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File: 269 KB, 1179x1652, 1589907337787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31736701 No.31736701 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive Global

>> No.31736705

this one

>> No.31736706

i am not frog

>> No.31736707
Quoted by: >>31738012

I love Polka!

>> No.31736709
File: 73 KB, 690x83, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, really, what the fuck did she mean by this.

>> No.31736711
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please enjoy this webm of my fat cat.

>> No.31736714
File: 259 KB, 498x498, 1609364748654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ame!

>> No.31736715
Quoted by: >>31736722

am frog

>> No.31736719
Quoted by: >>31736753

>"time to do a member's only stream to vent to my viewers" thing, that always feels intimate.
Kiara does them every once in awhile

>> No.31736721




>> No.31736722

the duality of frog

>> No.31736724

Fuck yakuza
when are they playing Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise

>> No.31736723
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, 1601527475323.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31736958

Time for comfy hours! Only unity is allowed past this point.

>> No.31736725
File: 1.17 MB, 1067x945, 1599469110362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31736729
File: 262 KB, 1000x1280, 1598557127171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright bros...
>Rushia in 25mins
>Haachama RFD in 1hr
>Korone in 1hr
>Mio in 1hr
>MikochixKorone in 4.5hrs

>> No.31736731
File: 192 KB, 850x1200, 1609618345931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31736770

I LOVE my Mori and want to FUCK her ROUGHLY

>> No.31736732
File: 1.54 MB, 2000x1200, B55FEDA0-185F-4A36-9B48-91A876486A05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abocabos r gud 4 u.

>> No.31736736
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1598746791259.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised more people haven't talked about Coco's reverse-reddit stream coming up, where she explains JP memes to EoPs. (Where do JPs post that anyway?)

What EN do you think she'll invite? Or perhaps Moona?

>> No.31736741
File: 301 KB, 371x594, unknown-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on Amelia Watson?

>> No.31736747


>> No.31736748

Based avocadoposter

>> No.31736749
File: 545 KB, 482x595, 1600998765958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

towa is so cute bros....

>> No.31736750

is mori's wine party worth watching?

>> No.31736753

I wish it wasn't

>> No.31736755
File: 101 KB, 437x199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme deepthroat sounds video already surpassed mori collab cover

>> No.31736756


>> No.31736757
Quoted by: >>31736868

why not Peko?

>> No.31736759

assuming she's not going to actually dive through 5ch, i think she'll have to do twitter.

>> No.31736760
Quoted by: >>31736843

A lot showed up to Fake Type's premier and that was only tangentially related to her, so I'm sure it would be a clusterfuck. When she mentioned streaming the MV breakdown, she said it would likely be members only chat, but stream open to the public. That stream never did happen, so maybe Enma talked to her about it or more likely she just fucking got busy and forgot.

>> No.31736761


>> No.31736764

kek, based

>> No.31736766
Quoted by: >>31736890

I thought we were on dead hours but the threads are still moving surprisingly fast, that or my persception of time is incredibly fucked up.

>> No.31736767
File: 2.55 MB, 1279x1080, 1609484084907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with someone I can't understand!

I feel very dumb!

>> No.31736768
File: 54 KB, 720x1290, e91foerlbur51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31736769

I've wondered about this regarding Coco's roommate, pre-bugmen of course. I wonder how many tatsunokos showed up for those.

>> No.31736770
Quoted by: >>31737871

Not if I fuck you first retard

>> No.31736771

the cat's not fat!

>> No.31736773


>> No.31736776


>> No.31736778
File: 1.32 MB, 2480x3508, 678785436468684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31736859

Long hair Ame is so beautiful. Ame getting a new costume with long hair including ponytail, side ponytail, braid and other options while wearing something date casual or classy like a black one-piece dress in combination with date like streams would make me cry.

>> No.31736777

Hard work is a myth.

>> No.31736779
File: 824 KB, 1200x900, 86568986_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737171

Gura hasn't streamed at all today because she's busy cuddling with Ame. The past few days have been stressful for them and they need all the rest they can get.

They're lovers.

>> No.31736780
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 1601774905210.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to Towa have a nice sit down with her fans, thanking them for their support with her adorable Ten Qs.
While Pekora experiences the consequences of her own actions in Mario Kart 8.
So friends, where we at?

>> No.31736785

Go to bed Ame, you know we all love you.

>> No.31736786


>> No.31736788

It could actually mean that the quality of hololive is dead, or the death of "hololive culture" It doesn't have to be financial. I'll be more impressed when I see results, otherwise I'm not impressed and honestly disappointed in you guys.

>> No.31736789

>Where do JPs post that anyway?

>> No.31736790

we /frog/ now?

>> No.31736791

She posted a twitter hashtag to use

>> No.31736792
File: 392 KB, 2048x1547, Eq27BqgUYAAtM5i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31736793
Quoted by: >>31736903

She posted a twitter tag for it, so I assume someones gonna have to filter through a bunch of gore and chink spam. as for the guest... Coco's a numberfag so probably EN, Ideally one that doesn't speak japanese so Gura or Ame.

>> No.31736795
File: 431 KB, 1044x586, 59934534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite literally the greatest v-tuber who ever lived and she's only getting started.

We're here at the beginning of history.

>> No.31736801


>> No.31736803
Quoted by: >>31736828

>No Mori Blasphemous

>> No.31736804
File: 2.55 MB, 1203x1732, 507039ffe26c819cd0a92bb8c7790c20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31736806
Quoted by: >>31736880

towa wants to collab with en and id gen 2, who do anons think she'll reach out to

>> No.31736808

I appreciate you sharing your love for her, but you're gonna start getting smacked for ritual posting soon, anon. Surely you can make more cute clips?

>> No.31736811
File: 415 KB, 741x1112, 1600329638522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31736971

>grand strategy
anon, a medieval sims simulator isnt strategy
also, nice quads satan

>> No.31736812

Thanks for breaking Ame's prebuild you cunt. Because of you we only got one of if not the best Ame streams of 2020.

>> No.31736813
Quoted by: >>31737024

Have you listened to the true idol of Hololive today /hlgg/?

>> No.31736816
File: 281 KB, 1084x1637, 1606442547736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to put nine children in her.

>> No.31736817
File: 2.44 MB, 1417x1075, 4715BFBD-266F-4D99-9E7C-385011B82480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31736818
File: 361 KB, 1503x989, 1591889491057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31736966

This. It's a bit of a struggle but I really do love Polka so I'll support her regardless of whether or not we can understand each other.

>> No.31736821
Quoted by: >>31736920


>> No.31736822

Are people really just watching this on repeat?

>> No.31736823

JP: Only day maybe?

>> No.31736828

Sorry anon, I only shill for my oshi that far in advance

>> No.31736829
File: 101 KB, 464x404, bubb4bot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bubb4bot mp3 archive is up for today. I was only able to restart the recording for the last few minutes of It Was A Good Day after Ame restarted the stream. I think it was only that song so it's not worth me trying to add it in to the main recording.

>> No.31736831


>> No.31736832
Quoted by: >>31736902

I bet she will be the first 1 on 1 collab Gura has outside of EN

>> No.31736836
Quoted by: >>31737053

Is it confirmed she'll invite an EN/ID girl? The last time this topic came up, some anons used it as an excuse to spread the "Coco hates Holo EN" narrative.

>> No.31736837

Holy fuck. This is great.

>> No.31736838
File: 68 KB, 451x311, 1609663618431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737034

>those art tips
>the cute little lore tidbits
>the whole commentary
Ina's new art timelapse video has a lot of SOUL

>> No.31736840
File: 23 KB, 605x204, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end, how will this affect the global economy for the rest of the year?

>> No.31736843

I can tell you with 100% certainty that fucking headtaker would be in that chat.

>> No.31736844


>> No.31736845


>> No.31736846
File: 2.85 MB, 960x540, AmeJoi [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fncjt30.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man teamates have had a fucking absurd past couple days huh?

Basically from new years all the way to now has just been a fucking journey

>> No.31736847

EN once again being the trendsetter

>> No.31736848

This appeared in my recommendations and the chorus sounds so FUCKING KINO JESUS FUCKING CHRIST

>> No.31736849
File: 318 KB, 837x1181, 1583313267940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute and funny or /ss/ tonight?

>> No.31736850
File: 525 KB, 600x800, AAC867C7-773F-46BC-9430-CC87C1A62BD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to thank Sora for helping to facilitate you meeting your oshi!

>> No.31736851
File: 50 KB, 486x485, takomegane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally me

>> No.31736852
File: 36 KB, 327x147, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31736894


I will return to my slumber. The day turns into a faded night, the moon beckons my brain into its misty embrace. I seek my purpose within the Dream Lands once again. Good night.

>> No.31736854
File: 81 KB, 538x680, 1589375266133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two watchalongs and no games
As excited as I am to watch stuff with my dagger daughter, she's really got to get her PC situation sorted out.

>> No.31736856

I love her and appreciate all the work she does

>> No.31736859
Quoted by: >>31737026

I'm the one that sent that SC about hairstyles for the next costume, I hope she personally asks Nabi for a ponytail since she seems to genuinely like it.

>> No.31736862

It's frustrating how much I love her and how my love seems to grow monotonically with each stream.

>> No.31736865
File: 3.89 MB, 1540x2218, 59077c21eed13079d50e5269ee99bc6a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31736867


>> No.31736868

Busy? Miko and Korone have had a good relationship ever since Korone joined hololive

>> No.31736869

Playlist repeat yes.Looping does nothing to add views.
Tenchou's orders, sorry. Gotta skew the numbers

>> No.31736870

Check likes if you want a better idea of unique views, it's much higher than her average vid.

>> No.31736871
Quoted by: >>31736929

Wait, is the game even available in Japanese?

>> No.31736872 [DELETED] 


My wife...

>> No.31736876
File: 296 KB, 418x456, embrace chimkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cats (2019) Watchalong
>On the same fucking day as The Room and Disaster Artist watchalongs with Mori

>> No.31736877

She literally has a crush on Takodachis

>> No.31736879

cute tummy

>> No.31736882
File: 136 KB, 800x800, Ame Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her and think she's pretty fucking great

>> No.31736880
Quoted by: >>31736948

Kiara is the obvious first collab for any JP. Maybe Mori on a musical thing. Ollie isn't super fluent in JP according to herself, so my bet would be Peacock from ID2 unless she has some common ground with Ayame who I know nothing about but is said to have flawless nip.

>> No.31736883
File: 1.40 MB, 764x480, sorachi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737064

Sora or Okayu would be the best two possible guests for Holotalk, I really hope it's one of them.

>> No.31736886
File: 942 KB, 1362x682, 1603865258492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pretty good streamer who cares about her fans. People reminiscing about the plugdj afterparty in the last thread made me pull up some screenshots I saved.
Amelia herself played this song at the end too.

>> No.31736887

ojisans of the world will spend less on SC since no stream leading to bigger reserves on banks

>> No.31736890

Only the streams are dead. SEA is still awake, therefore so is the thread.

>> No.31736894

good night ravenous rascal

>> No.31736897
Quoted by: >>31736929

How the fuck is going to work? Are they going to power trough the whole game while imagining the story?

>> No.31736899

Such a brat

>> No.31736902
Quoted by: >>31737311

Gura's shit at collabs outside of Ame though

>> No.31736901

Thanks again for doing this, bubb4 anon.

>> No.31736903

>implying Enma will let any of the ENs even refer to Coco, let alone show up on her stream

>> No.31736904

Making cringy SCs no doubt...

>> No.31736905
File: 167 KB, 427x381, 1607746033916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame loved to get around her school's internet security lock on school computers
>would go look up animations and games through the advanced search function
>loved talking to people online and went so far as to make a fake threat against her school while talking to an army recruiter
Name a better place for a "rebel" like Ame to chat with others online live than 4chan. Getting instant replies here is like a rush of dopamine, that's fucking cocaine for people like Ame.

>> No.31736906
File: 226 KB, 1730x121, 1609176420793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina added childhood lore in her fucking time-lapse of all things
I love this dorky priestess

>> No.31736907

Okay cover of a bad song gets shit views. Who would've thought?

>> No.31736909
File: 2.35 MB, 1500x2000, 85294483_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She deserves all the love she gets. Her chat has been great the past few weeks and she deserves how well behaved they are now.

>> No.31736910
Quoted by: >>31736969

Im kinda worried that youtube might fuck up her channel again.

>> No.31736913
File: 1.69 MB, 1800x2600, 1580467325738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shining example of fertility and youth.

>> No.31736914

She cute

>> No.31736915
Quoted by: >>31736967

holy fucking based anon. Thanks for archiving this. By the way, do you happened to archive the other ones?

>> No.31736916

Anya has cute princess vibes, I hope her PC improves soon.

>> No.31736920


>> No.31736924
File: 1.18 MB, 2350x1406, 1609027690607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738133




>> No.31736925
Quoted by: >>31737399

>Ame baited for (you)s as a kid

>> No.31736927

After much consideration, I think she is very good!

>> No.31736928
Quoted by: >>31736999

I mean, every deadbeat here would, though thankfully I don't talk in YT chat more then the ritual PEACE outside T2/T3 streams since I'm fairly certain I'd fuck up and call her Mori.

>> No.31736929

Korone has done her eigo reps, and Miko is miko

>> No.31736931

Anyone else get the impression Gura acting unusually happy during the meatloaf stream?

>> No.31736933

I also thank her for baring my nine children! We're going for eleven this year!

>> No.31736937

Daisenpai, I kneel
Sorry for lewding you

>> No.31736938
File: 11 KB, 231x177, 1FB08A2E-8460-46C2-AFC8-681CD6A5A35F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31736941

This is literally a 'make or break' moment for her. Either she embraces the memery or gets completely demoralized.

>> No.31736945
File: 2.48 MB, 1080x1337, 1608430081153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738012

Polka oruka?

>> No.31736946

She's waiting for Ina to have some time in her schedule please understand

>> No.31736947
Quoted by: >>31737040

She knows the issues, the Animation BTS was going to be chat for Member's Only but it turned out to be another MoriPromise(tm)

We'll see in the coming months. Maybe the rock song will have a stream dedicated to it

>> No.31736948

I can't believe Ayame was secretly indo

>> No.31736949

>They speak english...
AH HAHAHA good one anon https://youtu.be/Iw3JrbS4nV0?t=686

>> No.31736952
File: 2.96 MB, 360x428, 543435354351354.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737233

She's a diamond in the rough and Yagoo had the eyes to see her luster in a sea of coal. Bless Jesas and Yagoo.

Like the JP bros put it. If she was Japanese then she would be the child destined to battle against the biggest of them.

>> No.31736953
File: 622 KB, 928x526, 1602828799913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737399

>Moot probably called Ina a faggot on /a/
>I probably called Ame a faggot on an ancient tf2 thread

Funny to think about but no, they're not here

>> No.31736954

I mean maybe, I'm just picturing the ideal scenario in Coco's head, not necessarily something she could actually do. having a jp guest makes no sense, and id don't really pull in the numbers enough to get attention. Maybe haachama, actually, if her english can keep up.

>> No.31736956
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 4gzi2i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Size difference tonight

>> No.31736957

He knows too much, Shut it down

>> No.31736958 [SPOILER] 
File: 315 KB, 1202x640, 1609749608237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here what i think about your so-called UNITY!

>> No.31736959

We did this at our school. One guy was found out to be slowing down the entire school network due to the sheer amount of porn he was downloading. Good times.

>> No.31736960
Quoted by: >>31737145

Youtube needs to chill the fuck out with the roommate recommendations, goddamned algorithms.

>> No.31736966
Quoted by: >>31737105

Kind of a shame this guy doesn't get more views. He actually does a good job of clipping shit that's more then the memes and really does humanize the clown. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFN7Ks_mbmydh7y1Jv8xRtw

>> No.31736967

I missed the first few SupaSundays but the last few are in that folder.

>> No.31736969

That's the plan.
Get suspended again, fix the channel then have another revival stream. This time we can surpass Ina's numbers and go for Ame next.

>> No.31736971

it is but I wouldn't call it one if I had to "sell" it to a holo for streaming it

>> No.31736972

Deserves the best.

>> No.31736975

i love kiara?!

>> No.31736974

Thank you, anon. Appreciate it, I was worried you weren't around tonight. But I guess it takes awhile to upload hours-long files.

>> No.31736977

Korone played the Dead Space 3 with Botan in English, though she didn't really have a chance to flex her 英語 reps.
Here's a video from 10 months ago when she tried to play an English game and got filtered, here's hoping she's improved: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyXWGvNRnWo

>> No.31736980
File: 895 KB, 1496x2041, 1605841455981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am going to fuck GURA in her cunny and carry her around to angle her in various positions.
i am going to fuck AME'S ass and squeeze her tits as well as drink her pantsu tea.
i am going to naizuri INA and get raped by her tentacles and i'm going to enjoy it
i am going to titfuck MORI and shove my face into her fat thighs and force her to suck my dick
i am going to passionately fill KIARA'S womb for the purpose of impregnation and throatfuck her.
my oshi is KIARA but i want to fuck EVERYONE in HOLOLIVE ENGLISH.

>> No.31736983

She frog

>> No.31736985

Based paint huffing onion

>> No.31736989
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 1609484196573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737045

Is she... wearing bondage gear under her new years outfit?

>> No.31736991
File: 1.88 MB, 1586x2196, Arigatou, Sora-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31736992

Bless you for doing this.

>> No.31736994

At what point does breeding a retard turn into a hate crime?

>> No.31736995

Reminder that Mori lifts weights.

>> No.31736998
File: 176 KB, 345x304, 1602119215248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737793

If only Gura and Ame would do the fusion dance, they would be the best holo/vtuber ever...

Gura's singing ability and endurance and cute charisma

Ame's know-how and streetsmarts to make streaming fun and engaging...

>> No.31736999

I'd at least be using another account if possible. I already do that for koopa just in case.

>> No.31737001
File: 3.39 MB, 2550x3603, 1609009016649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much.

>> No.31737000

how'd she handle the yab just removing a few frames?

>> No.31737002

Of course it’s an Akukin.

>> No.31737003

Ah good time. I remember Choco sensei single handedly saved team A

>> No.31737006


>> No.31737007

Fun to think about, unfortunately my main takeaway was realizing once again how lonely Ame must've been at school.

>> No.31737010

Fucking amazing. Unironically, I could fall in love with her, but I wont.

>> No.31737014
File: 185 KB, 1411x806, 1609643812256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit lives in a completely different reality, just look at this meme chart and try to point out anything that makes sense.

>> No.31737019


>> No.31737022

my love grows every day I spend with her. why is my heart like this

>> No.31737023

stop lying to yourself

>> No.31737024

I listened to her serenade us all night long and that was in the last 24 hours, so yep. Her take on Autophagey was interesting compared to the maniac energy of Polka's.

>> No.31737026

and I sent the drunken SC later on telling her how awesome ponytails and braids are..

>> No.31737028

Her personality and model fit perfectly.

>> No.31737030

Those little leg weights, Kiara already called her out on exaggerating how often she runs.

>> No.31737032
Quoted by: >>31737133

Is there an easy way to sync it up?

>> No.31737034

i didn't kno i would love her even more from just a timelapse video

>> No.31737035

Deadliftbro must've been so thrilled

>> No.31737039

>No "I like it because other people hate it" option

>> No.31737040

she's making less of those and she said she only did those because she was still in her indie mentality where she could say yolo and delay shit as much as she wanted

>> No.31737042
File: 209 KB, 304x272, 1609645176438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Towa's face during half of that stream

>> No.31737044

Thank you, anon

>> No.31737045
Quoted by: >>31737072

im pretty sure its rigged such that she can take the outfit off and only have the bondage gear

>> No.31737048
File: 3.27 MB, 1900x2800, 86812342_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31737053

Not much point explaining JP memes to a JP Holo. She could do it solo I guess, but she hasn't done a solo meme review in forever. So chances are good it's an EN/ID but nothing's confirmed

>> No.31737054

Reddit is entirely composed of clipwatchers and cloutchasers

>> No.31737058

Not defending them, but OFC Ame is not seiso, how is that even a question?

>> No.31737063

I am against forced memes on principle, I can't make an exception for my oshi.

>> No.31737064

Kiara doesn't want to interview Sora yet because she's... too important
I'm sorry, Sora...

>> No.31737066

She tried editing it on Youtube directly but it takes days for it to work so she just blurred the yab parts and re-uploaded it.

>> No.31737069
File: 663 KB, 685x624, 1605656439406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the mistake of looking at Ayame's split thread. It saddens me how an awkward girl like Ayame can have such vitriolic antis.

>> No.31737070
File: 150 KB, 724x768, 1606784754888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737098

>My boy, the sanest and coolest in Hololive
She keeps getting away with it....

>> No.31737072

>he hasn't seen the T2 member's video

>> No.31737076
File: 200 KB, 600x600, 168503_seUzQorj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Guras mama updated her Picrew

>> No.31737078
File: 383 KB, 2500x4093, Eo6JmlXVoAAhudl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watson Amelia
>Taiwan amelos
>Taiwan love them
Amelia is really a time traveler huh.

>> No.31737081

I thought this was going to turn into a variation of the RIPPEN copypasta kek

>> No.31737082
File: 453 KB, 419x996, 1609127816082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, denizens of /hlgg/, antis and lovers alike:

Can Amelia Watson become an idol?

>> No.31737083
File: 3.70 MB, 3000x4100, 86813614_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31737084

JWU, anything important I need to know lads?

>> No.31737085

already shit.

>> No.31737086
File: 425 KB, 968x1039, __shameimaru_aya_and_kimeemaru_touhou_drawn_by_hospital_king__f7638db1d55d89fdc9af32772af9190d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738207

>> No.31737090

Is there any reason that whenever I open a jp mario kart stream, they always seem to be using Waluigi with the wiggler kart? some sort of arbitrary requirement for the tournament? just a meta pick?

>> No.31737096

I'm not gonna give up until Bubb4 has played every single Arakawa Under the Bridge op and ed.

>> No.31737097

fuck... FUCK!!!

>> No.31737098
Quoted by: >>31737141

You ever wonder if she worries the facade will crack?

>> No.31737104
Quoted by: >>31737361

I mean its not that unexpected, yeah low effort meme videos get lots of views, thats kinda the point of them. I doubt this is an earth shattering realization for kiara, she knows what she's doing

>> No.31737105

not that anon but thank you, I'll be sure to check this channel out

>> No.31737106
Quoted by: >>31737121

Ame is a domestic terrorist

>> No.31737110

Considering the fact that her roommate is among the youngest in HoloJP, yeah that is unfortunate.

>> No.31737114

meta pick

>> No.31737115
File: 120 KB, 257x312, 1605648622690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the major reasons you like ame that much is because she has a twitch streaming experience/mindset. You subconsciously like it but don't miss the chance to shit on twitch every chance you get. Fucking hypocrites.

>> No.31737117

The fact this shit is her most watched content still fucking baffles me...

>> No.31737116
File: 885 KB, 1531x1080, 1548799821781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737213

I thought Rosalina was the tryhard pick

>> No.31737121

Aight thanks.

>> No.31737122

It just sounds kinda crinch to me twitch or otherwise, it's not a big deal but it's dumb. That said, she was obviously fucking with chat, thing is plenty of her chat was also cool with it but she kept poking fun at the subset who weren't.

>> No.31737123
File: 98 KB, 220x161, What.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31737124
Quoted by: >>31737399

Everyone is here except for Gura.

>> No.31737125

That's cool and all but can you explain what the FUCK she meant by this?

>> No.31737128
File: 92 KB, 1849x427, kiaraschizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.31737129

Absolutely. She's gonna have to put in some serious work and effort though.

>> No.31737130
Quoted by: >>31737399

this is a decent rrat. I'll save it for later

>> No.31737133

I usually just wait for her to sing along to a song and find that in the recording.

>> No.31737135
File: 1.97 MB, 300x169, Hs6krVa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting Aki, Meru, RBC, Choco and Noel in the Mom zone
Reddit pls... Get a clue.

>> No.31737141
Quoted by: >>31737158

I don't think Mori thinks about anything.

>> No.31737145

susan is the biggest anti of all.

>> No.31737151
File: 11 KB, 1334x121, gigaschizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Split threads are such a mistake, keep in mind we're getting into the hours were posters will try to "advertise" them too

Is there really nothing we can do about those doxfag havens?

>> No.31737152
Quoted by: >>31737197

>Constant target for bullies
>Didn't have close friends
>Probably was seen as the weird poor kid

>> No.31737153

>likes guys shorter than her
>lifts weights

>> No.31737154
Quoted by: >>31737238

I don't watch clips, do any cute moments from Ame get decent clip views these days or is it all just "toxic gremlin" stuff that people care about still?

>> No.31737156

The hard pill to swallow is that they're both streaming platforms and the community a streamer follows is dependent on them, not the platform. People just like to label anything they don't like as "twitch"

>> No.31737157

Does she even want to be an idol?

>> No.31737158

Except maybe how she can fit in another song/freelance

>> No.31737160

If Coco, Noel, Mel and Choco can be idols, anyone can

>> No.31737161

Ame is fertility idol

>> No.31737163

They've gotten better since then at least

>> No.31737166
File: 489 KB, 1575x2048, 676867435435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737231

I both love and utterly hate this pose.
So close to gazing upon the gates of Eden but yet so far away.

>> No.31737171
File: 307 KB, 2048x1540, 1609750061887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are lovers.

>> No.31737174
File: 117 KB, 735x927, EpvwvcaUUAMCHOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seemed to take holoFES quite seriously. It definitely had an effect on her.

>> No.31737175

Why is haachama dislike so high?

>> No.31737181

I mean, it's not that hard to see the audience for each girl
>gamers, Twitch-adjacent
>music, huge "nervous clumsy millennial" energy
>comfy, getting to see an artist work
>cute, mostly family-friendly with implied naughtiness

>> No.31737183

Only the religious kind

>> No.31737184

Do we have any updates about the situations? I had the assumption that it was only like that because of Christmas and New Year celebration sending meidos to vacation.

>> No.31737185

I would take a bullet for this detective

>> No.31737188
Quoted by: >>31737240

How the everloving fuck did Choco manage to get together from we are?

>> No.31737190

Residual chinks from when Coco showed up during her 3D live.

>> No.31737193

Ame is already an idol.

>> No.31737195

the schizo who was right..
god bless that thread

>> No.31737197

Wow, she really is like us haha...

>> No.31737200
File: 99 KB, 1200x675, 1609714924895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737404

It's a testament to Cover's talent scouts more than anything.
>not a youtuber with millions of views already
>not an aspiring rapper who can draw and make music
>not a former non-JP idol with N1 Japanese
>not a high-spec professional artist who does work for massive companies

And yet, she's well on her way to 1m subs and currently has the 10th highest sub count in Hololive. Pretty good for a regular girl who's trying her best. She's about to surpass Haato, Coco, and the official Hololive channel this month alone.

>> No.31737202

I miss one Ame's stream and you fucks already have some kind of in-joke

>> No.31737207

Mori is clearly a pedophile who would like nothing more than rape innocent little shotas. But since she's not dumb doesn't want to go to prison, she has to settle for manlets and pretend they're little kids. She lifts weights to become strong enough to manhandle and rape them the way she could a shota, to make it more immersive.

>> No.31737208


>> No.31737204
File: 2.88 MB, 858x1078, dancu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is still at it my dude, Coco still has to hide in the members-only bomb shelter outside of Karaoke streams

>> No.31737213

I've not played any recent mario karts, but the only one I've seen use her is Kiara, and she seemed to be suffering because of the extra weight, though obviously heavy characters get better if you're more experienced.

>> No.31737214
Quoted by: >>31737259

Hey so uh Gura said she would do a PM stream or something, did she delete the VOD or what?

>> No.31737215
Quoted by: >>31737285

Pretty difficult poll.
Aya is not ayaya, but it being so close will bait twitchniggers which is annoying.
There is no way to make it sound natural in regular use, so don't want it to be a thing.
I don't mind it if she says it sometimes to fuck with chat, but only if she's steadfast on the idea that it will not be used regularly.

>> No.31737218
Quoted by: >>31737392

>Lesbians and/or menheras

>> No.31737224
File: 516 KB, 438x768, 1609715873098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she already is

>> No.31737228
Quoted by: >>31737315


It's funny she ordered KFP to do it with frog vid and not Wah Wah World.

>> No.31737230

Niji lovers think Chama stole the lotion idea from one of theirs.

>> No.31737231

She knows what she's doing ahh let me see it Ame!

>> No.31737232
File: 332 KB, 641x704, 1603696981619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was an amazing night and sold me on superchat readings being fun

>> No.31737233
Quoted by: >>31737374

Clearly we refer to "Yagoo" as the collective Hololive and more specifically the recruitment team in this case. I do wonder what parameters they judge individual talents in addition to how they construct a balanced generation.
One particular factor has to be how to ensure talent retention, as it would look terrible for any Holo leaving after a year due to lack of incentive or interest. Though I can easily see Ame staying with Hololive for as long as circumstances allow.

>> No.31737234
File: 18 KB, 357x337, 1603615958201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not your friend faggot

>> No.31737238

Very few and the comments in those are all


>> No.31737239
Quoted by: >>31737472

Would MadWorld be a good streaming game for Mori? That game's soundtrack is so good... Shame it's stuck on the fucking Wii. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfgUfqeSxg8

>> No.31737240

She's an actual teacher

>> No.31737243

> implied naughtiness
She's not even hiding it

>> No.31737245

Twitch is bad because of its culture and community, Ame doesnt have that problem.

>> No.31737252
File: 431 KB, 800x505, 86813991_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31737256

>Does she even want to be an idol?
Yes. She's actually trying.

>> No.31737258

Her chat was public during Terraria, just extremely slow.

>> No.31737259

>he missed the stream that got deleted because chat noticed gura was masturbating

>> No.31737263

That's what she screams when you reach orgasm with her during sex.

>> No.31737268

The Terraria stream she just did wasn't members only chat.

>> No.31737269

>"half of these don't even make any sense. Do these gaijin not even watch our clips? I expected shit like what those Towa... guys did, where the fuck did they come from?"

>> No.31737271
Quoted by: >>31738527

I doubt this will be successful, I don’t think the jp are capable of making funny meme and whoever she invites will just be awkward in how to act when the meme are not funny.

>> No.31737275
Quoted by: >>31737399

I'm so fucking mad I used Yahoo and MSN messenger instead of AIM so I didn't get to shitpost with Ame as a kid

>> No.31737276
Quoted by: >>31737399

Omegle. We did that same shit in high school

>> No.31737279

So is the frog video an attempt to tap into the Gura audience?

>> No.31737280
File: 18 KB, 394x245, PromoAustin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31737284
File: 198 KB, 429x435, 1606879800157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course

>> No.31737285

wait, why is Ayaya twitchfaggotry now? All I am aware of is that it's a 4chan webm

>> No.31737287
File: 2 KB, 240x240, 2B09FF6A-B4E4-4C05-9CF6-93EBC81D7DA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She keeps wine at all times and forces them to drink so she can have her way

>> No.31737289
Quoted by: >>31737602

Maybe if she practice more, Cover manage to put Noel on stage so its not impossible.
But what I think is the hardest to imagine is how Mori will sing and dance Shiny Smile Story

>> No.31737290

I don't hate Twitch or people that stream on Twitch. I hate Twitch culture and the faggot kids that bring Twitch culture outside of Twitch.
Ame has made it beyond obvious how little she cares about pog bullshit and other Twitch memery and culture.

>> No.31737291
File: 164 KB, 717x1000, 1605331594672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man half of Towa's superchats are in English.

>> No.31737293

I wondered this too, but her holofes reaction and her new years goals seem to point toward yes.

>> No.31737296

>take a break from work for the holidays
>have a legendary break due to Ame
>back to work again today

Just fucking kill me. I want to just keep living by watching Ame stream. What is the best way to do this? Is there an easy home job I can do?

>> No.31737300


>> No.31737305

naRRATive: snowflakes are god's crusted semen

>> No.31737308
File: 2.78 MB, 1203x1732, 6926df0bd4a6bf8dda6dc9e9b45ccd61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737324

>> No.31737309

not true
eveyrthing after holofest has been mostly all chat
the wheelbarrows are rusting

>> No.31737311

Wrong! Her collabs with Ina and Kiara were great. Da fuck are you talking about you retarded nigger. Gura anti found

>> No.31737312


>> No.31737314

I can't get Matsuri and Luna's sannen me no uwaki cover out of my head lol

>> No.31737315

Frog vid is shorter so its easier to loop. WWW is ~4mins? It's not gonna get to 1million by the time she gets back.

>> No.31737316

Before HoloFES? Not sure. After HoloFES? Yes. She's going to become one.

>> No.31737318

After watching holofes she definitely does

>> No.31737324

Picture makes me horny but I don't think I could sex Korone

>> No.31737326
File: 173 KB, 268x634, 1609373716014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31737327

I more see the audiences as:
>Constant tug-of-war between Twitch kiddies and GFE goslings
>Ironic weebs and unironic ironic weebs
>Drawfags and gacha veterans
>Borderline normies and underages
>Menheras/savior complexes

>> No.31737333

>past couple of days
Try the past month and a bit

>> No.31737334
File: 2.54 MB, 4299x6071, 86814031_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31737343

Yes, there are good things about the streaming platform twitch and those who utilized it well. Amelia is doing well because of that experience but people also like that she adheres to hololive's rules despite twitch's way of doing things (e.g. "raids might be a thing elsewhere, but not here").
>Fucking hypocrites.
Not me, sorry.

>> No.31737345
File: 352 KB, 607x638, 1609522765560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia toyed with the idea of getting her stream scenes "professionally done", and if she does pursue this train of thought, I hope she doesn't drop the stars in her theme. They're endearing.

>> No.31737346
File: 205 KB, 886x1079, CEO OF DOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to point out anything that makes sense
Nene best girl

>> No.31737352

I say it's better to keep it separate and contained to twitch itself. I wish you faggots would do the same, but that seems like you guys don't care about breaking containment anymore than the twitch niggers you hate.

>> No.31737353
Quoted by: >>31737517

Can you elaborate on what the hell an unironic ironic weeb is?

>> No.31737355

If anything, she's the best candidate to have the most memorable 3D and fes debut, as someone that got into Hololive not because of talents but because of streaming experience and charisma. Idolfags want to see growth. Kiara for example knows how to sing and dance idol songs, so we won't see the training arc and thats kinda lame. See Coco for example, how much she improved her singing in a few months, this kind of stuff is what makes Hololive cool in my opinion.

>> No.31737357

honka donka badonkers

>> No.31737359

become a neeto like me
honestly dont, It's mentally taxing. I want to get a fucking job but corona-chan wont let me

>> No.31737361

She knew, but she didn't like it.
She tried the german story videos, that were a lot of effort and she didn't enjoy doing the subtitling, and they got relatively few views.
Then she uploads a frog and it gets tonnes.
Not an "earth shattering realization", but it's not going to feel good.
My concern is what lesson she takes away from this. Will she refocus and try to make some different quality content, or will she double down on lazy memes, or will she just be depressed that her hard work wasn't rewarded?

>> No.31737362

Haachama already planned a collab with her so her collab will happen soon.

>> No.31737364

I'm not your friend, I'm your lover

>> No.31737370
File: 3.13 MB, 1203x1732, c50b89413c9b149cb828c43412d2caa6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31737372

I feel happy whenever I see her.

>> No.31737373


>> No.31737374
Quoted by: >>31737511

I think she really did her homework and showed off how much she knows about Hololive. She's said as much that she asked a ton of questions during the interview(s).

>> No.31737380
File: 261 KB, 800x800, 1585801703218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737468

Ollie will have a shocking yab today during her month anniversary stream, mark my words.

>> No.31737382

You take one look at Noel and you know the entire fucking chart needs to go in the trash without even seeing the rest of it.

>> No.31737383

Man I'd love for Mori to rape me

>> No.31737385

Right here, friend

>> No.31737389

Those are rookie numbers, soon we will make it all of them

>> No.31737392

but her art lesbians are sane

>> No.31737394
File: 461 KB, 749x589, 1606060289614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Six days left.

>> No.31737396

>thank you for your pocket money
she's trying her best gosh darn it

>> No.31737398

Just have to weather the storm here. Report VAfags that post non-holos in the general, ignore baitposts.
Eventually some mods will fix the state of /jp/

>> No.31737399
Quoted by: >>31737493


Stop giving Ame (you)s you retards

>> No.31737403
File: 45 KB, 512x512, 1609647164768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Niji merch doesn't sell very well. They got clearance sale and people still don't buy it..

>> No.31737404

I hope their scouts got a hefty bonus because that's the only thing Cover excels at

>> No.31737405

to be fair, considering Mori moved to Japan simply bc she loved doujin music so much, she's probably the most similar to the average /jp/ posters.

>> No.31737407

Work nights?

>> No.31737408

What happened to the main holo thread

>> No.31737409
File: 46 KB, 400x400, 1608268980344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31737410

Based employee

>> No.31737412

the latter two

>> No.31737415
Quoted by: >>31738052

That is Gura saying ya'll just got ghosted. It's like that story she told about caring about someone (J*el) so much, worrying about them and asking if they are alright and they just respond with "okay." That is what Gura did to us cumbuds, the fucking brat.

>> No.31737417
File: 1.88 MB, 3000x2748, 86815394_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31737420

Based idolfag

>> No.31737423

the only realization is her initially thinking people wouldn't watch it because it's from her she was thinking maybe because a meme would come from her that it would fail

>> No.31737426
Quoted by: >>31737458

It's funny how most people think she's going to swing to one extreme or the other. I think she's going to get addicted to the easy growth and do more meme videos.

>> No.31737430


>> No.31737432

Become an Ame stream caster
>Ohhh here she comes with a "She's here" narrative, will it stick?
>Heavy opposition from the "not here" team, this match will be a huge upset if she plays well tonight
>It looks like the "not here" posters are taking ground, backing Ame into a corner

>> No.31737436

I'm personally not that big of a fan of Ame, but I respect her, any complaint I've had regarding twitch are related to emote spam (to the point chat becomes difficult to read or it visibly irritates the stream) or people outright using emotes that aren't there, I can't think of anything that makes me cringe harder than when I heard someone say 'pog' in a real life conversation with someone who didn't know what it meant.

>> No.31737437
Quoted by: >>31737517

what the fuck is an unironic ironic weeb

>> No.31737440

AFAIK there was this streamer that watched some ayaya video on stream for 10 or so hours. Ever since it's been endemic whenever anything anime related appears.
Don't follow closely so don't know how accurate I am.

>> No.31737442

Numbers > *

>> No.31737443


>> No.31737450
Quoted by: >>31737490

I just wish she would stop caring so much about numbers and more about creating an enjoyable stream environment for her and her viewers.

>> No.31737458

I think she's just gonna know what to do when she takes vacations in the future

>> No.31737460


>> No.31737462


>> No.31737467

I began to sweat profusely.

>> No.31737468

How could Kureiji "Mind on yabs" Ollie top any of this?

>Said "I don't drink coffee, it's not good for the baby" during her debut
>Said "I didn't choose it because I had a fight with my boyfriend, Dang, I wish I had a boyfriend ... I want a wife" because of song lyrics during her post-debut
>When asked for a pickup line said "Is your dad in prison? Is he not in prison? Oh that's funny, because if I were your dad I'd be in prison!" in her maro reading stream
>Said "Bad colours? Why don't you take a look in the mirror George, let's see who's the bad colour then!" in her passpartout stream
>Farted during her sushi party stream
>Liked a tweet saying "Man I want to give Pekora a sibling so bad"
>Made a subtle pedo joke only indonesians will understand in a Getting Over It stream
>Liked a tweet saying "Bro, I thought mating press was like a friendly hug"
>Said she wanted to "yeet and skeet" with her genmates during Overcooked collab
>Responded to a comment saying "It is hard" with "That's what she said" during an Overcooked collab
>Liked a tweet from an anti who postes a torrent link to HoloFes 1 with the promise of hosting a torrent to HoloFes 2
>Asked "Did you touch yourself with those hands?" and "What that tongue do" during her Ib (RPG Maker Game) stream
>Has a very thinly veiled incest fetish that became clear during the lb stream
>liked a tweet from Kiaras roommate
>Her brother licks her face to wake her up
>Said "Aah~... Aaaaahhh~... It's so deep - that's what she said" and "It stinks... I didn't fart" during her Minecraft stream
>Got her messages instantly deleted in Mel's chat.

>> No.31737472

It would be fucking great game for her but I don't think they have permission for it

>> No.31737473

Why did Anya end up being the runt of ID2?

>> No.31737474

>Towa has big breast

>> No.31737475

Coco is hot...

>> No.31737477
Quoted by: >>31737522

>Size Difference
I want size difference Calli to hesitate to step on me and "GUH" awkwardly instead.

>> No.31737478

JWU from a nap that started 11 months ago?

>> No.31737479
Quoted by: >>31738062

Listen carefully and you can hear Ame fart here (start at 5:49:58 if the link doesn't work). Right after she says "I dream of cheese." Then shortly after she says "Did you guys hear that?"

I knew I heard it during when it was live. Seemed louder then though.

>> No.31737480
Quoted by: >>31737565

Regardless of the takeaway, I really don't see kiara as one to double down and completely focus on low effort meme videos. She's too dedicated to her fanbase and I think she knows that long term success will feel better if its built upon hard work and quality videos to feel proud of, rather than garbage that was produced purely for growth.

>> No.31737484
Quoted by: >>31737513

I remember when Artifact was a thing and pretty much dead there were like 50+ channels hosting the AYAYA video on loop. It was fucking hilarious. It was either that or outright porn.

>> No.31737488


>> No.31737489

god i fucking love Towa so much

>> No.31737490

She wants her hard work to be worth the effort is that too much to ask?

>> No.31737491

>>Liked a tweet saying "Bro, I thought mating press was like a friendly hug"
i want to give ollie a friendly hug

>> No.31737493


>> No.31737492
File: 250 KB, 1000x559, __shirakami_fubuki_shiranui_flare_and_tsunomaki_watame_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_hopper__672dd08dd7b446e168ab022010261848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dead hours so I can finally do my weekly financials
Does this count as reps? I don't think my oshi wants me to go broke

>> No.31737497
File: 97 KB, 277x292, Syowaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Ame is becoming an idolfag then what idol anime would you recommend for her to do a watchalong?

>> No.31737498
Quoted by: >>31738928

This is just a Ame board nowadays. Judging from posts today the popularity went Ame>Kiara>Mori>Ina>Gura. Da fuck happened cumbuds.

>> No.31737499

shit computer and mic

>> No.31737503

What yab?

>> No.31737505
File: 279 KB, 460x356, 1603606865448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738085

I made the mistake of reading the comments

>It's hard to get the merch outside of jp and nearly impossible
>If it wasn't for covid, you can just fly to japan and buy the merch

>> No.31737506

Mori is Purple Aki

>> No.31737507

You forgot

>> No.31737509

Someone please catbox that, holy shit towa

>> No.31737511

It's funny that Ina, Gura, and Mori have had stories when it came to their auditions and their decisions to apply for hololive, and yet every question probing Ame about it has consistently returned to the "do your research, ask your questions" routine.
Mentioned it before, but her applying for hololive definitely feels like Ame's last hurrah as a streamer before calling it quits. And we've arrived at the timeline we're on now.

>> No.31737512

One month and we've already got all of this. She's the most beautiful trainwreck of hololive.

>> No.31737513

Was it at least good porn?

>> No.31737516

Back Street Girls

>> No.31737517

An ironic weeb is someone who does it on purpose
An unironic ironic weeb is someone who does it without putting any effort into it and it seems natural to them to be ironic weebs, thinking that they're unironic weebs, but they end up being unironic ironic weebs.

>> No.31737518

Perfect Blue or Paranoia Agent

>> No.31737519
Quoted by: >>31737618

It's their fault for selling to stores. They sold all of these directly from their site and sold out immediately, it's infuriating.

>> No.31737522
File: 745 KB, 2160x1622, 1601347780648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31737524
Quoted by: >>31737580

I think that's basically it. They've made it an emote since then, to be clear, so most people who know about it associate it with the twitch emote.
I don't usually make the connection in my mind but I understand the desire to stay away from it because of that. Although I think "aya" is a bad catchphrase either way.

>> No.31737525

So is she here or not? Was that deflecting just something to create chaos because the "she's here" faction was getting too cocky?

>> No.31737530
File: 532 KB, 2597x4096, Eq0MjlWVkAE9kU0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this fat cat.

>> No.31737536
Quoted by: >>31737573

Not at all but you really shouldn't be talking about it with viewers in my opinion.

>> No.31737546

Gokudolls or Zombieland Saga

>> No.31737548
Quoted by: >>31738821

all I know is that she got me by the balls and I'm not in control

>> No.31737549

>Mori changed her twitter pfp again

>> No.31737550
Quoted by: >>31737638

>Will she refocus and try to make some different quality content, or will she double down on lazy memes, or will she just be depressed that her hard work wasn't rewarded?
Ugh can she just not keep shit the same? I really like her content and she already has a dedicated fanbase. Nothing will ever be good enough for Kiara if she doesn't work on her insecurities.

>> No.31737560

This is the one that's going to make me fap, fuck

>> No.31737561

>her applying for hololive definitely feels like Ame's last hurrah as a streamer before calling it quits
Something about that makes me feel emotional. I confess I don't really watch ame often, but I'm glad she was able to make it into hololive.

>> No.31737565
Quoted by: >>31737606

>I think she knows that long term success will feel better if its built upon hard work and quality videos to feel proud of, rather than garbage that was produced purely for growth.
I'd have agreed with you, but then she released a meme video.
At the end of the day, it's not a big deal, so will just have to wait and see.

>> No.31737568
File: 2.93 MB, 960x960, 1608200152568.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your cat is indeed properly fed. You must be very proud of her.

>> No.31737573

>you really shouldn't be talking about it with viewers
why? Kiara's openness is one of the reasons I love her streams so much did you know she is why we learned cyberpunk perms were gone 4 hours before mori made her announcement

>> No.31737574
Quoted by: >>31737608

Worst design + bad mic/computer setup.
So basically the Kiara of her gen

>> No.31737576

Reminds me of that pic of the Niji ramen noodle in the discount bin. Anyone have that one?

>> No.31737578

I didn't stick around to watch so I don't know.

>> No.31737580

Catchphrase with no structure is bad in any case. I have no idea when she is supposed to say it.

>> No.31737581

Mostly gore and pizza of a certain kind iirc

>> No.31737589
File: 62 KB, 640x884, 1605995513033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wished I lurked these threads at least since debut, I just got to know this general because of amegeddon. Before that, it was really lonely, I don't have anywhere else to talk about hololive.

>> No.31737594

her bad computer and internet led to several days of no streaming after her debut, RIP

>> No.31737597
Quoted by: >>31737627

wait why did her messages get deleted?

>> No.31737599
File: 70 KB, 168x194, 1608741602920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's here if you want her to be
She's everywhere you want her to be

>> No.31737602

I mean she sung it in her first live show, and I thought she did a pretty good job, though she added some... questionable idol chanting in the middle. the dancing may take some work, but she's at least been on a stage before and is a fairly expressive person

>> No.31737605
File: 48 KB, 135x254, 1587068956853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances Ame might actually enable members chat? And what games should she do it on?

>> No.31737606

It's not like she had time for anything else Kiara doesn't inherently hate them she just feared she wouldn't get any views due to the video being from her because she feels she has bad luck for that kind of stuff since meme vids are rather luck based

>> No.31737607

Huh, Rushia/Lucia's streaming now

Ever since that one anon pointed out that her name should be written Lucia it's been stuck in my head, it makes so much sense

>> No.31737608
File: 58 KB, 500x375, Char_no_jokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't like Anyas design...?

>> No.31737611

But merch is the only thing keeping them afloat according to experts on 4chan.org

>> No.31737614


EN barely breaks top 20

Failed experiment??? Inb4 vod views you know that's a massive cope

>> No.31737617

>but they are well known in japan

>> No.31737618

I remember several months ago niji got a deal with nissin, kind of like Curry nissin with Hololive.
Niji doesn't sell very well to the point people make a discount online while Subaru curry sold instantly and people make an auction from it..

>> No.31737620

Very low
Puzzle games

>> No.31737623

>Gurame played a way out
>Trannyshark started playing it aswell
>Takamori was also inspired to play it
>Now Miko/Korone
It may be just a dream but a way out collab with Pekora and Marine will be peak kino.

>> No.31737625

I never use twitch so i don't get what is "twitch" streaming experience/mindset is about.
The only thing i know about that site is the shitty memes that twitchfags forced everywhere.

>> No.31737627

Might have hit some filter, like an anti all caps filter or something

>> No.31737631

Not that anon but I don't hate it, the other designs are just that much better

>> No.31737633
File: 2.93 MB, 3872x5293, __original_drawn_by_hiramedousa__5b1127c2f1d6eafeffd01974d2d95af9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737681

Me on right Mori on the left

>> No.31737638

I mean she's obviously going to keep most of her streams the same, because there's only so much content you can do when you have to stream for hours 5 times a week.
But all vtubers should be experimenting and trying new things to attract viewers. The alternative is stagnation, which will cause viewers to ebb away on their own.

>> No.31737645

Her content isn't for everyone, but between Christmas and New Years she grew sentimental and admitted she would have "quit the detective agency" had it not been for Yagoo. If nothing else, I can respect that she can now support herself as a streamer. She clearly has the passion for it.

>> No.31737647
Quoted by: >>31737716

Story focused games but a smarter way would be to just use an extension and filter to members only, that way non-members won't get upset.

>> No.31737648
Quoted by: >>31737672

Enma probably won't allow it, but who knows at this point

>> No.31737650
Quoted by: >>31737850

>Auctioning curry
Japanese idolfags are insane, christ

>> No.31737651


>> No.31737652
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x1800, 86138359_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, at least.

>> No.31737655
Quoted by: >>31737689

Ollie versus Nene in a case available moment battle, who wins?

>> No.31737656

so much for being bigger in japan

>> No.31737659

Not likely, she's too nice for that. But she should do it for Minecraft and any spoiler-heavy games like Outer Wilds.
She would achieve the same thing if she just filtered chat on her end, which is what she should do.

>> No.31737660
File: 63 KB, 394x245, 1609750284276_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31737661

This is total all time. EN started in September. /hlg/ fag destroyed, next.

>> No.31737662

Why not do it with the famous tee tee couples in holo?


>> No.31737663


>> No.31737664

>calculates all of 2020
>gen gets released during the end of 2020
>"Why are they so low in comparison to other members who were there throughout the majority of the whole year???"

>> No.31737666
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1601333658728s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive was probably the last hoorah for most of them. Mori admitted that she was starting to lose sight of her dream and burning herself out. Ina realized she was a shut-in who had wasted her life away on MMOs instead of making friends. Kiara's idol dream was essentially dead in the water with no hope of recovery. (I don't watch much of Gura so I dunno how her life was pre-Hololive.)
YAGOO really is a savior.

>> No.31737674

A good number of redditors did mention things were off. I'm surprised Coco even picked that one since it only got a couple hundred upvotes over all the memes with 1000+

>> No.31737672
Quoted by: >>31737737

Why would Enma not allow it?

>> No.31737675

I want to put this cat in a very large bottle, specifically her top half, so her bottom half is completely exposed

>> No.31737677

low as fuck
she always wants to feel inclusive even when most of her non members are trash shitstains

>> No.31737680

can confirm frog

>> No.31737681
File: 78 KB, 471x658, 1609598265941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31737682

The 2011 im@s + Cinderella Girls anime were pretty alright.

>> No.31737687
Quoted by: >>31737720

>(I don't watch much of Gura so I dunno how her life was pre-Hololive.)
an alcoholic

>> No.31737689

They both manage to lose somehow

>> No.31737694

Note the big overlap EN-chat-users have with Haachama.

>> No.31737695

Coco now doing JP meme reviews reminded me that Marine has yet to announce the winner of her reddit meme contest

>> No.31737697

My Ritualposting Okayu Can't Be This Cute.

>> No.31737696

Wait that's over all of 2020? Mori is only 7 mil yen off Lamy! Jesus christ

>> No.31737699

Her design isn't bad per se, but earthy tones and a glossy stare isn't going to tick everyone's boxes. Also received rather rigid rigging compared to arguably the most impressive riggings in Hololive.

>> No.31737702

Yep, it got popular among English Vtubers after Gurame played it.

>> No.31737706

It's not bad but Ollie's and Reine's are just better. Just like I don't think Nene's design was bad but a lot of people considered it plain compared to the other girls.

>> No.31737714
File: 12 KB, 206x206, 1604822175789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're here now, anon. She'll have many more kino moments yet. The plugdj afterparty was after amegeddon though.

>> No.31737716

Unfortunately, Ame will still need to see the non-members incase there's anyone needing a ban.

>> No.31737718

If 600k+ subs and one of the highest earners based on SCs isn't enough then I don't know what is. Don't get me wrong I don't hate Kiara but sometimes I get the feel that she has an unhealthy obsession with numbers.

>> No.31737720
Quoted by: >>31737920

No, she wasn't an alcoholic. You believe that dumb shit? Are you 12?

>> No.31737721
Quoted by: >>31737757

what if Ina had a flesh fang instead

>> No.31737723
Quoted by: >>31737756

It's meant to be a voluntary verbal tic, as opposed to her actual catchphrases that are tailored to the situation. But it just sounds forced and random so meh. I think she'll get over it once she's had her fun.

>> No.31737725
File: 43 KB, 775x1031, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Va11halla. It would be a really comfy stream with members only, and it's a debuff game so who cares really.

>> No.31737727

>Mori earns 10M JPY/month

>> No.31737729

Cute and funny, great design and voice. Awesome variety of content. Not my oshi, but probably the best member of EN.
Her fan can be fucking annoying at times but that's nothing to do with her.

>> No.31737730

All you have to realize is that you have to be a special kind of stupid not to keep an eye on the board that nearly torpedoed your career out the gate. That faggot sat on that shit for weeks and no action was taken until it spilled here, so it's definitely this place.

>> No.31737732

Prefer it to be something she turns on as a punishment for non-member fags not behaving.

>> No.31737733

It’s happening January 9th

>> No.31737734

Nice Cope!!!

>> No.31737735

>Kiara's idol dream was essentially dead in the water with no hope of recovery.
Kiara's idol dream is dead she said so herself hololive is a new dream also along with that she said if nor for hololive she would have gone back to her shitty menial job that she quit before the 1 year visa

>> No.31737736

Ollie and Reine's designs + rigging are high spec and what we'd expect from EN gen 2/JP gen 6.
Anya's design feels right at home with ID gen 1.

>> No.31737737

It's "unfair" to the non-members
But it may actually get more people to member her like what happened with Coco

>> No.31737740

I dont even use twitch since the loader is so slow

>> No.31737741
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 1599954610821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori is only 7 mil yen off Lamy! Jesus christ
Goddamn. This whole time we've thought Lamyfags were a cult but it was deadbeats all along.

>> No.31737743
File: 118 KB, 367x211, Screenshot 2020-11-23 130231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737809

kiara's normal voice leaks out every so often and the only reason i notice it, is because my dick suddenly gets painfully hard out of nowhere

>> No.31737746

>there was this streamer that watched some ayaya video on stream for 10 or so hours
That was really based, I'll admit

>> No.31737747
Quoted by: >>31737766

I really wonder who would react hardest to how absolutely fucking degenerate the game is.

>> No.31737749
Quoted by: >>31737825

EN only existed for 4 months in 2020 you room temperature IQ cro-magnon

>> No.31737753
Quoted by: >>31737790

Lamy only started a month earlier than Mori.

>> No.31737756
File: 97 KB, 2215x389, 1601440938269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31737757

flesh fangs are shit

>> No.31737766
Quoted by: >>31737780

Risu loved it.

>> No.31737775

Is 13 Sentinels a good game for them to stream?

Or any Vanillaware game

>> No.31737776

Am I the only KFP who feels like Kiara sacrificed a bit of her dignity to do the frog video? I can't stop laughing about the absurdity of the whole situation.

>> No.31737780
Quoted by: >>31737820

I meant in EN

>> No.31737781
File: 30 KB, 384x319, 1602489195252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because there's nothing actually of worth there and she's too nice to say it. She even said while talking about it that she found nothing funny about what they were doing and "maybe it's a culture thing" - no Marine, they just aren't funny, you aren't missing something there.

>> No.31737784
File: 2.19 MB, 4299x6071, 768768435345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31737852

>> No.31737789

Fair enough anon. We'll see.

>> No.31737788

>get's BTFO when a flaw in their statistics gets pointed out

>> No.31737790

Yes I know, then consider the growth factor EN has over JP...Hololive HQ must have champagne coolers instead of water coolers with all the dosh they get

>> No.31737793


>> No.31737797

I actually watched 5 hours of that stream just to test the limits of my sanity. Whenever I was bored, I would put that stream on and stare at it until I couldn't take it anymore which made me more productive.

>> No.31737798 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 596x961, goo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't yagoo supposed to play Mario Kart somewhere? There was a tweet from him, but I can't find it.

>> No.31737802

Absolutely the fuck not. Dragon's crown would probably be better to stream.

>> No.31737804
File: 1.30 MB, 2480x1748, 20210104_031306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31737809

It’s kinda funny how Mori was one only one that didn’t charge her voice drastically from her past life but ended up one of the most successful.

>> No.31737810

Cool they made a big band version of the Portal 2 song recently.


>> No.31737811


>responds to bait

>> No.31737813
File: 28 KB, 543x480, 1608264740769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31737814
Quoted by: >>31737848


>> No.31737817

Yes but as I said Peko uses it in a really structured way to end her sentences. Ame suddenly ending her sentences with "aya" is really... shit.

>> No.31737820
Quoted by: >>31737834

Definitely Gura.

>> No.31737824
File: 216 KB, 1530x2048, 1585196858510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was a good day 35p and Teamates, need to nap before Mikochi takes centre stage tonight

>> No.31737825

Dumbass niggers cant even extrapolate... LMAO

>> No.31737826

So she's going to invite an english speaker and talk mostly in eigo? I'll give it a shot. I hope Ina gets invited.

>> No.31737827

>Kiara has a nice lore-introduction-video with illustrations.
>Does fairy-tale videos without a single illustration.

>> No.31737828

This is just from my perspective.
Niji probably more popular to Japanese normalfag kind of like Kizuna Ai, Shiro, and Kaguya Luna.
But the real money is on the weeb and idolfags which hololive have
a good stronghold than the others.

>> No.31737829

>Ame beat Kiara, Mori and Ina in superchats this week according to Playboard.
Not bad, even if she streamed a lot more and she doesn't have oil princes paypigs like Kiara and Mori, at least people are consistently SCing her.

>> No.31737831
File: 164 KB, 1040x1200, 1A83F432-9CEB-4F24-B005-A83F268B73FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend is a Whore.
t. AYAme

>> No.31737832
Quoted by: >>31737844

Anon, that was last year

>> No.31737833
Quoted by: >>31737844

Anon... That was tweet from one year ago

>> No.31737834
Quoted by: >>31738153

Gura would get stuck at the tutorial...

>> No.31737840

That's not really surprising. If anything, changing their voices has been a debuff, not a buff (except maybe for Gura not being easily recognized).

>> No.31737841
File: 198 KB, 817x637, 1609179567158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738822

My attempt at constructing one for just EN and ID2, as well as our clown wife. Keep in mind that sane is relative, otherwise I would have zero fucking room down in the bottom right.

>> No.31737844
Quoted by: >>31737885

Sorry... I hate myself.

>> No.31737846
Quoted by: >>31738002

Gura was at the very least depressed and without self confidence before Hololive.
We'll probably never get a clear answer on whether she hates her old persona and fanbase or not, but signs point that at the very least that she was unhappy back then.

>> No.31737848
Quoted by: >>31737874


>> No.31737850

Is that really that crazy to you?
Normalfags will a auction off a limited thing endorsed by celebrates all the time

>> No.31737851

does this dude retweet like every piece of ina art

>> No.31737852

nice ass

>> No.31737853

Would have made a lot more today too if she didn’t have them turned off.

>> No.31737855

Nooooo don't post this. You will anger THOSE people.

>> No.31737857

How tall is Mori anyway?

>> No.31737859

Mori didn't stream for half of last week, and two of the streams she did do either had SCs turned off (superchat reading) or she turned it off mid-stream (T1 stream).

>> No.31737861

For reference:

>> No.31737863

hey sora thank you

>> No.31737865

I think it's because of her 9 hour stream. Beating Ina isn't impressive and Mori took days off. Beating Kiara is an accomplishment though. Good job gremlin.

>> No.31737866

>Her brother licks her face to wake her up
I need to bleach my eyes

>> No.31737870
File: 327 KB, 707x677, 1608303339278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, she did slap herself on stream for superchats.
Would have been better if we didn't see "how the sausage was made" so to speak and it came out of nowhere.

>> No.31737871

Fight Club it is then

>> No.31737873
File: 383 KB, 1250x1019, Eqbn3DCVgAEv_oH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Takamori is going to due this year...

>> No.31737874

Man I remember playing that game, bless moot for introducing us to it

>> No.31737877
File: 148 KB, 864x267, Screenshots_2021-01-04-03-17-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31737878

Ina is not a fucking slytherin, Ame is too dumb to be a ravenclaw.

>> No.31737879

this makes me so emotional and even more supportive of Ame, fuck I can't wait to cheer her on at her 3D/fes debut with everyone

>> No.31737880

Definitely not - it's a great sci-fi story though, if a bit over-hyped.

>> No.31737882
Quoted by: >>31738023

Sources tell me around 5'6"

>> No.31737885
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, 【Superchat Reading】SUPA SUNDAY_01.59.27.717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you get for believing the clipwatchers on reddit.

>> No.31737887

50 ft

>> No.31737890


>> No.31737892
Quoted by: >>31738403

Except Pekora often talks about herself in the third person which creates a quasi-alliterative effect. Fancy verbal ticks are also not really a thing in english.
I'm not saying that it will fail because I can't see the future, but chances are molst likely that people won't really like it and she'll just drop it.

>> No.31737897
File: 47 KB, 915x455, 1608371166071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, I didn't think about that.

tfw mori, kiara, and gura could have potentially been in the top 5

>> No.31737901

>mind rapist ina
the fuck

>> No.31737906

God I wish

>> No.31737912

obliviate is fucking stupid

>> No.31737913

Not really?
She's oddly proud of this...frog skill since first demonstrating it in Sakuna. She has no distain for those that tap into low effort memes, just little conidence she has the ability to emulate it.

>> No.31737916

Marine is so based. Her top 3 Hololive singers


>> No.31737920

Kek. Somebody struck a nerve.

>> No.31737922
Quoted by: >>31737944

What do you think brain pats are?

>> No.31737925
File: 1.31 MB, 480x480, 1603008131158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738138

I'm feeling so out of the loop with this Aya stuff

>> No.31737932

>auctioning curry
And to think fucking Cover won't capitalize on its talents. I'm fucking seething.

>> No.31737935

Bearing Kiara is pretty impressive since both streamed for a similar amount of hours. Not to mention she kept SC off tonight for 8 hours.

>> No.31737937
Quoted by: >>31737993

I want gen 2 to have a 5'10" or taller woman to satisfy my fetish of woman close to my height

>> No.31737941

Now make Kiara as a Muggle Shizo that falls in love with Dementor Calli

>> No.31737942

Gura did pretty well too on New Years eve. I think she made like 14K in 2 hours. I'm happy Ame did well in SC's this week.

>> No.31737944

Nice feeling brain help from Ina

>> No.31737954

I wish.

>> No.31737959

A basic fujo girl with nothing special about her.

>> No.31737961
File: 724 KB, 684x718, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka: a quick rundown
>Yagoo´s favorite
>created cover corp. and hololive/stars
>first holo
>makes all the financial decisions behind the scenes
>speaks 12 languages fluently including russian, english and latin
>won 3 nobel prices
>successful singer/songwriter
>produced SSS and all other hololive songs
>responsible for recruitment
>handels all the tech stuff
>does 3d rigging and character design for new gens in her free time
>legal representative
>Born comedian
>destroyed all antis by merely existing
>war veteran
>first person to reach the north pole
>exremely charismatic
>saved an orphange full of children
>did not dox her genmates
>assassinated the US ambassador in Guatemala

>> No.31737960
Quoted by: >>31738061

Wait what?

>> No.31737963

what kind of numberfaggotry is this?
how do they get Sora's data when all her members are on NND?

>> No.31737964
File: 459 KB, 1920x1200, 768687468684867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad miracles can still happen.

>> No.31737976

For real? in which stream did she say that? that's pretty funny, reddit just keeps taking Ls.

>> No.31737978
File: 380 KB, 1862x2048, EqsuMV1UUAIey62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok anon Polka still loves you.

>> No.31737980

Hope you faggots still post the stats when 2022 comes!

>> No.31737984
File: 685 KB, 4096x2610, 6468468468468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an angel.

>> No.31737987
File: 1000 KB, 1735x1242, 1D0415D1-5D40-485B-B4C5-18FAA68893D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Dayo!

>> No.31737988 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 806x741, 1609752196569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738094

Teakeks will defend this

>> No.31737990

>Ame beat Kiara
Now check monthly. Not saying this because "haha she beat Ame", but rather how she's in top 10 at all. It's really unexpected.

>> No.31737992

It still has a way higher rate of likes to views than average. That's pretty remarkable.

>> No.31737993
Quoted by: >>31738027

something something about having complications to their 3d model

>> No.31737996

>Turn on Rushia's stream
>Brain starts melting cause of her voice
She's dangerous.

>> No.31738000
File: 76 KB, 308x235, 1607012658077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Missed Ina's guitar practice stream because of wage slaving
>Start watching the vod
>Pause it after a bit to get some water
>I'm 40 minutes into it
How the fuck did I time warp myself?

>> No.31738002

in the trident stream gura told us that when she joined hololive it was the first time in a long time that she felt other people had geniune faith in her talents

>> No.31738005
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1821, 1609714744700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have lots of fun, Anon. And you'll learn a lot. Ame's popularity is at an all time high here too, so best to soak it up while it lasts.

>> No.31738006
File: 2.48 MB, 2154x1641, EnvN7WBVgAAyLBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clownwife is talented!

>> No.31738007

I absolutely hate knife ears but I also love Ina which is sending me down a spiral of self loathing.


>> No.31738012
File: 519 KB, 1862x2048, 1609561350688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka Oruyo!

>> No.31738020
File: 134 KB, 828x1031, image0-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Hololive would you like to spank?

I'd like to enjoy Rushia's chubby butt.

>> No.31738023

>Am taller.

Is that tall for a woman in the US? It's fairly tall in Japan, but not giant-level yet, right?

>> No.31738027

Then get a danish holo or something, they have tall women

>> No.31738035
File: 38 KB, 1191x538, 1600048312683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is absolutely here you dumbfucks, but that doesn't matter

>> No.31738046

you should go to therapy

>> No.31738049
File: 220 KB, 1415x1806, 5466453346345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JP's google ground pound and get a bunch of urban dictionary results.

>> No.31738051

Pretend those are just disguise ears, and her flaps are her real ears.

>> No.31738052
Quoted by: >>31738570

That story was literally about her ghosting people e.g. Enma. She's literally notorious for ghosting, which is why she brought it up.

>> No.31738059
Quoted by: >>31740210

Amelia and Ina seem like the type to cry when they sing SSS for the first time onstage. Fuck, man. This is why I love idolfaggotry.

>> No.31738061

Check Miko's channel

>> No.31738062

That is the quietest whistle of a fart if it even is that.

>> No.31738064
File: 254 KB, 1280x720, 1607818414936.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738065

Most of the kino Ame moments happened after Amegeddon though.

>> No.31738066

It's definitely above average in japan.

>> No.31738075
File: 1.71 MB, 1800x1273, EqCGRzoUwAAhvMj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I absolutely hate knife

>> No.31738077

Was it Holotalk? I believe I heard it from her, but I don't actually watch any of her clips, so either that or it was just repeated here and I assumed it to be true since it is.

>> No.31738080
Quoted by: >>31738107

Why even mention Ina
There will literally not be a single week where she will put superchat anyone

>> No.31738082
File: 1.01 MB, 1984x2807, 1603832632354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738116

Polka pits?

>> No.31738083

Hololive truly a rehabilitation place for someone who lost the ways

>> No.31738085

If you look at the comments name it's full of SEAnigger.

>> No.31738084

>her applying for hololive definitely feels like Ame's last hurrah as a streamer before calling it quits.
Actually she started doing better before applying for hololive, even getting into the twitch partners program.

>> No.31738092

>Yagoo´s favorite
since it's dead hours and I dont speak nihongo, redpilled me on Polka. I know she got Yagoo personal voice message on her debut, but why?

>> No.31738094
File: 48 KB, 1200x700, 1602253965672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. And I'm really sorry it got up to this point...

>> No.31738102

Mori probably won if you include today's stream since she had 3 members streams that Playboard can't see and those rake in the dosh.

>> No.31738105
File: 211 KB, 720x1054, 46C8E030-F73A-4B6B-A398-4C2A97E070B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to tap out for the last three hours of Ame, and of course I missed the best moments, supa sunday continues to deliver.

>> No.31738106

>People commenting about getting ayaya emote in the member post
It's really unfortunate that it had to be "aya"

>> No.31738107

Not true! Someone could take the whole week off. It's possible at least.

>> No.31738114
Quoted by: >>31738128

So whatever happened to Bread Rap? Did Mori ever actually finish it and clean it up so it flows better?

>> No.31738116
File: 893 KB, 752x1276, 85047646_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738123

hlgg numberfagging is essentially virtual cockfighting with oshis.

it's not always done out of malice. some folks just need numbers to quantify periodic progress or to establish tribalism/sporting teams.

>> No.31738127

That's about average for a woman in the US, slightly taller but not significantly.

>> No.31738128

It got stale

>> No.31738131
File: 215 KB, 475x604, 16082656351302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738133

But ina isn't in this image anon

>> No.31738138
File: 962 KB, 1139x1608, 1605925260216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738200

Ame's gonna collab with Ayame soon to set a world record for rrat slaying and it's going to be amazing.

It's actually far more mundane than that, some superchat dared her to have some stupid catchphrase and she picked that.

>> No.31738147
Quoted by: >>31738221

Maybe she'll get over her manlet fetish/yellow fever one of these days, bro. However it's not going to change the fact than she's over there and (we) are over here, and there would be no hope in being together with her unless she gets deported (which nobody wants) and you're an american.
t. 6"1 deadbeat

>> No.31738153
File: 795 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738208


>> No.31738157
File: 419 KB, 839x753, 1602344957532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738158


>> No.31738159

Yeah, the Holotalk was the last time I recall her mentioning it.

>> No.31738160
File: 28 KB, 768x314, 541541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this clown

>> No.31738161
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 1608169657958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738162

What did you expect, one is a long running meme they everyone knows on the planet the other is a literal what.

>> No.31738165

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEJsh4_Sl98 yagoo knows her friend had a tough past and that activated his savior complex
sadder Girl = more yagoo attention

>> No.31738166

Ina please go to sleep.

>> No.31738170

Thanks Ina

>> No.31738174
File: 80 KB, 196x196, 1589627009076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hat + Coat
>No Hat + Coat
>Hat + No Coat
>No Coat + No Hat
Whats the best Ame?

>> No.31738180
File: 389 KB, 703x645, 1609329341913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738199

This damn cheeky squid

>> No.31738187


>> No.31738188
Quoted by: >>31738226

I'm just going by what she told us herself. In the previous SC Sunday she said she considered leaving the detective agency to go study emergency medicine. Would find the timestamp myself but these streams have gotten too long. You can look at the archives to see people reacting to it though.

>> No.31738191

Ina aren't you streaming today, go to bed

>> No.31738193

is Aki menhera?

>> No.31738198
Quoted by: >>31738280

Naked + Hat on

>> No.31738199
File: 395 KB, 703x645, TakoIna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a cleaner version I made earlier anon
Glad to see my edits seeing use

>> No.31738200
Quoted by: >>31738261

I know I'm the only one that wants this, but I would love to see Ayame and Ame do a stream (likely apex) together.

>> No.31738201
File: 189 KB, 591x654, ina_b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738202


>> No.31738203

No hat + no coat +stethoscope

>> No.31738204

No Coat + No Hat

>> No.31738207

I don't like seeing people saying that あやや is a Twitch meme when I know it from a popular 2hu character catchphrase that literally predates it by many years.

>> No.31738206


>> No.31738208

Yep, looks about right.

>> No.31738216

It's weird seeing Nobuhime be emotional after watching those blowjob videos she did.

>> No.31738219
File: 136 KB, 500x500, F9C68EF0-AFC6-46F3-B4B4-E3261A05A26C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Ame, if you really are here, could you try and get Wayforward permissions so someone can play the Shantae games?

>> No.31738220

Coat + no hat for most things, neither for super casual zatsudans.

>> No.31738221

>she's over there and (we) are over here
Then where's the caveman?

>> No.31738226
Quoted by: >>31738303

Didn't she get a new 3D-model?

>> No.31738229

When will Ame sing this?

>> No.31738230
Quoted by: >>31738470

No hat + coat.
Though I'd prefer without coat if her breasts is the same size as Ina's

>> No.31738232
File: 63 KB, 691x556, 1609720308924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738234
File: 262 KB, 1451x2048, Eq3PRrfUYAAg1Rx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resident deadbeat clipfag returning to drop some cute and/or interesting things I grabbed off of the last stream:
>source: 【WINE PARTY 雑談】HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2021 First Stream of the Year!
gonna nap before Blasphemous now

>> No.31738235

Not Ame but I'll see what I can do.

>> No.31738236
Quoted by: >>31738359

Why isn't Moris coat removable like Amelia's? Seems like a simple thing to have.

>> No.31738237

There's also that little incident during her NYE stream, and while she did backpedal a bit the next day, the fact that it happened at all is kinda telling of how she feels about her old persona.
The Soma stream too had a bunch of little moments like that too.

>> No.31738239

"Is that what you guys wanted, you fucking sick fucks?!"

>> No.31738245

she is such a treasure

>> No.31738248

Where the fuck is Gira's stream? Did that lazy brat cancel again?
This mesugaki needs to be spanked by cocks

>> No.31738250
Quoted by: >>31738319

If Kiara actually starts streaming EU hours when she moves back I will do my best to catch them. I hope EU bros will at least try to support her even if she's not your nr 1.

>> No.31738253


>> No.31738256

Nice fanfiction actually wouldn't mind reading it if they made a series out of it.

>> No.31738260

>I'm standing on my chair now

>> No.31738261

Yeah I'd unironically love to see it just for how fucking wacky a collab idea it is. It's hard to find someone more farfetched for her to hang with, maybe only Mel would be weirder since she doesn't have an obvious collab setup like Apex.

>> No.31738270

Man it was funny watching Mori's wine stream and seeing the usual schitzos go full tilt

>> No.31738274

No Hat, No coat.
Hat, no coat.

>> No.31738277

Her jumping up and down on the chair was adorable.

>> No.31738280

Don't bring your shit in here Mori

>> No.31738282

>first time in a long time that she felt other people had geniune faith in her talents
Huh she really did want to get away from her meme persona.

>> No.31738283

Hat and no coat, or coat and no hat. Only two good options. Don;t like it when she's overdressed or underdressed

>> No.31738291
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1583660413599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738358


>> No.31738293

No hat, coat.

>> No.31738294

I can't see how Wayforward would ever say no to more publicity. The games they made for license holders might be hard but the stuff they own themselves like Shantae should be fine.

>> No.31738295
Quoted by: >>31738369

I feel like if she had said that during holotalk, the reddit would've been on suicide watch.

>> No.31738296
File: 161 KB, 1506x1502, 1607104367482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738299
Quoted by: >>31738529

I don't get it either, oppai lolis are god-tier. Reine has the worst design by far, and zombie girls are boring imo. I'd be an Anya fan if she actually streamed good games, her JP voice is great.

>> No.31738302
Quoted by: >>31738334

Do Holoraibus get all of their superchat donations? Or a certain cut.

>> No.31738303

Yeah. She was pretty happy about it too.

>> No.31738304

damn, it's really hurts to see your oshi graduated. I'm happy she's in a better place now tho. thanks anon

>> No.31738305

>My b-uh my full figure uhh like this

>> No.31738309

But Ina's voice seems pretty much the same too from those roommate videos.

>> No.31738312
File: 59 KB, 482x400, 1608602909856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738319

>I hope EU bros will at least try to support
>Stream on a workday at 3PM, 7AM or any other time.
>Never stream during euro-primetime unless your name is Ina.
>If you suddenly decide to stream during EU-times don't create the placeholder to far in advance so people would notice the sudden stream.

>> No.31738328
File: 3.98 MB, 600x480, 1606295874451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna make it KFPbros...

>> No.31738331

Surprised you didn't get the fake out when she pretended to be upset about people spamming Sandler when she got back to read SCs. That was peak Mori.

>> No.31738332

No, but she did have some issues with depression a few months back. EOPs and reddit changed her for the better after a clip of her went viral, actually.

>> No.31738334

Hownew? It's commonly calculated to be 32-35% after Youtube/Cover. Not sure if people are factoring taxes but if you do it's probably low 20s of what they actually-get from your SC.

>> No.31738346

Haachama removed her upcoming Ringfit-stream.

>> No.31738348

That's so cringe and hilarious. They were all garbage and unfunny, I'm glad even Marine could tell that despite the cultural differences (unlike the forced laughter during Coco's reddit reviews.)

>> No.31738350
File: 747 KB, 2047x1447, 876786435435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31738358 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 368x484, 1609753237521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only ClownPeace I care about. Mori please stream with the depressed clown...

>> No.31738359

We wouldn't survive bare-shoulders/armpits Mori

>> No.31738360

still on my quest to find a song that hasn't been played yet on these streams that ame vibes out to. I already requested a song that chat/discord/here seemed to like, the one I requested today seemed like a bit of a dud.

>> No.31738361
File: 1.06 MB, 2894x4093, 1607831397284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll make it together! Just a little longer!

>> No.31738362

Japanese and English are different when it comes to things like this

>> No.31738366
File: 246 KB, 1000x1414, 87686743345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31738367

Have any JPs played Va11halla? It has a JP translation. I guess it's possible VODs were lost in the Holocaust though.

>> No.31738369
Quoted by: >>31738396

She phrased it more diplomatically like 'oh, I get all these memes and I'm not quite sure I find the humor in them, maybe it's a cultural difference?' instead of just outright calling them shit.

>> No.31738370
Quoted by: >>31738536

I forgot Mori only mentioned manlets 3 times
>first time on a membership stream
>i like 'em short from one of the karaokes
>This stream
This is probably the first time poorfags heard Mori go into depth about her opinion on preferences, since they probably didn't watch the members vod for the first time she talked about it.

>> No.31738380 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 1100x807, 1609753302303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This pic should satisfy your Kiara needs for a while.

>> No.31738382

>Haachama got stopped by management

>> No.31738383

Haachama's Ring Fit stream was stopped by management - what's the bet she was planning on electrocuting herself again while exercising

>> No.31738386

>Since it was stopped by the management, there is no broadcast today. (Squinting face with tongue)
>I don't need everything I bought as a safety measure ...

>> No.31738391 [DELETED] 

Looks like Haachama's RFA stream got canceled by management.


>> No.31738393

Forget the frog noises, these are blowjob noises!

>> No.31738394

Great UNITY picture. I wish Mori and Kiara could be separate in more group pictures though.

>> No.31738396
Quoted by: >>31738454

Literally might as well have said they sucked because it's the exact same conclusion however you phrase it - they're not funny. She just was being diplomatic about it.

>> No.31738397

>management had to put limiters on Haachama

>> No.31738402
Quoted by: >>31738435

what was the planned stream?

>> No.31738403
Quoted by: >>31738448

I really like Pekora, but sometimes I wonder if I'd absolutely hate her if she spoke english instead.

>> No.31738409
File: 300 KB, 800x436, 1609459004945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738439

what the hell was she planning to do during the RFA stream?

>> No.31738411
File: 43 KB, 750x500, 1593067943448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738758


>> No.31738414
Quoted by: >>31738483

what the fuck was she planning

>> No.31738417

fuck i was waiting fot it

>> No.31738421

After her "ringfit while standing on an acupuncture mat" stream, yes, she was definitely planning on making it painful for herself somehow, most likely with the electrical stim device

>> No.31738423
Quoted by: >>31738440

What the hell do you use lotion for in RFA anyway?

>> No.31738424
Quoted by: >>31738518

>Haachama is going to eat the lotion

>> No.31738427

>stopped by management
What? Why now?

>> No.31738428

Whoa, my oshi looks very cute

>> No.31738432
File: 539 KB, 1000x1000, 1593264671744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK was she planning on doing?!

>> No.31738434

No Hat + Coat
Coat gives her the cool vibes

>> No.31738435


>> No.31738436

Remember shes been doing the frog shit to impress people since she was a kid, shes a bit weird.

>> No.31738437
File: 323 KB, 800x867, 1608853182962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention everyone:

Risu has a lovely voice
Thank you

>> No.31738439

You know how Ame recently mentioned that L2D avatars can appear without clothes?

>> No.31738440
Quoted by: >>31738461

For the electrodes

>> No.31738442
File: 77 KB, 406x505, CF119AB8-02AC-4100-9615-BDFD3D281F17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Country sharks make due.

>> No.31738444

damn that was hot as fuck.
thank you anon

>> No.31738447

Bloody bogan

>> No.31738448
Quoted by: >>31738591

Peko's kayfabe couldn't work in english. The peko tic would be cringe as fuck.

>> No.31738454

There is enough plausible deniability in her phrasing it like that for Reddit to cope.

>> No.31738455

What do you need lotion for in a RFA stream?

>> No.31738461

Uh...Haachama...please don't shock yourself in 3D again please

>> No.31738464

>electric stim device
Haato/Reeves collab when

>> No.31738469

This would've never happened if she stayed in Boganville.

>> No.31738470
Quoted by: >>31738511

Agreed well not necessarily flat as ina i just dont like the unrealistic proportions of her boobs

>> No.31738479
Quoted by: >>31738496

JESAS. Thank fuck for the management.

>> No.31738483

Well she was using some floor mat with little plastic spikes on it to hurt her feet last time to make it more interesting, so at the very least she'd be continuing that I'd think.

Otherwise who the fuck nows, maybe try to eat tarantulas while doing it or something.

>> No.31738484

>Haachama has done 3D streams with an electrical stim device
>Haachama has done Ring Fit standing on an acupressure mat to make it more painful
>Management stopped Haachama from her planned Ring Fit stream, which involved lotion and probably some form of self-inflicted pain

>> No.31738486

Was she planning to do electrical shocks?

>> No.31738487

Hat + no coat
No Hat + Coat is great as well though

>> No.31738488

>Therefore, the lotion that had nowhere to go became today's supper.

>> No.31738491

Was the lotion... for electrocution?

>> No.31738492

Self electro-shock

>> No.31738494
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, Eq4FXVQUUAAd3LX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa-sama's New Year Goals
>Let's aim 1 million subs!
>I want to do a cover collab song!
>I want to make an original song!
>I want to do a musical composition stream
>I want to collab with ID Gen2 and EN in English
>I want to do a totsumachi
>I want to release an album
>I want to do a sololive
>I want to win a tournament
>I want to do a fashion collab
>I wont forget to do devilish deeds (NOT TMT!!!)

>> No.31738496

She already did the first song of her 3d concert while wearing one, I'm not sure they would stop her with it now when she's at home.

>> No.31738500
File: 56 KB, 1080x278, 20210104_204138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738666

Since this is on track to becoming one of Kiara's highest viewed videos by the time she streams again, how will she react?
I personally hope her main takeaway is that she feels comfortable uploading these short videos enough to take more break from streaming (even if i'm missing her bros)....

>> No.31738501

What the fuck did she mean by this? Should I start concernfagging?

>> No.31738505

you are correct, thanks for sharing this anon

>> No.31738506

Haachama....lotion isn't edible...

In this instance I praise the management for their decision

>> No.31738511

>i just dont like the unrealistic proportions of her boobs
This is how I feel about Kaichou. Her tits are comically big.

>> No.31738512

There is something incredibly soothing about the the time lapse and I can't place my finger on it. Don't even think it was th song choice either because it was a generic "chill" bullshit.

>> No.31738518

>>Haachama is going to eat the lotion
It means she is putting it to good use by master-baiting for replies.

>> No.31738521
File: 471 KB, 583x611, 156461564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738525
Quoted by: >>31738716


>> No.31738527
Quoted by: >>31739020

>I don’t think the jp are capable of making funny meme
I'm curious about how shit and cringy their memes are. Especially after translating their unfunny nuances into English.

>> No.31738529

Any type of oppai, whether they're from lolis or milfs is shit tier. Refine your tastes you uncultured swine.

>> No.31738530
Quoted by: >>31738756

>>I want to collab with ID Gen2 and EN in English
ID gen1...

>> No.31738531

>Electric stim device
>Ring Fit
Are we sure she was talking about inflicting physical pain here?

>> No.31738535
File: 2.39 MB, 640x622, 1608711118900.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now that Haachama isn't exiled to hell on earth management thinks they can control her

>> No.31738536
File: 466 KB, 2633x4096, EqsnMekW4AMRjxt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's surprisingly mature in that regard. Most people tend to not realize that their preferences shift and change when the object of their affection does so tying yourself down to something absolute like only being interested in a person with X or Y qualities is only limiting your chances of being happy. My boy is wise, even if she doesn't always have the opportunity to show it.

>> No.31738539

Ame Towa awkward Apex collab let's gooooo

>> No.31738540

She had a larger then normal attack of shark brain and forgot about the stream completely.

>> No.31738543

very nice

>> No.31738546

Hearing this just reminds me how fucked up Risu's voice is during Snow Halation compared to Ayunda's, why is it so damn chipmunk-esque

>> No.31738545
Quoted by: >>31738594

>>Let's aim 1 million subs!
>>I want to collab with ID Gen2 and EN in English
Yep I see why Mori doesn't like NY resolutions. Towa's gonna look back at these in a year and get depressed.

>> No.31738548

Towa-sama really is the cutest and most beautiful angel (PPT is a gorilla)

>> No.31738550

>she didnt even say anything after it
She really does not give a fuck huh?

>> No.31738553
Quoted by: >>31738584

The fuck, management robbed us of the lotion stream?

>> No.31738555

>in English

>> No.31738560

Cute devil. Currently at work, what was that with big breasts towa people were saying

>> No.31738565

fuck hololive for stopping a self flagellation stream

>> No.31738566

I think it's funny, and shows at least some part of her isn't emo and mopey about numbers.

I also think that it's something they're toying with doing overall because viral stuff can definitely take off sometimes, I mean Ame just did something vaguely similar, Ollie did one etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIe916CW3pg

You would think, that Gura would be the master at little shitpost vids like this and I'd bet she is. She just hasn't taken her limiters off since she'd probably feel bad for making a clip that actually-goes-viral Eekum Bokum style, and mogging the rest of Holo even harder than she already is.

>> No.31738570

Gura's a mess. Thank Jesas for Yagoo's home for broken girls.

>> No.31738571
File: 69 KB, 581x649, Eq0Wn9uUYAA-TNF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738582

now that the BR2049 card has been played can any of the girls pull off bigger /hlgg/ fanservice?

>> No.31738584

Goddammit. They can't let us have this one thing?

>> No.31738588
Quoted by: >>31738603

Nice! You got a view of the front?

>> No.31738591

Yeah, that shit absolutely doesn't work.
As much as I hate Teddie from Persona 4, I'm eternally grateful to the localization team for turning his kuma tic into just stupid bear puns, he could've been way worse.

>> No.31738592

>collab in English

tonka tough...

I'm looking forward to it

>> No.31738593

Holy mother of womb, what I wouldn't do...

>> No.31738594
File: 1.79 MB, 1601x1061, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 million subs isn't too far off, remember this was January of 2019.
English is gonna be a bitch though.

>> No.31738599

not without actually breaking containment

>> No.31738603
File: 117 KB, 669x1003, Eq0Wn-FVkAYslXi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738608

I get enough fanservice from Ina, thanks. Didn't think I'd be made to happily bark like a dog for her but here we are.

>> No.31738611
Quoted by: >>31738630

Gura could stream on schedule

>> No.31738617

Unless Coco does a "4chan meme review" where she compiles her favourite posts over a few threads, no not really

>> No.31738619
File: 36 KB, 510x544, 1548225294135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara isn't streaming
>lose interest in Hololive
Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.31738622


>> No.31738623
Quoted by: >>31738731

Damn, another great outfit for her. I wonder if she has the most fanart of wearing different style clothing

>> No.31738624

she can copy matsuri and just scream fuck you cheater the whole stream

>> No.31738625

I guess we're getting a lotion stream (maybe unarchived) after all.
God bless Haachama.

>> No.31738626
Quoted by: >>31738697

Haachama inclined really high.

>> No.31738628

I can't see that combination of letters and not think of something else

>> No.31738629

>Ina collabs with Ayame.
>Ina reveals that she talks to Ayame all the time
>Ayame gushes over the EN girls

>> No.31738630

or stream at all...

>> No.31738631

Oh what that's legit, looks great!

>> No.31738638
File: 1.09 MB, 827x1169, __gawr_gura_and_bloop_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_aruya_flosrota__6a69b48264e22cd13c28dd0e7eef7c5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Gura has said that she's rode in fancy limousines and eaten caviar before. Gura is a RICH GIRL who was used to being treated like a princess growing up, and now she expects her chumbuds to treat her like a princess too, to the point where she even is considering an ASMR centered around being princess carried and worshiped by (You). She can't even understand why anyone here would be upset about how she handled the cancelled stream, she just expects you to be grateful for her even bothering to put out a tweet.

>> No.31738639

Hasn't she been doing her reps off stream since she's able to comprehend English SC's without a translator these days?

>> No.31738640

>I want to do a fashion collab
>I want to release an album

>> No.31738641

To be fair to ya boi, she's having a lot of firsthand experience with shifting perspectives with the whole joining hololive thing. Coming into it without an appreciation of idols and the amount of work they put in.

>> No.31738642


>> No.31738643 [DELETED] 

>one moment people are shit talking cover for allegedly canceling Gura's RFA because of a Haachama tweet
>the very next moment people are thanking cover for preventing Haachama from killing herself

>> No.31738646
Quoted by: >>31738796

I would but Ame is my oshi and she never stops steaming, so no

>> No.31738648

>manager tells her no
>she does it anyways
what a gal

>> No.31738649


>> No.31738651

Top quality stuff, thanks anon

>> No.31738652

I feel bad for Choco every time I see this.

>> No.31738659

A fun AmeMori collab. That's all it would take for me personally.

>> No.31738660

Do you guys think that if mori didn't do the tt collab amelia would be 2nd in subs , not hating I'm just curious what you guys think

>> No.31738663

Anon he said fanservice not pure fantasies.

>> No.31738665

Gura doing a farming stream?

>> No.31738666

i hope she takes it as a 'oh i CAN do fun meme videos!' and not so much as 'oh that's all i need to do? what's the point?'
i have faith in KFP's paypigs to help guide her though.

>> No.31738671

The absolute madlass

>> No.31738672

I think they care less about making viral videos than you'd think and have been using the "format" because it's been taking off with their senpais and they want to play along. It's not just Fubuki's thing anymore.

>> No.31738674
Quoted by: >>31738709

I don't watch the pirate much, but I have frequent jerk off sessions to her. Would she be upset knowing this?

>> No.31738676

Pure schizoid delusion but i want to see it

>> No.31738679
Quoted by: >>31738717

Anon, preferences, not perspectives. As in, what people look for in another person.

>> No.31738680

>You would think, that Gura would be the master at little shitpost vids like this and I'd bet she is.
She's constantly trying to setup situations for clippers during streams. I think she's shying away from straight up shitposting because the tidal wave of HERposting following it would be insane.

>> No.31738683
Quoted by: >>31739182

>Haachama does it anyways and we all watch with glee

>> No.31738687

>might be unarchived
well, everyone better watch now then

>> No.31738692
File: 130 KB, 394x245, StoneHaaton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738696

Someone would have to say ogey rrat

>> No.31738697

I remember last year when I was celebrating Haato hitting 120k subscribers. It's crazy how far she's come now.

>> No.31738699

ey Haachama can you be a darling and finish before Mori's blasphemous stream starts?

>> No.31738702
Quoted by: >>31738800

>i have faith in KFP's paypigs to help guide her though.
I don't.

>> No.31738705
Quoted by: >>31738836

She talked about how preferences are dumb and really just something you use to cope with whoever you find the personality of attractive before she joined Hololive, though.

>> No.31738709
Quoted by: >>31738750

depends, if you're a sekshii foreign man then she'd be happy

>> No.31738714

>haachama threatens to eat the lotion
>management rather allows her to do the RFA stream instead
You just wait.

>> No.31738716

It's a call-in-stream.
I'm sure you've seen one from the Holo birthday streams

>> No.31738717
Quoted by: >>31738787

I know, just connecting it to the overall theme of 'changing one's mind about something' based on experiences.

>> No.31738719

I don't either outside of maybe LFFT.

>> No.31738725


Well there you go

>> No.31738726
Quoted by: >>31738747

how do you play RFA with lotion, I don't understand the actual logistics of this.

>> No.31738729

I like Risu's voice but it triggers me that she doesn't have a mic prop she does it

>> No.31738730

Nope. Musician buff is strong, and all the EN girls got a boost from it even if they were mostly cancer.

>> No.31738731
File: 973 KB, 2009x2400, Eqoe2lNU0AM5VTa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738749

Mori's design is just incredibly versatile. She can be cute, she can be cool, she can be a dork, she can be sexy, she can do it all.

>> No.31738738

Ok this is going to be TLDR but

Narratives say that Yagoo and her has some kind of friend or family relation. She has said before that Yagoo is like a father to her. Not only did she get Yagoo to give her a clip of his voice to play on her stream, he also gave her permission to use his face as a emote on her channel despite being such a new Holo.

She also low key leaked to fans that she was already a member of hololive weeks before her roommate's announced graduation from upd8. Almost like she had some kind of inside track with Cover.

And recently she was ballsey enough to make a shit post about New Yagoo New Year costume on twitter @ Yagoo himself. At which point Yagoo liked and retweeted it with a huge retweet stream that went on for a while.

Yago also mentioned that she was Cover's biggest catch. Probably not referring to the numbers she will bring them but the connections that Polka can bring them with her extensive experience working at upd8 and consulting with other companies.

So ya it all kind of checks out....sort of

>> No.31738743

I don't have faith in paypigs period. Isn't KFP YT chat just an echochamber for her anyways?

>> No.31738745

Has Gura called her fanbase Chumchads yet? She already vaguely referred to UOOHHH posting and both her and Kiara have said "cute and funny", I mean Kiara actually made a pretty overt reference describing Shion as that.

I suppose, Mori could take this moment of acknowledging goslings to give a shoutout to her Ghostlings.

Kiara could touch on the gigastacy thing. Ina.. I don't know. There's not a lot to go off there, but that's just the nature of her calmness and her fans. Maybe something more broad like cuter-than-usual posting even though Ame already did that one too.

Come to think of it there's a rather obvious amount of shoutouts going on to sayings around here, either we influence the rest of the Holo fandom far more than we think or they're unironically literally actually factually here.

>> No.31738747

Its Haachama, don't question it, it will only keep you up at night.

>> No.31738750
File: 1.10 MB, 780x647, Marine big butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31738824

I guess not

>> No.31738749
Quoted by: >>31738763

Except getting a japanese boyfriend.

>> No.31738754
Quoted by: >>31738769


>> No.31738756

>collab with EN
Well I'm expecting an Apex collab then

>> No.31738757

I love her. She gives me Date A Live Kurumi vibes.

>> No.31738758

Like clockwork

>> No.31738763
Quoted by: >>31738840

That's okay, I'll be her swiggity-swag American boyfriend (with glasses).

>> No.31738768
Quoted by: >>31738792

She is no longer in the wild lands of the outback, they can control her.

>> No.31738769

it's so nice of mori to care about the schizos

>> No.31738770
Quoted by: >>31738836


>> No.31738772

Management probably initially told her to fuck off so youtube doesn't ban her, but it might be okay if it's unarchived.

>> No.31738776

I think the manager saw that she was planning the use the lotion for dinner and decided to just go with the RFA

>> No.31738777
Quoted by: >>31738832

>Has Gura called her fanbase Chumchads yet?
With the RFA arc, she can call them chumchads and not even seem suspicious.

>> No.31738779

Haachaama is going to play with lotion. Interesting.

>> No.31738780
Quoted by: >>31738819

For every 20 blindly supportive SC you get 1-2 actually reasonable SC

>> No.31738784

Porn watchalong with senchou!

>> No.31738787
Quoted by: >>31738836

Ah, that's fair then. Though, like the other anon said, she's been saying that even before joining Hololive.

>> No.31738789
File: 200 KB, 1000x1200, 6364453543453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to drink Ame milk straight from the source.

>> No.31738792

Is there any art of Haachama/Haato bound in chains? I think it would be pertinent to the situation

>> No.31738793
Quoted by: >>31738876

Have we timelooped far enough that people forget that Gura shouted out "for Coco-senpai" during her Karaoke before Judgement started?

>> No.31738796

>most active EN streamer is Ame
>she's essentially a streaming workaholic, so will never be deprived of content
Feels good man.

>> No.31738797
File: 686 KB, 533x753, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

throwback to the time mori collabed with the god dog. did you watch it live?

>> No.31738798


>> No.31738800

she does have a few people on both youtube and twitter that try to set her straight by being as blunt as possible.
they've convinced her several times before, so i'm trusting them

>> No.31738804

fuck it's too early to fap, fuuuuuuuuck

>> No.31738806

I want this

>> No.31738808
Quoted by: >>31738853

The TT is a lot but her music vids have literally millions of views.

If we go by her actual stream numbers she'd most definitely be below Ame I'd think, but it's debatable if she'd be below Ina or not (I think possibly yes if music/TT was never there).

>> No.31738811
File: 254 KB, 400x400, oogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've ridden in limos and eaten caviar and I have $22 in my checking account

>> No.31738816


>> No.31738817

Yes. I have a feeling it was not the collab Korone enjoyed the most.

>> No.31738819

Thing is, she reads those scs, takes her meds, then doesn't take them again the next day and reverts back.

>> No.31738821

I don't know how she did it, and I did not see this coming 1 month after her debut either

>> No.31738822
File: 260 KB, 1356x2048, 1608349422230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put Reine in the center. She goes off into every direction sometimes.

>> No.31738824

how much of a dump track does she have holy fuck

>> No.31738825

>i have faith in KFP's paypigs to help guide her though.
I don't. Not for a lack of trying but rather because Kiara somehow manages to skirt the most useful nuggets of advice and fall headfirst into the ones that are either counter-productive or aren't saying anything meaningful beyond "what you're doing is ok", which she clearly doesn't agree with so it doesn't do anything to help her.

>> No.31738829


>> No.31738830

Imagine ASMR RFA...

>> No.31738832

No way, these threads would pick up on it immediately and cling to it like a crocodile eating its prey.

>> No.31738834

you know what lets make it even more out there
>its the first EN-holostar collab
>its ina ayame and izuru

>> No.31738835

I dunno, a lot of that is stretching. all the yagoo shitposting can just be put down to Polka having the balls to do it. Making jokes about your boss is a pretty big taboo even in western culture. Yeah he's a meme, but I don't think many JP holos would actually push it, even if yagoo himself likes it. Sora is very outward about wanting to collab and be friends with everyone and not be put on a pedestal, but they all still do it.

>> No.31738836

Keep forgetting it's 2021 now

Only caught a few of her pre-hololive streams before the debut; she showed up in my recommendations while I was looking for swing stuff around late August

>> No.31738840
Quoted by: >>31738937

>being as tall if not taller than Mori

>> No.31738851
File: 14 KB, 407x414, 1593287315859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31738853
Quoted by: >>31739019

If she didn't spend so much time making music, she would have been able to stream more, and her collab PoVs have the same VoD views as Ame so not all of her musician subs are actually dead for other content.

>> No.31738854


>> No.31738856

Short of showing up here with a tripcode, no. God what a shitshow that thread would be.

>> No.31738858

i thought iwrote dump truck ass i need to go to sleep

>> No.31738859

why has the cow bikini turned into a trend on twitter lately

>> No.31738861

If you look past her gaming Korone is a massive normalfag and Mori is a gigantic dork.

>> No.31738866
Quoted by: >>31738882

>Korone is dying of old age

>> No.31738870
File: 45 KB, 414x748, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in 5ch

>> No.31738874

Well, Mori's not Okayu.

>> No.31738876
Quoted by: >>31739263

She didn't clear it with Enma and I guarantee she got a stern talking to immediately after. Means nothing.

>> No.31738877
Quoted by: >>31739076

>still a 5k gap between Ina and Kiara

Kiara, I...

>> No.31738879


>> No.31738882

Dogs only live for so long anon, even the good ones

>> No.31738888

Depends on whether the current growth rate of hololive is sustainable or not, and I'm leaning towards the sub growth slowing down compared to this year (not exclusive to Towa, but in general). The coof vaccine will lift lockdowns at least partially and vtubers were largely ignored before, even after Kizuna Ai amongst normalfags. In addition to that, there will likely be more EN vtubers breaking out (hell, maybe even n*jiEN can be successful) which doesn't bode well for the less popular JP talents.
What she really needs is some kind of big breakout to likely reach 1 million subs by this time next year.

>> No.31738889
File: 30 KB, 128x128, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dread the day one of the EN girls appear on this show...

>> No.31738891
File: 339 KB, 1920x1080, 1606446133656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did and it was pretty fun. Hoping they'll do another someday, if not soon.

>> No.31738893
Quoted by: >>31738983

>Let's aim 1 million subs!

>> No.31738894

>Haachama is pooping on stream

>> No.31738897

Anon, your Chinese culture reps.

>> No.31738899 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 2400x1350, 1609754707745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pirate captains always score the biggest booty anon

>> No.31738900
File: 70 KB, 632x616, 1607042983902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31739110

>Rich girl
>Bought 2017 mid-range GPU in 2019
>Not even RGB RAM

>> No.31738902
Quoted by: >>31738934

Haachama doing wet farts in my right ear

>> No.31738903


>> No.31738901

What the fuck am I about to watch, Haachama? I thought this was RFA.

>> No.31738905

Fuck i love my new headphones!

>> No.31738906
Quoted by: >>31739397

>indie whores will pretend that Cover is some super controlling and repressive company that has all their talents on a leash
>in reality these are the kinds of streams that they actually prevent

>> No.31738907

year of the cow

>> No.31738910


>> No.31738911

Year of the Ox.

>> No.31738913

Anya's design is good, but her rigging and model are shit. She's very stiff and can't do as much as the other 2.

>> No.31738924
Quoted by: >>31739002

Even Mel is intimidated (she's done the lewdest streams on Hololive, at least up until this point)

>> No.31738925

>ASMR lube squirting
ah fuck....I just fapped

>> No.31738926


>> No.31738927
File: 41 KB, 680x793, 1601690762353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama I thought you're just going to do RFA but smeared with lotion today???

>> No.31738928

They went to bed. Noticed most chumbuds seem to show up during afternoon/evening burger hours.

>> No.31738930


>> No.31738931

You were never a Hololive fan to begin with.

>> No.31738932

So the lotion was for us?

>> No.31738933

So this is how Hachaama taking a shit next to my ear sounds like...

>> No.31738934

I can die happy now.

>> No.31738935
Quoted by: >>31738962

Ah yes, I am now reminded that Haachama is shit at ASMR...what to do now

>> No.31738937
File: 88 KB, 690x875, EqVnkybVgAMRYwI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31739712

I'm going to teach Mori that men are supposed to be taller than women for a reason, and it's to sexually manhandle them. This M dork will learn.

>> No.31738939


>> No.31738941

Is Haachama being lewd again?

>> No.31738944

She's clearly Yagoo's bastard child.

>> No.31738945

what the hell am I hearing

>> No.31738946

Is this better than Ame's yams?

>> No.31738948

>>one moment people are shit talking cover for allegedly canceling Gura's RFA because of a Haachama tweet

>> No.31738952
Quoted by: >>31738967

guys, I've played RFA and it sounded nothing like this. Am I doing it wrong? Is this why I'm not losing weight?

>> No.31738953

Next week is going to be JP memes with an EN guest.

>> No.31738954

No, I was afraid it was gonna be super cringe so I waited to see the reactions.

>> No.31738958


>> No.31738960


>> No.31738962

I don't get her ASMR either, wtf are those tornado sounds? Is she chewing on the mic or what?

>> No.31738966

It's hard to tell.

>> No.31738965

>Cramming lotion into your ears ASMR

>> No.31738967

Just let the tingles erode your fat away...like water on rocks

>> No.31738968

Yes. She's doing her best to put Mel to shame.

>> No.31738969

>How is it?
I'm a big fan of the watery/slippery sound that leads into the microphone crunching sound.

>> No.31738970


>> No.31738971


>> No.31738977

I feel like Ame would be ahead for a bit, due to Mori's occasional absences. But then Mori would rebound back after she does more with her schedule like she is now, and releases a song that isn't WWW.

>> No.31738978

I saw like 30 minutes of it then I accidentally dumped a whole bottle of water directly onto my PC so I had to stop. STill been meaning to get back to it

>> No.31738983

She'll make with two months to spare it if she can keep her current monthly rate.

>> No.31738985

It was good, Korone carried the entire collab (like usual). Never doubting the Dog God again.

>> No.31738986

man she went straight to the main event didn't she

>> No.31738988

oh my god

>> No.31738991

No but she read a name of member who has 'chumchads' as name once in member stream and laugh at it..

>> No.31738995
File: 418 KB, 536x498, 1605345562306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31739000

I hope it's Mori. Please don't be Gura/Ame/Ina...

>> No.31739001
Quoted by: >>31739070


>> No.31739002

Haachama does H reviews, lotion asmr, candy and icecream asmr, gets away with it.
Youtube broke Meru and Choco...

>> No.31739003

like 1.5/10 not even a chub

>> No.31739004

85% hard.

>> No.31739007

>Is it bachigisu?
What the fuck?

>> No.31739015


>> No.31739017

0/10 she's rubbing slime on a microphone or something, I hate the weird fucking noise these head mics make when you rub slime on them

>> No.31739018

Holy shit Haachama

>> No.31739019
Quoted by: >>31739057

Yeah despite having lower stream numbers her VOD views are usually comparable with Ame. It seems a lot of deadbeats can't watch her live but go back and watch the VOD later.

>> No.31739020

5ch is funny, but it's not humor you can put into a template. Similar to humor found here, actually.

>> No.31739022
Quoted by: >>31739080

Die trinitard

>> No.31739024

>it's dipping crunchy tarantula in anon's ear that is filled with lotion ASMR
Thank you haachama

>> No.31739025

Very fucking confused. I thought I was going to get fatty RFA suffering, not whatever the fuck this is.

>> No.31739033

Usually the lotion asmr would be calming or ecchi, but with Haachama it's also funny.

>> No.31739035

ASMR Numberfagging

>> No.31739036

its china who fucking cares

>> No.31739041

my ears feel violated

>> No.31739047

Limp as fuck. Weird noises

>> No.31739048

English translated japanese is so god awful.

>> No.31739051
Quoted by: >>31739078

0% chance it's an EN, it's going to be an ID. Enma won't let her precious golden ducks to oppose Zhang.

>> No.31739052
File: 3.36 MB, 1909x1115, 【#はあちゃま3D】はあちゃま、動きます。_-_mpv_2021-01-03_03-41-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop the Chama!

>> No.31739055 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 478x97, 1609755024504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, Mel's pre-holo content was its own brand of hyper-lewd

>> No.31739056
Quoted by: >>31739133

It's still most probably a JP guest.

>> No.31739057

She has a very global audience, it seems.

>> No.31739058

>now she's jerking her dick off into my ears

>> No.31739059
Quoted by: >>31739105

Reminder Hinta's hands had already made contact with the real Marine and she reacts to it at that point before her model moves


>> No.31739061

Mori's gonna take the bullet like she has every other time anon, I fucking know it. And yet I can't help but still love my dumb oshi

>> No.31739062


>> No.31739063

what the fuck is haachama doing

>> No.31739068


>> No.31739070


>> No.31739075

I think she's getting better...?

>> No.31739076
File: 28 KB, 1402x868, 1602626853019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31739421

Ina's been no slouch either with good streams lately, while Kiara's not had a lot of memorable stuff lately besides A Way Out. Honestly I'd say Kiara debuffs herself a lot with JRPGs. There's nothing wrong with Fire Emblem and Ryza etc but if she wanted to maximize buff games she'd have to basically live in the Minecraft server like Aqua or Pekora.

Holotalk is IMO the best thing she's ever done but it perversely doesn't give boosts at fucking all to either her or her guests. Goes to show a lot of EOP Holo """""""fans""""""" / reddit clip faggots etc don't give a fucking rrat shit about JPs at all.

>> No.31739078

I wanna see Coco/Reine where Coco just roasts the shit out of Reine the whole time while she tries to keep up her composure but is obviously choking back tears at the end

>> No.31739079

>Look up "succubus ASMR"
>Click first video
>Skip to halfway through
>Get hard
>Pause video and resume watching Haachama
>Get soft

Haachama chama...

>> No.31739080

t. deadbeat

>> No.31739083

soft as taffy right now, these noises are weird

>> No.31739084

anyone not having asmrgasms right now don't own a decent pair of headphones

>> No.31739086

People briefly thought that Gura's RFA stream was canceled because Haachama's was canceled by management, and they didn't know the reason why. Then people realized it was because Haachama is a psychopath.

>> No.31739087

You can only choose 1

>> No.31739090

How is she making this sound exactly? Seriously.

>> No.31739092

>Haachama is literally touching herself right now

>> No.31739094

futa on futa....

>> No.31739098

True Brat Experience

>> No.31739101
Quoted by: >>31739182

>one moment people are shit talking cover for allegedly canceling Gura's RFA because of a Haachama tweet
What? Did I miss something?

>> No.31739105
File: 2.76 MB, 1909x1115, 【#はあちゃま3D】はあちゃま、動きます。_-_mpv_2021-01-03_03-33-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31739130

I think that's just a thing with the 3D models in general for some reason. Like here Coco was helping Haachama do situps but they look like they're not making contact for some reason.

>> No.31739104

lotioned hands over the ear-looking parts of an ASMR mic

>> No.31739107

Cute Senpai-kouhai bonding moment

>> No.31739108

I feel like Mori would be the worst guest since her sense of humor is far too much here for reddit memes.

>> No.31739110

Well she was kicked out of Atlantis, so it can't be helped. Still a spoiled brat though.

>> No.31739111

Watch lotion ear massage asmr. She's petting the mic.

>> No.31739115

will she pee herself

>> No.31739116

God Coco's expression is so hot here

>> No.31739118

>All these plebs that can't appreciate ASMR

She's doing fine, she could compete with Noel

>> No.31739119

>but they all still do it.
Because no one wants to risk tarnishing her image and the incoming shitstorm that could happen. Imagine if the Taiwan thing had happened while Sora was collabing with Coco. The amount of guilt Coco would feel would be insane. She already felt pretty guilty about her chat having to deal with CCP antis. It's a one in a million chance something that bad would happen while collabing with Sora but they don't want to take that risk.

>> No.31739123

So we talk about the longest streams.
But what is the shortest one?
Not including technical difficulties where they restart the stream soon after but including those where they are actually knocked out for a substantial amount of time.
Bonus: Not counting tech difficulties.

>> No.31739125

I feel like mori would be a best bet, the others I really don't feel would clash well with her

>> No.31739126


>> No.31739127
Quoted by: >>31739181

She'd laugh to be polite like all the other girls Coco's had on

>> No.31739130

For a supposed tech company, Cover is really fucking bad at this 3d model thing.

>> No.31739131

I have ER4XRs with Shure tips and all I'm getting is misophonic sounds, faggot

>> No.31739133
Quoted by: >>31739225

What's the fucking point then, I thought the point was to' translate the memes.

>> No.31739139

Gura's stream today was pretty short.

>> No.31739141

Or probably an autism war with Ollie.

>> No.31739150
Quoted by: >>31739180


>> No.31739153
File: 725 KB, 640x826, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31739154

take in my frog dick kiara-san

>> No.31739157

Alright, I'm out. Let me know if Haachama starts to be funny instead of lewd.

>> No.31739161

The only way to fix this would be to give the anime girls realistic limb proportions, and no one wants that.

>> No.31739163
File: 17 KB, 291x300, 1546222129905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1%ers, where we at?

>> No.31739167

Is an AKG k92 decent?

>> No.31739176

Mori would go on the show and end up not laughing at a single reddit meme. Halfway through Coco stops pulling them up and it just becomes a normal collab zatsu.

>> No.31739178

>ywn grab Coco by the horns and facefuck her

>> No.31739179
Quoted by: >>31739216

They're trying to make the cheap alternative to real mocap, it's gonna look janky.

>> No.31739180
Quoted by: >>31739214

Now this is an interesting stream!

>> No.31739181

>My boy with her too loud "fake laugh"
My sides would not survive

>> No.31739182

nevermind, i was reading the thread wrong, i'm retarded

>> No.31739190


>> No.31739193
Quoted by: >>31739335

Like i said it's just a Narrative so take everything with a grain of salt.

But these are some of the odd tings that she has bee allowed to do despite being the youngest mainline JP holo, which's is very unusual given her actual status in the pecking order of a JP company. Also don't forget that she seems to have been involved with every big Cover promotion in JP recently, Bushiroad, Sega, Pokemon, etc. She is also the only cover holo to be allowed to just free produce and sing her own original songs and work with other companies to do the same on her spare time. Not something that any newbie would otherwise be allowed to do.

>> No.31739197
Quoted by: >>31739227

What about riding on her back like a dinosaur?

>> No.31739198

>candy g-string
Alright, that got me

>> No.31739199

I was enjoying this at first, but now she's given my a headache. Is my ASMR powerlevel too low bros?

>> No.31739214


>> No.31739216

What, do they only rent the suits for the concerts?

>> No.31739218
File: 22 KB, 1001x133, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31739220


>> No.31739222

>ywn be Haachama

>> No.31739225

I get you... but we still have some inchink infestation and looks like management wants EN to steer clear for the meantime. There is a possibility it'll be one from ID gen 2 but the chances its from EN is pretty low.

>> No.31739227

Fuck that she's a dragon and I want to fuck her like a dragon and make her entire body including her horns go crazy after at least 6 hours of fucking

>> No.31739228
File: 1.33 MB, 2012x759, FD35D377-6BD9-4E11-9461-2F0574CC46E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31739256

So why the fuck is Bennett Foddy in the new copy pasta
I’m out of the loop on that one

>> No.31739231

No, she's just bad at it

>> No.31739233
Quoted by: >>31739279

What if Haachama was just masturbating on the other side but played it off like she wasn't

>> No.31739234

I seriously don't understand the appeal of Haachama. I watched a few of her english streams but that horrible accent is filtering me hard. She literally sounds retarded and her collabs with ens are just weird noises for an hour. Why can't she just speak normally?

>> No.31739235


>> No.31739240

cursed but i'm saving it

>> No.31739242

It was technical difficulties so doesn't count, but Mori's first "ASMR stream" still makes me laugh

>> No.31739248
Quoted by: >>31739281

5ch has its own seagulls?

>> No.31739247
Quoted by: >>31739363

because her bwain is bloken

>> No.31739249
Quoted by: >>31739281

bases JP bros dunking on women excellently

>> No.31739253

Not my loss

>> No.31739256

>Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy

>> No.31739257
Quoted by: >>31739893

Been meaning to ask. I keep hearing about Nobuhime. What exactly made her such a big deal?

>> No.31739259
File: 418 KB, 1115x1600, 1582242720681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She literally sounds retarded and her collabs with ens are just weird noises for an hour.
Anon, that's the best part.

>> No.31739262
File: 1.14 MB, 814x730, 1609235028705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these Haachama squirting sounds

>> No.31739263

holy mother of all copes.

>> No.31739264

This isn't doing anything for me, am I gay?

>> No.31739265

retards making weird noises is a hololive staple

>> No.31739269
File: 44 KB, 740x557, 14371-25380-1363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31739304

What the hell is the Haachama stream

>> No.31739270

No because this is not proper ASMR. And even if it is, people react differently to certain triggers.

>> No.31739273

She is a cute and retarded daughter, but not actually retarded. I like her.

>> No.31739278
Quoted by: >>31739309

So why was Gura's rfa cancelled? Did her legs finally die for real?
At least give us some explanation, you fucking brat.

>> No.31739279
Quoted by: >>31739337

Not enough moaning

>> No.31739280

Haachama can speak perfect English but she's trying to hide her aussie accent.

>> No.31739281
File: 56 KB, 652x766, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31739311

They are a minority

>> No.31739282

>Thinking that women browse 5ch

>> No.31739285

She is funny.

>> No.31739302
Quoted by: >>31739406


>> No.31739304

Masturbatory aid for /b/tards.

>> No.31739305

>eyam spiggin' id!

>> No.31739307

is this the closest thing we'll get to shart asmr

>> No.31739309

Don't expect Gura to explain why a stream is canceled

>> No.31739311
Quoted by: >>31739348

>It's really disgusting that the thread speed drops every time Haachama is doing ASMR

>> No.31739319

>horrible accent
You have been filtered Anon. Her english accent is cute.

>> No.31739322

I find her entertaining when she's being a hyperactive genki shitposter who's willing to do anything for the content. The lewd ASMR stuff doesn't do anything for me, but they do add to the juxtaposition when she occasionally is a sweet girl which is why I like Big Red Heart so much.

>> No.31739330
Quoted by: >>31739344

Will Haachama lotion herself fully?

>> No.31739331
File: 496 KB, 600x664, 1583309280598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31739544

I keep repeating the part of Ame's supa sunday when she recognized and liked the song I requested... I think I'm too far gone.

>> No.31739334

Just fisting a whole bucket of lotion

>> No.31739335
Quoted by: >>31739590

Maybe she used her proceeds to hire an excellent contract-lawyer and negotiator for her new gig?
She could point to her previous negative experience as a reason why she would want some reassurances.

>> No.31739337

Haachama has the most SOUL of anyone in hololive and it's not even close. She puts her whole big red heart into everything that she does and it just makes it really hard not to love her after a while. Also very hardworking and creative holo, always changing up her pattern or trying new things that the other girls wouldn't think of.

For what it's worth I actually found her to be kind of annoying when I first got into hololive too but overtime I fell for her hard when I got to know more of what she's like and what she's really about, now definitely my #1 by a long shot.
Ehhhh not everyone moans a lot. I once masturbated to completion when sitting right next to a girl and she didn't even believe I'd done it until I showed her the cum in my hand.

>> No.31739344

You can't prove that she isn't rubbing the ASMR mic over herself.

>> No.31739349

Well, she managed to drink it all up.

>> No.31739348
Quoted by: >>31739376

Even their seagulls are better shitposters then ours.

>> No.31739350

what the fuck was that

>> No.31739352


>> No.31739355


>> No.31739358
Quoted by: >>31739467

Which memes/stereotypes do you think Ame is tired of and which ones she doesn't mind?
She's clearly tired of the groundpound your mom thing and the stinky narrative that she told us when she was depressed years ago she'd go a week without a bath. Its cute to see her saying in every stream now that she's going to take a bath after stream or already did.

>> No.31739359


>> No.31739361


>> No.31739363

No her bwain is awogen!

>> No.31739365

No, the main reason why Amelia was close in the first place was because Mori was gone for an entire week while Ame had a packed week with multiple Gura collabs, people seem to forget this

>> No.31739369


>> No.31739372

Where did the lotion go!?

>> No.31739374
File: 1.59 MB, 4095x3072, 1603120891056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today I will remind them
haachama speaks perfect aussie english
she has fooled us all

>> No.31739376


>> No.31739380
File: 5 KB, 415x33, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder it takes 20 minutes to get haachama off

>> No.31739387


>> No.31739388

I wonder if kiara is upset that some stupid frog meme has more views than www, knowing her probs does

>> No.31739390
Quoted by: >>31739414

Haachama... that wasn't an orgasm...

>> No.31739391
File: 563 KB, 699x644, 1609479051732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31739457

I love Tower Tortellini (Forma Rushia)

>> No.31739395


>> No.31739398

she died

>> No.31739397
Quoted by: >>31739488

>There is really no reason to not prefer COVER. So they have to make shit up.

>> No.31739406 [DELETED] 


>> No.31739407

Haachama is an enigma

>> No.31739408


>> No.31739409

>Does he have a MySpace

>> No.31739411
Quoted by: >>31739446

I wonder if anon can go 5 minutes without kiara living rent free in his head, knowing him probs not

>> No.31739414

Mic was muted at the end, you can't tell me she wasn't shlicking while the ears of the ASMR mic were being lotioned

>> No.31739419
File: 372 KB, 699x604, 1609755791018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora's stream isn't even breaking 30k now
Nousagi bros? What the fuck happened?
Remember when she used to get 70k viewers? It's just not the same after the mom yab....

>> No.31739421

Glad JOPs are the exact same way otherwise they'd give Kiara a good boost too so they're equally faggots.

>> No.31739431

surprised most likey, she wasnt against the ideas of this kindof videos but was not confident on her sense of humor.
Gald for chiken she will probably be back with more confidence, a fixed back and realxed voice.

>> No.31739434

Probably some lotion made from distilled Black Widow venom.

>> No.31739441

Did management bust in like "Haachama what the fuck are you doing? Why is there just a bucket of liquid on the floor?"

>> No.31739443
File: 1.92 MB, 2315x2265, ogey[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftnpfo4.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31739444

She was shlicking with the mic.

>> No.31739445

Rent free anonchama...

>> No.31739446


>> No.31739449
File: 599 KB, 1772x881, 1609738288185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31739463

Now that Haachama has finished sharting in my ears, it's time for bed. Goodnight friends

>> No.31739453

At a casual glance I think sans-tech issues its one of Mori's song reviews, but I don't have a set of the unarchived videos on me.
Including tech issues but they actually manage to get some time in, probably Kiara's botched Fire Emblem stream where Ame had to run tech support live.

>> No.31739455
File: 189 KB, 850x988, 1602133985681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31739456


>> No.31739457
File: 165 KB, 600x1073, 1608084895324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get it out of my head that Rushia's intended anglicized name is probably supposed to be like "Lucia" and they just can't into English at all so wo don't know any better. Lucia is such a more fitting name for a necromancer girl while Rushia doesn't mean anything.

>> No.31739460

only new games get high viewerships nowdays.
20-30k viewership for the same games is ok.
Also youtube sucks at live views.

>> No.31739463

Might want to take a shower first, anon. Just in case.

>> No.31739467

- your mom jokes
- ground pounding
- stinky / not showering

- cuter than usual
- respecting women
- aya

>> No.31739476

the mic was in her butt

>> No.31739483

Her legs died, she tried to sleep it off before the evening stream, woke up at midnight, made a sheepish tweet, and then went back to sleep.

>> No.31739487
File: 588 KB, 727x411, MioJong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you doing your mahjong reps?

>> No.31739488

I mean don't get me wrong, Cover is a shit company when it comes to actually being competent, but the image they portray of Cover as a corporation and Hololive as an idol group is a pure strawman that doesn't appear to match reality in any way. Their need to virtue signal and appeal to a certain mindset demands they use that strawman, however.

>> No.31739489
File: 6 KB, 413x81, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31739492
File: 964 KB, 1273x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31739575

Korone's Mario stand-in is giving me spurdo energy..

>> No.31739493

>Korone planning the next mario run

>> No.31739495

Why did Gura's legs die? I thought she was fit?

>> No.31739500

Fuck no.

>> No.31739504
File: 1.39 MB, 1447x2047, 1604570664406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi, how are you?
Are you calling on my phone?
Baby, tell me what is wrong
Don't you ever let me go
>Haato, Haachama's seiso persona that she created, asks her true self how she's doing and tells her to keep to the seiso image for her career.

Hi, I am good
I am still looking for proof
Am I good enough for you?
Don't you tell me what's my role!
>Haachama rejects Haato

This is ME
Are you coming on the RIDE
We're going SUPER-HIGH
Got to be who what I like
>Haachama finds resolve to be true to herself.

You and me
Are you ready for the fight?
>Haachama challenges her inner anxieties in order to truly become herself.

alright, alright, alright

Stonger than I ever been before
This is who I am
Nothing in the way
Today and far away
You & me
We make the part of me
>Chammers, realizing that in the end, both Haachama and Haato are what makes her HER

I give you my big RED HEART
My my big RED HEART
My my big RED HEART
I'll be true to my RED HEART
My my big RED HEART
My my big RED HEART
>Haachama saying she'll be honest with herself and everyone else from now on

>> No.31739508

Isn't her host club name Rushifer (Lucifer) too?

>> No.31739515

I only do my Mahjong reps for SIO not Mio okay ?

>> No.31739521

It's like a mirror, only with nip reflecting back.

>> No.31739522


>> No.31739530

Why must you suffer?
Why does the universe hate you?

>> No.31739536

Because she's a fucking retard who's playing on the hardest difficulty and pushing herself too hard to have a reasonable stream length.

>> No.31739538

Fitness isn't just what you can do in one go, it's also how fast you recover/how little damage you receive after a workout

>> No.31739539

I don't believe you

>> No.31739540
File: 159 KB, 787x900, 1606380985498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31739542

I'm okay with this!

>> No.31739544
Quoted by: >>31739591

I have to wake up for work in 4 hours but Im still here thinking about her and shitposting. At least I work from home but she has been living rent free in my mind for months now, can't be healthy..

>> No.31739546

>- your mom jokes
>- stinky / not showering

>- respecting women
>- aya
Not based

>> No.31739556

goddamn, you're probably right. it almost makes too much sense.

>> No.31739557
Quoted by: >>31739585

Full studio version when?

>> No.31739558

The witch!

>> No.31739573

>legs died so can't stream
Typical of Gura

>> No.31739575


>> No.31739576
Quoted by: >>31739597

>She literally sounds
She just needs pronounciation-training and more English-speaking-practice so the face muscles can adjust.

>> No.31739577

The background for the "stronger than I ever was before" part seems like a direct callback to https://youtu.be/Z8TnOhIxN90

>> No.31739584
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1603543129734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm EOP as fuck but I understand more of what Mio is saying to herself than anything going on in this mahjong match she's in.

>> No.31739585
File: 154 KB, 850x1039, 5ef953e05b5c1317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Haaton-pilled

Soon. She's said that it's in the works.

>> No.31739589

Video is private
How long was it up for? What did I miss?

>> No.31739590
Quoted by: >>31739734

Perhaps, but if that were the case why don't the other holo's do the same? I don't think that contract negations for idol companies in JP work the same as how your thinking they work in other entertainment industries. Only time you get this much favoritism is if you know someone.

>> No.31739591

teamates you guys worry me sometimes

>> No.31739595

>Go do house chores
>Miss banned Haachama stream
Well shit. Someone recorded it right?

>> No.31739597

I think part of the problem is she wants to train herself by doing English streams and interacting with her English fans but that's not really gonna help her much on her pronunciation reps.

She does ask chat for advice on vocabulary and stuff all the time though.

>> No.31739601

This song always reminds me of Civia.

>> No.31739602
File: 198 KB, 1200x848, Eq4O3bXVgAEB5kX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka's mama posted some new art!

>> No.31739605
Quoted by: >>31739620

What does that mean?

>> No.31739607

god hates g*rmans

>> No.31739610


>> No.31739618

not banned
unarchived and really short to try and dodge youtube AI

>> No.31739620
Quoted by: >>31739754

"Satisfied, so it's over."

>> No.31739624


>> No.31739626

Twenty minutes.

>> No.31739629

Due to recent events my first thought was to download it. Thank God.

>> No.31739630

nooooo not again

>> No.31739632

You'll get em next time, Korone.

>> No.31739640


>> No.31739645

There wasn't much to hear honestly, sounded like taking the mic up to some fabric and rubbing it around. Not really ear rape but just a bunch of noise.

There was a bit of talking and lotion sounds but it was mostly just the rumbly mic.

>> No.31739653
File: 804 KB, 629x891, __shirakami_fubuki_inugami_korone_nekomata_okayu_ookami_mio_listener_and_2_more_hololive_drawn_by_izumi_sai__4a46c58cfebeb341e1eef1e54ee4dc0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Inugami Korone.

She is trying her best.

Say something nice about her!

>> No.31739655


>> No.31739663

because she's a bad person and horrible friend.

>> No.31739664
Quoted by: >>31739678

She needs to have actual conversations with english speakers if she really wants to improve. Chat is not gonna help her much.

>> No.31739666

If she talked more it would've been 10/10.

>> No.31739670

head floof!

>> No.31739678

She should go hang out with Coco more and they can speak English together I guess....

>> No.31739682

I want to see her boxing

>> No.31739689
File: 273 KB, 1260x1680, 1605108948975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the strongest

>> No.31739696

>My comment that made my oshi laugh doesn't show up in the live chat replay
fuck I hate youtube

>> No.31739708
File: 1.15 MB, 608x900, 1606669644089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my birdwife..

>> No.31739712
File: 280 KB, 850x1219, 1609742079400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not before I do, slowbro. I'm already in Japan

>> No.31739715

Damn, both of the HoloEN playthroughs of A Way Out were really good.

>> No.31739718

That's better, means only you will remember why she laughed then.

>> No.31739723

>People found my original outfit hard to draw, isn't it full of details?
>Reveals even more detailed New Years outfit
Polka is a clown from all angles.

>> No.31739727
Quoted by: >>31739790

I want to flip this dog's skirt up and see her panties!

>> No.31739734

Lack of experience?

>> No.31739738
File: 1.58 MB, 1786x1110, 1609684435281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all her luck transferred over to Mori

>> No.31739744

Suck it up. 35p would be laughing at you for this desperation.

>> No.31739754

>That was the "lotion for supper".

>> No.31739757

>low numbers
>thread is dead
is hololive finished?

>> No.31739760

I get pissed when I miss a live stream and the VOD has no chat available.

>> No.31739768

Where's your guts kid, it's not even been long

>> No.31739770

Yubi yubi

>> No.31739776

I wish she could convince one of the EN's to play a bit of a low-intensity game in private while talking in English.

>> No.31739777
Quoted by: >>31739804

Coco is a cutie!

>> No.31739787

The thread is Satisfied.

>> No.31739789
File: 237 KB, 259x385, 1605071105084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/hlgg/ complains about her not fulfilling promises
>the whole wine party was her making promises
>and shes self aware
Mori why do you hate this general?

>> No.31739790
File: 2.36 MB, 1214x2169, 20210104_074415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31739795

More like "hollow life", heh.

>> No.31739796

Mori gets off on being hated/pressured

>> No.31739800

Tbh I got into Kiara and calli due to the yuribait but ended up liking both of them for who they are.

>> No.31739801

>Mori confirmed she wants to collab with non-holo artists i.e. Cr1tikal, Vsh*jou niggers, more inroic weeb podcasts and other trash
>deadbraps still defend her
This behavior is inexcusable. Mori doesn't just not give a shit about Hololive she wants to actively kill it.
Fucking bitch needs to get a strong scolding from management and few week suspension so she can reflect on things and fix her retarded disrepectful attitude.

>> No.31739804

I love that fucking bitch!

>> No.31739806
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1440, Totally not her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you find joice in knowing that she is sniffing cat ass like she likes

>> No.31739812

who are you quoting?

>> No.31739815

>Mori why do you hate this general?
She did not take the brappening lightly.

>> No.31739820
File: 92 KB, 911x809, 1602226709748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31739838

And she'll get away with it.

>> No.31739823
Quoted by: >>31739878

whens the blasphemous stream, deadbeat?

>> No.31739824

I got into Kiara because I love watching unlucky people, I don't want to save or harm her; just watch what fortune has for her

>> No.31739825

I unrionically think this. She's always rapping about how people hate her and how she's the underdog in everything. It's very par for the course for a girl who still think she's an emo in high school

>> No.31739826

If Coco were to stick to JP meme reviews instead of reddit ones, would that kill her views or would things stay the same?

>> No.31739827

Is Terraria worth $4.99? Thinking of getting it after watching kaichou play it today

>> No.31739828
File: 87 KB, 256x256, 1593515871219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that is excellent taste

>> No.31739830 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 172x140, 1609757229182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pssst... hey, come closer... seethe

>> No.31739838
Quoted by: >>31739874

For now. Stubbornness will always lead to ruin sooner or later.

>> No.31739842

Mori has been a blowout success by literally every metric everywhere except here.

>> No.31739844

>Gura doesn't stream for 1 day
>thread goes nuclear
>Kiara doesn't stream for 3 days
Why does no one care about Chicken?
It's not fair....she works the hardest....

>> No.31739845


Ah but in the same stream skips ny***ers aka, nice bait gotta love it have a (you)

Ame litteley mentioned projekt melody by name who tf cares

>> No.31739852


>> No.31739854
File: 102 KB, 827x716, 1606481177377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the more you hate her the hornier she gets
is Mori the strongest holo?

>> No.31739855

Is the bait this weak today?

>> No.31739857
Quoted by: >>31739922

To be fair, Chicken gave prior notice. The shark just didn't fucking turn up, again.

>> No.31739859

>she wants to actively kill it.
She's on hiatus from reaping tho.

>> No.31739862

>works the hardest

>> No.31739866

makes sense with rap culture and having "haters" too

>> No.31739867

If you're interested in that kind of game yes absolutely. It's kind of snooze in the midgame but once you get to hardmode it's a legitimately fantastic game.

>> No.31739870

Hell yeah it is. You start off like a puny human who gets killed ruthlessly by inconceivable powerful monsters, but you get to a point where you make mincemeat out of them at the end of the game.

t. 700+ hours

>> No.31739871

Doesn't Terraria have a chink publisher? Why the FUCK is Coco of all people allowed to play it?

>> No.31739874


>> No.31739878

in 70 minutes

>> No.31739882

Its Monday, all the elder schizos are busy working or sleeping.

>> No.31739883


>> No.31739884

>Mori why do you hate this general?
it has its moments but I hate this general too

>> No.31739893

There's actually a pretty good writeup on Nobuhime you can read. https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/ib8tf8/the_magnitude_of_oda_nobuhimes_success_and_why/

>> No.31739895

>she works the hardest

>> No.31739896

It's actually more apt to call them SJWs if we want to apply labels. Not that anyone but /v/ gives a shit about that.

>> No.31739904

That was pretty good.
Wonder how much good stuff are still in the archives.

>> No.31739911
Quoted by: >>31740032

nobody really freaked out when Mori was gone for two days, yeah I'm not fooling anyone

>> No.31739914

>1mil subs
>most of her streams hover at 15k viewers

>1mil subs
>most of her streams hover at 60k viewers
Lmao korone sucks

>> No.31739918

Kek. As another anon said in another thread yesterday. It's like going to a bar on the other side of town, but you find it's full of all your bros and they still serve your favorite drink.

>> No.31739919

more likely, keeping a healthy stable of haters makes your supporters more fervent and more willing to excuse you / avoid criticising you
seen artists do it quite often

>> No.31739922

>The shark just didn't fucking turn up, again.
Isn't this par for the course with the shark?

>> No.31739937
Quoted by: >>31740002

Leave Gura alone. She's sick.

>> No.31739940

Don't we just take turn hating on whichever girl everyone else hates for that week?
Other than Mori. It seems like everyone always hates Mori fo some reason.

>> No.31739939
Quoted by: >>31739987

Mori isn't smart enough to do that. She has a track record of being a general dumb bitch

>> No.31739950

Published by
A subsidiary of the Italian owned

It's not hard to do research anon, that took me one minute.

>> No.31739951

Sure, but that doesn't make it any better. I gave Mori shit for not just telling us that NYE was cancelled, so I can understand chumbuds doing the same for Gura.

>> No.31739954

confused on how yall get from wanting to collab with other people -> hating hololive and wanting to kill it.

Am i being baited?

>> No.31739961


>> No.31739969

Starts off a bit shit. Like being stuck on tutorial island on your average MMO. But then gets really fucking good after you reach hardmode. Definitely worth $4.99

>> No.31739971


>> No.31739979

its because Mori antis are her own fanbase

>> No.31739980
File: 183 KB, 1786x364, image_2021-01-04_055423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31739982
Quoted by: >>31740081

Korone hit 1mil earlier so Peko has less dead subs.

>> No.31739987

its not really a conscious thing most of the time, its more like she has learned in the past that making haters mad makes fans happy

>> No.31739988
Quoted by: >>31740011

>Eekum Bokum 9M views
>On youtube Rewind 2020
Numbersagi BTFO

>> No.31739996

Does a post have many (You)s? Then it's bait.

>> No.31739999

>the whole wine party was her making promises
What promises did she make?

>> No.31740000
Quoted by: >>31740029

kill yourself

>> No.31740002

She's lazy and lacks motivation.

>> No.31740009

Yeah, she's been shown to be pretty lazy and undisciplined. Her disgusting keyboard is somewhat proof of that.

>> No.31740011
Quoted by: >>31740036

>youtube rewind is an achievement

>> No.31740013

Question for numberfags, why Is it a competition for you? Why people bring up live numbers, or even worse, SC numbers likes its some kind of virtual cockfight? The only thing that matters are sub milestones as we usually get special streams on those.

>> No.31740015
File: 1000 KB, 1024x576, Notorious MORI [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8jofxo.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the never ending love/hate relationship with Mori

>> No.31740020


>> No.31740026
Quoted by: >>31740066

Speak for yourself faggot. I'm only ambivalent about her and try to ignore her whenever possible.

>> No.31740027
Quoted by: >>31740163

If Cover really gave a shit about gatekeeping "Hololive culture" they wouldn't have even made HoloEN or HoloID in the first place, or started interacting with Westerners at all.

>> No.31740028
File: 1.43 MB, 990x720, We [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fggjft6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31740029

Nice digits

>> No.31740032

Nobody really freaked out, but there were many depressed skrellingtons being posted.

I don't hate any of the girls.

>> No.31740036

>an oscar award is an achievement

>> No.31740038

yes if you don't get filtered by the earlygame

>> No.31740039
File: 50 KB, 600x507, 1609006448713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like another dumb bitch.

>> No.31740041
File: 79 KB, 850x593, kiara CHAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btfos seagulls and crystalcafe trannies

>> No.31740042

Amelia is completely identical to her previous streams as well

>> No.31740046

>Fostering an unstable, dangerous audience of haters to keep your ego in check and to distract your actual fans
That makes no sense, and I think it's much more likely Mori is just a retard that doesn't quite care about the whole vtuber side of vtubing

>> No.31740048

The more I read about Kiara's roommate the more freaked out I get.

>> No.31740049

watch the stream, she literally started it by saying "this is the resolution room! where I make resolutions that most likely will never fulfill!"
was pretty funny

>> No.31740051

Gura isn't going to stream for 3 days either

>> No.31740058

I wanna give nousagis the benefit of the doubt and assume this bitch is a falseflagger, but it's always them trying to start this shit.

>> No.31740066

>Speak for yourself faggot
I like all of them.

>> No.31740068

she's definitely pregnant

>> No.31740069
Quoted by: >>31740400

Even Mio's stream cuts out.

What the hell is going on?

>> No.31740072
Quoted by: >>31740113

A quick google search shows everything you need to know. Not sure why you're freaked out about it.

>> No.31740076

We're back to our regular Five Minutes of Hate against Mori, huh? Wait lemme get to my PC imma write something up to join right in.
t. Deadbeat

>> No.31740077

>Vsh*jou niggers
Man shut the fuck, no one want to hear that bullshit when Ame is jamming our to ny*ners's music and taking ideas from m*ldoy

>> No.31740081

By this rationale Gura should have the most dead subs.

>> No.31740091
Quoted by: >>31740125

So what are her view numbers again?

>> No.31740093

>I missed it
Holy pepeloni...

>> No.31740098
File: 256 KB, 483x1187, 1607086923278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31740174

This has been explained numerous times in autistic detail, lurk more.
Whats more I thought the collabs aren't happening so you're replying to like 2 month old rrat

>> No.31740099

I actually saw her on a wrestling Cytube I used to go to years before Hololive. I remember being surprised they had a white girl in some shitty backyard Japanese fed. I didn't even make the connection until a few days ago.

>> No.31740104
File: 96 KB, 850x540, 1606723393595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is fine in my book

>> No.31740113

I feel like it's just a little overwhelming compared to whatever I happen to come across with the other roommates

>> No.31740119

>Am i being baited?
Yes newfagchama you're being baited by really lazy bait

>> No.31740122
Quoted by: >>31740174

Chimkin had a hard life...

>> No.31740125

right now? around 20k-30k I guess

>> No.31740131

I only person I’m an anti of is (You).

>> No.31740136
File: 1.13 MB, 1500x2000, sippp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she won't get to collab with Vshoujo

>> No.31740149

did OBS stutter or did Ina's voice crack so hard during "kyun", why does it sound so distorted

>> No.31740151
Quoted by: >>31740177

So you can see her numbers are between Korone and Pekora, which is because all her subs are more recent then a large portion of Pekoras subs.

>> No.31740156
File: 331 KB, 2096x1148, EpbXMxtUcAAUKfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an hour until Mori breaks candles and parries heavys

>> No.31740163

I think it's more like the assumption that the Japanese do not understand Twitch culture at all nor how much more normalfaggy/generally incompatible the West generally is with their idol-like structuring of how Hololive runs. Thus, it'd be bad to contaminate them with Western shit. Considering things like 1/4th of Japanese overall being virgins into their 30s nowadays, it is actually not at all outlandish what they expect over there, but in essence it's just not the reality we have here. Things like vshojo would make a lot more sense to collab with Nijisanji, who are the utter normalfag vtubers there, but absolutely not Holos.

These assumptions of ENs corrupting the entire pillar of Holo's foundation are correct basically, seeing that basically the nip Holos have no idea what Twitch even is, think of reddit as "like a Western twitter" as if we don't fucking use twitter, and generally think of foreigner fans as just curiosities and the ENs like exotic animals. Their awareness of what's yab or not to deal with in the West, doesn't seem to be "basically all of it outside their own Holos" and damn well ought to be for their own sake.

>> No.31740165

Come on now. She said she wanted to do song collabs with real musicians. She specifically used the word "artists" so you couldn't make that mistake.

>> No.31740167

Sounds like she put reverb on it

>> No.31740174
Quoted by: >>31740201

Has Mori heard this tribute to her?

Hololive femdom when

Making chimkin happy!

>> No.31740177
Quoted by: >>31740288

they both average over 30k though?

>> No.31740178
File: 31 KB, 496x379, 10284781294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>final thoughts before falling asleep are holos
>exact same thing the moment upon waking up
>spend all day on /hlgg/
It's over

>> No.31740179

She's one of the few talents with a significant online and offline presence prior to Hololive. Not just the clips you see posted here by antis, but an entire idol career from a really young age. Of course, there's more like her on the JP side but you're too much of an EOP to look that up.

Most of the girls were just streamers with, at most, a presence on NND.

>> No.31740185
Quoted by: >>31740204

I guess i'm watching the 0yr old then, it's been a while Luna.

>> No.31740186

sounds like she's a rrat and thats her real voice

>> No.31740187
File: 211 KB, 720x900, 2020122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 minutes to zombie!!

>> No.31740188

Ame is an angel and she can do no wrong. Mori is the antagonist of Hololive and she lives rent free in everyone's head.
t. Deadbeat

>> No.31740192

I mean theres a lot of bad shit she went through but the actual yab stuff is mostly rrats, assuming we're talking about the same thing.

>> No.31740195
Quoted by: >>31740216

Do your reps.

>> No.31740198

What are you talking about anon? Ame is totally here and totally just deflected when she said she stole that idea from Melody.

>> No.31740201

Mori is browsing this thread right now, anon

>> No.31740204
File: 744 KB, 732x674, 1609480423672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't be disappointed.

>> No.31740210
Quoted by: >>31740287

>implying Kiara wouldn't start welling up on the first verse

>> No.31740214

Why Gura's videos always have more views than your poor rabbit lol ?

>> No.31740216

They are doing their reps.
Hikki, hololive and /hlgg/ reps.

>> No.31740217

>started doing my reps alongside Super Sunday
>have procrastinated so much I'm not even halfway done now
I'm not gonna make it, am I

>> No.31740221

Just wondering, are the birthdays of Holos fictional?

>> No.31740222

would you fuck the sora plush

>> No.31740229
File: 1.23 MB, 1058x585, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31740263

Sora is looking softer than usual today

>> No.31740232

imagine not being a unitychad

>> No.31740240

What a faggot. Do people like you completely overlook what the girls on the JP side did before joining? That one of them still does softcore porn on the side? That they talk about fucked up sexual shit regularly? Absolute nonsense.

>> No.31740243
Quoted by: >>31740421


>> No.31740253

I would trade for a lotioned Haachama plush

>> No.31740259

Why are numbersagi like lying?

>> No.31740261
File: 281 KB, 850x1574, iii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31740285

they are lovers

>> No.31740263
Quoted by: >>31740425

is she going to suck my dick and call me gay?

>> No.31740266

I would destroy it in minutes.

>> No.31740268
Quoted by: >>31740421

Yes, in fact a bunch of them, especially the ENs, are references/jokes.
Some of them are a bit close, which may or may not be a coincidence.

>> No.31740274
Quoted by: >>31740287


>> No.31740276

Miko's not gonna know about the nude scene is she?

>> No.31740277

You can say that but looking at how they actually talk and conduct themselves live on stream, that roomate shit doesn't fucking matter at all.

The difference is Western ethots bring that stuff into streams openly including vshojo shits. Like I said, utterly incompatible with how Holo actualy runs. Fine with some Nijis though.

>> No.31740283

Polka's garish design is a big part of why it took her so long to surpass her indie channel.

>> No.31740285
Quoted by: >>31740394

The idea of Mori being Amelia's Moriarty tickles me.

>> No.31740287

Kiara on stage singing idol songs... her dreams finally fulfilled. I would love to see the EN girls sing SSS for a concert.

Based and true.

>> No.31740288

depends a lot on the games
it seems those 40k and 50k are reseverd for hype up games or special ocations.
but 20k to 30 k are the norm. Also EN needs a speaicl ocation and more collabs too between them.

>> No.31740303

>The anon decided to double down

>> No.31740306

source: my ass lol

>> No.31740309
File: 48 KB, 254x252, 1608333331140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlgg/ worships Amelia, but they sacrifice to Calliope.

>> No.31740321
Quoted by: >>31740379

What if I don't care for either of them?

>> No.31740325

>she won't get into hololive
>she won't avoid getting cancelled
>she won't make it past a month
>she won't top the charts on apple music
>she won't get to collab with other members
>she won't get to collab with real life people
>she won't get to stream after the brap incident
>she won't get to use her roommate's account anymore
>she won't collab with critikal
>she won't become the most famous rapper in the east
>she won't become Yagoo's right-hand woman
>she won't start a vastly successful company
>she won't go down in musical history alongside michael jackson, bob dylan, and elvis
>she won't become immortal thanks to science
>she won't dab on antifags 500 years from now

>> No.31740352

The utter bullshit some of you motherfuckers say sometimes...

>> No.31740355

Mori is just an interesting case. Shes no antagonist and probably doesn't mean any hard. I watch her streams sometimes when shes in my timezone and they're hit or miss. I don't think Mori is that bad and I'm sure 90% of /hlgg/ agrees with me when I say I'm neutral towards Mori

>> No.31740360

This but unironically
t. Deadbeat (t.Teamate)

>> No.31740369
File: 3.23 MB, 2400x2400, 1604794861694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just move along anon. Nothing to see here

>> No.31740374

I guarantee if it came out that someone from EN was an ex camwhore it would very much matter, so your double standard bullshit is pathetic.

>> No.31740376

they always fucking double down anonchama, ignore them and they'll get bored and fuck off soon enough.

>> No.31740379
File: 248 KB, 535x532, 1609043262878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not have to care to feel the sun's warm rays or the night's cold touch.

>> No.31740383

Why not just watch actual idols if you care so much about the sanctity of the culture? Its clear most people out of Japan feel uncomfortable with it and it'll continue to loosen up as foreign branches get more popular.

>> No.31740390

sasuga Mori-sama with her 500 year plan

>> No.31740393

Twitch is already starting to grow in japan, and there are already japanese streamers there. Calling reddit a western twitter is just a way to explain it using something they're familiar with. They know westerners use twitter, but not many japanese use reddit.

>> No.31740394

They are literally sun and moon, yin and yang.

>> No.31740399


>> No.31740400

Mio has me legit concernfagging
Holy shit is she okay?

>> No.31740404

>Who has the most subs in hololive?
>Who has the most members in hololive?
>Who has the most average views in hololive?
All Gura
Numbersagi BTFO

>> No.31740408

No I mean like, a Holo could never imply anything about current relationships or who they've fucked lately etc. They're not open about that stuff, they can tease and be lewd all they want but never actually get into the facts about their IRL status with those things. Some Nijis do exactly that however. They'll sit around and talk about boyfriends and their favorite sex positions and such directly, leaving nothing ambiguous. Holos don't do that. You're kidding yourself if you think Holos are ever going to be like that, not as long as Yagoo is in charge.

>> No.31740409
Quoted by: >>31740459

By her own admission she wasn't really interested in Hololive or vtubers before deciding to apply on a whim after her friends had told her about the EN auditions. I just don't think she gets jpop/idol culture at all.

>> No.31740412


>> No.31740416 [DELETED] 
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>> No.31740415


>> No.31740418
Quoted by: >>31740474

>did OBS stutter or did Ina's voice crack so hard during "kyun", why does it sound so distorted
She definitely used some kind of filter here. She's messing with the settings before she says it.

>> No.31740421

Also is there is an Aggie planned for Ame's birthday

>> No.31740424

Nothing too special about it. A gullible retard who was young and made stupid mistakes by following retarded dream. Mostly just embarrassing stuff, but Japan is a warped shithole, so what do you expect (if I understand correctly). Actually bad shit stuff from far past is just rrats. She associated (or was manipulated by) with some scummy people, so some nasty rrats are not surprising. My own ex-classmates have done much-much worse stuff. Couple of them are behind bars or doing full course, all 3 entrances, for 40€. Maybe that's more common in my shihole semi-slav country.
All that matters is that she's in a much better place and all of that shit is behind her.

>> No.31740425

She's going to call you gay, yes.

>> No.31740426
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>> No.31740437
Quoted by: >>31740468

Fucking Miko streamed on Twitch not too long ago

>> No.31740439

Take a break and come back we aren't going anywhere anon

>> No.31740442

they alwasy take like 1hr to carburate their scripts shit will be over when they realise. They will wiat for cocos yakuza but she literally doesnt give a fuck since nightbot and presumably mods are herchat now.

>> No.31740448

ame's long legs uoohhh

>> No.31740451
Quoted by: >>31740464

The real question is
>Who has the most ASS in hololive?
And the answer is INA INA INAAAA

>> No.31740457


>> No.31740459

yeah, shes just being her definition of normal

>> No.31740461

Having collabs with men transitioning into openly talking about their relationships and sexual positions is a logical extreme.

>> No.31740464
Quoted by: >>31740544

isnt marines bigger?

>> No.31740468

Literally only to try to circumvent Youtube watchalong policies. She doesn't actually use it normally.

>> No.31740471
File: 111 KB, 360x317, 1607141429018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lover her more than usual today!

>> No.31740474

thanks for clarifying, enma

>> No.31740475

That's a very pleasing art to look at, eye-candy.

>> No.31740478
Quoted by: >>31740564

waaahhh pink woman bad

>> No.31740480
Quoted by: >>31740485

Why is every last prechat faggot pure cancer?

>> No.31740481

I like this analogy.

>> No.31740485
Quoted by: >>31740492

jops actaully follow the rules.

>> No.31740486

Who is the second case

>> No.31740489

i see deadbeats have given up on Atlus permissions

>> No.31740492

t. EOP

>> No.31740498

Not even, she did it because Twitch is integrated with Amazon Prime so you can sync your watchalong with viewers without needing to use timers or anything else.
Baffles me why Youtube doesn't have a similar feature, considering they offer movie rentals and everything.

>> No.31740499

>A shining example of fertility and youth.

>> No.31740502

Speaking of members, people here really underestimate how much money they get with members. For example, Mori makes more SC money than Gura, but Gura (and Ame) absolutely, mogs her in membership numbers. At the end of the day Gura easily earns more money if you consider she has 16K+ members.

>> No.31740506

The point is they know what twitch is

>> No.31740507

this, pretty much. I don't get all the hype around her and frankly I don't want to. Some of her streams are okay and she kinda sucks at EN group collabs. Those that like her, like her. Those that hate her, despise her. Me however, I'm neutral on that bitch

>> No.31740512



>> No.31740513

I never believed
Fuck Fatlus, bunch of niggers

>> No.31740515

Hey, SHUT UP, /hlgg/

>> No.31740516

Not even Mori can overcome the permissions yabai

>> No.31740518

i dont really like mori's content so i don't watch it or post about it, usually leave the thread during deadbeat hours

>> No.31740528


>> No.31740535

never ame

>> No.31740544

Ina's big ass is just a meme because she said muted herself when taking about moving something "big ass". I'm sure Marine's dwarfs Ina's.

>You're kidding yourself if you think Holos are ever going to be like that, not as long as Yagoo is in charge.
God bless Yagoo and his idoru dreams.

>> No.31740560

do you really beleeb that ame cares about you instead of your money?

>> No.31740563
Quoted by: >>31740742


>> No.31740564
File: 1.46 MB, 2582x1578, 1609738256101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pink woman cool

>> No.31740567

I don't watch her minecraft streams. I've seen some clips of her in that sky platform of hers though, with the water elevator thing. What is all that exactly?

>> No.31740574

Make me, faggot!!

>> No.31740577
Quoted by: >>31740631

I always sort of hated this meme.
Every single "rollercoaster" of a holo, is formed from the mix of haters, fans, and bystanders.
Most of /hlgg/ is not negative towards any girl. So everyone except the haters are positive whenever anything good is going on. When something bad happens, many of the bystanders and even couple fans momentarily argue on the negative side.
This happens with every holo. Only thing with Mori is that she has done a bunch of things that make a lot of people concerned about the future, and it happens to be something that is easy to trigger.
But because /hlgg/ is mostly positive, if nothing bad is happening all the girls are loved.

>> No.31740580

if she cared about the money more than the fans then she'd lean harder on gachikoi and superchat paypigs.

>> No.31740582

Why wouldn't she be allowed to stream after the brap incident when Matsuri pissed herself on stream and it didn't even get edited out?

>> No.31740587
Quoted by: >>31740742

>Open Luna's stream
>Matsuri is on
Good timing.

>> No.31740588

why not both?

>> No.31740594

>Your oshi
>Say whatever you want, open mic

>> No.31740595
Quoted by: >>31740732

Why Ame especially? I dont think any of them cares lol. At least they are grateful

>> No.31740598

Ame cares about all her teammates, investigators, and Hololive friends!
What a great girl!

>> No.31740600
File: 200 KB, 500x276, 76C2715E-72A8-42F1-AFC1-3ACFE7D44866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31740643

>This Threads in a nutshell
I swear, I only take a quick look and this is what I found, I guess the hate boner that this place have Mori is comparable to the hate that /hlg/ has for Kiara disappointed but not surprised

>> No.31740603

It was never gonna happen in the first place

>> No.31740604
Quoted by: >>31740698

simple as
I don't really care about Ina either

>> No.31740609
File: 68 KB, 680x680, 1593154532185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31740678

You forgot the collab with Snoop Dogg. He's enough of a manwhore that it's not outside the realm of possibility, and this picture is straight from his Twitter.

>> No.31740611
File: 772 KB, 1280x1807, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31740651

Why is gura in the latest LO volume?

>> No.31740614

At least you dont shit on the thread when you dont like the topic.

>> No.31740618


>> No.31740625
File: 250 KB, 720x720, 16053898723378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31740638

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong thread.

>> No.31740628

I don't know if you live here or not, but in NA (the largest English speaking market), such overt displays of insecurity are viewed negatively. It's one thing to make yourself look vulnerable to others since it makes you relatable to them, but most people will tune out if you do so repeatedly, thinking you're just a drama queen. This is why you get so many posts here often saying that she needs to stop complaining about her numbers. She can't do anything about it other than get back in the game or GTFO.

>> No.31740631
File: 52 KB, 479x355, 7947217E-9FF0-4E35-BF76-10FFA151398D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mostly positive
In what reality?

>> No.31740633

>I will pay a billion ARS just to put a baby in your fertile and youthful body

>> No.31740635

I believe that she wants to make more people happy yes.

>> No.31740638

Fuck you, peko.

>> No.31740643
Quoted by: >>31740662

You rike Malcolm in the middle ESLchama?

>> No.31740648

I'm tired and I'm sleep deprived but Mori is streaming soon so its no time to falter

>> No.31740649

Afk spot for her trident farm

>> No.31740651

I wasn't in the mood to fap bro

>> No.31740653

Choco literally talks about her love life on a regular basis, you fucking retard, to the point where she had an entire stream with A-chan, Roberu and someone else I'm forgetting where they just shared stories of past crazies while getting smashed.

>> No.31740655

It's a floating platform above one of her farming locations. There's a long explanation for it, but the short version is she needs to be in the area for the mobs to spawn.

>> No.31740659
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>> No.31740662


>> No.31740670

Ayame. I love Aqua. Gomenasai, but you cannot be my oshi anymore.

>> No.31740677

Ina playing Lobotomy Corp.

>> No.31740678
File: 26 KB, 463x453, pekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snoop Dogg collab
>Ame member's only NTR stream where she has sex with her boyfriend and records it for the goslings
>transgender EN2 member

My lethal concoction, engineered to slay all the rrats once and for all.

>> No.31740680

Despite having touhou 6 on my computer for a year, i only played it for 5 minutes

>> No.31740681

I love all the girlsand try to watch all their streams

>> No.31740682

>>Borderline normies and underages
Definitely true.

>> No.31740684

the one you're ignoring

>> No.31740686

The people crying over "hololive culture" are almost exclusively EOP newfags.

>> No.31740687


>> No.31740693
Quoted by: >>31740727

who cares cover won't let this shit happen anyway

>> No.31740696

I wish you fuckers would stop treating her like a retard, she's actually very intelligent

>> No.31740698

ina is my oshi but i respect your opinion

>> No.31740699

I fucking love her so much bros AHHHHHHH

>> No.31740708

Oh shit thats nice

>> No.31740711

>lammy coming with a baby toy

>> No.31740715


>> No.31740716
Quoted by: >>31740828

To be fair though, doesn't she say that she is single and is looking for a husband? It's not like she's talking about banging right?

>> No.31740717

>and records it for the goslings
nah it will be live, she'll even ask member's chat where the boyfriend should cum

>> No.31740719
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>> No.31740727

You're right, but wheres the fun in that?

>> No.31740732

Yeah but the teamates are the most delusional about it

>> No.31740737
File: 753 KB, 1280x1807, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she only kind of resembles gura though

>> No.31740738

>Make zazudans you frog

>> No.31740742

any summary on what happened on their last collab?

>> No.31740744
Quoted by: >>31740758

And all the fucking other Holos who AREN'T my oshi? I fucking hope they succeed and have all their dreams come true alongside Amelia!

>> No.31740745

Yes you were

>> No.31740749
Quoted by: >>31740795

More RPG maker kino or cringe!

>> No.31740752

>debuff game
ina pls
your numbers

>> No.31740751


>> No.31740753

Holy shit.

>> No.31740756

I thought A-chan was the same age as Sora? Does she really have that much experience...?

>> No.31740758

based UNITeamate

>> No.31740759
File: 77 KB, 1080x761, 1591301334172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31740803

What the fuck is going on

>> No.31740768


>> No.31740771

Mori's design and fanart are so fucking sexy but her voice and personality is such a huge turn off for me, pretty disappointing.

I wanted a huskier voice from Reine too but at least her personality is cute.

>> No.31740772


>> No.31740777

You can try your bullshit all you want, tribalist-kun, but you won't change the fact that most people here like most of the girls.

>> No.31740781

luna farted

>> No.31740783
File: 37 KB, 610x776, el manager forma finale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LobCHADS keep fucking winning.

>> No.31740785
Quoted by: >>31740830

I'd like to think, that they came to grips with the facts that while the stream was amusing, that they can't tirelessly spin it as anything other than Mori being unprecedentedly whinyover perms. No Holo has done something like that before for good reason, it reflects poorly. It's selfish to risk angering Atlus with angry fans spamming on her behalf and getting them to never give perms, which would affect all Holos and not just her. It always was a dumb childish idea.

It seems deadbeats, in that "the fan reflects the oshi"-ism, tend to commonly have fucking poor/naive judgment of shit like this (just as she does), so for even these people to let it go quietly is significant.

>> No.31740787

She's going to be in the last no matter what she does once chicken turns up the memes, might as well embrace it.

>> No.31740788


>> No.31740792
Quoted by: >>31740845

I honestly won't mind if a crossdresser/tranny shows up in EN gen 2 IF AND ONLY IF, they're actually qualified for the position. Cover's scouting is damn rigorous, and if someone genuinely skilled and entertaining comes through, then why not let them?
Politics pushers/trend chasers are going to be screened out anyways.

>> No.31740793

For 4chan standards, I guess this place is absurdly positve I guess...

>> No.31740795
Quoted by: >>31740842

what song was that?

>> No.31740797

Let’s fucking ikuzo

>> No.31740800


I understand being open is nice and all but don't you think some stuff is to be kept private like her doctor stuff about daddy issue's seem kinds too personal and that mori has 0 friends. I feel like she dosnet know when to keep her mouth shut for better or worse Idk

>> No.31740803

No clue

>> No.31740813

all me

>> No.31740816

It was kino.
Luna talked about Hoshikawa and Matsuri talked about Subaru to put it simply.
Then they dueted 3 years of infidelity.
The songs were all good regardless, so take a listen.

>> No.31740819

Kill this thread holy shit.

>> No.31740822


>> No.31740828

Which is why the point of not talking about romance is fucking retarded. What you really mean is you don't want to her them being e-girl levels of vulgar on a regular basis, which I totally agree with. The occasional bit of it adds a nice spice and makes it more poignant when they do so, but if all they have going for being entertaining is shock value humor, then they quickly get boring like the v-shouju whores will.

>> No.31740830
Quoted by: >>31740867

This is completely retarded.
ATLUS were never gonna give them permissions in the first place.

>> No.31740831

Why not both? She isn't any different from when she had 30 viewers instead of 30 000. All that's changed is that she no longer needs a day job/welfare check.

>> No.31740835
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>> No.31740839
File: 683 KB, 555x651, 1609047072411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ame!

>> No.31740840
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>> No.31740842
File: 2.58 MB, 640x360, 1608204596078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fan made or commissioned song?

>> No.31740843

>Lobo Corps
>Especially considering Ina's an anomaly herself

>> No.31740845

its going to happen eventually but please not in EN gen 2

>> No.31740856

God. I bought this game and tried it for a bit, the complexity filtered me super hard. I might be a brainlet

>> No.31740866

Kiara love

>> No.31740867

If they were close and she angered them, that still doesn't help. It's unknowable.
