No.32214507
Quoted by: >>32214550

sauce on which av model she was?

>> No.32214527
File: 959 KB, 480x270, 1470659277442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mods just dont care at all

>> No.32214529
Quoted by: >>32215076

I know there is a group of them that were shared recently either in indie or main thread.
I think they were streaming on FC2 and something called x-oasis? Not sure what it is, I looked at it for barely a few minutes.
As for regular ones, I can't remember them by name. It was in the main thread a few months back. Also some of those lewd fuckers that keep getting banned on Youtube all the time and one blew up, I believe was ex-JAV.
I don't follow shit enough to care about JAV specific people, so I couldn't tell you for definite.

>> No.32214550


>> No.32214657
File: 85 KB, 1024x772, 1596221583916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32224171


>> No.32214687

Post the one with her eyes and mouth turned vertically

>> No.32214744

this is normie behavior

>> No.32214925

Most likely, she's shy as fuck and a bully victim, if she ever had sex it was against her will, and she doesn't sound like a person that suffered physical abuse... or does she?

>> No.32214960
Quoted by: >>32214981


This nigga lying lol

>> No.32214981
Quoted by: >>32215112

Except I'm not.

Go away.

>> No.32215047
Quoted by: >>32215182


Lying ass anon lol

>> No.32215076
Quoted by: >>32215166


LMFAO so you don't know

>> No.32215079
File: 459 KB, 933x589, 1610242531836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32215112
Quoted by: >>32215182


> Typical 4chan anon lying

>> No.32215166

Yeah I'm sure a bunch of people would totally pretend to be fucking each other on camera, instead of actually fucking each other.
Yeah bro. There's more hassle pretending, and less fun.

>> No.32215182
File: 28 KB, 341x508, 33333333333333333333333333333333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem you refuse to acknowledge something you didn't want to know.

>> No.32215214

la creatura..

>> No.32215234

>had an ex bf
>30+ yrs old
>probably a typical asian thot in HS
definitely not a virgin

>> No.32215280
File: 21 KB, 750x738, EpWkVDtUUAAxNPa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32215318
File: 15 KB, 300x372, 13301323158212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally named her you braindead monkey.

Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.32215350
File: 2.08 MB, 498x368, Tuh7sxC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vtubers is as fake as Pro Wrestlers. Stop getting work, you marks

>> No.32215383


Stop schizoposting with fake shit

>> No.32215431
File: 27 KB, 221x221, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32215556

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

>> No.32215436
File: 413 KB, 2210x1719, 57491864-72DA-4BB6-A8BF-108A41E8FC5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally spoonfed him the dox and he didn’t acknowledge it and just kept on shitposting.

>> No.32215480
File: 8 KB, 300x480, 1608374829776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32215505

Holy shit this is such a shit board what the fuck, you retards ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
t. /int/ tourist

>> No.32215483
Quoted by: >>32215556

Yeah bro, watch me pretend to put a dildo in my vag for shits and giggles.
wew lad
You fucking dunce.

>> No.32215492 [DELETED] 
File: 322 KB, 507x369, fae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut the fuck up about cancerous Vtubers shit you fucking faggots and 2D > 3D

>> No.32215505
File: 100 KB, 400x400, 08CBF77F-AD39-4351-A54C-B196B5BA28F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s always been shit. Go back.

>> No.32215542

You're on /jp/...

>> No.32215556
File: 17 KB, 480x310, ac02f37134b7e4e55b1746198d519f16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32215562

Adding this to my list of shit holofags actually believe

>> No.32215578
Quoted by: >>32215638

What shit board did you come from? Go back there.

>> No.32215593
Quoted by: >>32215669

Can you go back to the muddy puddle you were born in?

>> No.32215599


Honestly, forget it. Every single Holofaggot have smoothbrains.

>> No.32215618
Quoted by: >>32215669

Learn English please.

>> No.32215626


Sssh, you will hurt your feelings!

>> No.32215638
Quoted by: >>32215768

If I had to guess I would say facebook. Just going by the images he posts.

>> No.32215669
Quoted by: >>32215725


You anons are love baiting together lol

>> No.32215713

I like this woman, she is pretty cool and fun

>> No.32215717

Oof, this thread is bad, and hey doxxers

>> No.32215725

It’s always SEAniggers.

>> No.32215768


I laughed more at this than every /jp/ meme lol

>> No.32215863
File: 616 KB, 1564x2596, 9874985745874857346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32215881


Super ugly

>> No.32215932

Noel wasn’t lying about her having tits, too.

>> No.32215996
Quoted by: >>32216090

ITT: Holovirgins with no standards

>> No.32216086

Please stop... this hololive thing is giving me a bad case of yellow fever

>> No.32216090

>t. incel touhoutranny secondary

>> No.32216177

Makeup should be a criminal offence.

>> No.32216194

they just assume base on her voice. Cover did a lot of thing to delete most of Sora dox in the internet and there are something that make doxfag afraid of her.
Hint: a big high school in Kyoto.

>> No.32216242
Quoted by: >>32216455

Her normal looks just make me love her even more. Those eye bags are to die for.

>> No.32216286 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 680x665, Zhangjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32216635

>This bitch is ugly. Get some standards
>This bitch is so disgusting, never understood why nips like her so much.
>ITT: Holovirgins with no standards

>> No.32216354

Abe pls give me the VISA...

>> No.32216362

I'm horny!

>> No.32216388

she genuinely looks so much better without those shitty filters man

>> No.32216455

that is considered 8/10 natural beauty without make up here. she definitely would get rape walking around midnight

>> No.32216486
Quoted by: >>32216543


>> No.32216542
Quoted by: >>32216669

woah, actually cute im very surprised. usually when a girl acts as she does its because theyre uggo.
Her and Luna definitely have the cutest roommates!

>> No.32216543

Visa rejected on basis of anon being a genetic dead end.

>> No.32216615
File: 50 KB, 383x680, CPUk185VAAAd6pB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32216657

>> No.32216635 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1331x1312, EY4Bwo6U4AQ9lpa.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop being a Captain-Save-a-Ugly-Hoe mane. You won't get the pussy

>> No.32216657


>> No.32216669
Quoted by: >>32217564



>> No.32216675

Would she unironically fuck a willing coworker if she was cute?

>> No.32216730

Fake ass WWE shit lol. At least WWE had better looking asian bitches

>> No.32216775
File: 356 KB, 1200x895, EVIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32222464


>> No.32216793 [DELETED] 
File: 797 KB, 2262x2160, 6wisA5Apmjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32216861


>> No.32216861

>frog on /jp/
Meidos I understand that you dont mind the vtuber dox, but please do something here

>> No.32216934
File: 17 KB, 244x273, Zhangjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop being a Captain-Save-a-Ugly-Hoe mane. You won't get the pussy

>> No.32217332

nah, my mom told me she's a virgin and she'd never lie to me.

>> No.32217419
Quoted by: >>32217447

sorry, what does this american woman have to do with /jp/ exactly?

>> No.32217447
Quoted by: >>32221074

Former NND streamer.

>> No.32217564


>> No.32217660
File: 15 KB, 252x297, 55890341_7858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I found Nachoco irl!

>> No.32217777

I'm not certain if the enormous crooked nose or clown lips are worse.

>> No.32217808
File: 63 KB, 450x494, mikami shiori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YUA...your stream...

>> No.32217858

This is outdated as hell

>> No.32217921
Quoted by: >>32218070

It's pretty interesting how literally all vtubers are quite pretty IRL
I guess you don't really develop a personality suitable to being an "idol" sort of a character if you're ugly.

>> No.32217999

Reminder that roommate shit is all EOPs want to talk about because what else are they gonna talk about? The streams they don't understand?

>> No.32218070

all japs are quite ugly without makeup so im not sure this point holds up

>> No.32218118

It's okay, I'm uglier than all of them so it's all an up for me.

>> No.32218148

Risu roommate.

>> No.32218165
Quoted by: >>32218462

How did you even find you way to this board?

>> No.32218179
Quoted by: >>32218462

I'd take a semi ugly japanse girl, over a ''''pretty'''' american girl, any day of the week.

>> No.32218199
File: 1.26 MB, 1077x807, ikoxzy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32218246
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 1610456143294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel...eat something...

>> No.32218282
File: 295 KB, 555x2003, wwjm08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32218331 [DELETED] 
File: 2.81 MB, 1486x2006, 1601456172831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32218377


>> No.32218339
Quoted by: >>32218399

Who is the anime character beneath Ayame?

>> No.32218377

I can see her hair, what a slut

>> No.32218399
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, [UTW-Mazui]_Little_Busters!_-_02_[720p][D634FD46].mkv_snapshot_18.31_[2012.10.16_06.13.27].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32218456 [DELETED] 

Bitch you get fucked, can't suck
But you want a nigga with a million bucks
A 5-double-0 and a Rover truck
I bend 'em all over 'til I know they stuck
Want to tell your friends that you fucked with A
But how many dicks did ya suck today?
Do we play ball? Do we move that weight?
All I got for a motherfuckin' ho is hate
Bitch want to get drunk and high
Point that booty on to the sky
Square ass bitch go bake a pie
Get a tattoo of a dick in ya eye
Want to be flied call Continental (bitch)
The Benz ain't a rental
Sippin' on shit that ya can't pronounce
Ho quit staring at my bank account

>> No.32218462
Quoted by: >>32218521

I actually like nips because of what their men create and how they think, not because im led by my dick
t. fat self hating american

>> No.32218521

The entire modern Japanese culture is created from man being led by their dick. What do you like? Mishima? LMAO

>> No.32218609 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 640x508, 442cf42e9558db3fe1bc760e94c0ad7d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32220487


>> No.32218680
Quoted by: >>32218727

>only male nip he knows by name is mishima because he only knows about japan via 4chan

>> No.32218690
Quoted by: >>32218801


I swear this chart goes more hilarious every time I see it. Wonder if some autist will actually fall for it.

>> No.32218727
Quoted by: >>32218785

He's the first faggot I could think of.

>> No.32218778

>This thing thought she could make it as an idol
I can't even laugh man, it's just sad

>> No.32218785
Quoted by: >>32218817

what about the faggot you see everyday in the mirror?

>> No.32218801

Literally all of them are right, dumbfuck. In fact, it is missing some.
To be fair, the only ones I don't know for certain are Haato and AZKi, I never did know what Nayuta looked like, and there is too much noise around Haachama that I don't believe any of it besides the shit that was on her dads blog and her twitcast.

>> No.32218817
Quoted by: >>32218956

Struck a nerve, did I?

>> No.32218930

Haato is correct, it's just an old picture

>> No.32218956
File: 95 KB, 486x330, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32219093


>> No.32218999 [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 380x214, thisnigga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32220487


>> No.32219003

could you be more based than this guy?

>> No.32219045


They're not cave bitches. Fuck off you black muthafucka

>> No.32219061

sora is wrong

>> No.32219074

lamy is wrong

>> No.32219093 [DELETED] 
File: 2.33 MB, 356x300, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4b767659426a37304842325772673d3d2d3435383934323230392e313464636264656331303230633436623332393435303134343732382e676966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32219162
Quoted by: >>32219362

hurry home tourist

>> No.32219251

so polka is fatter than okayu huh

>> No.32219260

God she's the best

>> No.32219283
File: 57 KB, 112x112, Petia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32219336

yawn... show me something new

>> No.32219362 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 300x271, thumb_pl-slap-you-in-the-mouth-with-my-dick-the-51570000 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32220487


>> No.32219465
File: 127 KB, 265x265, Q4mE1B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32219476


>> No.32219517

now i understand why she is an incel.

>> No.32219564
Quoted by: >>32219637

sora is the hardest to dox i believe so it's just speculations that that is her and also as far as I know she is still young

>> No.32219637

subaru is; there is still no proven dox to this day.

>> No.32219676
Quoted by: >>32219776

I bet if we found some high ranking education officer in Canada we could pinpoint her identity.

>> No.32219698
Quoted by: >>32221194

Are you sure about this? Not sure about the voice

>> No.32219732
Quoted by: >>32219845

lamy is lamp?

>> No.32219760
Quoted by: >>32219888


>> No.32219776

Implying that canadian story is true.

>> No.32219827

What kind of shit are you talking about?

>> No.32219845

Is that photo even of Lamp?

>> No.32219851

i heard from somewhere that they know her face and that she was really beautiful

>> No.32219854

We know her full name because of her dad.

>> No.32219864
Quoted by: >>32219913

Any sauce on that i want to coom

>> No.32219888 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 1440x1475, Dbo28-yWkAA3kbs.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32220487


>> No.32219910
Quoted by: >>32220021

It's trivial to find almost everyone on that list and verify it on voice alone.
Most of those fuckers are well known online personas, outside of random newbies.
Fuck man, that shit still gets recommended to me on Youtube regularly, including half the damn vtuber industries popular members since many of them are friends, co-workers or literal family in a few instances.

>> No.32219913


Go look up yourself you lazy fuck

>> No.32219935

Did he say why the hell he took her to the Philippines?

>> No.32220021 [DELETED] 
File: 567 KB, 220x180, Y70O8SD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32220487


> Most of those fuckers are well known online personas

>> No.32220306
Quoted by: >>32220314


Spoonfeed me the blog or tell me where to dig basedchama

>> No.32220314


>> No.32220358

>Reproduction is prohibited.

>> No.32220487

>hololive has attracted people like this to /jp/
holos were a mistake

>> No.32220537

If kson was my mom that name would be accurate

>> No.32220859

Because Asian male has the superior brow and lash genes.

>> No.32220864
Quoted by: >>32221034

Yes, anon, and I have more sex than your regular doujin bald, faceless, old man.

>> No.32220964


>Japan was a mistake

>> No.32221025
Quoted by: >>32221131

Who are you quoting?

>> No.32221034 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 750x712, ca24320__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kill yourself

>> No.32221054

Now this is knowledge worth keeping, damn nice ass.
We need more ass doxxing, especially of Sio.

>> No.32221074

so if pewdiepie posted a vid on nnd would he be /jp/ worthy???

>> No.32221119


>> No.32221126

No. Now fucking kill yourself.

>> No.32221131


>> No.32221148


Yoko Ono Ass. Get better taste or die

>> No.32221174

"Whitto piggu go homu" basic bitch behavior, yes, there is room for being more "based". If he fucked her out of the country, it'd be pretty sweet.

>> No.32221194

But I'm 80% sure it's her

Her skills is exceptional, the way she hits those high pitches

And at 2:47 here, it's clearly Ayunda's laugh

>> No.32221208

I never thought I would see the backside of a girl that isn't fat and be disgusted...yet here we fucking are.

>> No.32221255
Quoted by: >>32221621

so R is Mel?

>> No.32221295

nice find. u should post these on the discord.

>> No.32221324
Quoted by: >>32221403

discord link?

>> No.32221403
Quoted by: >>32221528

see description of >>32219003 video

>> No.32221412
Quoted by: >>32221562

There's this girl but I'm not convinced

>> No.32221474

That's just one lock of her luscious armpit hair peeking out, relax, anon.

>> No.32221528

thats the 3rd doxx channel ive seen. how many are there?

>> No.32221529
Quoted by: >>32221622

ugly inside and out

>> No.32221542

Nah you post it, take credit for all I care
The fact that I could enjoy risu's singing is enough
Also there's still the mic difference but I think it's just risu deliberately messing with it so it'd be hard to make a good comparison

>> No.32221562
Quoted by: >>32221901

not her; not the same voice and not the same expressions.
you can hear subaru real voice here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae5lJOkabfM

>> No.32221599
File: 468 KB, 2000x2500, 1603727673201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well idc what people say... i would still fuck Tree rat and her roommate

>> No.32221621
Quoted by: >>32221697

how you don't know that? people always post mel images when they talk about R in /t/

>> No.32221622

I mean, sure if you don't like it
But her voice is legit

>> No.32221627

Coco's small oval glasses are ugly, I hate them.
The glasses in the op pic are much better.

>> No.32221697

I never cared about R videos so this is a bit shocking to me

>> No.32221757
Quoted by: >>32223538

>artia looked like her avatar

>> No.32221845
File: 433 KB, 1536x2048, EpuIFShU8AAku6Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got Coco's glasses now

>> No.32221886

I really want to kiss her

>> No.32221901
Quoted by: >>32222003

Then is it this one?
The green hoodie at 35:50?

>> No.32221950
File: 1.35 MB, 3000x4000, IMG20201221123243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly like mine

>> No.32221958
Quoted by: >>32232899

What's the JOP impression of Mori?
I'm curious.

>> No.32221985

Please be in virtual london.

>> No.32221986

if she had tattoos then kanata wouldn't live with her

>> No.32222002

post tits

>> No.32222003

pokemon getto dazee

>> No.32222056

tits or GTFO

>> No.32222089

Hi, Coco. I'm your biggest gachikoi.

>> No.32222111

Is this a doxx thread?

>> No.32222121

old glasses were cuter, made her look like a virgin who was secretly a dominatrix

>> No.32222189
Quoted by: >>32222446

`pst your whores on the jav thread plz
you are pushing my 2hus

>> No.32222268

have cotton panties just not caught on in Japan or is silk the dominant cloth there? I've always wondered this

>> No.32222446

Post 2hus harder then, faggot.
Show that you care.

>> No.32222464

They all look the same.

>> No.32222603

Dude, you're best dragon now.

>> No.32222644



>> No.32222784

The best things about the leaks is never knowing the face of the girl, but knowing what she did in the past. I mean how funny is it that Pekora and Rushia are playing the shy girls now when they were borderline camgirls in the past. But well you also have genuine girls like Korone, she was always retarded even before the 10 years shitty walktroughs on NicoNico https://files.catbox.moe/k7m63y.mkv

>> No.32222846

>borderline camgirls
Maybe a good idea to search DLSite and Fanza video section for surprises.

>> No.32222904

Oh and don’t forget the Miko audio porn

>> No.32222942

I was happy when I found Okayu's old niconico stuff cause I now had a ton more chill gaming hours with Okayu to watch.

>> No.32222950

Wonder if she still wants to voice act for a vn.

>> No.32222968

>borderline camgirls
could you please explain why you think that? because from what i have seen, pekora is far from that.

>> No.32223042
Quoted by: >>32223171

when is she going to stream with her cute but deaf friend?

>> No.32223069
File: 592 KB, 1600x590, 1609100738574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're entirely judging her just from having seen her tits once

>> No.32223133
File: 262 KB, 432x649, 2013_Travel_Tokyo_JK_8274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I'm doing you guys a favor and doxxing all holos at the same time. Pic related, all nips look EXACTLY THE SAME.

>> No.32223171

I'm pretty sure her roomate's roomate has showed up in some of streams in the past except with a mask on.

>> No.32223222
Quoted by: >>32223719

>tiny island
>tiny gene pool
>ultra pure due to extreme xenophobia unlike England which has been infiltrated with shit skin dna
Of course they all look the same. They're all basically related.

>> No.32223251

if he moved the /jp/ and posted a dick reveal on nnd, yes

>> No.32223259
Quoted by: >>32223299

Is there an origin to the use of the term roommate? I’ve use it all the time on here and never wondered why until now

>> No.32223279

>Exactly the same
Sorry that your oshi is a yayoicuck and not a jomonchad like mine.

>> No.32223299

It's a term to gatekeep newfags.

>> No.32223538


Yeah, and her avatar was CUTE

>> No.32223588

This stank ass ho ain't hot lmao

>> No.32223660
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ex-fucking-scuse me, but are you calling Kojima San a cuck?

>> No.32223719

you mean roman dna and saxon dna and a whole bunch of german dna yeah nah mate britbongs have always been a mixed white bag unlike japs

>> No.32223805
File: 89 KB, 625x1200, 4896126979eef01319b2d03215e18df0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi's shameful nip DNA has been diluted with slav blood. Imagine having an oshi whose entire lineage consists of some form of ching Chong or the other.

>> No.32223890

Based Cometbro. I hear Rushia's got some sort of Russian ancestry way back, too.

>> No.32223942
Quoted by: >>32224030

Wow great genes she's got there. At least my oshi isn't a literal dwarf.

>> No.32223985
File: 3.53 MB, 480x368, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32224012

Well for Miko It's a little bit shady. There is a lot of rumors and one of the most persistent one is that she was doing compensated dating in the past. Also the nudes and the JAV, but honestly this could be any girl, they looks all the same and without the voice you can't say if It's her or not. Nothing confirmed tho so they can fuck off, Miko is still the best
Actually there is a lot of videos of her in lewd outfits : https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28954305

>> No.32224017


Those some shit genes, you fuck nigga hahaha

>> No.32224023
File: 157 KB, 369x276, Usagi oppai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32224074

ENTER Breastia

>> No.32224026

There is that Hestia cosplay aswell

>> No.32224030


>> No.32224074
Quoted by: >>32229833


No shit she was cosing as Hestia. Also looks like fake tiddies as the skintone does not match with her arms.

>> No.32224107

Miko's JAV thing has been disproven, the NND antis photoshopped her necklace into that random JAV pic.

>> No.32224144
File: 1005 KB, 952x922, nnd algo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youtube algorithm promoting doxx vids
>nnd algorithm isn't even trying to hide it either
at this point I don't think anyone cares except twinks

>> No.32224171
Quoted by: >>32224261

How does someone that hot have such a cursed voice? More importantly, is this what happens when you transplant Asians and raise them in the American south?

>> No.32224184

Ching chong is Chinese people not Japanese. Also I'd rather have 100% Japanese wife than even 0.0000001% Slavic any day.

>> No.32224206
Quoted by: >>32224292

I wouldn't care even if she did do JAV. She's fun to watch and that's all I care about.

>> No.32224261

is she really that hot though or are you just horny?
I say it's balance. Like butterfaces, giant clits, and rich girls who snort coke off of geezer dicks. Ain't nothing new to see here and she got a pretty genetic deal!

>> No.32224292

It would not be an issue. But I would still require sauce.

>> No.32224600

Miko one has already been debunked for years though, the source of that rumor was an anti blog.

>> No.32224643

Only Noel has a paizuri JAV and it's homemade. The rest is fake bullshit.

>> No.32224703

Aqua's isn't.

>> No.32224793
Quoted by: >>32225440

Canan backtracking on twitter because her ura account was found.

>> No.32225084
File: 143 KB, 1109x621, 1608651496700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32225440

what was it, I assume it's been deleted by now

>> No.32225496

Probably sefure stuff.

>> No.32226921

>Believing in narratives
That JAV narrative was already debunked even before she became Miko. Some autists did a mole track on her roommate, and her roommate also denied those shits back in 2015.. Her porn audio work was also known and she also had an online boyfriend before. Why the fuck do people think that any roommate info is some kind so muh sekrit shit when it's all available in public. There's nothing shady about Miko at all.

>> No.32227249

is hlg retarded or is she really a lesbo?

>> No.32227599
Quoted by: >>32229295

She's still a lesbo, even back then she's obsessed with Pekora. That online boyfriend was when she got catfished back in highschool, where she's really new to the internet, she never even met him in the end.

>> No.32227757
Quoted by: >>32231665

Only thing Ive seen her talk about on twitter today was a warning to her followers that someone's running around pretending to be her. Nothing else as far as I can tell

>> No.32227979

>she also had an online boyfriend before
Yeah, I had to dump her when I met 110!

>> No.32228513

she's lesbian for now

>> No.32228957

Lesbian Until Graduation

>> No.32229275

I forget that the racism in Japan is just as bad as in Korea and China

>> No.32229295

Miko is weirdly obsessed with Pekora, I don't even know whether it's lust or love, everytime I listened to all of Mashiro/her past life's streams all I hear is only Itou this Itou that. I bet she's really happy when she's successfully got Pekora into joining hololive.

>> No.32229384

which stream was it where pekora showed her covered face?

>> No.32229833

>looks like fake tiddies as the skintone does not match with her arms.
nips can still tan anon

>> No.32231306

I have not seen this one before. dat hi res!
Kanata, Rushia and Noel are gorgeous

>> No.32231371

hate to break it to you anon, but that's not our tenshi

>> No.32231665

I have seen a chick that looks like canan who does very lewd asmr and also has a similar name but she speaks chiense in her videos.

>> No.32232734
Quoted by: >>32232915

Nothing really new here?

>> No.32232899

They think she's really tough, confident and cool, like she is in her raps.

>> No.32232915

What the fuck do you expect? This thread only exists to spoonfeed newfags and piss off people.

>> No.32233995

I don't know man, that photo without the thousand filters she looks pretty hard in the eyes

>> No.32234360

fun stream

>> No.32234561

That's my first impression tho

>> No.32234970
File: 2.90 MB, 1096x1080, 1607090761848.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so good here that I could eat her up!

>> No.32235267

Well, they don't know LA at all

>> No.32235559

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Haachama 六四天安門事件 The Asacoco protests of September 2020 天安門大屠殺 The Bilibili Schedule Massacre 反右派鬥爭 65 minutes level 18 大躍進政策 The Aqua Outfit Reveal 文化大革命 Bilibili VLC Stream 人權 Haachama Kitchen 民運 Holohouse 1 million yen fine 自由 Haaton Decapitation Mark 獨立 多黨制 Multi-Stream Drifting 台灣 臺灣 Tanigo’s cycling route 中華民國 Okayu’s real voice 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Anemachi doesn’t exist 達賴喇嘛 Youtube Analytics 法輪功 Red Heart 新疆維吾爾自治區 Matsuri’s amazon wishlist 諾貝爾和平獎 Golden YAGOO 劉暁波 Ringo Juice Black Market 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 Coco's Kirby Super Star playthrough 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 Kanata’s long fingers 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 Keyboard Incident 強制斷種 NenePro’s pee scandal 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 Civia’s black bull 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 Masketta Man 還政於民 和平 Ayame’s client list 演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共 KoroMiko Incident 産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 Lamy’s schizo asylum investment fund 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 Pekora’s induced suicide victims 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 Aqua’s autism test 買賣人口 遊進 走私 Watame did something wrong 毒品 賣淫 春畫 Hitomi Chris 3D concert 賭博 六合彩天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Bennett Foddy 劉曉波动态网自由门 Sharkmeido's public execution 让香港重获自由

>> No.32235559,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for letting me know this exists, gonna have to scour the internet now.Cheers
