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File: 192 KB, 682x1024, 1609998708164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31869744 No.31869744 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive Global

>> No.31869753
File: 31 KB, 485x350, Screenshot (252).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only EN member to like ame's heartfelt post to her teamates
cute! they're lovers

>> No.31869754
File: 634 KB, 1449x2137, ErA_LrLU0AAsU5u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31869783


>> No.31869756
Quoted by: >>31869887

GurAme isn't real and Kiara is shit.

>> No.31869759

she seemed intrigued about the possibility when SCd about it because of the ongoing 'dad calli' joke

>> No.31869758

this one

>> No.31869763

>Gura will never be like this for us

>> No.31869767
File: 154 KB, 1080x1067, ErGbwR7UcAI3EKv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31869777
File: 290 KB, 1600x1600, 1609996435008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are bothers.

>> No.31869778 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 841x776, 1610004761561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I go to bed, I just want you guys to know that they are lovers

>> No.31869779

because we're not "cutie blondies"

>> No.31869783
Quoted by: >>31869837

She's not "your" Mori, she's Cr1tikal's.

>> No.31869797

Wow, rude.

>> No.31869799
Quoted by: >>31869831

... did the skitzos leave? Is this thread safe now?

>> No.31869800
File: 209 KB, 304x272, 1609645176438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that all of the holos look down on coomers and think you're disgusting if you jack off to them

>> No.31869810
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 1609796545074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!

>> No.31869811
File: 100 KB, 1242x1230, 17y043rpa4261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average unityfags

>> No.31869815
Quoted by: >>31869856

now post the lewd art Enot did for them!

>> No.31869819
File: 231 KB, 603x525, 1609422102082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if she tells me to?

>> No.31869820

Woah! What a coincidence!
I love Ina too!

>> No.31869826

>This mod
N - I - G -G - E - R

>> No.31869827

based looks like fun

>> No.31869830
File: 96 KB, 950x687, 1605947397859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too!

>> No.31869829
File: 307 KB, 1587x2048, 1598704628428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive, EU morning Janitor is awake
You know what to do meido

>> No.31869831

We can only hope.

>> No.31869832
File: 2 KB, 293x52, didntJWU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I woke up in a rush
sure ya did mori sure ya did

>> No.31869835
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, 1582376460807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870940

I love these two dorks

>> No.31869833

False, Amelia actively encourages her fans to produce lewd art and fanfics involving her as well as masturbate to those and her.

>> No.31869834
File: 42 KB, 588x520, 756456456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't just thank her once
>thanked her TWICE

Holy fucking based Mel
https://twitter.com/yozoramel/status/1347075071681077250 (embed)

>> No.31869836
File: 286 KB, 2003x2048, 1609879748933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Fuck degenerates.

Next time you think about reaching for your dick, try reaching for a bible instead.

>> No.31869838


>> No.31869837
File: 167 KB, 394x306, 1609778044961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31869844

Nah. Her key belongs to me.

>> No.31869839

Botan's stream was going on the same time as Ame and the CalliGura collab so you might've missed it, but it's a lot of fun. If you like the idea of a cute lion giggling and laughing at extreme sports wipeouts, this timestamp (31 minutes 26 seconds) is for you


>> No.31869840
File: 256 KB, 1803x2000, 1605055465099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love takashi kiara
and there is NOTHING you can say that will change that fact.
i don't care about her sub count or ina's subcount.
i don't care about ships
i just love takanashi kiara!

>> No.31869841

Mori is so retarded so she me thinking I can make music too. If this literal monkey can make some decent tunes it can’t be THAT hard.. I have the none-anime girl debuff though

>> No.31869842
File: 1.92 MB, 2480x2480, 1609804462625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina too!

>> No.31869844
Quoted by: >>31870677

Doxxbraps strike again.

>> No.31869845

Mori's damage control is even more pathetic than i expected.

>> No.31869846


>> No.31869847
File: 183 KB, 850x1203, sample-81e40ce89056c939c7bc05aa88dddef6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Outsider reps, do them! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HylJNyMuzU

>> No.31869848
File: 943 KB, 1024x576, LITERALLY same art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870042

It's literally above average and decently priced and literally anyone who tells you otherwise is a retard who hasn't had to deal with jp vtuber merch before. Birthday shit is usually pure ass.

>It's good for holo merch,
It's good for Niji birthday merch, too, which people (usually) applaud for pumping out as much merch as they do. Look at this shit. And this is fucking RECENT.

I commend Enma and whoever the fuck helped her put this together and I can only hope the rest of the girls get decent shit too.

>> No.31869849
File: 160 KB, 848x1500, 1607854849147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31869878

Alright bros...
>Anya in 1hr
>Rushia in 1.5hrs
>Okayu in 2hrs
>Subaru in 2hrs

>> No.31869850 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 1200x630, NanaInoue15-1345715376445915136-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870368

>Coco gets attacked by China
>Mori supports the CCP, calls for killing unarmed conservative protestors, and brings politics into Hololive
Why Mori?

>> No.31869853

Gura and Mori love, without combining the names because they're siblings!

>> No.31869854
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 1603424207986.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870049

Hanging out with /hlgg/ and getting ready for Aqua's guerilla stream friends, where we at?

>> No.31869855

Can the /u/schizos leave now?

>> No.31869856
Quoted by: >>31869886

I don't like how his fast and horny sketchy art looks better than his later art.

>> No.31869857
File: 2.34 MB, 1969x1009, botan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first holoJP girl to thank Ame's birthday

I kneel Botan

>> No.31869858

Whats the point in leaving the thread up for 3 hours and killing it when people start to migrate?

>> No.31869860
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 1609995745805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31869861

I want to have 9 children with Amelia

>> No.31869862
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871083

cat fat post

>> No.31869863
File: 152 KB, 848x1200, 1583107059315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This detective just turned ∞
Say something nice about them!

>> No.31869864

I've noticed a critical shortage of ogeys lately

How can we fix this /hllg/?

>> No.31869865

Coco can't stop being based

Then there is Mori...

>> No.31869868

she's orange tho

>> No.31869870

We all like GurAme here, just go to one of the threads dedicated to your oshi if you want to discuss them and them alone.

>> No.31869871
Quoted by: >>31870045

it's just a harmless little white lie who cares if she didn't actually remember it immediately after waking up besides she promised that she's gonna make Ame a cake so that should make up for it

>> No.31869872

Will she acknowledge her?

>> No.31869873

Based. I'm watching the VOD now.

>> No.31869874
File: 143 KB, 1536x852, 1580622705965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only JP member to respond to Ame's heartfelt post to her teamtes

>> No.31869875
Quoted by: >>31869976

I love her and I cant get enough of her streams and voice and everything about her

>> No.31869876
File: 1.96 MB, 604x704, Lobotomy [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3hhdo0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870110

>> No.31869877 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 690x1025, aloner112-1346183421698052096-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true, if you're a white male then Kiara and Mori hate you regardless if you are a coomer or not.

>> No.31869878
File: 289 KB, 1610x2048, 1599532309689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks 35p

>> No.31869879

Why are Melfriends like this?

>> No.31869880
File: 465 KB, 760x683, 1608605124643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coomers get the rope

>> No.31869884
Quoted by: >>31869903

I want to see two Holos have an argument just to know how it feels

>> No.31869886

desu >>31869778 might be my favorite gurame kiss art ever
something about the way gura looks there, kinda helpless in ame's arms and at her mercy

>> No.31869887

One of these statements is false.

>> No.31869888

I love chimkin and don't care about numbers either! It's too bad she does, though.

>> No.31869889
Quoted by: >>31869952


>> No.31869890
Quoted by: >>31870168


>> No.31869891
Quoted by: >>31869952


>> No.31869892 [DELETED] 

Doomposting for a bit. I'm actually really afraid that burger politics will find its way to hololive... I really hate political burgers. Fuck both the left and the right.

>> No.31869893
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1608571075896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to play one game with Gura... then I can die happy... What are the chances of me making it in during the next member's stream?

>> No.31869894
File: 232 KB, 1492x2278, 1609474270504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ame's Birthday stream worth watching? I tuned in just as she announced the merch and then tuned out due to some family stuff. Is the VOD worth watching or just forgo it?

>> No.31869896
File: 186 KB, 1265x900, 1593477388253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31869976

Perfectly flawed kind-hearted girl that plays games and entertains the audience she loves

>> No.31869897 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31869928

Alright, I just woke up, why are schizos seething over Mori for the n-th time?

>> No.31869899

Me on the right

>> No.31869901
File: 53 KB, 527x924, small bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oshi is takanashi kiara
amelia is pretty good too.
who else loves these two idiots?

>> No.31869903
Quoted by: >>31869933


>> No.31869905

Sorry anon, I coomed to ame earlier and now reine is next.

>> No.31869906
Quoted by: >>31869974

I kneel Melposter...

>> No.31869907
File: 167 KB, 1181x1181, dff71f83799c2fbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anya didn't do anything for Ame's birthday unlike the rest of ID2
>Anya also liked Mori's "I forgot about Ame's birthday" tweet shortly after it was posted
Did she forget too?

>> No.31869911
File: 1.14 MB, 1245x1161, 1609876667869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31869912
Quoted by: >>31869950

yeah it totally will bro that's why they've ignored all political superchats thus far

>> No.31869913
Quoted by: >>31869955


>> No.31869914

no it wont. fuck off

>> No.31869915
File: 1.26 MB, 1700x1500, 1609445242514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like GurAme but I'm no /u/schizo.

>> No.31869916

Japanese company has no fucks to give about burgers

>> No.31869918 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 1600x900, NanaInoue15-1342009593375895552-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then there is Mori...
Openly calling for the killing of unarmed conservative protestors? Yeah, thank god she revealed this now as I was starting to warm up to her. Jesus dodged a fucking bullet.

>> No.31869919
File: 256 KB, 1549x2581, 6334543543534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked what someone said earlier that Ame brings some genuine blonde gaijin sexiness for the JP's to lust over.

>> No.31869920
File: 81 KB, 1080x1055, 1604813699089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31869983

>here you go based schizo, heres the big yab from Ame's cooking stream
>1 second in
Not the anon you replied to, but you motherfucker. That made my blood feel like it turned into needles.

>> No.31869921
File: 695 KB, 1081x938, 1609425785737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need better rrats obviously.

>> No.31869923

That laugh is great

>> No.31869924

Hitsu's art is cute but I don't know about some of these stickers, what's the deal with the one with her in a red box or the SMILE one?

>> No.31869926

maybe people realised the rrat meme is getting kinda stale

>> No.31869928 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870003

she forgot about ame's birthday or something it's not important and she already promised to make up for it

>> No.31869931

I hope Amelia sees this before going to sleep, I'd hate for Mel to feel rejected all night

>> No.31869933
Quoted by: >>31871749

I remember this, they wouldnt collab or talk to each other for at least a month afterwards

>> No.31869937

I love both of these idiots, not withstanding, I love our other 3 idiots equally as much.

>> No.31869939

It wont

>> No.31869940

Sounds based to me. Fackin cute wolf

>> No.31869941
File: 89 KB, 844x845, 1607222871296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats, I look forward to the next collab. Your oshi is great as is mine. Was fuckin hilarious, and antis and (you) farms, dont bother replying, I dont touch trash like you, in the same way I don't touch horse manure. I'd probably employ one of you or your cousins for 25 cents on the hour, SEAnigger.

>> No.31869942
File: 1.27 MB, 714x399, 1608633871779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31869964

Yeah but while she was doing it she was telling fortunes about ENs, so you'd be better of peddling your hate at /hlg/


>> No.31869943

Just did

>> No.31869944
File: 93 KB, 720x720, 1609543800322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon I'm sure the girl that doesn't stop talking about licking, sucking, and kissing her feet and likes suggestive art on twitter would think that. She probably does the same to be honest.

>> No.31869945
Quoted by: >>31869995

Feels good being a KFPmate. The amount of love I get is overwhelming.

>> No.31869946
Quoted by: >>31869979

Amelia practically ordered her fans to masturbate to/with her.

>> No.31869948

Red box is a reference to that shitty puzzle kusoge she played.

>> No.31869949

It didn't even get above 40 today nigga. I'm not about to walk around in that.

>> No.31869950

Good for them but the cesspit known as twitter is still active

>> No.31869951

It's really great, this is my favourite moment https://youtu.be/TNlSd-snAlo?t=3919

>> No.31869952

Yes "we" newfags. If you can't tell that GurAme is by far the favored ship in these threads especially compared to T*kaM*ri you need to lurk for 100 years.

>> No.31869953
Quoted by: >>31869976

she's smart, kind, hard working, and smells like coconuts

>> No.31869954
Quoted by: >>31870168


>> No.31869955


>> No.31869958
Quoted by: >>31870248

Yes you get to see that Reine cares more about Hololive than Mori and Kiara.

>> No.31869960


>> No.31869961
Quoted by: >>31869996


>> No.31869964

Say. Got Nene's OP animation?

>> No.31869965
File: 56 KB, 274x330, 1609821588023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay boys, here it is: https://mega.nz/file/VP42QLYa#Pvrpjk39AuM6KHQ382A3rxAWGlMEcK-8MaHmyQzDRwA

No ciphering, no password, no creative names to make you lose The Game - I'm sleepy as all fuck, the Crash stream destroyed me

Niggermarked, relatively fresh, with lots of pretty darn cute and relaxed reaper. It does talk a lot about plans for the Reaper Reset, which currently seems at least partly delayed, but mostly focuses on our Morichama easing into her new pace

for the naysayers that get hung up on her inability to deliver exactly what she says she will, I say it's a good moment to step back and understand she's a girl who's trying her best despite having no streaming chops in comparison to other ENs - keep in mind our boy is already a relatively competent musician, lyricist, graphic designer and animator and streaming went on top of all that, and judging by her past ventures, she will definitely pull up to that level in it as well

>> No.31869966

Haachama has been silent ever since her lotion stream. Something must be up especially when she hasn’t congratulated ame on her bday yet. Any news anon?

>> No.31869968
File: 208 KB, 1500x2048, Emes_N6W8AMYwUf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31869969

Answer Botan and Mel, Ame!
Tell her if she hasn't noticed, Enma!

>> No.31869971
File: 107 KB, 266x204, 1607841541078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgot who Mel even was until I saw this
I feel guilty

>> No.31869974
Quoted by: >>31870077

I never did like that guy.

>> No.31869976 [DELETED] 


>> No.31869979
Quoted by: >>31870013

Coomer cope

>> No.31869980
File: 1.58 MB, 193x193, 1609486264950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hell, I knew about Botan's giggles but her full-on laugh is amazing too

>> No.31869981


>> No.31869983

I am the based schizo he replied to and I recognised the url. Still listened to it because that's how based I am.

>> No.31869987
File: 19 KB, 330x336, shit eating grin Reine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870007

But what if the holo is both a coomer AND a dyke?

>> No.31869988

Redpill me on Mel. All I know about her is that her roommate's ASMR is hot

>> No.31869989


>> No.31869992 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 1080x1620, NanaInoue15-1341351051178471425-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all centrists schizos?
>Fuck the left and the right
Why do you do this with left/right mentality bullshit.

>> No.31869995

>watch amelia
>get a kiss
>watch kiara
>get a kiss
feels good

>> No.31869996
Quoted by: >>31870401


>> No.31869997

Probably Amelia "sounds like a you problem" Watson. That or Mori's stupid shit like the Atlus begging stream.

>> No.31869998

I literally don't know shit about Mel and I posted on /hlg/ long before this general existed

All I know is Melposters really really REALLY like NTR

>> No.31869999

Ame is my oshi
I wasn't very into Kiara at first but she's grown on me.
They bring very different energies but they both work hard. I can understand why KFP love their oshi better now in the past couple of weeks.

>> No.31870001

>in comparison to other ENs
Ina and Kiara say hello

>> No.31870002
Quoted by: >>31870092

Sorry but I like Iname, but only cause I like my ships to be purely fictional

>> No.31870003 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870034

Well, I kind of expected it. Not a big deal.
But what's this political shit I'm reading about?

>> No.31870006
File: 49 KB, 450x440, 7454565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura. Please explain the square cake you want to share with Amelia on your birthday.

>> No.31870007
Quoted by: >>31870060

It's okay, you can say Marine.

>> No.31870008
Quoted by: >>31870248

Yes. The start prior to announcing merch was pretty strong and the stuff after the merch announcement was scuffed, but that part's still worth it if you like her.

>> No.31870011

Right. So you're a retard who understands nothing is basically it.

>> No.31870012

My oshi is Kiara and second favourite is Ame. Mad respect

>> No.31870013

>he lacks critical information
Back to the archives, retard

>> No.31870015
Quoted by: >>31870059

I don't care about any shipping in these threads, but it's only people like you that actually annoy me because you can't stop screeching about it.

>> No.31870016
Quoted by: >>31870128

Will you start uploading Faster so I can just cancel my memb?

>> No.31870018
Quoted by: >>31870057

Got gang raped by hololive management, complained but they just gangraped her again, finally went to court, got gangraped in court. She's a broken husk at this point.

>> No.31870020
Quoted by: >>31870059

Imagine being this much of a delusional newfag. No one mentioned TakaMori you absolute schizo.

>> No.31870021
File: 628 KB, 1280x720, 1609937057255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's finally happening bros, I'm so happy

>> No.31870025
Quoted by: >>31870047


Did Haachama actually get in trouble? When was her twitter last active?

>> No.31870027 [DELETED] 

Post fat holos to eat the burger politics out of the thread.

>> No.31870028

Ame's scuffed SSS was cute but I felt bad for her. Imagine practicing a lot and still not being able to sing. She really needs to do her self confidence reps, and only doing vocal training is not gonna help her with that.

>> No.31870030
File: 19 KB, 1126x426, 65374384843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip any Fubuki fans that weren't involved

>> No.31870031
Quoted by: >>31870059

Imagine being enough of a faggot to try forcing a hivemind

>> No.31870032

God I wish I was the Capitol building

>> No.31870034 [DELETED] 

PogChamp got removed from twitch because the dude who it’s based off of said some controversial shit today, so calli removed hers today as well

>> No.31870040
Quoted by: >>31870059

ok newfag
unironically kill yourself dumb nigger

>> No.31870039

Thanks, niggermark. Someday I'll join your ranks.

>> No.31870042

It's pretty good. You can tell Amelia had a lot of input with the merch (the Amelia cube sticker is adorable) and getting Hitsu was the perfect choice.
I agree with this post especially.

>> No.31870044
Quoted by: >>31870101

>naysayers that get hung up on her inability to deliver exactly what she says she will,
that's not being a naysayer, that's expecting someone to be good to their word

>> No.31870045

>doing what she promised
Anon, even the deadbeats know better

>> No.31870047

In prison for tax evasion.

>> No.31870049

Right here, friend

>> No.31870050

Nah, this is InAme country, schizo. Move along.

>> No.31870051
Quoted by: >>31870118

How can you have self confidence when all your life you're treated like shit

>> No.31870053

Gura by "reading" her messages but then ignoring them.

>> No.31870054
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, 1607471996316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870079

I love them and I eagerly await their next non-chess collab.

>> No.31870056
Quoted by: >>31870095

Your roommate reps...

>> No.31870057

damn Japan really do be the perfect society

>> No.31870058 [DELETED] 

>so calli removed hers today as well
Oh did she really?

>> No.31870059
Quoted by: >>31870140

Cope. GurAme is, and will always be the best ship in Hololive.

>> No.31870060
File: 1.71 MB, 850x1233, 1609883619799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine is bi and prefers men. She is filled with cocklust.

>> No.31870062 [DELETED] 

But that's a great thing? Not only people hate pog, but they disassociate themselves from politics.

>> No.31870063

and? You do realize people are getting tired at self-important neoliberal twitterfags and their political theatrics too, right? If their cabal will attempt to hunt the holos down, expect their fans to retaliate

>> No.31870064
File: 207 KB, 747x701, 1604921480894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870150

Thats not true when even keeping it to trinity

>> No.31870065

as long as other regions exist they will get their hand s on it.

>> No.31870067

Just a reminder Season 2 is today

>> No.31870069

>newfag telling others to go to split threads

>> No.31870071
File: 577 KB, 726x539, 13443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine is probably one of the /u/schizo lurking in these thread.

>> No.31870072

Because most of the shit that's happening is caused by the left and the right. But you know what? You're right. Fuck centrists. Just for good measures.

>> No.31870075
File: 203 KB, 351x342, 1599464657391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like... Polka's 3d has really low hype. People were absolutely losing their shit when gen 4 3d got announced.

Is gen 5 just cursed?

>> No.31870077

Ogey ( ´・ω・`)

>> No.31870078
Quoted by: >>31870151

Chinks really went all out blocking Cover's business huh? lol_

>> No.31870079

Actually we should be curious if they improved their chess. But for fucks sake, they need to use a chess platform that has a clock.

>> No.31870080

Sauce on this? That's like the majority of their fans. I take it the narrative is that mori likes black guys and kiara Japanese?

>> No.31870082

She sounded alright for a bit but the second she catches herself making a mistake she loses her voice and borderline shuts down.
I hope she can find a good voice coach that can also help boost her confidence.

>> No.31870083


>> No.31870084

Can GurAmefags fuck off and die forever

>> No.31870086 [DELETED] 

Same anon, I don’t really care for it being gone
Yep, got removed before the MK stream started

>> No.31870088
Quoted by: >>31870235

thank god for you anon, i completely forgot all the good shit was coming today

>> No.31870091
Quoted by: >>31870133

>this retard doesn't know

>> No.31870092

Makes sense, then. Gurame is too authentic and grounded in reality, so it wouldn't be your cup of tea.

>> No.31870093

Ame is a harem protagonist and will as such get a Harem ending. Whether this is all of HoloEN or all of Hololive is up to viewer interpretation.

>> No.31870094

Ame's my third favorite, her collabs with Kiara are always kino

>> No.31870095

I did them Mori has streamed just like those two, hell her account already has emotes and membership unlocked and she did game streams in the past

>> No.31870096
Quoted by: >>31870134

Nene leaked Polka's release date already so we got our hype out of the way early.

>> No.31870097

>falseflagging to get people to shit on gurame more

>> No.31870098

EN fucked over Gen 5's hype.

>> No.31870099 [DELETED] 

More like cover had her remove it, she liked that thing because it was made for her by a friend

>> No.31870100
Quoted by: >>31870856

Anon, have you ever woke up in your bed, check your socials, then slowly start booting yourself up? I'm sure Mori has her roommate's Twitter on her phone and next to her bed. She's more Dice than Forest, mind you.

>> No.31870101
Quoted by: >>31870171

why are you so upset over Mori staying true to 80% of her promises
why do you get hung up over the 20% that mostly stems from her lack of experience in corporate environment
do you even have a better track record of keeping your own promises to yourself? do you do your reps? do you take your meds?
I feel a sensible doubt at that

>> No.31870103

Why cant Guramefags just act like Inamefags, post your art, say how much they love each other and leave it at that

>> No.31870104
File: 199 KB, 1138x1759, 1603649735581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear god I hope so, all shippers along with them as well

>> No.31870107

I don't know what I'd do with them exactly, but buying a lot of those stickers seems like a good alternative to sending superchats.

>> No.31870108

This clown will die of a heart attack during her 3d debut!

>> No.31870110

>the giggle
it gets me

>> No.31870109

Stop replying to doxx bait

>> No.31870111
File: 632 KB, 782x675, 1607262139477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering people like Reine now, can someone tell me some fun facts about her? She seems to do a lot of chatting streams so I assume she's talked about herself some

>> No.31870113
Quoted by: >>31870205

Reine is too based for that.

>> No.31870114

Nene spoiled it before the official announcement.

>> No.31870115
File: 2.98 MB, 1667x2500, 1608771228040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so mad

>> No.31870116

I swear Botan is growing on me

>> No.31870118
Quoted by: >>31870131

get a boyfriend who gives great dickings and godly massages

>> No.31870120 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870162

There is no narrative, it's from her past lifes tweets.
Fuck Mori and Kiara, fuck them both

>> No.31870122


>> No.31870123 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870179

in addition to that, someone from a specific group /hlgg/ hates made a blatant political statement as well, most likely disqualifying any collab chances

>> No.31870124
File: 36 KB, 327x147, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870163


The moon once again beckons my mind, as it hypnotizes me to embrace the madness that awaits me within the Dream Lands. I wish you all a good thread and a good night, wherever you may be.

>> No.31870127

You must've not been here when everyone was losing their shit over clown ass

>> No.31870128
File: 52 KB, 702x873, 1609883447529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870536

no, but feel free to cancel it anyway, the less of you in the T3 streams the happier my oshi is and the more I get to chat with her

>> No.31870129 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31871022

People have been calling for it to be removed for months and now they're gonna act like they care about the reason why.

>> No.31870130
File: 150 KB, 456x496, 86881845_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it too

>> No.31870131
Quoted by: >>31870216

contrary to your virgin brain, life isn't about sex

>> No.31870134

Classic Nene

>> No.31870133
Quoted by: >>31870161

Mori isn't new to streaming she did it in her past

>> No.31870135
File: 84 KB, 817x528, 51ACCD94-AC19-4215-9C44-90F82C8BFDC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870351

>/polu/schizos ruin another thread

>> No.31870138
Quoted by: >>31870175

yes, every single annoying /u/fag is a falseflagger schizo, just like that guy who wrote up a whole paragraph last thread

>> No.31870140


>> No.31870141 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870202

>making sound managerial decisions
pick one

>> No.31870142 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 503x501, tired of your shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870145
File: 241 KB, 495x495, 1602686631162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870180

Have a goodnight and sweet dreams anons. The good times are upon us, let us enjoy them while they last.

>> No.31870146
File: 829 KB, 1006x1632, EmSYAxiU8AA_wS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870148

She's definitely a sheltered ojou-sama.

>> No.31870149 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870167

>said some controversial shit
He didn't say anything controversial. Learn english

>> No.31870150

I really wanna see another trinity collab soon. Too bad there aren't many fun 3 player games.
Imagine if they played Magicka 2 together.

>> No.31870151

It only applied to hk, Taiwan and Macau, everywhere else is fine. Suck for Taiwan and hk but cover intended to pull out of China so this has to happen sooner or later.

>> No.31870152

what the hell is this art supposed to mean

>> No.31870153

Because they are actually autistic/schizophrenic. They don't have an off switch.

>> No.31870154

>Ina did anything? GurAme is over.
Take your own advice.

>> No.31870156
Quoted by: >>31870198

What'd she do anyway? I know it was something with her schedule, is she going to do a watchalong? is she involved somehow?

>> No.31870157
File: 155 KB, 639x700, 1609882249564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871373

Everyone gets a corner piece

>> No.31870159
File: 553 KB, 674x720, 1596904833294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura likes dick
Amelia likes dick
Kiara likes dick
Mori likes dick
Ina who?

Face it /u/fags, none of your ships will every come true since all of them are dick sucking whores.

>> No.31870161

Okay, now try actually reading the first post.

>> No.31870162

>Fuck Mori and Kiara
I wish I could Anon.

>> No.31870163

gn man
dont die

>> No.31870164

It's because they're desperate, they were on top for a long time but now that Ame has made it abundantly clear that she doesn't want to be the "haha she's fucking Gura xD" streamer (and as such has started leaning far more heavily into GFE territory), they're starting to get more vocal as their ship starts to seem more and more farfetched.

Inamefags don't have that issue because they've known from day one that it's a retarded ship that only exists in their heads, and they're content with just the fantasy.

>> No.31870165
File: 1.39 MB, 1387x2048, 1606850726964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chink chads win again baby

>> No.31870167 [DELETED] 

Look poltard I’m not going to jack off your political views, if you want to go talk about how based he is then there is a board for that. Everywhere else people see it as controversial

>> No.31870168
Quoted by: >>31870305

Do you know pekora?

>> No.31870169

The muslim shitposter has woken up.

>> No.31870171
Quoted by: >>31870578

so it's fine if she makes 8 tiny promises but breaks 2 big ones I mean that's still 80% kept right?

>> No.31870174
File: 94 KB, 883x262, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

  I'm watching you faggot

>> No.31870175
Quoted by: >>31871464

Latest SEAnig strat. Abuse anons and lure them to the illegitimate threads by proposing them to be a better alternative

Nah, this is a topic hijack. Nobody that actually treats this as a home thread would ever suggest use of the other threads.

>> No.31870177

>seething this much over the best duo

>> No.31870176 [DELETED] 

Trust me Mori is not disassociating herself from this issue lol, shes actively participating.

>> No.31870179 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870199

Oh, that's great news!
Which one of them went full retard?

>> No.31870180

based chumbud enjoying the moment. good night.

>> No.31870181

How was Ame's birthday? Which girls showed up?

>> No.31870182
File: 853 KB, 1812x3520, 1609129981612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you have to be so mad? It's only ship

>> No.31870183 [DELETED] 
File: 368 KB, 2045x1448, AmandaG07098370-1345699200390991872-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870280

Oh fuck off, disingenuous fuck

>> No.31870184

She's a rich hikki with plenty of time to learn random shit.
She loves language and culture discussions in her brunch streams.
Very measured and fast learner, and willing to play anything.
Too bad she likes talking than videogames.
Also slowly corrupts chat to slowly become more degenerate while maintaining her seiso image.
Barely contained dyke but everything leaks.
Top Right might actually refer to her political alignment.

>> No.31870185
Quoted by: >>31870254

Kiara literally said she's a carpet munching lesbian on stream though.

>> No.31870186

We've already heard she had to yell at Gura for not replying to messages, and I'm sure her zero justification cancellations are grating.

>> No.31870187
Quoted by: >>31870252

man, with how shit your post is, that beautiful picture of Coco barely manages to get it to being overall average

>> No.31870188

Just report it for being a low-quality post and move on.

>> No.31870190
File: 159 KB, 787x900, 1606380985498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really wanna fuck around and get hexed?

>> No.31870191
Quoted by: >>31870275

Ina Gura Reine

>> No.31870193
Quoted by: >>31870271

Does her being a gay turkey come from the fact that she actively? reads fanfiction, or from something else? I saw that she was collecting short fics through marshmallow to be read on stream too.

>> No.31870194

It's been a while since I've rewatched them, but it's a such a stark contrast to her first 3 or so karaokes that it's kind of insane. I mean, I think it happened a few times back then but not nearly as much?
Ame's karaokes usually got credit for her ability to push through and have a lot of fun despite her singing prowess.

>> No.31870196
File: 313 KB, 560x873, 1593675333287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand, /u/posters' bait is the easiest to avoid, how does this even happen, how does it derail threads every single time? It's not even attacking your oshi or fanbase
It's unironically tumblr tier shippfaggotry

>> No.31870195

Jesus, you're as paranoid as the /u/schizos.

>> No.31870197
File: 9 KB, 564x712, 1609895994862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some real autistic number crunching out of curiosity, and found something interesting. A pretty high proportion of people who commented on one of the member videos posted by the girls have either cancelled or failed to renew their memberships since then. Except Takodachi, who seem pretty loyal. Also keep in mind that Mori's video here is a bit older than the other girls, by a couple of weeks if I remember right that and her membership is kind of shitty value t. Deadbeat

Gura 42/181 (Cancelled members out of total commenters)

Ina 19/146

Watson 39/151

Mori 52/139

I didn't do Kiara since I don't have her membership, sorry KFP.

>> No.31870198
File: 94 KB, 443x540, 1609354664465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870231

You can't just ask the CEO of DOXX to not leak stuff.

>> No.31870199 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870250

I'm not spoonfeeding, check yourself on twitter

>> No.31870200 [DELETED] 

Your proof being...?

>> No.31870202 [DELETED] 

I agree, but i doubt Mori is aware of the twitch thing herself.

>> No.31870203
Quoted by: >>31870354

Kiara hating men is a known fact

>> No.31870204
File: 5 KB, 230x230, CF8C0CC4-B4ED-44F6-A3D1-E86A618F0EBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31870205

>says she likes slow-burn romance fanfiction
>drew straight up yuri porn

yeah i'm thinking reine gets hot and bothered thinking about gura and ame's sweaty makeout and fuck sessions, and we KNOW her english is good enough to post here without being called ESL

>> No.31870210

Even before Nene leaked the date, Bloom and the model leak from one of the merch sites already spoiled the surprise.

>> No.31870211

Sorry thats not how hololive works though. Hopefully ame will respect hololive culture more on her next birthday and do her preparation/invite reps

>> No.31870215
Quoted by: >>31870275

ina, gura and reine showed up.
kiara wrote a heartfelt message and built her a huge railway in minecraft.

>> No.31870216

have sex incel

>> No.31870217
Quoted by: >>31870240

Did you have a script for this? I can check, I'm KFP.

>> No.31870219

>on one of the member videos posted
On one of the FIRST member videos posted, should've been clear.

>> No.31870220

She's not making a shitty all caps bait. She's making a full blown yuri hentai of each holo pairings.

>> No.31870221
Quoted by: >>31870275

it was comfy. she prepared some new backgrounds which took a fair amount of effort.
Gura, Ina, and Reine called in.

>> No.31870222

>tumblr tier shippfaggotry
In what universe is a ship between a loli and a grown woman "tumblr-tier"? Kill yourself anti-GurAme schizo

>> No.31870223

the more you try to improve, the more critical of yourself you will be

>> No.31870225


>> No.31870227

>ame merch hasn’t sold out yet
>typical holojp merch sells out instantly within an hour
poormates really living up to their name

>> No.31870228

>deadbeats jerk it now
Ya I don't think so

>> No.31870229

InAme guys have nothing but like 10 seconds of clips and a few fan art pieces.
Meanwhile Gurame has hours worth of moments by now, twenty times the art and is pretty real, albeit in its early stages until their offcollab.

So it's obvious why the latter would see much more posting and engagement.

>> No.31870231
Quoted by: >>31870329

No, I mean how did it leak?

>> No.31870233

>said some controversial shit

>> No.31870235


>> No.31870238
File: 3.88 MB, 2480x3508, 1609995213092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am honestly shocked no one clipped this, since this is like the perfect combonation of Peesa kitkat+goslingposting, so I used streamable for the first time to do it myself:



>> No.31870239

Quality numbers post bro, pretty interesting

>> No.31870240

No, I just counted.

>> No.31870241
File: 663 KB, 1438x756, 1609881399258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870244
File: 454 KB, 564x873, 1608347730790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870594

>Mori 52/139
This is still not enough. I want to see 138/139

>> No.31870245
Quoted by: >>31870294

These are made to order, retard.

>> No.31870246

Congrats you found the two times I've posted the picture and one of them was in response to you having your ass destroyed.

>> No.31870248
File: 3.87 MB, 2149x3035, 86804915_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871827

Appreciated; I'll risk a lewd as a thanks

>> No.31870249
Quoted by: >>31871969

Klauis are you moving on to the peacock now?

>> No.31870250 [DELETED] 

I checked all the vshojo accounts but I saw nothing. Only Melody said something about it and it was really neutral.

>> No.31870252 [DELETED] 
File: 605 KB, 2480x2892, Leonartha03-1345777058681507840-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm posting Coco despite how Mori is stabbing her in the back
>Coco stays clean of politics
>Mori jumps the fuck back in
Fuck Mori and fuck deadbeats who support this, you are not being Unity bringing politics back into Hololive.

>> No.31870254

wait she said the girl from her childhood had pink hair? Kiara also likes Mori. Does Kiara have a pink hair color fetish

>> No.31870253
Quoted by: >>31870272

in the same way that it's obsessive as fuck about a relationship that doesn't exist

>> No.31870255

peesa kitkatposting died after the guy nuked the original file after armaggedon

>> No.31870256 [DELETED] 

the voices in his head
they never lied to him before, why would they start now

>> No.31870260

Me on the left

>> No.31870263
Quoted by: >>31870299

She already did 6 eating streams in just one month.

>> No.31870264 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 1371x995, 1609962572178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31870265

Kiara's roommate got a girl she found on Tinder to record one of her videos.

>> No.31870267 [DELETED] 

Yea it's pretty great. It also gives all the EN girls a further excuse to dissassociate themselves from twitch so I see this as a complete win.

>> No.31870268
Quoted by: >>31870407

>Lamy in 2mths

>> No.31870270

Holy autism...

>> No.31870271

she's a yuri artist

>> No.31870272

Do people REALLY believe Gura doesn't have ANY romantic feelings towards Ame or is this bait

>> No.31870273 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870293

She likes and wants to collab with THAT group while also removing her emote for the same reason twitch did

>> No.31870274
Quoted by: >>31870308

holy shit, the anti really started to use chink tactics
if they gonna work as effectively, expect Mori's memberships and SC revenue to spike, lol

>> No.31870275
Quoted by: >>31870333

That's nice. I should rewatch it asap.

>> No.31870276
File: 18 KB, 437x431, 1601267953351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870369

>Playing games eternally with Ame

>> No.31870277

Fuck. Reine is lesbian and hates guys?

>> No.31870278 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870323

Didn't Mr.Text-to-speech went full retard?

>> No.31870279

Based. GurAme makes trannys seethe and post FBI open up memes.

>> No.31870280 [DELETED] 

Just on the off-chance that it isn't obvious
this is a chink out in the wild.

>> No.31870281 [DELETED] 
File: 392 KB, 1212x1238, Screen Shot 2021-01-07 at 18.54.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look harder

>> No.31870282 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870323

not him but its Zentraya.

>> No.31870283

Thank you based sumo man!

>> No.31870286 [DELETED] 
File: 714 KB, 1536x2048, Wavervelvet44-1345630097991114752-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Zen. The man pretending to be a woman?
>Instead we are hearing the justification and the celebration of people storming the CAPITAL with guns, hatred, racism and more.
You know the UNARMED protest? Yeah he's a real bootlicker Zen.

>> No.31870288

by being a fag that make fan fics to every normal interaction you massive /u/tard

>> No.31870289


>> No.31870293 [DELETED] 

Did the demons in your head tell you this?

>> No.31870294

no they sell out Ame said so they restock weekly though

>> No.31870295 [DELETED] 

all me

>> No.31870296 [DELETED] 

>Everywhere else people see it as controversial
Kill yourself

>> No.31870298

Is Mel-senpai the collab partner that will be difficult to handle according to Mio's tarot card reading??

>> No.31870299
File: 1.35 MB, 1791x792, Architect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an issue, sir?

>> No.31870301

She has definitely improved. But since FES she also takes it a lot more seriously. To the point that she struggles to finish some songs now. I'm no teacher so I'm not sure how to help her.

>> No.31870302

Guramefags literally don’t post shit until an Inamefag comes in and posts some shit about how Gurame is over and Iname is better.
Then they cry and get all uppity because Gurame outnumbers them 10:1 and has some of the most autistic schizos on this board with MLA papers ready to go

>> No.31870303

based autism. don't let the robots win.

>> No.31870305


>> No.31870307 [DELETED] 

What a strange falseflag

>> No.31870309

The Flare debut followed by all the Gen 4 debuts was a sign that we were finally getting over the corona shit. So it was like double excitement for that and finally getting Gen 4 3D after half a year.

>> No.31870308 [DELETED] 

Here come the Mori apologists. We don't need MORE politics in Hololive and Mori brought it in.
You are looking at the wrong place for the source of this problem.

>> No.31870310 [DELETED] 

Not hololive, FUCK OFF

>> No.31870311

the chuckle at the end makes my kokoro go doki doki

>> No.31870312

Deadbeats, gimme your honest opinion. Did ya boi fuck up?

>> No.31870313

Interesting. I wonder if this is due to people leaving negative comments and then discontinuing their memberships, or it's just the natural churn rate of members being represented.

>> No.31870315
Quoted by: >>31870357

This isn't true.
I've seen Gurame fags go nuts just because an Iname image gets posted.

>> No.31870317
Quoted by: >>31870344

Did you check for duplicate names? if so, how?

>> No.31870319

thank you anon
i will dream of endless days playing games and spending time with ame

>> No.31870320 [DELETED] 

There's at least one demon I wouldn't mind in my head desu

>> No.31870321
File: 46 KB, 1392x287, 1582005434115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870323 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870336

Oh, I forgot about him.
That's, uh, unfortunate.

>> No.31870324
File: 560 KB, 892x772, 1609895091931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871544

I feel like people clip stuff less in general, it makes me sad. I liked /hlgg/s clips WAY more than the youtube ones.

>> No.31870327
File: 172 KB, 827x1223, 1605633879607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to marry, kiss, and then impregnate this pheonix.
first in line btw ;)

>> No.31870328 [DELETED] 

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.31870329
File: 905 KB, 1090x611, 1579882112547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870331 [DELETED] 

>I know I'm supposed to be an escape from peer pressure politics.... but my peers are doing politics and i feel pressured to join them!

>> No.31870333

Ame also mentioned the art Ollie made for her and Moona being an architect in the DMs

>> No.31870334 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870381

Psst, hey, if you want to spam Mori's chat here's the link to the wheelbarrow

>> No.31870335

>gurame exists
>idolfags, fags of every other ship seethe to no end
how can one pairing between two of holoENs finest cause this much chaos and sow this much discord. they’re too powerful.

>> No.31870336 [DELETED] 

It really is, they had an amazing charity run for toys for tots and then this fuckhead does a Mori and makes it bad for everyone involved.

>> No.31870339
File: 194 KB, 500x380, 1609410608229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870365

>an emote is now representative of politics, so mori removes it
>accused of bringing politics back into hololive
>the poster himself is actively posting politics in this thread
You are one stupid nigger.

>> No.31870343 [DELETED] 

Why are Poltards like this? The funny part is that I don’t even think he should’ve been removed, but he said controversial stuff. That’s literally the whole reason this is a thing now.

>> No.31870344
Quoted by: >>31870392

It's not like there were that many comments, I'd remember a name if it popped up twice, and it usually only did in reply chains. I'm just painting myself as more of an autist with every word I say, aren't I?

>> No.31870345

>Aqua starting

>> No.31870346
File: 180 KB, 532x633, medsonegai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the last (You) I'll give you

>> No.31870349

This is really sweet

>> No.31870351
File: 379 KB, 427x427, 1606272481199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870350

Only in that waiting for the report timer is kinda boring. Uppity chinks need to get their organs harvested already.

>> No.31870352

Mori doesn’t have a specific liking towards skin color. Just height, personality, inspiration, relationship, etc.
Mori does care if your a shitty coomer. And she’ll hate you even more if you fail your respecting women reps

>> No.31870354
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x704, chimkinspotted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After something like this I would too lol

>> No.31870355 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870511

yea duh
so easy to not make any political statements lol

>> No.31870357

You mean the one samefag that turned out to be a massive Gura anti and got banned for samefagging?
He was a “guramefag” yet constantly shit on both Gura and Ame, weird

>> No.31870361 [DELETED] 

>does a Mori
In what way?
He went completely bananas over some thing he could have completely ignored.

>> No.31870363
Quoted by: >>31870385

Mori has a self-admitted azn fetish, do people really not know this? Not even narrativeposting

>> No.31870364

I didn't have a chance to check out Mori's stream I was too busy with Amelia's minecraft how is her new stream layout that she was making?

>> No.31870365 [DELETED] 

>an emote is now representative of politics
You are a retard.
The emote is a representative for someone excited. You didn't even do any research into the field. 0/10

>> No.31870366
File: 46 KB, 461x461, 1609768157770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870416

What are these antis up to right now? Mori hasn't said anything political what gives?

>> No.31870368

all ya'll falseflagging making me wonder if she has a third twitter account I don't know about

>> No.31870369

She'll put you in a timeloop just to play games together forever.

>> No.31870371
File: 947 KB, 2894x4093, 1604371504941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori still hasn't sang Philistine yet

>> No.31870373


bless your soul

>> No.31870377

>They're both out of the picture and won't ever marry me? We can't have that!

>> No.31870378

This guy is unironically trying to have a debate in hlgg

What a retard

>> No.31870379
File: 7 KB, 150x150, kiaragun_2_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fags talking about politics for whatever reason need to be launched into the sun.

>> No.31870381

This whole "let's use chink tactics against Mori, right guys? Based!" thing seems like a half-baked idea from a deadbeat discord. Falseflagging as really shitty antis is pure 't. deadbeat" tier

>> No.31870382

ITT: 40+ y/o men arguing over which anime girls kiss each other

>> No.31870383

This is pretty interesting considering most of the members I see in chat have 3+ months membership badge. I guess their core members are starting to cement themselves more.
Also I wonder how many people who membered Ame during her birthday stream will fail to renew once the new month rolls around.

>> No.31870384 [DELETED] 

And you can blame Mori for it.

>> No.31870385

do your watching the streams reps https://streamable.com/ivc5ye, now here's the part where you tell me that the words out of her mouth don't count

>> No.31870386
File: 2.95 MB, 720x720, 1600163433490.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870410

I see you guys have gotten bored of /pol/ melting down and have decided to come back here to shit up the thread.

>> No.31870387
Quoted by: >>31870414

Whoever is at the top always gets the most haters

>> No.31870388
Quoted by: >>31870506

>Top Right might actually refer to her political alignment.
real shit?

>> No.31870390

She and Cover made 15K USD with her streams tonight and the site to buy the merch was going down because of traffic, even if you consider her fanbase doesn't have many paypiggies she's doing pretty damn good.

>> No.31870392

don't worry too much about it. autistic people bring insights that are outside the normal perception. so long as the targets of one's autism are topics worthy of discussion, don't be ashamed of it.
t. sperg

>> No.31870395
Quoted by: >>31870427

Who knew an anon explaining the Pog situation would lead to a thread derailing

>> No.31870396


>> No.31870397

even if Ame never collabs with anybody ever again, she will forever be my oshi, she is shaping up to be like Korone in terms of collabs

>> No.31870399
File: 32 KB, 396x405, EOffuepU0AAlyFs.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870429

Man, it's been a while since the rrats went all out, I don't even know what the main topic is anymore. Pretty fun thread we're having.

>> No.31870400
File: 117 KB, 974x689, 7866845343543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ame art just keeps flowing in.

>> No.31870401
File: 389 KB, 800x400, 567575754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870423

>Caring about the game and not Chocos erotic moaning.

>> No.31870402

Congrats on your first OC
Here's one of mine: https://streamable.com/ytdmx5

>> No.31870406
File: 136 KB, 800x800, Ame Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This detective is doing some funny things to my heart...

>> No.31870407

Can't wait!

>> No.31870408
Quoted by: >>31870435

More like americans for being massive faggots who spread their shitty politics everywhere

>> No.31870410 [DELETED] 

>mori does something dumb
>blames pol
I don't even know.

>> No.31870412
File: 520 KB, 512x512, 1608868690328.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking thread

>> No.31870414

Success breeds jealousy

>> No.31870415
Quoted by: >>31870438

Whoever posted Ayame mama's RFA vid in the last thread thanks, that 3D made me really excited for her Ame's RFA will be once she gets her 3D and does it

>> No.31870416

mori removed a shitty emote now people are mad I'm glad they are on that topic and not her skipping ame's b-day cause that rrat has meat so it could actually be more annoying since it's a half truth and half truths are the strongest rrat Either way I'mma watch treerrat vods because she's the best

>> No.31870419
File: 3.73 MB, 2660x2872, dblte0k-a61a71ec-9122-4bb2-a5a8-609908f33b38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect the wishes of my fellow egoists, yes.

>> No.31870420
File: 9 KB, 840x560, 1596017525735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870423
File: 990 KB, 1233x872, 1609912283569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870424
Quoted by: >>31870482

Because people over-analyze their interactions and relationship instead of just posting cute art and fanfictions

>> No.31870425

>deadbeats are the antis
>they're also the yesmen
>but they also falseflag as the 'reasonable commenters' from other fanbases
...who ISN'T a Deadbeat in this thread!?

>> No.31870426
File: 30 KB, 500x375, 1602740177631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously considering getting mario kart again after having sold it couple years ago.

>> No.31870427

It's just 1 (ONE) complete schizo going nuts.

>> No.31870429

Strange looking Shion you got there

>> No.31870430
Quoted by: >>31870542

It gets hate just because of how autistic people get about it. Nobody else cares about when their ship gets shit on like guarame fans, so more people do it to provoke /u/schizos.

>> No.31870435 [DELETED] 

And Mori is an american being a massive faggot spreading her politics everywhere. So there was no nead for a "more like"
I'm not American btw.

>> No.31870436
Quoted by: >>31870458

>the same 2 faggots spamming anti mori shit and trying to bring up politics
It’s all so tiresome..

>> No.31870437
Quoted by: >>31870494

Reminder that if all you do is complain about the thread being shit without actually reporting anything you're part of the problem.

>> No.31870438

You're welcome

>> No.31870440
File: 872 KB, 1600x900, 7657665465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That kinda saddens me in a way. I love Korone's DKC collab with Kanata. How she played the hype man for PPT to the point of even kayfabe'ing the last boss battle in order to make her have a more fun time.

>> No.31870443 [DELETED] 

Do you guys think cover warned all the girls to never mentioned and to ignore all the chat about all the political bs that is going on right now? Did they learn anything from the Taiwan incident?

>> No.31870445
File: 2.85 MB, 960x540, AmeJoi [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fncjt30.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870491

>learned that bladerunner is genuinely an absolutely Kino movie and had the time of my life, Ame also gave it her highest rating
>have actual Amelia Watson merch on the way to my house
>Got to listen to Ame privately whisper in my ear
>get to check my phone while im in bed to see her cute members comments where she acts like some 14 year old from deviantart
>Got to watch Ame make a new friend in Reine and have a great birthday

Bros I'm getting way too deep the GFE is too real at this point also damn her streams have been way too fucking good

>> No.31870448 [DELETED] 

That just makes her even more based in my eyes.

>> No.31870450

She can play so many games when she sets up her new PC! Please stop putting it off, Ame...

>> No.31870453 [DELETED] 

Coping with literal facts now? Jesus...

>> No.31870455

By not waking up at 9 fucking AM for Ame's birthday? Yes. Don't care about whatever it is mutts and chinks are being butthurt about this time. If they aren't giving out free helicopter rides I'm not interested.

>> No.31870456
Quoted by: >>31870473


>> No.31870457

I'm sure deadbeats disliked bombed Mori.That guy is obviously talking shit, but dislike bombing is low tier shit.

>> No.31870458

dont mind them, they will switch back to Ame in about 1321 seconds, then back to Mori again after that

>> No.31870460
File: 966 KB, 1000x1333, F2689A05-8E9C-4353-BEF1-38AFC5973B9A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can we fix this /hllg/?

convince Pekora to play something else besides minecraft for the 63674874947485 time, she wastes her talent by playing such a boring game, no wonder people are getting bored

>> No.31870459
File: 6 KB, 272x185, spy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870486


>> No.31870461
File: 1.60 MB, 960x538, Here's 30 seconds of Aqua's new Loading Screen to speed up the smoothing of your brain [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqkgzl6.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870474

>> No.31870462

you don't have to be an idolfag to hate yuriniggers who spread fanfics outside of their containment board

>> No.31870464
File: 239 KB, 645x636, frog of unrest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870488

KFP bros,
did you do your frog reps for today?

>> No.31870465
Quoted by: >>31870476


How do we stop Moririn from turning into a Gosling?

>> No.31870468
File: 234 KB, 1270x714, 1609661235812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870599

I don't think cover needs to say shit. Anyone with a couple burning brain cells are probably absolutely sick of American politics and wants to stay an ocean away from it.

The entire point of hololive is escapism anon.

>> No.31870471 [DELETED] 

Nigger you're dumb as fuck

>> No.31870473
File: 520 KB, 1000x1000, 1608702313653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this stupid onion's loading screen!

>> No.31870474

Fucking Aqua

>> No.31870475 [DELETED] 

Definitely HololiveJP did, not sure about EN.
Looking at how bad Mori set up her ASMR stream I think Yagoo has ZERO support for EN. Like jesus christ is this an indie company?

>> No.31870476

More date streams with chat. Valentine's feels so far away.

>> No.31870477

Me I'm not a deadbeat
t. deadbeat

>> No.31870480
Quoted by: >>31870519

I find it cute that when Reine was brainstorming emotes she was thinking of a top right emote like how Kiara has bottom left and a 11/10 emote like Kiara's 10/10. I'm excited for their birdped collab

>> No.31870481

What did she said or do?

>> No.31870482

At this point it doesn't happen that much. I see more "InAme" posters making identical posts to what GurAme posts used to look like but for Ina and Ame instead.

>> No.31870483

Where did you get the info on if they have membership now? Find them commenting on current videos?

>> No.31870486

are (You) a deadbeat?
I'm sure not... or am I?

>> No.31870488

Once was enough

>> No.31870489
File: 274 KB, 600x388, 1607828526375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a while most people would just reply "meds" or "based" and move on, but now each side tries to get a reaction out of the other for fun. Hence why anytime Ame or Gura do X, GurAme is back; anytime Ame or Gura fail to do X or interact with another holo, GurAme is dead. This inevitably derails threads.
Usually when Ame or Gura actually collab it calms down bar 1-2 falseflagging doomposters or something, with the exception of their last Minecraft because people were shitposting the Holotalk overlap instead.

>> No.31870490
Quoted by: >>31870541

(You) first, Anon

>> No.31870491
File: 57 KB, 674x708, 1607754751485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870592

Don't worry anon, it's mutual
(You) are the BFE for her too

>> No.31870492
Quoted by: >>31870615

I would clip more myself but I don't know a good way of doing it other than just downloading the whole video and editing out the part I want to clip. I'm not too keen on doing it for 8+ hour videos.

>> No.31870494

this is true

>> No.31870498


>> No.31870499
Quoted by: >>31870589

Badge next to their name.

>> No.31870500

>Removes an emote to avoid any political controversy associated with it, directly caused by twitch removing the emote (and the guy making the tweets)
>Get accused of being political
We know you're not American. What time is it in SEA again?

>> No.31870501

Because /u/schizos obsess over them fucking IRL instead of shipping the characters.

>> No.31870503
File: 127 KB, 562x724, 1606381743786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870505
File: 893 KB, 800x1131, Dumb cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870525


>> No.31870506

It's a joke. But she does read plenty of articles about racial violence. and is a cultural advocate. Don't worry though, she's definitely not anglo-right.

>> No.31870507

removed pog emote after twitch did the same, guy who the emote is based on said some shit today so now people are distancing themselves from him so yes people are mad about the same emote they never wanted added being removed despite wanting it removed

>> No.31870508

>Like jesus christ is this an indie company?
It literally is an indie company...

>> No.31870511

Things could have turned out better, but we all know our boy isn't very bright, so we don't know if she really was in the JWU gang or just simply forgot/didn't do her holo reps. Ame is partially to blame for not planning for call ins. I'm sure plenty of Holos/Homos would have loved to send her a translated message like Gura did for Shion.
>removing an emote that's linked to a major controversy is a political statement
She knew fags were going to try and get her into some shit by spamming that emote, so she removed it, simple as that

>> No.31870516

>im not american btw
nice try schlomo

>> No.31870517 [DELETED] 

I'm not from SEA so I don't know.
Nice narrative btw

>> No.31870518

>open Gura channel
>1 hour VOD

What happened?

>> No.31870519

What a leech
I actually warmed up to her, she is a huge dork, cant wait for the collab

>> No.31870521
File: 692 KB, 1920x1428, ErDCrEsUUAEV4eV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The picture that filtered both /hlg/ and /hlgg/

based Marine

>> No.31870525
Quoted by: >>31870575


>> No.31870526

I think Aqua is a cute retard

>> No.31870532
Quoted by: >>31870547

Why does the mori like being alone?

>> No.31870533

I have no idea what that has to do with what I was talking about but alright.

>> No.31870534

In her earlier karaokes, she got through songs by playing up her bad singing. It's easy to not feel bad about something if she says she's just doing it for fun, then detaching herself from it so she doesn't feel hurt when people make fun of it. It's something I do too often.
It's harder to play it off when you're putting genuine effort in.

>> No.31870535

Just did a quick check on this Kiara post
I count 32 unique names without member badges out of 166 comments, though there may have been a couple duplicate commenters within those that are still membered, and exactly one non-member commented twice.

What's funny is a good number of the people who left the membership were talking fondly about getting their future kfc bucket badge.

Their names don't show membership badges if they left.

>> No.31870536

Based and agreed.

>> No.31870539

>deadbeat discord
Those faggots are terrified of 4chan. What are you talking about?
There is a skeleton inside all of us. Even you.

>> No.31870541

No, now eat a bullet

>> No.31870542

The issue is amplified because the /u/schizos want to be provoked so they can spread the word. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them actively falseflag as gurame haters to kickstart the posting

>> No.31870543
Quoted by: >>31870561

Stream started 1 hour late because of delays, that cut down the time

>> No.31870545 [DELETED] 

>does a Mori
even Mori wouldn't do something so fucking stupid

>> No.31870546 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870633

>everyone trying their best post new year
>mori sinks everyone down
How does she do this?

>> No.31870547

she's an introvert

>> No.31870548

The background in your image is probably what her actual house looks like.

>> No.31870550

absolutely based as usual
hope you don't die

>> No.31870551

words words words words

>> No.31870553


>> No.31870555

Same here but I do wish for her to collab more. One of her NY resolutions was to improve at collabs, I'll hold her to that and hope that goes well.

>> No.31870556

So for geekjack, some anon said that it ships with dhl, I'm only seeing ems as shipping option? Or am I mistaken it with buyee?

>> No.31870557
Quoted by: >>31870590

You either die PogChamp, or you live long enough to see yourself become WeirdChamp.

>> No.31870558
Quoted by: >>31870593

usual Mario Kart collab, they wanted to go a bit longer but Mori's battery ran dry (in the joycon, not metaphorical)

>> No.31870561

We'll gettem next time

>> No.31870563
File: 966 KB, 1280x720, 1491720540580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31870564

Guys trying to bait the skitzos won’t work, they blew their loads already

>> No.31870565 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 576x576, all so tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>criticize Mori for bringing politics into hololive
>all the /leftypol/ trannies start raiding the thread

>> No.31870569

Dead controller cut the stream shorter than expected.

>> No.31870573 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870603

Yeah I remember the last time Mori went on a political rant on Twitter, any other holos you think might pull a Mori like that one day?

>> No.31870574
File: 753 KB, 613x533, 1609476420622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all the IDs so fucking rich? Isn't the point of hololive that they get these down on their luck depressed girls?

Isn't Moona and Iofi also loaded? I thought Indonesia was a poor shithole

>> No.31870575

I would watch a 1 hour loop of this.

>> No.31870577


>> No.31870578
File: 46 KB, 497x521, yesbeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870950

yes, because what might be big for you isn't big for me and vice versa

>> No.31870579
File: 4 KB, 290x49, jesas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure deadbeats disliked bombed Mori.
Nah it was a couple SEAnigs from here breaking containment and shitting up pre-chat with stuff like "she doesn't care about hololive deadbraps cope cope!"
The normalfag deadbeats just assumed they were chinks, but at this point they might as be

>> No.31870580

it's kinda fucked up that hololive loses to indies in pretty much every department besides popularity.
there are better indie models, rigs, full fucking at-home 3d setups, all of it.
anya's still streaming from a pocket calculator and is almost lagging behind holostars in terms of viewership due to it.
i honestly don't know what cover is spending all of it's money on, is it owned by yakuza or something?

>> No.31870581


>> No.31870583

I believe in you anon. I somehow made it on the turkey.

>> No.31870584
Quoted by: >>31870638

Someone should ask Ame about the progress of the charity stream

>> No.31870585 [DELETED] 

What fucking politics are you talking about?

>> No.31870589
Quoted by: >>31870629

Yes but if I got it correctly, you took the names from member stream, then looked for their comments in new streams to see if they have the badge?
Chat replay shouldn't change, so whatever your membership was at the time, it should stay like that forever in the replay, right?

>> No.31870590

I feel better about Mike getting out when he did now.

>> No.31870591
File: 3.19 MB, 1920x1428, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870592

She's a honest and kind girl but she's clearly a bit creeped out by the amount of people that are obsessed with her, as she said tonight ("there's too many people OBSESSED with me"). Goslings sometimes need to tone down a notch or two. While she likes her investigators, I doubt it'll turn into something like Polka or Rushia.

>> No.31870593 [DELETED] 

>failed ASMR mic
>failed to charge phone, starved
>disconnected camera, lost tracking
>can't charge joycons
>brings politics to hololive global
Yeah, its ya boy

>> No.31870594

God why does this stupid expression still make me laugh every time after all these months?

>> No.31870596

With the batteries, yeah. Big time.
With the emote? Hell no. Would be a problem no matter what she chose to do with that. Like this, schizos will get bored after a few hours of shitting up the thread with this. Won't be a problem outside of here.
With Ame's birthday? Yes and no. You're supposed to make a lot of noise, and celebrate with your gen. Part of supporting your people is making your presence and support known on their stream, or on twitter, or just in general. But also no, because this isn't her actual birthday.

>> No.31870598 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 448x448, 1609550007463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870599

I agree but the same can be said about the Taiwan thing. Anyone is even one brain cell would never expect one word would cause that much of a shitstorm. The least cover can do it remind them to stay away, some of them can slip up, mori being a high chance of it.

>> No.31870601

Anya is 100% poor.

>> No.31870603 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870660

I can't believe it was a 30 page essay on why buying child sex slaves should be legal
I know she's a libertarian shotacon but it was still a bit extreme

>> No.31870605
File: 1.32 MB, 1277x715, yabai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871961

>It's been over a week
>NO ONE has subtitled the Kiara Sora Nene collab


>> No.31870606

Judging by her "ayeah I remember" joke during MC I think it's pretty much over

>> No.31870607

Jokes on you, I like Matsuri.

>> No.31870608

I love the CEO of dox

>> No.31870609

The lights should be off and the room should be in a mess, but otherwise yes.

>> No.31870611

I'm glad she's taking it seriously and working hard but I hope she actually seeks out help with improving. I'm worried if she just keeps trying to bruteforce it like she does most things she's going to burnout when she doesn't magically get better.

>> No.31870613

>Gura hasn't upgraded her PC
How is she going to play RDR2?

>> No.31870614

>Mori lowkey admitting Kiara gets on her nerves

>> No.31870615
Quoted by: >>31870674

have you ever tried going to the homepage of the site that's hosting the clip you're responding to?

>> No.31870616 [DELETED] 

>the only faggot pushing this angle

>> No.31870617 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870649

Ignore him. He's just one schizo that really hates Mori.

>> No.31870619
File: 845 B, 77x61, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870719

Oh it was a dislike bomb alright.

>> No.31870620
Quoted by: >>31870722

Whatever it was I think she noticed. And she might have even saw the thread shitting on her too.. seemed eager to apology at the end of the stream

>> No.31870621 [DELETED] 

>there are better indie models, rigs, full fucking at-home 3d setups, all of it.
For example vshojo has a ton of support for their girls and its so bizzare to compare them
>i honestly don't know what cover is spending all of it's money on, is it owned by yakuza or something?
It has to be some sort of scam. I don't get it.

>> No.31870622 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870691

removing the emote

All of my posts have been on topic nigger

>> No.31870625
File: 14 KB, 333x272, 1602154633037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua is making autistic noises and is being cuter than usual and you're here shitposting about an ugly pog emote Mori used.

>> No.31870628 [DELETED] 

but she didnt do anything yet

>> No.31870629
File: 93 KB, 845x814, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870668

>Why are all the IDs so fucking rich?

Their comments will stay on a membership post/video even if they aren't members anymore, but it will just be without the badge, so it's very easy to tell who is still currently membered and who isn't.

>> No.31870630

ame's SSS: SOUL
/hlg/'s SSS: SOULESS

>> No.31870631

Not all of them are, but Indonesia has a larger class divide than Japan/western countries, so the people that have the luxury of both learning music and spending too much time online are likely to be rich. As in, multiple full time servants rich

>> No.31870633

I fucking wish Gura was doing was doing her best in the new year but if she is planning to then she sure is taking her time...

>> No.31870634
File: 39 KB, 512x288, 16043457567564645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better hide Anon

>> No.31870636
Quoted by: >>31870658

I kneel even though I assume you're not the one who made it

>> No.31870638

she talked about it, she's picking an animal shelter charity and is talking with ENMa about it, was after the new year stream I believe

>> No.31870643
File: 1.35 MB, 1707x3035, 86857496_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31870642
Quoted by: >>31870923

Thank you for the translation. But I still have no idea what any of these mean.

>> No.31870644


>> No.31870645

>he thinks that adding a fucking emote is bringing politics

>> No.31870646

I was pretty please with her. She only did it like two or three times tonight in 4 hours of streaming.

>> No.31870649 [DELETED] 


>> No.31870650


>> No.31870651

Sorry, I meant it sarcastically. Of course I don't think deadbeats would dislike bomb Mori.

>> No.31870652

One Cowboy HER comment at a time.

>> No.31870653

No fucking way.

>> No.31870656
Quoted by: >>31870723

>("there's too many people OBSESSED with me")

>> No.31870657

She only has an RX580 right? Her PC gonna scream.

>> No.31870658

someone linked it to me i assume from reddit or some shit

>> No.31870659
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, 1605310521586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870660 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870743

Yeah, that was weird. Are you going to watch her Atlus Shrugged read-a-long stream tomorrow night, though?

>> No.31870664

Rrats are so bored they’re getting mad over a emote removal

>> No.31870667
Quoted by: >>31870742

post THAT vocaroo

>> No.31870668

Oh the comments, not chat replay.

>> No.31870671

>Anya in 15mins

>> No.31870674

I... have not... I usually upload through catbox.
Thanks for the tip.

>> No.31870676

>Poor as fuck

>> No.31870677

Not a dox newfag.

>> No.31870678


>> No.31870681


>> No.31870685

Can't remember the last time I actually hit the report limit. /hlgg/ is especially shit tonight.

>> No.31870686


>> No.31870688
Quoted by: >>31870716

Watch Gura test it an hour before the steam, realize it’s going her pc is going die trying to stream+play and then just cancel it

>> No.31870689


>> No.31870691 [DELETED] 

It's playing it safe. And I fucking hate Pogchamp I'm glad it's fucking gone. Are you seriously defending that shitty emote?

>> No.31870696


>> No.31870697
File: 742 KB, 1024x1024, EqquxTuUUAAaqq-@aoisaka77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31870701

SSS might just be totally out of her natural range and impossible for her to sing with any amount of practice without dropping the song down a few steps, which would be hard for her to do own her own.

>> No.31870702

Ame is my oshi but theres nothing soulful about shutting down halfway into the song. This girl needs to understand she's rich now, she made it, and even if she scuffs the shit out of a song its better than stopping.

>> No.31870704

The curse of 66 (minutes).

>> No.31870706 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870734

Yeah, that chink has been around for a while now, constantly posting about Coco, Taiwan and politics.

>> No.31870707

It’s like 1 or 2 anons spamming the same bait, they’ll get banned soon enough. I reported them as well.

>> No.31870708 [DELETED] 
File: 2.51 MB, 1819x2294, 82659371_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can blame it on Mori

>> No.31870709
File: 96 KB, 600x800, Deus Ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you're not an Ame gosling you can like her BASED side

She said THIS stream is coming:

>> No.31870710

What are her specs?

>> No.31870711 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870735

They're talking about this.

>> No.31870712
File: 23 KB, 552x555, 1603401672978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, heads up
>>three day forced vacation to come back to this
>Oh yes I am feasting tonight

this retard is actually the same anti-Mori dude that gets regularly bonked out of the thread, report as usual, he doesn't learn so he's just gonna be gone again

>> No.31870713

I legit wouldnt have any idea the pog guy made any political takes if Twitch wasnt so cringe inducingly vocal about removing his emote due to politics. Not American btw.

>> No.31870715
File: 643 KB, 436x1368, 1610001791894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870730

hehehe these edits fucking crack me up. i love you, chumbuds.

>> No.31870716

>cancel it
Nah, she'll replace it with MC

>> No.31870719

It was a pathetic attempt, but an attempt nonetheless.

>> No.31870721
File: 175 KB, 861x1200, 1588780634666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870787

I really love her

>> No.31870722

Probably woke up, realized it the was 6th in america and scrambled to send out a message
Either way this "ordeal" was autistic as fuck and lowered my respect for /hlgg/ even lower than the rock bottom it was set at, shark meido should've ranged banned SEA when he had the chance

>> No.31870723

I try not to say anything because I assume most people are just having fun with it, but although Ame's open and affectionate and will say some things for fun like "we had a baby," some teamates seem to project their desires onto her pretty hard. Although it is true that her chat interaction is a substitute for social interaction to some degree.
Not that anon and I don't have a timestamp because I'm lazy, but I'll just chime and say that it was said in a jokey way. Either way I'd say she's relatively self-aware about the whole thing.

>> No.31870724
File: 188 KB, 327x316, 1606635193640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870792

holy shit, now Mori antis will have an actual civil war, you can't make this shit up

>> No.31870726

Did she ever play it?

>> No.31870728
File: 687 KB, 2048x2048, 1578968780971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't watch a single fucking stream last night, I'm going to do my reps now.
However, I left with:
>Gura won't show up blablabla
And now it's
>Gurame is shit blablabla
Friendly reminder it's always trannies /dogfuckers/mentally ill faggots who're envious of Gura and nothing else. It's always Gura the problem for them and they're going to seethe forever.

>> No.31870729

Called it.

>> No.31870730
File: 860 KB, 1485x778, 1607673842378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gosling but I love the Gor Gondola edits
>Love cowtits but UOOOOHHHHposting kills my sides

Love you chumbuds

>> No.31870734 [DELETED] 
File: 1.96 MB, 1772x2616, 83719816_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870793

Your lore is all fucked up, those images all came from the #holoJPmeme tag Coco had to get memes from Japanese viewers.
At first it was hijacked by chinks with gore/cp etc
Then it was hijacked by the milk tea alliance with pro-taiwan/politics
Then it was hijacked by reddit to ensure they have reddit approved meme formats

>> No.31870735 [DELETED] 

Removing the emote IS staying the fuck out of politics. You don't want dumpster fires around people using the emote as an excuse. It's a sane move for Cover to get the fuck out ASAP.
t. deadbeat and pre-2016 /pol/lack

>> No.31870736

Just because they're not a streetshiter doesn't mean they're rich.

>> No.31870742


>> No.31870743 [DELETED] 

Maybe later, i need to catch up on Mori's podcast episode about revoking age of consent laws.

>> No.31870745

Wait, wtf is going on? I woke up, posted at the start of the thread, came back 20 min later and now it's on fire. What happened? Was the last thread like this? I swear to god It's always around this time lately.

>> No.31870748

I don't really care about the birthday thing, I'm a bit curious about what the fuck Mori's got going on to be sleeping at such an hour, especially since she was off social media since crash ended, but she's got a lot of plates spinning so I give her benefit of the doubt as long as things keep going well.

>> No.31870749

>The JP girls are doing their reps, they'll be able to collab with the ENs soon!

Why do people believe this

>> No.31870751
Quoted by: >>31870780

She keeps saying she doesn't know 'Don't Fear the Reaper', which honestly shocks me since it's such a fucking dadrock classic that you just hear it on the radio.

>> No.31870754
Quoted by: >>31870825

>replace it
She got up slightly late the other day and rather then do a late stream she just said fuck it. She won't replace it with anything.

>> No.31870756

thread's on fire? huh
I think this is pretty comfy

>> No.31870757
Quoted by: >>31870770

Wait, who's the girl?

>> No.31870758

>there are people in these threads who unironically believe Gura delayed a collab by an hour to watch fucking basketball
I really need to stop responding to every retarded narrative I see here.

>> No.31870759

Based fucking Kurohyo chad

>> No.31870760

>did ya boi fuck up?
I’m just seething about the emote being removed since it was a gift from a friend of hers and it was a sour point for a lot of anons.
But all in all, it’s a damned if you damned if you don’t situation and Im honestly happy she removed it with little to no comment than being forced to justify the continued usage of a now Politically Incorrect emote.
As for the birthday issue, it’s not really an issue but I do wish the rrats were little bit more creative instead rerunning the exact same narratives.

>> No.31870762
File: 108 KB, 491x720, roboame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870805

Honestly, if 10 JPs claim they're doing reps then 1 ends up doing, I'll be happy.

>> No.31870765
Quoted by: >>31870837

I'm gonna give her a pass tonight, she was so jacked up I could feel the adrenaline coming across internet and raising my own heart rate. She isn't usually that nervous to sign, but she was really freaked out tonight. At least Pururin was the best she's done it so far.

>> No.31870766 [DELETED] 

>Removing the emote IS staying the fuck out of politics

>> No.31870767

She could’ve done that on Sunday but decided not to, Gura is just like that. It’s more likely she just cancels

>> No.31870770
Quoted by: >>31870796


>> No.31870772

Its the same 2-3fags replying to each other

>> No.31870773

people can't stop falling for barely on-topic bait

>> No.31870774
File: 1.52 MB, 1753x2480, 15418817_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN rank based on their wealth, from richest to poorest

How accurate is this?

>> No.31870777

Shh, we pretend to let the Takos run this place so they don't realize.

>> No.31870778
Quoted by: >>31871158

That's true actually, I remember now that she talked about how she did the same when she was younger and Auntie Watson tried to teach her how to sing. That makes a lot of sense.
If nothing else a part of me is glad she's putting herself out there despite her fears.

>> No.31870779 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31870881

>Removing the emote IS staying the fuck out of politics

>> No.31870781

Fucking kek, everytime I hear this makes me laugh

>> No.31870780
Quoted by: >>31870910

>Someone superchatted it to her and she said she'll look it up
>The next time someone superchats it to her she'll say she's never heard of it but will look it up
>Repeat literally every two weeks
I swear she's said it 5 times now.

>> No.31870782

It's nice to believe.

>> No.31870783

>Mori does something
>thread is utter chaos, shitflinging everywhere
>Mori doesn't do anything
>thread is utter chaos, shitflinging everywhere
Nice oshi you got there deadbeats.

>> No.31870786
File: 3.59 MB, 334x298, 1603077370663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori stream 80 dislikes
>Gura stream 58 dislikes
Bomb sounds a bit of a dud desu

>> No.31870785

this is pretty much her second week in couple years where she doesn't have to wake up at 5/6 AM

>> No.31870787
File: 1.48 MB, 3214x3562, ErG0xVNW8AADUvS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870843

me too

>> No.31870788

>lol bro ur rich now, just get confidence overnight

>> No.31870790
File: 625 KB, 3031x2537, 1526098217736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One retard is baiting, a lot of retards are replying, lazy retarded meidos are not doing anything about it. A lot of dumb fucking niggers around today.

>> No.31870791

>having ANY respect for /hlgg/

>> No.31870793

The time line is reversed but basically yes.

>> No.31870792
Quoted by: >>31870922

Honestly, I though all EN antis were on the same level of shit, but Mori antis are rapidly approaching bugman level.

>> No.31870794

>Mori's semi-exposed shoulder
U.O.H., as they say.

>> No.31870796

He said girl, not tranny

>> No.31870797

Because at the very least, Korone is doing hers.

>> No.31870798
Quoted by: >>31870874


>> No.31870802

It's been a long time since I follow global politics and I don't know what's happening in U.S right now but I'm really glad EN hold strong policy by being neutral.
People get caught up on uproar outside their house while EN girls just celebrate a birthday while playing some Minecraft and Mario Kart.
Really put your mind at ease..

>> No.31870804


>> No.31870805

As far as a I know, only Sora and Korone are actually doing reps. Everyone else talks about it but don't appear to be doing them because they haven't improved in a noticeable way.

>> No.31870809
Quoted by: >>31870972

My boy is a fuck up, but removing the emote wasn't one of them. This is the weirdest angle for antis to make. I'm actually tempted to falseflag as the ultimate SJW just drown out the antis, but I need to sleep and I still need to watch Reine. (Sorry, I'm skipping Mori's JP stream)

>> No.31870813

I know, she rents free on everyone's head.

>> No.31870814

My personal rrat is that she had a gift planned but didn’t finish it in time for the stream so chose to go radio silent instead until it finished.

>> No.31870815

Dude on the left lookin hella motivated

>> No.31870816

You mean Calli

>> No.31870818

All of them made it now, so it's no point discussing

>> No.31870819

My belief with the whole Gosling phenomenon is that everyone likes the idea of Ame, but it would take a very special person to have a successful relationship with her. Hopefully most people here realize that but I'm doubtful considering not many anons have been in long term relationships and can see the red flags
I'm sure Ame knows this and that's why she always keeps the Goslings at an arm's length (hence why she won't become someone like Polka). She's pretty self-aware of the whole "Ame is an angel and I am Ryan Gosling" joke so even the lines like the one you mentioned she says in a semi-joking manner

>> No.31870820
Quoted by: >>31870860

>actually seething about a fucking pogchamp emote
I don't give a shit if it was a gift or not, it overstayed its welcome.

>> No.31870823
File: 296 KB, 1920x1080, ErHTxKAVgAEBmVh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have been doing your reps, right deadbeats?

>> No.31870824

>Gura is cucking us for Niggerball
Why live....

>> No.31870825
Quoted by: >>31871120

Oh ye of little faith

>> No.31870828

i can believe it for twappers, she has a huge ayy-go audience

>> No.31870830

Ame's MC stream got more dislikes lol.

>> No.31870833 [DELETED] 

Mori had to buy a fucking USED ASMR mic. Even fucking basic bitches on youtube can afford one put a power gap below ame and put mori underneath.

>> No.31870834
Quoted by: >>31870875

Towa has notoriously put off doing her reps for far longer than most of the JPs have even been on the EN train

>> No.31870835

She's too powerful.

>> No.31870837
Quoted by: >>31870912

Its because she respects her senpais and knows SSS is a pretty big deal to some of them. Should've practised another song instead.

>> No.31870836

>Couldn't get too close to her

Dumb boomer pirate

>> No.31870838

it's kinda amazing how she rules the threads, it honestly even overshadowed Ame/Gura streaming this time around which surprises me

>> No.31870842

I never stopped, but I am going at a fairly slow pace

>> No.31870843

fuck this shit I'm going to the store to buy ingredients for a chocolate cake, or brownies

>> No.31870845
File: 1.57 MB, 1000x775, 1607917507059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised you guys think Ame's merch was bad. It seems pretty fucking good to me compared to what some hololive members get.

YOU ALL know a shirt would have been cringe and Ame's too new to have the balls to do an oppai mousepad.

>> No.31870846

hah, no. I'll have it on as bgm though

>> No.31870847

Kanata's cover of Outsider is pretty amazing, right? Everyone, listen to my oshi's cover, thank you.

>> No.31870848

you think her friend would get upset over that? come on man

>> No.31870849

I think we've established a long time ago that the power ranking goes from janitors >nijiniggers >chinks >reddit >indo Facebook >hlgg

>> No.31870851

Pekora has gotten noticeably better for obvious collab reasons. Granted she started at like -50, but it is progress.

>> No.31870853
Quoted by: >>31870980

>Tongue twister batsu game
>Likely with spiritus as a punishment again

>> No.31870855
File: 130 KB, 828x458, 8C2C6FBB-29C8-4599-8A0F-D5BB16A52F75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora is doing her best

>> No.31870856

For now.
Or maybe it's deliverance
From the pain I know is coming on when my old soul's finally gone

>> No.31870857

She always lurk in everybody's mind.

>> No.31870858 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 562x623, 1610007707596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post also applies to someone

>> No.31870860
Quoted by: >>31871028

True, though I wish it could’ve died a natural death.

>> No.31870861
Quoted by: >>31871354

never ever, I have a year to live and I'm not wasting it on learning a language nearly as sick as me

>> No.31870863
Quoted by: >>31870993

Oh right. There are people that honestly believe they could possibly be with Ame and not just having fun with it with Ame reciprocating it here and there.

>> No.31870864

It's doxxbeats coping for Mori fucking up for the Nth time

>> No.31870865

If anything, I hope she eventually gets a vocal coach to help with the performance anxiety, to have external feedback that can point out her strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.31870866

man that guy had you nailed as a chink. I can literally feel it coming off in this post

>> No.31870869

I would love to get an Ame mousepad

>> No.31870871

>$3000 used price

>> No.31870872
Quoted by: >>31870914


>> No.31870874

It was almost certainly management's decision anyway.

>> No.31870875
Quoted by: >>31870905

but her current level of competence is perfect for comedy

>> No.31870878

...but most of all, fuck the center.

>> No.31870879

getting a pillow as first birthday is pretty nice but a lot of people wouldn't understand

>> No.31870880
File: 1.40 MB, 764x480, sorachi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31870906

I'm still waiting for the day Sora shows up when Ame is doing Karoke to cheer her on, I really want to see her reaction

>> No.31870881 [DELETED] 

Yes, it is, dumbo. It's a lightning rod and can be used as a wedge by either shitfucks as an angle against Cover. Might as well cauterize the wound and fuck off. Don't try going full /pol/ on me, this isn't my first incursion.

>> No.31870882

Truly the deuteragonist of Hololive-EN.
Sasuga Morichama

>> No.31870884

It's shit. Just because it's on par with how shit the standard is doesn't change the fact that it's shit.

>> No.31870883

This is true, Mori isn’t even my oshi but I cannot help defending her from rrats

>> No.31870885 [DELETED] 

Sorry, your narrative is off. No chinese, south-east asian or far east asian blood in me.
Swing and a miss.

>> No.31870886
Quoted by: >>31870976

the real reason she bought it used was probably so she can ditch it if the stream format wasn't too popular
do keep in mind this entire 'proper ASMR' thing is a completely new venue for both her and most of her watchers

>> No.31870888
File: 632 KB, 3000x1688, ErFv_oGXIAEOPV4@Orome48592413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31870887
File: 11 KB, 649x366, white power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31870891
Quoted by: >>31870930

Ame's Deus Ex stream is coming within six months.

>> No.31870892
File: 178 KB, 1440x1775, 1585715156599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of which, is the princess bride good movie?

>> No.31870894

For a first batch of merch it was good, but I've been following hololive for awhile

>> No.31870897
Quoted by: >>31870964


>> No.31870901

Anons who have ordered the Ame merch, does Booth or GeekJack give you an ETA? I remember Ame mentioning something about there being a 2-month delay on Booth, but I'm not sure if that's true for GeekJack
I'm moving in a month so I'm not sure to use my current address or future address

>> No.31870902

Which EN do you spend time watching?

>> No.31870905

oh absolutely, just saying Towa isn't the best case to disregard the chance of other JPs doing their reps

>> No.31870906
Quoted by: >>31870989

Ame would freak out really bad and spill her spaghetti everywhere

>> No.31870907

They can't hide the stilted grammar.

>> No.31870908
File: 12 KB, 515x169, 1604479800909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd probably employ one of you or your cousins for 25 cents on the hour
Brutal, I felt that.

>> No.31870909

Mel is doing her reps. She was talking about some of the english listening activities she was doing during her bath stream last night. Seems like she's just staring learning future tense vocab.

>> No.31870910
Quoted by: >>31870947

Yea, 3 or 4 times now at the minimum. I think she honestly needs a pen and paper to make lists of things she said during a stream, and maybe to remind her of what she promised she was going to do. WHAT WAS THE FUCKING SURPRISE FOR CRASH, MORI?

>> No.31870912

Yeah, it's a much harder song than what she usually does. To try and learn it in secret to surprise us in such a short time was a little overambitious. I was actually impressed she managed to remember the lyrics even if her voice totally gave out.

>> No.31870913

I liked the range of high powerlevel (pillow) to low powerlevel items (keychain and card).

>> No.31870915
File: 357 KB, 1920x1080, 1609840509524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Pitch Tenshi!

>> No.31870914


>> No.31870916
File: 113 KB, 828x327, 18B1A379-2233-47A1-AFE1-E374EFE7155B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you guys, it’s literally just 2 faggots spamming the same shit over and over about the dumb emote

>> No.31870920


>> No.31870922

I mean they are pretty much on the same level right now. The chinks goes crazy for one fucking word, the anti are mad because mori remove an emote? She didn’t even say anything.

>> No.31870923

>Thank you for the translation.
You can thank r*ddit for that.

>> No.31870925

It's my first time paying attention to merch and to me it seems pretty on par with what I expected except it was a decent amount cheaper.

>> No.31870926

Thank you meidos.

>> No.31870928
Quoted by: >>31870964

It's great

>> No.31870929

future tense grammar*

>> No.31870931
Quoted by: >>31870964


>> No.31870930


>> No.31870932
Quoted by: >>31872220

>Deadbeats operate at such an intense level of shitposting that it loops directly back around to them being immune to it

>> No.31870933 [DELETED] 
File: 569 KB, 992x1403, 83469324_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871575

You're reading that wrong,
Only 6 people are defending Mori.

>> No.31870934

Stadia ehehe

>> No.31870935

>not sure if that's true for GeekJack
It should be about the same.

>> No.31870940
Quoted by: >>31870964

gura what are you doing to mori bobbas....

>> No.31870941


>> No.31870947

God damn it, I completely forgot to ask her. Fuck it, I'll ask her with a cheap super at the beginning of the 日本語 stream, I have to know.

>> No.31870950

Big ups, piratechad

>> No.31870949

God this would be so fucking based

>> No.31870952
File: 633 KB, 1500x1500, __amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_sasakura_momiji__5b66f0511c6ef2b0080fc820c2245b96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Kanata actually in Ame's bday stream? She mentioned her name but I can't see her in her chat

>> No.31870956

>i honestly don't know what cover is spending all of it's money on
Yagoo bought himself a nice sports car

>> No.31870960


>> No.31870963

She referred to Kanata's totsumachi where the joke was that nobody called in.

>> No.31870964

nice, can't wait for watchalong. thanks anons

>> No.31870966


>> No.31870968

>thread is currently full of Gura antis
Makes sense

>> No.31870970
Quoted by: >>31871461

Sora strikes me as someone who had some sort of basic english speaking background (beyond what they're taught in school) and is relearning stuff she used to know. Otherwise she's just a really good learner because her progress has been noticeable in a short period of time.

IIRC I heard a story of how she was on a US military base in Japan when she was a young child and went around saying "piece of cake" to all the US servicemen stationed there which is probably the cutest thing I can imagine.

>> No.31870972
Quoted by: >>31871031

>skipping a JP stream for a Reine stream
understandable, not much point in watching ya boy if you can't understand her. I'd think that an EOP skipping out on Reine for Mori doing a JOP pandering stream would be a bit odd.
t. deadbeat

>> No.31870973

complaining about poltards is just as obnoxious and off topic as their original posts.

>> No.31870976
Quoted by: >>31871102

People don't realize buying secondhand equipment isn't bad at all. Especially an ASMR mic. You have like, 85% chance of getting a mic off someone who took care of their mic but wants to upgrade, 15% chance of getting a poorly taken care of piece of garbage. When you're saving thousands of dollars by going used, it's worth the risk.

>> No.31870977

No, she was referring to kanatas joke birthday stream, where no one called her.

>> No.31870978

She mentioned her name because nobody was calling into her stream.

>> No.31870979

So why did Mori miss Ame's birthday?
>she actually overslept
>she forgot
>she doesn't care and only did damage control because Enma yelled at her

>> No.31870980
Quoted by: >>31871132

Didn't she bail out on spirytus after the first stream? Not that I'd blame her for it, considering people have told me it might as well be like drinking poison.

>> No.31870982

is this supposed to be an insult?

>> No.31870983
Quoted by: >>31871077

So glad Kiara managed to get herself out of that hell

>> No.31870985

Who called in in total?

>> No.31870986

>Thinking funposting rrats are serious

>> No.31870989

Ame also seems to buy into the daisenpai bullshit as well. It amazes me that the best chance Sora has for being treated like anyone else is the wigger rapper.

>> No.31870991

>Gura this low

>> No.31870993

>Come home from your normal 9-5 job
>Ame is asleep as usual since she stayed up until 6 AM last night
>The yelling and laughing coming from her streaming room last night kept you up until 4 AM
>The dishes haven't been done in over a week
>Her laundry is piling up on the floor and she's wearing the same clothes as she was 3 days ago
>She hasn't showered in days
I kid, I'm sure she's not that bad but some of the stuff she says on stream make me raise my eyebrows

>> No.31870994
File: 78 KB, 629x594, 1607262477174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871027

Only Ina, Gura, and... Reine!

>> No.31870996

Just where do you keep getting this information from, anon?

>> No.31870997
File: 38 KB, 198x231, 1609680844192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Deleted] 1/107

>> No.31870999
File: 1.22 MB, 1131x1600, chumbud defending mori 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31871006


>> No.31871010
Quoted by: >>31871033

Chumbuds participate way lower in non stream hours

>> No.31871013

What happened

>> No.31871014
Quoted by: >>31871235

Were the same kind of person. It would be so fucking bad.

>> No.31871019
File: 274 KB, 1280x1314, 1608031172868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31871018
File: 170 KB, 1080x1082, Eq8PW-rUcAAE_S8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've long since stopped caring about the thread is having a meltdown over on any given day. I watch Mori's streams, I enjoy Mori's streams, I go to sleep with Mori on my mind. It's a simple life and I like it.

>> No.31871020

>It amazes me that the best chance Sora has for being treated like anyone else is the wigger rapper.
You didn't watch the train collab or something?

>> No.31871021
Quoted by: >>31871074

Hmm, I'm not sure if I could handle how cute Mel's english will be.

>> No.31871022

I do. I fucking hate moves like these by corpos.

>> No.31871023
File: 1.32 MB, 1604x1260, 1609733523751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871096

I must be getting numb to shitposting, this thread honestly seemed pretty comfy to me. The one right after Gura+Mori stream ended was much worse.

>> No.31871024

Ame was almost homeless and just bought a 3090. What the fuck is Gura's problem?

>> No.31871025

was there ever any doubt?

>> No.31871026
File: 322 KB, 830x765, 1579696032267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31871027

Reine was actually really unexpected. I'm happy she showed up.

>> No.31871028

no way that'd happen. I'm glad that chat will now use a better emote for glowstick spamming karaoke streams

>> No.31871031

another EOP Db here, considering I have Aki as my JP oshi, I'm gonna watch my boy simply for the sake of her voice
I'll have Reine opened too though, she's a really cute bird and I like SCing her

>> No.31871032

Maybe you’re shitposting too, but I think those anons were just making up a fun rrat in a shitty thread

>> No.31871033

way less*, excuse my ESL

>> No.31871038

Doesn't understand that it's a big deal.

>> No.31871042
Quoted by: >>31871144

Anon, your train collab reps

>> No.31871046

She sounded really awed by Ame's rgb ram so hopefully she'll actually get around to upgrading it now.

>> No.31871047

It's the same, so expect it to arrives in 3 months.

>> No.31871050

Her karaoke streams or just when she sings in general since Holofes2 happened has really made her MUCH more self conscious and humble than ever before and it's so god damn cute. I used to cheer her on for just having the guts to do all these singing streams despite her lack of skill but now that you can hear her actually becoming more aware of her pitchiness and inability to find a song's key, it crushes me and makes me want to see her succeed even harder. This new arc of Ame is really great.

>> No.31871052

Top kek.

>> No.31871053
File: 9 KB, 634x263, chrome_2021-01-07_19-29-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone shut the fuck up about mori for a second and remember that Reine set an alarm and woke up early specifically to wish Ame a happy birthday and even CALLED IN despite knowing itd be kinda awkward. You better have subbed to her. Her content is like 95% english and shes cute as fuck.

>> No.31871054
File: 171 KB, 825x855, 1609910451105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871071

They are lovers.

>> No.31871064
File: 88 KB, 525x525, EpMtIjUVEAABl4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31871065
File: 367 KB, 700x800, 85716938_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/hlgg/ are always mostly teamates
not gonna lie a fucking hate you faggots i don't even care if our oshis are best friends

>> No.31871066

she actually overslept, gleaned her prechat and damage controlled, just wasn't fast enough because the management probably barked at her about the POG shit (considering Mori's approach to censorship and cancellation, she probably wouldn't remove it on own impulse)

>> No.31871068

Hell nah

>> No.31871069

I voted all of them despite only watching one, dont trust poalniggers

>> No.31871070
Quoted by: >>31871097

>silence for 5 minutes, Ina called in because it was too awkward, then Gura followed
>I guess that's all the people calling
>surprise Reine call, first Reine - Ame interaction

>> No.31871071
File: 502 KB, 2289x1657, 1597146245209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they are

>> No.31871072

>massive surge of deleted posts
it really was just one chink spamming the thread about emote shit

Good job meidos

>> No.31871073

Mods are faggots nothing new

>> No.31871074

From the small teasers she's given us during her streams I'm not sure I can handle it either.

>> No.31871077
File: 5 KB, 261x105, 1609383038516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people who keep posting are people who live in a society with an honor culture. Imagine thinking of showing us what Kiara used to do in her lowest and expecting us to hate her instead of liking her even more. Do you know who else has a moral system entirely centered on appearances other than bugmen? WOMEN, that's what.

>> No.31871083

god fucking damnit fat cat posters

>> No.31871084


>> No.31871086
Quoted by: >>31871146

Imagine the SEX

>> No.31871087 [DELETED] 

If you want a quick laugh, CTRL F "deleted" and look at the schizo screaming.

>> No.31871088
File: 256 KB, 439x598, 1609126218670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871103

I'm going to be so fucking happy if Nene goes the chuuni route with her new outfit

>> No.31871089


>> No.31871093

I worry for the mental well-being of these people. You just can't let yourself be consumed by the baseless hatred for a girl on the internet using a virtual avatar that you will likely never meet.

>> No.31871094

Only the three already mentioned. Ame said that she didn't actually inform anyone she would be doing a call in section beforehand, so that she got three was pretty solid. Especially Reine, calling in when she hadn't even spoken to Ame before was more than I expected.

>> No.31871095
Quoted by: >>31871118


>> No.31871096

It wasnt even shitposting.

>> No.31871097

>>silence for 5 minutes
Was it? I remember Ina calling in as soon as she opened up the floor pretty much.

>> No.31871098

but why? just because there's a lot of Teamates, you hate them? What kind of schizo logic is this

>> No.31871099

You foolishly assume that I speak nip. I did hear Kiara treated her normally there, but that's counter balanced with how she also wants her time on Holotalk to be a special event, even though Sora showed up in chat and asked to be on.

>> No.31871100


>> No.31871102
Quoted by: >>31871128

This, but you really need to find a way to test it or have some market platform to guarantee the quality (e.g. ebay). I've saved thousands on audio equipment by buying used, and people who buy expensive audio equipment tend to take good care of them. I do suspect her mic could be fixed if if she had the know how based on how the broken channel seems to randomly pop alive

>> No.31871103
Quoted by: >>31871143

>nenes outfit pays tribute to Aloe
imagine the threads

>> No.31871105


I swear A-chan has a thing for ya boi, she's always retweeting/quote tweeting her streams and stuff.


>> No.31871107

Me too. It's really cute.

>> No.31871108

Train collab...

>> No.31871109

Based meidos

>> No.31871111
File: 600 KB, 908x1285, 1609302499536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her morning voice was hot as fuck too

>> No.31871112

>Carson cancelled for soliciting legal definition of CP
>Critikal defending Carson yab
>Pogchamp cancelled
>vshojo going political
Uh bros? We literally can't stop winning right now. Cover will 100% avoid associating with any of this.

>> No.31871114
Quoted by: >>31871178

It was actually spics who sperged out.

>> No.31871117

Oh yeah, Ame brings the idolfag in me like nothing else. I hope she doesn't take long to start her vocal training because shutting down during karaokes probably makes her pretty sad.

>> No.31871118

>143 watching

>> No.31871120

I'm an eternal chumbud and with how gura has been lately i don't understand how you can blame him. i miss when she was constantly btfoing my pessimistic piece of shit of a brain in october.

>> No.31871121
Quoted by: >>31871201

But she's used goods! She's had sex even before this!

>> No.31871119

>Rushia in 25mins

>> No.31871125
Quoted by: >>31871182

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Ya boi is stupid.

>> No.31871126
File: 41 KB, 512x398, 1609828223054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So meidos, can you enlighten us on who is responsible shitstorm?

>> No.31871127 [DELETED] 

Why are some people like this? Holy shit kek

>> No.31871128
Quoted by: >>31871304

The problem wasn't that the mic was busted, it's that the battery was dying mid-stream.

>> No.31871131 [DELETED] 

>cant argue
>get jannies to delete on topic discussion
You are the only schizo itt

>> No.31871132

a little but not enough to keep up, I'll be there though, worst case scenario I get cute Mori noises, and here's hoping that deadbeat translator steps up to give us a hand.

I think both of the actual no english streams had it, and she did 2 other jp reps streams with no batsu and some english.

>> No.31871134

Ignore the falseflagger, he's riding on the opportunity to separate Chumbuds and Teamates

>> No.31871133
Quoted by: >>31871169

there's too many of you guys and you just jack each other off and gosling all day and i'm sick of it gura cunny is superior uohhh

>> No.31871136
File: 928 KB, 1500x831, 86247790_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31871140

I have been completely on the sidelines with this, I don't think Mori should be dragged because it's just a fucking birthday. I don't know if it's unheard of for a genmate to not say anything, but doesn't seem that critical to me.
But, Mori retweeted Ame's merch tweet shortly after Ame's bd stream.
Then when she delayed her stream and people had started disliking she replied to Ame's tweet.
Then shortly after she made the JWU tweet.
This timeline of interactions sort of makes me feel like she definitely didn't forget, nor that she was unaware. She probably just had to prepare for stream or sort life. Maybe she thought that she'll tweet about it later. She maybe didn't think it would be weird if she didn't do something beforehand or when the stream was happening.

>> No.31871141

Imagine Mori banned from ever talking about Critikal or singing his songs again... Would be too perfect to be true.

>> No.31871143

>totally not Aloe's outfit
I'm in

>> No.31871144
Quoted by: >>31871255

any of you has the Sora going 'kusotori' moment timestamped/clipped?

>> No.31871145

That's because she's a DJ.

>> No.31871146
Quoted by: >>31871191


>> No.31871148
Quoted by: >>31871301

Her place still sounds pretty messy and her eating habits aren't good but she does shower regularly. I can't tell if it's people breaching containment about that but people were making fun of her for it in chat recently and it actually seemed to bother her, might regret bringing up those old stories a little.

>> No.31871151
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, 1603987448546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Describe Gura's fanbase in a sentence or two.

I don't mean here, I mean her chatroom/general public that posts about her on twitter and such.

>> No.31871152

Can you blame her? Mori is cute. A-chan is also cute.

>> No.31871155
Quoted by: >>31871299

I put a curse on all of hololive’s enemies

>> No.31871158
Quoted by: >>31871339

I remember I grabbed the timestamp for this. Amelia mentions being interested in a vocal coach too.
>Eventually I'll probably get somebody, it's kind of hard at the moment to find a coach or somebody like that [...]
>Actually, I always really liked singing but, like.
>Auntie Watson is really good at singing and she's somebody who's been trained to sing [...]
>Sometimes she would be like "you were flat there" and I didn't know what that meant, so I just felt really self-conscious about my singing, and then I would just sing really bad on purpose, because like, ah, whatever.

>> No.31871160

Risu stop shitposting and stream onegai...

>> No.31871162

This is literally the best outcome.

>> No.31871167 [DELETED] 

>96 results

>> No.31871169

jeez man, that's not how chumbuds talk, fucking tourist faggot

>> No.31871173

You are.

>> No.31871177

refer to

>> No.31871178

Why? I thought they only cared about people visiting their country.

>> No.31871181
Quoted by: >>31871262

Two hours until JP hours really starts

>> No.31871182

This. It's so simple if you think about it.

>> No.31871184
Quoted by: >>31871269

How the fuck are you going to talk about her chances of being treated normally when you don't speak nip

>> No.31871185
Quoted by: >>31871229

Kids. Sorry chumbuds, I love those of you that post here, but the vast majority of her fans are kids. It's hard to get a grasp on what her core (paying) fans are like too, since her membership streams have chat that's just as fast as her regular streams more or less.

>> No.31871190

>he's membered to all the girls
First of all, "based".
>this many people tapping out.
Kinda sad. F for all the poorbros. But I guess on the other hand it makes the diehards more special or "special" depending on how you look at it

>> No.31871191

maybe it was a good thing she graduated

>> No.31871193
File: 204 KB, 2048x1846, Eq8FfkhUUAM3m4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871252

Every time
Thanks meido

>> No.31871195

Literally children or based lolicons. Also all the racists I follow like her for some reason

>> No.31871197

As much as I wanted Gura to sing Duvet, it doesn't really match her vocal range.

>> No.31871199

God she's so great.

>> No.31871198

peep >>31870712

>> No.31871201

You are now realizing the majority of people who engage in "slutshaming" are other women and men are just happy to get laid.

>> No.31871202
Quoted by: >>31871409

Ame should really watch some of Choco, Noel and coco karaoke stream, it will give her more confidence in herself, she is around the the same level as them and if they can try their best to sing then so can she.

>> No.31871203

>cant see multiple ips

>> No.31871205

Weird and/or underage, some skitzos and HERfags out the ass

>> No.31871206

>got up early in the morning specifically to watch Amelia's stream
>talked in her chat
>gathered the courage to support Ame by calling her even though it was the first time they'd be voice chatting


>> No.31871207 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 528x180, 165456153115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31871210
Quoted by: >>31871434

Why are so many people here trying to compare trivial things like fanbases? What do you gain?

>> No.31871211
File: 80 KB, 952x425, Mj8wxul[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys doomposting? This isn't so bad. Is it really bad optimized or something?

>> No.31871215

Stop using Reine to shit on Mori

>> No.31871218
File: 264 KB, 366x558, 1609907163350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like our curses worked!

>> No.31871217
Quoted by: >>31871258

Fill me in on the vshojo shit, I haven't been paying attention to them.

>> No.31871219
Quoted by: >>31871244

"haha gura's flat lol fbi open up but hey she's 9,000 years old fbi: understandable have a nice day!"

>> No.31871220

Christ, what's his problem?

>> No.31871221

Which was long before said collab and when the next two Hololive guests were already booked. Saying "get in line bitch" would have been an incredibly stupid thing for her to do. Better to mushmouth out some cope excuse about making it a special event because you're noided over the quality of your show getting fixed before interviewing possibly the most interesting guest you could imagine.

>> No.31871222
File: 350 KB, 1136x1360, 21_botan_bloom_202012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the guy who posted what the Russians were saying about Botan, that guy was fucking hilarious

>> No.31871224
Quoted by: >>31871454

If I was running out of money I'd probably just switch my memberships over to ARS, or at least my Mori and Ame memberships. I'd be fucking mad if I lost my badge, even if I'm literally the only person who will ever give a shit about it.

>> No.31871229
Quoted by: >>31871326

Day 1 member, most are pretty chill. I’ve seen a few HERfags (even a golden one) which is strange. They dislike her current content but still follow. Other than that, the only real issue is the absurd amount of concernfagging

>> No.31871231
Quoted by: >>31871265

The processor part.

>> No.31871233

>>Carson cancelled for soliciting legal definition of CP
>>Critikal defending Carson yab
Wait, what's this? Truly the GuraMori 1-2 punch.

>> No.31871234

the ps4 version?

it ran fine on consoles unlike 2077

>> No.31871235

Ame is literally me 10-15 years ago but I could probably carry her now and live vicariously through her slovenly behavior, while I teach her how to slowly get better.

>> No.31871239
Quoted by: >>31871648

I unironically believe she is trying to cull her audience

>> No.31871240

did my jp reps for 3d idols but i got fed up now i can use it on 2d idols but i mostly watch holoEN anyway.

>> No.31871241

Moona giving her a happy birthday despite their autistic headbutting in the MC tour was more impressive to me.

>> No.31871245
Quoted by: >>31871303

mostly HERfags alongside children. I'd like to think that there are a few chumbuds here that are actual normal people that just enjoy Gawr Gura.

>> No.31871244
Quoted by: >>31871705

God i want to club you to death even if its just quotes

>> No.31871246

It hurts a little because she did say "I will not disappoint you guys, I will try my best", couple that with 40k people watching you and being compared to your genmates constantly

>> No.31871247
Quoted by: >>31871296

I hope more JPs tweet at Ame. Even putting aside the unplanned totsu, you know a ton of JPs will tweet at Gura, and the other 3 have actual JP speaking+art/music so they'll get a bunch too.

>> No.31871248
Quoted by: >>31871290

>~500 viewers

>> No.31871252

Bootlicking is not attractive

>> No.31871255

She said several other Holos asked to be on te show. I always tought this was a way of being polite with Sora instead of saying `no, sorry, get in line`.
Sorry bro, I dont and I didnt find it on the comments

>> No.31871257
File: 734 KB, 1920x1335, reine_passpartout2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched her 2 paspartout vod. She's really good and fast at drawing. She's also planning to redraw all of her senpai in her previous videos soon.

>> No.31871258
Quoted by: >>31871271

already mentioned and [deleted] by meidos. do your archive reps

>> No.31871259
File: 290 KB, 1000x1390, 1609737470490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500 watching now
Well... that's better than some indies at least.

>> No.31871262

>be me, jsl l, love watching the JP girls 8n particular
>sleep schedule has been fucked up for a week, totally upside down
>stay up during HoloEN hours watching the EN girls and following the thread because its fun
>watch past streams during dead hours
>it starts getting late here, early am
>maybe I should go to bed
>JP hours start and I end up staying up all night

I want off this ride but I have no discipline

>> No.31871265
Quoted by: >>31871289

CPU's generally don't have that much impact on vidya performance as long as they're not bottlenecking the GPU

>> No.31871268
Quoted by: >>31871474

>>he's membered to all the girls

>> No.31871269
Quoted by: >>31871312

Because I can see and understand how the EN members react when she's mentioned or shows up in chat? Gura went for the Goddess meme, Ame seemed very deferential, Kiara wants her to be a special guest. We haven't heard Mori's opinion yet, but she doesn't seem to have big hangups on the social stuff.

>> No.31871271

The mids spazzed out and deleted half the thread. Spoonfeed

>> No.31871274

Isn't she literally fluent in JP? She needs to do some collabs STAT

>> No.31871275
Quoted by: >>31871302

what does Polka do? Ame's current GFE stream moments are already pretty yab for me

>> No.31871278
Quoted by: >>31871344

>gura has nothing to do with carson and wanted nothing to do with him
>mori would slobber over critikal given half a chance
How are they similar?

>> No.31871284
File: 9 KB, 259x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. bootlicker

>> No.31871286
File: 486 KB, 790x654, 1606590362195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw slept through it all
So what exactly happened? Did Rain actually hold a totsumachi and no one called in or something?
>inb4 dude just read twenty thousand posts lmao
Please no, I waste enough time here as it is.

>> No.31871289
Quoted by: >>31871331

Gura isn't playing it on her own. She's streaming it.

>> No.31871290

Congratulations to Iofi for no longer being the most forgettable ID

>> No.31871291
File: 3.92 MB, 436x401, 1604207182197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't ask

>> No.31871293
Quoted by: >>31871684

I find this interesting, even in Gura’s huge streams, gold shrimps take up more and more of the chat. I guess even the most popular vtuber will have a dedicated core fan base eventually

>> No.31871296

It's the 7th everywhere in the world now

>> No.31871298

Fucking treerat. Getting wise to your tricks, I know you run this place from the shadows.

>> No.31871300
Quoted by: >>31871322

critikal only defended him from being called a pedophile, he did actually called out Carson for the CP shit. Still YAB though

>> No.31871301

>I can't tell if it's people breaching containment
It's mainly clippers from what I've seen. They always highlight the most uncomfortable moments of a stream, kind of like they're the paparazzi or something
If I look at my recommended page right now I can already see 3 clips about "AMELIA WATSON CELEBRATES HER BIRTHDAY SAD AND ALONE" instead of literally anything else from the stream
The cycle of
>Rando watches clips, spams content of said clips in chat, and annoys the streamer about their embarrassing stories

>> No.31871299

Vshojo isn't even hololive's enemy just literally that Don Draper "I don't think about you at all" scene.

>> No.31871302
Quoted by: >>31871493

pe e

>> No.31871303
File: 2.64 MB, 600x666, gurawink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31871304
Quoted by: >>31871323

How do you know? JFC why would she use a battery pack when she could just plug it in with an external psu? I hope she didn't get one that only runs on battery

>> No.31871309

She will buy it will just take a LOT longer for her to get to that point. Gura is still very closed off and I expect if we get anything similar it would be in a members-only stream first.

>> No.31871310

Deadbeats from here utterly despise all Deadbeats from outside of here
Teamates from here specifically hate just the concernfag Teamates outside of here
Takodachi from here like Takodachi from outside of here
Chumbuddies from here feel completely disassociated from Chumbuddies from outside of here
KFP from here think the LARP of KFP from outside of here goes a little far sometimes

Is that about right?

>> No.31871312

Kiara's been treating her the same since before Holotalk was a thing

>> No.31871313

I welcome the Reine shilling with open arms.

>> No.31871315
File: 326 KB, 577x603, 5298D0F8-083A-4B3D-BC3D-8E91029AEAB5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking about honor culture and bringing up kiara in the same sentence

>> No.31871318

I don't even watch Anya, but that number seems relatively fine? It's a superchat reading stream for a smaller Hololive vtuber. Superchat streams are usually not as large as other streams and she gets 1-2k views normally so it sounds about right.

>> No.31871319
File: 2.74 MB, 2894x4093, 1607067463005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright bros...
>Rushia in 15mins
>Okayu in 1hr
>Subaru in 1hr
>Suisei in 2hrs
>Risu in 2hrs
>Choco in 2hrs
>Marine in 2hrs
>Sheep in 2hrs
>Mori in 2hrs
>Reine in 3hrs
>Chicken in 3hrs

>> No.31871322
Quoted by: >>31871406

I feel sad for my boy, but at least they won't be getting that collab any time soon.

>> No.31871323

>How do you know?
...Because that's exactly what she said. https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1346323163815104512

>> No.31871324

>Teamates from here specifically hate just the concernfag Teamates outside of here
not anymore, concernfags are pretty much extinct since she banned "You need to go to sleep sweetie"

>> No.31871326

>absurd amount of concernfagging
She shouldn't make us care so much damn it!

>> No.31871331

Yeah ok that's a good point

>> No.31871334
File: 390 KB, 2048x1171, 1605085223650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871429

I know, right? She's awesome.

>> No.31871332

Am unityfag, don't hate anyone

>> No.31871335
Quoted by: >>31871648

we did get a lot of good gura time in the month of october. the thing... halloween... i swear we watched another scary movie that i can't think of atm.

>> No.31871338
Quoted by: >>31871537

Nah, Ame decided mid stream she could do a short totsumachi, Ina, Gura and surprise Reine appeared. Ame stopped it right there, as it was just meant to waste some time.

>> No.31871339

heh I forgot about that band story shortly after. Ame was definitely a weird kid.

>> No.31871342

>Watching the Gura Mori collab VOD
>Gura calling out sandbaggers
based if I do say so myself

>> No.31871344

>Carson slobbered over Gura
>Mori slobbered over Critikal
It’s merely a matter of perspective.

>> No.31871346
Quoted by: >>31871537

She decided that she would hold a guerilla call-in as part of her birthday despite saying it wasn't going to be one earlier this week, and as a huge shocker, only Ina and Gura called in from EN because Kiara and Mori were sleeping. Kiara had already made a tweet and did some rail autism in MC as a present, while Mori hadn't acknowledged it at all publicly, so it was time for her to be dragged through town square and stoned.

>> No.31871349
File: 447 KB, 751x1334, 1609822054399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31871351

>SEAnig can't read

>> No.31871352

Watchout mods are spazzing out today.

>> No.31871354

Based throat cancer poster
Nah but I'll try to keep up using my subbed anime vocab

>> No.31871357
File: 2 KB, 24x24, wwwwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Hitsu is a amazing artist but I genuinely have no idea what this emote is supposed to be

>> No.31871358
Quoted by: >>31871403

Her PC is worse than mine and I'm a poorfag

>> No.31871365

it looks fine on mobile only

>> No.31871366
Quoted by: >>31871537

3 people called in, Ina, Gura and surprisingly Reine. Kiara tweeted her beforehand and Ina also did some art with nabi-mama. people were freaking out over Mori, then she seems to have woken up after the stream ended, scrambled to set up her stream, write something for ame and some other shit related to the 100 deleted posts here.

>> No.31871369

No I hate deadbeats here too

>> No.31871370

>this one faggot who keeps being mad at meidos doing their job
Not even going to give him a (You)

>> No.31871371

That was the point

>> No.31871372
File: 178 KB, 827x1169, ErEVwylVgAEaFPZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was a good day. I fucking love Ame, lads. She's the cutest thing in the world. Please keep supporting her.

>> No.31871373

>Gura is such a sweetheart that she didn't account for herself getting a piece

>> No.31871377

Ame ground pounding, so thats her skirt/ass. I agree that its pretty unintuitive

>> No.31871379

Ame's ass doing a groundpound

>> No.31871381

I really hope she isnt relapsing into HER from lockdowns

>> No.31871382

To be fair, you could replace hatred with love and it'd still apply.

>> No.31871384

Teamates generally just hate poorfags in general on Ame's chat

>> No.31871386 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31871401

please stop supporting her I hate you teamates

>> No.31871387
File: 11 KB, 72x72, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871466


>> No.31871389

I just don't think about most deadbeats outside of here, other then those few discord/prechat faggots that I wish to murder violently. The rest seem pretty okay, and there aren't any concernfags. Yea, emotes do get spammed, but I honestly would lay that at the feet of Mori if I actually cared to get upset instead of realizing it's fine.

>> No.31871388

Sounds about right. Chumbuds in particular are very disconnected from the outside. But investigators are definitely a good chunk of /hlgg/ teamates

>> No.31871395
Quoted by: >>31871452

>Rando watches clips, spams content of said clips in chat
Oh hey, it's the manlets that kept bringing up Mori's preferences during the Crash stream.

>> No.31871396

People who are obsessed with loving are sad but relatable because any of us could end up like that. How fucked up must your head and/or life be to dedicate yourself to hating one person for little justification?

>> No.31871397
File: 429 KB, 800x748, 1606306287962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been supporting her from day one, wouldnt dare stop now

>> No.31871398
Quoted by: >>31871666

My love isn't baseless and I'm using it as a reason for self-improvement, that inherently makes me a better person.

>> No.31871400
File: 248 KB, 1448x2048, 1607387880365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871666

Man, you really had to say it out loud, didn't you?

>> No.31871401

t. deadbeat

>> No.31871403

wont she just play the ps4 version ?

>> No.31871406

Agreed, for as much as I know she probably wanted it, I know that I would’ve hated that collab.
Especially when the dude doesn’t have or isn’t known for having an off switch for the deadpan coomer shit.

>> No.31871407
Quoted by: >>31871651

Pretty sure most teamates are self aware. I am way too in love with her, but I know it is what it is. I still gosling post because I am self aware. Tho I do agree that some teamates do seem to be potentially off the deep end

>> No.31871409

She's definitely shown her willingness to get better with how much she says she practices some songs now. It's just that at this current time since she's a lot more aware of her pitch, her confidence is completely shot. Compared to how all her karaoke streams earlier on were super fun BECAUSE of her confidence even when she sucks. They're still enjoyable but just in a different way. I hope she can build back that confidence again and not be bummed after every singing stream.

>> No.31871411
File: 179 KB, 703x1000, ErFsnhdUYAE05LN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame didn't preplan the Totsumachi like it usually is, she mentioned it on stream and there were only so many people who were there to catch it.

Kiara made a scuffed (and almost murderous) railway as well as a nice thought out tweet that spanned 2 because it didn't fit into one. She didn't make it to Ame's stream but she clearly cared enough to make the tweet before the stream happened. She didn't know about the totsumachi because she was still asleep or something.

Ina teamed up with Ame's mama to do a collab art. She was in the stream and was the first to do the call for the totsumachi and played Happy Birthday on the Otamatone.

Gura called too, said Happy Birthday, made some noise, and ended the call. She didn't have anything prepped for it.

Reine popped in because she woke up early to watch the stream. Decided to call in, in all her awkward glory to say Happy Birthday to Ame. She had also previously did a drawing for Ame.

Moona didn't call in but she sent Ame a message.

Then there's Mori who didn't watch the stream and sent NOTHING even prior to the stream so people are shitposting to hell about it. Then she sent a few damage control tweets that made things worse.

>> No.31871412

>that laugh
Kek'd, infectionus

>> No.31871413

I'm saving the same pictures with the same filename/numbers

>> No.31871416
Quoted by: >>31871435

>discussing current hololive events
>baseless hatred
You didnt even read the thread

>> No.31871420

She's reading Japanese superchats in the middle of the night

>> No.31871421
File: 333 KB, 1499x749, 1608392284502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, of course, 10chou does not have honor. Her willingness to do anything is the charm!

>> No.31871422
File: 294 KB, 1500x864, 1606803308755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Z E R O (0) JPs called Ame on her birthday

I appreciate Mel and Botan at least tweeting, but I'm still sad.

>> No.31871424
File: 31 KB, 656x548, 45534534534543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31872354


>> No.31871429
File: 263 KB, 880x1245, 303A3F7C-5ABF-406A-8794-0A4A0C05E944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys keep posting pictures of Nightingale but I thought Mori was the hololive member

>> No.31871430

Ground pound

>> No.31871434

Faggots, sir.

>> No.31871435
Quoted by: >>31871462

Have a (you), negro.

>> No.31871437
File: 76 KB, 801x624, 1595364884736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of us are hopeless romantics rooting for the idol underdog huh

>> No.31871436

She also spent a long time watching Ame play MC

>> No.31871440

She held impromptu tostsumachi, only ina gura and reine called, kiara posted a happy birthday message the night before, Mori was asleep for the whole stream didn't call or post a tweet, schizos processed to go ape ove this for 2 threads, fags from here go full chink and try to raid her pre-chat and dislike bomb her, she wakes up, sends out a happy birthday tweet, schizos cry that it still wasn't enough, she shouts-out Ame on her stream and tell her viewers to watch her, schizos are still mad and now they're trying to contort removing an emote as being a politcal statement
Just /hlgg/ making mountains out of molehills as usual

>> No.31871444

If nothing else, I hope it will be enough for Cover to realize that Western e-celebs in general are an endless source of yabs. You never know when a funny peepee poopoo man will get cancelled for some stupid shit and drag everyone associated with him down. Better avoid that shitfest altogether.

>> No.31871445


Welcome to Hololive. Birthday calls are usually pre-planned. Ame didn't pre-plan it so no one knew to call unless they were already watching the stream.

>> No.31871446

Mori doesn't care about hololive, or her colleagues, or black people.

>> No.31871447
Quoted by: >>31871476

KiarAme chad here. i love the cult memes and i love the obsession over kiara, but the ones who actively interact with her roommate need to stop.
besides that, KFP is alright
and for ame, yeah the concernfags are annoying, she's completely fine.

>> No.31871449

I feel awful i was doing archive reps and saw my aka SC get posted here, I said something like “I love your streams keep it up, you’ve helped a lot” and I got shit on

I just wanted to support my oshi... I’ll just wait for merch

>> No.31871450

>Guerilla call-in at 9AM JP time
>Somehow shocked that none of them knew

You really only have yourself to blame.

>> No.31871452
File: 467 KB, 1656x2048, EpA89y3VoAIdFKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On some level, I understand them, because they've spent so long being told they're unfuckable and undesirable that this must seem like a ray of light, that any woman out there might like them. And then I remember that they ignore the fact that Mori has explained twice now how she doesn't believe in preferences or types, let alone for herself, and go right back to hating manlets for being cherry-picking fags who only hear what they want to hear.

>> No.31871454

>If I was running out of money
Then surely you'd have other priorities.

>> No.31871455
Quoted by: >>31871500

Why does Hololive want me to get sexually invested in old hags?

>> No.31871459

Me neither.
t. deadbeat

>> No.31871460
Quoted by: >>31871498

Based Kanye

>> No.31871461
File: 125 KB, 1250x1200, F7D9456E-244F-4265-8FF5-0CC12B697191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> she was on a US military base in Japan when she was a young child and went around saying "piece of cake" to all the US servicemen stationed there
It’s not fair. Why can’t other Hololive members be as cute as her? Yagoo need to stop hiring old hags who can’t sing and start hiring actual cute idols.

>> No.31871462

Didn't ask

>> No.31871463

It wasn't planned and she filled most of the time she allotted to it anyways, chin up.

>> No.31871464

That sounds stupid though, considering afaik the split threads are even worse than here.
Like what moron will be lured by those?

>> No.31871466
Quoted by: >>31871607

I don't enjoy how casual fans have run this meme into the ground but it's a pretty good emote when you can actually see it. Doesn't work too well in the actual chat.

>> No.31871470

It was a pretty weird thing to admit, to be fair. She specifically picked out the "how often do you shower" question from a 1000 and told everyone she used to shower once a week. I still don't know why you would say that if not to feed into some fetishes.

>> No.31871472
File: 307 KB, 2048x1540, 1610009496320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871517

Cute Happy lovers

>> No.31871474

Ah shit, back to my counting to 5 reps.

>> No.31871476

Fuck KFP Fan, I never wanted to murder someone so badly

>> No.31871477
File: 311 KB, 1394x1899, Eld6IETVMAAiJVg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871679

Please let my idol detective sing an original ska song, Cover! She'll make you proud like no other detective has.

>> No.31871479
Quoted by: >>31871553

I'm mostly chill with the deadbeats here, until they start happily talking about falseflagging which makes me not want to be associated with them. (could itself be a falseflag, who fucking knows at this point, I'm not good at this, all my posts are sincere) oh and also one other guy in particular.

>> No.31871480

>light chatting
>day off
>day off
>day off
>”light gaming”
But why?

>> No.31871481
Quoted by: >>31871507

Mori can't even wrap her head around the idea that people still send her superchats even if her stream is scuffed, or that 10k people might want to watch her play Crash Bandicoot for hours on end. People out here really thought she'd realize she had to make a lot noise for my oshi's fake birthday stream? Mori probably thought a tweet sometime over the day would be enough and then she could do something real for Ame's actual birthday in private.

>> No.31871483

>call in
>say anything that isn't in broken Engrish
>Ame can't even respond back because she knows shit-all for Jap
It's like you wanted things to be even more awkward than when Reine called in.

>> No.31871486
Quoted by: >>31871512

Let’s be honest mori really one likes TWO individuals. And theyre both short so

>> No.31871488
Quoted by: >>31871812

Her attempting SSS was the cutest fucking thing, I almost died. I really hope she continues practicing her singing.

>> No.31871490

Ame needs to do more of her style of ASMR, it always makes me super relaxed and even if its not actual asmr its super comfy

>> No.31871492
Quoted by: >>31871530


Teamates and investigators, please vote, don't think there's been a poll for this

>> No.31871493

idols dont pee you liar

>> No.31871494

This is true, I cannot relate to regular chumbuds

>> No.31871496
Quoted by: >>31871531

>4chan is elitist, right?
Yup. And water is wet, too.

>> No.31871498
Quoted by: >>31871515

MoriXKanye collab when?

>> No.31871500
Quoted by: >>31871513

declining birthrate please understand

>> No.31871504
File: 133 KB, 350x350, 1606884905786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're EN "lite"

>> No.31871507

>Mori can't even wrap her head around the idea that people still send her superchats even if her stream is scuffed, or that 10k people might want to watch her play Crash Bandicoot for hours on end.
neither herantis

>> No.31871511


>> No.31871512

Whatever you have to tell yourself to cope.

>> No.31871513

Well I'll tell you it's working. God Botan is so cute

>> No.31871515

When someone gives me my damn croissant

>> No.31871517

Gotta say, I don't think they're lovers. In fact, I think Gura has better chemistry with Mori. It'll take a really long post with some linked video evidence to convince me otherwise.

>> No.31871528

Idk tho I’m just glad hololive introduced me to a great entertainer

>> No.31871530

these are the best 20 bucks I've spent for the past 4 months

>> No.31871531

Lol, we are just not accepted anywhere else. Stop lying.

>> No.31871536

Spinoff branch.

>> No.31871537

>guerilla call-in
And faggots still threw a fit? Jesas, the absolute state.

>> No.31871540

This place is going to melt the fuck down when Mori gets her full gen and at least 3 JPs on her birthday.

>> No.31871544

Im still mad we don't have a Ina clip of the "They did the do"

>> No.31871548

Gura won’t upgrade her pc until it breaks

>> No.31871549
Quoted by: >>31871652

JWU. How was the birthday party? Did Gura show up?

>> No.31871554
Quoted by: >>31871800

he colored it

>> No.31871553

I'm reasonably certain they're joking. Even as a deadbeat, all of my criticism of Mori gets disregarded as me being an anti so I just stopped putting stock in what anyone else has to say.

>> No.31871555

>At least 3

I don't even like Mori and I guarantee she'll get 10 Jps, half of hololive wants to fuck her brains out

>> No.31871556
Quoted by: >>31871587

People were mad Mori didn't show up to the stream or do anything to begin with, the totsu isn't the issue. You can say that doesn't matter either and maybe you're right, but they're still separate issues.

>> No.31871557

Teamates from here hatebthe d*scord larper attention whore from her chat.

>> No.31871560

I just want Anya to succeed bros

>> No.31871565

As a JP you can't really call in unless you want to meme in broken English. What else are they going to do? Talk at Ame and laugh as she talks at them before hanging up?
Also, Ame herself mentioned that she didn't ask. She said she could have asked for not even just call ins, but short videos to show or something. She just didn't want to be a bother and is super shy. If you were Ame, how would you even go about asking your senpai for something like that?

>> No.31871566

Damn aqua just pulled off the most insane Mario kart strat, do not underestimate this onion's autism

>> No.31871569

thats better than most homo streams
besides the bigger homo streams like reveals and karaokes

>> No.31871572

Mori Ame and Kiara were all broke enough that whatever they had relative to what they make now wouldn't matter. Gura probably has some amount of money from her past career. Ina has her other job.

>> No.31871573

atleast she doesn't directly acknowledge him.
but I'm glad it's only like 1 or 2 fags.
unlike mori who I'm pretty has directly interacted with the dox fags.

>> No.31871575
Quoted by: >>31871601

get banned chink.

>> No.31871576
Quoted by: >>31871630

There's been a lot of strange posting of completely innocent SCs here lately. Don't let it get to you.

>> No.31871579
Quoted by: >>31871777

Is it too much to ask for Mori to tune into her own genmate's first commemorative stream of the branch? Fucking Reine set an alarm for it and she's not even EN.

>> No.31871585

Even if she'd scheduled one she'd have only gotten Haato at best. And she would have been too shy to ask anyone outside of EN anyway even if she did go through with that.
Reine was a shocker and probably made her entire day, you could tell she was happy.

>> No.31871587

Why are people excusing kiara if it's important to show up?

>> No.31871588


>> No.31871589

This would be true for most of Hololive. Celebrities and normal people generally don't last.

>> No.31871591
File: 401 KB, 788x762, 1609475684692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura.... is not good at MK8

>> No.31871593

The Gura won’t be able to run RDR2 because of her bad PC rrat actually worries me... she struggles to run games that aren’t even as intensive...

>> No.31871595

JP is the day after already so it's a bit confusing

>> No.31871596

Just wanted to say I'm proud of you, guys, for not uploading Ame's voice packs. You're better than I thought.

>> No.31871597
Quoted by: >>31871654

It's less about her not calling in and more about her literally not even tweeting until people were hard shitposting in her chat.

>> No.31871598

No gaming PCs therefore what they can do is limited. Their talk streams are fun though, I've enjoyed all of Reine's and Ollie's. Reine talked about linguistics in her recent brunch stream and Ollie has a lot of interesting experiences to share and is fun to be with. I don't know about Anya though, I am filtered by her appealing to JPbros.

>> No.31871600
File: 400 KB, 382x503, 1593250272666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching mario kart archive
>like 20 minutes of floundering trying to make a new room because a couple of people wouldnt leave the original room

>> No.31871601


>> No.31871605
Quoted by: >>31871911

At least Anya's failure will get them to stop making more ID gens.

>> No.31871607

I remember Hitsu saying that she'd never drawn emotes before in the first few weeks after debut, so Ame's are her first real attempt at it, and you can tell. The edited emotes that Ame made herself are easy to read at a glance, for example.

>> No.31871610
Quoted by: >>31871662

She should've showed up to, but no one really cares since she did stuff beforehand.

>> No.31871611

lol yeah

>> No.31871612
File: 494 KB, 565x661, 1606438044896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what holoEN really fucking needs?

Someone like Mio.

Someone who's just a collab god, who will message everyone with "hey I thought of a dumb gameshow idea let's do a collab!" and will then proceed to laugh at even the shittiest jokes hysterically to break all the ice.

>> No.31871614

This is a schizo post and I need to take my meds, giving you this warning now so you can skip it
sometimes I swear people falseflag as an anti of their oshi in an attempt to drum up support for their oshi like if you can convince the thread that the complaint is coming from chinks or seanigs then it automatically makes the issue invalid, along with this the falseflagging purposely argues the issue poorly and become their own strawman. Though maybe I'm overthinking it and the antis just are that fucking stupid, but yeah I don't know it just seems like a tactic that would work when your oshi is getting heat from the thread
ID branch is just HoloESL but maybe now with EN they will do more weekly if EN collabs with them, I hope the bird collab with Kiara and Reine is fruitful and maybe inspires ID2 to join both minecraft servers

>> No.31871615

Anon, I...

>> No.31871620

No one was excusing her for not showing up, only noting that she'd done more than nothing prior to the stream.

>> No.31871621
Quoted by: >>31872086

Women can't drive
More news at 11!

>> No.31871623

I really wish she was more confident in her English speaking. Her accent is really cute and isn't any heavier than Risu's or even Kiara's. People should let her know that her voice is cute and that they want to hear more.

>> No.31871625

a-anon, your archive reps...

>> No.31871630

This guy is right >>31871449

For some reason, newfags are posting random akas to try and fit in or some shit. It’s retarded. A lot of them aren’t even cringe, just regular ones saying “thanks for streaming” etc.

>> No.31871635

It's just newfags trying to fit in. Bet you they didn't get many replies actually shitting on the SC. Most people here only shit on the SCs that are super depressing or super creepy.

>> No.31871636

Kiara sang her Happy birthday on her stream and made a tweet gushing about Ame because she knew she would be asleep. Mori didn't do ANYTHING.

>> No.31871638

Was there a mention that it is the PC version?

>> No.31871641
Quoted by: >>31871825

It's pretty obvious that happens, nothing schizo about thinking it.

>> No.31871644

H-haha... yeah anon... you too...

>> No.31871645


>> No.31871646

How many jp birthdays has Ame called in to? The language gap is just to big. Haachama would have called in if she told her ahead of time, probably. She could have asked Risu and Lofi too but that's kind of like asking the dude you talked to twice at work to come to your wedding, very awkward.

>> No.31871647

Is Kiara not like that?

>> No.31871648

I don't think she's going about it the right way then. Sure, she could be trying to slow down her growth, but to the most annoying parts of her fanbase, shit like streaming less or twitter/yt presence outside of streams isn't going to make much of a difference.
For the record, I don't actually think RDR2 is likely to get cancelled. She's talked about plans to upgrade so she is most likely conscious of the sys requirements and there's no reason to believe she isn't planning on playing on console since she has a working capture card setup.
At least she has pretty packed schedule in the coming days, I'm looking forward to that.
Also I really liked how she went about the SC reading at the end of the last Ring Fit Stream. It felt like just hanging around for 20-30 minutes after the game made the whole stream seem more satisfying despite still being short. Too bad the following day ended up going how it went.

>> No.31871650

Because she at least tweeted about it and/or did something beforehand. Mori did nothing, then didn't show up. Not like it's a surprise event.

>> No.31871651

Goslings (and more generally teamates) and Ame have an odd dynamic and I can't quite pin down her position in all this
It seems like when she's at her lower points (e.g. Christmas) she tends to reach out to her members more for comfort and a sense of community. I wouldn't call it a "dependency" or "BFE", but it's definitely a move in that general direction
It's like her self-awareness waned a little bit during that time
I sometimes have to slap myself and say
>Stop it, remember the reality of this situation
when I feel myself slipping
I wonder if she does the same for teamates sometimes?

>> No.31871652

gura, ina and reine showed up.
kiara didn't, but she made a very long tweet praising amelia for being an amazing friend, and then showed up in the chat during her minecraft stream to watch her use the railway she made.
mori legit seemed like she forgot.

>> No.31871654
Quoted by: >>31871673

>hard shitposting in her chat
Did pre-chat fags really?

>> No.31871655
File: 216 KB, 1200x1320, 56434513534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871788

Mama Ame Watson...

>> No.31871656

>Rushia Starting

>> No.31871657

it's kinda two sides of the same obsessive coin, the difference being that people that hate are people that tend to see themselves as psychologically incapable of love or at least selective to the point of not including 99.9% of real or imaginary people in those they feel are deserving of it.

>> No.31871661

The deadbeat tactic is to false flag and get other fan bases to defend your oshi

They are true geniuses! Sausuga, deadbeats-sama

>> No.31871662
Quoted by: >>31871737

Showing up and doing some are two different things though? Why is it bad for Mori to do it after she wakes up instead of before?

>> No.31871666
File: 810 KB, 1605x1801, 86853023_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871780

Can't argue with that.
>My %feeling% isn't baseless
That's what every human being thinks. Both haters and lovers could provide hundreds of rationalizations (and they do), but they are post-factum: feeling itself always comes first.
Just doing my self-depreciation reps, sorry.

>> No.31871665
Quoted by: >>31871691

Just got home. How did Mori fuck up today?

>> No.31871671

Just give it a few gens and we'll have a nice variety for girls. I personally want our own Korone who does endurance streams of kuso games.

>> No.31871673

They weren't deadbeats, just retard SEAniggers breaching containment.

>> No.31871674

JP's love Mori, it's easily going to be a majority of them, though they might do full gen call ins to not drag it out

>> No.31871677
File: 30 KB, 461x461, 1607280197306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RRAT TIME: If you have a Tier 2 or Tier 3 Polka membership, watch out if you refused to and continue to refuse her offers of coming to Japan. For those who resist the temptation to take up her offer, she periodically sends you personalized videos along with a message that is along the lines of "This is what you're missing. Why don't you come meet me, (name here)." These videos always begin in a dark room with a concrete floor and the victim stripped to their underwear bounded to a metal post in center focus. A light can be seen shining down on the victim, but it's usually dimly flickering, concealing every other detail in the room. After a while, Polka bursts into the room in her usual outfit humming the intro music to her streams. She then proceeds to walk out of the light's focus and comes back with some sort of tool. Most of the time, it's a kitchen knife. The rest of the video consists of her torturing the victim with the tool she picked out. In the case of her knife, she lacerates her victim across their entire body, leaving long and often deep wounds across their body. Depending on her mood, she may even amputate one of the victim's limbs, hacking through their muscle and into their bones. Despite this, Polka cheerfully sings whatever songs are stuck in her head as if she were just doing chores. Sometimes, she approaches the camera to turn it off, but she usually leaves the room after she's done, leaving the camera to focus on the aftermath of her torture until she comes back into the room, centers her face into the camera, and then makes a cutesy face before actually ending it. What remains virtually the same across all of the videos is that the victim never screams for help nor cries out in pain. In some videos, they may even smile at how Polka treats them.

As mentioned before, the videos often have a dim, flickering light showing only the victim and a small area surrounding them. It appeared that either Polka or someone else messed up, as a leaked video had a fully working, bright light illuminating the entire room. In this video, what appeared to be twelve people were chained across the walls of this room. Several places along the walls indicated that up to eighteen people could be chained together along the three walls shown in the video. Above these people, the various knives and other tools she uses were attached to the walls. Despite their relative proximity, the people on the walls never attempted to grab them. Even when Polka wasn't present in the room, they remained motionless. Other than that, there was a partially opened door behind the center victim leaking out some sort of liquid. Other than this discrepancy, the video was virtually the same as every other video. Even Polka herself did not acknowledged the change of lighting in the room.

These videos, when leaked, consistently have a investigation conducted and then abruptly ended. Despite Polka being the obvious suspect, investigators usually cite a lack of evidence for terminating the investigation altogether. Even news agencies refuse to report on these cases, as any attempts to air segments on these cases are interrupted by breaking news. This "breaking news" consists of mundane events such as cats stuck in trees to a small fire in a break room. One agency even took the piss by simply airing some random ass gameplay of Touhou where some rabbit was fighting a clown or something. Point is, leaking any of Polka's personal videos will never lead to anything substantial from happening.

So, as said before, if you ever see the opportunity to obtain a Tier 2 or 3 membership to Polka, here's my advice: don't. For those already in it, just accept that you're already dead and enjoy the last of your days. I was a fool for thinking you could just simply ignore everything. You can't. Even canceling my membership did nothing. As a personal anecdote, after that last memo, I stopped receiving Polka's usual videos. Instead, I starting receiving a series of videos of Polka in her usual streaming setup with Google maps in her browser. For an entire hour, she would simply be scrolling across the map while incoherently muttering or screaming for 1-2 hours. I didn't see anything else weird in these videos until she started getting more accurate in scrolling around where I lived in each subsequent video. I should also mention that each message she attached to these videos got less and less comprehendible, but I got the vague impression that she was consistently threatening to decapitate me, burn my head, and then rape my corpse unless I accepted her "gifts". Anyways, she pretty much found the neighborhood I lived in for her most recent video sent to me, so expect the next wall of text to be a 2000 word essay consisting only of "Poruka oruka" or something. But, to reiterate one last time, don't even consider the opportunity of a Tier 2 or Tier 3 Polka membership.

>> No.31871678
Quoted by: >>31871733


>> No.31871679

God, I want this so bad. Cover, onegai, it would be hype as fuck

>> No.31871682

I fucking hate that I know his name because he's that obnoxious about it, at least with the other kfp_namefags I only know their names cause they either donate a bunch or make good art
Kiara does interact with some they just got bullied into using alts

>> No.31871684

yep. she's gonna know who her true fans are soon enough.

>> No.31871685
Quoted by: >>31871926


>> No.31871688
Quoted by: >>31871733

Does Kiara think of good collab ideas? Does Kiara laugh at every little joke? No.

>> No.31871690

the part where she was crunching carrots in my ears was very nice

>> No.31871691
Quoted by: >>31871703

didn't charge her joycons before the collab forcing them to end after an hour on the dot

>> No.31871692

One of them needs to get copyright strike first anon

>> No.31871693
Quoted by: >>31871733

kiara does a bunch of fun collabs, but she doesn't do anything crazy with them besides just play a game together.

>> No.31871696

You just reminded me, it's been a little bit since the collab ban lifted and still no collab outside their gen was on their schedule. Surprises me but at the same time it took a little bit for Gen 5 to start doing stuff after their collab ban outside of Polka collabing with Coco

>> No.31871698
Quoted by: >>31871754

Tweeted beforehand, Ame was in her stream earlier so she'd already directly wished her a happy birthday, also she explicitly directed everyone in said stream to go give superchats to Ame during her Bday stream. Also sent a long tweet to her as well.

>> No.31871700


>> No.31871703

They were charged, Mori just wanted to leave to count her superchats

>> No.31871705


>> No.31871710
File: 3.35 MB, 1536x1620, 1601650490040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you watermark-dono, you're doing god's work

>> No.31871711
Quoted by: >>31871801

>rushia and subaru both playing fall guys
i thought that game was dead?

>> No.31871712

>imagine watching this
it's like Ame at her worst during Mario Odyssey, ramped up 10 times and then put in a higher pitch

>> No.31871713

>who cares if I'm legal or not

>> No.31871717
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>> No.31871721
File: 644 KB, 769x601, 1604425598193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, or meds, I dunno.
I'm not reading any of that.

>> No.31871723

There are times when i posted my frustration to my oshi here just to get some counter-points. But i'm not doing it today.

>> No.31871725
Quoted by: >>31871784

Hey uh, people here who actually watch JPs...

...Is Mio okay? Man she has been coughing VIOLENTLY lately and I'm starting to concernfag

>> No.31871729
File: 105 KB, 629x351, 1608915703698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.--- ..- ... - / .-- --- -.- . / ..- .--.
What happened with Ame's bday?

>> No.31871730
File: 248 KB, 535x532, 1609043262878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend, nothing of the sort happens. And certainly, we have not been administering a vaccine to prepare Unity when legit threats show themselves. And certainly, we have not learned this tactic during the TT podcast and kept at it. And certainly, we don't use this to filter actual bugmen and SEAnigs who cannot tell the difference between sarcasm and legitimate hate. And of course, we are not important enough to have various factions of the internet to constantly gain control of our narratives.

>> No.31871731
File: 202 KB, 1354x1606, 1593363276625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

takobros, how do we feel today? are you still hurt by the priestess' betrayal?

>> No.31871733

>>31871678 >>31871688 >>31871693
That's fair

>> No.31871737
Quoted by: >>31871769

Because she lives rent free everyone here's heads
Damned if she do damned if she don't if she does do something it wasn't enough for them, just ignore it at this point

>> No.31871738
Quoted by: >>31871985

>, it's been a little bit since the collab ban lifted and still no collab outside their gen was on their schedule.
Ollie has a collab planned and Anya has too shit a pc at the moment

>> No.31871739
File: 379 KB, 727x1000, 1607506304068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

defend this chumfucks

>> No.31871741

Does it count if I did it unintentionally? I voiced legitimate, perfectly valid criticism and somehow that spiraled into most everyone else rallying around my oshi even though I still think she was in the wrong in the first place.

>> No.31871743
File: 43 KB, 533x248, 1601124088686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too long, didn't read, take meds.

>> No.31871744

She built a railroad track for Ame in MC, congratulated her in advance on twitter, sang for her on stream and said she'll paypal Ame, which is the best gift imo kek. Bunch of small things.

>> No.31871748

I feel so bad for Anya...

>> No.31871749
Quoted by: >>31871776

Huh? Are you larping or did you not watch the end of the video? Sounds like it would be a strange outcome.

>> No.31871750
Quoted by: >>31871796

Take meds.

>> No.31871751

Oh no, I do that all the time. It's incredibly common.

>> No.31871753

>I just wanted to support my oshi... I’ll just wait for merch
Anon, while it's always great to save up for merch, please don't let it get to you. It was probably just a newfag cherry picking your aka simply because it was an aka.

>> No.31871754

Kek repeated the tweet thing twice, sleep meds getting to me

>> No.31871755
Quoted by: >>31871811

It was really fun, trinity showed up and surprise Reine caller, Ame attempted SSS for the first time and bombed, her merch is actually pretty good

>> No.31871757

Euro Vtuber that's themed as a druid or Hermetic magician that does Tarot card shit.

>> No.31871758
Quoted by: >>31871816

it was pretty nice, people exaggerate that it was bad because she broke down during her singing of SSS

>> No.31871759
Quoted by: >>31871811

It was alright. She has merch out. Also, rrats

>> No.31871761

I mean, that's one reason to become elitist. Jadedness from being rejected.

>> No.31871764
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>> No.31871769
Quoted by: >>31871962

More like damned if she doesn't and damned if she does something halfassed only after seeing her chat on fire.

>> No.31871770

Go write a fucking novel or something

>> No.31871772
File: 334 KB, 420x420, 1609685451057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871877

Cam you give me a tldr?

>> No.31871773
Quoted by: >>31871803

Huh, Luna is playing Wario Land 3 5 hours. What an interesting pick.

>> No.31871776


>> No.31871777

>Fucking Reine set an alarm for it and she's not even EN.
She should be though. ID gen 2 is like an expansion pack for EN gen 1
also because I really like Reine

>> No.31871779

as a KFP, im a little upset she didn't show up, but atleast she did a bunch of stuff for ame alongside gush about her during her MC stream and over twitter.
meanwhile mori literally didn't do anything.

>> No.31871780
Quoted by: >>31871927

Except I'm right and can explain why my feelings aren't by using well-constructed arguments.

>> No.31871784


>> No.31871786

>because they've spent so long being told they're unfuckable and undesirable
Lanklets have it worse, because everyone shits on them
>t. had to grow an unkempt stoner beard because people keep saying i look like Napoleon Dynamite (even back when i didn't wear glasses). It's been going on for almost 10 years and it's mostly manlet spics. Wish they would at least be original instead of making the same comparison. (thanks for following my blog btw)

>> No.31871787

I'm usually just shitposting when I shit on Mori but this time it's definitely not a good look for ya boi. This must ve how Ayamefags felt during the Miko Live.

>> No.31871788


>> No.31871789
File: 53 KB, 261x369, FC98BC23-FA13-4DA2-B238-9455473B369E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31871792

~700 and climbing for a tri-lingual supa session isn't too bad anon.

>> No.31871796


>> No.31871798

J*** *o*e u*
How amazing was Guras gift to Amelia?

>> No.31871800

>white power symbol

>> No.31871799
File: 81 KB, 1000x1039, 1582112701665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anya SC reading stream
>barely any SC to read
This is just too sad

>> No.31871801


>> No.31871803

Oh wait it's Wario Land 1. Got confused since it's called Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land.

>> No.31871804
Quoted by: >>31871828


>> No.31871805

Of course.

>> No.31871811

Oh neat, what's her merch like? I don't have the time to do my stream reps just yet.

>> No.31871812
File: 1.57 MB, 852x480, 1619e2d005db44995b2a3bbe63fd3d6a.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31871852

There's always bumps in the roads to being an idol but it makes getting there all the more sweeter.

>> No.31871814

she uh, she made a funny noise

>> No.31871816
Quoted by: >>31871873


>> No.31871819

I fucking HATE Mori. She doesn't care one bit about Hololive. Doesn't watch debuts, doesn't celebrate birthdays, always fucking sleepy and low energy piece of shit dragging down the mood during collabs, still had 5 trillion jobs she does NOT have to work on but chooses to because it matters more to her than hololive, spams lazy 60 minute zatsudans, constantly overpromises and under-delivers because promises are the only thing she has since she doesn't actually deliver on anything, delays songs, bought a used up broken ASMR mic and ruined the entire stream, literally doesn't give a fuck about her genmates.

>> No.31871823

You don't understand, fandead have no choice

>> No.31871825

is it schizo if I think they then samefag to "defeat" their own post

>> No.31871826
Quoted by: >>31871886

I could go on Reddit or a Discord if I wanted to, I just want to keep my constitutional right of calling people faggots

>> No.31871827

This is quite close to my favourite GurInAme ship. Just need to add little bite and suction cup marks on Ame and it'll be gold

>> No.31871828

Anon, he has schizoprenia. Of course, he uses "we".

>> No.31871829

ikachad here, get fucked

>> No.31871832

Goddamn it Yagoo, why dont you support Anya. This is fucking painful.

>> No.31871833
Quoted by: >>31871881

Isnt she basically in the middle of getting deported back to Austria?

>> No.31871834

Well she wants to celebrate her birthday with Ame, tooted a bunch of party horns and then awkwardly ended it before saving it with a "tsuki".

>> No.31871835

watching this onion is a real stark contrast to watching mori and gura earlier

there's no way anyone else is even close to aqua in the tourney huh

>> No.31871836
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>> No.31871837
Quoted by: >>31871948

I hate that you're right.
Irony was a mistake.

>> No.31871839

It was cute and funny

>> No.31871843 [DELETED] 
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>> No.31871845

She choke on multiple dicks on stream for Ame

>> No.31871846
Quoted by: >>31871888

What is the most coomer piece of merch to have come out of Hololive, official or not? Looking to buy something.

>> No.31871850
File: 727 KB, 1258x2023, 1609973820016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will do my best to love my new ikadachi brothers. For my priestess.

>> No.31871852

I remember watching that scene

Fuck Rin, and Mio Honda

>> No.31871853

take meds

>> No.31871856

Capcom hands made this post.

>> No.31871857


I love that the Japanese translators are starting to translate more of Ame's dumb stories lately.

>> No.31871858

That's why she should pull a Fubuki and not read them.

>> No.31871859

its pretty meh honestly.
the pillows the only real good thing and i guess the voice packs are good if you're a gosling

>> No.31871864
File: 367 KB, 1158x1638, ErADRrzW4AIrL_P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31871867

>Alien watchalong

>> No.31871868
Quoted by: >>31871900

Ame had a good time, announced her merch, flubbed during her SSS performance and just turned on a pre-recorded version
Ina made some awesome art with Nabi-mama, watched the whole stream, and called in first
Gura watched the stream and called in second
Reine made a surprise appearance and had a kind of awkward yet heartfelt first conversation with Ame
Kiara built some stuff for Ame in MC, made a tweet gushing about her, and sang happy birthday for her beforehand but missed the stream
Mori... was somewhere

>> No.31871873

oh boy my heart

>> No.31871875

i've played with ame, gura, and kiara and have seen mori and ina play. of them all, gura is probably the best mk8 player, which isn't saying a lot, but still. she was probably doing bad this stream because she turned off drive assist and hasn't practiced much with it off, yet.

>> No.31871876

Once again proving that people who spend their time making rrats really should try writing novels with the amount of potential they have.

>> No.31871877

Read the last sentence

>> No.31871880
Quoted by: >>31872298

Fellow chumbuds, how likely is it that we get a SC reading that was promised after the MK stream? I’m not even sure why she wants to, but it’s more content for us.

>> No.31871881

Her visa doesn't run out for a month or two at which point the Australian government will likely have to find her a flight home.

>> No.31871882

Did whatson ghost oga? Kinda sad for the guy. In a “checking male pornstar salary” way. This is unfortunate, as the clown is more noble than the porn actor.

>> No.31871884

All of this can be explained by a single, simple concept.
Autism, girl is barely functioning.

>> No.31871886

Lol no. You wouldnt last a week.

>> No.31871887
Quoted by: >>31871892

Wait a sec, is that a thing outside of HERE?

>> No.31871888

The Wamehole

>> No.31871889

Ollie has a mystery collab coming (I'm guessing in japanese since that's her weakest language and they're doing the bomb game, though no idea who in particular it could be, maybe festival or one of the ID gen 1s?) and I believe anya said something on her stream about taking her time and citing mio's reading for it or something?

>> No.31871892
Quoted by: >>31871974

Her chat you fucking retard

>> No.31871893

Different timezones and living conditions. Mio has six fucking generations to work with so she can do that with ease. HoloEN has to either get close to HoloID for more participants to choose from or wait for future generations. I hope the former happens with ID2 collab ban lifting, hopefully they'll treat their fellow English-speaking holos from another branch like they're family. Through eigo, unity.

>> No.31871895

She made the mistake of reading all of her month anniversary streams at the start of the stream and not spending much time talking in between. She caught up to all of them and the ones on this stream by now. Rookie mistake.

>> No.31871897
Quoted by: >>31872097

>It's like her self-awareness waned a little bit during that time
Why would you say that? I don't think wanting to have a sense of community with your chat means you aren't self-aware as to what that relationship actually is in reality, and a lot of holos or streamers are open about things to their audience.
She is very aware of the fact that she's not a social person and that talking with chat is a substitute in a way. The most important part of that is that she enjoys being the one in control of the conversation, and most of the time she always is.
I will say the only time this thought crossed my mind is when she entertained the idea of a discord meet-and-greet, but I chalked that up to her lacking the foresight of how poorly that could go rather than lacking self-awareness.

>> No.31871899

EN->JP clippers have amazing thumbnails when compared to JP->EN clippers

>> No.31871900
Quoted by: >>31871956

Man the unironic hardcore gurame schizos were probably not happy with how the events unfolded.

>> No.31871901

This wouldn't be the first time I decide to support a Holo out of pity/compassion.

>> No.31871902

You have my attention, please tell me more.

>> No.31871905

Polkahime will finally be in her true form...

>> No.31871906

Watching Aqua do her MK with viewers, I can see why she's the best.
Its not just the technical skills she has, but also her tactical sense.

>> No.31871907

>something halfassed
> if she does do something it wasn't enough for them
Thank you for proving my point
>after seeing her chat on fire.
Giving them too much, it was like 3 schizos getting drowned out the usual pre-chat RPers

>> No.31871908

wow, remember when you could say something like that online and not have your life ruined by the CIA?

>> No.31871911
Quoted by: >>31871953

Only if all three bomb. If it's just Anya maybe they'll get their head out of their ass and buy some decent starter gear for talents, or don't recruit people that don't have a decent setup. I feel like it will be a while before they do another ID gen though, it's bound to be hard to get English speaking Vtubers from Indonesia. They probably want another EN Gen and maybe another branch entirely (Korea, Spanish, whatever) before they go back to it.

>> No.31871914
Quoted by: >>31871993

What the fuck are these translations? In Mel's section is the most egregious one:
>I want to play with Mel this year. (JP)
>That whole fucking wall of text in (EN)

>> No.31871915

Fallguys is fine, I haven’t seen anybody play fallguys for a couple of months now.

>> No.31871919

fucking hell nene kek

>> No.31871920

Twinkie house

>> No.31871921
File: 279 KB, 463x453, 1607659672128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro what the actual fuck are you talking about

>> No.31871922


>> No.31871924

She also missed Botan and Mel

>> No.31871925
File: 158 KB, 850x1206, 1588120197109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Mio so much bros... I want to hate fuck her and hate marry her so much...

>> No.31871926

People greatly misunderstand that meme. It was a couple of deadbeats falseflagging as falseflagging antis during a time period where you couldn't post anything about Mori without 10 replies about braps and the podcast. We had to sow doubt about any and every post shitting on Mori being a potential falseflag to get the thread to meme on them so they would finally just shut the fuck up.

>> No.31871927

Exactly. Everyone can, with enough language proficiency. That's why your arguments never convince anyone who disagrees with you, and vice versa.

>> No.31871928

Hey, that's not official merch!

>> No.31871933

Take your meds.

>> No.31871934
Quoted by: >>31872607

Isn't it ironic that autists have a hard time emphasizing with a fellow autist? Autists can't relate to other people at all even it's their own kind, it's sad and hilarious.

>> No.31871936
File: 1.14 MB, 1995x1186, 97AD746C-99F3-4222-842B-994184E5127E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for your weekly confessions /hlgg/
Have you jacked off to Coco or any of the other girls this week? Cum tributes are just as important as superchats!

>> No.31871938

I’m going to support anya just because I feel bad...

>> No.31871939

Yep, smells like good ol' fashioned Deadbeat autism.

>> No.31871946

you gonna leave us hanging?

>> No.31871947
Quoted by: >>31872006

Add it to the pasta folks

>> No.31871948


>> No.31871950

Hey, at least some of this stuff is current, good for you, man!

>> No.31871952

They are now, they criticized her during the stream too

>> No.31871953
Quoted by: >>31872057

>bound to be hard to get English speaking Vtubers from Indonesia
English is pretty much an official language in Indonesia.

>> No.31871954
Quoted by: >>31872011

Masturbating to a vtuber is like masturbating to a friend and that's awful.

>> No.31871956
Quoted by: >>31872009

nah they were happy with the crumbs from hearing ame and gura exchange"I love you" and "suki."

>> No.31871959

>I want to fuck Gura someday
wtf Anya

>> No.31871961

It's honestly a very game-focused stream, they literally just explain what's going on with hardly anything else sprinkled in. The best part is when Nene stole a victory as a CPU after her disconnections, but you don't need a translation for that.

>> No.31871962

meant >>31871907 for >>31871769

>> No.31871964

>unlike mori who I'm pretty has directly interacted with the dox fags.
How dumb is Mori really? Every time I read something about her I think "Geez, that's really stupid". Does she not realize the kind of people who hunt down personal info are people you really don't want to encourage? Does she have any idea how obsessive people can get about celebrities?

>> No.31871969
Quoted by: >>31871990

Has Klaius drawn the peacock yet?

>> No.31871974
Quoted by: >>31872020

>reads chat
>has the gall to call anyone a retard
Oh no. Oh no, no, no.

>> No.31871976


>> No.31871985

Haachama got dip on Anya but it is true that for that collab to happen, Anya would need a better pc.

>> No.31871988

See this >>31871884

>> No.31871990

It’ll have the same face as Gura because his subconscious literally cannot deal with other girls. You’ll get Gura in a peacock outfit and you’ll like it

>> No.31871993
File: 605 KB, 415x785, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31872041

Marine did it on stream, that's what it was originally before being updated when she posted it on twitter.

>> No.31871994
File: 545 KB, 2480x3508, 1609999193356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't want to but then some asshole posted this and I succumbed.

>> No.31871996
File: 119 KB, 225x474, goodnight sunshine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I head off to bed I would just like to say one thing: GURA PLEASE MARRY ME!

>> No.31871999
Quoted by: >>31872039

She's the one deciding the boundaries for the streamer-chat dynamic. Both Ame and chat are playing along in the same game, but people in chat can push through community polls and superchats all they want, the onus of the dynamic still rests on Amelia. She decides how far it'll go.
She didn't let her self-awareness slip in those moments. She chose to do that for herself. In the end, though, it's still a parasocial relationship. I don't think parasocial relationships are inherently bad, but blurring the lines confuses people on where they're "allowed" to stand in the dynamic. It's sort of why I respect how upfront Polka was about it, at least from what I saw in screenshots.

>> No.31872000

Anon, the closest she's ever interacted with anything resembling a doxxfag is reading an SC by someone with a D6 avatar. Calm down for a second and stop believing everything you read just because you want to be angry about something.

>> No.31872005
Quoted by: >>31872328

has anyone gotten ame´s voicepack yet? is it good?

>> No.31872006

Already did the other day or whenever it first happened. The pasta is so big that it needs a pastebin now.

>> No.31872009

Schizoshit aside that was pretty fucking cute.

>> No.31872011

>and that's great
Ftfy. No, seriously, try it.
No, never.

>> No.31872012

not even meds can save him now

>> No.31872019

She has top tier kayfabe exactly because she's unphased when she's playing those who characters. I want her in my RPG table.

>> No.31872020
Quoted by: >>31872043

I don't full screen when I watch and it's kind of hard to fucking ignore the massive amounts of 12345678 that hit my peripheral vision on the bottom right of my fucking screen even in theater mode. Retard.

>> No.31872023
File: 1.18 MB, 1122x877, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through an unfuckingbelievable number of workarounds I have managed to salvage the Ollie model with no textures but a proper and functioning rig, I am so fucking

>> No.31872024
File: 234 KB, 666x1536, 1610010905976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31872026
File: 39 KB, 384x406, 1607413258749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I slept after Ame's birthday stream and now I only not only had a dream with Amelia in it, but also with her roommate. I'm off the deep end, lads. I'm even dreaming about her roommate. What the fuck do I do when I love someone this badly? I don't know how to deal with this. I wish I could date Ame's roommate, I want to make her happy.

>> No.31872030
File: 66 KB, 525x525, takokneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31872126

I just saw that Ina drew a collab pic with Nabimama for the birthday. I'm fucking stunned priestess, you're one hell of a good friend.

>> No.31872032
Quoted by: >>31872114

Didnt you just get banned? Openly ban avoidance?

>> No.31872034
Quoted by: >>31872066

Didn’t cover make a shit tons of money from fest 2? Couldn’t they just buy her a better pc? I am pretty sure that once she get a better pc, her sub and viewer count would goes up.

>> No.31872035
Quoted by: >>31872145

so fucking what, Damascus?

>> No.31872036
Quoted by: >>31872272

What the fuck, you learm shit fast, anon.

>> No.31872037


>> No.31872039
Quoted by: >>31872062

what did she say?

>> No.31872041
File: 400 KB, 900x873, 1601742167533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad. The translation is actually decent, I just compared the two and zeroed in on the discrepancy between the amount of text with Mel's.

>> No.31872043

>still defending himself
Oh boy.

>> No.31872044

It's a horrible angle to try to push, given that even self-described righr-wingers here are saying that removing it isn't a political statement (myself included). Twitch made it political, Cover removing it is just a reaction to that.

>> No.31872046

I’m still pretty amazed how much my perception changed on the turkey since her debut, she’s pretty based. Hope she collabs with Ame sometime.

>> No.31872048
File: 456 KB, 2330x2710, 5434353153345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31872117

I think this kinda represents our relationship with Ame pretty well.

>> No.31872050

not usually, but kiara's been looking hotter and hotter recently.

>> No.31872052

holy she I just realised that ina is nis spelled backwards

>> No.31872056
Quoted by: >>31872076

Take meds.

>> No.31872057

I mean English speakers without a heavy accent also. People aren't gonna watch someone like Moona and even Anyas accent is too heavy for a lot of people. How common are people with super clean English like Reine or even reasonably good like Ollie?

>> No.31872058
File: 493 KB, 2048x1330, ErHalBpUcAEC91b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cute art. Wait, hold on a second, that artist...

>> No.31872059
Quoted by: >>31872401

The closest she's done is to answer a question about how to get access to her music that's limited to a physical release in Japan only from someone with a Mori pfp. She doesn't acknowledge them in any special way.

>> No.31872062

Pe e

>> No.31872063

Jesus christ Damascus those censors are something else. is that gary busey's teeth?

>> No.31872065

She does stream a lot, so I think it's a bit normal for her to have some emotional attachment to chat. I think it's normal to be attached to your community a bit even if we all know it's not a real real relationship. I'd say she has some dependence on teamates but it's not at unhealthy high levels

>> No.31872066

Cover never bought anyone a streaming PC, no reason for them to start now.

>> No.31872072

>I am so fucking

>> No.31872073

Aqua, Shion, Rushia, Matsuri, Mel, Aki, and cuckold friend. I might add Gurato the list in a little bit.

>> No.31872074
Quoted by: >>31872262


>> No.31872075
File: 115 KB, 674x940, 1609986027503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just listened to Ame's SSS and I'm kinda sad. Is being born without a good or even great voice just too much of a debuff to overcome? No matter how much you do your reps or vocal coaching you get, you'll probably never reach the lowest point of someone like Gura and that has to feel pretty demoralizing. You'll show up on FES and just get to autotuned to hell and back so you don't get mogged by the other holos too badly.

Behold, the results of over a year of vocal coaching and karaoke streams: https://streamable.com/kajf2b.. Sorry for doomposting, I want to live the idol dream and see Ame improve but I also want to be realistic about what we can expect.

>> No.31872076

Thanks. I should at this point.

>> No.31872078
File: 65 KB, 140x210, meds.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31872080

Jesus take a break

>> No.31872086

She can't drive, but she loves going fast.
Should she be playing Sonic?
Peek inside the gura splinter threads to see how stupid the antis can get

>> No.31872089
Quoted by: >>31872144

kek no way
She's gonna comment on it, 100%

>> No.31872088

>cover never did anything for their talent, no reason for them to start now.

>> No.31872090
File: 158 KB, 828x1792, 15469189189981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20k views per vid
>under 1k live viewers

>> No.31872093

I thought they bought Pekora a new PC?

>> No.31872095
Quoted by: >>31872140

>What the fuck do I do when I love someone this badly?
Keep it to yourself, only vent here. Do it anywhere else, or try to actually "do more than donate", and you'll regret it. And maybe it'll go away eventually.

>> No.31872097

It's less of the fact that she was seeking a community in her members, but rather what topics she brought up. She talked about a lot of personal stuff in one of her members-only streams around Christmas and I got the general feeling that she wanted chat to be more of an IRL friend than just an audience
It's like what you said
>The most important part of that is that she enjoys being the one in control of the conversation, and most of the time she always is
It seemed like she was giving up that control, which was odd to me

On a side note, I never member'ed any of the chuubas until HoloEN came along so I'm not sure if that's how it usually goes in members-only streams

>> No.31872098

That's not fair, Noel's coach literally quit on her mid way through the year. Surely Ame isn't THAT bad, right?

>> No.31872101
Quoted by: >>31872140

Exercise and fill your head with some other obsession.

>> No.31872102
File: 895 KB, 1496x2041, 1605841455981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to marry this bird. god i love her so much
but i never will
please someone help me cope.

>> No.31872104

Gen 5...

>> No.31872107
File: 37 KB, 783x773, inauoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-Sasuga ESL-kun...?

>> No.31872111

At the very least, the amount of superchats she's been getting already puts her well and above the average monthly income for Indonesians by a country mile.

>> No.31872112

Anya doesn't need you concernfagging over her. She understands her situation and how it will be shitty to collab with people with her setup, which is why she said she won't collab with other people anytime soon.
If you like her, watch her. If you can't handle her stream due to her PC and internet, just check back in some month down the line. Plenty of holos had a rough start and inclined after getting in the groove, just look at Korone, Pekora and Watame for example.

>> No.31872114
Quoted by: >>31872146

Idk who you’re referring too anon

>> No.31872113

Peko got a gift from one of the many prebuilt shops that realized that it was the cheapest advertising they could ever do.

>> No.31872115
Quoted by: >>31872253

Hey is Noel is salvalgable enough to appear during HoloFes then Ame is too.

>> No.31872118

Management should have come in and fixed this ages ago

>> No.31872117
Quoted by: >>31872540

>implying Ame is willing to suck you off
In your and >>31872026's dreams, maybe.

>> No.31872120
File: 47 KB, 220x260, 1609674578501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me?

>> No.31872121
File: 165 KB, 343x399, 1608489316990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of us have actual schizophrenia but we just egg, one up and encourage each other's minor quirks until they actually become unhinged and unable to function outside of this place, which then compels us to double down on our own bedlam until we become dark mirrors of what we used to be. We can stop anytime, guys.

>> No.31872124

Pekora still payed for it.

>> No.31872125
Quoted by: >>31872253

Ame has more potential than Noel and Noel sang during the FES.

>> No.31872126

Ina is awesome. She always puts in so much effort for her friends.

>> No.31872128

reminds me of my grandma's laugh
very infectious/10

>> No.31872129


>> No.31872132

Ames voice is perfectly servicable, she just needs to sing songs that are best suited for her vocal register. in this case its not idol songs, but you listen to some of her other karaoke songs and she can be pretty good.

>> No.31872134

>none of us have actual schizophrenia
did you see the /u/fags from a few hours ago?

>> No.31872138
Quoted by: >>31872246

Welcome to 4chan. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.31872140

Oh, I know. I'm not that clueless. I only talk about it here and nowhere else. Barely even use the stream chat and I sure as hell don't SC.

Any tips on where to start with exercise?

>> No.31872141

Take meds.

>> No.31872142

The reason was probably that their talent can't perform, and is now just kind of in limbo when their growth should be highest.
At the least, even from an entirely selfish perspective, they should screen applicants and make minimum access to games/PC hardware part of the contract, if it's not going to be provided.

2, even 3 or 4 grand for a PC, professional mic, etc. thrown at each holo would pay off stupidly quick if they were pumping out popular content on that PC, though this conversation has already been had to death before the thread split was even a thing.

>> No.31872144
Quoted by: >>31872199

Y'know, most people wouldn't notice these things if you didn't go out of your way to point it out.

>> No.31872145
File: 295 KB, 420x420, popopopopopopopopo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to share my fucking troubles that's what. You have no goddamn clue how retarded it was to fix that rig. MBlab uses polygroups for both rigging and proportion adjustment, but if you don't set it up exactly right when you reload the file after saving it'll fucking delete all the polygroups because MBlab is fucking stupid. The model was nearly beyond recognition but thankfully I had it with no polygroups or distortion, but no rigging either. What I eventually figured out was the correct path was exporting the ollie model with no rigs, remaking her basemesh with the saved proportions, fucking over MBlab into working correctly by renaming the modifiers it applied, and shrinkwrapping the skin onto my slightly deformed basemesh before copying over the hair and sword. None of this is fucking documented correctly and sorting through blender error messages is like trying to see your reflection in an oil well. Feel my pain retard, you fucking crock, you don't know what I've been through, all to end up back at step 2 out of 6.

>> No.31872146

There was some chink earlier only using coco images and was starting shit about Mori and got 100 posts deleted, that anon thought you were him

>> No.31872147
Quoted by: >>31872397


Sora doing another English reps zatsudan tonight.

>> No.31872148
File: 184 KB, 349x362, 1602278490770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't like Ina's artwork with Nabi distract you from the fact that Ina hasn't released the forbidden loli Ame art.

>> No.31872151

Talents who started with potato PC always had to tough it out for the first few months until they get enough pity superchat to buy better PCs, and the strategy clearly works.
Only exception was the JP talents who could go to their main office and stream from there, other than that, they're always on their own.

>> No.31872155
File: 112 KB, 208x217, 1588026778207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a big enough laughing anime girl to respond with, so I'll go with the shocked Chaama

>> No.31872157
File: 1.49 MB, 923x1200, c9f24df52b3a979a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31872226

Is Haachama okay? What happened to her?

>> No.31872160

Nope. Just do something that exhausts your body so that you're too tired to think about shit when you go to bed.

>> No.31872161
File: 1.17 MB, 3264x2041, 5r4jy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can your EN oshi compete?

>> No.31872163

I've met some Indonesians that worked on those cruise ships and they had a decent english accent, pretty much british english. I guess they're like Indians.

>> No.31872164

I mean we can.
But just because you could, doesn't mean you should.

>> No.31872165

doesn't noel have a more progressed version of kanata's hearing issues?

>> No.31872168

is she still lagging because of potato pc?
is she only playing kusoge now because of it?

>> No.31872169
File: 100 KB, 343x402, watchama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant let, fuck I'm tired.

>> No.31872170
File: 80 KB, 960x956, 1609745755404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31872215


>> No.31872173

Seems kind of shitty to have to spend a lot of time and effort at something you'll never be good at and that no one expects you to ever be any good at, just to do some perfunctory participation for 10 minutes in some event that's only tangentially related to your day to day job.

>> No.31872176

Not even once.

>> No.31872177

they helped kiara pick out a pc to buy that's as far as their help goes

>> No.31872179
File: 518 KB, 4000x2400, inamanager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't like
Get back in containment you fucking sheep.

>> No.31872181

Yes, by not being a dyke.

>> No.31872182
File: 227 KB, 719x729, 1580270837666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give us the files Ina. I need to see them.

>> No.31872183
Quoted by: >>31872218

realtalk why is she naked tho?

>> No.31872185
Quoted by: >>31872263

Reminder that the closest she's gotten to acknowledging doxxfags is responding positively to supas that referenced her old music and telling doxxbraps to stop being obnoxious creepy assholes on a podcast where she was surrounded by obnoxious creepy assholes.

>> No.31872190

Natural talent is important , but even a decent voice can do very well with a lot of hard work
I think the combination of streaming for such a big audience and singing in Japanese did her in

>> No.31872192

Noel has the same disease Kanata does, that fact that she's getting better instead of worse is impressive on its own.

>> No.31872195

It's literally Ame's fault though.

>> No.31872196

Jack off to her

>> No.31872199
Quoted by: >>31872275

Obviously he wanted it noticed.
Still not as bad as KFP nicknames under patisserie royalty videos. Now that's some physical-level crinch.

>> No.31872200
File: 76 KB, 417x279, 1600532768183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31872202

she shoulda sung the official English version

>> No.31872204
Quoted by: >>31872356

Planting seeds by hand or cutting trees with a machete "works" too but you're retarded if you still do it that way even though you could afford to buy actual equipment.

>> No.31872205

Ame should try the English version.

>> No.31872206


>> No.31872207

>Ame adding "pick it up" to beginning of SSS
Sasuga Skamelia

>> No.31872212

>“checking male pornstar salary”

>> No.31872215
File: 14 KB, 651x386, 1595548141182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31872216

That's regular numbers for ID. Reine only gets 10k viewers more on VOD's and Risu also gets about 700-1k views on regular streams, Iofi even less.

>> No.31872217
File: 143 KB, 358x699, 1608392743767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31872242

She's got the legs and ass to make up for the chest.

>> No.31872218
File: 656 KB, 701x644, polchaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31872287

People don't generally have sex with clothes on I don't think

>> No.31872219

You expect me to believe schizos who write 5000 word essays about why their ships is the greatest thing to happen to mankind or ""people"" who entire twitter account dedicated to @ing the girls with doxshit they got from here are actually just really quirky?

>> No.31872220
File: 1.95 MB, 700x2800, 1609052760606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there ever any doubt?

>> No.31872225

What the fuck did Polka done?? WHY WO'NT NO ONE ANSER?????

>> No.31872226

Finally got food poisoning from eating bugs and scorpions.

>> No.31872228

Don't listen to those other anons, try to make an Ame tulpa instead

>> No.31872232
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1609204708968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the OP art from the chink anti artist who kept tweeting about J*y on twitter?

>> No.31872233

You only see the good sides of the girls in hololive. If you'd knew them personally, you'd see all the faults and goods. The magic would disappear immediately since they're like bunch of other girls around that you haven't bothered to talk to. Just go outside.
I'd marry Kiara too

>> No.31872234
Quoted by: >>31872267

>Be euro browsing these threads
>Go to sleep
>Wake up
>Everything's gone to shit
Every fucking time I swear to god.

>> No.31872235
File: 58 KB, 320x320, PEROKPEKOPEROPEKO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine... Ame...

>> No.31872236
File: 220 KB, 355x383, my_serious_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, stop it, I'm being serious now. If you keep telling me take my meds I'm going to filter your posts and I'll never see you in this thread again!

>> No.31872238

Your alphabet reps...

>> No.31872239

Schizo post, but I can't help but be a little bummed about Ame's birthday. I knew from the start there was no chance of her asking for a real totsu but I still thought a few more holos would do something for her in some form.
I guess it's just frustrating knowing that the JPs have no idea how much Ame loves and supports hololive, even though obviously there's no way they would know.

>> No.31872240

Thought her Pururin sounded better tonight than it did during debut.

>> No.31872242


>> No.31872245

polka accidentally

>> No.31872246

I've been here for a long time. I want to leave.

>> No.31872247
Quoted by: >>31872356

That's a very backwards mindset you have. As to be expected of a Japanese company.

>> No.31872249

Ame's voice is great. She admitted it herself that she just couldn't figured out where to create a voice. She's pretty good when she's comfortable with the song, just listen to her latest kiss me and all streetlight manifesto songs.

>> No.31872252


>> No.31872253
Quoted by: >>31872335

They salvaged her by having her sing autotuned songs iirc.

>> No.31872255

I mean, realistically, she should slap $2-3k on a credit card, get a decent rig, make it back in supers and streamlab stuff then pay it off. Every day you're falling behind you're losing the opportunity to make money. She just doesn't seem to have much confidence or initiative.

>> No.31872256


>> No.31872261
File: 397 KB, 453x498, 1608867831383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brain is too small to comprehend your struggles damascus anon but I belive in you

>> No.31872262

It's a butt plug.

>> No.31872263

>she was surrounded by obnoxious creepy assholes.
only CDawg fits that description. The other two are harmless weebs who have fiancees.

>> No.31872265
Quoted by: >>31872324

>dogs need cuddles

>> No.31872267

It's all so tiresome. These people never get tired of this.

>> No.31872268

they need to collab

>> No.31872269
Quoted by: >>31872310

Wasn't the reason that's a thing is because Chr*s stole company equipment before getting caught and officially kicked from Hololive?

>> No.31872272

He was working on a pregnant Gura model a couple months back so it's not his first rodeo

>> No.31872274

Oh, nice of her to let the JPbros know about the JP only stream.

>> No.31872275

trust us man KFP fucking despises it too,there's only one person that is "given" an "exception" to it and that's Yuna but only cause she makes such good art and probably actually talks with Kiara, still it's annoying at least some of those fags are finally using alts

>> No.31872277

Fanfic writing collab, when?

>> No.31872278
File: 187 KB, 2480x1395, 74564345435345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31872279

polka a whole

>> No.31872280

If they knew there would've been at least 1 who jumped in to do it dude. But they had to actively be watching the stream and fucking understanding english to be able to understand that they can join in.

>> No.31872287

Damn, people really have shit taste huh. Clothed sex is the shit.

>> No.31872293
File: 336 KB, 436x568, 1608939732783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's plenty of things to improve on other than the actual act of singing good.
What I want to see from Ame at this point is for her to overcome her anxiety and lack of self confidence and get herself out on that stage and sing a song. That'd already be something that a lot of people wouldn't be able to do and if she does it I'll be proud as fuck of her, singing quality be damned.

>> No.31872294
Quoted by: >>31872350

Damascuschama he said so fucking what because you ended your post with "I am so fucking"

>> No.31872295
Quoted by: >>31872377

What has he done?

>> No.31872296

Cuddling with Ame...

>> No.31872298

Highly unlikely. Everyone should know by now Gura doesn’t want to read sc and that’s fine. It’s her money and fans. She should just pull an Ina and say she’ll read them “offstream”. Better that than blatantly and constantly lying how she’ll “read them in a separate stream”.

>> No.31872299
File: 439 KB, 645x582, 1607455549090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31872302
Quoted by: >>31872441

>Ina draws Ame better than her own mama

>> No.31872304

I am not a teamate adn dont really like Ame but I had to close the stream when she said `lets wait a little more`. That killed me inside

>> No.31872306
Quoted by: >>31872411

What if I've already seen some of my oshi's faults and want to see more of them? Wanting to be with someone doesn't mean wanting them to be perfect, and if they were I think things would crumble instantly because I'm not and never will be.

>> No.31872307
Quoted by: >>31872350

Did you post your progress before this point? Because if so I somehow missed all of it.
Good job though, this looks like it would take me several hundred hours to make something half as good, and I've used blender before.

>> No.31872309
Quoted by: >>31872411

but anon, i love kiara because of her flaws

>> No.31872310

I thought she just scammed some guy for equipment money and when she fucked him over he went public.

>> No.31872313
File: 233 KB, 463x453, 1606217667542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yurifag and a Fujo
I'm actually interested in this dynamic

>> No.31872315


>> No.31872321

Man, I love the artists that make art for Mori DD, and THHK. All of you are doing amazing, and I hope you keep at it.

>> No.31872322

>You only see the good sides of the girls in hololive
Not true. Lately I can only see the bad sides of my oshi.
t. guess who

>> No.31872324

It's true, Google it!

>> No.31872326
Quoted by: >>31872408

What was that phone sound in ame's stream? Are the cover phones actually able to get texts?

>> No.31872328

Yeah, they're good, the asmr one is kinda underwhelming since she's just eating and breathing on the mic but the rest are great

>> No.31872330

Mori + Gura = ???

>> No.31872331
Quoted by: >>31872358

I want to die suffocating between Noel and Ame's boobs

>> No.31872335
Quoted by: >>31872362

I'm no expert with autotune but this doesn't sound too autotuned to me.

>> No.31872339


>> No.31872340

>"and then the two people from the same unspecified gender fucked"

>> No.31872343


>> No.31872344

She could have had a totsumachi if she did the work to plan it. I know Haachama at the very least would have called in and probably all of HoloID as well. She claims she’s too introverted to ask, but I think it was laziness.

>> No.31872345

if it helps, the call in segment was 100% stalling for time. she never expected anyone to call in. It did seem kind of sad at the time but the fact that Reine even called in was amazing. you should sleep easy knowing that had Polka known she could have called in, she would have been the first one, before even Ina.

>> No.31872346
Quoted by: >>31872399

>I will not encourage anyone to spend in gachas
Anya... your collabs...

>> No.31872347
Quoted by: >>31872379


>> No.31872348
File: 124 KB, 886x1107, nimrod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anya and her MP5!

>> No.31872350
File: 1.14 MB, 1439x1103, fidfhsdfhsle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the last update which was basically a punch to the cock since I was already up to here https://files.catbox.moe/rlcbki.jpg before the rig got fucked.
Oh, sorry.

>> No.31872351
Quoted by: >>31872379


>> No.31872353

Caligula, we've talked about this.

>> No.31872354


>> No.31872355


>> No.31872356

Maybe they could do it in JP, but it's very risky to do it on the international branch, since they could easily cut contact with Cover and run away with the initial money/equipment investment given to them.

>> No.31872358

Based, someone draw it.

>> No.31872360

Chumbuds, we’re in for a comfy minecraft stream tomorrow. See you all there, goodnight for now.

>> No.31872361
Quoted by: >>31872459

Noel is not a good comparison. Her coach literally quit on her

>> No.31872362

You're joking, right?

>> No.31872364

Ame.. here I was hoping I could go to bed and get some rest. Weren't you supposed to fix your sleep schedule?

>> No.31872365

I stay up till 4am solely to catch all of Ame's members only posts as they happen in real time.

>> No.31872367

Couch to 2k, bodyweight exercises, RFA if you have a switch and don't mind spending a bit.
Keypoint is to start with something that you can keep up. But also intense enough that it makes your body release those feel good chemicals.

Basically make exercise the hardest part of your day and you'll be fine

>> No.31872371

It's fine to feel frustrated and/or want her to improve but if all you think about is her negatives then she's not really your oshi, is she? She's just someone you've attached yourself to and now you don't want to let go. My solution: let go, or take meds.

>> No.31872372

Goodnight bud

>> No.31872373

KFP here. I feel so disassociated from my fanbase ever since the whole "they will be dealt with" incident on here. I only feel cringe and discomfort every time they spam VIVA LA KIARA and o7 in chat.
I wish we had better memes, or had gone in a different direction than weird rallying speeches in all caps.
And now I'm worried about this new development, where chat is calling Kiara "Mama". That's not my fetish.

>> No.31872374
Quoted by: >>31872403

....Is Ollie your oshi now, Damascus?

>> No.31872376

Is this a yab? But Jesus does she look good in that style.

>> No.31872377
Quoted by: >>31872412

He's a poser compared to the other two in terms of what they do. Gigguk is one of the first Anime-related channels on Youtube, and even turned down a BBC job for it. Joey is also a veteran anituber. Cdawg just memes out and was only lured to anime via Jojo.

>> No.31872378

Same. But only between streams. She she streams, she straightens me back up right away. Missed the MK8, but watching vod now and absolutely loving it. They're having so much fun.

>> No.31872379
Quoted by: >>31872436

Nah, I still love her.
She'll get better, her problems are not that serious, and they all come down to inexperience and autism.

>> No.31872380
Quoted by: >>31872474

>the way they interrupted her to tell their unfunny ass stories
Nah, fuck them all.

>> No.31872386

>all the cancerous sharkfags who numberfagged her to death watching her as she struggles to hit 25k viewers
how the tables have turned.

>> No.31872387

Came to Ame's chat and was sort of weird for a minute then fucked off and bitched about "idol culture" and other nonsense on his own show.

>> No.31872389
Quoted by: >>31872424

>I'm gonna go to bed guys
is just code for
>I'm gonna go read manga and play videogames I don't have permissions for until 5 AM

>> No.31872392
File: 59 KB, 720x981, 1585281305619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this based or cringe? I'm not reading that

>> No.31872393
Quoted by: >>31872465

Do you like Kiara slowly loving her own culture again? I like it when you KFP are teaching Kiara to love herself too.

>> No.31872395

Not everything is a fucking yab.

>> No.31872396

I watch Risu and I love her accent. I'm an EOP and her accent is pleasing to me. I think one issue with ID is that they do a lot of chatting streams, but chatting streams are best done live, which sucks due to timezones

>> No.31872397

I greatly admire how hard Sora is doing her reps. Makes me wonder which ones are secretly doing theirs behind the scenes and which ones are slacking (i.e. Aqua)

>> No.31872399
File: 688 KB, 1000x1000, Sleepy Dagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that is money (You) could send her to buy a new pc! She needs it more than any gacha game.

>> No.31872401

She replies to Hololive fans on her roommate twitter

>> No.31872403
File: 110 KB, 420x420, when the clown is sus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chama will always be my oshi but I just love Ollie's design and she seems to have a similar form of brain damage.

>> No.31872404

Based Damascus, keep up the good work.

>> No.31872408
Quoted by: >>31872449

Why shouldn't they? I thought they are just IPhones with Cover software loaded.
They aren't actually heavily customized right?

>> No.31872410
File: 51 KB, 540x423, 1604275792692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another 36 hours without Ina. I just want to sleep until Friday. Please you retarded furniture company, come early enough so that she guerillas...

>> No.31872411

You guys are actually right now that I think about it. Perfection is boring and Kiara ain't that.

>> No.31872412
Quoted by: >>31872498

Oh damn, didn’t he show up to ame’s stream and derail it too?

>> No.31872415

>then she's not really your oshi, is she?
Nah, it just means someone got affected by the threads. I can confirm it occasionally happens to the less mentally fortified of us.

>> No.31872416

I hope she never fixes her sleep schedule because I'm perfectly synched up with her.

>> No.31872417

Why would anyone ever do that?
The ultra long-con of spending months interviewing for a job almost guaranteed to make bank, so that you can steal 2 grand in PC parts and a reasonable microphone?

>> No.31872418


What an odd collab

>> No.31872421

You shouldn't feel sad it's her own fault not pre-planning it when the only people who likely be watching are the other 2 holo that live in north america, that why it so shocking Reine called (which in retrospect shouldn't have been as surprising since she usual streams around that time)

>> No.31872423
File: 111 KB, 600x369, 1608534571796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

night night

>> No.31872424

I mean. I was supposed to get some rest about 2 and a half hours ago myself but here I am.

>> No.31872425
Quoted by: >>31872492

>incident on here.
what was wrong with that incident it was a wake-up slap to a fag going too deep into the roommate shit

>> No.31872429
File: 15 KB, 216x400, 41c1eQvqfbL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to force-feed Polka with every diuretic out there... coffee, tea, beer, name it all. I want her to pee until she can fill one of those extra large american 40-oz soda cups, then I want to fill a hot water bottle with her warm urine and sit on it for hours.

>> No.31872433

No, let the art fags art fag in peace.

>> No.31872434
File: 18 KB, 972x138, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you a dog?

>> No.31872436
File: 5 KB, 233x58, 9624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31872438

figure it out on your own peabrain

>> No.31872440

I love Gura because of the flaws

>> No.31872443

Jesus christ, that is a lot of work. I kneel to your dedication for not giving up when the rig got fucked.

>> No.31872441
Quoted by: >>31872460

It's been established that Ina already mogs her own papa so...

>> No.31872446

Yes, that is a very Japanese Company way of thinking. Needlessly doompostery and completely lacking in any kind of problem solving to overcome the issue you mistakenly see.

>> No.31872447
Quoted by: >>31872516

I'm more of a dawg

>> No.31872449
Quoted by: >>31872528

I meant I didn't know they actually had cellphone service i thought they'd be wifi only

>> No.31872452

She quit her job a while ago so I'm not sure why she hasn't done her Hololive reps. If she doesn't do some clip watching soon then I'll start to think the rrats are right about her not caring about Hololive.

>> No.31872453

Same my brother

>> No.31872459

Quit because Noel was unable to make any progress or quit because she was lazy and didn't try to learn or practice?

>> No.31872461

this guy's the same one who did those atrocious preggo gills gura drawings? i respect his drive.

>> No.31872462
File: 56 KB, 443x93, 1605270250588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.8 million subs and this it all she can show for it?

>> No.31872460

Ina mogs everyone anyway, so might as well collab with the shittiest self-proclaimed artfag in hololive again.

>> No.31872463
File: 1.92 MB, 2315x2265, ogey[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftnpfo4.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31872464
File: 57 KB, 1433x593, 1597640009179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I am

>> No.31872465
File: 3.98 MB, 600x480, 1606295874451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31872545

not that anon, but i love kiara appreciating the fanbase she created. i just hate the fags that take it outside of hololive.
plus i feel like the huge amounts of support she gets is slowly repairing her since im 99% she she was broken before holoive.

>> No.31872467

Because I was born a human.

>> No.31872469
Quoted by: >>31872486

Bought me some takoyaki takeout to eat while I watch Ina's vod

>> No.31872470

Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

>> No.31872474

Actually, Connor is a cancer, they should've had Geoff round up the cast so that it actually is a better show. Connor's a toxic element; his actions influence the other two to act more retarded than usual. If you watch the others' actual content, you'd be surprised how different they are.

>> No.31872475
File: 32 KB, 208x279, 1610012133190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dog is getting cuddles from AMELIA WATSON RIGHT NOW, and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.31872476

Mori debuff

>> No.31872477

>Does she not realize the kind of people who hunt down personal info are people you really don't want to encourage?
Reminder that Coco and Kanata semi regularly describes what they wear when they go out together (mostly to make fun of each other's dorky outfits), and even said if you see two girls outside wearing Adidas clothes, it's probably them.
So far nothing has happened yet, but you can bet some stalker is trying to look for them now.

>> No.31872484

This is just pretending right? For shits and giggles on 4chan? Right?

>> No.31872485


Connor is so negative and I’m 95% sure he hates everything otaku/weeb related and does it for the money

>> No.31872486

are you sure you bought a takoyaki?

>> No.31872492

I had no problem with everyone shitting on that obessed fag, I was just creeped out by the words used by LFFT, like he fancied himself some authority figure

>> No.31872495

Where's Nene?

>> No.31872498

yes. I sometimes wish that Geoff (Mother's basement) was the third member of the podcast instead of that certified Douche.

He's just a Jojo memer.

>> No.31872500

Is there like a bad moon out tonight or something? Schizos are out in full force.

>> No.31872502


>> No.31872503


>> No.31872504

My company sends computers and other hardware to employees all over the world who may or may not work close to a physical office of the company and who would at the extreme end be capable of fucking off with said hardware. Guess how many times that's happened in the five years I've been there? Zero. Guess how beneficial it is for the company to provide employees with the tools they need to be productive? Infinitely.

>> No.31872505
File: 137 KB, 940x500, cucked bubba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dog gets very jealous when Ame spends time with her little fishies and her big cute retarded fishie.

>> No.31872507

It's okay brother, you can come out and be yourself around us.

>> No.31872510
Quoted by: >>31872544

let him find out the hard way, its for his own good

>> No.31872512

>If you watch the others' actual content
Nah I'm good.
Also, in order to fit in, I must tell you to fuck off. I think.

>> No.31872516


>> No.31872517

Its not fair. Noel was singing a fucking AKG song

>> No.31872521

This. I watched the JAV interview, wherein he can't stay professional enough and sorta harassed Kaho.

>> No.31872522

Watch Cats with Anya tomorrow

>> No.31872528
Quoted by: >>31872560

But why? Are wifi only smartphones common?
Its Hololive, not the fucking NSA.

>> No.31872530

>the trash taste timeloop again

>> No.31872534

This post opened another dimension in my brain or some shit. What the fuck. I need this.

>> No.31872536

Stop watching anitubers!

>> No.31872537

im okay with LFFT, since he puts fags in their place which is definitely needed for some KFP.
he also gives kiara some reality checks every now and then which she needs sometimes.

>> No.31872540

All you'd need to do is give her a vending machine in Animal Crossing

>> No.31872542

Why is Mori's roommate posting pictures of herself? Isn't that kind of yab?

>> No.31872541

I'm a Bubba anti.

>> No.31872544
Quoted by: >>31872563

I-Is there a problem?

>> No.31872545
Quoted by: >>31872576

>plus i feel like the huge amounts of support she gets is slowly repairing her since im 99% she she was broken before holoive.
Oh boy, anon that's not how broken women work. The validation given by fans is like a drug, yes it provides some highs but it eventually stops working and the feeling of thousands of simps gushing over you stops having an effect.

>> No.31872546

Ame playing with bubba last minecraft stream is one of the cutest Ame I've seen.

>> No.31872547

Reasonably based.

>> No.31872549

I saw it as him just joking around come on you know KFP just plays into the cult joke to be funny.

>> No.31872550
Quoted by: >>31872608

what was her explanation she chose that movie?

>> No.31872558
Quoted by: >>31872610

Only if you guys also watch with me too. That movie looks horrific but maybe, just maybe we might make some entertainment out of the ordeal.

>> No.31872560
Quoted by: >>31872589

>Are wifi only smartphones common?
you do know you can buy a phone without having a service provider right?

>> No.31872561
Quoted by: >>31872620

Go watch Anya, Rushia, or Choco, or Astel instead of discussing about Anituber shit.

>> No.31872562

>For shits and giggles
No I think he's talking about piss.

>> No.31872563

nothing's the matter, anon, enjoy your stream. its a good one

>> No.31872565
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1609938409164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31872578

>watch moris mario kart
>as soon as gura gets unmuted there is high pitched, autistic screeching
uhhhhh chumbuds??? Can you stop ruining my Mori experience?

>> No.31872569
File: 89 KB, 600x706, Risupistol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31872573
Quoted by: >>31872626

SSS was composed to be sung by Sora with her high-enough-to-shatter-glass voice; it is honestly a terrible fit for Ame. Part of singing is knowing your limits and what you can and can't do. Ame's voice fits really well for songs like Kiss Me and Somewhere Over the Rainbow, but not for idol pop. I hope she doesn't get discouraged by trying to sing songs that by all rights, she just can't and likely won't be able sing. She has a nice voice she just needs to focus and develop its strengths rather than its weaknesses.

>> No.31872574

>Watching the Mario Kart VOD
>"I'm spectating?"
A chilling flashback occurred to me.

>> No.31872575

I'll alert Coco and Noel.

>> No.31872576

kiara has confidence issues, and i feel like people trying to help he boost said confidence is what she needs. im not saying that meme people in a chatroom are psychologists, but its definitely something she needs.

>> No.31872577
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>> No.31872578

Sorry, autistic daughterwife. Please understand.

>> No.31872579
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>> No.31872580
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Are the EN girls unaware of English SSS' existence or something?

>> No.31872582

I may be a fucking schizo who gets restless when gura hasn't streamed or tweeted for more than 30 hours and who feels cucked and abandon when she cancels a stream without a word, but at least I can take solace in knowing that unlike people like you I'm not trying to bring down any of the girls and that I don't give a shit about fucking numbers.

>> No.31872583

>Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN 14 minutes ago.
>japan is turning the frickin chicken frog gay its true google it 8)

>> No.31872585
Quoted by: >>31872613


>> No.31872586
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Quoted by: >>31872625


>> No.31872588
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>> No.31872589

You could. But I got the impression you were talking about some phone with neutered capabilities.

>> No.31872590

Is there a song length limit on bubb4bot requests?

>> No.31872592
File: 511 KB, 938x931, 1609917613119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it

>> No.31872594

How new?

>> No.31872596


>> No.31872600
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>> No.31872605
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>> No.31872607

I can relate. I just have limited patience even for a fellow brain problems person.

>> No.31872608

She's intrigued by it and was recommended by friends who initially were against it before watching it.
She also likes weird movies in general, look at what she chose for the last watchalong.

>> No.31872609
Quoted by: >>31872629

>Ame sending messages to her members at 3 in the morning

>> No.31872611
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>> No.31872610

I like a lot of the actors in that movie but it really does look terrible

>> No.31872612
File: 267 KB, 1948x1452, ErHiOIbVgAAPSTx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her.

>> No.31872614
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Neither are my oshi but I really like this picture

>> No.31872613

Ollie is more based than I thought

>> No.31872616
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>> No.31872617

They more or less stopped doing o7 and it was overtaken by Ame's chat, no? I may be mistaken. Kiara's chat is doing something new every month, so I wouldn't worry about them. She wrangles them when needed and if it'll go overboard, she'll just tell them to stop and they very likely will.
The "dealt with" thing is just an isolated incident, wouldn't take it too seriously. The retard was just larping.
Btw, did any retards spam in Ame's chat about Kiara beating her record for now? Kiara explicitly said not to annoy Ame with it, since no one gives a shit.

>> No.31872618

Ame... transfer your files onegai...

>> No.31872620

But Sora’s english stream is starting in 15 mins.

>> No.31872622

My schizo rrat is she wants to prematurely kill her pc so she’s forced to upgrade while at the same time finally having a valid excuse to take a “break” from streaming, thus finally slowing her growth.

>> No.31872623
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>> No.31872625
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God i want to fertilize her eggs

>> No.31872626

she would do good with the english version i feel

>> No.31872629

Hasn't she been doing that a lot already?

>> No.31872631

I love you Ame! Happy Birthday again!

>> No.31872632


>> No.31872635

my big monkey

>> No.31872636
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