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File: 26 KB, 660x357, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30974554 No.30974554 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive Global

>> No.30974597
File: 613 KB, 1183x529, yogurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe broke my heart.
Yogiri is basically crushing the pieces to dust.
Its been a pleasure to watch you stream. I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope you carry on with your music.

>> No.30974602

encore please... I'm legit crying, I'm not fucking ready for any of our girls to graduate when the time comes...

>> No.30974605
Quoted by: >>30974630

>four threads

>> No.30974609


>> No.30974611
File: 222 KB, 919x420, 1590999663584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like this...

>> No.30974612
File: 113 KB, 236x275, 1608303750482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Yogiri was never heard from again...

>> No.30974613

4 2hu threads died for this chink.... she better appreciate it

>> No.30974618

I enjoyed my first and last day with yogurt. Hope you have a bright future ahead of you

>> No.30974620
Quoted by: >>30974762

Which accounts are you looking at? Hover over the (i) icon and the reason for the difference should be obvious.

>> No.30974628
File: 61 KB, 594x719, 1603187504904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori shit and farted while streaming and the audio of the shitting and farting was captured by her microphone and heard by all attendees of her stream.

>> No.30974629
File: 569 KB, 862x420, CHOWA LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let me go
Just squeeze my hand tight
And tell me we'll go on together
Your hand in mine was warm
And gentle

>> No.30974630

2hus can resurrect, Chowa will not.

>> No.30974633

You fuckers better watch it, you almost killed a Japanese bird making pasta

>> No.30974643

Have any of the HoloENs commented on Yogiri's graduation?

>> No.30974645

She sung cirnos perfect math class, she earned the right to genocide.

>> No.30974646


>> No.30974647

Bitchin' Kitchen, ID2 edition.

>> No.30974650

Goodbye Yogiri...

>> No.30974654
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, 【Overcooked! 2】holoID Gen 2's Kitchen Sweet Dreams (w Anya & Ollie)【hololiveID 2nd generation】.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7C6-fZlNXs Ollie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkePOiAVXUY Anya
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6oSHxWu8JY Reine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcLvq3QEbG4 Moona
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMKuxjUIsEw Coco ARK
Starting... !

>> No.30974661 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1111x1125, 1606889984644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other holoCN graduate
>Yogiri graduated
Chowa please don't leave ;_;

Absolute state of /hlgg/

>> No.30974669

She did nothing wrong, fuck the 2hus.

>> No.30974668

Reminder that there are literal 10c army members posting in /jp right now

>> No.30974679
File: 235 KB, 1089x990, 6276892a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hugging Gura in a cold winter night!

>> No.30974680
File: 653 KB, 960x864, 1608466757868.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30974752


>> No.30974681

No, why would they?

>> No.30974695

>falseflagging as /hlg/ when /hlg/ is also watching the same stream

>> No.30974696
Quoted by: >>30974744

it is me or luna has been ghosting matsuri and is now best friend with miko?

>> No.30974698

t. /hlg/ archiving her stream

>> No.30974701

I still hate HoloCN, I'm just not shitposting out of respect for the anons here.

>> No.30974703
Quoted by: >>30974790

Gura said she literally got into hololive thanks to Yogiri for one, it's kinda shitty for her not to say anything

>> No.30974704
File: 375 KB, 709x750, D5635B81-2FC1-4A64-9ED9-543CEE627A6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977264

>> No.30974705

Have any holos whatsoever brought up HoloCN at all?

>> No.30974706
File: 58 KB, 571x571, 1596629415800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry friends, but Yogiri's graduation concet has made me way too sad. It doesn't matter where we're at, let's at least wish Yogiri well in her future endeavors and hope she achieves great heights with her singing career.

>> No.30974712
Quoted by: >>30974792

Yogiri is Taiwanese and did nothing wrong. Artia and Civia kneeled before the chinks and attacked Coco.

>> No.30974713

It's almost like their behavior affects their reputation. Not that bugmen would understand what that means.

>> No.30974714
File: 2.85 MB, 1812x2048, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30974716
File: 928 KB, 1080x1478, Screenshot_20201220-141910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30974718

A lick of humanity present

>> No.30974720
File: 513 KB, 1871x978, Hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30974767

>> No.30974722

it's happening

>> No.30974729

So any bets on Yogiri crying when she was sitting down in the dark?

>> No.30974730

Since their graduation? No.

>> No.30974732

Anya your internet reps....

>> No.30974737

You didn't care about Yogiri before...Why?

>> No.30974740
Quoted by: >>30974771

Amelia has.

>> No.30974743

Oh fuck HoloCN, bunch of cunts. But there are people here who seem genuinely sad about her graduation so I'm holding my tongue out of respect.

>> No.30974744
Quoted by: >>30974771

Everyone gets sick of Matsuri's shit eventually. Only Fubuki seems to stick with her long term and that's mostly because she's friends with everyone.
Haachama collabbed with Civia before

>> No.30974745

It's almost like some of us aren't retarded enough to lump the innocent ones in with the others for the crime of being in the same branch

>> No.30974749

No they'll be staying clear of that landmine.

>> No.30974752
File: 3.80 MB, 320x427, yogidance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30974754
File: 57 KB, 112x112, Hololive petia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's good. Artia was a meme from the very start. Meme's get stale eventually.

Yogiri's concert is something I'll unironically remember. The only holoCN i have images saved of
the only exception is petia.

>> No.30974755

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that she didn't sing a single chink song

>> No.30974759
Quoted by: >>30975220

btw Noel mama, imagine being the lucky baby that gets to suck on those MILKERS

>> No.30974760

This but unironically

>> No.30974762
Quoted by: >>30974865

That explains things, it's a weird way to calculate that though compared to simply taking avg views/subs.
I was looking at the ENs, and all of them besides Gura have the same reference number so I have no fucking clue what the "scale" here is

>> No.30974766

>Gura screaming like a flute for help because a stranger is grabbing her!

>> No.30974767
Quoted by: >>30974879

Activate your Windows you stupid chikin

>> No.30974771

I meant post graduation. I imagine they've probably been told to not talk about it.

>> No.30974772

Because I was unfairly prejudiced based on something as stupid as race.

>> No.30974773

No mercy for chinks.

>> No.30974776

Huh. Reine has live rewind on.

>> No.30974777

Anything related to CN can potentially turn into a yab, so there's no chance for that to happen.

>> No.30974778

HoloCN backstabbed their JP compatriots during a time that necessitated unity. Traitors get no qaurter.

Yogiri did nothing and does not deserve to be lumped in with the rest of CN.

>> No.30974781

>multiple streams for Overcooked
What's the point?

>> No.30974782 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 236x224, 1608469546852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN when?

>> No.30974788
Quoted by: >>30975932

thye still cant publicly say Cocos name let alone address the existence of china

>> No.30974790
Quoted by: >>30974816

gura knew hololive becasue of aqua you dumb dumb

>> No.30974792

>Yogiri is Taiwanese
I've yet to see anybody back this up outside of "she didn't stab Coco in the back like the rest"

>> No.30974795

i still don't

>> No.30974796

I don’t now either

>> No.30974798

Getting Anya monetized i guess

>> No.30974801

Amelia did all the time. But after their graduation and everything, she didn't. It was clear she almost said it during Thanksgiving but caught herself

>> No.30974803

I still remember how Anya butchered this song...

>> No.30974809

I'm just here to hear her sing, I'm not going to get emotional or be all
When I didn't watch her prior, that's two faced.

>> No.30974815

So anyone else hopes that holos talked with Yogiri in private about her graduation but do nothing in public to avoid bringing heat on her?

>> No.30974816

how come they haven't interacted at all then besides gura pushing aqua into a bush and killing her on their first meeting

>> No.30974821

they are bullying knife

>> No.30974823

>I've yet to do my archive reps

>> No.30974824

a bunch of japanese women in their 30s larping as literal babbies is more entertaining than ANYTHING holoEN has done in the last few months

how does this make you feel

>> No.30974829

I still don't care

>> No.30974834

She is from Taiwan too, she probably hates bugs as much as everyone else.

>> No.30974833

I didn't have a reason to care about her before.

>> No.30974836
Quoted by: >>30974910

Unfortunately she still has to graduate. If they let the Taiwanese girl be the only holoCN remaining, the bugmen would lose their shit and try to ruin her life.

>> No.30974838

she keeps going on flights on taiwan holidays

>> No.30974839

I didn't and still don't. Sucks for her, but we are better off without any chinese untermenschen.

>> No.30974842
Quoted by: >>30974888

She may not be Taiwanese, but her behaviour isn't typical chinkbug mainlander

>> No.30974844

FUCK this is too sad..
I hope Yogurt finds happines.

>> No.30974845

It's sad and she's having a big dramatic exit

>> No.30974850

>Reine: Ollie is a clown

>> No.30974852

seems like EN still has some self-respect.

>> No.30974857

Makes me feel sad that I share this thread with absolute dipshits like you.

>> No.30974858
Quoted by: >>30974918

So for Miko's stream they have these placards with other holo's pictures in front of them, what are those? The best mamas or what?

>> No.30974860

I was Lamy and her magical healing milk was my mom

>> No.30974862

I don't speak chink, but she's got a nice voice.

>> No.30974865
Quoted by: >>30974994

It's comparing against accounts with the similar subscriber counts. A small, young account will have more dedicated subs and higher views relative to subs compared to a large account.

>> No.30974867

To these people, if you speak Chinese but aren't a James Bond villain, you're Taiwanese

>> No.30974868

SC to your Oshi.

>> No.30974869
Quoted by: >>30974965

I mean, that's kinda enough when it comes to China
Destroying China's international image is mandated by law there

>> No.30974877
Quoted by: >>30974923

Aqua is so autistic she can't talk to waiters to order food, a collab with a language barrier would be hell for her

>> No.30974879

too lazy

>> No.30974882

becasue gura doesnt know japanese
also she knew hololive becasue fo her but i think its her favorite.
Shion would be or at least the one she has tried to tlk to trought discord and google translate but she realize the language barrier is still too great.

>> No.30974888
Quoted by: >>30975012

Neither do their spies.

>> No.30974889
File: 132 KB, 410x598, 1607955649103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this bitch!

>> No.30974898

It feels like you have shit taste

>> No.30974899

She streams on bilibili

>> No.30974901

Goodbye Yogurt

>> No.30974903 [DELETED] 
File: 421 KB, 800x860, EhEK0FdU4AAbxnI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30974928

Yogiri SUCK, she can't sing

>> No.30974904
File: 240 KB, 384x529, abw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[en]: i hope people remember me. I know i'll remember y'all

>> No.30974907

Go back to /hlg/

>> No.30974910
Quoted by: >>30975018

They already did that, accused her of being anti-Chinese before the T incident. She was hated for not being a mainlander.

>> No.30974914

this is true!

>> No.30974915

So this thread can numberfag over their view counts.

>> No.30974917

>they haven't interacted at all besides that time where they interacted

>> No.30974920
File: 3.21 MB, 1580x2106, ollie9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your nationality and do you love Ollie?

>> No.30974918
Quoted by: >>30974997

yes they're voting for who was best mama

>> No.30974923

Apparently she played Apex with Ame but I don't think they streamed it?

Gura's a Haaton anyway, Aqua was just her gateway holo

>> No.30974925

and the birthday tweets

>> No.30974926

>never watched an ark stream before
>tune into cocos
>purple lady with a massive ass and rich piana tier arms flying around
what the fuck is this game

>> No.30974928

Can Shion? Serious question.

>> No.30974930
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 1600422392574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been following and watching Yogiri's karaoke streams since forever because I've always said she has one of the top singing voices in Hololive but nobody cared because she was HoloCN. Now that she's graduating everyone realizes howw much talent she has. Even though this will be the only stream most of /hlgg/ will watch, I'm at least glad that everyone has finally realized how great Yogiri is.

>> No.30974931

[I had thought, would would I do if I cry]

>> No.30974932

Russian American

>> No.30974942

Bilibili. I feel dirty watching it now.. Hopefully VPN, NM and incognito mode will be enough.

>> No.30974945
File: 585 KB, 1500x750, yogurt's revenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugmen OUT
The True Chinese People will rise again.

>> No.30974948

Fuck man...

>> No.30974947

welcome to the ark experience

>> No.30974950

thats the ark experience you make te most popeye looking motherfucker and go hit dinos and die

>> No.30974952

Why does Coco like Arc so damn much?

>> No.30974954
Quoted by: >>30974991

Italian by blood
Leaf by birth
Best HoloID by far.

>> No.30974965
Quoted by: >>30975168

>Destroying China's international image is mandated by law there
You're doing a great job of that yourselves without our help, chang.

>> No.30974972
File: 76 KB, 270x270, 270px-Yogiri_-_Portrait_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Yogiri also spread the idea that they would get to keep their avatars after graduating? I'm still unsure if Artia and Civia were spreading this in order to pressure Cover into letting them keep their avatars, or if it was genuinely Cn management fucking up. If Yogiri was telling people that too, then I would believe that it was the latter.

>> No.30974977

I want to be crushed to death by Moona's /CALORIEMAXX/ body

>> No.30974978
Quoted by: >>30975155

>99.99999% bug language with a couple of "nigger" inbetween
>graduation with a significant chunk of english

>> No.30974985

[am I going to give up everyone after my graduation?]

>> No.30974988

You know on TV shows they make fake videogames and it looks like ass and it makes no sense? They were actually just showing Ark.

>> No.30974991
Quoted by: >>30975078

Thoughts on Pizza Dad?

>> No.30974989

>what the fuck is this game
One of the worst games ever for streaming.

>> No.30974994
Quoted by: >>30976435

Yes but it clearly considers Mori's 800k+ "similar" to ina/kiara's 600k+
Which is I guess similar in the broader scope but somewhat missleading

>> No.30974996

>Entirely sings in Japanese
What did she mean by this?

>> No.30974997

Thanks, context indicates that but I wasn't sure.

>> No.30974999
Quoted by: >>30975048

Did they decide to focus more on not-speaking-English-for-the-majority-of-the-time?

>> No.30975003

japan in general like arks
is a mix of mineraft and pokemon

>> No.30975004

murrikkan and yepperoini

>> No.30975002

The game is still shit tho

>> No.30975009

Yeah nah she's alright

>> No.30975011

As somebody with 4k hours in it
Its one of those games where the grinding for resources is painful but when you finally accomplish it you get a MASSIVE good-feel.

That and the 30v30 server raids with your bros

>> No.30975012

Their spies try to say positive shit about China whenever they could, I was called a liberal / /pol/fag for saying I could read their language and rightfully hating the CNs save for Yogurt.

>> No.30975015
File: 160 KB, 1100x1000, towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are ENs having Japanese lessons?
It seems JPs are learning English in addition to their Chinese classes(I heard Pekora was having it), dance lessons, and probably song lessons. It'd be much too hard. Not all of them are middle aged women who need some stimulation in their boring lives. And it's not fair. Ens should have some kind of lessons as well. Cali seems learning things, and Kiara and Ina have their skills. But what about Gura or Ame? They should have lessons too, like Indonesian or Cooking.

>> No.30975018

Poor girl, she just wanted to sing and be a baby on stream...

>> No.30975022
Quoted by: >>30975280

She didn't
Only Artia and Civia talked about it happening

>> No.30975023

[en]: you know how some small animals don't stay in one place? they like to... travel? migrate?

>> No.30975024

Name a nice sounding Chinese song

>> No.30975025

it keeps happening

>> No.30975026
File: 118 KB, 960x540, 2cd0i2msuh261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mede me check. Live views for:
Ollie: 1.5k
Pavolia: 1k
Anya: 660

>> No.30975029

Sure by Reine is my oshi

>> No.30975030
File: 537 KB, 744x639, 1578566822106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmm, crunchy bug

>> No.30975040

I started here in EN and never used Bilibili. I wish I knew her before, anon.

>> No.30975046
Quoted by: >>30975280

I believe it was Rosalyn who started all that shit.
Yogiri wasn't involved in any of the drama.

>> No.30975047

It's what she's good at. Also why the Chinese thought she was a jap spy.

>> No.30975048
Quoted by: >>30975082

On their solo streams, that seems to be the case.
I don't know what the fuck is up with collabs though, but I get that it feels weird to speak in not your native language with someone that also speaks it.

>> No.30975055

Ame is learning Japanese but she's also Ame so it's probably not gonna go anywhere. Gura probably isn't and won't.

>> No.30975058

>self dox bait in 4c
>on seanig hours
not surprising

>> No.30975059

Nothing because I am enjoying any form of entertainment available to me

>> No.30975061

Teletubbies girl! I'll always remember you!

>> No.30975065
Quoted by: >>30975156

>I was called a liberal
Ah our resident liberal is back I see! Still no fucking clue what that was about.

>> No.30975069

[en]: (g) this isn't an end; this is a new beginning

>> No.30975072

Well, Kiara didn't retweet the lewd Mamaloni art but she at least liked it.

>> No.30975078

Haven't looked too too much into him. But his character design looks like an absolute Chad compared to the other twink designs.

And he apparently likes SteveMRE and is doing eigo reps so He's good by me.

Also Stereotypical Italian culture is considered a meme by italians and we appreciate it when other countries care about us in a non "they suck at war lol" way

>> No.30975079
Quoted by: >>30975141

Ni she nae nigga nae nae nigga nigga nae nae

>> No.30975081
File: 549 KB, 1809x1920, EprWF-uU8AE4k83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977897

>> No.30975082

do you think pekora felt weird talking in her peko voice to her mom

>> No.30975085
Quoted by: >>30975166

How come ID gen 2 has way better stream layout than their JP senpais?
The way the avatar of the 2D cutouts have an idle and lit up speaking animation looks really good.

>> No.30975086

whats this xxtxx popping up all over the stream?

>> No.30975087

Based TWposter

>> No.30975093


>> No.30975094
File: 707 KB, 1280x2880, 1603617799230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Artia will always be allowed in these threads because she was in fact a part of hololive.

>> No.30975096
File: 424 KB, 892x893, 1587596717035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30975159


>> No.30975097

Ame and Gura can't do anything even if they wanted to, Gura said she's been watching idol dance videos and practicing her singing while moving

>> No.30975099

Written by the People's Liberation Army General Political Department in 2005
Still sounds nice

>> No.30975102

Does Pekomom felt weird talking in her Pekomom voice to Pekora?

>> No.30975105
File: 8 KB, 226x223, wata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so it's probably not gonna go anywhere
She'll make it.

>> No.30975107


>> No.30975108
File: 543 KB, 834x1200, noel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30975310

>do you want rushia or noel for mama?

milk starvation vs milk tank.

>> No.30975116

Make like a traitor and go hang yourself

>> No.30975117
Quoted by: >>30975156

If they are actually that incompetent, which I'm doubtful of.

>> No.30975120

She was on he way to graduate, Chinese sucks and fuck using bilibili
I did listen to her songs when people posted them there

>> No.30975125

fuck off chang

>> No.30975126

[en]: actually i've achieved most of my dreams, so

>> No.30975127


>> No.30975129

where did this come from?

>> No.30975130

Greetings from /f/

>> No.30975135

Anya...your pc...

>> No.30975138
Quoted by: >>30975276

>peko voice
The one she uses all the time peko?

>> No.30975140
File: 509 KB, 590x654, 1604061438352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30975141

Fucking base

>> No.30975143


>> No.30975148
File: 1.32 MB, 3106x4096, 1608256523653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image from one of her clipped stream

>> No.30975149

>Chinese classes(I heard Pekora was having it)
I guess they can drop that now. Gura isn't smart enough to learn a language and probably needs adhd medication anyways. JPs have to learn english because currently the market expands into EOP territory. It's not as important for ENs to learn japanese because there are enough EOPs anyways and you thinking that it would be "fair" certainly isn't an argument.

>> No.30975154

Don't do this. This is what the chinks want, for Chinese to think that anyone who doesn't harass people that they declare as targets are their enemy.

>> No.30975155
File: 155 KB, 453x466, 1600710051924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30975373

>Didn't shit talk any of her coworkers or Coco to appease bug men, literally made her twitter to just chat with fans and her mama

>Literal bitch who didn't give a fuck about Hololive and their idol practices and swiftly talked shit about Coco and Haachama

>> No.30975156
Quoted by: >>30975238

I don't either, shit was weird. How can you be a liberal AND a polfag?

There was one last thread praising knockoff Amazon, they're def still here.

>> No.30975159

i love this bitch

>> No.30975166
Quoted by: >>30975232

Ina had that for a while though?

>> No.30975168
Quoted by: >>30975248


>> No.30975172

[Again, thank you everyone for coming today]
i cant provide real time translate. because the cooldown. sorry for that

>> No.30975182

Don't worry, I still don't.

>> No.30975186

The way they lit up everytime they speak is honestly very cute, especially anya

>> No.30975188
File: 600 KB, 908x1285, EpoDnVrVEAEaic_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30975191
File: 15 KB, 400x267, neg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's been watching idol dance videos and practicing her singing while moving
Isn't it some sort of child neglecting?

>> No.30975200
Quoted by: >>30975231

It's also always allowed to call her a traitor

>> No.30975211

nooo... I know the lyrics of this song, chowappi pls...

>> No.30975213
File: 243 KB, 518x874, 1608466522746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30975267

Yes, Artia and the whole of CN branch are and will always be on-topic.
Their roommates and whatever they do after is not.

>> No.30975216
Quoted by: >>30975253

This kind of shit is genuinely enough for me to strongly desire that the chinks be nuked out of existence tbqh.

>> No.30975220

>Sucking Noel's milkers

So do what Flare has been doing for a while?

>> No.30975224

I knew she was one of the good ones from CN, I made sure to watch this final stream of hers cause she was the one to never deserve the shit the zhangs put through all of Hololive. This girl has an amazing voice and I can only hope that she is able to pursue an artistic career in the future despite how autistic bugmen are

>> No.30975231
Quoted by: >>30975578

Even when it is a lie. It's okay. We all knoe /hlgh/ is full of liars.

>> No.30975232

Only the lit up part, but no difference between the idle and speaking 2D portrait, at least the last time I've seen her collab stream.

>> No.30975234

good OP

>> No.30975235
File: 1.51 MB, 2048x1586, 1599382063765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30975288

what a very conflicting stream I'm watching Yogiri graduation in one screen and baby stream in another. I'm laughing and feeling sad at the same time

>> No.30975236
File: 27 KB, 433x368, 1608347784046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright KFP, I know you faggots are discord niggers. Why the fuck is there a General_CN channel in the fucking fan discord?

>> No.30975238
Quoted by: >>30975355

Thats no spy. I'm talking about intelligence agents, HUMINT not the other kinds.

>> No.30975243

>Yuki No Hana

...why must you leave?

>> No.30975248


>> No.30975252
File: 240 KB, 1200x1920, EoRILq8UUAEW2cF-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30975461

>Gura probably isn't and won't.
Gura definitely knows more but doesn't show it

>> No.30975253

There's going to be a war in the South China Sea sooner or later.

>> No.30975264
File: 145 KB, 1120x1574, 1606887870108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP kneels to the CCP. Kiara is just a frontman for subverting western values and converting them into mindless drones.

>> No.30975267
Quoted by: >>30975354

>Their roommates and whatever they do after is not
Just watch. I'll post Artia reincarnation so discreetly even schizos here won't notice.

>> No.30975268
File: 162 KB, 537x657, Hololive pekora 1 chang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977917

I kinda of love Arita's design because it's so fucking bad that it sticks in my mind. Making fun of her feels like beating a sick dog but at the same time that dog was a major piece of shit and was ugly as hell. I just wanna piss on her head but never anything worse than that.

>> No.30975276

There is no way she talks like that in real life.

>> No.30975280
Quoted by: >>30975676

So Artia, Civia, and Rosalyn were the Judas's of Holo Cn?

>> No.30975281

Watching from the dagger's pov is a nightmare, but i'll persist if it means she gets monetized

>> No.30975288
File: 250 KB, 368x409, 1598861102925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i decided not to watch baby stream live; i'll catch the vod later
gotta pay respects to yogiri

>> No.30975292

Fuck off with your discord shit.

>> No.30975293
Quoted by: >>30975379

Artia is the reason there is no HololiveCN. Nice try, chang.

>> No.30975294

That does sound weird coming from what is essentially deep fried /pol/

>> No.30975296
Quoted by: >>30975319

Someone help me out here, why do I know this song?

>> No.30975297 [DELETED] 
File: 506 KB, 833x1011, anya (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anya a cute!

>> No.30975298
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1582762591817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit this Yogiri concert is making my eyes water and my heart shatter. Why does such a beautiful sounding girl have to be forced to go through something like this?

>> No.30975301

ghosthunters soon, Casper

>> No.30975307

Do not forget to disable adblock too

>> No.30975310
Quoted by: >>30975574

Is it actually true that large breasts can store more milk?

>> No.30975315
File: 30 KB, 280x350, moririn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because there are enough EOPs anyways and you thinking that it would be "fair" certainly isn't an argument.
That arrogance was what made GM and Ford fail. Ens shouldn't follow their footsteps.

>> No.30975318
Quoted by: >>30975418

this IS the happy note: She finally performed as an idol, 3D on a stage for her audience

>> No.30975319


>> No.30975324

Oh shit Yogurt

>> No.30975335

I can fap to that.

>> No.30975339

I do the same.

>> No.30975340

Strange considering the KFP discord is just sanitised /pol/, I'm guess it's some kind of joke.

>> No.30975343

>anya's fucking potato can't handle this kusoge


>> No.30975344


>> No.30975348

Fuck, her stage is pretty fucking cool

>> No.30975355

Oh, you mean ACTUAL spies and not retards on 4chin. Yeah, you're right.

>> No.30975354


>> No.30975357

She just choked up a bit... Yogi...

>> No.30975359
File: 858 KB, 600x494, down down down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please pick a fucking language you stupid bitches

>> No.30975375
File: 874 KB, 800x1199, EojPmDZVgAAunuV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN is VERY popular in Taiwan. 90% of the HoloEN cosplays are Taiwanese people. That InAme comic artist you always see his stuff get posted here is also Taiwanese. There are shit tons of CN subbed clips of HoloEN, all people from Taiwan. You know they speak Chinese right?

>> No.30975370

Because Cover cares for their talents!

>> No.30975373

Why would Civia talk shit about Haachama? Haachama never wished harm on anybody.

>> No.30975379

Wrong. Artia did nothing. Cover was the one to egg the chinks on after posting that stupid wrong different announcement for the chinks.

>> No.30975384

>That tear wipe

>> No.30975386
Quoted by: >>30975624

i fear the day the coco En ban is lifted and she infects them with a virus far worse than winnie the virus.
she infects them with ark
ame specifically is autistic enough for this kind of game

>> No.30975396


>> No.30975398


>> No.30975399

Bye bye...

>> No.30975401
File: 1.72 MB, 546x251, Larsithurts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye bye...

>> No.30975407

Bye bye Yogurt...

>> No.30975409

she's gone now...

>> No.30975411


>> No.30975412
File: 169 KB, 1500x1321, 1604429801501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30975479

We're taking down the CCP.

>> No.30975416

Ina Ina Ina.

>> No.30975418

You know Yagoo feels bad for Yogurt and believes she wasn't part of the bugswarm. No way he would allow her to do this otherwise.

>> No.30975420


>> No.30975422

Does it count if the video is paused?

>> No.30975421


>> No.30975423
Quoted by: >>30975488

It was a hit recently

>> No.30975427

... Her mom hears that voice all the time coming from Pekora's room.

>> No.30975432
File: 305 KB, 509x605, r8lycbzbq5q51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank for your efforts Liang, you are a good one.

>> No.30975433
Quoted by: >>30975872

Uh, that's an interesting comparison but US auto manufacturers not learning Japanese is not why.

>> No.30975442
File: 768 KB, 733x632, bye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye bye, Yogiri

>> No.30975446


>> No.30975451

Farewell yogurt...

>> No.30975450
Quoted by: >>30975508

Maybe if she didn't encourage, and join in with the antis, she would still be here.

>> No.30975453

Fuck, she's tearing up. Fuck bugs, man. You were too good for that branch, Yog. Hope she lands on her feet.

>> No.30975455

>GM and Ford
That sounds like a false equivalency but I don't care enough about cars to research that.

>> No.30975456
Quoted by: >>30975559

Nice try Artia discordnigger but that was on the chink managers not Cover.

>> No.30975457
Quoted by: >>30975547

Should've been general_tw then

>> No.30975461

she knows random short phrases from anime only it seemed like..

>> No.30975462

Goodbye Yogiri, I hope your future is going to be bright.

>> No.30975470

Wait we're discord niggers? I only use 4chan

>> No.30975472
Quoted by: >>30975626

thank you for your service

>> No.30975475

Fuck there's the waterworks.

>> No.30975477

>flambé sushi

>> No.30975479

>TW allies.
Alright. You guys are cool. Cheers.

>> No.30975484

That was a pretty kino graduation stream.

>> No.30975485

This is actually sad. Thanks for everything yogurt.

>> No.30975488
File: 966 KB, 1262x1080, 1608357421527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you motherfucker got me a chuckle

>> No.30975490

Is yogear the last CN?

>> No.30975492

Part of the plan, we are recruiting people in CN to bring down the CCP and put KFP as the new order

>> No.30975494
File: 889 KB, 1287x726, Bye Bye [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fkg4r09.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of the line.
Yogiri, I wish you the best.
Thank you for everything.
You will always be Hololive.

>> No.30975498

Kiara's roomate is affiliated with the Austrian communist party (puppet of the CCP) and went to Japan to spy and destroy the idol industry from the inside (the she failed miserably and joined Hololive).

>> No.30975503
File: 20 KB, 232x202, 1605709140047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30975505

Farewell bugmen...

>> No.30975507
Quoted by: >>30975555


>> No.30975508

She didn't though.

>> No.30975509
File: 476 KB, 500x264, 1360674581355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't cry because it ended, smile because it happened

>> No.30975510

Thank u for the journey, Yogiri! We will support u whenever and wherever u are. See ya later!

>> No.30975515

left in style and grace, bye bye Yogurt

>> No.30975528


>> No.30975527
Quoted by: >>30975619

Yes, the rest were all emergency graduated immediately.

>> No.30975536


>> No.30975537
Quoted by: >>30975602

I mean, you're still going to be wrong, but do elaborate on this wrong announcement of yours.

>> No.30975539

I had a rather intense dream where I made out with a mentally ill 60 year old. Should I burden Amelia with this?

>> No.30975540
File: 1.92 MB, 1596x898, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until we meet again Yogurt

>> No.30975541

Bye bye Yogiri. Hope you have a bright future.

>> No.30975542

Is the CN arc finally over?

>> No.30975547

There is no Taiwan. Only China and an imposter larping as China.

>> No.30975550
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x1641, mama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miko baby-mama stream is at 60k viewers right now meanwhile holoEN isn't degenerate enough for this kind of stream.

>> No.30975552
File: 13 KB, 207x244, kiarahasagun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not today Casper

>> No.30975553

Fuck man. Goodbye Yogiri

>> No.30975555
Quoted by: >>30975653


>> No.30975558

someone tell me the title of this yogurt ED song

>> No.30975559

Oh when Cover fucks up, you blame the manager. When the talent fucks up, you blame the talent themselves. Disgusting double standards.

>> No.30975562
File: 852 KB, 3840x2160, msedge_ZIrSI5THol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit. May her future be bright.

>> No.30975566
File: 107 KB, 1200x714, 20201220_132227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate her stream

>> No.30975570

>sad becasue yogiri is gone
>happy becasue holoCN is fucking dead

>> No.30975569
Quoted by: >>30975680

Hmm, yes, hold the line brave wolf warriors.

>> No.30975572

And that's a good thing.

>> No.30975574

Breast size does not actually affect milk production, it's just a meme

>> No.30975576

Never forget the dreams that the zhangs destroyed, Yorgut was able to give us a final amazing 3d performance but at what cost?... Hoping she can continue with her music talent but otherwise a truly bittersweet end to something that could have not happened if Zhangs weren't such shit heads over a simple flag

>> No.30975578


>> No.30975582
File: 75 KB, 1095x778, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30975716

>Ame and Gura can't do anything even if they wanted to
And why do you constantly insulting them in that way? Are you bullying them because they are, objectively, the cutest ones of ENs? Or do you think they're siestas ones you can make cry?
Grow up please?

>> No.30975583

Is this masturbation

>> No.30975585

You are overestimating the number of EOPs who would be interested in content Hololive provides.

>> No.30975588

10/10, everything it should've been.

>> No.30975589

imagine having a slidey face weirdo as your mom

>> No.30975599
File: 522 KB, 1043x576, JUMP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30975601

Feels like I'm really eating at a Chinese restaurant.

>> No.30975602
Quoted by: >>30975661

Fucking lurk newfag.

>> No.30975609

aaaaaand the CN branch is dead.

>> No.30975619

no, doris and rosalyn are still around until the 26th and 27th, respectively, according to the press release. yog was the last one anyone cared about outside china, though.

>> No.30975624

I've played a bit of ark, but never really watched any holo streams of it, what's their server setup like? because default ark is the slowest most miserable game in existence, massively speeding up things like taming, increasing resources yields and harvesting speeds makes it a lot more playable.

>> No.30975626
File: 2.64 MB, 3024x3024, DSC_0081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your welcome. i try to give people in here some translate for last time...
drink to yogiri

>> No.30975629

At long last, the mistake that was the CN branch has been officially corrected.

>> No.30975633

she finally achieved her dream of performing on stage. I'm happy for her.

>> No.30975634

Incoming Coco spam

>> No.30975635

hope she can find happiness/10

>> No.30975636
Quoted by: >>30975795

is far bigger than china thats for sure and thats what cover saw

>> No.30975644

Is there a way to see streamlabs earnings?

>> No.30975646

How am I overestimating them? Just look at holoEN. There is basically no japanese chat there while (some) have mostly english chat.

>> No.30975648

So did it end? Is this just her outro music?

>> No.30975653

You’ll never be successful and will always be a failure

>> No.30975654

The perfect 3d debut/Graduation

>> No.30975658

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.30975661

>Discordnigger telling a thread regular to lurk instead of posting proof.
Convincing argument, zhang.

>> No.30975663

10/10 as it should be

>> No.30975667


>> No.30975673


>> No.30975674
File: 171 KB, 1756x1080, Screenshot_20201220-152634__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, looks like it's starting to rain anons...

>> No.30975676

i love how there are always 0 links or screenshots, even in archives you can hardly find anything except verbal accusations

>> No.30975679
Quoted by: >>30975989

she did tho, chinky.
Well not "Artia" but her "roommate" if you want to be rectal about it.

>> No.30975680

And what does that mean anon? Please post everything here in context. I'm sure everyone would thank you for BTFO the chinks.

>> No.30975681
File: 4 KB, 46x68, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was pretty good, she almost cried at the end as well

>> No.30975693

Unlike you I'm capable of holding people to account for their actions, views and behaviours. I hope you enjoy your chink propaganda mouthpieces when they come back and totally blow any illusions you may have had about their innocence in this out of the water.

>> No.30975696


>> No.30975699

>Discord nigger
What discord is that, nigger?

>> No.30975700

I hope she escapes China/10
Though she's probably going to reeducation camp soon for not being anti-hololive

>> No.30975706

I'm real curious why you think so, anon. Considering all of the evidence to the contrary.

>> No.30975710
File: 123 KB, 366x378, 1604645566359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you still kiss the shark even if she had covid?

>> No.30975712

The CN arc is over... the curse of the 25th has yet to happen, expect bugmen to go at full force now

>> No.30975715

>he's in the main server

>> No.30975716
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 1605788711771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30975722
Quoted by: >>30975798

Did Coco say anything about Yogiri's graduation?

>> No.30975723

Perfect 10/10

>> No.30975725
Quoted by: >>30975801

The answer is probably to pick up Japanese/English and an additional language that is close to the respective Holo in addition to the Holo's mother tongue.
Slowly but surely forming foundations for different-language 0th Holo-generations that could pull people into the EN and JP branches.

>> No.30975726


>> No.30975731

someone tell me the title of her outro song. i wanna listen to it over and over again

>> No.30975734

Holy shit. 2 at once.

>> No.30975738

One of the best 3Ds in terms of bringing the character to life.

>> No.30975744

Bittersweet. Yogiri is the proper holo to give the CN arc this kino send-off.. 11/10.

>> No.30975747
File: 3.64 MB, 1334x750, 9A6164EE-2529-44BB-8582-869DC128430D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful 20/10

>> No.30975746

First and Last 3D stream. It's filled with emotion/10
Proper Graduation/10

>> No.30975748
File: 320 KB, 364x672, KiaraLove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate bugmen graduate stream now!

>> No.30975753
Quoted by: >>30975838

I truly hope she finds happiness and if she comes back someday to us I'll welcome her with open arms / 10

>> No.30975755

About fucking time.

>> No.30975756


>> No.30975758

Sure, I'm already immune.

>> No.30975762

She says peko in real life when going on shopping trips and shit with the other girls

>> No.30975763
File: 197 KB, 597x720, pedomee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30975765
File: 138 KB, 463x453, 1607559517340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tune in
>hear baboon language
>tune out

>> No.30975766


>> No.30975767

How is Christmas cursed?

>> No.30975771
File: 61 KB, 512x657, 1608466051056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will always be beautiful!
Cheers bros!

>> No.30975772


>> No.30975774
File: 161 KB, 1024x660, Chinese_republic_forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5/5 Banners

>> No.30975783

lurk more

>> No.30975787

My man, you should check your images before you post them...

>> No.30975790
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 1584662247021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She fucking achieved her wish of giving all of her fans a wonderful concert when she got her 3D. I sincerly hope she finds success in the future, wherever it may take her. The perfect 10/10.

>> No.30975791
Quoted by: >>30975940

Does Bilibili archive so I can watch the bits I missed? Or better yet hope someone reuploads it.

>> No.30975793

Of course.

>> No.30975795

I'd argue that chinks are far more into weeb shit on average. I'm not saying that pandering to PRC is a good idea though, but the lack of audience isn't the reason.

How much has HoloEN viewership grown since the debuts?

>> No.30975794

I hope she will be fine/10

>> No.30975798


>> No.30975800

Good riddance. Never do business with the fucking ch*nese.

>> No.30975801

>Slowly but surely forming foundations for different-language 0th Holo-generations that could pull people into the EN and JP branches.
That should indeed be the goal but I don't think that the current EN generation will fail because ame and gura are slow/too retarded to learn japanese

>> No.30975804
Quoted by: >>30975880

>full force
aka just spam chats
their coco spams was pretty week as of lately. They just get railed up one day and then lose steam they days after.

>> No.30975806

That's because Nips at least know a small amount of English to give basic chat reactions. The vast majority of EOPs don't know any Japanese.

>> No.30975809
File: 113 KB, 433x380, bye 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck dude....

>> No.30975810
File: 414 KB, 220x145, wot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never get why this fetish is so famous with Japanese, even the Yakuza games have this shit as a reoccurring sidequest and characters.
Its like germans and scat or burgers and blacked cuckshit

>> No.30975815


>> No.30975819

I still don't know who that is other than she's from CN branch. Also, billibilli.

>> No.30975821
File: 613 KB, 2694x4096, 1608178140875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Ello... Subscroybe to moy youchewb channul.

>> No.30975838

She's probably on a list to get disappeared for a lack of patriotism. Although I'm sure her organs will live on in someone else.

>> No.30975846
Quoted by: >>30975864

They'r probably not allowe to. When someone graduates, it's like they wipe all memory of them ever existing. Even mentioning Aloe's name is considered a big yab, here's no way they're allowed to talk about CN in any context now. Not even in the past tense.

>> No.30975850

I'm glad holobugmen are gone now/10

>> No.30975855

Anya will incline when the collab ban is over and she can hang out with gen1, you'll see

>> No.30975857

brits really do be like that haha

>> No.30975864
Quoted by: >>30976258

But the other holo5s have mentioned Aloe a bunch of times

>> No.30975865
File: 590 KB, 1200x826, 86100676_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope (you) all have a good Christmas, even if (you) have to spend it alone.

>> No.30975866

Goodbye Boss.

>> No.30975869

>How much has HoloEN viewership grown since the debuts?
They got between 625k ant 1.7 mil subs. Are you some unironic chink trying to pretend that pulling out of china was a mistake?

>> No.30975870

They know anime words.

>> No.30975872
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, okayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant, they(auto companies) didn't study the market of Japan and had been leisurely selling their products in their own market, and it ended up like that.
Once JPs like Korone or Subaru get decent skills of English, ENs' dominance in EOP market will be devastated, and then Gura and Ame will fall in legacy costs.

>> No.30975873

10/10 Hope she has a good life.

>> No.30975874

Ageplay is unironically either lolicon or psuedo incest.
"W-What are you doing S-step-bro" that pornhub is doing is basically fucking your younger sister- the roleplay

Why the japs go all the way down to 5 year olds.... that i dont get

>> No.30975875

The ones that do are likely to type romaji too, which doesn't necessarily look like japanese when the chats going a mile a minute.

>> No.30975877
File: 3 KB, 221x58, 1607848711744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you guys start caring (or pretending) about the this CN girl graduating when the bugmen is still shitting up the main branch whenever someone does something with the orange bitch.
Anyway I guess I'll return in a thread or two, this is worse than the shit you guys usually posts in these threads.

>> No.30975880

Because Coco turned on member-only chats, which counts as a "victory" according to the bugs.

>> No.30975881

I luv veechoobas

>> No.30975885

>Cover fuckup
You mean that "wrong annoucement" you can't post proof of? I have no obligation to do archive reps for someone I actively dislike, it is on you to convince me. That you fail to produce anything of note is telling.

>> No.30975888

How can not you blame Coco? All she fucking needs to do is not be a numberfag and not read a demographic which Haachama already got shit on and apologized for reading it and none of this would happen. Now they lose a sponsorship and they lost 5 talents, one of them is Yogiri which did nothing wrong

>> No.30975890

10/10 everything it needed to be

>> No.30975895


>> No.30975902

JPs are pretty "respectful" when it comes to chatting in other places, they restrain themselves a lot but, as the mirror we are, they come out once summoned
JP: Hey Guys! = EN: Konnichiha

>> No.30975904

Yogiri did nothing wrong.

>> No.30975905

And yogiri got half a million views on her graduation despite being the least subbed holoCN. When the FUCK have any of the ENs pulled those kind of live views?

>> No.30975906

You’ll never be accepted by anyone

>> No.30975910

And the vast majority will never learn any japanese. Nips knowing english is just another argument why it's not that bad if Gura and ame are slow with learning japanese

>> No.30975915

It's because the Japanese nuclear family crashed and burned and produced an entire generation of maladjusted adult children.

>> No.30975916
Quoted by: >>30976021

The thumbnail made it seem that Ame was full of injuries

>> No.30975917
Quoted by: >>30976044

2 of them are top 3 on terms of views and they all are top 10 on suscribers like alwasy.
So they are doing far better than the CN branch did.
Chinks might be into weeb shit, but are not willing to pay for it.

>> No.30975921

>timelooped back to predebut where some cunt is STILL pushing the "EOPs won't watch chuubas" meme
Holy fuck

>> No.30975920

fuck off

>> No.30975931

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.30975932
Quoted by: >>30976093

gura dedicated a song to coco when she was banned

>> No.30975934

So is this proof that its not yabai to make fun of the British?
Thank christ. I was getting my daily anglo hate directly injected into me from /pol/ for the past decade.

>> No.30975940

Channel is getting deletion now
Go to /hlg/ for archive

>> No.30975942

>Once JPs like Korone or Subaru get decent skills of English
lmao not happening for a long time based on their current skills.

>> No.30975954
Quoted by: >>30976151

I think it's kind of sad that Kiara gets harassed simply for having a similar hair color to Coco despite having otherwise nothing to do with the situation

>> No.30975960

str8 up bloody luv veechoobas me
watch em evry nite wiv me mam
she luvs that gowar goorah wiv the funny 'ood an sharp peggies

>> No.30975962

Why would she apologize when she didnt do anything wrong?

>> No.30975961

>trusting chinese numbers
Comparing the graduation stream is retarded. Of course people will watch that. How many viewers did she get on normal streams?

>> No.30975965

Perfect. I pray that she finds success and happiness in whatever she does.

>> No.30975966

not christmas but every god damn 25, lurk more and do your archive reps on adjacent days

>> No.30975975

What happened to Hololive general?

>> No.30975978

I mean that's how you handle bugmens regularly - ignoring them. The girl just wanted to sing.

>> No.30975989
Quoted by: >>30976157

>anti Taiwan is anti hololive
>2016 attack
>no clear connection
>circumstantial evidence
>no mention that the alleged roommate is in shanghai while she is in america
>no evidence
>limited mandarin
>out of context

>> No.30975993

>And yogiri got half a million views on her graduation despite being the least subbed holoCN. When the FUCK have any of the ENs pulled those kind of live views?
That would matter if the cut Cover got from BiliBili were comparable to the Youtube cut. Its not, because BiliBili are even greedier jews than youtube.

>> No.30975994

We merged.

>> No.30976006
Quoted by: >>30976071

Still exists >>30972848

>> No.30976008

There's no general

>> No.30976010

>Accept call from holoID and holoEN
A-chan love!

>> No.30976012

Bilibili lies about their viewership numbers. She only got 5k in superchats for her 3D debut + graduation. Mori gets 5k in superchats for an hour and a half of Minecraft

>> No.30976014

Jesus christ that chinkbot spam

>> No.30976019

botan mama? for real? wtf is this rigged shit

>> No.30976020

ive been watching ark for over 30 minutes out of sheer curiousity

>> No.30976021
File: 159 KB, 1099x1407, 1605371355629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's dead, jack

>> No.30976022
File: 13 KB, 336x300, perkele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when was it yab to make fun of the british?

>> No.30976028

Nothing that China produces has any value whatsoever. Everything is fake, inflated and outright falsified. It's in your nature and actively encouraged by your government. Literally the only thing of worth that China has produced since the PRC took over is Corona.

>> No.30976030

their own autism is being the end of them. >>30972848

>> No.30976032

It's just banter m8.

>> No.30976036

We merged.

>> No.30976037
File: 64 KB, 1000x376, 1607441013458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30976038

You mean on the platform where accounts can pay for themselves to count for more views? Was literally posted last thread.

>> No.30976044

Chinese have the dual buff of being poor as shit and also being fucking thieves. Paying for things isn't in their DNA.

>> No.30976047

Kiara gets those views during her graduation

>> No.30976051
File: 327 KB, 612x407, 16078225971401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle Chang you better come look at this,
There's a white man standing in the street...

>> No.30976058
Quoted by: >>30976134

A stream from 9-28 lasting 2 hours got 2k views.

>> No.30976061
File: 3.08 MB, 900x4050, 1607755132648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30976141

We are whole again

>> No.30976068

Bullshit. Market is already oversaturated. You think I'll watch more of Korone or Subaru because they'll speak english? I can't keep up even with the girls who are speaking english on native level. Fuck, I don't even need EN Gen2, I have enough on my hands already. Горшочек, больше не вари!

>> No.30976069
File: 223 KB, 431x555, s0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm openly racist to the brits every damn day and not once has anyone disagreed with me on it

>> No.30976071


>> No.30976072

>How can not you blame Coco?
Because she didn't do anything wrong. Reading a place name of a youtube metrics list is not a offense and anyone getting mad about it is literally mentally ill.
This isn't even "chinks getting mad", because 99% of chinks wouldn't give a single fuck. This is a bunch of manchildren trying to powertrip on the internet.

>> No.30976074

>half a million views on her graduation despite being the least subbed holoCN
gura has plenty of 1M views sstreams not sure what metric you are trying to bring

>> No.30976083
File: 246 KB, 480x473, 1607923652217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977228

Oh man its time to watch my favorite Holo Coco, oh shes playing ark... ok lets watch her schedule, another singing stream and after that another ark one... y-yay

>> No.30976088
File: 553 KB, 744x1080, 1592733031927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30976193

Yogiri literally did nothing wrong. You can hate the others for the shit they've done and you'd be justified but Yogiri is a huge victim in this. She didn't have anyone on her side because her country men hate her for her love of Japanese (straight up calling her a Japanese Spy) and on the other side of things she has people like you who hate her because she's part of Holo CN. All she wanted to do was sing and bring joy to her viewers. Her twitter account was filled with nothing but happy pictures of her talking to fans and her mother. Even through all the doxing and behind the scenes shit, literally nobody found a single snakey thing Yogiri did or say unlike the rest.

>> No.30976093

2 songs actually, one quoted with Coco name and the other is "I sing for you"

>> No.30976094

And she already got suspension over it right? That should be enough though? Are you retarded like those chink who can't move on?

>> No.30976095

Gura got almost a million during her graduation

>> No.30976100
File: 2.04 MB, 1109x1346, Amelia_Outerwildson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye Yogiri. Personally I never watched your streams so I can't really judge her. But I like her singing voice, a shame we lost her.

Watching all this graduation streams are like a reality check for me. That someday my oshi will also graduate. One day Ame will sing Kiss Me for the last time as Ame, she will let out a small hiccup for the last time as Ame. I don't think I will ever be ready for that...

>> No.30976101
Quoted by: >>30976206

Concurrent views, not total views dumbass

>> No.30976102

Fusion dance.

>> No.30976109
File: 452 KB, 835x524, 1608464719267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sang JP songs throughout the entire stream
>Her last farewell was in English
Not to forget she also danced to Cirno's Perfect Math Class. Yogiri is /jp/. There's no denying it.

>> No.30976112

gura is literally the fastest growing vtuber channel of all time and might catch up with kizuna ai in a few months if she keeps growing like this

>> No.30976117

>pays for extra views on Billi
Ah, the authentic chinese experience

>> No.30976128
File: 163 KB, 428x431, 782B63F9-FF61-4228-A95B-46FF4EAA89B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons for fulfilling her dream until the very end...

>> No.30976133

Because if chinks weren't good little bugmen faggots, this all could've been avoided.

>> No.30976134

Fuck, right, that kanji means 10k. That's 20,000 thousands views on a stream from 3 months ago, jesas that's low.

>> No.30976136
File: 733 KB, 1000x1080, No More Brother Wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We mended the Great Schism

>> No.30976139

don't 'ate me you twat just cos im cute!!!!

>> No.30976141

I really like this picture.

>> No.30976144

She is the least popular HoloCN in CN
CN truly has bad taste

>> No.30976147

She's already declining man. Her growth rate is down 25% just in the last week alone.

>> No.30976148
File: 213 KB, 518x366, bye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yogiri's outro song

>> No.30976151
Quoted by: >>30976186


>> No.30976155

Haaretz even had an article about this once.

>> No.30976156
Quoted by: >>30976292

>Ina has the least amount of views but more subs

>> No.30976157

ok, you can fuck off back to your artiadiscord now ching chang and seethe about how Moonmoon and Sodapoppin make fun of her shit DPS and mechanical awareness.

>> No.30976158

Don't come back.

>> No.30976160

Both Ame and Gura regularly crushes the "half a million views" barrier. If anything, the chinks should have several million views to even compare.

>> No.30976161

best mamas are lamy, botan, and iofi... take out iofi and I would be good with this

>> No.30976163
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-12-20-20-37-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30976167

Subs are not viewership. Clipfags who never watch streams and subscribe for retarded memes are fucking useless and that's the vast majority of EOP Hololive fans. Gura was getting 300-500k views on her VODs when she had 300k subscribes and she is still getting the same amount of views while approaching two milestones. Some of them are actually getting less views than they did in October. None of the ENs are within top 3 most superchatted holos anymore.
>Are you some unironic chink trying to pretend that pulling out of china was a mistake?
Stop arguing with strawmen in your head. You were talking about some giant Western market ("It's not as important for ENs to learn japanese because there are enough EOPs anyways") and I'm telling that there isn't one.

>> No.30976170
Quoted by: >>30978014

If changs love Hololive so much how come HoloCN made absolutely fuckall money?

>> No.30976171

The British even make fun of the British. My brother came in to my room yesterday and we started a 30 minute conversation calling people from Liverpool sub-human

>> No.30976172
Quoted by: >>30976253

I can't stand that this video hasn't get view numbers it deserves. Fanarts should focus on these sort of things more.

>> No.30976174


>> No.30976179

Holy shit lmao

>> No.30976180

>Chinks are spamming the chat and all they do is laugh

>> No.30976181

Iofi... I kneel.....

>> No.30976182

>gura is literally the fastest growing vtuber channel of all time
In subs, he was asking about growing 'viewership' which is not the same thing.

>> No.30976186

Why do you think Kiara has so many dedicated antis compared to her genmates? It's chinks all the way down

>> No.30976189
File: 205 KB, 1200x934, 1578303674364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30976463

I miss gura smash streams.

>> No.30976193

Indeed. Chink antis are an awful thing. However it's also not my job to be captain save-a-ho. A bunch of nerds on a mongolian basket weaving forum aren't gonna fix that failed mess of a country.

>> No.30976195
Quoted by: >>30976272

>. None of the ENs are within top 3 most superchatted holos anymore.

Still made more money than the chinks

>> No.30976197
Quoted by: >>30976246

Are all the people saying "oh no bots" ect also scripts or are people that dumb?

>> No.30976198

Getting upset over showing YouTube analytics is absurd.

>> No.30976200

Thank you for your service

>> No.30976206

Youube is a VOD centered paltfrom and CPM is based on the views and toala ad time. Superchat and emmeebrships are the secon way to make thing and they outexcell any of the CN.
If you want to argue about money the chinese market doesnt have it, at least not for this medium

>> No.30976208

Any cytube for the concert?

>> No.30976212
File: 19 KB, 336x352, 1596005865953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was the least popular HoloCN because she did so much JP content. Her concert had nothing but JP songs because she knew that most of her viewer base would be Japanese and not Chinese.

>> No.30976215

Gura makes way more on memberships than the other girls though. She doesn't give a fuck about superchats.

>> No.30976218

How was the live?

>> No.30976219

Well that's easy to solve. Most of the views isn't from bugmen and 100% of them ain't making accounts to do something stupid like give financial and personal info to SC on bili.

>> No.30976223

>Some of them are actually getting less views than they did in October.
Who besides Mori?
Those are numbers I genuinely don't remember. And Mori's is obviously skewed by music

>> No.30976225
Quoted by: >>30976319

lol no


>> No.30976226

>Why do you think Kiara has so many dedicated antis compared to her genmates?
She brought a fair share over from her "past life".

>> No.30976240
Quoted by: >>30976303

Got a clip of that?

>> No.30976241

It's what happens when you let retarded politics get in the way of enjoying wholesome entertainment.

>> No.30976246
Quoted by: >>30976306

They're bots, the ones spamming "Just report and ignore!" are bots too.

>> No.30976247
Quoted by: >>30976423

And even considering that EN is still vastly more financially successful in the short time it has existed than CN ever was. And that's not even accounting for the market cost of doing business in China, which is significant.

>> No.30976248
File: 50 KB, 600x507, 1608406246641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Three deadbeats are playing Mori's dumb game

>> No.30976253

its a nice animation anon but its b8

>> No.30976259
Quoted by: >>30976309

>None of the ENs are within top 3 most superchatted holos anymore.
and none of the chinks ever got even close to being in the top 3, what's your point?

>> No.30976258
Quoted by: >>30976412

Explicitly as Aloe? Or just an offhand mention like Nene's "Oh, right, I need five..! Four pumpkins." before halloween?

>> No.30976260

>Ollie: "It was haard! That's what she said."
>Everyone else: solid 10 seconds of silence

fucking love this zombimbo

>> No.30976265
File: 256 KB, 397x342, 1607938207099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30976374

God I wanna grope Ollie's hard rigor mortis tits like you wouldn't fucking believe

>> No.30976269

It's fascinating to see that you speak better ching chong than the chinks speaking english. You must've studied hard for that limited mandarin.

>> No.30976270
File: 28 KB, 474x355, zerMeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some chink is spamming Don Quixote in chat
He can stay.

>> No.30976272

>It's not as important for ENs to learn japanese because there are enough EOPs anyways
Point out where China is mentioned in this sentence.

>> No.30976281

Made my ass cry

>> No.30976283
Quoted by: >>30976336

She became a Holo just to sing a song for fans unlike other HoloCN who probably became Holos for money only

>> No.30976291
File: 68 KB, 810x181, 1608471718805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30976502

Fuck bugmen

>> No.30976292

Ame and Kiara stream constantly, Gura is Gura and Mori has her music videos to buff views.

>> No.30976297
File: 150 KB, 277x352, 152451621431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be the best 3D Holo concert to date.

>> No.30976303
Quoted by: >>30976479

not really. just general wipes in their WoW raids streaming and immediately after Artia fucked up hard they went over mechanics and about how not everyone knows them yet.

>> No.30976306

I'm a bot. You're a bot too.

>> No.30976309

The chinks didn't even get above the Gen1 indogs, lmao.

>> No.30976311

I'm gonna fap to this alien whore

>> No.30976313
Quoted by: >>30976369

>A-chan sounds like that?
what a cutie

>> No.30976315
Quoted by: >>30976379

Holo Russkie soon.

>> No.30976316

So what one CN left to graduate and branch is dead for good?

>> No.30976318

>Subs are not viewership
They all got more than 1.4 million views in the last 7 days too. I'm also talking about learning japanese (as you noticed) and not chinese. The japanese holos aren't growing faster either. I guess I shouldn't have brought up china since that reply wasn't directed at me

>> No.30976320

The girl went full collab arc huh

>> No.30976319
File: 16 KB, 1303x114, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't tell you much since it's always rounded off to the nearest 10k. Look at the weekly and monthly stats here though. She was at 380k last month and 80k weekly just a few days ago. She's gone down a lot. You could argue this is still a high rate of growth, but considering how fast it seems to be declining I wouldn't be surprised if someone like korone or pekora passes her up in a few months.

>> No.30976336
Quoted by: >>30976384

Artia... Your words are nothing but lie... You reincarnated faster than Yogiri can even finished saying good bye...

>> No.30976342
File: 28 KB, 380x69, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30976343
Quoted by: >>30976377


>> No.30976344

what will she do from now on?
continuing as a new persona or just disappear?

>> No.30976354

Rosalyn is the only one left. She's probably going to half-ass her graduation since she already moved onto her roommate account to do facecam streams.

>> No.30976362

staring at wall would be more fun than watching this

>> No.30976368

Unironically made me cry.

>> No.30976369

I assume you haven't seen this then

>> No.30976373
Quoted by: >>30976416

Doris and Rosalyn graduate after Christmas. Then HoloCN will be dust in the wind

>> No.30976374


>> No.30976377

A-chan is streaming and A-chan is the only person cuter than Ojou.

>> No.30976379

Soon, brother.

>> No.30976382
Quoted by: >>30976472

No, it's always rounded down.
She did however slow down slightly, she hasn't gotten a 20k day in a bit

>> No.30976384

Because Artia is smart. Unlike most of you fags.

>> No.30976385

Can someone post the bug spray in chat?

>> No.30976389
File: 190 KB, 983x251, 1608471905510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anya ;_;

>> No.30976397

Kiara has a polarizing personality and does plenty of stuff that might legitimately annoy some people. I'm not surprised she has people that don't like her, and this is from someone who does like her. I don't believe any of the people who dislike her are Chinese that conflate her hair color with Coco, that's pretty stupid. Also Chinese can't speak English. So if any of them hate her, they're off in their corner in bugland doing it amongst themselves.

>> No.30976399

Subs are used for sponsership deals not viewer counts. Having more subs means you can get a shit ton more money for yourself (but mostly the company) with merchandising and ads for games.

>> No.30976400
File: 20 KB, 1361x200, 1601776149504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30976697

No, they are inclining in views (pic: Watson views), its just that the EN fanbase it's on the burnout phase of the addiction, it happended to me on Feb/March because there was so much content that I couldnt choose.

After being a clipfag the natural step is picking one of them and religiously watch their content.

>> No.30976405

She has no plans to reincarnate or anything, so she'll pretty much just disappear from the Internet.

>> No.30976408

>Open stream
>See Matsuri
Its a good day.

>> No.30976409

Heavenly based

>> No.30976412
File: 249 KB, 1080x1891, 20201220_073305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30976589

I mean, they didn't bother removing Aloe off of some channels. Miko's channel still has her their and so does the official one, but for some reason gen 5 doesn't have her under their channels tab, although they did have her there for a couple months after her graduation. It's inconsistent. But they didn't go out of their way to remove every reference of her.

>> No.30976413
Quoted by: >>30976534

>5 talents, one of them is Yogiri
I thought bugs were good at math.
Her body is literally minutes old and you're already trying to use it as ammunition. For a bunch of thinskinned faggots concerned with "honor" and all that, you sure don't hesitate to defile the dead when it suits you. Unironically, shame on you.

>> No.30976416

she's already gone she asked for her grad to be moved up

>> No.30976420
Quoted by: >>30976511

The quintessential American porn is "what are you doing step-bro," swinging is more British.

>> No.30976421

Yeah, gotta give it to the girl, she seems humble

>> No.30976423
Quoted by: >>30976505

>EN is still vastly more financially successful in the short time it has existed than CN ever was
Nah man its not. Not yet anyway. Superchats aren't that much money for Cover compared to sponsorships and live events and shit like that. China kept Hololive afloat for 1 1/2 years at least until the big reddit influx came.

>> No.30976426

Unknown, she’ll probably try to find another way to continue her dream but we’re never seeing her again as chuba

>> No.30976430
File: 58 KB, 2048x518, Screenshot_20201220-084455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks are psychos.

>> No.30976435

You should look at the search filters to see what they consider as "similar". In this case, the channels fall in the 500k-1M group.

>> No.30976439

Yogiri is more smart than her by leaving this shitty industry and find a real job.

>> No.30976442

If she's so smart why does she play Overwatch?

>> No.30976447


>> No.30976452

Literally perfect. She was having the time of her life and I’m happy for her.

>> No.30976458
File: 8 KB, 248x181, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really useful range there socialblade
not counting supas

>> No.30976461

I kek'd

>> No.30976463
File: 201 KB, 1152x2048, 1607414116103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her RFA streams but I'm happy they're gonna be weekly starting next month. I hope she plays more World of Light too, though.

>> No.30976466
File: 104 KB, 586x1000, 20201213_034625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me why ID2 fell off so hard so fast? Shouldn't they be riding the same wave as EN?

>> No.30976468

I'll miss you, boss.

>> No.30976472
Quoted by: >>30976711

>she hasn't gotten a 20k day in a bit
She got one last week and the week before...

>> No.30976474
File: 2.80 MB, 1799x3452, schizo_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has some lolcow antis from her roommate and other antis are confirmed seaniggers

>> No.30976475

Thank god.

>> No.30976479
Quoted by: >>30976538

I remember the clip of her getting run over by flame leviathan. What do they call her on stream? Haven't watched soda in years.

>> No.30976482

a-chan looks and sounds so normal compared to the rest of hololive. lel.

>> No.30976484
Quoted by: >>30976541

>I wouldn't be surprised if someone like korone or pekora passes her up in a few months.
You are absolutely deslusional

>> No.30976485
Quoted by: >>30976773

She's said she'll do this as long as she can

Meaning as long as there's a Hololive, there will be an Amelia Watson

in b4 Hololive dead in under five years rrat

>> No.30976491

>primary audience is underage Indonesian kids
>streaming this late
The biggest mistake since "ID ONLY!"

>> No.30976494

They're in an only marginally better timeslot than Kiara/Mori with no being actually EN

>> No.30976502

Isn't dislikes trends your videos too? The better ways is just start the stream, leave no like/dislike and then leave.

>> No.30976503

Limited by the collab ban and timezone probably. I like them but their streams usually happen in the middle of the night or very early morning for me so it's hard to catch them live.

>> No.30976505
Quoted by: >>30976583

Genuinely interested, can you list some of the sponsorship deals and live events that CN generated and their likely values?

>> No.30976508

So, Kiara?

>> No.30976509

Are you still watching them? I for sure didn't after the debuts.

>> No.30976510

And that's her appeal.

>> No.30976511

It's ironic because the step sibling shit only took off once pornhub got big outside of NA and 3rd worlders started using the site enough to impact its metrics

>> No.30976512

Nah, brits don't give a shit. occasionally I wish you'd get some new material though.

>> No.30976514
Quoted by: >>30976604

Which game are you talking about?

>> No.30976515
Quoted by: >>30978129

>Don't speak english
>Don't stream at english times

>> No.30976522
Quoted by: >>30976637

EN2 will fall off hard too. EN1 was basically perfect.

>> No.30976525
Quoted by: >>30976743

How much is that in real money?

>> No.30976526

They're kind of stuck until the collab ban lifts. Right now they're just retreading stuff everyone has already done. People will get more excited when they can collab with En and Jp and their own senpais, and also play stuff like Minecraft.

>> No.30976529
Quoted by: >>30976595

The tag "ID"
Nobody cares about Indonesia.
Not even the dutch and they fucking colonized it.

>> No.30976533
File: 695 KB, 4096x2560, 1607910560001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30976568

I'm watching on another tab just to get her metrics up for monetization. She really ought to stick to zatsudans until the cashflow comes in to upgrade her potato to an actual piece of hardware. Assume she doesn't spend it all on gacha.

I love this knife so fucking much.

>> No.30976532

gee i wonder why

>> No.30976534


The bugs literally killed off their intellectuals to force everyone to be a farmer then lost their war on birds causing a famine that killed 10s of millions. They are retarded and completely supported by people in the west that love communism

>> No.30976538
Quoted by: >>30976630

They just call her Artia or Tia. Her mage's name is Hecatia or something.

>> No.30976542

She's not smart, she's Chinese. She's sub-human scum like the rest of them.

>> No.30976541

The EN market is clearly losing interest. Gura's time in the spotlight is almost over.

>> No.30976544

>Try to report chink spam
>Half the time it's deleted before I do that

>> No.30976545
Quoted by: >>30976662

Dislikes counts as viewer engagement, so yes, it boosts the video / stream in the Youtube algorithm.

>> No.30976554
File: 22 KB, 1055x320, Gura sub growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt tell much
she has been gaining 70k weekly since novmeebr
and averages 3M views a week since then too.
the fuck you are talking about it was 80k weekly days ago you fucking reatrd.

>> No.30976559
Quoted by: >>30976610

Because they're muslims.

>> No.30976563

>Can someone explain to me why ID2 fell off so hard so fast?
Because the EN market is saturated already and being branded "ID Gen 2" hurts their visibility to the EOPs who expect only Indog talking. Anyone who was going to sub, did so in the first few days and then nothing.
And to be fair, they are still doing better than ID1 considering they just started out.

>> No.30976565


>> No.30976566
Quoted by: >>30976653

Speaking of which, she's probably safer now that she's back in Japan

>> No.30976567

Bad times for most EN viewers, filtering because most streams aren't fully English, and not enough clippers showing all their streams.

Reddit and the chans are basically superfans and are the vast minority who can/care to watch every stream.

>> No.30976568

What's there to actually love about her?

>> No.30976569

Fucked by Holobaby and A-chan streams for this stream

>> No.30976570

They can't ride the EN wave if they don't stream at EN times.

>> No.30976576

Has anyone actually graduated because they legit finished their career or moved on to other things or has it all been yab shit that forced them to graduate?

>> No.30976577

For me? It was smelting all of their metal possessions into worthless pig iron.

>> No.30976582

Look at that decline, jesus.

>> No.30976584

Looks to me you're somewhere between broke and filthy rich, sir.

>> No.30976583

Not him, and I don't know much about the CN sponsorships and deals, but the biggest one is probably the Azur Lane collab.
And maybe the Arknights sponsored streams too.

>> No.30976587
Quoted by: >>30976766

Seriously? Thats what I do though because I don't have an account.
Apparently though deadsubbing is worse.

>> No.30976588

Fuck...I got nothing

>> No.30976589

I still think that means that cover wants her to return, and after the latest update on her situation I want that even more. But I'm just a lone fag in a dusty corner of the internet.

>> No.30976594


>> No.30976595

I wonder if it would be better for everyone if they did away with those tags for individual videos and simply tagged with the language that they intend to speak for the stream. They can still call themselves HoloID/EN/whatever on their individual channel but might help to fight some people dismissing their videos popping up in recommendations and not being interested because of ID.

>> No.30976603

I think every holostars graduation has been non yab

>> No.30976604

Nvm, i forgot about bitchin kitchen, so i got confused

>> No.30976607

RIP knife

>> No.30976608

>collab ban
>sword has shitty set up
>still speak indog
>shit hours for English speakers
I'm sure they will find their grove once they can collab with ENs

>> No.30976610
Quoted by: >>30976658

Thats pretty based if true, considering they apparently still don't mind being gay for money regardless.

>> No.30976611


>> No.30976612

Yeah. The studio tech was way, way better than the janky shit Cover has. But seeing how good she was her first time out...I think they may have lost their best overall performer, maybe the best they'll ever get. I hope they'll be able to bring her back for special events.
Yeah, being an e-thot isn't in her blood and she's said as much.

>> No.30976616
Quoted by: >>30976666

You have to be a trilingual to follow their streams.

>> No.30976617

Their regular stream time share the same slot as JP (JP and ID only has like 1 to 2 hour difference in timezone), so any old fans would rather watch JPs than split their views to ID2s.

>> No.30976618


>> No.30976619


Its viewed as a secondary brand because its Hololive ID. It also doesnt help that only Ollie has a combo of charisma fairly good streaming gear and no aversion to speaking english

>> No.30976620

Hopefully once all her technical issues are sorted out she'll get more of a following. I liked her dynamic with Reine during the horror stream yesterday.

Still the ID stigma. They're still doing very well and Ollie approaching 300k after only a couple of weeks streaming is insane when you consider how ID1 and even Gen5 were doing.

>> No.30976622
File: 359 KB, 1154x992, wonkylookingtambourine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30976627
File: 1.35 MB, 1181x577, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish her all the best.

>> No.30976630

Her nickname is Tia, she reincarnated with the name Hecatia so that the nickname would still work, I believe

>> No.30976632
File: 3.88 MB, 2480x3508, 1579495377437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is A-chan so erotic?

>> No.30976631
Quoted by: >>30976673

One of the Holostars graduated because they weren't making any money. Also Kira retired because he's sick.

>> No.30976633

>Why id2 fell off so hard

EOPs don't understand indog language

>> No.30976636
Quoted by: >>30976688

11/10. I'll miss Yogurt.

>> No.30976634

>Down from almost 200k/week a few months ago
>cumsharts will still deny she's declining

>> No.30976637

Do you think Cover just went 5/5 with awesome talents for EN1 or that the brand would have carried anyone that was in the first wave? Not saying any of the current girls are bad, but theoretically if you had a dud like Luna or Nene in EN Gen 1 would they still have 500k+ subs today?

>> No.30976639

hololive is still super young, but eventually all of them will graduate and most of the graduations won't be for yab shit.
just like all of them will die, anon.

>> No.30976641

Probably represents the point where the algorithm stopped boosting her

>> No.30976649

It was amazing.

>> No.30976650

does not matter, the sub gap will never be closed by korone or pekora since their growth is still way slower

>> No.30976653

How's Corona in Japan at the moment? Australia just had another cluster in Sydney.

>> No.30976658

Are you kidding? Being gay is an important part of being a muslim.

>> No.30976659
Quoted by: >>30976708

IIRC one of them has a crippling gambling addiction and spent Cover's money on bayblade tournaments

>> No.30976662

And livechat activity too, prolly. Therefore bugs does nothing but boost the videos they hate kek

>> No.30976666
Quoted by: >>30976715

Nah, they speak 90% in english. Even Reine after her "mostly in indonesian". I guess she looked at her chat and figured there is no point speaking a different language than most of her chat.

>> No.30976668

Dumbass, the increments past 1 million are spaced out so it doesnt count anything less than 10k.

>> No.30976671

They chose to ramp up the not-speaking-English-part of their streams. Especially Anya.

>> No.30976673
Quoted by: >>30976762

Which one was the first one, Kaoru or Suzaku?

>> No.30976674
File: 131 KB, 1023x1024, Eo-WZ-TVoAEP1Xo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shouldn't they be riding the same wave as EN?
No? Why would they?
Keep in mind that /jp/ is a small part of the community and it's abnormal in that we have a separation of JP / non-JP, instead of separate threads for JP / EN / ID. If we broke up Global, ID will probably be having the same activity as the virtual youtuber thread.
>Can someone explain to me why ID2 fell off so hard so fast?
The first week was debut boost, after that they just went to regular ID growth rate numbers. Expect the same to happen to EN2, with explosive first week followed by Ina / Kiara / Mori growth numbers.

>> No.30976679
File: 232 KB, 1492x2278, 1604498531997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you kiss Ame before she brushes her teeth?

>> No.30976682
File: 179 KB, 2048x1380, 1608458923679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally. Then her chats can become somewhat bearable while she becomes less nervous. I can't wait.

>> No.30976688

Holy shit she's so cute.

>> No.30976691

Show me a Holo/Vtuber who constantly gets more subs each week.

>> No.30976692

We need a cultural collapse over here, shits been getting worse ever since early 2010s. The sooner the race wars happen the sooner we can rebuild.

>> No.30976695

V-Tubing is the future of entertainment. No more paying indians to make random children's videos in the hope that one of them blows up.

>> No.30976696
Quoted by: >>30976750

To be fair, who can protect Haato from herself?

>> No.30976697

That's because she does way more members only content than JPs. I'm not saying that she is about to starve. I'm only arguing that EN market for Hololive content isn't as big as the number of English speakers on the planet would suggest. That should be obvious but some people seem to be too retarded to get it.

That's just Ame doing more streams. Hardly any VODs have 200k views. She used to get 200k+ on almost every VOD back in October. With attituded like "we don't have to give a shit about any other market because there are enough EOPs" you would think that extensive growth would continue for a bit more than the first month.

>> No.30976700

I cried tears of bitch and I don't regret a second of it. God I hope she doesn't stop singing. It'd break my heart to think that she's just going to give cup and work at a convenience store or some shit

>> No.30976702

>decline when she has been constantly getting 10k for weeks now
how desperate are you people?

>> No.30976705
File: 21 KB, 232x227, 1607681868457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SC of Graduation+3D debute stream beaten by Minecraft
Chinese market is really worthless.

>> No.30976708
File: 706 KB, 850x638, 1593957171575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30976734

I wonder who that could've been.

>> No.30976709

Nene is not a dud.

>> No.30976710

>north beaches right before christmas
I'm not one to gloat, but you love to see it.

>> No.30976711
File: 16 KB, 1042x496, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977622

No she didn't, stop using holostats as a source for that.

>> No.30976715

I've checked in on their streams a couple times and they blew through all 3 languages in a span of 5 minutes.

>> No.30976722

She's an adorable nasu-fag oppai loli with a cute accent and mannerisms. That's enough for me.

>> No.30976723

Just woke up

>> No.30976727

I wanna fuck A-chan

>> No.30976728

There is a third wave going on in December and it's not done yet

>> No.30976729


>> No.30976733
Quoted by: >>30976859

>Mori growth numbers.
So the 2nd fastest growth?

>> No.30976734
Quoted by: >>30976842

I can't believe Mori killed Kaoru and stole his body

>> No.30976736

Her cut of her current SCs would be like 80 grand, that's not chump change for 3 months work.

>> No.30976739

No, they really did luck out with amazing talents and personalities. Guaranteed they would have fizzled out around 400k if they weren't all magical

>> No.30976741

>wow it's almost like when a product is new, people buy it real fast and then it tapers off
You fucks are literal mouth breathers.

>> No.30976743

Multiply with 1.2 to get murican pesos

>> No.30976745

I mean Ame stands out as having no real noteworthy talents besides a nice personality and some past streaming experience but she's still successful. I think being a good entertainer and having a good streaming personality is a lot more important than being a super talented singer/artist/whatever anyway. Like Gura is a talented singer but she's also very charismatic in her own way and I think that more than anything is what drove her numbers (until she got blessed by the algorithm and rode that from then on)

>> No.30976747

But why?

>> No.30976749

based and same

>> No.30976750

Haato is already dead anyway. Haachama ate her.

>> No.30976754

She's extremely cute and has lots of potential.

>> No.30976756
Quoted by: >>30976859

>by Ina / Kiara / Mori growth numbers
That cope.
Its amazing to me that the like three Teamates that give a shit still are butthurt over Ame's inability to catch up with Mori.

>> No.30976758

Can't believe they said fuck Anya

>> No.30976762
Quoted by: >>30976923

Suzaku was non-yab. Just wasn't wasn't making enough money to live. Kaoru's was...yab?

>> No.30976766

Likes/dislikes apparently boosts the video, also not sure for streams but regular YT videos have a stat for whenever the viewer completed the video or not and this stat boosts the video too.

>> No.30976768

Still an incredible growth and its way to become the most suscribed vtuber by february. which show that the en market is more important than the chinese one, at least for this medium.

>> No.30976769

Getting pretty bad in certain areas from what I've read.

>> No.30976773

People who think Hololive won't last 10+ years are delusional. Everyone thought Let's Plays wouldn't last and they've been around for over a decade. Fucking Game Grumps is never gonna end until they're both dead. And these girls have the benefit of voicing avatars that never age. Tara Strong is about to hit 50 and still voice acting. Tress MacNeille is 70 and can still do child voices. As long as there is demand for entertainment, and given the versatility and variety of content that girls like Amelia put out, there's no reason to believe they can't keep this going for a while.

>> No.30976774
Quoted by: >>30976828

so what's the opinion here on the chinks still trying to spam in chat today?

>> No.30976776
File: 377 KB, 600x600, coco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Entire thread is anons arguing with some chink that China was worth more than EN

Really guys?

>> No.30976779

Anya's fucking dead...

>> No.30976788

I can't believe we lost Chowa and Anya in the same day...

>> No.30976791

doing literally anything besides immediately backing out of a video boosts engagement on it in some manner. even more so if you click on anything about it.

>> No.30976793

Probably not a great song for Yogiri though.

>> No.30976794
Quoted by: >>30976822

I don't think they wanted to leave China, it does have potential from the sheer amount of people there, it's just too unstable and corrupt to be able to reliably do business in, especially for a business that lives and dies on public perception.

>> No.30976801

only way dislikes become a problem is if they represent more than 70% of the metric.
But bugmen dont have that manya ccounts so lol.
wasted wumao effort

>> No.30976806
File: 457 KB, 2145x4158, 8rjabe38cpe51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't A-chan have a boyfriend???
Is that kind of thing acceptable for an idol???

>> No.30976807
File: 1.99 MB, 960x864, step step step.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30976860

Look at her go!

>> No.30976808

Go back to sleep.

>> No.30976810

>Down from almost 200k/week a few months ago
That was her debut, dumbass, all Holos get a massive boost in the first week or so.
Why is there always a couple faggots here always talking about "declining" bullshit, do they not understand that everything goes up and down depending on trends?

>> No.30976811

>People who think Hololive won't last 10+ years are delusional.
VTubers will still be around for sure, not sure about Hololive specifically though.

>> No.30976813

Are you perhaps me?

>> No.30976816

SEAdog hours, please andastand.

>> No.30976822

I don't give a shit about China. Bugs can go fuck themselves. What triggered my autism was
>It's not as important for ENs to learn japanese because there are enough EOPs anyways

>> No.30976825

Her pushing that "I hope everyone who is alone at Christmas finds a way to be happy" thing makes me feel like she's not gonna be alone for Christmas

>> No.30976826
File: 514 KB, 1456x4096, 20201220_075720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay for Ina to make puns during and after sex

>> No.30976828

>so what's the opinion here on the chinks still trying to spam in chat today?
Dedicated anti's so they won't go away

However some of them are retarded enough to pay for membership so they can spam member chat.
So they're giving OUR FUCKING BITCH and retard-chama money lmao

>> No.30976833


Vtubers actually have a pretty good shelf life as long the person behind the voice can still speak

>> No.30976837

I'd kiss her no matter the time of day, or how many cumshots she swallowed before.

>> No.30976838
Quoted by: >>30976965

Huh, so having a SC reading where people might drop off is actually hurting them? Potentially?
Like I know Haachama's viewers drop when she does the outro and then proceeds to SC readings, I only stay because she rambles on and has some nice tidbits at times.

>> No.30976842

I can

>> No.30976843

>give me the big juicy ones

>> No.30976844

Literally the only worthwhile thing about ID2 was Ollie's incredible debut, but everything she's done since hasn't held a candle, causing a sharp drop overall for ID2. Reine has shown signs of improvement, but she needed to be the way she is now off the bat, will have very slow growth. Anya is either paralyzed with fear or blatantly doesn't give a shit from the word "go", tragic waste of a design.

Basically, all eyes are on Ollie, and she's opting to play it safe until the "ban", so ID2 is in a stagnating period.

>> No.30976846

For some retarded reason people seem to think that growth slowing down means that hololive is basically finished.

>> No.30976854
File: 1.29 MB, 1062x1154, Screen Shot 2020-12-21 at 00.57.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew Anya was the runt of the litter but I didn't realise it was this bad

>> No.30976855
Quoted by: >>30977027

Vtubers will always be around in some form since the barrier of entry is not particularly high to become one. But as far as the overhead that a company like Cover has, I'm not sure if the demand will necessarily always be there to cover all that unless the business model changes drastically as time goes on.

>> No.30976858

Will Enma ever get her own model and stream like A-chan?

>> No.30976859
File: 423 KB, 591x735, 1605721824120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mention Mori instead of Ame
>immediate butthurt
Why are you like this?
t. KFP

>> No.30976860
Quoted by: >>30976905

Those dance moves are Towa levels of dorky and I love it

>> No.30976862
Quoted by: >>30976928

>one of them is Yogiri which did nothing wrong
Coco and Haachama also did nothing wrong. These are victims in the bugman cold war. This is sure as fuck not about what's "right" or "wrong" because the chinks are lashing out at Cover and Coco instead of YouTube which is the entity that actually recognized the legitimacy of Taiwan. YouTube is the entity with massive cultural influence here. This is about bugs trying to bully a relatively small company that they believed that they could influence and Cover deciding that the hostile political climate in the region was not worth dealing with.

>> No.30976871
Quoted by: >>30976947

>Anya's stream went offline
>Literally only 12 people waiting for her to get back, everyone immediately bailed

>> No.30976873

Tress MacNeille's voice has aged like fine wine between 98 and 2020. Imagine if we got a Hololive "twenty years later, where are they now?" special.

>> No.30976874

Her boyfriend is me

>> No.30976875


Everyone knows the song and dance expect the bugmen who actually think they will change someones mind. They are fucking retarded after all

>> No.30976876
File: 11 KB, 421x83, 1584712498159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977715

chimken talking about A-chan totsumachi

>> No.30976880

Chicken time soon!

>> No.30976883
Quoted by: >>30977010

Ame doesn't have any sort of stand out talent and would still be streaming to ~100 people without brand power. Any other somewhat competent Twitch indie could've been carried to the same level.

>> No.30976884

Ayna is back! For now...

>> No.30976888

Imagine the smell.

>> No.30976889
File: 333 KB, 1490x2048, 1608208869909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anya is still in the collab despite her own stream being offline
This poor dagger is cursed.

>> No.30976891
File: 51 KB, 1397x388, 1587303826880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977348

What about Mori then? She doesnt stream more than Watson

>> No.30976894

I don’t mean to shit on Kiara, but she had a terrible start and her talent wasn’t useful until the collab ban was lifted, and even she was making bank and keeping pace with the rest of the gen. The Holo brand name is worth a lot.

>> No.30976904
Quoted by: >>30976924

Enma is a man, so no

>> No.30976905
File: 48 KB, 518x383, 1604904805651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't call her Chowa for nothing.

>> No.30976906
File: 78 KB, 703x703, 1582384288383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30976981

My oshi is about to do karaoke as well as Nene, Matsuri and Aqua. Please enjoy any of them, they all have wonderful sounding voices.





>> No.30976910

Ina is Enma

>> No.30976914
Quoted by: >>30977055

It seems somewat disingenuous to list 3 but not Ame who has around the same growth as Mori

>> No.30976915

it's her chest and soothing voice

>> No.30976917

>it's real
The stream died though.

>> No.30976923

Kaoru's was super fucking sudden, like literally out of nowhere. Does anyone here know ANYTHING about it?

>> No.30976924

How do you have this information?

>> No.30976928

How about schizo chinks not lose their fucking mind at a nothingburger instead of trying to excuse their behaviour and shift blame around for their psychotic temper tantrums.

>> No.30976935

I don't think so since even Reddit was terrified of EN being shit, and they love all the Holo's unconditionally. If there was no talent or charisma on their side, any one of them would have faded by now.

>> No.30976942

She may or may not be smart, but I know for a fact she's a fucking moron. She talked garbage because she got shadowbanned, live chatted a Twitch staff who was streaming about the problem and then showed her IP which revealed she was in California, all in one hour and in one stream.

>> No.30976946

Man, imagine 15+years old veteran holo
Their content would be fucking amazing quality-wise since being a vtuber encourages you to pick up new skills
Huh, now I realized that holos could eventually have other holos acting as teachers for other holos when it comes to various shit

>> No.30976945

OLs get me weak in the knees

>> No.30976947

>he thinks crashed stream numbers are accurate.
Sure anon, and there were only 35 people in the crashed FE stream

>> No.30976949


It really is her crappy gear thats slowing her down. im sure she will be doing much better once she gets some better hardware

>> No.30976956
File: 518 KB, 1738x2105, 1607798320557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nene is a dud
Nene is MAX

>> No.30976965
Quoted by: >>30977056

As I said - I don't know if it works for livestreams. Probably not that much and ~10 mins of SC reading not a big deal.

>> No.30976971

I really like Suisei's voice. She sounds kinda laid-back, I don't know.

>> No.30976976

This is true though, retardchama

Even the JP holos mostly pretend to learn English. Towa's been on EOP life support for a fucking year and never bothered to dedicate any real effort to learning the language, and she's still doing just fine.

If the JOPs like Gura and Ame, they'll watch their streams with or without understanding, just like the EOPs do.

>> No.30976977
Quoted by: >>30977037


>> No.30976981

While I appreciate it please tag them properly next time. But yeah, thanks.
And of course the one I want to see is right at the bottom.

>> No.30976990
File: 23 KB, 689x312, 1584368813366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, would you look at the time!
Peak SEAnigger hours

Remember, all of them are falseflaggers paid by the chinks.

>> No.30976995

>Sucks for you
This chicken

>> No.30977004

Nene singing the alphabet

>> No.30977006

>can't watch because of mobile? Damn its going to be a boring 30 minutes for you!
fucking hell chicken my sides took a hit there

>> No.30977008

He got Miko pregnant

>> No.30977010

Ame's talent is that she's fucking hilarious. She's entertaining, she literally pulls brilliant content out of her ass, and she's charismatic. Also, she's an actual gamer.

She can't sing or draw as well as the other girls, but what she does excel at is more than enough to make up for it.

All Hololive really did was help her get mainstream attention and hand her an absolutely gorgeous avatar.

>> No.30977011
File: 85 KB, 836x452, Screen Shot 2020-12-21 at 01.02.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no youtube bug

>> No.30977012

Nenes not a dud, she's just in a saturated market, all of Gen 5 is.

>> No.30977015

>Kiara destroying phoneposters
I love this retarded chicken like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.30977016
File: 2.16 MB, 2472x706, sss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pierced the truth, at last...
It was obvious from the start

>> No.30977023
Quoted by: >>30977105

We wanted to compete in beyblade tournaments

>> No.30977024

im almost sure if cover keeps growing another company will buy them once they notice them

cant avoid them sometimes

>> No.30977026

>ame's indie sister with no company support gets ID2-tier numbers

>> No.30977027
Quoted by: >>30977600

Cover is less about the business model and more about the "community," people enjoy the Hololive brand because it brings together their favorite chuubas and keeps them all under one roof where they can colab. Sure indies can and do do that, but it's like comparing comedians that get put together in a movie to a comedy duo like Laurel and Hardy. It plays out differently because they're not just "co-stars."

>> No.30977029
Quoted by: >>30977090

Just woke up.

Did anybody make a gif or video clip of Gura's stream chat turning pure green the instant she mentioned the member karaoke coming up?

>> No.30977032

Kiara's new loading screen looks great

>> No.30977037

You're fucking with me.

>> No.30977040

Archive reps anon. Some big o'rrats

>> No.30977041

I wouldn't have it any other way...

>> No.30977044

>Ina meekly struggling to make a pun as you choke her, balls deep inside.

>> No.30977045

Meds. Now.

>> No.30977047
File: 193 KB, 624x637, koropray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koro-san deserves the biggest kudos for going out of her way to hire an English tutor. She's gotten amazing in the span of a few months. Stil lacking in grammar department, but her vocabulary is crazy extensive. Her, Sora and maybe Aki seem to be the only holos who take their eigo reps seriously.

>> No.30977048
File: 15 KB, 355x112, unknown (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you didn't invest in daggercoin

>> No.30977050

Retard, you deliberately mentioned two of the smaller ENs but then skipped to Mori for a list of "relatively low growth" and you try to pretend yoiu aren't a seething schizo? Fuck off.

>> No.30977055
File: 380 KB, 2000x2193, 1606350970565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you're looking for antis where there aren't any. Maybe you need to take a break from this place.

>> No.30977056

>10 mins
But thanks for the info. Although also consider that I think SC readings would be in the archive too generally.

>> No.30977060

Which means literally any competent twitch streamer could have done her job in EN1, no hate but don't delude yourself

>> No.30977071

Given how blunt Cover was about that and how abrupt it was, it seems safe to assume the rrats about bad shit happening related to him behind the scenes weren't rrats.

>> No.30977072


>> No.30977076

>she's fucking hilarious. She's entertaining, she literally pulls brilliant content out of her ass, and she's charismatic
bro i like ame too but you are blinded by love here

>> No.30977078

I want to FUCK this smug chicken!

>> No.30977079

as opposed to perfectly honest americans?

>> No.30977080

>paid by the chinks.
That would improve my opinion of them because it means that they're not actually retarded schizos but "just" corrupt.

>> No.30977088
Quoted by: >>30977321

Nene is the worst holoJP by far

>> No.30977090

No, why would anybody clip something so dumb?

>> No.30977092


>> No.30977093
Quoted by: >>30977131

Just woke up, how was the unarchived karaoke

>> No.30977097

>too bad most of you don't understand japanese HUH
Kiara you can't be that brutal this early I just woke up

>> No.30977099

I Need to go to AME !

>> No.30977100

Tenchou's looking very christmasy today.

>> No.30977103

How do I support the sword? Just keep her stream open?

>> No.30977105
Quoted by: >>30977263

Wasn't that after he graduated, though? Or did he try to promote the tourney as roommate?

>> No.30977108

does this mean we wont be getting any more barefoot holos...?

>> No.30977113

>She fucked it up

>> No.30977116

Haachama is working on it, she's just at a point where improvement comes gradually and is harder to notice. I think she has been improving though.

>> No.30977118

Wtf is going on with A-chan?
Is she now officialy a hololive vtuber or something?

>> No.30977119

She may have a boyfriend but her fans are her husbands.

>> No.30977120

Shit when did chikun start the screen

>> No.30977122


>> No.30977128

You do >>30977055 as well.

>> No.30977131

She didn't go all out for it, but I guess it's fine.

>> No.30977132

Anyone know when is Gura member karaoke stream? I need to set an alarm. Any time format is fine, I will convert it

>> No.30977134

Kaoru's was kind of yab since it was so sudden and it was a termination instead of quitting. So in came tons of rumors about why it happened, and the most damning was from the only nip keemstar, where he said Kaoru committed adultery (Kaoru's roommate is married) with the "whore of Hololive". From that came speculation on who the "whore" was.

>> No.30977136
File: 286 KB, 429x481, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isnt the robot wearing any pants? Isnt it a bit too erotic?

>> No.30977138
File: 563 KB, 1080x841, Anya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we save Anya?

>> No.30977141

I really do wonder if these are actual Chinks or just tankies.

>> No.30977143

>only streams in japanese
what the fuck were they thinking

>> No.30977145

Just woke up, anything big happen while I was out?

>> No.30977152
Quoted by: >>30977200

Towa probably could've been one of the most popular Holos right now if she took her eigo reps seriously like she should have...

>> No.30977155
File: 820 KB, 4096x2340, 1606694834443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977362


>> No.30977159
File: 502 KB, 2048x2048, Eprzyt7UcAAAQUP-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30977162
File: 1.26 MB, 3968x2480, 1601990143382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive reclining bullshit once again
Are bugs legit shitposting here or just typical Niji faggots

>> No.30977164

Haachama doesn't fucking count, she's supposed to know English and was part way there for a long time

We're talking people who start from scratch for the fans/collab purposes, and in that regard Korone and surprisingly Pekora are putting in some real effort.

>> No.30977165


>> No.30977169

give her a new laptop or a pc

>> No.30977170

Getting her a new pc would probably help

>> No.30977173

Import her to Japan

>> No.30977174
File: 128 KB, 1192x373, 131380790_1103233563461546_691457529223672277_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you weren't around to witness this thread

>> No.30977176

Got caught busting all kinds of nuts inside Miko.

>> No.30977178

>kiara shitting on their FES ad

>> No.30977181


>> No.30977184

lol Kiara shitted on that cringy twitter post

>> No.30977185

>It's so scripted/awkward
kek Kiara shitting on that clip

>> No.30977187

>Kiara's shitting on the countdown video

>> No.30977188

>we will look back in a year and laugh
>but I am already laughing at it now

>> No.30977190

>Kiara shitting on the ad

>> No.30977191

>Kiara taking the piss of the holofes promo
Based chicken

>> No.30977194

Post her nudes on /hlgg/

>> No.30977197

>sings little known version that includes the normal english Z and the American Z
Based Nenechi

>> No.30977199

apparently member only streams are all bugged on youtube so now they're all unlisted videos instead of member only videos
But now you can kinda see how many members Kiara has watching her, so there are about 400 KFP.

>> No.30977200

Nah her game choices are pretty shit.

>> No.30977203

I wasn't really taking Gen 0 into account

>> No.30977205
File: 148 KB, 313x289, 1603742287091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977291

Holy shit dude relax in no way did any of that mention "low growth" why are you so pissed off?

>> No.30977206

>You're really going balls to the wall, huh anon?

>> No.30977207

Thin your paints!

>> No.30977213

End her misery

>> No.30977215

do you guys think ID2 will jump straight to collabs with EN once the ban is lifted? I think they might fuck around with ID1 first

>> No.30977216
Quoted by: >>30977299

This can't be real

>> No.30977219

Expect a meltdown and tons of cuckposters to come out if she doesn't stream on Christmas cause she didn't spend time with her family on Thanksgiving so the schizos have a lot of fuel to go off of

>> No.30977224

shit fetish bro
>that... was... breath... taking...

>> No.30977228


>> No.30977229
Quoted by: >>30977286

There were like 5-600 in the waiting room
So lol implying you're getting numbers

>> No.30977231

robots don't need pants

>> No.30977233

Any drawfags here suffer from a shit pc/tablet?
Do you push though to make stuff or do you not use a low dpi?

>> No.30977234

That and donations for now. But the big break will be membership opening up.

>> No.30977237


>> No.30977239
Quoted by: >>30977274

Got a proper dayjob without informing Cover probably. He only streams on his roommate's channel on the weekends.

>> No.30977251

She already covered what she needs to cover

>> No.30977250
Quoted by: >>30977300

Ollie might. She's hyping it up with her "simping". Hopefully it goes well

>> No.30977252
Quoted by: >>30977347

Even if they learn enough English to become conversationally competent, their accents will filter them forever. Their English right now is so bad that the accent isn't a pressing problem.

>> No.30977256

I can't tell if it's Austrian autism, the straightforward way she translates her thoughts into English, or both, but Kiara always comes off as hilariously blunt yet I always know she doesn't mean to be rude, even when she is.

>> No.30977259

>imagine sharing weeb shit with family

>> No.30977261


Thats what im trying. She will get better as things go on and she replaces the potatoes she trying to stream on

>> No.30977263

Probably, my non-shitpost guess is that he started going through a depressive Bipolar phase and couldn't handle streaming for Holostars anymore.

>> No.30977264
File: 881 KB, 806x975, 1605386964278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30977271

she needs to get a better mic and computer

>> No.30977273

splitting perspectives for overcooked was a silly idea

>> No.30977274

explain ayame then

>> No.30977276

Also my computer isn't wearing a bra, it's that lewd. Complete whore of a PC.

>> No.30977281

Should probably bump that up because we know Watsons members streams trend around 1k-2k but her watchalong said similar numbers to this

>> No.30977282

Anya will probably go to JP first, the rest to EN.

>> No.30977283
File: 273 KB, 900x1171, 1604286432467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Ame give her a shout out or something?
She is like a two months old right and already has 50k, which is amazing for an indi, and like her entire chat was in English when I was watching a while back.

>> No.30977284
File: 92 KB, 400x489, 1566364601203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me the gift

>> No.30977285

Wait. Choco laughs like Kiara?

>> No.30977286

oh I know, it's just highlighting how youtube is still bugged

>> No.30977287
File: 550 KB, 1527x817, musical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, that's a lot of karaokes

>> No.30977288
File: 2 KB, 178x88, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this warm feeling inside? What is this...

>> No.30977291
Quoted by: >>30977411

Not sure how else you expect someone to read "Ina/Kiara/Mori sub numbers" as anything but trying to pretend Moris growth numbers are low, when it makes no sense to mention the two lowest and then the second biggest EN Holo.

>> No.30977293
Quoted by: >>30977365

I'm a deadbeat but I'm also membered to Kiara. What am I supposed to do here?

>> No.30977294

>watched meme review
kiara no

>> No.30977295
File: 225 KB, 750x1016, 6926334F-9AD4-4D66-B3BD-1BB1FF0BD55B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30977298

ID1 will take the precedence but they definitely want to collab

>> No.30977299
Quoted by: >>30977759

It's a rip on the anal vore party post.

>> No.30977300

Zombie Festival seems inevitable at this point.

>> No.30977302


>> No.30977303


>> No.30977306

You wouldn't put pants on a toaster would you?

>> No.30977311
Quoted by: >>30977356

She's already got Christmas streams planned.

>> No.30977318
File: 1.52 MB, 787x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30977321

nene is the sneed of hololive

>> No.30977322

Inb4 there are official holo prostitutes

>> No.30977323

ID gen 1 of course
Reine collabs with Iofi and Pochi
Anya collabs with Risu
Ollie collabs with Iofi

Their next collabs are EN for Reine and Ollie, Anya will collab with a JP

>> No.30977324

Great, that means we can discount negative numberfags as chinks from now on as well!
God I fucking love that bitch.

>> No.30977325

What the fuck?

>> No.30977328

You guys are so delusional if you think vtubing is going to continue being popular past 2025. It'll hit max saturation in 2023. It will go on a decline then. The only reason hololive got any traction is because every one was stuck inside because of corona. This success isn't natural. It will contine being popular until the corona is gone and the vaccine is available publicly.

>> No.30977330
Quoted by: >>30977546

>Muh seaniggers

>> No.30977337
File: 301 KB, 1153x1149, 1607269435877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977796

Holo should asap contract walfie for merchandising his holo designs and start pumping out figures and keychains and all kinds of merch. Its a genuinely good looking stylisation thats not just Anime Chibi, or those horrific funko pop abominations

>> No.30977340 [SPOILER] 
File: 130 KB, 787x733, 1608473468697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, the ID might look bad compared to EN and JP but they are currently the most successful vchuubas on ID, look at the NijiID-niggers numbers

>> No.30977341
Quoted by: >>30977423

>>Don't I look cute today?
>chat floods with "cuter than usual today."

>> No.30977342

I've known a few of Germs who had pretty good English and they've all been incredibly blunt with their phrasing regardless of their personality.

>> No.30977345

It's almost as though there was some big concert that they were wanting to do their singing reps for?

>> No.30977346

She seems uncomfortable when four natives make fun of British accent..

>> No.30977347

Accents can boost them. I don't know if I'd be watching Haachama if she didn't have the most adorable English voice I've ever heard.

>> No.30977348
File: 102 KB, 1548x295, 1482971720936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori already declined by November. Half of her views come from music videos she released in September. She does some stupid shit, people see it on twitter, come check out her channel and listen to the songs, 99.9% of them never bother again. Pic is the boost RIP got from the Persona 3 stream.

JP holos earn more than EN holos though?

>> No.30977349
Quoted by: >>30977373

plz don't be worse then the chicken at 2hu

>> No.30977351
Quoted by: >>30977438

she has resting rude voice. I've even thought she was making some kind of cutting insult when she was only referencing a meme, like "300k vtuber bye bye".

>> No.30977353
Quoted by: >>30977396


>> No.30977356

Really? Good, cause the threads earlier showed Ame antis from both SEA and discord never let up

>> No.30977361
File: 2.15 MB, 1500x2000, 1607753102319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dud like Luna or Nene
These are fighting words, motherfucker

>> No.30977362
File: 314 KB, 822x822, 1608424596692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With greater insight comes greater madness.

>> No.30977366

Sponsored. Ame did it couple days ago, we already assumed other members will do it too.

>> No.30977365

Watch both

>> No.30977367
File: 156 KB, 270x270, 1607994233515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977407

The date!

>> No.30977372

do you guys think she's a dragonChad or just a shadowcraft virgin?

>> No.30977373

Is that stream worth a watch?

>> No.30977374

>until the corona is gone and the vaccine is available publicly.
>he lacks the critical information

>> No.30977375

Where is this posted? This isn't in her YT channel or twitter.

>> No.30977378

please be fake because that's a shit schedule the date isn't enough to carry

>> No.30977381
Quoted by: >>30977421

Mori... easy on the shilling, otherwise your niggas will think you're a no good sellout who cares more about hustling and selling Yeezy than spitting fire.

>> No.30977382

Someone found links that indicate her and Kiara will be making Shadowverse shill vids like Ame did.

>> No.30977384

>Haachama singing in English.
Don't know if I care to catch that or stick with Festival.

>> No.30977385

There is no escape.

>> No.30977387
Quoted by: >>30977447

Does Mori contribute literally anything to a full collab?

>> No.30977389

Finish her fucking 2d drawing with some shadings

>> No.30977392

it's sponsored. Ame did a "these cards are cute, aren't they?" stream.

>> No.30977393
File: 441 KB, 1920x1080, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You CAN'T refute this graph chumkeks.

>> No.30977394

Look at this poorfag

>> No.30977395
Quoted by: >>30977644

>2 sponsored streams
>2 GFE streams
>1 music stream

the christmas stream starts at 11:30pm her time, so she's doing something else christmas day

maybe death sensei is getting his dick wet

>> No.30977396


>> No.30977402
Quoted by: >>30977481

Are you trying to make teamates look like complete retards with that transparent false flagging? Because you're doing a really good job

>> No.30977403

Easier for USB insertion.

>> No.30977404

>can catch all of them live
Thank you Jesas

>> No.30977406

Probably sponsored like Ame's

>> No.30977407

She's already toying with us >>30977288

>> No.30977408


>> No.30977410

did the ENs get the KMR sponsorship?

>> No.30977411
File: 303 KB, 587x425, 1583888122140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina/Kiara growths are still fucking exponentials growths the fuck are you talking about, in no way mentioning those 2 bring Mori down so calm the fuck down in this fucking trivial shit, Jesus Christ.

>> No.30977413

Not him, but Ayame is a Holo oldfag. Her contract is probably different than the one Kaoru signed. Its like how they implemented the "No underage" but have Haachama and Sora.

>> No.30977414
Quoted by: >>30977471

It's real, members only,

>> No.30977418
Quoted by: >>30977462

I mean its probably fake but she already admitted this week would be thin which is why she tried to make the week we just went through really nice.

>> No.30977419


>> No.30977420
Quoted by: >>30977589

Yeah, a Christmas Zatsudan and Karaoke so far, but she literally said she'd pull something better out of her butt. Her Halloween and Thanksgiving ideas were all last minute ideas after all.

>> No.30977421

If you were given money to listen to touhou music while playing a puzzle game badly wouldn't you take it?

>> No.30977422

I'm member'd, man. What the hell?

>> No.30977423
Quoted by: >>30977609

I wonder how long it will be until ogey rrat leaks out of here

>> No.30977424

Senior benefits or Cover is afraid of force graduating someone popular. Kaoru joined at the start of the year and is a homo, so he isn't owed anything.

>> No.30977427
Quoted by: >>30977820

>JP holos earn more than EN holos though?
Do they?

>> No.30977430

I believe she's doing a members zatsudan on Christmas.

>> No.30977434
Quoted by: >>30977650

Without adblockers on a foreground-tab.
I don't know if the window needs focus too.

>> No.30977438

Nah her voice is fine, it's just the way her sentences come out. There's no cushioning if that makes sense. Again I think it's just a quirk of translating German thoughts into English words.

>> No.30977442

I want to fuck my boy

>> No.30977447 [SPOILER] 
File: 70 KB, 197x218, 1608473648317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a born tsukkomori.

>> No.30977455

>he doesn't know

>> No.30977462
File: 870 KB, 724x1020, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30977464

Numberfag gotta numberfag... all without understanding how those numbers work.

Her 80k weekly rate was never 80k. She just sustained the 10k daily subs long enough to maintain 8 separate entries in the weekly table. Social Blade and Playboard have actually are right in that she has had a stable 10k daily for like two months straight with a handful of exceptions that can be considered statistical outliers.

Her growth is stable. It is declining, but it is declining at a stable rate, not the sharp drop that you decribe.

>> No.30977468
File: 46 KB, 1410x383, 1581394898055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977820

Alright, now tell me about why Ina is inclining then? At this point you are just telling me why they are having better numbers:
>Amelia is streaming more, so she gets better numbers
>Mori does some engaging content, so she gets better numbers

>> No.30977471

Oh nevermind. YT didn't auto renew.

>> No.30977473

>gonna miss the date
dang I wish I was one of those anons who are totally ostracized from their family

>> No.30977474

Not necessarily, all sorts of behavioural changes have been adopted long term because of disasters. Somethings stick but first need a large catalyst to get the ball rolling.

>> No.30977478
File: 251 KB, 236x272, GuraChad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The math checks out

>> No.30977480

>Missed yogiri's concert
Is it archived? I can't fucking navigate this shitty bug site

>> No.30977481


>> No.30977484

>Kiara giving inside knowledge about how the hololive calls work
You may hate chicken but she actually gives a ton of info

>> No.30977485

Kiara needs jp friends......

>> No.30977486

Subs yeah, concurrent viewers is on par with hana for now. If we're not counting their debut stream.

>> No.30977492

What do Korones panties look like? Or does she wear spats or something?

>> No.30977494
Quoted by: >>30977617

Nah, what he's saying is you wanted to talk up Ame which is pretty blatant because there is no natural skip from Ina Kiara to Mori rather than Ame.

>> No.30977499

>deadbeats will defend this

>> No.30977501

ngl i think this it might saturate as early as summer 2021

>> No.30977507

>That's just Ame doing more streams. Hardly any VODs have 200k views.
When she does 15 streams a week, it's hard for viewers to keep up. A view is a view. Stop moving goalposts.

>> No.30977510

>Kiara is doing a watch along for fes

>> No.30977516

Anon in /hlg/ recorded it. He'll do quality check first. Be back in a few hours

>> No.30977518

Kiara doing a watchalong for both days of the live. Public stream.

>> No.30977519

Oh shit chimkin watchalong for holofes!

>> No.30977520

I can't wrap my head around both Anya and Cover being incapable of buying a decent computer

>> No.30977521

Aqua is based

>> No.30977522
File: 1.51 MB, 1716x675, 1608301513560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still feels weird seeing Hana and Ollie being mods in each others chats. ID really does seem to march to the beat of their own drum.

>> No.30977523

>Holofes2 public watch along with Kiara

>> No.30977526

Ask /hlg/

>> No.30977527

It sucks that Mori became the super fem GFE character. Really stinks because she had a lot of potential when she first started. I've just about stopped watching her at thus point which sucks because I enjoyed her a lot at the start.

>> No.30977528
File: 295 KB, 1080x607, 1606529627432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double checked the calculations myself, it checks out.

>> No.30977530
File: 228 KB, 680x553, 1603995191668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia was a dumb evil chink, but she was hilarious.
I miss her
reincarnation wouldnt feel the same...

>> No.30977534

She's just ESL, she's said a few times that if she's speaking German she more in control and doesn't spontaneously swear so much

>> No.30977535

You guys are so delusional if you think youtubing is going to continue being popular past 2009. It'll hit max saturation in 2008. It will go on a decline then. The only reason youtube got any traction is because every one was unemployed because of the recession. This success isn't natural. It will contine being popular until the recession is gone and jobs are available publicly.

>> No.30977536

>Two sponsored
>Two GFE
Guess its not my week. Then again, the read along was sponsored and that was great.

>> No.30977538

>GUH lets play some shadowverse!
>even tho its sponsored I LOVE this game o much
>Thats a nice looking card, MHH
>Lets read some superchats! Yoisho!

Theres yoyrs stream

>> No.30977539

magnet up in /hlg/

>> No.30977546

Yes, the threads are generally awful during seanigger times.

>> No.30977548
Quoted by: >>30977583

Why the fuck is Ame and Mori shilling Shadowverse and not Ina? Surely she is the only one in HoloEN who could even have a relevant opinion on TCGs let alone anime tiddy TCGs.

>> No.30977549
Quoted by: >>30977638


>> No.30977553
Quoted by: >>30977654

People noticed Nabi-mama gives her some love, and she panders to EOPs that bleed over with Holo references and shit. She's also really easy on the ears, so that helps.

>> No.30977555


>> No.30977556

>she actually gives a ton of info
she's one of the most open she's the reason we knew cyberpunk perms were gone before Mori announced it

>> No.30977559
File: 33 KB, 750x702, 1589665279042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will play Granblue for the Hololive collab, right?

>> No.30977560

>christmas stream
confirmed for not a slut, happy for you deadbeats

>> No.30977563

>Real concerts
Kiara don't be mean

>> No.30977565
Quoted by: >>30977585

That’s what we wanted though

>> No.30977566

You have no fucking clue what an exponential means, their growth is logarithmic

>> No.30977575

I was going to watch it archived but this changes things

>> No.30977577

How long is the show, each day?

>> No.30977580
Quoted by: >>30977720

If they were smart they would. I really expected that we would be seeing a lot more EN and ID1 collabs by this point. All we've had is a few Lofi/Ina collabs and Moona sort of collabing with Kiara. The branch with tiny viewership has crossed the biggest barrier to entry in getting access to EN's big market and they really haven't utilized that access as much as they could and should.

>> No.30977583

They may only want one shill a week to get maximum efficiency with the audiences.

>> No.30977585
Quoted by: >>30977691

>What we wanted
Fuck no it wasn't.

>> No.30977589

She's also already planning New Years, which seems like an all-day event as she wants to countdown the New Year in multiple time zones.

And her birthday is the week after that on January 6th.

So she's literally planning events for the next three weeks

And then she said she's on to planning Valentine's Day

>> No.30977592
Quoted by: >>30977666

A Christmas stream... at 23:30 JST.
You know what that means.

>> No.30977595

Watching the Christmas collab right now, how did /hlgg/ react to Kiara screeching about hinotori for 10 minutes?

>> No.30977600

I like Hololive because it's comprised entirely of weirdos. I have no idea what kind of absurd retardation or great entertainment I'm in for every day with this gaggle of morons and that's great. It's dripping with SOUL. Maybe that doesn't play well in mainstream Japan but it does elsewhere.

>> No.30977601

It's a shame Hololive is kinda forced to cut its branches
First Aloe
Then Holostars
Then all of the Chinese
They didn't deserve it...
Aloe at the very least didn't deserve it, not so sure about the other ones, don't really watch the Chinese girls and Holostars

>> No.30977602

Okay I just woke up
Can someone give me a rundown of Kiara's chitchat so far?

>> No.30977603
Quoted by: >>30977631

KFP uh... What is uh, what's the topic here?

>> No.30977606
Quoted by: >>30977630

You can fucking screencap this

>> No.30977608
Quoted by: >>30978087

Man, Ayame's intro is pretty great

>> No.30977609

Minimal leakage for now, reddit doesn't get it. Sporadic distortionposting on facebook though, that's fucking concerning.

>> No.30977614

> the hololive calls work
I'm listening to 4 people speaking at the same time now. What did she say?

>> No.30977616

someone post the screenshot

>> No.30977617

I'm not even that person that made the post I'm just saying this whole argument is pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.30977622

This. Whenever you see a 20k entry, it is a "correction". She always earns a number at or above 10k, but never 20k at a time, so those extras pile up until she reaches the next 10k, which sometimes leads to 20k (multiple entries of 10k subs within the same 24h period).

>> No.30977624

She's only done a few streams like that, she's still the same dork 90% of the time and I doubt that will ever change.

>> No.30977626
Quoted by: >>30977903

>You guys are so delusional if you think streaming is going to continue being popular past 2015
Never change

>> No.30977627
Quoted by: >>30977952

>Kaoru's roommate is married
Was this common knowledge pre-graduation?
Are any of the other gays capable of having relationships irl without people going crazy? I know the niji dudes don't even hide that stuff

>> No.30977629

She's doing a watch-along of A-chan's stream

>> No.30977630

God I wish

>> No.30977631
Quoted by: >>30977686

Watching A-chan's HoloFes thing.

>> No.30977632
File: 667 KB, 680x9940, three arrows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30977634

Supposedly Gundou once, not sure about currently, made Matsuri a mod for her too.
I think they are closer than you imagine.

>> No.30977635
File: 145 KB, 531x640, C33BD3D4-C2BA-4BDC-8BAC-318612BF0833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares?

>> No.30977637

Nothing to worry about, bugmen are getting Corona 2.0 ready as we speak.

>> No.30977638


>> No.30977642

>cyberpunk perms were gone
Don't care much for the game, but what the fuck happened?

>> No.30977644

She's busy having sex with Kiara

>> No.30977645

>wants to do a contest like the mama stream with EN/ID
oh boy

>> No.30977646

Kinda sucks, but gunna see how her schedule looks after she gets more time.

>> No.30977649
Quoted by: >>30977676

Take your meds, she's the same as ever.

>> No.30977650

Just open it it on your phone.

>> No.30977652
File: 2.98 MB, 500x700, 1608354539814.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30977654
File: 3.03 MB, 2598x3675, 1605688269834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977789

I hope they collab like Moona did with with her sisters, it was really cute.
Surprised Calli hasn't acknowledged her sister considering she is supposed to be really into indis.

>> No.30977657

We did it!

>> No.30977661

i mean they are getting betetr numbers, you cant debate if the reason is ok or not but they are getting the views really fine and making money for them and cover.

>> No.30977666
Quoted by: >>30978346

i...i take it back you guys are gonna get sloppy seconds

>> No.30977671
File: 220 KB, 866x1390, representation-of-an-arrow-storm-in-the-royal-armouries-leeds-MB8RF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30977673

You forgot
>Maybe we'll meet some deadbeats while playing this game, huh chat?
>[You have been matched with xXx_KIM-DONG-LONG-4SSFUCK4_xXx]

>> No.30977675
File: 3.19 MB, 480x270, jXBqYBh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I listen to Moris bgm, all I see is pic related.

>> No.30977676
Quoted by: >>30977722

Found the newfag

>> No.30977678

the entire game is a mess of yabai, Cover is not taking risks with it. DMCA takedowns, buggy dicks

>> No.30977680

>Yandere contest

>> No.30977681

>Gura and Ame 'I Love You' game
these threads would fucking DIE

>> No.30977684
File: 14 KB, 1717x214, hellweek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how bad Mori's schedule is it's not this bad

>> No.30977686

>A watchalong of another stream
Oh. No wonder. Weird. But cool.

>> No.30977691

Fuck off then fag, I got a date

>> No.30977692
File: 188 KB, 1246x1410, 1589805703913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977713

Ame is than usual today

>> No.30977694

Maniacal plotting

>> No.30977699
Quoted by: >>30977993

I was wondering why Mori wasn't watching last night, since a certain circle has music in the game.

>> No.30977701
File: 258 KB, 2048x1678, 20201220_061712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30977704

You know what you are right, fuck niggers seriously

>> No.30977709

"The whore of Hololive," So literally anyone they hate at the time could fit that.

>> No.30977711

But she said she wouldn't be doing a watch-along.

>> No.30977712

She was always cute but society falsely told her she wasn't .

>> No.30977715

Did chicken said anything about the chink spam?

>> No.30977713

This is true

>> No.30977718

Cyberpunk's 'streamer-friendly' mode well....wasn't.

>> No.30977717
File: 262 KB, 432x331, 1589418971935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977889

The rrat in my head says it may have something to do with CDPR bending the knee to China with that Devotion yab on twitter.

>> No.30977720

Honestly I don't want EN to be watered down with collabing with ID all the time. They should have the same frequency as JP collabs

>> No.30977722

Fuck you. I was here before you learned to speak, mutt.

>> No.30977726
Quoted by: >>30977875

She said the way totsus normally work is a holo creates a group chat on discord, invites everyone on their contacts and asks them to call in if they can.

>> No.30977727
File: 243 KB, 1000x1026, MK HOLO victim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30977728

>what the fuck happened?
cover is said don't play it

>> No.30977731

Kiara is trying to speak English with a German accent, and failing.

>> No.30977736

So she'll be the only one watching it live and stream her reaction?
Kind of expected Cover to make the ENs do a live reaction of the concert like gen 5.

>> No.30977739


>> No.30977745

basically when they do call ins the person whose hosting the streams moves all the people in their PERSONAL contact list to a room and asks to join their call one at a time if they feel like.

Kiara said she only has the personal contacts for the people she collabed with and did holotalk with.

That's why HoloEN never shows up in the calls as they haven't shared their personal contacts with the other girls which is probably why the JP girls are begging them for collabs

>> No.30977751
Quoted by: >>30977766

gura's schedule says her members karaoke stream was on the 18th
but i thought i heard on yesterday's stream that gura's members karaoke is today
did it get rescheduled?

>> No.30977753
File: 181 KB, 680x680, out-transparent-19.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there even ONE(1) thing that all /HLG/ agrees on?

>> No.30977757
File: 1.33 MB, 1500x1500, 86350605_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>merry merry
>my boys
>-your boy
>Shadowverse stream tomorrow
I couldn't give less of a shit about card games, but I have faith that somehow she'll manage to make it kino. What about (You)?

>> No.30977758
Quoted by: >>30977844

>eurojank delivers as eurojank

>> No.30977759
Quoted by: >>30977909

>anal vore party post
I have never seen this posted before, please grant me eyes

>> No.30977760
File: 649 KB, 800x900, 1595618044837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame chinks for blowing this shit out of proportion
Oh wait you won't, because you're one of them

>> No.30977763

Anon(Mori) said it's something to do with WATSON WHORE.

>> No.30977764


>> No.30977766
Quoted by: >>30977808

yes sherlock

>> No.30977781

True deadbeats appreciate both sides of their oshi. Her first date stream is unironically one of her best and dorkiest streams.

>> No.30977782

>Watson whore

>> No.30977788

That everyone on this website is a schizo?

>> No.30977789
Quoted by: >>30977886

Anon, did you forget the civil war already? Mori is here, or she revised her stance after a ton of her T2s from here asked her to knock off her Critikal shit. Ever since then the doomposting about her ruining Hololive has pretty much ground to a halt.
Give her some time to wrap up her day job and she'll prob get around to it.

>> No.30977790
Quoted by: >>30977896

there were more streams that week right?

>> No.30977791

Miko appeared and Kiara kept talking. Peko turned up and told everyone to shut up.

>> No.30977793

>People unironically mad that Cover is pulling out of China
This is perhaps the best decision they have ever made, not only is the Chinese market insane unstable but every company that does business with them eventually gets fucked by their government.
Not clue why companies continue to do business in that shit country when it continues to bite them in the ass.

>> No.30977796

I feel like it's just gonna be a timeloop of how people ended up hating his Touhou style because if oversaturation soon

>> No.30977799

Ame said 'permissions' beyond that, nobody fucking knows, Mori's never addressed it on stream.

>> No.30977808

what time is the rescheduled stream?

>> No.30977813
Quoted by: >>30977873

>two sponsored streams

>> No.30977814
Quoted by: >>30977959

Judging from the devotion shit that happened CDPR is deep in chinese money and hololive is a no go for china

>> No.30977815

I know you shitpost but let me tell you why youtubing is different from vtubing. Have you seen the content for vtubing. 99% of it are just avatar gaming/interacting. That alone cannot carry the whole vtubing career for a decade. Youtubing on the other hand had many changes. It went from just posting shit to people doing skits. To gameplay. To reviews. To documentaries. Basically any kind of video can make someone a youtuber. What about vtubers? What can they do? Sing? Dance? Play games? Are they gonna teach me how the earth was made? Gonna tell me what new conspiracy are there? No they won't ever.

>> No.30977816
Quoted by: >>30978191

I expected the readalong shilling stream to be shit, and I got btfo on that so I'm not placing any bets

>> No.30977818
Quoted by: >>30977930

Anya's stream is having silky smooth 10+ FPS this time around, guys. It's no longer a PP presentation. Please watch Anya!

>> No.30977820
File: 156 KB, 869x328, 1543360174954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina genuinely inclined. She is getting more views.
>Amelia is streaming more, so she gets better numbers
>Mori does some engaging content, so she gets better numbers
They aren't getting better numbers per VOD, which would imply more viewers. We are talking about the size of EOP market, remember?

Ye. Pecor is way ahead of Gura in superchats and is just behind her in members despit hardly doing members only content. Most importantly, kusagi is still growing in both month on month. None of the ENs had increase in members in November except Kiara.

>> No.30977822
Quoted by: >>30977957

They don't just use their hololive discord accounts? What the fuck?

>> No.30977823
Quoted by: >>30977939


>> No.30977825

So 2nd holo indo low view because they majority talk in indo language i guess?

>> No.30977828
File: 1.40 MB, 1204x1200, 1603036397467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30977880

No survivors.

>> No.30977830
Quoted by: >>30978016

It is weird considering that I like Ollie but I want to ram Hana's head through a wall and then launch an anti-tank missile straight into her cunt

>> No.30977832

It's exaggerated but he's right. Ame is funny and she's always trying to innovate.

>> No.30977839

They should collab if they have chemistry, or like the same games.
But otherwise don't force it if they don't care for it, well, not like they'll force it in the first place.

>> No.30977840
File: 263 KB, 850x1202, gawr_gura_and_takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_yudetama__sample-4b63c6eb75a7e10c2ac20e8ca4120e6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man has done his China reps.

>> No.30977841
Quoted by: >>30977885

>KMR shilling his card game again
>not just shilling grabble with ina, a holo that actually plays one of his games

>> No.30977843
File: 129 KB, 1012x900, 6338822662811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She only started streaming 6 days ago anon.
Also she celebrated her 50k about 1,5 days ago which means she has gained 22k in a day and a half.

She will probably incline pretty hard still because:
>People associate her with ame
>Ame liked her debut stuff so she is "recognized"
>It's a great design
>She cute
>Is really gentle to chat and already said she will marry everyone
>Hard panders to EOPs with half of her streams being just studying English

My guess blue Ame will grow until 100k or so fast until it evens out.

>> No.30977844

It isn't even eurojank, its straight up AAA trash. They even hired some of the Andromeda devs for this pile of garbage.

>> No.30977845

This is assuming Youtube and Twitch remain conducive to the survival of vtubers. Cover in particular should be working on a post-Youtube plan if it wants to continue doing Hololive.

>> No.30977849

is just one chang trying to put EN market on the same level as china.

>> No.30977848

They love dogs.

>> No.30977852

It's genuinely hard to do "hard accents" when you are somewhat fluid in the second language.
It takes effort

>> No.30977853
File: 31 KB, 720x476, f2gkmpoiw5661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30977855
Quoted by: >>30978492

Based fairy tale reference poster

>> No.30977860


>> No.30977862

its in 9 hours

>> No.30977861

>Not clue why companies continue to do business in that shit country when it continues to bite them in the ass.
Companies only think about the short term benefits, never the long term detriments.

>> No.30977864
Quoted by: >>30977902

Feels a little empty, but last week did have a lot, and at least she’ll get some time to focus on music creation so we don’t miss out like we did on November. Next week could be stacked (hope we get halo soon)
>holiday live show on the 27th
Thank god my boy didn’t forget National Fruitcake Day

>> No.30977866

Why does Ame HIC so often? Is she unironically drunk during streams?

>> No.30977867

We already know Miko had his baby.

>> No.30977868

They think China will normalize before they get fucked over, or China paid them to be there, or they think they can make their money before the fucking happens.

>> No.30977869

SEAniggers and Chinks are the fucking worst.

>> No.30977871

Having Kiaras stream open without the main channel stream open is weird
Just her going "aaaaaaaaaahhhh?" every few seconds.

>> No.30977873


>> No.30977874
Quoted by: >>30978036

only people mad here are literal shitposters and bugmen.
Everyone understands how toxic and bad in the longterm it would be to stay in China. If anything this was a blessing to have a reason to never get involved with China

>> No.30977875
File: 309 KB, 600x407, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naruhodo. I never used discord. rooms? contacts? why jump through all those hoops?

>> No.30977878

Member stream?

>> No.30977880
File: 2 KB, 95x45, BAD CHOICE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978125

Your 10chu has been start acting like a shitposter, jannie. AKUMA SAIKORO has possessed another host.

>> No.30977885

Shadowverse is dying worse than Granblue, please understand.

>> No.30977886
Quoted by: >>30977970

Too bad the Minecraft-session got cut short just as Mori was getting the hang of it (being a low-key Zatsudan).

>> No.30977888

>Not clue why companies continue to do business in that shit country when it continues to bite them in the ass.
Dude, what about the chinese market?
Funny, how the west gladly fuck themself over just for the promise of money, it's like writing candy on the side of a van to lure kids

>> No.30977889

>CDPR bending the knee to China with that Devotion yab on twitter.
I saw this on /v/ too, but no clue whats about
Any context?

>> No.30977890


>> No.30977891
File: 294 KB, 640x816, 1608106526358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now these are numbers I can get behind

>> No.30977892

Japanese is pretty fucking hard to learn, not worthwhile just to pick up a few stray fans that don't even watch in your streaming timezone. Even Kiara doesn't really have that many Japanese fans. Seems to have more ESL (indogs flips ect) fans from that timezone than jp.

>> No.30977895

That company was fucked the moment it went public. That's how it goes.

>> No.30977896
Quoted by: >>30977955

She did her song release and a zatsudan right after secret neighbour. still less than 5 though

>> No.30977897
Quoted by: >>30978215

Now post some Reine feet art

>> No.30977902

>last week did have a lot
it didn't, she just streams so little a little extra feels like a ton

>> No.30977903

It didn't get really popular until 2018. Then people stop posting playthrough/walkthrough anymore. Vtubing is actually just a kind of evolution of streaming.

>> No.30977904

Didnt she release her song that week?
also she confirmed a new song by end of month so i will give it a pass for now.

>> No.30977907

Before the Minecraft stream. This shork brain really needs to make stream reservations a day beforehand for unarchived streams.

>> No.30977908
Quoted by: >>30978004

based cumbuds

>> No.30977909
File: 77 KB, 1547x726, analvoreparty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978028

Fear the old butt.

>> No.30977918
Quoted by: >>30977992

Oh yea, there is gonna be 3 more streams in the next 10 days because of that. Nevermind, schedule is fine.

>> No.30977917

>this whole fucking post
Thanks mate

>> No.30977920

I still dont, cute dance tho

>> No.30977919
Quoted by: >>30978031

>They aren't getting better numbers per VOD, which would imply more viewers.
You can't expect viewer numbers per VoD to rise or even stay steady with increased streamcount or length

>> No.30977926
File: 1.56 MB, 1274x705, ryfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you be cheating on your EN oshi while shes asleep for pic related?

>> No.30977930

>turned off her L2D

>> No.30977931

idk dude I'm doing TA on it and it's looking like you have a double bear flag into 180 downside nollie so I'm gonna 10x short your lovecoin sorry bro

>> No.30977932

I'm amazed its still alive considering how fast the meta went to complete dogshit.

>> No.30977933

I want what you're smoking anon
Must be some heavy shit

>> No.30977935


>> No.30977939

You don't know how girls work, do ya?

>> No.30977940
Quoted by: >>30978020

This literally just looks like AMELIA BLANCO

>> No.30977941

>I know you shitpost but let me tell you why youtubing is different from vtubing. Have you seen the content for vtubing. 99% of it are just avatar gaming/interacting. That alone cannot carry the whole vtubing career for a decade. Youtubing on the other hand had many changes. It went from just posting shit to people doing skits. To gameplay. To reviews. To documentaries. Basically any kind of video can make someone a youtuber. What about vtubers? What can they do? Sing? Dance? Play games? Are they gonna teach me how the earth was made? Gonna tell me what new conspiracy are there? No they won't ever.
There are lots of options left.
I bet AR-streams could be fun too.

>> No.30977948

It's a medical condition.

>> No.30977952

>Was this common knowledge pre-graduation?
No. It was only posted once in his roommate's twitter that he got married. Some of the guys have professed to have been in relationships as vtubers or as their roommate.

>> No.30977953

I love Mori but nothing will ever possess me to play that game.

Unless she invited me personally.

>> No.30977954

Literally numberfagging in the board room.

>> No.30977955

so only 2 public streams in one "week" damn

>> No.30977957

No, I'm pretty sure they use the holo discord accounts. For a few totsus they've displayed the discord voice overlay and it's been holo accounts.

>> No.30977959

Don't be a schizo anon

>> No.30977961

Boys can't love boys!

>> No.30977963
Quoted by: >>30978037

Her best quality is that she is not a lazy cunt who just speaks her fucking dying language and try to learn english at least, also she looks better than Ame, probably Nabi mamas favorite child

>> No.30977965
File: 1.09 MB, 818x908, 1608471171482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnet up

>> No.30977966

Missed it/10

>> No.30977970

Yeah, that really was unfortunate. It cause a 2019 guy-esque thread mood shift as well, it was fucking bad.

>> No.30977973

humu humu

>> No.30977976
File: 207 KB, 321x351, 1608337677746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Answering to shitpost/bait left and right
"It's beginning to feel a lot like deadhoursssss..."

>> No.30977978

We've been over this retard, it was an edited clip. Stop spreading this anti bs.

!!! ---הסר את הטקסט הזה לפני ההודעה---!!!

>> No.30977979
Quoted by: >>30978235

I'm imagining her stream just being her getting mad at all the unbalanced OTK bullshit people pull on her.
Probably a good number of somewhat sarcastic "I deserved that"s

>> No.30977983
Quoted by: >>30978317

>is just behind her in members
what? the last time i saw a chart of memberships pekora was far behind gura by about 6-7k

>> No.30977984

Damn she cute.

>> No.30977987
Quoted by: >>30978109

Companies want money and are willing to bend their principles for that, all there is to it

>> No.30977990
Quoted by: >>30978153

>They even hired some of the Andromeda devs for this pile of garbage.
Also I will never not laugh at having their MP branch make a SP game while the SP branch make a MP game.

>> No.30977992
Quoted by: >>30978238

>Nevermind, schedule is fine.
it isn't but at this point expecting anything from mori is a fool's errand

>> No.30977993
Quoted by: >>30978024

Are you talking about her ghostling targets song release or something else?

>> No.30978000
File: 61 KB, 112x112, 1608025994927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Timeslots need some work
>heavy indog in collabs
>Reine especially scared EN audience off despite backing up and going 98% EN in her streams
>Collab ban
>Anya equipment debuff
>EN1 was a one time thing, it's not going to happen twice
The girls are still extremely happy with how it's going, Reine and Ollie have both cried on stream because of how grateful they are of the support

>> No.30978004


>> No.30978007

She compulsively swallows air until her stomach belches it back up. She just masks the burps by hiccing.

>> No.30978008

Pussies can't touch in that position. Can they?
You're right tho

>> No.30978013
File: 882 KB, 1092x800, 1603163126202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(ESL) clipfags are a big factor for her incline

>> No.30978014

They loved HoloJP, not HoloCN. They still didn't pay up though.

>> No.30978015

I will preserve it forever

>> No.30978016

Weird name for your penis, but okay.

>> No.30978017

I want to hug Anya...

>> No.30978020

You're in the wrong thread >>30931623

>> No.30978022

Pillow talk while cuddling on a twin bed with Gura!

>> No.30978025

>your oshi
>are you a Touhoufag

>> No.30978024

2hu game has tamaonsen songs

>> No.30978027

>cyberpunk perms were gone
Aren't they just waiting for CDPR to fix shit?

>> No.30978028

A timeless classic

>> No.30978031
Quoted by: >>30978121

>with increased streamcount or length
From what I read of that reply chain its about the size of the EOP market in terms of viewership. More streaming etc. pulls more subs, which indirectly 'should' lead to more viewers per stream/VoD. It does not for most EN holos, they still pull roughly the same numbers as they did 400k subs ago. Particularly bad with Gura, but also notable with Mori.
Its quite obvious that a ton of people subbed because of clips and never watched or subbed early on and stopped watching.

>> No.30978036

Sasuga 500 IQ Haachama.

>> No.30978037

you can say that when mama releases an art book of her

>> No.30978038

Quarterly reports is their religion. What do you mean "unstable market"? The numbers go up!

>> No.30978043

>Not clue why companies continue to do business in that shit country when it continues to bite them in the ass.
a shitload of money makes them focus on the short term
a ton more profits to make them reliant on the model
basically the same mentality as the girls in NTR

>> No.30978046
Quoted by: >>30978317

And where is this "none increase in members except Kiara" stat from ?

>> No.30978049

>shilling subway
ya be

>> No.30978056

That's how I feel personally about it as well, but Hololive is a corporation with corporate interests and the talent also have individual interests and those interests align with the growth and development of the talents. One of the major benefits they have is cross promotion to help each other grow and I'm just surprised that ID1 has almost exclusive access to this growth opportunity and yet there's been almost no effort put in to seizing that opportunity.

>> No.30978057
File: 391 KB, 858x1200, 1595882208380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978119


>> No.30978058

>Calliope "One Song a Month" Mori
>about to finish her second consecutive month without a song release
Queen of broken promises

>> No.30978064

I don't know if this is the exact reason, but the streamer mode turned out to be not so streamer friendly after all. It still played a DMCAable song. It's probably not worth the risk anyway, what with all the dicks everywhere.

>> No.30978067
Quoted by: >>30978140

>recently I don't eat much
uuuuh architects?

>> No.30978068
File: 307 KB, 463x453, 1603759834631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in tarnation

>> No.30978070


Mega alternative

>> No.30978073
Quoted by: >>30978335

>announced they'll release Devotion on GOG
>Devotion was removed from all platforms for making a Pooh joke in reference to you know who about a year ago
>2 hours later they say lmao we changed our mind after feedback from gaymers
>fuck customers fuck devotion and fuck taiwan

>> No.30978074

Game has a joke about Xi in it, bugs went mad as expected. Devs tried publishing it on gog next, "gamers"complained so it wasn't published there. /v/ theorizes that a lot of Chinese investors were pushing that decision.

>> No.30978075
File: 343 KB, 474x729, 1607174202534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wonder how Ame or Gura feel when they see such an embracing and warm interaction detailed upon the canvas. Would their hearts flutter a little bit, would a second of sexual curiosity cross their minds? A spark of a 'what if'?

>> No.30978077
File: 14 KB, 251x262, 1605422606238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978163

Can someone make a spam script for Bilbili that exposes their government? I'm so sick of the bugmen not facing consequences.

>> No.30978084
Quoted by: >>30978335

They released a game where they say "sensitive stuff" about china and "the gamers" demanded that the game needed to be removed from the store:

>> No.30978086
Quoted by: >>30978152

nah Kiara confirmed their duet comes out this month

>> No.30978087

Shame we only see it once a month.

>> No.30978091

Used to be, still play occasionally and can probably name 75% of the characters if I see a picture of them.

>> No.30978092

So who's Ame's sis favorite Holo?

>> No.30978094
Quoted by: >>30978335

Game is made by Taiwanese devs and they left some winnie the pooh reference in. Bugmen declared it a national security risk and shut them down. Game got pulled from steam but had a home on gog until cdpr capitulated to their commie masters for more yuans.

>> No.30978099

You want a bad choice? You already got ONE.

>> No.30978100

>You don't know how girls work, do ya?
I don't even know where the batteries go.

>> No.30978102

She tweeted about a new song coming like 2 hours ago.

>> No.30978103

>1500 viewers
How long google...

>> No.30978106

she literally just announced her song release on twitter retard

>> No.30978105

The niji/hololive animosity is just the fans, I don't think the actual talents are like that.

>> No.30978107
File: 84 KB, 228x208, anya smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978147

Slide Show Sword...

>> No.30978108

2nd indo gen in the future must try minecraft so viewer can be higher.

And also speak 70-80% in english so viewer can understand & enjoy it more

>> No.30978109


>> No.30978111

>Ye. Pecor is way ahead of Gura in superchats and is just behind her in members despit hardly doing members only content.

Pekora is way ahead because of a $50K 1M celebration and a $13K mama event. On a stream-to-stream basis, they make similar amounts.

How many members does Pekora have? Gura has at least 15K.

>> No.30978112

She didn't just start 6 days ago. She was doing videos pre vtuber and it seems that she purged them.

>> No.30978114


>> No.30978118
Quoted by: >>30978282

Towa was the dud not Luna. And Nene got kneecapped by youtubes stupid obsession with being kid friendly she got changes to her dress last minute to not show any skin. Her original outfit was hot as fuck it had a paizuri hole

>> No.30978119

Has she added any new songs to her setlist? Because it's been getting old for a while now.

>> No.30978121

Anon especially with a schedule like Ame's you straight up can't expect people to watch all or even most VoDs.
Similar to Kiara's 6+ hour streams of ongoing series.

>> No.30978125

Now that’s a fun rrat. Kiara has started greentexting because Mori does it without thinking on Discord

>> No.30978126


>> No.30978129

>Don't speak english
Why respond when you clearly haven't watched them at all?

>> No.30978134

They speak English, which 4/5 ENs need to really viably collab. The problem is Moona is autistic and kind of does whatever she feels like, and is having more success with Pekora to worry about collab with EN and Loafy and Risu are kind of boring. ID Gen 2, or at least Ollie, could spice things up with good collabs.

>> No.30978139

Easy (you)s

>> No.30978140
File: 83 KB, 634x774, 1608046061963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A minor setback anon, I assure you.

>> No.30978142
File: 146 KB, 809x1442, 1588361998471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that nose sucker used for nostrils, but it's just for pores.

>> No.30978143

I guess? I play the games occasionally and read the official manga

>> No.30978146

I love the onion, even if she isnt the best all-around singer, she does her best.

>> No.30978148
File: 215 KB, 1750x1006, EpWmdKHVEAAN73x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978682

Really, I knew she was pretty new, but not that new.
I guess it really helps to be associated with EN even if its just by their parents, makes me wonder how many people have been commissioning Nacho to design their avatars now.
Gura might end up with a bunch of sisters after the dust has settled.

>> No.30978147

Surely they knew just how shit her set up was before she started streaming. Were the other applications just that shit?

>> No.30978149
Quoted by: >>30978162

Where is Kiara's member stream? I can't see it.

>> No.30978150
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1598094018868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978368

More like a question of why can't they just be close friends without all the degenerates thinking that if you're nice with someone, it means you want to fuck them. Followed by a feeling of disappointment that they cant be more close on stream and collab more, because people will twist it into something weird.

>> No.30978151

How do I listen to all these karaokes bros...

>> No.30978152
Quoted by: >>30978185

Is it a /u/bait cover song or original?

>> No.30978153
Quoted by: >>30978279

And both turned out to be spectacular disappointments. Does Anthem even have a playerbase anymore?

>> No.30978154

Considering how ugly the backlash is getting, it seems like YAGOO's LUCK 100 happened

>> No.30978155

Granblue is dying? It seems like everyone loves it still

>> No.30978159

>only from EN doing a watch along
>english viewers all watch me

>> No.30978160
File: 72 KB, 237x192, 1598790726693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holofes watch along with Kiara
Is it being mirrored elsewhere? I've never bought concert tickets before and I'm not gonna now until I know what it's like and my Oshi joins

>> No.30978162

check the community post

>> No.30978161
Quoted by: >>30978227

I could use one of these.

>> No.30978163
File: 199 KB, 500x500, 1604764312512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can someone make a spam script for Bilbili that exposes their government?
Anon, I'm going to redpill you on something. It's not the government, it's the people. The CCP is downstream from culture. The truth of the matter is that CCP or not, chinks will absolutely chimp out if you say something bad about China.

>> No.30978165

Sigh... I really don't like war but we really need to nuke China out of existence.

>> No.30978168

Used to really like the franchise, specially the characters and the music, but was dogshit at the main games. I played a lot of the fighting ones tho. Guess I'm a secondary.

>> No.30978171
Quoted by: >>30978251

>Are they gonna teach me...

Well, it's gotta start somewhere.

>> No.30978176

its not the same without the annoying hics...

>> No.30978179

You mean the threads we kill? Yeah I've never visited one.

>> No.30978183
File: 326 KB, 2048x1152, Epr-rjBUYAEczM2-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30978185

cover of a vocaloid one but not magnet

>> No.30978191

Yep, was exactly in the same boat.

>> No.30978190


>> No.30978192

>taiwanese game that was released on steam
>devs snuck a sneaky Winnie the Pooh joke
>mainlanders notice and chimp out
>game is pulled everywhere, game's publisher in china has business license revoked
>fast foward to recently
>gog announces they'll list the game on the store
>soon after, their twitter says they've reversed their decision due to "messages from gamers" or something along those lines
CDPR would rather take Xi's microdick than lose out on that giant slice of mainland pie. Don't think it's related to the perm loss or whatever, though.

>> No.30978193

>my metabolism means I never get fat
Explain the trash compactor....

>> No.30978195

>I can't believe Haachama is still alive

>> No.30978199

Good. Nice redpill to game devs to keep their companies private.

>> No.30978200

>I have a metabolism that makes me never lose or gain weight.
Architects... Not like this...

>> No.30978202
Quoted by: >>30978682

I liked her alot. She seems to have a brain for languages, she does those dualingo tasks really well. Something about her is really pleasant and pure.

>> No.30978211

>How many members does Pekora have? Gura has at least 15K.
I remember a membership chart that was posted a few weeks ago, can't find it anymore.

>> No.30978214


>> No.30978215
File: 2.08 MB, 1500x2050, EpruuXLU0AAbDDd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no feet yet, anon

>> No.30978223

Granblue's thriving, the fuck you on about?

>> No.30978227

It sucks, not in a good way. So, it's not useful.

>> No.30978232


>> No.30978238

Honestly, it’s better to have a slow week this week since most people will be busy with travel/holidays, if you’re going to have one this month.

>> No.30978235

I don't even understand this sentence. Has she even mentioned having played CCG before?

>> No.30978236

Oh shit Haachama killed Chicken's stream

>> No.30978240
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1595664873015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit a lot of these Holos have surprisingly great singing voices.

>> No.30978244
File: 3.56 MB, 3222x2323, 2447998703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP Employee and Investigator here

I actually think Amelia's Super Chat Sundays are now just as fun as Kiara's Super Chat Streams

>> No.30978242

that's pure muscle anon

>> No.30978245

Fucking youtube

>> No.30978246
File: 49 KB, 634x481, 1606670629616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978303


>> No.30978248


>> No.30978251

Bro, this market is currently pioneered. You'll see real innovation soon. There WILL be a mathematician Vtuber and you WILL like it.
Avatars are the future.

>> No.30978255
File: 215 KB, 486x497, 1592887360650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bri'ish people be like yeah i loik vchewbaas

>> No.30978254


>> No.30978260
Quoted by: >>30978319

>kiara died as haachama went in
did she had war flashbacks or something

>> No.30978265
Quoted by: >>30978387

Ageplay doesnt necessarily means diaperplay

>> No.30978266

Huge asses are God's genetic gift. You can't fatten into a big ass, just a fat one.

>> No.30978268


>> No.30978270

Well they're idols, so...

>> No.30978274

>"I'm retarded."
Sponsprships, advertising and marketing campaignsare determined and financed by views. You and >>30976167 are retarded because you're thinking that views only matter in the first day or the first week, when they're observed on a longer term. There's a reason why analytics websites track channel "health" out to 90 days (quarterly).

>> No.30978275

Thought the Polish had a spine

>> No.30978278
Quoted by: >>30978392

>None of the ENs had increase in members in November except Kiara.
they all get more membership every stream, hell watson has like 10k at least alone bassed on polls.
Pekora has never given any indication of how many memebrship she has but is far less than coco and rushia and coco is around 8 to 9k at least if comapring memebrship in chat.

>None of the ENs had increase in members in November except Kiara.
now you are moving the goalpoast, and that is entirely dependant on the kind of content they bring, at the end both gura and pekora bring similar viewership every week. But EN gets more suscribers as it is a new market.

Anyway this is like arguing whcih gesse gives the most shiny golden eggs. They all are doing great.

>> No.30978279
Quoted by: >>30978473

No idea. But EA has Apex now anyway.
Though tbf I heard the gameplay for Andromeda is actually really good. Or at least better than older MEs for what its worth. Not too surprised though, ME3MP was something I spent tons of money and time on and probably contributed to the lockbox insanity.

>> No.30978282

>Towa was the dud not Luna
Towa is above Luna now

>> No.30978284

Survey time!
>Your oshi
>When do you think the chink spam will end?

>> No.30978286

sorry, was meant for >>30977815

>> No.30978290

Is Matsuri really as fat as people say?

>> No.30978291

they are lovers

>> No.30978292

It's going to be Indian CS Youtube channels with a live2d.

>> No.30978301
Quoted by: >>30978468

Funny how Mori's superchat streams turned from second best to "eh it's okay I guess".

>> No.30978303

We will just have to work harder

>> No.30978306
Quoted by: >>30978393

Current rrats:
>china devotion
>Penises clipping through clothes and DMCAs
>Watson Whore

>> No.30978311
Quoted by: >>30978355

No it's sponsored. Like the 2hu game

>> No.30978313

At least post the source so anons who play Forza Horizon 4 can use it. https://twitter.com/Richard_Li_117/status/1340663884122714113

>> No.30978317

Gura 12,190; #1 among vtubers
Ame 7,068; #2
Pekora 6,484; #3
Ina 6,116; #4
Kiara 4,164; #10
Mori 4,057; #12

G 10,764; #1
P 7,482; #2
A 6,433; #3
I 5,800; #5
K 4,549 #10
M 3,873; #14

Vnuma. Next time do your archive reps.

>> No.30978318
Quoted by: >>30978400

So was steam the one who removed it, or the developer?

>> No.30978319

Hachaama cooking changes a person.
She may or may not have thrown up on stream just thinking about the spider cooking.

>> No.30978320

don't really care

>> No.30978322
Quoted by: >>30978380


>> No.30978328

>turn off live2D
>stream is still choppy most of the time
>said the game is fine on her end like the first ghost game collab
Anya probably has very wrong OBS settings, somebody with technical knowledge should really help her despite her PC, no way in hell does playing that japanese horror kusoge run at shit FPS

>> No.30978330


>> No.30978335

Didn't Steam do the same? It seems all western companies are cucked when it comes to Bug money.

>> No.30978337

They are idols anon.

>> No.30978339
Quoted by: >>30978584

Don't have to play CCGs to be frustrated when your health goes from 20 to 0 in one turn.

>> No.30978342

>as long as the little bugs exist

>> No.30978344

They're definitely doing well than how ID1, Moona really was struggling getting an audience pre-Minecraft except very few old guards.
EN was exceptional because of very high spec talent (releasing an original song on debut with skills in composing with a DAW), on that side, we didn't know how much good of a deal EN talents are getting. If anything, EN2 would really struggle if they can't pull their weight under heavy expectations.
ID is just Cover's card to dominate SEA vtuber markets, they will continue to operate even at a loss. For an outsider, ID culture may be the most relatable to the region, so I totally understood why Cover go with that country specifically.

>> No.30978346

.......so we still gettin it in?

>> No.30978349
File: 225 KB, 384x529, 1608468691688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978533

>When SEAniggers sleep

>> No.30978351

>Images left
>No incoming streams
Why survey post?

>> No.30978352
Quoted by: >>30978399

Which one(s) are you watching?

>> No.30978354

Go home FRIEND, you are not relevant anymore

>> No.30978355

What I meant to say is, does she know how to play them? I sure don't. Just trying to gauge the confusion levels beforehand, is all.

>> No.30978356
File: 11 KB, 327x154, 1608420700212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30978360
File: 156 KB, 334x307, kiara [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ft1nb5b.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30978363
File: 381 KB, 1448x2048, 1607607985137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can post images
HI Friends! Did you dream well?

>> No.30978367

>Subs are used for sponsership deals not viewer counts
That couldn't be more wrong. People who negotiate sponsorships aren't moronic boomers who don't know how youtube works.
Subs don't mean shit because you can have millions of subs from years ago and no one watches you anymore. Active viewership is by far the more important metric. People want to know how many people will watch their content NOW.

>> No.30978368
Quoted by: >>30978407

Ame is a bitch who loathes the ship on her stream but acts like she's in love on Gura's stream so that she stays relevant.

>> No.30978369
Quoted by: >>30978395

Can someone link the clip of Towa getting "Towa..."'d in Among Us?

>> No.30978376

We still have images, stop

>> No.30978377

>When they're finally nuked

>> No.30978378
Quoted by: >>30978478

Nobody likes SEAniggers SEAnigger. Now stop shilling your trash eating Holos here.

>> No.30978380

Kiara. Was talking about eating in her membership stream.

>> No.30978383

Why does Taiwan love these two so much?

>> No.30978385
Quoted by: >>30978496

Who is this?

>> No.30978387

Sure it doesn't...

>> No.30978393

>Watson Whore
Wait what?? Did CDPR put references to the Amegeddon in the game or something? What's their fucking problem?

>> No.30978392

The real problem is the scraper bot is inaccurate by nature. It has never captured more than 60% of Gura's members referenced against her polls.
Numberfag nousagi here knows this but he already came into the thread with his JP>EN conclusions so he's pushing it anyways.

>> No.30978394
File: 242 KB, 406x430, 1579608450563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1370 posts
>82 images slots left
dump eet

>> No.30978395


>> No.30978398

>what the fuck youtube you little bitch

>> No.30978399
File: 48 KB, 227x222, 1588330224925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame, Aqua and Marine

Ayame's singing voice is pleasant, Aqua's is adorable and Marine is powerful.

>> No.30978400

This part was a bit unclear to me as well.

>> No.30978402

I actually enjoyed Cyberpunk for what it was though I agree they definitely overpromised compared to what we wound up getting. Enemy/NPC AI was also pretty laughably bad which was probably my biggest gripe of the whole thing.

>> No.30978407


>> No.30978409

I did! Now I'm listening to friend talking to A-chan!

>> No.30978410

What the fuck? That WHORE.

>> No.30978415

> Haachama Engrish singing and Noel ASMR in 20 minutes

Which one...?

>> No.30978416
Quoted by: >>30978643

Who is the resident tech support holo for ID? Would it be Moona considering she was able to stream from the inside of her car?

>> No.30978417
Quoted by: >>30978575

so that means Gura has 22k and Pekora 14k members in total?
how is that even remotely "just behind"?

>> No.30978418
File: 353 KB, 1208x2208, EpovEUqU8AAvQ0u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I had a weird dream.

>> No.30978419

Imagine working for the two worst bosses in the world

>> No.30978422
Quoted by: >>30978472

Hanako? I heard that these games are terribly optimized. Also might work badly with OBS.

>> No.30978423
File: 188 KB, 995x969, 1606675547214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When we nuked them back into the stone age

>> No.30978425
File: 162 KB, 1782x1962, 1607635965553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978471


>> No.30978428
File: 149 KB, 1240x1754, 1608338360664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30978430


>> No.30978437
Quoted by: >>30978504

>Gura 12,190; #1 among vtubers
Not way this is accurate even back then, she did a poll around that time that had 15k members voting

>> No.30978438

I remember wishing I had something like this when I had a cold and thought it'd be nice to just suck all the snot out, they do make them f or babies but idk if adults are supposed to use it

>> No.30978439
File: 166 KB, 2000x2000, EppVT2YUcAA5DC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978462

>> No.30978441
Quoted by: >>30978575

>Vnuma. Next time do your archive reps.
It's like fucking clock work.
>Shitty data, shitty argument
>Just do your archive reps man.

>> No.30978442

>these song choices
Sasuga Aqua

>> No.30978446

Are you retarded?

>> No.30978447
File: 123 KB, 1408x790, fat rrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara starting some Youtube RRATS
Yes Kiara FEED ME!

>> No.30978448

No, she's going in raw

>> No.30978449

Kiara you can't call out a small indie company like that

>> No.30978451


>> No.30978452

There's advertisements for an in-universe tv show called Watson Whore, Watson is one of the areas of the city. It's a play on Jersey Shore.

>> No.30978454

Oh no.

>> No.30978458

>I have faith that somehow she'll manage to make it kino.
Or goes full Yugioh with it.

>> No.30978459

>if ina does a cock rating stream do you have the equipment to compete for the #1 spot? prove it
lets fill those image slots up

>> No.30978460

>"we make them the most money so could they maybe get their shit together?"

>> No.30978462


>> No.30978468

She literally only read red superchats.

>> No.30978469

>When the ARSENAL OF DEMOCRACY starts knocking

>> No.30978471
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, Ina_Kabedon[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftzf6ze.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Ina.

>> No.30978473
Quoted by: >>30978549

But people don't play Mass Effect for just the gameplay, they play it for the story and the ability to make meaningful choices.
It's why even though someone in a thread a few days ago told me ME1 remastered is gonna improve the gameplay, I'm still on the fence about it. Because I already know everything there is to know about the plot.
It doesn't matter that the fights are smooth if the characters suck and the dialogue options don't matter.

>> No.30978472

The solo one she did, Okaeri

>> No.30978474
File: 182 KB, 1240x1753, 1605704544688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a whore

>> No.30978475

Steam did the same. What made it worse for gog/cdpr is that they came out and said it'll have a home with their platform before almost instantly pulling a 180 and backing down. You could probably tell the moment the marketing intern got the email from management.

>> No.30978478
Quoted by: >>30978556

>can't talk about Hololive in a Hololive thread
>can talk about indies in a Hololive thread

>> No.30978479
File: 781 KB, 1447x2047, 1606059148639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30978482

>vtubers are probably the most popular thing on youtube right now
>we bring in the most money
Not if Susan has anything to say about it.

>> No.30978485

Reminder that FBK basically told the chinks to fuck off even though they were half of her revenue
An anime alien cat has more backbone and integrity than fucking Disney.

>> No.30978488

Oh yes.

>> No.30978492


>> No.30978496


>> No.30978497
Quoted by: >>30978576

Nene isnt a dud. She's a sign of diminishing returns.

If talent dont excel at something or have very unique game intestests or music tastes or hobbies youre fucking done. Vtubing getting extremely competitve now being 'Just OK' isnt going to cut it anymore.

>> No.30978503
File: 1.19 MB, 4096x2867, EpoeIzvUcAIVHjP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30978504

The numbers are lowest public numbers - they basically take the chat logs from each stream and count up the unique members. If you lurk as a member then you won't be counted. There will be a lot of members that never say a word but keep their sub going.

>> No.30978508
File: 2.45 MB, 2917x3554, 1607267748365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who Lolibaba here?

>> No.30978509

Why the fuck did Cover shove these ugly 3D at home models and rigs on them? Why do they actually use them?

>> No.30978511

her voice sounds so erotic here

>> No.30978513
Quoted by: >>30978593

She's a fox, not a cat

>> No.30978515
Quoted by: >>30978616

The beginner decks are pretty noob-friendly. For any teamates in the thread, did Ame do the gacha or was it just art rating?

>> No.30978517
Quoted by: >>30978582

This will either be extremely cringe or extremely kino, no inbetweens.

>> No.30978518 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.30 MB, 1125x1431, 1608475392824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978548


>> No.30978520
Quoted by: >>30978614

>is she not going to read our messages :(

>> No.30978525

How the fuck do you keep up with the 2?

>> No.30978527


>> No.30978530
File: 107 KB, 1000x725, Ek8WZS8U8AIh9NI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30978531
Quoted by: >>30978573

Most she has on the members only posts are 2.5k likes, 4 months ago it was 1.5k
t. nousagi fag with membershit

>> No.30978533
File: 47 KB, 907x778, 1560501930503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you still be into Matsuri?

I first learned about Hololive through Matsuri clips, but I stopped watching her stuff entirely after a month or two

>Matsuri never does anything new
>her singing streams are always half assed, sings barely 1 minute of the song before she talks about random stuff
>same old same old content that never changes, if you've seen one Matsuri stream, you've watched them all

She's basic af

>> No.30978534

EN is getting cucked live on stream!

>> No.30978537

Adam Smasher got frozen in the air next to the staircase during his final boss encounter, I just poked him until he died

>> No.30978544

Given her age and her eating habits it's only a matter of time

>> No.30978548
Quoted by: >>30978623


>> No.30978549

Fair. I'm just saying it at least wasn't a total shitshow.

>> No.30978552
File: 37 KB, 528x480, Sad Skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christmas Date FUCKING 6:30 AM

>> No.30978555

Just a little racist, but that's fine.

>> No.30978556

You shouldn't be talking about fucking indies in a Hololive thread either.

>> No.30978557
Quoted by: >>30978579

I don't mind sponsored streams but do we really need the entire gen to shill the same game one by one?

>> No.30978560
File: 587 KB, 2894x4093, 1608462501409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978607


>> No.30978563
Quoted by: >>30978652

>First card game

This is gonna be a disaster, learning card games is boring as fuck. But its Mori so she'll make make it into something watchable.

>> No.30978570
File: 767 KB, 1578x1079, 1607697687616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that was her intention.

>> No.30978572


>> No.30978573

Likes is a garbage metric

>> No.30978575

That's unique members who posted in chat during that month. Gura reclined October to November. Maybe chumbuds learned to behave and stopped spamming stupid shit in chat but I seriously doubt that.

It's good enough for comparisons month on month and vtuber to vtuber.

>> No.30978576

Nene excels at being cute

>> No.30978579
Quoted by: >>30978688

IIRC nobody found a link for Gura or INa

>> No.30978580

This is false!

>> No.30978581

She close to 2m, if anything she is going to speed up during that final 100k stretch or at least she should if she said anything about it.

>> No.30978582
Quoted by: >>30978677

Fantasy card games are cringe by default.

>> No.30978584
Quoted by: >>30978641

Won't she be in some kind of newbie quarantine zone playing against other starter decks anyway?

>> No.30978587
File: 315 KB, 2048x1444, Epp2TJsW8AIgMGn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30978591
File: 425 KB, 3210x1304, 1608225121127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watson Amelia is a whore.

>> No.30978593

She's also not an alien.

>> No.30978594

Okay, slut

>> No.30978595
File: 244 KB, 391x315, 1608467814922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit we have so many images left

>> No.30978600

oya oya

>> No.30978603

Now you know how EU feels when they stream 10h earlier.

>> No.30978607

I really hope she can play Sea of Thieves on stream.

>> No.30978608
File: 939 KB, 841x477, 1607259272586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30978614
Quoted by: >>30978655

Are you guys watching the A-chan stream with her?

>> No.30978616

art rating only bc she said she's too dumb for card games

>> No.30978618

It's true though. She has more varied and interesting content than anyone else on top of having the best gaming streams.

Literally her only flaw is her inability to tard wrangle her chats when droolies from toxic fanbases show up

>> No.30978623
File: 21 KB, 208x208, 1607295715451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978662

It gets worse!

>> No.30978624
File: 566 KB, 1561x2048, EpXhHYBUcAMgT1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30978626

Damn A-chan's pronunciation is pretty good

>> No.30978629
File: 102 KB, 242x311, 1584232985275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she has really improved. The only bad thing is that is just one stream a week, while Kiara does it almost every day.

>> No.30978630

It could go the route of the readalong or Mad Rrat, or it could be They Bleed Pixels. We will see.

>> No.30978632

Damn A-chans english ain't half bad

>> No.30978634

A-chan is pretty good, wow.

>> No.30978636
File: 122 KB, 328x356, ItHurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30978689

ID are not getting any SC because people are donating through streamlabs r-right?

>> No.30978637

Corporations will almost always value the potential shekels they can make more than anything. Gotta keep the shareholders happy.

>> No.30978638

EU rises again

>> No.30978639

FBK for Prime Minister. Step aside Abe

>> No.30978641

Only if she sticks to playing against computers, the second you go on ladder you fight meta decks.

>> No.30978643

None of them
>Iofi's mic
>Risu dreading to play anything past 2010 until her PC upgrade
>Moona playing on her laptop
Don't know about Reine or Ollie, but they don't strike me as tech savvy

>> No.30978642

A-chan's English is really cute.

>> No.30978645

>Achan is actually good at English

>> No.30978649

Damn, A-chan's english is good!

>> No.30978650

Get served, mutt.

>> No.30978652

Learning the basic rules and playing with a premade deck for an hour might be fun. I don't know how shadowverse works though

>> No.30978655

yup and they actually did get to the ID and EN messages at the end

>> No.30978656
File: 41 KB, 543x242, 1605225041088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish that were me

>> No.30978662


>> No.30978668
File: 118 KB, 768x1024, 1605551040309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fuck her even if she is Judas?

>> No.30978669

Someone with JP proficiency can tell me if the translate there is correct? Does it mean "member who chat/comment" or "number of member"?

>> No.30978671

Her english is this good? Color me impressed

>> No.30978673
File: 598 KB, 845x1200, 1601171608338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please step on me, Priestess-sama...

>> No.30978677

Fuck you, you just don't believe in the Heart of the cards.
I don't even know what Shadowverse is, I just know the Love Live collab song.

>> No.30978678

The only problem I had was talk to vick bug

>> No.30978679

I love my dorky Priestess!!

>> No.30978682

Yeah, her large and sudden English audience that came with being associated with Amelia apparently made her "paniku" but she's been handling it extremely well and ended up welcoming them all with open arms.
If she keeps up at it she can probably do quite well with such a large EOP audience.

>> No.30978684
File: 300 KB, 518x732, 1605635742687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30978688

For me the dates going to be right when my family has christmas dinner...
Have either of them done any sponsorships besides ina's ppt2 collab?

>> No.30978689

Does turkey have another breakfast stream this week?
