>>29944159The book is very kino too. Would make a great readalong.
>What are your favorite rap song ad libs?lmao what literally autistic literal nigger did this
I love Amelia Watson so so so much!!!
Friendly reminder that Polka is YOUR girlfriend and wants to have loving sex RIGHT NOW
Watch the Holostars, now.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwLuP_VwGck
>Gura hasn't seen Ame's song for her
https://twitter.com/minatoaqua/status/1333297148230713344Did she go too far here?
i miss avocado bro...
Here's Ame's confirmed schedule so far based on info from her:>Monday: Minecraft>Tuesday: HOTS, Japanese Katakana Practice>Wednesday: ~Break~>Thursday: Halo CE w/ Mori>Friday: Titanfall 2, Good Night ASMR Members>Saturday & Sunday: [Superchat Reading, Dark Knight Rises, Smash Campaign]>???: [Detective Diaries, Mario Kart with Members, Space Dandy, LA Noire]
Did you guys enjoy Kiara's hi no tori performance?
I want to be crushed by Kiara's trash compactor ass!
>>OPGood choice in games, ame
I love Amelia!
I didn't even realize there was holo members that don't even have membership
>>29944215Don't know about the book but the movie was sick as fuck
Amelia is cute.
Kiara is like Aqua if she had fire powers.
So Haachama is actually a real smart and bright person IRL? And Haachama is just a retard persona she puts to be cute? But what about Kiara? she seems legit retard
Fuck, Astel is a damn good singer, now I see why Ame likes him.
>>29944182Do Meidos really?
The playlist is actually really good
https://twitter.com/achan_UGA/status/1333277588739956736So they're allowing JFL/ESLs to apply? Interesting.
God damn chicken only had to step back onto the block she behind her but NOOO she had to panic and start hacking away at the wall screaming which flooded the area with lava and guaranteed she died. Fuck just plugging the lava with a single block instead of SCREAMING ARRRRRGGGHHH would have solved the problem
This embarrassment was too much.Kill Notch.
Calli lust!
You can't handle my strongest lore, teamates.
Name one thing that Kiara is good at
>my supa wasnt read in britishwhy bother
>You can't handle my strongest lore chat
>>29944223>Shilling homosharts when ENs are streamingKill yourself
Have you bought my game yet? Amelia is going to play it soon you know. Don't you want to have an exciting adventure with your oshi?
>>29944255Based Joseph
Don't open!
>>29944223They're always so cute
Damn Chicken's Chess really is similar to how she goes through life. Doesn't think about anything besides the target in front of her.
>Name sounds suspicious thoSnatchbros....
>>29944241well she is friends with his niece, she's practically obligated.
>>29944225She fucking sucks and her chat is filled with faggots grooming the fuck out of her. I am unsubbing
>>29944236b-but 2-3 days break
If Haachama learns English well enough to speak beter than Kiara does that mean Kiara will have to be demoted to a holoJP
>>29944237Of course I enjoyed Kinotori
>>29944262We already knew this. They were allowed to apply for gen1 too.
I want Amelia to watch A Boy and His Dog and be confused about the dog talking for the entire runtime.
>>29944255Based joseph even supports homostars
Happy for you chickin
>>29944227She may genuinely miss it with how she uses twitter. Ame didn't @ her when she posted it.
>>29944261Past two songs have been Ame's iirc.
>listened to this city pop mix a couple weeks agobased ame
>>29944255classic unity chad
>Amelia shitting on ecelebs and chat reaction
>>29944255Based unity, still havent forgotten what you have done...
>>29944203I'm a chumbud, but thanks I guess.
>>29944223Anime girls > bros, sorry.
>>29944223my son sings with so much SOUL, I love it
>>29944223Its hard watching both kiara and listening to the homostars desu but I love winning boys singing
>She hates Carson guykek
Seeing all these expressions, I'm going to make a "she sees your dick" image but her face becomes more cheerful the smaller it gets
>>29944262Oh neat, time to apply as an ESL like me
>>29944278loreseller, enough of these games! i am going into battle, i need your strongest lore.
>>29944270Try me Before I sleep
After death, rebirth
>>29944272Getting fucked good in Shibuya clubs off stream.
>>29944262>inb4 the videoke loving flipniggers get a spot
>>29944262Anonchama...1 of the 5 ENs is literally ESL...
>>29944223WTF this is pure SOUL
EU talents please
>>29944255a true unitychad as always.
>>29944223But I am and fuck opening the same stream twice
>>29944272Making my cock hard
>get it out of your system and shut them up if they keep goingExtremely based
AHEMI HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKEMori has an amazing singing voice and her raps are great!Kiara is very upbeat, shines positivity around her and is a pleasure to listen to!Ina is an extremely talented artist, very calming and inspirational!Gura is a charming daughter that makes you want to protect her, but can also make you laugh easily!Watson is hard working and entertaining, always looking out for others!Theyre all great and trying their best! It's not a war between them and you should be happy for all of Hololive Myth members.Fuck tribalistfags.Fuck falseflaggersFuck doxpostersHave a comfy thread hlgg
>>29944295Thanks for supporting her til now.
Can someone pop these HERfags bubbles in C*rson's tweet replies? Thinking they know super secret stuff needs to end, it's starting to get too cringy and ppl just jumping in the bandwagon think they know HER/Gura better than anyone else. Doing that would probabky end up in less HERfag spam in Gura's chat.
>>29944280u betta rike it, faggot
Happy bird
>>29944251Kiara probably has a personality disorder and doesn't actually know who she is to begin with
>>29944223sorry but i only watch them when my oshis, Chicken and Amelia, aren't streamingWill have them in other tab though
>gets diamonds like immediatelythis game needs to punish her more
>>29944255hello? based departement?
>>29944236Yup, week's looking pretty good.
>Snatch movie suggestion>Haven't seen it, but the name sounds suspiciousFUCK
>>29944262Welp I guess Haachama and Coco is going to do what Friend did to gamers.
lmao Calli gonna legit do a P3 begging stream
does kiara just click back and forth between lucky and unluck?
>>29944330She was in Gura's chat when it happened lmfao. She was probably pissed
>Gura is waaaaaaaay cuterwhat was the context?
>>299442511 INT 11WIS
>>29944272Making me happy!
i saw the futureshe'll lose it again
>>29944223Their voices sound really good together.
>>29944336Ame is not british
>>29944345Why are you bullying Mori like that?
>>29944338the storm before the calm
>kiara goes back to mine>inmediately finds diamonds all smiles
>>29944272falling in lava
>>29944370>MinecraftWho are you and what did you do with Mori
>>29944351Took chat 40 fucking minutes to get it out of their system in superliminal...
>>29944354Based, unity is the one and true path
>>29944261>>29944314Ame put on a 40 minute city pop mix
>>29944372Some SC probably said that Gura was cuter.
>>29944236That can't be correct because she said 2-3 day break
>>29944236Hots but why?
>>29944370Rap party hmmmm
>>29944372Missed the question but prolly>Ame is the cutest!
God is a KFP member
>>29944251kiara is smart at thinking but not smart at doing.
>>29944370Good luck Mori with Fatluss
>>29944255I'll see you in her next stream bro
>>29944222She wants to be held tightly until her anti-induced nervousness passes!
>>29944200no that's not why I'm saying that Ame 100% comes here, it's because she pretended like she didn't know what based meant after demonstrating that she did know what it meant in the thanksgiving stream. It came from black rapper community independently forever ago after all.She's actively trying to hide that she comes here, and accidentally picks up vocabulary, lies are hard to keep track of after all anon.
damn, someone should make a mega of the members only Ame stream for those poorfagchamasNot me though, I definitely watched it and an a member, I just want to share it with them because it was so great
>>2994428176 or Skyrim?
>>29944370If real I'm ready for them to try to use the sniper on flood or die 10000 times on the library
>>29944272Making my heart happy
>>299443452 of them.
>>29944370>P3She will get a problem
What the fuck. HoloStars has good ass synergy with each other.
>>29944370Weird that she scheduled a day off on the 3rd, or at least that's what's gonna happen
>>29944338>still nonchalantly digs it without checking for lava
>>29944262>HoloEN>JOPs can apply
>>29944366Lock Stock is better anyway
>>29944370>Halo with Amelia
>mfw Kiara's growing greed and love of riches
>>29944233we were there from sprout to bearing fruit, anon. be glad we were here.
>what a blessed shaftthat's what all the ladies say about me
>>29944370NO FUCKING WAY
>>29944381Fuck you, I thought it was something cool like a fan-made lore, kys
>>29944251Kiara is a WIS 10 INT 4 build.
>>29944251>But what about Kiara?bro she literally speaks 3 lenguages fluently she's smarter than most people in this thread rn
>>29943793ofc she rp's the prostitute unironically lol.No malice towards ame though
Do you ever just, like, realize how lucky we are to have them?
>>29944428So for eternity then
>>29944272being my oshi
>>29944369She's a pendulum, whether it's the purity chart or luck. Also mood.
>>29944354Nope! Chikin is a whore and so is the rest of EN asides from Shark since she is a Flip. Thanks for your effort though!
>>29944370Rap party sounds fun.>MinecraftI'm shocked.
>>29944371Based Ame, hopefully she conforts Gura later.
>>29944438She releases all of them publicly at some point, so there's not much point in it.
>>29944370>Halo on ThursdayI got it right>>29944236
>>29944370>Cali playing Minecraftw-what, what is she going to even do?
>>29944370Calli is dead, long live Mori.
>>29944370jesus fucking christ calli...
>>29944272Being cute!
>>29944370>Solo MinecraftWho are you and were did you take my boy?
>>29944370>Calli>solo MinecraftWHAT CHANGED THE UNIVERSE?!
>>29944370Member streams?
The boys are killing it btw, my sons are having so much fun.
>>29944272dumptruck ass
>>29944272milking virgins for moneygranted, that's the most important skill for a cabaret girl
>>29944370BLASPHEMOUS???? I'm glad she's finally playing Minecraft, since everytime she plays she bemoans how behind she is.
Patiently waiting for the next Amesame kino stream
>>29944370>Halo with AmeliaA shame. Guess I'll just have to deal with it.
>>29944370>MinecraftYEES AT LAST>Rap Party Based>Halo with AmeKINOINO
>>29944370>It's fucking realI will tier 3 if she plays P3 holy shit
>>29944223Holy SOUL.
>>29944445That's the true UnityEN will have harder time achieving it due to being females but they probably can still do it eventuallyGen5 would have easy time but we all know what appened
>>29944370I don't know how to feel about calli and ame playing Halo, was expecting someone in the trinity to do it, I like calli but I'm not so sure about this.
Oh god damn it the halo collab shit is real.
>>29944463Every time I tune into a stream, anon.
>>29944453>Mori>solo Minecraft streamThis has to be fake
>>29944370What the heck is the 'rap party'? It's not the members archived karaoke
>>29944471SEAgroid hands typed this post
>>29944370>MinecraftI almost didn't believe it until I checked it myself.
>>29944236>have to wait an entire week for her to continue LA noirepain peko.......
>>29944507They are shit.
>>29944262>diva>not idollooks like they are going for an IINK group, the question is if they end up like AZKi or Suisei
>>29944428>She wants to be held tightly until her anti-induced nervousness passes!It's sad that this isn't even a narrative...
>>29944491It's actually Haachama in her account, she will just narrate the blocks
>>29944370>2 and a half hours of Mori just finding different ways to say "Atlus, please let me play Persona 3 on stream"
>>29944463i was just thinking that earlier today. i am so grateful for all the time and effort they put in.
>>29944448At least try and know what you're saying before you post.
>>29944370>halo with MoriGod fucking dammit
>>29944370fuck mori. this is calli time.>atlus begging streamkino
>>29944448Only if they can speak English
>>29944262know anyone that fits the bill?kyOresu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq35RbMcxTs
>>29944491Well building a skull house/island would be a start
>>29944458toxic teamates can't handle the bantz
>>29944370Taking bets on mori being tired and low energy and constantly cutting in during the halo stream
>>29944464God I hope so.
Who the fuck is Ai Ron? Is it a new jav star?
>>29944313She follows Ame so it'll be in her feed when twitter deems it. Most likely she took some analgesic and then passed out in bed.
>>29944223They are having a lot of fun
>>29944463Yes, everyday. They have made this garbage year livable. I was getting burnt out before /hlgg/.
>>29944273If it helps, I read your post in a Winnie the Pooh voice
>>29944262My time has come, I can't sing for shit and I'm an ESL
>>29944370Yeah I'm thinking she's back
>>29944370... hold up this is a really good scheduleIs this the Mori redemption arc?
>>29944357I fucking hate their circlejerking ngl, but I don't use twitter.
>>29944357there's not much that could end it aside from Gura herself addressing it in some way, and her options are pretty limited there thanks to her contract. in theory, she could make vague allusions to HER and make a blanket statement that she's happier now than she was back then.
>>29944370>halo collabIs this true?
>>29944537Based JPaniki
i think her next song should be something upbeat with calli teaching her how to rap, parappa the rapper style, what do yall think?
>>29944521They probably are even closer due to having shit views and pushing through all that together for so damn long.
>>29944370>minecraftWhat the fug
>>29944370I have no idea how Ame + Mori in Halo is going to go. This will either be kino or dogshit and there's no inbetween
>>29944438i wish mikoti still looked like this
>>29944370As a Teamate I'm very excited for the Halo collab with Mori. I've been waiting for a month
>>29944556god damn imagine being paywalled this hard for this little content
>>29944354I love all of them and the DLC
>>29944582oh bother
>>29944367And that is what?
>>29944347>No one watches>Graduation in 3 months.
>>29944596No, it's a typo
>>29944370Ame x Mori collab, I wonder if it's gonna be kino or cringe
Is Mori going to naked dogeza for atlus perms or something.... whats with that timeslot on that schedule
>>29944272Making me want to make her a loving wife and mother
>one more week until schedules that might include Cyberpunk 2077 come outWhich holos might give it a try? It's probably a hundred hour game at least and it's more RPG than straight shooter ...
>>29944587Holo Vsinger scare her
>>299442721rst girl to make my heart go doki doki in 10+ years.
>>29944522They're spinning it as "Ame teaches Calli how to get good at FPS"
Why is Mori doing solo minecraft a big surprise?
>>29944370>5 am halo collab
inb4 double serving of fried chicken
>>29944370>Ame x Mori collabWhat did we do to deserve this, we could have had Ame x Ina halo
>>29944370Alright Mori, I finally kneel. Good schedule
>>29944507I can't help but smileThe energy is amazing, almost as if we're in the room with them
>>29944582Anon, the bugmen....
>>29944640Because she's literally never done it.
>>29944537holy based
>>29944370>minecraftnice photoshop
>>29944507I love roberu just screaming between the harmony
>>29944491Building a house would be a start..
>>29944251For a 19 year old, Haachama is pretty smart to be able to thrive as a vtuber for several years.
>>29944640Because it's literally the first time she's done it. She's the only EN member that has only done collab MC streams.
>>29944537lol, a chinaman in disguise
>>29944640She's never done one before
>>29944549Yet she will still get SC from that
>>29944370>Halo with AmeliaI hate when narratives become true...
>>29944370>rape party
>>29944262so they're hiring EN azki then?
Ame's shadowfeet puppets...
Amelia got bullied a lot...
>>29944632>until cyberpunk 2077 come outDYRBI
Thank God Haachama is singing soon
>>29944609where's korone
>Ame feet puppet showHere comes the fan art...
>>29944491her best
>>29944370Retarded question here. What if she plays P3 but unarchive the stream, will that also count as a strike?
>>29944370My least fave playing my fave game franchise of all time with my oshi... oh well I'll have to suck it up cause least her doing something with Ame kills rrats
The chicken is delving too greedily, and too deep.
>>29944556oh yeah yesterday's member stream will probably be uploaded here by that one dude soon right?
>>29944632gura cant run it, so probably not her. unless she gets a new gpu by theni feel like amelia is a lock
>>29944647>Ina>Not Gura
>>29944647It's a shame but lets look forward to it anyways, it might end up great
>>29944370>Halo at 12:00 AM PSTGuess I'll just die
>>29944631Incredibly based
>>29944571>12 AmShe'll be fine this is actually one of her normal timeslots
>>29944262So this is gonna be like an AZKi but HoloEN?
>>29944529https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1332996296404131840She's taking track submissions from fans, and she'll write a rap for the best one and perform it on Friday.
>>29944630She said she's literally just going to repeat 'Atlus, give me permission to play Persona 3' for hours.
>>29944608How is it a paywall if she makes it public?
>Feet puppet show>I think they were laughing at me, not because I was funnyAme...
ame... feet...
>>29944507I fell in love with them this stream. In a strictly no homo way. Their synergy is really amazing might even be better than what we have on the Hololive side.
>>29943655You got the wrong arm, old man.
>>29944370She's actually doing the begging stream......
Is Ya Boy finally going to upgrade from a hole with a bed to a hole with a bed and a door?
>>29944370What Halo weapons would they main, bros? I'm guessing sniper for Ame and DMR for Mori?
>>29944222TFW can't hold Polka's hand irl Imagine if she got this and its grip is dependent on how many positive messages chat sends
>Ame STILL hyping up her birthdayOkay, are we actually going to get physical merch or am I getting my hopes up?
>>29944463unironically saved this year
>>29944370If mori ruins the collab with Ame, I'm going to lose my shit
>Ame SC with Homostars karaoke BGM>Into Haachama karaoke>Into Mori karaokeFeeling pretty good tonight.
>>29944640Her last minecraft...was it a Takamori collab? Fuck, I can't even remember. That's how rare Mori minecraft is in general, never mind a minecraft solo.
What did ame say about the e-celeb? Busy watching chicken suffering
>>29944492The schedule posts are always posted by Mori/Forest
>>29944632amelia is getting a new beefy PC this week why shes taking a few days off and she also played a cdpr game already. Likely her if anyone
>>29944711It's even worse if she makes it public, imagine paying so much for no exclusive content
>>29944680leeching PUSSY juice from your favorite JP holo
>>29944719It would be hilarious if she is able to make more progress than Gura.
>>29944689They could get a strike midstream, so they're not allowed to.
>>29944537Me Chinese. Battoo soup so good.
>>29944507The sheer amount of SOUL in everything they do makes me feel like i'm hanging out with friends
>>29944537based, is aqua streaming right now?
>>29944632Ame is sure to give it a play. Whether she continues on stream or not is still to be seen.
How will the AmeMori synergy be? Ame seems pretty strong in most collabs so I mostly have high hopes.
No one is talking about Haachama, I guess they really did all leave /hlgg/
>>29944262inb4 it will all be flipniggers
>>29944370>amelia is going to play at 4 am to make it happenYep, Amelia is the Friend of holoEN
>>29944558Kyoresu would be hilarious, but I don't see her streaming desu and her roommate shit is all over the place. I think anons on the thread have a decent chance though.
>>29944723We're getting another effect filter stream
>>29944370If Atlus still somehow doesn't give permissions, will pic related be possible? It's technically published by Nintendo. Maybe Kiara could play this after FE3H
Dark and mysterious guys...
she likes the stoic ninja type... ngmi bros.
>>29944723has our detective ever disappointed you?
>ame likes strong silent typesNGMI bros...
>>29944723Birthday is one of the times they typically release voice packs, so we'll probably get that.
>>29944251Kiara playing up a character but if she can show off, she will. Now, thing is she doesnt really have that much experience with videgames at all outside of some gachas and basic bitch JRPG that you can beat by just overleveling.
>>29944370 Imagine being a morifag. Imagine getting yet another fucking super chat reading stream that's the only one for the dayImagine getting a "begging" stream that'll amount to nothingHow much you wanna bet she cuts crash 4 short again too
>>29944463More often than I should.
>>29944428I... I want to hug a clown
Ame is telling us her type - make sure to start molding yourself to her standards, Goslings.
>>29944699Was it Gura who asked Ame? I thought it was Ina, either would have been better
>>29944595Problem is she already did this but these faggots keep being delusional. Also bursting their bubble would ease it up, so that they know they aren't the only ones who knows this and should support Gura for who she is now and how she deals with her shit now.
>Ame likes the strong silent mysterious type
So, who's gonna try out?https://twitter.com/hololive_En/status/1333247389231026176
>>29944726>sufferkino with chicken
These threads are ruining my wagie sleep schedule again
>>29944370she or cover gonna get blacklisted by Atlus if she keeps doing that.
>>29944720It's CE anonchama, if we're restricted in that sandbox lets go with the sniper for Ame and assault rifle for Mori. Overall I think Ame would probably like the Battle Rifle and Mori the concussion rifle
>>29944640her last minecraft stream was 5 weeks ago
>>29944720It's Halo CE, she might stick with the AR
>>29944463Isn't this what one of them plan to do once the Coof is over
chicken... your english reps
>>29944665>>29944537The falseflag is real.
>>29944723She "wants to do something cool," whatever that means. I won't get my hopes up but I think she's trying to make it special somehow. I'd be fine with a voice pack though.
>>29944741>exclusive content bad>but also non-exclusive content badogey, commit suicide I guess
>>29944753Very likely, everyone here loves their videokes
>>29944754no >>29944726>>29944683
>>29944754Because it hasn't started yet, retard.
>>29944752I think the one thing that makes Mori annoying in collabs for me is her NEED to fill dead air, and Ame is pretty good at filling dead air herself, so I feel like it should be good.
>>29944640She showed low interest in continue playing Minecraft, so far she's only played it out of collaboration.
>>29944769>Getting yet another fucking superchat reading streamShe hasn't done one for like two weeks.
>>29944725Wasn't AmeLiope and KiaGura both yin yang energy and we are getting the collabs this week? What are your predictions for this shit.
>>29944463Very much so
>>29944752As a teamate I've been actually dying to see this for months. It's one of the few combinations we haven't seen yet.
>>29944723I'm hoping that they'd release keychain and/or pin badge for her birthday, would buy that shit so fast
>>29944689it wouldn't necessarily be the strike that is a problem, it would be Cover getting sued for an employee doing it despite knowing that it is a problem to play without permission.
>>29944720I feel like she wont change her weapons that much and stick to the default
>>29944754Ame will finish soon, though there isn't a whole lot to say about Haachama singing streams. She usually sings the same songs with maybe one or two new ones.
>>29944754Akai Haato.....
Based otomestacy
>>29944754I'm looking forward to her singing stream, anon
>>29944780We've got at least 2. Vocaroo-chan (the one who does the Mori impressions) and a Russki anon who wants to sing Weight of the World from Nier Automata for her audition.
Ame loves 'literally me' the archetype.
>>29944370Is MCC's netcode still fucked? How will that even work?
>>29944763>>29944759This is me
>>29944792Wait, she actually solo'd Minecraft? WTF did she do?
>>29944752They seem to work well together in games, based on Overcooked and DST. They're capable of getting serious and focusing on the game while still having fun.
>>29944248This is true!
Who did Ame say she didn't like?
>>29944809the exclusive content isn't the problem it's the lack of it
>>29944236>Thursday: Halo CE w/ MoriImagine their reactions to rocket flood or the library
>>29944752>Ame: being fps mom to Mori.>Mori: OH GOD I'M SO BAD
>Kiara just learned about shield blocking capabilitiesTenchou....
>>29944571Hopefully she is too low energy to talk much. Mori speaking is the ultimate filter.
>>29944223Actual soul holy fuck they're fun to watch
>Hanzo from NightshadeThis is the guy she is talking about right?
>>29944723We're almost certainly getting some sort of physical merch. Even Botan got some and her debut was less than a month before her birthday.
>>29944512She'll do it after Crash/Doom. She needs to gain back her gaming confidence first so she doesn't embarrass herself too much
>>29944754Anon this place becomes haaton central whenever she streams
>Amelia husbandos Hanzo >Mori only likes Japanese men How are we supposed to compete white and black bros?
>>29944460>Speaking languages = smartYeah no. I speak 4 and am dum.
>>29944370>playing Halo with some across the fucking pacificsomeone's gonna have a very bad time. don't hate Mori, but I'd honestly prefer if Ame just played solo if she wasn't gonna play with Ina or Gura. I just hope Ame is the host for it.
>>29944759How can we even compete?
>>29944833Add [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1z8joe.mp3] to the end of your filename fellow pepeloni bro.
>>29944816Dont reply to shit bait, dumbass
>>29944756Same with the bird yet she got in
why is kiara mining without armor?
>>29944223at first glance i always read it as HoloUterus
>>29944754Do your CTRL+F reps
>>29944859She's going to be screeching and shouting over ame because the campaign lag is gonna suck ass for the non host and you just know ame is gonna host and set it up
>>29944867that's for posting horse cock
>Max Payne kino on the menuHOLY BASED
>>29944861Wow Ina, you didn't have to roast them like this.
>>29944741>>29944850The early access is the exclusive perk. Like content creators that take donations making their videos available for donators one day or one week earlier.
What Twitch trolling are you hoping for tonight from Ame, Teamates?
>>29944889can't lose your armor if you don't have any
>>29944835They improved 3's multiplayer netcode pretty recently. Other than that it's the same old netcode for each game, CE doesn't have much input lag in co-op that I experienced.
>>29944821this translation is slightly better than another translation I saw, I wonder how terrifying and menhara it came off as in Japanese. It SOUNDED pretty bad listening to it.
>>29944692Yeah, same here. Mori hasn't been too bad recently so I have my hopes up.
>>29944811>all flipniggersFine by me unless they bring flip slangs, cringe romantic punchlines out of it.
>>29944889She lost all of her armor to lava and hasn't made more yet
>MoriGura is going to be shit! They'll have no synergy!>It was good>MoriKorone is going to be shit! They'll have no synergy!>It was good>MoriAme is going to be shit! They'll have no synergy!>Can you obnoxious faggots give it a rest already
Is it weird that I enjoy no bgm Ame because her breathing is cute
>>29944870Become asian like me nerds
>>29944835>343>fixing their shitthe netcode in matchmaking is fine, but campaign has always been fucked.
>>29944889It got destroyed when she fell in lava and she didn't make more
>>29944882>mfw strong>definitely not silent >kinda blunt thoughit hurts cause I'm so close...
>>29944661You only need to be average intelligent to do that. What you need more of is charisma.But regardless, she's not a retard.
>>2994475299% they'll be playing co-op on a low difficulty so it'll be chill.
>>29944833what did hachama mean by this?
>>29944850>September: /hlgg/ complains about Mori's membership tiers for fear that she'll lock content behind higher tiers>November: /hlgg/ complains that Mori isn't locking enough content behind higher tiersCan't wait for January to see what the next one is.
>>29944916MoriGura wasn't great desu
>>29944542Most of the time I think of le sad yagoo as a stupid meme, but then Cover does this...
>>29944888Fair. I guess if she applies we can see her reggaeton shitposts in Holo. Would give the ARS supachatters somebody to throw cash at apart from frend.
>>29944889She doesn't want to lose it
rrats are trying to make "cuter than usual " an ame channel meme so hard lol
>>29944370>MinecraftJesus, the Ina loli review was more believable than this shit anon.
>>29944868Except she's dogshit at Crash?
>>29944647Hopefully Ame continues playing through the rest of the series and once she hits Halo 3 they can do 4 player co-op
Ame was incredibly cute and entertaining this week. It's been a journey Teamates and friends
>>29944882Do your ninjitsu reps
one day these streams will end. They will all retire, and no one will have all of the vods. They will be lost to time, they will be an experience very few had and that experience will be impossible to replicate or share afterwards. Savor these times, anons.
>tfw no bagpipe Amelia membership stream
>>29944752Mori is the only one whose name can't be easily made into an portmanteau with Ame's (KiarAme, InAme, GurAme, nothing). It's going to go badly.
gura is having trouble thinking of ideas for her voice pack. i can't think of anything for her either. her voice just turns me into a drooling retard no matter what she's saying.
>>29944370Mori stop using online mobs for pushing shit like a charlie collab or p3 permission its not gonna work and its pathetic, you work for a company god damn it.
>>29944920Welcome to the club
>>29944936Even ID isn't safe from her thirst of puss
>>29944838It wasn't solo. This would be her very first solo MC stream.
>>29944867eat shit, furfag
>>29944934you don't remove pepeloni from your pepeloni pizza?
>says word correctly>am I saying that right?>says word wrong three different waysAme...
>>29944930You forgot greatest ninja of all time.
>>29944861Nice joke Ina hahahaha
>>29944867kek get dabbed on Ducttheape
>>29944882Where did you get this picture of me?
>>29944384bwaine>>29944448>wanting more cute ESL j girls is a bad thing
>>29944916Can't wait for Mori to interrupt Ame to thank some superchats
finally my boy Tatsuiro making an appearance to close the stream
>>29944936try saying 'pff' when your mouth is full of chicken pussy
>>29944223>Only 4k for a 5 person collabHate to be a numberfag but what the fuck?
>>29944951>ame keeps getting cuter>takes a 3 day break at peak cutenessit hurts more than usual bros...
What was Ame saying about Bubba and the possibility of getting in trouble? I had to go afk and came back to hearing the last bit. >>29944920No. She really is that cute.
>>29944920I rewatch portions of sc sundays without the music sometimes just to listen to her.
>>29944916Who are you quoting?
>>29944934we're too retarded to understand haachama
>>29944936>If i cant get rid of her, Ill WIFE her!Based
>>29944953Is that a challenge?
>>29944754I wish Haatons would fuck off but no, they're still here.
>>29944953>No one will have all the vods>Implying that there aren't anons archiving every stream in case of another Holocaust scenario
>>29944370The replies to this post are fucking funnyIt's either teammates shitting their pants that the halo collab is actually happening or deadbeats in a stupor in surprise that Mori is playing minecraft by herself
>Holostars still singing? Really?>I had it open...
>>29944906>Twitch trollingYou mean 4chan dogwhistles?
>>29944792https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldUNpeF2cuEClose to three, if you count off channel collabs, but you're generally right.
>>29944953I will have a wife who is exactly like Gura by them.
>>29944632>It's probably a hundred hour game~30 hours including all side content apparently
>>29944956Voice pack of Gura ina panic trying to fix the person she just turned into a drooling retard!
>>29944979Hate to break it to you anon, but you're just my shadow clone.
>>29944370>Mori minecfaftShe's in the middle of nowhere.
>>29944956what are voice packs? kiara described them as shorter drama cds but i legitimately have no idea what they are
>>29944822same, in a fucking heart beatthough it'll probably be sold out by the time I get to checkout...
>>29944463without holo 2020 would be a total write-off.
>>299449913 day break is a myth
>>29944988that's pretty good for holostars
>Literally almost drowned to get goldKiara, your greed...
>>29944754Haatons and Tentacultists don’t come out much until the person in question is actually streaming.
>>29944752Hopefully Ame isn't too sleepy at the time the collab happens
Chicken minecraft is always a fucking rollercoaster.
>>29944996getting partnered on Twitch with bubb4bot for sub money
>>29945021aw jeez
>>29944988They're male.
>>29944948Anon, your cross-thread reps...
>a wafflewhy though?
>>29944884My bad, hopefully that works
This general has such a love/hate realtionship with Cali, I love it.
>>29944996She can't do subscribers on Twitch, I think. I was only half paying attention and I also don't understand Twitch.
Do you think Ame and Mori will be playing on anniversary graphics or classic? I want them to be on classic for a little bit but I heard they still haven't fixed the shitty graphics issues that gearbox put in the PC version
>>29944272Getting absolutely trashed
>>29944807>whatever that meansIt'll be something she came up with at the last second as always.
>>29944370>Halo at fucking 2amI fucking hate Mori so much
>>29944632ame said a few times in september and october that she wants to play it
>>29944963OK that's what I thought. Her last location then should be near the Kiara pillar by the Ame statue rail. Which isn't far at all.
>>29944899>>29944964>>29944978Whoever these are they weren't me, I scrambled when the requests opened again and I thought my song was still on my clipboard.Turns out it was an sadpanda link which the bot didn't like.
>>29944987God I wish that were me...
>>29944754because otaku stream she said might not sing if still feeling bad
>>29945024it's just them talking about whatever they want, could be a roleplay, could be asmr, could be singing, etc.. It's meant to emulate a 1 on 1 feeling though, usually. Sometimes it'll be a conversation. Just shit for Goslings to gosling harder over
>>29945038Some of her best streams
>>29944953Everything ends one day, that's what makes things special.Reminder to appreciate every moment, anons, even the shitty ones.
Kiara just implied she had sex. I'm not renewing my membership
>>29944632Fuck I want Gura play it but she doesn't like FPS games.I just watch Ame play instead.
Kiara is especially cute today
>>29944990I need somebody to post the Mori numberfagging copypasta with like 14 timestamps from MoriGura stream. It was just awkward.
>>29944951Actually her best week thus far overall I want to say, even with the Titanfall hiccups earlier today. The MK8 and Ukelele streams were unexpectedly kino. LA Noire pretty good too.
>>29945066wew lad post link
>>29945008Shitting their pants which way? There are many positive hype posts, like mine.
>>29945029itd be easier if she just kept track of her coordinates
>>29944920It's weird, but you're here.I have the "I love you" clip saved for emergency use.
>>29945004What on earth gets you so upset about them, anon? Inadequacy?
>>29944780>So, who's gonna try out?She ishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y9v9F5JSNEgood luck to the rest of you
>>29944790So you mean to tell me that the company that won't give them permissions will continue to not give them permissions? Whoa, holy shit, what a consequence. How will Cover survive?
>>29945067POV: Chicken cumming on your face
>>29945032>>29945042They deserve more for the way they're nailing Rewrite.
>>29944684She was released after I saved the image
>>29944370I legitimately thought she was joking about the begging stream. She's not that crazy, is she?
>>29944733She also dropped the game after 3 streams and half of the viewers dropped the game after the first stream. I dunno if 2077 will be a good streaming game, especially since viewers will likely want to play it themselves instead of being spoiled.
>>29944936>Realize the backlash of shitting on the EN chikin>Engage PlanB
>ame wants the real feedback of hitting the ballsa-ame?!
>>29945068Wtf bros you told me Moona was a bitch.........
>>29944757even better
>>29945004Are you frustrated?AlsoHAACHAMA CHAMAAAAAAYou hear it, you lose
>>29944370>actually doing the atlus beggingNot sure if extremely based or cringe.
Is this the official Kino Week?
>>29945045I love this retard
>>29945066>Whoever these are they weren't meRrrriiiggghhhtttt...
>>29944223SO UCH SOUL
>>29945052they're not 4channers so the new graphics
I'm gonna gosling for Kiara!
You guys are really selling me on the Holostars karaoke... is it still going? Is it gonna be archieved?
>>29945008>It's either teammates shitting their pants that the halo collabThis is especially baffling, why do you hate a kino collab idea? Did the /hlgg/ memes about Mori go to your head?
>>29944937They had to pivot their opinions on that because their oshis ironically winded up paywalling content
>ame can't lift 200 poundsdo women really?
bros ame has no one to play ping pong with..
>>29945014BasedAnd me too, we'll make it chumbud
>>29945068Based Moona
>>29945111They do, but anime boys is a small market.
>>29945004Haachama chama?
>>29945082basedhachama EN domination when?
>>29944821Hearing it with subs made it way better than it initially sounded, I was concerned hearing it live but with translations it's pretty nice.
>>29944585I know coinposting is dead, but if you referred to it like reapercoins it would look like the line was drawn by Michael J Fox
>>29944512Fuck Blasphemous, nobody cares and I'm tired of this meme game getting brought up every week.
>We'll play ring fit one day
ring fit still on the menu bois
>>29945118Did you not watch yesterday karaoke?She's the indie-alternative-rock of HoloEN now.
>>29945118Did you seriously just ask that about Calliope Mori?
>>29945050Basically you can't partner on Twitch if you also make money by streaming on Youtube, and vice versa. Either way, there's no benefit to allowing subs to bubb4bot, the sub-only chat mode is used specifically to lock chat.
>>29944951Had to send in a superchat saying she was cuter than usual this week. I love this girl.
>>29944370>#CalliP3Kiara get her to the spa, she nees some "you don't need P3" brainwash
Tenchou just read my comment about her being cute today, It feels good, I'm happy
>>29944262I wouldn't mind JFL/ESL if they can sing well, which also seems to be the point of the Vsinger thingWonder if rachie's applyinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_MV8Ak5TiEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYe_iFBFI8w
>Ame RFA confirmed to happen eventually
>Ame laughed at my messageI'M FUCKING ECSTATIC
>>29944370If the situation calls for it, she's gonna dogeza naked in front of Atlus, is she?
>>29944720Ame will probably experiment with different weapons until she figures out the pistol can one shot hunters on legendary.
>>29945162Boyfriend has been fucking her throat too hard
>Ring Fit Adventure with AmeBros...I don't know if I could handle the kino...
>>29945118We kept asking for it.. This madwoman will do anything for us.
>>29944517what is muke bag? it is a bag of muke.
taking it slow with ame!
>>29945025The merch never sells out, it's made to order. The only thing that can sell out is if they have a limited number of handsigned goods - the rest will just have a printed replica.
>>29945162She better do it with her feet to make up for the karaoke expectations...
>>29945046She likes them. >>29945039>>29945050Ah. Thanks anons. >>29945144That's what naturally having less muscle density AND being unfit does to a woman.
>>29945165No Elite English Miko?
>>29945119probably, i was just taking a guess at who would be most likely to play it.
>>29944370WEEK 7! GIVE IT UP FOR WEEK 7!
>>29944916Don't worry about it, I'll be holding onto my grudge and replying on Friday the same way I did for Korone's collab.
>>29944833I think I got it. She orders a pepperoni pizza and just picks out the pepperonis and eats them separately.
>Ame RFA eventually My boner is ready
It was nice talking to you too Ame, I'm sorry I exposed you for coming to this website
>>29944632Friend has talked about it for a long time, I'd be surprised if she doesn't. I guess she might not stream it? I don't remember if any of the other JPs have expressed interest
>>29945142I like Ame, I like Halo and I hate Mori. What is difficult to understand about that?
you will do your reps with Ame when she eventually does RFA right teabros?
>>29945140Yes. No idea. Watch it now, it has so much soul
>>29945186So it was you... BASED
>>29945146Too late
>>29945104EN Haatons aren't nearly this based though. I'd still stand by them.
>>29945162Aww, but she's good at Getting Over It. That game isn't fun without the streamer suffering.
>>29944956Gura's voice in the distance, coming from the kitchen, telling you about her day while she prepares dinner.
>You just want to hear me make weird noises?>Yes, and?>Hehe, at least you're being honest aboutAlso, Ame going to slow down, because she has been having such great weeks, that she's afraid she'll crash in quality.
>>29945186Nice, good for you anon.
oh god it's coming
>>29945092Too lazy, seach fue, it was his most recent Carmilla doujin.
>>29945142It should be good. It's just Mori antis whining about it.
>>29945215Get a collab, then come back
I like Gura's version of Cups and Sunday Morning far more than the original songs. Those are just karaoke too. Can't imagine how much I'll love whatever her official recording will be.
>>29945186I heard her respond that and instantly knew someone itt wrote it.
>>29945202Yeah, I think I should dial it back a bit.Not gonna, though
>>29944341A flipnigger's hands typed this post.
>>29945183>Kiara "The only P3 you need is Pink Pom-Poms and Pussy" Takanashi
>>29945186Bless you anon!
Am I insane if I never hear anything wrong with Kiara's pronunciation of iron? I'm eastern Canadian if that's at all relevant
strong emotions overcame me all of a sudden, i cant express in words how much i love amelia
>>29945186Nice! Figured it was someone from here
>>29945162bros is she gonna be okay? she's already cancelled 2 karaoke streams...
>>29944370It looks like I will have to destroy my sleep schedule for this absolute kino, what happened EST bros?
>>29945162>>29945074she said earlier / yesterday might not sing
Kiara is cuter than usual today!
>>29945261wtf I didn't post this
Man i love ame
>>29945123>listening to antis
>>29944640She's literally never done it before, nor has she spoken about wanting to play it It's just really shocking and came out of nowhere
>>29945238i really liked her impromptu alarm clock spiel from a few days ago. it woke me right up this morning.
>>29944370>actually doing permissions begging stream>solo minecraft>1 on 1 collab with AmeOkay, Reaper redemption arc this week. Do your best Mori!
Why did nobody tell her to actually resolve the last chord of the song she wrote?
>>29945127I love Haachama. I hate Haatons.
>>29945118rratShe already has permissions but needs to get people interested to numberfag
Thanks for requesting a song with 10 minutes of silence, retard
>>29945198yes, and?
>>29945249They're probably gonna have good synergy, the only thing I worry about is the netcode
I want an ukelele gf
>>29945142I doubt its even teamates. Everytime I hear this "Teamates and deadbeats hate each other" shit I get suspicious.
>>29945165I know she's really wide but let her in
>>29945118Do you doubt the absolute madwoman that is our boy? There's a reason deadbeats are the most stubborn fuckers here.
Oh well, I guess Bubba needed to take a shit too bad for us to get any good sanic this week.It was fun with you guys, regardless.
>>29945296Because it's cute
Pure kino
>>29945270It's just the noisy burgers
KFP, are we working for our boss or just lusting after her?Whats the ratio here?Or is it both and we're getting some sort of bonus program/breeding operation for more manpower.
>>29945296It bothers me SO MUCH It's perfectly set for a return home.
>>29944705they saw Mori's album success and want to make more bank with oversees bros
>>29945296She's still learning, please andahschtand
>>29945301yea that was the one.
>>29945242She's been putting out a ton of high effort streams as of late, so she could use a slower week for her own good too.
>>29945300anonchama... she paused it...
>>29944370P3 IS NOT A GOOD STREAMING GAME.No one is gonna want to watch garbage AI act like garbage because she doesn't know how to abuse commands. No one is gonna want to watch her having to grind tartarus. No one is gonna want to see her grind tartarus then get instagibbed by some Hama bullshit, or knocked down into a crit into her death. ESPECIALLY when she's already experienced the fucking game. This whole "XD MEMENTO MORI OH MY GOD I SHOULD PLAY" thing is the dumbest fucking idea she's come up with yet not realizing that it's not going to be entertaining. Like literally worse than Fire Emblem tier bullshit.
>>29945296it being scuffed makes it all the more ame
>>29945270It's endearing how she says it wrong
>>29945259Same here anon.
>>29945278I love her more than usual...
>>29945284Nothing, this is pretty normal?
>>29945324Both my nigga. Working my way to fuck our boss.
>>29945146>>29945231>You put baby in womb heeeheehee
That ending... wew
>>29945142>>29945308I mean he's also conveniently ignoring the one's that are hyped for it so who knows?
Quite nice breath
>>29945008>teamates are Mori antisWhoa, who the fuck knew. "Unity" only applies when it's their trinity, and even then they'll gladly shit on Ina if it means she's getting in the way of a Gurame stream.
Heavy Breathing
>>29945118>She's not that crazy, is she?She is
She breathed right in your ear.
>>29944370Mori love!
>>29945335Don't care, I'll watch every stream.
>>29944920Bet you loved that ending to her SC reading stream then eh?
>>29945324We all work for the pussy, it's a universal truth about humanity. Realistically they're the same thing.
God I feel like Ame sighed directly at me just now. I think I'm going full schizo, there's no saving me now. rratives on full blast
It has been 0 days since Mori Calliope starting the hastag "please ATLUS Persona permission onegai", i am glad she has hope but it's worthless effort Mori LOVE
that ending did something to my pp bros wat do
>>29945296i failed at even figuring out what key it was in
post your ideal mama/papa
>ame's heavy breathing my heart..
>>29945335People watched DSP?
>>29944951>>29945091>>29945180It's been a very good week for us teamates. If you guys do your self-improvement reps Ame will be proud!! that is all thank you
>>29945324Don't know about you guys but I'm 100% working for her, no lust.
>>29944974>雨森Fucking kino
As funny as the Permissions stream is, there's no way it will be allowed.
>>29945367I'm glad I put my headphones on for that one. Very nice.
Time for the ame after party bois
Here we go, afterparty
Time for the afterparty lads
>>29945280It's fine. She does karaoke frequently anyways
Ame ended her streamNow the real fun begins
Guess i'll watch chicken now since haachama singing is cancelled.
>>29945335Someone should tell Mori to go watch Kiara play Fire Emblem to see how enjoyable JRPG streams are to watch. Maybe she'll wise up.
>>29945360>>29945364speak of the devil
>>29945380anon... she showers once a week
>>29945335Fuck off retard, let Mori show us the things she loves.
Jesus christ I forgot I had bubba open and that came blasting over Kiara
>>29944974Okay, that's fucking good.
>Amelia knows she's getting cuter every stream>Afraid of the consequences for the world if she reaches the critical point>wants to slightly lower or plateau content quality so that she doesn't destroy the worldSHE KNOWS
>>29945335Mori will geek out over it and that's all I really care about. I'll watch every stream if I have to as long as she get to mumble to herself about how much she loves the game.
So did Sega give Altus permissions?
>>29945335>P3 IS NOT A GOOD STREAMING GAME.it is if she likes the game, pretty sure she's played the series before if she pushed playing P3 so much
>>29945348idk I remember her streams being at 7am or 9-10am so I could catch them more frequently
Holostars absolutely knocking it out of the park right now
DJ bubb4bot for the after party goys.
>>29945406You mean no naked dogeza onegai streams?
I'm going to marry Amelia Watson.
>Golden Kamuy Season 3 Opening Full - FOMARE『Grey』>Requested by: bubb4bot
fuck yeah. Afterparty music is best music
>that sighGuys... I actually, really, seriously love Amelia...I don't know what to do...
She was going to say "I love you" but couldn't bring herself to actually do it again, kek. I know that very well.
>>29945082>>29945231Isn't it Illegal to fuck braindead retards
>>29945360I'm hyped for it just like you are, manI just don't get the hate (it's probably not even teamates)
>>29945335She's not actually getting the permission out of Atlus. I just want a stream of her repeating the begging line for several hours while doing some stupid shit in the background.
>>29945383You never know what kind of social media attention these things might generate. Why not give it a try?
>>29945020>including side contentMaybe 30 hours if you just push hard through the mainstory only, but including side content there's zero chance it'll be 30 hours. Even if you halved the W3 story quest time (which was about 50 hours, and CDPR have said they're going to cut it because loads of people gave up on the game because of the main story length), that's still a 25 hour storyline.My guess is a typical play through of the storyline and most of the side content but not rushing too much will be 60 hours easily.
>>29945387If you have an idea, I get a deal.
>>29945406Yeah atlus is fucking dense
>>29945410Are you stupidIna is the dumb one to hoard diamonds, she knows how to play the game. Chicken will 100% make diamonds into tools and armor and then lose it immediately.
>>29945315I'm one of the most stubborn people. I see I'm in good company here.
>>29945458She already said in the earlier TF|2 stream that she refrains because it's not special if she keeps saying it
>>29945458she was clearly sighing over her slip up by pretending she didn't know what based meant
>>29945410she died falling into lava. not a good idea
>>29945324um idk about you but I'm in a cult
>>29945118>Is the girl who moved across the sea to to a country where she didn't speak the language just because she liked some of their dying music stubborn enough to actually go on stream and try to pressure Atlus into giving permissions for her favorite game, or is she going to give up on it?You're not the brightest anon are you?
>>29945324we pay her for a belly rub or a thigh sniff.its worth it though
>>29945335Don't care, I still watch her wife play FE even if she knows it's a debuff game.
>>29945335I’m hella watching every bit of it if she gets permissions . Stay mad
>Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN>holostars are singing rn and it sounds really cool! https://youtu.be/FwLuP_VwGck>Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN>kiara is playing minecraft!
>>29944750It's her birthday stream in 6 hours
>>29945225Who's hosting it? I can't find it
>>29944916bruh, synergy's got nothing to do with it. the only way you can get a good experience out of MCC coop campaigns is if everyone has good internet and is living in the same country. the netcode for campaign is run through a fucking toaster.
Is it just me or does Gura's sister has a better design than her. By fair margin as well.
>>29945423You think she gives a shit? It not about big numbers, she just wants to stream a game she likes.
>>29945425Which is happening sometime after this stream like she said!>>29945441It actually isn't unless she streams 3+ hours for each stream. You can have streams where all you do is run around in Tartarus.
>>29945440No, Atlus operates in a way that not even the Japanese can comprehend.
>>29944370Mori streams at legitimately the worst time slots I swear. 4:30 PM isn't even good for JPs because the 9 to 5:30 wagies won't be able to catch it.
Man i fucking love this Golden Kamuy opening
Based EN protagonist.
>>29945468>one of those is responding to me saying mupachat mondayfeels so good bros
>>29945459Haachama is just pretending
>>29945118Doing things the corporate way clearly doesn't work so you might as well leverage HoloEN's popularity to put pressure on publishers. Frankly, I wish all of the girls would do this, both EN and JP. That you have to ask to stream a fucking video game is ridiculous and Japan needs to catch up on this shit.
>>29945444will she be allowed to make her next outfit
>>29945429How was that Boondock stream? FInally a watch-along stream with a film I haven't seen.
>>29945410needs the xp farm up to make it fire resistance, otherwise it'll gone soonmost other deaths, you get your gear back
Rate the steam!
>>29945495She's a good girl.
>>29945499Izuru https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwLuP_VwGck
>>29945410Ina has way more diamondsBut Kiara with diamond gear? Her carelessness with lava is grounds for not making any.
>No KaraokeWtf I hate Haachama now
>>29945118it's probably a work and she already has permissions so it's a way to drum up interest.or it's just going to co-incide with a zatsudan and not be just her begging for 2 hours.
I just got ame membership and I also have Gura's and Ina's and I was just wondering, do anyone else find so much easier to use Gura emotes? using :_Gura displays a list with all the emotes and with the other girls you have to basically memorize the names, maybe I'm just a retard
>>29945324I just want to hug her, if that means to work my ass off to someday have the opportunity, then so be it
>>29945532Absolute fucking kino.
>>29945514I love this girl
Does Ame know Steve is DLC?
HololiveEN Gen 0 (unofficial) Haachama is up.https://youtu.be/pqQdeSyTYFo
>>29945495She's so supportive of everyone
>>29945521based and UNITYpilled
>Arcade Fire - Song on the Beach; Photograph>Requested by: bubb4botShe's doing it again
>>29945443I didnt get up at 3am every week to watch doom to be told that wasn't the norm
>>29945468Godammit Ame!
>>29945118Public pressure is the only thing that makes companies actually act.
>>29945534Always 10/10
>>29945446You already told us in chat, Ame.
>>29945218Based grudge keeper
>Song on the Beach; PhotographAme...
>>29945520Except this is fucking retarded because this is the SAME COMPANY that flagged WESTERNERS for streaming past a certain date in p4/p5. This is the hill they will absolutely fucking die on.
>>29945517Based HomoEnjoyer
>>29945521>>29945514>>29945517If only Gura was this based...
>>29945539Thanks anon
>>29945401Amazing week. Could've ended a bit stronger, but still great. 9.9/10
>>29945517You know I'm not the biggest fan of her streams but I have to kneel to how based she is. She'll save us all.
>>2994553410/10 lovely
>>29945546I don't have that problem because I don't participate in youtube chat
>>29945511>It actually isn't unless she streams 3+ hours for each stream.If Korone can pull 14 hour streams for AC Valhalla why the fuck can't Mori when she's playing a game she actually likes?
>>29945534comfy/10 one of the better supa sundays both music-wise and Ame-wise.
FUCK condomatesFUCK doxxcucksFUCK the reddicultFUCK janniesFUCK cumsharts
>>29945534ame comes here/10
>>29945542She can't sing today. Deal with it.
I'm glad this thread has warmed up to Ame supporting holostars, those boys need some love too
>>29945118i would legit watch her beg for permissions interspersed with kazoo music for 2 hours
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_72RkQV25Y&feature=youtu.beAmelia hasn't played this song in awhile. Was it the Fallout listenalong when she did? I already forget.
>>29945387t. spic
Maybe I should try to queue Modern Man in the next bubba radio stream. Wish me luck
>>29945410without an exp farm diamonds are useless
>>29945546I don't chat.
>>29945534Great start for the week, as always / 10Love this gremlin.
anons, where can I request songs for bubba bot? please tell me pitiful me
>>29945324i'm okay with just a hug
I thought it was unarchived karaoke? It got changed to Getting Over It at the last minute.
Remember the weekly Takamori Minecraft streams?
>>29945590wtf I thought she was banned
>>2994553410/10 as usual
>>29945568she knows..........
Is it just me or AMe's BGM is overlapping with the playlist in the music channel?
>>29945462>Thinking the antis need a reason to hateCome on now. And even acknowledging shit like this bring out even more falseflaggers that wants to stir shit like >>29945364
>>29945591It never was a problem, cuckposters ruin every thread on this site
>>29945270You're Quebecois aren't you
>>29945584Because Korone is Korone and Mori has shown 0 interest in streaming past 3 hours.
>>29945605You can't, ame is in control now
>>29945401Pretty fucking good/10
>>29945586It's really weird to use fubuki for any kind of antiposting, I don't get "le tired cat"She's like the biggest unityfag hololive has
>>29945594It was the first karaoke, I believe
>>29945532>a film I haven't seen.Man, are you in for a ride. Seeing the reactions to the movie in this thread made it worth staying up all night to watch it again.
>>29945534ame is cuter as usual
>>29945584If she does it's fine. Otherwise it turns into the last people I watched play P3. Entire streams of just grinding in Tartarsauce.
>>29945481When she says it again for real, my heart will explode and I'll cry.
>>29945608throat bad
>>29945523happened to me once, feels even better than getting your message read during the stream
>>29945591Lol I'm still not watching those faggots no matter how much she shills them.
those lamps do look nice, worth dying to lava for
>>29945589It's rude to change last minute
>Kiara's autism is kicking in
>>29945335Don't care, didn't ask, I want all of the girls to stream games they love instead of generic flavor of the month shit like Fall Guys or [shitty indie horror game] just because it's easy views. Numberfags can kill themselves.
>35 watching nowThis is literally the only place that will give her a live reaction to any twitch shenanigans since she never opens the chat outside of requests
>>29945387Aoki Ume
>>29945586>>/jp/?task=search2&search_filename=1590386574895.pngyou're quite the interesting fellow
>you little fucker!I love this chicken
>>29945534Ame's a big girl/10
>And everything should be in order... EXCEPT YOU, YOU LITTLE FUCKERGod I love chicken streams.
>>29945584Last time Mori streamed for more than 2.5 hours was 5 weeks ago.
>>29945586>using friendPoor creature... let me put a end to your suffering
>>29945259Cover's been putting out pop songs but I kinda wish they could write a ballad for Gura specifically
>>29945627Nova Scotian
Brothers... I thought watching the Homos made you gay but now I have this strong force telling me that I need to sing for a girl...
>>29945534comfy as usualcuter than usual
>>29944624Born to brap
>>29944370Great schedule. Looking forward to the Halo collab!
Reminder, Ame's taking 2.5 days off this week lads.
>>29945586Based anti-unity
is this her gosling bait song of the week?
Time to wait for Ame's next stream again.
>>29945534look forward to her birthday/10
>>29945591It was never a problem. From the second EN collab she styled on everyone else by counting ALL of Hololive instead of just the girls. She's Fubuki's EN counterpart.
>>29945582>>29945602Sure but for Karaokes or member streams I like to at least spam some emotes.
>>29945387range murataplease
Ame thank you for this week, the past 80 days have been great
>>29945534I'm falling in love with her again/10
She's in control...
>>29945648nobody cares
Is it just me or has Haachama been doing her english reps?
>>29945658Hm? I see like 790.But yeah it's a pretty small number and no one else is going to be discussing it.
>>29945324You heard the voice pack, right? She wants it.
Ame was so cute this week she is deciding to take things more slowly till she can reach critical mass again! I love Ame that it hurts to know we'll be missing her for a few days next week but goodnight asmr for her... will probably be the days Goslings explode (man I love her so much that it hurts to know that the only song I know that plays in my head whenever I think about reality)https://youtu.be/UEW8riKU_tEanyways teabros let's hope for a good week for Ame and that she is cuter than usual even if she does take things a bit more slower!
Do Austrians really refer to themselves as "German"?
>Angry German PhoenixFUND IT
>LAme Noire>Kinotori>KoroMori>Trinity Smash>The Dark Knight>GurIna Portal 2>Mori's squatting karaokeThat was a good fucking week
>>29945095>>29945364I didn't mean that in a negative manner, just that they're surprised beyond belief Probably wouldn't changed my word choice if I would've know it'd get this many (you)s
Bros... I have a feeling... That Ame is going to be cuter than usual tomorrow...
>>29945387>post your ideal mama/papahttps://twitter.com/rinotuna
>>29945534i can't take this feeling/10
Kiara's chat is young enough that some of them don't know angry German kid...
>>29945534This is definitely one of the top 3 supa sundays. Music was good and Ame was cuter than usual.
>>29945406If it made it into the schedule it's already OK'ed by their manager.Now to wait and see if it will actually work.Though I suspect that she already has the permission and Mori is just doing this for content.
>>29945648guess what, you don't have to!
>>29945702>past 80 daysJesus christ has it already been 80 days!?
>>29945466Putting pressure on companies is the only way to get shit done. No more of this 'asking' nonsense, they're gonna give the fucking permissions one way or another.
>kiara wants to reenact the angry german kid video from 2007 holy based
>>29945335If anything tartarus will be the only fun thing about that playthrough.
>Kiara wants to reenact the Unreal Tournament kid in 3D
>>29944448>Notice clearly says as long as they can speak english>JOPs can applyYour IQ reps anon...
>>29945658she has 800 viewers
>>29945637she just has dead eyes which conveys the right emotion for shitposting.
This song actually destroys me
I haven't seen any hardcore Kiara hentai.Does it even exist?
>>29945671>>29945651Need the clip in a webm for schizo posting response
>>29945658I see 800
>>29945720They did back in '38
>KIara wants to act out the the angry german kid video on her 3d debutalright that's a classic
holy shit what a blast from the pasthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbcctWbC8Q0
https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1333299702389850112>note: minecraft stream is also the day previousmori, your eigo reps... onegai...
>>29945722lmao that would be hilarious
>>29945335Speak for yourself, faggot.
>>29945686she is unironically cuter after she's had time to recharge.
>>29945714I mean on YT it got bumped up to like 70~ but that's practically nothing especially since the chat is dead now
>>29945726Pekotorimoon as well! Kino all around.
>>29945677Yeah, that's how it starts. You'll be sucking cock by the end of the week.
>>29945720Yes. Some of the most famous Austrians ever are referred to as "German" almost always.
>>29945335Even if it's a shit game, I'll watch it allA man does not leave his Oshi alone when the games are bad, for the company of the Oshi is still good
>>29945532The stream itself felt like Mori's backstory episode. It was amazing.
>>29945732It's going to be kino
>>29945591Fuck offhttps://streamable.com/r5lxib
Watch my retard daughter plshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqQdeSyTYFo
>>29945495Hi Ame
>>29945751It's so fucking good
>>29945725i understood what you meant anon, im pretty excited for amemori personallyt. teamate
>>29945674Gura might write her own song desu.
the fuck ame
>>29945560>stayed up till 8:00 am watching Ame on a mondayBased anon
why does haachama sound like SEX right now
>>29945773Ah fuck I forgot about Pekotori, that too. Ame's Ukelele membership stream is great too, actually watching the VOD of it now. And Ame's Thanksgiving stream.Fuck, there was so much on this week.
what the fuck
>seal 2.flv>Requested by: bubb4bot
Wtf am I listening to Ame?
>>29945711Obviously you do
God fucking damnit, you bastards inspired me to do another song while I waited to stay awake for Mori's stream.Ironically, even though I'm a Morifag, it feels right to dedicate this one to Calli, the Great Muse. And to the poor people of Argentina and their absolutely fucking obliterated currency.https://voca.ro/1j9gVG2HfDZi
>seal 2CUTE
>>29945655Well fuck you
>>29945796I don't know what the fuck is going on
Ame what
>>29945799Chama is always sexy
Ame what the fuck is this
okay, based?
Damn Haachama is actually pretty good
>>29945720People don't generally think of the Austrian Painter as Austrian now do they?
>Feeling down after Photograph>Got hit immediately after with seal.flvFucking based Ame, well played
>>29945775Does it taste good? Or how do you know?
personally I prefer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lmw4lzjEqD8
>>29945726Don't forget Haachama's training arc.
ok that fucking surprised me
>>29945591I appreciate Ame supporting them and I wouldn't mind if she collaborated with them at some point (though she'd never ask so they'd have to want it). I'm not going to watch them for her sake though, they don't really interest me.
Wtf is this song
Oh shit this is good Ame
What the fuck Ame?
What the fuck ame
>>29945658seal counts as twitch shenanigans in my book
>>29945387AsanagiThe guys he draws are usually tall as fuck, so i want to mog Oga.
>haachama said poggers to her teacher
This is the angry german kid now, feel old yet? No, seriously
>>29945798I've already finished my Monday work day and arrived home 5 mins before it started.
>That's where she ends itkek
Love you Ame!
>>29945658>twitch shenanigansYou keep using that term. I don't t
I'm excited for Fubuking singing streamhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V33tPCrDH0
>Telling her teachers about poggersShe's in special ed.
Why does Ame have so many goslings/people in love with her compared to the others? I like her streams but for pure entertainment only.
calliope pogsenseit. haachama
>>29945840Their karaoke is pretty damn good, it's all I watch from the Holostars and this is a 5 man
>>29945842Seal holo when?
>>29945387i kinda just want raita cause he did the original katawa shoujo designsif 4chan got a vtuber it'd be based off his art style
>>29945560The leader supports her teamates like she should BASED TWITCH
>>29945798At least he's not going to work in 3 hours. Good night and thank you forever.
I was preparing for ear rape but that was...
Have a nice shower and otome playing Ame, cya tomorrow for Minecraft
>>29944851Do you honestly believe they'll get there in that stream?
>>29945836Holy fuck I just felt like I became 10 years younger
>>29945870because im ronery
>>29945850Seal is old v4c synctube shit. Not that a newfag like you would even know what that is.
Bubb4bot is still live.
Goodnight Ame, get some good rest and warm shower
>>29945611I do and I need more of those. Last one was TeeTee af
>Haachama asked her high school teacher what does "poggers" mean
I can't believe Ame is gone
>>29945850>twitch shenanigansCope
>>29945870gura gets UOOOOOOH posts and the other girls get similar stuff instead
>>29945758Even though the kid made this as a satirical video since the media flipped the narrative and ended up ruining his school life. The guy came out later and said he hated everyone and wished they were all dead, and almost acted on it too.
>>29945599The Arcade Fire song?
>>29945870I say that I love her, but DU BELIEB MEI just really enjoy her, and want her to keep getting better.
>the after parties are getting shorter and shorter >no Ice Cube todayteabros?
>>29945844"The broadcast has ended" Where are you guys hearing this
Dead hour
>>29945870More than 90% of the people watch her for the entertainment, in most cases it's people shitposting, or wanting someone like her. But of course there are some that are serious
>"we don't have enough ovens for these kikes"wtf kiara
>>29945904She's a real hand full
>>29945898time traveller chama...
No KK Good Day today... Guess she's busy listening to the homostars. Understandable Ame, have a good night.
>>29945917We fucked up, she didn't have a good day.
>>29945870She has many many layers to who she is, and all of them are relatable. She's the girlfriend experience.And obviously she's really cute too
Amelia can pull off some oldfag shit. God damn that seal takes me back.
>>29945867>special edso regular school in australia
>>29945876I want a seal holo just to hear he or she make these noiseshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L7VJl76i9U
>>29945504Personally, I like Gura's more simplistic outfit. Any more bells and whistles and it wouldn't have that "homeless kid rebelling and running away from home" vibe.
>>29945917She's upset with us over the horsecocks.
>>29945918its ended now obviously
>>29945747>see pic relatedno she doesn't
dog and nude boy e-mage
Bless Ame for shilling the Homos, this is fucking great.
>plays game with infinite resources>something is a wasteKiara your poorfag is showing :(
>>29945928Weird it was still live for me until I refreshed..
>>29945870I love the fact she doesn't give the eceleb, and twitch faggotry any time of the day on her streams.
Haachama's channel is for pure content only.
>Haachama uses #HololiveENRrats...?
>>29945917She didnt have a good day
>>29945917The after party has been 2-3 songs since last time, maybe even the one after that.The first after party was an exception.
>>29945896>>29945910jesas you guys are either retarded or ESL and retarded
>>29945572I don't want my boys to get raided
>>29945870When I say that I love her it's not romantic. But she genuinely warms my heart, I think she's sweet and I genuinely want her to be happy.
I'm kinda pissed I missed the rest of the Holostars singing stream now, they're great.
https://youtu.be/zTpDbwyt5Gw?t=10715>Listen, just because we go commando doesn't automatically mean that those cheeks are up for grabs, alright?Gura's filter is a little loose when she's tired.
Do you guys think Gura will celebrate her 1.5 mil subs next week?
Thots, anons?
>>29945917Bubba needed to shit, her funk was getting powerful, and she really needed an Otome-wank.
Haachama got rusty.
>>29945917horse cock and FBI KNOWS HOW MUCH YOU MASTURBATE ruined her day
>>29945919He doesn't like comfy hours
>>29945917She got mad at chat twice and that dumb cock song snuck in, she wasn't very happy with chat this stream
>>29945870Self reinforcing meme.The rest of the girls have their own too. Gura has UOHHH, Kiara has Gigastacy, Mori has ghostlings, Ina has takobros drawing stuff.
>>29945967Based, I like that album a lot.
>>29944228hinting as next Kiara Collab or Holotalk guest
>>29945870I think it's just that there's something about her that feels so... real(?) compared to the other Holos. It especially comes out when she sings, just feels like the girl next door singing it and having fun. Gura, for example, is just too good. Feels like she's on another level.
>>29945586>not enemy...
>>29944780>Any gender may applyI don't want trannies near my holos
>>29945917she wanted to listen to the homostars, and she's right too. Pure SOUL
>>29945917>>29945931No, she's been waking up at like 4-5 am every day this week, that's why she's been absolutely dead by 10pm instead of streaming until 3 in the morning like she used to.
>>29945967Queue Deep Blue instead. Much more pertinent.
>>29944936Why does her laugh sound like tires screeching.
>>29945974>the thigh fat>2 hats>cutekeep it up anon
>>29945960She forced Emma's hand by getting mama Coco too let her use it
its weird that I used to watch nijisanji and hololive months ago and browse /vyt/ to being reduced to only watching Amelia
>>29945973This doesn't need to be asked.
>>29945940Well i saw people saying things like "what am i listening to" here after the broadcast ended
>>29945870Because she brought up ryan gosling once and shitposting ensuedGranted some of it's genuine
>>29945910>>29945850>>29945861Am I missing something here? Pretty sure anon was referring to the fact that she's literally streaming on Twitch.
>>29944752I think Ame can go full autist when she's with Mori.
>>29945917She wants to watch the Holostars karaoke collab.
>>29945955Time is a resource, anon.
>>29945964Cope, retard
>>29945453Welcome aboard
>>29945960She is back
It's been week since a good old GurAme collab. Hope they can get something new going soon.
>>29945387Oda Non
>The boys doing acapellaNice
>>29945584Mori can't even set aside any time whatsoever to fulfill her content obligations to her paying members. What makes you think you'll ever, EVER see her stream for 14 hours?
Haachama keeps saying nude boy but I can only get so erect
>>29945752Very little, unfortunately
>>29945870I love her passion for streaming and hololive.
Get naked for your haachama headpats, lads
>>29945974Extremely cute
>Nude boy head patNarratives?
>>29945870Because she has a voice that is both sexy and cute, + her tough past and perseverance really inspires goslings that are still suffering. She's also the girl that feels the most real and a girl that you could fall in love with irl, she's a genuine GFE whenever she does it cause she both shows the sweet moments and annoying moments of having a GF.
Haatons, your oshi seems cuter than usual.
>>29945920i think i do genuinely love her, but i at least have the self awareness to know that any possibility of a chance with her is nonexistent, so i just support from afar. its bittersweet
>>29945870She's really cute, has a fantastic voice, and I just love everything she does. Plus she's really really cute. I also think she's relatable and I can also sympathize with her, as someone who grew up poor and am a loner. She feels "real" to me, more so than the others. She's also really cute.t. larsling, she motivates me to do my reps, I'm not deluded into thinking something will come out of my love for her
>>29945870Because shes like sunshine.
>>29945983Please understand, her internet shat on her TF2 stream.
>>29945887Oh no, but this could be a recurrent collab
>>29945974Fuckin cute, saved
I'm starting to like the chicken.
>homostars use #'HoloUterusWhat do they mean by this?
>>29945960Last minute stream change so she probably forgot.
I still remember the time Haato told me that she would bully me.
>>29946015ignore the admittedly cute retards anonchama
>>29945820The music is really similar to some 80s-00s soviet mafia movies. Good job!
>>29945904How many minutes in was that? Gonna watch it later.
>>29945964You're really desperate to pretend she's never posted here. "Underground coupons" pretty much confirms it. Where else would she have dropped them, and why hasn't anyone found them?
>>29946071>startingWhat took you so long bro?
>>29945532If you've ever watched a Mori stream and thought "Why is she like this?", watch The Boondock Saints with her and keep in mind that not only was this movie the coolest shit ever to a teenage Mori, it's STILL the coolest shit ever to the Mori we know now. Personally, I loved it and Mori.
>>29945960The Gen1 use #Holomyth and #HololiveEnglish tags.
>ZedAre ausfags like us leafs?
>>29945970T o T
>>29945960She mindbroke the cover management with her pepeloni clips
>>29945870Nice post Ame
>>29946012People were Gosling posting before she even debuted. Superliminal and everything since has just reinforced it.
>>29945974Good Job anon!
>>29945532Absolute kinoIt's the movie that basically made her into who she is
>>29946071There shouldn't be a decline button in the pic
>>29946075Who is Haato?
Would you bust a fat load in your boy?
>>29945973>Thanks guys for the milestone!
>>29945622Of course she does, she's here
>>29944272Being a stubborn idiot.Maybe even a manipulative genius but I doubt she's a bad person
>>29946105Fuck off/10
>>29945870Because she's literally the perfect woman, the ideal girlfriend.
wait haachama is pretty good at this
>>29945732>mori following atlus' ceo home trying to get permissions
>>29945870I-i'm just memeing anyways haha...
Does anyone have a link to these seal sounds that played?
>>29945970Sleepy horny Gura is unstoppable.
>>29946105Karaoke with the boys/10I still prefer the Oga cover of snow halation
>>29945960We back
>>29945904You just know that Haachama's teacher sighs deeply each time she puts her hand up.
>>29946120I'd be gay to not, but I would be a fag to.
>>29946074It was 90% on purposefuck Emma
>>29946012That actually came after, with someone asking in a Q&A stream what her favorite Ryan Gosling movie is. It's Drive, by the way.
>>29945820This is why I love this place
>>29944845t. https://youtu.be/jlOKP7PnSY4?t=910
>>29946119A dead sadist
>Missed out Superliminal, SUPA SUNDAY and Aloe's utawaku
>>29946071Welcome to the family anon.
>>29946071>>29946117Shame on that anon for posting the wrong version.
>>29945820fren i request you post all your musics if you please
>>29946105They need to do this more often/10
>>29946088Not him but that could obviously just be a joke. Do you really take everything so literally?
>>29946105The HomoBros can't stop winning!I enjoyed my stay/10
>>29946105Was only there for the last couple songs but this shit's sold me on the holostars, some 10/10 singing.
>>29946120Without hesitation, and I'd say no homo after
Reminder that Amelia admitted to playing very lewd BL otome games and she gets off to them.
god, imagine Christmas stream with Ame and she "opens" her presents from her community. She really is using her community for good by requesting otome art of her husbando. Only way she could be more based is if she did a stream entirely to fund commisions for lewds like sseth ended up doing for Olivia one time.
>>29945870Something about her being an "attainable gf" I've heard. I don't personally get it but she's pretty based imo.
>>29945870She reminds me that someone loved me once.There's no one left, and she's just providing a service, but it's still something.
>>29945820Is this a new song or a mix of another song with different lyrics?
>>29945996Maybe she/he/whatever would be better for a regular gen, but Dakooters would be based af.https://youtu.be/B-tXCu_apCo
>>29946097>forgetting that both of your countries are owned by the Queen
>>29945870Gonna blogpost for a bit, but here goes>Been together with my now fiancee for the past 10 years, love her to bits>Fall down into the rabbit hole and Ame is now my oshi>Now, instead of hanging out with my fiancee, I pretend I'm sick or just drive out somewhere else and watch Ame's streams in the car>Fiancee is now legitimately curious/suspicious if I'm seeing someone elseHer GFE is too stronk anon, don't be an idiot like me
>>29945970flustered Gura is incredible
>>29946187Based degenerate. I bet Matsuri would love to collab about doujin tastes.
Can someone update me on what Kiara's done this stream, was watching Ame.
>>29944262If this is gonna be like the Gamers gen but singers instead, maybe this is where they use chuuni raccoon and Kakage's titty bird?
>>29945917Anyone got a timestamp of her getting pissed at the horse cock song?
So we in dead hours now?
>>29946015>Pretty sure anon was referring to the fact that she's literally streaming on Twitch.Oh...
>>29946162This is such a great image, but it needs more KFP iconography on the other people then just the Father.
>relationships with coworkers not allowedIT'S CANON
>>29946151Imagine actually actually being mad at this lmfao
>>29946153Didn't she say lars was? Maybe she just said she liked it. I can't quite remember
>>29946122>Thanks guys for the one and a half milestone!FTFY
>>29946092I membered her day one but I wasn't really enjoying her stream so I cancelled after like a month. She's growing on me now though.
>>29946199ABBA's "Money, Money, Money," but with new lyrics. I'm not at the level where I can make songs from scratch yet, but I can write lyrics decently well.
wtf bros, you didn't tell me you guys were gay... who keeps on laying all these fucking eggs
>>29945974Good work.
>>29945532Okay, i'm going in while i wait for the karaoke, how were the threads, worth checking the archives while watching?
Why are you locked in the bathroom?
>>29946216anon take a break
>>29945870Mostly shitposting until it becomes true
>>29944370>"Enma, I want to beg a corporation to let me play their game"> No way. Think of how it would look for the dignity of this company. > "Then I want to collab 1 on 1 with the cuck song guy"> How many hours do you want your begging stream to be? I can get you three.
>>29945970Yeah and she practically confirmed that Gura char is nopan.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GwGu8QVpLUI clipped Kiara opening up the door to the backroom lightning fast.
>>29946087Not sure. She was at the devil's chimney.
Does anyone remember when the SC sunday part of the SC's started? I missed Ame reading my sc.
>>29945947>>29945989Nude boy is my favorite greek philosopher
>>29946168>He doesn't want to get the true ending flagsEnjoy your unfinished story Anon.Unironically over a year took place between me going through Stein's Gate for the first time and replaying it for the true ending, I was kicking myself for missing out for that long.
>>29946222You first
>>29945974Chickin? Basado.
>>29946243They usually are for watchalongs.
>>29946223No. Haachama is streaming.
>>29946120Inside, outside, on her cantaloupes, anywhere and everywhere.
>>29946223Yes, Kiara is streaming.
>>29946218mining shenanigansbuilding KFP
Is it worth watching the VOD of Ame's sc reading, especially without the bubba bot? Anything worth pointing out or is the entire stream highlight tier? was wageslaving
>>29946189Not to commission lewds, but Ame has mentioned before that she's gonna do a "for charity" stream or something in December
>>29946088?????????????your grammar and spelling are very good, wowow!!reading comprehension needs some work thoughI'm talking about how she was doing shit on bubbabot because she saw the post. I'm agreeing with you anon.
>>29946216holy shit anon get a grip
>>29946223Fuck you. Kiara stream now, I hate you chumbuds
Guys I've been promoted
>Kiara "secret meeting">It's actually Kiara's final chicken solution
Chickenbros, I'm getting promoted...
>>29946216>Now, instead of hanging out with my fiancee, I pretend I'm sick or just drive out somewhere else and watch Ame's streams in the carBro...
Kiara handing out PROMOTIONS
>>29945983>>29945917Did we watch the same stream? Ame was having a good time. She just didn't want to miss the end to the Holostars stream.
>it's this BGMlads, I feel the CHAMACHAMA overtaking me.
>>29946216Jesas, Hololive is too powerful. This guy's fiancee is getting cucked by an anime girl.
>>29946163Based KFPbro
>>29945870I find her very relatable and her demeanor (unity/tard wrangler/hololivepurist) makes me like her a lot. I gosling ironically but I would love to at least know someone like her irl.
>>29945970>>29946250She is when sleeping
>>29946012The Gosling meme is way older than Ame, newfag.
>>29945591The REAL test will be if one of them collabs with a homostar
>>29946216hey nigger, treat your fiance as your fiance. Do you think Ame will be happy for this? She's reading this thread you know
>>29946243Some quality funnies were posted, it wont detract from the experience so theres no reason not to
>>29945974very cute
>>29946130>>29946213t. 2019 Guy
>>29946293>>29946300I... i don't want to work in KFP anymore... i will to NENEPRO now
>>29946232I'm 99% sure she was talking about Drive but didn't remember the name of the actual movie so she had to describe it.
>>29946243Yes, especially if you haven't seen the movie and you would be the one posting 'wait, what the fuck'.
>>29946272Reading the archives while watching the Dark Knight VOD was a god damn trip.It felt like I fell into an alternate timeline, because the jokes were so fucking consistant. Almost every post.
>>29945970Why did she say "we" instead of I?
>Gura has covid so she can't play Ring Fit this weekSuffering
>>29946216The fuck is wrong with you
>>29946247pretty much this. I watch Ame because she's entertaining and surprisingly sincere when you get down to it. Thing is, the more she talks about her motives and reasoning the more people are coming to really appreciate her.
It's been 2 minute since 50 KFP employees graduated and yet there's no love for them. Why?
did you keep your eyes closed until Kiara said to open them?
Somebody call the health inspector, the employees are shitting all over the floor!
Haachama current BGM. What is it?
>>29944436>Yfw Mori and Amelia probably called each other faggots on this very thread. Gura wa gosling posting. Ina was posting unity. Kiara is the chuuming blood pekoposter
>GOI a-fuckin-gainI wish Haachama would play super bunnyman to really show off to the EOPs how good of a gamer she is.
>>29946211W-Wait... dakooters is a tranny?
>>29946133Fits with the "mori is secretly all the schizoposters" narrative
>>29946304I prefer the Haachama Cooking bgm personally.
>>29946340She's wearing nopan for two now, motherfucker, pregnancy confirmed
>>29946153>>29946232She didn't actually say whether Lars was her favorite but she responded to the question with Lars. I feel like she's brought up Drive in a separate instance but I don't remember her ever calling that her favorite.
>>29946341she what
>>29946105didn't watch/10 I hope homofags had a good time though.
>>29946216Real women really can't compete, can they? On the bright side, Amelia will never divorce you. You've done nothing wrong.
>wake up>haachama chama~
>>29946243Oh, make sure you can actually watch her alongside the movie. She was very animated and acted alongside some of the scenes.
>>29946348no, its a bit
>>29946216Literally driving out in secret to hang out with another woman in your car. I smell the NTR from here.
>>29946304I can feel my blain blaking
>>29945387Anyone who is good at drawing shota
>>29946216My gf and me like kiara so we watch her streams together, my advice would be to stop the weird shit and just watch ame with headphones or something
>>29946216are you really throwing away a 10 year relationship because you're embarrassed to be watching a virtual anime girl
>>299463572013 BO2 Trolling Music
>>29946358now these are good narratives
>>29946153im pretty sure it was Lars and the Real Girl
>>29946216The fuck? Just tell her you have a fetish for detective outfits and make her dress up as Ame.
>>29946216>Cucking your soon to be wife with an anime girlStop.
>>29946285I was being retarded, not ESL. I read Twitch shenanigans as "she's making Twitch references," not "she's making references on the bubb4bot Twitch channel"
>>29946282oh yeah, I know that and it's pretty sweet of her in a painfully appropriate way. Hope her manager can pull through to deliver on that.
>>29946366This BGM and the weird noises just now are the quintessential Haachama experience.
>>29944370As expected of the Jew. Her kikery knows no bounds.
>>29946360I wish Haachama would stay in the other thread.
>>29945870Amelia being the behind the scenes support for holoEN and actively supporting everyone in hololive (including holostars) makes me genuinely appreciate her a lot. She has that protag energy about her.And I might have helped push posts calling Amelia the holoEN protagonist until it caught on.
>>29946249I beleeb ib
>>29945870I don't think I've fully crossed the boarder into gosling territory but I think she's super cute and I really like her voice and she's good fun. There's probably more but I don't think I can figure it out yet
>>29946223Mori's Karaoke in 2,5h. Kiara is still streaming too you mongoloid
>>29946340Royal we usage, probably out of habit,I do it sometimes too, and I don't know why
Odds I play mario sunshineEvens I listen to Polka ASMRDubs and I jerk off to clussy
>>29944934Did she fucking call the crust, "ears"?Haachama...
>>29946216Dare I say it... based.
>>29946340She barely ever says I if chat is involved.
>>29945970I wanna feel those cheeks Gura, I NEED TO FEEL THEM
>>29946243People didn't quite get it in the first half, but people really got into it by the end, going by the threads.
>>29945760Wait, she released her schedule publicly at the same time as for members? That's odd.
>>29946382outside of autism what are you even trying to convey with this post
>>29946216Ame isn't gonna be happy with your behaviour mate...Watch her with your fiancee instead
>>29945324Both i want her to be the mother of my children.
how do I resist this laugh anons? she's doing things to my heart, and I don't know how I feel about it.https://youtu.be/zTpDbwyt5Gw?t=5028
>>29946417You need cooking lessons
>>29946216>cucking your fiancee for AmeBased.
>>29946243The threads during Mori's streams are almost always great because people are too busy watching the stream or posting about it to reply to the SEAniggers shitposting.
i would like to buy some chicken thigh and breast please.
>>29946433Hot damn here we go
>>29946216You should send Ame a $500 superchat and tell her what you told us
>>29945820Fucking lmao
>>299462163DPD can't competewith 2.5D
>>29946409I mean it makes sense either way since if she knows about seal it's more likely she knows about it from twitch than from 4chan
>Pheonix is not a thing you can eatWhat did she mean by this?
>>29946417>disrespecting the EN daisenpaiOut
>peenus is not something you can eati beg to differ
>>29946216What in the shit are you doing anon you have to stop, who gives up love for holos?
>>29946216What the fuck dude, I hope you're shitposting.
>>29946446This image is pure gold
>>29946280>RFA eventually>Hints about her schedule>Cuteness peaking so she wants to lay low for awhile>Bubba and Nikki on a food strike, only eats catfoods>Isnt it sad to compare about numbers>Will only collab with Hololive members>Promises that she'll be here streaming for a long time
>>29945820Real fr*akin based.
>>29946453You dont, you'll love it and thats final.
>>29946346It's a cutthroat industry.Every dead employee is a better place in the queue.
>>29946453Have this one.https://files.catbox.moe/s99457.mp4
>>29946216Anon your relationship reps...
>>29946421>>29946425Oh noOH NO
Why are Haachama's screams so adorable?
>>29946133Need the waitress Mori post restructured to her begging atlas relentlessly
>>29946475She can't revive from poop
>>29945870Despite Ameggedon and her ex BF info dropping and her bad twitch habits she the role model HoloEN with no baggage from her past life or mental issues dragging her down and her content and stream frequency. Her confirming that she only cares about Hololive is cherry on top.
>>29946223We get it, you don't like Kiara. backhanded rrat posting is still rrat posting
>first 30s of the race of Ame's MK8 streamholy shit this is going to be amazing
>>29946216>10 years>fianceeDon't blame Ame when your shit falls apart
>>29946475>eat phoenix>it gets reborn in your stomachThat's some Alien shit
>>29946433Fuck yeah mate, happy for ya.
Jesus Christ Kiara...
>>29945532Anon you stupid fuck. The whole idea is that you have already seen the movie so you can focus on the girls reactions. Have you never showed a movie you liked to your...oh
>>29946216Just watch at home.You're doing nothing wrong and yet you behave like you do
>>29946499What wrong Anon?
>>2994582011/10 mouthbreather singing
>>29946512good god those are some soft chicken feet
>>29946216today I will remind themhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpzyQJJ8R0Y
>>29946507>her bad twitch habitsName one.
>>29946216Don't take this the wrong way but you gave me a good laugh.I hope you're shitposting, but otherwise you need to take a break.
You guys were right, it was Lars. Why the fuck did I think it was Drive?
I am late to the hololive party and just wondering something Is the entire minecraft world built by them in survival, or do they receive outside creative help off stream?
>>29944543Polka creates her own unironic narratives. So much so that schizos are always behind the curve.
>>29946216Bro, you already got what many here look for, don't fucking ruin it.
>>29946451Never stick it in crazy anonchama.
>>29946488Based, thank you Anon. Will definitely watch
AAHAHAHHA loli made penis joke loli said she goes COMMANDO! XD its funny cuz shes small but crass LOL!
>>29946211I actually like Dakooters despite he/she being a tranny.
>>29946559sometimes they practice stuff in solo creative, but the Realm is survival.
>>29946434It's a direct translation from Japanese. Bread/pizza crusts are called パンの耳.
>>29946569you okay, buddy?
>>29946216This, real women can't compete. Ame is a 10/10 compared to all my relationships and I pray to god that if she was real she could have been one of my relationships instead cause being able to get a goodnight and goodmorning from her voice would truly be eternal happiness. It just sucks I let Ame influence me this much but she's really someone I wish I could have but oh well Lars poster transition soon
Is it just me, or do you guys go to bed a lot earlier with holoEN in your life?
>>29946488>Bubba and Nikki on a food strike, only eats catfoodsBased
>>29946389Why is Mori like this?
>>29946551Way too focused on chat as a whole and treats it as a annoying collective
>Kiara making a Spice Girls referenceSo is Kiara the Ginger Spice of EN?
>>29946362Dakooters is at least a cool tranny though and is okay with things like being called a trap
>>29945970But whose cheeks are on her face hmmmmmmmm?
>>29946559They build it all.
>>29944370How could you play Wipeout while reading Superchat?
>>29946216Jesus christ anon.....
>>29944722Polka VRchat ASMR stream when?
>ywn pat Haachama's head
>>29946569It's not funny, i want to have sex with her.
>>29946531I dont think that shit would fly. The fiancee would figure out pretty quickly why he's watching her.
That Ina cry was cute bros...
>>29946589more like later since i watch all of kiaras streams.
>>29946559Are you referring to the JP server or the EN server?
>>29946574Vergil-posters are the best anons in these threads
>>29946433Odd and I jerk off to ClownpieceEvens and I jerk off to Polka ASMRDubs and I do my drawing reps to draw Clownpiece and Polka sucking my cock
>>29946488absolutely based
>>29946530>Have you never showed a movie you liked to your...But anon, that's what Mori was doing for us. The narrative that she uses her chat as a boyfriend substitute grows stronger every day.
>>29946569actually having a stroke
>>29944223Maybe it's because I can't speak Japanese but they seem like a bunch of fine lads.
>>29946559its all in survival, they build shit on stream but sometimes they build off-stream
>>29946588>relationshipsGo away from /jp/
>>29946598That's just reality.
>>29946595Shut up faggot
>>29946551>Name one.calling her viewers chat instead of teamates but she is getting better on this
>>29946589I'm EU and my sleep schedule is all over the shop because of them
>>29946589I stay up till 6am now so no.
>>29946216jesus christ I really hope this isn't real.>you get dumped because you've become a full time condom-mate.
>>29946559Offstream Ame plays the game on 10x speed to build stuff faster. There is even leaked footage of her cheating like this.
haachama riding my snake
>>29946483my sides, fuck
>>29946622We're so blessed today
>>29946559The first few minutes of this video will answer your question. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oACehjJaxLs
>>29946589I'll wake up enough to put on a kiara stream but then fall asleep again, I wouldn't say my sleep schedule has improved
>>29946622Well, get to it anon.
>>29946314I mean irl yes, she said so, but I'm talking about her char that is confirmed nopan.
>>29946595Like what? Doing something Amelia did earlier in the week?
>>29946488I want her and Gura to watch Home Alone 1-2 together to celebrate christmas. It'd be kino and comfy.
>>29946618What Ina cry?
>>29946569Why are chumbuds unironically like this?
>my body is ready
nice song chicken
>If you wanna be my reaper>Come in my bed>My body is ready>Takamori forever
Kiara is a pervert...
>>29946647At least he's not a deadcuck, yikes.
>>29946622Dubs confirmed Plz leave it in next thread when you are done.
>>29946216The reason people are gosling is that they want a real relationship with someone like Ame. You're doing the reverse. Take a break dude before you ruin it.
>>29946497please, I can't take much more. I'm at my limit.
>>29946595we know that's your own post anon
>>29946408you should probably also disguise it a little so she doesn't get jealous, just say it's a skirt fetish thing and mix in some schoolgirl outfits as well.
>>29946595>baiting us into giving you (You)s on another threaddo deadbeats really?
>>29946146>PTA meeting> Haachama sends her manager> Both men look at each other, broken and exhausted, as if looking into a mirror.> They both realize they aren't paid enough.
>>29946689And we love her for it
>pronounces 'crunchy' as 'clunky'CuteCUTE!
I want to hot dog Haachama with my snake
>>29946589haha yeah....
>>29946589>EarlierBeing a Dead Beat is fucking miserable some times.
>>29946595Why would anyone give a fuck about this, retardchama?
>>29946250With all the nopan art of her she likes I always assume it to be her headcanon
>>29946691I can't draw though
this fucking chicken
>>29946622thank you for your future contribution, anon
>>29946369Haven't you seen today's stream? She sounded different cause she was sick and she was getting sicker and sicker as time passed. You can even hear her too tired at the end.
>If you wanna be my reaper>You gotta get in my bed
Do you think Mori actually asked Kiara about doing Hinotori
>>29946488Good summary, anon. It's amazing how good these moments were during the stream too.>Ame calling out chat for wanting RFA for different reasons>"Yes, and?">"At least you're honest"
dont eat a kangaroo haachama...
>>29946433The Dubs have it.
>>29946343I've seen people talk about crying during the girls' karaokes or whenever they talk about sad stories. That'd never happened to me before until this week, twice, because of Ame.I feel like I care a little too much but she makes it hard not to as you get to know her better with each passing week, and she's barely even trying is the sad part.
>>29946216You're making the right decision, women are temporary but your oshi is forever
>>29946589Yes, but thats because I have to wake up at 3 AM to catch my oshis streams
>>29946622With those digits I expect two images
>>29946453>superliminalthis game needs to have it's permissions withdrawn
My last thread for the night. Night /hlgg/.
>>29946652>There is even leaked footage of her cheating like this.post it fag
>>29946488>Thinks Gura is way cuter than herself.>Will watch Dark Knight Rises next week.
>>29946734She wouldn't do it tonight. Why waste a slot in an unarchived stream when it could easily go in an archived one?
>>29946589I have been getting into bed around 7am everyday since this shit came into my life and I love it
>>29946686>>29946718I love her soo much AAAAAAAAARGH!
>>29946488>>Cuteness peaking so she wants to lay low for awhileShiiiiit, the period anon is on the mark.
>>29946216Jesas anon, just marry the 3DPD. Don't be foreveralone like the rest of us. It'll hurt forever...Ame is cute, but SHE'S NOT REAL. Never forget that.
>>29946741kangaroo steak is supposed to be pretty good, i hear.
>>29946734Probably not, our boy doesn't do things people want on purpose.
>First KFP restaurant opening in minecraftKiara is unironically /pol/
>>29946745Real shit her songs have hit me in a way nothing has
>>29946734I've no interest in Kiara or her song so I'd like it if she didn't but she probably did so it's whatever.
>Haachama did ice mountain in 30 seconds
>>29944463Imagine if Pokimane or some normie trash were HoloEN lmao
>>29946652>Offstream Ame plays the game on 10x speed to build stuff fasterkek
>>29946786>Kiara is unironically /pol/lole
>>29946741I tried it once and found the taste too gamey for me. Would not recommend, honestly.
>>29945970Why on earth would anyone do that and those people need meds
>>29946734Even if she did, she'd wait for an archived stream so its not a wasted slot
>>29946589No, my sleep reps are absolutely fucking destroyed.
>>29946722That's two dubbs in a row now!Just copy pasta different pics together then trace over them.
>you telling me to move? I'm going to shit an egg in your face on stream!
>>29946776I've heard kangaroo sausage is decent as well.
>>29946589I've been out of work with an injury, so I've been going to sleep at dawn because I end up going straight from ENs finishing at night to JPs starting. This is not healthy.
>>29946786>A NICE WALL
>>29946065>this could be a recurrent collabMoritori Minecraft says hello
>>29946775>suggesting someone avoid pain by getting marriedlmao, retard
>>29946589What fucking timezone are you in
hachaama is shockingly good at this
>>29946622do it, faggot
>>29946799Then why is she wasting a slot on cruel angel thesis tonight?>>29946791
>>29946216>Not fucking your wife while watching Amelia together whiles shes dressed as ameNGMI
I love you polka
>>29946791Anon, she has getting over it memes in her intro video. She's played this for a long time.
>You hungry or what?>Eat yourself
>>29946721>>29945970But not like Cover even did that when she got a 3D model
>>29946829Do you realize how much she's played this game?
I love you Gura!
>>29946840Not nearly as much as I love her!
>>29946589It's 3AM and I need to stay up another hour (+ another one to actually watch) for Mori. What planet are you living on?
>>29946833Not a waste if she does that dumb meme she wanted to do with her l2d
>>29946846too much
I love you Mori!
I hate Kiara
I love Kiara!