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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 768x513, Kson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32042192 No.32042192 [Reply] [Original]

Let's give the Adidas Queen her own thread

>> No.32042242

if i could stomp this western whore's brains out i would

>> No.32042323
File: 729 KB, 1127x582, 16038681279371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah let's do it KEK

>> No.32042346

She looks pretty IMO

>> No.32042425


>> No.32042436
File: 57 KB, 500x397, SHAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that chinks are still mad for this

>> No.32043163
File: 331 KB, 1562x2048, DSTKN4TUQAEmuMk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32043216
Quoted by: >>32043694

does she really have a tattoo? Someone post proof

>> No.32043259
Quoted by: >>32049229

I want to smell her scalp after she's gone days without bathing

>> No.32043453

Holy shit my dick got so hard after watching her armpit for a whole minute, jesus i want to lick it so bad

>> No.32043530

Unironically still looks so cute. Would marry in a heartbeat.

>> No.32043593

When is this lovable bitch show us those moves she pulls in her other form

>> No.32043694
File: 767 KB, 826x977, 9b449303b4a7c674301a2d1167e991762bcda3f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32046389

Under her left titty, so it will probably never be known what it actually is unless someone find a picture of her in a tiny bikini.

>> No.32043703
File: 40 KB, 600x600, s09x3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would marry mikoti

>> No.32043756
File: 1.85 MB, 800x1129, 1609326336782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32043779
Quoted by: >>32043839

create your own dox thread man, this one is not for you

>> No.32043807
File: 59 KB, 600x800, CQDBt3zUcAAAtcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32043839
File: 1.20 MB, 2250x5300, 1604635009101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah eat cum retard

>> No.32043861
Quoted by: >>32044261

stop posting off topic, this is the adidas thread

>> No.32043980
File: 14 KB, 360x350, Ep4qiMGUwAAZmbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32044304


>> No.32044086 [DELETED] 

Shame on you.

>> No.32044142
File: 67 KB, 1082x794, ErRIFDPUYAkXMFy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32044170
Quoted by: >>32044304

I'm relatively new to this whole world, why do so many people dislike her? is that even a thing or just a /jp fetish?

>> No.32044187

anon pls

>> No.32044227
File: 673 KB, 1061x634, kanatan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata is cute

>> No.32044233
Quoted by: >>32044304

Goddam her face is so flat... I guess her 3d model is accurate

>> No.32044236
File: 96 KB, 500x916, 1609674660794.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32048140

Sure thing.

>> No.32044246 [DELETED] 
File: 949 KB, 2356x3469, 1609453847174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Haachama 六四天安門事件 The Asacoco protests of September 2020 天安門大屠殺 The Bilibili Schedule Massacre 反右派鬥爭 65 minutes level 18 大躍進政策 The Aqua Outfit Reveal 文化大革命 Bilibili VLC Stream 人權 Haachama Kitchen 民運 Holohouse 1 million yen fine 自由 Haaton Decapitation Mark 獨立 多黨制 Multi-Stream Drifting 台灣 臺灣 Tanigo’s cycling route 中華民國 Okayu’s real voice 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Anemachi doesn’t exist 達賴喇嘛 Youtube Analytics 法輪功 Red Heart 新疆維吾爾自治區 Matsuri’s amazon wishlist 諾貝爾和平獎 Golden YAGOO 劉暁波 Ringo Juice Black Market 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 Coco's Kirby Super Star playthrough 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 Kanata’s long fingers 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 Keyboard Incident 強制斷種 NenePro’s pee scandal 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 Civia’s black bull 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 Masketta Man 還政於民 和平 Ayame’s client list 演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共 KoroMiko Incident 産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 Lamy’s schizo asylum investment fund 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 Pekora’s induced suicide victims 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 Aqua’s autism test 買賣人口 遊進 走私 Watame did something wrong 毒品 賣淫 春畫 Hitomi Chris 3D concert 賭博 六合彩天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Bennett Foddy 劉曉波动态网自由门 Sharkmeido's public execution 让香港重获自由

>> No.32044261
File: 2.31 MB, 2250x5300, Is on topic now fagot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy now?

>> No.32044278


>> No.32044304
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x900, commiescum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're disgusting subhuman chink bugman that got their ass handed to them by this honorary aryan Jap.
Nanking didn't happen, but it SHOULD have happened. ALL HAIL THE JAPANESE EMPEROR. NIPPON BANZAI.

>> No.32044320

anything new coming or just same old s***

>> No.32044321
File: 210 KB, 1482x1482, EE4D2702-534F-4E9B-B70C-E149CCE75880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32046827

Finger lickin good

>> No.32044338
Quoted by: >>32048648

Looks like the ogey reaction

>> No.32044343
Quoted by: >>32044860

I laugh everytime virgins discover what women look like without makeup

>> No.32044351

Imagine doing this, holy fuck, it reeks with autism

>> No.32044436

She looks exactly like her model holy shit

>> No.32044518
File: 115 KB, 1234x930, DSTKN4UVwAEV0X0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad commie scum

>> No.32044553

My boss cant be this hot

>> No.32044627

reddit dragon ruined vtubers as much as the chinks

>> No.32044675
Quoted by: >>32044720

Vtubers ruined Vtubers faggot you know this

>> No.32044703

Not a bugman and you mistook that for an attack. I love miko and kaichou

>> No.32044720

she caused as especially large amount of damage by going for the plebbit crowd and making way for other western whores

>> No.32044742
Quoted by: >>32044770

Coco thread literally starts with a picture of her roommate, why are Coco fags like this?

>> No.32044757

The new face of the jay

>> No.32044770
Quoted by: >>32044829

This isn't a coco thread.

>> No.32044829
Quoted by: >>32046422

Then its a Kson thread and doesn't belong on /jp/

>> No.32044845

Nigga you know the clippers were the ones to blame for the influx of fucking cancer, stop being retarded

>> No.32044846
Quoted by: >>32044947

youtuber is not /jp/
try /tv/

>> No.32044860

She is cute thou, look like the kouhai I hang out with during college.

>> No.32044890

>day grammar

ching chong chang go back to west taiwan

>> No.32044943

she paved the way for En and you know it

>> No.32044947

youtuber with anime avatar is not /jp/
try /trash/

>> No.32044969
Quoted by: >>32045048

Go die in an escalator, changs. Everyone know you get paid 50 cents to poison discourse.

>> No.32045008

Mind blowing

>> No.32045048

go back to /trash/ for your western cunts

>> No.32045066


>> No.32045101

>>Wasting a thread on something that lost public interest last year, when the hot spot for (You)s right now are over at the Uto thread


>> No.32045109
Quoted by: >>32045197

Problem chang? The Japanese their only mistake during the war was not genociding your kind when they had the chance.

>> No.32045146

Yeah, she may be the most attractive holo

>> No.32045164

I for one, like all types of cunts

>> No.32045173

damn she's hot

>> No.32045197
Quoted by: >>32045292

better yet you should go back to plebbit, maybe you'll make the next review

>> No.32045215

those fuckers were infesting one of the chubas I follow last night...

>> No.32045237

Unironically a traditional japanese beauty

>> No.32045292
File: 70 KB, 720x720, Ebq9n_uVcAEu66b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32045775


>> No.32045508

Who this?

>> No.32045520


>> No.32045776
Quoted by: >>32045880

What type of Asian is she. I always assumed she was chinese

>> No.32045775

newfag trash that don't belong neither on /jp/ nor 4chan

>> No.32045805


>> No.32045880


>> No.32045937

You could literally paint a canvas by rubbing her face on it holy shit.

>> No.32046052

Speaking for yourself eunuch. You should be behind that wall of your, sucking your supreme leader’s dick to earn enough money for a new balls and dick implant.

>> No.32046067

There is an unironic chink in this thread, put me in the screencap bugman

>> No.32046124

Chink shills don't belong in civilization.

>> No.32046130

chill, winnie puuh

>> No.32046171
File: 301 KB, 512x512, 1605410523185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32046188

Someone bring spray, the bug is wasting oxygen

>> No.32046270

why the fuck are all so they hot? Ame is more average, but she isn't plain at all either

>> No.32046318

no, that was the goblin. if the goblin had never appeared, kson would have stayed as just kson

>> No.32046334

hush, my heart is dedicated to comrade Jesus

>> No.32046389
Quoted by: >>32047510

that looks like a lapel mic

>> No.32046410

kanatan gets to tap that every night
how to live knowing I will never be kanatan

>> No.32046422

kson is a vtuber

>> No.32046442

Seem like I hit a nerve, sorry to break it out to you newfags but there are more than bat eating chinks that hate you and the kind of retarded post you do on a board that had a preexisting culture.

>> No.32046444

"ayy lmao"

>> No.32046458

Based nip genes
Folded 1000 times like the finest nipsteel

>> No.32046479

Today I will remind them

>> No.32046502
Quoted by: >>32046625

I fucked Meimei last night in the ass uncle Zhang, fuck off already

>> No.32046551

go back to work, chong

>> No.32046565


>> No.32046625
File: 142 KB, 629x480, 1327267788038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right after you leave my 4chan with your undiluted stream of reddit memes and twitterspeak.

>> No.32046627

So this is just the bugmen containment thread?

>> No.32046630

god I wish I were an e girl

>> No.32046744

Fuck off already zhang, kys

>> No.32046778
File: 316 KB, 1500x1427, Kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cocos hot af irl. Suck the wang, chang. She might forgive you for your shamefuru behavior.

>> No.32046827


Figure it out


>> No.32046896

>Kanata gets to sniff her sports bras
God I wish I was Kanata.

>> No.32046962

I actually liked her streams a lot before hololive, the little big planet 8 hour one was great

>> No.32047079
Quoted by: >>32047702

>En girls bad
>CN girls good
Grow some balls you eunuch, go after YouTube directly since they are the one label Taiwan as a country, oh wait you are a eunuch so you don’t have the balls to pick on someone much bigger than you.

>> No.32047359

She looks like my one of my professor from my zoom class last semester. Same hair, glasses and everything. Wow.

>> No.32047404
Quoted by: >>32047851

do you have some lewd pics of her?

>> No.32047510
Quoted by: >>32047871

It isn't, I've seen the original video. It's clearly drawn on her skin. I forgot how the video is called so I can't find it anymore.

>> No.32047657

back to your discord niggers

>> No.32047696

Can someone post more pics of my oshi NENEMAX. I hope she looks like a dork irl too

>> No.32047702

>zoom class
Now we even got underaged fags

Grow some balls you beta orbiter and stop assuming so much because someone doesn't agree with your gay ass faggot. You probably don't even have balls since you had to sold them to afford getting your "waifu" to give you attention ie read some shitty donation.
Out of all the fucking vtubers, Coco has some of the dumbest fan. Because she angered the chinks once, all of her dumb nigger follower will deflect everything on the chinks. Everytime you faggots act like this, vtubers in general are seen badly by the rest of the board; you are the niggers of the vtuber community.

>> No.32047703

Having a hot roommate is pretty much the most positive thing I can say about Coco desu

>> No.32047785

only chinese use the nigger word so lightly

>> No.32047851
Quoted by: >>32047920

>Now we even got underaged fags
Well, I'm about 3 years away from becoming a wizard but it is nice to know that I might still be consider young.
No. I'm pretty sure they're not the same person, but just saying that asians without make up or not really do look the same at a certain angle.

>> No.32047871

well, after all she is an yakuza

>> No.32047920

>I'm pretty sure they're not the same person
anon, they don't have to be the same person. you just have to imagine they are

>> No.32047936

Now imagine her making frog noises dressed like that

>> No.32047956

I bet is the leafbugman that has been banned before

>> No.32047970
Quoted by: >>32048346

Which one is worse? A seething chink that's mad becaue they got owned by nip. Or a seething 2hu fag because his fucking armpit fetish threads keep getting pruned off the catalogue.

>> No.32047987

Not that guy but I'm late 20s and my law school moved to zoom when the varrus hit

>> No.32048039

imagine being a chink and hating kson.
fag country

>> No.32048076
File: 213 KB, 947x1200, f82799f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are nijis so ugly in comparison?

>> No.32048135
File: 38 KB, 583x664, 1604803764115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even dox a picture of her feet

>> No.32048140

she couldn't care less about inferior shitholes like china or taiwan. dragon only loves japan and her home, georgia.

>> No.32048223
Quoted by: >>32051600

Why do people always put their pictures online especially when they know they could be found some way or another and could be doxxed. Maybe I'm just an old faggot but to leave behind pictures on the net was always one of my own biggest no-nos. Although, I might have still shown up in certain ones with friends or by accident or something unfortunately but who knows. Makes think that one day I should probably pull a Diavolo.

>> No.32048272
Quoted by: >>32048425

Iinchou is what I imagined her to be. God bless her

>> No.32048346

Try the 3rd option. Someone who had a small general on a previously slow board, but now his general(that has been on the board for 6 years) can't even survive. You dumb fucks are too stupid to comprehend, that it's not the vtubers the problem here if you read what the fuck you're replying to. The problem are (you) faggots who spam shitty threads and bring your shitty memes and buzzwords from normalfag internet. I'm fucking ashamed to have liked vtuber because of you niggers, you are the cancer that is killing /jp/ and in general the type of newfag that is ruining the rest of 4chan. You have ruined vtubers for the rest of us, no one is now going to look at vtubers as anything but a newfag filled cesspit.

>> No.32048425

Well there's a reason why is she is referred in here as LA NIJISANTURA

>> No.32048473


>> No.32048480
File: 26 KB, 480x480, 1554847960743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've literally been on 4chan since 2003. And ever since it's inception in 2008 /jp/ was full of elitist gatekeeping faggots with the most crippling of autism and was the only board I didn't visit about my hobby. I'm glad this vtuber shit is making faggots like you seethe.

>> No.32048490

nobody cares
fuck your "culture"

>> No.32048648


>> No.32048722

>ywn be stepped and called trash by kson

why even live?!

>> No.32048728
File: 88 KB, 640x480, desumoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I've been on 4chan since 2003"

>> No.32048778

they cute too

>> No.32048838

Mito looks like her avatar

>> No.32048839
File: 353 KB, 2048x1536, 1608654885901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32048970
Quoted by: >>32049090

probably the most attractive vtuber

>> No.32049007
Quoted by: >>32049177

post more migoti. I can't believe she looks like that.
if she were that cute, marine would have said it

>> No.32049041

Suck for you eunuch, I don’t even supa chat her or even enter her chat, just watch some of her stream once a while, and by her angering the chinks, you mean you and your gang of eunuch? Is Taiwan such a hurtful word? Should I throw in Winnie the Pooh? Grow some balls and go after YouTube instead of spending your time spamming some chick that doesn’t even view you as a target audiences.

>> No.32049071 [DELETED] 
File: 2.93 MB, 424x386, ksoncoco.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I wish I was Kanata.

>> No.32049090

she's getting fucked in this moment

>> No.32049110


>> No.32049130

holy shit it's hard

>> No.32049151

cute feet

>> No.32049177
File: 152 KB, 600x600, 3z7kcm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32049220 [DELETED] 

I wanna sniff her Adidas bra.

>> No.32049229

Same but with her anus.

>> No.32049291

Why does everyone have bad teeth? Or are the american teeth the fake looking ones?

>> No.32049387
Quoted by: >>32049493

and? people have and enjoy sex

>> No.32049402

Which one?

>> No.32049466
Quoted by: >>32049603

Coco gave me yellow fever

>> No.32049493

even anal?

>> No.32049603

But shes orange anon

>> No.32049611

I wonder what the 774s look like.

>> No.32049620

What's going on with Coco and why are the Chinese bugmen mad?

>> No.32049702

Anon, I...

>> No.32049738

>why are the Chinese bugmen mad?
to be honest, you too would be mad at everything in the universe if you were born a bugmen

>> No.32049774
File: 1.21 MB, 719x957, 1582727971531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi roommate?

>> No.32049793

she said taiwan. that's all. just taiwan.

>> No.32049873

Fuck why is kson so fucking HOT FUCK

>> No.32049987
File: 377 KB, 1439x2016, Eo9RQOTUcAAWESX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32050043


>> No.32050045

Do your english reps, cheng

>> No.32050074

She's 45% the way to really becomin avatar

>> No.32050079
Quoted by: >>32050271

she can't be this hot. she is 100% not a virgin if she is this hot

>> No.32050134 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 1242x1173, q0yfs6dhwpp41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those fragile fucks are still mad about that?

>> No.32050163
Quoted by: >>32050216

She didn't, she showed that YouTube considers Taiwan a country.

>> No.32050170
Quoted by: >>32080468_2

her fanbox is too expensive...

>> No.32050216

then youtube is the culprit. not hers.

>> No.32050271
File: 1.15 MB, 667x1076, 1609325337518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32050333
Quoted by: >>32050426

where are you getting those pics from, anon?

>> No.32050426

keywords being Kanata and Imgur

>> No.32050442

she's lesbian, anon.

>> No.32050479

you expect bugmen to understand the nuance ?

>> No.32050497
Quoted by: >>32055142

are her and moona the only holos that dyed their hair to match their avatars

>> No.32050512

The stench of chink is overwhelming.

>> No.32050662
File: 52 KB, 792x282, 1608376041169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32050693

I really hope so. True lesbians are the only girls that can be trusted.

>> No.32050697

Don't tell him about all the holo hags

>> No.32050821

I'm kind of in disbelief Amelia's actor can pull off THAT voice, looks kind of too old for that.

>> No.32050861

Americans are high-pitched

>> No.32050878
Quoted by: >>32051122

Anon she's like 24

>> No.32050891

Any pic of marine's ass, that is said to be gigantic?

>> No.32051122
Quoted by: >>32051164

This is why you need to get a good night's rest, lads. Shes still cute regardless.

>> No.32051164

Maybe it is a bad pic

>> No.32051262
Quoted by: >>32051329

Any pics of haachama aside from the blurry one?

>> No.32051329

archive reps anon

>> No.32051513
Quoted by: >>32051590

The only girl who whores herself out with cosplay...

>> No.32051515

she straight up denied that, aren't Miko and Matsuri lesbians?

>> No.32051590
Quoted by: >>32051651

I'm glad she found a way to be some sort of idol. That video of her in that Asuka outfit is quite frankly embarrassing.

Her actual singing is really nice though. Shame being a chicken forces her to put a limiter on.

>> No.32051594
Quoted by: >>32051661

>denies she's a lesbian even though she keeps acting like a dyke
I too constantly sleep in my best friend's bed and feed him grapes. That's totally something bros do.

>> No.32051600

no kidding
some of the hags in their 30s+ should know better

>> No.32051624

speak for yourself, some of these hags look like pure SEX

>> No.32051651
Quoted by: >>32051778

She was an idol before that iirc

>> No.32051661
Quoted by: >>32052144

And remember to kiss your homie anon.

>> No.32051679

oh I don't disagree there, but older folks tend to have a different attitude when it comes to putting personal shit on the internet

>> No.32051734

Hags are objectively the best. This is known.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were normies before getting into streaming. 30 somethings are in that age group where it wasn't a guarantee you were on some web forum picking up unspoken rules like "don't reveal PII" or "don't post pics", especially if it's a woman in question.

That's my guess anyway.

>> No.32051778

Not much of one iirc, she was in one of those really small ones but fuck if I know, I really don't know much about the whole idol thing.

>> No.32051913
Quoted by: >>32051934

Matsuri doesn't even like girls for real.

>> No.32051934
Quoted by: >>32056731

I swear to God I found her pornhub account and it said she liked girls only

>> No.32052084

fuck off

>> No.32052144

If I had a homie, i'd kiss him

>> No.32052153
Quoted by: >>32052336

shions menhera twitcasts were fun to listen to
were any of u around for them?

>> No.32052334

chinks deserves to be burned like the bugs you are

>> No.32052336
Quoted by: >>32052557


>> No.32052500

I wonder how many holos are close to their avatars proportionally.
I know Noels pretty close

>> No.32052557
Quoted by: >>32052603

yeah menhera and complaining about school being shit

>> No.32052602

There's more of them that match their avatar than there are that don't. Probably to prevent their limbs clipping through their tits and hips during 3D events.

>> No.32052603
Quoted by: >>32052642

Like her older ones? Her recent one she didn't seem to talk about that stuff, though I thought I heard her say something about feeling sad at some point during the stream.

>> No.32052606

Most of these "doxxes" are guesses at best. But with those which are confirmed, Nene and Noel's are pretty close.

>> No.32052611

I love this autist

>> No.32052642

oh yes im talking about her older ones, like mid-2019. i dont follow her anymore.

>> No.32052667
Quoted by: >>32052699

How come?

>> No.32052686

why are they all so fucking cute?

>> No.32052699
Quoted by: >>32052817

i found better kusogakis

>> No.32052766

Most of these aren't real or are they even close to 100%, how many times do I have to say this
Are you all that gullible

>> No.32052775
File: 21 KB, 396x372, Kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32052817

I love Shion so I doubt it, but who?

>> No.32052831

How do you know they aren't real? Post the real ones then

>> No.32052833
Quoted by: >>32052986

They're all pretty spot on actually and discovered before you found out about hololive. I guess if you repeat yourself enough you'll fool the newfags.

>> No.32052877
Quoted by: >>32052992

Shion is a backstabber. What she does to aqua and marine is really annoying

>> No.32052884

They know YouTube is the problem but they are a bunch of eunuch so they won’t fight someone much bigger than them, they can only pick on someone they deem smaller and weaker than them.

>> No.32052928

i wont say who in a thread like this, im sure youll understand

>> No.32052986

None of those are pretty spot on and are guesses at best. Only a few are actually confirmed.
Keep believing it then.

For example, Lamy's pic is fake news and has already been confirmed fake. Nobody actually knows what Miko looks like. There are more but anyways, lurk more faggot I ain't spoonfeeding your ass.
Or better yet, stop digging about 3dpd and fuck off.


>> No.32052992


>> No.32053189

I posted about kson in /vy/ years before she debuted as Coco. I bet you don't know about the Mikofag.

>> No.32053191
Quoted by: >>32053725

What is the point of doxxing? You are not even talking about anime girl anymore.

>> No.32053254
Quoted by: >>32053587

who's that?

>> No.32053377
Quoted by: >>32053398

What a dense nigger, there's countless videos with their faces and their voices, maybe you are fucking deaf or maybe you are the one that needs to be spoonfed, niggerlover

>> No.32053398
Quoted by: >>32053489

You really are gullible, you know what, it's better that way.

>> No.32053428

I wanna fuck Mito

>> No.32053480
Quoted by: >>32053618

>5 hours 7 minutes ago

>> No.32053489
Quoted by: >>32053569

>uses the term "fake news" unirronically
go back to lereddit and then kill yourself. Instead of posting easily verifiable lies.

>> No.32053539

Wow, now where's the treerrat hiding

>> No.32053569

>easily verifiable
God, its so funny yet so sad.
Here, let me help you out


>> No.32053587

I don't know but it seems the architect love her

>> No.32053618 [DELETED] 

Sharkjanny was dragged through dirt and publicly beheaded by a literal tranny.

>> No.32053647

Isn't it illegal to cover Bish's song in a paid concert without signing some contract?

>> No.32053666

She's just so ugly.
I think it is the horrible mouth and clown lips. The nose is bad too along with the eyes but that awful maw is on another level entirely.

>> No.32053699

Mods said this is not offtopic thread?

>> No.32053720

Stop being tsundere

>> No.32053725
Quoted by: >>32053793

Doxxing, too, is Otaku Culture.

>> No.32053739
File: 244 KB, 844x604, rrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32073560


>> No.32053756

Okay Satan.

>> No.32053793
Quoted by: >>32053861

Doxxing is American Culture.

>> No.32053814
Quoted by: >>32053862

Newfag trying to trick other newfags, it's funny, please keep doing it.

>> No.32053861
File: 331 KB, 717x540, 160435346343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32054140

Everything is

>> No.32053862

Hah, okay anon.

>> No.32053923

Pretty sure you wanted: VlhwS2MyTXlTa1JSYWxacFRURmFOVmw2U2xkak1YQndaREprWVdKVlduVlhha2sxVFVRd1BRPT0=, otherwise you lose some Important Hints™.

>> No.32053930
Quoted by: >>32054713

There is no way Towa's voice comes from that incredibly angelic face.

>> No.32054137

Help a newfag out what do I do with that link?

>> No.32054140


>> No.32054179

>Cropping Shane Diesel out of the pic

>> No.32054198

Towa looks like Kitou Akari

>> No.32054684 [DELETED] 

>She got a Godly Yoyo
I swear people who are not addicted to gacha and gambling have the best luck

>> No.32054713

towa has a horse face. That pic hides it very well

>> No.32054740

pretty gud desu

>> No.32054761

>not showing Noel's boobs/stomach
Shame on you Noel is a 10/10

>> No.32054823

fuck off

>> No.32055029
File: 413 KB, 2210x1719, 0AD847D1-418A-4767-9F24-5A1F36547A44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. All these posts written by unironic women hating loli role playing tranny incels who claim superior board culture through 99% of the board being unfunny shitposts and image dumps and the other 1% being their secret ERP cesspool; getting DESTROYED by Cocofags of all people. Pathetic!

>> No.32055125

u pulled out ur phone to make just to make that awful post? lol

>> No.32055142


>> No.32055191

Anon you're an idiot. Like half of those are different pictures of the same woman. It's a joke about how Japanese girls all look the same. I mean you can literally even just look at the "Towa" and "Luna" pics and see it's the same girl. Same face angle, bangs, hair even parted the same way and everything.

>> No.32055219

Holy fuck this is new, thanks faggot.

>> No.32055241

The phone poster is right though. This board's "culture" was just touhou ERP and jacking it to armpits.

>> No.32055276

The most devastating blow to the western doxxing industrial complex was discoverting that 90% of vtubers are cute japanese girls.
It literally does not compute for the hamplanets at crsytalcafe and pseudoPULL that a girl can actually be cute irl and not ugly and miserable like them.

>> No.32055314
File: 586 KB, 828x1055, 0175996A-921A-4293-ACA3-2728B6EA53FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32055367

I did! It wasn’t too much trouble! I’m sure you’ll be seething how I called you out much longer than I spent writing it. I do hope you finish transitioning so you can hurry to the final step: suicide.

>> No.32055367

im not a 2hufag u goof
see u in /hlg/

>> No.32055457
File: 2.41 MB, 1542x2000, ameliawatson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out what Amelia Watson looks like

>> No.32055494

Isn’t that..?

>> No.32055544 [DELETED] 

Not since 24th December.

>> No.32055724 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 1438x305, 1608775482460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32055924

Based mods

>> No.32055950

>tfw your oshi's roommate is hideous

>> No.32055951

Damn I didnt know our jannies were this fucking retarded. Which anime is hololive from?

>> No.32055999

You do know what board this is, right?

>> No.32056016

>2hu fags buttblasted that they can't dominate the board with ERPing generals for once in 12 years
I hope this is bait.

>> No.32056022
File: 24 KB, 340x255, 1609921869902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32056029
Quoted by: >>32056054

You are the retarded one. Hololive isn't any anime, this is why it is in /jp/ and not in /a/. The same is true for /djt/.
Please learn to read before posting.

>> No.32056052
Quoted by: >>32056161

Meanwhile idol threads have been deleted because the main group already has a general. People have been banned for making sub-group or specific idol threads before.

>> No.32056054
Quoted by: >>32056223

>"which anime is daily japanese thread from?"
Did you read the log or are you just kind of looking at the posts and just winging it with the replies?

>> No.32056153

fuck off trannies

>> No.32056161
Quoted by: >>32056231

Have you tried doing it now?

>> No.32056223
Quoted by: >>32056413

I did. Did you though? Are you actually dumb?

>> No.32056231

Haven't seen people do it in 2-3 years, they learned that it was pointless since it always got deleted. This was back when the AKB general was the 2nd fastest moving general on this board iirc.

>> No.32056413

You do actually know the issue with DJT, yes? Why there's a djt on /a/ and a djt on /jp/.
You're not this new to not understand why the dude complaining mentioned djt and idol threads. You also know what /jp/ was made for and why the things that are here are here and not somwhere else. These are things that you know.
Then you understand my point and your comment is retarded. Vtubers are part of some abstract "otaku culture" and therefore if you need to make a thread for them you make in /jp/. But there's a stretch from "vtibers go on jaypee" and "every nijisanji member needs to have a thread". 2hu threads have been an encroached cancer for some years but those threads dont move and dont slide the actually active threads.
This is a slow board. Go back to wherever you're from making 10 threads an hour.

>> No.32056446

I'm not reading that, rrat

>> No.32056516

Not him, but why are there multiple djts?

>> No.32056547
Quoted by: >>32056668

Post more kson

>> No.32056668
File: 601 KB, 398x362, 1608654369570.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you asked nicely.

>> No.32056676
Quoted by: >>32056837

You’re insinuating that those that make those threads you claim don’t move aren’t egregiously uppity about controlling the vast majority of the board space with literal shit threads and ERP and have actively used those threads as tools to combat everything that has ever entered into jp. As for nijisanji.. all you guys do is post in hololive threads anyways.

>> No.32056731

I might be coping but ,maybe it's to scare creeps away?

>> No.32056837
Quoted by: >>32056892

>the fatchouli armpit threads are a weapon of the cameras-in-japanese-train-stations thread to slide non-/jp/ threads despite the newcomer threads being usually more active than anything native to /jp/
There's actually no way you believe this in real life so I'd like to know your actual opinions and not whatever the fuck this is.

>> No.32056892
Quoted by: >>32057243

I am aware that these are different groups for the most part.

>> No.32056928


>> No.32057238 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 1567x5946, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32057850

Sharkmeido made a post here asking people to be patient but what /hlgg/ fags don't notice is that it was made BEFORE he was publicly humiliated by tranny janny. Gigajannies have been dabbing on him left and right ever since he made that post and /hlgg/ is coping and hoping for his return.

>> No.32057243

But the threads dont move though. /jp/ has always been a slow board, one of the slowest. Even now with the amazing vtuber spam, the hlgg creating 6 threads every time the old one dies (once every 3 hours), the split threads,... there's threads in this board that are a month old. Most of the 2hu threads are about inane shit like in any dead fandom but half the board's threads used to be over a month old at any given time. The touhou spam you pretend is an alternative to the hololive spam was never there to begin with.
The threads that are actually dying are the ones where people post maybe three times a day, not the cirno "wow strong!" threads.

Again, /jp/ exists for a reason and the majority of the generals that exist here are here for a reason.
Also kson is in now way shape or form related to otaku culture except through Coco. This thread shouldnt be allowed regardless of how you feel about vtubers.

>> No.32057313
Quoted by: >>32057629

>The touhou spam you pretend is an alternative to the hololive spam was never there to begin with.
>which touhou has the smelliest farts
>which touhou has the nicest feet
>look at this touhou pregnant
>[pic of touhou as a giant]
>imagine sex with X 2hu
you're right, never any spam at all.

>> No.32057321 [DELETED] 

Can't believe she was a landwhale earlier.

>> No.32057359


>> No.32057430

If you believe that the 2hu fags weren’t aggressively against every thread slot taken from them over the years you are delusional. They screamed and cried over every new thing that has ever come to this board.

>> No.32057523

Ehh they all moan the same. Doubt it is

>> No.32057582

Ah melia

>> No.32057629
Quoted by: >>32057753

All 2 weeks to 2 months old. /jp/ only had spam when it was raided.
>people were/are upset
I dont care what the 2hu erpers think about the idol thread. I never cared about what the 2hu erpers thought about the /hlg/ thread.
I dont care about the fatchouli threads and I dont care about the latest donation on Mori's stream. I actually from the bottom of my heart dont give a shit about all the inane, no content threads that only exist to take up a slot. A thread is garbage if its garbage.
/jp/ has always had a problem with horrible threads, but again, these threads almost never moved because /jp/ was a niche hobby board that actively asked people not to come. People stayed in their dakimakura thread and never posted, there were maybe 500 people in this board at any given time.
If you want to pretend making a Gura thread every week is inherently better than making a Suwako thread every 8 months you're delusional.

>> No.32057692

Do you have examples of them being "aggressive" when the kizuna ai thread was made in 2017?

>> No.32057730

That was mostly the qa mod being mad because sharkemeido eas still active days after.

>> No.32057753
Quoted by: >>32057877

I’m starting to understand. All you want is for the same threads to cling to the board for months for your crossboarding convenience. Secondaries first? Opinion discarded.

>> No.32057827

Mods have always been retarded hence they keep making dead boards.

>> No.32057850
Quoted by: >>32058213

>publicly humiliated by tranny janny
where can i see that?

>> No.32057877
Quoted by: >>32057975

Once again, this is a slow board. Threads dont move fast, theres not that many posters.
Allowing 10+ threads for a single topic is bound to kill the board, that's what the complain is about. Thread managers of 6 years not being able to keep the thread up because it keeps getting slid by ACTUAL hololive spam.
If a thread doesnt reach the post cap, it stays on the board. Slow board, dont spam.

>> No.32057975
File: 123 KB, 781x746, 90B406D6-BFA0-4850-9526-D98AAEE289CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32058054

This “spam” thread just hit bump limit.

>> No.32058054
Quoted by: >>32058089

At the time of the complaint, there were 32 (thirty-two) hololive threads on the board. How is that not spam?
I watch hololive too, but please stop with the tribalist mentality for half a minute and think about this logically. Jesus christ I cant believe Im having to explain "killing board culture is bad" in 2020 on /jp/ of all boards.

>> No.32058089
File: 149 KB, 700x700, 0923B97E-CAE0-4815-AC4C-948C8FF27508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current year has changed, friend.

>> No.32058213
File: 1.33 MB, 1567x5946, 1610352451922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The posts after this first post in the image were all made to mock sharkmeido.

>> No.32058316
Quoted by: >>32058527

Has 4chan always been a cesspit of moderation drama like this?
This little saga reads like something you'd have seen on fucking SA or some shit. It's very embarrassing.

>> No.32058346

nice fuck that avatarfag

>> No.32058527

Everything after hiromoot took place has been downhill in moderation. New boards makes discussion less centered and as result oc, jokes and board culture are dead concepts on the big boards.
However mods wars were always a thing just that before they were more open about it. Nowdays everything is behind curtains.

>> No.32060576

are those mega links? because I'm getting nothing with them

>> No.32062832
File: 293 KB, 555x2003, 3B354513-D72D-4BFB-B64A-19E81DB0ECE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32063600

IRL Polka made sense now

>> No.32064251

All these [deleted] posts. . . Is there anything more pathetic than mass reporting/deleting?

>> No.32067350

>gay ass faggot nigger faggot nigger nigger faggot nigger
trying way too hard to fit in

>> No.32071964

PPT cute

>> No.32073038

id fuck any young female thats isnt a flappy landwhale without seconds thoughts

>> No.32073560

>no megane

>> No.32074629

> 2014
but it's 2021 now, kek

>> No.32075019

The actual decline in /jp/ isn’t the death of touhou feet threads or whatever but that this obvious troll thread, with it’s op and first couple of posts looking like they’re straight out of /v/, still up for some reason.

>> No.32078434
Quoted by: >>32080051

She doesn't look Japanese to me. To be blunt, she resembles "Hecatia" much more than she does "Aqua".

>> No.32078972

What's the point of filming anything if it's the worst most boring thing ever? Like honestly he should take some lessons cause she needs to be treated better.

>> No.32078990

Does Lamy have a tittystream account on YT?

>> No.32079014

>Being this biased against Ame
KFP hands made this image.

>> No.32079016

It's not her.

>> No.32079116

Hang on, you said mid 2019, but I thought Shion hasn't streamed on her main twitcast since August 2018 until September 2020, and on her sub account she hasn't streamed at all since 2017. Am I missing an account or did the streams get deleted?
Do you have any archived?

>> No.32080051

The fuck are you talking about? Get the fuck out of my vtuber board.

>> No.32080242
Quoted by: >>32080395

Who is this and were can i find more? Is this Kiara?

>> No.32080395

She nuked them all from what I can find, she said she didn't want to do them in the first place but needed the money.

>> No.32080468
File: 143 KB, 1109x621, 1608651496700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why'd they put that red filter?

>> No.32080468,1 [INTERNAL] 

Go back to eating your stewed fetus retard

>> No.32080468,2 [INTERNAL] 

Time to necropost and ask what fanbox you are referring to

>> No.32080468,7 [INTERNAL] 

I like her
