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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 660 KB, 541x800, __houshou_marine_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_yutarou__88a1fe4bc27787bb9c1047cbd7453aed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31786652 No.31786652 [Reply] [Original]

Which Holo has the best chances to get referenced in Touhou?

>> No.31790844

Marine of course, ZUN has even met with her irl. It’s clear ZUN is a massive hololive fan and will add marine in since she has shown the most interest in touhou

>> No.31791744
Quoted by: >>31799425

>It’s clear ZUN is a massive hololive fan
That sounds like bullshit

>> No.31792010
Quoted by: >>31799425

Kill yourself

>> No.31792016
Quoted by: >>31799425

>It’s clear ZUN is a massive hololive fan
He's not, because he's not retarded.

>> No.31792162
Quoted by: >>31800943

Fraid it’s true. He watches Hololive. So does bkub who often talks about it on his radio show. The men whose dicks you have polished for the last decade.. have abandoned you.

>> No.31792587 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 600x450, ZUN, Moot and Friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31792639

>ZUN has even met with her irl
ZUN has met a lot people (pić rel). It doesn't mean anything.

>> No.31792639

me on the right

>> No.31792642 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 600x450, ZUN, Moot and Friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN has even met with her irl
ZUN has met a lot people (pic rel). It doesn't mean anything.

>> No.31792695
File: 77 KB, 600x450, ZUN, Moot and Friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN has even met with her irl
ZUN has met a lot people (pic rel). It doesn't mean anything

>> No.31792758

ZUN is a hololive fan
I know it must be hard to cope with because you hate vtubers and want your dad to hate them too, but it's true

>> No.31792786
File: 337 KB, 1669x800, 1603668631617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31792803

Holosimps are bad at baiting

>> No.31792975
Quoted by: >>31793221

There is no substantial evidence for this tho?

Why do you say that, are you just trolling? If so, that is some weak-ass bait. Maybe it worked on plebbit, but here people are not as brain-damaged as you are.

>> No.31793221

>>31792975 12 April 2020 episode of Super Touhou Station where they were able to personally meet ZUN. ZUN said that a friend of his showed him a stream of a vtuber playing touhou. It just so happened to be Marine, a hololive member. He said he enjoyed watching and still occasionally tunes in.
Are you even a fan of touhou?

>> No.31795244

Get a load of this retard. ZUN said he enjoyed her plyaing his game and sometimes watch her PLAY HIS GAME. I don't know how autistic one have to be to reache the conclusion that ZUN is a fan of Hololive (as in the whole community, but also individual streamers). Take your meds.

>> No.31795382

ZUN would denounce vtubers if it was up to him
He has no interest in associating with them and only happened to be on a Touhou centered internet show while some vtubers were there

>> No.31795557
Quoted by: >>31800943

EOP literally making shit up to justify his dicksucking.
I’ll take his words over some schizo on 4channel. He decided to personally attend the interview because he wanted to meet them. Your batshit narrative doesn’t fit.

>> No.31796914
Quoted by: >>31798191

Leaving the question of whether ZUN likes vtubers aside, didn't they only meet once during a stream because of Beat Mario? Though Marine does have a massive interest in Touhou and since Sora created the Hololive resource world, it could count as one of the myriad of otherworlds in Touhou should ZUN actually decides to authorize a short collab like Azur Lane did.

>> No.31798191
Quoted by: >>31798665

They have met twice actually. First time was just an online interview type thing, but they also met physically at a studio during the Touhou Station 25 hour livestream. https://youtu.be/JWIVChDvfgg?t=1611
I personally just want to see Marine involved with more fan works.

>> No.31798665
Quoted by: >>31798817

I really hope they do another collab album with beat mario, hopefully with more holos singing and without a shitty voice drama

>> No.31798675
File: 65 KB, 420x314, 1581567872187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31798680

I bet ZUN fucked marine too, face it touhou fag. It's over. Your king has fallen. The age of touhou has ended, embrace vtubers like your gay crush did.

>> No.31798714
File: 497 KB, 1536x2048, 2020-01-16_EOZ5toqVUAAod7o_@yasei_no_otoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why make a thread asking such a redundant question

>> No.31798817

The voice drama was a bit of a waste but the beginning and ending were funny enough. Marine fully ad-libbed the pretend stream in the last part.

>> No.31799106
File: 302 KB, 713x1000, 2020-04-16_EVu-tSnUMAYNaTD_@bakusyousuika_-_satoshi_yamaguchi_山口智.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine by Satoshi Yamaguchi of Gainax fame, enormous Touhoufag.

>> No.31799425

wow what's this? >>31798714

>> No.31799490

It's ZUN literally being introduced to the fact Marine even exists you retard, not a sign of him being a massive Hololive fan.

>> No.31799547

See >>31795382

>> No.31800404

Zun is not some shut in Otaku, obviously he wouldn't be a die hard hololive fan but saying he hates it is just projection out of fear that vtubers will take over.

And while he is not a huge fan it's obvious he enjoys marine with him catching some of her touhou streams.

>> No.31800517

Why are so many of the so called "hardcore and traditional" members of /jp/ EOPs who don't seem to understand shit about what goes on in Japanese culture?
Tell that to the Japanese, retard.

>> No.31800541

I was only pretending to be retarded to fit in, I'm sorry.

>> No.31800943
File: 49 KB, 405x582, Holo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but Touhou's creator watches muh honolulus, h-ha ha! 2hutards d-destroyed… yeah! T-the age of t-touhou has ended!!!

>> No.31801616

I mean, it has ended, with or without vtubers.
The question here is how offended you get at the fact that a lot of the people you idolize are fans of vtuber, since you can't accept how intermingled with otaku culture it is.

>> No.31801798
Quoted by: >>31801864

>the absolute state of toe ho faggots

>> No.31801827

He's just a creator, touhou's not going to die because ZUN starts spending his savings on some holo-roastie, the fandom is too dedicated.

>> No.31801864
Quoted by: >>31814381

Who are you quoting?

>> No.31801907
Quoted by: >>31802268

I am getting the impression I have been here longer than you, and I am a 2014 newfag.The way you speak just seems straight out of the other boards.
No wonder you are a 2hu secondary.

>> No.31802268

>I have been here longer than you
n-no you

>> No.31802420

Way to expose yourself as a tourist

>> No.31802523

Don't post pics of yourself on 4channel anon, you will get doxxed

>> No.31802633
File: 275 KB, 920x920, 1372533458365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31802821
Quoted by: >>31804905

No matter which ecelebs like vtubers the true fandom will always hate and reject the e-thots. They have never been accepted and never will be.

>> No.31802947

>2hufags this upset

>> No.31804043
Quoted by: >>31806071

2hufags are so defensive lol

>> No.31804905

The true fandom isn't in the west anon.

>> No.31806071

It's absolutely delicious how insecure they are. Those 'e-thots' sure are a big threat to their dying little fandom.

>> No.31807946

whos the guy on the right?

>> No.31813805
File: 202 KB, 819x819, 1533382054511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these buzzwords...
/jp/'s comfy meter has really fallen into the negatives...
i wish our meidos still loved us

>> No.31814156

>I bet ZUN fucked marine too,

>> No.31814381
File: 61 KB, 640x467, bir-d119510r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look Ma! I posted the same joke again!

>> No.31814975
File: 312 KB, 1014x1112, 20201224_011856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31815151

Congratulations OP, You just tossed a lit cigarette into a gas pump.

>> No.31815151

Every last one of you were exposed as the LARPing secondaries you are. Not only do none of you actually play the games, but, none of you know anything about the dogshit you flood the board with.

>> No.31816074 [SPOILER] 
File: 575 KB, 600x861, 1609905399076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its about time we get a 3rd shrine maiden in touhou.

>> No.31816618
File: 372 KB, 1536x2048, 1570734481629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31819121

Devs, including moot himself are hard at work preparing /vtuber/ and /idol/. Please wait warmly!

>> No.31819121
Quoted by: >>31819217

I wasn't going to reply at first, but I woke up today from a dream where a vtuber board had been made.
Make it happen moot.

>> No.31819217
File: 36 KB, 400x500, B5578CD5-DF08-463C-A110-968723F25F8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, anon... This IS the vtuber board.

>> No.31821799
Quoted by: >>31837429

Seems more like he's being polite to me.
I'm not saying "oh ZUN hates hololive" or anything absurd like that, I'm just saying I doubt a man with a wife, 2 kids, and who's probably busy full time managing his doujin empire has much time for watching streamers (and I think he might be a bit old to fall into the usual target demographic for said streamers).
That said, to address the thread's original question

I have a hard time imagining any of them being referenced, but if one of them does get referenced then sure I guess it would be Marine.
What's far more likely though is ZUN referencing the sudden popularity of vtubers as a whole. I could see certain scenarios in which he might even base a game around the idea of vtubers and what they represent in his mind.
Actually now that I think about it, I could see him doing some cheeky satire of the idea of vtubers in the Hifuu stories.

>> No.31825446

In Touhou games Gensokyo is a land for people/youkais, that have been forgotten. Vtubers are not forgotten, so it doesn't really make any sense for them to appear in Gensokyo.

>> No.31825765

she's better than me, wtf

>> No.31832737


>> No.31832856

whos that gaijin beside ZUN?

>> No.31833105

Like you said, Gensokyo. Hecatia mentioned a myriad of otherworlds besides Gensokyo.

>> No.31837429

This, I can picture a character who uses some kind of projection magic to appear somewhere where she isn't and be all genki until you meet her for real, but I don't think Marine could be in an actual game. Maybe one of the manga artists might put her in as a background cameo in the Human Village? But that's even if any of the current mangaka are into VTubers in the first place.
