hololive global
>>30847848can you fuck off? people complain when there are like 5 different threads and people complain when theres an early threadwhat the fuck do you want?
I love Ina!
>>30847884they want to complain, anon.
>>30847862Ina Ina Inaaaaaaaaaaa
I'm not a huge fan of Ina to be honest.
>>30847848Rather have 1 early than 6 late
>>30847884What I want is a field of dead touhous
>>30847884your ass on my cock
Don't get too surprised if the thread gets deleted; anon made the thread early because he's a massive faggot
>>30847347>>30847376>>30847380Is this what being a chumbud is about now? Tell me it ain't true.
Why even kill the thread when there's still dead hours ahead?
I fucking Love VOMS
I love Amelia Watson!
>>30847848>killed off one more 2hu threadwhat's the problem again
I hate dead hours.
Guys, I think Gura is sluttier than usual today.
Gura's fat sweaty tits!
>~50 streamer company>no one streaming right now
>>30847918They're not chumbuds. They're just horny
>>30847914unfathomly based
>>30847910Did you know: Ollie has good friends
>>30847920Because I NEED to post pics
>>30847918>taking shitposts seriouslyAnon I...
ATTENTION ALL BUGS:Your bug queen would like to reward you for your devotion with a performance of the zhang national anthem!
>>30847911That's okay. She's not for everybody.I'm personally not a fan of Kiara.
I miss Ina.>>30847903That's ok. I can understand why someone wouldn't like her stuff.
>>30847884A complete and utter 2hu genocide
Our pailoli dagger will be streaming... something tomorrow morning, please watch!
>>30847936Burger friendly company pls understand
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyxFEjoyq5obardic inspiration too powerful
>>30847934But only for me
Out of curiosity, was anyone of you delusional enough to apply?
>>30847918Fuck no its not. Gura should be treasured not abused.
>>30847918Dead hours they were just shitposting.
Takamori and their daughter!
Gentlemen, you re all fantastic. I look forward to an excellent thread.
>>30847936Nijichads win again
Has any Hololive has been able to match Gura's Ring Fit performance?
this gura is a slut rrat is so fucking boring and uncreativeguys please...
>>30847975Yes, they even went as far as to post the email reply they got.
>>30847975I already sent my application for Gen 2
only 4 and a half hours remaining...
>>30847918You should know better than anyone, chumbud, that every protector has it's horns.
>>30847975ask this again during SEAnog hours, guaranteed at least one of those monkeys tried
>>30847985To be fair a good chunk of them are practicing for their tourney and I'm pretty sure another chunk of them have brain problems. I remember this one niji would stream at like 2 in the morning their time because they were hungry for soup or some stupid shit like that.
>>30847926This is for youhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atWNsROdzDo
>>30847983Post the original ritualpost, rratman
who gurame here
>>30847990in what? in fitness or in lewdness?
Can't wait for the zhangs to make another article and link to this place again
>>30847998What would be your dogwhistle if you get in?
>>30847963I thought JPs belong in the other thread?
Koopa love!Koopa resting and keeping energy for the next stream!Koopa love!
>>30847918Ryonafags aren't people, much less chumbuds.
>>30847998But thats Vsingers not EN gen 2?
>>30848030All holos belong here.
>>30847941She gets smaller in the fanart everyday.
>>30847996You just don't know how to have fun with it.
https://youtu.be/ObefT_GOVLw?t=13503Appreciate Polka's English!
>>30848031Koopa is nice
>>30848014I want their relationship to develop even more but as best friends. Yuriniggers get the rope.
>>30847680I'm not getting defensive. I'm telling you to contribute to tard wrangling normalbeats if you care about it that much. Mori seems to believe in laissez-faire. You were given the opportunity to do something, but you aren't getting shit you want without using that opportunity. Just don't breach containment.
>>30848047I appreciate everything about Polka https://streamable.com/rrub5y
Is it true that Ame is doing a sponsored stream after Portal today? Anyone know what it is?
>>30847975Yeah, if they accept baritone female voices
>>30848031>>30848048Fuck off back to /trash/ you retards
Tomorrow It will be crazy day.....Wtf is this schedule?
im so far behind on ame's minecraft streams because she wont stop fucking streaming them at 3AM GMTwhat the fuck is her problem? at least have some variation. am i expected to watch 15 hours worth of archives every week? jesus fucking christ ame please give me a break
How do we convert Ina to the dick?
>>30848031Can't wait for holoEN gen2 so we can actively discuss her here
>>30848054Its a response to a survey post anon, stop being so autistic.
>>30848063Yes and no. She's supposed to but she forgot to put it on the schedule and she didn't mention what it even was. All we know is she verbally announced she'll be doing three streams today and hasn't said anything otherwise:>Portal>Sponsored>Minecraft
>>30847975I might be a Noel or even a mix between Polka and Noel. The problem is i have a big dick and strong balls, so maybe when Holostars EN show up
>>30847972That tit-into-pregnant edit though.
TroopasSorry for the off-topic but what is the /west indie/ town schizo even talking about?
>traveling for Christmas>somehow PEEK streaming timeWhy are the holidays so overwhelmingly great? I'm enjoying what little I have time to watch, and I hope you all are loving your oshis in this magical time of year
>>30848070The most recent one is probably the only one that might actually be worth watching
>>30848070Don't worry, she's aware that streaming that late is not good for anyone. Just give her time, changing your schedule when you're a hikki can be a pain in the ass.
>>30848093africat has been streaming. It was comfy.
the Ina is forgotten meme made me realize she's the only holoEN who doesn't have people uploading her pre-hololive content to youtube
Nabi-mama actually paying attention to Ame's streams is CUTE!
>>30848046Apparently no one else here does, either.
>>30848074look at those things, what would she need a dick?
I have nothing interesting to say, I just love chikin
>>30847951The BGM loops really nicely, very satisfying
>>30848063Maybe another Bookwalker stream? Though I guess Ame and Gura are the only ones now who haven't done a sponsored video game stream. No, taiko doesn't count
>>30848068I'm upset because that is literally the only time in the day I'll be busy. I have a final from 2PM - 5PM. I hope a tako records Ina's karaoke because I've been looking forward to it for ages.
>>30848014I want their relationship to develop even more but as lovers. Shitposters starting shit out of nowhere get the rope.
>>30848063She said she might? Maybe more reading?
why is gura too shy to do asmr?
>>30848030>>30848037Vtuber threads are just a formality at this point. Better a few more threads than a whole board filled with nothing but doxx, narratives and changs.
>>30848031Koopa is nice!
>>30848014faggots ruined it and it bled into the streams
>>30848095>>traveling for Christmas>>somehow PEEK streaming timeThank Yagoo for only hiring NEETs
>>30848070As a KFP, i know your pain
>>30848031Koopa is off topic!
Is Mori replacing the CP2077 stream with something else?
>>30848113Why are you looking for that? Either way, nothing actually changed between then and now in terms of content.
>>30848074She's into the little brother type, who are a bit pathetic and whiny but earnest and caring.t. Trust me.
>>30848068Not to mention, starting from the next minecraft stream, Mori will be doing a total of 4 streams within 24 hours. deadbeats eating good if they can make things work with their sleep/work schedules.
>>30848125Me too
Bros. Amelia's sister is pretty cute...And she's even doing her eigo reps.
>>30848113All there is to see is ff14 raids and speed drawings, not too spicy
>>30848125me too
I want to remind everyone that when Gura does do a "jazz" karaoke, it won't just be jazz. She asked for jazz OR oldies. Jazz is shit anyway and boring, it sounds like everyone is playing all the wrong notes at the same time. I hope it's more oldies like late 50's early 60's type of shit. That is much more listenable.
Did gura's capture card get fixed already?
Am I a retard for only know realizing who gura is?
>>30848068>work cancelled because of snow>rescheduled for a 12 hour shift tomorrowAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>30848115>that text in picnabi is gonna have a rude melanin enhanced awakening when she arrives in Paris
>>30848160>>30848175I have my own archive saved, don't need shit from youtube, just pointing it out
>>30848070How is watching 15 hours of live stream different?Fuck off with your FOMO shit.
>>30848161Just ignore and report, meidos aren't here all day.
>>30848173Cool, you should tell /vyt/ about it
>>30848070To be honest, this last week or so of Minecraft streams really haven't been worth it. Kinda okay background noise, but not much meaningful engagement.It's just a lot of Ame being stupidly stubborn, which is cute in its own way, but 5 hours? Not worth it. The only moment I can remember in the last one was a snowman killing itself rather than suffer her presence.I'm looking forward to her actually building the funhouse, though. It'll probably pick up once she actually starts construction.>>30848090>>30848127>>30848137Thanks, that makes sense. I could handle another reading stream, that was comfy as fuck for doing yardwork and damn am I behind on the leaves.
>>30848014Yagoo certainly is
heeyy chum bud buddies! don't forget about christmas karaoke at 8 pm EST / 5 pm PST on saturday, the 19th of december!
I swear Ollie gets some of the best fanart.
>>30848103But I don't want her to lower her output tho?
>>30848139Because asmr is inherently sexual and since she has an avatar of a child she doesn't want to promote sexual abuse towards minors
>>30848115The accompanying text on all of those images she posted is so cute. I can't wait for the whole thing to be released.
>>30848070watch 1.5 speed
>>30848070>GMTKill yourself europoor
>>30847938>>30847948>>30847976>>30847980>>30848032Thanks, anons.>>30848004Nice edit.
>>30847904Where's the single, Mori? Release the goddamn single!
>>30848077What are the chances of her actually getting in? The competition has got to be tough this time around
>>30848199>>30848070Don't miss the collab [s] there might be JP folk visiting.
I hope Kiara changes her mind about the sleepover
>>30847975We have at least the one Russian anon who said she applied, and what she wrote out was far too logical and coherent for a schizo, though it could have been a shitpost.
>>30847963Those thighs though
>>30848070Goslingbro from last night, I beg of you, stop trying to watch every single minute of Ame being autistic in Minecraft. Your sleep reps, onegai...
>>30848201wouldn't miss it for the world
>>30848173But Haachama is already very fluent in English.
its been 3 days since ive opened these threads after being addicted for months, but i just had to come back and say that i want to cum all over guras feet
>>30848201Thanks you Gura, I'll looking forward to it
>>30848070So this is the type of shit that made the one stream a day thing happen
>>30848192why do you care whether i have fomo or not, you massive autistic faggot?
>>30848221I don't think they call themselves Euros anymore, anon, you can just call them Anglos
>>30848184How do you get here without knowing who Gura is?
>>30848248Old news, we all want to jack off onto holos exposed shoulders now.
>>30848249very cute
why most trinity /u/ fags are fucking taiwanese? I don't fucking get it
>>30848074She's already has a boyfriend, anon.His name is Two.
>>30848203Taking a break is good sometimes [s] unless you're Himawari
finally finished with my uni finals now im catching up on Gura archives. Any good rrats this week?
>>30848201I would never forget about my sharkwife's performance. Ill be sure to record it too.
>>30848248>its been 3 days since ive opened these threadsMeido sent you on vacation?
>>30848248I hope you were there when Gura admitted that her tiny feet have high arches.
>>30848264oh dear, its like im a newfag all over again. guess ill go back to lurking
>>30848242i wasn't gosling last night
>>30848070Either watch speed up and keep it in the background while you do something else.
>>30848239Extensive larps aren't worth the (You)s, so naturally Damascus and Adderal aren't faking their shit. Neither is that SEA nother-fag.
>>30848247Nice pekos
>>30848200Do you think they already have nacho mama on tap to design an upcoming holo? Maybe one of the vsingers?
>>30848229That was a past life, anon. Phoenixes will have several.
>>30848125I love our Boss.
ear of pizza
Why is this so controversial?
>>30848281personal vacation for my sanity.
>>30848254That's an insult to anglos.
>>30848271part 2
>>30848263I meant before
>>30848201i doubt there is a single chumbud on this earth that would forget about this
>>30847954That's okay she's not for everybody, I'm personally not a huge fan of Mori
>>30848207https://files.catbox.moe/c76k4e.mp4explain this!
>>30848317i'd go so far as to say that forgetting is affirmative evidence that one is not a chumbuddy at all!
>>30848100I liked the one where she plays with note blocks too.That's sort of the issue, people'll take an interest in different things. No telling whether you missed something cool or not because of that.
part 3
How do I beat demon of hatred?
>>30848095>>traveling for ChristmasIn the midst of all the lockdown and quarantines? Not worth.
>>30848285Jesus Christ, there’s so many of you...
>>30848254They could still be in Portugal. but also I don't think most other Brits care, we're still in europe, the continent, the european union has never really entered my mind when identifying as such. I only identify myself otherwise if it's specifically relevant.
>>30848275Gura is a slut.
Didn't Ame say she was going to do 3 streams today or something last night? What streams? I know about portal, but I don't see any others scheduled
>>30848271>dont understand the streamer>make even more schizophrenic narratives than hlgg
>>30848332part 4
Mori is a cute dork and her raps are great!Gura is a charming daughter that makes you want to protect her, and she has an amazing singing voice!Kiara...!Watson is hard working and entertaining, always looking out for others!
>>30848234Maybe, but I think it's going to be mostly building the Christmas tree and decorating it.
>>30848234Oh, I'll most definitely watch the MC collab tomorrow (I'm betting it's a tree-decorating event which will be cute as fuck), it's just the solo Ame MC that has me burnt. The railway autism was a fun arc, but PPP was -painful- and the last two streams haven't even had a real focus, just her ADD propelling her in every direction.
>>30848188There's a lot less black people in paris than you might thinkDepends on the districts, really
>>30848251Because streaming as much as she does means that it's going to be inconvenient for some timezones no matter what. The only way to make everyone happy is to stream less, and that's bullshit.
>>30848296I don't think they double dip with holo mama's desu
>>30848272Two is a cute girl until proven otherwise.
>>30848326Explain THIS!*unzips dick*
>>30848335By finding peace within yourself and all that surrounds you.
>>30848356t. deadbrap
>>30848353part 5
>>30848307>Ojou>cuteWho made this? Kill yourself. Immediately.
>>30848271Man in all of the /u/ schizos its usually a triangle with Ina and Gura going for Ame? Why is this the triangle? Also alot more InAme from the Taiwanese with her tending to be a bit possesive.
>>30848356Ina has exposed shoulders ripe for cum glazing
>>30848070I personally skip Minecraft desu desu. Just gotta be more picky with what you watch gosbro
>>30848307What is this even?
>>30848247Now post Pekomama
>>30848335To defeat hatred, one must siphon it's fuel. Hatred cannot exist without fuel, and hatred's fuel is often easily reduced. If the demon is inside of you, come to terms with that which fuels it. If it exists within others, find their solutions and correct any misunderstandings, as hatred's fuel generates easily between the gaps of knowledge.
Alright Lads, I'm posting what I have so far so no one will question that Vergilposters keep their word: So Far; I only have the main voice track "done" with two variants:The straight forward version:https://voca.ro/1lJ2FuaxIOZPThe more "creative" variant: https://voca.ro/1gHwzFxR0n8FIf you want, tell me which you'd prefer as apart of the final track, or which one should be refined more. LYRICS:I thought I heard the meido say:"Leave her, Anon, leave her."Tomorrow ye will get your streamAnd it's time for us to leave herLeave her, Anon, Leave her!Oh, leave her, Anon, leave her!For the limit is hit and the image won't postAnd it's time for us to leave herOh, The doxx was foul and the yab ran high"Leave her, Anon, leave her!"You sent the post and none replayedAnd it's time for us to leave herLeave her, Anon, Leave her!Oh, leave her, Anon, leave her!For the limit is hit and the image won't postAnd it's time for us to leave herI'd hate to post on Anti's Thread"leave her, Anon, leave her!"No Unity allowed and endless rratsAnd it's time for us to leave herLeave her, Anon, Leave her!Oh, leave her, Anon, leave her!For the limit is hit and the image won't postAnd it's time for us to leave herWe swear by our Oshi for want of more"leave her, Anon, leave her!"But now she's done so we'll go offlineAnd it's time for us to leave herLeave her, Anon, Leave her!Oh, leave her, Anon, leave her!For the limit is hit and the image won't postAnd it's time for us to leave her
>>30848327Not even who I was thinking of, but that's some good supporting evidence.
>>30848387Oh, right. Ina. She... she can draw!
>>30848338It's actually fantastic. The place I'm saying is almost completely empty, the water is incredible, and a lot of activities that are usually overbooked are available day round.
>>30848229>Kamen Rider
Towa baby is ruining the image of a holo i've never even watched
>>30847972Massively based
>no Ina stream for background noise while I work
>>30848307Where would holoEN fit on that chart?Gura and Ina are probably in cute.Calli is in cool, obviously, even if we know better.Kiara and Ame would definitely be in Passion since it's the default "we don't know what the fuck is wrong with them" category.
>>30848335Suzaku umbrella and getting gud
>>30848190Its unironically because her latest mega wasn't instantly nuked within minutes of discovery and (humanity?)anon never came back after they said they would the next. Could've been a perma, could've been newfags got filtered. Either way its a good thing.I'm sad about all her unboorued Twitter stuff, way more than just bad twitter id art, gone forever.
>>30848361Watson and Ina do all the work, Gura runs around trying to find pretty things to hang on the tree, Kiara tries to help but gets confused, Calli wanders around shouting Peace! and thanking Supas.
>>30848401anon... your katakana reps...
I want a soldier chuuba so bad
>>30848271Most of that art comes from a couple individuals.
>>30848275Ao-chan... isn't a chan
>Moona is only 48 kgWhat the fuck? Do the architects know this?
elite english
>>30848401Cover designs their idols as cute/cool/passion theme.People speculate which category the idols are in
>>30848070i wish ame would just stream her whole lifesleeping, eating, showering, playing vidya, doing her work, doing her jap reps (if shes even doing them that is)i would watch all 24 hours
>>30847975I'm waiting for Holostars EN
>>30847975I'm helping my gf apply. It's more for fun than anything, I'm sure there's more talented singers applying who want the role way more
>>30848425>This dude got canned while thinkin bout InaWish I was that cool of a takodachi
>>30848397I never played tetris for more than few seconds but got kind of interested in it after that stream and holy shit did not expect it to be such an autism hole I would get sucked into
>>30848367i understand that but i just wish she didnt stick to streaming minecraft only at 3am. wish she would fuck off and start streaming HOT:s during peak burger hours just so i can watch you smug cunts suffer
>>30848407what the fuck man
>>30848449>It's all mainstream streamers and singers
>>30848443Isn't she like 4 feet tall?
>>30848206What the fuck was his problem?
>>30848444why does she keep doing this?
>>30848407So far, I like the creative version a lot. At the end of the day, go with your heart, but that's where my opinion lies.Godspeed, Vergilbro.
>>30848412But most importantly she has the most delicious shoulders
>>30848125Can I love chicken too?
>>30848275Ao-chan was called a "Good boy" by Gura.
>>30848251Because you sound like the type of needy shitcock who demands that the streamer cater to your schedule instead of watching the archives. Unironically commit suicide if this is the insane reaction you have to an easily solvable problem.
>>30848445I see. Why is Lamy in cute then?
>>30848271taiwan is based
>>30848307>>30848426Reminder:Cool = cuteCute =brain problemsPassion = sluts
>>30848444DOPE!!BASED!!!SUPER LIT!!!
>>30848451Does she have literally any experience with streaming at all? Or online content creation?
>>30848070You're weak. I will send SC to encourage more streaming from her.
>>30848275gura sits on a dildo when streaming
>>30848426I think Ina is supposed to be "cool". She is an eldrich monster.I think that generally, flat-chested idols are meant to be "cool".Gura is obviously cute. I agree that kiara is a passion idol.But I think Ame was originally supposed to be a cute idol, judging by her debut. I think that has changed though.
>>30848437I wouldn't have it any other way.
During deadhours you can always upload content to https://hololive.booru.org
>>30848444It's like watching my mom try to be cool, but way funnier.
>>30848322That's okay. She's not for everybody.I'm personally not a fan of Ame.
>>30848383Because takamori has their own dynamic and Ina's only had one collab with them. AmeSame is the default pairing because of how often they collab, and Ina's zatsu with Ame was great. Hence, Ina trying to steal Ame from Gura.
>>30848491At least this one is cute.
>>30848426I remember the JPs put them as>Cool: Mori and Ina>Cute: Gura>Passion: Ame and Watson
>>30848426Ina seems more like a Cool to me.
>>30848419listen to her songs at least
>>30848461That's the English she knows, anon, and at the end of the day she is a chuuni
>>30848501Does your mom have a dusty womb begging to be filled too?
I wish I was this shark....
>>30848188Not only that, many japs get disappointed by Paris itself apparently https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome
>>30848407So far creative seem like the better one
Towa is the 2nd best singer after suisei
>>30848444i want to impregnate senchou while she talks super fast about something
>>30848184Not as much as that one dude who keeps insisting that it's not who you think it is.
>>30848407Nice lyrics have a (you) virgilposter
>>30848477im not needy you dumb cunt all i want is one minecraft stream that doesn't require me to fuck off my entire sleep schedule.
>>30848506Everyone knows it's this
>>30848426What the fuck is passion in relation to cool and cute? Did they just add a category for ppl who didn't fit in the other two?
Is there any site that gather together all the subbed clips outside the chink one?
>>30848506I'm surprised JPs care about both Ame and Watson.
>>30848514I can't say she does no, there's hepatitis instead of dust though!
>>30848439Post-apocalyptic chubas when?
>>30848533passion idols is a polite way of saying sexy idols
>>30848541Oh fuck. I didn't even notice I left out Kiara
So is ARS the absolute best currency to donate in or is there an even better one?
>>30848113People only do that to "own the holosimps" with ebin face reveals. There's nothing yab in those Ina clips, if anything they just make her look more genuine.
>>30848553cope coins are funnier
Ina >>>>>Ame >>> Gura >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kiara>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mori
>>30848528Why is it so important to watch it live?Could it be that you want to read the threads to see how other people react? That sounds like a cuckold move, but that should be expected from a euro.
>>30848535Post the other pic
>>30848456I see, you just want to see autism blocks in a different time slot.
>>30848531KIRA GRADUATED?????????????
>>30848484Me and her both stream professionally. Not gonna self doxx, but not a youtube or twitch ordeal, something much more professional. Compared to the level of experience a lot of applicants will have I'm sure it'll be tossed out, but it's worth a shot. It's gotten her a lot more into hololive with me, so worth the time for me at least.
>>30848535I use holodex.net
>>30848533Passion idols = their fanbase wants to fuck them.
>>30848553Venezuelan bolívar chads run these threads
>>30848502That's okay. She's not for everybody.I personally think THEY ALL SUCK.
>>30848573Yup, due to health issues I think.
>>30848573What rock have you been under?
>>30848307>Friend not cool>Korone not cute
>>30848573The fact that you just found out why is the reason for it.
>>30848461Because Mori taught her those words and not the restraint on how to use them properly.
>>30848580Shouldn't they all be passion idols then?
>>30848531why doesn't yagoo have cute idol on him
>>30848573How slow?
Gura got so good at zatsudans, its hard to believe she started as one of the worst ENs at this
>>30848573Have you been living under a rock?
calliope mori is uncute
>>30848506>>30848493Ame is cute, Watson is passion
so since all 3 american EN's have said nigga in the past, can we assume the next 3 (or 4 or 5) ENs we get will also have said it before?Is it a prerequisite for hiring an American?
>>30848580This is true, I'd give anything to have a one night stand with tenchou.
>>30848580I want to fuck Gura though and she's not a passion idol.
>>30848070Shut up, retard. She's playing the metrics, and your timezone sucks dick.
>>30848533>>30848580I thought passion was a codeword for genki.
>>30848562shit taste but I respect it
just how kino is it going to beshame it's sandwiched between almost every other holoEN stream so there will be everything mixed in one thread
>>30848573Yes, health issues. Same reason why he didn't have a graduation stream, and instead had a (single) graduation tweet.
>>30848598I guess you could say they "evoke more sexual desires" than the others.>>30848616You're the minority of her fanbase, if thats not obvious.
>>30848604I believe Gura was afraid of her audience and afraid of messing up. Later on she realized how much her chumbuds really loved her no matter what she does and became much more relaxed.
>>30848335the pic is off topic, this is hololive only
>>30848611KOOPA IN
>>30848624Gura's probably going to only go for an hour, so she won't overlap Ina. And Ina's probably only going for an hour herself.
I liked Mori's appearance on Trash Taste
Do we know how much revenue Cover makes? And how much profit?
>>30847944Pavolia? Aku tunduk.
>>30848611I can't imagine Ina has out loud, though I'm sure she's thought it a whole lot when raiding.
I want Ame to use my dick to teach Gura about blowjobs and show her how it's done
i want to spoon with gura
>>30848651Ina isnt an American so my point still stands
>>30848628fitness i am not surelewdness not even close to Luna or Marine
>>30848428That's what I was afraid of.Oh well, it should be much faster than getting my first kill of shrimp boy, at least.
I want to watch Gura's content respectfully and not sexualize her!
>>30848611Saying nigga wasn't sucha big deal few years ago.
I hope somebody records Ina's karaoke in case it gets unarchived. I won't be able to make it and I've been looking forward to hearing her sing again for ages.
>>30848645When do you even sleep, ayylmao anon?
>>30848633I mean on the chart Coco is supposed to be Passion but I think she's one of the holos that people don't want to fuck. I'm more inclined to believe this anon. >>30848621
Since it's the deadest of dead hours, I'll just post this:It's been a bit more than three months since the HoloEN debut. I'll admit: initially I thought the branch will suck dick. When I took a first look at the character designs, in my mind I immediately saw the future "content" and its yabs: trashy gameplay with them not talking for minutes, SJW bullshit and raunchy jokes mainly in the zatsudans, extremely awkward collabs, zero interaction with the JP or the ID branch, actual fucking dramas and yabs that would surely graduate them, zero care for their character premise, and the list could go on. My first thought at Ina's design was that she'll force a tentacle rape joke in every five minutes in an attempt to act the character out.I am very glad my initial thoughts turned out to be very wrong. They are all miles better than I imagined them and none of them even came close to sullying Hololive. Sure, there are some yabs and rrats here and there, but it's not like other branches have never had them and people are getting over them. Even if I personally don't enjoy some aspects of them and there is room for improvement for each member, I'm still glad they are the ones that form this generation of HoloEN.Because it could be much, much worse.
>>30848642Sure, redditbros
>>30848670what a homo
I want a vtuber board so we could discuss all indies and all agencies in an equal manner
>>30848578THANK YOU! >>30848567https://i.warosu.org/data/jp/img/0290/12/1605108506720.png
>>30848670bad luck, she sexualizes herself
>>30848426Gura is obviously cute. Ame is passion because she has no intention to be cute. Ina is the smart one so she is cool. Mori is cool because ambition is cool instead of passion for whatever reason. Kiara is passion because she is retarded.
>>30848685I want you to go back
>>30848670I want to watch Gura's content while sexualizing her in my head and in these threads, while at the same time maintaining a respectful distance from her!
>>30848200I will never not be bothered by that kiara chick that was suposed to be a pattern on the pillow but is on top of gura's tail
>>30848456Being in the EU I don't mind the schedules. Generally it means I have a VOD or two to watch during the morning while getting ready. Sometimes Kiara and Haachama do live streams just at the right time too so I catch those. Generally there's always something on hand to watch without feeling the need to disrupt my sleep.
>>30848624Genuinely more excited for this than guras on Saturday. I know Gura is a much better singer, but it's so rare for ina and seeing her put all this prep work in has got my hyped
>>30848578What the fuck How did i not know this exist until now.
>>30848271>He doesn't know about the Taiwanese gura fans who talked about gura's breathing for 3 hours. Glad we got rid off West Taiwan so we can be in this timeline with them.
>>30848698Back where?
>>30848633>You're the minority of her fanbaseplease, gura herself has said her fanbase always have their minds in the gutter
>>30848685>equalEven as bait that's just retarded. Either way I talk about my indie just fine in the other thread. Why do you have so much trouble?
>>30847972That's a good way of explaining the bigger tits
>>30848673i will try, but if gura is still going and is streaming at a high bitrate (which is admittedly very unlikely) then i may not be able to.
>>30848654Based and same
I like how Gura's hair is sometimes interpreted as straight and thin and sometimes as wavy and fluffy.
>random mori game stream at fucking ungodly hours>barely actually does anything, just gets lost in an area she's already cleared for an hour and ditches for japanese lessons>still gets so many superchats she needs 15 minutes to read them allHow does she do it?
give it to me straight, kfp are we going to see less streams in general once she goes back home? is she going to stop treating chat the same way?
Devastated that Ina isnt streaming Sakuna today. I dont give a fuck about karaoke
>>30848685I want a vtuber board so I can have daily aqua threads.
>>30848604Now she just needs to transfer her solo personality over to collabs and she will be complete
>>30848642You are objectively wrong, and I watched the entire thing in the hopes that I'd find some new and interesting lore. They are fucking garbage interviewers who didn't get their clearly nervous guest comfortable before throwing the hardball questions, couldn't pick up on her reluctance to use certain words when describing her fans and doubled down on them instead, and didn't ask any interesting questions from her beyond the singular one of 'how do you want your two lives to intersect?'. I could do a fucking better job interviewing with 5 minutes prep time and I'm a fucking STEM Masters autist.
>>30848679>My first thought at Ina's design was that she'll force a tentacle rape joke in every five minutes in an attempt to act the character out.Not gonna lie, that was something I was afraid of as well, Ina has played her character very tastefully.
2 Gura Karaoke coming up how are the chumbuds feeling? Also I haven't seen chumguys recently did they all die?
>>30848712It was 5 hours I believe. They are really passionate.
>>30848634She should be afraid of how much her audience wants to fuck her.
>>30848493>>30848506>>30848507Yeah I almost responded to myself appending that Ina could just as easily be cool, even taking her personality into account.I'm kinda going by their actual personalities and how they present themselves more than their designs, though, but I know that's not a hard and fast rule even in IM@S.>>30848533don't listen to these guys, >>30848549, >>30848580, it's really more for genki/eccentric idols. but it kinda ends up being a catch-all where all the polka-like weirdos end up.they aren't hard and fast categories either, though
>>30848566why are you so obsessed with me wanting to watch it live?could it be that you're autistic, and your inability to relate to me wanting to watch a stream live results in you sperging out like a complete retard?i don't want to be left behind, and if something interesting happens i want to see it for myself and not read about it in the threads a day later
>>30848748I’m feeling blessed
>>30848748After just about every Gura karaoke, there's a pretty hefty yab somewhere in the holosphere. Luckily for me, I'll get the two streams and just bail.
>>30848736Based PDF holder.
Check your hand anon, is the "A" there? Are you still awake?
>>30848736Thank you Ame, very cool.
>>30848604>>30848634she really has gotten so much better at it. it's heartwarming to think that maybe she did notice how much we care about her.
>>30848769I forgot what happened last time?
>>30848679Everyone who comes to this thread to shitpost should watch this fucking video and be eternally grateful that Cover's talent scouts are the sole saving grace of the company.https://files.catbox.moe/dm9yj1.mp4
>>30848736Damn Ame we know you graduated with a PDF but that podcast sure rubbed you the wrong way.
>>30848730Based bizzarocultist
>>30848736Based WATSON
>>30848729I doubt that there will be much change besides the timing of her streams and a splitting of the longer-type streams into several smaller ones.
>>30848685I don't give a fuck about other vtubers though
>>30848748Blessed but I don't know why after Gura karaoke there will be shitstorm coming
>>30848786>>30848748Fuck I meant to say chumguts.
>>30848670I want to hug and kiss and hold hands with Gura!
Amazing news everyone, Roboco is streaminghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joYSFhWoKM0&ab_channel=RobocoCh.-%E3%83%AD%E3%83%9C%E5%AD%90
Made sure to get your sleep reps so now you can prepare for Amelia's Portal Soeedrun friends, where we at?
>>30848736tldr: gaijins dumb, mori has fat tits, the white one likes black bulter and thus should not be allowed near any woman ever
Have you been doing your mahjong reps?
>>30848685I don't.
Just woke up, is it true that Asus nuked the Chinese branch filled with hololive antis?
Gentlemen, Iname is fucking based.
>>30848825I'm definitely preparing for Amelia's seedrun
>>30847944what a cute socially challenged dork
I caught up on my VoD reps and now I'm bored stiff. When's the next fucking stream?
>>30848823Her voice is just disgustingly cute.Also she has a new model?
>>30848812still here>>30847918>>30848004
>>30848670I want to marry Gura and have baby making sex with her while we make stupid jokes and tease each other.
>>30848728She's the EN Rushia/Lamy
>>30848679This except for Mori
>>30848828i haven't played mahjong in like three monthsroom doko
>>30848825>sleep repsNigger it's 5pm
>>30848729Not while the coof lasts. After that? We'll see.
>>30848203I do. Spend more time flirting with Gura!
>>30848685Imagine thes. At least, 3-5 threads just for your Oshi
>>30848754>I'm kinda going by their actual personalities and how they present themselves more than their designsIna presents herself as reserved and mature, that's a pretty textbook Cool.
>>30848823When does she fart
>>30848843They posted a new job opening for a community manager on the Chinese version of Monster.com, quite literally earlier today. They can't kill the branch, clearly, but everyone in the PR team for it is getting fucking replaced.
>>30848845Yes Can we get some more InAme /u/ schizo fanfic tier images? And maybe some InAmeGura in between images?
realized I never listened to Gura karaoke since they were at a bad timeslot for me and I don't really like her that much, which one should I give a listen
>>30848685And i want to suck Ina's toes
>>30848679>>30848793How does he do it?I'm sure he'll fuck up somewhere in EN Gen 2
>>30848736Expecting depth from a 2 hour long shitpost makes you the retard, though.
YT confirmed that there's NO BUGEN spam viewers>>>>>>JP spam viewers
>>30848849"""reliable""" """onee-san""" "princess"""Nice false advertisement, turk.
>>30848843Yeah, seems like Cover was the one who backed out of the stream, and ASUS punished the chink branch for it.
>>30848828Not recently but I am still better than any of the Holos I've seen play.
>>30848843Some heads rolled. They clearly overstepped their boundaries, even for China
>>30848776Yes but one of them is faded a little. I don't know what that means.
>>30848857Honestly, I think she's much closer to EN Coco where she has the self perpetuating meme of people giving her money.
>>30848685Vtuber board would be dox central
>>30848887same but her hair tentacles
>>30848867I don't want to share a room with /trash/ niggers. Take a good look at the western vtubers thread
>>30848823I fell asleep to Roboco’s stream last night, it was nice
>>30848685If there is only one lesson you learn from 八chan, it should be that there is such a thing as too much space. The more you fracture a community, the worse it gets; if everyone had their own board or even their own thread then our cross-fandom interactions would diminish or even disappear, and then the individual microcommunities ultimately wither and die alone.We benefit from our unity. Let us cherish it.
>>30848884you should listen of every single song gura sung so far its that simple
>>30848843Doesn't matter since chinks already know we'll bow to them every time they bitch about anything lole
>>30848894>believing youtube damage controlThat's a yikes for me
>>30848891I've never watched their content before and I'm never going to watch it again, so I didn't know going in that they're fucking retarded and can't even manage to copy basic interview techniques from fucking Late Night TV.
>>30848894Haha yeah I can trust a bunch of indian code monkeys
HEY I just found you youtube TV you know the product by google and YouTube as an alternative to cable doesn’t have you know.... A FUCKING DEDICATED HELP LINE INSTEAD THEY HAVE A RANDOMLY GENERATED PHONE NUMBERS THAT EXPIRE AFTER THE CALL ENDS
>>30848911What about a vchuuba board with only 4 eternal threads?
>>30848444FUCK MARINE tenderly
>>30848125I find that interesting
>>30848894>starting december 14ththe bug has been active since over a week now
Roboco is mlooking very cute today
>>30848894Pekora lost half of her viewers, dogfucker.
>>30848874It's true, but she seems to want to be cute, sometimes (and also is cute).
>>30848894>Remove spam viewersmeaning, removing legitimate viewers so that we have to pay less ad revenue.If you don't have the tab focused, or you're scrolling down to read the comments, you will be considered a "spam viewer"
>>30848577>something much more professionalChaturbate isn't professional
>>30848911This. People wonder: "why did /b/ became so shitty?" It's because there's nothing left to talk about there.
>>30848867Much harder to crack down on doxxshit when there's 50 threads instead of just 2, dilutes the discussion due to how dispersed everyone would be, far less OC, creates echo chambers because different fanbases aren't forced to interact with each other, increased tribalism, easier to falseflag, and to top it all off we'd end up with a billion threads about irrelevant topics just like the 2hu board we are currently squatting.
>>30847862based and takopilled
>>30848937fuck you
>>30848927Why make a fucking board when this one is so fucking dead already? The 2hus can learn to live with needing to post in a thread once every 6 hours to keep it from getting killed.
>>30848932It's referring to the strange bumps in views every 5 minutes that showed up this weekhttps://holo.poi.cat/stream/4w0lY7kOM94
>>30848880I fucking love those images even when they are a little cringe
>>30848843Chinks should know better than to mess with Cocock's company like that
>>30848945not your blog fag
>>30848793w-what the fuck I'm watching
>>30848927Probably the easiest method to transition the threads into the board where they belong.
>>30848828No. I've played Go for years and I am still mad that it isn't included in clubhouse 51 so the girls play fucking chess instead. As if it needed to be popularized even more.
>>30848940jetri viewers, especially jetri multi-stream viewers
>>30848563Funnier but more expensive (an aka in COPes is ≈60 bucks).
>>30848945>WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH AMELIA?She is dangerously based.
>>30848945here I'll hand it youhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsgvyBckwZw
>>30847944has someone drawn her pregnant yet?
>>30848940You tube is incompetent as hell they can’t even be fucked to have normal ass tech/service support like any fucking normal pizza company I could order fucking Pizza Hut and they would have a phone number for me to call meanwhile I have to jump through 59 hoops for google to even call me
What do you call a funny chicken?
>>30848911the real lesson from that site was to ban /pol/ if they get too upityhaving numerous boards was the best thing about that site unless youre an adhd zoomer who cant handle slow boards
>>30848326What stream is that from?
>>30848945Dagger loli streamed a QnA last night and she will probably do another one tonight for monetization, assuming she got hers as well. You didn't miss a ton on Ame's stream. Mostly her fishing and setting up PPP so you don't have to leave to enchant. She did get a silk touch pickaxe I think. Oh, and a snowman committed suicide while we watched in horror.
>>30848894What the fuck even is a spam viewer? I wonder if they're removing everyone who uses adblock
>>30848973Kneel to fucking Yagoo and embrace unity, anon. Even your least favorite Holo could be far fucking worse.
>>30848685just copy 5ch and have a board for any streaming
>>30848426There's no Cute in HoloEN.Mori: An edgy rapper who's obsessed with death, has a surprising cute side of her. Definitely Cool.Kiara: Dreams about being a top idol, is fire-related, she never gives up and will come back no matter what happens to her. Without a doubt Passion.Gura: She's a shark girl. There's rumors that she's from this deep ocean of "Atlantis". Her color scheme is blue. She'll be a Cool no matter what her personality is, imcg is just that lazy.Amelia: Quirky gimmick for being a dectactive idol that can time travel. Goofball of her unit, she has to be Passion.Ina: The talented drowfag with a comfy aura, uses the chuuni power from Cthulhu himself. Tell me she's not a Cool.
Nacho-mama may stream tonight (Stateside) https://twitter.com/amsrntk3/status/1339494608405897218
>>30848944>It's because there's nothing left to talk about there.you mean you don't enjoy constant furry threads, porn and loli spam?
>>30848685Doxposting will be harder to keep track of.
>>30848853She just got an updated one, yes
>>30849006ill never understand why there is so much resistance to /incel/so many problems for so many groups on this site will be fixed by it please just give us the fucking board already
Does Senchou get the most SAY THE THING supas out of all the JPs?https://youtu.be/vYUVi3daTPg
why does chimkin still have "Hinotori release 11/26" in her Twitter name?
>>30848793Oh god not this again.
>>30848793I'm not going to watch 10 minutes of some 3dpd talking, can I get a quick rundown?
>>30848948The fuck are you talking about? I could literally doxx the girls and their entire families and never get banned by abusing the megathread autodeletion. A report from one thread is the same as a report from another. And you only get tribalism when you force everyone to share the same space. I wouldn't give a shit about deadcucks or jannies if I didn't have to see them day in and out.
>>30848945You don't have to watch all of her VODs retard.
>>30848897I think the Onee-san and Mommy expectations are on us, not on her. Although I kind of want to blame Pochi a bit.
>>30848940I wonder if Youtube Vanced counts as spam viewers, because so many phone user use them
>>30849008I love her so damn much fellas
>>30849001>I wonder if they're removing everyone who uses adblockThey could still show that metric to the channel. Channel-analytics also distinguish unique viewers and the percentage of viewers who watched ads (because they didn't block ads).
>>30849002he truly is our savior
>>30849021Wonder if she feels conflicted due to having two daughters now.
>>30848459It's a different kind of experience for sure.
>>30848829What did the artist mean by this?
>>30848984This is true
>>30849014nothing wrong with loli though
>>30849022Fuck off. /vg/ is absolute shit and that's all it would turn into.
>>30849031Those were Ollie's words.
>>30849027Skip to around 5 minutes if you're such an ADHD zoomer you can't handle watching it.
>>30848902That definitely feels more accurate to me.
>>30849008She fits in so well here
>>30848945>did the dagger loli not stream today?the public library said she's not allowed to use their internet anymore
>>30848920>>30848938>>30848942>>30848981Fuck all of youI've been avoiding Gura songs for like the past week so the next karaoke hits harder, and you're making it way more difficult.
>>30849018No it wouldn’t be because they could have a dedicated mod or mods and jannies for that board
>>30849038Nah, I doubt it, she seems really happy and supportive
>>30849023I fucking hate memelords so much, they would have Gura saying "a" 24/7 if they could
>>30848992A comedi-hen
>>30848793I'm thankful that cover gets the best of the best in a sea of filth and garbage.
>>30849061But, who would pay for them?
>>30849027cringe 3d girl thats versatile as a shimapan
>>30848894>>30848940so, the chinks won>pic
>>30849038At least get your shit straight, anon
>>30849042What does it say, anon?
>>30849048No, Ollie called her Responsible, Dependable and a Tutor.
>>30849029but then I won't know what Ina might be talking about if she mentions something Ame did
>>30849027It's literally just what everyone doomposted that HoloEN would be like before the girls debuted
>>30848843The chinese branch heavily implied to begin a raid on FBK's sponsored stream during the promotion causing Cover to back out and cancel the stream. Less than 12 hours later, job openings for the position became available.
>>30848679>SJW bullshit and raunchy jokes mainly in the zatsudans, extremely awkward collabsMy exact same fears. Only tuned during Gura's debut, thought Ame's intro was cute if a bit cringe. The whole gen collab hardfiltered me though.Glad they turned out the way they are.
>>30849071No one except the mods who get paid by ad anons
This is pretty importanthttp://poal.me/mb32d2
>>30849074looks like my brother wearing a wig
>>30849031Pochi-maru's design is a strange creature for me. It started with looking a bit weird and a bit ugly, but now I'm loving it.
>>30849077It says Your oshi will graduate if you don't reply to this post
>>30848955This board's activity was just fine for more than a decade before vtubers were a thing. If anything, it's an argument FOR the creation of a new board, because it completely overwhelmed most of this one.
>>30849061Anon we already have a fairly dedicated mod for ONE THREAD and it still gets shit up almost daily
>>30847975Whoever applied for this, wouldn’t they have to be a better singer than gura in order to be chosen? Is that possible?
>>30848940>If you don't have the tab focused, or you're scrolling down to read the comments, you will be considered a "spam viewer"The fuck? But I don't need to watch Kiara play videogames. I just need to listen to her.
Fuck imagine just hanging out with coco and getting a drink. She could probably drink me under the table.
>>30848938Gura cover when? https://soundcloud.com/mattypootie/yyyy
>>30849038She removed Ame from her twitter profile
>>30849090Anon... you disappointment. You disappoint me greatly. I handed it to you on a platter, and you disrespected it.
>>30849065clippers were a mistake
>>30849037how do i get his job?
So is she a permavirgin or something? She comes across as a desperate fujo and I kind of feel bad for her instead of horny for her.
>>30849103>yfw they are worse than gura
>Ame made me draw A's on my hands.>Just showered and the A's don't fully disappear so now I have faint A's on the top of my hands and I have to go to work.>Ame essentially blackmail doujin plotted me and is now forcing me to go to school nopan and with dildos in my orifices. What is she doing to me? To us?
>>30849082Just roll with it.
Have we had a peko schizo update yet
>>30848877Finally some good news. I like their products and would have been upset if I needed to boycott them. Now I'll probably make sure to get their version of whatever graphics card I upgrade to.
>>30849102Translation over here >>30849099
>>30849057I hate that I laughed at this.
>>30849112Anon I cannot tell a lie the jannies might do it for free but the mods get paid by jp
>>30849099but what if they already have
>>30848793Timestamp at 4:47 for the audition tape.
>>30849139Probably foaming at the mouth right now while Peko dances around his slowly dying body
>>30848493>But I think Ame was originally supposed to be a cute idol, judging by her debut. I think that has changed though.She botched her debut. Sleep schedule issue caused by her misreading the debut date. Coffee as a band-aid fix.
>>30849155You have to let her/him go anon you cannons bring them back
>>30849118Yes, she's 30(or almost 30) and sounds like a grandma. As far as I know, that's considered undatable in japan.
>>30848877Great to hear
>>30849136Did you at least get a Lucid Dream?
>>30849100Having only 96 threads instead of all 100 really isn't a big inconvenience for them despite the occasional seething, or we'd get more fucking raids then we do. As someone said, /jp/ is just Japanese /trash/ from it's inception, so we're right where we should be. Creating an entire board just so they could get those 4 slots back would be fucking stupid, and make it much harder to moderate.
>>30849152>the mods get paidDo you have a single fact to back that up?
>>30849136She knows exactly what she is doing
>>30848843Wait what? What happened?
>>30849168Ame is cute in the way that retarded gremlins are cute kinda like a pug she is the pug of holo live
Cute and cold zombie feet.
>>30848803missed Ollie's stream did she brap again?
>>30849099fUCK YOU
>>30849168But I'm saying, look at the way she is behaving during the debut. She is trying to be cute. But that has obviously changed
>>30849183The site information section about staff positions being payed
>>30849099First my mother died because i didnt answer a poll now Polka will graduate...
>>30848894This started a week and half before December 14th you retard. Do bots also put likes on videos? Explain Haachama who had 3-4K viewers but 7K likes. Try again bugman.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joYSFhWoKM0Roboca having breakfast
>>30848705Fuck you
https://twitter.com/walfieee/status/1339689772319707137is this a challenge
>>30849099But I want her to graduate
>>30848391Where did /hlg/ go?
>>30849168Ame is still cute, and if the lack of gremlin shit filters the normalfags and lets her stream kino games in relative peace than I'm all for it
>>30848705Anon, there's a string holding it up. Clearly not meant to be part of the pillow.
God bless.https://twitter.com/eternals/status/1339701713499004930
>>30849236Anon but why have an oshi you hate
>>30849199yeahshe put the mic up against her butthole and let loose you could actually hear the rim of her sphincter rubbing against the mic as it convulsed mid-emissiona flood of akas came right after
Hello anon, due to time issues i am moslty watching Tenchou but now i am up to date and have some time to kill. What streams would you guys recommend from the other girls? I heard Ina Journey stream was pretty kino. Thanks
>>30849199No, but she did sing about cunny.
>>30849229I just want to ruffle Roboco's hair so badly
>>30849210Holos just let their own personality shine through after they get comfortable.
>>30849099>>30849155DAMN YOU, GIMME BACK MY YOGURT!
Teamates which style for her first alternative outfit?
hii LOVE kiarabye
>>30849229bad model don't carekidding but it does filter me
>>30849206>2 votes for IofiWho are you? REVEAL YOURSELVES
>>30849217I'm sorry about your mother...
>>30849252>no himecutgood chart otherwise
new phone, got any wallpapers anons?
>>30849242It’s dead anon kiara killed them and now their corpse is infested by jsl’s and xhangs
Dead hours are gay, I wonder how Ame is going to fit her other streams that she planned tonight if anything I expect her streaming till 5am again but if she plans on streaming from 7pm est due to the poll I can expect more streams like this if she doesn't tone down her output which I don't want but streaming late leads to more shitty concernfags
>>30848417that explains her design
>>30849206my dick says guramy heart says polkamy brain says fubukiI cannot decide...
>>30848577Well, if your GF is good enough I wish her luck anon.
>>30849233why tho?
>>30849235>Amelia Watson BR>can play as any of her hundreds of time travel variations/personas>weapons are from different eras Timesplitters style>buff yourself with concoction to go twice as fast temporarily>wall running and sliding, maximum zoom zoomPlease fund it.
>>30849252Ponytail:YESBunbuns:YESBraids:YESSex hair:YES
>>30849261Ina's Journey is pretty good
>>30848760>why are you so obsessed with me wanting to watch it live?>your inability to relate to me wanting to watch a stream live>i don't want to be left behindreddit moment
>>30849206>only 2 votes for reine and watamewhat the FUCK
>>30849035>VancedWhy use it when NewPipe exists? I'm genuinely curious.>>30848940Very disappointing. It's a wonder the views are still so high, if only focused tabs count.Half of the content streamers put out doesn't even need video footage.
>>30849271They really need to give a L2D to the "3D" crew, the 3D looks so awful.
>>30849268Ponytail if not long hair like Nabimama drew her with
>>30849268Long, Ame.
>>30849267What time will it be?
>>30849199Took a creampie in front of thousands of live viewers.
>>30849261Ina Journey or Edith Finch
>wrote A's on the backs of my hands like Ame instructed>every time I look at them I just think of AmeIs she trying to brainwash us even more than she already has?
>>30849291/feg/ pls go
>>30848729The thing that I am worried about is her roommate cosplay hobby. How frequently do cosplayers go to cons? It could result in a dead week everytime she goes to one.
>>30849313I like it tho. Seem "real" to me.
>>30849247That out of place wiggly ass line was added afterwars to try to save face and you know it
>>30849268Always have a thing for short hair, but I dont think it would transfer well to her l2d
>>30849275Ame ground pounds moms because hers is under the ground
>>30849261Ina's Journey was goodThe bread rap saga from Mori was classic cringekino if you haven't seen it yet. Timestamp for the start of it in this video, and then she finishes it in another.https://youtu.be/OywYzhdsvyU?t=3300
do you guys organize your folders beyond just the holo? Its starting to get kinda hard to find what I want to post within a timely manner
Can someone spoonfeed me? What happened with ASUS and Cover?I don't wanna go to reddit to find out.
>>30849157Jesus fucking H. Crist. If this is the competition, maybe Kwap does have a chance.
Can someone link an archive of Gura's watchalong?
More holoEN
>>30849268either Long or ponytail
>>30849281Roboco, anon. Hololive GEN 0.
>>30849345It's literally posted multiple times in this thread alone.
Hey anon, i noticed your cummies are not in my tummy.... We need to fix that ASAP
>>30849339Fuck you
>>30848972What's the reference?
>>30849288Just pull a yagoo and sew them together to make a new oshi
>>30849345Literally just read the fucking thread retard
>>30849345Do your archive reps, fucker
>>30849268Depends on the outfit. If she got a miner/train conductor outfit, Ponytail would be really good.Long hair for anything fancy.
>>30848729i think she will treat chat the same way at least at first. I expect she will take a break or stream less for the first two weeks to be with her family. After that depends on the coof and cons
Can someone post cute pictures of their oshi to make me feel good?
>>30848823>>30849229I don't speak nip, I just hear cute sounds. What is she eating?
Fellas, I love Ame's hat
>>30849364Gottem humu humu
>>30849191Quite literally a shitshow. Excuse the reddit link, but looks like it has the most complete infohttps://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/keu2g5/asusxhololive_stream_got_cancelled/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
Teamates, Nabi-mama finished some of her WIP for the Ame artbook. Here's a taste. Probably gonna release on Ame's bday
>>30849362What is wrong with her faaaaace?
>>30849362I'm not interested in 10chou sexually, not even her nice fat ass.
>>30849252I think I just realized I have a twintails fetish
bro all this EN yuri is bad for my dick
>>30849305>>30849322>>30849340thanks anons
>>30849313who else is using 3D as opposed to the Live 2D? Having a brain fart; Festival/Roboco's are the only ones that comes to mind immediately. Feels like they're worried they'd come off as rude to the original artists. I remember that Roboco's model has been around forever and has the most costumes.
>>30849345Asus, Cover, stream, gaming products, ChinaThat's about all you need to understand what happened
>>30849345anon...your scroll up reps...
>>30849383fried/grill salmon with rice?
2 hours until Ame plays Portal!4 hours until Kiara plays Atelier!9 hours until Calli plays Cyberpunk!24 hours until Ina sings Karaoke!29 hours until Holo EN minecr Collab!
Inal sex with Ana!
>>30849268>Ame with braidsI'm ascending
>>30849099I mean, they're all gonna graduate eventually, they can't stay holos forever.
>>30849362Upper body wise she's fine, but her ass is REALLY fucking fat by japanese standardsLike holy shit, no wonder subaru's trashcan did not hold up to western iso standards of durability
>>30849308>reddit momentwhat does that even mean? you really are retarded.
>>30849288When in doubt, use your brain.
>>30849421>9 hours until Calli plays Cyberpunk!Anonchama...
>>30849410I think Miko's 3d too
>>30849261Reine's Passpartout stream was good if you missed it. Peacock has good art skills.
>>30849410Coco as well.
>>30849410Isn't Coco mostly using her 3D nowadays?
>>30849421>9 hours until Calli plays Cyberpunk!anon
>>30849383She mentioned tamago earlier so I'm guessing that over rice with some other stuff.
>>30849421You forgot that Ame has 2 more streams tonight and Haachama has an EN stream as well.
>>30849394Saving lots of money to spend it all on Ame!
>>30848793>Not a Minecraft stan>Don't contractually obligate me to play minecraftThere are many yabs in this, but I truly believe that this was the what made Enma* close and delete the video.*Coco
Why is Tenchou's dox deleted instantly, while Ame's dox been here for an hour?
>>30849344Depends on what you mean. Inside my Ame folder is a folder for every coupon, and there's also a folder for the streams i have downloaded. Same thing for my Enma/Takodachi folder, they exist in my Ina folder. I pull art from those folders to tag them, in another program but I haven't bothered doing that in some time since it takes a while to go through the images.
>>30849362Is that Reimu?
>>30849394Nabi-mama... stream onegai....
>>30849342Thank you anon!
>>30849313No, they just need to improve 3D. Have you seen last Coco stream? Oh, right, it's unarchived. She was using her 3d and it sure looked more "live" than morphing cardboard.
>>30849381have unity webm time tooamelia is hard working!https://files.catbox.moe/7iymod.mp4gura is cute!https://files.catbox.moe/i0f2iy.m4vmori is cool!https://streamable.com/rfur6ykiara is very open and honest!https://streamable.com/wvint4ina is fun to have around!https://files.catbox.moe/vn8khq.mp4
Roboco stop being such a cute fatty
>>30832576Ice cold!
>>30849345>Hololive x ASUS collaboration>ASUS TW manager tells BilliBilli fans to spam ASUS JP to end collab>It works>ASUS HQ sacks related ASUS TW staffAnother example on why working with China isn't worth it.Maybe ASUS HQ will put the collaboration back in a few days, but suffice to say it's a shitshow and shows why working with Chinks is not worth it.
>>30849206>Mori losing to some jpsJesus even on /jp/ she can't get any action
>>30849445thanks anon>>30849465kfp mass reported it probably
>>30849362Imagine wearing this in public, and then auditioning for an idol company.
>>30849472No, it's a cosplayer cosplaying Reimu
>>30849465Because you're ban evading using an easily identifiable md5, discordnigger.
I want to drink her...
>>30849399i like this one
I had a fucking great idea for Ame's 2nd costume, it was fucking ingenious, you'd all lose your shit about it, she'd fucking lap Gura's sub count in an hour... but I forgot.
Be honest: Have you picked up any vocal tics or autistic tendencies from watching your oshi? I don't know when it started happening, but after watching Ame so much, I've started to do those retarded R2D2 screeches that she does when something goes wrong in a game. It hasn't slipped out around other people yet, but I dread the day that it does.
>>30849432cute snek
>>30849393What an absolute fuckfest, the fuck is wrong with these stupid fucking cuntsALL THIS OVER A FUCKING FLAG, THATS IT, A FEW A SECONDS OF A FUCKING FLAG
>>30849394>sleeve off the shoulderMUH DIKK
>>30849268Fuck they're all perfect.
>>30849345The JP branch of ASUS (A Taiwanese company btw), and Fubuki were supposed to collab.Some nobody employee CCP shill at the mainland Chinese branch of ASUS wrote an expletive ridden rant about how they don't want this to happen because Holos mentioned Taiwan one time.Now it's been cancelled.
>>30849507This is true!
>>30849507What the fuck, man
>>30849346Kwooper looks good compare to a lot of indies. >very little dead air>tech competent (relatively)>can work with a 2D/3D rig>good voice>good singerI think she'd have a good chance if she applies.
>>30849460Hanamaru's cute. One of the few indies I regularly watch. Her being so young is worrying though.
>>30849268I feel like short or accessory would be most on-brand
There's something about beach Haachama
>>30849206>but you must take responsibility>butMotherfucker, I'll make a soccer team with her! "BUT" he says...
https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1339703935464980480Polka's awake! (sort of)
>>30849410All of the Gen 0s besides Suisei only have 3D models and no Live2D. Gen 4 and some other (I know at least Marine) have home 3D setups, which Coco seems to use the most since her L2D is embarassingly jank
>>30849394Wonder if it'll be expensive, this stuff is pretty good so I expect probably 50 bucks.
>>30849507humu humu
Why Holos don't play fortnite? Too stupid to build?
>>30849507The only habit I've developed is drinking more water and drawing an hour a day.
>>30849507Not even my oshi but I've been saying JESAS lately
>>30849326Huh? When did she give those instructions?
>>30849461I fucking love this bitch
>>30849270Her design is so pretty until you zoom out and she's in a fucking KFC uniform and holding friend chicken. I guess the japs don't find it a bit gross
>>30849507I've picked up schizo and narrative from this thread, but nothing from the girls.
>>30849506i want steampunk ame
>>30849507Bitch please. I've been doing that shit before she even debuted. The fuck kind of autistic gamer faggot are you if you don't let out a spine chilling screech every time you get fucked in game or missed your schedule jerking.
>>30849242>>30849535What does this mean, exactly?
>>30849507I wah sometimes.
>>30849563This, I wish they'd just give her a hatless skin already.
>>30849556>He hasn't been keeping up with the brainwashingNGMI
>>30849339kek you evil motherfucker
>>30849574I don't have a membership
>>30849507My oshi no, but I say ogey more often than okay because of Pekora and these threads
>>30849547Apex is unironically a better game (not that it isn't also shit), + they might not wanna touch Epic Games stuff on stream now that Tencent practically owns them
>>30849552Same, its something my FFXIV raid friends picked up too because I say it so much.
>>30849444>>30849454Yes I got the time wrong, gomenasai anons.But that's because the GMT time is actually written wrong on her schedule....She wrote 7:30 am where she meant 7:30pm....
>>30849507I've start humuing
ame please the nacho bloodline
>>30849596Anon what
>>30848793I can't do it. I can't watch it.
>>30849268Ponytail, braids, and short are my favorites.
>>30849507other than this is true, nohowever, this thread has poisoned my brain. my grandma was complaining about bills, i told her "stop thinking about numbers"i called my friend a schizoi say ogey instead of okaythats just stuff im conscious of, God knows what I do that Im not aware of
>>30849206Honestly, if you're not voting Sora you're fucking up.Never stick your dick in crazy or financial irresponsible people
Gura's feet are so pretty you almost get blinded by how perfect they are. She has good reason to boast about them, trust me.
>>30849507I say wah and hmmhmm a lot, jesas has also infiltrated my speech even tho I only watched that one clip once
>>30849596Career suicide.
>>30849608OH BABY
when the next stream?
>>30849507I drink more water, sleep more, focus on my work better, and started trying to induce tulpas.
>>30849556Her last MC stream. When you look at the As you're supposed to think the word "awake," which supposedly helps trigger lucid dreams.
>>30849610She's also not playing Cyberpunk since Cover is paranoid after all the DMCA and nudity that the streamer mode didn't fix.
>>30849507I would copy korone if I could speak japanese
>>30849519Also, that guy got fired.
>>30849610anon... you made me laugh kek
>>30849507Nope not really, but I have picked up saying "ogey" to myself when I see something dumb.
>>30849206at least I don't have many competitors
>>30849399I like this one
>>30849507"r2d2 screeches" jesus that's totally what they are
I want Gura to break down crying on stream because she found out that some people think she's a slut.
>>30849627I don't like her enough to buy one.
>>30849657Thanks, mate
>>30849284God that is just delicious. But sad cause I was looking for a good laugh.
>>30849624PUSSY BOY
>>30849252i fucking love bun buns
>>30849660That's CDPR's fault so that sucksThanks for letting me know anon-sama
>>30849608im a big tit man but I cant deny, there is something very sexually appealing about a girl who is literally minimum boob slider flat
>>30849328Reminds me of those videos on Liveleak of chinks stringing up live rats and torturing them for fun. What is it with them and fucking with animals like that?
>>30849268long ame sounds cool
>>30849596what are you talking about you nutbar
>>30849505>>30849668What the fuck get out of my head
>>30849596Poor soul, the rrats got into his brain...
>>30849675this but unironically
What the FUCK is a "spam viewer", what does that even mean??
>>30849206Why so many people want to put a baby in Ame? What the fuck?
>>30849663Fair enough
>>30849675I want Gura to fucking snap and call everyone a dirty nigger
>>30849631Gacha is the cancer that kills holos perfectly fine otherwise.
>>30849681Understandable. But watchalong was members only, so...
>>30849596I like roguelikes but please calm down
Chumbuddies you HAVE done your reps today right? If so what did you do? If not you still have time to get them done, don't wait.
>>30849268bun bunss is what I fucking love
>>30849654ame in two hours
>>30849695They can do it because they dont have souls anon
>>30848793we live in a clown world
>>30849631I'm sorry Sora, I'm voting for your delicious exposed armpits...
>>30849675that would be pretty hot
>>30848070Fuck you, I get out of work then. Go get your own idols.
>>30849629>my grandma was complaining about bills, i told her "stop thinking about numbers"Anon-chama, you can't be serious, that's fucking hilarious
>>30849663>Dating a gacha addict.You'll live in poverty, but at least you got those sweet drawings.
I hate Gura for infesting the thread with pathetic footfags
>>30849720This looks rotoscoped.
>>30849742I want to eat Ina's cooking
>>30849675I want to hear Gura get punched in the stomach on stream and gag/vomit
>>30849705People who are just watching ironically
>>30848247Yes please
>>30849751Not as bad as all the white knights for Ina
>>30849719You mean my fapping to Gura reps? Of course
>>30849706>Why so many people want to put a baby in Ame? What the fuck?Do we really need to explain in detail...
>>30849719i've done my uni reps and exercise reps, feeling pretty good
They are lovers.
>>30849631God Sora is just too fucking cute.
>>30849770Ina deserves them
>>30849485Replace TW with CN and this is correctAlso, ASUS HQ is Taiwan in the first place.
Can someone post a torrent for Gura's watchalong?
>>30849206Aki isn't even my oshi. I just couldn't keep track of how many made it through the sieve. Towa seems bothered enough by life, and any of the GAMERS gen would mean serious competition. This is the story of how I ended up married to my sister...
>>30849706Why don't you?
>>30849770what white knights
>>30849706This. Much rather have Bubba put a baby in me.
Which EN has most exceeded/ improved upon your initial opinion of them?
Only debuff streams tonight.
>lay down to sleep 4 hours before Ame portal because I’ve only slept 6 hours these last two days>put on her latest minecraft stream that I missed to fall asleep to>end up watching it insteadI may have a problem. How do I escape the clutches of this woman? Do I even want to?
>>30847904I can't even be mad about how stupid it is when she's having this much funhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_YUeScQBmc
>>30849786Generic anime woman #9599542207643689
>>30849751Oh nooo
>>30849779>vegan pizza
>>30849789it's in the designated boate
>>30848994Blazing sails (her very lastest stream yesterday)
>>30849806Good. Hopefully it stays that way so faggots like you will leave forever.
>>30849751Better leave, then. Cause footchads run this place.
>>30849507I've started talking to myself as if I'm streaming 24/7. Granted, I used to do it before hololive, but now I'm starting to do it outside my room and I don't have as much control of it as I used to. It's gotten to the point my mother overheard it a couple times and says she's afraid for my sanity. (Well tough luck bitch, it's a bit too late to start worrying about that now, shouldn't have gotten me on the pills.)
>>30849805The one who is singlehandedly saving the roguelike fandom by playing roguelikes now !
>>30849631Yea? Why should I?
>>30849394Ame shoulder erotic uohh
>>30849751How the hell are you going to blame bringing feetfags here on Gura when Chammers is right there
>>30849765this is what she does for her third tier membership streams
ᵍᵘʰᵘʰᵘᵃʰ HOOCHAH ₕᵤₐₕ
>>30849817I want to put a baby in generic anime woman #9599542207643689
>>30849806Is DbD a debuff game? It's a pretty fun stream game IMO. Especially if you play killer.
Does anyone have a full collection not every Watson ticket until now? Even non official ones
>>30849820Angelic feetsies
>>30849421I love it when Calli plays a new game. Something about watching her struggle and work to grasp the concept is just cute as fuck and fun to watch. Professionals are good, but sometimes its seeing the randomness and fails that makes a game look so much more enjoyable and want to make you play yourself.
>>30849720Stunt double?
>>30849770i see more for the chikim, but it makes sense given the amount of antis she has
>>30849777>did his reps>777blessed chumbuddy
>>30849790>implying cover wouldn't refuse to let their talent play free to play roguelikes unless they get an explicit email from the now AWOL creators stating that they can play
>>30847884>people complain when there are like 5 different threadsThis is actually better
>>30849786I love Sora!
>>30849851Not only that but she loves the game, so we're going to get a happy Gura, and that should make us all happy.
>>30849751We were always here anon, now we just have an excuse to post
>>30849817She's learning english just to tell you to go fuck yourself.
>>30849629>my grandma was complaining about bills, i told her "stop thinking about numbers"
>>30849751thats unfortunate for you anon
Noo please don't make me lick your feet Haachama!
>>30849533Did Polka say that she wanted to delete her ASMR's?
>>30849751I would have been here anyway.
>>30849805I've accepted Mori's cringe
>>30849802You don't see all the people jumping up and down crying "don't use my oshi" whenever anybody says anything even remotely negative? Or even worse, when they act like they're better than numberfags?
>>30849889Please be a rrat. For the love of god no.
>>30849786it's crazy how much more popular than the rest of hololive she is in japan
>>30849817Sometimes the best are the most basic.
feetfags leavewhere is my armpit bros?
>>30849851Not really for Gura, since she's really into it and good enough at it that you enjoy watching the gameplay. All of her DbD streams so far have just been her casually fucking with people every game and still winning most of them.
>>30849848AW GEEZ
>>30849859This picture is pretty funny, the hairpin doubles as an anger vein.
>>30849751I hate myself for becoming one because of her. I've always considered it to be one of the worst fetishes, but now I can't stop thinking about her cute feet and how one word from her would be enough to make me worship them.
>>30849027LITERALLY naming all the reasons why she shouldn't be hired as if they were virtues.
>>30849885The feeteloni
>>30849874>usHappy Gura is good but it doesn't mean she'll entertain me. Thankfully other streams will be on tonight.
>>30849865This is why we need Hololive RL with the permission from the highest Roguelike Authority permission to play every roguelikes EVER CREATED since BENEATH APPLE MANOR.
>>30849837Just go become a streamer. Be like Pikamee and just draw your own avatar, maybe give it 3 different movements. Make money. Make your parents proud.
>>30849681it's like a $1 in ARS man, you even get to watch member karaoke live tomorrow. That said I hope someone uploads the stream for you anyway but I'm not doing it.
>>30849394hooooooly shit i need a holo pin-up calendar bros
>>30849394Love Nabi-mama's art so much, and her stream was super relaxing to listen to. Would instantly become my oshi if she ever became a vtuber. Ame's super lucky
>>30847966fuuuuuck i missed her livestream. Oh well time to watch the archive.
>>30848894That's unrelated, Last night gura's waiting room was 8k and the SECOND it went online it droped to 5 k
Polka just pinned a new version of her Oshi mark/hashtags tweet with everything translated in english for us overseas bros.She's reaching out to us!
>>30849917>not liking both
>>30849896Nice clown feet. Very tasteful, here's mine.
>>30849805amelia easily
>>30849898Everyone's better than numberfags, and no one lets their oshi be used for antiposting. What else did you expect when this is a certified, 100% Unity thread?
>>30849936Was talking about chumbuds specifically, but enjoy your oshi/other streams tonight.
>>30849815Switch to her asmr or reading streams
>>30849917Not even a coomer but I love shoulders, armpits, navels and feet all the same
>>30849949>Be like Pikamee and just draw your own avatarUhhh, anon? Your Gyari reps?
>>30849952I already tried ARS, can't pay because I don't have a foreign address.
>>30849815>I may have a problem. How do I escape the clutches of Ame? Do I even want to?She will stream less next week, so you might have a chance.
>>30849874Happy Gura is what I live for, its going to be a blessed stream.
>no undershirt guradiamonds
>>30849990I just used a random address i found on google maps
Aah the mamaloni, mamaloni. You know the mamaloni? The art one? I always- I always commission the takamori, commission mamaloni; and with takamori. I always commission the mamaloni and with takamori. Takamori! I like takamori. I always- I always order the cute-cute girls. How can I explain? I can explain by my drawing. I always, commission like the cute girls that they have the hugging on here, this part, the bed. Bed of takamori. And then I commission, when I commission mamaloni the bed, it always have the takamori on the top. But I pick up this, love! Because I love it! Then I eat the takamori bed.
>>30849839did I miss something???>>30849805Mori exceeded her cringe potential and went into legend territory
>>30849972Every time I see this image I see my post, don't remind me
>>30849917if it's amelia i like both
>>30849955That would be a great fucking idea
How can we stop the feet menace...
>>30849949Yeah, that's the next step of my master plan. I've been doing my voice and charisma reps and I want to see if I can get good enough by the time/if starsEN comes around. Though I need money first since I have a toaster of a computer.>Be like Pikamee and just draw your own avatarUh...
>>30849909Someone mentioned it in a previous thread. Polka might have mentioned it in a recent stream or somewhere else.
>>30850022Clussy claims another one.
>>30849507From Ame I've somehow picked up the way she swears, like "fuh-ck-h" and "shit-tuh"And of course the obligatory humuAnd I sometimes randomly roll my r's into a fat rrrrrrato
>>30849973doxxposters, purityfags and falseflaggers are much worse than numbers
>>30849074The funny thing is that Youtube's moderation tools are rally good, a team of 5 or so proficcient moderators could deal with a wearhouse full of this fuckers in like 15-20 minutes
>>30850005chickenfags cant memepathetic just like kiara
>>30850024It can't be defeeted
>>30850006Literally one roguelike sperg in the thread, dunno how he got here.
>>30849889As far as I can tell that's a rrat, Archive reps didn't give me any proof, and I'm pretty sure we're actually getting more.
Does anyone else try and imagine what Gura sounds like when she screams as she orgasms?
>>30849805Ame. By miles.Kiara as well to a lesser extent. I still don't like a lot of Kiara streams, but I have come to accept her.
Why does Haachama speaking English sound so completely retarded and cute? Her Japanese is fine
>>30848793Isn't this Digitrans' gf?
>>30849917I'm both, you're not getting rid of me that easily
>>30850038If we count them as people now, sure, but numberfags are the lowest people can go before crossing the line of humanity to me
>>30849991I hooe she doesn’t, I have the next week off so I could comfortably watch her live and still get enough sleep. Isn’t she doing the 12 hour charity stream next week?
> Catch up to Reine streams> Almost all English now> Nervous giggling at flirting scs> Going to hold a stream dedicated to her rating chats pick up linesWhats happened to my prideful Indo princess?
>>30849507I like saying rrat to myself. Especially rratto simmmmurrator. "hoocha" is pretty fun too.
>>30850005Does Kiara even really care about Mori anymore? I feel like she's much more interested in conquering jap pussy
>>30850052Because she speaks english about as well as a 3 year old.
>>30850068The mind break arc is real
Nothing gay about touching each other while wearing matching pair rings.
>>30850022Nice reddit filename
>>30850052She's doing her best.
>>30850006God bless her.Didn't think I'd ever say this, but she was cuter than usual today in her blasphemous stream. Despite saying she's really stressed after some shit happening earlier, she sounded very chill and happy. I think I seriously love this dork.
>>30849972post the other one
>>30850033But she said just this week that she wanted to do another members ASMR stream soon? Why the sudden change of tune?This feels like a rrat...
>>30849805Ame and Kiara. I struggled to watch Ame's debut and Kiara was boring. But both of them, especially Ame have grown on me so much that I can't imagine how I can function without her streams in my life
>>30849817>>30849915Doing the basic well is the sign of a master.
So was Anya the sacrificial lamb so that Reine and Zoombie could get monetization?
>>30850022c-can you fuck this?
>>30850033When will you gullible fucks learn to not believe everything you read on fucking 4chan.
>>30849963I wonder what her analytics have looked like since the Among Us collab. I know that I've tuned into a couple of her streams during dead hours for EN, and I actually ended up watching her entire Necrodancer stream since she'd just start singing to the music.
>>30850052Because she's ESL and despite living in an English speaking country for a while, she was ostracized and pushed out for not being near native level already and had no real friends. The few "friends" she had used her a gofer to heat up their food for them. Even the host family she was staying with didn't talk to her (outside of the 2 kids who made fun of her to her face). When she started getting better and more willing to attempt EN streams towards the end is when she actually got a friend, who was another transfer student from the Philippines.
>>30850068Indogs explain this
FUCK rice and FUCK candles
>>30849099FUCK YOU
>>30850022Ah yes, my religion
>>30850110It generally works better if you just use your mouth on it. Some girls really like when their belly button gets that kind of attention.
>>30850068She got a taste of slumming and found out that she liked it
>>30849924Someone buy her a jacket.
>all these anons that say humu humu because of inaOkay, I understand "jesas," "schizo," "narrative," and even "ogey." But "humu humu"? How the fuck do you incorporate humu humu into a normal conversation without sounding like a complete faggot?
>your Oshi>That one Holo that may or may not be your Oshi that makes you sad she's not getting more views/subs because shes actually quite enjoyable
>>30850024unit measurement
>>30849268twintails so I can ride her like a harley davidson
>>30850068She's definitely my favourite ID.This helps as wellhttps://streamable.com/m04ko4
>>30850072There's a limit to how long a joke can run before it gets retarded. Even Kiara's not that stupid to continue to milk a joke until the bones pop out and that's a good thing. Save it for special occasions.
>>30850072>Does Kiara even really care about Mori anymore?They're literally going on a 5 day honeymoon to northern or southern Japan anon and will stream together all while they're on it
>>30850114Better they learn now by getting baited like fucking retards then on something important.
>>30849596Based AngbandchadFor me, it's DCSS
>>30850068Damn, Indog women are easy. From nationalist to ready to end her genetic purity in less than 2 weeks.
>>30848793I finally forced myself to watch this and it's true, this is exactly how I pictured the EN branch to be before their debuts.Kiara still gives off this type of energy
>>30850142You underestimate the amount of autism in this thread.
Weird how holos have such fappable feet...
>>30850022In the casting couch video Polka did she said her belly button is her favorite part of her body.https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=149&v=9s_TPebdIHw&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=PolkaCh.%E5%B0%BE%E4%B8%B8%E3%83%9D%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AB
>doing my Ina archive reps>that point where she doxxes 2 live on streamKino. Wish I could've caught this live.
>>30850052She learned most of her English out of immersion in Australia rather than formal class. She sounds more like a native baby than a nip learning ESL
>>30850052>Why does Haachama speaking English sound so completely retarded and cute?You asked a question and gave an answer at the same time.
Who is the most boring EN?hard mode: you can't say Ina
trinity makes more sense to me. hololive EN could have had just 3 girls like hololive IN did. the other two are literally gaijin living in japan who work better as their own independent thing.
>>30850142Ina said she does it to emulate nodding in an online conversation
Name one good post with a picture of Luna attached to it
>>30850153Why are the ID holos so raw?
I haven't seen a mori stream in one month
>>30850142You humu along with Ina while watching one of her streams and it just becomes a thing you incorporate into daily life. I'm not even a takodachi and I've caught myself doing it every once in a while
>>30850068It's not her breaking that surprises me, it's that it took a week.
>>30850167The only explanation is that Yagoo himself is an absolute footchad and insists that every holo have nice feet
>>30850142I started saying question mark aloud because of Ina and my mom laughed at me
>>30850189When a Lunaito let /jp/ know who runs this shit.
>>30850068>pick up linesReading this made me realize I don't know a single pick up line/icebreaker, let alone how to use them.I feel like such a retard.
>>30850047I don't think she screams, but she's definitely will softly moan for an extended period.
>>30848439Me too bud.With a deeper voice and an assertive personality
>>30850068I'm liking her more than some of the ENs already
>>30850118Her chat varies between 50% english and almost 100% english nowadays. I think her typical stream hours really help her case with overseas fans because she's easy to catch live. I just wish it translated to superchats like with the EN girls. From the looks of it, most of her english-speaking viewers are poorfags.
>>30850186although without the phoenix and grim reaper the "myth" theme falls short of its true potential.
>>30850142You start by going "hmm hmm" more frequently. Then that transforms into "humuhumu"
>>30848937you are terrible at linear regression
>>30850146Gura Aki/RBC
>>30850206Kek, that is cute anon.
>>30850208Scriptfagging Lunashitters
>>30850195Sooner or later than you expected?
>>30850142it's just a sign that you're listening/nodding. just stick it in whenever someone says something to you. "man you see the game last night? that call was total bs""humu humu yeah bro the guy was faking it all the way"jesas and ogey are easy replacements but schizo and narrative both seem kind of harder to put into conversations without forcing it.
>>30850182Gura is just so samey; at least Kiara and Mori yabs are plenty of fun
>>30850095I think it's starting to dawn on her that her quitting the backbreaking 8-4 job is actually a reality and she'll get to earn a living by making music and hanging out with her fans, and no matter how much she liked her previous job, that's a good feelalso I think she likes Blasphemous a good bit more than she's letting through, she's terrible at using her options but the game is scratching her Castlevania/Souls itch a bit
>>30850191I've never seen a Mori stream after her debut.
>>30850191That makes me wonder. Since Calli is more focused on music, do you think she might be trying to get into that EN music audition Hololive is having?Might as well really.Although, I'll miss her streams. Whenever she streams, it's a blast.
>>30850186Nah, I’m a trinityfag myself and treat Takamori as a separate team basically, but I’m still glad they’re here, they make a lot of people happy.
>>30850198I have to wonder who gets more erotic fanart; Aqua or Haachama.
>>30850234muh two giant hype events totally cancels out all the other streams struggling to break 30K
i'm not a slut...
>>30850213Pick up lines are a meme, anon. They're shit socially retarded virgins use when they're harassing women and now they've just turned into a joke. Nobody in the 1st world uses them seriously.
>>30849596I think roguelikes SUCK
>>30850206This isn't an Ina-specific thing. Lots of girls did that too when I was in high school
>>30850251I was expecting at least a couple of months.
>>30850022<span class="sjis">CLOMB[/spoiler]
>>30850146Inai dont really watch other holos
>>30850182Mori for me, even her yabs are boring.
>>30850044I'm kinda curious who he means because I do actually love roguelikesand roguelites
>>30850052how someone graduate in a English speaking country without speaking the language at all? same for Subaru, she did study in canada and barely talk english.
Gura raped Ame
>>30848582Now that our limiters have come off hiroshimoot just unbanned us from our 8-9 years ban you'll see more of us around here.
>>30850068>most comments are in english>most donations are in englishShe's the kind of prideful woman that you can wi over with compliments, and she gets shoered by english compliments so yea, they are melting her shield.
>>30850182KiaraPeople who say it's Ina are most likely just KFP. Not shitting on Kiara herself, but the games she plays and the technical issues can be very challenging.
>>30850182Our bitch Coco
>>30850278Correct, but I still want to bend you over the counter and fuck the brat right back into you.
>>30850068>Whats happened to my prideful Indo princess?What's the point of being in Hololive if you're in last place, make little money, and have less freedoms? Might as well go back to being an indie, no?
Imagine getting to choose 3 holos who will give you a footjob. That would be a really hard choice.
>>30850182Gura, I skip all her minecraft streams.Except the one that made all of you concernfag
God I miss the Chinkapocalypsehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rMbxmQmo94
>>30850068>>30850195Mori -> Calli experience RTA
>>30850289Damn, dude. You reaaaally underestimated the power of the US dollar.>>30850297Synthetik is such a fun game but active reload filters me half the time. And I'm too much of a difficultyfag to disable it.
>>30850313I can't believe the oncologists made her cut off the Twitch streaming to save her
>>30850311No one said Ina
>>30849805Kiara, Mori.
>>30850284Really, I find it weird that she does it I mean It's obvious she is asking a question so why add the "quetion mark" at the end.
>>30850280I did not know that, and now I feel like an even bigger retard.
>>30850189/hlg/ ruined yonkisei for me.
>>30850198It's funny how I can recognize that chinkfaggots art from just a glance. Whatever happened to him? Did he choke to death on Winnie's microscopic cock yet?I doubt it. They're too used to it and too hard to kill.
>>30850311I'm gonna disagree, and I'm a t. Deadbeat. Ina's much more chill and lower energy in her streams, which can come across as boring if you're not looking for that sort of laid back atmosphere. Kiara's game choices suck, but she's much more of a bubbly personality.
>>30850186It seems the atlantic ocean really tears us apart. The only one I can catch live regularly is Ina, therefore I'm only watching Mori and Kiara for the most part, when it comes to EN.I still like the three of them for specific things. Ames Outer wilds stream is heartwarming and Gura karaoke is on another level in EN.
>>30850313>>30850344Why does this exist.
>>30850146HaachamaReine Reine Reine
>>30850313>>30850344Who makes this overdramatic shit?
>Youtube moved the autoplay button.Well I see why Youtube has been breaking for the last week.
>>30850328I was gone for one afternoon what are these Gura abuse posts
>>30850267She likes the Deadbeats too much. If she wanted to focus on music, she wouldn't have talked about streaming more when she gets out of SSLs, but talked about producing more songs.
>>30850311God I was so excited for a JRPG holoEN.I basically barely watched Kiara’s shit since she debuted outside of collabs.I’m not a zatsudan guy unfortunately.I’m hoping she finishes the rice game and FE soon, I would live to watch her continue Yakuza.
>>30850370yurifags are mentally ill, what did you expect
>>30850391They also added filters to recommended videos, which I guess is kinda neat.
>>30850369This fucking chink needs to stop.He could use his powers for good but he doesn't.
>>30850182Kiara is very entertaining but I check out of most of her RPG stuff, so I'll just say her because of that.
>never really liked nail polish much>now really into the fact that Gura has blue painted finger and toe nails Kinda hot
How far did Kiara get into Atelier, I left around when she was playing with the costumes to do my sleep reps? I'm about 6 hours in and up to part 7 of the prologue quest, I wanna make sure I'm ahead of her before watching tonight's stream
>>30850369>>30850344>>30850313Fujo's like this need to be spanked until they hold back on their fetish for suffering and drama.
>>30850313>>30850344>>30850369Stuff like this is why I stopped feeling bad about my amateur writing. Worse shit has made it to mainstream media too.
>>30850213That's called autism anon
>>30850369What is it with women and writing tragic shit like this in their /u/ fantasies?
>>30850302This. How is it possible that there are australians who do not find her accent cute as fuck and did not try to befriend her while she was there?
>>30850313>>30850344>>30850369God I love /u/schizos
>>30850396>I'm not a zatsudan guy unfortunatelyYou are missing out
>>30850344Iname is extremely aesthetic
>>30850182Kiara. Her game choices are bad for streaming and her commentary just does nothing for me. Combine that with the shit hours she streams in and she's the only EN that I haven't watched an entire solo stream of start to finish. She's amazing in collabs, but without that other person there she just can't hold my attention.
>>30850313>>30850344I miss Tumblr and Deviantart bros...
>>30850325>Might as well go back to being an indie, no?Yet still, she is doing better than Kizuna Ai. It's almost sad watching her deperately having to stream with no names just to get a 4 digit viewer count.
Sure Amelia Watson has cancer...IT'S CALLED HER CHAT
Once Gura has her Christmas karaoke we'll break out of this slut time loop and anons gosling her again, and christian narratives.
>>30850392Mesugakiposting evolved into s&m play, now its turned into abuseposting.That, or raiders/discordniggers. Been going on since last night though.
>>30850439Shame the artists drawing them always suck ass
>>30850425Unironically because they've never been in a real relationship and don't know what sort of stuff people in relationships do. Instead, they just write what they know, which is tragic soap opera drama from some tv show they watched or some trope they picked up from fic.
>>30850182Ame is too far gone on MC autism for me to enjoy her streams,
>>30850182Gura, she's super cute, sexy and lovable but fuck if there's nothing else to really talk about (outside of HER/anti-HER faggotry)Kiara is a whole menhera package + her collab choices tend to make for fun threadsAme is Ame, she does a lot of funky stuff when she's not shitting out 20 hours of minecraftMori is Mori, yabs, BREAD, pogs, shitpost streams, meme watchalong picks, music discussions, Calli/Mori civil wars
>>30850344>I have cancer, Ina>I'm not your therapist. Go and get chemo or something
>>30850195She doesn't want to end up being irrelevant. There are going to be more English speaking gens coming after hers. She has to get her shit together quick.
So, why did Ina cancel anyway?
>>30850068>dressed like an Indian princess>pretty dorky>likely shelteredIt was inevitable.
>>30850450damn son you killed them
>>30848679my whole intention to watch Mori's debut stream was to watch a trashfire. I think alot of faggots in this thread did and yet here we are. It's quite funny how Mori's stream blew everyone away and actually made some buzz across the internet
>>30850477Read the fucking tweet you retard.
>>30850454At least one anon awakened to ryona last night, and the abuse posts seem to be sexual in nature, so I'm gonna go with that
>>30850457I'd rather have less than quality art over the full attention of /u/schizos
>>30850418Not gonna lie, that shit gives me a rager every time. Also, the legs too.Never knew how much I loved bare legs. Damn Japanese has been brainwashing us all this time.
>>30850477has to finish commissions
Sure Amelia Watson has big chest...TO CONTAIN HER BIG HEART
So is it agreed upon that every holo's best content is Zatsudans/SC readings?
>>30850450>ywn have Ame in your bloodstreamWhy live?
>>30850477singing repsshe will BTFO kiara this time
>>30850313>>30850344>>30850369Yeeeaahhh I'm just gonna go reread "Blankets" or whatever it was called, I can't with this kinda shit. I watch hololive to get away from depressing things.>>30850470Jesus christ I feel bad laughing so hard at this.
>>30850514Fuck off.
>>30850482she honestly was a fucking roller-coaster from day one and it never really stoppedinvesting into Reapercoin is a nervewracking experience but some of the most fun I ever had with Hololive
>>30850508Hard agree.
>>30850508Ame's best are her Outer Wilds and Superliminal streams though
Amesame doujin is getting made
>>30850504I want the heartbeat ASMR Ame onegai...
>>30850439>>30850498Gura WONBut I wouldn't mind seeing more stuff
>>30850226I think that number is inflated by how many of her POLMAO and similar memes don't work in Japanese kanji I assume, but western viewers are much more likely to member instead of SC because of cultural differences. It also probably doesn't help that she hasn't done anything to engage them beyond the basic of including more English on her prewritten stuff, though if she does more like the Polka oruka stuff that's a good start.
>>30850452>he hasn't heard of the Madonna-Whore Complex
>>30850504i missed an article and everyone will think that i'm an esl... which is true
>>30850514why are takos like this nowadays?
>>30850454How does Gura keep awakening fetishes in people?
>>30850508SC readings depends on the holo. Kiara's have always been great and Mori's got good recently with the bread rap, but Ame for example still just mostly blows through the names without much else going on.
Has anyone made a flat repeating pattern of the design that's on Ina's tentacles yet?
>>30850186Ina rolls better with TakaMori than with AmeSame
>>30850514Fake tako spotted.>>30850525Darn you, I was gonna post that.
>>30850182All of them
>>30850514>this time
I don't watch anyone but my oshi and I don't give a shit.
>>30850469>Kiara>Fun threadYeah, no
>>30849507I saw a red rectangle the other day and physically chuckled to myself
What did he mean by this? Is there some secret anti chink message?
>>30849883Why would you ever want to do that?
>>30850539Is it futa
>>30850474Lamy-mama?You ok?
>>30850557She knows EXACTLY what she's doing.
>>30850558we need to push harder for the #Akapella trend on Mori's, the more akas become song lyrics the less attention whoring ones will matter and her acapellas are actually godly
>>30850543Cute art is cute art regardless of pairing.
>>30850503That reminds me, how much commission does she get? Is there anything that she's doing for officially, like game or something? Makes me wonder if part of the EN manager's job is too look for ways she can make money by drawing as well. If so then that's pretty cool.
>>30849507No, but somehow, watching Nui has caused me to occasionally make my voice "crack" when I speak bits of Japanese.
>>30848993/pol/ was the only good board they have that actually exposed glowniggers samefagging so they had to take it down by force to prevent any more psyop leaks
>>30850541It's cool she actually tried, seems like she's down for it.
>>30850415i honestly like depressing shit like this. you can't fully enjoy the heartwarming stuff without the soul-crushing stuff.
>>30850581Unlike Chinese, he can keep a fucking lid on things for five seconds without spilling shit everywhere
>>30850450Do people who says even watch her anymore?Her chat hasn't been that bad for a good while now.
>>30848066Ladies first.
>>30849507I picked those "huh?" that Kiara does and it's weird
>>30850554They're not.
>>30850595Total earning SC$361,019.6553,911 Chats$6.70 / ChatGuess so
Hah I like the bent teeth. Mine is like that as well.
>>30850572Kiara by herself, not really, but I did specifically mention the collabssolo Kiara threads are at the very least very polarized, which still is more interesting than UOOOOOOH x 1350
>>30848867it will be just /cow/. I also hate the people on /trash/ and I don't want to share platform with them. Koopa is an exception because she's /hlgg/'s child.
So why do the discordniggers specifically target Ina and Kiara?
>>30850182Gura, if you're not into her humor.
>>30850546Studying eigo takes time, and she's clearly still working on pronunciation. It's easier to reach out in prewritten stuff because she can take all the time she needs to sit down and make it look good in english, or even ask for help from a bilingual staffer.That said, she's had some great moments recently like her response to the english superchat she got during her recent circus-building minecraft stream. She's getting there at her own pace.
>>30850595She's so boring I can't even watch her clips all the way through. Can't imagine watching an entire stream.
>your oshi>have you ever falseflagged as another fanbaset. deadbeat
>>30850499For some reason it's a real turn on how feminine Gura actually is.Like you wouldn't think it based on the voice or design
Holy shit is this what it sounds like to drink tea?https://streamable.com/tvxk8n
>>30850624Kek, me too
>>30849972what the fuck, I don't remember all this hate from the thread
>>30850627i have seem so many doing this i cant believe they are all falsefaggers
>>30849506Whatever you say, Fermat
>>30850640They're schizo trannies who spend every second of their misapplied lives trying to dredge drama up as to avoid thinking about how they'll never pass and are fundamentally brokenDon't try to think like them, it won't work
why have I never seen a cute or funny Gura clip on youtubedoes her content have any highlight moments at all
Is Botan getting a new costume tomorrow?If so, why is Gen 5 getting their's before Gen 4?
>>30850068honestly, it made it 10000% more understandable why Calliope is her idol
>>30850612She'll need the right mic which she 99% won't get. We'll see though.
>>30850657Shit, that's hot.
>>30850508If by zatsudan/sc you mean unarchived karaoke, sure. unarchived karaoke is pretty much the best solo content for 95% of holos
>>30850650GuraNope, unity all the way.
Anya love!
Help, I think something is wrong with my clown wife. What do?https://files.catbox.moe/48o9s3.mp3
>>30850679God I wish, I'm glad shes open to new shit
>>30850640Ina is too beloved and they think it'll rile people up more easily.Kiara has tons of shit to work with.Both are close in numbers so a fake rivalry can be stimulated.
>>30850514Dont use the blessed art to shitpost you heathen
>>30850657maybe if the mic is right next to your throat
>>30850653>For some reasongap moesmug apex predator brat actually a cute cowardly girly girl
>>30850657/loudgulp/ chads WW@
>>30850640Their discord exists to hate Kiara. Targeting Ina is just a cry for attention because we generally don't have many negative posts about Ina here organically.
>>30850469What do you mean Gura is "samey"
I hate /hlgg/ so much...
>>30850650AmeYesI made positive posts when the SEAniggers did the takodachi vs KFP shitflinging.
>>30850673Because you can't just upload the entire stream and still call it a clip
>>30850677The fuck did you hear that from?
>>30850650MoriI did falseflag as a deadbeat
>>30850650KiaraI pretended to be a smug Moonafriend during her showdown stream with chimkin. She's like my third favourite holo so I don't if that counts
>>30849990use a random address from google. make sure the name for the address is the same one as your payment and make sure the postcode is the same as address.
>>30850640forced numberfag rivalry
>>30850572The redebut, the LotR watchalongs and her single were the most hype these threads have been since the debuts. And things are always fun when she starts reading supas.
>>30850146AmeNene and Twappi...
Take your pills
>>30850714No you don't.
>>30850677Why is it taking so long for Gen 4 anyway? Even ID got alt outfits before them.
>>30850640It's futile. No matter how they wanna twisted, nothing will change the fact that Ina is nice.
>>30850695I was hoping somebody had a rip of this somewhere. It's a good track.
>>30850677>Adidas Lion dropping the stripes just as she gets the russian audience.Yeah, not happening.
>>30850714I hate it the same way I hate by brother; only sometimes, and never to the point where I forget the reason why we care in the first place.
i love gura's adorable little mumble-laugh https://files.catbox.moe/uhbjmx.mp4
>>30850714You love me, baby
>>30850406I’m only a Gurame fag because seeing Gura with Ame makes me happy. Why would I ever want to see them sad like this shit? The real question is what’s wrong with chinks.
>>30850657>femcel mic mutevs>indostacey gigagulp
>>30850541>>30850679All she needs to start is https://3diosound.com/products/free-space-binaural-microphone (it wasn't sold out some days ago, I'm sure it'd be stock again soon) I've actually been trying to look up what mic Polka and Haachama use for their ASMR because I'm sure it's not a KU100, but I can't find the answer on the web.
>your oshi>some vtuber indie shit you like
>>30850636if you think spamming puyo is interesting then you're retarded chickenfag
>>30850650KiaraNo. I used to falseflag on /n/ (news), /int/, and /pol/ ages ago in my early 20s. I like to think I left that behind me.
>>30850740Ok, you got me. I love you guys <3
>>30850677Botan speaking Boris is the most cutest thing I've ever seen. I want to hear her speak more.
>>30850146AmeRoboco/Nene also Astel and pizza dad
>>30850667>can't believe they are all falseflaggersOh but they are. You greatly underestimate how much falseflagging goes on here.
>>30850647I'm not complaining in the least, and it does seem like she's serious about doing her reps which only makes me like her more. My point was more that she's not going to see a whole lot of monetary engagement from EOPs until she's able to interact with them directly, but even the little bones that she throws right now are enough to keep them from forgetting about her while she works on her reps behind the scenes. I'm looking forward to the inevitable collab with Mori where they just sit there and play with their instrument collection for two hours.
>>30850761Gura shriek is my favorite Gura noise
>>30850773InaManten Hanamaru
>>30850657That wasn't tea that was my cum.
>>30850711her content is pretty standard for a Holo. that's not really a downside, but compared to her wilder/more creative genmates it would kinda blend with the crowd if not for the number she brings
>>30850677>Dropping the Adidas when Rushia has adopted La Lion as their oshihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM-e46xdcUo
>>30850657Man Reine's got some Aqua tier laughs.
>>30850650KiaraI falsefagged as a deadbeat once when people were shitting on Mori
>>30850743That's cuz they got home 3D setups instead of new outfitsHas cover released images of them in the idol getup yet?
>>30850693>Swordboard>can’t post Redman
Anya, you don't have a switch..https://twitter.com/anyamelfissa/status/1339716351208747008
Don't let the lack of images make you forget the fact that MIKO IS INDEED GETTING A NEW 3D RIG ON DECEMBER 23RD, 21:00 JST!https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1339592427716276226
>>30850777see, while puyo spam itself is silly, the idea of bringing up a punishment game while you're losing, realizing you're losing, owning the fact and then still squirming around to toss the loss on someone else is actually funny as hell
>>30850650KiaraOnly to promote unity during peak tribalist hours.
>>30850677Watame is the one getting a new outfit tomorrow, surprised it wasn't Coco first considering she is the most successful of that generation
>>30850667You underestimate just how many people have tried to falseflag as one of the groups.
>>30850833Good, cause to be honest I don't really like her current 3D, it looks weird and not very cute
>Feet board>Can't post feetkunkakunka
>>30850833Truly the protagonist of hololive
>>30850777It is very funny though t. chumbud
>>30850734>twappiShe is hosting that huge mario cart collab in January, so she’ll get a massive boost then.
>>30850850>KFP jannies promote unityBased.
>>30850773AmeThe Slime
>your oshi>the most retarded thing you've done that relates to hololive somehow
>>30850773KiaraAfricatcollab onegai
>>OPSo is the Global and the garbage dump threads fused together now? Don't know how to feel about thing cause I hate the regurgitated shit from there, but I do like seeing post of the JP cutes.
>>30850548Gura is strictly for marrying in a church, making love constantly, and raising lots of kidsThis is non negotiable
Where were you when it happened?https://streamable.com/cgumwz
>>30850773>MikoAme's sister
>doxx board>can't doxxt-t. deadbeat
>>30850650>Mori>No. But I falseflagged as a more anti at the height of the Mori weight to muddy the waters on what is legitimate hate, what's falseflagging, and what's ironic posting.t. the "t. deadbeat" anti who sparked a full day of "t. deadbeat" insanityI am Calliope's dark works.
>>30850452God I can’t wait
>>30850881KiaraSc her
Any other takobros unironically in full panic mode that Ame is about to take Ina's streaming slot? Ina is great, but if any of the holoENs overlap with her streams, she wont be able to compete. Especially if it's a giant like Ame.
>>30850773>Ame>Mashiro Yuki
>>30850677>If so, why is Gen 5 getting their's before Gen 4?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiFqaj_H09Q
>>30850904Watching live and then immediately posting "that was a real fart" after it happened in the thread
>>30850657Every clip I see of her drives me closer to subscribing.
Deadbeats only:>how did you feel about cursed night when it first dropped>do you feel differently about it now?
>>30850876I do it for free
https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1339588812997947392Why is she like this?
>>30850912Aw fuck. I messed up my sentence there.
>>30850773GuraIndies suck
>>30850881>AmeFapped to porn that resembles her roommate
>>30850904This still fucking kills me. The fart itself sounds so fake but then her half-assed attempt to cover it just seals the deal.
>>30850773Haachamathis dude right here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu1D6uzhgwk
>your oshi>a rrat you would want them to rread
>>30850881I won't sayMessaged her privatelyshe messaged back and was nice
>>30850926Pekora gothloli fucking WHEN
>>30850919She will be fine. Half of Ame's streams lately aren't particularly appealing to her broad audience anyway.
>>30850940what does she mean?
>>30850960ANON SLIP IT IN
>>30850960Whoever she is, I'm jealous.
>>30850957>Gura>She’s a farmer girl that spends her time at the animal shelter
>>30850904sucking on her toes
>>30850842Why does that thing on her clothes look like a penis? What is the artist trying to imply?
>>30850874I had no idea she was hosting it, that's fucking great
>>30850960The thing is anon anyone who has browsed this board for a bit can tell who you are talking about,
>>30850960EN or JP?
>>30850886>"Aah, you were at my side, all along.>My true mentor...>My guiding cunny..."what did meido mean by this?
>>30850854Cover's 3D tech hasn't advanced since they first started so don't expect it to look any less jank.
>>30850938>My favorite>My favoriteI love her more contemplative tracks.
>>30850657>https://streamable.com/tvxk8ngood vore clop
>>30850881kiaramasturbated to her oshi's roommate
>>30850938About the same. It's not the kind of music I'd normally listen to but I still occasionally think about just how fucking good the meter is in that song. Mori legitimately has talent as a lyricist.
>>30850919Wait, 3PM won?
>>30850919this sounds like bait, but there's nothing to compete with. watch who you want. the numbers affect nothing
>>30850881KiaraStayed up until 6 fucking AM watching one of her streams when I had an exam the next day.
>>30850957KiaraThe spa bimbofication arc
>Checks /v/ against after staying away for months to see what the fallout is in regards to Geno>Several threads about Hololive/ASUS debacle. >/v/ praising China because "fuck vtubers" while at the same time shilling PekoraSo, are these the same fuckers who come here to shit on threads whenever Gura streams?BTW, any news on the that shit with ASUS?
>>30850977Don't forget going to church and being a huge slut.
>>30850960Nice work representing the takos, TwoDid the hivemind proud
>>30851003Peko or did you misspell?
>>30850830buy her one anon
>>30850881InaA few weeks ago when she announced she'll be doing something with cookies, I thought it was a cookie rating contest so I bought a bunch of supplies and began making various recipes. I ended up making nutella drop peanut butter cookies, raspberry jam thumbprints, strawberry shortbread, whoopie pies, and macaroons. She didn't say anything about it again until this week, but even before #TakoEats came to light I already saw the mountain of stuff I made and have since eaten them or gave them all away.It doesn't sound too bad but it was like $40 worth of ingredients and almost an entire day of work in doing everything.
>>30851019yes peko
>Your Oshi>Pits or Feet?
Does anyone else feel like sucking on your oshi toes?
>>30850926Black Sheep variant PLEASE
>>30851016/v/ is going full on contrarian at the moment and calling China "based" for some reason. The place is a literal dumpster.
>>30850650AmeNo. I haven't got a reason to.
>>30851018>being a huge slutthat's Kiara, anon
>>30850961never ever, current design is too iconic. although I could see her in a tracksuit
Before thread dies I have to confess.I'm a slav
>>30850960that's pretty nice, must feel much better than being noticed in chat
>>30850019Ame needs a treadmill for Christmas!
>>30850852>>30850926>Coco not getting her new outfit first despite being the biggest player thereLet me guess, she won't one because of the China and Taiwan bullshit.
>>30850695Sounds like everything is functioning within expected parameters, anon. You should have looked more at the specs when you married a clown, anyone who wears that much make-up isn't going to be completely stable.
>>30851014You did it for the cult my boy
>>30850773GuraAlice Alucard
>>30851031InaPits 100%Left > Right
What does the name "Gawr Gura" mean anyway?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6XdG08AF3USo this is the replacement for Cyberpunk?
>>30850881AmeFaked being sick so I could catch all of last weeks streams.
>>30851055My condolences. I too suffer from this condition.
>>30851016>praising China because "fuck vtubers"That's like jumping into the fire to spite the frying pan.
>>30850970Ikanakya - "I have to hurry/go/come too"IKA - squid
>>30850919>Comfy stream are about to have the worst fans jump ship to someone elseYes, full panic. Very upset.
I just realized why my heart hurts when Gura isn't streaming, she's literally too cute. That and I'm extremely lonely
>>30851014good job
>>30850881GuraStarted a retarded rrat for yous and instead of being shot down it gaied traction and wasn't disproven for weeks.
>>30851062goodreddit dragon is cancer
>>30851031Gurabothbut most of all, shoulders
>Your oshi>Her nemesis
>>30851015Imagine Kiara trying to decipher the globo holo picture with no context
>>30851016I wish you didn't go to /v/ at all, anon. And for some reason, /v/ermin have been using Ogeys as the replacement for frogs and wojaks now that both are mainstream. Hearing that they say anything good about China is a disappointing thing to hear, though.
>>30851031Inaboth if its hers
>>30850773RikkaShigure Ui
>>30851076it means gawr gura____________________________________
>>30850798i'm glad you liked that one, anon. it puts a smile on my face every time it's posted. :)
>>30851079Yup. She mentioned she'd replace it with minecraft earlier.
>>30848679Yeah I was pretty ready to watch cringe kino that would not translate very well to English, but after about a week I was incredibly impressed how natural they became. I'm curious if/when we will get someone that slips through the cover talent cracks and cant handle the pressure and criticisms and self-destructs
>>30851079Yes, thank god.
>>30850794>>30850853you're talking to the falseflagger, btw. all his posts go <anti post with a fanbase avatar> then a samefag <why are X like this?>. check archives if you're bored.
>>30851103>ame>basic bodily hygiene
>>30850052>>30850302Generally students that school abroad go to schools with large exchange programs. Thus they trend to group up with other exchange students from their homeland and just stick with them.
>>30851016/v/ has been pro-China since Genshin dug its tendrils into the board and never let go.
>>30851103KiaraThe rrats, in every form imaginable.
>>30851040I can understand hating vtubers but backing fucking communist is what makes it hilarious. Hell, I could give a shit about the whole Hololive shit but to actually suck CCP cock is hilarious.I was hoping there would be some fun to have over at /pol/ but they're still just circlejerking the whole election and it's getting boring watching the same thing over and over again. I really do wish for some good laughs today too.
>>30851132I know. It's something I noticed a while back too but the thread needs to be pushed forward.
>>30851079Let's hope Mori can get the hang of Minecraft quickly so their server doesn't remain looking like a fucking hovel
>>30851016Your mistake was checking /v/. Even /a/ hates vtubers though and I find that fucking hilarious.
>>30851029you should've recorded some of it to send to Haachama Haaton Cooking someday
>>30851139but how do you study at all and then pass the end year exam?
>>30851153Thank you meido this soothes my heart
Euro student fag here, can somebody save the portal speedrun stream of ame?
>>30851143After the hype died down I'm pretty sure it's obvious the GI crowd was a loud minority
>>30851103KiaraLyric sheets
>>30851132they are not actually, i just posted a joke to kill the thread early
>>30851164It seems like its actually the more Japanese culture-adjacent boards that have the strongest reaction to vtbuers
Are there seriously no streams until Ame in an hour?
>>30851174It'll be archived, won't it? I can't imagine why it wouldn't be since it's a Valve game.
>>30851143People like this crap so much I'm seriously starting to think it's some kind of mind control or hypnosis.
>>30851031MoriFeet, but I came to appreciate pits recently
>>30850610>giving the glowie advice at the endMy sides
>>30851185REPS, NIGGA, REPS
>>30851016>threads shitting on vttubers and prasing china>thread shitting on Yakuza>rest of the board is 50 Cybepunk falseflagging threadsThank god Inleft that shithole 5 years ago, I would be a literal schizo right now if I didn’t.
>>30851185Yes. Ina cancelled her rice stream so it's been dead hours for the entire day.
I love you Gura!
>>30851164/a/ hates anything offtopic that gets posted there because dumb newfags like you think it's the catch all "weeb adjacent" board.
I love you Noel!
i love you, gura. thank you for letting me be your chumbuddy.
i love cunny
I love my dorky Priestess!!